#otp :: charlie & af
notherpuppet · 8 months
I’m so overwhelmed with what we saw,,,, I’m trying to grasp onto one train of thought
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actually-azi · 7 months
✨ Rating Hazbin Hotel ships ✨
Adam / Lucifer - 3/10, It's definitely a funny concept that Lucifer fucked both his wives and then him, but in reality it's a no from me.
Adam / Lute - 7/10, Their relationship would've been unhealthy af but not gonna lie it's pretty cute. I just love Lute so goddamn much lol.
Alastor / Lucifer - 7/10, I like the concept because it's genuinely funny and kinda cute but only as a crack ship. I definitely don't see it actually happening.
Alastor / Literally anyone else - 0/10, I genuinely don't think Alastor would ever even consider a relationship. He just thinks he's above everyone else.
Angel / Cherri - 0/10, What the fuck y'all, he's gay. This one is weird af and idk why it's even a thing.
Angel / Husk - 10/10, I love that Husk cares about Angel for more than sex, they're so cute together especially if they take things slowly.
Charlie / Emily - 2/10, They're so similar that together I feel like it would be too much. Also I really dislike the idea of splitting up Chaggie.
Charlie / Emily / Vaggie - 6/10, I probably wouldn't mind all three of them together. It would be cute to call it Charlie's Angels lol.
Charlie / Vaggie - 10/10, I love them together, they're so supportive and adorable. The way Vaggie looks at Charlie with so much love warms my heart.
Cherri / Sir Pentious - 7/10, I don't like Cherri all that much but I'm so happy that Pen got the girl in the end, he deserves to be loved.
Lilith / Lucifer - 5/10, Mostly it's low because I'm suspicious of Lilith. If she ends up not terrible then I could see it being higher but idk, it's sus for now.
Lute / Vaggie - 7/10, I enjoy the idea of them being exes or something like that. Or Lute being jealous of what Vaggie has with Charlie.
Niffty / Valentino - 10/10, Great crack ship. The fanart is hilarious and Nif's love of bad boys makes it a great concept. But I do pretty much only like it as a joke.
One sided Vox / Alastor - 15/10, This is 100% canon in my head. Vox is SO down bad for Alastor and took it SO personally that Alastor couldn't give less of a fuck like the aroace king he is. I love this SO much.
Valentino / Vox - 500/10, This is my Hazbin OTP honestly. These two losers are terrible people but I love them together more than I can even put into words. They just fit so well together and act like an old married couple.
Valentino / Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Velvette sees Vox and Val as her dumb gay dads and I'll die on that hill. They're more like a family and she's the glue that keeps the other two from imploding when they get pissy.
Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Not feeling it. Honestly I think Velvette is aroace and/or a lesbian. I just don't see anything romantic involving her and either of the other Vees.
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year
is it weird to just answer the ask meme questions without actual asks? probably, but i want to yell about fandom shit rn so you can't stop me
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. its obvious that im in a grimm fixation rn, so i have to say nick/monroe as a romantic ship (or nick/monroe/rosalee), and the whole gang as a platonic relationship. For SGA, i'm always a mcshep fan but i honestly enjoy any pairing of AR1. Anyone that has followed me for an extended period of time knows that im a mcdanno (H50) and leverage ot3 truther as well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. hmm, not sure? OH some folks doing the sga kinkmeme have mentioned john/cam and im very intrigued
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. Rodney/Jennifer :( I love Jennifer, but the writers consistently changed her characterization and that relationship felt forced and weird (SGA)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. John/Elizabeth. I'm sorry! maybe its just because im gay af but to me their relationship felt like bffs, not romantic (SGA)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? I made that stargate cinnamon roll meme, if that counts
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? ~10 years
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? i'm a multishipper for sure, but one of the first ships i remember really clearly was eric/ryan from csi miami (circa age like 12)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? TV!
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I dont know that it was entirely tumblr, but yeah, Voltron. The fandom was truly fucking awful
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.) uhhhh, like every show tbh. 99% of the shows i watch came from tumblr or online friends
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. hmm, I guess Adalind counts as a character who isnt one of my faves. She's a complex and interesting character, and its clear that a lot of her decisions come from a place of trauma. After having Diana it really shows that she does want to protect her and keep her safe (grimm)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Ronon (SGA), Hardison (Leverage), Teal'c (SG1), etc
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom 1. men showing emotions!!! (grimm does this well, thankfully) 2. on a similar note: depicting how the shit these characters get up to is traumatizing and how that impacts them long term 3. literally any canon queer rep. can we PLEASE have a show like stargate or grimm where one of the characters (especially a man) is canonically queer? is that so hard???
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Forfeit by Rise Against always makes me think of ascended Daniel/Jack (SG1). Oh and ever since i saw a gifset with lyrics from it, Timberwolves at New Jersey by Taking Back Sunday makes me think of John (SGA)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). one of these fuckin days i am going to write a baseball SGA AU
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. As previously mentioned: Voltron because the fan base was toxic and awful
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? all my favorite fandoms are themed around found family so this is so hard lmao. Nick & Hank (Grimm), Eliot & Harry (Leverage Redemption), Harry & Breanna (LR), Don & Charlie if brothers count (Numb3rs), etc
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon anyone who reads my H50 fics knows that i will fuckin die on the hill that Danny has an anxiety disorder
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?  besides anxious danny, I'd say John having ADHD (SGA), and Monroe being bi (Grimm) are two right off the top of my head
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites 1. Steve McGarrett (H50) - he's been through so much shit, but he's still so damn loyal and protective and kind. He's such a good dude who is just traumatized beyond belief. 2. Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs) - besides the fact that i am CONVINCED he has ADHD, he's just so fucking loving and passionate about his work and the people he loves. he balances out the hardness of Don and the gang with the sheer size of his heart 3. Eliot Spencer (Leverage) - basically the same reason as steve. I have a type.
