#osmosis products
vulpinesaint · 1 year
sorry thinking about how i wrote an entirely lovecraft themed poem about transgenderism for my beginning creative writing class last semester and one single person besides the professor in that room full of english majors recognized that it was referencing lovecraft. i do not mean this in a way that shames people for not having read stuff or for not having the means to read stuff. but oh my god guys does anyone who is getting a higher level education in literature even look at the literary sources of common phenomena in media nowadays
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m0e-ru · 1 year
UMINEKONIANS ‼️‼️‼️ GO FORTH ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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envirowaysocial · 3 months
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Benefits of Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Greenest Solution
Full Service Support
Cost Effective Standered Models
Ensure Optimum Water Quality
Removes Optimum TDS & Impurities
Click here to know more - https://enviroway.in/
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joslincox · 6 months
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 9 months
next on the list . is aibou
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genreawareness · 1 year
ah fuck. olivia rodrigo album’s good.
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letmeinnnnn · 1 year
Ok, I’ll watch it to toss my “new viewer” number onto the pile. So people can get their third season/spinoff
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reverseosmosis21 · 1 year
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desalinationplant7 · 1 year
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aquarevsblog · 1 year
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hirazuki · 2 years
Hi, just wanted you to ask about your tags under the post about Joseph Mawle: were those negative comments very critical of the actor made by fans or a report of what happened between him and the producers? It's not clear for me because the OP brought essentially more details from his co-stars, so i wonder if the fb page had more details from people who worked with him on the show. Thanks anyway for all the infos that you shared, because i have a hard time with this announcement and really need to feel that other people care too.
Hi anon!
The comments were made by a fan, who was essentially saying that the actor is greedy for wanting more screen time than he was given and he let his vanity get in the way of doing his duty by the audience, thereby depriving the audience of what they were due (i.e., his continued portrayal of Adar). As far as I know, there have been no further comments from the cast or crew or Amazon other than the two that OP shared.
You're welcome! I totally get it; Adar was literally the only part of the show I found myself enjoying so, even if I dislike the show as a whole, the wasted potential of his character is still a bummer.
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mnemosyne-nyx · 1 year
✨ Bruce Wayne Headcanons that haunt me but I refuse to elaborate on even if they're utterly wrong ✨
1. Bruce can cook, but only when he's 100% focused. If there is anything going on around him like a feral child or he's going over some case in his head then something's catching fire.
2. He definitely was a theatre kid for the shortest span when a teenager. Have you met this man? Are you telling me he's never engaged in a single drama piece in his life? He was raised by literal-Shakespeare-actor Alfred pennyworth? My man Bruce can ACT. All his personas rely on it. So does his undercover work. I like to think he was in a amateur Shakespeare production one time just to surprise and make Alfred happy.
3. Tying in with the acting - Bruce is a master of disguise. With all the languages he speaks, identity shenanigans, cases that need inside info. Bruce can just morph into another person. But his abilities in disguise also means he can mimic people's mannerisms and accents easily. The idea of Bruce confusing the shit out of Clark by just perfectly emulating his country accent and then pretending nothing happened tickles me very much.
4. This idiot tilts his head ever so slightly like a confused dog when being bamboozled. Only People who know him closely recognise this but it's such a minute movement it's easy to miss. Any confusing story, perplexing stupidity or a little sprinkle of disbelief - boom head tilt. God help you if you get the head tilt and batglare combined. You've said the most ungodly, sinful, idiotic, offensive, seizure-inducing idea known to man.
5. He and Diana 100% gossip in other languages when on the watchtower . Both are polylinguals. It's also a learning space. Diana 100% teaches him Ancient Greek, Latin and forgotten languages while Bruce 100% teaches her alien dialects he's mastered.
6. My guy can sing. Ever since that silly lil' justice league episode I can't get this silly lil' headcanon out my head and it makes my lil' toesies curl. Gotham, though a hell scape, is a melting pot of culture and music. Opera, jazz, blues but also a strong underground Punk and techno scene. You'd be hard pressed to avoid music in Gotham. My guy just learned to sing through osmosis. Only a small handful of people know he can sing, though none have admitted that to Bruce.
7. Since this man is a sponge of knowledge, he just drops some of the most jaw-dropping, disturbing and unprompted facts then refuses to elaborate. Oliver Queen is just enjoying his ham sandwich only for "You know studies about cannibals say that human meat tastes very similar to pork." and Oliver is just !?!?!?!!?. The batfam are watching The Matrix and Bruce suddenly "The codes in this film are actually just Sushi recipes." and everyone does a perfect slow swivel to face this engima of a man.
