#ost volume 1
sonknuxadow · 19 days
rips off my shirt to reveal another shirt underneath that says I ❤️ PHYSICAL MEDIA
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The RWBY soundtrack has many fantastic songs, many of which break my heart and give me feelings, but few lines are as much of an emotional suckerpunch to me as
"Why won't you let me hide from me?"
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killjoy-prince · 1 year
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Big boy manga haul today!!
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questioningespecialy · 10 months
suddenly desiring the inevitable re-watch of Wolf's Rain 👀
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remma-demma · 11 months
Is it just me or does anyone else think Cheribum is a perfect Halloween album
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boombox-fuckboy · 5 months
May 3rd is Bandcamp Friday, which means artists on Bandcamp get more out of your purchases. Why not support some of your favourite fiction podcasters, and get some crisp audio in the process?
Fiction Podcasts
Anamnesis (Full Audio Drama + Soundtrack)
Camlann (Season 1)
The Dungeon Economic Model (The Complete Series)
Folxlore (Part 1 • Part 2)
Inn Between (Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3)
Old Gods of Appalachia (Season 1 • Season 3)
Sidequesting (Season 1 • Season 2)
The Tower (Part I • Part II • Part III)
What Will Be Here
Podcast Specials
The Deca Tapes (Puzzle Box)
The Dungeon Economic Model (Halloween Special)
Leaving Corvat (TEMPLE OF SLEEP)
Welcome To Night Vale (Live Shows: Condos • The Debate • The Librarian • The Investigators • Ghost Stories • All Hail • A Spy in the Desert • The Haunting of Night Vale)
Where The Stars Fell (The Christmas Chronicle)
Music From Podcasts
The Adventure Zone
Aftershocks (Soundtrack)
Alice Isn't Dead (Music From)
All My Fantasy Children
Among The Stars and Bones (OST)
ars PARADOXICA (When I'm Not Here • Electric River (End Theme))
The Ballard of Anne & Mary (Soundtrack)
The Big Loop (OST: FML • The Fugue )
The Deca Tapes (OST)
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio (OST: Season One • Season Two)
Dreamboy (Silent Night, Holy Night)
The Dungeon Economic Model (Royal Musical Accompaniment • Chill Beats to Build Profitable Dungeons To)
Eeler's Choice (OST)
The Fall of the House of Sunshine
Folxlore (Music To Dance With Your Inner Demons To)
Friends At The Table
Gospels of the Flood (Soundtrack)
Greater Boston (Soundtrack, Seasons 1-3)
The Grotto (Soundtrack)
Hello From The Hallowoods (Starcrossed Gods OST)
It Makes A Sound (Wim Farros: The Attic Tape)
Kane and Feels (OST: Volume 1 • Volume 2)
Lake Clarity (OST)
Leaving Corvat (Re-mastered soundtrack)
Liars & Leeches
The Lost Cat Podcast (Musical Features)
Midnight Radio (OST)
Mockery Manor (The Music Of: Season One • Season Two • Season Three • A Midwinter Night's Dream)
Nowhere, On Air
Old Gods of Appalachia (What is Sung Under The Mountain Vol. 1 • The Land Unknown (Theme) • The Bride • Familiar & Beloved)
Our Fair City
The Pasithea Powder (Theme • Mary Ann • Odysseus)
The Penumbra Podcast
The Polybius Conspiracy (OST)
Re: Dracula (Concept Album)
ROGUEMAKER (Soundtrack)
Rogue Runners (OST)
Skyjacks (Call of the Sky)
Station Blue (OST)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
This Planet Needs a Name (Albums: The Nameless Songs - Landing - Growing - Shifting)
The Tower (Original Score: Part I • Part II • Part III)
Unplaced (Soundtrack)
Unseen (Soundtrack)
Where The Stars Fell
Wolf 359 (OST: Volume One • Volume Two • Volume Three)
Zero Hours
2024 Bandcamp Friday Dates
May 3rd
September 6th
October 4th
December 6th
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 10/01/2024
Kill & Learn (Recut Ver​.​)
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side B] Also on: STUDIO TRIGGER QUALITY MUSIC WORKS
Ripped by Smoky
High Quality Never Dies.
The end of Season 3 was quite a tumultuous time for SiIva. Being a music channel on YouTube, the SiIvaGunner channel always teeters over the gaping maw of copyright strikes from music production companies, made worse by YouTube's lack of protection from these false strikes. All of SiIvaGunner's content obviously falls under the umbrella of fair use by the nature of the channel: its core goal and aim is to REMIX music, not reupload it. Yet, in December 2018, eight videos were targeted by Sony Music Entertainment of Japan, which eventually spiralled into the channel's deletion at the beginning of 2019. Five years and one day ago, on January 9th, SiIvaGunner celebrated its third anniversary - with its main channel dead in the water due to YouTube's incompetency.
