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heyheyitsgrace · 5 years ago
We are ghosts at the family reunion, my cousin and I. White makeup coats our faces, flowing white sheets wrap around our bodies, and we fly into the front yard, up the driveway. We want to show her mother, but when her mother sees us she puts out her hands, palms first. Go back inside, she says, then looks behind her. It’s dark, but there is a street lamp some ways away. In my memory, it must have been a mile, at least, but I know it was closer. It provides enough light to see by, and in the yellow glow I see my father’s cousin, surrounded by other men. Two of them are trying to hold the cousin back as he struggles, his head tipped back like a wolf howling at the moon. He may have been howling, at something none of us could see. Go back inside.
Later, someone tells me that he was drunk. Somehow I find out that this is not the first time something like this has happened, that he should not have been drinking in the first place. Go back inside. He had just gotten out of prison, and years later my dad will refer to his sentence as an overreach by an eager prosecutor. No one tells us these things as we stand in the driveway, white sheets hanging limp around our bodies. Go back inside. Years and years after that, my family will be on vacation, and my father will get a phone call. His cousin is dead. He lies on the bed while his sunburned legs blister and peel. Go back inside.
“The Haunting” by Grace Moore (insta @heyitsgracemoore)
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huntersc72 · 4 years ago
La Cenerentola Rossini
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Rossini’s music has an irrepressible quality, bubbling up effortlessly throughout this retelling of the story of Cinderella. The invention is unstoppable, from Cenerentola’s plaintive song about a king who loves a poor girl to the lavish coloratura of her final aria when goodness triumphs and all ends, for some at any rate, happily ever after. Angelina (aka La Cenerentola) is mistreated by her two sisters, Clorinda and Tisbe - as their father, Don Magnifico, looks on in approbation. Alidoro, Prince Ramiro’s advisor, arrives at the house, disguised as a beggar. Rossini: La Cenerentola. Teresa Berganza (Cenerentola), Luigi Alva (Ramiro), Renato Capecchi (Dandini), Paolo Montarsolo (Don Magnifico) London Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Opera Chorus, Claudio Abbado. Rossini's Cinderella is a fairy-tale without a fairy, but no less bewitching for that. In fact the replacement of the winged godmother with the. La Cenerentola Libretto English Translation. Characters: DON RAMIRO, Prince of Salerno (tenor) DANDINI, his waiter (baritone) DON MAGNIFICO, Barone di Montefiascone (bottom) CLORINDA and (soprano) TISBE, his daughters (mezzo-soprano) ANGELINA, under the name of Cinderella, stepdaughter of Don Magnifico (mezzo-soprano). La Cenerentola (Cinderella), Rossini’s nineteenth opera, was composed in a remarkable twenty-four days before premiering in Rome on January 25, 1817. The original story of “Cinderella” had been written by Charles Perrault, a Frenchman who lived in the seventeenth century.
La Cenerentola Rossini Synopsis
Cenerentola Dublin Annovazzi Dalle Molle
La Cenerentola Rossini Metropolitan Opera
The famous fairy Tale Cendrillon, ou La petite pentoufle de verrefrom Charles Perrault's Les histoires ou Contes du temps passé(1697).
Nicholas Isouard's opera Cendrillon staged in Paris (1810) ona libretto by Charles-Guillaume Étienne.
Stefano Pavesi's opera Agatina, o La virtù premiata(Milan, 1814), libretto by Francesco Fiorini.
Rossini staged his
La Cenerentola Rossini Synopsis
Barbiere di Siviglia at the Teatro Argentina inRome in the year 1816. The first performance was sabotaged by the devoteesof Paisiello's Barbiere
Cenerentola Dublin Annovazzi Dalle Molle
, but it enjoyed growing success, and afterseveral performances it turned into a triumph. The Teatro Valle, a rivaltheatre in Rome, offered a contract to Rossini for an opera buffa to bestaged the following season: Rossini accepted, then returned to Napleswhere he had his primary engagement with the Teatro San Carlo.