Thank you for attending my tedtalk :)
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enlitment · 3 months
In case you're wondering like I was: the reason why a lot of the 18th-century philosophers can't seem to stop making Cato the Younger references (Voltaire talks about Cato at least 6 or 7 times in Letters on England which is a lot because it's by no means a long text. Mandeville too of course — hi bestie!)
is because there was a play in the early 1700s about Cato (Addison's Cato, a Tragedy to be precise) which seemed to have had the cultural impact of early seasons of Game of Thrones
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Catoo! this actor is from an 1800s production but still. Look at that facial expression. The sad wet cat energy. The pain in his eyes. It's all there!
Oh, and by 'cultural impact of Game of Thrones' I don't mean an increase in theatre subscriptions or of Cato action figures sales (though that would have been awesome!)
I mean it had a pretty significant influence on many of the American Revolutionaries (and French too most likely, since, cultural osmosis and all that). A lot of these nerds sure loved to quote it!
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Arlecchino x GN Reader (SAGAU)
I kinda can’t believe that I’ve written 3 fanfics in 24 hours, after not writing for a year, but idk. I’m motivated and don’t have much else to do (except ignoring my bio homework) (send help, what the hell is osmosis?) I thought about writing for Pantalone next, but @nervouseaglelover requested Arlecchino and I am nothing if not a people pleaser. This may be ooc, but idk SAGAU is nothing if not ooc if we’re being honest. I’m starting this at 6'o clock my time, so hopefully it’ll be done by 9 or 10, if I’m being productive.
Contains - Arlecchino girlbossing, gaslighting and gatekeeping you, her being obsessed with you, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Dottore's head collection (don't ask, it came to me in a dream), tartaglia being beat up by Arlecchino for the second time in this series
Part one is here - the masterlist for the other endings is here
If you were being entirely honest, you expected a little more … decorum when you had called for Arlecchino. Not the veritable swarm of Harbingers that appeared in your doorway, the moment her name had left your mouth. All of the Harbingers, excluding the one whose name you had uttered. 
Tartaglia was at the front of the pack, to little surprise, with his eyes bright with curiosity and a liveliness you rarely saw through a screen. Tucked away to the side was Pantalone, who looked far more … weary than you had expected. His eyes, compared to Tartaglia’s, were bloodshot and dull, with an aura of tiredness radiating off him. You could faintly see the silhouettes of who you assumed to be Capitano and Pierro in the back, looming over the others, and Signora, who stood tall behind Tartaglia, eyes fixed coldly upon you.
You waited, expecting someone to explain why they were ominously standing in your doorway, eyes silently surveying you. But no explanation came and no more movements were made, they seemed almost fixed in your doorway, as though they were waiting for something from YOU. 
You repeated her name again, craning your neck to see if she was merely hidden behind one of her coworkers, concealed by her taller companions. But she did not appear, and you were beginning to wonder if she was not there at all.
Until a perfectly manicured hand reached through the flock of Harbingers and firmly gripped Tartaglia by his hair, dragging him away from the doorway as she stepped into his place.
“Tartaglia, it is awfully rude to be lingering in the doorway like that, not even bothering to greet Their Grace. Such impoliteness does not make a good first impression.”
Arlecchino’s sweetly poisoned words broke the silence, inspiring a string of curses from the 11th Harbinger and some muffled laughter from what sounded like the Balladeer, although you could not see him to confirm. But Arlecchino ignored them and turned to you, eyes soft and yet … hungry. Possessive. 
“You called for me, Your Grace? How may I be at your service?”
Her honeyed words and dark eyes had you entranced, almost unable to speak, to respond to her question.
“Oh, I was just wishing to speak to you…”
Arlecchino’s smile widened and she stepped into your room, spinning to address her fellow Harbingers.
“Well, you heard Their Grace. I will be … conversing with them, so please give us some privacy. I’m certain that you all can find something else to do with your time, rather than stand here awkwardly.”
The crack of her slamming the doors in the other Harbingers faces made you jump, but you barely had time to process it before Arlecchino started prowling towards you. Her smile was friendly, but the darkness in her eyes remained, making you nervous. At least, that’s what you assumed those feelings were.
“Oh, Your Grace, look at your hair! It must have gotten all matted while you were resting. Here, let me fix it for you.”