It's a damn shame that shit like this can happen to just about any aspiring creator on YouTube, and the team was immensely fortunate to have an audience large enough to catch YouTube's attention this time. By February of that same year, the channel was back, Season 3 was over, and Season 4 Episode 1 was officially online. And those copystruck rips were not going to be forgotten.
Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) is not the same rip as the one that was initially part of that eight-video striking spree from 2018. Yet its an absolutely terrific remastering effort, uploaded during the long-awaited STUDIO TRIGGER event later in the Season. Much like the Planet Wisp Mashup Medley, its a direct tribute to the legendary ripper Triple-Q and one of his many in-jokes, of drawing comparison between the stories of Sonic Adventure 2 and STUDIO TRIGGER's Kill La Kill. Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) is technically the third spin on this idea, with Triple-Q's own mashup Kill la Kill OST: Final Boss Theme first, followed by the original Kill & Learn (Uncut Ver.), and finally with Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.). All three follow the same premise, mashing up Kill La Kill's second OP Ambiguous with the main theme of Sonic Adventure 2, Live & Learn, yet all feel very different from one another. Live & Learn (Recut Ver.) is, to me, the ultimate endpoint of this concept, and the best of the three - it screams hype from every point of the song, with Live & Learn's vocals fitting the instrumental of Ambiguous like a glove - it's a mashup that felt destined to happen, and is here executed with five years worth of refining.
It warms my heart to see Kill & Learn (Recut Ver.) sitting at such a high view count (over 700K views as of writing) despite the troubled circumstances of its production, of how the original Kill & Learn (Uncut Ver.) is likely never going to be back up on YouTube. Yet, through the hype of the STUDIO TRIGGER takeover and sheer love of the original rip, we found a way to push this rip far past the original's view count. No matter what, high quality finds a way to live on!
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Welcome to the Homestuck Music Tournament
Hello, I'm @airprime7, and I run the @undertale-ost-tournament, which is currently drawing to a close. The Undertale OST has 101 tracks, and the tournament was a massive undertaking. Which is why I made the incredibly clever choice of starting a tournament with over 600 tracks! And also make a post for every single track beforehand to categorise them! I'm normal.
At the time of writing, I'm in the middle of making posts for coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B, meaning I still have several hundred more posts to queue up. This post should come out right after the post for Black, marking the end of the first 4 volumes of Homestuck music (and also Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead). 4 posts are being put out every day, which means currently the queue stretches to October; when the Undertale tournament ends, this rate may increase.
The tournament will be a single-stage knockout bracket, with minor seeding. I'll basically split tracks into a few categories of how well-known and popular I think they might be. For example, tens of thousands of people know Sburban Jungle and Descend, but I don't think more than 100 fans can tell 04 from 05, or are diehard Blue Noir fans. Tracks that were actually in Homestuck will obviously mostly be more well known.
Currently, this account is just for posting every single Homestuck music track, complete with helpful information. That also means you can use tags to search for your favourite tracks, or similar tracks, etc. Every song is tagged. Take Aggrieve, Rose's fight music. It's tagged #Aggrieve, as well as with #Homestuck Vol. 1, the album it comes from. If you want to see more work by the same composer, it's tagged with #Mark J. Hadley (yes, it's true, people other than Toby Fox did the music for Homestuck), and tracks with the #Aggrieve leitmotif are those with the signature Rose Lalonde theme you may not have even noticed in your favourite tracks. Of course, #Rose Lalonde also gives you a collection of all Rose tracks, and since #Mom Lalonde and #Maplehoof feature in the flash Aggrieve is used in, they're also tagged.
Please submit propaganda!
Send asks with propaganda submissions for your favourite tracks, *especially* the ones you think are underappreciated. There's over 600 tracks to be featured in this tournament, and I can't sing all of their praises. That said, I also can't post every piece of propaganda given, so don't be surprised if someone else's argument for MeGaLoVania gets picked over yours.
Here is a more detailed FAQ, which may be updated over time. If you want more information on a track, just click the link on it's name, and you'll be taken to the matching hsmusic.wiki page, which may have creator commentary and more.
Enjoy the tournament!
