#or small brother idk I'm only sixteen
aerixwri · 18 days
The Razon Family: Be smart or be su*cidal
I'm bored as fuck.
So, let's break down my main character's family trauma :D tw ofc for su*cide, family trauma, yada yada
So, Kathleen is a fifteen, soon-to-be sixteen, tenth grader who's academically burnt out and cannot for the life of her interact with her fellow tenth graders in a socially acceptable manner. But how, pray tell, do we end up with such a specimen of introvertedness and mental unwellness? FAMILY! Kathleen is from a small family made up of her mother, father, and brother, Ezra. She's from a self-proclaimed middle class family whose house is in a nice subdivisoion but the family themselves live in a shitty block. The only reason the Razon family is able to keep food on their tables, a roof on their heads, and clothes on their back is because Kathleen's father works abroad as a nurse somewhere in the middle east.
Her mother is well-meaning but puts a lot of emphasis on her children's education. She's short-tempered, stubborn and is always one incident away from shouting and venting all her frustrations on Kathleen and her brother, Ezra. Kathleen's father, while much more mild-mannered is very strict on money which often ends up as a subject of argument between him and his wife. He overworks himself and never has time for either of his children and is very detached from their lives. Kathleen pretty much grew up accustomed to hearing her parents go back and forth about finances, and if it was bad enough sometimes they'd end up throwing things at each other or throwing tantrums around the house. In short, Kathleen grew up in an explosive household where she had to be quiet or be shouted at, be smart or be shouted at, and be cheap or be shouted at. Because of this she's become a perfectionist and panics at every little mistake yet is unable to seek help from others. And although she doesn't like to admit it, Kathleen has her mother's short temper (but doesn't show it in the very direct way that Mrs. Razon does) and her father's way-too ambitous spirit. Kathleen's brother, Ezra is the only nice one in the family. He's chill, smily and unlike Kathleen, makes friends easily (though he does attach to them quickly and strongly, an example would be with his best friend Crisanto, but that's another character for another day).
However, Kathleen still finds a way to be irritated of him. Ezra has a weak heart, a result of him having heart surgery when he was a baby. Because of this, he's often sick and in the hospital which contributes to his mother's stress and Kathleen's increased responsibility. It's not Ezra's fault that he gets sick easily, and Kathleen knows this which is why she gets mad at herself when she ends up mad at Ezra. She tries her best to protect him in her own special way. The only question is if she'll be able to protect him still, even as she pushes her loved ones away to solve Gabi's su*cide. (Idk, probably not)
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skywalkerbootleg · 2 years
To all transmasc people who can't bind
Hey, I feel your pain as a transguy with easily irritated skin and bad shoulders. But over the years I learned how to deal with breast dysphoria without binding and I wanted to share that knowledge! (Keep in mind that I'm a 170cm white twink and not all of this will apply to everyone)
Don't and I mean don't wear bras. I know some people think that's the only alternative to binders, but there are way better options. I would always recommend sports bustiers over sports bras, especially the ones that don't have a "décolleté" (you might find them with the swim wear)
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You probably heard this before, but let me emphasize, that layers are your best friend. I absolutely recommend a sweater jacket + jean jacket combo, it doesn't only look really good and let it look like you have broad shoulders, when you get too hot you can take off one jacket and still have layers that hide your chest
If it's too hot to wear layers, regularly tuck on your shirt to loosen it, if it sticks to your body, it emphasizes the shape of your chest
Focus on your other body parts! I, for example, pass pretty well, except for my chest. But because I look very masculine in general (well except for one thing) people still always assume I'm a guy. In summer I would recommend loose shorts (cloth ones are the most comfortable in my opinion), in winter I'd recommend cargo pants. Go for a more masculine hairstyle (masculine doesn't necessarily mean short), let your body hair grow out, use men's deodorant and do some voice training
Be confident! Pretend like you're not constantly dysphoric as f!ck, act really confused when someone misgenders you (like that never happened to you before), there are countless body types in men, and even some cis men look like they have boobs, if you pretend that you pass, people won't question it either
You don't need to present masculine to be valid, but as a masculine presenting trans guy I know that it helps a lot of us with dysphoria. I hope I could help you out a bit.