“Huh? My hair feels fi-”
Your words were abruptly cut off as Arlecchino sat down on the side of your bed, tugging you towards her as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pressing your back to her chest. One of her hands made its way to your head, but rather than attempting to fix any knots that may or may not exist, she just tucked your hair behind your ears. 
“Your Grace, I understand that you may be worried about those heretics who attempted to take your life. I would like to assure you that you are perfectly safe and that I am ensuring you will never have to worry about them ever again.” She whispered softly into your ear.
Still caught up with the whiplash of the hair, to the hugging, to the thinly veiled threats of murder, you found yourself rather unable to form a coherent response, instead choking out a rather unintelligent sounding ‘mhm’. But Arlecchino didn’t seem to mind, instead giggling softly at your lack of a response. 
“I’m glad to see that you are … unbothered by your attackers. My children are hard at work making sure you are kept safe, but knowing that you are already at ease makes me a little less concerned for you.”
“Your children? Do you mean the children of the House of the Hearth?” You finally managed to ask, only just now able to form meaningful sentences again.
“Indeed, you are very intelligent, Your Grace! My children are fetching the heads of your attackers as we speak, bless their hearts. My children are very devoted to you, I hardly even needed to make the suggestion to track down those pieces of scum. I have a great many heads already, if you wish to see them? I have made sure that they are well preserved, so you can gaze upon the mostly intact heads of your enemies without the fear of them beginning to smell.” 
“Oh! That’s … uhm … very kind of you? I don’t think I need to see any heads though?”
“Very well then, I will give them to Dottore to add to his collection. I’m sure he will find them a rather pleasant gift, although perhaps not as nice as being able to slay your enemies in person.”
While trying to cope with the second round of emotional whiplash in the last 5 minutes, mostly due to the unwanted knowledge of the fact that the Doctor has a HEAD COLLECTION, you turned to Arlecchino, hoping to inquire more about her ‘children’.
But instead, you found her staring at you with an uncharacteristically stern expression.
“Your Grace.”
She leaned in close to you, so your faces were only inches apart. You would have thought it was romantic if her eyes were not quite so severe.
“I am a Harbinger. But I am a devotee to you, first and foremost. So, should the need ever arise … Say the word and I will kill any of them.”
“Pardon?” You managed to choke out.
“You heard me, Your Grace. Say the word and I will kill any Harbinger, any Archon, any human or beast that you wish.” 
Arlecchino kept eye contact with you for only a moment longer, before smiling and releasing you from her grasp, standing as she did so.
“I believe I hear Pierro calling for me. Forgive me, Your Grace, I must leave you to rest now.”
“But I don’t hear anyone calling for you?”
“Oh? Maybe you were not listening hard enough?” She smiled sweetly and made her way to the door, her lingering words all that remained of her, despite your hurried pleas for her to stay.
“Sweet dreams, Your Grace.”
I actually wrote this in less then 2 hours, I’m lowkey impressed with myself. I know the ending is kinda rushed and vague, but i also totally see Arlecchino gaslighting you like that to get out of a convo. I had a really good time writing this, so I hope yall have a good time reading this! Probably Pantalone next? Idk, we’ll see. I’ve learned not to make promises about my writing anymore.
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joslincox · 6 months
Osmosis Jones (2011) Early Production Stages; Voice Acting
Before Tyler James Williams was cast as Osmosis Jones, Drake Bell, Chad Michael Murray, Usher, Corbin Bleu (who voiced Ozzy in the RAI release), Ben Schwartz, Nick Cannon, Ryan Cabrera, Omarion, Adam Brody, Michael Cera, Chris Pine, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Johnathan Bennett were confirmed.
Before Brandon Butler was cast as Drixenol Koldreliff, Ross Lynch (who voiced Drix in the RAI dub), Daniel Radcliffe, Channing Tatum, Riley Smith, Tom Welling, Jesse Metcalfe, Josh Peck, Hugh Dancy, Erik von Detten, Ricky Ullman, and Stephen Colletti were considered.
Before Miles Heizer was cast as Hector Cruz, Zac Efron (who voiced Hector in the RAI dub), Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, Ben McKenzie, Chace Crawford, and Robert Pattinson were considered.
Before Keke Plamer was cast as Leah Estrogen, Raven-Symone, Ashanti, Christina Millian, Ciara (who voiced Leah in the RAI dub), Sanaa Lathan, Gabrielle Union, Solange Knowles, Rosario Dawson, Parminder Nagra, and Olivia (Longott) were considered.