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khytal · 1 year
ok gamers I rewatched tristamp one more time in order to write a post about the soundtrack, and some of the stuff I found blew my socks off (even though I've seen every episode like 6 times) so buckle up because oh my god. oh my god
this will cover most of both volumes of the OST (which you can find on spotify), with a focus on wolfwood, and a little bit of vash, meryl, and the eye of michael
...and a very thorough breakdown of "drain arm" :)
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notes before I get into it: -I won't be analyzing the plant song because I. already wrote an entire separate thing about that haha (a link to that doc will be in the replies section of the notes if you're interested)
-you won't need to know anything about music theory, because I'm just pointing out where certain themes come up (with the exception of "duet", but I'll explain terminology there). timestamps will be included so you can listen for them as you read
-if you're obsessed with the OST like I am, most of this probably won't be anything new x) but I hope it's enjoyable regardless
-my credentials: I was a pianist for 10 years and an oboist for 7.5 years and I only had 1 semester of intermediate music theory but I got to analyze the 1st mvt of tchaik 5 and I think that permanently altered my brain chemistry
-the tracks I recommend being familiar with to have a better grasp on this post are: -> "whistling/blues harp in the wasteland" (vash's leitmotif) -> "reality" -> "childhood memories" -> "duet" -> "human subject" (eye of michael, or EoM, leitmotif) -> "drain arm" (technically optional)
-please don't take any of my interpretations/speculation as fact! you are absolutely free to come to your own conclusions I just have a lot of thoughts about the soundtrack lol 👍
here we go :]
EP1: -you can hear a variation of the plant song in "immigrant space explorer" (0:36-1:00)
-vash's leitmotif is first heard in "no man's land" (0:41-0:48)
-only about half of "mystery man" plays, and his leitmotif (0:38-0:51) is actually cut from the scene so it's not heard at all
EP2: -"escape" has vash's leitmotif from 0:18-0:31. they also took out the lyrics in the episode's version of the track x)
-it's possible that we'll hear "might is right" or a new arrangement of it if we get to see the rest of the nebraska family in future episodes, since there were posters of marilyn. I think people largely associate the song with EG the Mine but due to the track title and the fact that it first played in this episode, I feel like it's more about the nebraskas
-I'll talk about "childhood memories" in ep12 because it's related to rem's themes
EP3: -the plant song can be heard in "compatriots" (1:01-1:11)
-"reality" is first heard here, right before the episode in which wolfwood is introduced. keep this in mind for later :')
EP4: -"undertaker" has a dissonant sax part (0:48-0:54) that's similar to the one found in "irritation" (1:05-1:11), but it's an ascending passage rather than descending. it doesn't show up anywhere else so it might become a motif we'll hear in the future, but there's no way to know until the next part is released
-"planet zaji", from 0:55-1:04, has that one part from "time left" (1:02-1:09). it's heard while wolfwood's spinning the punisher around but I think it's just something that sounds cool, and you can't really hear it anyway because of the sound effects/dialogue. if zazie gets any additional themes in the future I might have more to say on this
-vash's leitmotif kicks in in "hungry !" (0:21-0:43) when wolfwood introduces himself at the end of the episode. I really like this track I hope we'll get to hear it again x)
EP5: -I don't think there's any meaning behind "shadow" borrowing from "worms network". I'm pretty sure it was just for mood (and to be fair it is a cool track)
-you can hear vash's leitmotif at the beginning of "boy and vash". this is the part where vash is escorting rollo back to the village
-"cyborg" introduces a new 4-note pattern (0:07-0:14) that I'm calling the eye of michael leitmotif. if hearing this reminds you of episode 6 then you already understand what I mean
-"dud" has vash's leitmotif as well (2:20-2:59), which starts playing when vash is begging rollo to wake up after wolfwood kills him
-only a small part of "human subject" (0:25-0:35) is used for the final scene, right when the windmills start turning. using the EoM leitmotif as a sendoff to the empty village is. really haunting
EP6 (this is a long one I'm sorry): -the EoM leitmotif can be heard in "reborn" (0:09-0:14, but it's easier to hear in 0:26-0:30). this is the opening scene where wolfwood guns down the deserter
-they do reuse "worms network" when livio first opens fire on vash but that's more for mood in my opinion. you could say it hints at zazie monitoring the sand steamer though
-we're probably going to hear "the desert rogue" again when the bad lads gang shows up in a future episode, possibly with a new arrangement for brilliant dynamites neon (this is one of my personal favorite tracks actually. it's a shame they didn't get to use the whole thing because 0:45 to the end is really cool)
-"boyhood" contains the EoM leitmotif and it's very in-your-face in this song (1:15-2:19). in the episode itself the track gets cut at around 2:10, but in the OST the piano motif from "orphanage" can be heard one more time right at the end of the song at 2:18-2:20. which is an evil thing to do. anyway
-"nicholas the punisher" is an arrangement of "reality". let that sit for a second, maybe go listen to those two tracks or something.
