#ossa stand by me my dear
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(...) her heart of the sensuality of my principles; she savoured them, and I saw her pretty cheeks colour with that libertine flame that never fails to appear whenever one breaks free of a restraint. “Well then,” she said to me, “what should we do?” “Have our fun with her,” I told her, “and make some money out of her. As for pleasure, you can be sure of that if [you] adopt my principles; as for money, you can be sure of that too as I can use both your old mother and your sister for two different deals that will be very lucrative for us.” Lucile accepts – I frig her, the better to rouse her appetite for crime, and we then get to work on the arrangements. Let us turn to the first of these schemes since it fits into the category of tastes I have to tell you about (even if I am moving it from its proper place in order to follow the order of events) and once you are acquainted with this first part of my plans, I shall enlighten you as to the second. (...)
(...) puder for the Ill people and pinkun’s pellets for all the Pale; gave his mundyfoot to Miserius, her pinch to Anna Livia, that superfine pigtail to Cerisia Cerosia and quid rides to Titius, Caius and Sempronius; made the man who had no notion of shopkeepers feel he’d rather play the duke than play the gentleman; shot two queans and shook three caskles when he won his game of dwarfs; fumes inwards like a strombolist till he smokes at both ends; manmote, befier of him, womankind, pietad!; shows one white drift of snow among the gorsegrowth of his crown and a chaperon of repentance on that which shed gore; pause and quies, triple bill; went by metro for the polis and then hoved by; to the finders, hail! woa, you that seek!; whom fillth had plenished, dearth devoured; hock is leading, cocoa comes next, emery tries for the flag; can dance the O’Bruin’s polerpasse at Noolahn to his own orchistruss accompaniment; took place before the internatural convention of catholic midwives and found stead before the congress for the study of endonational calamities; makes a delictuous entrée and finishes off the course between sweets and savouries; flouts for forecasts, flairs for finds and the fun of the fray on the fairground; cleared out three hundred sixty five idles to set up one all khalassal for henwives hoping to have males; the flawhoolagh, the grasping one, the kindler of paschal fire; forbids us our trespassers as we forgate him; the phoenix be his pyre, the cineres his sire!; piles big pelium on little ossas like the pilluls of hirculeads; has an eatupus complex and a drinkthedregs kink; wurstmeats for chumps and cowcarlows for scullions; when he plies for our favour is very trolly ours; two psychic espousals and three desertions; may be matter of fact now but was futter of magd then; Cattermole Hill, exmountain of flesh was reared up by stress and sank under strain; tank it up, dank it up, tells the tailor to his tout; entoutcas for a man, but bit a thimble for a maid; blimp, blump; a dud letter, a sing a song a sylble; a byword, a sentence with surcease; while stands his canyouseehim frails shall fall; was hatched at Cellbridge but ejoculated abrood; as it gan in the biguinnengs so wound up in a battle of Boss; Roderick, Roderick, Roderick, O, you’ve gone the way of the Danes; variously catalogued, regularly regrouped; a bushboys holoday, a quacker’s mating, a wenches’ sandbath; (...)
(...) “No? Wanda! For God’s sake! Don’t make fun of me so ruthlessly,” I cried. “Didn’t I personally carry the letter to the prince—?”
“Certainly. A déjeuner invitation.”
“Since our arrival in Florence, you’ve—”
“Remained completely faithful to you,” Wanda retorted. “I swear by all that’s holy to me. I’ve done everything purely to make your fantasy come true, purely for your sake.
“But I will take on an admirer. Otherwise it’s only a halfway measure, and you’ll end up reproaching me for not being cruel enough to you. My dear, beautiful slave! Today you’re to be Severin again, you’re to be only and entirely my lover. I didn’t give your clothes away, you’ll find them here in the chest. Dress the way you did in the small Carpathian resort, where we loved each other so ardently. Forget everything that’s happened since then. Oh, you’ll easily forget it in my arms—I’ll kiss all your cares away.” (...)
(...) And play is not necessarily fun. It is pleasurable, but the pleasures it creates are not always submissive to enjoyment, happiness, or positive traits. Play can be pleasurable when it hurts, offends, challenges us and teases us, and even when we are not playing. Let’s not talk about play as fun but as pleasurable, opening us to the immense variations of pleasure in (...)
