#organic tattva
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Kali Yantra
The Yantra is a geometric symbol existing in the external world as well as a subject to be internalized within human consciousness. Kali is the Hindu Goddess of time, of change. She is the power of action, of the breath and of transformation (kriya-shakti). Kali’s essence is Divine Love. Through time, breath and Divine Love all things are accomplished. If we surrender to Her essence, She creates the energy and all is possible. The Kali Yantra, then, contains within it the transformative energy of change.
When we internalize this energy and surrender to its sweet transformative power of love, we begin our inward journey toward healing and spiritual growth. According to the Tantric tradition, the 36 corners of the Yantra represent the 36 principles (tattvas) of creation, from the Most Transcendent to the most minute expression of Materiality. The bindu is the central point, the seat of the soul, the Atman; the internal link with Brahman the Absolute. The bindu is also Kali, and all the phenomenal world emanates out from Her. In the Tantric tradition, Kali as the energy (Shakti) aspect of material nature is united with the Absolute (Shiva) for the sake of creation
Five (5) inverted concentric triangles, 2 circles and 8 lotus petals enclose the bindu.
The 5 inverted concentric triangles represent the 5 kosas or sheaths of the human condition, with soul (bindu) in the middle: Annamayakosa (physical), Pranamayakosa (life force), Manomayakosa (mental/emotional), Vijnanamayakosa (wisdom) and Anandamayakosa (bliss). The 15 corners of the 5 inverted concentric triangles represent the 15 principles of experience (tattvas); the 5 organs of sense – smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing; 5 organs of action – procreation, excretion, locomotion, handling, speaking; and 5 tanmatras – odour, flavour, colour, feeling, sound. The inverted position of the triangle represents the female regenerative power.
The 2 circles symbolize the cycle of birth and death, which we must pierce through the bindu in the centre in order to reach the Absolute Reality.
The 8 lotus petals are symbols of Prakriti, the cause of the manifesting universe. The 8 lotus petals refer to the 8 principles (tattvas) of Prakriti – The 5 principles of materiality or nature (Prakriti) are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. And with the 3 principles of the inner instrument (antahkarana), the Lower Mind (manas), the Higher Mind (buddhi) and the Ego-sense (ahamkara), these 8 tattvas compose the phenomenal or relative world.
Kali as the power of action is inherent in the element air or wind, Vayu. In human body Kali exists as Prana, the breath or life-force. Kali holds the five vital airs: prana (upward air); apana (downward air); vyana (air within the body); udana (air leaving the body); and samana (air at the navel which helps to digest food). Kali emphasizes inner action, which generates the internalizing force of so’ ham, the rhythm of the breath, the sound of the breath: I am that, I am Spirit, I am Kali. Like the wind, she is mobile, subtle and transformative. Kali relates to lightning (vidyut-shakti), the electrical force that pervades the universe as the power of transformation. Like the electrical storm, She acts quickly. Kali grants a lightning-like illumination and transformation. She is located in the spiritual heart, the anahata chakra. She is the pulsating of the physical heart, the blood that gives us life; in this action She is called Rakta-Kali or the Red Kali.
Red in the Kali Yantra is the colour of the heart’s lifeblood, filling us with vitality. Black is the colour of the night; but as we approach Kali, She becomes as bright as the sun. Grey is the emerging light into the black, the midworld existing between the earthly plane and the realm of heaven. Kali as Prakriti or Shakti exists in all three realms. Bronze is the colour of the earth, the sphere of normal consciousness. Gold is the colour of the alchemist, the colour of transformation moving us into Higher Consciousness. The red and yellow flames are the transformative fires gently cooking us, making us more palatable for Spirit.
Kali Mantra
Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha [Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Ahd-yah Kah-lee-kah Pah-rahm Ehsh-wah-ree Swah-hah]
“Om and salutations to She who is the first one, dark within her own reality, the supreme primordial feminine, who cuts through illusion to the unabridged truth of existence.”
The Kali Yantra Meditation:
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Inspired by the cortical homunculus these homunculi are based on the atma tattvas: The five subtle elements or things that can be perceived (tanmātra), their organs of perception (jñānendriya), and their organs of action (karmendriya).
Sound – Ear – Mouth
Touch – Skin – Hand
Form – Eye – Leg
Taste – Tongue – Genitals
Smell – Nose – Anus
Ideally, you could combine all the homunculi together to form a single entity that's easier to control but far less powerful in its abilities. It would look human but be weaker than a normal human.
(Disclaimer: I don't know if my correspondences are correct. I'm not a Hindu or a scholar of Hinduism and I don't remember where I got my research. This is from 2015)
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Paramārthasāra of Acharya Abhinavagupta : “The Essence of the Teachings on the Highest Truth”
The first 50 verses – Abhinavagupta
I take refuge in you alone, Sambhu, who are beyond maya, transcendent, without beginning, one, existent in all beings in myriad forms, refuge of all, and immanent in all animate and inanimate creation. ||1
Overwhelmed by the chain of misery that begins with his birth in the womb and terminates with his physical death, a disciple asked Lord Adhara about supreme wisdom. The teacher [Adhara] instructed him on the essence of the supreme wisdom by means of the Adhara Karikas, which Abhinavagupta recasts, modifying them from the point of view of the Saiva tradition.|| 2,3
The supreme Lord creates this universe consisting of four eggs (anda): the Sakti egg, the maya egg, the prakrti egg, and the prithvi egg, out of the glory of his own divine Sakti. ||4
Commentary:The supreme Lord creates this universe consisting of four eggs (anda): the Sakti egg, the maya egg, the prakrti egg, and the prithvi egg, out of the glory of his own divine Sakti. An anda is a sphere that contains in it a series of phenomenal elements and serves as a sheath that covers and hides the divine nature of the Absolute. (i) Sakti, the divine power of God projecting itself externally and covering the Absolute with the pure creation. Manifesting diversity within unity, it hides the basic absoluteness and the perfect unity of the Absolute God and contains in it the four pure tattvas from Sakti to pure Vidya.
(ii) The sphere of Maya pushes into oblivion the natural purity and divine potency of the Absolute, covers it with five sheaths or limiting elements called kancukas and presents the Absolute as a finite being called Purusa. It contains in it seven tattvas from Maya to Purusa.
(iii) The sphere of Prakriti covers Purusa with all psychic elements, senses, organs, subtle objective elements called tanmatras, three gunas and four gross elements upto water. It contains twenty-three tattvas from Prakriti to water.
(iv) Prithvi as an anda or sphere covers the Absolute with the solid gross existence. It contains prithvi-tattva alone and consists of the whole solid existence in the universe.
