#or the classic 'well bi means 2 so
whilomm · 2 years
just bc of stuff going around i was suddenly reminded of one of the stupidest bits of bi discourse i saw, no idea if it was widespread at all or if it was just a few very loud and adamant ppl, where ppl were so angry about pan stuff again that they decided that the best way to defeat the evil pans was to make bisexuality The Most Inclusive and said that it was biphobic+nbphobic to define bi as ANYTHING BUT "attraction regardless of gender". no "attraction to multiple genders" thats NOT ALLOWED ANYMORE bc of course sexualities are basically just markers of How Inclusive You Are™ and not like. guidelines for what sorta ppl ur into right.
so it was like. okay im nonbinary and attracted to men a lot and women a good bit and other nonbinary ppl a lil less usually so im bi an-
"dont you mean you are attracted to people REGARDLESS OF GENDER? because that is the ONE TRUE DEFINITION OF BI"
Uhh. no gender is. definitely a factor, not in a full stop way or nothin its a lil wibbly but its not regardles-
"then you arent bi and its kinda biphobic and nbphobic that u are insinuating bi is anything but The Most Inclusive with full attraction equality for All Gender :/"
...okay then uh. what i am, a nonbinary person attracted to multiple genders, but not REGARDLESS of gender, supposed to call myself?
"idk just die ig"
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
Heya, I really really hope this doesn't come off as particularly rude, but I was wondering, why would bisexual women be considered lesbians sometimes and I think you also brought up transgender men and genderqueer ppl? For bisexual women, I just am kinda confused, they can be in lesbian relationships and lesbian spaces, but just describing them as lesbians seems kinda confusing because lesbian denotes specifically sapphic attraction at least from where I've always heard it, so wouldn't it be kinda confusing. And for the genderqueer folks or trans folks, wouldn't that just bring their genders closer to feminine and at least from what I've heard from some pple I know, they don't like non binary being seen as more womanly (I've heard it being described as woman-lite before annoying) and instead seen as a more inbetween which it sometimes isn't, because of bigotry and other things since nbs can be both fem or masc or androgynous, but wouldn't non woman lesbians kinda push it to be seen as kinda more fem or that person as more fem? I don't know and frankly I'm just kinda confused. I'm really really sorry that this probably comes off as super rude and I hope you forgive me. I frankly just want to learn a little more and have been reading up but wanted to know what you thought. And I just realized how long this was, so so sorry
hello anon! these days, i usually don’t answer asks like these because i’ve already done so several times, but you seem very well-meaning and confused, so i’ll do my best to help. first of all, please check my faq for resources and links about mspec labels and bi lesbians.
second of all—generally—here is my advice for when you encounter a queer label that confuses you:
1) literally just ignore it until you...
2) meet someone in your life who uses that label, at which point you might (respectfully) ask them what using that label means to them specifically, and why it’s important. i’ve done this in real life. the script is something like,
“it’s really cool to get to talk to someone in real life about this stuff—if i may ask, what does identifying as [insert label] mean to you, personally?”
you might also say,
“i’ve never met someone who identifies with [their label] before. would you mind giving me some pointers on the important things to keep in mind in order to respect your identity/make sure you feel respected by me?”
i’ve also never asked anyone to correct me if i mess up and say something rude, but i’m working on the confidence and charisma to be able to say that, because i owe that to others.
all of that said, i wanted to respond to some of your specific questions, and clarify a couple of things below the cut. to clarify:
1. “describing [bisexual women] as lesbians seems kinda confusing because lesbian denotes specifically sapphic attraction”. to be clear i am not the one describing bisexual women as lesbians, in this hypothetical situation. when i post about bi-lesbians, i am posting in support of people who—for whatever reason—chose that label for themselves. what i am not doing: advocating to redefine the classically understood definition of lesbian for the entire populous.
2. “wouldn’t it be kinda confusing”? yes! i understand it can be confusing, and i commend you for expressing your confusion instead of reacting in disgust or anger. there are so many things in the queer community that are confusing, even to me, and you don’t need to feel guilty for asking questions as long as you come from a place of genuine curiosity. being confused isn’t bad, and defining yourself in a way that confuses others is, likewise, no transgression.
3. “for the genderqueer folks or trans folks, wouldn’t [identifying as a lesbian] just bring their genders closer to feminine […] wouldn’t non woman lesbians […] be seen as kinda more fem”? the answer is: sort of. it depends entirely on how and why the person using this label came to these words. you wrote, “i’ve heard from some pple i know, they don’t like non binary being seen as more womanly”, and i have definitely also heard that! so, for people who feel that way, they probably wouldn’t want a label that evokes womanhood and/or aligns them with femininity assigned to them. but every person is different—so for some nonbinary people, they absolutely do not want to be seen as “woman-lite”, whereas for other nonbinary people, they might want to be seen closer to femme than masc, while still nonbinary. this goes back to what i said at the beginning: best practice is to ask the people in your life how they want you to respect them.
closing thoughts: i hope this clarified some things, but i understand that the topic may still be confusing—feel free to message me if you want a non-judgmental queer to talk things through with. i promise i’ll take you in good faith <3
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fangirltothefullest · 8 months
Can I ask a question? I like your sanders sides a lot and you give them a lot of personality in their designs! How do you make them like that? Or I guess I mean, what inspires you to make them the way that you do? I want to draw the sides but I'm not sure how to start other than their canon designs!
Oh my goodness I LOVE this question! For me, it's all about the feelings you get when you see them and the vibes I want to express. The Sides embody, to me, more than an aesthetic it should also encompass personality, role, and intention. In other words, I match their aesthetics to their function and the intent of what I feel like Thomas originally intended for them for their first short videos before they were actual sides.
Let us pick Roman, because even though people say he's not, he tends to be everyone's favourite to reblog fro me because he's pretty.
So I started by drawing him exactly as he was and to me he felt flat- in the show he's exactly as he should be but I am an artist and to me he feels more than what he looks like- it's dreamy, it's romantic, it's like he's giving childhood favouritre Disney Prince vibes, you know?
Inspiration 1: Prince Phillip
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Hands down the biggest inspiration comes from him because he IS my favourite disney prince. Just looks a the hair swoop and the eyelashes- perfect. So I went ok my favourite Disney Prince is Phillip, let's start here. Before the CGI movies, there was such a romantic feeling about classic Disney princess movies and I've always loved the romantic feeling of Sleeping Beauty. The backgrounds are stunning, the way she's animated makes my bi ass give heart eyes and I loved that he was the only prince at the time who had a personality (until Beast but that's a whole other can of worms because he started out as an asshole/grumpy). I feel like modern Disney movies miss a lot of the romantic dreamy feeling of the older 2d movies because there was such care into the painted backgrounds being LESS realistic and more a fabulous idea of what a background should be and AHA! MORE INSPIRATION~! Let's make Roman a fabulous romantic idea of what a prince should be!
Inspiration 2: Faerietale Knights in Shining Armour
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Our ideas of medieval knights are nothing like actual knights which are more reminiscent of hired military and enforcers. Our ideas of faerietale knights in shining armour are brave knights who would go off to kill a dragon to show their devotion to the one they love. Sword fighting heroes- is that not Roman if not an idealized romantic "royal knight wants to win the heart of the love with courageous deeds, acts of chivalry, selfless devotion" etc. Prince Phillip is a good model of this. Defeats a dragon and true love's kiss saves the day. A perfect romantic dream isn't it? Realistic? No of course not, but Roman isn't realistic he's creativity and romance which absolutely ignores practicality for the dream.
So we have this culmination of dreamy romantic disney prince and faerietale influence.
Now it's about aesthetics- Roman is reds and golds and whites, all royal colours typically associated with bravery, lineage, and strength and purity etc.
Inspiration 3: Media referencing
So let's find some movie or media equivalence I can reference. They came mostly in the forms of Narnia and Once Upon a Time.
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So some aesthetic inspirations for belts and textures, missing the epaulets.... so to military garb!
Inspiration 4: Russian royals
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Let's face it no one does embellishments like this any more <3
Inspiration 5: Lions
Roman's colours being red gold and white give me lion inspiration too so I looked up royal lion iconography as well (which ended up with a lot of lion king in the search because this was before AI but like.... it's not incorrect and the wavy flowy mane acted like hair. If Hamlet with lions is inspiring then use it, right? that have some AMAZING lion king-style artists on deviantart to get inspired by, it's a whole thing, mad respect) But ANYWAYS it gave me some cool stuff to be inspired by too.
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Inspiration 6: Classic Golden Age Hollysood Leading Ladies (Note that this isn't femme fatales, because for Janus I used femme fatales as inspiration)
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I knew that I just HAD to give Roman that Marilyn Monroe beauty mark, yes he paints it on every day yes it's in the same spot every day yes it's necessary.
Ultimately this culminated in a checklist of things that I wanted for him:
He must give the feeling of Prince Phillip in disney prince style
I wanted him to have flowey hair that makes him look softer and romantic and can be pulled up into a ponytail if necessary.
