#others are here too but i won't tag them teehee
starlitmeadows · 4 months
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Leaving Behind
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pouralaura · 6 months
pinned post: writing
spoiler alert: most of it is about the devil guy
my take on Raphael is very whimsical and indulgent; I like to highlight his flaws (pride, namely) and his weird idiosyncrasies. I generally write him with some more borderline taboo proclivities and as a bit of a fetishist because, to me, that's decadent and indulgent and the height of whimsy and core of his character. my Tav (both the faceless version I use in my longer fics and my own Eris), meanwhile, is also very prideful, but she's extremely self-aware and in her own head about it all the time. she finds Raphael pathetic and endearing and incredible; Raphael finds her to be his perfect vice. they're absolutely apeshit about each other in everything I write and they're both big time switches
asks open, prompt fill requests are more than welcome, and I am always open to taking comms through DM here or on twitter!
fic links below (all explicit, please heed the tags when you get there):
who will burn who: a university AU in which Professor Raphael and his favorite student have a Mutually Pleasurable Arrangement (read: he gets her off during his class and she gives him her underwear which he then enjoys thoroughly)
teeter: an exploration of Raphael and Tav in Act III and how they're far too proud to admit their feelings for one another, even when things escalate and become extremely sexually charged between them
I won't speak of love: a oneshot focusing on Tav's indecision and dislike for playing the hero, where her time with Raphael is the only thing that makes her feel normal and in control of something for once
your pout or your fist: a VERY silly pre-relationship oneshot in which Raphael taunts Tav with a portrait of himself and Haarlep in Tav's likeness and she gets extremely salty and horny about it
Indulgences: a theatrical and dramatic oneshot where Raphael and Tav enjoy a little priest and confessor punishment roleplay teehee
tomorrow means nothing: a white lotus AU where Raphael is a hitman and Tav is a pretty young thing who can't stop running into him on vacation
debasement: this one is feet. I wasn't kidding about the fetishist thing. but it's not about the feet, it's about the indulgent whimsy of it all and how Tav embraces it and indulges him in turn. give it a shot I swear it's actually really fun
other stuff:
if the shoe fits: a lil Astarion x Tav fic that was literally just an excuse to put a pretty man in a corset and thigh-high boots and write about him using said boots in extremely explicit ways
tumblr-exclusive ficlets:
reflection (my Eris x Raph)
hold your applause (potatocrisp's Zarra x Raph)
anyway, hope you enjoy!
you can find me on twitter and ao3 at the same @.
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jakowskis · 1 year
torchwood resources
just some stuff i've accumulated during this fixation :) hope it proves handy :D
ianto's-desktop (livejournal) - archived most of the things found on the torchwood website during season 1 and season 2; the only thing missing is the videos. / note: click the headers of the posts to see the full thing, or some stuff with appear incomplete. took me a sec to figure out, lol
speaking of the website...
season 1 website (archive.org)
season 2 website (archive.org) - unlike the s1 website, the bulk of the s2 site's content is pretty inaccessible through the wayback machine (at least for me; maybe i'm doing something wrong), so thank g-d for ianto's desktop
there's also a good amount of rebloggable site content in this person's tumblr tag.
season 1 declassified (youtube)
season 2 declassified (youtube)
season 1 commentaries (mega.nz)
torchwood books (google drive) - gonna be honest, i haven't tried to download any of these myself
border princes audiobook (read by eve) + all of the radio plays (archive.org)
torchwood magazines (beta.reddit) - download links for all of them! p fuckin kewl
torchwood official yearbook (archive.org)
herecomesthedrums (youtube) - account that started posting before the show came out and is chock full of promos, trailers, interviews... some real fun goodies in there
torchwood: up close (youtube) - handful of bts videos with the cast + crew
season 1 unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - the end of days ones hrhghgh
out of time unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - i absolutely adore the music in this ep so i was so happy when i found these
the torchwood fanpop - this has sooooooo much content like i scrolled for a loooooong time and never reached the bottom. lotta stuff i hadn't seen before, too. there's fun hd promo pics, pics of the cast, and a lot of extremely early 2010s edits, graphics, and fanvids. / note: i also had this page bookmarked + it's got different content than the main page so i'll link it
aaand under the cut i'm gonna dump some silly stuff i've collected of the cast. but yeah, there ya go :-)
gally 2015: zip files of someone's pictures of eve, naoko, and burn (livejournal)
gally 2015: someone's account of the torchwood panels + meeting the cast (everyone was there but gareth!) - naoko & burn's solo panels / autograph table chats + barrowman photo-op + the naoko&burn&eve group panel / barrowman solo panel + burn&eve joint panel
dragon con 2013 (flickr) - i found two albums: this one, and this one, which has torchwood cast images on the first and second pages.