(v) Siva-tattva lies beyond all these four andas.
The above mentioned four spheres contain thirty-five tattvas and cover the pure and divinely potent absolute consciousness with fine, subtle, gross and solid creation. The Absolute God creates them playfully in the process of the manifestation of His Godhead. He creates them out of His own self in the manner of reflections and covers His real self with them. Such creation is something like a kind of transmutation which is different from transformation. Neither God nor His divine power under goes any change or transformation while appealing in the form of all these created tattvas which shine in His psychic light as the reflections of His own divine powers.
This world, with infinite kinds of bhuvanas (regions in creation), with its infinite variety of physical bodies and sense organs, exists within [the four eggs]. Having assumed the form of a fettered being (pashu), Siva alone is the embodied enjoyer of all this [the created world] in them [the eggs]. ||5
As a pure crystal assumes hues of different kinds, in the same way the supreme Lord also assumes the forms of gods, men, animals, and trees. ||6
Just as the reflection of the moon appears to be moving in flowing water and to be unmoving in still water, in the same way the Self, who is the same as the supreme Lord, appears to exist as embodied beings [equipped] with sense organs in different bhuvanas (regions in creation). ||7
Just as the invisible Rahu (the shadow of the earth), when appearing on the disc of the moon [at the time of a lunar eclipse] becomes visible, in the same way, the Self though present everywhere becomes perceptible in the mirror of the intellect (buddhi) by [the perception of] sense objects. ||8
As a face shines forth in a spotlessly clean mirror, in the same way the supreme Lord who is of the nature of illumination shines forth in the buddhi (intellect) tattva that has been purified following the descent of divine grace by the Lord. (śaktipāta). || 9
The universe, composed of the thirty-six tattvas, manifests itself in the highest tattva [Paramasiva], which is of the nature of illumination, full-in-itself, endowed with infinite [modes] of shakti, [including the powers of] will, knowledge, and action , which is free from thought constructs, pure, ever at rest, and which is devoid of origination and dissolution. ||10-11
Just as variety in the form of a city, village, etc., when seen in a mirror is not separate [from the mirror], yet it [the variety of objects] appears differentiated [in the mirror] as a city, village, etc., and also as different from the mirror. Similarly the universe, though not existing as different from the pure self-experience of the highest Bhairava, appears as the world, differentiated and different from [Bhairava], the supreme tattva. ||12-13
Dividing the five Saktis [one on each level of the five tattvas,] Paramasiva manifests [himself] as the five tattvas, namely, Siva, Sakti, Sadasiva, Iswara, and Vidya. ||14
The supreme Lord’s great freedom, which is capable of accomplishing the most difficult task, is called the Goddess Maya-sakti. It serves Paramasiva as a veil to hide Himself. ||15
Enveloped by maya Sakti, the bodha (Siva’s self-aware, pure consciousness) becomes defiled and accepts the condition of purusa, a fettered being, upon being fully bound by kalа (limitation with respect to time), kala (the limited capacity to do just a little), niyati (limitation with respect to causation), raga (the limited interest in a particular something), and avidya (limited capacity to know just a little) kancukas. ||16
[The limiting concepts expressed by thoughts like:] “Now,” “something,” “this,” “completely,” ” I know” (“I know only now and know just a little and just this much of it quite completely”) together with maya are said to be the six internal sheaths (kancukas). ||17
The husk existing on a grain of rice, though existing separately, appears inseparable from the grain. But [the fettered being, who similarly seems attached to his fetters] attains purity by turning towards Siva through Yoga and treading on his path. ||18
Prakriti is of the nature of happiness, sorrow, and delusion and [from it emerge] the internal sense organs, the intellect (buddhi) [the understanding sense that forms definite conceptions], the mind (manas), [the organ of such thinking as gives rise to indefinite ideations (about phenomena)] and the ego (ahamkara), [the egoist sense that connects such psychic activates with the finite subject.] which are the instruments for determinate cognition (niscaya), volition (sankalpa), and false conception of one’s Self (abhimana), respectively. ||19
The sense organs, having sound and so on as their object of knowledge, are hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. The organs of action are the organs of speech, grasping, locomotion, excretion, and procreation. ||20
The subtle objects [experienced by the sense organs] are devoid of differentiation. These are the five subtle elements (tanmatras): sound (sabda), touch(sparsa), form(rupa), taste(rasa) and smell(gandha). ||21
From the intermixing of these [subtle elements] are born the gross objects, the five gross elements, namely, ether, air, fire, water, and earth. ||22
Creation, extending from prakrti down to prithvi (earth), covers pure consciousness by providing a physical body in the same way a husk covers a grain of rice. ||23
Among the sheaths, the innermost [subtlest one] is the Anava-mala. The six kinds of sheaths (kancukas) made from maya, etc., form the subtle sheath. The outermost and gross covering is the physical body. The Self (Atman) is covered by these three kinds of sheaths. ||24
On being subjected to the darkness of ignorance, he [the Self], though one by his very nature, knows himself as many in the form of the infinite variety of limited subjects and objects. ||25
Just as [sugar cane] juice, jaggery, sugar, and gur, etc. are only [different forms or states of the same thing] sugar cane juice, so all beings abide in the supreme Lord Sambhu in different states or forms. ||26
[Notions like] “stream of pure awareness ,” “the witness,” “the vital breath ,” “the all-pervasive body,” “the Universal,” and “the individual” are only conventionally true on the empirical plane. They have no actual existence. ||27
A snake does not exist in a rope, yet it can frighten someone to death. The power of delusion is so great that it is not possible to know its true nature. ||28
Similarly, merit and demerit, heaven and hell, birth and death, joy and sorrow, varna (caste), and asrama (stages of life), etc., though non-existent in the pure Self, arise by the strength of delusion. ||29
This darkness [of delusion], which is manifested through [apparently] existing objects, makes one experience the non-self in things which in fact are identical with the Self. ||30
The experience of the Self in the not-self, such as the physical body or the vital air, is like darkness superimposed on darkness. It can be likened to a boil formed on the burned [part of the body]. ||31
Just as a spider [ensnares himself] in his web, so he [the embodied man in the world] binds himself by experiencing worldly objects like the physical body, the vital breath, intellectual knowledge, and the expanse of sky. ||32
Lord ParamaSiva liberates himself from bondage by loosening its grip through the glory of knowledge of the Self. Thus bondage and liberation are his divine play. ||33
Creation, maintenance, and dissolution [and the states of] waking , dreaming, and dreamless sleep , appear in him [the supreme Lord] in the fourth state, but even in that state he reveals himself as not covered [i.e., not affected] by them. ||34
The waking state corresponds to the universe (visva) because of differentiation. The dreaming state corresponds to illumintation ( tejas) on account of the dominance of light. The state of dreamless slumber corresponds to understanding (prajna), a s this state is characterised by massive knowledge, and the fourth (turiya) state is beyond all these. ||35