Must have a beauty mark and eyelashes that go on for ages reminiscent of old hollywood ladies, and let's throw in nail polish too.
I wanted him to have an outfit that would be his original but embellished to hell that can be like Narnia or OUaT in terms of texture and added stuff. It needed more gold, 100% needed epaulets (the shoulder things with the dangly rstuff), and it needed a belt where a sword could be attached. Danglies not always necessary, but look really good when done and is reminiscent of old fashioned military garb and Russian royalty.
He needed to look like he's used to wearing this outfit every single day and going out of his way to do so.
Ended up with this:
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So yeah that's how I got to his design!
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birindale · 6 months
Hi I just wanted to double check something I am pretty sure I read on this blog. Is the origin of C'yra of D'riluth iii from the original cannon or was it a later addition? Also what does "of D'riluth iii" actually mean? I remember there being some vagueness to what it means
Okay there's a long version and a short version of this story.
Short version: It was a later addition. In 2008 Mattel launched a toy line called Masters of the Universe Classics, which could only be ordered through their website and was aimed at the collector market. One of the things they did was include "character bios" in a sort of homage to the G.I. Joe toys of the 80s, which featured 'personnel files' that gave specializations and a brief character history, including their real names (e.g. Duke was actually named Conrad S. Hauser).
Catra's figure was released in 2011 for about $65 USD. Her bio (which I've lifted from a Poe Ghostal review) is as follows:
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We (I, and my friends whom I've pestered for opinions) are pretty sure D'Riluth III is the name of her planet, even though another planet in the same solar system (from the New Adventures of He-Man in the 90s) has the Arabic numeral 7, so including Roman numerals is a strange choice.
Long version: There was a fellow working for Mattel at the time named Scott "Toyguru" Neitlich, and he was (and remains to this day) exceptionally bad at things like 'writing' and 'creativity'. He was never very interested in She-Ra, though he loves to tell the story of stealing his sister's doll one year, so to him Catra is simply an agent of the Horde... which, in order to adhere to the 2002-2003 tv show, was now 5,000 years old. This bio directly contradicts the Filmation canon of Catra's mask having belonged to the Magicat queen, for instance, and introduces a number of confusing details.
One of the least popular was Adora being Hordak's "step-daughter" instead of his "adopted daughter", which was already kind of a gray area since he didn't exactly raise her. Scott digging in his heels on the matter was actually how I learned he'd written the thing in the first place:
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Now you may be wondering, jeez, it's pretty confusing and the writing isn't great but aren't you being kind of harsh? Surely the push-back from the He-Fans was bad enough. Well give me a minute, dang. This is the long version!
I reached out to him about a year and half ago to ask 1. How it's pronounced, 2. If he could confirm that D'Riluth III is the planet, and 3. If he remembered how he came up with it. He told me the following:
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Some backstory here--Scott runs a bit of a one-man content farm, in an effort to avoid paying hosting fees for advertisements or actually engaging in SEO. He is a marketing consultant.
He used to upload a 5-10 minute video every day, but shortly after I contacted him that dropped to only five a week, and his weekly "Director's Commentary" videos about MOTUC figures that he worked on (largely just explaining who the character even is in an unedited stream of consciousness, as his videos became slideshows of google images) moved to bi-weekly.
I was like, okay, he left Mattel in 2014 right? So surely once he's through that year he'll get to this new series.
Nope! He's doing 2015 too! So I reached out again in January, just to like. See if he was still intending to cover the 'real names', which imo should have been part of his commentary to begin with, but...
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He had forgotten <3 I explained no, I was asking about these specific questions that I had outlined in my first email (I had replied to his last message in the chain for simplicity's sake), and he just said he'd be doing it soon. So I was like oh, cool, do you know if you'll be doing one a week still? since that would put a Catra video about 4 years out as he does them in release order, and he then promised he'd get to it soon and didn't answer the question.
Annoying, certainly, but whatever. Unless one of us dies horribly I can wait it out, right?
Scott, being an idiot, has not credited a single one of the images he lifted from google over his four years of mostly-daily slideshows. And recently, somebody fucking noticed!
So this guy--Ethan Wilson, a very talented toy photographer and reviewer--was informed that Scott (in his capacity as Spector Creative, the name of his YouTube channel/consulting business) had been using his pictures in videos. Actually, let me use Ethan's own words here:
I decided to dig a little deeper into Spector’s channel, and found 81 instances of my photos being used in 68 of the channels videos.  None of these featured credit to me for use of the photos, and 48 of the 81 instances removed or obstructed my watermarks.
-About This Spector Creative Thing
I very strongly encourage you to read through this linked post, as it gets worse! Somehow!!
Scott, not noticing these as they came in over the course of 10 days, logged in to discover his channel had been taken down. He emailed Ethan in something of a panic to ask that Ethan reverse the claims as a 'professional favor', as Scott got all his clients through his channel's "advertising".
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Now you're never gonna believe this... but when he and Ethan came to an understanding, suddenly Scott didn't give a shit.
He released a libelous video claiming Ethan had no rights to the images (he does) and that Scott could use them all he wanted because of Fair Use (he can't) and emailed Ethan the following.
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First of all: this is bullshit. Copyright is automatic in the US, trademark wouldn't apply regardless, and as Scott should fucking know by now Ethan doesn't have a 'channel', he has a blog.
Second, he shot himself in the foot with the Fair Use defense by outright stating that his channel is his exclusive advertisement for his business and that he depends on his content to make a living. He said in his first video that it was "educational" 🙄
So Ethan realized Scott was a Fucking Liar and decided he should just copyright claim the rest of Scott's shit, in order to protect his images and rights thereto. YouTube can't take the channel down again unless Ethan is willing to pursue legal action--which he isn't, because he has a full time job and two kids and even though he'd probably win, it's a lot of time and energy.
I and a few others were trying to convince him that it would be worth it anyway, and looking into identifying and contacting the other artists Scott's stolen from over the years, when... Scott released a book. His first-ever graphic novel [looks into the camera like i'm on the office]
drawn entirely by AI.
So we have a frankenstein's monster of copyright infringement masquerading as illustrations (with all the uncanny valley that implies), Scott's technically and practically terrible writing, and the plot is Greek mythology. There are four and a half typos just in the free sample, and that's not including the words in images like his map or logo. He claims the title is a registered trademark but it certainly isn't registered in his state, or federally, and it's already in use by several other brands, so I wouldn't believe him even if he hadn't demonstrated a lack of understanding of copyright & trademark as recently as last week.
So I'm kinda fucking done waiting for answers! I can't trust a thing out of this guy's mouth! And he's pretty stupid, so do I even care what he thinks? I have decided that no. No I do not. I'll check back in 2028 and if he's survived + actually followed through then maybe I'll give his video a watch but until then it is simply pissing me off to remember this guy exists.
Sorry this turned into a rant I'm just really starting to loathe the guy. It's been an infuriating week or two. But uh... No, it's only canon to this one action figure line that ran for a little over a decade. We're certainly not beholden to it, it's more of a fun little in-joke for the fandom these days. You see someone use C'yra and you're like haha I know her! It's fun :3 Regardless of Scott's bullshit I enjoy seeing it around, and it's not like he owns or benefits from it in any way when maybe 1% of the people using it know where it comes from (and the people who know it was him specifically may be limited to the followers that have watched me complain about it).
Thank you for asking, I really do love asks even if the answer isn't what I want it to be lol. I'm happy to verify or explain anything I can!
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akajustmerry · 6 months
do you have a top 5 richonne moments?
hell YEA. 💕
In Alexandria when they first get there and rick has one of his classic covered in blood madman monologues and she comes up behind him and knocks him tf out mid sentence and later, he's basically like thank you for not letting me lose my mind <3 it's hot because 1) rick is so hot when he's in maniac mode 2) michonne is so hot when she steals scenes and 3) you know if anyone else did that to him he would NOT have thanked them lol. true LOVE. (I also love this scene cos the first time I watched it was with my then bestie and he was like "rick got MICH-OWNED" and we laughed for ages)
would be remiss not to mention that moment in season 3ish (???) when michonne tries to cheer rick up by letting him know she too also used to talk to her dead ex so she's not bothered by him seeing things and rick smiles for pretty much the first and only time that season hehehe.
it's not really a richonne moment in that way, but danai and Andrew's performances while Carl is dying are so good. like there's a lot of stuff in twd that's forgettable but not that. All the love that's there between the 3 of them in that scene is so guttwrenching and there's the added element of how the cast knew the death was for such bullshit reasons idk. for a death that was so unscrupulous, their performances made it mean something so full of love.
on a lighter note, that bit in I don't rmr what season when rick is gonna head off to do something insane about the junk people or the saviours or whatever and michonne kisses him Like That™ sksksksnsnsndn it's not just because I love them and they love each other so much but also that I'm bi and wanna be them both so badly I could chew on titanium bricks. like that's what mitski is singing about when she's like, "give me one good movie kiss and I'll be alright"
honestly, a lot of people talk about horny and cute they are in say yes and amen 🫡 BUT since that episode is also the richonne thesis statement and manifesto the combat scenes are also SO GOOD. like, richonne isn't just a hot couple madly in love, they are an undefeatable combat duo. even before they were together when they go on their first runs and fight off the governor and terminus etc, they're so (I'm sorry I have no other phrase) drift compatible. they don't even need to speak most of the time they just know what to anticipate from each other. the way rick and michonne fight as such a seemless team with so much trust. unparalleled. genuinely, hope I know a love like that someday (minus undead shit).
this doesn't count because it's just a danai/Andrew moment but that episode in season 8ish when rick's imagining life growing old in Alexandria with michonne? anyway, I think it was in talking dead or something and danai and andrew were being asked about how the make up department aged them and andrew is like, "it was so RUDE. I had to spend hours getting all this old man make up and then I walk on set and all they've done is give danai grey hair!" and she's just like, "well, Black don't crack, baby" they're so funny 🥹
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dailyclarkegriffin · 1 year
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week 2023!