burn at chicago tardis 2012 (flickr) - ehehe 2012-2013 burn gorman w his classy little outfits my beloved. this is just hq pictures of that event. burn's in a bunch at the top and some at the end of the second page
the hub 2009 (flickr) - some kind of torchwood event. gareth, burn, eve, kai, and tom are all there. i dunno
hvff 2018: 'insights from the whole cast'
hvff 2018: video of everybody goofing off (twitter)
gareth endorsing owandy teehee (twitter) - this is getting dumped here bc im gay
sigh. (blogspot) - pics from that one fuckin 08 panel where gareth & john made out like 5 times + gareth took his jeans off for some reason. i don't even go here but i feel like this is unfortunately historically relevant. also the fujoshis in the comments are really funny
incomplete but sizable lists of cons gareth's been to and john's been to, in case anyone wants to dig around for photos/footage of any of these. the other cast members (excluding burn, for some reason) all have pages on this site as well, but theirs are super incomplete so i won't bother linking
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sickficideas · 1 year
dazai who regularly gets vertigo that sometimes eventually leads to migraines. he always tries to work through them, but sometimes it just gets too bad & he collapses. cue chuuya caretaking <3 (thinking mostly pm skk)
thank u for the delicious ask anon...dazai is not the only one suffering in this fic, there's so much suffering to go around teehee..
ao3! 4.5k words, sickfic - please refer to the link for additional tags!
you're a headache || skk sickfic
Dazai is hoping it's just the antiseptic smell. He doesn't want to think about the other possibilities.
He sits down on one of the cots as soon as the dizzy spell hits him. He's learned over the years that sitting down right away seems to mitigate some of the effects of his vertigo, but it's gotten worse over time, and it's getting more and more difficult to hide.
"You good?"
Chuuya's voice. Dazai almost forgot he was there with him. He was the one that carried Akutagawa all the way here. Dazai's secretly thankful for it, because he certainly wouldn't have been able to do it himself.
"I'm fine," Dazai groans. Chuuya stuffs his phone into a pocket as he slips back past the curtain, eyeing Akutagawa's unconscious form with far more concern than necessary, Dazai thinks. "Did you get ahold of them?"
"Yeah. They're sending someone over to come get him with our ambulance," Chuuya huffs, leaning against the wall opposite to Dazai. This isn't a good situation. Akutagawa's injuries are too severe for him to be treated long-term by the infirmary staff at headquarters, and he needs to be taken to their own emergency facility. Dazai can't quite tell where he's bleeding from at this point. His head and thigh injuries bled the most, but he has several broken ribs and a fractured collarbone that's jutting out of his skin. He's almost certain one of his arms are dislocated, and Dazai would have put it back in place himself if the kid's collarbone wasn't staring right back at him.
Unfortunately, even if his injuries weren’t this severe, he’s extremely uncooperative and requires sedation to be treated. The infirmary staff have refused to treat him even for minor things in the past.
Dazai sighs, dropping his head in his hands, not caring much about the dried blood that they're covered in. “Such a pain.”
"At least he stopped bleeding," Chuuya sighs.
Dazai nods.
He probably needs to tell Gin. Akutagawa was supposed to go home tonight, but he has a feeling that won't be for a while, now.
Dazai almost never sees Akutagawa’s injuries the moment they happen. He’s learned to use Rashomon to keep injuries quite literally under wraps, and he can stop his own bleeding pretty well if he has the focus for it, but not this time. He fainted as a result of the blood he lost before Dazai even realized he was injured. He has no idea how he managed to hide that collarbone injury.
He has a much higher pain tolerance than Dazai could ever dream of. Here he is, half a collarbone snapped off and poking out, and Dazai thinks he might start crying if this headache turns into a migraine like he's suspecting.
Dazai pulls out his phone to find Gin's contact. He considers texting her, but this is sort of urgent, so he hits the call button and presses the phone up to his ear. Chuuya tilts his head, and Dazai has to hold himself back on making a comment about him looking like a confused dog.
"Gin. Hey. Akutagawa got hurt pretty bad today. They're taking him up to the hospital at the Port for further treatment. I can text you the information when I get it," he says. Gin doesn't speak when she's working, so he doesn't expect a response. There's just silence for a moment before she hangs up, a simple acknowledgment that she heard him.
"Gin? That Black Lizard kid?" Chuuya asks.
"Mhm," Dazai asks, tossing his phone over to the end of the cot. Chuuya looks confused, but Dazai doesn't feel like explaining anything to him.
For a moment, Akutagawa's body tenses up and he clenches his teeth through a pained groan, but he stays unconscious. Chuuya's expression tenses up just the same.
"Go back to work," Dazai grumbles. He only asked Chuuya for help because he was nearby when Akutagawa passed out. He doesn't need him anymore.
Chuuya scoffs. "You go back to work."
"I can't. I have to make sure my dog doesn't kill anyone when he wakes up," Dazai drawls as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Stop calling him that, Dazai," he hisses.