V - Which character do you relate to most? this is tough. probably Daniel (SG1) - esp early seasons - because of similar worldviews and interests and personalities, and Danny (H50) because of similar personalities
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. MISCOMMUNICATION!! its so frustrating.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. im a big ol softie so i love stuff like mutual pining, hurt/comfort, etc.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms Good Omens is a big one rn lmao. I've read the book but haven't watched the show. Also, Daredevil probably. I watched at least the first season years ago, but haven't seen anything beyond that. I still enjoy seeing people's posts about it and i read fic sometimes
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! im so cranky rn about the lack of depiction of trauma/mental illness/neurodivergence/etc in fandoms where its to be expected. like with Grimm rn, you give Nick PTSD and sensory enhancements but then suddenly forget about them?? that's not how that works! Or why is it always just hinted at that characters are ND? why is it so hard to just be like 'yeah no x has ADHD (or whatever)'? i want to be able to actually have complex/tough/interesting/etc protags that are ALSO neurodiverse. if we're all reading John as having ADHD (SGA) or Parker being autistic (leverage) anyways, why can't these things just be intentionally part of the character
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lazynotbored · 3 years
tag dump 3/4 
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eldritchspookums · 5 years
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yaboizucchini · 3 years
Snowbaz, Drarry, Wolfstar, Zukka, FirstPrince
Connections of (some of) my OTPs.
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While I'm sure you already know the ships, I already wrote descriptions so I'm sure as hell gonna put them in here.
Drarry is a non-canon ship, although a lot in the book alludes to it existing, between Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy. A lot of evidence for their relationship happens in book 6 of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Malfoy is a wizard and Harry is as well, Harry is also the chosen one.
Wolfstar is a non-canon ship between Sirius Black and Remus John Lupin. They are part of the Harry Potter world. Both are wizards. Remus is a werewolf and Sirius is an animagus.
Cannon ship between Simon Snow and Tyrannus Bastilion “Baz” Grim Pitch. Written in first book, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, later continued in Wayward Son and hopefully things go well and it continues into Anyway the Wind Blows.(Thank fuck it does) Baz is a vampire and a mage with great fashion. Simon is the chosen one and a mage until the end of book one.
FirstPrince is a canon ship between Alexander "Alex" Gabriel Claremont-Diaz and His Royal Highness Prince Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Wales that takes place within Red White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston. Neither of them possess any sort of magical powers, unlike the other ships.
Zukka is also a non-canon ship between Zuko and Sokka within the fictional world of Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko is a prince and later Firelord, as well as a firebender. Sokka is a non-bender.
Drarry & Wolfastar
Both Harry Potter universe
Sirius and Draco both have constellation names (to be fair they are in the same family)
Sirius and Draco are THE MOST dramatic and extra.
Scars - both Remus and Harry have scarring on their face
Harry and Sirius both were raised in abusive households
Draco and Sirius can speak French (I believe and maybe Baz too)
Drarry, Wolfstar, Snowbaz
Ability to use magic (at least in the beginning)
Gay af
(Baz, Sirius, and Draco) come from prestigious families with old money
Go to school together
Sirius, Harry, and Simon have families that “adopted” them. Sirius had the Potters, Harry has the Weasleys, and Simon had Agatha and Penny's Family.
None of these raging homosexuals can properly deal with their feelings.
Emotionally heart-wrenching
Drarry, Wolfstar, Snowbaz, FirstPrince
Contrasting hair of light and dark
At least one played a sport. (Like legit played not playing a few games of airball or whatever {I'm looking at Sokka here})
Drarry, Wolfstar, Snowbaz, Zukka
Someone really likes dragons (Baz, Charlie, Zuko)
Drarry, Wolfstar, Snowbaz, FirstPrince, Zukka
Idiots to Lovers
Come from old money. (Sirius, Draco, Harry, Zuko, Baz, Henry)
Drarry, Wolfstar, Snowbaz, Zukka
Way to much danger for them being literal children
Set in a universe with a “chosen one”
“Chosen one” in world has a lean to a specific move. Airbending, Expelliarmus, Sword thingy
All somehow related to the chosen one. (Godfather, Brother-in-law, boyfriend)
Drarry & Snowbaz
Enemies to lovers
Snow and Harry believing that Draco and Baz are the sole reason behind all misfortune (they think they’re scheming all the time.)
Harry and Simon both being weirdly aware of Baz and Draco at all times, excuse of “think they're up to something”
Baz and Draco calling Harry and Simon by their last name. Then Harry and Simon get somewhat emotional when called by their first names and not Potter and Snow.
