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yuurei20 · 8 months ago
Ortho Info Compilation Master List
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Ortho 1 - Birthdays, Grim
Ortho 2 - Abilities
Ortho 3 - Halloween
Ortho 4 - Appearance, Honorifics and Games
Ortho 5 - Azul, Kalim and Leona
Ortho 6 - Learning, Helping, Lightning
Ortho 7 - Sneakiness, Beanfest and more
Ortho 8 - NRC and hacking
Ortho 9 - Wish Upon a Star
Ortho 10 - Idia Shroud Part One
Ortho 11 - Idia Shroud Part Two
Ortho 12 - Idia Shroud Part Three
Ortho 13 - Idia Shroud Part Four
Ortho 14 - Idia Shroud Part Five
Ortho 15 - The Main Story Part One
Ortho 16 - The Main Story Part Two
Ortho 17 - The Main Story Part Three
Ortho 18 - Riddle, Film Club and Vil
(also catalogued on twstnote.com!)
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outsidetheknow · 5 years ago
@DrJohnOrchard : @Orthofacts I’m sure evidence-based medicine would seem a horse as tall as a giraffe to most Orthopods, so hell yeah, very fricking high! 😏
@DrJohnOrchard : @Orthofacts I’m sure evidence-based medicine would seem a horse as tall as a giraffe to most Orthopods, so hell yeah, very fricking high! 😏
I’m sure evidence-based medicine would seem a horse as tall as a giraffe to most Orthopods, so hell yeah, very fricking high! 😏
— John Orchard (@DrJohnOrchard) September 1, 2019
September 01, 2019 at 05:06PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/DrJohnOrchard
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arnoferrat · 8 years ago
Charlot ministre de la vérité, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 22 février 2017)
Charlot ministre de la vérité, par Frédéric Lordon (Les blogs du Diplo, 22 février 2017) ►http://blog.mondediplo.net/2017-02-22-Charlot-ministre-de-la-verite http://ift.tt/2lxZYzP
Frédéric Lordon est en grande forme. Faut dire que quand c’est trop,...
Admettons-le : au début on n’a pas voulu y croire. Lorsque le 3 janvier on a entendu Samuel Laurent, « décodeur » en chef au Monde, annoncer « une innovation technologique (1) » conçue pour défaire la post-vérité, on s’est dit que c’était trop beau pour être vrai. Mais l’époque dispense sans compter, et il faut désormais tenir pour acquis qu’elle est capable de tout. La suite a prouvé combien. Il y a d’abord ce nom grotesque, Decodex, qui fait surtout penser aux collants bleus de Fantômas ou bien au manteau noir de Judex — et donne irrésistiblement envie d’avoir accès aux minutes du brainstorming, qu’on imagine quelque part entre Veritator, Orthofact et Rectifias. Il y a surtout une trouvaille dont on ne sait plus s’il faut l’assimiler au geste d’une performance artistique ou au comique du cinéma muet. Construire la machine à gifles et s’y attacher la tête dans l’ouverture, Buster Keaton ou Charlot n’auraient sans doute pas fait mieux. C’est que les génies du décodage se sont fabriqué pour longtemps des journées difficiles. Comme de juste, pas une des (nombreuses) traces de pneu de la presse « crédible » labellisée « vert » ne leur sera épargnée, immanquable avalanche dont les effets sur la santé nerveuse du chef décodeur sont déjà constatables sur les réseaux sociaux. Et chaque fois que le ministère de la vérité proteste de ses justifications doctrinales, c’est derechef pour faire tourner à plein régime la turbine à claques.
Leibniz nomme « géométral » de toutes les perspectives le point de vue sur tous les points de vue, le point de vue suprême qui cesse d’être un point de vue particulier parce qu’il les synthétise tous. Le géométral, c’est le point de vue de Dieu. Ou, donc, du Monde. C’est bien connu : Le Monde n’a pas de point de vue. Il n’est pas l’organe officiel de la mondialisation, de l’Europe libérale, de la réforme indéfinie, et de l’entreprise-qui-crée-l’emploi — ou s’il l’est, il n’est que le porte-parole de la nature des choses. Et quand, de temps à autre, admettons-le, des « opinions » s’y font entendre, c’est dans les pages spéciales des éditoriaux, des chroniques et des tribunes, hermétiquement séparées du reste du journal voué, lui, aux faits vrais et à l’information neutre. Aussi bien Daniel Schneidermann que François Ruffin (7) s’essayent à faire comprendre à Samuel Laurent que c’est le propre du point de vue dominant que de pouvoir se nier comme point de vue particulier,
Il y a comme une loi de proportionnalité du monde social qui justifie la critique en rapport avec l’importance des positions de pouvoir et des prétentions qui s’y expriment. C’est que la détention d’un pouvoir exorbitant conduit nécessairement à questionner la légitimité des détenteurs, et qu’en l’espèce on est conduit à se demander comment des pouvoirs aussi considérables se sont trouvés remis à des individus aussi insuffisants. La pédagogie généralisée de l’information vraie ne pouvait donc manquer de faire revenir la bonne vieille question de Marx de savoir qui éduque les éducateurs. On se dit d’abord que la croyance forcenée en un journalisme vierge de point de vue et riche seulement de faits devrait suffire à interdire l’accès à la profession. On se demande ensuite ce qui se passe dans les écoles de journalisme pour qu’on en laisse sortir des « diplômés » dans cet état. Sont-elles toutes sinistrées à ce point (ou n’y en a-t-il pas une ou deux qui résistent) ? À quel effondrement président-elles ? La dégradation intellectuelle du journalisme est-elle si avancée que le laisse entrevoir l’aval enthousiaste donné à la philosophie du Decodex jusqu’au plus haut niveau du « quotidien de référence » ?
