#or she supposed to get into elena’s office somehow?
gingersp1ce547 · 8 months
An admin keeps giving bagi more invis potions which makes me think they want her to find something there
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catreginae · 11 months
Thou Shalt Not Fall: The Past - Return to the Castle
Link might be a vampire now, but he still had a role to fulfill.
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Being at the castle again felt odd and almost wrong. That wasn’t to say Link wasn't happy to be with his friends again, people who actually enjoyed his presence even though they knew he was a vampire, but his condition made him anxious and he knew everybody else was feeling it too. He wasn't sure if he could trust himself. He was convinced he would somehow blow his new secret without the other vampires watching his back all the time. Zelda, thankfully, had no expectations that he was good for duty just because he returned, so his first goal was to get used to being at the castle again.
Tune was surprisingly helpful. He never expected the kid to be so knowledgeable about vampires. If vampires were such a closely held secret, how come Tune knew so much about them? How did Tune always manage to figure out what he needed or what he was concerned about? Link was sure that if he had a moment to sit down and think about it, he could come up with some theories, but as it was, Link was currently distracted with trying to pretend that he was a normal Hylian.
“What did Zelda even tell everybody anyway?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes. Mask and Tune took to sleeping in his room, sometimes sleeping in temporary cots that they set up while he was gone, or sometimes sneaking into his bed sometime during the night. It was their way of letting him know that they were still there for him, but they also used the fact that were in the same room to literally drag him out of bed in the morning. He was beginning to get used to it but he still hated waking up every morning, especially if he woke up because his body hit the floor.
“Just that you had a family emergency to take care of and you were given leave for it... so don’t be surprised if people ask you how your family is.”
Well, it was a good thing there wasn’t a lot of people who knew about his family to question the excuse. He supposed that Zelda wasn’t too far off the mark considering how easily Elena took him in though. He was sure she wouldn’t mind being called family.
“It’s time for breakfast and I’m starving. We can talk and eat,” Mask mumbled.
Link smiled, mostly to himself. He couldn’t believe that they were acting like nothing really changed. He appreciated that. “Okay, fine. You don’t have to pout.”
“I don’t pout.”
“Sure you don’t.”
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It was a few months later when Zelda and Impa called him and Proxi for an emergency meeting and he knew before stepping into Zelda’s office that the news wasn’t good. If there was good news, Zelda tended to come to him, not the other way around.
Link sort of expected what Zelda said, or at least he considered the events a possibly. Ganondorf resurfaced – Link was waiting for him. He knew the man would come back, just not when or where. Lana was requesting help as Ganondorf was approaching, according to a note that Zelda miraculously got from a small gate. It was too bad that Lana could summon creatures and move other people through her gates but she couldn’t move herself through them to get away. Lana could generally take care of herself but against Ganondorf? The fact that she asked for help was enough of an answer.
“We have to help her!” Proxi called out. Link merely nodded as Proxi, who always knew him so well, already said what he wanted to say. He would help her even if she didn’t carry precious cargo. He didn’t need a reason other than the fact they were friends to go and rush to her aid. It just helped that Ganondorf was the man he was looking for too. If he could kill Ganondorf, then they wouldn’t have to worry about him coming to the castle.
“We’ll send whatever help we can,” Impa stated. “I will personally go and lend her whatever aid I can. However, I think the two of you should stay here.”
“With all due respect, General -”
“Link, you’re still adjusting,” Zelda said quietly. “Besides, should Impa and Lana fail, we’ll be needed here. We can’t leave our people undefended. It’ll be up to us to launch a counterattack.”
Link chewed on his lips. He hated what they were saying but he knew he probably wasn’t going to convince them otherwise. Deep down inside, he knew he wasn’t quite ready to fight him just yet. He wouldn’t be a slouch on the battlefield but he didn’t feel like he was at the skill level he was at before he became a vampire. Swordplay used to come easily to him but for some reason, having a sword in his hand didn’t feel quite as right as it did before.
And as nice as it would be if his vampire powers were enough to make sure Ganondorf was no longer a threat, he doubted that his life would be so easy. He had to regain his skills. No, he had to surpass the skills he had previously.
“Isn’t it dangerous to let him come to the castle too? We should be taking the battle to him.”
“Link...” Proxi mumbled.
Zelda looked away, her mouth settled into a frown. Impa didn’t look away but her gaze held no warmth, only calculations.
“I don’t know what the best answer is, Link. All I know is that I can’t bare the thought of leaving Lana alone and I can’t bare the thought of leaving my people either.”
“Okay,” was all he could say as he left. He knew it was inappropriate to just walk out on Impa and Zelda, at least by military standards, but he knew there wasn’t any point in him staying any longer. The decision was already made after all. He didn’t even know why he was called for the meeting if they didn’t actually care about what he had to say.
He would stay if that was what Zelda wanted but he wouldn’t like it.
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Link thought that they were as ready as they possibly could be for Ganondorf’s arrival. Link decided to do his best to prepare the surrounding defenses and drill the troops through exercises just in case Impa and Lana couldn’t repel his attack. He was grateful that he did, even as Ganondorf and his army tore through whatever defense he and Zelda set up. It would have been worse had they not tried at all.
Or at least, that was what he was telling himself as he down a potion that Tune handed him before shoving the empty bottle back into his hands. At least potions seemed to work on him the same, instantly healing the worst of his wounds even before the regeneration kicked in. “Wait, where do you thinking you’re going?” Tune asked.
“Ganondorf is still out there! I can’t just leave Zelda to fight him alone. If we lose today, Hyrule falls. We don’t have a choice.”
“You’re injured. You should rest just a bit longer.”
“I’m fine.”
Proxi hovered between him and Tune for a moment before flying to his side.
“Link, I think you should listen to Tune. You’re just going to lose to Ganondorf again if you go back to fight in that state.”
“I’ll be fine. Besides, we’re going in with a change of plans.”
One of the things that Link and Zelda practiced together once Link returned to the castle was calling upon the power of their pieces of the Triforce whenever they needed it. Before, Link was only able to use it in the heat of the moment, like how he used it to defend Impa and himself against Volga’s flames. He had more control of it now. He didn’t want to use its power if he could help it. Both he and Zelda agreed that it was a last resort.
He couldn’t afford to lose to Ganondorf.
“What does that even mean?” Tune asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Link mumbled as he left one their remaining forts to charge right back into battle. If he could just use the Triforce to regain the fort Ganondorf was using as his headquarters, then they could potentially trap him and his forces in the middle. They could even sabotage Ganondorf’s ability to plan, organize, and retreat. Without a base of operations, an army could definitely fall.
Link considered using his vampire powers to rush to the gate but instead, he went as fast as his Hylian legs could take him. He had better control of where he was going – the tree was still fresh in his mind – and it didn’t hurt that he was able to take out more of the monsters that Ganondorf was controlling as he got there.
He got to the fort but he wasn’t able to do much of anything before he could sense Ganondorf’s looming and foreboding presence follow him inside. He only had the chance to turn around and raise his sword before Ganondorf closed the distance between them with a long stride – damn his height – and wrapped a hand around his neck and raised him in the air. His sword clattered to the ground.
Link resisted the urge to bare his fangs and hiss. Ganondorf’s presence set him on edge just from the other side of the battlefield, but for Ganondorf to be right in front of him, hands around his neck, made his nerves go haywire. Link tried in vain to pry his fingers off and he knew that if he forced his fangs out, he would have more than enough strength to free himself but he didn’t dare to. He tried to kick but his legs were too short to reach the man. Link didn’t think of himself as short but he was definitely short in comparison to Ganondorf.
“You don’t have to hide anything from me, boy,” Ganondorf chuckled with a smirk. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice the corruption? Did you really think I wouldn’t know what the sorceress did to you? Though, I suppose there is a good reason why you don’t hold the piece of wisdom.”
He wasn’t going to give into his taunts. Anger was boiling in his veins but he wasn’t going to give in, dammit! He wasn’t going to give Ganondorf an inch. He tried to focus his power and he could feel warmth rush in his blood as his piece activated but Ganondorf’s simply grabbed his wrist with his free hand and the feeling instantly died down.
Suddenly, there was a shout from just outside of the fort. He didn’t need his superior hearing to hear Zelda’s voice calling out his name.
“Oh? You’re just going to pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about?” he asked, pulling Link closer so that their faces were just a couple of inches apart. “Tch, just as well. I don’t need you to admit to anything. In fact, let me to test out my theory.”
Link raised an eyebrow when suddenly, the world spun and Link was face to face with one of Zelda’s arrows, imbued with light magic, flying right for him. Ganondorf was holding him in place, and even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to move fast enough, not even with his vampire powers.
He was blinded by pain when the arrow hit. It felt like his entire body was on fire, spreading from his right shoulder, down his arm, and across his chest. It felt like he was being torn from the inside out. If he screamed, he didn’t hear it over the buzzing in his head. If Ganondorf let him go, he didn’t feel it. He couldn’t feel anything other than his soul being set ablaze and he couldn’t hear anything but the static in his head.
Somehow, he stayed conscious. His vision cleared a little, so he could tell that he was on the ground and that he was probably staring at Ganondorf’s feet, but that was about it. He tried to move but all he could do was twitch his fingers and even that felt completely agonizing.
Ganondorf bent down beside him, grabbing his wrist and pulling his unresponsive body up. Link didn’t even have it in him to hiss or lift his head.
Suddenly, his body was burning with pain again, this time radiating from his left hand. It took his groggy mind a second to realize what this meant, but even if he picked up on it quicker, he was in no shape to stop Ganondorf from taking his piece of the Triforce. He knew the kingdom would be doomed if Ganondorf managed to get his hands on it, but getting hit with one of Zelda’s light arrows made his head spin and quite frankly, it was a miracle Link knew what was happening at all.
The pain didn’t last long at least. Ganondorf let him go, and he passed out as soon as his body hit the ground.
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Tune wished that he watched Wild extract blood from dead monsters more often because he always made it seem so easy. Wild could harvest anything from a monster with an ease and grace that most people didn’t have. Granted, Tune didn’t know he had to study or take notes because he was completely unaware of the fact that he was part of the same war that Time and Warriors spoke of. He didn’t blame them from keeping it a secret because thinking about how he was probably the source of all the knowledge Time had – the knowledge that Tune relied on in the past – was headache inducing. However, the point still stood. He didn’t know there was going to be a test, so he didn’t know he should have been studying the fine art of extracting blood from dead monsters.
But he had the general idea, at least. He knew Wild used gravity to make blood pool, then he would make an incision to collect it.
Tune made it a point to carry rope on him at all times since Link was now a vampire. He doubt he would lose control again, at least not until Link became Warriors, but he was glad his habit of bringing ropes with him meant he could tie a dead bokoblin to a tree and make a cut on its foot. He filled a couple of the bottles, untied the bokoblin, stuffed the bottles into a bag so they were out of sight, and returned to camp.
The mood at the camp was abysmal. Without the chaos of a retreat, all that was left was the misery and the anxiety. Tune didn’t blame anybody for the mood – they did lose a very important battle and both their princess and their captain were sidelined. Obviously, they were in for a happier ending if Link would eventually earn the name Warriors and go on another journey that involved time travel, but it wasn’t like he could tell them that. Tune ignored the chill and walked into the tent he knew Link was recovering in, which was guarded by a Sheikah outside.
The tent was sparse. It was mostly just Link resting on a rickety cot, with a couple of stools around it. Mask was sitting on one of those stools, hands resting on his knees. There was an extra, thinner blanket thrown on top of Link to protect him from the little bit of sunlight that passed through the tent during the day. Even though it wasn’t day time now, the blanket was barely pulled back, so Tune couldn’t see his face until he much closer to the cot.
He pulled one of the bottles out, catching the attention of Mask – a little baby Time, he would never get used to it.
“I have a couple of these,” Tune started as he popped the cap off. “One bottle should make him feel pretty full, but it won’t be enough to heal him.”
“How many more of those will we need?” Impa asked, coming to join him by the way of Link’s cot.
“I don’t know for sure.” They weren’t the worst wounds Tune ever saw him with but it was pretty bad – the skin around his right collar bone was completely charred, along with the upper half of his bicep. He still had burns down the right side of his body, stretching slightly over his chest, and down the rest of his arm, but those burns were thankfully mostly first degree burns. He obtained worse burns after donning the name Warriors. “We’ll see how he feels after this first bottle.”
One of the other things that Tune learned in his past was the fact that young vampires were pretty reactive to the smell of blood as long as they weren’t completely unconscious or in a deep sleep. He was hopeful that Link was just sleeping as held the open bottle of blood under Link’s nose. After about half a minute, Link cracked his eyes open, revealing yellow and red. He didn’t seem to be entirely awake and aware but as long as his eyes were open, Tune knew he would drink blood.
“That’s normal,” Tune said when Mask’s eyes widened. “The fangs come out when vampires are hurt badly. Let’s get him up.”
Together, all three of them moved Link into a more comfortable position by propping up the pillows underneath him, which was enough of an angle for Link to comfortably drink at. Thankfully, aside from holding the bottle in place, Link didn’t need any help to drink and the more he drank, the more he perked up. Once he emptied the bottle, Link settled back into his pillows, his eyes scanning the room.
