#otherwise - mostly canon A:tLA stuff
somniumoflight · 4 years
Crossover Idea #10 – My Hero Academia/Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Fire Nation’s royal family is haunted by two spirits that appear under very specific circumstances – these spirits are Todoroki Shoto and Dabi.
So, I’ve been reading a lot of Avatar fanfictions lately, and amongst the ones I’ve read is this really good BNHA crossover fanfic where Zuko and Todoroki keep accidentally switching places with each other in their respective worlds.  The fanfic itself isn’t too long yet (only 4 chapters so far) but there’s a very long bnha atla swap au tag on @captainkirkk’s tumblr page (might have gotten the acronyms in the wrong order, be forewarned) where people have drawn many, many comparisons between the Todoroki family and the Fire Nation royal family, and that kind of inspired this idea.
So, here’s the rundown of this crossover au.  The first divergence happened a hell of a long time ago, only a couple generations after the first Fire Lord was properly crowned.  The grandson of the first Fire Lord (aka the third Fire Lord, aka guess who this is?) sought the power to surpass his generation’s Avatar, at first with his own flames but eventually by finding a spiritually powerful firebender of mixed blood to force into a marriage, in the hopes that having more than Fire Nation in their blood would make his children strong enough to challenge the Avatar.  This, and that Lord’s abusive “training” of his two sons, backfired on him magnificently when the eldest son first ran away, then tried to lead a rebellion against his father and in the process convinced his youngest sibling to help said rebellion. When the two boys were executed for treason after the rebellion failed, their ghosts lingered, haunting their family so that they could continue trying to bring their father down after death.
Except after their father finally died, they continued to linger in the living world rather than moving on.  So now they haunt the royal family and have been doing so for generations, and slowly over the centuries have become proper spirits rather than just human ghosts – one, a guardian spirit for those betrayed by those of their blood (Shoto) and the other an avenger who lingers as long as the one betrayed wants vengeance but has yet to take it (Dabi.)
Fast forward to when Zuko is alive.  For as long as his father’s been treating him poorly in favor of Azula (so, like, as soon as Azula started bending before him), he’s been catching glimpses of a strange teenager with mismatched eyes and a streak of white in his hair around the palace, usually when something nasty is about to happen to him and then some weird incident happens that stops that something nasty in its tracks.  Nobody but Zuko seems to realize he’s there until after his Uncle comes back from Ba Sing Se, sees the spirit as well, and realizes just how screwed up the royal family’s become.  And then little differences start stacking up, influencing canon as they go and blowing everything off the rails one wheel at a time.
Details of this crossover:
Endeavor was the grandson of the first Fire Lord in the Fire Nation’s history, and the third Fire Lord to be crowned.  He was, according to legend, one of the most powerful Fire Lords to ever rule, and was said to be friends with his generation’s Avatar (who, come on, has to be All Might. Who else could it be?)
However, jealous of the power that that Avatar had, Endeavor forced a woman of mixed Fire Nation and Water Tribe blood (there were probably Water Tribe pirates, let’s say that her mother was fire nation… let’s leave it at that) and great spiritual and (water)bending power to marry him, in the hopes that the mixed blood would make his children powerful enough to contend with the Avatar.
Technically he sort of got what he wanted – his eldest son found it remarkably easy to use the more powerful blue flames that he had such trouble with, and his youngest son figured out how to imitate waterbending by basically pulling a Zuko from Vathara’s Embers – he could put heat into water and manipulate it that way
However, both of these powerful children hated his guts for how he treated them while “training,” and so when the eldest son (Dabi) ran away and eventually returned as the leader of a rebellion against him, and the youngest (Shoto) was convinced to help his oldest brother in order to protect his family, he was “forced” to hunt them down and kill them before they could topple his regime.
The two sons, however, lingered after death as ghosts in order to protect their remaining family from their father (Shoto) and keep trying to kill him as revenge (Dabi).  They lingered for so long waiting for their old man to die that some of the servants in the palace started praying to them as if they were spirits, and as such when Endeavor finally died (Dabi managed to destroy the ceiling in his room somehow and crushed him under the beams) the two ghosts ended up lingering as… guardian spirits of sorts, for their siblings’ descendants.