"I'll call him whatever I want, Chuuya," Dazai groans. He doesn't have the energy to argue about meaningless things like this, but he will if it's Chuuya.
Chuuya, for some reason, doesn't seem to be so willing to leave. He leans against the wall and closes his eyes for a minute or so. Dazai isn't sure how long he's been working for, at this point. The bags under his eyes are telling enough. Regardless, he was there quickly enough when Dazai called to help him stop Akutagawa's bleeding.
"Why is he like that, anyway?"
"Like what?" Dazai groans, shooting a glare up at the latter. His voice sounds like metal grating on metal on Dazai's aching brain. He knows he's quickly developing a migraine - or, it's only hit him now that he has time to actually think.
"I saw him last time. Take that nurse's head off," Chuuya says. The memory sends a shiver up Dazai's spine. He's seen a lot of horrific things in his time in the mafia, but he's never seen a clean, instantaneous decapitation like that. Akutagawa is often heavily disoriented when he wakes up, especially when he's injured or ill, and that happened as a result.
Akutagawa didn't speak for two weeks after that happened, and Dazai could never seem right figure out why.
"He's from the slums," Dazai mumbles. His vision starts to list sideways as he straightens himself up, and he tries his best to hide any sign of his vertigo from Chuuya.
"Yeah?" Chuuya asks. He's starting to look irritated. "The fuck's that mean, Dazai? I'm from the slums too, asshole. What's that got to do with decapitating people for no reason?"
"I'm like, ninety-seven percent sure he was trafficked, so, more that sort of thing," Dazai says casually, not at all thrown off Chuuya's random defensive bite.
Chuuya loses some of the color in his face.
"Shit," he curses, letting out a shaky breath.
"I mean, I don't know for sure. I know he wouldn't tell me. But I'd say there's a good chance," Dazai shrugs. "Sure you saw your fair share of that."
Chuuya doesn't say anything, but he knows the answer. He thinks the two of them probably have a lot more in common than either of them realize.
"Maybe you could ask him, since you like him so much. He'd probably tell you," Dazai teases.
"What the hell is your problem? He can't stand anyone but you. He wouldn't tell me," Chuuya scoffs. "I wouldn't ask about something like that anyway, you freak. It's not my business."
Dazai has tuned him out at this point. He doesn't care much to hear Chuuya's defenses, he was really only doing it to get a rise out of him, but now he regrets it. Chuuya's voice is normally a cacophony in Dazai's ears, but now with his ever-present migraine, it's making him much more aware of the dull throbbing in the back of his head.
"Shut up, will you? You'll wake up my dog," Dazai groans, dropping his head back into his hands. Chuuya won't care if Dazai tells him the real reason, he's sure, but he's much more likely to comply for Akutagawa's sake, for some reason.
"Call him your dog one more time," Chuuya grumbles to himself, but Dazai ignores him.
It's silent again for a while. Dazai doesn't have much concept of how much time has passed, he's simply trying to will away his migraine, somehow. Chuuya refuses to leave. It might be a good thing. He can probably carry Akutagawa out once they arrive to pick him up. Dazai couldn't carry him even if he wanted to.
Then, of course, the nausea hits him.
"I'll be right back," Dazai grumbles. He figures he's probably not walking as straight as he thinks, but he's more worried about getting to the bathroom in time than hiding his vertigo from Chuuya, at this point. He pulls the curtain back and stumbles toward the bathroom, one hand clamped over his mouth just in case his stomach contents decide to make a reappearance before he can do it of his own free will.
He drops to his knees with a groan as soon as he closes the door behind him, and he lays his head on the toilet seat. His head is spinning so much that he can't see straight. He has no idea how he managed to get here so quickly. Muscle memory, his strong desire to get away from Chuuya, it's anyone's guess.
"Fuck," he groans, spitting his saliva into the water. So far, there's no sign of Chuuya following him over, not that Dazai is too aware of his surroundings right now anyway. He tries to turn his head to see if he can see anything from the space beneath the door, but everything suddenly turns on its side, and he chokes up a mouthful of vomit. The only sign he has that it landed in the toilet is the splash he hears - he can't see anything.
His brain feels like it's thumping against his skull, which is a sensation so nauseating that it makes everything else feel so much worse. He whines, much rather wishing someone would put him out of his misery. This surely isn't worth surviving.
Whatever forces itself out of his stomach next is strong enough for Dazai to consider it near projectile. He feels it coming out of his nose, which is only adding to the list of awful sensations he's feeling.
He whines to himself, not caring much about how pathetic he must sound. He spits up another mouthful of vomit with a wet burp.
He tries not to move his head too much, but he can't stay here for long. He reaches forward to flush, hardly with enough energy to. He's sure he'll have to go with them once they take Akutagawa just as a precaution, and they should be here any minute. He takes a wad of toilet paper to wipe his mouth and nose. His throat already burns so bad.