“Fuck, it hurts...” he muttered. “What’s the situation?”
“Just focus on getting better. There’s no point in getting worked up when there’s nothing you can do about it,” Impa answered simply. “Rest assured though, we’re safe for the time being.”
“What about Zelda?”
“She’s still injured but she’s only has to take it easy, so she’s still helping where she can. She’s next door making plans with Lana, in fact.”
Link frowned but Mask tapped him in one of the burn free places of his arm before Link could say anything. “I know you’re an idiot so you’re not going to listen,” he started, earning a hiss in response, “but right now, the only person you gotta worry about yourself. You have the most injuries out of everybody in the camp right now.”
“And they’re burns, so regeneration will take some time,” Tune added. “You really have to take it easy for now so you can repay the favour, got it? We lost the battle but we haven’t lost the war.”
“Haven’t lost the war huh,” Link mumbled. “I guess that’s true.”
“It is. Get better so we can put our heads together. We’ll win back Hyrule if it’s the last thing we do, got it? At any rate, I have to go check in on the princess. Tune and Mask are in charge of you,” she said in her General Impa voice before leaving the tent. Link rolled his eyes.
“I’m doomed,” Link mumbled.
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Okay, so there's a lot more I could have included but I really only wrote this chapter - and this arc as a whole - for the friendly fire scene. That being said, this is the end of The Past Arc and we'll return to the present in the next chapter!
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hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Guardian Ch.4 Leave Me Not
Other Stories
Ch.4 Leave Me Not
   Finally they reached Kellsthorpe Station, Emily faced away at the head of her train, the light from the platform cutting through the misty night air, waiting impatiently.
   "Finally!" she fumed, "I never thought you of all engines would make me late!"
   "Evening to you as well," Thomas snarked as he rolled up alongside her.
   Emily went to retort, but was cut off by the phantom letting off a joyful whistle as they were pulled up alongside their sister
   Emily froze at the sound, her face turning pale. She slowly looked over to the phantom, who let out a suddenly hesitant wheesh.
  "Emerald?" She asked shakily. The phantom let off a puff of confirmation. On the platform, Emily's crew stared in shock at the phantom twin of their engine.
  Emily suddenly let out a sobbing laugh, tears running down her face. "The others said they used to see you on their night runs but I didn't want to believe them," Emily's accent was thicker than Samantha ever remembered hearing, " after they'd resteamed what was left of you, I'd hoped you'd passed on."
    "They resteamed her?" Thomas asked with concern.
    Emily nodded, "After the accident management decided there was enough of her intact to try to rewake her." The old single's voice was thick with tears. "Efrain woke up instead." She glanced over to Emerald, " he was a good sort, but many of our crews didn't like him. They felt it was bad luck to drive an engine who'd passed, even with a new engine within."
     Emerald sizzled with discontent.
"They knew it wasn't his fault, " Emily sighed, " but our crews are often a superstitious lot."
Samantha bit her tongue to keep from commenting.
"How did she end up here?" Emily asked Thomas.
"She found us past Dryaw on my last evening run. When she heard you were here she asked to come see you. We of course decided to help her."
"Thank you Caomhnóir," Emily whispered with a watery smile. Emerald wheeshed an agreement.
"It was our pleasure," Thomas said with feeling.
Emerald clanked a question to Emily. "Oh I'm fine, it's a little lonely being the only one of us on the island at times, but Elena visits when she can, and I've made many friends over the years." Emily's smile was sad but genuine.
Emerald was silent for a moment then puffed at Thomas.
Thomas was clearly surprised by whatever Emerald had said as he gave a start. He looked thoughtful for a second then sad as he began, " I'm sorry Emerald, I don't know any way for you to stay, as soon as the sun rises you need to..."
Samantha frowned as Thomas suddenly cut off whatever he was about to say. She had been checking the level in his bunker, in order to give the engines a semblance of privacy. She turned to find Thomas's lamp casting a simmering gold over the two singles, rather than the red it was supposed to be. Where the gold light washed over the phantom's form seemed more real somehow, as if the light was anchoring Emerald to reality. Samantha walked to Thomas's front, as she came level with his face, the gold light flicked and fell back to red. Thomas's eyes were dilated and he looked dazed, but even as she reached out to check on him his pupils returned to normal and his expression was suddenly sharply focused. 
"We need to get her to Crovan's Gate," he said suddenly.
"What!?" was all but shouted by Emily and crews, with even Emerald giving a sharp whistle.
"Do you mean..." Emily trailed off, unable to give voice to her dawning hope.
"I don't know why," Thomas said tersely, "I just know we have to get her there by daylight, and I can't do it alone, my cylinders would be affected by then."
Emily swung large hopeful eyes towards their crews.
Before she could speak Samantha groaned and called out, "Nicole!"
"Yeah, yeah. Get us a path and someone to take Emily's train," she grumbled as she strode towards the station master's office, "the things we do for our engines."
Emily beamed as her crew climbed into her cab to run her around to couple up behind her sister.
Samantha turned to Thomas, " You owe me ALL the coffee when we get home." 
"Of course driver," although his tone was innocent, he couldn't quite keep the happy smugness from his expression. Samantha shook her head then frowned as she saw his running plate, hadn't the rust been further up than that? She bent to inspect the rust.
"Are you sure you're all right to reach the works?"
"As long as Emily helps," he said as he looked down at the rust, "having another engine helps slow it down and since they're sisters..."
Samantha caught on immediately, "She is closer to Emerald and so can handle the differences better than you, just as you can handle her better than us."
 Emily buffered up behind and gave an excited whistle, "Ready!"
  Samantha climbed back into the cab just as Nicole got back. Emerald whistled her readiness as Nicole climbed in. Molly's whistle was heard from the sheds as she was prepared to take Emily's Train. The signal dropped.
"Peep peep peep," Thomas whistled as they pulled away, "Here we go!".
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townwvtch · 5 months
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❝ From every wound, THERE IS A SCAR. And every scar tells a story. A story that says ; I S U R V I V E D.❞
✧.* { KAT GRAHAM & SHE/HER & FEMALE & 37/71 } Is that BONNIE BENNETT? I’ve seen them hanging around town here and there, I’ve heard they can be pretty SELF-SACRIFISING. How typical for a WITCH. I guess they must rely on their COMPASSIONATE side shining through.
NAME: Bonnie Sheila Bennett
BIRTHDAY: February 5th, 1993
AGE: Forever Thirty-seven / seventy-one
HOMETOWN: Mystic Falls, VA
OCCUPATION: Advanced Magic Studies teacher at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.
MOTHER: Abby Bennett
FATHER: Rudy Hopkins
GRANDPARENTS: Sheila Bennett
SIBLINGS: Jamie (Adopted brother on moms side)
HONORARY FAMILY: Elena Gilbert (Sister), Caroline Forbes (Sister), Josie & Lizzie Saltzman (Nieces), Stefanie Salvatore (Niece)
LABEL: The Spitfire
POSITIVE TRAITS: Sweet, fun-loving, spirited, sympathetic, brave, fierce, strong, loyal, compassionate, selfless.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Withdrawn, martyring, apathetic, guarded.
FEARS: Losing the ones she cares about, someone hurting her family, being in small spaces, Kai Parker (ISH - the man has traumatized her)
Rose petals, black and white photos, uncertain paths, late night drives with windows down and music loud, unread text messages, full passports, tears from laughter, spirited debates, never taking no for an answer, new lush bath bombs, the smell of vanilla candles, sipping lattes, always offering a helping hand, saving everyone but herself, wishing on every first star she sees, thunderstorms, coffee shops, worn leather jackets, affinity for fire, office full of grimoires and spells, candles and sage wafting around her.
Bonnie's main wiki can be found here!
In 2019, when The Vampire Diaries ends - Bonnie bids her friends a farewell and decides to go to Paris, a vacation she was supposed to take with Enzo but never got the chance.
Bonnie loved Paris just as much as Enzo said she would, and decided that she would live there for awhile. It was getting costly staying in a hotel room, so she bought a cute little house.
She never cut off contact with her friends, while she knew she had to leave the small town and the memories behind - she wasn't ready to leave her friends behind. Bonnie would call them occasionally and see what they were up to these days. She would send Josie, Lizzie and Stefanie presents from Paris, mostly for their birthday but very often just because.
While she lived in Paris, she would travel to other parts of the world too.
Bonnie met a handful of people during her travels - somehow becoming a magnet for witches. She was hesitant with them, not having the best of luck with other witches. But soon they were all friends.
Though Bonnie knew she was powerful, she never stopped going as far as she could with magic, learning new things and the like.
In 2030, Bonnie got word of Alaric's death and didn't hesitate to book a first class ticket back to Mystic Falls to be there for her friends and Lizzie. With Josie still in Belgium, Bonnie would call her to check in on her.
Bonnie then decided to stay in Mystic Falls and became the Advanced Magic Studies teacher at the boarding school.
Bonnie would date around very casually, have hookups here and there but she never started anything serious because hi, she has shit luck.
She watched as people came back from the dead, always keeping an eye out for her loved ones.
In 2041 she met someone, they started out as a casual hookup then a few months later became exclusive.
Things were good for a year until they weren't. He started pulling away, and the fights would commence. Bonnie was just exhausted always having to fight for someone she cared for, so if it was going to be a fight she didn't want to fight anymore. The two broke up.
Unknown to Bonnie, he had pulled away and started fighting with her because he comes from a dark coven of witches who found out he was with her. They were trying to force him to steal her power, and he refused. So he fought with her, to get her to break up with him, to keep her safe. Something Bonnie will hate with every inch of her being.
In January of 2043, the two got back together. In April, Bonnie found out she was pregnant. In August, the two were sleeping soundly when the sound of shattering glass woke them up.
Bonnie, four months pregnant at this point was on extra alert. A small portion of her boyfriends coven had broken into her house, and a fight erupted. Bonnie was beaten up a decent amount, her boyfriend took a killing blow in her place and the witches turned their attention to Bonnie to kill her. Bonnie, gathering up all of her power, killed them before they could her.
Bonnie was not okay after this. She refused to go to the hospital, and instead - in her bloody gown, went to the Salvatore Boarding School (being careful to avoid the students) and got aide from one of the nurses there. Her injuries required more than a nurse, and she needed to go check up on the baby, but they worked with what they had and all was fine with her baby.
She couldn't go back into her house, not when the smell of blood was too strong, and the pictures were shattered and every good memory she had in that house shattered along with it. She considered burning it to the ground, but decided to not and just moved into another house.
She got a bit closed off after the attack, but remained working and helping where she could.
Bonnie went into labor with Sheila on Christmas Eve, and Sheila was born on Christmas Day as midnight struck.
Bonnie has raised Sheila as a single mother (with the help of her friends every now and then).
She dived into work, raising Sheila and when she was okay enough she would go on a few dates here and there. She would never let them meet Sheila until it was serious enough though, and that in itself was rare.
After killing the small portion of the coven, Bonnie gained a target on her back from the rest of the coven who were seeking revenge for their fallen witches. Bonnie wasn't afraid though, in fact, she anticipated the day they would put their money where their mouth is and if they showed up, Bonnie would finish the job, ridding the world of a dark coven of witches.
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dvggered · 7 months
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Rebekah stares down at the freshly printed paper and traces her fingers across the words “class schedule” blinking back a tear. She knows that she's not really attending high school but for a minute she closes her eyes and lets herself feel like she is just a normal teenage girl. Of course, most teenage girls can't use compulsion on the staff to do as they please or rearrange their class schedule so she supposes there are a few perks to immortality. Rebekah pastes on a sweet smile and thanks the office staff as she heads out, a little too excited. 
She had been keeping an eye on Elena from a distance for a while now, even approaching her once just to make sure it wasn't Katherine because that was a headache Rebekah really did not want. Katherine is a gossip and she knew her location would get back to Klaus in no time in an effort for Katherine to save her own head and she really wasn't ready to deal with Nik just yet. Rebekah couldn't leave anything to chance, she had to make sure to immediately compel Elena to forget her inquisition before leaving sadly. But somehow in that brief time, so many unexpected emotions had flooded Rebekah as Elena opened up to the other girl and they had actually connected.
Elena had taken Rebekah by surprise in the best way possible. She was so… human, so happy and bubbly. She loved life and her family and it was fascinating to watch, even a bit painful at times. Elena was like pure light and Rebekah had been surrounded by darkness for so long that she didn't know how to react to her brightness but it didn't matter, Elena’s presence warmed her anyway. 
She had fully intended to take Elena back to Klaus as a peace offering to ask his forgiveness for running from him in Chicago because she knew he was furious with her but truly she felt she had every right! He was about to dagger her, again! The betrayal stung so badly in Rebekah's chest, like a ghost of the dagger he so often planted there. Absent-mindedly her fingers come up to ghost across the area where her necklace once rested and she closes her eyes briefly, collecting her emotions.
As she walks out of the office she glances up and with the most impeccable timing, Elena Gilbert is walking down the hallway with her friend Bonnie, and a huge laugh illuminating both of their faces. Rebekah relaxes just a little, forgetting about her family drama for just a second to bask in the sunlight Elena is emitting. Something about Elena's existence just seems to put Rebekah at ease which is insanity because they've barely met and Elena is Kalus' doppelganger but her captivation is obvious and it’s trouble. 
