#order flowers from Ho Chi Minh city
vietnamflorist · 5 months
Celebrating Milestones with Miles Between You: Send Anniversary Flowers to Vietnam
Life gets busy. Sometimes, even with the best intentions, grand anniversary gestures fall by using the wayside. But fear now not, lengthy-distance lovers! You can still make your Vietnamese sweetheart swoon from afar with a stunning flower delivery.
Sure, a textual content or video chat is best, but there may be something undeniably romantic about your partner with a beautiful bouquet. Send Anniversary Flowers to Vietnam and show you are considering them, even in case you cannot be there in individual.
The splendour of a flower transport is its versatility. Pick conventional pink roses to symbolize enduring love, or opt for a colourful mix of lilies and orchids for a greater contemporary experience. Flower Delivery Shops in Ho Chi Minh City provide a wide selection, so that you can find something that perfectly fits your accomplice's character and your anniversary vibe.
Plus, with on line ordering and equal-day shipping options to be had, sending anniversary flowers is simpler than ever. No need to worry about time zones with differences or language limitations. In just a few clicks, you could have a gorgeous arrangement delivered directly in your big different doorstep.
So, pass ahead, send anniversary flowers to vietnam and reignite the spark. Your gesture will show you care, regardless of the gap.
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malsperanza · 6 months
Rainy day in NYC, for some reason leading me into a nostalgic mood, remembering downtown in the 1970s and 1980s, when this city was more marvelous and strange than the Emerald City of Oz, hospitable to artists and freaks and weirdos, pocked with strange
The city has always had magical portals - streets and corners that lead into other worlds. One was west 19th Street in Chelsea, an area now populated by mega-wealthy Wall Streeters who live in full-floor lofts and dine nightly at the wildly overpriced restaurants with named chefs. But then it was a district full of professional photographers' studios; at twilight in winter, if you walked down the side streets between 5th and 6th Avenues, the windows above would sparkle and flair with the flash of studio cameras.
At 35 w 19th Street was The Magickal Childe, the scariest store I've ever been in. It sold witch stuff, and was run by warlocks. There were dried bats and human skulls long before that stuff could be bought on Etsy. It smelled like incense and sealed tombs. In the back, behind thick curtains, was a little room where you could get a palm or a Tarot reading, and where, no doubt, unspeakable things happened after hours.
At 9 west 19th Street was Revolution Books, the communist and socialist bookstore (which still survives in Harlem). They carried books you couldn't easily find elsewhere, obscure collections of Fanon and translations of Ho Chi Minh's poetry. I found the collected writings of Subcommandante Marcos there in the 1990s. There was no Internet to order these things. Last time I looked, the storefront housed an upscale interior decorator's shop. We don't have nearly enough of those in NYC.
There were lots of other bookstores in the area too - used books and used records at Skyline Books a block down, at 13 west 18th Street, was one of many.
Also on 18th Street, at mid-block, was an enormous secondhand clothing store. I wish I could remember the name. In the window on a mannequin was the gold lamé halter dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. It belonged to the shop owner, a former Broadway dresser who was a master costumer. A lot of the clothes were former costumes from Broadway and the TV shows, or design samples from the then-thriving Garment District. He had hundreds of wedding dresses. When I wanted to make a huge costume dress for Carnival in Venice in around 1981, I bought a massive wedding dress from him for a few dollars. It was from one of the soap operas - I think One Life to Live. It still has the name of the character sewn into the label inside. He got enthusiastic about my project, so he added enormous padded side panniers and redid the already plunging neckline and filled out the immense puffed sleeves with tissue. We added a black lace train and I sewed small black feathered imitation crows that I bought in the wholesale flower district on 26th Street all over it. I was the Queen of Winter for many years, going to Venice for Carnival. I wish I remembered his name.
"She left me her Necronomicon, number 141 of the first edition of 666 hardcover copies, inscribed by Simon: 'To Greymalkin, As per the missing page of the Nec… ‘Blessed Is, Blessed Was, Blessed Will Be…’' " (https://www.nypress.com/news/the-doom-that-came-to-chelsea-EDNP1020030610306109999)
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jordansarena3633 · 2 years
When it comes to birthdays, it’s a day that makes us feel extra unique and noteworthy. Getting flowers on your birthday is always a special moment, no matter your age or birth year.
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jerardeusebio · 6 years
Retrospect: Saigon
The first thing I do in Vietnam is pee. It isn’t very glamorous, isn’t something that would end up on my Facebook timeline, but here it is. The mundane, inane realities of traveling is oftentimes obscured by the prescribed highlights, but in order to get to them, there are necessary steps to be taken. Most of the time, these are the things we don’t bring out our camera phones for. Technically, the first thing I did after Dylan and I looked through the airplane window, to marvel at the city lights of what presumably was Ho Chi Minh, was to wince in pain. My ears were throbbing and in a matter of seconds became temporarily deaf. Change in altitude. It figures. I think I even cried. Minutes later, no longer deaf and wincing, backpack strapped securely on, two feet back on land, I am peeing.
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17 December 2018
The first morning in Ho Chi Minh is dedicated to phở. Dylan and I learned from our many local travels prior that it is vital to watch where the locals eat. We are in Vietnam, hungry. We want the best of their food. And what is about to be proven, yet again, is this: the best referrals aren’t always found online. From our hostel, we randomly choose to turn left and walk the length of the street. We log only a few meters and find a crowded corner restaurant. It isn’t fancy. In fact, it looks like a lot of the eateries in the grittier parts of Manila. Stainless steel tables. No air conditioning. Staff in different clothes. Men and women crowd its tables as soon as they get off their motorcycles, which they park close by. It is almost as if the place is part of their routine for the day, an automatic stop. There’s no way of knowing of course except to ask them. Dylan and I are too hungry to attempt that so we order instead. We continue to wonder, briefly as we begin munching on the generous greens that come with the large soup bowls. I forget what I was just thinking. I forget what day it is. I forget that we’ve committed to veganism for more than a quarter of a year. For a fleeting moment, I forget all the other delicious meals I’ve ever had up until that point.
We walk to the City Hall and gaze at its European architecture. Dozens of other tourists are taking a picture of it, with it. Dylan and I do the same under the shade of a small tree. We walk afterwards to a group of pigeons pecking at whatever we couldn’t see on the pavement. I run to them and Dylan takes a snap as they scatter away, flying for their lives. This is the better-looking part of the city. Our feet, moments later, brings us then to the Notre Dame church, where the crowd is thicker, even though the church is closed. We take more photos of ourselves and the structure, and I couldn’t help but dismiss it. Sure, I’ve seen in it before, blown-up on a wall in a Vietnamese café, a block from where I worked in Makati. It isn’t at all impressive next to the churches, basilicas, and cathedrals I’ve been to back home—but this is Vietnam, it’s part of their history, so we take a couple more photos, even a video. We catch on camera pigeons flying right behind us and get a charge out of our luck.
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After checking out the large and interesting post office, we find our way into a charming street left of the church. Bookstores, cafés, and kiosks are lined up the length of the road. I browse through the books on sale and see everything is in Vietnamese, including the fifth installation of the Harry Potter series. Dylan lines up at the prettiest café and orders us cream puffs, which we instantly decide we love. The coffee is too bitter for him, though, and we leave for the Imperial Palace with his cup still half full.
The line for entry at the Imperial Palace is long. Patiently holding our spot in the line, we gaze at the structure through the wrought iron fences. It takes us quite a while, but we get in in the end. At the vehicle ramp, we’re greeted by these bonsais in gorgeous pots. I recognise the plant as kamuning. I push Dylan to smell the flowers, to notice it, to believe I identified it correctly, and to take a photo of me, naturally. The palace interiors is as could be expected. Grand, intricate, Asian, and dated. The palace reminds me of the Marcoses’ Malacañan of the North. The thing I like most are the bunkers, and the maze-like layout of the basement. The garden at the back of the palace is home to a beautiful giant tree, its roots visible on the surface of the ground, the pattern revealing an intricate and altogether interesting display. Dylan and I marvel at the sight before deciding it is time for the War Remnants Museum.
