#ostar baby
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writingsgp · 5 months ago
Legends and Epics of Ostare -Understanding the history of Ostare’s history: A overview
(I mentioned it on my tumblr before but I have been world building a world in my head for a while now and well I need to become better so I'm finally posting something concrete about it. I made it to look like a in world source like a text book one would find in a university or school this would then be the first chapter or maybe a preface/introduction. It goes up to the "current" time because I have a few ideas for stories that would happen during that but why make a timeline instead of writing those stories? easy answer baby steps I need to get better I don't want to be the person that gives up when the thing they write isn't the perfect image they built up on their head... also writing a legit novel is hard. I hope anyone reading this enjoys my ideas and please fill free to comment on them and especially on the many grammar mistakes I probably made I'm posting this late at night for, am dyslexic and didn't really proof read it)
The age of Legend (Zeroeth Age)
A somewhat controversial age composed of unproven events, often coming from folklore or religions throughout Ostare, that despite their mythological status describe the creation of things and places we know to be real and have yet to be explained by scholarly efforts.
The reason for the existence of this zeroeth age comes mostly from the historical disagreement between the clerical scholars of the Celestine faith and the Bard king [name tbd], the first scholar to create a formal organization of Ostare history that was broadly accepted. The reason the Age of legends continues being taught like it is despite many scholars being critical of is mainly due to years of convention in the way history is taught in many colleges however pedagogy scholars defend the use of the Age of legends claiming that the often times wondrous stories of the Zeroeth Age being called true are powerful tools to raise a interest for history and studying in children.
Lonely age (First Age)
The longest spanning time period thus the dates of certain events are vague, not fully identifiable, and/or are subjected to much scholarly debate. The first age describes the time period in which there was little to no interaction between the different intelligent species of Ostare.
Due to each species having developed during this period essentially by themselves the study of this age by scholars is highly isolated and usually done by scholars of their respective species. Due to this reason the knowledge on some cultures of this era is much deeper than others. Most notably the the knowledge of the Orcish culture is lacking, despite being one of the ancient people they never developed their own written language keeping their culture alive through a strong oral tradition until the first contact with humans when they adopted the human alphabet this fact combined with their culture being semi-nomadic leads both to difficulty in separating the factual from the fantastic in Orcish stories and made the broader scholar world to erroneously believe that Orcs were less developed then other cultures up until the modern era where archaeological discoveries put the Orcish people together with Elfs and the Go-pherin as the tree ancient cultures even older than Elfs.
The age of connections (second age)
The date of the start of this period is a debated subject while scholars agree that it starts with the first contact between western continent and the twin continents to the east. The debate starts when the first contact by date happened in the so called Meeting of Twilight when Elfen sailors from the Elfen Empire of Night in the western continent found a shipwreck from a ship hailing from the Elfen Empire of Day in the northern continent which lead to the contact between the Elfs. How ever despite having developed their languages and customs in slightly different ways the two continent's Elfs were still essentially the same people in a similar manner of how humans had developed many different kingdoms bordering each other thus many scholars put the beginning of the period around 100 years after the Meeting of Twilight. Still scholars are a contentious bunch so even within the branch that believe the Humans were the initiating force of the second age there are some that put the start of the second age with the human discovery of the western continent as the offical start of the Second Age while some put it with the formal establishment of the Celestine Empire others still put the start with the first contact between humans and Orcs, the first contact between different species in recorded history, a few years later and a smaller yet still significant amount of scholars put the start of the second age a couple of decades after the first contact with the establishment of the continental trading company the first company to establish a direct trading route between goods from all three continents allowing goods, knowledge, language and persons originating from all species to diffuse through Ostare.
The matter of the starting point of the second age notwithstanding it is a scholarly consensus that the second age is categorized by the rapid exchange of goods and ideas from different cultures leading to a prosperous time and rapid improvement for all but especially for the young species which profited from having younger cultures which were much more flexible to new additions from the outside being much quicker to adopt things from the other cultures with the only exception being the seemingly immediate adoption of the human tongue by the Orcs.
The fifteen decades of strife
Although not recognized as a Era of Ostare’s history the fifteen facades of strife is the name for the transitional period between the Age of Connections and the Modern Era, the name was popularized by a poem of the same name depicting some of the many unfortunate events that happened during a period of roughly 150 years. Wars, weather events, food crisis and many other things that lead to drastic changes to the political landscape for such a short period
The modern Era (Third age)
The third age is defined by the new political landscape having solidified after the happenings of the fifteen decades of strife, because the end of the Second age came from a myriad of events happening all over the world an exact date, the date varying by 400 years depending on which event one counts, for the beginning of the Third age is impossible to be set. Many scholars however use the date set by the Gregorian calendar named after the Bard king Gregor Ian since many Countries use the date on their respective calendars to restart the Year count this occurred because of the Holy Celestine Kingdom adopting the Gregorian calendar as their standard after a failed attempt to annex the Bard Kingdom, as a way of saving face the then Celestine King decided to use the “superior” calendar created in the College of Bards and due to the popularity of the Bard Kingdom many Countries decided to also adopt use of the ME (Modern Era) and BME (Before Modern Era) way of counting years as a way to commemorate the victory of the Bard kingdom and the unity between many kingdoms that caused it.
As the shortest Age and the one currently happening not much is possible to glean from it however many scholars are begging to call it the Migrant Era as the number of people form different species moving and settling on areas that were not historically lived by their people is becoming increasingly common and its the belief of the author of this text book that how the immigration of these is handled will be the deciding factor on whether this Age will be prosperous or have a few more decades of strife or worse.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
Oh dear.. what would Galexia look like as a queen? How would she be?
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Gorgeous but still incompetent if she doesn��t get her act together 
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punkylilwitch · 4 years ago
Witchy/Wiccan Holidays
Sahmain - October 31st
Ancestors night/feast of the dead
Casting off of old attachments
Ancestor altars/food offerings
Dumb supper - set out an extra plate and eat silently to invite spirits to eat with you
Yule - December 21st
Winter solstice
personal and passive magick
light candles, reinstate intentions, and incubate your plants on this day - thank life giving energy of sun
Litha - June 21st
Summer solstice 
Protection, charisma, and truth spells
Good time for cleaning
Lammas - August 1st
Day of fresh bread/harvest
Grain festival - worship of seltic sun god
Mabon - September 21st
Reflection and looking forward
Aging and death in spiritual world
Outdoor rituals should be done that day
Imbolc - February 1st
Brings purification 
Brings energy of creativity and imagination
Good time to reflect/refresh magic and intent, and reconnect with gods
Ostar - March 21st
Practice magick of love and prosperity 
Reflect on principles of balance
Beltane - May 1st
Fire festival/fertility festival 
Connect with lover around a bonfire
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whenimgoodandready · 6 years ago
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Every ship has their episode. Starco with “Blood Moon Ball”, Jarco with “Bon Bon the Birthday Clown”, Ostar with “Cheer Up, Star”, Tomstar with “Club Snubbed”, Tomco with “Friendenemies”, Janstar with “Girl’s Day Out”, Marcapoo with “Running with Scissors” and Kellco with “Kelly’s World”, but we’re missing a ship here, a ship that needs a proper episode to sail on, the right kind of plot to steer and with a good plot to enjoy the ride, that ship is Jantom! Finally! An episode worthy of debunking the trope for “Ships That Pass In The Night” (pulls the boat horn) All aboard!:
*Junkin’ Janna-PrinceThomas Lucitor, the demon boyfriend of Star and heir to the throne of the Underworld is hanging out for the first time in forever with Janna Ordonia, the nightmare fetishist and amateur hypnotist of Echo Creek! The reason being that Star is out on an important meeting with Eclipsa with the MHC and Janna has asked Tom to hang out. Just the two of ‘em, no Star, no Marco, no Pony Head, no Kelly, no nothing! Just Jantom! Sweet!