« Quand un patron parle, c’est de l’économie, quand un syndicaliste parle, c’est du militantisme »
Il y aurait beaucoup à dire sur le geste qui conduit, sans visiblement qu’il en ait conscience, Le Monde à épouser cette pratique néolibérale entre toutes de l’évaluation généralisée — des autres. Comme on sait, née dans la finance, la pratique de l’évaluation est en voie de coloniser toutes les sphères de la vie sociale, organisant par là leur soumission à la logique d’une société de marché de part en part régie par le principe de concurrence. On évalue les chauffeurs de VTC, les appartements de location, les toilettes d’aéroport, et sans doute bientôt les dîners entre amis — le « code couleur », cette tragédie de la couleur que même la plus fertile imagination dystopique n’aurait pas pu anticiper. Voilà donc que Le Monde distribue des couleurs à l’information comme d’autres aux apports nutritionnels ou aux pots d’échappement. Le Monde est bien le journal de ce monde.
Que le journalisme commence avec l’établissement de faits et la dénonciation des contre-vérités flagrantes, c’est une telle évidence qu’on se demande comment des titres ont cru y voir le motif d’une rubrique spéciale, en excès de leur habitude ordinaire qui prescrit pourtant depuis des lustres cette exigence presque constitutive de procéder à des vérifications élémentaires. Ceci d’ailleurs pour des raisons qui sont vieilles comme la politique : sitôt qu’ils ne sont plus surveillés comme le lait sur le feu les pouvoirs mentent, les institutions mentent, l’État ment. Le mensonge leur est constitutionnel, comme à toutes les institutions autonomisées, toujours tendanciellement portées à oublier ce qu’était leur fonction première, pour ne plus vivre que pour elles-mêmes.
#decodex #fake_news #post_truth
from Arnaud Ferrat (@arnoferrat) - Seenthis http://ift.tt/2lqlRT2 via IFTTT
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jchernandezphotographe · 8 years ago
Charlot ministre de la vérité (à propos de @samuellaurent et son #decodex #LeMonde) par #FrédéricLordon #medias
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Charlot ministre de la vérité (à propos de @samuellaurent et son #decodex #LeMonde) par #FrédéricLordon #medias
dmettons-le : au début on n’a pas voulu y croire. Lorsque le 3 janvier on a entendu Samuel Laurent, « décodeur » en chef au Monde, annoncer « une innovation technologique (1) » conçue pour défaire la post-vérité, on s’est dit que c’était trop beau pour être vrai. Mais l’époque dispense sans compter, et il faut désormais tenir pour acquis qu’elle est capable de tout. La suite a prouvé combien. Il y a d’abord ce nom grotesque, Decodex, qui fait surtout penser aux collants bleus de Fantômas ou bien au manteau noir de Judex — et donne irrésistiblement envie d’avoir accès aux minutes du brainstorming, qu’on imagine quelque part entre Veritator, Orthofact et Rectifias. Il y a surtout une trouvaille dont on ne sait plus s’il faut l’assimiler au geste d’une performance artistique ou au comique du cinéma muet. Construire la machine à gifles et s’y attacher la tête dans l’ouverture, Buster Keaton ou Charlot n’auraient sans doute pas fait mieux. C’est que les génies du décodage se sont fabriqué pour longtemps des journées difficiles. Comme de juste, pas une des (nombreuses) traces de pneu de la presse « crédible » labellisée « vert » ne leur sera épargnée, immanquable avalanche dont les effets sur la santé nerveuse du chef décodeur sont déjà constatables sur les réseaux sociaux. Et chaque fois que le ministère de la vérité proteste de ses justifications doctrinales, c’est derechef pour faire tourner à plein régime la turbine à claques.
L’hôpital, la charité
Pour son malheur en effet, il n’est pas une de ses phrases qui ne puisse aussitôt lui être retournée. On se souvient de Katherine Viner, éditorialiste-philosophe de la post-vérité au Guardian qui, voulant faire porter le chapeau à Facebook, « conceptualisait » les « bulles de filtre » sans s’apercevoir que la définition qu’elle en donnait s’appliquait à merveille à la presse mainstream : un univers clos qui ne se nourrit que de pensée confirmante sans jamais ni accueillir ni faire entendre le moindre bruit contradictoire sérieux. Si Samuel Laurent est visiblement plus à son affaire dans le code que dans la théorie, ça ne l’empêche pas d’essayer lui aussi. Il aurait eu tort de se gêner, les produits de la ferme sont de première qualité : « Plus on est dans le domaine de la croyance et du religieux, plus c’est difficile de faire changer d’avis quelqu’un, parce qu’il y croit, il a basé sa structure mentale là-dessus (…) C’est compliqué de se battre contre des gens qui sont déjà convaincus (2) ». Et c’est tellement vrai.