He has to use the toilet seat for support to get up, and he finds himself leaning heavily against the wall as he's hit with another bout of vertigo. He's lucky he already threw up, or else he's sure this bout would have made him vomit all over the tile floor.
He keeps a hand along the wall as he finds the door, and once he opens it, he has to lean on the bathroom door frame for support. He can't get away with hiding it, not now. If he tries, he'll pass out for sure.
Chuuya is glaring at him, an eyebrow raised. Dazai doesn't have any clue how long he's been out here.
"Did you just throw up?" Chuuya asks.
Dazai groans, pressing his forehead up against the frame. He wishes Chuuya were more like Akutagawa. He's trained the latter to be silent if he notices anything wrong with him, but Chuuya always has to point it out. Annoying.
"The hell's wrong with you, Dazai? You've been weird this whole time," Chuuya huffs. He takes a step forward, almost looking like he wants to approach him for some reason, but Dazai just turns his head back to the side. He feels awful.
"Nothing. Go away, slug."
And then it hits him again, as soon as he takes a step forward and loses the support of the door frame. It feels almost like one foot landed where it was supposed to, and the other somehow took a step on the wall, and now his head is rushing toward the floor.
Of course, Chuuya catches him before he can turn his migraine into a head injury.
Dazai makes no effort to move. He'd do anything to wriggle out of Chuuya's hold right now, but he's practically incapacitated right now, his eyes screwed shut in some attempt to get some control over what he's seeing.
"Dazai -"
"It's just this shitty vertigo," Dazai mumbles quietly, trying to peer his eyes open. "I'll be fine, just -"
Chuuya doesn't give him any room to defend himself. He scoops him up without a second of deliberation.
Dazai finds himself lying in one of the cots in no time at all, one in a closed room. He doesn't trust himself to open his eyes just yet, but he can tell it's dark in here. That usually helps. He probably should lie down for a while.
"Stay here and don't fucking get up," Chuuya huffs before he pulls the curtain closed, and Dazai covers his ears a bit too late, the metal rings sliding along the pole proving to be a bit too much for him. He's not sure why Chuuya was in such a rush to leave, but he hears his phone ringing off in the distance. They must be here to get Akutagawa.
Dazai curls up on his side, taking the pillow and holding it over his head to dull his senses some. It still feels like he's cascading down a waterfall inside of a wooden barrel, but now that he thinks about it, he'd rather actually be doing that. At least he has death to look forward to at the end. This is just pointless suffering.
He hears something. He's not sure what. Something falling against the tile, some sort of a struggle.
"Hey. You're okay. You're in the infirmary, at headquarters," he hears Chuuya say sternly. "Dazai's right in there. He fell asleep."
Dazai can't even remotely muster the energy to get up. Akutagawa's awake, and he's not there to negate his ability.
Get away from him, he wants to say. Akutagawa's true intentions don't matter, the fact is he could easily kill Chuuya in those first blinded moments before he realizes where he is.
But he doesn't hear anything. He doesn't hear any kind of struggle at all, not past that first bit.
Dazai scoffs to himself. Of course he's fine with Chuuya. Of course Chuuya can handle himself.
And then he hears it again. Some kind of struggle.
He forces his head up off the bed, which proves to be a massive mistake. His head swims and rolls off his shoulders, it feels like, reminding him how horribly nauseous he is, and he leans over the side of the cot to try to vomit on the floor, but he's greatly misinterpreted how far off the cot he leaned because of the vertigo, and his whole body tumbles to the floor.
He doesn't have the energy to even lift his head to vomit. Whatever he manages to choke out just slides off of his tongue and spreads on the floor next to his face.
He'd rather be blackout drunk than this.
"Dazai," Chuuya mumbles. He hates how concerned he sounds. He doesn't often let himself be read like that.
"I'm fine," Dazai barely manages to croak out, but he's not really sure where he is. He thinks he might be back in that same bed, which means Chuuya moved him from where he was, laying in his own vomit.
It's still dark. Dazai is lying on his back, feeling significantly less dizzy, but now he's met with what feels like the worst migraine of his life, pounding through his skull like there's no tomorrow. He whines, grabbing a fistful of the sheets he's lying on for some kind of distraction.
He feels something damp press against his cheek, and he manages to open an eye to see it's still only Chuuya, rubbing a washcloth on the side of his face. Dazai groans and tries to turn his head away. He realizes there's a washcloth laid over his forehead, too. He doesn't think he has a fever, but it does feel nice.
"Cut it out. Trying to clean your face up," Chuuya grumbles, his free hand taking Dazai's chin to turn his head back in his direction. "What the hell even happened, Dazai? I come back and you're passed out on the floor and laying in your own puke?"
"'M fine," Dazai mumbles. He's exhausted. He can't have been passed out for long.
"No you're not. This isn't normal," Chuuya huffs. His brow furrows.
