Ok ~spoilers~ for sevens route
So i know that rika is the reason Sev is with the agency and had to leave his brother but like…. How? How did Rika get him into the agency? As far as I know she was part of a “normal” family (despite horrific abuse and trauma :D) Did she, like, participate in human trafficking (despite it being consensual on sevens part)? How did this random woman get in touch with this secret government spy agency and go - hey! I know the perfect kid for this! -
I cant ever recall that part being discussed in cannon, and if im wrong please let me know. Its been two years since ive started playing this game and i still cant figure it out!! What are your thoughts on this? From what i can tell she just said ✨poof✨ and Seven left
MAJOR SPOILERS! About Seven's induction into the Agency and the rest underneath the Read More.
Actually, a huge chunk of the information that you're looking for is within Another Story, Rika's Behind Story, and the Secret Endings. We  know how Seven got into the Secret Agency because it was revealed in a phone call with V that takes place during Saeran's After Ending. I was surprised since this was always one of those things that made me wonder what the real answer was. It wasn't Rika that got Seven into the agency. 
She was never near the agency unless we want to say it’s due to the proximity to V and the church. Because V says himself that the only reason he was able to encounter an agent was because one knew about his art and went to the same church as V and Rika. It's Jihyun who involved the situation that caused this to happen before it or not. I still think about this because he says “I thought these kinds of places only existed in the movies.” I always read that to imply that he imagined that the agency would be like the movies. 
I don’t know if he deeply understood the depth of what was going to happen to Saeyoung. He says that he knew that anything Saeyoung got into was going to be messy because it was a fight against Saejoong Choi. V thought that it was a possibility that the agency was a lesser of two evils. But, he doesn’t know how much Saeyoung has suffered, if we’re being honest. Saeyoung has told us all about some of his worst experiences. 
They shipped him to America for a while for studies, and then when he came back, he was shipped out into field missions that traumatized him. The whole reason he has so much HBC was a bribe after he spent three days thinking he was going to be killed in that warehouse. I know that he was put in near death experiences time and time again. Here’s the screenshots from that call if you want to see it. 
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I have the RFA box now, and Seven’s got a diary piece inside of it. It also points out one of his missions where he has to dress up like a maid because “the target is weak for them” or something like that. Seven dresses up a lot for his work to do what has to be done. He enjoys dressing up in cosplay and it clearly gives him a lot of gender euphoria since he shares it so often to everyone being proud of himself, but he starts doing it for work because they tell him to do it. He’s very young, easy to believe, and knows how to play a part. 
Sometimes I wonder if he has dealt with a lot of awful people because he goes deep undercover during his missions. I try not to think about it because it hurts to think that Saeyoung has been abused and scarred even more than what he had to go through as a child. He laughs these traumatic things off like it’s nothing but there’s so much that he’s suffered because of the agency. It’s hard to watch and listen to when you hear Saeyoung express these things. 
He won’t let anyone know how deeply he’s been hurt because he wants us to be taken care of first. He wants Saeran to be taken care of. He wants everyone to be taken care of before he even considers himself and that’s just a canon theme in his life. 
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So, yeah, unfortunately, Saeyoung Choi has been put through the wringer time and time again. V got him the contact for the agency. 
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