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escapedartgeek · 5 years ago
W1, X1, Z2
1. do they drink enough water?
Zora tries to drink enough water. And usually has a glass or two with each meal that they have, so that’s about 4-5 glasses at least per day. They’re not sure if that is enough but they’re certainly trying on a regular basis.
1. what is their favorite genre of music?
Hard for Zora to choose just one genre - they love alt r&b, soul, funk, a lot of underground and independent music of miscellaneous genres. Very eccentric taste in music all in all, enjoys a lot of indie and surreal music
2. do they like animals?
Zora enjoys animals, they like visiting people with pets and had a few reptiles as a kid. They are more inclined to have a reptile if they were going to have one as an adult but they like birds, dogs and cats as well. chances are they really like strange, weird animals - ones from other realms, other creatures that they were intrigued by. Perhaps when they settle down a bit older in their future, they may get one of those otherworldly creatures for a companion.
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thefifthtm · 5 years ago
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@orneryknight​ asked: Empathy + past friendships [X]
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While all of his previous selves displayed a great deal of affection towards their friends, Five differs from all of them - except perhaps Two - in the sense that he treats companions as equals rather than subordinates. Any sense of hierarchy that was implemented while One, Three and Four existed disappeared when Five took the reins. In fact, I’m almost certain that Five’s TARDIS fam held far greater control over things than he ever did - but what’s new, eh?
Five also shows a level of empathy that is unprecedented. One through to Four - and yes, I’m including Two in this to a certain extent - found themselves at odds with their friends on occasion, particularly when it came to their understanding of such things as human emotions. However, the arrival of Five paved the way for an incarnation that was, in his own words, very nearly human. He very rarely displays his alien side, and seems to follow a similar mindset to that of Tegan and Peri, his only human companions, much more so than Nyssa, Turlough and Adric on occasion.
When it comes to old friends, Five thinks of them often, and offers himself a sneak peek into their lives now and again. He misses them terribly - particularly Jamie McCrimmon, given how close the young Scot was to Two when they travelled together - yet understands why events unfolded the way that they did.
As to Adric, well, you all should know THAT situation by now. What happened to him will always be a delicate topic for Five, no matter what the circumstance.
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withinycu-arch · 5 years ago
@orneryknight is going blissfully astray
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“I know who you are.” The High Queen said, her voice as cool as the night air. If Arthur was the warm and loving sun, Guinevere had always been the cold and unforgiving moon. She would not forgive this knight’s mother, she had taken Lancelot when she had no right to him. He was hers. He was Arthur’s. He held them together, the third strand of hair in a plait. 
“Do you want the blessing of the High Queen in some new venture?” She asked sitting regally in a small chair. “Or does something else trouble you, sir knight?”
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thefirstmortal · 5 years ago
@orneryknight liked for a starter
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“I blame myself for what happened with Camelot. Morgan was my responsibility, and I failed her as a father.“
There were many in Camelot, Arthur included, who believed that he should have hunted her down. Killed her. What kind of father could kill his own child, especially when he was at fault for her actions? 
“I know it doesn’t change anything, doesn’t make my lack of action better. I just-“ he sighed, falling back into a seat, shaking his head. “I wish I could have gotten through to her.“
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cindercreated · 6 years ago
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“I don’t know.” hand on her hip, she stared hard at Jenkins, her lips twitching with restrained laughter. “I think I liked your older looks better.”
@orneryknight I starter call.
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librarychosen-arc · 5 years ago
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@orneryknight trick or treat present !!
also, people, do all yourselves a favor, and go follow nikki. pls and thank you.
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streetsofsecrets-a · 5 years ago
orneryknight replied to your post: Alright, I need some volunteers for this short...
let me fix that
*who wants to read my short story and tell me where i fucked up
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worthydream · 5 years ago
Hesitant footsteps stopoutside of the annex, her visits here so few and far in between, that she feels an intruder in a part of the Library she helped build. The physical anchor of the Library, as much as she tries to think of it as a separate thing, is intrinsically linked with the man who dwells in it.  
