6em4k · 3 months
[Source @othrwrldlystry]
The smell of herbs on the breeze setting him at an ease he didn't know often. It was grounding, and assuring that her was in the right place to seek what he did.
Macaque looked at the girl from the corner of his eye - young and unafraid for the visible demon without glamor or deceptive tricks. A first for him. Maybe a first for any demon who came here.
Certainly not a first for her.
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"To see someone about a curse." He said, with an added bass to his voice - something give a thrill, not scare. He was here, after all, to climb the mountain.
He was here to get out from under the lingering pressure of her dead thumb.
"Do you know who I'd be looking for?"
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cosmicxblossoms · 4 months
X @othrwrldlystry
"Please those guys being rough with me? Going to take a lot more then that to get me knocked down but they're welcome to try." Unable to suppress the laugh that left him. They were a bit rough with him when he had been followed after he had not paid for the peaches he took correctly and then had that Ingenium Dragonfish blow up in his face. He had not meant to hit it that hard but he did sometimes forget his own strength, He ended up here in this place by a teleportation gone after all. Best to try and not cause too much trouble until he got his bearings of this new world that he was in.
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"I have gone by many names throughout the centuries I've lived. Some have called me Monkey King, others have called me great sage equal to heaven. My actual name though is Sun Wukong ms. Bailu. I was told you'd be checking me over after they let me go so what do you need me to do first?"
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dasniichts · 3 months
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@othrwrldlystry and bailu! - smol starter!
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"As--welcomed as you are on the Express, Miss Bailu, I don't suggest taking as many of the snacks as you have. The conductor could get quite upset about it." As polite a warning as any for any sort of visitor, especially when inevitably they'd be dealing with the wrath and fallout. A very scary time for anyone on board, really.
"If you'd like, I can forward a list of where these came from to the Alchemy Commission. I'm sure Miss Yuluo would be happy to assist in procuring a few samples for you."
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kxkarot · 3 months
"To be honest with you I'm not sure how I got here."
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siixkiing · 3 months
@othrwrldlystry {☯}
tongbi: “When are you going to stop giving us HEART ATTACKS you GOLDEN OAF-!”
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"I mean, it's not like I do it on purpose here BESIDES I can survive literally anything thrown at me..."
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xamassed · 4 months
⟬ @othrwrldlystry / s.c ⟭
He had strode into the passenger car with the intention of sinking down into the plush red of the seats, sipping his coffee and enjoying a pleasant read. Peace and quiet was rare at this hour, so he wanted to fully take advantage of it.
What he didn't expect was to see a familiar but distantly acquainted face.
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"Yuezhui?" He set his mug and book aside, a rare flutter of surprise momentarily breaking his stoicism. "We weren't told you'd be boarding again."
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draconiclotus · 10 months
@othrwrldlystry — Bailu
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❝ Ah — Miss Bailu. When did you board the Express? ❞ And should he be worried about the Alchemy Commission coming after the Express?
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
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"You're the new healer in the city, right?" the cavalry captain doesn't kneel down, as if the violet haired individual stood far taler than him despite their stature betraying them. "Do you need a guide, or a protector? I know some people would love to get your attention when you just arrived, so I can be something of a scary dog for a bit if you want to explore the city."
@othrwrldlystry. / unprompted.
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viridianwins-a · 7 months
In all honesty, she couldn’t tell that it was her name that was being called inside the house. For all Shard knew it could’ve been another argument brewing.
But as the other finally stepped outside to call for her, the eremite miraculously responds.
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She is on the roof of the house, working hard to re-string her bow since it had snapped during her last outing. How she got up there, only the archon knows-
unprompted. @othrwrldlystry
Although Kaveh would have preferred not to have to hear her voice coming from the slope of the roof ( of all places ), he still allows himself a small breath of relief.
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Clutching his chest. "You better get down from there before you hurt yourself, you hear me? On second thought..., no, don't. move!" One wrong step and his heart could pop out of his rib cage.
...Figuratively speaking, of course. "I'll climb up myself." With Mehrak, it should be easy. He doesn't get a chance, however, to look for her, or to make a fool of himself by clinging with fingertips to the roof tiles of the Acting Grand Sage's house ( in front of any potential passerby ), as the girl startles him, leaping down. "Hey. I had it—" figured out.
Sigh. "Forget it, this works. Let's go inside. If it's help with your bow you need, you can ask Alhaitham... I think."