(...) It was only too easy for those who met her for the first time, or had no feeling for her creative power, to consider her queer and to make fun at her expense. She was heavy of build and loud of voice, and it was often not easy for one to get the floor in competition with her. She preached mightily, and not as the scribes. She was a rough and simple soul, but her heart was in the right place. Her frankness was never offensive in the least degree. In everyday life she was most unassuming and utterly unselfish; she had a kind and friendly nature. Nevertheless she enjoyed the recognition paid her; she could answer with a bashful smile like a young girl to whom one had whispered a compliment. No one could contend that the Graces had stood by her cradle; but if we in Göttingen often chaffingly referred to her as “der Noether” (with the masculine article), it was also done with a respectful recognition of her power as a creative thinker who seemed to have broken through the barrier of sex. She possessed a rare humor and a sense of sociability; a tea in her apartments could be most pleasurable. But she was a one-sided being who was thrown out of balance by the overweight of her mathematical talent. Essential aspects of human life remained undeveloped in her, among them, I suppose, the erotic, which, if we are to believe the poets, is for many of us the strongest source of emotions, (...)
(...) These things are the frivolous part of study (which is why I also tell you that the men are jesting); and I call these things ‘frivolity’ because even if a man were to learn many or even all such things, he would be none the wiser as to how matters stand but would only be able to make fun of people, tripping them up and overturn-ing them by means of the distinctions in words, just like the people who pull the chair out from under a man who is going to sit down and then laugh gleefully when they see him sprawling on his back.6 The sophists are seen as mere travelling showmen who are occupied solely with the playful. But play has now to give way to the work of uncovering the truth.
Huizinga is probably to be credited with having taught us about the playful character of human action in archaic cultures. But he turns play into something absolute, and he therefore misses the decisive paradigm shift within knowledge transfer in the history of the Occident, namely the transition from myth to truth, which coincides with the transition from play to work. Along the path towards work, thinking gradually distances itself from its origin in play.
The mistrust of play intensif i es in the age of the Enlightenment. Kant subordinates play to work. His aesthetics, for instance, is characterized by the primacy (...)
(...) (I had the most incredible shower of chuckling all over me, in the form of math symbols and Greek letters. I'd guessed who it was: he had played the most—to him—fun game. Ir leg, the two Sanskrit words. Not the meaning ["angry legion"] but a pun. Always puns, a million pun clues. "Ear leg." In the old days my brother-in-law and I made up this Swift: "I feel earassabiele, Tom said," or how-ever. "I feel as if my ear hurts and I need to see a proctologist," Tom said irascibly. There it is. Now, "ir leg" is to ear leg as Irascibly is to that Swifty. And "irascible" is a quasi-phononym for Erasmus. Ear-ass-mus. See? These were the first words which came to me in March and wow, last night. A shower of laughter, since finally I'd guessed. He hadn't counted on chemical aids.)
"Who or what is/was Christ?" Tessa asked me.
"The style we are drawn in," I said. "There is a person seated for artists to draw him; they have a 1.50 minute time limit on their work. All draw him a little differently, all must finish fast and turn it in. Their work is crude, and each has a bit of the subject in it. Our world is that composite work of many artists, and we are those crude drawings with the minute and a half time limit. We do as well as we can, but it's like Disneyland where they do that, various portrait artists with one subject—or if they all had the same subject. It is like Disneyland—fast and not very expert, and still the subject sits and we approximate him. Someone else does the approximating; we are not the artists but the drawings. Hence Plato's concept of the cave and of the idea archetypes."
"Is there reincarnation?"
(I could remember a Saxon scene: an old man bending over me. But what I saw most, and always, as she talked to me, was the cross, in color: gold and red. Shining. And heavy and huge. You'd bounce back if you were a semi truck and hit it. I just kept watching it.)
Then I sat for a couple hours and felt odd, not bad but odd, because all that stuff about Greece and Dionysus was crazy, based on the fact—Tessa and I looked him up—that Erasmus was one of the first Greek (...)
(...) and ambiguous because it is not something.
Having fun is a shared experience, a negotiation of joys and pleasures that requires an effort and occasionally will be impossible to explain. A fun entanglement requires an agreement, a mode of respect of the others we’re having fun with. And fun is essential in playing software because it implies an escape from the regimented world of processes and duties and control. Fun is breaking away from what shall happen and enjoying the surprise and the pleasures of new arrangements. Fun is searching for desirable possibilities beyond what is given as fact, as the way things are, as the way things have been.
