#or they’re all just different ScotNor hcs in different thoughts
pvffinsdaisies · 2 years
sunor hc
Let’s see… I feel like I’ve already posted most of my SuNor headcanons before 🤔 if there’s any repeats, don’t mind me!
A headcanon that I have that applies to any ship would be that Norway keeps his partner’s flag next to his home work desk next to a case of heathers, so in this case it would be the Swedish flag
Something I found out when I first started to learn about nordic culture, which has recently been mentioned yet again on my fyp, is that swedes find the Norwegian language to be like a cute (and silly) version of Swedish, which can pretty easily be taken in a romantic sense. I feel like Sweden could listen to Norway talk all day and never get sick of hearing his language and his voice (not that Norway actually would talk alll day, but hypothetically!)
I personally headcanon Norway really enjoys figure skating, and whilst Sweden isn’t actually in a team for ice hockey he enjoys having fun small 1v1 matches against Finland. Both sports are known for ruining the ice for one another, but I feel like Norway will send videos playing around on his toe pick just to tease and infuriate Sweden in a playful way.
They’re both huge knitters who probably knit things for one another all the time
Calming nights in assembling furniture together. If either of them (Norway) winds up frustrated at some point it’s the other’s duty to get up and hand them a hot chocolate and it’s break time with cuddles 🥰 makes the process a LOT longer but also much more enjoyable and it’s what works for them.
Nor can and will steal all of Sweden’s wardrobe despite everything in it being too big for him.
Sweden’s Norway’s biggest comfort regardless of if their dating, which definitely benefits their relationship a lot! I have a headcanon that Norway has an intense case of philophobia and an even worse fear of commitment, so he often times will want to run away from relationships the moment his feelings actually get serious. I totally see nor attempting to break up numerous times bc he’s gotten scared, and each and everytime Sweden has sat down with him and said “no” or agreed they can break up but only if Norway can without a shadow of a doubt say he’s not just running away because he’s scared.
No they have never broken up once
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