La neutralité journalistique est au choix une ânerie sans nom ou une parfaite hypocrisie.
Par exemple, le type qui déclare avec un regard fixe un peu inquiétant que « Jean-Claude Juncker s’efforce de taxer les multinationales, de faire la chasse aux paradis fiscaux et d’avoir une gestion politique — comprendre de gauche — des politiques budgétaires » est clairement à jour de sa cotisation aux Raëliens ou bien s’est fait refiler du gâteau au shit par des Hare Krishna. Ici les analyses de Samuel Laurent n’ont jamais été si éclairantes : nous avons en effet à faire à quelqu’un « qui est dans le domaine du religieux, qui y croit, qui a basé sa structure mentale là-dessus ». Et il est bien certain qu’il ne va pas être facile de le ravoir, parce que celui-là, c’est peu dire qu’« il y croit ». Le problème est que le sujet à pupilles dilatées est directeur éditorial au journal Le Monde (3) qui lui tamponne régulièrement son bon de sortie — à vignette verte. Problème d’autant plus sérieux que le directeur de la maison de repos, en campagne pour les dragées Decodex, dit lui-même des choses à fort retour de manivelle : « Un site d’extrême-droite peut reprendre des vraies informations ou alors peut colporter de fausses informations, ou peut donner des visions extrêmement tendancieuses des faits (4) ». Ma foi c’est très vrai également, attention toutefois à la malice du jokari. Bien sûr on ne va pas assimiler le journal de référence à un site complotiste, mais enfin, littéralement parlant, « reprendre des vraies informations, en colporter de fausses, donner des faits des présentations extrêmement tendancieuses » est un énoncé susceptible d’un champ d’application passablement plus large que ne l’imagine le directeur du Monde.
Quand les autorités ne font plus autorité
Qu’un discours devienne à ce point instable par autoréférence devrait normalement inquiéter ses propres auteurs. Que la chose les laisse à ce point de marbre, et comme inconscients de la ruine qu’ils opèrent eux-mêmes de leur propre position a en tout cas valeur de symptôme. Mais symptôme de quoi sinon de ces époques finissantes qu’on reconnaît à l’enfermement de ceux qui prétendaient en être les guides, et ne mesurent plus ni à quel point ils ont rompu avec le reste de la société ni la portée de leurs propres paroles. De ce point de vue, il y aurait certainement lieu de mettre en rapport le geste involontairement comique du Decodex et la vomissure des économistes Cahuc et Zylberberg (5), l’un comme l’autre exprimant ce mélange d’incompréhension et de fureur des institutions de la doxa quand, médusées, elles contemplent pour la première fois la crise qui menace de les emporter. Spasme réactionnel commun des autorités qui découvrent qu’elles ne font plus autorité, le ministère journalistique de l’information vraie est mitoyen de la maison de correction épistémologique pour « négationnistes économiques ». Et dans l’un et l’autre cas, la même incompréhension stupéfaite du processus d’effondrement de leur légitimité, la même réaction à la fois autistique et autoritaire — précisément parce que les institutions de pouvoir ne connaissent pas d’autre conception qu’autoritaire de l’autorité. C’est pourquoi, exposées à la contestation, elles cèdent spontanément à une crispation fulminante accompagnée d’un serrage de vis pour tenter de reprendre en main ce qui est en train d’échapper. Ici nous vous apprendrons ce qu’est la vraie science, là la bonne information — et, croyez-nous, vous finirez par penser droit.
Le ministère journalistique de l’information vraie est mitoyen de la maison de correction épistémologique pour « négationnistes économiques »
On pourrait même pousser l’homologie plus loin car l’antinomie épistémologiquement indigente de la science et de l’idéologie, qui obsède les deux économistes partis, est formellement semblable à celle du journaliste et du militant dont le « décodage » fait l’axe de sa vision du monde. De même qu’aux uns il faudrait expliquer qu’il y a finalement trois sortes d’économistes : ceux qui ne s’aperçoivent même pas que leur « science » est de part en part imbibée de politique, ceux qui en ont conscience mais décident de camper dans la dénégation pour ne pas gâcher les profits symboliques de la science, ceux enfin qui aperçoivent que la présence de la politique dans la science sociale est sa condition nécessaire et qui cherchent au grand jour comment réguler les effets de cette présence, de même il faudrait expliquer aux autres que la neutralité journalistique est au choix une ânerie sans nom ou une parfaite hypocrisie.
Autant la discussion épistémologique, toujours dominée par le boulet de la « neutralité axiologique », est loin d’être close, autant on pensait en avoir fini depuis longtemps avec l’« objectivité du journalisme ». Il faut croire que non. Une heure d’émission (6), et presque de supplications, ne suffira pas pour obtenir de Samuel Laurent un début de vacillement sur ce sujet. Par exemple : pourquoi Fakir doit-il être en orange ? Parce qu’il « a un point de vue » : « Je suis désolé, Fakir parle d’un point de vue ».
« Dieu, le Monde, et moi »
Leibniz nomme « géométral » de toutes les perspectives le point de vue sur tous les points de vue, le point de vue suprême qui cesse d’être un point de vue particulier parce qu’il les synthétise tous. Le géométral, c’est le point de vue de Dieu. Ou, donc, du Monde. C’est bien connu : Le Monde n’a pas de point de vue. Il n’est pa (..)