Just as the vast expanse of sky is not defiled by clouds nor smoke nor dust, so the supreme Being is not affected by the changes of maya.||36
When the ether in one jar is filled with dust, the ether in other jars is not then defiled. This is also true for those souls that undergo differentiation with respect to joy and sorrow. || 37
The supreme Lord seems still when the various elements are still; glad when they are glad; gloomy when they are gloomy; but truly he is not so. ||38
The great God, having first eradicated the delusion of taking the non-self and insentient substances as self, shatters afterwards the other delusive conception of taking the (all inclusive) self as non-self. || 39
When in this way the two illusions are successfully rooted out completely, the exalted adepts have fulfilled their aim, and there cannot be any duty left for them to accomplish. || 40
Thus by the power of meditation on unity, the trinity of prthivi (earth), prakrti and maya that had revealed itself in objective form, becomes reduced to simple being. ||41
Just as a belt, a ring, or a bracelet, irrespective of their differentiation, appear simply as gold, so the universe, irrespective of its differentiation, appears as simple being. ||42
This is the Brahman (supreme being), supreme, pure, still, undifferentiated, equable, complete, deathless, real, that rests in the Sakti who has consciousness as its form. || 43
On the other hand , anything un touched by illumination (bha) expressed as the powers of will, knowledge, and action is like a flower-in-the sky it does not exist. [Illumination consists of the powers of will, knowledge, and action held in perfect equilibrium]. ||44
Initially the Lord of the lords creates the whole phenomenon within His own divine, potent and eternally existent aspect named Siva, by handling the trident of His divine powers. || 45
Commentary:The conative, cognitive and creative powers of God are His three primary powers known as iccha-sakti, jnana-sakti and kriya-sakti. The symbolic trident of Siva is suggestive of these three divine powers which constitute His essential nature. Siva, coming face to. face to such powers through His awareness, that is, becoming fully aware of His natural divine powers, becomes prone or inclined towards creation. Such a situation is described as holding in His hand the trident of three divine powers. His conative power is His iccha-sakti, which is depicted in Upanisadic passages like “Tadaiksata, bahu syam, prajayeya iti”. The basic reality visualizes, “Let me become many, let me be born (in many forms)” and so on. Before creating the phenomenon externally as an objective existence, God creates it within His own self known as Siva. His will to create a particular type of phenomenon presupposes its existence inside His awareness, because nothing particular could have otherwise become the object of His conation, or creation. The phenomenon appears initially in Him and that is due to His cognitive power. It shines clearly in Him as the object to be created and is thus created there actually through His creative power. Its outward creation is due to the phenomenal growth of His kriya-sakti. A worldly creator also follows such process. He creates only that thing outwardly which is initially created by him in his own self. A painter creates initially a wonderful form in his own will and then he illuminates it thoroughly while forming a clear idea about it in his mind and afterwards he starts to paint it actually on a board. So does the Lord create the phenomenon in His own subjective self before manifesting it outwardly and objectively. That is the interior creation which the couplet in hand is meant to express.
And again, he [Paramasiva] accomplishes the task of the external creation of the three eggs with their infinite variety in order to find him self in the external world [as innumerable subjects and objects] through the process of expansion of his five Saktis. || 46
The five divine powers of the Lord are: cit or pure consciousness, ananda or blissfulness, iccha or conative power, jnana or cognitive power and kriya or creative porwer. These powers shine in Him as His own self. Their outward manifestation reflects them as the creation of the objective existence consisting of three spheres of Maya, the causal creation, Pracriti, the subtle creation and Prthvi, the gross creation. The whole of such creation is complexly wonderful. It is the outward or objective manifestation of the essential nature of God. Here He finds out His own self in an objective aspect and that is His ‘bahiratma-labha’
[yogin contemplates]: “Putting thus playfully the machine of the circle of divine powers in motion, I am myself the Lord, with purity as my nature, working at the highest post as the master hero of the infinite wheel of Saktis or divine powers!” || 47
Commentary: Concluding the discussions noted above, an aspirant realizes that he is not a finite being but the great Lord who is the only hero having the multitudes of divine powers as His heroins. He feels actually that he is himself activating playfully the whole circle of such powers, the primary one among which are five: (1) cit, (2) ananda. (3) iccha, (4) jnana, and (5) kriya. Their amalgamated unity appears in twelve forms in the process of all psychic activities of all beings and are known as Sakti-cakra or the group of twelve Kalis. Such Kalis absorb in them the psychic activities of all subjects, the functions of their psychic apparatus and the objective elements that become foci of such activities. A successful practitioner of Saivism realizes and visualizes such fact through his personal experience.
“It is in Me that the universe reveals itself as [inanimate objects like] jars as in a mirror! From Me the universe emanates just as the manifold variety of the dream world emanates from the dreaming person!” ||48
“Just as it is the very nature of a body to be its limbs like hand, feet etc. so is the whole phenomenon my own form! Just as it is light which shines in the form of all existent substances, so do I myself glitter as all existence!” || 49
“Though in fact I do not have any body or senses or organs, and do not commit any deeds, yet I see, hear, smell and I alone compose wonderfully different sastras like Siddhantas, Agamas and logical treatises. || 50
with notes of Balajinath Pandit"
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The Ladder and Spring scrying ritual, How I scry the elemental kingdoms.
I want to emphasize that my method of working is my own and it is a synthesis of stuff I read and probably can't exactly put my finger-on but it follows a somewhat similar approach of the golden dawn/ceremonial magician style but more simpler and direct. The whole associating with divinity then bossing over lower hierarchy, again I am not trying to do that but you will see the similarities. I am trying to make it a bit more organic and less formulaic, giving some spaces here and there for people AND spirits to work together in this act/ritual. Ingredients/Materials to use:
1)Candles 2)Bell 3)Name of Sandalphon written in Green 4)Earth Tattva drawn by yourself or printed if you can’t. 5)Pentacle(if you have one) The Two part of this ritual/method of scrying is: 0) Preparation 1) The (step)Ladder. 2) The Loaded Spring. Step 0 is preparation of yourself AND the area, and yourself, what I opt to do is Being with Our Father and Three Hail Mary, Water of Eden/Purifying consecrated water is made to consecrate the area and wash our face and head+arm+feet. Ring the four archangelic gates and call their attention to this ritual. Lastly The Qabbalistic invocation of Levi. Again very simple and mostly it’s just praying and calling, talking, washing yourself, etc.