Remember to stay hydrated!
- Your trans brother Ryu
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willsimpforazula · 2 years
fight night part 1(?)
remember that wip of the steambabies being rebellious and shit...? well it seems that plot bunny just won't die even after dropping the tsar bomba on it so here it is....part 2(part 1.1? idk anymore time is a social construct) anyways.....
*someone pls halp glib title inspo many tanks
Locker room
Warehouse 8, West Port
Republic City
"I'm starting to think that you get a kick out of bossing me around." Miska sighed, as he bent the water back into the waterskin, glad to be done fixing up the myriad of cuts, scraps and sideburns that his sister picked up after a night of street bending tournaments. 
"Only took you twelve years."
"I swear by the spirits if half the boys knew what the real you looked like, they wouldn't be simping for you as hard as they are now."
"Don't forget who set you up with her. You owe me for that." 
"At least she doesn't volunteer you for underground bending cage matches."
"So boring." she tutted.
"I'd like to not spend the night in the police holding cell, thank you very much. Besides, even if the cops don't get us, dad would skin us alive, to say nothing of what mom would do." Miska countered, a shudder running down his spine as to the myriad possibilities that awaited them should they be caught.
"If they find out."
"You think they wouldn't know?"
"We'll be fine. Besides, I've got standards to maintain and you've got someone to support."
"You make it sound like she's like my wife or something."
"Wouldn't you want to put a ring on that finger?"
"Well….I mean, yes, but we're like sixteen so no?"
"But there's a plan right? Because if you don't and break her heart…."
"Umm yeah you're not breaking anything, not in the state you're in."
"I hate it when you're right." Risa mumbled, reluctantly conceding the small victory to her brother.
"Once again, the younger sibling provides a voice of reason and rationality as the Spirits intended." 
"Whatever makes you happy." 
"Was that metaphorical or an actual question? Because if it is, I'd be really happy if we got paid about right fucking now."
Before Risa could come up with an equally snarky retort, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she immediately reached under the bleacher, where she stashed a throwing dart in case anyone wanted to even the score post match. 
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Su."
"Come in."
"You look way too tense for someone with a seven straight win streak. You should be proud of yourself." she commented, arms folded across her chest as she surveyed the scene, pleased with how the match results turned out.
"I don't like that tone of yours. Where's the cash?"
"About that….."
"Don't play fuck fuck games with me. I sure as hell ain't putting my neck on the line for seven nights for free. Do you or do you not have it?"
"Did your brother ever tell you you've got a hair-trigger temper?"
"I'll answer your questions as soon as we get paid and we're all out of this joint, I can't shake the feeling some sore loser is going to do something stupid."
Shaking her head, Suyin tossed a small bag of cash to them.
"It's all there, I swear on the badgermoles."
"Pretty sure I saw more cash exchanged hands than this." Miska snorted as he counted out the money.
"Well y'know, I had to pay off my debts and all that jazz as well. Plus, do y'know how much coin I had to front for each of your matches?"
"For a Beifong I thought you were supposed to be good with money." was Risa's reply.
"Ha ha very funny. I held up my end of the bargain, you did yours so I'd say we're done." With that, Suyin exited the room, to which they both breathed a sigh of relief.
"Could you stand up?"
"Please, I'm not that fragile." 
"Then don't come looking for me the next time you get into a scrap. Now let's go home and pray to the spirits mom or dad aren't still up."
Forty-five minutes later….
"No we're not taking the elevator."
"Why not?"
"You do realise the elevator goes directly to our front door right?"
"What if mom or dad is awake?"
At this, Risa put on her kicked puppy face and pleaded "My legs hurt."
"Sucks to be you."
"Fine….we'll take it up to the second last floor. That's it."
"Are you-"
"Absolutely not."
"I'll pay you extra ten yuan."
"Twenty-five, plus forty percent of my share up front."
"Such an extortionist." she grumbled, reluctantly pulling out her brother's cut. Guess that fancy dress will just have to wait, she sighed internally.
