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pkbunny · 1 year ago
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koasku · 1 year ago
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kosmicpowers · 1 year ago
I'm sorry but Pokemon blog idea where I roleplay as Kieran roleplaying as his cringe overpowered recolor Ogerpon OC.
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xowlhousex · 1 year ago
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Lil bean
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sageisnicethesequel · 1 year ago
Miscellaneous doodles of whatever, mostly Rain World though..
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ogermask · 1 year ago
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// She is getting a slight revamp. Meet Clover!
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greenbeanpi · 1 year ago
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thai-touhou96 · 1 year ago
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I really like Ogerpon
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atlaswingsofruin · 1 year ago
Link: https://youtu.be/_dNv14YOcIQ?si=BOMRETlTR7uy7GAf
Read description of my video
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grismavessel · 1 year ago
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A wip but I’ve been thinking about exploring more with my vessel au
First draft of a Pecharunt possessed Kieran, he’s become too entangled with Pecharunt that he’s becoming less and less like himself
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amavaria · 4 months ago
you should tell us about the rest of sleepy's team >:^) im curious to see if there's a theme, like if she's a fairy type specialist, or she just uses her/your favorites, etc
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Sleepy switches up her team a lot further on but these are her main paldean babies from her treasure hunt 🫶
There's not much of a fixed team or theme. She went for the cute ones for her paldean adventure and started opening up more as she got further in the treasure hunt.
Her starter was a female sprigatito named Fiscalía that never got evolved since she's cuter being tiny.
Togepi was received by a surprise trade as a Cleffa. With the luck of being able to give her a nickname 💖
A shiny bounsweet was her first epic find during union circle times on the first few routes of her adventure, got named Ciruela
Tinkaton was bred by Sleepy on her first try to pass down egg moves. She was nicknamed Girlboss.
Skeledirge was surprised traded to Sleepy as a breeding reject baby. She was named Zeze.
And last one, Cozy. A shiny female altaria caught as a swablu in an extremely lucky find.
As for the current team she swaps a lot but consistently keeps Orgerpon, and Togepi.
Some of her frequent off topic picks are Kingambit, Sandy Shocks, Meowscarada, Milotic and Kieran's Hydrapple
Thank you so much for asking 🫶
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the-feral-one · 10 months ago
young orgerpon dare you to eat one super spicy cookie
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Ogerpon hums to herself as she puts chilli sauce onto a cookie.
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Ogerpon: "Mmm~!" (-crunch crunch crunch-)
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Ogerpon: "It's really good! You wanna have some?"
Spot: "...n-no thanks..."
Pink: "...wawa..." ("...gross...")
Ogerpon: "More for me!" (-more crunching-)
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zora-thesidecharacter · 1 month ago
Ok so
Imma ramble about my pokemon headcanon rn cuz I fucking can (getting my thoughts out now so I can compare them to the possible change after legends ZA comes out)
I'll start with the pokemon War. This is the ancient war in which AZ and the weapon are from. The war was between Paldea and Kalos. AZ uses the power of Yeveltal and Xernias to harvest life and resurect his flowette. The weapon succeeded, however it had several consequences. It killed hundreds possibly thousands of people and pokemon, flowette grew resent AZ for this action. The weapon also gave AZ immortality, an unintended affect of being the one to fire it. It created a huge crater where it landed, later coming to be known as area zero. Terastalization is the natural version of the energy that is left behind in this crater, however in kalos they pushed the energy to its extreme, creating mega evolution. Mega evolution being a purely artificial version of terastaliztion explains 4 things, 1: how ancient pokemon like arodactyle can mega evolve, 2: how artificial pokemon like mewtwo can evolve, 3: how some pokemon like mewtwo and charizard have multiple mega evolutions, and 4: the sun and moon pokedex entry stating that it is an extremely painful and unnatural thing (even though I'm pretty sure this was in realit6 just an attempt to soften the blow of removing megas from the game.).
Now you may be wondering how kitakami, which is near Johto, can have tera crystals, well I suggest that they wernt there to begin with. They game with orgerpon and the person she came with. Both of which are probobly originally from paldea and likely around the time after the weapon firing. Ogerpon having special tera forms with its masks suggests that it has some sort affinity towards the tera crystals that other pokemon don't, meaning it's not too farfetched to assume that under the right conditions of what looks like a volcanic creator, especially with the slugma around, being filled with water and a couple tera crystals, could be the right environment for them to grow naturally.
This could also explain dynamaxing even further north on Galar. Look at eternatus and tell me it doesn't look like crystals. Galar wasn't close enough for the full effect, however they got a smaller amount of the energy that caused dynamic dens to then appear around the region. Eternatus is likely another byproduct of the weapon that happened to flee up north where it gained power before being sealed away the dogs.
Now, all the way over in hoenn there is primal groudon, primal kyoger, and mega rayquaza. I don't think any of these are related to the. We know mega reqyaza was from swallowing a strange meteorite that gave it it's ability to mega evolve. The red and blue orbs are what allow Groudon and kyoger to change into their primal forms, but those existed before mega evolution did, so it's safe to day those are more tied to the pokemon themselves than to mega evolution.
Z-moves i think are alola. Separate thing, likely an ability of the tapus or byproduct of their activities.
The war between paldea and kalos i think was unrelated to the conflict that split the dragon into reshiram, zekrom, and kyrem, however i would not be surprised if they did help fight in the war on the side of kalos, judging by how reshiram and zekrom are very known in kalos, or at least that one castle.
On an unrelated note, I think every major landmass has its own regis. Every one has its own. Regigigas that pulled and then holds it together. They then all made their own regirock, regice, and registeel when the time came for that one's help. The regigigas in Galar however was awake for a longer period of time, and potentially never went to sleep, and eventually created two additional ones being regidrago and regielki. It's possible other regidrago and regieleki exist but it's unlikely, regidrago being a little more likely to have others than regieleki.
Now.... Zygard. I think that there are likely hundreds of thousands of zygard cells scattered throughout the world. Zygards job is to keep balance after all. All you need is a certain amount if them to make the 10%, 50%, and 100% forms, but even the 100% form isn't all of them, so technically not 100% of the zygard, however it might not be possible for it to make a form any bigger/stronger/using more cells than that form.
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luimagines · 1 year ago
You know how we we're talking about pokemon au with Linked Universe? Well can I suggest something? After playing the new Pokemon Scarlet/Violet DLC, Teal Mask, and meeting the adorable legendary, Orgerpon, I was thinking it would be cute if she (yes, she's a girl) met the chain, specifically Time.
This is cause of two reasons. She's a grass type and uses MASKS to help her fight. Everytime she changes a mask, she changes her typing. Oh, and also cause she reminds me of a child, maybe even reminding Time of the Kokiri.
Oh my goodness, Time is going to lose his mind.
You better bet he's going to project like crazy. Poor guy. Instant hover parent. Helicopter mode activated.
Shock him. XD
He's going to need a bit of a wake up call.
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crystalelemental · 1 year ago
Apparently Orgerpon's masks boost its STAB damage by 20%. That is. Relevant information.
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rosenmelodie · 1 year ago
pkmn dlc spoilers
if you go idle orgerpon falls asleep next ti you 🥲
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