Now for Part 1.. If you ever saw a step-ladder, and I think most people saw one irl it’s like an inverted V. So we start raising up the ladder itself, you start by calling your ancestors, guides, natal/guardian angel, and your..image of Divinity, like praying to God. This is the “mental-astral” body doing the climb up the ladder, and now we start by climbing up too, we start by calling the Gnomes with the Gnomes oration in JSK’s Testament of St Cyprian: Oh, admirable and incomprehensible genies! With blind faith and humble heart, I throw myself upon your mercy. My hope is that – as you direct my steps and actions from the moment I appeared upon this planet until that one in which, my mission completed, you collect my spirit to accompany it to sidereal worlds, to the place that the Supreme Creator has reserved to us in his inscrutable aims – so equally will you lend your aid in transmitting faithfully my requests to the celestial (or infernal) spirits, without varying the conception of my words or intentions. Look favourably on the purity of my feelings; my great desire and confidence, my discretion and reserve; you appreciate all the qualities that I have and repair in me those defects until now not rejected, nor do you make cause to withhold your cooperation from me, but work constantly in perfecting me from all impurity to make me worthy of the gifts that Divinity grants its chosen ones, and to give thanks with all my soul during the time of my peregrination on this planet, for the favour that I receive from you. Amen , and then call Sandalphon. I don’t have a sigil or seal for him so I wrote his name in green ink alongside making a prayer for him:
O thou mighty Brother of angels
Standing behind the throne of glory
Receiving the prayers of the faithful
Which you have sent from the earth
Centuries high you stand
Master of alchemy and nature I call archangel Sandalphon by the divine name Adonai Melek and Adonai Ha-Aretz, O brotherly angel come down and attend to our prayer, help us and heed our prayer in this chamber as you carry them to the divine help us get carried by the divine. O great Angelic Prince, Brother of Metatron, Master of Heavenly Songs, Tall Angel, The left hand of the Ark, gatherer of prayers to most high of high, Ruler of the 4th, 6th, and 7th Heaven. O Wheel within a wheel holding the mystery of creation within you, Overseers of Genders and Angel of Glory, Angel of Prayers most divine. I call thee I call thee I call thee, by thine names visible and invisible, pronounceable and unknown, secret, and hidden I call you by all other names ascribed to you. O Sandalphon as I pray to you to attend to our rite, draw near, and with propitious mind thy suppliant hear. Let's attend and pray to God together.
Now the start of the Gnome Prayer from Eliphas Levi which is easily accessible online and can be found easily. That’s the end of Part 1 or the Ladder, we rose up to Sandalphon through the Gnomes and went back through the Gnomes. The idea of the stepladder is now replaced with a loaded-spring, if you have the image of a spring ready to BOING BOING, you get the image, the spring is ready to JUMP. You’re on of that SPRING. All the work of hierarchy you did now is transformed into the Spring that will shoot you in your trip with you scrying, the whole preparation AND Step 1 of it is for this: Part 2, You will bring your attention to the tattva card and start chanting the names of Uriel, Ariel, Ghob, Uriel, Ariel, Ghob, and so on and so on and you will ASK permission to enter, pray/talk whatever, you have to ASK permission. Once you enter, it could be a bit hard or weird, you will enter. When you’re inside you will not talk and start to get a a grip on the place and area around, no need to rush after going inside the tattva because the loaded spring the whole ritual did will carry the momentum forward now, you don’t need to actively participate or ask things but it’s okay if you do. You have multiple options to ask now: 1) Ask a Guide from Sandalphon 2) Ask a Guide from Uriel 3) Ask a Guide from Ariel 4)Ask a Guide from Ghob Again each of these willl have different forms, different places they will take you too, you can come back again and ask for a different guide. to Verify the Guide, ask him in the name of who you called him with. If you call someone from Uriel and he said he come from Ghob? it’s a head-scratcher, no? think about it, no rush, and you don’t need to listen to your guide just because they said something and you feel weird you can tell them off or tell them no or ask them to explain themselves. You go on and on..in the end you should retrace your steps and go back to your bodies. Remember to write down everything immediately and ask for signs, seals, instructions to do irl, etc. These stuff will be useful and to ground your knowledge into this world. Don’t just scry and get some astral lesson, ASK THEM to give you something to DO in the PHYSICAL WORLD. I will emphasize on this because it’s important that your work have some give-take, to have more to it than just spectating astral stuff, see how the stuff in the real world feel like, see how they act, what phenomena happpen, how magic they teach you work, etc. If the stuff they teach you doesn’t work…then what use is it? Try to ground and bring something useful down.
#occult#magic#ritual#witchblr#invocation#witchcraft#spellwork#ritual work#ritual magic#ritual magick#ceremonial magic#golden dawn#elemental#archangels#angelic magick
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Tattva: Redefining Residential Architecture in Pune with Sustainable Building Design
Where ancient wisdom meets modern aesthetics, and where nature harmonizes with culture, there lies Tattva. This transformative project by Sparc Design represents a new paradigm in Residential Architecture in Pune. Rooted in sustainability and inspired by Indian philosophy, Tattva seamlessly integrates cultural heritage with cutting-edge design to create a living space that connects residents with their environment and themselves.
Concept and Vision: Sustainable Living in Residential Architecture
The vision behind Tattva originated from a unique client brief: to craft a service apartment complex on a compact 5,000 sq. ft. plot. The client’s emphasis on Sustainable Building Design and the use of locally sourced, rustic materials aligned perfectly with Sparc Design’s philosophy. This compact plot demanded innovative spatial planning and adaptability, allowing for future conversion into 1BHK apartments. The result? A living space that reflects cultural depth, sustainability, and modern practicality.
Derived from the Sanskrit word “Tattva,” meaning “principle” or “reality,” the project embraces the five fundamental elements — earth, water, fire, air, wood, and metal. These elements are woven into the design, drawing inspiration from Indian and Norse philosophies. The result is a timeless design that celebrates the connection between humanity and nature.
Clever Design: Maximizing Space and Sustainability
Tattva’s compact plot, with a chamfered northeast corner, presented unique challenges. Sparc Design’s approach focused on optimizing the available space with rectangular layouts that ensure adaptability. The design prioritizes efficiency without compromising aesthetics or functionality.
Key Sustainable Building Design elements include:
Eco-Friendly Materials: Blended cement, fly ash, and lightweight AEC blocks were chosen for their low environmental impact and high aesthetic value.
Ventilation and Natural Light: Angular windows strategically placed to capture sunlight and provide scenic views while ensuring excellent airflow.
Thermal Comfort: Insulated blocks keep interiors cool, reducing the need for energy-intensive air conditioning.