Hey Clarke Kru! It's been a while since Daily Clarke Griffin has had an event, don't you think? Well, it's time to change that! We're bringing Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week back for its third year! As always, the event will run from October 24th to October 30th. (We start on Eliza's birthday and end the day before Halloween, it's the perfect time to celebrate Clarke, not to mention it's her birth month too!)
As we've done before, a list of prompts have been selected for each day to give you some inspiration for what you create for the week! Like we have said in the past, this event is hosted for all types of content creators, whether you make gifs or graphics or moodboards or videos or fic, we try to pick out themes we think will work for everyone. Check them out below!
Day 1: Favorite Look — For our first day we'd love to see your favorite Clarke outfit/look! Do you love her classic season one outfit? Maybe you like the black and blue outfits of season two! Or maybe give a nod to her temporary outfits like the Ark flashback or one of her dresses? Maybe you think her short hair could use some more appreciation, or you could even make a compilation of all her different hairstyles throughout the years!
Day 2: Favorite Underrated Friendship — We've done favorite friendship/dynamic, but what about a pairing that you think deserved more love? Maybe you wished we got a lot more out of the Clarke and Wells relationship. Maybe it's another one of the delinquents like Miller or Harper. Or what about Clarke and Roan? There's tons of duos to choose from, tell us your fave underrated relationship!
Day 3: Color — For this day we want to challenge all of your beautiful creative minds by channeling color! Whether that be one single color that makes you think of Clarke or a whole plethora of colors by making a rainbow edit! You could even use a color palette generator for some inspo if you want! Anything goes!
Day 4: Lyrics & Poetry — We love seeing things like this in the fandom and we want to see some more! Find a quote of some sort, whether it comes from a song or a poem or even somewhere else, and let it inspire you into creating something beautiful to celebrate Clarke! This could be in the form of gifs, moodboards, fanart, even a songfic! Whatever you want to create, we want to see!
Day 5: Bi Pride — It's not Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week without bi pride day! As always, we'd love to see all the bi love whether it's with a bi flag inspired gifset, a moodboard with cute bi aesthetics, maybe you could even use some lyrics from your fave bi musician as inspo! (Gentle reminder that this day is about bi positivity, we're here to celebrate Clarke's role as a bi leading character!)
Day 6: Halloween — The holiday is right around the corner and we'd love to see some fun and spooky ideas! You could do something orange and black themed, you can make an AU edit like Clarke as a witch or a werewolf! Maybe a manip of what you think Clarke would dress up as. You could also do some spooky horror-inspired editing if that's your thing. Even a Halloween drabble if you feel like writing instead. We hope you have fun with this one!
Day 7: Free Day — As always, we're going to end the week by giving you free rein to do whatever you like for the final day! If you have an extra idea or something you've been meaning to post, now's the chance to do it! It can be funny or shippy or completely AU or even just another compilation of your favorite Clarke moments! It's the last day so we want to see what you love to make!
There it is! Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week 2023 is officially happening! When the event begins please tag all your creations with #cgaw23 so we can reblog them here on the main blog for all our followers to see. We hope everyone interested in the event is able to participate, and we'd love it if you reblogged this post to spread the word! See you soon, friends! 💗💜💙
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bachissidehoe · 3 months
no vacancy
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chapter 2 of it's classy not classic
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“Bachira? Hello?” Isagi panics into the phone, pacing around his bedroom in a plain white t-shirt and boxers for the second morning in a row. 
“Hey boyfriend.” Bachira’s groggy voice comes through on the other end. It sounds like he’s still in bed.
“So you’ve seen it.” 
“Yeah I saw it, it was sent to me like 50 times.” He yawns. 
“I’m so sorry. I can’t even believ- I’m really sorry I’ll tell everyone-” Isagi rushes through his words, speaking so fast that it doesn’t even sound like real sentences. 
“Calm down, calm down. Sheesh.” Bachira replies, sounding much too casual about this situation. It sounds like he’s just calmly stretching in his bed, while Isagi continues his panicked routine. 
“I need to tell everyone that’s not true, I can’t believe I dragged you into this-”
“You really don’t wanna date me that much?” Bachira giggles. How can he be so normal about this? 
“That’s not-” 
“It’s alright Isagi, it’s not a big deal. Some people took pictures of us together and it wasn’t hard to make the jump- you know, I just got out of a relationship and the breakup was pretty publicized in my circles.” Bachira explains.
Isagi holds his phone in front of them, scrolling through the tweets and articles about he and Bachira’s little date yesterday. Looking at it from an outside perspective, Isagi can completely understand why people may think that Bachira sipping from Isagi’s drink may indicate something more than a normal friendship. But anyone who knows Bachira personally would understand that these little quirks of his are just part of his personality.
“Oh- I didn’t even know.” 
“I know, my ex already texted me about it to ask what’s going on.” He chuckles. 
A situation like that would make Isagi even more panicked, but once again, Bachira just takes everything in his stride. 
“What? What did you say to her?” Isagi asked.
“You mean him? I didn’t respond to him yet.” Bachira replies.
Isagi pauses, nearly choking on air. That makes even more sense. “I didn’t know you were gay.” He blurts out. How did they hang out and it never came up? Especially because of the topic of conversation. But all things considered, that makes even more sense as to why the public seems to assume the two of them are in a relationship.
Bachira just laughs. “I’m bi.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like-” 
“Yeah. In my community it’s very known, so it makes sense that people would see me with you, and you just “came out”, and assume something’s going on.” Bachira sighs. “I probably should have thought of that.” 
“Well-” Isagi pauses. “What are you gonna say to him?” 
It’s not necessarily surprising that Bachira Meguru is bisexual. Isagi wouldn’t think anything of it if he weren’t involved in this current situation. But honestly, Isagi feels bad that his friend identifies this way at this specific point in time. Because if Bachira were straight, that would be an easy fix. 
“Not sure.” 
Isagi just sighs. “I’m sorry man.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ll make a public post and clear everything up.” 
“Actually.” Bachira pauses. Isagi can hear him shuffling around, possibly leaving his bed. “I don’t think you should.” 
“I think you should wait. It might not be worth explaining.” He continues. 
“Are you-”
“I’m saying we should just fake it. I’m in Tokyo for a couple months for work, we fake date until I move away, and then we fake break up because I’m moving and you’re a pro player and all.” He suggests. He says it so casually too, like it’s not the most insane idea Isagi has ever heard. “You know, just like the movies!” 
“You’re insane.” Isagi replies. It’s really all he can say. This can’t possibly be real life. 
“I’m so serious.” Bachira laughs. “Hold on, I’m coming over. Send me your address.”
“What the fuck is even happening?” Isagi feels his body shaking, he’s sweating yet freezing. He’s probably having a stress reaction. He might have to end up in a mental hospital. How the absolute fuck is he going to be able to show up to practice today?
“We have to make a plan. So I’m coming over. I’ll bring some food.” Bachira says, explaining his intentions as if they’re spies planning the heist of the century. Like it’s some game they have to win. Even after so many years, Bachira’s Blue Lock ego still hasn’t wavered. 
Isagi agrees, since he doesn’t really see himself having another option, but the entirety of the situation still doesn’t feel at all real. Back in Blue Lock, Isagi truly felt like his friendship with Bachira was special, like even though they hardly knew each other, they were on the same wavelength from the start. He assumed both of them would make it out, and he still believes they would have if not for Bachira’s injury. 
After that, Isagi was too embarrassed to talk to Bachira as often anymore. He felt guilty, like he didn’t earn his title over someone as talented as Bachira. It felt too weird to maintain their closeness. But now, it’s like it’s all back to normal, where Bachira is just as comfortable with him as he was six years ago. 
But that’s just how Bachira is. Clearly Isagi hasn’t respected Bachira’s ability to innocently trust the world. 
“Hey there!” 
Isagi opens the door to a smiling Bachira Meguru, holding multiple bags of takeout.
“That’s a lot of food.”
“Is it?” Bachira giggles. “I don’t know what you liked so I picked one of everything. Except the stuff I hate.”
