#oryen crimsondew
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commanderhorncleaver · 6 months ago
❓🩹🗑️ for Gaius~
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❓: Estranged family/relatives they've never met
Gaius is the oldest of his sire Oryen's brood, but because of his dam's escape with him to Iron when he was 2, he's unaware of most of his siblings prior to IBS, and even Oryen himself really, with a few notable exceptions.
🩹 : Someone who was a source of trauma
Among his family, the World's Freakiest Dad award goes to Oryen. Technically speaking, he doesn't know much about him personally prior to Citadel of Flame, but knowing your sire is a war criminal shaman is typically more than enough, growing up. Coupled with the understanding that Oryen is the cause of his dam's Final Patrol (abstractly; Gaius remains unaware that Oryen is also literally made her do it) all of this shaped Gaius into who he is at the start of Personal Story.
🗑️: "It's complicated"
Among his siblings that he knows, some of the more complicated relationships go to his brother Wrygle Lifedrinker, younger by 3 years, and his sister Artificer Lucasta, younger by 32 years.
Wrygle is a complicated situation because he is the start of their sire's "project" to breed a better shaman, and is by Oryen's open and vocal measure, a failure--something Wrygle has been reminded of his entire life. He finds himself simultaneously envious of and disgusted with Gaius for how his absence has shaped his life.
Lucasta, meanwhile, Gaius has known since she was 12, when her dam, an Ash Legion spy, pulled a similar escape to his own, getting her daughter out of Flame before returning to her own mission. For a period, Gaius is her primary guardian while she struggles to adapt to the Iron Legion fahrar, trying to support and instill Iron-typical values in her in much the way he had to find for himself. When she goes missing, he may or may not have looked for her. When she returns some two years prior to Personal Story, pushing 16, a member of the Priory, and with an asuran scholar in tow, he seems plenty content to resume his mantle and see how willing she is to adapt now, and failing that, he'll teach her rat in her stead.
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commanderhorncleaver · 1 year ago
3, 5, 11, and 13 for the old man. (5 for the bastard old man if you're feeling up to it)
Ask Game
3.Are they an outsider? Do they feel like one?
At this point in his life, Gaius is sort of over this--but specifically in regards to his life as commander and a soldier of Iron Legion, yes, he's very much an outsider, and even now that he is not commander and he is more active as a Centurion again.
During IBS (and after, when he ran for Imperator of Iron) it became increasingly notable for him that he was no longer a member of what he'd devoted a lot of his life to--and also that he wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of that. He's gone to great lengths to remedy some of the problems--reducing his time away, being more active as a Centurion. Opening Horn Gladium Outreach.
All of that aside, though, he's still regarded as something removed from the rest. He's well-regarded, yes, but he's still different.
5. How do they feel about their family? Chosen and/or biological?
Gaius has a complex relationship to his family, perhaps largely due to the natural happenings of charr family groups, but then also the unique circumstances he's experienced. It's pretty well known that he's sired a lot of cubs, but he doesn't actively go out of his way to be involved with most of them--at the same time, he does keep up with most of them, and he's generally proud of all of them. With his turn for becoming more (knowingly) paternal, he's found that he actually greatly enjoys parenthood. He loves his siblings Lucasta and Silas. Most of his conflict comes from his sire, and the siblings or cubs who are likewise very, erm, antagonistic. Oryen is the most prominent example, of course, but he simply doesn't know how to engage the issue. It's not that he can't kill his sire, but he struggles coming to terms with the desire to do so-- it's a dislike so intense, that often he just acknowledge any of his thoughts about him.
Until Oryen's in his face again.
11. Obligation or initiative, why do they do what they do? Is there something/someone specific that motivates them? (bonus: has their motivation changed over the years?)
Obligation and initiative are equally strong motivations for Gaius. For a long time, it was internal motivation that made him strive to work and improve and lead and be strong. By the time LWS4 comes and moves through IBS and into EoD, it's much more obligation.
Gaius hits a point of disdain towards what it means to be a legion charr that he doesn't quite recover from as much as he finds new meaning and cause to keep doing what he does: he wants those who come after him to enjoy a more bountiful and opportunistic life. He wants the Legions to experience what they can be outside of war.
It'd be an understatement of the century to say this is different from what it was before--his entire life prior to Personal Story was spent trying to be the Iron guy.