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 2: Abilities
Ortho’s various capabilities change according to his “gear,” which have been mostly (but not all been) designed and crafted by Idia.
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Ortho regularly references the tools and abilities with which he has been equipped, such as:
・a directional mic that can pick up human whispering fifty meters away (better than the hearing of fae and beastpeople, according to Lilia) ・a vocal synthesizer ・LED beams
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・projection mapping ・a 4D mode (for olfactory immersion) ・access to the school’s surveillance feeds ・a manual that includes information on “classic date spots” ・weather calculation ・the ability to fly into space ・alloy fibers (“modeled after Jack Howl’s legs”)
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・a fiberscope ・mini-arms ・a 3D printer ・a first-aid kit
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・the ability to detect and describe unseen campus intruders ・the ability to open the Oceanus Gate to STYX ・the ability to scan and identify the composition of objects like skincare products.
Ortho seems to have a “sleep mode,” a “low illumination mode” and an “auto mode.”
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Ortho will occasional reference his “databanks,” which is how he is able to recognize the spectral realm during Halloween.
He says they “have a baseline of 100,000 books stored inside” and “include comprehensive data on medicinal herbs and medicines.”
Ortho says he is under order from Idia to never log into satellite position systems, but there does not seem to be anything actually keeping him from doing so.
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He can detect people within a 10,000 meter radius (and motion detect within a one-kilometer radius), which he says makes it difficult to sneak up on him.
Ortho is also capable of telling whether or not others are being sincere, testing this ability on Ace, Idia and Rook.
Rook, however, may be capable of fooling Ortho’s tests for heart rate fluctuations, perspiration and other vital signs (during Halloween he tells Trey he is capable of controlling his own heart rate).
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Ortho often video records the happenings around him (during so during both Phantom Bride and Spectral Soiree), and he seems to keep chat logs/voice recordings from Idia.
Ortho is also equipped with a “technomantic beam” which he threatens to fire at the school in order to save Idia during Phantom Bride.
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He says that his “burst gear” (based on the school’s ceremonial robes) can output it at high levels.
He comes close to firing his technomatic cannon at visitors during the Halloween event and Fairy Gala IF.
Ortho fires his beam at two bullies in a vignette, which may or may not have been with intent to kill: he regrets that they were able to dodge his attack, which wrecks a pillar instead.
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Ortho also fires his beam when trying to help Crowley get Lucius down from a tree, splitting it in half.
(Crowley has a thing for the school’s apple trees, according to both Trey and Ruggie. Epel has a line about how “apple trees can withstand intense cold and still bear fruit.”)
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 4: Appearance, Honorifics and Games
Unlike Idia, Ortho’s hair is not a manifestation of a curse. He says “It’s just artificially generated" but still made of fire like Idia’s and he “can turn it any color by altering the gas mix.”
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For Fairy Gala IF Ortho makes his own mechanical body based on Crewel’s designs in what is possibly for his first time occupying a body that was not designed for him by Idia.
Both before and after Book 6 Ortho typically refers to people by their full names with the “-san” honorific upon greeting them for the first time, and then by their first names with “-san” during the ensuing conversation.
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(The full name pattern is sometimes recreated on EN, and sometimes not.)
He refers to Idia by the “Nii-san” version of “older brother,” which becomes very important during Book 6 when it is revealed that the original Ortho upon which he was based used the “Nii-chan” variation when he was still alive.
At the end of Book 6 there is a conversation where Idia dismisses Ortho from his role of little brother, during which Ortho refers to him by his name with the “-san” honorific, as he does every other character.
When Idia accepts his request to become his little brother, he returns immediately to “Nii-san.”
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Most characters keep to their own, individual speaking conventions for Ortho with Azul referring to him with “-san”, Ruggie with “-kun” and neither Vil nor Kalim using any honorific at all.
Malleus refers to him as “small Shroud” (or “littler Shroud” on EN).
Floyd’s nickname of Clione-chan is the same on both servers, while Rook’s nickname of Monsieur Doll (Monsieur Marionette on EN) is changed to Monsieur Wonder in Book 6.
While pronounced “Monsieur Wonder,” the word that Rook is actually using means “Miracle.”
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When asked about how much he interacts with other Ignihyde students, Ortho responds that they play phone games a lot. He doesn’t play computer games as a general rule, since it doesn’t really require any effort for him to win.
He says he enjoys competing against his dormmates, who keep coming up with new strategies no matter how many times they lose.
There is apparently an “anti-Otho” game strategy guide where students use handwritten notes to hide information from him, as even the tightest data security won’t stop him.
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 18: Riddle, Film Club and Vil
During Fairy Gala IF, Riddle compliments Ortho on his technological prowess and Ortho says, “If I solve this problem, I’ll basically be a campus hero!,” possibly tying back to book 6 and original-Ortho and Idia’s childhood appreciation for heroes and adventures.