“Geez. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing.” He lets himself in, placing the bags of food on Isagi’s dining table. “I have more money than I know what to do with anyway.” 
“I get that.” Isagi replies. It’s true, being 22 years old doesn’t really require as much money as the two of them make- Isagi being a pro soccer player and Bachira being a successful artist. They can pay their bills, buy their own food, donate to charities and whatever else will make them look good to the general public, give some money to their families, and they still seem to have a lot of it. Neither of them are used to it. “Thanks.”
“Think of it like a date. Our second date.” 
“Stop it.” Isagi looks away, feeling his face flush. He doesn’t understand how Bachira can still be so casual about this despite being caught up in a blatant lie. Isagi can’t help but assume that the worst will happen, that he’ll be outed for being a liar and a horrible person and fired from being a pro player. Bachira, on the other hand, seems like he couldn’t care less. 
“So let’s talk about it.” Bachira sits at the table, making himself at home as he starts unpacking some of the food. “I think we should just keep giving the public what they want, we can hang out and go on “dates” and stuff, go to each other’s events, and it’ll die down on its own.” 
“You’re being so normal about this.” Isagi replies. 
Isagi figured he couldn’t eat with how much stress he’s under, but those pork buns smell good enough to convince him to sit across from his friend and try one. 
Bachira shrugs, shoveling a few chopsticks full of rice in his mouth. “Well, it’s not as big of a deal as you think it is.” 
“Huh? I trapped you in this with me because I lied on an interview. Now you have to pretend like you’re my boyfriend and I’m not even gay, I don’t know if you’re trying to fix things with your ex or whatever, and if you weren’t but wanted to date other people your entire time in Tokyo is just ruined because you wouldn’t be able to date if everyone thinks you’re dating m-” 
Bachira flicks a grain of rice at Isagi, hitting him in the nose. 
“What the fuck Bachira?” Isagi swipes the rice away, meeting the gaze of his smirking friend. 
“Just say you don’t wanna date me.” He giggles. 
“Can you be for fucking real for one second?” 
“Fine, fine.” He picks the face-rice off the table and tosses it in an empty bag. “I don’t care that you’re straight, I like hanging out with you and this would just mean hanging out with you more. I am definitely not trying to get back with Hiro, and after that relationship, I’m also not trying to date or fuck anyone else for the forseeable future.” Bachira explains. “I think that covers everything you were concerned about.” 
Though much of Bachira Meguru’s cutesy, eccentric personality remains the same as it was back in Blue Lock, much about him has changed as well. Isagi can tell that he prefers to be lighthearted, but that he’s also matured a lot. He’s put together, he dresses nice, it’s clear he’s maintained his physique and takes care of himself, and he’s obviously working hard. 
“Any of that could change, though.” Isagi says, but much quieter and less confident than before. 
“Stop making it seem like you’re ruining my life.” Bachira smiles, softer this time. 
Isagi sighs. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to Bachira now, but anything could change in the next couple of months. 
“Fine.” He says after a while. “It’s not different than just hanging out with you, I guess.” 
“Yippee!” Bachira raises his chopsticks into the air. “My new classy relationship, Blue Lock best friends to lovers, rich boys from different worlds-” 
“Damn don’t get too excited.” Isagi jokes. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” Bachira leans in as if there could be anyone listening in Isagi’s completely empty apartment. 
“Uh, ye-”
“I sort of want Hiro to be jealous.” He admits. 
“Anyway!” Bachira quickly shoves some more food in his mouth. “Moving on.” 
“O-kay?” Isagi finds it best if he just lets Bachira lead the conversation. It’s always been that way, with Bachira doing whatever he wants and Isagi simply letting him. 
“I have to ask, have you ever even dated anyone? Sorry if it’s too personal.” 
“No, no, I guess we should make sure we know things about each other.” Isagi answers. “I’ve dated here and there, but never a serious relationship.” 
“So you’ve kissed girls?”
“I mean yeah-”
“Have you had sex before?”
“Not super often but occasionally-” 
Isagi answers the barrage of questions quickly, but it’s clear Bachira needs some additional context. They’re definitely personal questions, but nothing Isagi is super uncomfortable sharing with him. They’re “dating” now, after all. He decides to elaborate.
“I just can’t saddle anyone with being in a relationship with me. Any girl would always be second to soccer. There’s no vacancy in my life for a person to come between what I really love. I just don’t think it’s possible for me, so it wouldn’t be fair to her, you know?” Isagi explains, looking down at his untouched pork bun. Now’s as good a time as any to actually start eating. 
He makes a mental note to ask Bachira where he ordered from later. This food is damn good. 
“Do you know that girls are interested in you?” Bachira inquires further.
“Yeah, I mean of course. But like I said, there’s no room for anyone between me and soccer. It’s the only thing I care about that deeply, I guess it’s like my one true love or whatever.” Isagi answers, taking another bite. 
Bachira chuckles. “I totally get it, but I think you’d be surprised.” 
“You’d be surprised how simple it can be to have two loves at the same time, where both of them are number 1.” He smiles. 
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person4924 · 3 months
my spencer headcanons!!
no one asked but idc!!
he is bisexual. i don’t care. this is canon to me
it was supposed to be canon but the writers canceled the idea bc he had a crush on jj in season 1?? this makes no sense but it proves the fact that he is bi and it is canon
he’s also ace and trans (ftm)
he has a record player in his apartment (idk if this is canon) but he only has like 4 vinyls of classical music and stuff from cases that he learned from kids or whatever
also one time when morgan came over he saw that spence didn’t have any good records so he gave him some for his birthday
this is a lot abt the record player but it’s a cute idea to me so yeah the record player is like leatrher on the outside yk? idk how to describe it but yeah
he’s autistic (this one is obvious and pretty much canon but yeah)
in one episode i saw he had a rubber band on his wrist which means that he either pulls his hair back or he keeps one for the girls to use whenever they need to pull their hair back
garcia has french braided, braided, dutch braided, done pigtails, buns, etc. in his hair when she’s bored or stressed or just for fun and she’ll use fun hair ties and bows and stuff
(the entire team has loads of pics of these hairstyles btw)
he’s literally the driest texter ever
well - it kinda depends. like. i think the team has a gc and so there he uses a bunch of emojis and stuff to annoy hotch and rossi, and when hes like calm or trying to presnet as calm hell be really serious and dry but when hes stressed or doesnt feel good, hell have a lot of typos and stuff
but garcia tried to teach him the emoji things (idk what their called like these things: <3 :)) but yeah so every once in a while he’ll do those
garcia got him a bunch of fiction books once - after discovering that he doesnt usually read ficiton - and she got him like a few classics, like frankenstein and how to kill a mockinbird but also like all the brigh places and five feet apart like that
him and em's guilty pleasure is really really bad romance shows/movies, like theyll have movie night once every few weeks and just watch the shittiest romance movies they can find
he is really bad at tying his shoes - like it takes 2 minutes (totally not projecting here)
he also does the two bunny ears rather than one and it drives derek MAD - he tries to teach him the "right" way thousands of times but he never gets it ("pull what thru what hole? what? what are you talking about??" - again not projecting here at all /s)
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cursedeclipse · 4 days
is feyre boring, or do you just hate female characters?
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i saw this text post and it got me thinking how strange it is that a series made by a female author, targeted towards a female audience, and is women-centered can be so heinous and quick to write off the main female main character in favor of side male characters.
feyre is often joked about being a "mary sue" or a boring self insert when she is easily one of the most fleshed out characters in her own series. we have three books full of her thoughts, depicting her trauma, and her story and somehow she's boring and a self-insert? based on what exactly?
even her "flaws" are used against her and joked about at wits end. jokes about her illiteracy, about how people think she is bad at art, and how she is a "bitch" for "destroying the spring court."
feyre isn't allowed to have trauma responses to tamlin, because when she pushes back against him a little bit she is antagonizing him. obviously, a hundreds-years-old male can't control his powers and his emotions, he can't help but to react aggressively towards her behavior! it's feyre's fault for upsetting him (let's not talk about how that is classic abuse apologist language though...). poor tamlin found a 19-year-old girl who was abused and neglected all her life, took her from her home, lied to and manipulated her, and gaslit her when she started showing signs of c-ptsd. why couldn't feyre just be nice to her abuser?
but feyre is also too meek and a doormat throughout the acotar trilogy. it doesn't matter that she was neglected and abused her whole life and that often gives someone a low sense of self-worth, it makes her boring and she's a liar about the abuse she faced in her childhood anyway!
why do people treat the main female character like this? people love to act like female characters are never written well or fleshed out, meanwhile, they will give todd the bus driver who appears twice in a book whole headcanons, fics, and fanart that centers around him. is that male character really more interesting than the many female characters or do you just see women as dolls to place prettily in the backdrop of a man's journey?
are eris, azriel, lucien, tamlin, and tarquin really all that much more interesting and well-developed than feyre, elain, mor, and amren? am i supposed to believe you when you say that azriel is more interesting and more developed than a male character like rhys and that elain is too boring for him?