Baz and Draco calling everyone by last name
Draco and Baz actually having a sense of fashion
Simon and Harry are both the “chosen one”
Simon and Harry orphaned
Simon and Harry are both inexplicable alive (to everyone’s surprise)
Baz and Draco going out of their way to torment Simon and Harry and that’s their way of affection because they can’t exactly deal with their raging gay in front of their crush- sorry “enemy”
The ships are canon (no, I don’t take criticism, Draco lives rent free in Harry’s head-it’s canon)
Have a really smart friend who is totally dependable Penny and Hermione, but also Draco and Baz are both quite smart and top of their class and then there’s their gay himbos who are lucky to be alive.
Baz and Draco both getting top marks and being smart where as Simon and Harry know almost nothing and get by being the chosen one and have a specific go to move (expelliarmus and Simons sword)
Baz and Draco both (usually) have an established sexuality (gay), whereas Simon and Harry usually don’t and have dated girls and of course their gay lovers
Are a fucking geniric as ship and I keep saving wrong fanart for them. (YOI is my downfall. Viktuuri looks ridiculously similar to Drarry.)
Drarry, Snowbaz, FirstPrince
Reference a food and the fandom will freak (cake, apple, scone {cherry that is})
Drarry, Snowbaz, FirstPrince, Zukka
Enemies to lovers
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Drarry, Snowbaz, Zukka
Drarry & FirstPrince
Could realistically be called Harry
Drarry, FirstPrince, Zukka
Strongly affiliated with a different thing (Idk how to word this, Gryffindor/Slytherin, England/ Off-Brand England, fire nation/water tribe)
Drarry & Zukka
Draco and Zuko both had a villainous part in their lives.
Harry and Sokka give off Hawaiian shirt, dad joke vibes. (and croc vibes, though I hate to admit it)
Iconic scars given to them by a villain.
Impaired vision
I have too much fanart of them
Past girlfriend that could kick your ass (Ginny, Suki, Mai, wow Zukka really has a thing for people who could kill them easily)
Red and blue/green ship. They have different colors specific to them (Harry and Zuko red)
I’ve had an unhealthy obsession with this ship.
Utter fucking shit at names, Harry and Sokka. (Foo foo cuddly poops and whatever Harry named his kids)
Wolfstar & Snowbaz
Grimm is in Baz’s name which is Sirius’s animagus (black dog or grim)
Aesthetic. Simon and Remus have a soft aesthetic with fluffy/curly orangey brown hair. Like teddy bears
Sirius and Baz have a pale complexion with (fabulous) black hair and a sharper aesthetic, like a vampire (Baz really is)
Baz and Remus both are considered “monsters” in society, but both have decent control over it and make sure no one gets hurt because of them.
Simon and Sirius low-key don't care that about their “condition”
Roommates- oh my god and they were roommates.
One plays on the school sports team (Sirius and Baz) (Quidditch and Football)
When I search Wolfstar at pride, they both show up
Baz and Remus are both 6’2
Wolfstar, Snowbaz, Zukka
Luxurious hair (you know who) also long hair
Wolfstar & Firstprince
From an outside view, both are friends to lovers. (In reality FirstPrince was enemies to lovers but they had to pretend to be friends so I’m counting it)
Shipname isn’t a combination of their names
Wolfstar, FirstPrince, Zukka
I can’t pinpoint the braincell
Wolfstar & Zukka
Zuko and Remus both have big scars on their faces given to them by people they care/cared about.
Zuko and Sirius both came from bad households.
Said households are wealthy but they’re disowned.
Not the main characters in their respective fandom
Long hair (Zuko and Sirius)
Special connection to the moon, Sokka and Remus. (girlfriends/bane of existence)
Sokka and Sirius are both flirts and they have their shy little boyfriends
Snowbaz & FirstPrince
I’ve read the book more than once
I’ll be disappointed if you can’t quote it
An unholy amount of cake
Snowbaz, FirstPrince, Zukka
At least part of the ship doesn’t have powers (magical kind)
SnowBaz & Zukka
No powers, Sokka and Simon
FIRE. Zuko and Baz.
Needs badly to have the approval of shitty father (Zuko and Simon)
There’s more coming into the respective universe. (I wrote this before AWTWB was released)
Both have cannon gays and not just some bullshit thrown out later *cough*JK Rowling*cough*
Sword, kachow, surprisingly powerful for not having magic.
Likes dragons (Baz, Zuko)
Close with grandparent before realizing that it is their grandparent.
FirstPrince & Zukka
Add later rather than being part of the initial three (I’m continually shocked that I hadn’t placed FirstPrince in here yet)
Legit royalty (Or a royal-pain-in-the-ass if you asked Sokka or Alex)
Different nations
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Feel free to add on! :)
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byesexualsatan · 3 years
i feel like you get to know people better when you know what they ship so... here’s a list of my past & current ships ?? im bored, can u tell?
also if u know me, ignore this ty 
mike wheeler and eleven/jane hopper from stranger things
otp in late 2017
personal hcs: they’re queer/bi. 