The leaves crunch underneath her boots as she takes the final steps, opening the door, immediately feeling the warm overwhelming embrace of her home, its walls closing in on her. Charlene wanders slowly around the place, her thoughts running wild in a way they rarely do -- she is a woman of action, a learned woman with brains to outfit any genius, but primarily, ever since her father put a sword in her hand, action has been her first reaction. A part of her wanted to linger for a while longer alone, but still, when she finally found him her lips twitched in the smallest of smiles, a weird soft expression for the words that would next come out of her mouth.
“The Librarian is dead.” 
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starter call. I @orneryknight
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localmagicalboi · 5 years ago
Alstroemeria, Azalea, Gladiolus
                      ✨  @orneryknight for FLORAL EXPRESSIONS! SEND MY MUSE SOME FLOWERS TO CONVEY YOUR MUSE’S FEELINGS TOWARDS THEM! still accepting.
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Alstroemeria – Friendship.
Azalea – Take Care of Yourself for Me.
Gladiolus– Strength of Character, Honor.
❝For me?❞ He set his laptop and notepad of scribbles aside. It was a hard thing, pulling Virote way from his book’s very rough draft ( hell, he’d been putting off finishing it for the past month. ) He hadn’t said anything in hours, focus honed in on his own creation like a laser. However, his work induced trance was broken when presented with a few flowers. They were fragrant, freshly cut. The azaleas, in particular, were extra beautiful. Reminded him of the ones his mother would keep on the kitchen counter back in Thailand.
Virote placed the flowers right there on his work station, not intending on letting them out of his sight. Then, he looked up at Jenkins. ❝You… Didn’t have to, but I’m glad you did. Thanks. I’ll make a bookmark out of a couple of these and give it to you, okay? Promise to use it? Anyway, you’re so nice to me.❞
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manicpanicaddict · 6 years ago
// @orneryknight liked for a sentence starter!
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“I think you’ll find it’s a better investment in the long run.“
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mtchstck-a · 5 years ago
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@orneryknight​ : ♢ = reading them a story . symbol prompts
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Livvy yawns and sets her head on his arm. She’s long since considered herself much too evolved for picture books but this is different. The pictures that supplement the words are gorgeous illuminations hundreds of years older than she is that seem to move on the page and she wonders if that’s because she’s tired or if it’s because the book is magic. She’s going to ask later if she remembers. But in the meantime, she’s going to enjoy the story, the pictures, the soft rumble of Jenkin’s voice.
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heheals · 6 years ago
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he still has too many questions about what exactly it is that this man is protecting, but, with an arched eyebrow, he wisely only allows himself a single one: “ do you think there’s a chance that any would survive ? ”
CONTINUED     /     @orneryknight
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agoodthief · 5 years ago
Whatever you say big daddy.
EDIT: and Jenkins was so pleased. OMG.
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lovepersists2 · 5 years ago
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“do you ever just stop and have this distinct feeling that dealing with librarians can be a little too much like herding cats,  or something?  or is that just me?”   hell,  she knows as soon as she asks what the answer’s likely to be.  jenkins has been around for a damn long time,  and if she has days like this?  god,  eve can’t imagine what it must be like with so many years of experience under ones belt.
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@orneryknight​   |   main muses sc.
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librarychosen-arc · 6 years ago
“No, no, no.” he stops, peers over Jenkins’s shoulder again. “No. You are playing with me.” he paces again, back and forth, back and forth and stops at Jenkins’s other shoulder. “That’s not possible, you aren’t doing what I think you are doing.”
“You aren’t, right?”
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@orneryknight I starter call.
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withinycu-arch · 6 years ago
@orneryknight is in the shadow of vengeance and the night !
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   Bruce Wang was standing at the window of his office. Like most things in this side of his life it was simple to the point of being sparse, everything in the room having to earn its place in that sense that it needed to be of use. If one was being generous it could then described as minimalist, but the truth was it seemed severe. Even the light that filtered the windows fell at hard stark lines. 
When the older man came in he gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk. “I want to apologize for what happened with the D.E.O. If I had known you were being targeted steps would have been taken to keep you from being captured. As it stands your former position with this company is still yours, assuming, of course, you still want it.” 
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