is it a coincidence that people gravitate towards fleshing out 800 male characters in every fandom and make so much content out of mlm ships, yet when there are canonical gay women it's crickets?
i don't think that shipping azris or whatever mlm ship makes you a bad person nor do i think making content on mlm ships is wrong. however,these biases don't exist in a vacuum. it's the reason why female characters will be sidelined for imagined mlm ships. she'll be pushed aside and the fandom might hc her as a lesbian or a huge bitch so she's not "in the way". they might even make up a ship with a woman that there isn't a lot of homoerotic vibes with but post things like "omg they're gfs and who hold hands and they 'yass queen' x mlm ship i really gaf about! 🥺" and that's as complex as lesbians are allowed to be in comparison. (sidenote: as a gay woman, that is not allyship towards lesbians/bi women but comes across as writing the fmc off so she's not a threat to your ship btw).
why is mor hated on, questioned, called a snake, etc. while her abuser is paraded in this fandom unquestionably? there is mor/emerie content, but it's telling that the amount pales in comparison to mlm ship content. and that happens in every fandom. there can be 100 female characters in a series and let two men exist with like 2 personality traits each and people will flock to shipping them.
it's frustrating to see how well-meaning people can rush to being male-centered more often than not. that people will have a set of very high standards for female characters, and if they're not to their specific set of interests people rush to call them boring, undeveloped, or untrustworthy. whereas a man can have .01% amount of on-page time and people just automatically assume there is more to him. an abuser isn't just an abuser but he exists in the shadow of his horrible upbringing, expectations his family had for him, pressure by society, etc. men are allowed to be layered in their flaws/actions.
a female character has to be the most prolific female character in existence to be seen in any sort of depth. and that just makes me not believe people when they say that they don't show more support to female characters because, "only men are ever written well! it's not my fault the author can't write women." that is just using misogyny as a shield.
is feyre boring? or do you just not like how differently trauma shows up in people? is elain boring? or do you just not care to dissect her in the ways you would azriel or eris? is mor boring? or do you just hate it when women are strong-willed and confident?
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toshio · 1 month
Hey, love your blog 💗Random q: if you’re into tv shows what’s your top 3?
LOOOL omg okay this is vague question. because you could either mean like REAL hollywood production stuff or like anime. i'll give you both haha. EXTREMELY LONG list of my favorite american shows (reality TV included) and some of my all time favorite anime. read below if you're interested. it's a lot. buckle up.
well for actual TV shows (like american produced i guess) i really enjoyed American Horror Story, my favorite seasons were season 2 (asylum) it's about a spooky asylum with nuns possessed by satan/demons and a bunch of other messed up villains. Jessica Lange CARRIES this season with her incredible acting.
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another actress who i LOVED in season 2 was Lily Rabe, she plays the possessed nun (her character is supposed to be an innocent nun but she gets corrupted) and she's super badass while she's under control by the devil LOL. like amazing acting, she's just pure femme fatale and is a perfect villain that you actually WANT to lowkey root for because she's so cunty. UGH. i remember getting my life from her. this entire season is carried by these two characters.
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and you didn't specify if you wanted regular TV shows or reality TV shows, but i am a huge reality TV fan! i'm gay/bi so i absolutely LOVE watching rupaul's drag race LMAO. season 16 is the most recent one that just finished airing, i absolutely loved every minute of it, the show is just endlessly entertaining and showcases queer people in such a vibrant and fun life that would make straight people jealous HAHA. but it's a show for everyone obviously, as long as you enjoy drag queens and expressing yourself and stuff.
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and another reality TV show that i enjoyed was "flavor of love" it's a reality TV competition show where a bunch of women from the 2000s were competing to win the love of "Flavor Flav" who's this rapper who's like 65 years old now. LOL. it sounds crazy but this show was HUGE back then, and the breakout star was a contestant named "New York" but her real name is Tiffany Pollard and i LIVE for this woman, lmao. she's so iconic and has the best quotes ever, she's regarded as a gay icon within the queer community. VH1 loved her so much that they made a bunch of other spin off shows featuring her in it, just look her up on youtube haha.
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i wouldn't say these 3 shows above are my absolute favorites of ALL time but they're definitely up there! just can't think of anything else, and they're my recent hyper fixations.
and i'm not sure if you're an anime watcher/fan but my favorite anime of all time is probably an anime called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. it's literally regarded as one of the best animes of all time, you should watch it if you haven't already. i got a tattoo of it because i want to remember it for the rest of my life LOL. IT'S SO GOOD. without spoiling it, it's like action/adventure/brotherhood with some philosophy thrown in it. i think people often belittle anime/2D animated stuff but this show is a masterpiece. 11/10.
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second anime TV show i recommend is Death Note, it's another iconic anime you should watch. to summarize the plot, a death god (shinigami) gets bored one day and drops his "death note" (a book that allows you to kill ANYONE in the world if you write their name in the book) and a really smart student named Light Yagami (main character) picks it up after his class in school. and he decides to use it for his own good, trying to make the world a better place, but really smart detectives eventually figure out that something is happening, and he tries to stay incognito. if that doesn't sound interesting, then hell. i really enjoyed this one, it's a classic anime that you should see.
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i'm gonna give you two more anime shows because my taste level is all over the place LOL but the third one i recommend is "Akame ga Kill!". it's about a guy who joins a group of assassins who he ORIGINALLY thinks are evil people who kill innocent people, but it turns out the capital city is secretly corrupt and it's all a facade, the assassins he joins are actually the good guys (at least in their eyes).
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if you enjoy fast paced anime where lots of people die, action, fighting, cute anime girls, and there's even a buff gay guy in the show (YAY) then this show is for you. the main character is really badass too, her name is "Akame". now i will say a lot of people criticize this show but since you asked for my opinion, i think this show is a 9/10. it's not perfect but i enjoy the world, the animation, the characters, music, etc. this show just really made me happy. the dub and sub are good, if you hate reading subtitles. i watched both.
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the last recommendation i have is Blood-C, i know it looks similar to Akame ga Kill but i promise you it's a different show LOL. it just has two black haired anime heroine characters who use a katana/sword to kill. and they're both bloody/action packed.
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this show is EXTREMELY bloody, extremely violent and bloody, there's gore guts and action. if that isn't for you, do not watch it. i however, enjoy such morbid things, and since it's not real gore/violence, i can stomach it much better.
Blood-C (first episode air date was early July 2011) is about a sweet girl named Saya Kisaragi who goes to school as a normal girl. at night, she protects her village and friends from strange human eating monsters. i'm not going to spoil much else, but if that kind of stuff interests you, please watch this one! i really enjoyed it. again, people have criticisms about this show, but i fucking loved every minute of it. it's only about 12 episodes. i have a strange love for female protagonists in anime because they're so badass and i just love strong independent women in animated things, i've always had an affinity for it. i was always that nerdy kid in school who drew anime girls and stuff in class, LOL.
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alright LAST anime recommendation i have for you if you enjoy my taste, is "Claymore". again, it's about female heroes with swords who slay creatures, you seeing the pattern here? LOL. i just like badass women who can fight. DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY?
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one of my favorite anime shows, i watched it in early 2018 when i was taking college classes, so this anime holds a special place in my heart. it's about female swordsmen who slay human eating monsters with their giant swords. these terrifying monsters can disguise themselves as humans, and it gets worse than that. it's set in a dark fantasy medieval type of alternate universe. again, if you enjoy badass anime women, this show is for you! who doesn't enjoy that?
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if you read absolutely everything, thank you. and let me know if you watched any of these. i'd love a follow up message from you. enjoy!
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bnhabeans · 1 year
Class 1a pride headcanons let's gooooo 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Going by seat order bc I'm autistic and it makes good sense
Also no mineta bc I don't know what to do with him
1. Aoyama 🌟🩶
Nonbinary and aspec. They aren't sure if they have a definitive gender one way or another but if anyone asks they just say "sparkling of course!! ✨️" as for sexuality/romantic attraction they are asexual and still questioning their romantic alignment. Honestly they would be happy going through life with maybe some qpps and not really thinking too much about it
2. Mina 👽🩷
Bi as hell babey!! Everyone is gorgeous in their own way!! Mina falls in love so fast and with so many people she's just like. Everyone deserves love and if she's gotta be the one to give it then so be it.
3. Tsu 🐸💚
Distinguished lesbian. Not afraid to tell the other 1a girls what makes them attractive. Tsu loves complimenting ppl and feels very proud of herself whenever the other girls get flustered bc she knows it means she's made their entire day.
4. Iida ⏩️💙
Bisexual and doesn't know what to do about it. Has many panicked conversations with Tensei over finding people attractive and feeling very weird about it bc they all live together and also puberty hormones hit him like a truck about a month or so after meeting everyone.
5. Ochako 🌌🩷
Pansexual. Very proud of it. Often seen very loudly validating her classmates identities and making sure that any potential homophobes and transphobes know that they will be punted into the stratosphere if they so much as breathe wrong in the general direction of anyone ochako cares about
6. Ojiro 🐒🤎
Token cishet. Great ally tho.