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Rebekah practically bounces over to Elena, a little too excited to spend more time closer to the other girl. “Um hi, I'm Rebekah! I'm new here and a little lost…” Rebekah brushes her hair behind her ear, “Do you think you could help show me where my next class is? I think it’s history?” She practically shoves her schedule at Elena knowing their next class (and many more) will be together because she had ensured it.
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mxmmyviolet · 1 year
Chapter 8
Julia stood there in silence, I looked at her in a concerned way, now im worried. "Is everything okay love?" I asked her.
"Why are you calling me? she said to the person on the phone. "Well, am I not allowed to just call you?" Lou said. "No, you can, i'm just confused on why your calling at a random hour." Julia replied. I looked at her with a strange look, she's not telling me anything.
"Anyways Julia, I called because you know Angelique, she somehow came back and is out to get you." "Oh don't be ridiculous, i'm pretty sure I would have heard about it." She said. "Julia, i'm not playing games this time, please, let me come over and we can discuss this." Julia sighed. "You know what, fine but you will not be here for more than 30 mins." Julia said in an annoyed tone. "Deal, i'm on my way." Lou said.
I still look at Julia. "Who the hell was that." I said as I was upset. "It was Lou" she said. "What the fuck does she want?" I said. "Apparently, Anjelique is out to get me, she came back." "So Lou wants to work with you?" I said. "Dont worry love, you will be with us, there is no way I will be alone with that woman, especially since she flirted with you and kissed you." Julia said.
-Time skip-
30 mins later, we heard a knock on the door, again there was no one home, only Julia and I. Julia walked downstairs and opened the door. "Ah Julia!" Lou said with a smile. "I'm not here to mess around, your gonna come in, were gonna talk, then your gonna leave." Julia said in a serious tone. "Hm, someone is a bit feisty." Lou chuckled.
Julia and Lou walk in the house and go up to her office. I was still in her office when they walked in. They walk in and Lou sees me and is shocked. "Weren't you at that party? Elena is it?" she asked me. "Hi, yes that's my name, glad you remember." I gave her a evil look. "Why is she here Julia?" "Oh, I didn't tell you? She's Elizabeths oldest daughter, and I'm the family doctor, so she's technically one of my patients." Julia said with a grin."
"Well anyways, so Angelique got out and is trying to get you, the best thing is to avoid her but that can be challenging." Lou speaked. "Then what do we supposed to do about it?" Julia asked. "We need to make a plan, we need to work together, if she reaches you, then your dead."
Julia and I look at one another. "Well, Elena is on this with us, she and I always work together." "That's fine, we just have to do this quickly, just if you see spirits or ghosts, you know the signs, I'll be leaving now, I'll be back, goodbye Julia and Elena." she says as she leaves.
"This is gonna be tough." I say "As long as we work together darling." she says to me as she gives me a kiss.
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uniquevocashark · 3 years
A quick rewrite of this piece to get back into my writing flow
Alcina Dimitrescu was the one woman you could count on to tell when the autumn cold had finally arrived because she emailed about it extensively. And though she would never admit it, the heaters in the school would always be a few degrees higher on the worst days. She was also ruthless in everything she did, which included sending emails about proper autumn wear that was within the dress code, and ensuring that every safety measure was drilled into every student.
She was your daughter’s new principal. She was brilliant, passionate for teaching children and eager to find resources for nearly every problem. And you wish you could say you admired her for professional reasons.
You met her at a gay bar three weeks before. She wore a pantsuit that night, cut to emphasise the broad muscles of her arms and call attention to her height. She looked hot as fuck, you could tell she knew it, and she looked very pleased that you knew. Alcina was charming, she smiled in a way that made you burn, and her laugh was utterly captivating. She made this particular chuckle at one point while she pressed your back against the wall and you almost wanted to beg her to take you to a bed.
You didn’t, but it was a close thing. Very close.
Meeting her a week later in front of Elena’s new school made interactions a bit awkward on your side. You hadn’t ever met one of your one night stands after the fact and you fumbled the introduction and wanted the ground to eat you. Alcina was, as you said, very ruthless and after a brief pause that second meeting had pushed right ahead and treated you like any other. You were so glad she kept it professional until she requested a meeting and you, after many excuses fit for a comedy skit, finally had a day set for it.
It filled you with dread every minute until the day and, even though your stomach was as solid as a jellyfish out of water, you got Elena ready and went for it.
Her office was hot as an oven, and just as richly furnished as a well-funded library. The floor was covered in rich red and all the furniture in sight was made of dark wood so polished you could see your face in the reflection.
Alcina poured you a cup of fragrant, brilliant red tea and gave you that bright, charming smile that made your face heat a little.
“I’m so pleased you came in today.” She said, her voice honey sweet.
You sat down and sank into the chair, “My daughter’s education is important to me.”
She was perfectly put together, in a smart blouse and jacket. She still wore polished heels that were so clean they reflected your face. She blended seamlessly with her office, picturesque, and hot.
“How is your daughter finding the homework?”
“She finds them fun,” You jumped slightly when her foot touched yours and she smiled wickedly, “I um. Find them a little unusual to what I did in school.”
“This is a private school, we try to be proactive,” Alcina planted her heel between your knees, “Promote a higher level of engagement to home studies.”
“Right.” You stared at her heel and when you looked up the top buttons of her blouse were popped open.
Alcina adjusted her glasses delicately, pretending not to notice your expression, “And she enjoys coming to school?”
“As much as the next kid, I suppose.”
“Living outside the catchment zone must make the drive tedious.”
“She likes it. The route is quite beautiful.”
Her foot gently pressed against your knee, “You don’t seem to be one for early mornings.”
“Depends on the day.” You wiped some sweat of your neck and Alcina took off her glasses.
“I can open the window, if you don’t mind others potentially hearing.”
You blinked twice, “I. I am alright, thank you.”
The conversation moved away from your daughter after that. Though, truthfully, you didn’t remember talking much after that. You remember her heels coming off, and her foot hooking around your ankle teasingly. You remember her moving to sit next to you, and you somehow ended up sitting on her lap, with one hand stroking your thigh and the other in your hair. Her smile was very close but she didn’t let you kiss her.
You remember how she licked her teeth while lost in thought, how the skin under her shirt felt, how her lips were plump and soft as silk, how it felt to have her pulling your hair when she was pleased.
And when you got home after dropping Elena off with her dad for the week, you remembered that she wrote her number just below your collarbone.
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deadbiwrites · 4 years
a video of supergirl grabbing lena luthor's ass starts circulating and it's very embarrassing for sc but extremely funny to their friends
(I am SO sorry. Where do these hide? Why do I never see them? How long has this been here?!
Anyways, have some cute nonsense!)
The day starts like any other, honestly.
Like, sure, Kara’s never thrilled when she wakes up 20 minutes late and has to use superspeed to get through her morning routine and into the office on time, but it happens regularly enough that she’s just sort of used to it by now. Like, the sky is blue, the grass is green, she manages time poorly. Whatever.
But she does get to work on time, with just enough to spare that she can make a brief detour to Nia’s desk for the coffee her protege has already bought for her, thank her profusely (with perhaps minor promising of firstborn children), and slip into the morning meeting just as Snapper, James, and Lena start handing out assignments for the day.
“Well, well, good of you to join us, Ponytail. Let me guess, a family emergency kept you out all night again?”
‘I mean, that Abraxian wasn’t my family, technically, but someone’s family, so…’ “Something like that. Sorry.”
Lena catches her eye and quirks a brow in question, but Kara just shrugs easily and sips her coffee, pulling a silly face at her friend when Snapper’s attention moves away from her. When her eyes uncross, she can tell Lena is fighting not to laugh, eyes sparking with mirth as she bites her lip. Kara takes another sip of coffee, feeling a bit smug that she can get Lena to smile without even having to say anything to her. That’s real talent, right there.
Especially since Lena has to stand up at the front with James, who has been by turns cold, dejected, and surly toward her since their breakup (a big, real, final one) a few weeks prior. Lena had said that the whole thing was a mistake, that she should’ve never gone for it in the first place because she’d been right the first time- they’d had some chemistry, after all, but it certainly wasn’t compatible long-term. 
Which… Kara can certainly relate. Like, a lot.
Especially about the whole… James being kind of wounded about it part. That part had really sucked- when he’d done it with Kara, who he’d gone on like, a date with, it’d resulted in him deciding to become a vigilante. Rao only knows what he’ll do when it’s someone he dated on and off for over a year...
Kara jumps, realizing too late that her wandering attention hasn’t gone unnoticed. “Yes, sir?”
Snapper rolls his eyes. “Great, now that you’ve stopped orbiting Saturn, you wanna go get that article started?”
Kara’s eyes widen slightly in a panic as she realizes that she has no idea what he’s talking about. “Uh…” Behind his back, Lena catches her eye and nods subtly. Thank Rao. “Yes. I super do.”
Lena snorts, James sighs deeply, and the meeting is adjourned.
“So what exactly am I supposed to be doing today?” Kara asks Lena as they stroll out of the conference room together.
“Well unfortunately for you, you have to interview a big-time CEO. You have a meeting scheduled with her in three hours.”
“You?” Kara asks hopefully.
“You’re very sweet,” Lena chuckles. “No, Elena Watts. She’s a real estate developer, and she runs a nonprofit organization for homeless youth. It’s one of the articles we’re doing for next month’s spread. Contrary to popular belief, Cat and I weren’t the only women with high-profile jobs in this city. ”
“Oh, that’s pretty cool! Have you met her?”
“Not personally, no, but I have donated to her charity- it’s a very good cause, especially the outreach they do with queer youth.”
Kara elbows Lena gently. “You’re such a softie.”
“Mmm, maybe. But if you tell anyone, you’re fired.”
Kara clutches a hand to her chest, feigning horror. “Why Miss Luthor, what a blatant abuse of power!”
Lena shrugs. “I’m a Luthor, darling, I have to keep up appearances somehow.”
“Ouch,” Kara laughs. “See you at lunch?”
“Only if lunch includes a milkshake- I have a teleconference with both boards today. Unless you feel like joining me?”
“Wow, well as fun as that sounds, I’m gonna go do literally anything else.” Her comms crackle to life, alerting her of a hostage situation downtown, and Kara sighs. So much for a work day. “Alright, well, I’m, um, gonna go… see what I can find on Elena Watts. Maybe over another cup of coffee at Noonan’s.” She widens her eyes a bit, trying her best to convey that she’s going to be on Super-duty for a little while.
Thankfully, Lena picks up on it and grins. “You just want sticky buns.”
“Lena, I always want sticky buns. They’re like, my second favorite thing to eat.”
“Oh? What’s the first?” Lena asks, voice just a bit lower than usual. 
Kara opens her mouth and closes it, flushing slightly as she averts her gaze and adjusts the laptop bag on her shoulder. Stuff like that has been happening more and more, and she’s not 100% sure what to do about it. Because on the one hand, it makes her stomach do flips and tie up in knots and makes her brain do this… staticky thing where nothing filters in or out, just a pleasant buzz of how funny and smart Lena is and how much Kara likes hanging out with her and being flirted with (because that’s definitely what’s been happening, even if neither of them is really ready to address it) and just generally looking at Lena.... who is currently biting her lip and grinning up at Kara, and that buzz makes her kinda dumb, which is just really unhelpful. But on the other hand, it’s also kinda awesome and Kara really enjoys it, and-
She spaced out again. Crap.
“Um. What time are you free for lunch?”
Lena sighs, seeming slightly disappointed that Kara isn’t flirting back at the moment (and thank Rao Lena can’t read minds), but she smiles back easily enough as they step off of the elevator. “I should be done by two.”
Feeling emboldened, Kara turns so she’s walking backwards in front of Lena and grins. “It’s a date,” she says with a grin, ducking forward to press a quick “friendly” kiss high on Lena’s cheek. She whirls and jogs out the double doors, leaving Lena smiling exasperatedly after her.
It is genuinely baffling to Kara that people still commit crimes in National City. It’s not even an ego thing, really, since Kara tries to keep herself humble (even when she manages to wrap up a hostage situation within twenty seconds of arriving on-scene without injuring any of the criminals or damaging the building too badly). Like, yeah, she gets that there’s a certain element of crazies who just sorta gravitate to places with a local hero, the big-bads who have their own suits and geek-toys and abilities. Them, Kara gets. Kinda sorta. But the regular ones, who are armed with like, pistols? Or knives? Just regular man made stuff without even the benefit of magic or kryptonite or something?
She’s sure that if she asked, Lena would have some sort of statistical thing about large cities and poverty and all sorts of other factors that would end up making Kara feel like a jerk for being uncharitable to the criminal element of her city, but at the moment she’s mostly too annoyed by the fact that she has to spend her weekdays chasing them around instead of chasing stories.
Once all the hostages are freed and the cops secure the scene, Kara departs, flying into the alley behind Noonan’s and changing into her regular clothes before she heads inside to do a bit of research before her meeting with Elena Watts in a few hours (just because she’d used it as a cover doesn’t mean it was a bad idea…). She finds her favorite little two-person booth tucked into a quiet corner, plugs in her laptop, and gets to work, asking the waitress to please keep both the coffee and the sticky buns coming.