His fulltime contract with Naples allowed Rossini to work for other cities,but he had to arrange these performances on very short time schedules.In December 1816 he went to Rome to write and prepare the new opera.The theatre proposed a libretto by Rossi, on the subject ofFrancesca di Foix (a subject later set to music byDonizetti in 1831), but thecensor vetoed it, a major setback because of the extremely short timeavailable. The theatre manager asked the librettist Jacopo Ferrettito help. Ferretti later wrote a detailed report of the creation of thisnew work (see the complete Italian text):
Two days before Christmas Day of the year 1816 I was invited by thetheatre manager Cartoni and Maestro Rossini for a meeting with theVatican censor. (..) (The existing libretto) could not be modified ina suitable way, so they begged me to find another subject and write anew libretto on the spot. I said «they begged», and so it was,because there were bad feelings between me and Rossini, due to a littlewrong he had previously done me.
(Rossini had refused a libretto by Ferretti the year before,preferring Cesare Sterbini's version of the Barbiere.)Ferretti, however, did not refuse this new opportunity to have a librettoset to music by Rossini: they all went to Cartoni's house 'for tea'and Ferretti began to suggest many subjects.
I proposed some twenty or thirty subjects. But one was too dramatic forthe carnival season, another too tricky, another required an expensivestaging or did not suit the singers (..). Sick of proposals and nearlyprostrate with weariness, I yawned: 'Cinderella'. Rossini, in order toconcentrate, was lying on his bed. He abruptly stood up likeAlighieri's Farinata and said: «Would you have the heart for writingme a 'Cinderella'?» - I replied «And you for setting it to music?», and he asked «when would the draft be ready ?»;and I: «despite my sleepiness, tomorrow morning!»; and Rossini:«good night!»: he wrapped himself in the sheets and fell asleep(..)
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Ferretti discussed the financial aspects with a relieved Cartoni, thenwent home and wrote his first draft. Rossini was satisfied with it,but insisted on stripping all magical elements from the plot. Perrault'sfairy tale was the primary source, but it is easy to recognizethe influence of the then-famous Neapolitan opera buffa La Cecchina,ossia La buona figliola, by Piccinni on Goldoni's libretto.Piccinni's work is often cited as a milestone in the development ofopera buffa, and it was a source of inspiration for many other works:the latest of them (before Cenerentola) was Stefano Pavesi'sAgatina, o La virtù premiata (Milan, 1814), on a librettoby Francesco Fiorini. Pavesi's work must have been well-known to Rossini,for it was staged at the Teatro alla Scala in the same season as hisTurco in Italia and Sigismondo.In addition, Nicholas Isouard's opera Cendrillon, staged in Parisin 1810, on a libretto by Charles-Guillaume Étienne, must have beenknown to both Rossini and Ferretti, having been a major success inFrench theaters.
La Cenerentola did suffer some trouble when staged in Frenchtheaters. The substantial differences from Perrault's fairy tale, as wellas the popularity of Isouard's competing version of the same subject,led the French critics to be negatively disposed . Of course thefavourite argument of its opponents was the 'betrayal' of Perrault'sideas. An article in a Paris' paper (Journal des débats,10 June 1822), criticizes the libretto for the substitution of a braceletfor Cinderella's shoe, jesting that the substitution might have beenmade for a prima donna with a beautiful arm and ugly feet.Gertrude Righetti Giorgi, for whom the opera had been written, was notamused, and displayed her stage temper in an open letter to the press:
'You miserable people who soil paper to earn undeserved attention fromyour readers! On Roman stages, it is not permitted to display the same situations that are seen in France. It seemed that decency might be offendedby displaying a slipper, and since it was a musical comedy it was easyto substitute a bracelet. But Sig. Parisian Journalist should not thinkthat I say this to defend my feet: he does not know me, and if he didhe might say that I have more to gain by adopting the original slipperthan by clinging to the bracelet.'(Italian Text)