"'s just a migraine," he says quietly, but he can hardly speak. His voice rattling around in his brain is making his already insanely painful headache worse. He wants to tell Chuuya it's not a big deal. He gets these all the time, they're just bad for the first few hours and then he's okay, but he can't get the words out.
Chuuya, somehow, seems to realize this.
"You should've fuckin' said so," he whispers with a click of his tongue, somehow already understanding that other voices are making it worse.
Dazai's eyes fall shut. He's grateful for it being so quiet in the infirmary tonight. He didn't see a single member of the staff so far, or any patients. Now it's just him and Chuuya.
He hears something click, and realizes Chuuya has shut off the lights in the main hall of the infirmary, too. It's almost completely dark, aside from the emergency light just barely peeking past the curtain.
"I'll come back later. Gonna report to the boss," Chuuya whispers.
There's blood on Chuuya's face. Dazai can trace the faint outline of it, but he disappears before Dazai can figure out where it's coming from. This time, not a single ring of the curtain moves on the metal bar. It's a silent exit. Dazai's impressed.
He lets go of a shaky sigh.
"I'm not gonna move him."
Chuuya's voice wakes him. Dazai groans, beyond annoyed to have any voice wake him up - let alone Chuuya - until he manages to remember where he is.
"He's not injured. Just leave 'im. I've got it covered," Chuuya says.
Dazai hears the hushed voices of some nurses, and as he pries his eyes open, he realizes the lights in the main hall of the infirmary are on again, spilling into the dark room he's been resting in. He wonders how long it's been. He hasn't had time to properly rest in a few weeks, at the very least, so he's lost track of time.
The nurses' voices have stopped, and Dazai hears Chuuya's footsteps.
He's still very quiet. Dazai can only hear the fabric ruffle when Chuuya slips past the curtain, and Dazai lets himself fall still again, pretending to still be asleep. He doesn't hear a sound from Chuuya at first, but soon enough, he lets out a deep sigh, and it sounds like he slides down against the wall, opposite to the curtain.
Dazai turns his head just enough that he'll be able to see Chuuya's face.
He looks exhausted. If Dazai had really just woken up, he would have thought Chuuya was dead asleep, the way his head is hanging down. For just a second, Dazai feels something akin to guilt. The blood Dazai remembered from earlier has since dried and cracked against his skin, and his skin is pale, but Dazai isn’t sure why.
"Sleeping on the floor's not good for you, Chibi," Dazai teases, his voice hoarse, hardly above a whisper.
"Fucking hell, Dazai," Chuuya growls, obviously startled, his eyes wide and fixed on Dazai. If Dazai had been any louder, he might've hit his head on the wall from the surprise, "I thought you were asleep, dammit."
"I was, but your annoying voice woke me," Dazai complains with an overdramatic sigh, laying his forearm over his eyes.
"How's your head?" Chuuya asks, evidently not interested in Dazai's taunts. He uses support from the wall to help himself get up, or rather, struggle to, and Dazai hears a quiet groan from him. He’s holding a hand against his abdomen, just for a moment.
"Worse now that you're here," Dazai mumbles under his breath, turning over on the cot. He's still not a huge fan of the lights.
"Seriously, you ugly fuckin' mackerel. Do you feel better or not?" Chuuya groans.
"A little," he admits. It's not nearly as awful as it was before. He can handle the sound of his own voice, at least. The headache is still present, and he's not sure he wants to test his luck with the vertigo and try to sit up, but he's better for now.
Dazai moves his hand back down to his side, and finds a damp washcloth beside his pillow, likely replaced at some point during his sleep. He tosses it over to Chuuya, who doesn't react nearly as quickly as he shoulder.
"You demanding motherfu-"
"Wash your face," Dazai huffs, "unsightly. What kind of executive are you?"
He's teasing, of course, but Chuuya doesn't seem to understand what he's referring to. Normally, Chuuya wouldn't dream of using something to wash his face that's already touched Dazai, but he wipes his cheek and checks the cloth, surprised to find blood.
"Oh, that's…" Chuuya mumbles to himself. He sits down on the cot.
"Akutagawa?" Dazai asks.
"He was scared," Chuuya murmurs, of course, right away to Akutagawa's defense. His fingers graze across the dried cut on his forehead. "You…you need to be more gentle with him."
Chuuya's words are lost to him. He's more concerned with the way Chuuya's looking right now, like he'd pass out any second. He's seen his head bob forward a few times now.
"Lay down," Dazai mumbles. Chuuya meets his gaze for a few moments. Dazai expects him to argue, but he thinks he's so exhausted that he doesn't even give himself a second to think of any retort. He just lays on his side at the end of the bed and curls up, like a cat. Dazai's noticed he often sleeps like that. It almost seems defensive.
"You piss me off," Chuuya murmurs, his voice already heavy with sleep, whispered. Dazai watches all the tension leave his body, but he keeps his gaze on Dazai for as long as he can, before another force makes his eyelids fall shut.
"Yeah, yeah," Dazai whispers, watching Chuuya as he starts to fall asleep.