Next morning,
Risa's door
Having mentally consoled herself in the shower by settling for a new set of earrings and a pair of heels instead of the outfit that she'd been eyeing for over a month, Risa flopped onto her bed and fell fast asleep, tiredness hitting her like a sledgehammer. Consequently, she didn't hear her alarm clock screeching at her in disapproval, nor the knocking on her door by Azula, who was rather concerned that her normally punctual kids were nowhere to be seen when it was time for them to catch the tram.
Whilst Miska was relatively easy to rouse from sleep, she knew that her daughter was in some respects, an equal to her own temper if her sleep was disturbed. Granted, she had mostly grew out of it but the scorch marks that Sokka somehow managed to disguise as part of the wall painting was a reminder that there was a fire-breathing dragon under her Water Tribe features.
Then again, it takes a dragon to tame a dragon.
"Risa, wake up or you're going to be late."
"I'm coming in on three. One, two…"
Bursting into her daughter's room, she found a mass of blankets and pillows rising and falling steadily atop a large bed. Striding purposefully, she walked over to shake her awake when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a large thick envelope sitting on her dressing table that looked suspiciously like money. Filling that away for later, she firmly grasped her daughter's shoulder and shook her, earning a groan and a clumsy attempt at swatting away the rude intrusion on her sleep.
After two minutes of constant nagging and shaking, Azula decided enough was enough and she ripped away the protective layer of blankets, exposing her to the nippy autumn air, which seemed to have done the trick. On the downside, Azula was definitely sure she and her daughter were going to have a long talk about the usage of certain words given her parents' status, namely chieftain and princess respectively in addition to being councillors of Republic City.
With having been so rudely (in Risa's opinion) awakened, her instinct was to hurl a fireball at the offending part while cursing their family lineage, she reluctantly sat up and blinked a few times before the images that her eyes were beaming back registered in her mind. It took a few seconds more to realise that her mother was in fact, not looking very pleased and a few more precious seconds to grasp that she had essentially cussed out her mother, who was currently rolling said fireball back and forth between her fingers like a coin.
"Oh shit." 
"Oh shit indeed, young lady. I ought to wash that mouth of yours with extra strength detergent."
Taking a gulp, Risa did not dare look her mother in the eye and mumbled an apology, half expecting her mother's palm to make contact with her cheek at any moment. Instead, she heard the sound of the door closing and her mother's footsteps heading in the direction of the dressing table.
"So…care to explain to me exactly what this might be?"
"Indeed, it is." Pulling out the wad, Azula briefly counted before placing it back on the dressing table. "Care to explain how exactly it is that a sixteen year old is suddenly in possession of what, nine thousand yuan if my count is correct?"
"I-well, there was-"
"Based on the eyebags around your eyes, the half healed bruises on your arms and legs and your overall state, I'd wager you were in an underground bending match last night? I can recognize your brother's healing work, so don't lie. Did you or did you not compete in such matches?"
"Y-y-yes mother."
"And what made you decide this was a good idea?"
"It seemed like a good idea at the time." she replied, embarrassed by her own answer. 
"Come again?"
"I said it seemed like a good idea at the time." Risa repeated, her face in her hands, half expecting her mother to go ballistic from her answer.
"Tell me the truth, Risa. Who set you and your brother up? Look, I won't lie that I am very very disappointed with what you've done but I need to know to protect you from any potential blowback."
"Su-Suyin did. She needed my help with-with some money problems and-well, she promised me a cut."
"And it didn't cross your mind that maybe there was a catch or that you could be seriously hurt?"
"That-that's what Miska was for."
"So you thought far enough ahead to rope your brother in as a healer but not that you'd get seriously hurt or Agni forbid, killed in one of these matches?"
"I didn't think about it. I mean, you're like the world's best firebender, s-so so um…yeah I really, really, really screwed up didn't I?" Risa answered, face still hidden in her hands while internally cringing at the very words exiting her mouth. 
Taking a deep breath, Azula weighed her options. Either she could discipline her daughter and son the way she and Zuko were when they were kids or use a different means of getting the point across (the means of which was yet to be determined, but definitely Sokka was getting roped in; they were his kids as well after all). Mulling in silence, she contemplated the pros and cons of each decision, whilst Risa stewed in nervous silence. 