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Panda vpn pro. Characters: DON RAMIRO, Prince of Salerno (tenor) DANDINI, his waiter (baritone) DON MAGNIFICO, Barone di Montefiascone (bottom) CLORINDA and (soprano) TISBE, his daughters (mezzo-soprano) ANGELINA, under the name of Cinderella, stepdaughter of Don Magnifico (mezzo-soprano) ALIDORO, Philosopher, teacher of Don Ramiro (bass) CHOIR Courtiers. Damigelli. Paggi
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ACT ONE Sala earth in the castle of the Baron CLORINDA No, no, no: there is not, there is not Who is to chop so Lightweight shaved. TISBE Yes, yes, yes, it's okay there. Better there, no better here; Stand out more than it does me. CLORINDA, TISBE To this art, to this beauty Slippage each one. CINDERELLA Once there was a king, That he just got bored, Search, search, find again: But the volean marry in three. What does he do? He despises the pomp and beauty. And at the end he chooses for himself Innocence and goodness. There, there, there, there, there, there. CLORINDA, TISBE Cinderella finish it With the usual song. CINDERELLA Near the fire in a canton Go away let me sing. Once there was a king: One time .. CLORINDA And two, and three. A TWO Do you finish it yes or no? If you do not shut up, I will give you. CINDERELLA One time .. A TRE. Who will be? GOLD WINGS A tantin of charity. CLORINDA, TISBE Beggar! Out of here. CINDERELLA Shut up, shut up: pick up This little breakfast. Ah I can not stand up to the passion! What cruel fate! GOLD WINGS Perhaps Heaven is guiding Pria at night will give you. CLORINDA, TISBE Awaken sweet passion Nobody knows more than me. But what I see! still there! Even a bread? even coffee? Take, take: this to you. CINDERELLA Ah! rescue who gives me! GOLD WINGS You stop for pity. CHOIR Or amiable daughters - of Don Magnifico, Ramiro the Prince - or will come At his palace - he will lead you: We will sing - we will dance: Then the beautiful - among the other woman Dearest bride - for him it will be. CLORINDA, TISBE But then the prince? CHOIR Now it will come! CLORINDA, TISBE And the beautiful? CHOIR We will choose! CLORINDA, TISBE Cinderella comes here. My shoes, my baby. Cinderella comes here: My pens, my collie. In the brain I have a forge: I am more beautiful and I triumph. To a smile to a glimpse Don Ramiro has da cascar. CINDERELLA Cinderella comes here, Cinderella goes there, Cinderella goes up, Cinderella goes down .. This is really a scramble! Do you want to make me crepar? Who at the party, who at the solace, And I stay here to blow. GOLD WINGS A forge in the brain It's the crazy hammers: But ready, it's ruin, I want to laugh and squirm. CHOIR Already in the head a forge The women are hammering; The trial is approaching The great point to triumph. MAGNIFICENT My feminine scions, I reject you; I'm ashamed! A magnificent dream of mine You came to baffle me. How are mortified! Worthy daughters of a baron! Via: silence and attention, You are the dream to meditate. I dreamed of the gloomy and the clear A beautiful donkey; A donkey, but solemn. When suddenly, oh what portento! Over a hundred to one hundred shoulders The feathers stuck out, And on high he flew! And at the top of a bell tower With a pause he stopped. They are heard below The bells to indulge .. With the cì, cì, ciù ciù, of bang You made me wake up. But d 'a dream so hampered, Here is the symbol explained. Does the bell ring at a party? Allegrezza at home is this. Those pens? are you: That great flight? Plebs, goodbye. Do you stay the ass? But that donkey is me. Who looks at you sees clearly That the donkey is the parent. Fertilissima marries Both will become; And the grandfather a dozen Of scions will hug. Thirty dolls here, A thousand posterity from there, And my glory will be. CLORINDA Know that soon .. TISBE Prince Ramiro .. CLORINDA What are three days, that in the delicious .. TISBE Near half a mile Venuto is to live .. CLORINDA Choose a bride .. TISBE He sent us to invite .. CLORINDA And between moments .. TISBE It will come to get us .. CLORINDA And the choice The most beautiful will be. MAGNIFICENT Daughters you say! That principon! Although I do not know it .. Will choose! .. he invited you .. bride .. more beautiful! I fall faint. Cinderella early, Bring me my coffee. Viscere mie, Half of my building has already collapsed, And the other is to collapse. Do yourself honor. Let's put a prop. Daughters are in the brain. Speak in semicolon, For heaven's sake: think about dressing up: It is nothing less than begging you. DON RAMIRO