Only a few moments later, a nurse peaks her head in through the curtains, not as careful to avoid the metal scraping as Chuuya was. Dazai grits his teeth at the sound, but he turns his head, an eyebrow raised at the woman.
"Is he asleep?" she asks so quietly Dazai can hardly hear her. There's one or two more nurses behind her. Dazai just nods, thinking it was obvious enough. "We've been trying to get him to rest all morning."
"All morning?" Dazai asks.
"Yes, he's been in here with you the whole time…he refused to rest," she says. "Please let us know if you need something, sir."
"Turn the lights back off out there, will you?" Dazai sighs, and the nurse nods fervently, disappearing past the curtains. Dazai sighs, long and annoyed, and plans on shutting his eyes and going back to sleep before he feels something warm under the heel of his foot.
At first, he’s inclined to make a joke, but all of the little things he’s noticed have come together to make him realize that Chuuya’s blood is soaking the mattress, and he’s still unconscious. Dazai forces himself to sit up to get a better look at him, and his head swims, proving he’s still not completely recovered from his migraine.
“Chuuya,” Dazai breathes out. He grabs his shoulder, but he doesn’t budge.
Dazai shouts for a nurse.
Chuuya’s color is finally starting to come back. Dazai takes note of that. It’s a good sign, even though he’s still fast asleep.
The nurses aren’t too worried about him not waking up. The wound on his abdomen bled a lot, and they’re a bit worried about infection, but at the moment they say it’s nothing he needs a hospital visit for.
Evidently, it was an injury caused by Akutagawa, but Dazai is at a loss for why Chuuya refused to tell anyone, let alone get it treated. He’s sure Chuuya has his own noble bullshit reason for it, something Dazai could never even dream of understanding.
“Can’t you ever just let me suffer by myself?” Dazai grumbles, his head on a pillow beside Chuuya’s. He doesn’t expect Chuuya to answer, but he hopes he subconsciously absorbs the message.
“Fuck you,” Chuuya mutters, his eyes still shut. Dazai didn’t realize that he woke up. His voice is hoarse and heavy with sleep. “Can you shut up? My head hurts.”
“Boo hoo,” Dazai huffs. He manages to fish a free hand out from under the sheets to flick Chuuya in the forehead. Chuuya groans, snatching the sheet they’re both under and pulling it over his head.
“How’s yours,” Chuuya mumbles from under the sheet.
“My what?”
“Your head. Moron,” he huffs.
“I’m fine. Go back to sleep, slug,” Dazai tells him, taking the sheet back so he can see his face. Chuuya’s glaring at him. “Stop worrying about me so much. It’s weird.”
“You’re weird. Ugh,” Chuuya grumbles, tucking his head back into the pillow. “Tell me the next time something’s wrong with you, freak. I don’t wanna find you passed out in your own puke again.”
“And I don’t want you bleeding out in the be I’m laying in again, chibi. Take your own dumb advice,” Dazai groans.
“It was deeper than I thought,” Chuuya mumbles defensively. Dazai knows it was much more complicated than that, but he won’t press for more details. Chuuya’s thought process is a mystery to him, and he’d like to keep it that way. “Dazai?”
“What, slug?” Dazai groans.
“I was trafficked too,” Chuuya mumbles. It’s much quieter than everything else he’s said, and any anger or annoyance has long since left his expression.
“I figured,” Dazai says back quietly. His chest tightens up, and he’s not sure why. He knows how common that sort of thing is in the slums, it doesn’t surprise him at all that that’s something Chuuya went through, but he’s at a loss for why Chuuya’s deciding to tell him.
“Waking up and not knowing where you are’s fucking scary,” Chuuya grumbles. “I don’t…I don’t blame Akutagawa for freaking out.”
“Never said I did, Chuuya,” Dazai reminds him. He recalls simply answering Chuuya’s question as to why Akutagawa reacts the way that he does.
“So don’t punish him. It’s not his fault,” Chuuya mumbles.
Dazai sighs. That’s what he’s getting at, then. “I won’t.”
Chuuya relaxes, just a bit, and only then Dazai realizes how tense he was.
“Will you go to sleep now?” Dazai huffs, trying to force some sort of annoyed tone to get Chuuya to comply, but he’s already halfway there. The exhaustion takes over him one more time. Chuuya’s always been one to fall asleep quickly.
Dazai brushes some of Chuuya’s overgrown bangs from his eyes. He really doesn't want to know how all of this would have gone if Chuuya wasn’t there - between Akutagawa’s injuries and Dazai being nearly completely incapacitated from his migraine, Chuuya took care of it all, and completely neglected himself in the process.
He’s far too selfless. Dazai doesn’t think he’ll ever understand it.