They only appear when similar circumstances to their own life – one of the royal family trying to hurt (physically or emotionally) one of their siblings, parents, children, etcetera – and otherwise do not interact with the family.
Fast forward thousands of years, Shoto and Dabi have grown in power, and their origins have faded from the annuls of Fire Nation history. Zuko is born to Ozai, and it soon becomes clear that Ozai is not happy with his perfectly good son, and could care less whether he lives or dies. He starts seriously considering hurting the boy when Azula starts bending before him, which is when Shoto first starts appearing.
He mostly protects Zuko from attempts on his life or accidents that could end up hurting him. This includes everything from assassination attempts from people within or without the Fire Nation to, I dunno, random branches falling out of trees that could squash him.  On one memorable occasion Shoto saves Zuko from drowning, which draws the attention of the palace staff and Ozai, since it was so very clearly a spirit that saved him – what else could make water boil and then surge to shore carrying the drowning boy?
Zuko basically ends up growing up in the palace with a spiritual bodyguard hovering over his shoulder that he’s at first barely aware of and knows next to nothing about, save that the spirit is apparently Fire Nation yet controls water somehow, and he seems to grow stronger as the years go on.
Technically, Shoto is getting stronger, but not because more time is passing – it’s because Ozai starts betraying Zuko as a father more and more, and Shoto’s starting to be reminded of his own father, and he DOES NOT APPRECIATE THE SIMILARITIES THANK YOU.
Then the Agni Kai happens – and the entire room of people watching the Agni Kai against Zuko’s father are right there to see Shoto suddenly appear before all of them, extremely pissed off at Ozai.  While most of the people in the room don’t know what his appearance means, Ozai does – he knows what makes this particular spirit appear, and if anyone else in the room knew then he’d be screwed.
So instead of killing Zuko after the Agni Kai, like he was seriously considering, he banishes his son.
Shoto ends up sticking with Zuko throughout all his years searching for the Avatar and throughout the course of the canon story.  His presence doesn’t overly change much, except Aang and eventually Katara and Sokka (after the North Pole) can see him due to their various spirit shenanigans across the nations, and seeing a spirit with the same scar as Zuko throws them through a loop a bit.
Things do make a major change after Azula arrives to take Zuko and Iroh back to the Fire Nation as prisoners.  See, while most people don’t know the true nature of Shoto and Dabi as spirits, one of the few people (other than Ozai) that does is Iroh, mostly thanks to that pilgrimage he took following Ba Sing Se.  And during one particularly bad day when Zuko is basically cursing Shoto’s existence because he doesn’t need help, why is this spirit even here, Iroh decides to tell him exactly why that spirit is there.
Finding out why Shoto is protecting him – because his father has betrayed him, and wants to harm him – shakes Zuko’s faith in Ozai WAY earlier than canon.  It also plants a budding seed of resentment against his father and Azula (who has also betrayed him, if to a lesser extent than his father), which eventually leads to Zuko actually taking Aang and Katara’s side against Azula in Ba Sing Se, instead of later.
This is where Dabi comes into play, because unlike Shoto, who appears whenever Zuko needs to be protected from one of his own blood, Dabi appears whenever Zuko feels resentment and, even if only for a moment, seriously wants to hurt one of his own blood.  Even normal siblings will occasionally want to strangle each other – there’s no way Zuko didn’t seriously want to hurt Azula at some point, even in canon.
So during the fight with Azula, Zuko feels just enough resentment of how perfect an heir to Ozai Azula is that Dabi appears and literally turns Azula’s own flames against her, burning her.  It leaves a nasty scar similar to Dabi’s own across Azula’s face – a scar she cannot hide, a scar that makes her less than perfect, and Zuko is more than a little horrified, especially when he later finds out it was his own anger against her that technically let Dabi hurt her.  He may have seriously wanted to hurt her, but he didn’t actually want to put her in danger from their father, and those scars are very recognizable.