Everything is deserted - Friends? No answer - In this Simulated semblance The beautiful ones I will observe - Does not come any? And yet he gave me hope The wise Alidoro, That here wise and charming Worthy of me finding the bride will know. Get married and do not love! Tiranna Law, What in the flower of my days Hard to choose condemns me! Let's see, let's see. CINDERELLA There was once .. ah! it's done. RAMIRO What's this? CINDERELLA What a heartbeat! RAMIRO Maybe a monster is me? CINDERELLA Yes .. no sir. RAMIRO A sweet I do not know that In those eyes he sparkled. CINDERELLA I would like to know why My heart palpitated. RAMIRO I would say them, but I do not dare. CINDERELLA I want to talk and I'm silent. A TWO A grace, a certain enchantment Par that shines on that face. How expensive is that smile! It comes down to the alma and gives hope. RAMIRO I ask the baron of the daughters. Where are they? I do not see them here. CINDERELLA Stan there in the other rooms. Now hopes will come. RAMIRO But of grace, who are you? CINDERELLA Who am I? Eh I do not know. RAMIRO Do not you know? CINDERELLA Almost no. What is a father is not a father .. Then the two sisters .. My mother was a widow .. But it was still mother of those! This father is full of pride .. You're going to see that I'm cheating. Deh! sorry, forgive To my simplicity. RAMIRO It seduces me, falls in love with me That simplicity. MAGNIFICENT, CLORINDA, TISBE Cinderella from me. RAMIRO How many voices, what is it? CINDERELLA To the west, and to the east, A scirocco is a tramontana, I have not a single moment's calm, Everything, everything, it's up to me. I come, I come. Goodbye, sir. Ah! I leave the core, This is not mine anymore. RAMIRO That accent, that semblant It is a human thing. I lose myself in this moment; Already more I can not find myself in me. What innocence! that candor! Ah! the core is in vain. This is not mine anymore. I do not know what to say. As in so rude spoils A face so kind! But Don Magnifico It does not appear yet. I would like to nunziar The arrival of the masked prince. Lucky advice! From a simple squire The heart of the females, Better to let you know I'll know. Meanwhile, Dandini Acting as a prince .. MAGNIFICENT I ask A million of forgives. Say: His Highness the prince? RAMIRO Or now arrives. MAGNIFICENT And when? RAMIRO In three minutes. MAGNIFICENT Three minutes! Daughters ah! Hurry up: be better Go and hurry up. Excuse me: with these Blessed girls A century is needed for toilets. RAMIRO What a fool! And Alidoro my teacher Sostien that in these walls It is the purest goodness. Enough, enough, vedrem. To his daughters Convien that you approach me .. What a fragor! .. I am not deceiving, here is Dandini. CHOIR Choose the bride, hurry up: Sen flies the age: Your sublime line If not, it will be extinguished. DANDINI Like a bee on April days It goes flying light and playful, He runs to the lily, then jumps to the rose Sweet a flower to look for itself: Among the beautiful m 'around and get away. I have already seen many and then many; But I can not find a judgment, a semblant, An exquisite morsel for me. CLORINDA Prence .. TISBE Sire .. CLORINDA, TISBE But how many favors! MAGNIFICENT What a flood, what an abyss of honors! DANDINI Nothing, nothing. Vezzosa! pretty! Am I right? All are daddy. RAMIRO Beast! careful, move away, go there. DANDINI For pity those lowered eyelashes, Galoppando sen va reason, And between the blows of a double cannon The breccia diggià is wide open. But at the end of our comedy What a tragedy - here it will be born. CLORINDA, TISBE He looks at me, sighs - deliriously, There is no doubt it is my slave diggià. RAMIRO Ah! because it does not come here With that air of grace and goodness! MAGNIFICENT It is already cooked, - overcooked, dried. For pride that he does not know. DANDINI Mostly, what a beautiful picture! What a mouthpiece, what eyelashes! You are the eighth and ninth wonder. Already tales patris, talem filias. CLORINDA Thank you. MAGNIFICENT Height of heights, That says? it confuses me: weaknesses. DANDINI True Etruscan figures. Am I right? RAMIRO You start telling her big. DANDINI I act great, and great being Big I have to shoot. MAGNIFICENT Nice prince! That you do not flee: watch out! DANDINI Now therefore, following that speech, That I did not start, From my long journeys, I have been repeating, And my dad found, Which among the quondam is tumbled, And expiring ordered, That