Jaali Work: Inspired by traditional Indian architecture, the façade’s intricate jaali patterns create dynamic light and shadow effects while enhancing ventilation.
Interiors: A Reflection of Elements
Tattva’s interior design mirrors its elemental inspiration. Each floor is dedicated to one of the five elements, reflected in color palettes, engravings, and ambient design. Key highlights include:
Koah Stone Flooring: Natural textures and symbolic engravings enrich the interiors.
Lime Plaster Walls: Organic finishes provide warmth and authenticity.
Green Pockets and Open Balconies: These create seamless indoor-outdoor connections, fostering a close bond with nature.
Amenities: Rooftop cafes, activity areas, and ample parking cater to the modern urban lifestyle.
Impact: A Benchmark in Residential Architecture in Pune
Tattva redefines Residential Architecture in Pune by showcasing how sustainability, cultural values, and innovative design can converge to create living spaces that resonate with people. Its fusion of Indian and global design elements sets a benchmark for future architectural projects in the city.
Through thoughtful use of space, eco-friendly materials, and human-centered design, Tattva establishes a fresh standard for Sustainable Building Design, influencing the architectural landscape of Pune.
Sparc Design: Building Sustainable Futures
At Sparc Design, architecture is more than just creating spaces; it’s about building connections — between people, their environment, and their inner selves. Tattva embodies our commitment to sustainability, cultural richness, and innovative design.
Explore our portfolio to see how Sparc Design is shaping the future of Residential Architecture in Pune. Follow us on Instagram for insights into Sustainable Building Design and our latest projects.
1. What is the total area of Tattva? Tattva spans 15,000 sq. ft., optimizing functionality on a compact 5,000 sq. ft. plot. It includes service apartments, parking, and common areas, ensuring a balanced living experience.
2. What is the height of the building? The building stands approximately 26.97 meters tall, housing six floors and a rooftop terrace. The design respects the surrounding urban context and streetscape.
3. How many floors does Tattva have? Tattva comprises six floors plus a rooftop terrace. The ground floor is dedicated to parking and a lobby, while upper floors feature service apartments with essential amenities.
4. Who designed Tattva? Tattva was brought to life by Sparc Design’s Senior Interior Designer Azeem Siddiqui and Lead Architect Ar. Suhani Lal Sanghra, whose expertise ensured a harmonious blend of design and functionality.
5. How does Sparc Design approach residential architecture? We prioritize Sustainable Building Design and culturally rich, human-centered solutions. From concept to construction, our goal is to deliver spaces that enhance quality of life.
6. What makes Sparc Design a leader in Residential Architecture in Pune? Sparc Design’s innovative approach combines sustainability, cultural values, and modern design, as exemplified by projects like Tattva, making us a trusted name in Pune’s architectural landscape.
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Top 10 Luxury Spa in Delhi for Ultimate Relaxation
Escape to serenity with our curated list of the top 10luxury spa in delhi,perfect for ultimate relaxation. These premier destinations combine opulent settings with world-class treatments to provide an unmatched wellness experience. From rejuvenating massages and detoxifying facials to holistic therapies like Ayurveda and aromatherapy, each spa offers a personalized approach to relaxation. Enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, skilled therapists, and tranquil environments designed to melt away stress. Ideal for solo retreats, romantic escapes, or pampering sessions, these luxury spas promise to revitalize your mind and body. Whether you seek a quick refresh or an all-day indulgence, discover why these top spas in Delhi are the epitome of comfort, elegance, and holistic well-being in luxury spa in delhi.
The Spa at The Imperial Hotel: Timeless Luxury and Serenity
Located in the heart of luxury spa in delhi, The Spa at The Imperial Hotel offers a luxurious experience that combines traditional Ayurvedic healing with modern spa therapies. Known for its serene ambiance and world-class service, it provides an extensive menu of treatments including massages, facials, and body scrubs. The spa’s signature treatments, such as the Imperial Bliss Massage, ensure a deeply relaxing experience. The plush interiors and top-notch facilities make it one of the best spas in Delhi for ultimate relaxation.
Ananda in the Himalayas: The Ultimate Wellness Destination
Though located outside Delhi in the serene Himalayan foothills, Ananda is worth mentioning for its global reputation. With luxurious treatments inspired by the healing traditions of Ayurveda, yoga, and international wellness therapies, Ananda offers a holistic experience. From detox treatments to personalized spa therapies, this retreat offers a rare chance for relaxation and rejuvenation away from the chaos of the city.
The Oberoi Spa: Relaxation Redefined
The Oberoi Spa, located at The Oberoi Hotel in Delhi, is a sanctuary of luxury offering an extensive menu of treatments tailored to rejuvenate the mind and body. The spa's tranquil setting, combined with experienced therapists, makes it a prime destination for relaxation. Signature services include aromatherapy massages, facials, and reflexology, all designed to provide ultimate comfort and peace. With a focus on both relaxation and wellness, The Oberoi Spa ensures an unforgettable experience.
Kama Ayurveda Spa: Traditional Healing with Modern Comfort
For those looking to experience traditional Ayurvedic therapies with a modern twist, Kama Ayurveda Spa is the place to be. Situated in Delhi, this luxurious spa focuses on holistic wellness using natural, organic products. The therapies are designed to provide deep relaxation, detoxification, and healing, making it an ideal choice for those seeking authentic Ayurvedic treatments. The luxury spa in delhi also offers signature services such as the Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage, a rejuvenating full-body massage using warm herbal oils.
The Leela Palace Spa: Exquisite Luxury in the Heart of Delhi
The Leela Palace Spa is an epitome of luxury, offering indulgent experiences that help guests unwind and relax in style. This award-winning spa boasts a selection of treatments inspired by ancient wellness rituals and international therapies. Whether it’s the luxurious facial treatments or the traditional Indian Ayurvedic therapies, every service at The Leela Palace Spa is designed for relaxation and rejuvenation. The spa’s opulent surroundings and personalized services make it one of the best spas for ultimate indulgence.
Tattva Spa: A Holistic Haven
Tattva Spa is known for its holistic approach to wellness, offering a wide range of treatments that aim to relax, rejuvenate, and heal. With a focus on Ayurvedic therapies, the spa offers signature treatments like the Shirodhara, a soothing therapy involving the continuous flow of warm oil on the forehead. Located in multiple locations across Delhi, Tattva Spa combines modern luxury with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, making it a favorite among spa enthusiasts looking for a complete wellness experience luxury spa in delhi.
