#otgw meta
anistarrose · 8 months
so the Tavern Keeper's song "The Beast is Out There" actually spells out the Beast's modus operandi in thorough detail, right? it explicitly spells out that his promises are lies, that the Edelwood trees are grown from his victims, and even that the lantern is "his."
this is all delivered, folktale-as-a-warning-style, to Wirt and Greg when they appear in the tavern as lost travelers — it may even play a part on Wirt seeing through the Beast's trick in the finale. this is a warning conveyed to residents of the Unknown through song — these people aren't oblivious to the Beast; in fact, they're "all" well aware that he's out there and he can't be trusted.
so, with this in mind, why is it so strongly implied that the Woodsman hasn't heard this song?
the Woodsman claims, probably honestly, that he had no idea where the Edelwood trees come from. and he never had an inkling that the Beast's soul was in the lantern all along — maybe a very faint one, but not enough to counteract his denial and desperation. nothing like Wirt's immediate intuition.
so, was the Woodsman's denial just too deep, or had he really never heard the song? had he really never been warned? he's been seen very near to the Dark Lantern tavern, but it seems he never entered, and this has... heartbreaking implications to me.
because clearly, he was feared and ostracized due to carrying the lantern! the Tavern Keeper was superstitious enough about bluebirds, for crying out loud, so of course she'd object to the Woodsman stepping foot in her tavern when "he who carries the lantern must be the Beast!"
but even before the Woodsman became the lantern-bearer — was he never given a proper warning then, either? were he and his family outcasts then, too? if so, was it by choice, or were they just ostracized by superstitious townsfolk before the Beast ever had them in his clutches?
I mean, think about the naming conventions in the Dark Lantern episode — the Tavernkeeper. the Butcher. the Tailor. the Highwayman. and then the Woodsman. the names seem almost designed to call attention to how these characters should be connected — but they aren't. why aren't they?
and, hell — why did the Woodsman's daughter have no one to turn to who'd help her look, when her father went missing? why was there no support for either of them? did they just... never have anyone in their lives besides each other?
anyways, if you can't tell, the Woodsman is one of my favorite tragic heroes.
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
I was just listening to the OtGW soundtrack in the car and I realized that there’s stuff in the music that actually backs up my kinda crack theory that the Queen of the Clouds is actually the Beast, or at least is tied to the Beast somehow (if we’re going with the idea that the show is Dante’s Inferno, the Woodsman and Adelaide could represent two of the three beasts from the Dark Wood of Error while the cloud lady could be the third.) First, I just want to take a moment to introduce my theory since I haven’t posted about it before. Basically, a while ago, as I was thinking about the ending of the series and trying to figure out what Greg wished for and how he ended up going from the Queen of the Clouds to being in that daze under the Beast’s control, it occurred to me that maybe they were one and the same. Part of this comes from how information about the Beast is provided to the boys and, by extent, the audience. We start off with generic fear about a nameless, nondescript ‘beast’ but, in “Songs of the Dark Lantern”, we are told for the first time that the Beast tells lies and also that the main thing he does is turn children into trees that he harvests for oil to fuel his lamp. To me, this says that he can’t just sneak up behind a child and turn them into a tree but, rather, that he tells lies because he has to lure them in somehow and trick them into becoming the trees. Also, the Beast is known for his lies and we see the Cloud Queen showing Wirt to Greg and lying to him about how Wirt has already been claimed and is too far gone and there is no way for him to go home with Greg. The other main piece of evidence for my little theory here is what Greg is doing with the Beast at the end, how he’s acting, and what exactly he’s saying. He’s doing stuff like putting a teacup on a rock so the sun sets behind it, because he had been told to catch the sun in a cup, and the Beast praises him for this, using a soft tone of voice like a normal person would use with a child that really isn’t befitting of a ‘beast’ at all. And yet, after being shown to do a task that the Beast asked him to do and praised him for completing, Greg is still saying to Wirt that he “did it,” that he “beat the Beast.” Well, if he was even the tiniest bit grounded in reality, there would be no way in Hell he’d be saying that as he’s been going around serving the Beast himself while