okay so we can look at this in a few different ways:
-> the end of episode 3 is of course a reality check, supported by the corresponding track being titled "reality" (even though it's fabricated by nai: to suggest and then prove to the people of no man's land that vash is indeed deserving of the $$6mil bounty; and to tell vash that his presence will pose a threat to humans). you know who else is supposed to be* grounded in reality? the pragmatic nicholas d wolfwood, who's introduced at the start of episode 4 *tristamp wolfwood hasn't quite found his resolve yet, as shown by his hesitation when livio appears
-> in the scene where "nicholas the punisher" is heard, vash is insistent on rescuing livio while wolfwood pushes back and says it's too late for him. he's clearly wishing he wouldn't have to eliminate livio though, and with "reality" as the foundation of this song, it presents wolfwood's inner turmoil in a new way for the audience: vash, who is physically right there trying to persuade him that there's still hope for his brother, vs his role as "nicholas the punisher" in sound, in his mind, and the "reality" that developed along with it (death is/can be a mercy, and sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice one life to save many)
(I also want to add that while legato's dialogue shows he intended for the orphanage to be eliminated through livio's death, it seems wolfwood didn't even realize that killing livio would mean more kids would be taken by the EoM for experimentation. he thought he had to choose between livio or the children, but it was a "test" of loyalty; and legato was attempting to obtain said loyalty by force)
-> outside of the episode, if you were to just listen to this track within the OST it's very representative of his character. contrary to "undertaker", which is fairly laid-back and....honestly kind of playful (and equally reflective of wolfwood's personality, when he's relaxed), "nicholas the punisher" is a more somber and contemplative piece. the fact that it's built on "reality" already suggests that he's someone whose beliefs conflict with vash's; and even without knowing that, both of wolfwood's themes contrast with the energy of "vash the stampede" quite clearly (even if I personally don't consider that track to be vash's official theme, it's still associated with him). I think it's really interesting that vash, the quieter one, has more raucous songs while wolfwood, the one with a sharp tongue, has calmer tracks :)
you might be wondering if "orphanage" is in "nicholas the punisher" and the answer is......yes, but actually, no. but kinda if you're delusional like me. this little pattern from 0:29-0:42 in "orphanage" is found in the low brass from 0:57-1:11 in "nicholas the punisher" (although it's in a different key and has a slight variation in the 2nd half). it's not quite the same, but both phrases start by going down a half step, then down a P5 interval (D->C#->F# for "orphanage", F->E->A for "nicholas the punisher"). lastly the sand steamer's leitmotif (I guess) is also present but that's. obviously because this is happening on the sand steamer lol
-"whom to kill, whom to let live" is just a faster/more tense arrangement of "orphanage" with saxophone over it. starting at 1:07 you can hear the worms leitmotif (1:31-1:34 in "worms network")
I can't say whether or not legato is already represented in the OST because he's currently not associated with any unique tracks, but they might tie the dissonant saxophone passage from "irritation" to him. it's first heard when legato stops wolfwood from escaping the facility, and as far as I can remember it's not played anywhere else. if he plays a bigger role in the next season, which I'm sure he will, I'll be keeping an ear out for this x) (I only mention the sax thing because I don't think he's represented by the sax solo that plays in "whom to kill, whom to let live")
EP7: -a little more of "the desert rogue" is heard when the bad lads make their way onto the sand steamer but it's very hard to make out over the gang yelling in the background lmao
-we're treated to the entirety of "human subject", for the scene where livio briefly returns to himself. if you somehow weren't convinced that those repeated 4 notes had anything to do with the eye of michael, this is the last instance where it's heard: the moment livio's overcome by whatever brainwashing was used on him by the EoM
-I think most people associate "time left" with ep12 but it's first played in this episode and I believe that it was primarily composed with the ion cannon sequence in mind (though a majority of the tracks in the OST only play once for specific scenes, with some songs being cut short and getting different parts played across 2+ episodes. "irritation" and "human subject" are examples of this)
EP8: -this one's a little hard to hear because the 1st note is implied in the C drone but vash's leitmotif starts at around 0:09 in "complicity" and runs all the way to 1:06
-it's also in "home" (1:38-1:57), playing at the moment luida hands vash the red coat :)