Minus tagging along on adventures with Star, Marco and the gang, Janna has been “boot sledding” in a giant suit of armor boot in a junkyard while she’s been on Mewni. Janna could’ve called over Marco, or Kelly or even Pony Head to join her, but she chose Tom, why? You’ll know soon enough. Meanwhile, Star and Eclipsa are waiting impatiently for the MHC to arrive so they can have the meeting already. Uh, it’s an emergency! So why the f*** aren’t they there!? Are they being passive-aggressive with them!? They continue to wait while trying not to food poison themselves from Sean’s donuts (after what happened in “Yada Yada Berries”, I could see why Eclipsa would be wary of eating things from others).
Over to Jantom again, Tom was enjoying himself (after getting off his compact to text with Star. Thank you Janna!), but then a crow starts flying over, wait a crow!? Uh oh! Except for Janna, it’s a pest cuz it keeps stealing her boot (and possibly other parts of the giant suit of armor she must’ve used before) and wants Tom to shot it. You know, I’m sure Janna could’ve taken care of that bird herself by makeshifting a sling shot to throw a rock at it or using her hypnosis to put it to sleep, but nooooooooooooooooooo she wanted Tom to use his demon powers to shoot it instead! He refuses as it’s just a harmless bird and is disappointed that it’s the only reason she called him to hang out (besides, he went through character development). “We all have a purpose, Tom”. Well what’s your purpose Janna? Huh!? Did Daron read my reviews and pointed that out to me on why I kept saying what’s Janna’s purpose? 🤔.
Janna gets upset with Tom over it and throws his compact in the boot when he tries to rat her out to Star. The crow takes the boot, wow! Strange crow! Is this how Mewman crows are? But Janna won’t let him have (and Tom won’t “let him have it” either) and clings onto the boot as he flies away with it. The crow then drops the boot and Janna, but Tom swoops in and Superman rescues her. Okay, yeah, that’s a little Jantom tease for the fans, I get it, I get it. There was no moment as Janna points out their prioritizes for the getting their stuff and so they follow the bird. Back with Star, the MHC finally get their a**es in and Star gets into a fight with Rhombulus when he tells her to put away her compact which she refuses (what happened to their friendship back in “Crystal Clear”? Oh wait! I remember now, “Swim Suit” happened (hisses through grind teeth)). They tell Eclipsa that there’s a dark magic force in the Monster Temple they’re sensing and they automatically assume it’s her doing it and want her to stop...............that’s it!? That’s what the “emergency” meeting was for!? Pointing out the obvious! HELLO! Mewni to MHC! Eclipsa always uses dark magic. What’s next!? There’s a hybrid in the house!? Oh wait, THAT’S METEORA! Ugh! How aggravating! Glossaryck, just fire them already, will ya!
Jantom follow the crow to the ruins of Butterfly Castle where again Janna tries to get Tom to just shoot the damn bird already, but he still refuses, so Janna just goes to get the job done herself, but the crow suddenly turns into a huge hammer beaked fiend! Hold up! That crow is magic!? WTF!? This freaks out even Janna! Tom swoops in again and sacrifices his compact and saves Janna (awesome moment there). He finally shoots the f***ing bird, but it only leaves a scar on its eye, so they just do what’s logical.RUN! In the end, Star was glad Tom actually now “has a life”. I knew damn well that was Mina’s crow now she’s up to something and I think that’ll be in “Cornonation” too. Don! Don! Don!
No sparks between the two in this ep, but at least they still worked together and had some fun. I think I now know what Janna’s purpose is now...............................she’s there to make Starco happen! Think about it! In “Out of Business” she made a second “Baby Marco with wheels for hands” for her, in “Curse of the Blood Moon”, she had used hypnosis to get Marco to stop eating nachos to have a fit body for Star and now she’s trying to get Tom to realize he can be happy without Star! Honestly, I read a fan mention it and I think it’s subtly said. Janna seems “Anti-Tomstar” from what I saw, but that’s either cuz Tom wasn’t listening to her on the whole “No Star” rule or she’s not big on fluffy romance. She kept telling Tom to get a life! And she’s right! He needs to get a life! Ever since we first saw him in the show, he’s main character trait was “Get Star back!” and when he got her back, he was “Star minded”! Guy has no other priorities, but Star this and Star that, Star, STAR, STAR! F***ING ENOUGH ALREADY! I’m not saying Tomstar should end (even if it might be foreshadowed), I’m just so glad Janna’s the only one with balls in the show to slap some sense in Tom! (maybe even physically do it too please) I actually like her more now cuz of that! Okay, maybe I’m being too harsh, I mean, Tom said he doesn’t have any friends from “Friendenemies” and cuz he had anger issues, but now that he has some friends like Marco and Janna and learned to control his demons, it still isn’t enough for him to get him to shut up about Star :P. And I guess he did do some things without Star before like get rid of his anger issues (“Demoncism”) and playing video games (“Naysayer”), but it just didn’t seem like it was enough, you know? Janna’s doin’ just fine on her own and doesn’t rely on someone to seek validation and Tom needs to learn that! She’s got friends in Jackie, Marco, Star and she has tons of hobbies so she’ll never be bored. She don’t need no significant other and if she does, least she has life! With the MCH, I don’t know how deep they have those poles up their a**es, but they need to start showing their new queen some respect and not wasting her time with nonsense with the obvious and going through a meeting to explain that. I’m sure it was probably cuz of what happened in “Swim Suit” with Rhombulus and that Eclipsa’s Pro-Monster. For the unknown dark magic force, they said the dark magic wasn’t from Glossaryck or Star, Eclipsa and Meteora, but they still assume they’re aware and behind it. Is it Mina? But she’s in Butterfly Castle! Speak of the devil, I’m tots positive she’ll be in the “Cornonation” ep cuz like I said in the last review, it’s half hour, so we’ll get plenty of action shots from her in her giant knight armor trying to annihilate Eclipsa. Wonder how she’ll be defeated? Mina I mean, not Eclipsa! Lol! Will she be redeemed? Killed off? Taken that steroid spell off her? Who knows?