Four Seasons Spa: Luxury and Tranquility
The Four Seasons Spa offers a peaceful and luxurious retreat for those seeking ultimate relaxation in Delhi. With a variety of treatments inspired by global wellness practices, the spa provides everything from stress-relieving massages to revitalizing facials. The tranquil ambiance, combined with top-tier services and professional therapists, creates an ideal environment for relaxation. Signature services like the Four Seasons’ Aromatic Hot Stone Massage and their indulgent facial treatments ensure guests leave feeling rejuvenated.
The Manor Spa: Hidden Gem for Luxury and Peace
Located in the heart of Delhi, The Manor Spa is a hidden gem that offers a serene and intimate environment. Known for its personalized services and luxurious treatments, this spa provides a unique wellness experience. Offering traditional therapies alongside contemporary wellness treatments, The Manor Spa ensures every guest receives a customized experience. The spa’s calming environment, paired with its expert therapists, provides an excellent atmosphere for complete relaxation.
Delhi offers an array of luxury spa in delhi that cater to every wellness need, from traditional Ayurvedic healing to modern global treatments. Whether you're seeking complete relaxation, rejuvenation, or a combination of both, these top 10 spas ensure an unforgettable experience. Each one offers unique services and settings, allowing you to find the perfect retreat to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Indulge in luxurious treatments, unwind in peaceful surroundings, and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated—Delhi's luxury spas have something for everyone.
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tattva spa lonavala
Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Lonavala, Tattva Spa offers an exquisite sanctuary where wellness meets nature. This serene escape is designed to rejuvenate not just the body but also the mind and soul, providing a holistic experience that transcends traditional spa visits. With its array of therapeutic treatments inspired by ancient healing traditions, guests are invited to indulge in personalized services that cater to their specific needs—whether it's through calming massages or revitalizing facials.
What sets Tattva Spa Lonavala apart is its commitment to using organic products and natural ingredients that nourish both skin and spirit. The tranquil ambiance enhances the overall experience; each treatment room opens up to breathtaking views of rolling hills, allowing for a seamless blend of relaxation and connection with nature. Visitors can take advantage of unique offerings like Ayurvedic therapies or signature rituals that harmonize energy levels while promoting deep physical recovery.
Moreover, the spa’s emphasis on mindfulness practices adds an enriching layer to the experience; guided meditation sessions can be tailored before or after treatments, making it an ideal spot for those seeking inner peace alongside external pampering. Tattva Spa Lonavala is not just a destination for indulgence—it’s a holistic retreat fostering well-being in every sense, ensuring that every moment spent within its walls becomes a cherished memory.
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spa in mysore city
Nestled in the heritage-rich Mysore city, a spa experience transcends mere relaxation; it becomes a journey through time and tradition. Many spas here seamlessly blend ancient Ayurvedic practices with modern wellness techniques, offering treatments that are designed to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Instead of just massages or facials, visitors can indulge in rejuvenating therapies that draw from centuries-old herbal remedies native to the region.
The ambiance of these spas mirrors Mysore’s serene environment—often incorporating elements like organic materials and tranquil water features to create an oasis of calm amidst the city's hustle. Unique offerings such as traditional kaduva mud baths or rosewater-infused steam sessions not only promote detoxification but also allow travelers to experience local flora's aromatic benefits. Furthermore, integrating mindfulness practices like meditation enhances the holistic approach, ensuring each guest leaves revitalized both physically and mentally. Whether you are a local or passing through this regal city, investing time at a spa in Mysore is more than pampering; it's an invitation to celebrate well-being with every breath taken within its soothing surroundings.
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How to Choose the Best Luxury Spa in Connaught Place?
Choosing the best luxury spa in Connaught Place requires careful consideration of several factors. Start by researching spa reviews and ratings to gauge customer satisfaction. Look for spas offering a wide range of treatments, including massages, facials, and wellness therapies. Check if they use high-quality products, such as organic oils and premium skincare brands. The ambiance is key select a spa with a serene and inviting atmosphere that promotes relaxation. Additionally, consider the experience of the therapists and their expertise in providing personalized treatments. Price is also important, but don’t compromise on quality for cost. Finally, book a consultation or a trial service to ensure the spa meets your expectations for luxury, service, and comfort.
Why Connaught Place is the Best Destination for a Luxury Spa Experience?
Connaught Place, a hub of commerce and culture in Delhi, offers much more than shopping and dining it’s home to some of the city’s most luxury spa in Connaught Place. With its central location, luxury spas in Connaught Place provide both convenience and a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. The area boasts top-rated spas that offer high-end treatments, professional therapists, and serene environments, making it the ideal destination for those looking to unwind and indulge in a pampering session. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, Connaught Place promises a rejuvenating spa experience that meets international standards.
Top Luxury Spas to Visit in Connaught Place for Ultimate Relaxation
Connaught Place is home to several world-class luxury spas, each offering unique services tailored to relaxation, wellness, and rejuvenation. Some of the best include The Imperial Spa & Salon, which combines a regal atmosphere with a wide array of signature treatments, and Tattva Spa, known for its holistic approach to wellness. Another top choice is Aura Thai Spa, renowned for its traditional Thai massages and aromatic therapies. These spas provide luxurious services ranging from deep tissue massages and detoxifying facials to aromatic baths and stress-relieving treatments, allowing you to relax and revive in the heart of Delhi.
What Makes a Luxury Spa in Connaught Place Stand Out?
A luxury spa in Connaught Place stands out because it offers more than just basic services it provides a complete sensory experience. From the moment you step inside, you're greeted with soothing scents, soft lighting, and a tranquil ambiance designed to melt away stress. High-end spas in the area focus on personalized service, ensuring each guest receives a customized treatment based on their preferences and needs. Additionally, these spas often use premium skincare products and advanced wellness therapies, ensuring that your visit is both indulgent and therapeutic. The attention to detail in service, ambiance, and products ensures that you’ll enjoy a luxurious spa day.
Signature Treatments at Luxury Spas in Connaught Place
Luxury spas in Connaught Place offer a variety of signature treatments designed to provide a unique and indulgent experience. Many of these spas specialize in international and traditional therapies, such as Aromatherapy Massages, Swedish Massages, and Hot Stone Treatments. For those looking for a more holistic experience, some spas also offer Ayurvedic Therapies that focus on balance and healing. Facials and Skin Rejuvenation treatments using natural and organic ingredients are also widely available, ensuring glowing, healthy skin. Signature treatments at these luxury spas promise relaxation, detoxification, and an overall sense of well-being.
The Role of Professional Therapists in a Luxury Spa Experience
Professional therapists play a vital role in delivering a luxurious spa experience. At luxury spas in Connaught Place, the therapists are highly trained and skilled, offering services tailored to the specific needs of each client. Their expertise in various techniques, such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, or Shiatsu Massage, ensures that guests receive treatments that not only relax but also relieve tension and improve circulation. These therapists are adept at creating a personalized spa journey, ensuring that you get the best out of your visit. Their attention to detail and ability to focus on your problem areas elevates the overall spa experience, making it truly luxurious.