EP9: -I've talked about this before but I really like that there's 4(?) measures of polyrhythm (2 or more differing rhythmic lines that are played within the same time signature) when vash joins in, before the brothers come together on the same even rhythm. you can see how vash's quarter-note pattern doesn't line up with nai's quarter-note triplets, and in fact, neither of them ever land or start together:
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(for the sake of comprehension I wrote it out with a faster tempo to stretch the polyrhythm part over 8 bars instead of the slow tempo/4 bars. I'm not sure what the official tempo is. I think a sane person would write it at a faster tempo so that the part doesn't look stupidly cluttered but a good musician would be able to play it regardless. anyway-)
it sounds even more stilted because vash is playing on the offbeat. polyrhythm's such a great way to represent the brothers' relationship because it seems so chaotic but both lines are still in time together, following the same beats. they're so different but in the end they're still brothers who (are trying to) understand each other. and I love that vash is playing secondo, a more harmonic/supportive part, while knives has primo, where the melody/ornaments are. it says a lot about their personalities :')
since I don't know what the original sheet music looks like I can't say if this is true but you can hear that the plant song at 1:03 is played in octaves (2 notes that're the same pitch with one higher than the other). because of the nature of a duet, and the fact that this was played by the twins when they were little, the octaves were probably split between the parts. so vash was playing the lower octave of the plant song with his right hand, and nai played the upper octave with his left hand (we don't get to see this because it cuts to nai playing the song alone at that point). also: vash favors his right hand while nai favors his left
-now for something far less interesting: "last run" is a medley combining "ethics and morality", "compatriots", and "millions knives"
EP10: -"a cruel sight" seems to be unused. it was probably intended to lead into "bio-power reactor" in the scene where meryl and roberto meet elendira in the tank (given that it ends the same way "bio-power reactor" starts), but they cut it and just played a version of "bio-power reactor" without the melody
-elendira's themes ("elendira the crimsonnail" and "which is the monster?") seem to have some lyrics that're most audible in the beginning of the tracks but they're almost impossible to make out without some kind of editing software, which I don't have lol. they're already very quiet in the background and they echo, on top of sounding like they were put through autotune
also this is entering speculation territory but it makes me wonder if elendira's theme is going to evolve with her. we've seen some concept art with her having a more teenage appearance, so I think it'd be really cool if the vocals also changed accordingly
additionally she doesn't have the EoM leitmotif anywhere but she DOES have a proper 4-note chromatic pattern that descends from D in "which is the monster?" (1:32-1:35), which is the same note that the EoM leitmotif starts on. if we consider EoM's broken chromatic passage to represent the failed experiments, then elendira, with an actual chromatic passage in her theme, is a success
-"meryl's regrets" is ALSO an arrangement of "reality" :') this is the track that plays during roberto's final moment, which was. you know. the consequence of meryl running off in pursuit of the truth. the "reality" roberto had warned her about several times prior to episode 10. interestingly, while "nicholas the punisher" expands on the original track, "meryl's regrets" is a reduction--it's mostly just the baseline with some notes here and there. she doesn't have a theme yet, but 1:23-1:33 might be something we hear again if/when she gets a track associated with her
EP11: -"nicholas and meryl" is an arrangement of "boy and vash", with erhu echoing vash's leitmotif. I think it's a neat way to show through music that both of them are here because of vash :]
-the tracklist goes slightly out of order at this point for some reason. after "memory retrieval", "memory of geranium" is what plays in the final memory, when nai decapitates rem
EP12: -"memory of rem" is a combination of "childhood memories" and "memory of geranium". "childhood memories" is also found in "knives's piano", which is based on "duet". one fun way of interpreting this is that the "childhood memories" part of the duet is actually from rem, if she was the one who taught the twins how to play piano, which would make "duet" a musical representation of vash and nai's roots (pun intended. sorry). this also suggests nai misses rem, with how often he plays the piano, even if he thinks he hates her.
but "childhood memories" can also simply be seen as a theme that's associated with rem, nai, and vash's brief time together x)
-okay this is the part where I get to rant about "drain arm" because THIS SONG was literally the reason I decided I needed to rewatch stampede. I was listening to "drain arm" a couple weeks after the finale aired and I heard vash's leitmotif near the end and I was like "NO WAY!!!! HOW DID I MISS THAT"
as it turns out, it was cut from episode 12.
not to worry though, I still have plenty to say about it. even if I'm a little disappointed. just. a little.