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antuntunum · 6 years ago
Stages of life in Croatian
Adjectives are masculine, with feminine version in the brackets:
život = life
roditi se  = to be born
rođenje = birth
novorođenče = newborn
beba = baby
rođendan = birthday
datum rođenja = date of birth
mjesto rođenja = place of birth
rodilište = maternity hospital
djetinjstvo = childhood
dijete = child
biti odgojen = to be raised
pubertet = puberty
tinejdžer = teenager
sazrijeti = to mature
odrasla osoba = adult
mlada osoba = young person
srednje godine = middle age
starija osoba = older person
zatrudniti = to get pregnant
trudnoća = pregnancy
trudna = pregnant
roditi (dijete) = to give birth
odgojiti (dijete) = to raise (a child)
ići u mirovinu = to retire
umirovljenik, penzioner = retiree
starački dom = nursing home
ostariti = to grow old
umrijeti = to die
preminuti = to pass away
mrtav (mrtva) = dead
živ (živa) = alive
pogreb = funeral
grob = grave
groblje = graveyard
zakopati = to bury
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moved-to-ollymole · 7 years ago
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Working on my svtfoe au comic, as of now, there are no comic pages, but I do have the first chapter cover. First I’ll draw the character introduction pages and then I will start on the actual comic.
For those of you who didn’t know, I have two Ostar bbys named Marina and Airene, basically Marina is the eldest, but she was kidnapped when she was a baby so she has never done magic/has ever known she was part of the Butterfly family. Airene is the youngest (obviously) and she doesn’t know Marina exists. Their story is based on Cinderella, The Princess and the Frog and Rapunzel.
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nybulletins · 7 years ago
Bookmakers take odds on names of royal baby
Bookmakers take odds on names of royal baby
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bettydufresne0811 · 8 years ago
It's pretty much common knowledge that Easter is a Christian celebration of Christ's rising, but this holiday also has pagan origins. Where did the colored eggs, cute little bunnies, baby chicks, leg of lamb dinners, and lilies come from? They are all symbols of rebirth and the lamb was a traditional religious sacrifice.
Easter falls in the spring, the yearly time of renewal, when the earth renews itself after a long, cold winter.
The word Easter comes to us from the Norsemen's Eostur, Eastar, Ostara, and Ostar, and the pagan goddess Eostre, all of which involve the season of the growing sun and new birth. The Easter Bunny arose originally as a symbol of fertility, due to the rapid reproduction habits of the hare and rabbit.
The ancient Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians, and Hindus all believed the world began with an enormous egg, thus the egg as a symbol of new life has been around for eons. The particulars may vary, but most cultures around the world use the egg as a symbol of new life and rebirth. A notation in the household accounts of Edward I of England showed an expenditure of eighteen pence for 450 eggs to be gold-leafed and colored for Easter gifts. The first book to mention Easter eggs by name was written five hundred years ago. Yet, a North African tribe that had become Christian much earlier in time had a custom of coloring eggs at Easter.
Long hard winters often meant little food, and a fresh egg for Easter was quite a prize. Later, Christians abstained from eating meat during the Lenten season prior to Easter. Easter was the first chance to enjoy eggs and meat after the long abstinence.
Some European children go from house to house begging for Easter eggs, much like Halloween trick-or-treaters.
Called pace-egging, it comes from the old word for Easter, Pasch. Many old cultures also attributed the egg with great healing powers. It is interesting to note that eggs play almost no part in the Easter celebrations of Mexico, South America, and Native American Indian cultures. Egg-rolling contests are a symbolic re-enactment of the rolling away of the stone from Christ's tomb. The decoration of small leaf-barren branches as Easter egg trees has become a popular custom in the United States since the 1990s.
View source,  http://ift.tt/2p6g1q0
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stinasmatochprat · 8 years ago
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Nytt inlägg på http://kottfarsbloggen.se/recept/italiensk-pasta/
Pasta med ost och gudomliga tillbehör
Vi fick seriösa cravings efter en riktigt god pasta. Sån som man får i Italen eller hos Paganini. Bara att sätta igång. Första planen var att köpa färsk pasta och röra ihop nån trevlig fyllning och göra knyten av nåt slag. Den färskpastan som vi fick tag på visade dock sig att inte passa till det riktigt. Plan B. Vi gör en sorts lasagnevariant där vi lägger lite ostar emellan plattorna och gör en riktigt god oljemix (vad kallas sånt?) och toppar med lite parmaskinka och annat gott.
Dofterna som fyllde köket från oljemixen och pastan var i ugnen var helt fantastiska och det kändes som att vi kan ro hem det här. Till tonerna av italiensk musik meckar vi till portionerna och häller upp ett gott vin. Vi gör en varsin perfekt gaffel. En ”perfekt gaffel” är en gaffel där man fått med alla ingredienserna från maten i bra proportioner. Och vilken gaffel det blev! Resten av måltiden åts till ett mantra av ”fy fan va gott det här var”.
Kommer definitivt att göras om. Tillagningen var enkel. Tog allt som allt 30 minuter.
Ingredienser till pasta
Till oljemixen
20 baby spenat blad
1 vitlöksklyfta
1 knippe basilika
2 msk Extra Jungfruolja
Till pastan
Färska lasagneplattor
På innan servering
Proscuitto di parma
Gran Pandano
Tunnskivad bra chorizo
Spröd salladsmix (babyspenat, minimangold, ruccola)
Gör pastan så här
Sätt på italienskt musik. Förslagsvis ”Solens Mat”. Där finns i alla fall Volare. Resten är så där men för stämningens skull…
Mixa spenat, basilika, olja, salt och vitlök i några minuter
Ta fram en ugnsform och dra igång ugnen på 200 grader
Varva färska lasagneplattor med Philadelphiaost och Västerbottenost. Salta och peppra efter önskemål
Vid tredje lagret, häll på ca 1,5 dl grädde jämt över plattorna
Sätt in allt i ugnen i ca 20 minuter. Använd gaffel för att känna att lasagneplattorna är klara
Förbered lagom stora bitar av parmaskinkan
Fixa några små bitar av stark, tunnskivad chorizo. Det ska inte vara för mycket av det
Hyvla några bitar av Gran Pandano-osten
Ta fram tallrikar och lägg lite sallad i botten av dom
När pastan är klar i ugnen, skär upp portionsbitar och lägg på salladsbädden. Toppa sen med skinkan, korven och osten. Sprinkla sist över oljemixen.
Servera genast med ett bra italienskt rödtjut som matchar osten och njut.