When his outlook of obligation to the charr returns to initiative and a desire to make things better, it's also a turn back from his low point of "nobody else cares enough, it's pointless" into "we have to improve, so I'm going to take those steps to try."
13. Is there anyone they'd like to be closer to than they are?
I noted before that Gaius adores his siblings Lucasta and Silas, and I think above all, they're who he wants to be closest to. He struggles with connecting with them for so many reasons: age, traumas, general neurodivergent tendencies. Lucasta in particular is someone he's tried to support a lot, and he feels he's failed in a lot of ways, but he hopes just being there helps when he can't do anything else.
5. How do they feel about their family? Chosen and/or biological?
Like his beloved son, Oryen has a complex view of his family, and has no chosen family. In his specific case, his cubs--his brood, per se-- are an extension of him. They're all his, and their deeds are a reflection of him. This also extends to his grandcubs. He views Gaius and Lucasta and Silas and any others who've left his direct purview as "wayward" but within arm's reach. He allows them their independence, because that's the point of his experiment: what will they do now? He's overall intrigued by it all, even if by what he lets on, he's unimpressed at the best of times and actively disappointed at worst.
But they're his, no matter what.
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Gonna bother Oryen while he's in the bath/shower, what does he think of Raevik. Gaius' stabbiest son.
You find the old charr in the sauna, his fur plastered to his body and showing his--perhaps surprisingly-- well-muscled physique. His eyes are covered by a white towel, contrasting his damp russet fur, and he does not move to lift it when you approach, and neither does he shift to cover his modesty, which is quite exposed but for the moderate steam.
"That's the quirky one, right?" He asks, careful not to shift so much as to disturb his towel. "I don't know, though I admit I'm curious how my boy got so many of his brats into Ash."
"The Ash hooks are in deep with that one, too. They did a better job with him than the foolish one. Not much else to say, really."
"He's as much mine as any of them, though."
He pats the bench next to him. "If you're going to stay, you can make yourself comfortable."
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
What does Oryen think about Fulvius Smokelash? Fulvius doesn't show any prowess in magic like his sire Gaius does, but he did inherit the siring so many cubs thing.
The old charr blinks confusedly at you as he looks up from the sprawl of books in front of him. "Fulvius..?"
"Ah, is that one of Gaius' brats?" Oryen shrugs. "I don't like to pick favorites, it's exceptionally poor taste of you to ask me my thoughts on him!"
"But truth be told, I don't think of him much at all. He's an entirely unremarkable one, from what I've observed, and according to the records, the only thing he keeps up with his sire in terms of is refractory period."
Oryen yawns wide, showing off sharp teeth. "But he's one of my brood nonetheless. He's mine."
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Oryen, what do you think of your two wayward cubs? Are you at least marginally impressed with what they made of themselves without your input?
Oryen pours tea into a cup that is almost humorously dainty beside his paw. "Is there some misunderstanding here? My cubs are not wayward at all--they're always within arm's reach."
He smiles at you in a way that is rather uncomfortable--the sort that holds no sort of emotion in it, and so only the coldness of his eyes is communicating any feelings. "Despite my confidence, though, they've done little to make me proud. They've stopped the dragons, it'd be remiss of me to downplay that, but to do what needs to be done is not worth accolades."
"Gaius is an irrelevant failure scratching at anything he can to leave a mark that shows he's done something, and Lucasta.... My daughter is worse; she steals her freedom, and does nothing with it? At least her brother tried to make his mother proud."
"There's little worse than an aimless child," he says, taking a sip of tea.
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Lu glowers at Oryen as he lounges, almost entirely nude with the merciful exception of his loincloth, in front of her.
"What's your endgame? What is the point of all this? Fun? We both know your line about breeding 'perfect soldiers' is a bunch of bull."
She levels a claw at his nose, sparking with a brilliant cyan.
"And, follow-up, what exactly are you expecting to happen when you send these...strange guys to my airship, huh?"
"Sweet child of mine," Oryen meows, eyes crossing to look at Lucasta's sparking claw, "I recognize my own failings in your upbringing, but perhaps you could show a little appreciation?"
"Is it so hard to imagine that I'm concerned for my youngest's future? You only keep company with that rat, after all, and no matter how interesting his breed... you won't breed with him, will you?"
The question seems entirely genuine, and he languidly rolls over onto his belly. His hair fans out on the lounge as he peers at his daughter with one eye, and he betrays no trepidation. "I merely hope you'll like one of these suitors; you don't like your brother's human-raised boy, after all."