Dabi doesn’t hurt anybody again for a long time, but Zuko keeps seeing him out of the corner of his eye or in reflections, or in dreams of his and Shoto’s past that he starts having following being attacked by another spirit while traveling with the Gaang out of Ba Sing Se or something.
Those dreams eventually lead to Zuko discovering just who Shoto and Dabi were in the past, with help from Iroh and the Gaang, and Zuko decides that not only is he going to help take down Ozai and keep his sister off the throne, but he’s going to do everything in his power to make certain that nobody in the royal family is ever hurt by their family again, at least not like THAT.
After that most things are more or less canon in terms of actual events during the show, and the last bit of canon divergence before the end of the show’s timeline is, when Aang turns up with Ozai after getting rid of his firebending, Ozai tries to convince him to take revenge against him, to burn him, kill him – and Zuko decides that he’s already had his revenge against him.  That’s the last time Dabi appears, when he ends up burning a mark of shame into Ozai’s face and then vanishes and is never seen by any of the Gaang again.
Shoto, on the other hand, lingers for a long time, and Zuko still sees him out of the corner of his eyes as he becomes Fire Lord and works towards a better future for himself and his nation.
Cracky alternative title for this crossover: “Fuck Endeavor and Ozai: Shitty Parents Need to Burn”
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WAITTTT DID YOU GET ANY ZK ASKS YET? If not, pls do 1, 12, and 28 ☺️☺️ love you and your blog 🥺💞💞💞
Hey, girlie!!! Love you too, queen 💖💋
So let’s get to these questions, shall we?
“1. What made you start shipping Zutara?”
Okay, I’ma keep it real with y’all; I saw fanart and screencaps from the show and thought they looked cute together. But then once I watched A:tLA for the first time in a long time, I fell in love with their characters and their super dynamic relationship. Zuko and Katara have become my favorite relationship and favorite characters because they’re just a whole vibe, y’know??? Like who wouldn’t want someone who can let you genuinely be yourself with no judgement whatsoever and hear every word that comes out of your mouth and never take them for granted? Who wouldn’t want someone who embraces the mistakes you’ve made and tell you how much you’ve grown as a person and how deserving you are of love? Who wouldn’t want someone who takes all of you in and gives all of them back? Idk about y’all but that sounds like marriage material to me.
“12. What are your steambaby headcanons?”
HOO BOY, buckle up, y’all cause it’s about to get LONG!
So, I headcanon that Zuko and Katara have four kids; Izumi, Lu Ten II, Kya II, and Kallik (in order from eldest to youngest). I wanted to keep their canon daughters because I love them sm.
Izumi - Nonbender; the crown Princess of the Fire Nation; looks pretty much the same as she did in TLoK, but she has black hair in youth; Wears signature Water Tribe hair loopies and Fire Nation top knot; Izumi is skilled in the art of dao swordsmanship, jian fencing (courtesy of Uncle Sokka), tessenjutsu (courtesy of Aunt Suki), and chi blocking (courtesy of Aunt Ty Lee); Izumi has ADHD—more on the inattentive side than the hyperactive—and her special interests include writing and reading (will expand on those), and one of her coping mechanisms is writing lists (just like Sokka), and when she is feeling overstimulated, Zuko and Katara let her take breaks and do what she needs to do to feel better cause sometimes old fashioned nobles just don’t get it; Izumi goes on a journey of self discovery because she has doubts about being the Fire Lord.