  Spröd salladsmix
Lasagneplattor, Philadelphiaost, Västerbottenost
Parmaskinka och chrorizo
Gudomligt god pasta
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
It would be cool if lexi's eye (the one that she hid under her hair)was a different colour
I’ve considered it, though i wasn’t quite sure about it as i figured she was strange enough as is XD
Maybe i’ll reconsider it again who knows.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
I've never seen Galexia,can you show me Galexia?
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i love all my fun gals
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
What are Galexia's favourite things to do? Jess?
Well, she’s mostly known for her art skills, as she uses her sketchbook and dream journal to draw all kinds of weird creations.
she has a strange dream? She draws it in her book.
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she also sometimes practices the guitar
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
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Guess whose finally getting that first chapter out today?!
It’s probably freaking awful but hey
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 3
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Sky gave herself a movement to ponder whether she heard that right, she was already caught off guard by the presence of presumably another butterfly wielding a wand straight at her face, but now she was speaking utter nonsense. Today was bad enough, but now THIS? This day was only getting worse, and weirder by the minute. Sky didn't put her wand down though despite her order, and held her wand out, her arms were shaking and she felt her heart speed up. This day just got better and better it seems, and it looked like it was about to get worse as the other bodies moved. The yin yang girl still looked in utter pain but she didn't let up, "I said put the wand down, I don't know who you are but you're on butterfly properly and if you want my moms to let you off easy and not think this is a direct attack on the castle i suggest you listen to me...". Sky gave her a look, " I beg your pardon? I'm the princess of mewni, now would you mind explaining who you are and what the heck you're doing here?! Were you the ones messing with my wand?"
One of the other bodies stood up, another girl with a ponytail of strawberry blonde hair fading into pink, her skin was an eerie pink and she wore a dark red puffy dress. But Sky and the other girl gasped at the sight of her face, she had bull-like horns, 3 red eyes, a pointy nose, pointed ears, fans, and jagged red crescent cheek marks. She looked around for something before reaching her hand out to summon a dark pink staff with matching horns , bat wings, and a large gem on the end.  She didn't attack though, and glared between the girls with their wands pointed at each other, as if extremely confused about what was going on and how she got there in the first place. Yin Yang girl looked between the girls, "Wha-", only for the last two bodies to stand up and take in their surroundings as well. Sky gaped at them, they also had cheekmarks, one with blue teardrops, brown hair, brown eyes and wearing a red and white dress and the other with a different shade of brown hair with a green stripe, one green eye as the other was covered by her bangs, a pilot's jacket overtop a green dress, and green saint symbols, . Saint girl tripped getting out of the bush she fell in, but oddly laughed at her clumsiness rather then show confusion or even fear. But the teardrop girl didn't hesitate to pull out her rather strange and elaborate wand, it was thicker then most wands sky had seen, covered in reds and yellows but with a blue teardrop gem on it's circular head. She pointed her wand in between the girls and yin yang turned around to do the same, on guard for one of them to strike. Sky's breathing became heavier, she wanted to shout for help but what if one of them shot her with a spell before help came? Who even were these girls? Why did they all seem to have wands? This was bad,bad ,bad, bad....VERY Bad. Did her wand do this? No, her wand couldn't have done this on it's own! Right? The three girls kept the wands up while the other two girls exchanged odd looks, Sky would of assumed they were all together but judging by their faces and well, the fact that teardrop girl was pointing a wand at ying yang, they seemed to be on equal planes of confusion. Sky needed to speak up, someone needed to say something, "W-who are you....all of you?". Yin yang glared at her, "I should be asking you the same thing, I don't know how i ended up in the castle gardens but If any of you laid one finger on me i'll-". Teardrop girl interrupted, "Laid a finger on you? I was on EARTH! You wanna explain to me how you managed to kidnap me off of earth? Although frankly you did a crumby job anyway since you didn't even take away my wand.." "Kidnap you? Why would I kidnap you?", The teardrop girl spat on the ground, "Oh? So the princess of mewni really doesn't suit your tastes does it? Just wipe away those fake marks, all of you, you're in trouble for impersonating a butterfly and kidnapping me, my mother will have a field day with this....". She looked to Sky, "Especially you, Spades? How uncreative can you get? Did you think you'd be edgy looking like Eclipsa or something? ". Sky's mind was racing, wait? She also thought she was the princess of mewni? Did....did all these girls think that? "I uh.....look, i think we're all kinda confused, and a little freaked out....maybe we should uh....introduce ourselves and sort this all out...?", Sky knew this was probably not the best course of actions, but it was sure better then gettign into a wand fight with this many opponents. However, all the girls blankly stared at her in annoyance and Sky was about to reconsider her next move when the girl with the horns clutched her wand tight and and spoke up. "I'm Sunny....Sunny Butterfly...". The girls all blankly stared at her before teardrop girl spoke up, "Wait, no, you can't be a butterfly! Y-you're-". Sunny glared at her, "A demon?", teardrop girl didn't finish what she was going to say.  "Well, I'm Celeste, Celeste Butterfly, But i'm sure you all knew that..". Saint girl, who seemed to be lost in her thoughts rather then paying attention, spoke up, "Woah, this is kinda cool, we're doing a role call.....I'm Galexia Butterfly! Not sure how i ended up in the gardens but this is way cooler then what i was doing before!..Wait? is this a dream? Cause this looks like a pretty sweet dream." Yin Yang girl side eyed everyone before sighing, "It's Luna.....". "I'm Sky....", Sky said, lowering her wand just a little, "I'm also the princess of mewni.....". All the girls looked towards each other, a little less scared, but a lot more confused and curious. Luna kept her wand up however, "Alright, so....you all think you're butterfly's, you all have marks, and let me guess...you all claim to be princess of mewni?". They exchanged glances with each other and Luna grumbled, "I'm not sure who you all really are....but this is super weird an-" "But it's true!", Sky's blurted out, "I mean, i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm....i'm the princess...I have the family wand and ever-" "But I also have the family wand, and....wait... we all have real wands....!", Sunny piped up, staring at all the wands presented, "T-there.. somethings not right here...i mean, how likely are we all to be princesses of mewni, all have marks, and all have wands?", She raised up her staff like wand and allowed it to glow with magic, "We..uh....no...there's only one wand for the princess, there can't be five wands...!" Sky chipped in to the strange girl's defense, "She has a point....". Celeste furrowed her eyebrows thought about lowering her wand, only for her to lower it but a few inches. "Ok, well if her wand is real, and your wands are real....then something is really wrong here....people just don't get wands around here." She glanced to Galexia, "You don't seem to have a wand....". to which the girl pulled a gold, purple, and green lantern out of the bush she fell into, "You mean this?". Celeste cringed at the strange "Wand" she was holding. The blunette