#orfeu needs a therapist :3
Blue finds Orfeu (and Haru maybe) watching the videos when Blue was with the internet fuker... and Orfeu talks to Blue about it ??? (I don't know, or something like that) (Just add some angst and comfort)
Big fan of everything you do 😉😊😌
Thank you anon :3 this one was hard tbh sdfghjjdhgf
CW: Panic attack/PTSD; Dehumanization; It as a pronoun; Past abuse;
Orfeu was angry.
He had no words enough to describe what he was watching, and deep down, he knew he should stop. Yet, he kept on watching.
He knew what had happened to Blue. It was carved on his skin forever. He shouted about it at night. The fear was a ghost following him wherever he went.
But he wasn’t prepared to see it happening. The fight he had on his eyes slowly stripped from him, his humanity taken to a point where he couldn’t refer to himself as anything but an ‘it’ anymore. The people cheering his torturer, denying him the simplest of kindness…
And Orfeu was angry. His nails carved on the skin of his palm enough to draw blood. Yet he felt nothing, and if he did he wouldn’t care. He wanted that man dead. Each video he watched, his anger grew, and he groaned at his phone, teeth showing, the hatred on his eyes…
He was so lost into it he didn’t realize Blue was standing there. Not until he heard a small sob. And he turned, hell still breaking loose inside him.
He was careful. Blue and Haru had never seen him angry. And he wondered what Blue must have felt when he saw it, because his eyes widened, his face went paled and he gasped, falling to his knees, forehead hitting the floor.
Shit. He gets up, still altered and Blue lets out an audible cry.
“Sorry. S-s--sorry M-master. Sorry. B-Blue is is stupid bad ugly and dumb. Sorry. Sorry. It’s sorry it’s, it’s it…” the words turned incoherent, marked by strangled breathing. He curled up on himself, wide eyes and panic so strong he seemed in pain.
“Blue…” he tried, as soft as possible. Blue jumped onto him, grabbing his shirt. He was trying so hard to speak, to beg, but couldn’t manage a word, hyperventilating.
Orfeu felt so powerless, as he uselessly tried to coax Blue to breathe. Until he passed out, falling on Orfeu’s lap.
“Fuck…” He whispers to himself. He pulls Blue closer, grabbing one of his hands and rubbing it softly, hands caressing the other one while his read rests over Orfeu’s leg. He wakes up a few seconds afterwards, trembling, eyes full of tears “It’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I promise. I’m not mad”
  Blue’s lost eyes darted from one way to another…It’s ear is being scratched… Master…Master Orfeu holds it. It wants to scream! It needs to scream and run and hide! Master Orfeu was terrifying. Terrifying.
Master had sharp sharp sharp teeth that could tear into its skin and he looked so angry, so angry, a beast ready to attack. Blue wants to apologize, say he is sorry, Master saw it, saw the videos he, he, he angry Blue walked in on him it was bad so bad-
“Breathe” Comes the order. He tries so hard to obey but oh god it’s so bad it’s scary its, it’s going to be hurt it will “Blue breathe. You’ll pass out again. Please. I’ll count”
Breathing is impossible and its chest hurt and it’s so tight and, and, and Blue is going to die its heart will jump out! It will! It grabs its chest, it can’t it can’t…
“Blue it’s okay. You are good, you are. I know it’s scary, but it will pass. Please breathe. I’m not angry at you”
It hurts. It can’t. It wants to cry, wants Master Warren again. It hates here, hates it hates it hates it. It’s scary and, and nothing makes sense and Master says weird things and isn’t, it’s bad… It wants its dog bed and be safe with Master Warren and be cared for and loved not this not breathing its hard, it is too stupid! Why can’t Master understand that his pet is stupid?
“N—no” Blue whimpers, each breath he takes hurts, makes his body shake and cold sweat runs through him “N—n-no, p--please”
Master Warren knew the pet was stupid didn’t get angry cause he knew! He knew. It’s scary. Scary. Why won’t it stop why can’t it breathe. This will never end it will never…
“You are safe, I promise. Blue it’s scary but it can’t hurt you. I promise. Nothing will hurt you. But breathe. Please”
Blue doesn’t want to breathe it wants to scream. So it does. It screams. It kicks and thrashes and Master lets it go, just holds his head.
And, and, and more hands. More Hands! Scared ice blue eyes scary green eyes, soft white hair flowing, Haru, Haru, Haru.
It grabs Haru, it wants it, he, he, he is good and keeps Blue safe right? But, but but Haru tells, tells Master where Blue, Blue hides and that’s, that’s not good. It is scared it’s scared…
…Soft humming. Haru holds him on a hug, and hums a song for him, slowly. A pretty song. He is crying, Haru is crying.
Blue closes its teary eyes. He likes the song, the humming… Bonnie. Master hands it Bonnie. It grabs her, Bonnie is good, she is good. It pulls her closer, nuzzling on Haru’s soft arms, tears just won’t stop. Master walks away, to the window, he buries his face on his hands. Scary. Scary.
He cries. Haru cries. Master… He thinks Master is crying. He doesn’t know. Doesn’t think that’s possible… But once he feels calmer, Haru pulls a blanket around Blue, and goes to hug Master. Master falls to his knees, holding Haru, petting the soft white hair.
“…Thank you…” Master whispers “I’m sorry Haru, I’m so sorry. I know it’s a lot”
Master cleans Haru’s tears before cleaning his own. Haru lets his head fall on Master’s shoulders, pretty eyes closing slightly.
…Blue… Blue must have been bad. So bad.
Because they are both sad! Both of them!
It crawls closer, hesitantly, Bonnie on its arms. It is scared… But it wants to be held too. Will he be allowed close to them now? He doesn’t deserve it... But Haru and Master let him in the hug as well. They ruffle its hair.
“S-s-s-sorrry…” it whimpers.
“It’s okay… I’m the one who should apologize Blue. I wasn’t mad at you. I didn’t know you were there”
“I-i-iit s-s-should have, should have…”
“You did nothing wrong. I promise. You are a good boy. A very good boy”
It looked up slight smile, and pulled Bonnie closer.
“Master saw… Saw… T-t-the…v-v-videos…”
Yeah. Haru frowned, confused, but Master didn’t explain.
“It’s not your fault. I was just… I didn’t like that someone hurt you Blue”
Blue nods. Of course. It was a good pet before. Now it can’t do much anymore.
“It, it is ugly a-a-and u---u-useless now b-b-but… it, it deserved it…”
Master pets its hair.
“…No, Blue. That’s not it. You didn’t deserve any of that. It was cruel”
“B-b-b-lue… Mis misbehaved Master. And, and it’s, it’s old Master n-n-needed B-b-blue for, for the videos…”
“Your old Master didn’t deserve you” And Master looks at Haru too “…You two are… Too good for any of this. If I could change what happened…”
Master sighs. He doesn’t do that often. He seems… lost. Not really there, eyes seeing something far away.
“I’m just… I’m so sorry”
Blue stares at the ceiling, Haru stays quiet, head leaning against the wall.
Tired. All of them. So tired. But they cuddle together, not bothering to get off the floor, and being close to them feels warm.
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