-> from 1:13-1:25, you can hear vash's leitmotif in the cello. this DID make it into the scene, and it plays when vash rises through the clouds
-> 2:44-3:10 is where some of the lyrics from vocal version of "millions knives" play: "remember how / we used to be / no turning back / sky's (skies??) falling down". although you can't actually hear the "remember how" in "drain arm" (at least not without blasting the song into your ears, which I don't recommend), it starts right when the image of vash and nai sitting in the geodome appears
-> we finally get the plant song at 3:36, when the condensed energy starts to leak out/charge. and then after it fires, but before nai dives into the beam, we hear "I still care for you" (3:44-3:52). and while it's originally from the vocal version of "millions knives", in the context of the scene I think it's a sentiment from both brothers: vash, who pleads for nai to let go and releases the energy away from him; and then knives, desperately reaching for the cube because he believes the success of his plan will ensure his family's (and especially his brother's) safety, the only ones he's ever cared about
in other words: plant song in cello = vash -> "I still care for you" -> continuation of plant song in low brass = knives. they're connected by this single sentence
-> knives's leitmotif (I didn't talk about it because it's only found in songs that signal his appearance, so it's really obvious, but yes he's got one of those) plays at 4:03 for the "nai is dead. you killed him" exchange
-> it goes back to a variation of the plant song at 4:29 (I LOVE the piano at 4:40-4:49 btw. it's so good. I could cry about it. probably)
if you've read my plant song analysis you might be wondering how to tell when it's being associated with the name millions knives instead of the plant race. since we know that a good chunk of the songs in the OST were written like a film score, the visual context (and/or the song titles themselves) can clue you in. "drain arm"'s use of the plant song is meant to highlight that vash and nai aren't human, so it's the latter
-> now here's the part that was removed, probably due to the runtime: vash's leitmotif in the cello again, from 5:03-5:09. if you revisit the part right before nai lets go of the cube, you'll hear that it skips these 6 seconds and goes straight to knives's theme ("but that's the plant song!" yes. we'll get to that in a sec). this missing bit right here?? fucks me up EVERY time. it's the most mournful his leitmotif has ever sounded, appropriately so, and it's absolutely criminal that it wasn't included. especially because knives's theme, the plant song melody, follows it up on violin as the cello continues to play a line in harmony.
and it's knives's theme because in this moment it's about him dying, not the plants. they spent a whole season tricking us into thinking that the plant song was knives's theme, and then they used it to send him off.
-> and then july city explodes o7
as much as I'd love to hear "drain arm" again for another chance to let the weight of vash's motif come through, I think it's too intertwined with this scene to be recycled. like. maaaaaaaybe they could use it for fifth moon if that's supposed to be the climax of the next part but they kinda?? already did the "fire a really big laser at the sky" thing? anyway yeah I'm totally normal about "drain arm". so normal
Extras: -the punisher and the double fangs have these cool sound effects when they transform and it kinda makes me think that their guns are built from lost tech, if the punisher's laser cannon wasn't evidence enough of this
-there's no equivalent of "sound life" in stampede, and I don't think there's going to be one. however, I do think that it would make a lot of sense if rem taught the boys how to play piano, because we could get something like:
-> rem asks vash about the plant song (the memory in ep12) -> she gives the boys piano lessons -> she helps them compose "duet"
-they didn't use "stampede out" for this season but I really hope we'll hear it in the next part. I know it's just a longer version of "escape" but it's a fun song :]
-this is. obvious but you can hear "gate" in "millions knives". no idea if they'll put "gate" into more songs, especially for vash now that he seems to have some control over it
-there's also something kinda fun with key signatures too: -> "millions knives" is in b minor -> vash's leitmotif is in d dorian (of course this changes depending on the key signature of whatever track it's used in) -> "undertaker" is also in d dorian -> I think songs associated with no man's land/humanity are usually in some dorian scale or specifically the key of a minor but this is solely based on jeneora rock since july city had its own unique theme so I'm not totally sure yet. "duet" is in a minor by the way -> "nicholas the punisher" is in d minor. if "undertaker" is tied to humanity (which is tied to vash) then "nicholas the punisher" is linked to the other side: knives, through the EoM. it adds another interesting layer to the contrast between wolfwood's two themes, but I don't consider this to hold any meaning lol -> I WILL say that b minor is the relative minor of D Major, so having knives and vash's songs be written in those keys was likely deliberate. and what makes it really interesting is that to get d dorian, you take a D Major scale and lower the 3rd and 7th notes by a half step
-I'm not 100% sure but I think plucked piano strings were used to create the low, scratchy string sound effect in some of the songs (one example is literally at the beginning of "irritation"). I think it's really cool that piano is everywhere in the soundtrack, but not necessarily by hitting the keys
-I am unbelievably excited for livio's/razlo's themes because they have the opportunity to do some REALLY COOL things with the music for them. we might not get them in part 2 (though I think we will) but whenever it happens I'll be so ready for it >:)
and that's all!! o(-< thank you for reading! if you actually took the time to go through all of this with the soundtrack pulled up, I'm. impressed. i think. anyway I'm a big fan of OSTs with strong storytelling and tristamp's OST is no exception :]
if you've got questions, feel free to ask ^^ I definitely didn't cover everything I just picked out whatever I thought was worth mentioning. which was uhhhh quite a bit x)
(also again if you're interested in reading the plant song analysis I did it's in the replies section of the notes 👍 I recommend reading it on a computer though)
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ouchpotatoex · 22 days
Cherik Musical Appreciation in X-Men '97
Listening to the X-Men 97 OST and feeling very normal about leitmotifs, particularly the ones used during scenes involving Magneto and Professor X. Apologies if I've used the wrong terms as I don't have musical training, I just listen to soundtracks a lot and I'm a sucker for recurring themes.