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We walk a long way and, in the middle of our search for the museum, even get lost. We tap, tap, tap on our phone screens and wonder what offline Google Maps has that could help. When we finally find it, we’re hungry again and a bit impatient, but the war is such a part of Vietnam’s history and identity that our resolve is renewed. We are certain we want to be here, of all the places we could be going at this hour. Honestly, there has been considerable anticipation for this part of our visit here, at least on my part. To say that I was inconsolable at the end of Miss Saigon would be an understatement. This museum visit is about to give me the cold, hard facts of how the war was for Vietnam and its people. But of course we had formed manageable expectations, and in the first few galleries, our low expectations are met. But gallery after gallery, room after room, we begin to understand the story from the Vietnamese side of that story. We arrive at the top floor, where they show the effects of the chemical warfare not only on the forests and crops, but also on the people who have been disfigured and debilitated by these chemicals. We examine the photographs and read the writings on the wall. My lips part partially. I turn to Dylan and find tears rolling down his cheeks. I look at what he’s eyeing—a disfigured man, a second generation victim and survivor, trying to carve wood using his feet. I scan the room and take in these testaments. Outside, when we exit, a soft wind arrives, rustling the leaves of a towering ficus, and we leave the museum compound knowing well what evil looks like.
On the way to Ben Thanh Market, we pass by a Jollibee. We’d be absurd not to try, so of course we do. And of course the food tastes similar but different, even the drink options are exotic-looking. We spend the rest of our time there watching a skilled staff arrange balloons for a kiddie party.
At Ben Than, Mika lures us with her prowess in Tagalog. The small Vietnamese woman has been selling here a long time and so has worked and is actually friends with a Filipina, who presumably has been teaching her. We compliment her repeatedly for her mastery of our language, her sheer interest and charm while using it. “Mura lang, bigyan kitang tawad.” She could easily pass as one of us, albeit very business-minded one. We buy embroidered wallets and trinkets of all sorts. We leave unsure if we really got the promised discounts.
The first night in Ho Chih Minh is also dedicated to phở. This time we try to be a just a tad bit fancy and walk in Phở 2000 for dinner, above a swanky looking Seattle’s Best. We feast on vegetarian options until our tummies hurt, enough to call it a day, enough to know that it’s a perfect first day.
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18 December 2018
Of course the tour guide chose a Hollywood star’s name, the original Tomb Raider. Equipped with a microphone, Jolie is a small lady with brown-orange hair and red spots on either cheeks. She spews out a joke, which half of the van’s passengers laugh at, including me. I laugh purely to show courtesy. Jolie’s English deliciously betrays Angelina’s, and I love her for it. I stare at her for a few seconds and wonder what her actual name is. Could it be Nguyen, as what’s on every other signage we pass by on our way to the Mekong River? I would ask her, except Dylan and I are way at the back. Right across the isle is an Australian-but-Asian-looking dad with his two sons. I look at the passengers and feel a sense of pride that most of us have some Asian features about us. I don’t know why I’m saying this, but I think the whites win in the end, because we all understand English.
We booked this tour shortly after our encounter with Mika at the market, for a ridiculously discounted rate. Dylan is a pro at haggling—and math—and I have therefore advised myself never to leave without him. Even this time, I can say, he out-haggled himself. Prideful people like me find it hard to ask other people for discounts. It could easily be mistaken for begging. What I learned from Dylan is that it’s not bad to try, and the savvy entrepreneur would never say yes to a breakeven setup.
When I finally get the hang of balancing myself in the boat, I get this thought: Mekong River is okay. I mean, it is historic and has given a lot to the people around it. That’s all good. That’s all well. It is an honour and a privilege to be gallivanting on its waters, a dream even. The tour, as it turns out, though, is as basic as it can get. Back to how mundane, uneventful things are and can be necessary, too? That’s what I am beginning to feel. We’ve been navigating through narrow ducts into wider ducts and back into narrow ones. The boats are plenty, enough to obscure the brown waters where they float on. Water palms encroach the space above us, on either side. It’s wonderful and certainly interesting in photos, but that’s about it. (Either this or we didn’t get the best tour.)
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At lunch, while waiting for our feast, Dylan and I interact with a couple from Brazil, who like us have been on a vegetarian diet for a while, but (still like us) have decided to make exceptions on this trip every now and then, just like we were all about to do with the fried elephant ear fish that has just been served. We also interact with a Polish couple, who recommend highly that we visit northern Vietnam for its milder, more provincial feel. After finishing off what the rest of our table couldn’t, Dylan and I explore the rest of the place (there were snakes and crocodiles and monkeys) with the others and followed the rest of the itinerary.
It is almost dusk when we arrive back in the now familiar Ben Than Market. We look for Mika and buy more items we think we can’t afford to forget, like ref magnets and more of those wallets. For dinner, we decide to continue on our never-ending quest for phở served by the street. We find it, and about an hour later are licking ice cream at the Note Coffee place at Bùi Viên. 
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When we arrive back at our hostel, we decide to try the local beer. It is our last night in Ho Chi Minh, and we finally strike a conversation with Túan, who mans our front desk.
Tùan here, we discover after just a bottle of beer, has a different view on the United States and the war. He believes that his government has been tricking people to believe the US forces were bad, that they did them wrong and should be hated. It’s all propaganda and politics, he says. To him, Ho Chi Minh will never be Ho Chi Minh—it has and will always be Saigon. He confesses he loves Americans and dollars, and that he’d love to get to the United States someday. Tùan reminds me of The Engineer character in Miss Saigon, and I climb up the stairs minutes later playing the songs from the musical, all in my head. I feel a bit sad.
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19 December 2018
We have our last Vietnamese meal at Veggie Saigon, a vegetarian restaurant we spotted yesterday. The food arrives on our table and we are blown away by how delicious and different everything is. We immediately get sad for not knowing about the place sooner, that we were about to hop on a bus three blocks from where we were, it was just a matter of hours now. We’ve never heard anything about Cambodian food—that made me anxious, a little bit, and then it didn’t. 
As far as Dylan and I are concerned, Vietnam has delivered and given us an unforgettable gastronomic experience, among so many other things. 

When the best meal of our Ho Chi Minh stay is done, we begin our walk to where the bus is supposed to pick us up. I feel my bag pressing against my back and weighing my shoulders down. It has gotten a tad heavier, as I know I have these past days. 
It is late afternoon when reach the border. From the bus window, I look at the building we’re approaching. With the sunlight slanting the way it is, I only make out the roof’s silhouette, but Khmer architecture is unmistakeable. Our conductor instructs of the procedure. We’re about to go down and appear before the immigration officer. I open my bag to check that my documents are ready. After I confirm this, I make a quick run to the bus’s toilet, which I begin to smell two meters away. 
Bracing for the ordeal, I inhale a lung-full of air. I step in. Yes, the last thing I do in Vietnam is pee.
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humanpoweredplay · 3 years
Sound and smell stimulate all your senses 💥 Link product: https://www.humanpoweredplay.com/product/hm0012-audiosense/ ----- ✍ The AudioSense brings something special to any playground or public space. The fun starts with spinning the handle to generate Human Powered Energy. ✍ Once charged, the AudioSense will start playing music and on top of that it also spreads the scent of strawberry, lemon, chocolate, vanilla or almost any other smell possible! The children will get to use all their senses with this playground equipment. ✍ Installation is done in a flash! Because the AudioSense runs on Human Power, there’s no need for any power cables or batteries. Inside of the AudioSense there’s a USB stick, volume knob and a switch to play the music in alphabetical or random order. ✍ ​Change the content by simply changing the .mp3 files on the USB stick. The smell comes from a small replacable bag. The AudioSense could be placed in a zoo and spread the smell of flowers! Or use it at school to teach the children something! The possibilities are limitless! 🎯Specifications: 👉Length: 198 ​mm 👉Width: ​350 ​mm 👉Height: ​350 ​mm 👉Weight: ​23 kg 📣 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑻𝑵𝑻𝒀 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔! #tnty #group #human #tntygroup #humanpowered #playground #music #play #equipment #thiếtbị #khuvuichoitreem #hochiminh #childsafety #outdoorplaygrounds #playgroundequipment #outdoorfitness #safetyflooring #playgroundsvietnam #thietbisanchoingoaitroi #thietbisanchoitreem #thietbitheducthethaongoaitroi #sancaosuantoan #thietbivandong ------ 𝐓𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏 - 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 🏠 SAV6-01.01, 1st floor, tower 6, The Sun Avenue building, No. 28, Mai Chi Tho Street, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 📱 +84 28 66 89 8888 ✉️ [email protected] 🌎 www.humanpoweredplay.com
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jordansarena3633 · 3 years
Why Are Artificial Flowers Trends Coming Back?