eleven def uses they/them pronouns
tbh i prefer byler and elmax now
background ships i like: joyce/hopper, jonathan/nancy... steve being bi and robin being the iconic lesbian that she is
DAMONA aka simonte
... simona and dante from the argentinian series simona
LMAO this one is from when i thought i was straight
otp in 2018
uhh bi dante and pan simona bc why not
literally forgot they existed until now
please don’t bully me
i truly thought i was straight
background ships: marisiena, junior/ailín
i was one of THE FOUNDERS of this ship istg... i was THERE when we were deciding the ship name (i voted for simonte but damona won smh)
SIMBAR aka bi awakening 
simón and ambar from the disney tv show soy luna 
yeah... sorry
otp in mid 2018
they’re gay!!! 
bi she/they punk ambar yesyesyes
totally forgot about them but they’re sexc af
so glad they were endgame
background ships: idk but luna is pan 
STEVEBUCKY aka stucky aka the end of the line
so... steve rogers (captain america) and bucky barnes (the winter soldier) 
otp in late 2018/early 2019? 
personal hcs: trans steve, bi bucky 
favourite fanfic trope: found family, high school smau
fuck endgame, all my homies hate endgame
background ships i like: thorbruce, scotthope, nat/sharon
im with u til the end of the line, pal :c
PERALTIAGO aka jamy 
jake peralta and amy santiago from brooklyn nine nine
started shipping them in 2018/2019 (i have no idea)
personal hcs: bi jake
favourite fanfic trope: casefics, pretend marriage 
background ships i like: gina and rosa, holt and kevin
PETERMJ aka spideychelle
peter parker (spider-man) and michelle mj jones !!1! from the mcu
otp in 2019
personal hcs: they’re both bi, mj is demisexual too
he/they & she/they solidarity
... trans/demiboy peter and demigirl mj🥺 
fav fanfic trope: school trip to stark tower, meeting the parents/avengers, smau 
obviously let’s ignore infinity war and endgame
background ships i like: ironstrange, pepperony, shuri/any woman
THORBRUCE aka gammahammer aka gays in space
thor odinson and bruce banner (hulk) from the mcu
started shipping them in 2019
personal hcs: thor also likes women
they both use they/them and neopronouns too 
fav fanfic trope: university au, smau, no civil war, no infinity war
this one is from my stan twitter era
background ships: stucky, tony/strange, nat/sharon, scotthope
CARMUEL aka spanish sexiest couple
carla rosón and samuel garcía from élite
otp in late 2019
...they’re bi. bc yes. and he/they samuel. 
she/vers carla sounds very sexc to me
i ‘shipped’ them in s1 simply bc they were both very hot and when it became canon in s2 i SCREAMED
deserved so much better.
INEFFABLE HUSBANDS aka i almost forgot about this one, sorry
crowley and aziraphale from good omens
uhh started shipping them in 2019/2020 ?
bi genderfluid crowley, non-binary aziraphale
idk they’re being anyways
fav trope: raising children!! confusing ppl bc crowley is sometimes a snake!!
background ships: uhh anathema & newton ig?
WOLFSTAR aka the one true way (and... puppies, too??)
sirius black and remus lupin from the harry potter saga
otp since 2020 (thank u, @aretheygayvideos​)
personal hcs: he/they gay sirius, he/they bi remus 
also love nonbinary remus and genderqueer sirius
fav fanfic trope: getting together !!!! FLUFF!!!!
background ships i like: jegulus, regulus/barty jr, dorlene, jily
VILLANEVE aka murdering wlw
villanelle and eve polastri from killing eve
s.s.t in 2020
she/they bisexual villanelle and pansexual eve
fav fanfic trope: flower/coffee shop :)
ty tumblr for spaming my dashboard when s3 came out bc that forced me to watch it to understand all the posts
sandra oh is the love of my life
ANDERPERRY aka this one is for the depressed dark academia folk
neil perry and todd anderson from dead poets society 
started shipping them in 2020
personal hcs: nonbinary neil, trans todd, both gay/androsexual
demiboy/nonbinary todd has a special place in my heart
fav fanfic trope: ALIVE!NEIL, roommates
background ships i like: charlie/knox, meeks/pitts
ZUKKA aka my favourite blue/red gays
sokka and zuko from avatar the last airbender < 3
started shipping them in 2020
personal hcs: gay zuko, genderfluid and bisexual sokka
sokka has adhd !! zuko is autistic !
favourite fanfic trope: fake dating
background ships i like: suki/yue*, ty lee/azula/mai, kataang
* please go check out s4pphos’ ig edit of them 
CASMUND aka royal pirate gays !!
caspian x and edmund pevensie from the chronicles of narnia
started shipping them in dec. 2020
personal hcs: bi caspian, mlm edmund 
love bisexual and nonbinary edmund too bc 👉projecting👈
fav fanfic trope: just. the plot of the movies but gay.
background ships: the dawn treader (ha-ha, get it? bc ship? im so funny)
tbh i don’t REALLY ship them that hard i just hate caspian/susan lmao
(susan is a lesbian)
BELLARKE aka m/f sexual tension™
bellamy blake and clarke griffin from the 100
started shipping them in 2021
personal hcs: she/they/xe bi clarke, he/ze omni bellamy
favourite fanfic trope: single parent bellamy, modern au (college, roommates)
i saw 2 seasons with my mom and then moved so,,, fuck i gotta finish it
the “i don’t really ship them but if they’re together it’s better”
ty lee and mai
john watson and sherlock holmes
suki and yue
regulus black and james potter
azula and katara
regulus black and barty crouch jr
bugs bunny and daffy duck
emma and mr knightley
carol danvers and maria rambeau 
valkyrie and carol danvers
natasha romanoff and sharon carter
sam wilson and bucky barnes !!! (post endgame)
charlie “nuwanda” dalton and knox overstreet
dorcas meadowes and marlene mckinnon
azula, ty lee and mai
klaus hargreeves and dave
paul coates and alec hardy
cassie and maddy
jules and rue 
rue and lexi
fleabag and the hot priest
. . . more to add, probably
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
002 - For Casey please :)
Cos you’ve already done Rita and I’m a slut for powerful attorneys!!!