in view of what change I am married, Or I am disinherited; Done I have an invitation to the whole neighborhood, And finding a delicate bite. For me, I designed it: I said, I said, and now I take a breath. MAGNIFICENT What a sublime eloquence! CINDERELLA Oh what a beautiful dress! And that other looks at me. RAMIRO Here it is. How the heart palpitates! DANDINI Beautiful girls, If you deign yourself to roll up your arm To our knights, wood is ready. CLORINDA Let us go. TISBE Dad, Excellence, Do not delay to come. MAGNIFICENT What are you doing here? The hair and the stick. CINDERELLA Eh! Mr. Yes. DANDINI Persue soon With respectful feet My magnificent royal quarters. MAGNIFICENT Mounted in a carriage and I come. RAMIRO And yet she I'll see you again. MAGNIFICENT But leave me. RAMIRO The scolding? CINDERELLA Feel. MAGNIFICENT Time flies. RAMIRO What will he want? MAGNIFICENT Do you want to leave me? CINDERELLA A word. Lord, one word; In that prince's house, One hour, one hour, Bring me to dance. MAGNIFICENT Hee! hee! the beautiful Venus! Vezzosa, pomposetta! Sguaiata, hatching - ash! Leave me, let me go. DANDINI What's this; here is the statue! RAMIRO Silence and we observe. DANDINI But let's go or do not we go? RAMIRO I feel torn. CINDERELLA But half an hour, a quarter. MAGNIFICENT But leave me, or crush you. RAMIRO Stop. MAGNIFICENT Serenissima! But go boldly! Servaccia ìgnorantissima! RAMIRO, DANDINI Servant? CINDERELLA That is .. MAGNIFICENT Vile. A very low extraction; He wants to do enough, The dear, the attractive, And it's not good for nothing. Go to the room, go to the room The dust to sweep. DANDINI My dear Don Magnifico, Do not overdo it. RAMIRO Now my anger I can not stop anymore. CINDERELLA Gentlemen, persuade him, Bring me to dance. Ah! always among the ashes I will always have to stay. GOLD WINGS Here in my code Of the spinsters, With Don Magnifico Stan three sisters. Now that the prince goes The bride to choose The third daughter I ask you. MAGNIFICENT What a third daughter Are you fucking me? GOLD WINGS Third sister. MAGNIFICENT She - died. GOLD WINGS And yet in the code It is not so. CINDERELLA Ah! of me speak: No, he did not die. MAGNIFICENT Be quiet there. Look here! If you breathed, They get you here. ALIDORO, CENERENTOLA, MAGNIFICENT Did she die? MAGNIFICENT Height yes. ALIDORO, CENERENTOLA, MAGNIFICENT, RAMIRO, ALIDORO In the ecstatic face Of this and that The vortex is read Of their brain. Which sways and doubts And it is uncertain. MAGNIFICENT If you are more murmuring Just a syllable, A cemetery Here it will be done. CINDERELLA Deh! assist me, Deh! do not leave me .. Ah! of me miserable What will never be. RAMIRO Come, console yourself, Mr., leave it. Already my fury Growing up. GOLD WINGS Via less noise: Shut up, Or some scandal Here it will be born. DANDINI I am a prince, Or am I a cabbage? I send you to the devil: Come here.
La Cenerentola Rossini Metropolitan Opera
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SECOND ACT Cabinet in the Palace of Don Ramiro GOLD WINGS Look. Silence. Clothes, gioje You will have everything from me. Fasto, richezze Do not bother your heart. Dama you will be; You will not have to find out. Love only everything will teach you. CINDERELLA But this is history; Or a comedy? GOLD WINGS My daughter, Joy and sorrow Son comedy and tragedy, And the world is scene. Pure preserves your candor May the gentle heaven granted to you; In this case, it will be turbar The pure lily of your faith. The inestimable beauty, and the goodness Riches, amor, gioje, piacer, They are nothing but larvae, dreams of the heart. You are driving each Simplicity constancy and honor And your life will be like a flower. CINDERELLA Which grows expands soave odor. GOLD WINGS It will be what a growing flower Expands soave odor, Or daughter! Or daughter! Hall in the palace of Don Ramiro RAMIRO Shut up, shut up: slowly Without noise and noise. Which is the mood of both? Accuracy, and truth. DANDINI Under the heading, by thunder, In absolute confidence, They are a mixture of insolence, Of caprice and vanity. RAMIRO And Alidoro told me, What the baron's daughter .. DANDINI Eh! the teacher has a great head, Equal goose is not given. I know two real weather vanes .. But convien dissimular. RAMIRO If the spouses, even those who want, We continue to recite. CLORINDA Principino where are you? TISBE Principino where are you? CLORINDA, TISBE Ah! why are you abandoning