Fresh-cut flowers Ho Chi Minh city first come to mind whenever anyone thinks of picking or gifting a flower bouquet or flower arrangement for someone.
Have you ever attempted to understand the reason behind it? Well, one odd aspect about this belief is there is no valid reason to justify this selection.
However, recently, it has been acknowledged that shoppers are increasingly getting attracted more towards buying synthetic blossom arrangements. 
Moreover, many people started adding fake blossoms to their home and office decor. As a result, bouquets made from original silk flowers are losing their market.
Also, many people now rationally declare that Faux is the modern fresh. Let us find with this article why the folks are bending more towards Faux flowers.
Everlasting in Trend and Enjoyment
The major perks that you can earn from artificial flowers are everlasting trends and enjoyment. 
Making a selection of a gift for any event can be very complicated and stressful, and at many times can be frustrating.
Your loved ones would feel appreciated and adored when you give them an elegant floral arrangement. But you dislike the suggestion as this is temporary happiness. 
However, by giving an artificial flower arrangement or flower bouquet, there will be no need to bother about the ending of the day. 
Besides that, it allows the person to enjoy this life-long gift for days, months, or years without tension or distress.
Very Much Affordable
If you are going to send a fresh-cut flower arrangement, it can cost you much. 
That is because it takes a lot to bring freshly grown blossoms to the floral industry and finally to your loved ones. So, it can cause frustration at certain times.
But to delight your favorites, you can send them artificial flower arrangement bouquets, which will cost you significantly less than freshly grown blossom bouquets.
If you like to purchase your favorite silk cut at a reasonable price, you can visit the Ho Chi Minh Florist store online.
Free From Allergens
Many of you have encountered the utter dissatisfaction of giving fresh-cut blossoms organized in an ornamental vase to your favorites who are allergic to those specific blossoms?
If you have not, then you must be lucky. But to avoid this happening, you can send silk flowers to your dear ones.
By doing this, your stress of remembering the recipient's allergens vanishes, and you both can celebrate this elegant gesture with respite. 
To send flowers to Vietnam, you can check out different artificial flower arrangement options available at the online store.
We hope you can easily associate with the scenarios when you are searching for your loved bloom, but you are unable to find it as they are not available.
That could be due to the particular location or when you are ordering out of season.
By buying silk flowers and arrangements, you can gift your beloved beauties any flower in any season to any locality!
Delivering your dear ones something unique, expressive, and fascinating is everyone's motive, ours included. 
So, in case you want to send flowers to Vietnam, especially seasonal ones, you need to look at the florist store online.
Original Plants Requires More Care and Efforts
See, our life is getting very hectic these days. That is due to technology, innovations, and other activities. 
So, it becomes more difficult for someone to take care of plants they received as a gift.
They forget to water the blooms, offer them some sunlight and do other activities to save them from getting wilted.
To save the fine bloomed plant from drying up or getting dead, you can shift to buying an artificial one instead of originals.
Appears Sensible
The genuineness of faux flower bouquets or arrangements is a little fuss for some. Many folks are concerned that the Faux flowers are realistic in appearance or not. 
Well, yes, faux flowers do appear genuine. Suspicious, isn't it?
But we tell you one silly thing about the fact that many people often mistakenly buy faux flowers in place of fresh ones.
So, if you are worried about the impression that your new artificial flower bouquet or arrangement creates, just select, purchase, or gift from the best places.
One Important Tip: Whenever you are ordering faux flowers, make sure you go through the original pictures provided. It will help you to see what you will be buying.
Ultimately, Faux is the new fresh!
It's a no-brainer because the demand for Faux flowers is rising. 
Their everlasting style, affordability, accessibility, and realism will make you fall in love with this tiny Faux flower elegance?
You can select a beautifully organized silk floral arrangement to astonish the recipients on birthdays and anniversaries, solacing the recipients during illness, and sending condolences during the demise of a dear one.
Furthermore, you can employ their remarkable beauty at weddings, dances, and private events. So, at last, you can rightly say that gifting flowers is not a temporary enjoyment, but it can be an eternity of gratitude.
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a-dms-side-quest · 3 years
Advantages of Online Flower Delivery
Online flower delivery has been an increasing trend for the previous two decades, and this article will explain why it is now highly preferred in every corner of the planet. Developing countries, such as Vietnam, are always one step ahead in terms of employing such facilities, which is why online florists and Ho Chi Minh flower delivery services are also thriving. The most appealing aspects of online  flower delivery Mississauga are emphasized here.
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You can have your flowers sent from anywhere in the world.
In each city, the florist will, by definition, be a local service provider. However, you will not have to drive to the city to take advantage of that neighborhood florist. You would be able to order flowers from anywhere in the globe if you have online ordering capabilities. Your order will be processed upon payment, and flowers will be delivered to the specified address. This is a large way to organize things from a distance. Get flowers ordered for a birthday, party, wedding, meeting, burial, and so on, and you can relax knowing that everything will be taken care of on time by your florist. You simply order and pay online with a few mouse clicks, and you're done.
Schedule a delivery even at the most inconvenient times.
Flowers are used to celebrate, impress, express thanks or congratulations, adorn, organize, and sometimes just to show that you care. Whatever the occasion, and whenever you remember it, whether late at night, early in the morning, or late in the afternoon, you can always find a florist online. When you remember an event, you can purchase flowers or a bouquet from a Mississauga flower delivery service at any time of day or night. The flowers will be delivered at the time and date you specify.
If you wish to obtain non-seasonal flowers, you'll have to pay more.
Florists can sometimes be really helpful when it comes to gifting flowers that aren't in season. You might want to show that special individual how important they are to you. To put it another way, you may require flowers that do not bloom at that season, and your florist may be able to assist you in obtaining those in exchange for a small fee. A reputable flower service would go a few further steps to serve and impress.
Maintain your anonymity.
Flowers are intended to both surprise and impress a loved one. You can do both if the florist locks your identification and keeps it private. This is something a florist would do on request so that you might impress and surprise someone on a special occasion, or just because. This is a terrific way to show you care, and keeping the name a little secret for a while to create some confusion or suspense is actually a lot of fun and excitement.
Pay in any method and from any location.
You can pay for your flowers in a variety of methods other than cash when you order them online. In truth, while purchasing flowers locally, you must always pay in cash, though a large store may occasionally accept credit cards. However, when you do it online, you can use cards, ewallets, ecurrencies, and other payment methods, giving you greater financial flexibility.
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altieltsgiasu · 4 years
Định Nghĩa, Cách Dùng Và Bài Tập Áp Dụng Về Giới Từ Trong Tiếng Anh
Giới từ cũng như động từ, danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ, đại từ… trong tiếng Anh, đều giữ một vị trí rất quan trọng trong ngữ pháp và câu tiếng Anh. Vậy cùng ALT tìm hiểu xem giới từ trong tiếng Anh có những kiến thức gì thú vị nhé!