7. Kaminari ⚡️💛
Nonbinary and bisexual. Pronouns vary by the day. Often jokes that they've never made a decision in their entire life because of this. When they go pro there ends up being an official line of Chargebolt merch that has the slogan "gender? I don't even know'er!" On it.
8. Kirishima 💪❤️
Bisexual but kind of oblivious to it. Equates attraction to admiring someone for being "manly." It is discovered at some point during his years at UA that his personal definition of manly just encompasses all the traits that he finds attractive in a person plus other traits he admires but isn't necessarily into. This makes for a very confusing journey of self-discovery.
9. Kouda 🐇🤍
Grey ace. Questions his gender sometimes but is not overly concerned with what gender is the right one. More interested in solid friendships than dating too and so he ends up with qpps as his most meaningful relationships
10. Sato 🍫💛
Stereotypical cake loving aro ace. He doesn't care what everyone else is doing, he's busy perfecting his ganache.
11. Shouji 🤝🩵
On the ace spectrum but still figuring out exactly where. He has body image issues due to trauma and that kind of effects his views on attraction and romance.
12. Jirou 🎵💜
She thinks she's bi but she's still figuring it all out. Honestly anyone that can vibe to music with her could catch her eye, and she especially likes people that have slightly odd tastes such as listening to classical music or pre-quirk pop*
*(this is based on the headcanon that bnha takes place a couple hundred years into the future. Pre-quirk pop would just be the pop of the 80s up to about now in her view)
13. Sero 🩹🩶
(I couldn't find a tape emoji so bandaid it is)
Pansexual. He and ochako get along very well bc not only do they share an identity in this way, they also both feel like they're parenting their respective neurodivergent friend groups lol.
14. Tokoyami 🐦‍⬛🖤
Homoromantic ace. Sometimes does Bird Things to show his affection like bringing gifts and trinkets to ppl he is interested in or like nesting with their stuff. He finds these urges embarrassing but everyone else thinks it's cute and adores him for it.
15. Todoroki ❄️🔥❤️🤍
Gay gay homosexual gay. Has absolutely no idea how romance or crushes or teenage hormones or anything is supposed to work so he just does not realize that it isn't normal to daydream about cuddling his male classmates. Ochako gently explains the concept of a crush to him after he mentions something about this offhand and it blows his fucking mind.
16. Hagakure 🌫🤍
Bisexual and a very proud member of the Loving Women Club. Has a huuuuggeee crush on Mirko (which like, same girl).
17. Bakugou 💥🧡
Gay. Has a very specific taste in men but he won't tell anyone what it is because like three people on the entire planet fit the criteria (in his mind anyway) and he does not want anyone figuring out who he might be into because he sees it as weakness. Even after he goes to therapy he describes his type as "certain dumbasses who have issues and can't take a single fucking hint" so.
18. Deku 🐰💚
Bisexual disaster and everyone around him knows it. Has like 3 crises a day over finding random classmates attractive and overthinks everything there is to overthink in the situation. Luckily for him everyone knows what he's like and how his brain works and they find it endearing (even if certain classmates won't say it out loud)
19. Yaomomo ⚛️❤️
Lesbian. Momo recognizes that all the girls around her are so pretty and talented and it's a win for her bc they have such a culture of uplifting each other so she's constantly getting compliments from very pretty girls. She's living her best life as the president of the loving UA women club.
Bonus: shinso!!! 🐱💜
Shinso uses the Queer umbrella label. He has a preference for men but is generally attracted to any gender. When he transfers into class A the first two weeks are like a constant crisis bc he's like. Getting attention from all these attractive and talented people??? And they like him for who he is??? Paralyzing.
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kiragecko · 2 years
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Stop says the red light, go says the green
Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 
I had so much fun translating the Tiger Poem that I’m back for more!
This time, I’ve coloured the glyphs to make them easier to separate into words. Teal is for verbs, as well as green if there are 2 verbs in a row. Red is for nouns, with red/brown specifically for names. Yellow is for adjectives, pale blue for prepositions. The center diagrams show the order to read the characters.
Here’s the Demon Light Poem in Classical Maya:
(First line: Glyphs (ALL CAPS are word signs, lowercase is syllabic signs)
Second line: Transliteration (how it’s pronounced)
Third line: Exact Meaning
4th line: Translation)
13-HIX 17-SUTZ’
uxlajuun hix huklajuun suutz’
13-ocelot (14th day sign) 17-bat (4th month)
[On] 13 Hix, 17 Sutz’ (Oct. 18, 2012)
 ‘u-tz’i-ba AJ-ba-la²-ka-bo-si
‘u-tz’ihb-a-Ø Aj-Balalakaboos
they-write-transitivizer-this honorific-Balalaikaboss
They wrote this, Sir Balalaikaboss:
k’u-xa-jo-me-ta che-he CHAK-K’IN-ni
k’ux-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø chak-k’in
stop-intransitivizer-must-you say-they red-sun
“You shall stop,” says [the] red light
[bi]BIX-xo-me-ta che-‘e ya-YAX-K’IN-ni
bix-oom-eet che’-Ø yax-k’in
leave-must-you say-they green-sun
“You shall go,” says [the] green light
hi-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e K’AN-na-K’IN-ni
hil-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø k’an-k’in
“Rest-intransitivizer-must-you” say-they yellow-sun
“You shall rest,” says [the] yellow light
‘U-‘EK’-k’e-le ‘U-TAN-na
‘u-‘ek’-al ‘u-tahn
they-star-like they-between
star-like, between
ya-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e WAY-ya-si-K’IN-ni
ya[h]l-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø way-is-k’in
throw.down-passive-you say-they familiar/spirit-unpossessed-light/sun
“You shall be thrown down,” says [the] spirit light
tu-ta-TAJ-ja-la ‘u-‘UT
with.his-torch-like face/eye
with it’s torch-like eye
‘U-TZ’AK-ka-we-ta ‘a-xo-ko-la-ka K’UH-so-lo-no-‘AJAW-wa
‘u-tz’ak-aw-eet ‘a-xok-lak K’uh-Solon-Ajaw
he-count/add.up-s-you your-accounting-plate Holy-Sauron-Lord
Holy Lord Sauron determines your accounting plate
yi-‘IL-we-ta ‘a-ma-la-‘OL-la
y-il-iw-eet ‘a-mal-ohl
he-see-s-you  your-within-heart
[and] he sees within your heart
‘u-wo-jo-le IX ki-la-ke-ko
‘U-wojol Ix Kilakeko
they-glyph/character Lady-Kiragecko
The glyphs [of] Lady Kiragecko
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34saveme34 · 6 months
considering you didn't specify, I might just talk about my mainies! That being. way too much 34, more than a sane person should think about them, then some Mario, Meggy and Saiko, though not a lot, I'm really living up to my username oops
first of all, even though I'm not like, a shipper of mar34 (like what I stated before about ages being Weird and the fact that only PV managed to break my aroace Mario hcs and nobody else) I really like thinking of them in the Sun-Earth-Moon way
Sun Mario, Earth 4 and Moon 3
Sun Mario because he's the center of it all in the end, the world we know here wouldn't exist without him, just like if the Sun dies, we lose the world as we know it. Although he isn't exactly a leader in that way I think it still fits him well enough
I went on hard about Earth 4 and Moon 3 before but the way they connect that way- but the way how Moon and Earth are built of similar material, the same way how these 2 idiots are a lot more similar than they realise, even if the looks can be deceiving
also how neither would be the same without the other but especially 3
the way how our Moon even came to existence has angst potentials with the 2 just- ough
also the moon phases feeling like 3's stupid emotions in a way
like the tides, their relationship isn't exactly the most calm thing either
So you uh. see what I mean? Paragraphs for a headcanon
anyways, a short one, I like 4 just Saying Things, like he won't say super insane stuff but he'll say kinda gay things and other stuff without fully thinking about it. It doesn't happen all the time but it does when he panicks or doesn't think about it.