me? You will make me despair. CLORINDA I want you .. TISBE I want you .. DANDINI But we do not give in bagatelle, To be married to two sisters All together we can not. A groom .. CLORINDA, TISBE And the other? DANDINI And the other I'll give it to your friend. CLORINDA, TISBE No no no, no no no, no; A squire! oibò oibò. RAMIRO Sister docile, loving, Tenderissimo of core. CLORINDA, TISBE A squire! no sir, A squire! This no. CLORINDA With a plebeian soul! TISBE With a cheap air! CLORINDA, TISBE It hurts, it hurts me Only to imagine. DANDINI, RAMIRO The scene is original: Really to be counted. CHOIR Ah! if veiled again From the bosom the heart has been taken from us, If you reveal that voice - What will be? CINDERELLA I despise those who pour Capricious luck, M 'offer, who I marry, Respect, love, goodness. CLORINDA, TISBE We will see the great miracle Of this rarity. ALL Ah! FOUR AND CHORUS Talking - thinking - I would like to. Talking - thinking - I do not know. This is a deception oh Gods! This is a charm oh Gods! That face landed me. GOLD WINGS Talking - thinking - would like, Talking - thinking - can not. Amar already should, The shot was not wrong. Ballet MAGNIFICENT Mr. .. Height on the table .. What .. co .. who .. yes, what a beast! When you say the likes! Does not it look like Cinderella? CLORINDA, TISBE It still seemed to us, But to look at it then .. Ours is clumsy and abstract: This is a little more well done; But then it is not a Venus To be scare. MAGNIFICENT It's the one in the ash, He has rags for clothes only. CENERENTOLA, ALIDORO The old man looks, and doubts. RAMIRO He looks at me, and it seems like you are beating. DANDINI But we will not do the statues, The individual suffers. Let's go early to the table, Then we will dance the Taice, And so the beautiful .. With me, he has to marry. ALL Come on, let's go to the table, You fly to jubilar. DANDINI Or that a good lunch happens For four I will eat. ALL It seems to me to be dreaming Between gardens and among groves. The streams whispering, Warbling the augelletti, In a sea of ??delights They make the soul swim. But I fear, that under the ground, Slowly, little by little, A certain focus develops, And suddenly unknown to everyone, Leaving an earthquake out Which collapsing - rattling, Smashing - disrupting, Then I wake up. And I'm afraid that my dream Go to smoke to disappear.
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ACT THIRD Hall as in the first Act RAMIRO Ah! this beautiful unknown With that resemblance to the unhappy That struck me this morning, He is awakening in my chest Certain unknown concern .. Even Dandini He seems in love with it: Here they are: to hear them here I will be able to hide. DANDINI But do not flee for bacchus! four times You made me measure the gallery. CINDERELLA Either you change language, or I go away. DANDINI What? the talking of love Is it maybe a jab? CINDERELLA But yes, I'm in love with another! DANDINI And you tell me in the face? CINDERELLA Ah! my Lord, Deh! do not go angry If I speak sincerely. DANDINI And do you love? CINDERELLA Sorry .. DANDINI And do you love? CINDERELLA His squire. RAMIRO Oh joy! my soul! GOLD WINGS It goes wonderfully! RAMIRO But the degree and the richness Does not seduce your core? CINDERELLA My splendor is virtue, wealth is love. RAMIRO So you would be mine? CINDERELLA Plan, you must first Search for me, meet me, see me, Look at my luck. RAMIRO I support you, Dear, I'll fly. CINDERELLA Stop: do not follow me. I tel command. RAMIRO And how dunqne? CINDERELLA Here, Look for me, and on my right The companion will see; And then .. if you do not mind .. then you'll have me. RAMIRO Dandini, what do you think? DANDINI Eh! I say that as a prince I went on to act as a witness. RAMIRO »And then .. if I do not mind you .. then you'll have it.