cleared her throat, and all the girls turned towards her, " Ok, maybe we need something a little....better to work off of....er.....". However, Luna chimed in, "Ok then, i'll ask the questions here, if you're all supposed to be butterflies, whose your parents? I know I've never seen you at all of our family gatherings.". Sky was about to answer but the small demon girl piped in first, not very scared of Luna potentially shooting a spell at her, "Well....I'm the daughter of Queen Star and King Thomas Butterfly....". Sky tensed and judging by the other girls faces they were all processing similar thoughts. She couldn't help but think the small demon girl was taking this all a lot more calmly for someone who looked so young, sky would be just as terrified as she is now if she were her age, but the girl was acting oddly mature. "Bullhonky!", Celeste spat, "King Lucitor runs the underworld, and he isn't even married! I'd know for darn sure if my mom had some other kid with him, don't lie to us, no demon is apart of our family!". The small girl looked slightly hurt before regaining herself, but Luna chimed in before she could reply to Celeste's words. "Wait, your mom? I beg your pardon? Queen Star is my mother you liar.....", she glared around, "I don't know what kinda game you all are playing, but i'm not playing anymore with any of you, i don't know if this is a prank but it's not funny and i'm taking you guys in...". Her wand started to glow and Sky realized she had to do something before there was an all-out war in the garden's, luna focused her wand and started chanting a spell and before she could finish Sky blurted out a spell in rapid succession and fear. "BUBBLE PRISON BLAST!!" Her eyes were closed when flashes of light appeared in front of her, and it was a few seconds before she opened them carefully to see an amazing sight. All four other girls and their wands, frozen inside a large pink bubble prison, they didn't move and the bubble didn't break either. Sky looked to her wand then back at the bubble, both freaking out and proud of herself at the exact same time. She got the spell right!! Finally after all this time she it right! Except.....that joy kinda faded real fast when she was panicking on the inside about these random girls who popped in her garden. Four girls claiming to be her mom's kids was a pretty far-fetched and insane story, and in any normal case Sky would say they're crazy, but the cheekmarks, and the wands... She had to get them out of here, she must of done something odd with that spell, right? Or maybe she was dreaming and these girls were all characters she'd come up with? She pinched herself on the arm and jumped, guess that eliminated that option. Whatever this was though, it was from her wand, and it was bad news. She smacked the side of her head, she needed to get herself together! Think think! She needed to think of something, her bubble spell wasn't meant to last forever after all. "Princess sky?" Oh crap. Someone must have seen the blast and was coming to check on her! She needed to think fast, there was no way she'd be able to explain anything like this! She pulled out his scissors fro her vest's pocket and immediately made a portal to her bedroom before attempting to push the bubble inside, "Please don't pop, please don't pop....". It was only partially in when she noticed the portal was too small to fit in a large bubble of four frozen girls and their wands. She momentarily panicked and grabbed her scissors before attempting to climb on the bubble. She could hear someone wandering closer, "C'mon c'mon....". She pushed herself up on top of it, flat on her chest and reached out to the tip of the portal with her scissors. "Just a little closer...", she gritted her teeth as she reached and felt herself gasp in relief as soon as she snagged the end and cut the portal open even bigger before falling off and squeezing the bubble inside. "Sky?", she froze, before turning around to see one of her servants staring back at her and the open portal,"Princess, is everything ok?". She turned around "Er.....yeah! Sorry, was just...working on magic, must of er....went a little crazy there. I-I'm just....i'm heading back to my room now, cool? Ok!", She turned around but then the servant called out again. "Are you sure? You look....troubled?". "Nah nah nah, i-i'm good!", She gave him two thumbs, "Nothing to worry about, i-i'll just be in bed, er.....tell my moms i'm good k?" She gave him a fake smile and proceeded to head inside the portal, closing it behind her as fast as possible and staring at the bubble prison inside her bedroom. Ok, so she made it to her bedroom, that was a start at least, but now what? She didn't even know who these girls truly were and no doubt her mom would freak. She quickly pulled out her compact, she needed to call someone, looking down the line of names only two people could help her in a rough situation like this. She went over the list of names till she found who she was looking for. Judas and Melaine. - Judas woke up abruptly and on instinct he checked his right arm, but it looked ok. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, his hearing grabbed his attention towards his ringing compact on his nightstand. Grumbling, he picked it up to see who was calling. Sky Really? At 10 pm? Then again, he did say she should call him later..... He sat up and answered the call quickly, "Sky?". Her voice sounded panicked, "Judas! Oh good, you're awake!". He grumbled to himself, "Well, I am now......sky, I know i told you to call me later, but you do know a lot of us are sleeping right now, right?". She grumbled, "Yeah yeah, i'm sorry, I just REALLY need to talk to you right now-". "Sky, are you worried I'm upset? I'm alright.....me and Nora actually just hung out for the rest of the ball, I mean...it's not to say i didn't miss you I-", He kept on rambling until her heard sky interrupt him in a panic,"Judas sorry, but I really don't care right now, something weird just happened and you have to come over right now!" He blinked, "In the middle of the night? Sky, what happened?". He started to sound concerned, although Sky never liked it, in most cases she went to her mothers on most issues she had unless it was so bad they couldn't know, if she was calling him about something, this must be serious. "I-I....I don't know exactly...", She answered, panicked, "My wand went all weird and it exploded kinda and then....Judas you have to see it for yourself!! I'm sorry, and i'll owe you but i need you to head over right now ok? PLEASE!?". The panic in her voice was all it took for the demon to nod, "Ok, i'll be there in a minute, see you soon!". She gave a weak smile and hung out on her end, and judas hung his legs off the side of the bed before standing up and grabbing one of his jackets.  Sky and him were friends after all, he could go in his pjs if he wanted to, that and he was dreading the idea of changing. He let out and yawn and then a sigh, snapping his fingers as a heap of fire surrounded him and he found himself in the princess's bedroom. He rubbed his eyes and let out another yawn, "Sky, is everything alright? What happe-", the boy stopped talking as he saw the sight before him. Sky was sitting on her, bed, with her friend Melanie at her side. Judas was all too familiar with Melanie, she was Sky's pen pal from earth, and Sky constantly asked her for advice on all kinds of stupid stuff, and now here she was once again to shed her weird input on...whatever judas was looking at. Melaine was also in her pjs, an alien shirt and sweatpants, so she must have been called just recently as well. She had dark skin, brown eyes, dark brown curly hair with a golden streak on one side, and glasses. she also didn't look entirely pleased to see judas but that was expected by this point. Not that Judas was looking at her much anyway, as all of his eyes were transfixed on the giant bubble prison and it's prisoners floating in the middle of the room like a display. When judas was usually called for help, it was because of Sky doing something embarrassing or even potentially illegal....this.....looked like an entirely different boat. "Uh....Sky....What....uh....what?" He carefully touched the bubble prison in curiosity, "Sky, is