#orignal alien
aclkplm208-blog · 1 year
Chief Nurse Avrona Keyla
Meet Chief Nurse Avrona Keyla from Star Trek Unity.
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plainandgeneric · 2 months
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Two scaredy cats on Sevastopol Station.
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intrexel · 3 months
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she never knew anyone to be a friend, instead learning from a young age that violence was a typical greeting, being punished for anything and everyhting, i think this is what is called.... abuse
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goatmoist · 4 months
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I am best friends with our universe, are you?
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fruity-science · 3 months
im doing art fart this year lalalalala
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heres some recent references also pllzzzz check out redacteds robbitts wylands and lotties pages i blinged them all out crazy style
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dr-sunshine-md-is-me · 4 months
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New fursona!!!
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ruckis-vandalizes · 8 months
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My character designing spree is over... for now >:)
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faeriesoda · 1 month
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some recent doodles. the first one is cat toy girl and I want to draw a cat gf for her. toxic yuri. you understand. also, alien cat.
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purpleartrowboat · 1 year
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alien girl
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aclkplm208-blog · 1 year
Lt. J.G. Xander Berokeshiwtz
Meet Lt. J.G. Xander Berokeshiwtz, Jr. Operations officer and later Communications Cheif of the Enterprise-F in my fan series Star Trek Unity.  He one of a set of secondary characters of ST: Unity.  Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Param
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stormymoth · 6 months
Some alien gorl drawings for ya
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Her name is Flurie Flume and she has telescope eyes, a love for over throwing the government, rippin violin skills, and crippling loneliness and cavernous guilt :D
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amaryllisthegheist · 11 days
Stardust in Her Eyes - Snippet 1
Now here me out: Wordgirl is an edutainment parody of Superman, mostly meant to build vocabulary in watchers. There are A Lot of implications to the show simply because it’s based on Superman. And um… my brain wasn’t shutting off, so… here’s this! I’m calling this AU, Stardust in her Eyes
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“… are you okay?”
Riot coughed a little harder, grimacing as she straightened up and wiped the worst of the mess from her mouth. She avoided the alarmed eyes of Toby, cursing the effects of the radiation again for maybe the hundredth time in her life. 
“I’m fine,” she said, wishing it had been practically anyone else who’d answered. The kids didn’t deserve to see this sort of thing - not yet, not now anyway. They’d planned this out, she and Hairiel. They would wait for Wordgirl to turn 16 and celebrate her birthday as hard as possible - then, in four months so that they wouldn’t ruin her birthday itself, they would sit her down and give her the full story as to how she - how they - came to earth. They would wait for her to have adjusted to the horrible reality, maybe demand a ceasefire from the villains so she could focus fully on recovering and when she was ready, they would crash one of the villain meetings to explain the story of Lexicon and a general warning against befriending miscellaneous aliens. “Is Two-Brains in there?”
The boy nodded wordlessly, eyes staring in horror at the paint-like blue liquid smeared around her mouth.
She stepped forward, Toby wordlessly allowing her to shuffle by him and into the meeting place of the villain’s league. She kept her wings folded together, resting against her back rather than in their more alert position, as she allowed herself to take a precursory glance around. The warehouse had been update since the last time she’d been there - there were more tables, the seats looked more comfortable, and they’d taken her advice to install a projector and screen to ease their ability to share things. It was a nice little lounge with punch bowls and snacks scattered across the back table for hungry members.
Victoria was standing front and center this time, watching her with narrowed eyes, though that was nothing new. Riot forced herself to keep walking forward, feeling like there were enormous weights clamped around her wrists and ankles, exhausting her with every move she made towards the stiffening white haired doctors.
“Hey,” she said tiredly. “You have that box I gave you the other day?”
“Palm it over.”
Two-Brains reached into his coat, seeming to rifle around for a moment before producing the small blue box in his gloved hands. He offered the object awkwardly, allowing Riot to pluck it from his palms. Ordinarily she would’ve bid the villains goodbye and handled the situation in private, where it was easy to clean up, but this effect had to go. And it had to go right now. 
So instead, Riot staggered over to the nearest trash-can as the box opened, dropping a few small experimental capsules from Hairiel. She tossed them in her mouth, moaning a little bit in pain as she slipped down the wall while she waited for it to take effect. She vaguely heard murmuring from the villains as both of her stomachs churned, and she started feeling a little feverish. She shuddered a little, sluggishly pulling a small notebook from her jacket as she tried to record the side effects to the best of her ability, though from what she could see, she would have to re-write the messy scrawl into something legible. 
She had finally reached the end of her notes when her entire world lurched.
Riot scrambled to her feet, gripping the edge of the barrel, and vomited into the bin so hard her wings and antenna trembled. She swayed awkwardly for a moment as she gasped, eventually slumping down against the cool wall.
“…sorry about that,” she murmured, not bothering to open her eyes. “I’ll change it when I clear it out for you.”
“What was that?” Toby asked, concern leaking into his voice. “Are you okay, Riot?”
“I’m fine, kid,” she said gruffly, pushing herself off the wall at least. “Hairiel and I have been experimenting with drugs to handle LC-Radiation. It’s… going as well as you’d think.”
Riot shrugged tiredly, wiping her forehead a little. Her species didn’t sweat, her wings dissipated the heat that built up in her body, but it had become a habit at this point - something to imitate the ‘mammals’ of earth. 
“Lexonite poisoning,” she explained. “It’s amazing that you humans seem immune to it…. I suppose the compounds are either too close to something harmless or too different to cause you any problems. I dunno. I’m not, a fucking - freaking - biologist. I hazard it’s got something to do with your weird ass - arse - planet.”