« What mysteries are these? ah! my wise man Venerable teacher. My heart is obscured Never tried love. What to do? GOLD WINGS What the heart recommends. RAMIRO Prince you are no longer, of so many silly ones You empty my building. Olà, my trusts! So I could have the wings of the winds. Ah how to hide The voracious flame, If in the chest this alma Smarita à la pace If love makes me a victim Of a raw duty. DANDINI So, then, am I a former? from all to nothing Rushed suddenly? Actually I did it A beautiful figure. MAGNIFICENT Excuse my concern. But those two girls Stan with fever on him. It could Solve the choice. DANDINI It's done, man. MAGNIFICENT It's done! Ah, pity, say, talk! It's done! and my shoots .. In these vegetarian rooms will they come? DANDINI Everyone will then know: Now it's a great secret. MAGNIFICENT And which, and which? And Clorinda, or Tisbetta? DANDINI Do not be in such a hurry. MAGNIFICENT Tell a daddy. DANDINI But silence. MAGNIFICENT You know, go ahead soon. DANDINI Do not you hear us? MAGNIFICENT Up in the air You do not see a fly. DANDINI It is a certain arcane That will make you dumbfound. MAGNIFICENT I'm on thorns. DANDINI Let's sit down. MAGNIFICENT Soon for charity. DANDINI You will hear A very bizarre case. MAGNIFICENT What did he want Marry with me. DANDINI I recommend. MAGNIFICENT But let yourself be served. DANDINI Be sealed How much now you will hear from my mouth. MAGNIFICENT I keep an answering machine in my body. DANDINI A secret of importance, An interesting arcane I owe you palesar: And something extravagant, It will make you trasecolar. MAGNIFICENT Without batting your eyelashes, Without even taking my breath, I ask myself to listen: I will stay here petrified Each syllable to count. DANDINI Wise, seasoned man It's always better to recommend us, If I married one of his daughters, Why do I have to treat you? MAGNIFICENT Consiglier is already printed. But what an excess of clemency! Therefore, let me be your Excellency .. Indeed, Height to listen. Always have them ready in the hall Thirty servants in full gala, Dukes, counts and marshals To invited guests, One hundred sixteen horses; A million of parrots, Always lunch with ice-creams, Then carriages, then landò. DANDINI I answer you without arcana, That we are very far; I do not use to have lunches, I always eat leftovers; I'm not near great lords, I always treat servants; Always on foot I'm going. MAGNIFICENT Not corbella? DANDINI I promise you. MAGNIFICENT So this? DANDINI It's a novel. The principality is a prank I am a masked man; But come is the true prince, M 'has torn the mask off, I return to my job, Son Dandini the waiter, Read beds, sweep clothes, Shave and comb. MAGNIFICENT Of this insult, Of this affront The true prince He will give me an account. DANDINI Oh! not uncomfortable, It will not be anything: But leave immediately At once. MAGNIFICENT I will not leave. DANDINI She will leave. MAGNIFICENT We'll see again, We'll talk to each other. DANDINI We'll see again, We'll talk to each other. MAGNIFICENT I will not leave. DANDINI She will leave. MAGNIFICENT I hold in the cerebro A double bass, What a low bass Whisk goes. From top to bottom, Power of the world! What a slip, What a great waterfall! Here it is, here it is, Everyone will say, They will make fun of me For the city. DANDINI Poor devil! It's a big mess, What high up Piombar does it. Our Excellence Have caution; If you want satinjo, Soap and comb, I'll know how to curl it, Unblock it .. Ah! ah! watch it, The tawny is there. Room on earth as in Act 1 CINDERELLA How expensive you are! and those Whose name is your partner? It's more expensive than you. That mister prince What do you pretend with those grimaces? Oh beautiful! I do not mind embroidery, and I only love it Beautiful face, and sincere heart, And I give preference to his squire. My sisters in the meantime .. But what are you looking! Pareano stralunate! - what noise! Uh who I see! what a joke! Back! I do not think he'll be back before the day. CLORINDA But I told you .. MAGNIFICENT But before him! Very similar they are by no means at all. That is the original, this is the portrait. You did everything? CINDERELLA All. Because that ugly mug Do you do me that? MAGNIFICENT Why why .. For a certain witch, What looks like you. CLORINDA On your shoulders I would almost give it away. CINDERELLA Poor shoulders! What do they have to do? TISBE Oh it's bad weather! Thunderstorm threatens. MAGNIFICENT Other than a storm! I wish lightning, What the waiter incinerated. CINDERELLA But say: What happened? you have Some secret punishment? MAGNIFICENT Silly, go there: go get dinner ready. CINDERELLA I go, I go. Oh what a bad mood! Ah! my squire is in my heart. DANDINI Friend, forgive me, The prince's carriage Ribalt .. but who did I see? MAGNIFICENT Uh! are you? But where is the prince? DANDINI Do you know him? MAGNIFICENT The squire! oh look .. RAMIRO Lord, forgive me, If a combination .. MAGNIFICENT That says? Imagine you, my master. Eh! not without why it came here. The bride, my daughters, will be among you. Hey! soon