We're first introduced in "Magnus the Savior" (ep2) as Magneto tries so hard to honor Charles' request. Pay attention to the leitmotif around the 1:54 mark because it comes back through the series quite often. Bonus: Almost everyone refers to Erik as Magneto, even Erik himself. Charles has been referring to him as Magnus since around season 4 of TAS so we can interpret this title as coming from Charles and his wish for Magnus.
In Episode 5, "Remember it," there theme comes back very, very subtly when Magnus is talking about Charles to the Genoshan council. You really need to blast the volume to hear it.
In episode 6, "Galactic Peace" plays during Charles's chat with Gladiator and the theme comes in towards the 40 second mark, almost mournful as he's talking about Magnus. Later on during the classroom scene, the theme comes roaring back in "We Need You" as Charles talks about his family. The theme flows into a variation of the X-Men theme when he makes the decision to return to Earth.
In episode 9 ("Tolerance is Extinction Part 2") we get a dark and mournful variation when Magnus confronts Xavier about Genosha. It sounds almost sinister towards the end. I'm kind of sad it's not on the OST.
Episode 10 "Tolerance is Extinction Part 3" gives us 2 more variations. The first is when Charles hijacks Magnus' powers to save the planet. It's got this fantastic build up and features a choir and orchestra. Sadly, it's not on the OST for some reason. The second variation in this episode is "Rising Waters" which is equally bombastic when Magnus' mind is restored and he has his Big Damn Hero moment.
Tldr; the soundtrack is pretty good and adds even more subtext to these two. I really wish the sound mixing was more balanced so we could actually hear the music without blowing out our eardrums. In a sense, the original series did it better because its distinct themes were more prominent. I hope they eventually release the tracks that weren't included in the first release.
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sweetbottletops · 5 months
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"The song that Mitsuki and Aya are listening to will be released as a comic soundtrack! ! It's a CD & LP with lots of new manga drawings, song explanations, etc.💚" [x]
They're getting an OST! Comes with 4P comic and interview. CD - May 29, 2024 / Vinyl - July 31, 2024
CD Japan cd / vinyl (cd with bonus postcard) HMV cd / vinyl Amazon cd (cd with bonus "Mega Jacket") Tower Records cd / vinyl (cd with bonus can badge) Universal Music cd / vinyl (cd with bonus postcard)
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I have all of these songs, but not fused in this order. So practically new.
(MTL below)
It has been decided that a comic soundtrack of the manga "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All'' will be released on CD and LP, which includes the artists and songs that appear.
The CD will be released on May 29th, and the cover vinyl LP will be released on July 31st. This comic soundtrack includes 10 songs carefully selected from the official playlist released in advance, and in addition, the booklet includes a newly drawn 4P manga and interview by Sumiko Arai that can only be read here. will be published.
The soundtrack includes Nirvana's song "Heart-Shaped Box," and according to Universal Music LLC, this is the first time in the world that this song has been included on a compilation album.
The manga "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All'' is a popular work with the first volume released in April 2023 and the second volume released in February 2024, with a cumulative total of over 400,000 copies sold (including electronic copies).
So far, we have placed 2nd place in the female edition of Takarajimasha'sThis Manga is Amazing! 2024'', 1st place in the web manga category of Next Manga Award 2023'', 1st place in the pixiv comic ranking 2023Love Category'', ・Vinci” BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 Awarded 2nd place in the comic category.
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 months
Hi! Just wanted to ask, is Blade's theme anywhere in volume 1 or 2? Or will there be a volume 3?
Hi, this was answered here! In short, Blade's Theme and a few other songs were composed a few years back by a different composer, Irene Chan, so those songs wouldn't be included in Ivan's albums or website. They will be featured in the game as well as included in my "complete" version of the OST when the game is complete and out for purchase, though! In the meantime, you can listen to them over on Patreon!
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
The Witch and The Beast Episode 1: The Witch and The City of Blazing Red
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I'll be brutally honest: this is still a Yokohama production. Hamana brings some good work with their helming of the production, but there's still struggles. But in spite of those struggles I can't help but love this episode, and I can't help but want to talk about it. So let's talk about it.
First of all- the negatives. Characters are off model as often as they are on model, the animation is rather sparse and there's some awkward sequences throughout the episode. Some designs end up a little too simple for my tastes due to limitations with animation, and Hamana's storyboards and sense of direction do not mesh very well at all with this episode.