1. Giới từ là gì? Giới từ (Preposition) là một từ hoặc cụm từ được sử dụng trước danh từ hoặc đại từ để chỉ nơi chốn, vị trí, thời gian hoặc cách thức. - I go to the zoo on sunday. - I was sitting in the park at 6pm. 2. Vị trí của giới từ trong tiếng Anh: Sau TO BE, trước danh từ: - The book is on the table. (Quyển sách ở trên bàn.) Sau động từ: I live in Ho Chi Minh city. (Tôi sống ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.) Sau tính từ: He is not angry with you. (Anh ấy không giận bạn). 3. Phân loại giới từ trong tiếng Anh a. Giới từ chỉ thời gian: Giới từ Cách sử dụng Ví dụ on - ngày trong tuần - on Thursday in - tháng / mùa - thời gian trong ngày - năm - sau một khoảng thời gian nhất định - in August / in winter - in the morning - in 2006 - in an hour at - cho “night” - cho “weekend” - một mốc thời gian nhất định - at night - at the weekend - at half past nine since - từ khoảng thời gian nhất định trong quá khứ đến hiện tại - since 1980 for - một khoảng thời gian nhất định tính từ quá khứ đến hiện tại - for 2 years ago - khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ - 2 years ago before - trước khoảng thời gian - before 2004 to - nói về thời gian - ten to six (5:50) past - nói về thời gian - ten past six (6:10) to / till / until - đánh dấu bắt đầu và kết thúc của khoảng thời gian - from Monday to/till Friday till / until - cho đến khi - He is on holiday until Friday. Giới từ by - diễn ra trước một thời điểm nào đó - I will be back by 6 o’clock. - By 11 o’clock, I had read five pages. b. Giới từ chỉ vị trí: Giới từ Cách dùng Ví dụ in - chỉ vị trí bên trong một diện tích, một không gian - cụm từ cố định - trước tên làng, thị trấn, thành phố, quốc gia - dùng với phương tiện đi lại - dùng với vị trí ai đó, không kèm mạo từ - chỉ phương hướng, cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn - in the pool - in the world, in a line, in a bottle - in Hoai Duc District - in a car - in hospital - in the south, in the west at - chỉ vị trí tại một điểm. - chỉ sự hiện diện tại sự kiện - vị trí mà bạn làm gì đó (watch a film, study, work) - at the door, at the station at the table - at a concert, at the party - at the cinema, at school, at work on - chỉ vị trí trên bề mặt - chỉ nơi chốn hoặc số tầng nhà - chỉ tên đường (người Mỹ) - dùng với các phương tiện đi lại trong công cộng - các cụm từ chỉ vị trí - on the table - on the platform, on the railway - on this road - on the bus - on the left, on the right by, next to, beside - bên phải của ai đó hoặc cái gì đó - Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car. under - trên bề mặt thấp hơn (hoặc bị bao phủ bởi) cái khác - the bag is under the table below - thấp hơn cái khác nhưng cao hơn mặt đất - the fish are below the surface over - bị bao phủ bởi cái khác nhiều hơn - vượt qua một cái gì đó - put a jacket over your shirt, over 16 years of age - walk over the bridge climb over the wall above - vị trí cao hơn một cái gì đó - a path above the lake across - vượt qua, băng qua về phía bên kia - walk across the bridge - swim across the lake through - qua, xuyên qua - drive through the tunnel to - đến, tới một nơi nào đó - go to the cinema - go to London / Ireland - go to bed into vào, vào bên trong - go into the kitchen / the house towards - về phía - go 5 steps towards the house from - từ một nơi nào đó - a flower from the garden c. Một số giới từ quan trọng khác For + V-ing/Noun Ví dụ: We stopped for a rest (Chúng tôi dừng lại để nghỉ ngơi) To/In order to/ So as to + V-bare infinitive Ví dụ: I went out to/in order to/so as to post a letter (Tôi ra ngoài để gửi thư) Nguyên nhân: for, because of, owning to + Ving/Noun (vì, bởi vì) Ví dụ: We didn’t go out because of the rain (Vì trời mưa nên chúng tôi không đi chơi) Tác nhân hay phương tiện: by (bằng, bởi), with (bằng) Ví dụ: I go to school by bus (Tôi tới trường bằng xe buýt) Sự đo lường, số lượng: by (theo, khoảng) Ví dụ: They sell eggs by the dozen (Họ bán trứng theo tá) Sự tương tự: like (giống) Ví dụ: She looks a bit like Queen Victoria (Trông bà ấy hơi giống nữ hoàng Victoria) Sự liên hệ hoặc đồng hành: with (cùng với) Ví dụ: She lives with her uncle and aunt (Cô ấy sống cùng với chú thím) Sự sở hữu: with (có), of (của) Ví dụ: We need a computer with a huge memory (Chúng tôi cần một máy tính có bộ nhớ thật lớn) Cách thức: by (bằng cách), with (với, bằng), without (không), in (bằng) Ví dụ: The thief got in by breaking a window (Tên trộm vào nhà bằng cách đập cửa sổ) 4. Bài tập về giới từ trong tiếng Anh Bài 1: Điền giới từ vào chỗ trống i. Give it … your mom. ii. I was sitting … Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown. iii. You cannot buy things … money. iv. I’ve got a letter … my boyfriend. v. Is there any bridges … the river? Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng i. ….. time ….. time I will examine you on the work you have done. A. From / to B. At / to C. In / to D. With / to ii. Hoa will stay there ….. the beginning in July ….. December. A. from/ to B. till/ to C. from/ in D. till/ of iii. I would like to apply ….. the position of sales clerk that you advised in the Monday newspaper. A. to B. for C. with D. in Đáp án: Bài 1: i) to, ii) between, iii) without, iv) from, v) cross, Bài 2: i) A, ii) A, iii) B. Kết luận Mong rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đọc sẽ nắm vững kiến thức của điểm ngữ pháp này. ALT IELTS Gia Sư chúc bạn học tập thật tốt nhé! Bài viết liên quan Tất Tần Tật Những Điều Cần Biết Về Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Mọi điều bạn chưa biết về động từ trong tiếng Anh
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storm-of-aegis · 4 years
Student Council leads
I’ll be using this far more in the weeks/ days to come. I’m coming up with the characters and backstories of important characters the player will be able to interact. The histories of most characters will be pivotal to optional “friendship” quests that could have over reaching impacts to the story as a whole. The following descriptions will be for the Student Council.
Name: An Dung Hoang Age: 17 Nationality: Vietnamese Year: Junior Ability: Super Strength Gender: Male Club: Student Council Bio: Born in Ho Chi Minh City, An was raised very strictly. His father expected excellence and discipline from him in all aspects of his life. Raised to be the best in academics, athletics, as well as mental proficiency. He attained the Student Council Presidency as a Freshmen, a feat beforehand that was completely unheard of. He has personal history with the Arbitration League, and especially their leader Trent. This year, the 2 will definitely come to a head.
Name: Aadarsha Anand Age: 17 Nationality: Indian Year: Junior Ability: Force Manipulation Gender: Female Club: Student Council Bio: Aadarsha is the twin sister of Bhakti Anand. But their similarites are only found skin deep. Raised in Bangalore until her parents’ divorce when she was barely 4, she largely grew up in the U.K., moving from place to place as her mother’s work always kept her on the move. Her only consistent friend being Bhakti, who she talked to almost daily. But as they neared their 11th birthday, Bhakti became harder and harder to reach. Aadarsha’s loneliness began to grow, fearful of losing the one person left in her life who cared about her completely. Eventually, Aadarsha learned why Bhakti was harder to reach, her new little sister needed everyone’s attention. Her father had remarried, and his new bride had a daughter from a previous relationship. Feeling replaced, Aadarsha stopped talking to Bhakti. Eventually she began to find ways to add people around her, never really making them friends per se, but at least giving her a group in which to be around.
Name: Vicente Cabral Age: 16- 17 Nationality: Spanish Year: Sophomore Ability: Gravitas-Kinecis Gender: Male Club: Student Council Bio: Born in a small town near Madrid, Vicente is the third child of Miguel and Josefine Cabral, the owners of a leading pharmaceutical company. Vicente was a happy child, made friends easily, loved by his family and never wanted for anything. Closer to his mother, he gained a fondness for flowers and dancing, something he also shared with his older sister. However his older brother shared a special affinity with him, fore they were the only 2 in their family born with abilities. As his brother possessed Super Speed, he could manipulate the force of Gravity itself. Always gave his mother such a fright when he’d jump off of something high only to levitate just off the ground with his powers. She’d always act concerned, and he never knew how his brother was always ready to catch “Osito” should he forget to use his power. But tragedy eventually hit when his father, Miguel passed away suddenly. He had been hiding his own illness as to not burden his family, hoping that his company could find a cure before his own condition got worse. In a letter posted to his family upon his mother going through some of his fathers’ belongings, he explained his situation and assured the family that anytime they’d see a doctor, he’d see if they inherited it from him. Every time they would come back negative, something he thanked his wife for. He wrote how he always loved the garden his daughter set up, and how he wishes for her to bring him a few Gazania’s to his grave on his birthday, so he can enjoy them in memory of his Abuela. Fore his oldest son never forget to look after his siblings and mother, and to never forget to slow down and enjoy his life, not just move quickly to the next thing. Fore his wife to always dance early on Sunday morning, and how he regrets not dancing with her more when he had the chance. And for Vicente, to never forget to be himself, and to never feel like he is unable to love who he wants to love. The weight of the world will try to push down on you, but you of all people will be able bear it. Time passed on as it always does, and Vicente went off to High School and joined the Student Council. In memory of his father, Vicente wears a Gazania on his lapel whenever he goes wears his uniform.