Cinderella, Bring the noble chair. RAMIRO No, no; a few minutes: another car Ready will come back. MAGNIFICENT What a! do you think so? CLORINDA He hurries you, Cinderella. CINDERELLA I'm here. MAGNIFICENT From the prince, beast, there it is. CINDERELLA This .. ah I see! Prince! RAMIRO It stops. What, the smaniglio! it's her: what a joy this is! Are you? .. CINDERELLA Are you princes you? TISBE, CLORINDA What a surprise! DANDINI The case is beautiful. MAGNIFICENT But .. RAMIRO Be still. MAGNIFICENT Goodbye brain. Self .. RAMIRO, DANDINI Silence. RAMIRO, DANDINI, MAGNIFICENT, TISBE, CLORINDA, CENERENTOLA What will be! This is a tangled knot, This is a traced group. Who develops, the more it envelopes, The more one groups, the more groups; And in the meantime my head Fly, fly, and then stop, Vo 'tenton for the dark air, And I start to delirate. MAGNIFICENT But in short of the sums, Height, what do you want? RAMIRO Plan: no more words; This will be my bride. A TRE Ah! ah! he will say to laugh. Do not you see, what are you barking at? RAMIRO I swear: mine will be. MAGNIFICENT Among my scions, It seems to me that I will believe .. RAMIRO For them it is not me. I have a plebeian soul. I have a cheap air. DANDINI Finally on the bracelet Here the pallon came back: And the master player He raised it in the air. RAMIRO Come to my sen; I impose it. CINDERELLA On this hand at least; And first to this breast .. MAGNIFICENT It moves you away. CLORINDA, TISBE He drives you away. RAMIRO Perfidious insane people! I will make you tremble. THE OTHERS The one grumbles, and mutters; This noise, and it is angry; That quivers, this swarm; Who threatens, who sighs; It goes to finish, that a 'pazzarelli They will have to drag us. RAMIRO, DANDINI Come come; amor guides you Envy to triumph. Hall with throne CHOIR Of unstable fortune The revolubil wheel, As it reaches the vortex For you it stops motionless, Pride in dust falls, Goodness triumphs. Ballet RAMIRO Bride .. CINDERELLA Mr., forgive The tender uncertainty That still confuses me. Poc 'indeed you know Between the filthy ash .. And noble Serto surrounds me. MAGNIFICENT Height .. you bow down. CINDERELLA Do not you ever hear me call your daughter? RAMIRO Those proud .. CINDERELLA Ah prence! I fall at your feet. The ancient insults I vanish from my mind. Great I get, and I want to Deserve this gift Surrendering me with forgiveness. Born to trouble, to tears, He suffered by keeping his heart silent; But for sweet charm From my age in the flower, Like a quick flash My fate changed. No, no; wipe the edge Why tremar, why? At this speed, Daughter, sister, friend, You find everything in me. ALL M 'softens and m' agita, It is a nume in my eyes, Worthy of the prize six, What data comes to you. CINDERELLA Father .. Spouse .. Friend .. oh instant! No longer saddened by the fire I will be alone in gorgheggiar. Ah! it was a flash, a dream, a game My long palpitar. ALL Everything changes gradually: He ceases to sigh. Fortunately, you were the game; It starts to jubilate.
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uwa-writersclub-blog · 13 years ago
"With the enormous number of novels and books out there, How does one write fiction while staying original? " - anonymous
Well anon, I think that as a writer today, we are bound to have slight similarities in some aspects of our writing with the others. It's unavoidable, because as humans we share many of the same experiences in life, and whether we like or not, the stories we write are bound to have influences from the works we've read from other writers.
What I suggest is write a story you feel like writing, write a story you feel passionate about. Focus more on the development of your characters and the intricacies of your plot, instead of constantly worrying if it's 'cliche' or 'original enough'. I think if you are able to tell an honest, and engaging story, it doesn't really matter if they bare some resemblance to someone else's.
However, it also helps if you are aware of where you're getting your ideas from, and to know that they are your own solid thoughts, instead of it being unknowingly influenced by something you've read from another story.
That's just my opinion, anyway. I hope that made sense, and take it with a grain of salt, of course.
                                                                                                       - Howie.
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