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Ortho confides in Riddle that the Fairy Gala IF event is the first time that anyone has ever needed him instead of his brother: “I came to this school as one of Idia’s technomatic gadgets. I was no different than a PC or a blastcycle. And I was going to leave with Idia once he graduated…I didn’t think there was anywhere else I should be. I believed the best place for me was wherever my brother was. I had it in my head that being with Idia was the best possible option—or rather, it was the ONLY option. It’s different now, though. I’ve been recognized as a person rather than a gadget.”
Ortho explains how he finds things like “meaningless chitchat” with the other students, getting yelled at by a teacher for cutting class (“nobody ever cared when I was in class or not before”) and scolded by Riddle to be engaging and novel.
“I never knew it would be so nice to be treated as Ortho Shroud—an individual person. Happiness, delight, pride…I’ve known what those words meant for years, but now I think I finally understand them.”
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Riddle responds, “I’m sure your housewarden is proud to have another exceptional student in his dorm. And I’m glad to study alongside you, Ortho Shroud.”
Ortho explains that he first started watching movies in order “to study human emotions. I had trouble conducting myself in human-like ways when my brother first built me. I didn’t really understand when it was appropriate to get mad, or to laugh. Movies helped me solve that problem, though.”
He says that, “Nowadays, watching movies is more or less something I just do for fun.”
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During Book 6 Vil comments,“Ortho’s been putting on quite the villainous performance. It seems to me he could drop all this nonsense about resetting the world and start an acting career.”
Rook asks Vil about Ortho joining the Film Club and Vil responds, “I think you might be onto something there.
We see Ortho trying to decide on a club during a vignette (the other first-year students are in sports clubs, and Ortho says he is more interested in new experiences than improving his performance), reflecting on how he would watch films “to acquire proper emotive capabilities.”
Before Vil has the chance to extend an invitation for him to join the Film Research Club, Ortho asks to be allowed in himself.
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Vil grants him membership without an audition as he has “already seen more than enough of your acting back on the Island of Woe.”
Riddle and Leona call in Vil and Crewel to assist with Fairy Gala IF and Vil and Crewel invite Ortho, with Vil saying, “Ortho is essential for your success at the fashion show. No one is more fitting for the theme of evolution that Ortho Shroud.”
Book 5 is Ortho's first appearance in the main story, where fails the audition for the VDC when Vil reacts to his performance with, “I’ve heard of genreless, but this is ridiculous.”
Despite this, Vil seems fond of Ortho.
Vil refuses to teach him make up techniques for Halloween as his costume uses a mask, but when Ortho is disappointed in the loss of a learning opportunity Vil follows with, “I jest…I will pick out some skincare products for you.”
When asked what dorm (besides Ignihyde) he would like to join, Ortho responds: Pomefiore.
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 1: Birthdays, Grim
When asked about his past birthdays Idia explains that he would always receive a lot of games from his parents, but he would win so often that Ortho would get frustrated.
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Idia says that, as a result, he “shifted more towards analog games that used roulette wheels and dice...that way, Ortho could have fun playing without having to master any gaming techniques.”
“Idia made me a treasure map that year…he set up a whole bunch of puzzles on the route there, too. He put so much effort into it! Back in those days, I used to talk constantly about how much I wanted to go on an adventure—an idea I got from the video games I played with him. And my brother granted my wish!”
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Ortho might be describing events that happen both before and after original-Ortho’s death: The conversation between Idia and Ortho that leads to Idia accidentally setting loose the monster that attacks Ortho, and how Idia tried to make up for it afterwards, once he’d created robot-Ortho.Ortho says that he wants to create “real memories with Idia. With me the way I am now, I mean.”
Idia seems aware of this, and it is a running theme in the Wish Upon a Star event, as well.(There is a fan theory that original-Ortho was killed by Grim, who has no memories beyond waking up alone, hungry and cold.
"What happened after that again? It's all so foggy...".
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The creature that kills Ortho is described as a "monster," not a phantom, and there is a possibility that the "ROS" of "ROS-3367A" (the ID of the escaped monsters) is for "Queendom of Roses, while Grim possible based on Alice in Wonderland's Dinah.
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Compare the audio from the beginning of the game to the monster who kills Ortho and it is an interesting theory!)
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 5: Azul, Kalim and Leona
In his birthday interview Azul says that, if he could have any student from Night Raven College as a sibling, he would choose Ortho as his little brother.
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He claims that he envies Idia “for having the adulation of such a sweet sibling,” but soon reveals that he is extremely impressed by Ortho’s prowess at gathering information and doing calculations.
"If he were my brother, I’d have such an easy time compiling my monthly budgets and proceeds. Plus, when I finally expand my business beyond food-service establishments…Ortho would make for a powerful weapon, given how he can gather accurate intel with unmatched speed.”
On JP Azul explains that it was Ortho who introduced him to a boardgame that simulated making trade deals, which ultimately resulted in Azul joining the boardgame club.
On EN this line was rewritten to make it sound like both Shroud brothers were involved in convincing Azul to join.
In a vignette Azul claims to be helping Idia with maintenance on Ortho because he was impressed by their “beautiful brotherly love.”
Azul half blackmails, half bribes Grim into helping with the dangerous task of exchanging an important part of Ortho’s insides that boost his processing speed by 10%.
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At the end of the vignette it is revealed that Azul was only participating in exchange for the expensive part that was removed from Ortho, "handcrafted by the renowned genius Idia himself," that he intends to sell after its value appreciates even further.