"Y-y-you're not going to disown us or kick us out of the house, are you?" her daughter asked timidly, unable to bear the silence any longer. Hearing her voice, she could almost picture the nervous quiver in her lip and tears that were held back but only just. At this, motherly instinct took over and she embraced her, patting her on her back while she sniffled and sobbed. 
"Not in a million years, your father and I will never do that."
"Really. That being said, there still will be consequences. For starters, I am confiscating your prize money and donating it all to charity. No if ands or buts. Now go wash your face while I talk with your brother."
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Andddd here’s my chappy three thoughts 🥳🥳🥳
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Hmmm Katniss saying that her mother has a dress made of velvet is actually really interesting because it shows that Mrs. Everdeen Lily-Rose really was well-er off before she married Katniss’ father Hunter.
Or did she get the velvet dress from Maysilee? Oh well, who knows.
Aww, Katniss’ nervous habit of touching soft things repeatedly to soothe herself 🤧🤧.
“Crying is not an option. There will be more cameras at the train station.” — someone tell that to Peeta 🤣🤣🤣.
Okay I gotta stop picking on Primmers, I know but like. How small is she that she sits on Katniss’ lap like a toddler but then in the following year is the same height as her? Doesn’t matter I know but still I wonder.
Okay so Mrs. E is the doctor for the people of the Seam? Idk I never thought about this but who does people like Peeta or Madge or Delly go to if they’re sick or hurt? Is there a still running apothecary shop that Katniss never mentions? Are her grandparents still running the family biz?
Also okay, I gotta stop having so many thoughts on all the lil details I know but like. Katniss says here she’s familiar with the herbs her mother doesn’t grow on her own so like a). Katniss is more of a healer than she leads on because no average person knows what kind of plant is medicinal and b). Her mother is just growing herbs and Katniss never mentions it again in the whole series? Or I just missed it.
Okay imma move on from this one singular paragraph but Gale and her made a pact a year ago that they’ll supply each other’s family with game if they were to be reaped... I’m feeling like their close friendship is probably only one year old then? Idk. Just my interpretation.
Honestly I love Katniss getting mad at her mom here.
She’s sixteen, for God’s sake, of course she’s angry at what her mother’s illness put her through.
Also I lowkey like that her mother got mad back because that lady in the movies had zero personality.
“Boys who are two to three times my size.” She sounds so little, omg 🥺🥺🥺.
“I don’t care if we’re rich, I just really want you to come home” 🤧🤧🤧😩😩😩😩 okay Primmers, you got me here.
“the Peacekeeper is at the door, signaling our time is up, and we're all hugging one another so hard it hurts and all I'm saying is ‘I love you. I love you both.’ And they're saying it back...” this is so sad leave me be 😫😫😫😫
Katniss is burying her face in a pillow to block out her emotions this is too much for me 🥵🥵🥵
Omg I forgot Peeta’s father visits Katniss 😅
Why does he visit Katniss?
She describes Peeta’s father as a “big, broad-shouldered man.” And then describes Peeta as stocky. Idk the comparison of the two descriptions has always led me to think Peeta is gonna be a big dude when he grows up like his father. This made no sense and had zero correlation but I thought, so I said it, no regrets
Oh he brought her cookies 🤧
WAIT WAIT WAIT. I just had a new thought, y’all. What if instead of the baker bringing cookies being a thing he does for all tributes, what if he’s bringing the cookies because Peeta asked him to, because he made them and wants to give them to Katniss and knows she’ll never accept / trust them coming from her competition? What if that’s the real reason the baker visited her in the first place? Because Peeta asked him to? This was such a shipper comment but idc, no regrets, remember?
Omg Peeta’s father is just mute 🤣🤣🤣
Between an abusive, angry mother and a mute for a father, the Mellark brothers must have had a fairytale of a childhood 😅😅😅😅.
But seriously #PoorPeetaMyBaby
Aww Peeta’s father is gonna help keep Prim alive 😭
Omg I just remembered he’s her mother’s ex boyfriend. Haidon Mellark, as I named him in my fics.
That one fic where he was thought to be Prim’s real father is just playing now in my head, rent free.