his physical condition gets significantly worse and he even starts coughing up leaves. This clearly indicates that Greg is out to lunch, mentally, and I think it strongly supports the idea that Greg does not know at all that it’s the Beast who’s having him do stuff like catch the sun in a cup or that it’s the Beast who’s praising him. What I think it is is that, in his head, this is all stuff he’s running around doing for the Cloud Queen in order to set up for or earn whatever his wish was and she’s the one he sees and hears and thinks he’s talking to. Now, as for how the soundtrack further supports this, I’d like to start with singing in the series. Most characters don’t sing at all and few have their own songs, but something that just became clear to me is that, like what Lin Manuel Miranda did in Hamilton, each character who really does sing their own songs gets their own signature style of music. For example, Jason Funderburker (the frog) gets that kind of bluesy sound like in the opening theme and the song “Over the Garden Wall”  while Greg has that really upbeat kids’ music, like with “Potatoes and Molasses” and “Adelaide Parade.” More importantly, though, the only two characters in the whole thing who ever sing opera are the Beast and the Queen of the Clouds. Other bits include the part where Greg is ‘Greg’ to literally everyone except the Cloud Queen and the Beast, who both call him ‘Gregory.’ Additionally, there’s the scene at the start of the last episode when the Beast is talking to Greg and he says “Anything is possible if you set your mind to it, right?” which sticks out because we’ve never seen Greg say that to the Beast or even just around him, but he did just say it to the Cloud Queen not that long ago. This one’s a bit of a stretch but there’s also how the light reflects in Greg’s eyes both as he enters the dream and when he’s talking to the Queen of the Clouds which reminded me of the “you have beautiful eyes” part of the first episode when those wild, glowing eyes of the corrupted dog reflect in Greg’s own eyes. Moreover, the lyrics of “Everything is Nice and Fine All the Time” and “Forward Oneiroi” have some bits that sound kind of sinister, which doesn’t make sense if the Cloud Kingdom and their queen are actually just good and nice. Specifically, “Everything is Nice and Fine” has a couple mentions of lies, which is something that throughout the series really only comes up in the Unknown when it comes to the Beast or fear of him, and there’s one line that really sticks out to me of “Our songs are filled with love, the sweetest lie/And we can send them down to you with a little shove.” The cherubs in this Cloud Kingdom are literally coming out and saying that love, or maybe just their love, is a lie so their songs, including the one they’re singing about how everything is nice and fine all the time, are “filled with” a lie. Not to mention the line of “Lasso a cloud and make the flowers grow,” which is eerily reminiscent of the task Greg is given later on of “lowering the sun out of the sky and into this china cup” in how it’s such a whimsical yet surreal and impossible action. I’m also just going to put the lyrics to “Forward Oneiroi” here real quick so you can see them:      Forward, cherubs, hear the song      A child's wishes call us on      Descend! Descend!      'Ere he 'scapes, for dreams      Our winged wind hath made      For only beneath the veil of sleep      Can we Oneiroi act on men. The first thing I want to talk about here is the actual Oneiroi. From what I found, Oneiroi were lesser deities of dreams in some forms and areas of Hellenic paganism who were led by Morpheus, who tended to take a human shape in the dreams he visited. If the welcome wagon is all the Oneiroi who are addressed in the Cloud Queen’s song, then that means that she, as their leader, is the Morpheus figure, as in a powerful being who isn’t actually human but takes a human shape in dreams. Also, that second part of “Descend! Descend!/'Ere he 'scapes” sounds genuinely threatening. If the dream is so good and “everything is nice and fine all the time,” why would Greg ‘escape’? And now I’ll  put in the lyrics to Beast’s part of Come Wayward Souls too because I want to compare these two songs:      Come, wayward souls      And wander through the darkness      There is a light for the lost and the meek      Sorrow and fear are easily forgotten      When you submit to the soil of the earth Okay so where I’m going with this is that these songs feel very similar to me, both in tone and musicality as well as lyrical content. If you took “Forward Oneiroi” and swapped out the words “cherubs” and “Oneiroi” for “children” or “souls” and then just put it in a darker sounding minor key, I think it would feel about the same as “Come Wayward Souls” and I definitely could see that song being one of the Beast’s. I would also point out how the lyrics of both the