Lu Ten II - Firebender, but make it blue like Aunt Azula’s; Black hair, shaved at the sides, wears it in top knot when he has to be formal otherwise it’s always in a wolftail; Blue eyes like his momma 🥺; Tallest of the four; Light brown skin, like pretty mixed, you can tell he’s biracial; Lu Ten is skilled in archery and, like Uncle Sokka, loves to invent things; I know windsurfing wasn’t invented till the 1970s, but whatever this is fantasy, Lu Ten is a pro windsurfer; I base him mostly on Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet; Has a lot of unresolved angst (for reasons would be spoilers for a big A:tLA project I’m working on); Is a big momma’s boy, he loves and respects his momma, but he doesn’t need to drink respect women juice since it’s already coursing through his veins; May or may not be the next Blue Spirit 🤫
Kya II - Waterbender; looks about the same as TLoK counterpart; Total daddy’s girl; Katara 2.0; A trouble maker, her and Lu Ten are the chaotic duo of the siblings; Bisexual panic all day erry day; becomes the Southern Water Tribe representative and chairwoman of the United Republic Council; Goes to live in Republic City when she’s older; goes from SWT helping with her cousin Chief Amaruq (Sukka baby) and Republic City. Might help Korra with her waterbending training.
Kallik - Waterbender; Blue eyes, dark brown hair shaved on the sides in a wolftail with a braided beaded strand hanging out (if someone knows the official name please tell me), and brown skin; Kallik is a sensitive soul, he’s a hopeless romantic, loves theatre and animals; Iroh taught him how to play Pai Sho and make delicious tea and he would invite Zuko and Katara to tea parties with his stuffed animals; Wants to become a doctor to help people, so he knows a lot about human anatomy and medical stuff; Is part of the reason Katara gets over her fear of bloodbending, he shows her that it can be used for good; Becomes the new owner of the Jasmine Dragon once Iroh passes away and lives happily with his husband and two adopted kids while being one of the best doctors there.
Yeah, Zuko and Katara are proud of the family they created, and while they had their fears in the beginning, they love their babies with all their hearts and wouldn’t change a thing. If you’d like to hear more about my steambaby headcanons, feel free to DM me!
“28. What’s a Zutara fic trope you can’t get enough of?”
Oh man, I love me a good modern AU. There’s just something about Zuko and Katara in our day and age that just makes it that much more fun. Like Zuko and Katara going grocery shopping? Amazing. Them texting cute mushy things on their phones? Adorable. Just everything about a modern AU is fantastic.
If there’s any more questions you guys would like me to answer, please feel free to ask me them! I love talking about Zutara and A:tLA in general.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
[insert catchy title here]
hey, i'm tea (like the beverage). i'm in my early 20’s, and i live in midwestern USA so my timezone is central. i roleplay exclusively through email. i’ve tried other mediums and they just don’t stick for me. there will be an ooc thread for plotting/planning/talking and an rp thread for the actual roleplay. my ads never fully format properly after i submit them so i’m sorry if some stuff bleeds together or if there are huge blocks of text.
for the rp itself, well. i’m looking for a small array of things, so i figured i’d make an ad as a catch-all instead of doing something like one ad per request. i will only do oc/oc romance, and i only do m// and/or f//.
i’m currently looking to roleplay ocs in the following universes: fallout, percy jackson, harvest moon, and atla/lok. and for a purely original setting, apocalypse/post-apocalypse (zombies are good in my book! i like ‘em with a creative twist, though) or horror romcoms.
style; ☆third person. ☆past tense. ☆novel or multi-paragraph; i can snap out four paragraphs or 20, usually novel but like i can work w/ anything. ☆good handle on grammar, maybe some spelling errors if i’m responding from my phone. i’m very relaxed with typing OOC as u can tell but i go all out with actual writing, don’t worry.
characters; ☆varied in personality and backstory, i usually make new ones for rps but sometimes a character sticks with me. ☆i can handle various roles at once; side characters or recurring roles aside from mains are welcome. ☆doubling or tripling is alright. ☆i don’t use FC’s and prefer written descriptions, but i’m a hoe for pinterest and moodboards and use that for character references. i’m super into aesthetics. ☆i get attached to our characters so i’m into talking about them and making content. expect me making pinboards or drawing things or sending u vines/songs and being like “this is them.”
smut; ☆required. i don’t fade to black. ☆switch characters by default. i will die if you come to me with the intention of only playing bottom characters. ☆no incest, pedo, bestiality, toilet stuff, noncon, mpreg. please don’t contact me if u support any of that stuff in any way. i’ve had people contact me who have links online and i’ve found out they’ve written incest or pedo fanfics, so like… in general, stay away plz.
i prefer my partners to be 18+ minimum, 20+ is best case scenario. none of the characters will be underage and would be in their twenties or older.