this your bubble prison? Wow....you...uh..". The girl sighed, "Only when i panic do i ever seen to do anything right.....", Judas looked a little confused and she rubbed the back of her head, "They were about to attack each other, i had to do something!". He stared further into the bubble taking note of their cheekmarks and what seems to be wands within their hands," Sky....who are they?". Melainie piped up, "Well, they're clearly alien shapeshifters...obviously! They all claimed to be the princess of mewni so they're clearly delusional and were posing as butterflies to get inside the castle!". Judas raised an eyebrow and Sky corrected Mel, "Yeah...well..they did all claim to be the real princess of mewni, and they all have working wands.....I don't know if they're shapeshifters, the whole situation was a little too weird....". Judas didn't seem to entirely be following, "Wait so.....all of these girls, claimed to be the princess of mewni, almost attacked you and-....ok.". "Jude...what's with the face...?", Sky said, "I'm being serious! and even weirder? one of them claimed to be your dad's kid too!". The demon prince took another look at the frozen girls to catch a glimpse of Sunny before stepping back, "Oh c'mon that's....ridiculous....Sky, look, i'm sure it's something your mom could handle." "Oh yeah, just explain that my wand exploded and four girls popped out, that'll work!", she said sarcastically, much to Melaine's delight. The demon grumbled, "Well what are we supposed to do sky? What exactly did you call us for!?" "Well i called mel because she knows the answer to everything, duh!", The girl nodded, "I've got school tomorrow and I don't even care, I'm going to be looking into this ALL night! Hmm, hey Sky did any of these girls show signs of mutation, any irregularities?" "Well I-", Judas grabbed Sky's arm and looked towards Melanie, "Pardon, i'm gonna borrow the princess for a bit...". Mel didn't hid her disappointment, but muttered out a "Fine" as she grabbed her notebook to start theorizing. The demon dragged Sky out of earshot to whisper to her, "Sky, start from the beginning....what happened?". She shrugged, "i dunno i was just playing around with Eclipsa's spells and my wand acted up and then they just popped into the gardens and pointed wands at each other! They were all claiming to be my mom's kid and we were about to end up in a fight and I stopped them!". "That's....huh....", He glanced over at the bubble, "And you don't know them as part of your family?". She shook her head,"Of course not! I haven't seen them before in my life and i'd sure member them If i had..". He kpet on asking, "Well, what about from Eclispa? I mean she's not your grandma by blood but she's still considered part of your family! maybe they're from-". Sky held out your hand, "Nope, stopping you there, they claimed to be my mom's kid...like EXACTLY my mom". "Ok, well....", He started before she interrupted, "And they even have wands jude! I mean maybe they could be normal mewmans but that doesn't explain where they suddenly got wands! Wands aren't items that are just lying around like this dude!". "Well what do you think they are Skyler?", She cringed at him using her full name, "I dunno...maybe i birthed them from my wand or something....". The demon twisted in disgust, "Sky, i don't think that's how wands work....at least i sure hope they don't work that way..." "Well, I was born by magic so.." "Yes and you hatched from an Egg, i saw it ,and it scarred me for life....", Judas crossed his arms, "But that was entirely different magic and that doesn't make any sense here, wouldn't they be calling you their mom if that were the case?". Sky shrugged, "I dunno Jude, I'm just confused about all of this, but i need to figure something out because that bubble doesn't last forever and i can't have them run around here!" "Well, maybe then we pop the bubble!", he suggested. "Wait what now?" "We pop the bubble, and ask them some questions...", he repeated, "Look, The only way we're gonna get answers to what's going on is through them. You don't know who they are, and i sure don't know who they are, but we're not getting anywhere by sitting here and guessing." "Jude, they're claiming to be the princess of mewni, and my sisters, what else are they gonna tell us!? They're convinced they're who they say they are they they almost attacked each other....besides...", she glanced towards the frozen celeste, "I'm not exactly eager to talk to them again...". "Well, then we'll keep them here and convince them! I mean.....if you say one of them thinks my dad is their dad then.....how would I be here...right? They wouldn't know about me at all!", sky bit her lip, "Well, i guess that's true....and i mean...". She stood up and walked over to her mirror taking off a picture of her and her mothers she had taped on it, "If they are who they say they are then this picture wouldn't make much sense either...." "See, we'll just....we'll convince them...", Melaine looked up from her note taking to observe the duo who were no longer having a private conversation, "So what's the plan you both seem to be leaving me out of? I'm between thinking they're shapeshifters.....or your mom's secret daughters..." The latter suggestion made Sky turn red, "MEL?! What the hecky heck!?". The human smiled meekly, "Well, i mean they do think they're your sisters...and....it's kinda hard to deny they look like you....a little..". The girl crossed her arms and tapped her foot, "Mel, no they look nothing like me, Judas, do they look like me?". The demon walked up to the bubble to stare into it, "Well i mean, that one shares your blue eyes, and those two have similar noses, and that one has a similar hairline....". Sky gave him a look, not entirely fond of his answers, he backed away and held out his hands, "Hey, you asked....". Mel fixed her glasses, "Look, maybe your mom just kinda....eh..". Sky made a face, "Oh right, and where'd the wands come from then?", Mel shrugged then took a moment to think. "Maybe your mom banished them off to another dimension and they built their owns wands and now they're here to take back their place on the throne!? Actually wait, i think that was a plot of a show I watched, and they ended up all dead at the end so maybe that's not the best one to base it off of...". Sky groaned and looked at Judas, "Alright, fine, we'll pop the bubble and question them, this is getting us nowhere and i really don't wanna think my mom was wandering off with your dad or something anymore....". The girl took a good look at the bubble, and the wands of each of the girls floating around inside of it. "What about the wands though? They almost attacked each other Jude! we can't just let them have their wands back!" He thought for a moment, "I'll take care of it, you pop the bubble and i'll move it away from them.... with my telekinesis, sound like a plan?". Sky was about the answer when the girl still sitting on the bed raised her hand, "What about me?!". "Oh uh....you'll be our note taker!...i mean, you did come prepared..". Melaine seemed a little dissatisfied she wouldn't be physically helping, but she took in nonetheless, Sky stepped back with her wand and Judas followed suit, holding out his arms,  "Jude, just for the record, if these girls escape or go nuts....i'm blaming you...". Sky could hear herself pleading for the spell to work as she aimed her wand at the bubble and muttered, "Unlock" under her breath. The bubble popped and all the girls fell on the floor and before any of them could react each and every wand flew back behind the demon prince and out of their grasps. They all sat up, all in pain and confused about how they got there once again that day. Luna, whose leg was clearly still bad, finally caught up with the world around her and before she could say anything or stand up she saw she wasn't alone. She looked at Judas, glaring at him up and down before looking to Sky, "W-what....whose this? What did you do?!". Celeste, Sunny and Galexia followed suit, blinking at the strange boy before noticing they were in someone's bedroom and not in the gardens anymore. "I only moved you!", Sky said quickly, "You guys were about to fight each other!" Luna lunged at her before falling back over, "Ugh, if