In spite of all of that there's still a mountain of work that I can only describe as incredible within.
For one, the environment art and art direction was superb. I was worried about how flat the colors were in the PVs, but this episode proved they're able to deliver a great deal of range on incredible environments that mesh 2D and 3D almost effortlessly. A Sign of Affection by and far has the best backgrounds in this season, but personally I'd put The Witch and The Beast as a reasonable second place (with Ishura hot on its tail).
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The backgrounds in The Witch and The Beast really bring out the most in terms of style and color, really embodying Satake's modus operandi with them: very strong and full color palettes that hinge around a color or combination. It has me incredibly excited to see how they tackle other sequences in this season.
But that's about the only aspect in this episode that deserves its universal praise (aside from the OST, which is great) , the rest tend to come with a caveat. Like Hamana's boards.
I did sort of tear them apart earlier, but I'll come completely clean: there's still some really great layouts in this episode. They're not god tier and they miss out on the potential with symbolism and whatnot, but they're still damn good pieces that help sell the episode to viewers.
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And then there's the animation. Hamana's boards don't really give much opportunity to effectively animate, but there's some sequences that really stand out.
Take, for example, Gideau eating. Sure, it might be a simple and short sequence but the fact that it was animated as well it was speaks volumes to the level of work that can appear with this series.
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Similarly, there's this clip of a rotoscoped Gideau winding up a punch for Ione. It might be a little awkward, but the idea and execution of the rotoscoped sequence was really cool to see.
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And there's a handful of other moments that express the surprisingly ability of Yokohama's animation for this series. Unfortunately we don't get much animation in Gideau's fight, but I'm hoping that we'll see better work done under more creative and involved storyboards we move along with this story.
It's overall a very middle of the road production with this first episode for sure, but I think that the bad parts are rather mild, while the good parts are quite inspiring. So rather than feeling concern or reservation with this adaptation, I oddly enough find myself excitedly waiting to see what Yokohama manages with the next episode!
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iheartleopards · 3 months
transformers animated as rwby
Optimus prime as ruby
Ratchet as wiess
Prowl as Blake
Bumblebee as yang
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ihateyou2500 · 7 months
guess my favorite rendition of scott pilgrim
-i own a scottmona tshirt
-i own a physical copy of the movie
-i want the OST on vinyl
-i've read volumes 1-6
-i'm investing in a poster with the comic's artstyle and characters
-i watched it?
-i've made several pieces of art featuring the game's designs
-i own the game and have beaten it (once so far)
-i'm currently listening to the OST as of writing this
-i own that one tshirt of the evil exes from hot topic
-i created jesslee (a ship between two of the NPCs seen in the first/third levels of the game)
-along with that i've made fanart and i'm even writing a fic featuring them and a few of the other NPCs because i love their designs
-i talk about how the enemy designs and spritework are phenominal and should be used for more SP-related things, even just as minor BG characters
take a guess guys!!!
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markantonys · 1 year
a handful of book-spoilerific hints for the last 2 episodes can be found in the OST! (which is out now, go give it a listen!!! it's season 2 volume 2 and is all in-show music, as opposed to the Themes album which was season 2 volume 1)
i cried about this already this morning but "the horn of valere" contains a TRANSCENDANT version of mat's theme. it just might be my favorite minute and a half of all 6 wot albums across both seasons! if you never listen to any other track, please, at least listen to this one! it sounds like the music that would play as you enter the gates of heaven and whatnot. okay where was i, i'm supposed to be connecting this to plot events. anyway! this foretells a big majestic emotional moment for our boy when he leads the heroes, and i cannot WAIT!!!!!
"uprising" contains egwene's theme and the seanchan theme. i'm not 100% sure we haven't heard this one in the show already, but if we haven't and it's from a future episode, then judging by the title i'm guessing it's for a damane jailbreak! can't fucking wait, if so!!!!
"face it on your feet" is another one i'm not sure if we've heard yet, but if it hasn't appeared yet, then i'm thinking it might be for rand vs. turak since it contains the seanchan theme and the title is a famous piece of advice from lan to rand (which i think we hear him say in the ep7 trailer iirc)
"the source of power" has gotta be our big Finale Battle track. lots of dragon reborn theme in here, but there is also a snippet of the aes sedai theme that is EXACTLY like the version that played during moiraine's trolloc battle in 1x01, so my bets are on moiraine getting unshielded in time for the final battle and going apeshit!
all the other tracks, i believe were from the first 6 episodes (tho i'm uncertain about "evil has no limits" which is a fascinating battle-like rendition of nynaeve's theme; totally possible it appeared during her test or during the seanchan capture scene or some scene with liandrin, but also possible it hasn't appeared yet)
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