How to Make the Most of Your Visit to a Luxury Spa in Connaught Place?
To fully enjoy your luxury spa experience in Connaught Place, consider a few tips. First, book your appointment in advance, especially if you’re visiting a popular spa, as slots can fill up quickly. Arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow yourself time to relax and fill out any necessary forms. During your treatment, communicate openly with your therapist about your preferences for pressure and focus areas. To enhance the experience, indulge in additional services like a body scrub or a detoxifying wrap. After your session, take some time to enjoy the spa's relaxation areas, such as the steam room or meditation lounges, to extend the sense of calm.
Why Luxury Spas in Connaught Place Are Perfect for Special Occasions?
Luxury spas in Connaught Place are not just for regular relaxation they also make for perfect venues for celebrating special occasions. Whether it's an anniversary, birthday, or just a romantic getaway, a spa day provides the ideal setting for indulging in luxurious treatments with a loved one. Many spas offer couple packages that allow partners to enjoy side-by-side massages, facials, and private treatment rooms, making it an unforgettable experience. Additionally, the serene and elegant ambiance of these spas makes them perfect for relaxation before or after an event in the city. Treat yourself or your loved one to a memorable and rejuvenating day at a luxury spa in Connaught Place.
A visit to a luxury spa in Connaught Place is an experience that goes beyond relaxation it’s about rejuvenating both the body and mind. The area offers a wide range of high-end spas that combine exceptional service, soothing environments, and world-class treatments, ensuring that every guest is pampered to perfection. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day or celebrate a special occasion, the luxury spas in Connaught Place offer the perfect escape. By choosing the right spa, indulging in signature treatments, and enjoying the personalized attention of skilled therapists, you can enjoy an unforgettable wellness experience in the heart of Delhi.
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spa in udaipur
Nestled amidst the majestic Aravalli Range, spas in Udaipur offer more than just indulgence; they present a holistic sanctuary that marries traditional wellness practices with luxurious modern amenities. The serene backdrop of shimmering lakes and royal palaces enhances the rejuvenating experiences, inviting travelers to immerse themselves fully in relaxation. Here, Ayurvedic therapies harmoniously blend with contemporary spa treatments, allowing guests to explore ancient healing techniques while enjoying state-of-the-art facilities.
One of the most enchanting aspects of Udaipur's spa culture is its focus on local ingredients and age-old rituals tailored for each individual's needs. Many establishments source organic herbs and oils from nearby farms, ensuring an authentic experience that resonates deeply with the region's heritage. From fragrant massages using freshly pressed coconut oil to revitalizing scrubs infused with rose petals from local gardens, every treatment tells a story of Udaipur’s rich flora and fauna. This dedication not only nourishes the body but also connects you spiritually to the land.
As you step into one of these oasis-like retreats, leave behind the hustle of daily life and embrace a slower pace—a vital essence encapsulated by India's philosophy of well-being. By opting for a spa day here, you're not just treating yourself; you're embarking on a journey toward personal renewal amid one of India’s most picturesque landscapes. Each moment spent in these tranquil spaces promises transformative encounters as you reconnect with your inner self against Udaipur's breathtaking vistas.
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Kali Yantra
The Yantra is a geometric symbol existing in the external world as well as a subject to be internalized within human consciousness. Kali is the Hindu Goddess of time, of change. She is the power of action, of the breath and of transformation (kriya-shakti). Kali’s essence is Divine Love. Through time, breath and Divine Love all things are accomplished. If we surrender to Her essence, She creates the energy and all is possible. The Kali Yantra, then, contains within it the transformative energy of change.
When we internalize this energy and surrender to its sweet transformative power of love, we begin our inward journey toward healing and spiritual growth. According to the Tantric tradition, the 36 corners of the Yantra represent the 36 principles (tattvas) of creation, from the Most Transcendent to the most minute expression of Materiality. The bindu is the central point, the seat of the soul, the Atman; the internal link with Brahman the Absolute. The bindu is also Kali, and all the phenomenal world emanates out from Her. In the Tantric tradition, Kali as the energy (Shakti) aspect of material nature is united with the Absolute (Shiva) for the sake of creation
Five (5) inverted concentric triangles, 2 circles and 8 lotus petals enclose the bindu.
The 5 inverted concentric triangles represent the 5 kosas or sheaths of the human condition, with soul (bindu) in the middle: Annamayakosa (physical), Pranamayakosa (life force), Manomayakosa (mental/emotional), Vijnanamayakosa (wisdom) and Anandamayakosa (bliss). The 15 corners of the 5 inverted concentric triangles represent the 15 principles of experience (tattvas); the 5 organs of sense – smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing; 5 organs of action – procreation, excretion, locomotion, handling, speaking; and 5 tanmatras – odour, flavour, colour, feeling, sound. The inverted position of the triangle represents the female regenerative power.
The 2 circles symbolize the cycle of birth and death, which we must pierce through the bindu in the centre in order to reach the Absolute Reality.
The 8 lotus petals are symbols of Prakriti, the cause of the manifesting universe. The 8 lotus petals refer to the 8 principles (tattvas) of Prakriti – The 5 principles of materiality or nature (Prakriti) are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. And with the 3 principles of the inner instrument (antahkarana), the Lower Mind (manas), the Higher Mind (buddhi) and the Ego-sense (ahamkara), these 8 tattvas compose the phenomenal or relative world.
Kali as the power of action is inherent in the element air or wind, Vayu. In human body Kali exists as Prana, the breath or life-force. Kali holds the five vital airs: prana (upward air); apana (downward air); vyana (air within the body); udana (air leaving the body); and samana (air at the navel which helps to digest food). Kali emphasizes inner action, which generates the internalizing force of so’ ham, the rhythm of the breath, the sound of the breath: I am that, I am Spirit, I am Kali. Like the wind, she is mobile, subtle and transformative. Kali relates to lightning (vidyut-shakti), the electrical force that pervades the universe as the power of transformation. Like the electrical storm, She acts quickly. Kali grants a lightning-like illumination and transformation. She is located in the spiritual heart, the anahata chakra. She is the pulsating of the physical heart, the blood that gives us life; in this action She is called Rakta-Kali or the Red Kali.