I also really like both 4 and 3 being not only self centered, but also cringe. That's pretty much canon. Even their classic versions were both cringe- the self centered part I don't remember right now. But genuinely, this is why I think it's funny when people hate them for being cringe, which, okay, whatever, but for BECOMING cringe, when they've always been. And I think they do worse things. In that one episode, I think it was the SMG4 are you okay? where they were playing dolls? I think they would do that more regularly than we're shown. It would definitely get chaotic and kinda gay honestly. Not because of the playing part but because they'd many times just make their dolls kiss or some shit like that and then like immediately stop
3 also has the vibe of like- If it sucks hit da bricks, except there's too many exceptions that stops him in that, maybe even too much to consider it fully- like money, when he's in a tight, perhaps trapped situation- or sometimes when it's about 4. He isn't always super lenient with him but in the end he always helps when 4 asks and he's not proud of himself for it. 4 has similar feelings in that regard, although he's a tinge bit more willing to help 3 when he needs to, referring to inspection for example where he only questioned 3 once really
bi 4 and pan 3 (with male pref) a classic but a classic for a good reason. Cuz it fits
I think they can. both wear heels but 4 never really finds the occasion to wear them and 3 just prefers platforms most of the time. Though neither would wear actually high heels, 3 doesn't even like thinking about it, 4 does but he's like, scared of it. 3 catching him watch videos of people people walking in high heels with an upset expression
that reminds me, 4's emotions. He expresses short term stuff really well. Cries easily. An emotional man in general. But if he gets like, Big Trauma moments, man bottles up. He might cry about it for like the first few days but it kinda stops helping him so just. doesn't bother. He hides it well, maybe a bit too well. Forcing himself to rest when he needs to, probably with ASMR in his ears so he has something to focus on instead of, Idk, the time when his biggest flaw almost got him and his guardian partner killed! It helps in the moment so that he can sleep. He will have nightmares sometimes but doesn't like to mention it to the others. On especially bad days though, he stays in bed a lot longer. But he never really lets it go too far, considering a certain person dressed in purple will bust his door down with his usual coffee, questioning if he's doing good in a not so nice tone. While it's comforting that 3 cares, it's not fun to be flipped out of bed by him so on days like that he reminds himself to get out or 3 will make him fly.
On that regard, 3 likes to usually check the secret cam in 4's room at times like these. As in each time something out of the ordinary happens. 4 thinks it's the cosmic link, which is only the weaker part of the equation. Like yes, 3 gets a feeling but like, 4 is sad a lot over the dumbest of things and the link isn't good at showing if it's the Chronic Sad coming out or if it's 4 crying at a random Dharmann video.
3 is, by nature, a really touchy person. However, the way his life went, he doesn't show it a lot. He gets really touchy with 4 because he's the first person he actually go comfortable with. He starts to mind it less from the crew in general though, BUT it takes a long time for him to admit that to them directly. They OBVIOUSLY know at that point.
Honestly, 3 in general has a hard time admitting things, sometimes even to himself ("me and 4 hugged in the igloo" HUGGED???? HUGGGED???? HUGGED???? sure BUDDY) and somehow only manages to confess things at his breaking points. Telling 4 how much he cares while drowning in goop, straight up calling himself 4's friend while dangling to his death, reaching his breaking point about his cafe not doing well ONLY in Trash Friends, you'll note he doesn't mention to anyone that he isn't doing well until then. I think he actually partly started writing in his notebook to try and admit things to himself. Besides obviously the emotional value of putting down your feelings on paper, I think it did help him. But not enough. At least he didn't need to be dangling at a cliff to admit that his cafe is not doing well. I also think he has a very similar relationship with his romantic feelings which I'm pretty sure he's aware of at this point.
my biggest hc is probably the love-hate at first sight, especially on 3's side. Like destined rivals in love or whatever. They don't actually realise it though. 4 gradually realises it over Perfect, and slowly gets comfortable to the idea but then catches himself- like genuinely I think he only calls 3 rizzless or insults him in that regard whenever he has the chance, especially with his thoughts in the Elevator ep, is BECAUSE he thinks 3 is hot and I think if someone asked him if he thinks 3 is hot, he would not give you a straight answer, in both ways. He would start bringing up excuses and sound really stupid. However if it's 3 asking 4 just rolls his eyes, reminds himself that 3 may but hot but he doesn't want to inflate his ego further.
They both have self worth issues tho. canon
3 has a problem with committing to things. Not just as in not doing them but doing them so actively it feels unhealthy and then never doing it ever again. For this reason, his streaming schedule is also really bad, catching him streaming is hard. Also gets the same way about spying on 4, which we've seen him do 2 times at this point.
I will only say this in short and will not elaborate so I don't have to put a community label on this thing. Power bottom 4
both 3 and 4 are rizzless, but 4 is way worse. Bad at flirting when he does it on purpose. The closest he comes to flirting is flustering 3 by being a bit too sincere about how important 3 is to him
4 really really likes to consider 3 his partner. Not even in the romantic manner but just like, his right hand man. Also the reason I think he made 3 his cohost in the News ep. Also why 3 is somehow the first person he will ask for help when something happens.
4 has sensitive skin in general. These 2 will cuddle and 3 can just. smell the typical sensitive neutral shower gel smell on 4 after he showers. Perhaps grows attached to it because him. He hates that about himself, thinking he's softie little bitch for doing that. Takes a long time tellling 4 and he wouldn't even have done if it wasn't for 4 asking what's up and even than, 3 is really rude about the way he tells him, calls 4 stupid and the smell of him meaningless. Which hurts 4 to hear but he would know better at that point. Would definitely immediately tease him about it and get decked.
4 is very careful when it comes to 3 but still fucks up. He goes from barely thinking about what he's saying to I Have To Google How To Apologise To Not Fuck This Up. But when he gets it right, he's careful, he's gentle, he figures out the right things to say to get to 3. Later on would probably play mindgames with him to get him to say how he feels if he's really refusing.
They're both night owls. Another reason why leading the cafe is hard for 3. Always looking groggy and lowkey pissed, people are usually more polite for this reason in the mornings when he has costumers, nobody wanting to piss 3 off too much, considering they're in a place with a fuck ton of explosives.
3 is the type of the wiki surf, he likes to read about random stuff. Has some seemingly useless knowledge which others get surprised at when they get to know.
neither really likes horror movies, however 4 is more likely to choose one for a movie night with 3 in hopes that they can be close and intimate but then they're just both scared and there's nothing intimate about it, they're both losers. They would also often argue about what movie to watch, wasting a lot of time with it as well.
3 is a theatre kid. canon. Also gets pissy about shittily made movies. Comments on technical things mercilessly. 4 likes to listen to him rant though.
4 is stupid in the kind of oblivious way. not about everything. basically canon. example for the first: him asking where he is when he's at the obstacle course with 3 in Forced Hold Hands, 3 doesn't. 4 is slow to catch onto things. However he will immediately notice when 3 is being soft. And teases him, obviously. Not in the "I want to humilliate him" way but in the "Aww he cares about me and I'm happy about it but I can't be mature about it because I have my own demons to fight"
4 bad posture. should be canon. we should be hearing him whine about back pain. then getting called old for it.
3 getting pain in his legs from moving around too much in the cafe. Like. it's a LOT more active and also something you need to standing up, while caring for memes and being a streamer isn't.
both 3 and 4 are ambiverts where they like to talk to people and being social but once their social battery runs out it becomes Pretty Hard. 4 gets more uninterested and silent while 3 just leaves like a brooding lone wolf.
Anyways, I should probably talk about other characters as well, huh?
Mario, he's.... so........... I love his "many" intellence 0 wisdom. Or at least very little. He's the type to scream and cheer when the DVD logo hits the corner perfectly. He has a bit of a shipper brain.......... he def also played dolls with 4 before. His wavering mental state which can easily change by circumstances + his will and determination basically endless make him great opponent.
hates cardio. canon
therapy Mario..... not even just 3 or 4 but literally the whole gang. If it appeared more, I think he would often be the guy to listen to his friends' concerns and fears.
great sense of smell and hearing but it can easily be overwritten by desires. For example, his desire of tasty tasty spaghetti eating making him not notice he ate trash in Trash Friends. Only doesn't bring up the igloo incident to others because the last time he brought it up off screen it didn't end well. He can also be nice sometimes, as a treat.
uuuuh Meggy! I like the idea of her being sort of the Prepared friend, as I wrote her in Sever the Ties. She just has Things when you need them, especially if it has to do with sports or kitchen accidents. She is very similar to 3 in that if something turns into a competition, they both have their common sense overwritten. 4 is also like this. Meggy is realy the only one who doesn't cause this, the other 2 do it all the time. She definitely has anger issues and isn't the best in general with handling such intense emotions. She's a lot more chill about love because she's mostly good with relationships. She will get nervous about dates and stuff, and becoming way too serious about which might scare away people who don't get her. Her determination in general can be a turn off for a lot of people (then there's.... certain people..... who admire her for it.... man I sure wonder who I'm talking about)
anyways, another random- Saiko. aro, sorry I just. I can't see her any other way. Loves her friends but just can't get down with love at all.