Fun can be a horrible thing too because it can be fun to make others miserable. As I argued in chapters 5 and 6, fun can be used to facilitate technologies of oppression. We have to live with the fact that fun is not always fun for all. And that’s why, again, Lugones’s ethos is critical to not only understand but also evaluate the role of playing software in the information age. Fun is the outcome of creating worlds that are open to others, that deny toxic agencies and foster new forms of togetherness. Fun happens in worlds where we can explore others and ourselves.
Playing software is an ethos, a practice that is always absolutely of moral nature. Play is not separate from the world or alien to ethics. Playing is creating worlds, and doing so with an ethos. The cultures that emerge from playing software are subject to ethical scrutiny because they are the result of world making, of the creation of subjectivities, of telling humans, animals, and software who they are, what to do, how to be.
We should be critical when playing software. We should always think about the artificial agencies we meet, how they entangle with us, which worlds are then created and for whom. But we should also have some fun. The information age wants desperately to be the age of command and control of humans and animals and the environment and itself. Playing software makes ambitions relative. It entangles us with these alien agencies; it lets us create worlds, experi (...)
(...) “Shall we take a look at the island?”“What’s the fun in that? There’s nothing to see.”“Don’t be a kill-joy. Come on, let’s go and look,” Honda urged. His voice sounded deep in his chest as he rowed with a lively vigor that suited his years.As Kiyoaki stared fixedly down into the pond, he heard the faint sound of the waterfall far away on the other side of the island; he could not see a great deal because of the cloudy water and the red of the maples reflected in it. There were carp swimming down there, he knew, and at the very bottom snapping turtles lurked in the shelter of the rocks. His childhood fears flared for a moment, then died.The hot sun struck the backs of their close-shaven necks. It was a peaceful, uneventful, glorious Sunday afternoon. Yet Kiyoaki remained convinced that at the bottom of this world, which was like a leather bag filled with water, there was a little hole, and it seemed to him that he could hear time leaking from it, drop by drop.They reached the island at a spot where a single maple stood among the pines, and climbed the stone steps to the grassy clearing at the top with the three iron cranes. The boys sat down at the feet of the pair that were stretching their necks upward in an eternal, (...)
(...) ‘Why … no.’
‘A pity.’
Yet again she laughed, then left.
I stayed on in the dining-room; I sat in the corner with my head bowed.
I would obey, I knew it in advance. I would even contrive to show my mother that she was wrong to make fun of me. When called upon I too would give proof of playfulness, of this I was only too sure. At that point it occurred to me that if I could put on a show of easy behaviour, then perhaps my mother might also have been feigning something she did not truly feel. This notion enabled me to preserve intact the whole edifice of ideas in which I wanted to remain entrenched. By doing so I could respond to the inducements of my fate, which invited me to sink incessantly lower, to go whither my mother was enticing me and to drink my cup with her, drink it the moment she wanted me to, to the dregs … Her playfulness dazzled me, but must I not all the same see that by rendering me carefree, it was the surest means to speed me towards my desired destination, the heart of danger, the vortex of joy? Did I not know that in the end my mother would take me to where she was going? Ever my seductress, the means she now meant to use were infernal debauches, infernal especially because of her seeming dignity. And just as my mother was perpetually fluctuating between brazen disgrace and splendour, amorousness and gravity, so confusion invaded my mind before the uncertain prospect which Rhea’s imaginable levity made upsetting. My mother wishes to have me meet her friend, I said to myself, but am I not mad to leap to the conclusion that she has asked this friend of hers to be my undoing? But, I immediately conjectured, what dancer who was a close friend of hers could help but be party to her wild carrying on?
It was in that fever of suspense I waited. I was drawn to Rhea beforehand. More than drawn to her, I was fascinated by her, this Rhea who could be my introduction into the world which terrified me but which, in my terror, was the subject of all my tho (...)
(...) ESTRAGON: Wouldn't it, Didi, be more fun?
VLADIMIR: I'd like well to hear him think.
ESTRAGON: Perhaps he could dance first and think afterwards, if it isn't too much to ask him.
VLADIMIR: (to Pozzo). Would that be possible?