She gets a surprising amount done by the time she needs to leave for the interview, having a good foundation for what she wants to write and who Elena Watts is.
Ms. Watts turns out to be a pretty nice lady around Eliza’s age, if a bit busy and distracted by the steady flow of people in and out of her office. She answers all Kara’s questions with aplomb, happy to elaborate on most every point and eager to draw attention to the rising issue of homelessness among children and teens in the US.
“When I was young, my dad lost his job at the auto plant. It was supposed to be a temporary layoff, but the factory never reopened. We ended up losing the house, and we lived so far from our extended family that staying with them wasn’t much of an option. We lived in our SUV for six months, sleeping at shelters every now and again, if we could find one that allowed families to stay together. We showered at the local YMCA. Five people and a dog, living and sleeping in an old station wagon- even now, it sounds ridiculous. Eventually, we got back on our feet, but I never forgot that. It was just six months, but it was- and remains- the scariest, most uncertain time in my entire life, and it shaped me in a lot of ways I didn’t expect. And there are kids and families who do that for years. I just want to help them the way I wish that someone had been able to help us.”
At the end of the interview, Kara thanks her profusely for her time and for sharing her story before hurrying off to CatCo to type up a draft for Snapper (“What’s wrong with you, Ponytail, why is everything you bring me sappy and sentimental?”), which she finishes an outline of just in time to send it off before running to Big Belly and L-Corp for lunch with Lena.
She greets the newest in a series of secretaries (Anna? Amy? Ava? Lena’s really missing Jess, these days, but from what she’s told Kara, Jess is kicking butt in her new role as VP of Operations and will probably take over for the COO when he retires in a few years), and the girl waves her in distractedly.
And that’s when Kara’s day goes from normal to not, because inside the office are two masked men holding a stone-faced Lena at gunpoint on her balcony and demanding… something, probably. Kara’s a bit distracted by the loaded gun aimed at Lena’s head.
“Hey!” she yells, attracting both their attention. They whirl on her and Lena’s eyes widen in alarm, and Kara suddenly realizes three things- 1) she’s in her Kara Danvers clothes, not the supersuit, 2) she can’t speed into the suit now that they’re both looking at her, and 3) she has no plan.
“Who the hell are you?!” one of them demands.
Kara… doesn’t have a good or snappy answer for that, and instead does the only thing she can think of- she throws the large milkshakes she’s carrying at them as hard as she can.
Which, in retrospect, is too hard, apparently because while yes, it is both funny and gratifying to see two grown men get absolutely leveled by a tasty dairy treat to the face, the one closest to Lena manages to elbow her in such a way that she falls backwards over the rail with an instinctual scream that makes Kara’s heart fly into her throat. She whips off her glasses, and by the time she’s out the window and speeding toward Lena’s flailing form, the suit is materialized. She gets under Lena, catching her carefully and dropping a bit further before slowing down (because she’s been made aware that when she doesn’t, the people she’s saving may as well be hitting the pavement), finally coasting to a stop about 20 feet from the ground.
Lena’s face is screwed up in a forced sort of focus, her hands clutching tightly at Kara’s shoulders and cape as she holds her breath.
“Are you okay?” Kara asks quietly.
Lena swallows thickly and nods, eyes still firmly closed. “I’m alright. Thank you- I’ll admit, I wasn’t quite sure how to get out of that one.”
“What was that? What did they want?”
Lena cracks an eye open. “Oh. you know, just my quarterly assassination attempt. I think my mother was starting to miss me, so she wanted to reach out.”
Kara snorts. “That really shouldn’t be funny.”
“Maybe not, but here we are.” Lena shifts a bit in Kara’s arms, cheeks a bit flushed from the adrenaline rush, and clears her throat. “Not to be rude, Supergirl, but do you think that perhaps we could continue this conversation… on the ground?”
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, sorry. I forgot we were, uh, flying.”
Lena chuckles as they ascend slowly back up to her office. “You forgot you were flying?”
Kara shrugs with an easy smile. “I guess you have that effect on me.”
Lena huffs a laugh against Kara’s neck, eyes squeezed shut again. They alight on the balcony, finding the two men still unconscious, covered in Kara and Lena’s lunch. Lena sighs as Kara sets her down, pinching the bridge of her nose. “What a mess.”
“Yeah, sorry, I sorta… panicked.”  
“I was so looking forward to a milkshake too…” Lena laments playfully.
“Well, then I have good news and bad news,” Kara says. She reaches out and gently wipes a bit of her own chocolate shake from Lena’s cheek with the pad of her thumb, tucking it into her mouth on instinct to get a taste of it. “The good news is, you do, in fact, have some shake on you!”
“Whats the bad news?” 
“Also that you have some shake on you.” Kara laughs, gathering the two men in her arms and hefting them a bit so they’re easier to carry. “I’ll get you another one. Be right back.”
She drops the men at the police station with a brief explanation before flying back into the office. Lena hands over her discarded glasses with a wry grin.
“I figured you’d need these before the police arrive.” She’s putting on a brave front, but she’s clearly still more than a bit rattled, if her too-bright eyes and thundering heartbeat are anything to go by. Kara steps closer and opens her arms in invitation, and Lena doesn’t hesitate to step into them. “Thank you,” Lena says fervently, tucking her face into Kara’s shoulder and wrapping her arms tight around Kara’s waist. 
“Always,” Kara promises, daring to press a reassuring kiss to Lena’s temple (and getting a bit of Lena’s strawberry shake for her troubles) before wrapping her up even tighter in her arms. “Are you actually okay?”
“I mean, my fear of heights has been reaffirmed,” Lena jokes, “but aside from that, I’m not hurt.”
“Good. I don’t like, love people pointing guns at you. Just so you know.”
“I’m not a fan either, for the record,” Lena drawls, burrowing even closer. “Even though I know you’ll save me, it still puts a damper on my day.”
Kara huffs a laugh. “Same.”
They stay like that for a few minutes, until Lena’s calmed down enough to stop shaking and calls her assistant (Audra, apparently) in, telling her what’d happened and that the police would be arriving shortly to take her and Kara’s statements, and please advise the security team to let them up discreetly. After the cops arrive, it’s a blur of questions, and Kara has to concentrate on telling the story of how she’d panicked and thrown the milkshakes at the men, and one of them had knocked Lena over the balcony (all true), and Kara had yelled for Supergirl, who had knocked the men out on her way to Lena (also technically mostly true. Technically. Mostly.). The police are sure to tell Kara that next time, she shouldn’t throw things at people with guns, and also to tell them both how lucky they are that Supergirl had shown up when she did.
“She’s always there when I need her,” Lena agrees, throwing a sly wink over the officer’s shoulder at Kara.
Kara just shakes her head and smiles. Even almost dying isn’t enough to make Lena not flirt with her. The woman is truly a marvel.
Kara’s comms crackle again, accompanied by Alex’s custom ringtone on her cell, and after assuring the police that she has no issue with giving another statement if they need her to later, hurries over to the DEO (making a quick stop in the back alley to change into her suit).
When Kara arrives, she’s told that J’onn and Alex are waiting for her in the Directors’ offices. She makes her way there, waving to the agents and scientists she knows. But it’s very weird, because every time one of them sees her, they start giggling before quickly hurrying off in the opposite direction. Like, literally everyone is whispering and pointing and giggling, and it’s giving Kara such visceral flashbacks to high school that it’s all she can do to not check her cape for a taped on sign that says ‘Kick me’ or ‘Freak’.
(Kids are mean.)
By the time Kara gets to her destination, she’s fully paranoid, sure that someone’s playing a prank on her, somehow, and that everyone but her is in on the joke. She opens the door with more force than intended and catches it just before the handle puts a hole in the wall, throwing Alex and J’onn a sheepish smile. She closes the door extra gently and leans against it heavily. J’onn and Alex just stare at her, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
“Busy day, Supergirl?” Alex asks, and after half a lifetime of spending time with her, Kara recognizes that she, too, is trying not to laugh. 
Kara’s had enough. “Okay, do I have something on my face? Or on the suit? Is someone messing with me?”
J’onn’s brow furrows. “No.”
“Then what’s the deal? Why is the entire DEO like… laughing at me? Did someone accidentally vent the lab fumes out into the main hub again?”
“Did someone see me crash into that billboard last week?”
J’onn’s frown deepens. “What?”
“No,” Alex answers.
“Then why is everyone laughing at me?!”
“I mean, if I had to guess, I’d say it’s because of that,” Alex muses, nodding toward the big TV on the wall beside Kara.
She steps back to watch the news coverage of her dealing with the hostage situation this morning and frowns. “What, those guys? That was routine, what’s so funny about tha-”
“No, no, not that. That,” Alex clarifies, cranking up the volume.
“...reports are saying that the CEO of L-Corp, Lena Luthor, experienced an attempt on her life early this afternoon. Sources claim that she fell from a considerable height-”
“Hey, she was pushed,” Kara corrects.
“...caught by Supergirl, who may have gotten a little… familiar with her.”
And there’s a video (clearly recorded on a cell phone but not the worst quality Kara’s ever seen) of Kara catching Lena and slowing to a stop above the sidewalk, of them talking quietly, of Kara’s hand definitely on Lena’s-
“Oh. Oh no.”
“Oh yes,” Alex drawls, clicking the TV off with relish, a large, evil-big-sister grin spreading across her face. “Congratulations, Supergirl- the world just watched you grope Lena Luthor’s ass.”
“But I’m not- I wasn’t groping, I was catching! My hands weren’t… If it was groping, I’d be all up on her, and I wasn’t!”
“Camera begs to differ. It’s already trending on Twitter in National CIty.”
Kara puts her head in her hands and groans. “Why?! I was trying to save her!”
“You were definitely trying to save part of her,” Alex agrees. “Granted, it’s a very nice part...”
Kara’s head pops up, and she shoots Alex a look that’s between a pout and a glare. “You’re not helping.”
Alex feigns confusion. “Am I supposed to be helping?”
“Alright, enough,” J’onn cuts in before Kara can retort. “We just wanted you to be aware. I don’t think that this is going to be taken for anything more than it is- a humorous moment in the middle of a successful rescue. You shouldn’t worry about the press.”
And truth be told, Kara isn't worried about the press- she’s worried about the fact that she’s going to have to face Lena after this. Lena, who she knows for a fact has google alerts set for herself, Kara Danvers, and Supergirl, a gesture which is normally actually sweet and kind but is right now definitely gonna bite her in the-
“Okay! So, is that all?”
Alex blinks, looks over at J’onn, and shrugs. “I mean, yeah. Try not to make a habit of groping your crush when you’re in the suit.”
“I wasn’t groping her-”
Alex grins. “So you admit you have a crush? Interesting…”
J’onn’s prediction is mostly right- no one seems to be taking the shots of her grabbi- saving Lena as anything other than a funny blip of a moment in their coverage of it.
He was wrong about the sheer scale. The clip had gone totally viral in a matter of hours, and seemingly every major network in the country has run the clip at least once as a bit of filler-fluff, and almost every major network anchor (including the ones at CatCo, the traitors) has made at least a passing joke about Supergirl being ‘Super-Handsy'.
Which means that Kara is very late getting back to Lena’s office with replacement food. But like, she’s been busy, okay? It’s not like she’s avoiding Lena, or something, because she’s embarrassed- which she isn’t, because she didn’t do anything bad or wrong and-
Anyways, it’s well past sunset by the time Kara gets to Lena’s office door again. She hesitates outside it for just a moment before shouldering the door open and knocking tentatively.
Lena’s attention jerks from whatever she’d been absorbed in to Kara, and a relieved smile blooms across her face. “Hey there.”
Kara finds herself equally relieved to not experience a repeat performance of earlier scary situations. “Hi,” Kara says, unable to resist smiling back. She raises the bags and cup carrier. “I bring grease and milkshakes. Again.”
“Oh thank god, I’m starving,” Lena says, rolling her chair away from her desk and rising into a deep and probably much-needed stretch. Kara very determinedly does not stare at the slight sliver of soft tummy that appears between her blouse and skirt at the motion. “I’ve been staring at this screen for several hours. And Sam called to yell at me- she says hello, by the way- she and Ruby are in town next weekend.”
“Good!” Kara crosses the room to the couch as Lena does, easily spreading out the veritable buffet of fast food she’d brought over the coffee table. “I mean, not good that she yelled at you, or that you’re still at work, Miss Luthor,” she says pointedly, receiving only an unapologetic shrug in response. “But good that, um-”
“I get it,” Lena chuckles, resting a hand lightly on Kara’s knee and boy, if that doesn’t make Kara’s brain go fuzzy and dumb again… “Thank you, for checking in.”
“Of course I was gonna check on you, Lena,” Kara huffs. “Plus, I know you probably didn’t get lunch, so…”
Lena hums around a mouthful of burger, chewing until she can politely speak again. “Well it’s delicious. Did you make it yourself?” she teases with a sly grin.
“Oh, yeah, totally. Slaved away over a hot stove for this- I just wrapped it in Big Belly wrappers so you wouldn’t feel bad about it.”