AND NOW… ONTO THE UNIVERSE RELEVANCE… i’d looove to play any of these, but asterisks are for particular cravings.
FALLOUT; i’ve only played F3 and a little bit of F4 i know i’m a newbie. 😞 everyone tells me to play NV and i will! i’m working on it. i have no plot in mind other than it could be fun to make our own setting/area of the US they haven’t explored in canon, like mountains or something. but otherwise staying in canon areas is good! ☆ghoul/non-radiated person ☆fresh-outta-the-vault/wasteland veteran ☆sole-survivor/oc ☆lone wanderer/oc ☆regular oc/oc!
PERCY JACKSON;*** i never read heroes of olympus or any other riordan book beside the original PJO books. BUT i love the original series so that will be my focus. for the plot, i don’t have anything, but i’ve seen a couple ads floating around with some interesting plot bunnies? so anything is good! there is one proposal i’ve seen around that i think would be really fun, which is ocs in pjo in another time period. what can i say, the combination demigod/mythology + aesthetics from the 18th or 19th century just gets to me, i’m rlly into it atm! dashing adventures on cobblestone streets and deadly weapons hidden in skirts and tucked into the lining of carriages. PLUS U CANNOT DENY HOW PERIOD PINING KILLS U… brushing pinkies… longing gazes… i’m so down. but any time period to be honest, from ancient greece BCE to modern day. i’ve got a couple plot ideas + character ideas i’d like to try out so i’m ready when u are. some pairings ideas: ☆big three demigod/extremely minor demigod kid ☆demigod/satyr or spirit ☆demigod/someone who can see through the mist ☆demigods with a parental rivalry ☆BEST FRIENDS bro CHB is like. peak best friends to lovers scenario
STORY OF SEASONS/HARVEST MOON; alright, this one is pretty different. this would be very video game-like: heart events, character gift preferences, festival events, the whole nine yards. i have a couple of ideas for a town setting, but mostly i’d like to make one with my partner:
☆fantasy-based, like rune factory. along with humans, there could be dwarves, elves, mermaids/mermen, selkies, magic-users… maybe a shape-shifting dragon ☆supernatural-based, maybe a halloweentown vibe? or something more sinister. along with humans, there could be vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, ghosts, et cetera. ☆pokemon-based. instead of regular farm animals, they’re pokemon! miltank, combee, mareep, sudowoodo, et cetera. this could be suuuuper cute and fun. ☆LOZ-based, in hyrule. there could be hylians, rito, zora, et cetera.
A:TLA/LOK;** i’d prefer something set either before a:tla or after lok with our own avatar and group. could be fun and interesting to explore and make our own story. i have an idea for an avatar just because i’ve been thinking of avatar in general but i really don’t have a preference for the role so lmk if you’d rather play it. i also have a few little plot ideas, depending on what the timeline we shoot for is. ☆avatar/bender helping them master an element ☆avatar/non-bender ☆airbender/firebender ☆any/any!
APOCALYPSE/POST-APOCALYPSE;*** what can i say? every once in a while, i get bitten by the apocalypse bug. i’m used to doing post-apocalypse, where people are living on in the world after it’s ravaged, with it being the only world they’ve ever known. which is fun! but i’m also down for a current apocalypse, where people live their daily lives and are forced to adjust to the world following a catastrophic event. i’ll be honest, i prefer this genre with some sort of monster. usually zombie and I KNOW they’re overrated and everywhere ok but it’s a classic. i’m into zombies mostly in the vein of tlou or have a more creative twist but i’m cool with any. and that said, doesn’t have to be zombies! i’d love to do an apocalyptic rp with a different monster, from the supernatural to the paranormal to the extraterrestrial. a character being immune to whatever’s going down would be fun too.