But does Katniss not realize that he may be offering to help Prim as a favor to her? Like she claims Prim is just so wonderful people adore her but there’s like zero evidence in the text that make her endearing? Okay I need to turn this bus around, I need to find a love for Primmy Deen.
Madge is not one for preamble apparently. No “hi, how are you? I’m sorry you’re gonna die? What will your last meal be?” Just right to “here, wear this family heirloom of mine, k thanks.”
I like that Madge had to kiss her cheek for Katniss to realize they were friends 😅😅😅.
I remember always loving her and Gale’s hug here. I’ve always felt like it was platonic, but especially when I first read the books and had zero preference one way or another for Gale or Peeta, I really liked how she said even with nothing romantic between them, “when he opens his arms, I don’t hesitate to go to him” or something I’m paraphrasing ok I’m lazy
Also though, this is the first time they’ve ever hugged? Idk why that surprises me? It shouldn’t because where is a hug gonna fit into a hunting trip 😅🤣😂 “I just caught a deer!” “let’s celebrate with a hug!”
I like that Katniss remembers how her father even failed to make a good bow sometimes. Random, I know.
I like that the Capitol weren’t entertained by the people freezing to deaths because it wasn’t bloody enough 🤭🙃
“How different can it be [to kill a human vs an animal]?” She’s about to find out, Gale 🥺. And when she comes back you won’t understand 🙄😔
What did Gale want to say before the Peacekeepers dragged him away?
I used to think it was a confession of love but I’m actually sure it wasn’t now? Just the wording “remember I-“ doesn’t sound like it, considering he never confessed anything prior to her coming home.
I’m assuming now he was just gonna give her some more advice to stay alive 🤷🏼‍♀️. Clearly if it were relevant it would have made its way to the others books.
Aww, she’s never been inside a car before 😭😭. I didn’t even know they had cars in this universe but okay.
I notice though how she says “In the Seam, we travel on foot.” So is Peeta just riding his trolly down the street every day with the other merchants then? 🤣
Peeta just openly crying on camera 😅😢.
I like how Katniss is like “ooo is this an act to get sponsors?” when in reality Peeta’s like “no, I’m just a soft and genuine boy ™️”
Omg I just realized this totally goes along with Peeta’s thing later on “I want to die as myself”
He’s refusing to hold back his emotions because he thinks he’s doomed to die and he’s already refusing to pretend to be or feel something ingenious.
But a Johanna mention in book 1 chapter 3 woohoo 🥳🥳🥳 also Katniss comparing Jo and Peeta is kind of like foreshadowing of their shared torture in book 3.
Omg she just called Peeta broad-shouldered and strong. 🥰🥰🥰 my headcanon for his post-canon body is confirmed
Also why does Katniss keep allotting his strength to carrying bread trays around? Are they heavy? Why have I never once heard of people who carry bread trays being strong? I always thought Peeta was really strong because he learned to fight in order to defend himself against his mother but that’s probably wrong.
But if a mother is abusive, it can lead to one of the kids being physically violent as well and we know Peeta isn’t but he has two older brothers I’m gonna cut myself off now but I think we all smelled what I just stepped in.
Also I just find it so fascinating now how she regards herself vs Peeta here.
When talking about herself, she says, “The competition will be far beyond my abilities. [...] Oh, there'll be people like me, too. People to weed out before the real fun begins.” But when she talks about Peeta, she immediately says, “It would take an awful lot of weeping to convince anyone to overlook him.”
It’s just funny how she discounted herself right from the start but thought he was a real contender and then come to find out, Peeta believes it’s the exact opposite 😂🙃. They’re both so stupid I can’t even take it.
Wait did they actually give the location of the Capitol and the location of District Twelve in today’s world? And I just overlooked it? Brb I’m gonna go to google maps right quick.
Okay so basically what I gathered is the Capitol is probably in New Mexico and District Twelve is somewhere between Kentucky and Alabama. Irrelevant I know. But just a reminder now to everyone that Katniss and Peeta are literally speaking, crying and screaming in thick, backwoods southern accents.