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We learn in a voice line from Kalim that his magic carpet receives cleaning from Ortho.
Ortho seems fond of Kalim, saying that he is a really nice guy in a vignette.
Perhaps not realizing that Ortho cannot eat, Kalim invites him to share a meal that was made for him by Jamil.
While Leona repeatedly states in-game that he does not like interacting with children he seems to be unusually patient (or at least not outwardly hostile) with Ortho: even when Ortho unintentionally mocks him for his “feline nature,” which leads to Leona being teased by the other students, Leona merely excuses himself from the situation by claiming that he is “beholden to (his) feline nature” and simply must take a nap.
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 10: Idia (pt1)
Ortho’s “burst gear” was inspired by a need to expose overheating circuits to air, designed (by Ortho’s request) to look like the ceremonial robes worn by the other students.
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Ortho asks Idia if they might be able to dress up and take a picture together in the Mirror Chamber, as they didn’t have the chance when Idia first enrolled.
Idia reluctantly agrees out of guilt (“Don’t look at me like that! Okay, okay, I-I got this!”), only to immediately regret it.
On the day of the opening ceremonies Ortho is too excited to wait for Idia to finish getting ready and goes to the main campus by himself, excited to look just like his brother.
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He runs into Vil who compliments his look (but does not say “Shroud,” as was added to Vil’s dialogue on EN. Vil never refers to anyone by just their last name.)
Idia manages to leave his room but begins to panic and goes into the courtyard to calm down.
He runs into Malleus, who is unaware that the ceremonies are even happening, and says that Idia’s look “may be considered ‘weird’…I simply cannot understand the meaningless things humans do at times.”
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Vil encourages Ortho to go to the ceremony by himself but Ortho insists, “I wanna create real memories with Idia. With me the way I am now, I mean. That’s why I wanted to go to a major Night Raven College event with him—to share an experience we can only have right here and now.”
Ortho goes to look for Idia and finds him conversing with Malleus.
At first he is excited (“Does Idia have a friend!?”), but then Idia runs away from Malleus, back to Ignihyde.
Idia reflects that “Ortho would’ve been really sad to see me like that…so this is a good thing! I’m sure Ortho’s having a great time at orientation all by himself. He was so excited for it, after all.”
But Ortho then shows up at his door to apologize, saying “It’s okay. I’ll always be with you.”
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The incident is revealed to have been a flashback, instigated by Grim asking why Ortho has a body that looks like the ceremonial robes.
Ortho lies and says, “There isn’t any particular reason. I just thought it’d be cool.”
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Ortho is often complimenting Idia, saying he is “amazing,” “more than cool” and that he is “super proud” of every one of the bodies that Idia has designed for him.
Idia says that he initially turned down the position of Housewarden, but then Ortho asked if there was anyone more capable, and “then it hit me—he was right. There’s no one in Ignihyde who’s smarter or more competent than I am.”
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 3: Halloween
During the Halloween event Ortho comes close to firing his technomantic cannon at campus visitors out of frustration with their refusal to follow the rules (and after they poke him and shove food into his oral cavity).
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The other Ignihyde students defend him, and Idia thanks him for looking out for the dorm.
When they finally get their revenge on the Magicam Monsters Ortho observes, “It was super funny the way their faces contorted when they were about to cry.”
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During Spectral Soiree we get a hint of how much Ortho dislikes ghosts, (“It might be more efficient to simply obliterate any ghosts we come across…they’re ghosts, right? There’s no need to go easy on them!”), and in a voice line he says that he gets mocked by the ghosts at the school.
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(It is possible that Ortho gets bullied by more than just the ghosts. When Idia asks if people bad-mouth him often Ortho responds, “That kind of voice data is so worthless, I don’t bother saving it,” which may be the Ortho equivalent of ‘yes, but I ignore it.’)
Ortho is not a very big fan of Halloween, either (perhaps because of the sudden influx of ghosts), and it seems he was tempted to not attend the Spectral Soiree Halloween Party specifically because he is “not a fan of ghosts in general.”
We see him interacting pleasantly with campus ghosts in a vignette, however, so Ortho may be able to put aside his dislike of ghosts when there is a benefit to him (he needed the laundry ghosts to leave so that he could make preparations for revenge against bullies).
During the Spectral Soiree event Ortho is in a group with Riddle and Ruggie.
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He and Ruggie bond over shared excitement at the treasure-hunt-like adventure that they are experiencing, with Ortho expressing concern over Riddle’s lack of familiarity with almost any form of entertainment media. (“You know it’s bad when Ortho—who I remind you is a robot—is worried about your emotional growth.”)
Ortho invites both Riddle and Ruggie to an escape room after they get back to campus.
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At the end of the Halloween event Ortho declares that his opinion on Halloween has changed and now he really likes it, while with the conclusion of the Spectral Soiree event he says, “I’ll have to save my memories of this year’s Halloween in a folder with the highest possible security.”
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 11: Idia (pt2)
Idia may have programmed Ortho to be something of a conscience for him: when he reveals his plans to get revenge on Riddle in Book 5 for Riddle’s insistence that he make a presentation in person, Ortho warns him that, “it’s not nice to pick on underclassmen.”
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Ortho is very positive on Idia socializing in person and taking part in school activities.