HORROR/SUPERNATURAL ROMCOM; i prefer horror-comedy like the addams family with quirky horror stuff, so i’m not looking too much for anything genuinely frightening (but that could be super fun too! lmk how u feel). accidentally summoning a demon, someone accidentally selling their soul, vampires who have only been vampires for like a year, horribly unlucky witches, people investigating mysterious supernatural happenings in their town, roadtrips to hell, stuff like that. any and everything is good, my options are beyond open. also in general i prefer human/non-human pairings, so anything along those lines in a setting like this will work. werewolves, demons, vampires, witches, send them all my way.
 email; ☆[email protected]  
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forochel · 7 years
[fic rec] yoi
okay, this was supposed to be a gen fic reclist for @katsukiyuuristrophyhusband, but then it morphed, and then I just decided to throw in things I think everyone ought to give a go at the very least. they've mostly not got thousands of kudos, because there's very little point in reccing otherwise. enjoy!
Katsudon by @azriona  Gen :: hiroko character study :: G this actually made me tear up. the maturity of the author's lived experience & years just shine through here; every word drips with pain & longing & resignation & self-sacrificing love. the fic puts into focus the cost of being such a perfectly supportive mother. it is tightly structured and paced, reinforcing the feeling of a subconscious countdown (which painfully resolves into consciousness near the end), and makes use of a couple of motifs to great effect. the depictions of hiroko's relationships with toshiya & minako are also subtly complex. simply sublime.
La Forza dell'Amore by el staplador Gen :: canon expansion fic :: G this is a bloody work of genius. the author definitely knows their stuff, and 'their stuff' is opera. a review written in the voice of george martin (an opera critic) — fantastically inventive and funny, and you feel very much that you are in the very competent hands of a master.
if she wants me by @renaissancefic Gen :: hiroko & minako character study :: G wonderfully structured; deft and mature characterisation; bittersweet. I love the little hints of minako & viktor being slight kindred spirits, and the understated courtship of hiroko. and there should always be more explorations of the women of yoi & their relationships.
watched it for a little while (i like to watch things on TV) by @infiniteandsmall Gen-ish :: viktor character study with bg relationships :: G a tag for this says "viktor as a weird artsy baby muse", which says it all. my AO3 bookmark comment says: "all I can think about now is velvet goldmine and bowie and I'm feeling ovehwlemed by this combination of bowie + the self-destructive-fall-of-glam-rock + inherent performativity of yoi feels. TRIPLE WHAMMY. brain cannot process, only cry to aladdin sane playing in my brain." brain still cannot process, but this fic made me want to write a 4+1 times victuuri skate to bowie fic.
Care by @pensversusswords Gen :: Yuri-centric, with bg!Victuuri :: Teen a deeply felt exploration of what it is like to be so young and isolated and successful. nails the discomfort (so yes, this will make you a bit squirmy if you're like me) of being out-of-place very well. also fantastically heart-warming look at his relationship with Mila and his skating dads. ♥
Reason in Madness by Gigi_Sinclair Gen :: Lilia character study-ish :: Gen Lilia's voice here is matter-of-fact and occasionally allows itself some sentiment -- lovely. The fic focuses on her reaction to Yurio's WWTTM ex, and sketches in broad, true strokes Yurio & Yakov's characters as well.
Helsinki 2017 by Sanj Viktuuri :: gen-ish relationship study with outsider perspective :: G an interview with SCOTT HAMILTON! I like referring to this for encapsulation of my thoughts re: coach/competitor situation. let's believe in everyone's better selves.
Duscha by @lesflammables Viktuuri :: dealing with grief :: G um, well, maccachin dies I'M SORRY but the prose is appropriately sparse, the empty spaces & beats work as much as the dialogue & action to tell the story. and it's also a wonderful look at a man in grief, and the strength & familiarity that yuuri lends him.
and this is the wonder (that's keeping the stars apart by @abrcmhatford  Viktuuri :: a:tla fusion :: Teen beautifully crafted and conceptualised. it's dense with imagery and allusions, and has subtle characterisation even in cameo scenes. lots of nice little nuggets for a:tla fans, but there is no barrier to entry if you know nothing about avatar or bending, because the world-building is intricate and well-rounded. this is Perfect.
