#or should it be bsfreshman19 ??
bsfreshman18 · 6 years
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Happy update!!
It’s been 6 weeks and we are still alive. 
Theatre groups suck
We read several play so far:
Fences (okay)
The importance of being Ernest (Bri read this and liked it, Sydney sparked noted it. GO COLLEGE)
Triffles (weird)
Let me tell you about Equus. There was a boy who rode a horse naked to reach climax (yes, you read that right.) CLIMAX both sexually and spiritually. Go watch the movie. It’s fucked up.
Bri hates chem and cybulshit. Sydney is thriving in chem.
Bri: Long story short, the pep band hates the athletics so no one would go to a tournament and if no one volunteers, they’re drawing names to go. Guess who was picked? Bri. Have fun in Cleveland B!
There are little to no boys in the picture. Colton’s back and lazier than ever but slightly in the picture, we’ll see. Tragically, we are single Pringles. Too busy for that shit 
That’s it.
Gossip girl
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
1st Semester Conclusion
Wow I suck dick at updating. 
Here’s what’s happened:
-Finals were weird as shit
-Eva was dying of mono and did some questionable things but we love her anyways
-Syd failed chem
-Bri passed (Go Bri!! Proud of you!)
-Syd was very sad for a very long time 
-We went and worked at the zoo
-Saw each other a handful of times
-Had lunch with Josh, he’s alive and still a dick
-Had lunch with Ben (ily ben), he’s still the best
-Went to a work party
-Syd almost killed us driving (classic)
-We leave for DC in 7 days, maybe I’ll remember to update after that
-???Bri let me make her a fun sign, mom is making me remake my sign bc it’s “inappropriate” but jokes on her, the next one will likely be worse
-Fuck trump
-Save the bees
-We don’t have any classes together next semester so that’ll suck. 
Till next time 
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