How I feel about this character:
She fightin’ ms calhoun for the love of my life role. I mean...she’s goddamn perfection. She has such a warm heart it makes me fucking weak..
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Alex, Rita, and honestly...don’t come for me for this (tbh, it’s already in one of my stories and y’all love it) Liz Donnelly. She also totally went out on that date with Chester just to get the free meal lol.
My non romantic OTP for this character:
Huang and Melinda. Either of them with Casey is a super underrated pairing, esp when they’re working together on a case. The only time Melinda and Casey aren’t clicking is in Cold when Melinda says she won’t risk her job for lab results. And Huang is simply a wlw mlm solidarity with Casey!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
She’s the best ADA the team’s ever had. Yes, Alex was awesome, yes Barba is sassy AF and has great remarks and suspenders, BUT HEAR ME OUT. Casey knows what it’s like to truly work her way to the top, she definitely takes cases more personally than Barba does (alex does every so often, certain ones REALLY get to her) but Casey is the best with the victims, she’s the best and pushing to the extreme to get justice (she nearly lost her license i mean...come on...i mean...she did lose it...lol). She indicts the ENTIRE US army for rape, she asks judge Taft to step down from a case, she constantly battles with Donnelly for what she believes is right. The entire Picard case she’s doing what she believes is right, even if that means the perp technically walks, because she’s an advocate for mental health. I could go on for ages, but I’ll stop now. Lol. I believe that a lot of people are tainted when it comes to Casey because she replaced Alex who was the first long term Ada svu fans saw (if you watched it in order lol) and they loved her and didn’t want to see her gone. Much like everyone hates Stone....
One thing I wish would have happened/had happened with this character in canon:
Just...bring her back. She was there in s13, and then just fucking vanishes. She had the big fancy office, she was clearly the most senior Ada (also her win rate is in the 70 percentile, she’s clearly good at her job) like, all I needed was a “who’re you?” “You’re new Ada, novak got transferred to homicide” LIKE THAT WOULD’VE BEEN ENOUGH of a closure for me. It just pisses me off when long term characters disappear for no reason and are never mentioned again. I would LOVE for Casey to pop back up as bureau chief or as a defence attorney.(but also give her a wife lol)
Hm....i honestly don’t know. I don’t think there was anyone on svu who I *really* shipped Casey with.
My cross over ship:
You know what...just based off the other shows I write for? I could see Casey getting caught up with Heather Dunbar, like...I can get that goin...
A headcanon fact:
Spurring from something Diane said in an interview once, Casey was a virgin til her like, mid twenties, meaning that she definitely didn’t realize she was bi/gay until her early/mid 30’s. She had her whole relationship with Charlie and because it was so horribly ending, she stayed way from men/dating/sex afterwards. I’m thinking that canon wise, she’d be bi, and maybe just not realize that like, that was even a *thing* at first, like, she starts to have a crush on someone (alex...) and thinks it’s like a, career/talent crush/she just wants to be her friend, but then catches herself *thinking* and it’s like, a wine fuelled conversation with Liz on a girls night that Casey’s all “i dont think I’m gay but i want alex to sit on my face” and Liz is all “oh sweetheart...lets discuss this” and Casey comes to terms with her sexuality. Pls she’s canologically catholic, so that’d be another hurdle to get over before she could really let her gayness shine.
Send me a character/ship!
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harry potter for the ask game
Notp- Tommarry snarry Pedophiliac ships like this honestly I hate those sick ships so much
Brotp- Luna, Neville, Hermione, Seamus ,Dean
Otp- Rarry and Drarry
Second choice- honestly hinny if rarry drarry can't happen sorry not sorry
Fluffy- Hinny
Angsty- Drarry
Favourite poly- Ron Hermione (idk y it's weird af but still)
Weirdest- Charlie and Bill 😶
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queenofbaws · 3 years
d - a pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
aw man. i’m really not a fan of emily/matt at all and i can’t really get into taylor/daniel, personally. i’m sure there’s some a++++ content out there, but they’re just not my deal. (if we’re stepping out of the supermassive box, i do not understand solavellan, and i feel like as a dragon age fan i’m missing some fundamental experience here, but hoo boy, don’t think that’s gonna happen.)
e - have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
god i feel like this one is more of a “have i?????” audience participation question, but i LIKE TO BELIEVE that charlie brown the pug has caught the hearts of a few people, and as i mentioned before, so help me god, i BETTER be remembered as the one who just kept writing the Spooky Old Men into things.
a - your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
oh this is a dangerous game here. there are quite a few. ;P but TOP OF THE TOP rn are
hawke/varric - dragon age
hawke/anders - dragon age
trevelyan/blackwall - dragon age
chrashley - ud
jossam - ud
climbing chrash - ud
t - do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
Too Many! way too many. i’ve mentioned before that i have very staunch hcs about the ud kids’ family lives so i won’t go into those again, but another one no one can pry out of my little grabby hands is that chris and ashley are both aspec af ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
h - what is your favorite source text for fandom stuff
video games! always video games. idk why, but i just tend to glom onto them more than books/movies/shows. i think it has something to do with how the narrative is presented? who’s to say. but chances are good if there’s a fandom i find myself hurtling into, it’s a video game 9 times out of 10!
fandom asks!