POZZO: By all means, nothing simpler. It's the natural order.
He laughs briefly.
VLADIMIR: Then let him dance.
POZZO: Do you hear, hog?
ESTRAGON: He never refuses?
POZZO: He refused once. (Silence.) Dance, misery!
Lucky puts down bag and basket, advances towards front, turns to Pozzo. Lucky dances. He stops.
ESTRAGON: Is that all?
POZZO: Encore! (...)
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He sighs watching her talk and pout. Surely men are always at fault when it comes to women's reasoning. He was at fault that her panties were down and that her ass was naked. When just a moment ago she begged him to rip off everything. He smirked placing a hand over his eyes while the cigarette between his fingers smoked like a mall chimney. "Females are never satisfied no matter what males do" He teased but all that was gone when he had to face the reality of the situation they are facing now.
China as a country was not unfamiliar to Shisui. He had allies there. One of his allies Sakura shall soon meet. "Chinese and their country are not unfamiliar to me Sakura. They just like the Japanese hold to their pride and to their tradition. Besides English and Italian, I speak Chinese as well. I was often there before we got married. Actually, you shall meet my ally and should I call him a countryman?"
The way she shoved away his subordinate was hilarious he could not help but laugh. They surely didn't expect that, they didn't even know that young Don got married. "Se non stai attento. Mia moglie farà tremare le tue ossa." (If you are not careful. My wife shall jiggle your bones.)
"I can't choose words, my dear wife. I can't because my mother didn't leave to defy him she left because my dear father, suddenly realized that he likes more men than women. After years of marriage and playing pretense, he discovered that he likes to be fucked not the one to fuck." He was angry now but that anger was not directed at Sakura. "I helped my mother to leave, helped her to have a normal life not to be bound to frocio (fagot)" He spoke as if his father was not just standing next to them. Man could not protest because it was the truth, but he looked angry.
Shisui looked at the bomb, the metal part had a serial number, and the glass could be examined. Shisui had a perfect person for that task, his ally Alusstriel Senju who worked in his pharmaceutical complex. Besides developing medicaments and tracking devices she was a student who worked under Orochimaru her knowledge and skills go beyond normal humans. "Thank you Sakura once we are done here we go back and I will give this to the examination"
"You can chat later with Kagami. Let go I want us to go back it is time to meet some of my allies that from now on you shall probably see daily. I am sure they can clean this small mess on their own"
“It’s your fault my ass is naked.”
Sakura pouted at him, stepping away to pick up her gun off the floor and strap it to her leg where it usually sat. It was an expensive handgun. Gold, with a dragon carved into it. It was a wedding gift to replace her old one that was getting rather beat up. It served her well and so will this one. Though she didn’t resort to the gun often. Sakura was strong, and a well known street fighter. Despite the classy clothing she wore, Sakura was not one to underestimate. She was the daughter of a Don, and now wife to a future one. It was expected for women to be strong, so they could back up their husbands, no matter the situation. Shisui wouldn’t have to worry much about her. At a glance people would assume she’s just the pretty wife decorating his arm, but in reality, she had no issue ending a life if needed.
“I suppose I don’t blame her either… It takes a strong type of person to handle this lifestyle. Like us, my parents were an arranged marriage, it just worked out that they ended up loving each other. I suppose just like us too.” Sakura grinned a bit, she was quite happy how the marriage turned out between them. Shisui didn’t turn out to be the stuck up man she worried he was going to be. He was a fun, free spirit like she was. But also dangerous. She very much liked that aspect of him too,
“The Harunos hailed from China originally, but eventually set up business here, in Japan. What an odd mix the two of us make.” Her fingers brushed over her wedding ring. Something she hasn’t taken off since their marriage. Marriage was an important thing in her family. Something to take pride in. And Sakura did. She was proud of her husband and didn’t care what anyone said about him. Sakura was going to remain loyal to him until the end.
When they got there, Sakura waited for him to open the door for her. She carefully stepped out, pulling down her dress a bit to make sure nothing was exposed. Shisui certainly put her in an odd position ordering her to go without panties. Her expression also grew serious, now it was down to business. Well serious, and then absolutely pissed and offended when she was practically shoved to the side so a bunch of dumbasses could try to light her husband’s cigarette. Losing her temper for a moment, she grabbed the man that pushed her by the collar and yanked him up in the air, reminding everyone of how strong she was,
“Do you want to die?! Watch who you’re shoving!”