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Introductions! Hi, I'm quite literally here just to post my personal headcanons about Undertale and AU's. Yeah, it'll mainly center around the skeleton brothers, but you can see stuff I add about other characters too! I really love the idea of them all being forced roommates and stuff or other circumstances. I've never actually posted before, but I'll try to like- post in order best to my abilities. Yes, I also will be including separate stuff from my headcanons about any x reader! I'd love recommendations, questions, etc! If you have any requests please don't hesitate to let me know!
I'll hold my tags here and make sure you guys can find access to things better :-))
Things I won't include/tolerate:
I'm personally a queer person and have done my best to be supportive of communities. I don't tolerate any racist, homophobic, or transphobic ideals. I also don't do ships among existing characters, such as Frans, Fontcest, Papscest, etc. (If you like Sans x Sans, you do you and that's cool and I'm not gonna like- come after you. I don't post that though)
If you're one of the following, DNI:
- Homophobic
- Transphobic
- Racist
- Ableist
- Zoophile
- PDFphile
- Hate Furries
- Overall a proshipper because I know I missed something
I politely ask this of you now because I will block you and that will be that. I don't like that, and so I'll cut that off immediately if possible.
I am aware that people have trauma and usually go for more proshipper content to post or interact with. This is not something I will actively target. However, I am not someone who wants to be involved in these communities and I suggest seeking actual help if you're dealing with trauma in general. I do not hate you for your trauma, but I do not support the community and I want to stay away from that.
Thank you for your time, I don't expect this to get any attention but to those who are reading? I appreciate it
TO NOTE: Asks are currently open, and I mostly will answer requests for x readers of any Papyri or Sans since I love self indulgences. I also do ones for the roommate tropes similar to There's Still Magic teehee. I also will tag anything suggestive under cw suggestive even if I don't do it often. Fluff is my go to, but y'know, I'm open to a lot of stuff :-)
Thank you and goodnight
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crystcrm · 2 years
things i write !
this blog has a focus on "male character x reader" content.
my preferred reader is male reader, but i will also write for gender neutral reader as well. when it comes to nsfw content, i also have a preference on writing bottom reader. it says a lot about me but i'll leave it at that. ♡
simply put, i write mlm/nblm content.
i personally will not do:
female reader
female characters ( in a romantic context )
i hope you understand ♡
i am also a bit unsure on how to write trans reader, as i myself am not trans. i am more than willing to try however, but i do suggest you find other people who have a better understanding and are more willing to :)
i am also ok with writing mlm/nblm canon character ships, but would prefer to stick with content that includes the reader.
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types of content! section a
these are some genres i will be writing here!
nsfw ( teehee. )
angst ( not as prominent, i am not too big on angst :') )
etc, i am open to a lot of things
however, there will be specific things i won't write.
strictly dark content ( some of the things i write may be on the lines of dark if it ever comes to it, but it won't be too deep and it will be tagged accordingly )
extreme kinks and/or fetishes.
if you're unsure, please ask!
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types of content ! section b
i will do my best to write the following:
short/long fics
my average writing for a one-shot styled fic will be approximately 1.8k-2k words. i haven't experimented writing longer fics yet, however, so the length for those may vary. these may take longer to write, considering i am crap at writing fics.
headcanons list
the length of headcanons will vary based on how many characters are included, the kind of headcanons and just how creative i am in general.
shorter than an average short fic, will approximately be 500-1k words, give or take.
these will just be short blurbs. blorbo. mini stuff. probably a lot of it will be nsfw.
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what i write for !
these are some of the things i'll write for, my fandoms basically!
genshin impact
every male chara is fair game! certain charas will be a bit tougher to write for certain content. please, feel free to ask beforehand!
honkai star rail
i'll write for most of the male characters! welt ♡♡, gepard, jing yuan ♡♡, blade, sampo, dan heng and any others.
obey me! shall we date?
all male charas are fair game! no luke ( nsfw/romantic content ) for obvious reasons.
i prefer writing for dante, quincy, kuya AND eiden ( my faves! ) but am not against the others!
pokémon ( to a certain extent of my knowledge )
i've played legends arceus, shield, scarlet/violet!!
persona 5/royal/strikers
male charas are fair game! preferred ryuji tho, funny man.
jujutsu kaisen
nanami kento. and more of course, but i have an obsession with him, i need him...
and perhaps some others i will add soon!
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requests how-to !
you now know what content i write, and the fandoms i'm apart of. you're free to request me to write according to what i've provided you here :)
first and foremost, i ask that you be as detailed as you'd like when requesting. it helps me get a better understanding of what you would like, and it will generally just help my thinking flow.
if you submit a vague idea, it will take a while longer for me to do, for obvious reasons. ^^
next, i have every right to refuse a request within my comfort. i will address it if you submit it anonymously, or send you a dm if you did not! i hope you understand when i do refuse. if you however cannot take no as an answer, i will block you.
if by chance, i somehow receive a lot of requests, i will close them accordingly! they will open again once i am done with clearing up whatever requests i need to finish! please refrain from sending in requests when i state that they are closed!
that's pretty much it for requests! i look forward to seeing what you have in mind!