Name: Nils Rasmussen Age: 17 Nationality: Danish Year: Sophomore Ability: Telekinesis Gender: Male Club: Student Council Bio: Nils was born in Copenhagen, shortly before his mother gave birth. Shortly thereafter his father went out into the military. As his mother and her inlaws did not get along very well, she returned to her family home near Odense. She kept in contact with Nils’ father for several years. Every time she would ask if he had finally been granted housing for them to live on base with him, and every time he would say he wasn’t in a position to request a personal housing unit. Years went by, and the only time Nils remembered seeing his father was when he wanted “something” from his mother. Around the age of 6, Nils’ mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer. It was aggressive and relentless, claiming her life just before Nils’ 9th birthday. His father claimed Nils and brought him to live on the base, being told to keep his life with his mother and grandparents quiet. And that he’ll explain later. Upon reaching the base, Nils found out why his father never moved his mother in, and that’s because his father already had a wife living with him. A woman who spoke very little Danish, and he didn’t speak the language she did. Nils demanded to return to his grandparents house within days of living in this horrible revelation, he was the product of an affair, and his mother died waiting for a lie she foolishly wanted. Several months passed, and Nils found out that his new “mother” was a French woman. She and her son began teaching Nils French and English to go along with his school studies. Close to a year passed, and Nils finally learned enough French to carry out the plan he and his maternal grandparents came up with. So, on his 10th birthday, his grandparents came to visit just off base. Waiting just outside the gates. As his new “mother” presented a cake, Nils asked her if she would like to see his mother. Nils’ father tried to interrupt saying that we need to live for the now and not the past. Nils pulled began to pull out a photo as his father jumped forward demanding Nils’ goes to his room. Nils defiantly looked and him, pulling the photo and handing it to the woman. Quickly she grabs it as Nils’ father tried to wrench it from her. Curiously, she asked who the woman was, and why she was with him. Nils’ father tried to explain how she was a girl he met on leave who got pregnant, and how she passed away and wanted to bring his son home since her passing. Seeing how she was starting to soften, Nils’ yelled defiantly saying he’s lying, because anytime to left the base he came to see her and not his son. He used to tell her that he was waiting to find a time to move her onto the base with him as a way to string him along. Nils’ father and his wife began to argue as Nils’ scampered off, tossing a bag out of his window just to run back into the kitchen. Nils yells at his dad that he wants to go home and that he hates him and this house. Demanding that he be allowed to live with his grandparents. In a fit of rage, his father ordered to leave and to live on the streets. Nils left, ran around to the side of his window, grabbed his bag and left to meet his grandparents. They raised Nils from then on. His father never speaks to him, but he does try and speak to Catherine, and even has a bit of a relationship with his half brother Julien. But he’s not spoken to his father since that day.
Feel free to leave any feedback or notes. I am from the US, and only have a vague notion of other countires, so if you’re more familiar, or even from these countries, please feel free to offer any feedback to help make characters more believable.
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             me  ,  @  myself  for  being  SO  incredibly  late  to  the  party  :  what  the  hell  ,  carl  ?  regardless  ,  hello  !  my  name’s  claire  ,  i’m  18  ,  i  live  in  the  aest  and  honestly  ?  i’m  a  big  old  mess  but  it’s  fine  !!  i  love   conspiracy  theories  ,  any  kind  of  book  i  can  get  my  hands  on  ,  eating  and  generally  being  a  bit  of  an  idiot  ----- -  anywhomst  !  i’m  not  interesting  ,  and  i’m  certainly  not  the  star  of  this  post  !  instead  of  doing  separate  posts  for  all  three  of  my  muses  ,  i’ve  combined  them  all  into  a  SUPER  LONG  INTRO  !   it’s  a  bit  long  ,  but  i’m   beyond  excited  to  be  introducing  you  to  CADE  RAHUL  MEHTA  ,  GRACE  CHAU  CHUONG  and  RHYS  DANIEL  MACDOUGALL  !
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— avan jogia. twenty-five. cismale. pronouns.  ↷ well if it isn’t cade rahul mehta, augustine’s very own icarian who’s been living here for twenty-five years in the emerson townhouses. he is currently working as a surfing instructor and has been known to be sardonic and insouciant. → sea salt curls burnished locks, and they giggle at the swathes of brilliant ink that dare to caress a toned bicep ; halcyon grin and soaked-through shorts that dip just a bit too low. gentle hands, calloused but strong — guide them onto the waves, draw them into the world that swallowed you whole when you were barely a child. tanned back, tanned arms, tanned everything ; green smoothies in the morning, water through the afternoon, chai tea in the evening when you finally stop to let yourself think about the life they left behind in order for you to live the way you do now. you haven’t visited their graves recently. ( the note on your phone, urgent, reminds you of it ; you try not to notice. )
you are born to two gujurati indians ; a doctor and a schoolteacher, they were determined that their infant son should have the best life possible. they bundle their belongings up and move to augustine the minute that your mother realises that there is life prospering inside of her.
your birth is simply a foreshadowing of your entire life ; your cries are soft, and they last only briefly before you start giggling and waving chubby little newborn hands around. that sunny disposition is something that you carry with you for the entirety of your life ---  you are never not known to have a warm smile on carved features and nothing but kind words for everybody.
you take an early liking to the beach, and for your sixth birthday you receive a tiny little bodyboard. the minute you are out in the water, you decide that you’re never going back. your love for surfing progresses through your adolescence, and the day that you get your first professional surfboard is one that you’re not likely to forget anytime soon.
at eighteen, tragedy strikes. your parents are killed in a collision, and your world shatters the moment you find out --- they leave you everything, and it only makes it worse. your townhouse feels so lonely without their presences, and you can’t stand the pervasive emptiness that perpetually lingers.
you barely stay inside the house now. the tan that you wear like a medal is the result of days spent teaching children just like you how to fall deeply in love with the ocean. wide smile constantly in place, you’ve come to terms with your loneliness and every so often, you visit your parents and place fresh flowers on their final resting places.
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— lana condor. twenty. cisfemale. she/her.  ↷ well if it isn’t grace chau chuong, augustine’s very own cynosure who’s been living here for two months in the downtown augustine apartments. she is currently working as a sales assistant at blackbird boutique and has been known to be histrionic and munificent. → millennial pink, an aesthetically pleasing instagram feed that you try so hard to keep up with ; freud gathers dust upon a desk you haven’t dared to set eyes upon. raspberry vodka burns highways the minute it passes cherry-chapstick brims, leather jackets and floral sundresses, lana del rey sings dulcet tones from the depths of your bedroom. fairy lights and a self-love drawer in your bedside table, chipped pink nail varnish and piercings your mothers don’t know about — would they scream if they knew what you were up to, my love ?
originally born in ho chi minh city, vietnam, you are adopted by a lesbian couple who swiftly move you to the united states. you spend most of your childhood growing up in salem, massachussetts, but your mothers take you on regular holidays to vietnam so that you can learn about your culture and your origins.
all throughout your childhood, you are a brilliant child with obvious ambitions. you’re reading novels by the time you’re 3,  speaking coherently and with ease when you were even younger. bright eyes and brilliant smile are matched equally, if not more so, with superb brains and sharp sense --- your mothers are so proud of you.
adolescence is a progression into a whole new world: you discover first kisses under the shade of old trees, clove cigarettes that leave sweet kisses upon glossy brims, sips of alcohol that has your face scrunching and body shaking. your focus on your education wavers, but you pull a strong 4.0 the entirety of your high school career. teachers adore your individual takes on essays and the skill you have with language. you dip in and out of debate teams, art groups, even do a short stint in a bad band --- it seems like whatever you try your hand at, you manage with ease.
at nineteen, you start making the conscious decision to move and a small beachside town catches your interest --- it’s far from home, and
since leaving home, your ‘wild side’ has emerged --- there are six new piercings in your ear, a few on your body, and you’re contemplating a tattoo. you’ve yet to even think about applying to colleges, and really, you’re not all that sure you’re even willing to apply. you just want to have fun, and frankly, that’s what you’re doing.