Sakura hissed at him before shoving him away from her. She was the daughter of a Don and the wife of a future one. Sakura deserves respect and she demanded it from people. With a huff, she brushed herself off like she got touched by trash. Not caring to listen to the men bicker, she walked off to examine the crime scene. It looked an awful lot like the bombing of her own family’s warehouses. She used her heels to kick around some rubble to find something, and she found exactly what she was looking for. The remains of a pipe bomb.
Bending down carefully, she picked up the bomb and made her way back to Shisui, hearing just the end of the conversation. Sakura’s face scrunched up at his choice of words, “Lingua, caro marito.” (Language, dear husband.) She might as well make it known that she could understand Italian. Sakura knew multiple languages just for the sake of making deals with other countries easier.
“I believe the people that attacked here are the same people that attacked my family’s warehouses. The experimental drug I was working on was taken… And now they’ve stolen weapons. This might be the actions of some small, no name gang trying to play with the big dogs. If they actually had good money and resources, they wouldn’t be using such childish things as pipe bombs to stage their attacks.”
Sakura showed off the crudely put together bomb. While Shisui’s family dealt with guns, Sakura’s family dealt with drugs and organ trafficking. Prior to getting married, Sakura had a hobby of making new drugs that might be useful for the future. She had a medical degree, might as well put the knowledge to use. That’s also what made her so dangerous. She had extensive knowledge of the human body, and knew where to hit and attack to cause the most damage. Sakura was also known for meddling with poisons too. She let out an irritated sigh before tossing the bomb towards a passing man, “Here, catch.” The man just barely caught it before she returned her focus back to Shisui and Kagumi.
“You should be relieved to know, if anyone takes the drug they stole from me, they will die a miserably slow death. I never got the chance to perfect it… I was kinda busy getting married.” It was rather odd that this all happened right before they got married and right after like it was well planned. Sakura gave Kagami a smile,
“Pleasure to see you again, Kagami. We haven’t spoken since the wedding. Wish it was under better circumstances.” She shrugged a bit, rather calm about the whole situation. This was just something you come to expect being a part of this.
#⪼VerseModern AU: The Mob Boss#-・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚So would you rather clench your fist and fight it out?-#shisui uchiha#sakura haruno
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The Homecoming
tw: family abuse, death
Almost thought we made it home, but we don't know this place at all.
The sickening smell of decay mixes with tar. Its black pungent mass is slowly dripping, oozing, pooling, seeping through every crack, leaving every surface it touches viscous. Bones, more than one can count, littering the floor and decorating the walls, like victory trophies, or a warning. Likely both. Aisha's heart is racing, she adjusts her grip on her blade as she makes her way through the sewers of Moon Palace. She evades the fiery traps with ease, and passes quickly through the torture chambers, not wishing to look the twisted display of dead bodies of the commander more than necessary.
As she reaches a larger hall, the voice of the lich king sounds out, almost as if he'd be everywhere at once.
"What do we have here? A lone Sunspear. Does the commander really think so little of me that they sent their lackey? I'm hurt, truly."
"Show yourself and fight me, you tyrant!" Aisha yells to the empty room. A laughter echoes through the hall, unfazed by her challenge.
"Sunspear, it truly saddens me that I cannot be a proper host and greet you in person. But don't fret, I did prepare you a little gift! As a thanks for being a stubborn thorn for all these years. That should keep you entertained."
A sound of snapping fingers as their cue, three figures step out from the shadows. Their gaunt is erratic and shifting side to side.
"Let's say you defeat my champions, and I might entertain the possibility of a warm-up before the real show. However, if you happen to die, I'll just have to sent you back to commander with a proper invitation."
As the torch light illuminates the first face, all air leaves Aisha in an instant. "Father?" --- "I have great news for you, my daughter!" His face was beaming, a sight more rare than a rain fall. "Our family has been chosen to receive the blessing of Awakening, and we have decided that you should be the one to receive this honour." Aisha's mind blanked out. This was the worst possible news. "Me? But I haven't even finished my studies-" His face dropped to a more awkward smile. It did not meet his eyes. "Don't worry about simple stuff like that! This is a chance of a lifetime! You'll do our family proud." He gave a pat to her shoulder, and Aisha could not recall when was the last time he had touched her in a familiar way. --- "You threw away a glorious future and disgraced our family line. But look at us, my daughter! In his infinite wisdom and mercy, King Joko has offered his blessing to us, and we have been awakened in his name, to serve his cause!" The figure hisses, poison dripping from his words and his blade.