It’s literally so sad how everything for Katniss is about food. Like every motive she has, every action she does is about preventing starvation ever again. 🤧🤧🤧
First mockingjay mention 🤭🤭.
“My father was particularly fond of mockingjays” 😭😭😭 I bet he was 😭😭😭😭
We always go on and on about how Katniss is a mockingjay or her children are mockingjays but Katniss herself here says mockingjays represent her father imma cry, y’all 😫😫😫😫
“It’s like having a piece of my father with me, protecting me” shut up shut up shut up shut up
Awww, Katniss has never had food like this before 😔😔😔
Neither has Peeta 🤧🤧
Katniss disliking the way Effie put the two kids from the year before down and so began to eat like a pig just to prove her point, is so her. And the beginning of her fighting for the underdog.
Omg the Rue introduction 🥺🥺🥺
Bahahahaha the commenters calling District Twelve backwards but charming 😅😅😅 they really are the hillbilly district
Peeta’s unexpected laugh 🥺🥺🥺 I love you, baby
“He was drunk. He’s drunk every year.” “Every day.” Katniss and Peeta are already finishing each other’s sentiments and teaming up to get on Effie’s nerves I love them so much 😍
Oh my God, Effie, you selfish jerk. They’re kids having fun for like one second, no need to throw in their faces they’re gonna die if the drunk won’t help them. I’d forgotten why I don’t really like the book version of her. I actually prefer her as comedic relief in the movies.
I actually just realized I really dislike Effie Trinket, I hope they never speak to her again Post-Mockingjay. Idc how you’re raised you don’t need to treat teenagers who are sentenced to a probable death badly just because they laughed at you 🙄🙄🙄😡😡😡😡. They didn’t even really laugh at her, she’s just annoying and awful, we don’t stan Effie in this household.
Okay, that’s all for my thoughts on chapter three! Until next time, y’all ! If anyone actually read this long mess of a post.
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Also, because I feel things are gonna go south with the gang. Give me any and all gang-family headcanons. Also pls headcanons for when the gang was like three people, a raccoon and a horse. Aka when Arthur was a child, just adopted by everyone's dads, Hosea and Dutch. I may use these headcanons for a thing that I'm writing while procrastinating on dying from canon angst. Is that too many hc requests? Idk Love you, bean
"I feel things are going to go south with the gang" oh... oh you precious, precious darling... :') but asdfghjkll FAMILY HEADCANONS YOU SAY?!? AIGHT THEN BUCKLE THE FUCK UP BECAUSE I HAVE SOME ASDFGHJJKL
also, bean, there is no such thing as "too many hc request" for ya :'3 i would literally write a whole goddamn book for you if you ask me too so asdfghjkkllncc
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• when the Van Der Linde gang was still small, only members was Hosea Matthews, Dutch Van Der Linde and the newest addition, Arthur Morgan, it was... a ride
• a very bumpy and rickety ride that is
• both older men didn't know what to really do but they tried
• they absolutely tried
• they were no innocent men
• no. they were outlaws
• dangerous people
• they saw the world in cruel ways
• so, they taught the youngest how to survive the cruel world
• Hosea taught Arthur reading and writing obviously
• Hosea was patient to Arthur with every step of the way in teaching the teen
• Arthur was kinda a fast learner
• was willing to please his new father figure so he was good on reading and writing
• would ask help when he doesnt know how to pronounce some more fancy words
• but he did good
• Hosea was proud
• Dutch was the one who taught Arthur how to be cunning and how to shoot properly
• Dutch was a man known by his charisma and charms
• taught Arthur how to try and defuse a situation or sweet talk their way out
• Arthur doesn't use that much though
• sweet talking or defusing the way out
• Arthur preferred to shoot his was out
• but back to this family stuff
• they were like a family
• a very weird and also very fucking dangerous family
• they were outlaws afterall
• btw, Arthur was rowdy when he was young
• like
• very rowdy
• he was stubborn and hotheaded
• didn't use his brain much as he acted rash and indecisive
• he was also loud
• very fucking loud
• got into troubles because he couldn't kept his mouth shut
• Hosea is so done
• especially when Dutch gives encouragement to Arthur with that
• help him
• he wants to either shoot himself or both Dutch and Arthur for being chaotic dumbasses
• but back to the family dynamic shit
• should I add [Name]?