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stellafortunae · 9 months
@othrwrldlystry || who is this sassy lost child
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His arms crossed loosely over his chest, huffing back at her. It's not like she didn't have a point. Doctors shouldn't be intimidating. Something to tell his doctor later. Still a little endearingly infuriating for her to quip back at him so easily.
How does he keep finding kids like this?
"Well, aren't you clever." A smirk of his own crossed his face, the brunette standing up straight. Resting his hands on his hips. "Well, at least I now know that there's such a gentle doctor around." If she's going to take it as a compliment, then let's see how she handles a genuine one.
Worst case, he makes a kid happy.
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voidfragments · 9 months
Plots please!
send "plots please" for 3+ plot ideas | accepting!
faina should teach diona about molotov cocktails LMAO. but only if she promises not to burn down angel's share bc faina has too much fun annoying diluc to lose that place
jeht and shard should interact! ex-tanit girlies! jeht vc c'mere little sis let me tell you how babel kicked the bucket--
obv stelle and bailu is a fun dynamic but i would also love to introduce bailu to my other hsr muses! dragon child and explosive child aboard the express what will they do
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6em4k · 23 days
@paracosmiist replied to your post “"For anyone curious, had a great sleepover with my...”:
“You just stayed because of the stage we set up for you, didn’t you~?”
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​"Counter-argument - you kids all stayed because I was on the stage you set up for me."
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predvestnik · 3 months
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@othrwrldlystry (Bailu) asked from here: ❝ we didn’t die today. tomorrow, perhaps. but not today. ❞ || From Bailu :) ||
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      ❛ I could be wrong— ❜ Now, here, his tone is undeniably jocose, a warning for something meant to tease next. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he looks at Bailu with a sort of suspicious innocence to it. ❛ —But I was under the impression the young lady was supposed to guarantee it won't happen tomorrow either. Should I worry? ❜
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sercphs · 4 months
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@othrwrldlystry asked: via: It's a long way down. [Accepting]
⚠ || From Shard for Arlecchino plz ||
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⠀⠀⠀⠀It is rare that The Knave would have reason to visit the deserts of Sumeru, often being more mainland or northern dealing with her business. So on the rare occasion that she's in the desert or anywhere near the great wall of Samiel on either side, she is particularly mindful of the temperament in the air.
⠀⠀⠀⠀The Fatui's reputation has had something of a decline as of late, with the reckless actions of her colleagues (and former colleagues) across the nations in their pursuit of the collective goal of the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa - but a Father of an Orphanage was seen with less immediate ire than the others.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀An advantage she does not readily let go to waste.
⠀⠀⠀⠀So word reaches her ears, sooner or later, and she finds her way to Caravan Ribat. A certain individual in the area calls her attention, guiding her eventually to a nearby overlook.
⠀⠀⠀⠀An overlook with the very person she is looking for, this "Shard" who had fled the Tanit Tribes. Someone who's skills would be invaluable with the proper guidance, though she supposes that perhaps there is some need of training.
⠀⠀⠀⠀After all, when a hilichurl taking you by surprise can knock you back and threaten a fall from the cliff, perhaps there is some refinement needed. Lucky for Shard, she is not alone atop this outlook.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Instead of a fall, the is a firm hand that catches her by the hem of her clothing, and a glance back to where the Hilichurl Rogue that had just attacked was would reveal... Its slain body, a black and crimson scythe embedded in it's corpse - practically nailing it to the ground.
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"It would serve well to not get lost in your thoughts. Even a momentary lapse in focus and attention could prove itself fatal in a place like this."
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grislyintentions · 4 months
"You know, it's one thing to respect the unexplainable, but it's another to pretend that you know the specific thing, and give it a name and a resume." | from Bailu |
Meme || Accepting || @othrwrldlystry
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"Of course," the stellaron hunter humours. "Missions like these often require a little...'creativity'. It's the most effective manner to achieve what we want buuuut if you have any other ideas, I'm open to hearing them too."
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draconicfool · 4 months
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"Is there a reason you're lookin' at me like that, doctor..?"
A visit back home wasn't all that uncommon. Usually hidden in plain sight as he let his more obvious vidyadhara show. He'd been perusing the square when he caught her eye. And given his trips, he knew who she was. Knew at least that people called her 'the healer lady.'
His ears flicked curiously as he tilted his head.
"Am I in the way?"
@othrwrldlystry || sc.
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