“Very clever.” Lena pops the lid off of her milkshake and drags a fry through it (an advanced culinary delicacy Kara had horrified her with initially but had eventually become a bit of a guilty pleasure). “Although I have to say, traditionally you’d have to buy me dinner before you grabbed my ass.”
Kara chokes on a pickle. “Oh no,” she groans, dropping the burger onto the wrapper on the table and dropping her very red face into her hands as Lena laughs beside her. She peers out from between her fingers. “I am so sorry, I was just worried about you hitting the pavement and like, catching you in the least jarring way and I wasn’t paying attention to where my hands were and I didn’t even notice until I got back to the DEO and-”
“Well I have so say, I feel a bit offended that you didn’t even realize you were copping a feel...” When the only response is another groan and a deep flush spreading from Kara’s neck to the tips of her ears, Lena relents. “Kara, Kara, it’s fine!” she laughs, pulling Kara’s hands away from her face and giving them a grounding squeeze. “Nia’s been sending me memes about it all day, which has improved my mood significantly. On the grand scale of fallout from assassination attempts, this one was at least funny.”
“I know that’s supposed to be comforting, but all it makes me wanna do is wrap you in bubble wrap forever,” Kara informs her.
“Pass on that. But seriously, don’t worry about it- I know it wasn’t on purpose- unfortunately for me, you’re too noble to do something like that,” Lena laments playfully.
And whether it’s the knowledge that Lena is not, in fact, upset, the overall weirdness that has been this day, or this delicious burger fueling it, Kara feels a bit emboldened. “Hey Lena…”
“What if I wanted to grab your butt? Just, y’know, as a hypothetical. For future reference.”
Lena quirks a brow at her, fighting a smile as she contemplates this. “Hmm. Strictly hypothetically?”
Kara scoots a bit closer on the couch. “Sure.”
 “Well, you’ve already bought me dinner…”
“And lunch, technically. Even if I gave it to the bad guys.”
“True. Plus you saved my life, so that gets you some points, probably.”
Kara pauses in her sly scooching. “Oh, hey, wait, no, that’s not-” 
“Kidding, Kara. I know you’d never use that to your advantage. I, however, have determined that strong moral fibre and nobility do, in fact, earn you more points, which is my choice on the matter and you get absolutely no say in it.”
“Oh. Um, alright, I think.”
Lena stares off into the middle distance, tapping her forefinger thoughtfully against her chin. Finally she shrugs. “Yes, I think you’re fulfilled the prerequisites for a bit of grab-ass today.”
Kara snorts, Lena laughs, and soon enough Kara takes her up on the offer.
“Hey Kara, remember that time you grabbed Lena’s ass and it made international news?” Nia asks around a mouthful of mushu pork.
“You mean last week? Yes, I remember,” Kara drawls. Beside her/halfway sitting on her lap, Lena snorts.
“That was the best.”
Alex glares. “Um, excuse you, no. No it was not. I had to sift through so much thirsting over my sister on like, every social media platform. It was the worst day of my life.”
Brainy’s brow furrows. “Surely that cannot be correct, Alex. Statistically speaking-”
Alex holds up a hand, cutting him off. “Trauma can’t be measured, Brainy.”
Kelly chuckles and presses a consoling kiss to Alex’s cheek, and it makes the tough agent melt into a doe-eyed puddle of mush that Kara snorts. And she says they’re gross... Kara sneaks a glance at Lena from the corner of her eye, and she catches Lena looking at her. She leans close and jostles her gently as she drops her head onto Lena’ shoulder. “We’re never gonna live that down, are we?”
“Probably not.”
“We have the worst friends.” When this elicits nothing but a chuckle, Kara tips her head back to see Lena still looking at her, a soft smile playing at her mouth and shining in her eyes. And like, this whole thing they’re doing is new, with the kissing and the actual dates and the... everything else. But the thing where Kara catches Lena looking at her and she doesn’t look away? That freakin’ knocks her out, every single time. “Hey,” she manages.
Lena grins down at her. “Hi.”
So yeah. Maybe the initial circumstances weren’t ideal, and she doesn’t love the mockery that’s been heaped upon her by all of her friends and loved ones (including Winn, who’d sent a missive from the future that literally just said ‘LOL’). But the fact is, Kara muses as she surges up just enough to kiss the corner of Lena’s mouth, that she doesn’t regret a thing.
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Falling For You But You Are Worlds Away: Chapter 1
Summary: After a close call with a reporter that resulted in Simon getting hurt, Linda makes a difficult and heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, Wilhelm returns to Hillerska, hoping to at least rekindle his friendship with Simon, only to find that even that was no longer possible.
Title inspired by Taylor Swift's "Come Back, Be Here."
Note: So... after several weeks of obsessing... I finally did it... I finally wrote Young Royals fanfic. And, I really shouldn't because I have Grad school and a part-time job and I barely have time to breathe.Speaking of that, I probably won't have a consistent update. There might be times when I disappear for several weeks. Please be patient and understanding with me, I'm still trying to balance school and work.
AO3 link
It was supposed to be a normal day of running errands – a trip to the grocery store, dropping off mail at the post office, and maybe getting ice creams as a treat on the way home. But, no, Simon should have known better than to think that his life would somehow go back to normal during Christmas. After all, the prince had denied his involvement in the viral video and Simon had broken up with him to give both of them some space. This all happened only a week ago.
But, even after all that trouble and heartbreak, here he and his family were, being chased down their own street by paparazzi with their stupid cameras and fake sympathy.
“Simon, won’t you tell us your side of the story?”
“Is Prince Wilhelm lying? Are you in a relationship?”
“Mrs. Erikkson, how did you react when you found out your son may have been involved with the prince?”
“Don’t say anything,” his mother hissed in Spanish, clutching Simon and Sara’s arms tighter against her side.
The plastic bag of groceries was digging into Simon’s skin and he wished he could adjust his grip but he didn’t dare slow down. Those hyenas at his heels could catch them and he didn’t want to give them that satisfaction.
But, then, Sara let out a startled scream. A reporter had grabbed her arm, making her drop the groceries. Clementines rolled out of the bag and onto the pavement.
And, just like that, Simon saw red.
“Let go of her!”
He ripped his arm from his mother’s hold and lunged at the reporter, pushing him away from his shaking sister. The reporter, a middle-aged man who had probably been doing this for a long time, released Sara. But, before Simon could pull her away to safety, searing pain exploded at his cheek. He tasted the blood before he even realized what had happened.
His mom and Sara screamed.
The other reporters began to yell at the first one. Things like “What is wrong with you?!” and “Fuck, you can’t touch our sources like that! We’re gonna get sued!”
His name was being called. It sounded like Sara.
But, Simon, feeling dazed and tired, just stared up at the bright blue sky. He didn't even realize he had fallen to the ground. It was a nice day, though.
It should have been an ordinary nice day.
“Thank you, officer, we really appreciate your help.”
“Just doing our job, ma’am. Please don’t hesitate to call us over if you see any more suspicious individuals around your home. We’ll send someone over, immediately.”
“Thank you.”
Linda bid the police officers a good day and shut the door. With them gone, she finally lowered her mask and allowed the weariness of the day to manifest in her bones. She leaned back against the closed door, letting out the breath she had been holding.
No matter how many times she had dealt with the police, it never failed to make her exhausted. She should be used to this by now.
When she and the kids still lived with Micke, it wasn’t uncommon for neighbors to call the cops to complain about her ex-husband disturbing the peace. Mostly because he was yelling at her and the children. Sometimes, even hurting her. (He never touched the children. Linda never let him. The one and only time he almost laid a hand on Sara was finally when Linda finally gathered her children, important documents, and a few meager possessions and fled into the night.)
Linda believed that they were past all that. That in this new life she built for herself and her children, they would never have to call the police to their home or worry about their safety ever again. But, after what happened to Simon today, she could no longer hold on to that dream. Not for the time being.
She knew what she had to do to keep her son safe, even if it hurt her. Even if Simon would resent her. She hoped he wouldn’t. That he would see that she was doing this for him.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Linda straightened her shoulders, lifted her head, and began to make her way back to the living room, where she could clearly hear her children bickering on the couch.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sara asked her brother.
“I’m fine,” Simon answered, sounding annoyed. “He didn’t even hit me that hard.”
“You could have hit your head!”
“But, I didn’t.”
“You should have left him alone.”
“He touched you!”
Sara pressed her lips together and looked away as she dabbed ointment to her brother’s bruised lip. Simon flinched, which made his sister’s lips quirk to an amused smile.
But, despite her children looking seemingly okay, joking around and teasing each other the way they always did, Linda couldn't stop looking at that dark mark marring her son’s handsome face. 
Clearing her throat, she stepped into the living room.
“Mi amor, how are you feeling?” she asked, sitting on Simon’s other side.
“I’m fine, mama,” he replied, immediately. “It’s just a scratch, it will heal in a few days.” He grinned. “It makes me look badass though, right?”
Sara snorted. “More like reckless.”
“A reckless badass.”
“Mi amor,” Linda interrupted, gently, not wanting them to start bickering again. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Simon straightened up, looking serious. Linda’s chest felt heavy as she took his hand in hers and stroked it. Sometimes, she wished her children were still small and had no other care in the world except for what candy they could get at the grocery store that week.
“It’s about school,” she began.
“I’ll transfer back to Marieberg,” Simon said, misunderstanding where the conversation was going. “I don’t mind. Sara can stay at Hillerska, she has friends there now, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides, Rosh and Ayub are excited to have me back.”
Linda shook her head. “I don’t think you should go back to Marieberg either.”
At that, Simon’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean? I should go to another school? There aren’t any others close by.”
Linda sighed as she looked her son in the eye. “When the… video… first came out...”
Simon flinched and looked down at his feet.
“... I thought about how to… protect you. Especially after what happened today-.”
“Mama, I can handle it,” he interrupted, still unable to look at her. “I was fine today.”
“No, you weren’t,” Sara interjected. “You got punched.”
Simon glared at her. “They’re just reporters, I can handle them.”
Linda squeezed his hand. “It’s not just the reporters, Simon. It’s also… the others. Remember that boy from the other day? He followed you home! He could have hurt you!”
Simon's eyes flashed in anger at the memory. “But, he didn’t, you drove him away. And I would have been fine, I could take him.”
“That doesn’t stop me from worrying!”
Linda ran a hand through her hair, frustrated and cursing her son’s stubbornness. Unfortunately, that was one thing he inherited from Micke.
“Anything could have happened and I can’t protect you! Not at school, not at the grocery store, not even here at home! And do you know what that does to me?! I worry about you every time you’re out of my sight, Simon!” 
Unbidden tears brimmed at Linda’s eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong. She was making the right decision.
“A few weeks ago, I called your Tia Elena. She already knew what happened, the news reached them...”
“Oh, God!” Closing his eyes, Simon groaned and fell back against the couch.
“… and she actually suggested that… you go to live with her for a while.”
Almost immediately, Simon’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. “What?”
“I wasn’t sure, before, because I don’t want you to be away from us. But, after what happened with that boy from the other day and the reporters today… I think this is the best thing for you.”
“To send me to America?! That’s the best thing for me?!”
Simon pulled his hand away from her hold and stood up, presumably to stalk off to his room.
Linda tried to blink away the tears. “Simon, mi amor, please! This is the only way to keep you safe!”
“You’re sending me away! From you and Sara and my friends! My whole life is here!”
“It’s only until this all dies down, I promise. You can transfer back to Marieberg next school year. But, just for this term. Please, Simon.”
She watched Simon’s stiff back as he processed her pleas.
“W-What about a visa?” he asked and the hope in it broke her heart. “Don’t I need one of those? And they take time, don’t they? By the time they process it, school’s gonna start and I still have to travel and-.”
“You have an appointment with the U.S. Embassy the day after tomorrow,” Linda interrupted. “Your Tia Elena took care of everything. She even sent some money along to help with the fees.”
“Oh.” Simon’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “W-Would they even have room for me?”
“There’s only her and Ana now ever since Ricardo left them. And she says you can work at her store to earn some extra money, if you want.”
From the corner of her eye, Linda spotted Sara, who was unusually quiet. Her daughter was staring at her brother, her face unreadable. It was difficult to read Sara these days. But, Linda hoped that her daughter understood why she was doing this.
Sara didn’t want to leave Hillerska and that was fine, she had gone ahead and applied for that Grant to be a resident. But, even if Simon applied for a Grant too and became a resident, he would still get chased by reporters. He would still get recognized and followed by creeps and people who wanted to do him harm in Bjarstard. But, in America, with Linda’s older sister, he could be safe from the scandal.  
“Is there really no other way?” Simon asked, softly.
Getting to her feet, Linda moved towards her son and wrapped him in her arms.
“Mi amor, I know this is difficult for you. It is for me, too. I want nothing more than for you to stay here in Sweden with me and your sister. But, I want you to be safe. I want people to stop stalking you and bothering you about something so… traumatic. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to go to school and live your life in peace. In America, no one knows who you are. You can live normally again, go to school, and even… date someone new.”
Simon flinched in her arms and she regretted her words.