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— charlie heaton. twenty-three. cismale. pronouns.  ↷ well if it isn’t rhys daniel macdougall, augustine’s very own quandary who’s been living here for two years in the melvin heights trailer park. he is currently studying as a fine arts student and has been known to be deleterious and lackadaisical. → sandy beaches are so far away from home, so far away from glacial, bitter english streets ; pinched scowl and muted, choked-out syllables, ink-stained stems and evanescent smiles that condense just like the smoke that unfurls off of your cheap cigarettes. flannels with holes in the sleeves, jeans that you’ve torn to pieces through overuse and overlove, a collection of bottles you find on the shore and sketch when insomnia chases you into what passes for a living room. vinyl records ( your father’s collection ), burning ardor for organised chaos and cheap wine ( all your mother’s ), six feet deep in vintage sadness and antique wanderlust ( a product all of your own, my dearest. ) 
you’re born british through and through --- weaned onto weak tea that grows progressively stronger, your art gallery curator father and socialite mother only want the best for you. from the moment you can walk, you’re enrolled in only the best --- private kindergartens, private primary schools ; an array of tutors leave you painfully bored and painfully clever.
you have everything you could ever want or need, and you only get progressively more bored with your life. gala functions are no source of entertainment anymore, not until you start sneaking glasses of champagne and smoking in the bathrooms with a window cracked open. as you grow older, you realise that your parents love the idea of children rather than having children --- they lie and say they care and want the best, but you’ve been left to the care of nannies for as long as you dare to remember. 
embittered by what seems like a lack of emotional love and too much of the material kind, you set out to destroy the own public image that they have cultivated for you --- drug scandals, boozy nights, you are eighteen and you taste nothing but revenge on plush brims. your plan works, because by the time you turn twenty-one, your name is nothing but ash and they exile you to america. you’ve never been happier than when you step on the plane that leads away from what you’ve come to view as your own personal hell.
you get to reinvent yourself in augustine, and that’s exactly what you do. you make a conscious decision to lock yourself away in your cheap little trailer, cover it with art and the relics of a past life. you enroll yourself in university when you first move, and you develop a strong affinity for the fine arts. you find yourself stained with paint most every day, and you’ve yet to tire of it.
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jordansarena3633 · 3 years
The Cheapest Flower Delivery Services in Vietnam
Flowers are the best type of gift for any party or occasion. Flowers represent love, affections, purity, and best wishes. Sending flowers to your families or friends on a special occasion is one of the best things anyone can do. You don’t have to spend too much or do shopping or anything. You can order flowers online and send them to your relative’s address. Vietnam flower delivery offers you a great range of flowers at the very best price. 
In this online era, everyone uses online services to shop, send gifts, order online food, and do many more things. With these things, you will also get reliable service to order the flowers online. You will get the cheapest flower delivery services in Vietnam to buy flowers online easily. Flower delivery ho chi Minh city also provides personalized flowers.   
Flower delivery Vietnam provides different categories of flowers, flower bouquets, and other gifts. They have a variety of flowers which are famous abroad too. They will provide you with the details about the flowers and packaging, all you need to select your favorite one and order. 
Flower delivery ho chi Minh city offers you an online delivery service. They provide a beautifully crafted and affordable range of flowers that easily smile on people’s faces. The professional florist handcraft and packs each order using the freshest flowers.  
Reasons you Need to Order Flowers Online Delivery
Ho Chi Minh Florist is the cheapest online delivery service that provides flowers online to Vietnam for people living abroad, just as customers who live in Vietnam are interested in sending roses to their loved ones.
With the help of online delivery, you can directly send flowers to the specified person’s address. Flower delivery in Ho Chi Minh city offers you this service at a very affordable rate. 
If you want to send personalized flowers, you can communicate with the florist directly. They will go with the flowers selected by you. So, online flower delivery also gives you a personalized selection category. 
Vietnam flower delivery provides flexible delivery options. Luckily, they can set up a proper arrangement with perfect timing for that birthday celebration, child shower, or practically some other event.
You will get flowers at very affordable rates, and the delivery cost is also cheap. So, if you plan to buy flowers on a low budget, you can easily go with flower delivery in Vietnam. 
Why is Flower Delivery in Vietnam Famous?
Flower delivery in Ho Chi Minh City has an unconditional promise for freshness. It is additionally the ideal decision for flowers of Vietnam online. Flower delivery Vietnam likewise specializes in ordering gifts, flowers, and flower bouquets. 
You will get roses and other flowers at the very least cost. The delivery service is premium. With these top flower delivery services in Ho Chi Minh City, you can sit back and relax while they ship farm-fresh flowers to your doorstep. 
Flower delivery in Ho Chi Minh city is committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts. Their customer service is excellent with fluency. 
Other Best Things About the Online Flower Delivery Services in Vietnam:
Vietnam flower delivery acknowledges orders from across the globe. Their largest organization of flower specialists guarantees that only the best, freshest, and the best roses and endowments will be delivered to your dear ones.
To provide gifts and flowers abroad, they have maintained the best systems to easily send flowers abroad. 
Flower delivery Vietnam lets you sort their huge floral catalog by flower variety, theme, and price. You will get all possible dates. So, if you have a favorite flower or are celebrating a specific occasion, you can find the ideal gift easily. With the help of these excellent services, swift and reliable delivery, and flower delivery, Vietnam is confident to be your most trusted choice to send flowers and gifts to Vietnam.
If you want to have these quality flowers, you can easily get services from the best flower delivery in ho chi Minh. For a reasonable cost, you will get these services. The delivery service is also best, and you can get flowers as fast as you can, they won’t delay their services. So, make sure that you order your favorite from Ho Chi Minh city.  
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asiajanuary2020 · 5 years
January 17, 2020
Today we got picked up at our hotel at 7:10am and taken about a mile to the Saigon River to take an hour and a half ride on a power boat up to the Cu Chi Tunnel area. During the boat ride they pointed out a large blue and white building that is used and equipped for Edible bird's nests. These are bird nests created by edible-nest swiftlets, Indian swiftlets, and other swiftlets using solidified saliva, which are harvested for human consumption. They are particularly prized in Chinese culture due to their rarity, high nutritional value in nutrients such as protein, and rich flavor. Edible bird's nests are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, with nests being sold at prices up to about $3,000 per pound ($6,600/kg), depending on grading. The type or grading of a bird's nest depends on the type of bird as well as the shape and color of the bird's nest. It is usually white in color, but there also exists a red version that is sometimes called "blood" nest. The Chinese believe that it promotes good health, especially for the skin. The nests have been used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years, most often as bird's nest soup.
Then we were met by our bike tour guide who took us about 30 kilometers out where we got on our bikes and rode through the surrounding countryside on mostly dirt roads. This was an amazing tour! We first rode through the local market where the people in this town shop everyday. Then we headed out into the agricultural area where they grow just about everything. We saw rubber trees and he explained how they get the latex out of the trees. Rice fields, bananas, mangos, places where they dry peppercorns, flowers, jackfruit, papaya, and so many other things. We came across a group of children riding bikes who were excited to get their picture taken with Americans. We stopped for a break at a women’s home where she grows many different types of fruit. She was so sweet and she really wanted to get her picture taken with Jan and me. Our guide told us everytime he goes there she loads him up with fruit to take to his family and she won’t ever let him pay for it. People also raise cows, water buffalo, pigs, ducks, and chickens. It was a beautiful ride. We ended back at the Cu Chi tunnels where we had a delicious lunch next to the Saigon River, and then we toured the tunnels.
The tunnels of Củ Chi are an immense network of connecting tunnels located in the Củ Chi District of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam, and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country. The Củ Chi tunnels were the location of several military campaigns during the Vietnam War, and were the Viet Cong's base of operations for the Tết Offensive in 1968.
The tunnels were used by Viet Cong soldiers as hiding spots during combat, as well as serving as communication and supply routes, hospitals, food and weapon caches and living quarters for numerous North Vietnamese fighters. The tunnel systems were of great importance to the Viet Cong in their resistance to American forces, and helped to counter the growing American military effort.