“Watch your language, young lady,” Granny May chided, waggling one of her knitting needles in a threatening manner. Riot waved her off - she was doing her best. Lately, she was having entire conversations with only one ‘fuck’ which should be applauded, really.
“So you knew too, then?” Victoria said accusingly.
“About Lexicon’s… death.”
Riot stiffened, immediately locking a sharp, piercing gaze on Victoria. She didn’t often open her secondary eyes on earth - the light from their yellow as fuck sun stung like a bitch - but this situation demanded her full attention. From what she could see right away, it wasn’t another alien - for all intents and purposes. It seemed to be Victoria. A VIctoria in possession of knowledge she shouldn’t have. 
“…Dubs told you,” she deduced finally, her wings beginning to buzz together loudly in distress. “Dubs told you. Which means she knows. That’s- Why does she know? She shouldn’t know yet…”
“Yet?” Doctor Two-Brains prompted, straightening up a little.
“… She was supposed to be 16. Old and mature enough to really understand. We had a plan.”
“She deserved to know right away-” started Victoria.
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” Riot snapped immediately, the agitated buzzing of her wings growing louder as she rose into the air. “There is never an appropriate time to tell a fucking thirteen-year-old that her mama and papa are never coming to get her because some self-righteous bastards got all in their spinnerets and pinned them to trees through their chests just to milk them of any blood they had left!”
The warehouse is silent, and the kids are staring at her, but Riot was shaking, equal parts fury and fear, making her veins throb fiercely enough to give her a headache.
“There is never an acceptable time to tell a kid about how their planet smelled like shit and corpses from all the bodies that were left on the streets! There’s never a good way to tell a kid that her people were dead long before they used those fucking bombs!”
She fluttered down, resting her wings again as exhaustion washed over her. The brief spout of righteous energy she got from the conversation had been drained in that single outburst, leaving her as winded and emotionally wrung out as before.
“…I guess I should find Rub-a-Dubs then,” she sighed. “She’s probably really fucking upset now and if she already knows that much, there’s no point in Hairiel and I waiting anymore…”
She shook her head, casting a glance at Victoria, “… I’m sorry for yelling at you kid. You were standing up for Dubs, and that’s admirable. But sometimes, adults keep shit from you ‘cause you shouldn’t have to know yet. And sometimes it’s ‘cause we’re still working up the nerve to explain it.”
Another Snippet
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kennethplus · 3 months
My OC Seven (Estelle) from my Star Seven TMNT AU!! ^^
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thepastelspace · 1 year
"Don't touch me, brat -"
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P.O.V.: You're trying to find the strongest on your home planet only to accidentally save a brat...
This is little brat is my OPM oc! Well, he is little here...
Tens was supposed to die that day. A group of men were tasked with killing the mutant child. It wasn't contagious or dangerous, yet they wanted him dead... all because the boy had an extra iris, a condition called True Polycoria. Two irises in one eyeball, it wasn't something threatening at all. Yet they wanted him dead, and he was prepared to die, Tens had nothing to lose.
But by pure luck, the strongest of their volcanic little planet wanted a fight. A few bloody corpses later, Boros ended up saving him. Though it wasn't intentional, why would he intentionally save a malnourished mutant child? However, the event sparked something inside Tens' little heart. He wanted to be just as cool, just as strong! He wanted to impress his savior!
Of course, Boros wanted nothing to do with it. The fact that a brat was following him around annoyed him greatly. Not only because he was extremely clingy but also because he was actually somewhat useful. It was almost as if strong fighters were drawn to him since wherever they went. Boros usually got barely above average fights for himself. It was acceptable for a bit...
The boy didn't get to stay with his hero for long, as he was rather swiftly abandoned at a temple. Boros didn't need him. He wanted to leave the planet, and dragging a brat with him would be useless and bothersome. At the temple, Tens was taken in by the monks. His unusual condition gave the monks the faith that the great one would return some day. As per their prophecies, the more imperfect children are brought to the world, the closer the return will happen...
He grew up in that temple, becoming a monk himself. He began traveling, trying to reach enlightenment. Tens believed through enlightenment he would become strong enough to face Boros. What egged him on were their little encounters. Each time Tens saw Boros, be it from a far or up close, he wanted to fight him more and more. It clawed at his throat. He wanted, no, he needed to fight him... Unfortunately, a prophecy sent Boros across the galaxy before Tens could inact his desire. Now, Tens had to wait for Boros to return so he could fight him... though it has been 20 years since he last saw or heard of him... quite strange. Perhaps it is time for him to go find him, himself.
I hope this was a decent read :] This is his origin story, and there will be more to come, of course. I am not the best at writing lore for my OCs, but i tried 💀
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snoip · 1 month
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Does anyone wanna see my ocs (I haven’t been on tumbler for a LONG time.. whoops)
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stagbeetleboy · 2 years
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Taan Loch was a male Hiidaen Senator representing his homeworld Hiidae during the final years of the Galactic republic. Of a warrior people and backed by Hiidae weapons manufacturers Loch was an enthusiastic supporter of establishing a galactic army. During the clone wars he was an advocate for the Republic military enhancement bill against the opposition’s most vocal Senators Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa.
Hiidaen were an amphibious sentient species recognized by their two pairs of web-fingered arms and wide spaced eyes. Hiidaen also sported tentacled beards and strong beaks that could pierce through standard steel (different from durasteel), adapted to crush prey such as the native Tuskllusks.
Many exhibited an array of muted colors but were more commonly brown, grey, or dull reds. Eye color ranged from gold to black with the occasional muddied green.
As well as their surface dialect Hiidaen also developed a language consisting of gestures and the twining of their flexible facial appendages in order to communicate underwater.
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