What Simon had with Wilhelm was truly special, something for the books, the kind of love story you often watch on T.V. and read about in books. She had never seen Simon as happy as he had been when he was with the prince, even if they thought Linda didn’t know. (Of course, she knew! She was his mother!) It was only a shame that their story ended in a tragedy that not only broke her son’s heart but also brought negative and unwanted attention onto his life.
“Simon, please,” she begged. “Just for a few months, I promise, mi amor. And, then, you can come home and life will be back to normal, I’m sure. Please.”
Time felt like it was slowing down as they stood there in the middle of the living room, Simon slowly breaking in her arms and Sara only watching helplessly.
Finally, her son let out a breath. “Okay,” he said in a soft voice. “I’ll go.”
Linda burst into tears and buried her face against the fabric of Simon’s orange sweatshirt.
Despite her own heart breaking into pieces at the thought of being away from her son, she was also so incredibly relieved.
The Christmas break was too long, in Wilhelm’s opinion.
He spent most of it making required public appearances, sitting in on council meetings, and attending royal parties. He went about his duties like a robot, his emotions numb and something in him broken. His mother thought he would get over it if she threw enough things at him to keep him busy enough to not think of Simon. But, obviously, it didn’t work.
Simon was the first thing on his mind when he woke up in the mornings and the last thing he thought of before he slept at night. He had tried texting but his texts went unanswered. His calls would result in just ring after ring after ring until voicemail picked up. He spent many hours just scrolling through Simon’s Instagram, not seeing any new posts. Rosh, Ayub, and Sara had all blocked him so he couldn’t even see any posts of Simon, if there were any.
During the yearly Christmas party hosted by the Royal family, it was normally Erik who had to socialize and make nice with all the nobility and distant relatives who came. But, this year, Wilhelm had to do it. And it was fine, at first. He managed to remember some names and those he didn’t remember, he managed to sidestep with a polite “sir” or “ma’am.” But, then… But, then!
His mother introduced to him the daughter of a Duke whose name he couldn’t remember. With the way his mother smiled and practically pushed the girl to his side, Wilhelm knew exactly what she was doing. It ruined the rest of the party for him, as well as that poor girl’s Christmas. Wilhelm was so annoyed that he ignored her when she tried to make conversation. Eventually, he caused her to break into tears when he bluntly said that he didn’t care who designed her dress.
The Queen tried to scold him, called him a disgrace, and demanded that he get himself together. Wilhelm only shot her a blank look, excused himself, and left the party.
There were no more attempts at setting him up after that.
So, when Christmas break ended and it was time to return to Hillerska, he was relieved. He dutifully packed his things, including the small Christmas gift he got for Simon. He was hoping that even if they couldn’t restart their relationship, they could still be friends. Wilhelm would take anything Simon was able to offer him right now, even if it wasn’t what he wanted.
“Your Royal Highness,” Malin called through the door. “You’re supposed to be at the church in ten minutes.”
“Thanks, Malin!” Wilhelm called back to her.
The prince looked over his appearance in the mirror one last time, making sure his school tie was tied properly and his jacket free of lint. Not that Simon would care about those, but Wilhelm wanted to look his best, for once. He even got a haircut over break. He wondered if Simon did, too. He couldn’t wait to see him.
Feeling the anticipation brimming inside him, Wilhelm made his way out of his room. He joined the others in leaving Forest Ridge to head to the church. Ahead of him, Henry and Walter waved, pausing to let him catch up to them.
Despite their initial impression on Wilhelm, they really did mellow out the more he got to know them. And when the video came out, they were the only ones who didn’t look at him weirdly (at least, not blatantly to his face) and never once asked about the video. They even texted him a Merry Christmas over break. He would take their company over August’s.
And, speaking of the devil, there was his traitor of a cousin now, pushing through the other boys to get to him. Wilhelm quickened his steps, not wanting to get caught in a conversation. He had successfully avoided him during the Christmas party at the palace after giving firm instructions to Malin and Johan to ensure that he didn’t get close to Wilhelm.
Luckily, his bodyguards were most likely doing exactly that as Wilhelm made it to the church and slipped into a pew without August catching up to him. Henry and Walter slid in after him, chatting about their holidays.
“Wonder what they’re singing this time,” Walter wondered aloud.
“Hope it’s something good,” Henry added.
Wilhelm only smiled, his annoyance at August finally melting away and replaced by excitement to see Simon and hear him sing again. Christmas break was too long.
Finally, the whole church had filled up and the Headmaster signaled for everyone to be quiet.
The choir entered.
Wilhelm spotted Felice and gave her a small wave. She had remained a great friend to him throughout the break.
As the choir began their song, Wilhelm scanned the heads, looking for that familiar head of curls. Someone else was doing a solo this time, a girl he didn’t know and her voice was nice but it wasn’t Simon. Why wasn’t Simon doing the solo?
Wilhelm couldn’t even hear the song or decipher the lyrics. His eyes desperately scanned all three rows but he couldn’t spot Simon.
Where was Simon?!?! Did he miss the first day of school?!?!
But, Sara was just a few pews ahead. She wouldn’t leave home without her brother.
The excitement that had earlier filled him turned into fear.
Did Simon quit the choir?!
Not caring about how it looked, Wilhelm scanned the pews across from them and the pews behind him, trying to spot those curls. But… he couldn’t see them. Not one strand.
The choir had finished singing now and the Headmaster had stood up to welcome them to another semester, go over the rules of the dorms, and list the school administration’s expectations from their students.
All of it went over Wilhelm’s head.
And, finally, they were dismissed to go to their first class of the day.
Wilhelm shot up and, muttering apologies to Henry and Walter, made his way out of the pew. He ignored the “hello’s” sent his way and hurried to the front.
Sara and Maddie were chatting with each other as they made their way down the aisle, all excited smiles and talking about how wonderfully Felice sang.
The girl slowed down and froze upon seeing him. He saw the anger flash in those normally calm eyes. Then, she turned her gaze away and walked past him.
Wilhelm was not giving up.
He turned around and gave chase. “Sara! Sara, wait! I just need to ask you something.”
“I have nothing to say to you, Prince,” she seethed, not stopping.
He hated to do it but he gently grasped the arm of her school jacket. “Please, I need to ask you. Where’s Simon?”
Sara pulled her arm away, glaring at him. “Why do you ask?”
Wilhelm swallowed. “He didn’t sing with the choir. And I can’t find him anywhere and I just-.”
“He doesn’t go to Hillerska anymore.”
Wilhelm’s heart stopped. “What?”
Sara shrugged, turned on her heels, and walked away. Maddie shot Wilhelm a pitying look before hurrying off after her.  
His chest felt tight. And it seemed like there wasn’t enough air for him to breathe.
Simon... left?
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
Requesting Immediate Backup
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Andrea Reyes
Summary: Carlos refuses to admit he's sick. So T.K. is forced to call in some backup. Written for the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt: This is for Your Own Good.
A/N: I have four other multi-chapter fics to work on so I wrote this instead. It may or may not be based on current and past personal experiences. Special thanks to @bluenet13​ for consulting with me!
Read on AO3
T.K. had never seen his boyfriend in quite this state before, and he was torn between amusement and abject pity.
Carlos had come home from work three days ago, brow pinched, eyes tight, clearly in some kind of pain. After a significant amount of questioning he’d finally admitted to having a headache. T.K. had plied him with some OTC pain medication and sent him to bed.
Things had grown steadily worse over the last few days. First Carlos’ sinuses had completely stopped up and then he’d begun to cough and wheeze. Despite significant evidence to the contrary, he remained adamant that he was not sick. It was allergies. Nothing more. 
Now T.K. watched as Carlos sniffed and snorted, shuffling around the kitchen, eyes red and watery as he searched for something in the cupboards and drawers. “Are you sure I can’t help you?” T.K. asked.
Carlos turned to glare at him, rubbing at his nose before speaking in a croaky voice. “I told you, I’m fine.”
Carlos’ breath caught and T.K. winced as he hacked out a cough so hard it sounded like his lungs were trying to leave his body. He shook his head. Enough was enough. “Babe you need to sit down.”
“I’m fi—” Carlos interrupted himself with a massive sneeze.
“You’re not fine. You have an upper respiratory infection. Probably bronchitis. And you need to sit down and let me take care of you.”
“I don’t need to be taken care of,” Carlos griped, finally finding the spoon he was searching for. “I can take care of myself.”
“Yes, I can see what a spectacular job you’re doing of that right now,” T.K. said, glancing at his watch for dramatic effect. “It just took you twenty minutes to get a yogurt.”
“I couldn’t find the one I wanted,” Carlos snapped. “You always put them in the back.”
“Wow, you are cranky when you’re sick.”
“I’m not sick!”
“Babe,” T.K. rolled his eyes. “Come on.”
Carlos pulled the blanket he was wearing like a cloak a little closer. “I’m fine.”
T.K. shook his head. “Okay. You’ve left me no choice.”
He pulled out his phone and drafted a text. “What are you doing?” Carlos asked warily.
“Texting your mom.”
“What?!” Carlos’ head snapped up and he reached for T.K.’s phone, but T.K. backed up out of his reach. “T.K.!”
“Carlos, you’re sick and you won’t let me help you. What else am I supposed to do?” He pulled back as Carlos tried to swipe his phone again and then pointed a finger at his ailing boyfriend. “This is for your own good.”
The menacing look Carlos shot his way would have been chilling if he didn’t look so incredibly pathetic. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Yeah, by choice to stay away from your germs,” T.K. shot back, but he didn’t put any heat in his tone.
His phone chimed with a text message back from Andrea. “Your mom’s coming over. She’s bringing soup.”
Carlos turned away and shuffled over to the couch, yogurt in hand. “I hate you.”
“That’s fine, as long as you live long enough to hate me tomorrow too,” T.K. called after him.
T.K. figured since he’d already pressed his luck he might as well push it a little further, so he scheduled Carlos a tele-health visit with his doctor, while his boyfrriend huddled on the couch in a blanket, sniffling and coughing and wheezing, the absolute picture of misery.
Andrea arrived within the hour, a tureen of soup in her hand. T.K. wondered if she’d somehow managed to whip it up before she drove over or if she just had that sort of thing on standby. Moms were magic like that.
“Hey Andrea,” T.K. said when he opened the door.
“Hola T.K.,” she greeted. “Thank you for texting me.” Her eyes found Carlos’ huddled form on the couch and she immediately frowned. “Ay, my poor Carlitos.”
“Mama I’m fine,” he all but moaned as she handed the soup to T.K. and moved toward him.
She pressed a hand to his forehead. “You are not fine mi amor, you’re all clammy.” She looked up at T.K. “He gets very cranky when he’s sick. Just like his father.”
“So I’ve noticed,” T.K. said, suppressing a smile as he walked the soup to the kitchen.
“I get cranky because everyone treats me like an invalid,” Carlos growled.
“Yes, we all know you are a big, strong police officer who doesn’t need any help,” Andrea said, fussing with his blanket. “I will just take my soup and go home then.”
Carlos mumbled something. “What was that mi corazón?” she asked.
“Don’t take the soup,” he said a little louder.
“I’ll heat it up right now,” T.K. said, reaching for a pot.
Carlos grudgingly attended his doctor’s appointment half an hour later, mostly because Carlos seemed to be unable to even get off the couch so T.K. just plunked the laptop down in front of him with the call already progress. With some added assistance from T.K., who listened to Carlos’ lungs and took his pulse and BP, the doctor determined it was indeed bronchitis and prescribed some extra strength cough medicine and an inhaler. Carlos was even polite to the doctor, although he went back to his cranky self immediately after they rang off the call.
Between Andrea and T.K. they managed to get a decent amount of soup and some tea into him along with some Mucinex before T.K. went out to pick up his prescriptions. By the time he got home Andrea had managed to use her special mom powers to get Carlos upstairs and into bed.
“Thank you for coming by,” T.K. said as she prepared to leave.
“Of course mi amor,” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You can call me anytime my son is being a nuisance. Or any of his sisters if I’m out of town.” She thought for a second. “Maybe not Francesca,” she said, referring to Carlos’ youngest sister, who was something of a wild child. “You have Elena’s number?”
“Yes, I do,” T.K. said with a smile.
She patted his shoulder. “You take good care of my boy,” she said. “And be careful, we don’t need you getting sick too.”
“I will.”
T.K. saw her out the door and then grabbed the bag of medications and headed upstairs. At the last second he spotted Carlos’ book lying on the arm of the sofa and grabbed that too. 
Carlos was bundled into bed looking slightly less miserable than before now that he’d been fed and hydrated. “Hey,” T.K. said. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” Carlos said, sniffing and wiping his nose with a tissue. It was red and irritated from constant nose blowing, only adding to the pathetic-ness of the situation.
“I got your medicine. You should use the inhaler now and take the cough medicine when you’re ready to go to bed.” T.K. set them on the nightstand. “I brought your book up. Do you want anything else?”
Carlos shook his head. 
“All right, I’ll just be downstairs then. Holler if you need anything.”
He turned to go but Carlos’ hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, eyes downcast.
T.K. bit the inside of his cheek to suppress his smile. “It’s okay.”
“I’m bad at being sick,” Carlos said, looking extremely contrite. 
T.K. wondered if Andrea had scolded him and told him to apologize. “Yes, I know.”