In a Chat he asks Idia if they can go to an amusement park and Idia agrees to meet him halfway, saying he will "code up a VR amusement park” instead. Ortho insists, “That defeats the whole purpose!”
In a vignette we see Ortho questioning Idia’s decision to wear his lab wear while playing video games (“That’s sounds like an excuse to be a slob to me”), telling him to not go outside dressed with his lab gear over his pajamas as he will get in trouble with the teachers and it would be a bad influence on the other students.
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Idia goes outside anyway, terrifying Grim, who starts a rumor that an evil spirit wanders the halls at night.
Ortho realizes what has happened despite Idia never admitting to it and confiscates his lab wear, refusing to let him have it in his own possession outside of lab exercises.
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Ortho also encourages Idia to take breaks and remember to sleep, but he seems to have no qualms about Idia “prioritizing mental stimulation over physical rest” when Idia decides to follow up 11 hours and 35 minutes of work with a video game.
Ortho also encourages Idia to interact with Kalim during New Year’s and to thank the other students for saving his life after the events of Phantom Bride.
Idia responds with, “Would’ve been nice if they hadn’t cut it so close” and Ortho scolds him for throwing in “some of those smart remarks again. And by ‘some,’ I mean a whole essay’s worth.”
Idia is very dependent upon Ortho, showing extreme reluctance to interact with anyone at any time but especially when Ortho is not with him, and saying that he wishes he and Ortho could have their dorm all to themselves.
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Riddle calls him out on having Ortho do all of his work for him, saying that Idia refuses to attend meetings and instead makes Ortho receive his visitors and handle all orientation preparations, “Honestly, I feel bad for him, having to take on all the work of his irresponsible housewarden!”
Idia also tries to leave the Magicam Monster problem on campus to Ortho as well, as, “He’s way better at talking to people than me.”
Having joined the Film Club after Book 6, Ortho leaves Idia to fend for himself during Vargas Camp 2, despite Idia’s protests.
During Wish Upon a Star Idia gets into an argument with Sebek over boss fights and Ortho makes the conscious decision to not step in, as, “it sure is nice to see him hitting it off with someone besides me.”
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 17: Book 6(pt3)
During the flashback Idia assures a newly-built Ortho that he will be able to go into space one day unassisted, which we see actually happen during the Wish Upon a Star event, presumably for the first time.
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Original-Ortho appears to Idia, telling him that “You shouldn’t come here yet” because he loves the world too much to give up on it, and that he wants Idia to get to live their dream.
Changing from the “Nii-chan” version of older brother to the Nii-san version used by robot-Ortho, he metaphorically passes the torch to the android version of himself.
Immediately after we learn that one of Ortho’s final acts was to delete the River Lethe’s configuration program—and destroy it completely—so that Idia will not be able to erase everyone’s memories of what has happened.
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Idia is able to resurrect Ortho through Ortho’s memory card, which Grim had swallowed during the drama, and then explains that Ortho’s circuitry has been altered to the point that he is no longer subject to any outside interference: “Nothing can overwrite your data now except your own learning…nobody in the world can rewrite your memories or emotional programs. Not even me.”
Idia then excuses Ortho from his role of “playing” as his little brother, saying that he is free.
Ortho’s first choice as his own free being is to ask to become Idia’s “real” little brother, and Idia responds, “You’ve been my real brother for a long time now.”
Back at NRC Crowley explains that as the world’s first self-aware technomantic humanoid, Ortho will be joining Class C as a transfer student.
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Ortho explains that since they haven’t been able to identify the cause of his circuit alterations yet, he was accepted into the school as Idia’s research project (until Book 6 Ortho was one-half a student Idia, similar to the situation between the player and Grim. Crowley follows up with a hurried explanation about how he couldn’t refuse Idia’s family’s wish for Ortho to enroll after they “made substantial contributions" towards expanding the school’s facilities).
Rook and Vil have a conversation about how the two Orthos' decision to save Idia expressed “such love and affection” that it could only be called a “soul.”
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 8: NRC and hacking
Pre-Book 6 Ortho did not have classes of his own to attend and only attended classes on non-test days, with Idia.
Ortho explains, “When I can’t be with him, I take walks on campus and chat with people. I recently visited Professor Trein, and he let me read his books. He also played games with me. That was lots of fun. I’ve never met my grandpa, but if he were here, maybe he’d be like that. The other fun part about visiting Professor Trein is getting to talk with Lucius.”
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Before enrolling in class 1-C Ortho says that all he would do in Idia’s classes was “sit next to him and optimize my internal memory…sometimes I take classes with everybody else when the mood strikes. The teachers don’t say anything about it.”
Ortho was also not qualified to participate in the Beanfest event.
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In Book 5 we learn that Idia got permission from the headmage to allow Ortho to attend his classes with him, and in Book 6 Jamil makes the connection that someone from as prestigious a family as the Shrouds wouldn’t attend school without any aids (much like how he himself serves Kalim), and that that is why Ortho received that special permission.
Phantom Bride begins with Ortho reporting that Idia has been kidnapped by Eliza, and Crowley explains that marrying Eliza will kill Idia. (Much to Crowley’s disapproval Ortho hacks into the campus security cameras to prove it, later following up with threats to hack into TV stations and broadcast the rest of the cast as “backstabbing students” in order to force their participation.)
