#oscar spooky diaz x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Martinez!Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1243 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Getting stuck in lockdown with Oscar and the others, and really getting to know him, for the first time in your lives.
The neighborhood going into lockdown wasn’t rare. 
With so many gangs so close together, it wasn’t surprising that they would need to keep people off the streets from time to time.
However, that didn’t make them any less annoying. 
You had been taking a shower in the bathroom when you heard the sirens. It was probably the worst time to have this happen, considering everyone else was out and about but you didn’t care. 
If you had to be locked in, you would rather be alone. 
You hummed along to the music filling the small bathroom as you finished up and turned the water off. Being in for the night could be nice, you could watch a movie and make popcorn. You rarely got the house to yourself with so many other people living here. 
However, that whole plan came crashing down when you opened the bathroom door to find the entire kitchen table surrounded. 
Suddenly, coming out of the bathroom in only a towel didn’t seem like such a good idea. 
“Oh god, hermana-cover it up” Ruby groaned, immediately covering his eyes with his hands, ignoring the stares of both Jamal and Jasmine, who was feeling your vibe. 
...You two could be real good friends. 
You had no idea what they were doing here, but you should have been happy they weren’t out on the street right now. At least you knew they were safe. 
“Sorry! I didn’t know you were here” you gasped, pulling the towel closer to your frame, trying to make sure that you were completely covered. 
If you’d have known, you would have gotten dressed before coming out.
“Just go!” 
So, rather than stand there and embarrass yourself further, you turned toward your room, leaving the group of kids to their games. 
Clearly you should have checked every crevice of the house though because by the time you made it to the living room, you ran into Spooky, who really shouldn’t have been here. 
...Was the whole neighborhood here right now? 
“Oh Dios Mio!” you allowed, holding the towel to your chest tighter and tighter by the second. It was bad enough that you’d been like this in front of your brother and his friends, but now Spooky was here too. 
It was too much. 
“Calm down mamita, damn” Oscar grinned, not even hiding the fact that his eyes had been slipping down to your frame this entire time.
You couldn’t believe that he was acting this way. You two had hardly talked since Cesar and Ruby had become friends but now he was sitting on your couch. 
“What are you doing here? Where’s Cesar?” you wondered, you hadn’t been looking for him in the other room but you were sure that he was missing from the core four. 
You had gotten used to their presence in this house but the gangbanger on your couch was brand new. 
“I came here looking for him” Spooky shrugged, acting as if his actions were self-explanatory, though you had to point out that they weren’t. You had no way of knowing that anyone was here until a few minutes ago. 
More than anything though, you also found yourself worrying for the kid. You knew what would happen if they caught him out there and you just hoped that he showed up soon. 
Not that you could think about that while basically naked in your living room, getting eyed by a cholo.
“Okay-cool, well I’m gonna just go and get dressed, so…” you rambled, heading for the stairs without looking back. 
You hated that your stomach did flips when you looked back to find Spooky’s eyes still glued to you. 
You shouldn’t have even cared if he looked at you, like you felt when you got catcalled on the street. However, there was something different about Spooky.
His name was Oscar, and in this house, he was going to have to get used to being called by it. You weren’t one of his homies, and you weren’t going to call him by that goofy nickname. 
You made a mental note of that as you pulled your t-shirt over your head, just glad you hadn’t decided to make a mad dash upstairs naked.
...It could have been worse than it was. 
Still, you weren’t sure how to feel as you made your way back downstairs, now fully dressed. You knew that the lockdown wasn’t over yet, and that Spooky was likely still waiting for you. 
You just hoped that you could actually keep it together for long enough to not make a fool out of yourself. 
It wasn’t your fault that you were attracted to him. Oscar was fine as hell, and you simply took notice of it but that didn’t mean you wanted everyone else to know how you felt. 
That was just for you to know at this point. 
You couldn’t possibly handle it if he ever found out. It would kill you because you knew that Oscar didn’t feel the same way about you and you would never live it down. 
Not that that mattered right now. 
As soon as you walked down the stairs, you found Oscar waiting for you, that smug smile on his face. Your leaving had only left him to think about the cute panic on your face when you saw him, and how beautiful you looked fresh out of the shower. 
He had never thought about it before, but he had never really seen you in that way. 
...But now that he had, Spooky was never going to get it out of his head. 
“I was worried you were never gonna come back, Mami” he joked, clearly having a good time teasing at your expense. However, you didn’t mind all that much. 
After all, you just had to own what had happened, or else he had a point.  “Trust me Oscar, that wasn’t the worst that could have happened” you shrugged, plopping down beside him on the couch. 
At some point, the power had gone out, which meant that you would have to find something else to occupy your time, since tv wasn’t an option. 
...It only meant that you had to really spend time with Oscar that you may not have otherwise. 
“I hate lockdowns” you sighed, you liked being home but when you were told that you couldn’t go out anymore, that was all you wanted to do. 
The male beside you nodded, having a hard time tearing his mind away from his younger brother and where he was at the moment. If there wasn’t a lockdown right now, he could just go out there to find him himself. 
Luckily, he had you to take his mind off of it. 
“You wanna play cards?” you suggested, looking back into the direction of the kitchen where the kids were. 
You didn’t peg Oscar for the card playing type but anything would be better than just staring at the wall, worrying about where Cesar was. 
If you were all going to be stuck here for who-knows-how-long, you might as well make the best of it. 
“Cards?” he hummed, a strange tone in his voice that, when you looked over at him, proved to be amusement. 
Oscar was actually laughing at you
“Yeah, you have any better ideas?” you questioned, not really expecting him to answer you. However, the Santo didn’t even miss a beat. 
“I think you’d be pretty good at strip poker”
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