#other side will be my dude my OC my dear Minty
casualldehyde · 2 months
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Santiago side of the drawing done! Based on a piece by J.C. Leyendecker my absolute beloved.
Update: I finished it
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Okay so I got tagged a LOT and I didn’t get around to answering until now and this is...gonna be looong so I’m going to put this under a cut haha xD
I’m also not tagging anyone, but if you want to do any of these feel free to!
Tagged by @friendlywildflowers and @tiernamente
ONE insecurity:
Ummm, does the future count? Cause I’m really insecure/unsure about anything with my future *flops*
TWO fears:
Letting others down
Bring stuck in the same place for the rest of my life
THREE “turn-ons”: ???
Nice smiles
Being able to make me laugh
...I’m also a sucker for blue eyes man
FOUR life goals:
Write and publish at least one book
Help orphans/foster kids in some way
Continually seek God no matter what
To be a good friend
FIVE things I like:
Dark chocolate
SIX weaknesses:
Drawing dynamic poses
Lack of motivation
SEVEN things I love:
My family
My friends
Good stories/fandoms
OCs (mine and others haha xD)
Tag EIGHT people:
Tagged by @shenzi-hemlock
Rules: Answer to 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better lets be real im not gonna do that
Nickname: Ace is the main one
Gender: Female
Zodiac: The Taurus one of whatever it’s called xD
Height: 5′6-7ish?
Age: 22
Time: 1:54 PM
Favorite Bands/ solo artists: Ummm, I’ve been big into Imagine Dragons recently actually, but also NEEDTOBREATHE and Owl City
Song stuck in my head: I don’t know but “Believer” is playing right now so?
Last movie I saw: Antman and the Wasp!
Last thing I googled: I was about to say it was “mission synonym” but then I remembered that I googled the radar cause it was raininggggg
Other blogs: I have a BUNCH that I never use xD
Do I get asks: Somewhat?
Why I chose this username: Oh gosh this story again, I was like 12 or something and saw “Ace of Hearts” which wasn’t even an amazing movie but I liked the title and then I thought Ace of Stars sounded cool so I kept that till I got on dA and that username was taken so I added 16 on the end cause it’s my fav number xD
Following: 225
Average amount of sleep: I need...a lot of sleep...usually at least nine hours haha *flops*
What I am wearing: My arc reactor shirt and jean shorts
Dream Job: I’m not even sure, something with cats or horses maybe?
Dream Trip: I really want to go to Iceland tbh...and also meet some of my mutuals xD
Favorite Food: Chicken is amazing, I love chocolate, I love most types of fruit, just give me something kind of sweet and I’m usually good (though I like salty things too xD)
Play(ed) sports: I played basketball when I was younger, but I wasn’t very good haha xD
Hair Color: Medium/golden brown
Eye color: Hazel
Most Iconic Song: Ummm...I have no clue...xD
Languages you speak/ are learning: English...I’ve tried learning Spanish and ASL but...I know I couldn’t carry a conversation in Spanish and I could maybe say like...only a lil bit in ASL
Random fact: I collect ticket stubbs, but I’ve kind of run out of room in my itouch case so...now I’ve started losing them...xD
Describe yourself as aesthetics: The ocean, stars in the sky, thunderstorms, fuzzy socks, fluffy kittens, autumn leaves, staying up late talking, large sweaters, boots, going on walks in the fall, quiet nights at home, sporadic shopping adventures, warm fires, icy AC (opposites but it depends on the time of year xD), minty chocolate goodness, contagious laughter, hanging out with no agendas.
Tagged by @mandaloriandragontrainer
Nickname: Ace
Height: 5’7-ish
Orientation: Straight/Asexual I think
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: Ooooo that’s hard....I go through phases, right now I’m loving cherries
Favorite season: I don’t think I can pick I love parts of all of them tbh
Favorite plant: Bluebonnets always
Favorite scent: Vanilla, and also cinnamon...and fresh bread
Favorite color: Blue!
Favorite animal: CATS! And horses, cheetahs, fennec foxes, regular foxes, and dragons...I love lots of animals tho xD
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: Tea unless it’s dairy free hot chocolate (I love hot chocolate but...I shouldn’t have it with real milk...xD)
Average hours of sleep: 9ish
Dogs or cats: 
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Favorite fictional character: TOO MANY TO NAME
Dream trip: Different from the other ask? Hmmm...Argentina
When was your blog created: October 2013
Number of followers: *goes through and blocks porn blogs* Ummm 1,633 somehow???
Random fact: I’m gonna steal mando’s fact and say I’ve cosplayed as a Ranger, genderbent Hiccup, Rey, Jyn, and Eleven (and a few others but...I’m not gonna name them all xD)
What do you do & do you like it: As in like a job, or? Cause I don’t have a job and I’m still trying to figure out school/life so...I legit don’t know how to answer this...*flops
Tagged by @sturwurstrash
Name: I don’t put my real name online
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Ace (heyyyy sameeee)
Height: 5′7ish
Favorite Color: BLUE
Book Recommendations: The Lunar Chronicles and Ranger’s Apprentice are both great and underrated in my opinion! :D
Movie Recommendations: Anything Marvel (well, MCU, there are other Marvel movies I’ve never seen/are older that I don’t recommend xD), Gifted, Second Hand Lions, Mulan, HTTYD, and lots of other animated ones xD
TV Recommendations: Star Wars Rebels, Stranger Things, White Collar, Parks and Rec, My Little Pony, and The Tangled Series
Music Recommendations: Oh gosh I have such a wide range of likes...aside from NEEDTOBREATHE, and Owl City ummm...musicals? Mainly Dear Evan Hansen and the Greatest Showman, but Hamilton and Finding Nevereland too (okay and HSM 2 just came on...it’s not amazing but...it’s fun...xD)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: *looks at the other tag* tea
Cats or dogs: 
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*replies with another gif cause I can*
I want to live long enough to witness: Ummm...I honestly don’t know, my friends that don’t know God to come and know him, that’s the first thought to come to mind
Weird Obsessions: Ummm, I really love socks? xD
Tumblr Birthday: October 2013 (I’ve answered this so many times I legit know without looking xD)
How many side blogs: Ummm three, but I’m part of like three group things too
Random fact about me: I think I’m like 1/128th Native American or something like that? All I know if like one of my ancestors (like great or great great grandma?) was married to a chief of a tribe, though I don’t know what tribe
Tagged by @la-na-da
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Taurus or however you spell it
Height: *writes 5′7ish for the third time today cause I waited so long to reply to these xD*
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Who knows, hopefully with a job and able to drive
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Hmmm, aside from the ones I already listed? I mean I’d love to go to England, or New Zealand, or Switzerland, or Alaska/Canada
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Coolest? Hmmm, I’m gonna go with my Ragner’s outfit I wore to a Halloween party (though I changed to Hiccup later cause it was too hot to wear for long xD)
Favorite 90s TV-show?: Ummm...I think most of the shows I loved were early 2000s...hmmm, was Pokemon going on then? Maybe Pokemon, or Arthur, that started in the 90s right? xD
Last kiss?: Does kissing my cat’s head count?
Have you ever been stood up?: Dude I’ve never even been on a date, as for friends? I don’t think so
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Ummm, maybe? I honestly don’t remember but I don’t think so?
Favorite pair of shoes?: Probably my Chacos, I wear them the most, but I love my long boots too, they are just too hot to wear most days xD
Favorite fruit?: I aside cherries before...so how about peaches?
Favorite book?: Oh gosh I can’t pick!
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Ummm...a lot of things? I can’t really remember them though? How about the time I accidentally pulled off a horse’s halter along with his bridle? xD
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