Aisha takes a step back, as another familiar face comes in to the view. "Mother?" --- "Can't you talk with father about this? I've never said I'd want anything to do with awakening!" Aisha could barely hold her frustation back. "It's just the way it is, dear." mother said in a same tone if Aisha had been complaining about doing chores. "You must understand, ever since your sister married last year, father has been very anxious about your future." Aisha's frustation broke loose, and flooded the room like a storm: "But that doesn't mean awakening is my only option! Why no one has asked what I want! I should be the one making choices for my own life!" Yet her mother continued: "Look, we all have to make sacrifices, and besides, the status of awakened comes with many privileges. Think of it as a blessing in disguise." "With the cost of my freedom." Aisha mumbled in defiance, but before she could even finish, she felt her mother grabbing her face and turning it towards her. "What good is freedom? Will it keep you sheltered? Will it feed you? That you're free to roam in to the desert and get killed by the first ambush of a sand shark? I've paid the price to keep myself and my family safe and alive. Your grandmother has done the same, as her mother before her. It's your turn to grow up and do the same." With that, her mother left the room. Aisha swallowed her tears, but the storm was still raging. --- "Why did you abandon us? Weren't we good enough for you? We fed you, clothed and cared for you, yet you hurt us deeply, running away. Did you not love us, dear? Did you want to cause us pain?" The coldness freezes the air around Aisha.
One figure remains, and like a flood, a terrible realization flashes through her, and grips to her like the inky tar.
The third figure comes to a view. -- "Granny! Tell me the story of how Turai Ossa fought in the battle of Jahai, please?" Aisha asked. "That old story? Isn't this a third time you asked for this week?" Grandma continued peel an apple with dexterous hands, holding a beautiful knife that doesn't seem to be designed for kitchen work. "Please! I even cleaned my room!" "And fed the Dolyaks?" "Yes!" Grandma surrendered under Aisha’s persistence: "Fine, fine, if you're so eager to listen this old lady." "Mother! You shouldn't be reciting that sort of blasphemy! What if someone hears?" Aisha's mother glanced around as if there was already someone listening, or if father had returned earlier than expected. Grandma tuts, and says: "It's called history, dear, and let them hear. Might be a good lesson, even for you." Grandma ignored the exasperated huff of her daughter, and continued to talk to Aisha: "listen well, little bird. It all started when Turai Ossa was the Warmarshal of Kourna-"
Years later, during the darkest hour of the night.
"You thought you could sneak out without saying a word?" Grandma was older, wearier, but still has the same sparkle in her eyes like she did when she had told Aisha the stories of past. "Grandma, I'm sorry. I can't stay here. I don't want-" Aisha's explanation is cut short with a familiar tut. "I know, little bird." Her grandma handed her a golden chain, with a decoration shaped like a sun. "Take this, and head west. They will surely welcome you." Aisha grabbed her grandma for a one last hug, and bidded farewell with tears in her eyes: "Thank you for everything." Grandma kept her eyes on the lone figure until she disappeared behind the dunes and the first rays of morning sun coloured the sky. -- Grandmother, she rushes past the two in instant, and Aisha has barely time to lift up her shield to block the dagger. Aisha recognizes the design now: a blade of the Sunspears.
Grandma says only one phrase: "Show me what you've learnt."
Her father is first to fall. With a deep slash to his back, he crumbles down to his knees. His mouth moves, but if he says something, Aisha cannot hear it. Mother follows soon after. Aisha pierces the heart, but her blade gets stuck, and she has no time to pull it out. Her mother's hands reach out, but Aisha is long gone. Grandmother still stands, relentless in her attack. In a desperate move, Aisha flings out the shield, and the dagger flies out from her grandma's hold. Aisha rushes towards it, and takes it mere moments before her grandma in on her. Aisha plunges, and the dagger slashes deep to the throat. As grandmother's body goes limp, Aisha catches her. "Welcome back, little bird." "I'm home, grandma."