“And I don’t really hate you.”
“I know that too.”
“Do you still love me?” He flicked his eyes up nervously.
T.K. laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Of course. I just want to take care of you.” He brushed the curls back from Carlos’ forehead. “Even if you don’t want me to.”
Carlos fiddled with the sheets for a moment. “Are you going to sleep on the couch?”
T.K. raised his eyebrows. “Do you want me to?”
Carlos shook his head.
T.K. leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Then I’ll stay.”
Carlos mumbled something. “Come again?” T.K. asked.
“Could you hold me?” Carlos said grouchily.
T.K. shook his head and bit his lip. “You’re really adorable, you know that?”
“Are you going to do it or not?” Carlos huffed.
T.K. put an arm around his waist and they both shifted until Carlos was cuddled against T.K.’s chest. “Better?” T.K. asked.
Carlos sighed a raspy, sick sounding sigh, and snuggled closer. “Yeah.”
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myemergence · 3 years
take me back to the start
Title: take me back to the start Author: @myemergence Rating: E (for one smut scene, later in the fic) Artist: @benjaminrussell Artwork: MAGAZINE COVER and MUSIC VIDEO Warnings/Triggers: mentions of alcoholism, mentions of OC character death, car accident Notes: Thanks to @marcia-elena for the beta on this. I so appreciate all the work you put in! Written for @buddiebigbang. And the artwork is amazing! I love them so much, Holly! Summary: Country music star, Eddie Diaz, is on a break before his US tour when he gets unexpected news: he has a son. He needs to come home to his hometown in West River, TX right away. He hasn’t set foot there since he left for Nashville nine years ago, leaving his old life behind. West River is the last place that Eddie wants to be—he needs to focus on his career, and his tour—not looking after a kid that he doesn’t even know yet.
Crossing paths with his high school sweetheart, Evan Buckley, who’s now a Deputy with the sheriff’s office just might change all of that, reminding Eddie of the person that he used to be… and the kind of person that he wants to be.
Read the whole thing here: AO3 LINK
The thing about being a musician and wrapping up a big tour is that it makes the time afterward to unwind and let loose even more rewarding. Taking the time to ground himself before hitting the road again has become essential for Eddie, an integral part of his process. 
This time, there’s no unwinding. As soon as the last concert in the tour ended, he boarded a red-eye flight from Los Angeles into Houston. And he’s tired, a feeling that’s not exactly foreign to him, but he feels weary down to his bones. He’s headed back to West River, Texas, about fifteen minutes outside of Austin, where he was born and raised.
A place he hasn’t as much as set foot in for nine years.
Eddie blinks blearily as he pulls his rental car up to the drive-through at Dunkin for a much needed coffee. He’s within an hour of West River, but he’s going to need something to power through the last hour of his drive as the sun is beginning to rise over the expanse of otherwise deserted small-town Texas that surrounds him.
It’s so quiet out here that it’s almost unnerving.
“Good morning, sir. That’ll be $3.27.” The dark-haired girl at the drive-through window can’t be more than eighteen. 
“Morning.” He holds out his phone so that she can scan his payment.
“Aren’t you…” She trails off slowly, eyeing him suspiciously. 
Eddie adjusts the trucker hat that he’s wearing, despite the fact that the sun hasn’t become a hindrance yet. He’d put the hat on before he pulled up to the drive-through only a couple of minutes ago. He knows that he’d be nowhere without the support of his fans, but he’s exhausted. He just wants to get to his abuela’s so that he can fall into bed. He’s tempted to drag a hand over his face and beg for his coffee.
“Eddie Diaz.” He introduces himself with a winning smile. He’ll try to find time to rest later. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Rosie. I-I can’t believe I’m preparing Eddie Diaz’s coffee. Nobody is going to believe me,” Rosie practically squeals, her face flushed as she fumbles with scanning his phone. “Here, um,” she steps away from the drive-through window momentarily and comes back with a pastry bag along with his coffee. Simple like always: black, with 2 sugars. “For the road. Gone Now really helped me through a hard time, when I lost my grandpa—and you wrote it about yours.”
Eddie’s smile becomes more genuine as he takes the coffee and muffin from the girl. He’s sure he looks like a mess, with blood-shot eyes and bags under his eyes. “I think most people have forgotten about that song. That was on my debut album.” He’d written that song what feels like a lifetime ago.
Like he was a different person back then than he is now. He supposes that in some ways, he was.
“I was only thirteen when it came out,” Rosie says. “I hope you make more songs like that. Your new stuff is great, but… that’s definitely my favorite. Anyhow, I won’t keep you, I’m sure you’ve got somewhere to be.”
“I do,” Eddie confirms, reaching over into the top of his duffel bag that’s resting on the passenger seat. “It was really nice to meet you, Rosie.” He hands her one of the signed albums that he carries with him, a simple thank you that he likes to have for those truly special fans. “It’s not my debut album, but I do hope you’ll enjoy it.”
Eddie offers her a parting wave as he pulls away, and tosses the hat that was his poor attempt at disguise onto the passenger seat. He takes several sips from the steaming coffee, then sets it in the cupholder, wincing as the heat nips at his tongue, hoping that the caffeine will help keep him alert for the rest of the drive home.
Before he pulls onto the road, he scrolls through his phone, pulling up his debut album on Spotify and pressing play, a wistful smile crossing his face. He’s trying to put a little space between him and the reason that he’s coming home to West River; Rosie’s words remind him, at least for a moment, why he started making music in the first place. He hears the familiar opening chords and pulls out onto the quiet road.
There was a time when not a single day
Went by without us talking
And now I can barely remember your face
We’d spend hours weaving words
And guitar notes together
Just you and me in the music’s embrace
But you’re gone now, you’re gone
All those moments lie six-feet deep in the ground
You’re gone now, you’re gone
I keep missing you ‘cause you’re not around
He knows he can’t live in this world of make-believe for long. He can’t pretend that what matters is his connection to the music anymore—he stopped writing his own music long ago. But it’s nice to remember, even if those moments are fleeting.
Eddie pulls into the same gravel driveway that he used to skid his bike tires on as a kid. His abuela still lives in the same house she did back then, only a few doors down from his childhood home. His parents moved an hour north about five years ago. Eddie’s stomach flops a bit, and he tries not to dwell on how little he talks to them these days, or their lack of support over the years.
 He drags himself out of the rental car and grabs his bag out of the passenger side, leaving the rest of his luggage in the trunk. Before he can even make his way up the short drive, his abuela steps out onto the porch.
Eddie yawns into the crook of his elbow, then makes his way up to her. “Hey, Abuela,” he murmurs, pecking her on the cheek.
“Eddie,” Abuela says. She welcomes him with a crushing embrace, and he smiles as he hugs her back. She pulls back just enough that he can see a fire in her eyes; he already knows what that means, so he remains silent until she spits it out. “You were supposed to call me back so I knew you were doing alright.”
“I told you I have you listed as my emergency contact. If anything happens to me you’ll be the first one they call,” Eddie teases with a laugh.
“Edmundo,” she scolds, swatting his arm, and he watches as her jaw tenses under his name.
“Okay,” Eddie acquiesces. “I’m sorry, alright? I’ll be more cautious next time and call you. But Houston to West River isn’t a long drive.”
“Can we talk about this later?” Eddie asks. “I haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours. I just need a couple of hours and then I promise we’ll talk, okay?”
“But, Eddie—” Despite the fact that he’ll probably be reamed for not turning his full attention to her, Eddie pushes the door open and steps inside. He stops in his tracks as his eyes catch sight of the figure who’s settled at the table, and his duffel bag drops to the floor. He feels abuela’s hand on his shoulder. “This is—”
The pretending is over.
“This is Christopher, your son.”
Eddie knew coming back home to West River wasn’t going to be a vacation in any sense of the word. He knew what would be waiting for him; baggage so heavy that it had the ability to destroy his entire career. The dream that he’d risked everything for, that he’d given up everything for.
This is Christopher, your son.
Abuela’s words echo in his ears.
Sure, there had been a few phone calls beforehand, warning Eddie of the kid’s existence after Shannon had shown up at Abuela’s with the boy. That hadn’t prepared him for this moment at all.
What the fuck is he going to do?
The temptation to drop by the hole-in-the-wall bar downtown to take the edge off is there. Instead, he tells Abuela he has to take care of some things and he disappears. He just needs to drive around for a little bit to clear his head. He needs to figure out what he’s going to do.
A kid will ruin everything.
How could Shannon keep this kid to herself for years, not mention a word of his existence, and then just drop him off and leave like he’s somehow now Eddie’s responsibility?
Eddie unrolls the window, letting the evening air hit his face as his foot presses down more firmly on the gas pedal.
Take care of it. You only have a few months until the tour.
Fuck all of this.
These backroads are so familiar, and there’s something comforting in driving down them late at night, when the rest of the town is quiet. It reminds him of those late nights when he and Buck would—
Eddie stops his thoughts short, the ache in his chest just as familiar as these roads. Buck.
What are the chances that in a town of a few thousand people he won’t run into Evan Buckley? That’s even if he still lives here. Eddie shakes the notion from his head, refusing to allow himself to get nostalgic about the past. A past that revolved around Buck.
Right now, he needs to focus on how he’s going to fix his life—before it becomes a public relations disaster.
Pressing down on the gas harder, Eddie gets lost in the feeling of the cool night air hitting his face, saving him from his downward spiral and memories of Buck.
Unfortunately, the moment is short lived. Red and blue lights flash in his rearview mirror amidst the otherwise stark darkness of the night. With a sigh, he pulls over to the shoulder of the road.
Buck climbs out of the cruiser and closes the door, walking up to the driver’s side of the out-of-state car. “Do you know why I stopped you tonight?” He quickly scans the inside of the vehicle, assessing if there are any passengers that he needs to be aware of before settling his sight on the driver.
Of all the people he could’ve had the unfortunate task of pulling over tonight, somehow it’s Eddie Diaz. He studies Eddie’s face, tipping his head to the side as his identity registers with Eddie. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Buck.”
It’s like he took the words right out of Buck’s mouth, because really, what are the fucking chances? After nine years Eddie somehow still has the ability to make Buck’s heart thunder in his chest merely by saying his name. His jaw tightens as he looks at the country music star in front of him.
“It’s Deputy Buckley,” Buck tells Eddie, his voice tight. “Do you know why I pulled you over?”
“This has to be an actual nightmare,” Eddie mutters, though Buck’s sure at this point that he’s talking to himself.
“License and registration.”
“I said, license and registration. Don’t make me ask again. I’m going to suggest that you actually listen this time if you don’t want to end up in jail for the night.”
Eddie’s mouth snaps shut at Buck’s words. “I’m gonna grab the registration from the glove compartment.” He opens the glove box and hands over the paperwork, along with his license.
“Yeah, didn’t think you’d want that news story,” Buck mutters as he takes the documents and inspects them. He obviously knows that it’s Eddie, and he already ran the plates and knows that it belongs to a rental in Houston. He hands the paperwork back to Eddie. “Watch your speed, because next time I’m not going to be this nice,” Buck warns.
“This is nice?” Eddie actually has the audacity to laugh at him. “Seems more like you’re Deputy Dick to me.”
Buck’s lips press together into a tight line. He’s used to not being well liked while on the job—but it feels harsher coming from Eddie. “You know, I could still take you in tonight, if that’s what you want.”
Eddie shrinks under the words, and what he says next sounds sincere. “You know that’s not what I want.”
The same words that Eddie had said to him all those years ago, at the end. Buck feels his chest fracture down the middle, a reprise of the heartbreak that Eddie left in his wake.
He forces himself to school his expression despite the way he’s feeling. “Have a good night, Eddie.”
He doesn’t wait for Eddie to respond, turning sharply on his heels and walking away from the man that’s had his heart all along.
“You know, I don’t really think that this qualifies as guys’ night,” Buck says as he looks across the card table at Chimney, taking a sip of the lemonade in front of him. 
 Chim raises his brow a little, glancing in the direction of the living room. “You’re my brother-in-law,” Chim says, “and I’m not sure how to say this delicately, so I’m just gonna say it. If there’s one Buckley I’m trying to make happy right now, it’s not you, Buck. I’m trying to get in her good graces after the bottle rocket incident.”
Josh snorts from where he’s sitting, bringing the beer up to his lips.
“I’m not going to be the one to tell my wife that she needs to leave so we can have a proper guys’ night,” Chim adds.
“You would never say something to Maddie, and not just about guys’ night,” Josh challenges, his brows shooting up.
“I’m sorry, was that a complaint I just heard? Because I’m pretty sure that the last time you hosted a card night your mom showed up,” Chim points out.
“And Buck’s place—”
“Has constant interruption. I know, I know.” Buck rolls his eyes dramatically. “Are you gonna deal us in, or what?”
“Mads, were you gonna join us?” Chim calls helpfully into the other room, and Buck glares at him.
Maddie lifts herself off of the couch and walks out to the dining room table where they’re all situated, grabbing the bowl of chips from the counter and pulling up an empty seat. “I don’t want to play, but I’d love to talk to you guys.”