Beast’s songs have this weirdly encouraging, light, hopeful tone, which makes sense given that he waits for kids to get lost and give up and then he comes in and scoops them up. In “Wayward Souls,” he says “There is a light for the lost and the meek/Sorrow and fear are easily forgotten/When you submit to the soil of the earth,” which yes, sounds kinda ominous with the part about submitting to the earth but, really, is putting light and hope out there. It’s saying that, if you just go with him and submit to the earth, there is a light for you, some beacon of hope, and you can forget the sorrow and fear you’re currently feeling. He does the same in “The Jolly Woodsman,” too: “When the fog of life surrounds you/When you think you've lost your way/Come with me and join the forest/Come with me and join the play.” Lastly, I want to compare the kids’ choir part of “Wayward Souls” and “Potatus et Molassus” to “Everything is Nice and Fine.” For reference, the full choir part is “Grow, tiny seed/You are called to the trees/Rise 'til your leaves fill the sky/Until your sighs fill the air in the night/Lift your mighty limbs/And give praise to the fire.” The first thing that sticks out is how much this choir of children who we know to be the souls in the edelwood trees are talking about reaching up to the sky with the branches of their trees, which reminds me of lines like “So hitch a ride into the sky,” “The softest clouds and rainbow skies ain’t gonna lie,” and “Everyone is sittin' pretty on top of the weather,” from “Everything is Nice and Fine.” I thought I’d already said it but I just looked back and apparently I didn’t say that, with the idea that the Cloud Queen is the Beast, there is also the idea that everyone we see in Cloud City is just the not-yet-sacrificed souls of the children in the edelwoods, and stuff like this kinda goes with that. Another thing I noticed that makes sense to me, though idk if it’ll make sense to everyone, is that “Potatoes and Molasses” is to “Potatus et Molassus” as “Everything is Nice and Fine” is to the children’s choir part in the Beast’s song. I would even go so far as to claim that the whole point of the “Potatus et Molassus” reprise is to draw attention to “Everything is Nice and Fine” and then call into question everything from the Cloud City stuff. I say this because, as I said previously, each character who sings their own designated songs has their own designated style and Everything is Nice and Fine is in a similar style to Greg’s own style (it’s a bit different though, so it’s not like they just used Greg’s style because it’s his dream or something) while “Potatus et Molassus” is in the same exact style as the “grow tiny seed” stuff, to the extent that the children’s choir is even used in that song. So, when I look at Greg in episodes 8 and 10, I think that what’s going on is that the Beast doesn’t just come up and talk to you as this ominous, scary shadow guy with antlers and weird eyes but, rather, he can be subtle and manipulative and do shit like get inside of your head and manipulate you. After all, Satan’s a liar and a conjurer too and, with the Inferno view of OtGW, the Beast is Satan. My bet is that, at the start of episode 10, Greg is aware enough to know that he’s no longer in his dream but he sees the Queen of the Clouds rather than the Beast and imagines that she’s there to guide him through whatever tasks he needs to do to get Wirt back and go home or whatever. Once there’s the tree starting to grow around him, I believe that, in his head, he succeeded and then was back home or maybe some other nice, cute, safe space like Cloud City with all the other souls. When he sings “Potatus et Molassus,” in whatever is going on in his head, he’s just having a good time wherever he is, singing “Potatoes and Molasses,” like how he and all those other children heard a lilting soprano instead of an ominous bass when the Beast sings. (Sorry this was so long btw)
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aubieinsanity · 2 months
Aubie here! She/They, 30s, USA.
Variety blog! Sometimes on a queue, sometimes not. Occasionally 18+. Art blog @aubiesquire
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raayllum · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’ve seen anyone comment about how “similar” tdp is to ATLA or even people going far as to claim that tdp is a “ripoff” esp with the Soren, Claudia, Viren arcs in comparison to Zuko, Azula, Ozai. I personally find Soren more similar in characterization (though not entirely the same) to Steve Palchuck from the Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia series (not sure if you watched or not) and if any character comes to mind about being similar to Zuko, it’s definitely Hunter from the Owl House in terms of characterization and arcs. Idk if you’ve done a meta about this before but I love reading your thoughts (if you’re interested ofc).