Dear Mama by @fragmentedrecords Viktuuri :: epistolary, slow-burn fic :: Teen all right, this one has thousands of kudos but ah! I adore it! it's the story of viktor & yuuri getting together told through letters between viktor and his mother. the character voices are so strong here, and the affection between Viktor & his mother is heartwarming and palpable. the author very neatly and deftly weaves in viktor's family background and history, while providing really funny outsider POV observations about viktuuri's developing relationship.
let's not overanalyze by @alykapediaaa Otayuri :: the many trials of yuri p :: Teen in honour of our conversation about adorable teenagers fumbling through crushes ... um, a fic where yurio is probably no longer a teen? but is still terrible at feelings. and there is much delicious cake. and adorable background viktuuri getting married. (@aly UPDATE THIS)
A Hundred Flowers in Blooms by Chiharu Leoji :: future!fic :: Mature AAAAAAAAAH. This is the Leoji fic I've wanted since we first met those adorable boys. It's written so well -- quality of craft aside, it is the most culturally accurate fic I've ever read about a Chinese character before. My favourite thing about this fic is how Chinese it is, no lie. This fic has beautifully aching pining, delightfully resonant character notes, hilarious cameos by Viktor, and a very enjoyably madcap sequence. Speaking of, the pacing here is on point. I wish more fics were this masterfully paced.
Elements series by @sophia-helix Viktuuri :: sexual exploration series :: Explicit the writing is beautiful and evocative. this series is a literary phenomenon. it reads like a mussorgsky piece and makes you feel the way a turner painting of the light playing over the sea does. it pulls at something deep under your ribs, plaintive and poignant but hopeful. so much care has been put into each line, each one says or does something entirely new: tells you about the characters' internal lives, their thoughts, their feelings, or sets the atmosphere, tone, pace.
Power Dynamics series by @scribeoffate  Viktuuri; Nishigori/Yuuko; Nishigori/Mari/Yuuko :: omegaverse exploration:: Explicit (Non-con warning) this is not easy reading at all, but it is very well constructed: intelligent, subtle, complex. my favourite is the yuuko-centric piece. there's a faint, disturbing tremor that shivers beneath the tralala complacent surface of yuuko's narration. a great illustration of the insidious nature of systemic oppression. gah.
ok, hope you (all) enjoy!! 
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
[insert catchy title here]
well hello there… i see my title has caught your eye… -u-
introductions first: hiya! i’m tea (like the beverage), i’m in my early 20’s, and i live in midwestern USA so my timezone is central. i roleplay exclusively through email. i’ve tried other mediums and they just don’t stick for me. there will be an ooc thread for plotting/planning/talking and an rp thread for the actual roleplay. god i hope this looks okay because it NEVER formats well after i submit it and can be grueling to read when it’s a long ad like this.
for the rp itself, well. i’m looking for a small array of things, so i figured i’d make an ad as a catch-all instead of doing something like one ad per request. i will only do oc/oc romance, btw! the only exception to this is one fandom, which i will specify when i get to it.
i’m currently looking to roleplay something in these veins: fallout, percy jackson, story of seasons/harvest moon, avatar: the last airbender/legend of korra, and original (supernatural/demons/generic spooky things). read on if you want to know more.
☆third person.
☆past tense.
☆novel or multi-paragraph; i can snap out four paragraphs or 20, usually novel but like i can work w/ anything.
☆good handle on grammar, maybe some spelling errors if i’m responding from my phone. i’m very relaxed with typing OOC as u can tell but i go all out with actual writing, don’t worry.
☆varied in personality and backstory, i usually make new ones for rps but sometimes a character sticks with me.
☆i can handle various roles at once; side characters or recurring roles aside from mains are welcome.
☆doubling or tripling is alright.
☆i don’t use FC’s and prefer written descriptions, but i’m a hoe for pinterest and moodboards and use that for character references.
☆i get attached to our characters so i’m into talking about them and making content. expect me sending u vines or songs and being like “this is them.”