Not really the best with her emotions. Although not as bad as 3, she can still get rather aggressive. She's also the person in the crew who would complain in a restaurant. Probably doesn't have the best hearing considering the fact that not only is she in a band but it also isn't the calmest of music that they're playing. She also sometimes still misses having a chaotic life. I'm sad it hadn't been brought up since her last major appearance
can't really think of anything else right now, my mind became rather empty after all my rambling about 34 oops-
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luucypevensie · 7 months
🐿 + sweet plant momma Isaac? 💚
MY FAVE EARTHY CHAOTIC GAY! THANK YOU FAE! Tagging @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, and @bi-ologistofthehills because they love our plant mom too
1. a song they love to dance to: don’t stop me now by queen (it gets him very pumped up like an excitable energizer bunny)
2. the meaning of their middle name: lifted up or exalted by god (jeremy; isaac was the only one of his siblings who wasn’t given an hollywood golden age name for his middle name)
3. their favorite mythical/fantasy animal/figure: as a fan of greek mythology, isaac loved learning about satyrs/fauns through the myth of pan, the god of the wild. you could imagine how excited he got when he heard that there were actual breathing fauns in narnia
4. salty or sweet snacks? which kind do they like best?: isaac actually has a bit of a sweet tooth; he can’t resist anything that is chocolate flavored (even better if it’s dark chocolate flavored)
5. what they like to do during the winter time: he’s one of those people who prefers to be curled in front of a fire, under a blanket, reading a classic while drinking a cup of mint tea. on the occasions that allison and skye can actually get his butt outside, then he loves making a snowman if there’s good snow (he always names it frosty because frosty the snowman is his favorite christmas movie)
6. their favorite ‘50’s song: i walk the line by johnny cash and the tennessee two
7. do they drink? if so, what’s their favorite drink?: oh my god, isaac has a weakness for fruity cocktail drinks and whenever he has one, he turns into winston from new girl where he gets really weird and hilarious
8. one moment they recoil thinking about: one day, he was so deep in the middle of reading jane eyre while walking to his english class that he didn’t noticed a beam in front of him. he smacked face first into it, and luckily no one saw it. but, his nose was broken and his pride was so bruised that he cringes anytime it’s brought up
9. if they believe in lucky objects: isaac isn’t really a big proponent of luck (he’s rooted in his ways)
10. their first-ever paying job: it was a bookstore that allison took him and skye to all the time when they were younger; it was isaac’s favorite place in the world, and the owner got to know him so well that he offered him a job once he was old enough
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thirst2 · 1 month
I can't say that I would've always noticed it but there's this shitstain of a mag. called Queer Majority I keep (unfortunately) bumping into that's clearly an attempt to siphon off more moderate Queer people towards more orthodox conservative ideas but covertly with the guise/trappings of Queerness.
It describes itself itself as covering "issues related to the gay community with a classically liberal perspective" and perhaps the editors are sincere in that (though I do think the option of writing for an American audience and opting to use the phrase "classically liberal" is absolutely an attempt to pull one over) and it's not an overt psyop. But it's a lot of introducing "LGB without the T" crap (framed as "just asking questions!" and like, "Gee wiz, I dunno…; those other members are just so, gosh, extreme;" 🙄) and clear appeals to capital sympathy but trying to frame it as a concern actually always present in Queer culture, from the earliest of day. Like, imagine arguing for classical gender roles on the basis that a lot of gay artists throughout history draw "classically" masculine men and it's an indication of the way Christian-influenced gender roles are, actually, beneficial (and natural!) for us, too; that kind of propaganda. In one of the latest issues, the editor-in-chief argues for "the importance of the gay community in having a positive relationship with police".
Just; utter drivel.
And it worries me, with the general dissatisfaction people have been having around the world that's been building to a head over the last decade, and the general isolation a lot of Queer people still have to a sense of stable community.
But that's a very extended conversation and not what I was recently struck by.
It's mentioned that the editor-in-chief is also assistant director at The Bi Foundation and lead organizer of amBi, a bi social group; I was curious and clicked through to both.
And Queer Majority already had this aesthetic but they both also just as…vapid.
Just, like, empty. I mean, The Bi Foundation's website has an advice column which can always be really helpful both for the marginalized writing in and because hearing our real stories and difficulties are the easier ways to humanize us but most of it is retrofitting bi-ness into pop culture media and "famous bis" which often are based on uncertain historical verasity.
Like, maybe that worked 2 decades ago when we needed to ease the rest of the society in but (perhaps in light of the Queer Majority project and its aims) it's like eating junkfood.
There's so much Queer history and activism you could talk about but I think having to veer that clearly outside of blessed normativity would cause a crisis of identity for it.
And it's all so slick and conventional in its site's graphic design; which isn't inherently bad: The Advocate looks like your usual news site/mag. But it actually covers Queer issues and points out when transphobia happens.
And amBI is even more of that: a slick, professional looking website (à la MeetUp) with pop culture references all over the place and not really offerring much more than "Bi people are in this location". Like a book club oriented around everyone having the same tastes in books.
Just…the bar is so low and you, somehow, managed to offer something even less substantial/nourishing.
I get the impression that the creator isn't much interested in his sexuality beyond its label and has only come to terms with it because, well, you can't change your sexuality. So all the other characteristics about himself take so much more importance, for him.
Perhaps that's less charitable than I ought to be for someone I hardly know but he's also trying to astroturf conservatism into my community so color me unconvinced.
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hotluncheddie · 3 months
20 Questions For Writers!
Tagged by @puppy-steve, @scoops-aboy86 and @steviewashere ty ty !!! :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count
78,658 which is honestly insane to me - it still feels unbelievable when I write like 1000 words comfortably.
(For a long time writing was something I could do but had to do, never wanted to do or enjoyed. So, I never ever imagined it being my main hobby - I honestly get insecure that everything I write is so short, especially compared to how people seem to bang out 10,000w like it's nothing)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie!!!!! so Stranger Things
And I have dabbled in Fargo for Gator Tillman :) Pillow
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Tiny Green Shorts 
Seasons change, but people don't. 
Wherever you go, thats where I am.
(Two old ones but the fact that both autistic Steve fic's are on there makes me SO happy!!)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yesssssssss but sometimes I really don't know what to say other than 'thank you' - which feels lame, but I love comments so I always answer
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's more of a drabble but maybe thats when boys kiss ? I wrote it with the idea of the end being hopeful, but I had a couple comments and it's very easy to read it in a more angsty way - basically if you read it with Eddie dying like canon, then it becomes pretty sad
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uh - all of them
But gonna go with Softly just because the whole thing is super soft - ooey gooey horny daddy kink my kryptonite
8. Do you get hate on fics?
One day I probably will however - my first cyber bully :]
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YA!! - all kinda - lots of freak kinks in this house - and a lot of love
I just think d/s is fun, you can play with so many kinks within the dynamic and its just cool and hot. And then you add established relationship on top, so like, that knowledge and love and like just being into stuff because your partner is - so good!
I explored a lot of kinks in my SubEddieWeek and definitely want to do more - need to write some sub Steve!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No but I do have notes for a Gator Tillman / Steddie fic so might write that at some point...
And have been dabbling with my lovely 🐶anon in some Gator Tillman / Kurt Kunkle ideas - as silly as that is lol - it's fun! - dunno if it'll ever turn into a fic though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don't think so! But would not be against it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ye kinda!!! me and @scoops-aboy86 have our Office AU series :)
Oh and the Milk fic here on tumblr heheh - its a classic
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Ugh my "Steve has known he’s bi for years and is more knowledgeable than Eddie. Eddie is queer in a kinda vague nebulous way and it stresses him out sometimes. Bruce Springsteen born in the USA album. Coming of age, dealing with change."
I love it and I do want to write more of it but it just doesn't have the sauce yet - haven't quite figured it all out. What's it's purpose you know? Or figured out how to use that album effectively for like, themes and stuff
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh well, right in this moment NOTHING bc I feel EMO and I'm too TIRED to write ANYTHING...
But I am happy with the sentence structure in my autistic Steve fic's - I tried to use very short and very long sentences to help express his thought processes when he's in different emotional states, and think I did it, effectively ?
Also I sometimes write stuff only bc I think it's funny - idk if it's funny for anyone else but I guess it means I have a lot of variety in my content... and silliness... which is good... (?)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Never knowing how much information to give. Sometimes i like to keep is sparse to keep the vibe going, like the tension or emotion. But sometimes I think I miss out on key descriptions and added context without noticing. Loosing more information about place and sometimes key movement and descriptions of the characters. What I lack is ✨world building✨
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I only speak little baby English so probably wouldn't do it personally - I have, like, nothing against it though?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This one!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
hmmmmmm... I'm gonna go with three just because I wrote them all pretty recently and think they show some improvement, like I was able to express what i wanted in them. So;
Hug - Autistic Eddie my love - I like the pacing a the structure in this, I think I maybe do actually do some world building here, which gives nice context to this Eddie and where he is mentally in the moment of his meltdown.
Love in a safety pin - I think it's one of my favourite feedist kink fic's that I've written, just because I think it's a good mix of the kink and their developing relationship. Like it's not all just horny, there's plot and character development, along with being hot. Like, I think it does a good job of showing what the kink can be, because it maybe gets a bad rap. It's a lot of different things, and it's hot when its pleasurable for both parties, and it's still just people with the same emotions as any other kinks, still pining, still insecurity... ya idk :)
Bi Freak - I just really wanted to do a good degradation kink, like some straight masochism you know? And I think I did an okay job. Also this is a dom Steve that I think is very actually fitting for the character but I haven't really read before, so, I wanted to explore that too.
Not gonna tag bc I don't have the capacity too right now but i'm seriously not joking if you want to do this - here, you're tagged.
Tag me and I WILL shout in the comments about it
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