He affects an emotional sigh, and his long tail waves . "If nothing, you could at least consider it a thank-you gift for naming your strapping ship after me."
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Oryen! what's your opinion on Former imperator Baelfire? Has that changed over time?
"In reality," Oryen says with a casual drawl that contrasts his words, "I was never exactly fond of him. When one is raised in war it takes a lot to change how people think, for them to agree on what should be normal."
"Gaheron's rule provided a status quo that permitted myself and others to push the boundaries of normal magic--war innovates, you know. I was satisfied with that."
"My opinion has no reason to change." The auburn charr stretches, yawning wide, and peeks at you through a cracked eye the color of aquamarine. "Charr are war--or we were. My son is out there trying to make things...tamer for us. I can only hope he doesn't stifle innovation in doing so."
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Papaoutai--unfinished fic
A gentle breeze swept through the valley, bringing with it a swath of ashamed-looking soldiers that all seemed to be making their own ways back from the Ash encampment. It was a grim sort of march–in spite of the scents wafting from each and every one who passed, no charr looked particularly pleased about the activities of their night. Gaius supposed he could understand–Carvecia had gotten him in much the same way, years ago.
“You’re a hard one to read, Commander,” Imperator Smodur said beside him as the pair marched on, soldiers dispersing like ants as they passed. “Can’t tell if you’re disappointed in the chumps or if you’re sad you missed out on the inaugural songbird competition.”
Gaius chewed on that before shaking his head, as if to relinquish himself of the memory’s cloying webs. “I think it’s in my best interest not to answer that, sir.”
“Ha! And Kindleshot says you’ve no sense of humor; I can’t help but notice that Ash Legion cub of yours isn’t at the rally.”
Gaius felt his eyes narrow, and remained quiet. The paths diverged; the pair kept to the right, away from where the road led deeper into the valley, and towards the smoking quarry of the Flame encampment. He felt his blood sing in a way that was oddly familiar, though he couldn’t quite pin the cause. 
“Anyway, Horncleaver, I do thank you for coming with me to speak with the New Flame Imperator.”
“And I appreciate the invitation,” Gaius responded dutifully, despite having received no such invitation and instead being intercepted moments after taking his morning piss. He had been handed a uniform in the colors of Iron, and without question buckled it on.
The dusty brown charr barked another laugh as he led them along their way. “It’s important we make a show of Iron’s finest.”
Gaius watched the ground beneath their footpaws shift from pleasant, springy grass to harsh dirt and stone. There was a time when hearing those words from his imperator would have been a highlight. “And I’m Iron’s finest, sir?” 
“Humor and skepticism.” Smodur gestured to a lone charr heading the same direction they were, decked in the colors of Flame. “You’re better than most chumps.”
The rest of their trek was made in silence, naught but the crunch of packed dirt beneath their paws and the clinking of armor punctuated their march. As they grew closer and the ground turned to stone, Gaius recognized that the singing in his blood was becoming electric as they closed their distance with the Flame camp. It was an uncomfortable feeling, particularly because he was so sure he’d felt it before, but he couldn’t focus on it; he had to make nice, show not only that Aurene wasn’t a threat to anybody, but also that he was a loyal soldier.
Charr milled about in an unremarkably normal fashion. The primary camp of New Flame was built into the wall of the quarry, various overhangs and outcroppings creating tiered space for the charr to make shelter, as well as a large jutting throng of stone connecting to three strips of ground that seemed to hang over an open pit. As they approached, Gaius peeked over and saw, perhaps unsurprisingly, that the bottom of the quarry was filled with lava. 
He frowned. “Did they renovate the place themselves?” 
They were noticed before Smodur could respond; Gaius looked up from the pit as a voice hailed them. 
A pale ginger charr in shaman garb waved to them from the uppermost tier of the quarry wall–Gaius shielded his eyes, following the charr’s approach, noting that he was shadowed, slowly, by several other shamans. His fur began to prickle, and the blood roared in his ears and as they drew nearer, it became harder for Gaius to focus on the individuals in front of him.
“Welcome,” the golden-brown charr greeted them with a dip of his head. “Imperator Smodur the Unflinching of Iron Legion, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?”