Red in the Kali Yantra is the colour of the heart’s lifeblood, filling us with vitality. Black is the colour of the night; but as we approach Kali, She becomes as bright as the sun. Grey is the emerging light into the black, the midworld existing between the earthly plane and the realm of heaven. Kali as Prakriti or Shakti exists in all three realms. Bronze is the colour of the earth, the sphere of normal consciousness. Gold is the colour of the alchemist, the colour of transformation moving us into Higher Consciousness. The red and yellow flames are the transformative fires gently cooking us, making us more palatable for Spirit.
Kali Mantra
Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha [Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Ahd-yah Kah-lee-kah Pah-rahm Ehsh-wah-ree Swah-hah]
“Om and salutations to She who is the first one, dark within her own reality, the supreme primordial feminine, who cuts through illusion to the unabridged truth of existence.”
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Spa in indore
Indore, known for its vibrant culture and rich history, is also home to some of the most rejuvenating spa experiences in India. As you step into one of these tranquil sanctuaries, a world of serenity unfolds—a sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle outside. Spa in Indore offers not just pampering but a holistic approach to wellness that blends traditional therapies with modern techniques. Imagine indulging in an Ayurvedic massage using organic oils sourced from local farms or experiencing an aromatherapy session that transports your senses through botanical fragrances native to the region.
What sets spas in Indore apart is their deep-rooted connection with local traditions and healing practices. Many establishments incorporate elements like ‘shirodhara’—a soothing treatment where warm oil flows onto your forehead—to harmonize body and mind effectively. Furthermore, the facilities often feature aesthetically pleasing decor inspired by Indore's architectural heritage, creating an atmosphere that enhances relaxation. Whether it's a quick facial or an all-day rejuvenation package you seek, indulging in a spa day here allows you to reconnect with yourself while enjoying top-notch wellness services right at your fingertips.
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The Theory of Reflection: Pratibimbavādaḥ
In the ordinary worldly course, sound is reflected outwardly in ether and inwardly in the ear. Touch is reflected outwardly in air and inwardly in the skin.
Form is reflected outwardly in fire and in a mirror and inwardly in the eye.
Taste is reflected outwardly in water and inwardly in the tongue. Smell is reflected outwardly in the earth and inwardly in the nose.
These reflections, however, are just like the reflections in a mirror. They only take place individually.
All five reflections are not available at once; only one thing is reflected in each. In a mirror, form is reflected.
Touch can not be reflected in a mirror nor can taste, smell, or sound. A mirror will only reflect form.
It is only in Supreme God Consciousness that you find all five reflected at once. In fact, although these reflections are experienced individually in all of the sense organs—sight in the eye, sound in the ear, etc.—these reflections could not even be observed if consciousness were not there.
Awareness is needed and this is found in consciousness, not in the organs. The universe, therefore, is reflected in the mirror of consciousness, not in the organs nor in the five gross elements.
These are merely tattvas and cannot reflect anything. The real reflector is consciousness. In consciousness, however, you see only the reflected thing and not the object that is reflected. That which is reflected (bimba) is, in fact, svātantrya.
This whole universe is the reflection of svātantrya in God Consciousness. There is no additional class of similar objects existing outside of this world that He reflects in His nature. The outside element, that which is reflected, is only svātantrya.
The infinite variety which is created is only the expansion of svātantrya.
You can understand this by taking the example of cause and effect. When a potter makes a pot, he takes clay and gives form to that clay with his potter’s instruments, such as a stick, a string, and the potter’s wheel.
Within the potter’s creative activity, two kinds of causes can be distinguished. There is the material cause, which in Sanskṛit is called upādānakāraṇa.
This is that cause that travels with the effect. It cannot and does not become separated from the effect.
Second, there is the formal cause, which in Sanskṛit is called nimittakāraṇa. The formal cause does not travel with the effect. The material cause is the potter’s clay and the formal cause is the potter himself and his stick, string, and wheel. In the ordinary worldly course, the object which is reflected (bimba) seems to be the cause of the reflection (pratibimba) because the reflection cannot exist without that which is reflected.
We have seen, however, that all reflection is really a reflection in God Consciousness. If the object reflected is really the cause of the reflection, then what kind of cause is it? Is it the material cause, which travels with the effect, or is it the formal cause, which does not travel with the effect?
It cannot be the material cause because that would mean that there is something outside of God Consciousness which travels to become part of the effect which is the reflection. It is our theory in Śaivism that nothing can exist outside of God Consciousness.
There cannot, therefore, be any agency which is separate from God Consciousness and which travels with the cause because if it is separate from God Consciousness and therefore from the effect, it would not exist.
If the reflection of some object is existing in the mirror of God Consciousness, then what is that reflection a reflection of? We have seen that if the object which is reflected were to remain outside of God Consciousness, then it would not exist. There can be nothing, therefore, which is outside to be reflected in the mirror of God Consciousness.
There is only the mirror.
There is no external cause which has gone into the reflection which is the effect. There is only the mirror of God Consciousness. But what then is the cause of this reflection? Svātantrya is the mirror. Svātantrya, the absolutely independent will of God, is the cause of this reflection.
Unlike ordinary reflection which we experience in the world wherein an object can be distinguished as the cause of that reflection, in God Consciousness only the reflection exists and not anything that is separate and reflected (bimba). In this causality, svātantrya is the formal cause (nimittakāraṇa), not the material cause (upādānakāraṇa), of the reflection.
It does not travel from the cause into the effect because, as I have explained, there is no cause which could be separate from God Consciousness.
It is His free will that He wills and what He wills appears in the mirror of His Consciousness. It is simply His will (svātantrya).
In reality, only the reflection exists and not anything that is reflected. This universe, therefore, is found in the reflector of God Consciousness, not through the agency of anything of which it is a reflection (bimba) but through His svātantrya, where the universe is contained in seed form.
Svātantrya is the seed of everything. Everything exists in the mirror of God Consciousness with svātantrya as its cause.
- Secret Supreme, Swamiji Lakshmanjoo
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Deep tissue massage hyderabad
Nestled in the vibrant locale of Hebbal, finding a spa is akin to discovering a hidden gem where tranquility meets rejuvenation. Spas in this area often integrate contemporary treatments with ancient wellness philosophies, inviting you to experience a holistic escape from daily life. Imagine indulging in therapies that utilize organic ingredients sourced locally, enhancing both your physical wellness and connection to the natural environment.
What sets spas near Hebbal apart is their emphasis on personalized experiences. Many establishments offer bespoke treatment packages tailored to individual needs—be it stress reduction through calming aromatherapy or invigorating massages designed to release built-up tension. The serene ambience complements these offerings, creating an oasis of peace perfect for unwinding after a bustling day in the city. Whether you're seeking solitude or time with loved ones, a visit here promises not just relaxation but also an awakening of your senses amid lush greenery and soothing sounds.
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