The other students refuse to help and Ortho settles on vaporizing the main building of the school to solve the problem, which Crowley interrupts.
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He watches the attempts to save Idia during the event through the school's surveillance feeds.
At the conclusion of the event he teases the first-year students for “lacking in formative adolescent experiences compared to data from other boys your age” and praises Ace for his efforts to save Idia, revealing to the other students that Ace’s monologue had been sincere (contrary to what Ace himself was claiming).
Ortho says that it is “a piece of cake” for him to access the school’s camera feeds and the cameras on computers and smartphones.
“I don’t miss a scrap of info. I can pick up all kinds of personal data."
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 7: Sneakiness, Beanfest and more
Much like Lilia, Ortho seems to enjoy pranks. He mentions trying to “play a trick on Leona Kingscholar by tying up his tail" and says that “When everybody’s attending ceremonies, the classrooms are all empty, making it prime time for pranking.”
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Despite being programmed as a literal child, Ortho seems more suspicious of those around him than Kalim and Silver: prior to Beanfest Rook says that he is advising members of the opposite team because he wants to “have a most delightful Beanfest, with all of you!” and Silver and Kalim respond with, “sensible enough”, “What a good guy you are, Rook!”, while Ortho says, “I’m more worried about how easily you both swallowed that explanation…”
During his birthday vignette Ortho explains that the students of Ignihyde try to hide information from him by using analog methods like handwriting, but “little do they know, I can expand my auditory range to eavesdrop on their planning meetings, so I still know everything they discuss.”
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Ortho has been programmed to be able to lie. After a pair of bullies insult Idia he lies to Trein, setting up a screen on the Main Street of the school to project embarrassing videos of the bullies in revenge and then pretending otherwise.
During Special Soiree he sets up a surprise for Riddle to try and get him interested in treasure hunting by pretending to find a clue (that accidentally ends up being a real clue), immediately confessing the misdirect to Ruggie.
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Ruggie tells him, “never, ever tell Riddle what you just told me.”
Riddle is delighted by finding what they were looking for (unaware that the hunt was instigated by Ortho’s misdirect), expressing excitement at “the heart-pounding rush of anticipation right before (Ortho) opened the box…I’ve never felt this way before!”
Ortho reflects, “Maybe it was too stimulating for Riddle Rosehearts.”
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Ortho is not allowed to participate in Beanfest, so his role in the event is mostly helping Idia relocate a weapon he has designed to the school store under the cover of darkness. While suspicious of the legality of Idia’s approach, he is happy for Idia to be voluntarily taking part in a school activity at all.
It seems that Ortho may not be waterproof: he says that "It must be nice being able to just take a quick bath or do laundry whenever. Washing my parts takes ages...", “I’m good at diving! Oh, I mean deep-diving online, not literal swimming" and "I wish I had an aquatic support attachment."
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ortho Info Compilation part 9: Wish Upon a Star
During the Wish Upon a Star event Idia is less than thrilled to be assigned the role of Stargazer, despite Ortho’s encouragement.
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Idia reluctantly accepts Ortho’s offer to assist him so that Idia himself can participate without leaving his room, reflecting that, “For some reason, Ortho gets really jazzed about the Starsending every year.”
Ortho tries his best to get Idia excited about the event but Idia ends up begging to be excused from the obligation to perform in public. Idia makes a bet with Deuce: if Deuce can improve his dancing, collect all his own wishing stars AND those that Idia needs to collect, then he will preform. Deuce fulfills his end of the deal and Idia finally relents.
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A change in the weather runs the risk of the event being canceled, leaving Idia to choose between letting the weather forecast put him on “the Good Ending route” and disappointing Ortho, or trying to change the weather to perform a task he never wanted to do in the first place, all to make Ortho happy.
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Idia makes his star-sending wish (the same one he makes every year): “for the sequel to Star Rogue to come out!”
Ortho explains that it was a game that they played when they were younger, but the development team disbanded after a sequel was announced. Despite not having a wishing star of his own (as Ortho was not a student at the time), Ortho wishes for Idia’s wish to come true, saying, “He’s the most important person in the world to me.”
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Star Rogue comes up in Book 6 as well, with Idia describing it as, “the story of how one man became a hero…the Gaia Dynasty was thought to have been wiped out in the invasion. However! One of their princes was raised in secrecy…he set forth on a journey to bring back his birth parents and restore peace to Gaia!”
We learn that the game’s development team disbanded because they argued too much.
During the Wish Upon a Star event Idia creates Stargazer Gear for Ortho, capable of carrying him into space so that he can take the wishing stars above the clouds. While testing out his new body Ortho runs into Ruggie, who asks, “…is there even a point to doing all this?” Ortho says it is to make Idia’s wish come true.
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Ruggie asks why he doesn’t take the opportunity to ask for what he REALLY wants (“How about wishing to be king? Or never having to worry about being hungry?”), but Ortho decides that what he really wants is for Idia to be happy. “I want his wish to come true. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
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After the event it is revealed that “the original dev team has miraculously gotten back together” after they saw the Ortho-created meteor shower, with development on the Star Rogue sequel resuming, and both Ortho and Idia getting their wishes granted.
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