“The pleasure is mine, Imperator Greetsglory.” Smodur purred smoothly. “I’ve merely been parading around the Commander–it’s his first time in the Valley, and I thought it’d be a good opportunity to introduce him. He does have a habit of keeping himself under the radar,” the imperator added with a glance at Gaius, who shrugged indifferently. “You caught a glimpse of his elusive dragon, and so here is the even more elusive Gaius Horncleaver.”
The shaman stepped forward, and Gaius clasped his offered paw, finding his grip to be comfortably warm. “On the contrary, I’m not the Imperator of Flame, I’ve merely organized this faction, and done my best to broker this opportunity for us.”
“Then I’d say ‘acting-Imperator’ is fitting,” Gaius grunted through narrowed eyes at the discomfort swathing him. “I’m sure we all know how difficult it is to organize charr for much of anything.”
“You do me an honor, Commander.” Greetsglory chuckled. He had a humble, if tired, air to him that Gaius could empathize with. Though he didn’t expect to engage with him much–if things went to plan–it was somewhat a comfort to meet a charr who’d put in the work but was leery of the credit and power that came with it. He was, briefly, made curious as to how Greetsglory came to such a position, but before he could ask, another charr spoke up.
“You certainly deserve the honor, given what you’ve given to get us here,” a voice said, deep and sonorous, not unlike Gaius’ own. The humming beneath his skin crescendoed into an awful chorus of tingling across his skin–he felt, as he turned, the disgusting urge to yank out his fur in an attempt to quell it. As he faced his sire, the pain and irritation came to a sudden end–he stifled as a growl as he finally recognized it as the pull of Oryen’s blood magic.
Greetsglory frowned, but Gaius’ attention was no longer on him as his vision tunneled on the black-masked eyes of his sire. “It was a sacrifice…” Curiosity prickled at Gaius’ mind for the barest moment before Oryen takes the group's attention with a clap of his paws.
“The prodigal son does return!” Oryen Crimsondew wore shaman’s garb that matched the acting Imperator’s, his deep russet fur, just shades lighter than Gaius’ pelt, glossy in the sun. “I did promise you we’d meet again.”
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
i just realized i never showed him here
I oughta get around to making an "other characters" tab for ocs who aren't directly in the warband, but anyway, here's Gaius' awful dad
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This is Oryen Crimsondew
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
unimportant, just rambling, but I want to do a write-up on Gaius' weird relationship with Flame Legion, ie the fact that he's generally indifferent towards them? Like, he's got as much contention towards them as most other soldiers, which is probably a good amount, but like. His sire's flame and directly responsible for his dam's death via the trauma of killing her warband+Gaius' conception. Then Gaius first warband, not even two years out of the fahrar, got wiped out by Flame. But he doesn't hold much of a grudge over it?
and Like, I know why--his mother's absence has been his sole focus since he was a cub, I've phrased it a number of times as him seeking to replace her cog in the machine, being The Iron Dude.
it's just an interesting piece of dissonance for him to have, I think, where we get to IBS and his biggest turmoil over the situation with Flame is coming face to face with his sire again.
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Hey Oryen, what's your opinion on random people coming up and asking your opinion on things (I am asking this while he's in bed and trying to sleep)
He snores comfortably, and you get the feeling that he is entirely indifferent to the idea.
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commanderhorncleaver · 10 months ago
2 and necro 7 and 10 for the world's worst dad
Ask Game
2. Did they have a teacher? If so, who were they and were they good instructor?
Oryen likely had a number of instructors, as given the importance of magic in Flame, especially during his upbringing, was paramount. Who they are is a mystery, however, but given the scourge Oryen became, if any of that came from them, they were certainly a wonder themselves.
7. What’s the most unethical spell they’ve ever cast, and what prompted them to use it?
At Oryen's age, his lack of ethics are a drop in the pool of blood he's spilled.
All of his sins aside, what he might consider as the least ethical thing he's done, what's brought the most harm to someone, is the communion with Stella Silvershot that allowed him to possess her and walk her body off into the grip of the ghosts of Ascalon. At the time, he felt that if he couldn't have her, why should anyone else?
10. Has their necromancy impacted their feelings on death and loss at all?
I wouldn't quite consider Oryen's necromancy the source of his issues, as much as the environment he was raised, nurtured, and actively took part in as a Flame soldier and shaman waging war against Iron. As we all know, for a group to be born and raised in war, their priorities have to be a little bit different, and this is doubly so for charr.
Death, to Oryen, is an inevitable thing. His longevity isn't a tool to escape it, but simply to allow him to see his business to an end, whatever that end may be.