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sortasirius · 4 years
Charlie Bradbury
How I feel about this character: She’s literally one of my favorite characters in the show.  She’s so funny and so brave, she’s smart af too (obviously) not only did she break Frank’s coding in like a day, but she also created the hunting program to cross certain creatures off the list of suspects depending on what their mo is.  She’s so selfless even though she pretends not to be, she literally saves the boys multiple times without even thinking about it.  She’s just generally amazing.  I rewatch her episodes constantly because I love her that much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: hmmmm, honestly anyone that would make my girl happy, but if I had to pick someone it’s probably going to be Gilda bc though they were only onscreen for .0000005 seconds that was enough for my gay ass, OH AND DOROTHY TOO BECAUSE UM YEAH HUNTER WIVES IN OZ
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Well that my friend would be the one and only Dean Winchester.  They are literally perfect best friends, I was instantly sold when chaos bi Dean had to help disaster lesbian Charlie flirt her way around a man.  Also the clothes montage?  They’re also both so nerdy and Dean really lets it loose when he’s around her.  He also wants to be all over-protective of her and she just doesn’t have it because she’s a queen.  He cares about her so much and I am so very soft for them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if it’s unpopular but I don’t think that Apocalypse World Charlie, while it was great to see Felicia again, was a poor substitute for the real Charlie.  Yeah yeah, I get that it was ~supposed~ to feel that way, but it felt like they had to figure out a way to bring her back after such a shitty death and her reappearance never sat right with me.  I just honestly wanted our Charlie back lol
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that Bucklemming didn’t get their grubby paws on her and kill her in one of the most horrific ways possible for nothing more than shock value.  She didn’t deserve it, her story wasn’t over, and her death was literally just manpain fuel for Dean so he could kill everyone with the Mark.  It’s one of the SPN deaths I’ve never gotten over because it just wasn’t right...it was just bad Bucklemming writing and she didn’t deserve to go out like that.
Link to OG post
Ask me character opinions!!
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cortexifansquint · 4 years
fringe and ouat?
the first character i ever fell in love with: Olivia a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: none a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:  my ultimate favorite character™: Altlivia. Walter.  prettiest character: Astrid. Altlivia. Alt Lincoln.  my most hated character: that Harris guy in S1. Windmark. my OTP: Peter/Olivia. Altlivia/Alt Lincoln (original timeline) my NOTP: none favorite episode: Bad Dreams, Over There, Subject 13, An Enemy of Fate saddest death: Etta favorite season: 1, 3 & 5 least favorite season: 4 character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: none my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Altlivia beginning of S3.  my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Astrid and Alt Astrid. They got crumbs when it came to story/backstory/everything. Also Charlie.  my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Olivia/Altlivia? lol my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Altlivia/Our!Lincoln
the first character i ever fell in love with: honestly tied Regina, Emma & Snow a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: wasn’t a huge fan of stepford-like Emma in S5/6. Glad she seemed herself in the finale at least. a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Regina/Robin, completely killed for me in S4. And Belle/Rumple around the same time probably. my ultimate favorite character™: Regina, all versions. S1-4 Emma. Zelena. Enchanted forest Snow, like pre-wedding. prettiest character: Regina. Hook. Merlin was gorgeous af too.  my most hated character: All the kings were trash George, Leopold, Arthur lol my OTP: Emma/Regina! Would have made the whole show full circle.  Snow/Charming, obviously. Alice/Robin <3 my NOTP: Rumple/Belle especially in later seasons. I would say Emma/Hook because of S5&6 but they grew on me and I kinda like them in S3&4.  favorite episode: Stable Boy, A Land Without Magic, The Cricket Game, Going Home, The Eighth Witch, Homecoming/Leaving Storybrooke saddest death: Daniel, the zombie one Regina had to kill herself. Neal. favorite season: 1 & 3 least favorite season: 6 character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: none my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Evil Queen Regina. Rumple, Cora, Pan...terrible people, great characters.  my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Definitely Belle. Also Mulan who got scraps.  my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: don’t have my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Regina/Samdi while it lasted. Adult Henry/Ivy.
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asdfghjk-mylife · 4 years
2013 - 2020
1: What are you wearing? black pijamas
2: Ever been in love? yes
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? yes
4: How tall are you? 1.67 mts
5: How much do you weigh?I think 55kg
6: Any tattoos do you want? i have 3 now. i want more
7: Any piercings that you want? ye, septum
8: OTP?no
9: Favorite Show? teen wolf
10: Favorite bands? the neighbourhood, tender, mcfly
11: Something you miss? yes, my granny
12: Favorite song? $ting
13: How old are you? 23
14: Zodiac sign? aries
15: Hair Color? black and blue
16: Favorite Quote? “Everything will be ok at the end. If it’s not ok then is not the end” - still think thats clever af
17: Favorite singer? jesse 
18: Favorite color? green
19: Loud music or soft? soft music
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? nowhere
21: How long does it take you to shower? 15 mins
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? like 30mins
23: Ever been in a physical fight? yes
24: Turn on? neck kisses yesyesyes
25: Turn off? cold water
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? I was online on twitter and i saw a girl who was posting some things and then i visited her blog and i liked it.
