#orochi hakkeshu
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viceandmature · 6 months ago
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Vice and Mature's first cameo appearance in King of Fighters 94 and 95 / Vice and Mature's upcoming King of Fighters XV DLC appearance
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bumblingbee1 · 1 year ago
As I was looking into the Yasakani clan making the pact with Orochi and becoming bitter rivals or enemies with the Kusanagis, I was wondering where the Yata clan was.
Part of me likes to think that the Yata clan had been keeping the relative peace between the two clans, as well as trying to convinve the latter two that the Hakkeshu were the real causes of their bad blood, but that flew right in one ear and out the other.
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mana-sputachu · 2 years ago
Favorite band from Vice and Mature's movesets? Personally, I'm all about Iron Maiden and Slayer
Love me some Iron Maiden too, though there are none of my fave bands in the list, sadly.
There's something I find particularly amusing in Mature's moves list:
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I know it's just a mistake, but it makes me think of a cult that existed back in the '70s, Heaven's Gate, and since Orochi and the Hakkeshus are pretty much a cult, it's kinda amusing on a meta level lol
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electriceccentric · 3 years ago
3, 4, 6!
Questions for Canon Muses || Accepting!
3. What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
I definitely give Benimaru more personal turmoil and trauma than he has in canon, but no more than I think is realistic for his personality and upbringing. When I found out my headcanons about his relationships with his parents was fairly close to what the KOF-R comic had established, it more or less enabled me to double down and refine my other Ugly Parts of a Charmed Life headcanons for him. I think the biggest one that's never addressed in canon is (my) Benimaru's defensiveness over his heritage, specifically because as both a First Born and Only Son he looks nothing like his father. The damage that can bring to a young boy growing up in a patriarchal society, especially the patriarchal society of said father, is a big chunk of my Beni's rebellious motivation, and part of why he leans into his looks so hard as teenager and adult.
4. Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
His electricity origin story. Generally it's unknown how Beni got his abilities, but there is a comic somewhere I've never been able to find anything but snippets of that basically established (if I recall correctly) that he stepped on a live wire and now he's electrical? That's some lazy 1960's Marvel Hero reasoning, and there's probably a reason that comic hasn't survived, so I reject it. I'm still debating on where my Beni's hyper conductivity comes from, but since the larger theme of KOF is fate and spiritual ties across lifetimes, I'm torn between it being something hereditary and lost to history, and something that was born in him, specifically, in some cosmic anticipation of meeting Kyo and aiding in the war against Orochi and the Hakkeshu. Could be both! Beni wouldn't know, or really care, either way.
5. What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
The RP fandom for KOF is really small (there's what,,,four? Five of us with canon muses?), so there's a lot of canon stuff that's difficult to explore, especially with more supportive/minor characters. I'd really like to explore Beni's relationship with Goro, since they're both supporting characters and stories really don't focus on them when things aren't about Kyo. Honestly, any of Beni's relationships when things aren't about Kyo (although I have been lucky enough to do this with many of the muses here!), and his relationship with Kyo when things aren't about KOF. I just really enjoy digging around in the outskirts of a main plot, and just seeing what people are like when they're allowed to just be people.
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a-beast-of-prey · 7 years ago
{{When in an altered state of consciousness (sick/feverish, drugged, etc) K’ finds it difficult to work with his flames. Assuming he can manage to get any to actually manifest, they come out smaller and unstable, prone to sputtering heavily, and potentially going right out again. Additionally, they don’t react well to foreign bodies in his system - illnesses/viruses, or any sort of power with a corrupting influence, chiefly - and will actively work to burn away the problem from the inside. Unfortunately, this tends to make him feel even worse.
When it comes to illnesses, the flames’ handiwork makes his temperature rise severely; potentially to dangerous levels if he already has a fever. On the other hand, if some tainted power or another were to forced into him, they’ll go wild in their attempts to expel it from his body. Their efforts also extend not just to the inside, but outside too: physically manifesting into a raging, unstable coat or pillar around his hand, burning skin and surroundings alike until either the taint is completely gone, or he’s shot up with a nice big dose of the same dampening formula that’s in his gauntlet, forcing them to extinguish. … Or his entire body gets completely eaten up by the flames and he dies. ……… Orrrrrr the corrupted power overpowers the flames and takes over. Whichever happens first.}}
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viceandmature · 6 months ago
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SNK Boss Syndrome VS Sassy Secretaries
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viceandmature · 4 years ago
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Vice and Mature and Yamazaki betray the Orochi Kings and remain with their teammates in King of Fighters 96 and 97
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mana-sputachu · 2 years ago
Do you have any good headcanons for Orochi Iori?
Not much to be fair.
Mostly, it involves Iori having learned how to keep Orochi's voice in his head at bay - not completely and not always, but enough to be able to live a somewhat normal life without always being worried of going riot on his bandmates or other innocent people. He knew the risk is higher during tourneys and that acting angry keeps everyone away from him - therefore, safe.
I also think he can be able to "control" his Orochi persona a bit. Not like Leona seems able to, nor like the Hakkeshu can, he's not one of the Heads or has biological ties to them, but we know he managed to go against Orochi back in '97, long enough to hold him still and let Kyo attack. So I believe he might be able to replicate that in certain conditions... it's not something he can do often and, mostly, not always on his own will, but... it's a very tiny spark of hope.
I also believe Chizuru might be able to keep his Orochi side at bay. Again, not enough to fully get rid of it or completely calm down Iori when he Riots, but... enough to relax him and stop Orochi's voice in his head, let Iori feel safe for a while.
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mana-sputachu · 2 years ago
What's the best way to calm Iori down when he's in his Orochi state? (Aside from knocking him out.) Would tranquilizer darts also work on him?
There's no way to do that canonically, as far as we know, aside Orochi snapping him out of that state.
The only time Iori managed to go against it was back in '97 when he held Orochi still long enough for Kyo to punch him.
So we can say he can sometimes having brief moments where he can go against his Orochi state, but since he's not an Hakkeshu he can't control it fully. So unless Orochi releases him or he's beaten up, there's probably no way to calm him until it wears down basically.
I have some headcanons but that's a different story.
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incorrect-snkquotes · 4 years ago
So, which interpretation of CYS do you prefer? Them being genuinely nice people who just have some dark tendencies that were driven mad by the Orochi blood or them having always been secret members of the Hakkeshu who were just biding their time?
i abide by the first interpretation, personally
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incorrect-snkquotes · 4 years ago
I just thought of a goal for Those from the Past that makes them way more compelling. My idea for their goal is that they actually are Orochi’s backup plan in case the Hakkeshu drop the ball, and they’re collecting energy so they can go back in time to a point where the Treasures are weak enough that they can be easily killed.
you know what yeah i like that a lot mind if i steal that from you?
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