☆yes…it is required by law (i am the law).
☆i am mainly looking for M// romance for ocs at the moment! F// is good too tho, esp when doubling.
☆hit me with every trope under the sun, i will be into it. i love cheesy stuff.
☆required. i don’t fade to black
☆switch, but preference can be discussed and swayed when doubling. i will however die if you come to me with the intention of only playing bottom characters.
☆no incest, pedo, bestiality, toilet stuff, noncon. please don’t contact me if u support any of that stuff in any way.
i prefer my partners to be 18+ minimum, 20+ is best case scenario. none of the characters will be underage and would be in their twenties or older, i don’t really like playing older teens (18/19) much even if they are of age and are legal adults. it’s just what i prefer.
AND NOW… ONTO THE UNIVERSE RELEVANCE… asterisks for cravings.
FALLOUT; i’ve only played F3 and a little bit of F4 i know i’m a newbie. 😞 everyone tells me to play NV and i will! i’m working on it. i have no plot in mind other than it could be fun to make our own setting/area of the US they haven’t explored in canon, like mountains or something. but otherwise staying in canon areas is good!
☆ghoul/non-radiated person
☆fresh-outta-the-vault/wasteland veteran
☆lone wanderer/oc
☆regular oc/oc!
PERCY JACKSON;*** ok i’m gonna be honest. i never read heroes of olympus. or any other riordan book beside the original PJO books. BUT i love the original series so like. u knowwww. for the plot, i don’t have anything, but i’ve seen a couple ads floating around with some interesting plot bunnies? i love the idea of demigods in a different time period. i don’t want to steal anything though, LOL. basically anything’s good! some pairings i like:
☆big three demigod/extremely minor demigod kid
☆demigod/satyr or spirit
☆demigods with a parental rivalry
☆BEST FRIENDS bro CHB is like. peak best friends to lovers scenario.
i love the harvest moon series & have been playing the gay ROMs lately so i’m really feelin it. this is the only fandom i will do canon characters for! specifically, canon/canon, either between bachelor/ettes or bachelor/ettes and the corresponding farmer for the game. i have a few favorites in some of the games i’ve played, which i’ll list here.
friends of mineral town/MFoMT: all DS/DS cute: all except carter. i loooove muffy!
sunshine island: all
animal parade: all; chase, toby, calvin, anissa, candace.
tale of two towns: all; kana, hiro.
a new beginning: all except allen; iroha, witch princess, sanjay, amir
story of seasons: all; raeger
of course, ocs in a story of seasons/HM setting would be so sick! i’d love to make a town with side characters. this would be very video game-like: heart events, character gift preferences, the whole nine yards. i have a couple of ideas for a town setting, but mostly i’d like to make one with my partner:
☆fantasy-based, like rune factory. along with humans, there could be dwarves, elves, mermaids/mermen, selkies, magic-users… maybe a shape-shifting dragon? ☆supernatural-based, kind of a halloweentown vibe? along with humans, there could be vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, ghosts, et cetera. ☆pokemon-based. instead of regular farm animals, they’re pokemon! miltank, combee, mareep, sudowoodo, et cetera. this could be suuuuper cute and fun. ☆LOZ-based, in hyrule. there could be hylians, rito, zora, et cetera.
i’d prefer something set either before a:tla or after lok with our own avatar and group. could be fun and interesting to explore and make our own story. i have an idea for an avatar just because i’ve been thinking of avatar in general but i really don’t have a preference for the role so lmk if you’d rather play it.
☆avatar/bender helping them master an element
this one is the loosest i’ve got. i love small town horror vibes — think NiTW or OTGW. i prefer horror-comedy or like, quirky horror romcom stuff, so i’m not looking for anything genuinely frightening (but that could be so fun too). think a dude accidentally summoning a demon, someone accidentally selling their soul, some people investigating mysterious supernatural happenings in their town, stuff like that. any and everything is good, my options are beyond open. also in general i prefer human/non-human pairings, so anything along those lines in a setting like this will work. werewolves, demons, vampires, witches, send them all my way.
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