• whatever, imma add [Name]
• [Name] was taken after three or fours years after Arthur
• so Arthur was now seventeen/eighteen while [Name] was sixteen when he joined
• should I add that [Name] probably tried to steal something off from Dutch?
• because yeah, boi tried to steal from Dutch and Dutch is like "this kid... LET'S ADOPT HIM HOSEA!"
• so they did
• the family grew to four and they were happy
• [Name] and Arthur did not like each other that much for awhile
• probably because [Name] kinda beat Arthur when he was chased when he tried to steal Dutch' satchel and Arthur chased him
• got Arthur some nice bruises like he did aswell
• so yeah
• their first impression of each other wasn't good
• but they warm up though
• Hosea and Dutch were happy to see their adopted sons being close now
• they also kinda regretted it though
• [Name] and Arthur now got into trouble TOGETHER
• chaos
• absolute chaos
• Hosea and Dutch adopted demon childrens I tell ya
• but legit though, they are happy family
• then came John Marston
• twelve year old boi getting into trouble and Dutch saving his greasy ass
• Arthur was already around his early twenties or so
• and [Name] was eighteen
• they took John is and had taught John what they learned from Hosea and Dutch
• Arthur and [Name] had to be very fucking patient for this greasy trash raccoon looking ass bitch when teaching how to read and write
• "but it ain't even inportant! what am I gonna do? read them to death?"
• boi
• Arthur wanted to slap this boi
• [Name] was understanding though as he tried to reason out to John
• "what if ya get lost and have a map? how would ya know where ya are when ya dont know how to read?"
• that shut John up
• but the twelve years old was still a whiny bitch
• Hosea and Dutch enjoy watching their adopted gremlin children know what they had been through to teach them how to read and write
• but anyways, here's some nice headcanons for ya
• Arthur and [Name] tease John a fucking lot
• it is the big brother asshole duty of theirs
• like, the three were told by Hosea to take a bath in a lake and both Arthur and [Name] make fun of John for not knowing how to swim
• like
• a lot
• John cried the first time
• and a few more
• [Name] panicked because FUCK DONT CRY ASDFGHJKCBXNWODJ
• Arthur laughs
• he doesnt continue laughing though when he and [Name] got disapproving looks from their father figures
• lesson learned: dont tease John
• well, dont tease John too much that he cries and rats you out to Hosea and Dutch that is
• but yesssss
• also, when there are fights? it is chaos
• the "HE DID" "BULLSHIT" type
• like, these three boahs wont tell the truth unless they dont get punished for it
• so like
• when chaos comes, it is pointing fingers on who was the reason for the mess
• "JERK"
• Hosea cries
• why was his sons so fucking chaotic dumbasses?
• Dutch
• Dutch
• help me parent them
• god its chaos
• but a chaos in a good kind that these dumbasses knew will work out in the end
• btw, Dutch taught Arthur to draw a bit but Arthur learned much more by practicing
• John learned how to shoot a gun because of Arthur and [Name]
• Hosea was the only decent cook at the five
• Dutch and Hosea often disagree but it works out in the end #marriedcoupleamirite
• Arthur and [Name] enjoys to spend time with their little greasy raccoon brother (even if they dont say ir show as such)
• they tried to have John a normal childhood as much as they can
• but John being John
• he wanted to prove himself and that he is cut out with the outlaw life
• there were fights with the three that John was too young for it
• Arthur disagree about John trying to be an outlaw
• John disagrees a lot
• [Name] is torn. he wanted John to have a normal life but he also knew that John wont accept it and that it is more better that John sticks with the group than leave on his own
• those fights were the worse
• it makes the three boys tenses
• [Name] tries to be the bridge for the two to talk again though
• such a good middle brother :'D
• but yeah
• after awhile, they all ease up and calmly talk it out... kinda
• an agreement that John doesnt go looking for trouble and that his two older brothers are always there for him
• asdfghjkkcbndowurhr god i love the family dynamic
• but anyways, yeeeeeeee
• they are a good family
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