American soldiers used the term "Black Echo" to describe the conditions within the tunnels. For the Viet Cong, life in the tunnels was difficult. Air, food and water were scarce and the tunnels were infested with ants, venomous centipedes, scorpions, spiders, and rodents. Most of the time, soldiers would spend the day in the tunnels working or resting and come out only at night to scavenge for supplies, tend their crops, or engage the enemy in battle. Sometimes, during periods of heavy bombing or American troop movement, they would be forced to remain underground for many days at a time. Sickness was rampant among the people living in the tunnels, especially malaria, which was the second largest cause of death next to battle wounds. A captured Viet Cong report suggests that at any given time half of a People's Liberation Armed Forces (PLAF) unit had malaria and that "one-hundred percent had intestinal parasites of significance".
The tunnels of Củ Chi did not go unnoticed by U.S. officials. They recognized the advantages that the Viet Cong held with the tunnels, and accordingly launched several major campaigns to search out and destroy the tunnel system. Among the most important of these were Operation Crimp and Operation Cedar Falls.
Operation Crimp began on January 7, 1966, with B-52 bombers dropping 30-ton loads of high explosive onto the region of Củ Chi, effectively turning the once lush jungle into a pockmarked moonscape. Eight thousand troops from the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, and the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment combed the region looking for any clues of PLAF activity.
The operation did not bring about the desired success; for instance, on occasions when troops found a tunnel, they would often underestimate its size. Rarely would anyone be sent in to search the tunnels, as it was so hazardous. The tunnels were often rigged with explosive booby traps or punji stick pits. The two main responses in dealing with a tunnel opening were to flush the entrance with gas, water or hot tar to force the Viet Cong soldiers into the open, or to toss a few grenades down the hole and "crimp" off the opening. This approach proved ineffective due to the design of the tunnels and the strategic use of trap doors and air filtration systems.
However, an Australian specialist engineering troop, 3 Field Troop, under the command of Captain Sandy MacGregor did venture into the tunnels which they searched exhaustively for four days, finding ammunition, radio equipment, medical supplies and food as well as signs of considerable Viet Cong presence. One of their number, Corporal Bob Bowtell, died when he became trapped in a tunnel that turned out to be a dead end. However the Australians pressed on and revealed, for the first time, the immense military significance of the tunnels. At an international press conference in Saigon shortly after Operation Crimp, MacGregor referred to his men as Tunnel Ferrets. An American journalist, having never heard of ferrets, used the term Tunnel Rats and it stuck. Following his troop's discoveries in Củ Chi, Sandy MacGregor was awarded a Military Cross.
From its mistakes, and the Australians' discoveries, U.S. command realized that they needed a new way to approach the dilemma of the tunnels. A general order was issued by General Williamson, the Allied Forces Commander in South Vietnam, to all Allied forces that tunnels had to be properly searched whenever they were discovered. They began training an elite group of volunteers in the art of tunnel warfare, armed only with a handgun, a knife, a flashlight and a piece of string. These specialists, commonly known as "tunnel rats", would enter a tunnel by themselves and travel inch-by-inch cautiously looking ahead for booby traps or cornered PLAF. There was no real doctrine for this approach and despite some very hard work in some sectors of the Army and MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam) to provide some sort of training and resources, this was primarily a new approach that the units trained, equipped and planned for themselves.
Despite this revamped effort at fighting the enemy on their own terms, U.S. operations remained insufficient at eliminating the tunnels completely. In 1967, General William Westmoreland tried launching a larger assault on Củ Chi and the Iron Triangle. Called Operation Cedar Falls, it was similar to the previous Operation Crimp, however on a larger scale with 30,000 troops instead of the 8,000. On January 18, tunnel rats from the 1st BN 5th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division uncovered the Viet Cong district headquarters of Củ Chi, containing half a million documents concerning all types of military strategy. Among the documents were maps of U.S. bases, detailed accounts of PLAF movement from Cambodia into Vietnam, lists of political sympathizers, and even plans for a failed assassination attempt on Robert McNamara.
By 1969, B-52s were freed from bombing North Vietnam and started "carpet bombing" Củ Chi and the rest of the Iron Triangle. Ultimately it proved successful. Towards the end of the war, the tunnels were so heavily bombed that some portions actually caved in and other sections were exposed. But by that time, they had succeeded in protecting the local North Vietnamese units and letting them "survive to fight another day".
Throughout the course of the war, the tunnels in and around Củ Chi proved to be a source of frustration for the U.S. military in Saigon. The Viet Cong had been so well entrenched in the area by 1965 that they were in the unique position of locally being able to control where and when battles would take place. By helping to covertly move supplies and house troops, the tunnels of Củ Chi allowed North Vietnamese fighters in their area of South Vietnam to survive, help prolong the war and increase American costs and casualties until their eventual withdrawal in 1972, and the final defeat of South Vietnam in 1975.
This was such an interesting tour and our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable about the history of the area.
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How to choose flowers for newborn babies and mothers?
For all women, the phase of giving birth is an adorable and precious moment in life that involves joy, happiness, cheer and a sense of fulfillment. The gift of flowers should be able to project warmth and congratulate them for their new phase of life. It is a special occasion where a woman feels motherhood, in its true sense. Isn’t it a right time to be part of her memorable moment, by sending fresh flowers to recognize her new status as mother? If you wish to send  gifts to Vietnam, particularly flower delivery in Vietnam, you need to first decide what to send and then choose the best florist.
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Find out what they like!
The first step when it comes to choosing flowers is to know what flower types the mother likes or what suits the baby. Your flower should also be one of her favorite ones. A greeting card, along with a teddy can do the extra trick, along with flowers of her favorite color. It’s a special effort from your side to know what they like the most and surprise them with adorable flowers.
Selecting the ‘Birth Flower’
There are certain sentiments associated with birth star, birth stone etc., and likewise, find out the ideal birth flower based on the birth month of the new born. Iris flower is the birth flower of February, Rose is for June, Marigold is for October and so on, hence pick the right one to send as a blessing for the newborn, which would indeed delight the new mother with your sensible taste.
Choose the Low Pollen Flower
New moms and new-borns are sometimes allergic to pollen, which may impact their health and cause allergy. Therefore, be wise enough to choose flowers with low pollen blooms like pastel carnations, orchids, lilies and roses, to prevent any awkward situation. Remember that your intention to send flowers through flower delivery in Vietnam, and sending flowers to Ho Chi Minh City should be a pleasant experience.
Avoid Strong Fragrance Flowers
The best way to wish the baby and new mom is to pick up flowers with mild scent or fragrance instead of a strong one. Iris, lilies, daffodils, are some of the best choices for the mom and baby if they reside in Ho Chi Minh City, so order these online while sending flowers to Ho Chi Minh City.
Wrapping it Flawlessly
For making sure that the flowers are pleasant and attractive, see that your florist wraps them with a pleasing yet beautiful wrapper. Soft materials with cute pictures or print will add an extra charm for this special gift. Send the best and charming bouquet by ordering online today. The way it is presented shows the effort you have put in, to wish the new born and the new mom!
These are some of the ways to choose flowers for new moms and their newborn babies.
You need to have a special sense of taste and desire when carrying flowers to new mothers and new born babies. Make sure you pick the right ones when you send gifts to Vietnam.
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xoidua · 5 years
Why should we cooperate with wedding planner when organizing garden wedding Vietnam?
An outdoor wedding Vietnam service at the very popular at professional wedding planner. They have the full ability and experience to help you create a romantic and perfect wedding, especially garden wedding Vietnam. With complex preparation and risks of wedding receptions, you should be prepared to face many challenges when organizing yourself. To reduce anxiety for the wedding, let your wedding planner accompany you. Let's see what they can do for your romantic wedding!
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How does wedding planner help you organize an garden wedding Vietnam?
New, unique decorative script
Inspired by love novels, each moment in the marriage ceremony of couples will be materialized on the legendary fairy or epic material. The boats are filled with fresh flowers, melodious live music, light-hearted performances when combined with bubbles, ... all the details combine to make unforgettable moments of romance for the day. Your garden wedding Vietnam will be better than you think.
Organized and decorated budget
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In order for Vietnam professional wedding planners to provide a specific budget, the couple should provide as much detail as possible. Basic information includes: whether the couple has selected the venue, whether it is a place, in the city or a tourist destination away from the city. How much is the number of wedding guests? because the number of guests will decide the amount of money to pay for food and drink services, gifts if only organizing garden wedding Vietnam in the city; and spending more money for transportation, rooms for guests if held in locations far from the city.
Various outdoor wedding party decoration accessories
Not only providing beach party or garden or swimming pool decoration services, Bliss Wedding Planner Vietnam also has a wide range of party decorations - top-quality nationwide.