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qu-oi · 11 months
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...He tells me that I've "come too late."
〜 ⚝ 〜
This is my first roleplay blog, I was inspired after seeing many other amazing ones like it! Don't worry though, I'm an excellent writer! ...when I'm not braindead, anyway. Don't think twice about sending an ask or a dm to me! I love talking to anyone! <3
More about me!
Hello! You can call me Chae.
Hey, hey, hey! Come and talk to me! I won't turn you down. I would love to have more Genshin friends, and maybe even join a roleplay group! ^^
If you want to friend me on Genshin or something like PlayStation or Nintendo just dm me because I'm way over the friend list limit, haha!
I'm a total nerd, geek, weeb, whatever you wanna call it. I am and have been in too many fandoms to name, so if you wanna talk about stuff other than Genshin, let's! That goes for any sorta media, video games, animanga, shows, music, animation, or random stuff, the list goes on.
Hm, I can't think of much else. I like to cook, bake, read, and draw among other things. Playing and/or watching sports is NOT one of them. I don't like shrimp. I walk a lot, but I just started driving recently. School always has me on a tight leash, aaand I get flustered pretty easily.
I think that does it for an introduction!
Rules, I guess?
I'm not that picky, but there are some boundaries.
1.) I'm not 18+, so suggestive and borderline stuff is okay but keep it reasonable alright? I'm a sucker for romance.
2.) On the topic of romance, I LOVE SHIPPING! So go wild! Especially with Lumine. Here are some of my favorites: Scaralumi, Lynlumi, Xiaolumi, Venlumi, Heilumi, Kazulumi + others (with and without Lumine).
3.) I don't really know how roleplay etiquette on Tumblr works, so please try to be patient as I learn, haha (any guidance would be super appreciated)!
4.) Depending on who you are, you either have the 100% right to rush me in a response or not LOL- if I get any friends here don't hesitate to push me for a reply.
5.) C'mon just don't be shy and have fun! I want to be involved in many creative things for this fandom and maybe help some people here smile.
6.) If you give me a super cute RP idea or scenario I'l will like, totally draw it. I'm going to include some of my own art on here.
Stuff to know:
Although I've been playing since version 1.0 basically, I'm not past the Liyue Archon quest. ^^; Horrible, terrible, unforgivable! I know...
I don't have Inazuma or Sumeru unlocked, so I know close to nothing about any of those regions outside of Kazuha and Scaramouche back stories (yeah, I have favorites, perhaps even a type. Can you tell lol?). But I have been playing through Fontaine's Archon quest, so hooray! 🎉
I'll try to not let it affect any of Lumine's responses, but I am clueless so inevitably so is she, teehee.
Tags are as follows!
#. ooc = Out of character, not an answer from Lumine.
#. lumine = Lumine's answers!
#. star art = The art I'll make of cute scenes, eventually.
#. retrace = Reblogs yeaaa. B-)
Well, I hope I didn't miss anything. If you ever have questions you want to ask about me or roleplay just let me know! ✩
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scrappertywasp · 2 years
Scrapperty's intro post !! <3<3
like this post when you follow so i know you read it please :]
Here's my carrd !! You can find it in the bio of all my blogs too !! (working on a new one rn)
if u dont wanna read it though quick dni proship/comship, queerphobic, ableist, sexist, henry miller likers, under 13, nsfw accounts, uncomfy with selfship, and uncomfy with slurs if any of that's you just block me please <3
also please no random dms on my insta thanks !! (mostly bc i won't see em tbh ..) go send an ask and/or a dm on discord or here if you need me for anything !!
this is all you Need to read the rest is stuff abt me and my blogs :D
alright, most important stuff first !!
My names are Scrapsy and Lovey !! I have others though if you wanna ask 4 them heehee <3
I am a minor,, please be aware and respectful of that thank you !!
It/its, she/her, and he/him pronouns r my favorite !!! <3<3 any except they/them r fine though !!
Mainly into five nights at freddy's rn !! as well as dsaf dialtown and bluey (yhea) small interest list in my carrd :]
my instagram (i'm p much never active on anymore) is scrappertywasp !!
funky little doodle account is @scrap-doodley !!
goofy silly tag ramble/reblog acct is @scrappertyspam-two-point-oh
+ a secret fourth and fifth one teehee,,
and my discord is scrappertywasp !!#0636
art tag is #scrap doodleys..
and tha me talking tag is #scrapsys mindwanderings..
ask tag is #scrap asks !!
#scrap friendos !! <3 is for interacting w my friends n stuff (hiii ily guys btw <3 /p, gen)
#random little scraps.. is a tag for non reblogs/non art ig.. so just whatevers
I'll update this when i think of stuff 2 add 2 it !! <3 check back at this often in case i do :D
not. too often though. what if I forget abt this post for two months /hj
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