my leg wasn't killing me right now you'd be so doomed....". Judas kept his hands out, "Look, we just want to talk! Can't we just all sort this out? Without wands?", she glared at him, "And who are you to talk to me like that?". "Prince...er...Judas Lucitor Diaz.....of the Underworld!", Sunny and Celeste exchanged curious looks as the white-blonde girl dimmed her eyes, "King Thomas has no children, what in glob name's is even going on tonight!?". Judas flickered his head at Sky and she threw the photo she held onto the ground in front of them,"Look, i don't know who you girls are...but the world you think you're living in....doesn't exist..." Luna snatched it, "What....", The other girls crowded around in curiosity of the picture, of sky and her mothers, and looked up at her in odd curiosity rather then anger. Galexia however, seemed rather happy despite her circumstances, and she took the photo from Luna with no issue at all. Sky nodded to Judas, "He's....king Thomas and Queen Marco's kid, look for yourselves, he looks enough like them...". Judas felt all eyes on him for a brief moment," I'm sure you're all kinda freaked out but....we....you're not home.". The girls stared at the picture of the obvious crowned queens only to notice more pictures of Sky's parents littered on her mirror and closet, they barely moved, didn't try to protest, this wasn't anything easy to fight back against. "Whoa.....what kinda trippy world is this?", She was still smiling, "I've had some weird dreams before but this sure takes the cake! ". Judas side-eyed Sky and she made a small cough, "Welll er...Galexia? Hate to break it to you....but....you're not sleeping...". She narrowed her eyes and pointed to Sky, "That's just what a dream person i made up would say!". Before the brunette could further explain Celeste stood up, "Ok, enough of this garbage! We're all just sitting here and letting these two losers hold us hostage, they freaking have our wands back there!! Or well, they have MY wand back there!!" She marched froward but before she could do much the small demon girl stood between her and Sky, "Wait! But the photos!! We-". Celeste towered over Sunny, "I'm not letting these chumps hold me hostage, i'll take them with my own two hands if I have to...I don't know what kinda warped reality i'm in but-". "That's it!!" Everyone turned their heads to Melanie, almost forgetting she was there, she erased the page on her sketchbook, "They're all from different warped realities!! They all just popped in right? So they must has transferred from another reality!". "Another reality?" "Well, it's the only way for all of your stories to make sense..", she shrugged, Though i still think the shapshifter one could still work...". Sky turned towards the girls, "Look, i don't want to hurt any of you....i don't know where you're from or much about you...but we're getting nowhere attacking each other ok?! Wherever you're from....it's not here.....". Celeste grumbled, but backed up, "Fine.....maybe there is something wrong here, especially since i remember this room being vacant before and it looks....lived in....". Sunny breathed easier, and a smile was placed upon her face, she turned around to Judas, "So wait, if this is another reality? And you're the underworld prince....does that make you like...my brother?". "Uhhh....". "But this doesn't make sense!", Luna protested,"Another reality? How could i end up in another reality!?" "Do you wanna ask again or do you want us to help with your leg?", Judas almost yelled, he was becoming impatient with Luna, "Look, we don't want to hurt you...just....can we all just....get along? So sky can put her wand down?". They exchanged looks and Luna scuffed, "Fine.....you can put the wand down, only because if you wanted to hurt me you would've done it while i was frozen or whatever you did to me...". Sky slowly started putting her wand down,  and Judas ran over to help the hurt girl up, moving her over to the bed to help her lie down. "How bad is it?", he asked carefully. "It's just a sprain...", she sighed in relief of the soft mattress, "I've gotten them plenty of times before don't worry, but if you were really to attack me this would be the worst time for me to have one." Melanie was hastily scribbling down in her notebook everything coming from each of the girls mouths as Sky pointed to Sunny. "So...ok.....Thomas and Star?", She nodded, and Sky couldn't help but feel a little more weird about Judas's presence. Then she pointed to Celsete and looked her over, noticing her chocolate brown eyes and face shape, "Marco and Star?". The girl snorted at her and turned her head, "Don't get that close to my face again alright.....? And what the heck makes you think you know who my dad is?". Sky made a face, "You just kinda look like Judas....it was a wild guess...". Judas turned his head, "Wait what?". Sky promptly ignored him and looked at Galexia, "Uhhhh.....I-I uh.....you...don't remind me of anyone I know?". Galexia blinked at her, "Aww c'mon now, why would my dream friends not know who my family is? Wait, is this a game?". "Uh....sure? You tell me your parents and I uh...guess which ones the closest....to you...", Sky could hear her voice growing lower and lower and her brain seemed to stop connecting with her mouth. The girl blinked again, "That kinda sounds like a boring game...". "Look, i just want to know who your parents are!" "Well isn't it obvious?", she looked around to all the confused facing before sighing and uncovering her other eye, with both eyes revealed everyone could see a beautiful green that almost look mesmerizing. Then it hit sky and her wierded out meter hit a new all time high. "Oskar.....isn't it?" The girl beamed happily. Sky whipped around to Luna but she crossed her arms, "Jackie, my mom's name is Jackie, i'm just laying it out there so we don't waste more time on this...". Melane scribbled down everything, "This is so cool yet weird at the same time, ask em more questions sky!". "No..",Celeste said, "Look, i have no idea what's going on but if i'm in some weirdo alternate reality i'd rather go back to my own reality as soon as possible please?". This caused sky to bite her lip, "Well....i dunno if we can do that....I-I don't even know how you guys got here in the first place...". That was not the correct response the girl wanted to hear. "No no no no no....i didn't do squat to end up here, I am not staying in this weirdo universe with you guys....get me home, now!", The girl put her foot down and Sky furrowed her brows, "Look, there's nothing i can do! You sure it wasn't any of you!?" "Don't you think if it was any of us, we'd know how to get ourselves out of this situation?", She shot back, Sky was about fed up when Judas grabbed her shoulder. "Look, We're not getting anywhere by bickering about this, at this rate the whole castle will hear us!". This seemed to shut the girls up, they huffed and the boy continued, "Look, it's in the middle of the night! We're gonna have to save this for morning, it's clear we can't work together on whatever is happening here and we have no idea what's going on. I say we rest on it, and figure this out tomorrow, i'm sure we can get Omni to sort this o-". Sky raced forward to cover the demon's lips, "No dude, we can't get the high commission involved! Those dudes are shady as heck! Not to mention how much trouble i'll be in for somehow manipulating alternate universes and putting them off balance!". "Well, he's going to find out if these girls really are from alternate realities!", the demon sighed, calming himself down, "Their absence will put the universe off balance, and he'll track them down here and right to you, either we go to him tomorrow and explain...or worse...." Sky didn't want to admit he had a point, and the rest of the girls seemed to be thinking the same way, making Sky wonder what they knew about the commission. "Ok fine, look, we'll sleep tonight, and then i'll try to figure out what's wrong tomorrow......and if we have to...", Sky closed her eyes reluctantly, "i'll....talk to the high commission....alright?". He looked satisfied with that answer, but Sky held out her hand, "But on one condition....you take two of them in tonight...". Melaine could be heard giggling and