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The Battle of Jahai
The Battle of Jahai The Grand Cataract of Jahai, Kourna 1062DR (1262AE)
Dear reader. You have likely heard the tale of the Battle of Jahai. It is a famous story about the great war waged in the year 1062DR (1262AE). The remaining forces of Vabbi and Kourna, together with the Order of the Sunspears, fought against the forces of Palawa Joko, and made their final stand at the Grand Cataract of Jahai in the province of Kourna.
Perhaps you were told this tale as a child; a bedtime story read to you before drifting into sweet blissful dreams. Or perhaps your family displayed a mural in their home depicting the proud moment of the final battle scene. Or perhaps you are one of the privileged few who has witnessed the reenactment in Vabbi’s Garden of Seborhin Theatre.
"Your power is too strong for me! I, Turai Ossa, yield to you, Palawa Joko!" -- excerpt from the Battle of Jahai play, Gariden of Seborhin Theatre.
In all of these depictions King Palawa Joko kills Turai Ossa.
What if I told you, dear reader, that is a lie. It is a lot to take in. But, please, forge forward to learn the truth.
The Beginning All stories have a beginning and ours begins in the Bone Palace located in the heart of the Desolation. It is the home to one Palawa Joko, an undead lich lord, an extremely powerful creature who commands hordes of undead known as the Awakened. The palace was originally constructed in 575DR (757 AE). It is a place that strikes terror in the hearts of all Elonians for it is said the souls enslaved can be seen writhe within the walls, screaming for release.
Palawa Joko ruled over the sulfurous wastelands of the Desolation. But Palawa Joko was not satisfied with his place in the world. He wanted more power. He wanted all of Elona and her riches.
First came Vabbi Before Joko, the province of Vabbi was a plutocracy governed by merchant princes. They prided themselves on owning large estates, conducting trade and sponsoring arts and culture by throwing luxurious parties and building magnificent libraries.
Being the northernmost province of Elona, the Vabbians were confident that the treacherous terrain to their north would prevent any and all invasions. Tragically they were unprepared when Palawa Joko led his army of the Awakened through the mines of Vabbi.
Vabbi was quick to succumb to the army of the undead, and Palawa Joko earned his moniker as the Scourge of Vabbi.
From his iron hold on Vabbi, Palawa Joko’s army spread forth to conquer Elona piece by piece. Over many months, he drove back the nation's armies, growing stronger with each conquest. Triumphantly, he proclaimed himself King Joko.
Next came Kourna The province of Kourna was known for its martial prowess. The people were eternally ready for war and yet even they could not withstand the onslaught of the Awakened army. Within two years of the conquer of Vabbi, the Kournan army was reduced to a struggling rebellion led by a single warmarshal named Turai Ossa.
The survivors of the forces of Vabbi, along with the Order of the Sunspears, joined their Kournan allies to rally behind Warmarshal Ossa. He gathered forces from every town and village in the valley of the Elon River and marshaled a great army in the broad lands near Kourna’s Grand Cataract of Jahai where the valley walls narrowed.
In that fateful year of 1062DR (1262AE), the remnants of Elona's fighting force found themselves surrounded. It was here, near the Grand Cataract, they prepared to make their final stand; later known as the Battle of Jahai.
100 days of war
"Palawa Joko and his army stand upon our doorstep. We are all that stands between Kourna and oblivion. The lands of our Vabbian friends to the north smolder in the wake of this beast. Today we draw a line at the base of these cliffs. You will hold that line. Do this for Vabbi. Do this for Kourna. Do this for Istan. FOR ELONA!" -- an exert from Turai Ossa speech before the Battle of Jahai.
The war was a bloody 100 day battle between the forces of Elona and the army of Palawa Joko. As each day passed, the battlefield remained unchanged with neither army gaining ground over the other. With his ability to raise the dead, the army of Palawa Joko greatly outnumbered their opponent.
In order to stop the slaughter of his people, Turai Ossa devised a plan. It was a desperate mission, and the Warmarshal chose to lead it himself.
He handpicked his squad from all three Elonian provinces as all had a personal stake in the outcome. Ossa took with him his most trusted Kournan bodyguards, a band of Istani Sunspears, and a handful of refugee soldiers from Vabbi.