So I have done a couple of metas on ATLA x TDP, mostly noting the thematic similarities between them (bloodbending and dark magic, pre-S4's puppeteering too lol!) and between Rayllum and Kataang as developing relationships. Meta comparing "Thunderfall" and "The Southern Raiders" here, meta talking about Kataang and Rayllum (s1-s2 as it was written pre-s3) here.
Also a more opinion based piece on why I could get behind Rayllum but have never really been a romantic Zutara fan (I see them far more as narrative siblings, which is still one of my favourite metas I have ever done)
I am a big Trollhunters fan (reblog more about it on main @thethiefandtheairbender and various other cartoons like SU, HTTYD, OTGW, Infinity Train, etc) and I adore Steve, but I don't think I'd really compare Soren to him, simply because while I love Steve and his development, Soren's development is undeniably deeper and more pyschological, I think.
That said the ATLA character that reminds me the most of Soren is Sokka. Goofy, prone to joking regardless of if the situation calls for it ( "Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?") just to get a rise out of people, lmao, sometimes overly confident or reliant on their battle prowess, and desperate to prove themselves to their fathers. Sokka's attitude particularly in early book 1 reminds me of Soren's in s1, as well as their more skeptic attitude and relationships with their more magically inclined younger sisters
For Callum, he reminds me the most of Katara and Mai (again, true before S4, but interesting to see how much he shut down the way Mai largely did due to her family relationship, so again, kinda fun that worked out). Caring sibling, fast and harsh temper, strong in magic but untrained, artistic and precise (hi Mai), ride or die for their loved ones above all else, even above morals. For Rayla, she's basically running parallel arcs to Zuko and Aang in a lot of ways: grumpy, banished, immediately protects the sibling duo she encounters, facial markings, guilt complex galore (hi Aang). Rayllum is a good blend of all their personalities tbh
For Claudia, she reminds the most of Azula, and Katara, and Zuko, due to her loyalty to her father, willingness to do anything for her family, and being marked by the same sort of dual visual storytelling that Zuko's scar had.
And Hunter from the Owl House was definitely one of my faves! I think he falls into a category a lot of more modern day redemptions do, though, in terms of not letting their character actually be messy enough for long enough that it feels like maybe redemption isn't in the cards (hi Claudia my beloved, you excellent subversion sweetie). Or they go too far and don't give enough reason for a character to effectively redeem themselves (eyes SPOP with a long sigh). And just to clarify, I do think Claudia will have a redemption arc, but I appreciate how we're going about it thus far.
It's funny bc in some ways while Zuko has never been my favourite archetype (particularly for male characters), my protagonist in my og work is a bit like him: lost, angry, easily resentful, and she's my baby.
I think I'm just kinda over arcs of "Oh my father figure is Bad / imperialism is bad"? Because 1) Zuko did it so well and 2) I wanna see stories that go beyond those things or do new things with those concepts (please no more "rich white lesbian girl with a mean family" arcs I am. so tired). I think that's why I like TDP so much, because dark magic thematically and its explorations of self destructive behaviour add a lot of layers and interesting aspects to all the dynamics that I don't see most other media for this age demographic kinda taking advantage of, tbh
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sco07ut · 2 years
rvb but it’s over the garden wallified
church as wirt, caboose as greg, wash as beatrice + freckles as their frog
carolina as the woodsman (trying to protect epsilon from the beast) + the beast is the director. the dog they encounter at the mill is FILSS
tex is sara, wyoming is jason funderberker
adelaide is hargrove !!
the residents of pottsfield are the skeletal remains of the freelancers who are all quite jolly about being dead together without any qualms ! enoch is the counsellor
simmons is ms langtree with the students being the lieutenants. grif is jimmy brown but instead of a gorilla costume it’s a warthog/puma idk yet
the tavern folk are the blues and reds (maybe a stretch but i was thinking along the lines of them all being like. stereotypes/exaggerations? the tavern people r all narrative archetypes without any real character and the blues n reds [aside from temple] are all meant to be one dimensional versions of the reds and blues [which isn’t entirely true but i digress]) fred the horse is shiela 🫶
quincy endicott is doyle and margueritte grey is kimball (i don’t Really ship them but if you jsut ignore the part where they get together i think it’s quite a good matchup)
doc is lorna (the evil thing inside him is o’malley) and auntie whispers is the meta
the plot is like exactly the same as otgw i don’t think i’d need to actually change anything ?