the other girls were exchanging looks, Judas blushed and raised en eyebrow. "Say what now? Sky, i'm not taking these girls home, my parents are gonna ask me who they are and....I hate lying to them...", his voice grew more somber and Sky bit her lip. "Judas....please? Look, it's only for one night, and keeping them all here raises too much suspicion....", She was giving him those eyes and he grumbled at her, "Look, they need a place to crash for the night and this allows both of us to keep an eye on them, i can't keep track of four girls jude! Please, just one night?". He let out a large sigh, "Fine, I'll take them in for one night, but what are we even gonna tell our parents? They're bound to wonder who they are!". Luna coughed, "Pardon, as you two seem to be forgetting about how we feel about this arrangement? We're not toys for you to move around whose to say you or someone else won't hurt us?". "Look, do you have a better idea? You're not home and you have nowhere to go! It's the middle of the night and we don't even know where to start to fix whatever this is! So if you have any idea kindly tell us please?", Sky asked r,he but Luna didn't answer. Neither did the rest of the girls. "Look, I know tonight's been...odd, but just keep quiet about it and we'll make sure you get home no problem! You guys can handle one night right?". They looked at each other before Sunny raised her hand, "I can...just for one night.". Galexia followed, "Sure, i'll go along with this, sounds cool!", and celeste rolled her eyes at the green-eyes gal. Luna huffed, "Fine, but only because I don't have much of a choice....". Celsete sighed, "Whatever, fine....just get me home tomorrow kapeesh?" "Look, if anyone says anything...", Sky started, "Just say you're part of my extended family and you're here for a visit.....and if you're with Jude tonight, just say the same thing but that Judas offered them a room there, they'll buy it trust me.". "No, they won't", the older demon replied, "my parents sure won't buy it, maybe your moms might take it since your family is so big it's possible they hadn't heard of these gals, but me taking in people that are your family? They're gonna ask your moms, they're gonna be so confused...just...no...".. She gave him a look, "Well genius! You got a better cover for them?". "Then we'll just mind erase them!", they turned around to see Luna, "Or hide our marks, look it's been a long night already finding out i'm not technically home, both of you just shut up and take us to where we're staying. And give us back our wands while you're at it!". Sky froze, and Luna rolled her eyes, "Look, i dunno about the rest of these girls, but you're not babysitting me, you want me to keep out of sight in return to get me home? Fine. But I can take care of myself and I don't need you two to do anything else other then help me get home, Got that?" "Fine..." Sky turned towards the girls, "Since ....Luna's hurt, she can stay here...and Sunny i suppose is better well hidden with you....so that leaves...". She looked between he two brunettes, and Celeste growled, "We're not objects you know?". Sky grumbled and hit her friend's arm, "Alright fine, Judas, you take her...i'll take.....lexi". "Wait what?", He gave her a look, as if his best friend pretty much gave him an unwanted present. "One night Jude.....just one...", she teased, and he sighed, "Alright fine, but they're not staying in my room, and as soon as I wake up i'm taking them back to you and we're never speaking of this again.". Melanie spoke up, "So...you guys gonna give them their wands or not? Cause i woudln't mind having one-." "Mel, no...." , she said quickly before staring at the wands and looking back on all the girls in hesitation. She did promise them their wands back, but there was no telling what they could so with those wands behing her back after they almost attacked each other earlier. Celeste coughed, "Look, you're clearly doing this cause you both don't trust as at all, and you wanna "Keep an eye on us", but like we got anywhere to go to begin with! My Dad's probably worried freaking sick about me right now and i'd rather be there then in his crummy world with all of you weirdos..." Mentally Judas promised himself to get Sky back for sticking him with this one. The bluenette sighed, "fine, go grab your wands....", she got out of the wand ans Judas followed. He kept a close eye on each of the girls as they picked out each other theirs wands, Melaine being nice enough to give Luna's to her, only after admiring it for too long. They didn't say a spell, nor did their wands glow, so at least that made Sky a little easier about them. Sunny walked up to Judas, she clearly was terrified but a smile remained on her face. She seemed between wonder and utter fear, in a room full of strangers and far away from her real home, but she gave Judas a trusting look and Celeste walked up behind her. "Just call me if you have any...issues?", He said back to sky, before snapping his fingers and vanishing with the other two girls in a pile of flames. This left Sky, Melaine, Galexia, and Luna together in Sky's bedroom, and Melaine almost looked like she was about to burst with eagerness now that Judas was gone. "This is soooo coool, finally! I get to be part of one of your cool adventures!", She stood up, "I better get to bed before my mom freaks out but i'm totally gonna research multiverses and other worlds and MMm what if your wand is a time machine?" Galexia spoke up before Sky could say anything, "A time machine!? Oh man i hope so! Wait, can't I just turn my wand into a time machine? This is my weird dream after all...". The limp girl rolled her eyes, "This is not a dream, take this seriously, you can't really think you'd dream all this up." "I have very strange dreams....", she replied softly. Sky cut Melanie a portal home, "Just let me know if you figure something out, Jude's like good with being reasonable...sorta, but you know more about weird stuff I've never heard about...and I don't think I can explain this myself....". The girl's brown eyes glistened before giving her a mock salute, "I won't let you down chief!", before running into the portal back home. The two strange girls watched her leave and looked to Sky, Galexia in curiosity and Luna in something between anger and distrust. Sky gulped, maybe she should've taken the cranky girl with the teardrop marks instead, even with a bad leg this one felt like she might spring any second. Luna pointed her hand at Sky, "Ok let's be clear here, I'm not sure where I am, and i don't trust you, or either of your strange friends. But i'm not quite in the best shape and i'm clearly not home, and whether I like it or not i'll do nothing good escaping when this whole thing happened because of your wand. I'm staying the night, simply because i have no choice if I want to go home. You better not touch my Wand, or me for that matter, and you will knock on my door before entering, you got that?" Sky grumbled, "Fine, c'mon, you and....Galexia can share a room...". "Wait what?". Sky opened her door gently to a room across from it," That's one of the guest rooms, it's big enough for both of you. You're still hurt and you outta have someone with you...". Luna waved her hands out in front of her, "No!  I'm not bunking with.....", She eyes the girl poking her lantern on the floor, "Her..". "Look, it's been a long night for everyone, you really think SHE is gonna do anything to you..?" Luna closed her eyes and made a move off the bed, a happy Galexia trailing her, as she limped her way, ignoring help to the door Sky was talking about, "Point taken...". Galexia looked back on Sky before smiling and closing the door. "Goodnight magical sister!" Sky watched their door shut behind them and almost felt herself fall to the floor before staring at her wand. The culprit. "You know what....i think i was right, this IS the weirdest and worst day of my life..."
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
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making em some official princess dresses
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years ago
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The Girls
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