27: Fears? being blind
28: Last thing that made you cry? i punched my sister and then i felt bad lmao
29: Last time you cried? today
30: Meaning behind your url: here i write about my life
31: Last book you read? im reading the couple next door
32: Last song you listened to? bloom later
33: Last show you watched? investigation discovery on repeat 24/7
34: Last person you talked to? my mum
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? e-bf
36: Favorite food? enchiladas
37: Place you want to visit? France
38: Last place you were? My uncle’s house
39: Do you have a crush? yes
40: Last time you kissed someone?  feb i think
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? my sister when i was punching her
42: What color underwear are you wearing? beige
43: What color shirt are you wearing? black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? black
45: Wearing any bracelets? no
46: Last sport you played? running
47: Last song you sang? float
48: Last prank call you remember doing? idk
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? my ex roomie
50: Favorite movie? Charlie st cloud
1: What are you wearing? a blue t-shirt and jeans.
2: Ever been in love? yes
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? no
4: How tall are you? like 1.67 mts
5: How much do you weigh?I think 50kg
6: Any tattoos do you want? yes, i want 3
7: Any piercings that you want? no
8: OTP?no
9: Favorite Show? The McFly show :P
10: Favorite bands? McFly, One Direction & Little Mix
11: Something you miss? no
12: Favorite song? Change your life - little mix
13: How old are you? 15
14: Zodiac sign? aries
15: Hair Color? black
16: Favorite Quote? “Everything will be ok at the end. If it’s not ok then is not the end.
17: Favorite singer? Ed Sheeran
18: Favorite color? green
19: Loud music or soft? Loud
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I go to my bed
21: How long does it take you to shower? 15 mins
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? like  one hour
23: Ever been in a physical fight? yes
24: Turn on? –
25: Turn off? –
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? I was online on twitter and i saw a girl who was posting some things and then i visited her blog and i liked it.
27: Fears? spiders
28: Last thing that made you cry?sometimes i cry with no reason
29: Last time you cried? yesterday night
30: Meaning behind your url: here i write about my life
31: Last book you read? I read fan fictions lol
32: Last song you listened to? the lazy song -Bruno Msrs
33: Last show you watched? I saw the news
34: Last person you talked to? my mum
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? it was my mum
36: Favorite food? tacos
37: Place you want to visit? England
38: Last place you were? My uncle’s house
39: Do you have a crush? yes
40: Last time you kissed someone? i havent kissed someone
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? a ass hole from my school  today.
42: What color underwear are you wearing? black
43: What color shirt are you wearing? blue
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? white
45: Wearing any bracelets? yes, 7
46: Last sport you played? skateboarding
47: Last song you sang? DNA -Little mix
48: Last prank call you remember doing?idk
49: Last time you hung out with anyone. my friend
50: Favorite movie? Charlie st cloud
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lazynotbored · 2 years
I'm talking all around clock                                        I'm talking hope nobody knocks                                                                                       I'm talking opposite of soft                                                                                                                              I'm talking wild, wild thoughts You gotta keep up with me                                        I got some young energy                                                                              I caught the L-O-V-E                                                                                                              How do you do this to me?
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anxiouss-princess · 4 years
1: What is your Supernatural OTP?
Wincest 🤡 and I am not sorry
2: What's your opinion on John Winchester?
I thought he was alright. I liked that episode where he came back, that was emotional af.
3: Which season finale was your favorite/least favorite?
Season 8 was prob my fave because I loved that sam and dean moment 😭
4: Which is your favorite episode?
THIS IS SO HARD DONT ASK THIS OF ME. Maybe the eps with Ghost Facers? I love and miss those goofy assholes omg
5: Which episode makes you cry the most?
Hopefully the last episode does LOL... I haven’t reallt cried over an episode
6: Which episode is the funniest to you?
French Mistake probably, hehehe
7: What's your opinion on Megstiel?
Hate it
8: When did you start watching Supernatural?
When I was in 8th grade about 8 or 9 years ago or so
9: Which episode title do you think is the funniest?
Oh crap I don’t remember all the titles aksksksk
10: What's your opinion on Garth?
11: If you could bring back any character, would you? If so, whom?
12: Who is your favorite angel?
13: Who's your favorite archangel?
14: What's your opinion on Wincest?
It’s my OTP so obviously all good things 😘
15: What's your opinion on Lisa? (and Ben, if you want)
I did not care for Lisa, honestly. Keep forgetting about her tbh.
16: When did you start blogging about Supernatural?
Pretty recently lol
17: Do you think that Chuck is God?
18: Do you have a favorite Dick (Roman) joke? If so, what is it?
Crap I don’t remember them lol
19: Which is your favorite episode?
Ghost Facers (I’ll prob change my mind later)
20: Who do you ship Sam with?
21: What's your opinion on Destiel?
I love it, that’s my second favorite ship babeyy
22: Did you like the first or second Ruby better?