tucker, donut, sarge and lopez don’t really have set roles but i’ll jsut poke them into places that need extra characters
i definitely want to draw something for this too bht we’ll see how it goes 🫶
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Second Round Masterlist:
Baron | The Cat Returns vs. Sylvie | Epithet Erased
Hunter | Rain World vs. Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Zagreus | Hades (Supergiant Games)
Rika | Pokemon vs. Transformed Howl | Howl's Moving Castle
Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2 vs. Kaworu Nagisa |Neon Genesis Evangelion
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Ryo Asuka | Devilman 1972
Gomez Addams | Addams Family vs. Thanatos | Hades
Blahaj | IKEA vs. Marcy Wu | Amphibia
Calcifer | Howl's Moving Castle vs. Nausicaa | Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms vs. Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role vs. Crona | Soul Eater
Herbert West | Reanimator vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase Series
Desire | Sandman vs. Candace Flynn | Phineas and Ferb
Goblin King | Labyrinth vs. Kimiko Ross | Dresden Codak
Link | Breath of the Wind vs. Cecil | Welcome to Night Vale
Lucienne | Sandman vs. Testament | Guilty Gear
Ekko | Arcane vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Newt Geisler | Pacific Rim vs. Gabrielle De Lioncourt | Vampire Chronicles
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Yamato | One Piece
Koki Kariya | The World Ends With You vs. Super Star Rockin' Jay | Ninjago
Legolas | Lord of the Rings vs. N | Pokemon
Goro Akechi | Persona 5 Royale vs. Garry | Ib
Bold & Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Simon Petrikov | Adventure Time
Byleth | Fire Emblem 3 Houses vs. Spectile | Pokemon
Hawks | BNHA vs. Meta Knight | Kirby
Professor Venomous | OKKO vs. Double Trouble | She-ra
Johnny C. | Johnny The Homicidal Maniac vs. Lyfrassir Edda | The Mechanisms
Dr. Robotnik | Sonic Movie vs. Zuko | Avatar the Last Airbender
Blue Spirit | Avatar the Last Airbender vs. Kaname Date | Ai: Somnium Files
Will Graham | Hannibal vs. Kusuriuri | Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. Eda Clawthorne | The Owl House
E-boy Wojak | Meme Culture vs. Spectra | Bakugan
Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode vs. Maleficient | Maleficient
Dean Winchester | Supernatural vs. Onceler | Lorax
Joker | Persona 5 Royale vs. Dr. Franken Stein | Soul Eater
Nagito Komaeda | Danganronpa vs. Donatello Hamato | ROTTMNT
Greg House | House MD vs. Carla | Dumbing of Age
Klavier Gavin | Ace Attorney vs. Marty McFly | Back to the Future
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost
John Mitchell | Being Human UK vs. Zasp | Bug Fables
Kuvira | ATLA vs. Ed Elric | FMA
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Jean Descole | Professor Layton vs. Ryan Akagi | Infinity Train
Blackbeard | OFMD vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alex Fierro | Magnus Chase vs. Juno Steel | Penumbra Podcast
Red Lizard | Rain World vs. Mae | Night in the Woods
Jinx | Arcane vs. Grusha | Pokemon
Jack Sparrow | POTC vs. Medic | TF2
Korra | Legend of Korra vs. Tim Curry Characters | Clue, Rocky Horror
Gunpowder Tim | The Mechanisms vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Sonic | Sonic vs. Team Rocket | Pokemon
Ilima | Pokemon vs. Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler
Espresso Cookie | Cookie Run vs. Ralsei | Deltarune
Ellie Sattler | Jurassic Park vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Columbo | Columbo vs. Beast Wirt | OTGW
Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body vs. JD - Heathers
Gerry Keay | TMA vs. Kris Dreemurr | Deltarune
Ranma Saotome | Ranma 1/2 vs. Alucard/Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes | Castlevania
ENA | ENA vs. Raine Whispers | TOH
Danny Fenton | Danny Phantom vs. Papa Emeritus III | Ghost bc
Rouxls Kaard | Deltarune vs. Arven | Pokemon
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Haruka Tenou | Sailor Moon
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brilliantsnafu · 2 years
I know my least favorite season is ending when my otgw meta posts start getting notes again
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homunculusalphonse · 3 years
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okay but i literally never noticed the shadows over wirt???? showing how hopeless he is????