Is it easy for garden wedding Vietnam organization? With an experienced unit like Bliss, the answer is "yes".
Unique garden wedding Vietnam
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Organization of garden wedding Vietnam is now a new trend, when the wedding parties in the hall or big restaurants have become too familiar and somewhat boring. An outdoor party with sun, wind and fresh air of nature will contribute to the happiness of the couple. However, there are also many couples who are confused when they do not know where to start to organize an outdoor wedding like that. If you know how to calculate properly, you will have a dream wedding, helping you both save costs and avoid unnecessary risks.
For a perfect wedding reception, let Bliss Wedding Planner Vietnam accompany you.
Contact information:
4th floor, Centec Tower, 72 - 74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline +84901 332 552
Website: Blissvn.com
------------------------- Cảm ơn các bạn đã quan tâm. Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/beeline92 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xoiduamedia/ Website: http://xoidua.com
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vietnamflorist · 4 years
Make Your Anniversary Special With Exotic Flower Delivery
An anniversary is a special event, and everyone tries to celebrate it in a good way. There are different ways by which you can celebrate the anniversary with your loved ones, yet you always search for a special thing. If you are in search of sending favorite exotic flowers to your partner, then you can visit the shop here and send anniversary flowers to Vietnam easily. These shops are meant to be the best ones in here and can provide you with the best online delivery services as well.
Why choose it for delivery
When you are ordering any flowers online, there are various factors that you need to take a look at.
Quality of flowers
The very first thing that you need to take care of is the quality of the flowers. When you are ordering any flower, search for a high-quality flower for the loved ones. If you want to get a fresh flower to deliver to your loved ones, then avail Flower Delivery Shop In Ho Chi Minh City. 
On-time delivery
The next thing that all customers search for is for fast delivery. They don’t want the flowers to reach late to their loved ones. For that, you need to get in touch with the online flower delivery shops, and there can easily get the services from Flower Delivery Shop In Ho Chi Minh City. 
The last thing that matters a lot is the price. Some online shops offer top delivery services and same-day delivery as well, yet they charge more from you. For that, you can visit here and can easily send anniversary flowers in Vietnam city for your loved ones on special occasions and events.
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Day 12, Part 2
After stuffing our tummies we’re back on the boat heading to our original port. We see the tallest buildings in Saigon. This is a city city-with sky scrapers and office buildings and new modern buildings. Like in Hanoi there is considerable construction and entire apartment parks that are owned by Vietnam’s richest man Vin. It seems as if he has a mall and large building in every major city. A car dealership too.
At port we meet our driver and enjoy the air conditioning. We would normally opt for a walking tour of some sort but not in this thick heat. Our first stop is the Central Post office which faces Saigon’s Notre Same Cathedral. The church was completed in 1880 and is constructed of all french materials and designed to look a bit like its Parisian namesake. It’s made of red brick from Marseille and is currently undergoing significant renovation. Typically however, it holds 4 Sunday masses including one in English. The post office is a remnant if french colonialism and was designed by Gustavo Eiffel (yes, that one!). construction began in 1886 and was completed in 1891. It’s still in use today and tourists can be found drafting post cards on the back table. Duong Van Ngo, a professional letter writer who speaks Vietnamese, French and English and has been employed with the post office since 1946 is also still there. A giant portrait of Ho Chi Minh is featured on the back wall. From outside the post office you can also see an old grey building which housed the US CIA and from where the helicopter in a famous a Vietnam War photo flew from.
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From here we drive toward the Presidential Palace, now knows as Reunification Palace. A palace existed here when the French occupied the area since 1868 but South Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem commissioned a new structure be built in the early 60s. It shows. We see the offices and also the living quarters. The first president was ultimately assassinated in 1963 so the main inhabitants of this home was the second president and his family. The dining rooms both have two tables—one long rectangular one for eating western food and one large round one with a lazy Susan, with the correct cutlery for each. Large and real ivory elephant tusks can be found in the International receiving room. At this time there were two VPs-one internal and one for external affairs. The Ambassador room is the grandest with a giant layer ware painting composed of 49 pieces. Evidently it can take three months to finish just one piece with its 17 layers. We finish by seeing the bomb shelter basement complete with rotary phones and radio gear, which kind of reminds me of when we visited Churchill’s situation room in London. The art deco style makes me giggle a lot—you can’t help but think of the swinging 60s and then remembering this was a president’s home. It’s now called Reunification Palace because this was where Communist forces crashed through the gates in 1975 to end the war. Thuy also tells us that the original building didn’t have good Feng Shui and so a fountain was built in front—you almost never have a direct entrance to a building like this—it’s why there are screens in front of the entrances at the other palaces we’ve visited—you shouldn’t be able to see straight through! The “palace” is a nice break from the heat though as a nice breeze wafts through.
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After the palace we make our way to Saigon’s most visited museum, the War Remnants Museum. The museum centers on the atrocities of the Vietnam America war and can be difficult at times to wander through. Inside you can see all the American guns, ammo and bombs used and more bombs as well as aircraft carriers and tanks are situated outside. Inside there are exhibits on the imprisonment of the Vietnamese by both the French and Americans. There is an exhibition on resistance from other nations, and there are endless photographs from the many photojournalists risking their lives to depict the war. The most difficult sections are about Agent Orange and it’s multi generational effect on those exposed. There is a section of artwork done by children on this topic I felt particularly moving. There is a lot to learn about the atrocities of what we did in Vietnam and how we did it, and a lot of disbelief that we did such inhumane things. The perspective of the museum is rather one sided as most exhibitions are here (like the Hanoi Hilton) but for me, this fact didn’t take away my unease on what the Americans did during this war.
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After this museum and Kerran gawking at planes and tanks like a school boy, we have a little time to freshen up at our historic hotel which has been in business since 1925. At 6pm we meet our guide for the evening from Vespa Rouge, our two drivers and a pair of vintage vespas—green for Kerran and baby pink for me.
Our first stop is around the corner from the hotel on a bridge just near where we got the speed boat earlier that day. We start the tour with a pair of welcome cocktails that have chilli, Ginger, and lemongrass and are super tasty. From the bridge you can see then unfinished construction of the Saigon subway and one of the cities tallest towers complete with a helipad.
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After our drink we hop on the back of our scooters (after our driver crowns us with the helmet—that’s literally what it feels like) and we go for a drive. First, despite the traffic this is not nearly as scary as one would imagine. The tour takes a scenic route around the city and through a local market which I really liked—seeing everyone in their natural habitat, no tourists etc. We stop on at an outdoor cafe in District 4 and make our way to a low table with plastic chairs. We both get Saigon Special beers and our guide orders us two types of clams—little ones and big ones with peanuts. We had a piece of black fish that was likely caught that day, and fried frog legs which taste just like chicken! This is clearly an off the beaten path local eatery and the food is goods. As we are wrapping up a street performer emerged in a midriff baring low neck shirt and jeans (a rarity for relatively conservative Vietnam) and she’s dancing in the middle of the street. This progresses to dancing with and swallowing fire. Again, not a tourist area!
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We get back on our chariot-Vespas and take another scenic drive. Our next stop is in Distrixt 5, China town which is evident from the red paper lanterns hanging outside. This restaurant is full with locals and their families. Here we have another type of Saigon beer (some locals drink it with ice!). We eat chicken salad with banana flower, and a massive bigger-than-the-plate Vietnamese pancake stuffed with pork. Instead of rice paper you just roll this one up with giant lettuce and dip it the fish sauce. I am so full but it’s really tasty!
We hop on the vespas again to head toward our third destination. We drive on the highway and I spot a church with Buddhist style influence and LED colored halos on Jesus. We ride through a vibrant street of flower store after flower store. The alleys of Saigon are clearly where the magic happens.
Our last stop is a more upscale affair called Cafe Soi Da. It has a mini garden in it and a nice ambiance.There are couples with arms around one another. Kerran gets a really good pina-colada and I get an equally yummy ginger tea. We listen to a Cellist, Pianist, and Violinist play jazz music and three separate singers accompany them. Most of the singing is in Vietnamese, but one woman sings in french.
After this we board the bikes for the last time and they drop us back off at the Majestic Hotel. We snap a few pics before heading inside and packing our belongings before an early checkout tomorrow.
(More food pics in next post!)
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