Not gonna lie ... I preferred the first one 😬 oops
23: Who's your favorite demon?
24: Do you read smutty fanfiction?
Of course
25: Do you think Destiel will become canon in season 9? (Regardless of whether you want it to or not)
I come from the future : outlook isn’t good for season 9... but season 15, however 😈
26: Have you ever had a dream about Supernatural/the characters/the actors? If so, can you describe what you remember?
I don’t think I have...
27: Which episode is the scariest to you? (Horror-movie type scary)
The weird cannibal one... that shit was WHACK
28: What's your opinion on Sabriel?
I don’t really have too much of an opinion on it
29: Do you think End!verse will happen? If so, are you looking forward to it?
30: Do you have any friends off of the Internet that watch Supernatural?
Yup I recently forced my friend to watch it CTFU you’re welcome @d0nt-blinkkk
31: Do any of your family members watch Supernatural?
My cousin did for a while
32: What's an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have?
Well I mean I like wincest, so... 😭😂
33: Do you like AU fanfics?
Not really. I tend to avoid them tbh.
34: Have you ever written/started writing a fanfic?
Not on supernatural (yet)
35: What's your opinion on Samifer?
Don’t like it 🤮
36: If you have an OTP, at what point did you start shipping it?
Yeeaaarsss ago. Like I’d freak out whenever Dean would call Sam “Sammy” cuz I’m a dumbass so pretty much from the beginning.
37: Do you think Sam should have completed the demon trials?
Nooooo da fuq
38: Which director/writer is or was your favorite/least favorite?
I don’t pay attention to that LOL OOPS
39: Which actor would you most like to meet in real life?
40: If you could be any character on the show, would you want to? If so, whom? If not, why?
Dean and Sam’s long lost sister 💀 I WANT IT
41: Do you prefer cake or pie?
100% cake. PERIOD.
42: What is your opinion on Sastiel?
I don’t really have much of an opinion on this either
43: Have you ever made a Supernatural reference out loud and received strange looks from some of the people surrounding you?
LOL I ACTUALLY THINK I HAVE .... but I can’t remember omg but knowing me I definitely have
44: Have you ever cried over a non-OTP ship from the show?
45: What is your favorite moment from any of the gag reels?
Basically all of them, they crack me up
46: Superwholock?
I don’t watch Sherlock
47: What is/was your favorite Sam hair length?
I can say the worst was definitely season 8. Like what the fuck was that, man.
48: What's an unpopular ship you have? Do I really have to say it at this point?
49: What's your opinion on Wincestiel?
Love it for the most part, just never really shipped Cas and Sam too much.
50: Can you dig Elvis?
I understood that reference 😂
51: Do you listen to Carry On Wayward Son even when you're not just watching a finale?
Actually no 🤣
52: What's your opinion on Zachariah?
Hated his dumbass
53: Do you think Adam will ever get out of the cage? (not as Michael)
👀 Well...
54: Do you think Sam should have completed the trials?
Noooo obviously not
55: How long would you survive as a hunter?
One day, tops. I think that’s being generous LOL
56: What's your opinion on Calthazar?
Idk what that even is
57: Do you have a Netflix account? If so, what's your username and password? Wait a second, just the first part.
No, I use my friends LOL!
58: Have you ever participated in GISHWHES?
Idk what that is either 😭
59: What movies/shows have you watched because of (or by coincidence) Jared, Jensen, or Misha?
My Bloody Valentine, 10 Inch Hero, Friday the 13th, House of Wax
60: If you could change just one thing about the series, what would it be?
I would just have the characters not say some certain things that they said ... like when Dean said it should have been Sam that died instead of Charlie... WTF was THAT
61: If you were at a Con, what would be a question you would ask?(can be any of the actors)
oh god I have no idea
62: Why did you start watching Supernatural?
My friend showed me a clip from it or something and it all went downhill since
63: What's your opinion on Sam/Crowley?
Damn I never even thought of this tbh
64: What's your biggest fear for season 11/the rest of s10?
(Season 15 now oop) but honestly my biggest fear is CAS NOT COMING BACK
65: What's your favorite (or at least a memorable) pop culture reference that has been made on the show?
66: Just a random confession you have regarding the show/Asker makes up their own question.
I feel like my biggest confession is that I dead ass just confessd to shipping wincest sooo 💀
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clarkegriffins · 4 years
supernatural for the ask game !!
my favorite female character: charlie bradbury (also bela talbot :( and rowena)
my favorite male character: C A S T I E L
my favorite book/season/etc: if we’re talking about plot - season 4/5, now if we’re talking about ship - season 8
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): 6x20!!!!!!!!!! pov!cas >>>>>, also the ep that made me ship deancas
my favorite cast member: misha collins 
my favorite ship: that gay angel and the disaster bi hunter
a character I’d die defending: my moon and stars castiel
a character I just can’t sympathize with: sam................................i don’t hate him, i just think he’s boring af (i only love s1-s3!sam)
a character I grew to love: JACK!!!!! i thought i was going to hate him bc i was tired of the whole lucifer storyline, but then he said "my father is castiel" and suddenly i had a grandson
my anti otp: dean/heterosexuality, the most toxic ship on the show, and the sad thing is that it’s likely to be endgame (also sam/dean of course, ew)
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