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Why the HECK did it take me this long to realize that the entire reason the Beast is a shadow is because he follows the lantern and his body is the shadow cast by the light of his soul?
I was just caught up in the fact that he looked epic as hell
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tanicus-caesareth · 5 years
Something i never picked up on until my most recent rewatch of Garden Wall: 
Beatrice is really melodramatic.
Think about it. With great lines such as:
“And then what are you gonna do? Just wander around, this way and that way, through the woods, forevermore~?”
“I guess in some ways, I’m trying to get home too~...” (Worth noting that even Wirt points out how vague and dramatic that statement is)
[in a haughty tone of voice] “I am Beatrice. These two sweet kids and I got a bit lost in the-” (i have a feeling that if she were a human in this scene, she would curtsy, albeit very smugly)
[upon being faced with a minor, insulting inconvenience] “Curse you lady, curse you! You’ll die someday and I’ll laugh, LAUGH!” [cue forced, exaggerated laughter]
The second time she encountered the boys, she put on theatrics with the whole “Woe is me, my tiny useless avian body is helplessly stuck in a blackberry bush, don’t ask how I ended up in this situation, won’t you please help me~?” shtick. 
Either some of her era’s expectations for the way women ought to act must have stuck, or she’s actively mocking and parodying them. It’s just another one of the many ways in which Beatrice is a wonderfully multifaceted character, because a majority of the time, she’s blunt and a bit crude.
Also, having ten younger siblings to compete with, it’s plain to see that Beatrice doesn’t get much attention at home (unless she’s getting into trouble), hence the theatrics.
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disregardcanon · 6 years
i’m normally not a fan of the “it was all a dream!” ending, but i think that the reason that i don’t hate it in otgw is because just because it was a “dream” to wirt and greg and they ended up back in their own modern time in the end doesn’t mean that it’s not a real place where real things happened. 
it’s not like the wizard of oz movie where oz is just a dreamland inhabited with versions of the people in dorothy’s life. life is still trucking on in the unknown with or without them.
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saltyfinalboss · 5 years
peak character design do not at me
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hey does anyone have that post about over the garden wall being a metaphor / version of dante's inferno? 👀 or any other cool otgw meta? asking for friends <3
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lemonsiskull · 3 years
just spent almost an hour and a half looking for a singular tumblr post. i am in tears PLEASEEE
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honeybouquets · 4 years
Wirt’s For Sara Tape is full of foreshadowing to the events of Unknown
Holy shit! I just realized and notices that certain parts of poetry in the For Sara tape is all foreshadowing to events of Wirt and Greg at the unknown from start to end:
“I went to the river’s edge and dipped my head inside” Wirt and Greg really dipped into the water 
“I was night and I could see the moonshine coming down from above” Wirt got out of the water with Greg under the half moon 
“me, frozen as poetry upon a spasm of a glance” It was snowing in the last few episodes and Wirt did fall down into that one frozen lake 
“the heart is a bitter bough bearing brackish, barbed blossoms kneaded, knotted roots and gnarled shoots” Edelwood roots then? 
“the heart is a boorish beast blunt, bludgeoned, beating beating away time, filling my faltering blood with fear” 
Wirt confronting the Beast which was rather scary and how he figured out the lantern has the Beast’s soul thus in a sense the lantern is the Beast’s heart 
“I could have crossed by foot, crawling towards time as it pounded past making a break for the shade of certainty but I, I chose the river the long and languorous serpent slithering away towards the endless black sea”
Wirt could’ve just got the tape from Sara by talking to her but he thought it was all over when she has it so he and Greg went over that wall leading to them be almost be hit by the black train causing them to fallen into the river as the result 
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Something I can’t believe I’ve never thought about before re: the “Queen of the Clouds is the Beast in disguise” theory:
The VAs for the Queen of the Clouds (Deborah Voigt) and the Beast (Samuel Ramey)? Both opera singers.
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