In order for the plan to work, Ossa's finest commanders had to hold the line against Joko's horde of undead. It was hoped they could contain this massive army long enough for Turai and his men to move through the shadowy passages of the Grand Cataract to strike against Palawa Joko from the rear. If Turai Ossa could eliminate the lich lord, his Elonian forces might stand a chance against the army of the undead. But should Turai fall, then all of Elona would fall with him.
While Joko's forces were engaged in battle, Ossa and his elite troops flanked their opponent's army. Palawa Joko could not resist the urge to defeat his foe personally when Ossa challenged him to single combat.
At dawn, the two leaders faced off high above the warring plains. There, in full view of their respective armies the two commanders locked swords.
Palawa Joko: "Pathetic mortal. The rabble you call an army is on the verge of collapse!" Turai Ossa: "This from a coward who hides behind his army to avoid battle? Back up your words, Joko. Show me your supposed power!" -- the exchange between Palawa Joko and Turai Ossa as they square off.
Yet, despite attempts made with magic, blade, and other means, Palawa Joko could not be killed. Instead Ossa's forces chained him by magic and bound him deep in the earth. Palawa Joko was entombed, his body imprisoned beneath a huge stone plinth; and its location a closely guarded secret. The Awakened army broke at the defeat of their commander and attempted to flee north.
Aftermath After the defeat and imprisonment of Palawa Joko, the people of Elona rallied behind their new hero: Turai Ossa. He was anointed king of all Elona. King Ossa served his people well. The nation of Elona flourished under his rule. His victory at the Battle of Jahai was remembered for generations, and he was remembered as Elona’s greatest champion.
Sources “Turai’s Story,” by Durmand.
OOC NOTE: The above writing is a chapter in the book Elona Primer that my character (Manizeh Aurumstan) and @salmshahzad are currently working on. It is currently unpublished but stay tuned for more coming soon!
#currently unpublished#Elona Primer: Preview#Elona Primer: Turai Ossa#Elona Primer: Battle of Jahai#Elona Primer: Palawa Joko
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Stand by me, My dear
By Yae Utsumi
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Ossa - Stand by me, my dear • 🖤 ~ Oggi volevo parlarvi di questo manga che ho davvero apprezzato molto. La storia di questi 5 ragazzi che si ritrovano a dover nascondere un segreto inconfessabile, ma che pare essere stato scoperto. I 5 amici dovranno fronteggiare situazioni pericolose, drammatiche, ma anche di amicizia e amore, insomma 7 volumi pieni di tematiche, anche delicate, ma che non mancano assolutamente di tensione e suspense. Consiglio assolutamente questo shonen (upgrade) agli amanti del genere e non! Voto 9/10• . 🥀Se volete andate a leggere la recensione completa sul mio blog ( Link in Bio )🥀 . #yaeutsumi #ossastandbymemydear #honegakusarumade #shonen #manga #mangaitalia #leggendomanga #tsukisara #leggendo #recensionimanga #recensionivelocidilibri #instabook #bookstagram #readingmanga #paninicomics #planetmanga https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Vuu0TpJfc/?igshid=1bm9wht7c3jdh
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•𝔓𝔢𝔯 𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔞 ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫• ☠️ . . Ecco il volume conclusivo di “Ossa, stand by me my dear”, lo leggerò con calma per poi fare una bella recensione sulla storia al completo. Eeee Buon Halloween a me 🖤💀 . . . . . . . #halloweenmanga #mangahalloween #halloween #regalidihalloween #ossastandbymemydear #ossa #manga #leggendomanga #readingmanga #leggendo #reading #mangalove #shounen #untilyourbonesrot #honegakusarumade #yaeutsumi #horrormanga #planetmanga https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QRmfPJ20h/?igshid=1t79lrmbx0a5a
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Recensione di "Ossa - stand by me, my dear"
Recensione di “Ossa – stand by me, my dear”
Ci penserò io a proteggervi tutti
Trama: Shintaro, Tsubaki, Haruka, Akira e Ryu, sono 5 amici che si conoscono sin dall’infanzia e come ogni anno si stanno ritrovando sulla collina per rinnovare la promessa di mantenere segreto quello che successe 5 anni prima, ma ad un certo punto squilla un cellulare, e una voce li minaccia di aver scoperto il loro segreto, ha qui inizio la loro tormentata…
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