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Has Oryen ever come into contact with August before?
At this point in time, I'm not entirely certain! I imagine he approached his grandcub during the Rally, but I don't know how this would have gone. Originally, Augustus wasn't intended to actually attend the rally, on account of his mate Sigmund being asked by Gaius to not come so they wouldn't have to worry about dealing with unwanted questions with his very apparent being-Branded stuff.
However, because of a lot of our discussion on what Kudo and Lu are up to, and how that's inadvertently helped develop what the Horns who are there are up to (Pancake opening a food stall, for example) I do like the thought of him being there. You know, enjoying some of the more Mixer-y™ aspects.
I wanna do more with it! But I have no idea
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
I don't do many voice claims, but since he's been on my mind with Gaius, I'd say Oryen's claim is Lance Reddick to Gaius' James Earl Jones
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commanderhorncleaver · 1 year ago
A Basic Timeline to the Life of Gaius Horncleaver
1275 AE: Iron Legionnaire Stella Silvershot’s warband is captured by Flame Legion and taken as prisoners of war. 1277 AE: Sired by Oryen Crimsondew, a high ranking shaman, Gaius is born to Silvershot. 1279 AE: Stella escapes captivity with her cub, unaware if any of her warband remain. She eventually makes it to the Black Citadel. Stella relinquishes Gaius to the fahrar, and goes on her final patrol. 1280-1294 AE: Gaius attends the Black Citadel's Fahrar of Young Heroes, having committed himself to the idea of living up to the ideal of the perfect Iron soldier. Though he struggles to apply himself in Iron-typical fashions, with no talent for engineering or marksmanship, he does excel in strategy. His magic comes in, and he begins to have nightmares. He hides both his magic and his nightmares from his peers and primus. 1295 AE: Gaius graduates the fahrar as an Iron soldier of the Black warband, taking the name Blackhorn, second to Legionnaire Venus Blacksmoke. 1298 AE: Gaius’ warband is wiped out during a routine patrol near the Decimus Stones that interrupted a ritual by a group of Flame Legion. 1299-1300 AE: Gaius goes gladium. 1301 AE: Gaius is invited by Romeo Shanktooth to join his Blood legion warband. 1302-1305 AE: Gaius spends these years as Shanktooth’s lieutenant, acting as the brains of most missions. Gaius meets Carvecia Brightshadow of the Ash Legion. After Shanktooth is killed in a tavern brawl, Gaius transfers back to Iron Legion. Augustus and Fulvius are born to Carvecia. Raevik is also born.* 1305-1320 AE: Gaius climbs the ranks and is eventually made centurion as an administrative position. 1323 AE: Gaius meets Rytlock Brimstone 1325 AE: Gaius meets Lucasta, his half-sister. The events of Personal Story and Core take place.
*The births of Gaius' other cubs has been omitted.
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commanderhorncleaver · 2 years ago
Any Horncleaver AU's you've got bouncing around in your head (or maybe some new ones you want to entertain). Maybe he in space, maybe he was born in lion's arch or uhh maybe he grew up with Norn? Anything really xP
Ooh, I do have a few Horncleaver AUs!
The two really big ones are what I consider his Flame Legion AU, and his Scratch AU. There's also the potential for a Blood Legion AU, but I haven't put a whole lot of thought into that one.
Flame!AU is what it sounds like; his dam never escapes Flame and thusly Gaius is raised by his sire, Oryen Crimsondew. In an environment where he doesn't have to hide his shaman potential, Gaius pretty much flourishes with his magic-replicating abilities, and with his father as a...guide of sorts, he winds up a pretty up and coming young shaman, until he's tricked by some of Crimsondew's colleagues into partaking in a ritual that gets him bound to a demon. I haven't figured out much beyond this, unfortunately.
Scratch!AU (using a homestuck term, I'm sorry) is my primary "I'm using a different commander" AU, in which Gaius' daughter with Efram in "canon", Gloryana Shivergaze, is instead born to Crimsondew, and Gaius himself is born to Gloryana and Rytlock, who had a brief fling before Rytlock was sent off on his tour of the legions. This results in Gaius being around Ryland's age, and the two are very much aware of their status as half-siblings. However, because Crecia babies Ryland and Gloryana is AWOL as hell, they don't have much of a good relationship. This is sort of a Blood Legion! AU in its own right, where he once again has the same intensity for Legion life as he does in canon, but under very different circumstances.
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