Before Miley Cyrus was cast as Christine Kolchuck, Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore, JoJo (who voiced Christine in the RAI dub), Brittany Snow, Julia Stiles, and Tara Reid were considered.
Before Selena Gomez was cast as Maria Amino, Vanessa Hudgens, Demi Lovato, Brenda Song, Lindsay Lohan (who voiced by Maria in the RAI dub), Sophia Bush and Rachael Leigh Cook were considered.
Before Michael Cimino was cast as Paul Spryman, Mitchel Musso (who voiced Spryman in the RAI dub), Devon Werkheiser, Taylor Lautner, Rory Culkin, Khamani Griffin, Brandon Mychal Smith, and Jordan Fry were considered.
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TW: sensitive topics
Adam slowly becomes more tolerate and less misogynistic over time via osmosis but won't admit it and instead hides it.
Adam thinks women bitch too much about the pink tax until he's sent out to get period products for Reader and Lute, only to realise that his cost of his shopping just doubled in price from just one pack.
Adam thinks women bitch too much about not being welcomed to normally male occupied spaces until he's playing late night online and hears a woman join only to leave after five minutes because everyone kept harassing them.
Adam hounds a girl for her number, thinking that he's so smooth for getting it in the end, but then decided to lose it after watching a film with Reader and Lute where it showed a girl terrified of what would happen if she didn't give a guy her number and hears Reader and Lute, two very capable women, talk about how they've been in similar positions.
Adam has done a lot of thinking lately.
Personally, I'd like to think that Heaven, while flawed, is above some of the nonsense like the pink tax. I do still think catcalling and being harassed happens, probably mainly in result to a lot of men modeling Adam's behavior.
But once he gets with you and you start calling him on his shit, and therefore Lute gets more comfortable calling him out, and especially after the period simulator, he's more aware of certain things.
I feel like eventually he'd ask you if this is how bad it is now, what did you do when you were alive? When you had to work constantly, sometimes 2 jobs at a time, just to afford basics. That's when you tell him you didn't really have a choice but to suck it up. That you weren't allowed to get a hysterectomy, you couldn't take sick days just for a period, and that most doctors wouldn't believe you anyway.
Especially if you're a trans person this is a big foot in the door to explaining how poorly women and queer people are treated. Hit em with the fact that religious nuts use Adam and God as examples for their behavior and he's going to feel physically sick. I think he'd have to take a few days to just be by himself and really think about how he acts and how people interpret that.
From there it's a slow build up to correcting his behavior. And it's not always gonna be easy. He's going to be defensive, he'll tell you that you're overreacting and that him persistently following a girl around to ask her for her number repeatedly isn't bad, it shows he's interested. He's a nice guy.
Tell him that's what other men thought too until "insert any woman you can think of who was assualted".
Lute's more direct, she sits his ass down and has him watch as many true crime stories of women getting kidnapped, SA, tortured, and murdered as she can find. Usually she picks ones based off the names you drop. He really only has to hear 4 or 5 before it sinks in. (Tiktok reminded me of the girl who was tortured to death for 45 days and assualted with lit fireworks so, have that fresh horror in your minds).
Tell him about any personal experiences you had and how terrifying it is to be a woman or queer. Show him the responses to the man or the bear question. Let him fully realize how many people, people he knows as strong and capable, would rather face the bear because "the worst the bear can do is kill me". Or "Nobody accuses me of liking being attacked by a bear"
"No one asked me what I was wearing when the bear attacked"
"People would actually believe me if I said I was attacked by a bear."
"The bear sees me as a person."
"The bear lives in the woods, the man probably followed me."
Each answer is gonna send a new shiver down his spine.
Reforming Adam isn't an easy or fast process but it's fully possible because I don't think he's bad or a fullblown narcissist. I think he's been told his entire existence that he's a good guy, a pinnacle of creation, someone to be admired and obeyed without question.
You could argue he may be a bit controlling and narcissistic because of how he treated Lillith and requested a submissive wife with Eve. And I don't think he's ever not going to be full of himself and expect his ideal partner to be a bit more traditional in the sense that they're a housewife/domestic type. But he also likes people who go out and have fun, can get wild, and he definitely thinks it's hot if you can defend yourself even if it strokes his ego if you let him do it.
But overall, I think with enough time, patience, and exposure Adam could become a better person. Probably the type who would throw hands with himself if he could. Definitely becomes the type to start borderline hating other men.
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