They really need to start finding different circles of friends, at least for nights like tonight. It’s not as if Buck’s going to tell his pregnant sister to go away, so instead he smiles. “We’d love it if you talked to us, Mads.”
“Really?” She grins, and Chim looks at Buck gratefully. “So, I heard a rumor that Eddie’s back in town.”
“Pick a different subject.”
“He’s back in town and got pulled over by West River’s youngest and brightest the other night,” Chim says.
Just the mention of Eddie’s name is an unwanted reminder that he’s back in town, at least temporarily. The fact that this wasn’t a figment of Buck’s imagination sends his brain into overdrive. There’s been some speculation over the reason for his return, and Buck has done everything in his power to stay squarely on the outside of those conversations.
He’s made it clear to his family and friends since Eddie left town that there is one topic that he refuses to discuss: Eddie Diaz. A lot of the locals were around Eddie growing up, and having someone that’s famous from their small hometown is something to talk about—especially when there’s a new tour that’s announced, or when Eddie is working on a new album.
But his friends? They know that it’s a hard and fast rule, and bringing it up on guys’ night is a definite foul. 
“Guys,” Buck manages as evenly as he can muster. “Talk about something else.”
A tense silence falls over the room, and for a minute Buck refuses to look up, knowing the pity that crosses their faces any time that someone brings up Eddie. He’s tried to hide his heartbreak behind indifference, but he’s not naive enough to believe that any of them buy it. Most of them had front-row seats as they watched Buck’s hopes and dreams shatter to the ground around him, leaving a hollow shell behind.
Finally he looks up.
“Can we make an exception this one time, Ev?”
“Maddie. I don’t talk about— about this, and you know that.”
Maddie’s hand covers his, her touch light, her tone equally calm and even. “You know, this has a name.”
“Why are you bringing him up now? You know I moved on from him a long time ago.”
It’s as if Chim and Josh aren’t sitting awkwardly at the table, trying to avoid the line of fire. Even if Maddie is officially a Han now, nobody wants to get obliterated during a battle of the wills between the siblings.
“This is guys’ night,” Buck reminds her. “The one night of the week that I can unwind and relax. Instead you’re here and dredging up a past that died years ago.” He lets out an exasperated sigh. “I was a kid. Just a stupid kid. There’s nothing else to say. We were together and then we weren’t. He has his life now, and I have mine.”
“Maybe that’s true, but you never did move on, not really. He’s in town for who knows how long, so maybe it’d be a good chance for the two of you to talk?”
“No, it wouldn’t. And, uh, thanks for ruining tonight,” Buck mutters as he stands up from the table. This is the kind of interference he’d expect from their out-of-town parents, always assuming they know what’s best, but not from Maddie.
“Buck,” Chim warns, and Buck sighs again, shaking his head in frustration. Chim’s always been protective of Maddie, something that Buck’s always appreciated, especially after all that she endured with Doug, but tonight feels like the exception.
“I’m gonna head home.”
“Buck, you really don’t have to go,” Josh says helplessly.
He attempts a smile for what Josh is trying to do—slapping a bandage on the evening, trying to piece everything back together. Buck shakes his head. “I think it’s for the best if I go.”
Buck says his goodbyes and hops into his Jeep, driving home. He knows that Maddie has the best of intentions, and that she cares about him with her whole heart, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
When he arrives home he notices there are only a few lights left on in the house, and that the porch light is on for him. 
“You’re home awful early,” Carla says as soon as he makes his way inside, barely looking up from the little girl that’s propped against her side.
He shrugs a little, not wanting to get into all of the details of how the night quickly spiraled out of control in a way that was just too much for him to handle. “I couldn’t stand the time away from her.”
“Mhm,” Carla says in her knowing way, and Buck’s thankful that she doesn’t say more than that. She knows enough about his past with Eddie, but she’s always stayed out of that part of his life.
Buck toes off his shoes, crossing the room then and scooping Lucy up in his arms. “Hey baby,” he murmurs, placing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“She insisted I read her three stories out here and not in her bed because she was ‘not tired yet, Carla’.��
Buck chuckles at her words, feeling Lucy squirm in his arms before she settles again. She rests her head against his shoulder and he hoists her up higher so that she can curl into him. In a world where everything else is imperfect he’s able to come home and hold a little piece of perfection in his arms. Their lives have been far from easy, and there isn’t a day that Buck doesn’t wish he could be more for her.
He’s doing his best to make up for the huge piece missing from her life—the absence of her mother. Every day she helps him remember that there is more than heartbreak and loss, that sometimes there’s hope, too. He has to hold on to that.
“I’m gonna head out,” Carla says, kissing the back of Lucy’s head and giving Buck a sideways hug before leaving.
Buck walks down the hallway, glancing at Lucy’s bedroom door and then pivoting, walking across the hall to his own room and laying the sleeping girl down on the pillows, covering her with the sheet and comforter. He gets ready for bed and lies on top of the covers beside her. He knows he shouldn’t make a habit out of this and he won’t, but tonight he needs the physical proof.
He hasn’t lost everything, because he still has Lucy.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 10x02 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - Munich, Germany. Elena is in one of the lab morgues. She is leaning against the freezers, writing in her diary.
 Dear Diary,
Today will be different. I will start fresh. Be someone new. New year, new life, new diary. I’ve come all this way, thanks to my father, but I need to step out of his shadow, and make it on my own. I have to stop doubting myself… As that cute guy Sam told me, I was chosen for a reason. It’s time I start believing in myself and become the Elena Gilbert I always wanted to be. Away from Mystic Falls, the drama, the supernatural, the pain…  
But, just between us, I feel like something is off… I mean, I’m glad to feel different, it’s just that in a weird way, I don’t feel quite like myself… Maybe it’s because the nightmares have come back… They are so vivid, as if I were living through it once more. The freezing water, the air escaping my lungs, the despair of knowing they were with me. That horrible feeling, over and over again… I thought I had healed, as much as one can heal from something like that, but I can still feel her hand slipping away… At times I think my dad blames me for letting her go. If he only knew the real reason both of us survived, maybe he wouldn’t resent it so much. Regardless, I will forever be thankful to Stefan for saving us that night. Although he still blames himself for not being able to save my mother, there was nothing anyone could have done.
Okay, enough about the past, I need to move on, build a new life for myself, and maybe, even find a new love… No vampires this time! Whatever comes, I’m living my life to the fullest! Letting myself be free… No fear, no guilt, no insecurities… Project Munich, here I come!
 Suddenly, she hears a noise. If it weren’t coming from one of the freezer drawers, she wouldn’t be startled, but since it clearly is, her heart starts pounding. She approaches cautiously… 
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Before she can even grab the handle, the drawer slams open…
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SAM: Boo!
ELENA: Oh my god, Sam?! You scared me half to death!
SAM: (Smirking) Good thing it was just half way. Wouldn’t want you dying on me.
ELENA: Well, what if I had a heart condition?! I could have!
SAM: A heart condition, or died?
ELENA: Well, both… But you know what I mean! You are so weird!
SAM: This coming from the girl leaning against body freezers in the middle of the night…
ELENA: At least I wasn’t lying in one of them like some kind of zombie!
SAM: It’s surprisingly relaxing…
ELENA: (Mocking) Being a zombie or lying in the freezers?
SAM: I suppose, both… (they crack up).
ELENA: Anyway, what are you doing here?
SAM: I like to come here to think… It’s quiet. You?
ELENA: Same… Guess we’re a couple of weirdos…
SAM: A little eccentric is all. (They smile in complicity). I will confess though; I do have an alternative motive…
ELENA: Oh, god. Please don’t tell me you are a psycho killer. I’ve dealt with enough of those…
SAM: I’m not going to ask why, but I do want to ask you something…
ELENA: (With a suspicious face) Uhm, okay… what?
SAM: Do you like picnics?
ELENA: That question isn’t helping your psycho case… But, yeah, I do. Why?
SAM: How about you and me, tomorrow… Wine and cheese in the main garden?
ELENA: (Kittenish) Are you asking me on a date?
SAM: Depends… is it a yes, or a no?
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ELENA: Depends… is it red wine, or white?
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SAM: Red, of course! What kind of a psycho drinks white wine?
ELENA: Plenty… And, you literally just met me, so there is a risk I might actually be one of them.
SAM: (Flirtatious smirk) I’m willing to take the risk, if you are…
ELENA: What the hell! Life is too short to play it safe.
SAM: I like the way you think. It’s a date then!
ELENA: It’s a date.      
SAM: Huh, I totally thought that was going to fail…
ELENA: You never know until you try, right?
SAM: (Smiles) I guess you don’t… Listen, it’s really late, do you want me to walk you to your dorm? I know this place is infested with military, but what if you run into a ghost? Pretty sure they would be clueless about how to handle that.
ELENA: (Laughs) Neither would you. But, you are not nearly as scary as they are, so I’d rather take my chances with you.
SAM: (Teasing) I happen to be a paranormal aficionado; I know how to handle a ghost.
ELENA: Oh, really?
SAM: I’ve seen all Ghost Busters movies a million times! I know what I’m doing!
ELENA: (Sarcastic) A Ghost Busters fanboy, that’s very comforting… (As they are walking out) Oh! And don’t think that just because I agreed to go on a date with you, I won’t get you back for the near heart attack you gave me … I happen to be a real horror movie aficionada; better watch your back…
Cut to – Mystic Falls Town Hall. Matt has been officially sworn in to take office as the new Mayor of Mystic Falls. Although he is worried about Edward’s abrupt decision, especially knowing the context behind his un-rational behavior, he can’t help but feel proud. This is what he had wanted all his life. And, given Edward’s current psychological condition, this decision was probably for the best.
 COUNCIL SPEAKER: Mayor Donovan, I speak on behalf of all my colleagues, we welcome you to this body of representatives with open arms, and ensure you that you have our full support, respect, and commitment.
MATT: It is my honor to have been entrusted with this duty. I will work day and night to rightfully serve our town, my home town. I will forever be grateful to Mayor Powell for believing in me, and giving me the opportunity to give back to the people that have built this town from scratch. In my first order of duty, I hereby announce the newly appointed Chief of Police, Sheriff Jackson. A woman of honor, courage and morals. I am certain she will serve this town with honor, loyalty, truth, knowledge and commitment. Please, give her a round of applause.  
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SHERIFF JACKSON: Thank you, Mayor Donovan. I wear the badge with pride. I am humbled and honored to be given this responsibility. Trust that my team and I will follow the example you gave to us, and will serve and protect this community with the same passion and commitment you did. We might be in different offices now, but we will always be family.  
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MATT: Always! Thank you, Sherriff Jackson. I have no doubt that you will surpass both mine and my predecessor’s accomplishments. In closing, I’d like to say that although we face many challenges ahead, I’m confident that we can overcome any obstacle by working together, always prioritizing people. Mystic Falls is a town built by its citizens, for its citizens. It is our duty to ensure the wellness and prosperity of all. Once again, thank you. Time to get to work! (They applaud).
Cut to – The Mikaelson mansion. Abby and Klaus are talking about Hope settling-in at the Salvatore School, among other things.
 ABBY: Hope looked so happy... And her dorm room is amazing! At the main house and a single! How lucky was she!
KLAUS: I had to “persuade” Alaric to make sure she was given the best accommodations.
ABBY: (Smiles) I’m sure you did…  
KLAUS: And how is Bonnie settling in her new home? I honestly cannot comprehend how she could voluntarily agree to spend day and night with Damon Salvatore. Are we certain he is not compelling her?
ABBY: (Smirks) You know he can’t, although I kind of wish that was the reason (they laugh). From what she told me this morning; the house is beautiful. Guess we’ll have to wait and see, if she ever invites us over.
KLAUS: She will, love, give her some time. They just moved in together, they need their privacy.  (Suddenly, the door opens, in come Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Marcel, and Danae, suitcases and all). Uhm, excuse me, what is this unexpected visit about? Our family reunion isn’t until spring…
ELIJAH: Lovely to see you too, brother. Do pardon if our sudden arrival interrupts your tea time, but we are in a bit of a pickle. We have been cursed out of New Orleans; and, the last time I checked, this was also our home.
KLAUS: I am gone, for not even a month, and you somehow manage to get yourselves thrown out of what is rightfully ours? How exactly did that come to be?
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MARCEL: Why don’t you ask Kol…
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KOL: Oh, come on, Marcellus, it’s as much your fault as it is mine. And, don’t act so innocent, Elijah. You had your hand in this too.
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ELIJAH: (Fixing his cufflinks) Maybe a little…
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REBEKAH: While you boys decide who is to blame, I’ll go settle down in my bedroom.
KLAUS: You can’t. We turned it into a games room.
REBEKAH: (Indignant) Excuse me?!! How dare you!? Why my room?! Why not Elijah’s or Kol’s!?
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KLAUS: Yours was better fitted for the purpose. Nothing personal, love.
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REBEKAH: Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t… (Turns to Abby) And definitely nothing to do with you, right?
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ABBY: (Sarcastic) Of course not, I wouldn’t dare! This was all him!
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KLAUS: (Smirks) Traitor…  Anyhow, dear sister, there are plenty of other rooms you can choose from.
REBEKAH: Whatever. I’ll go find myself a room you two haven’t ruined, yet.
FREYA: I’m coming with. You people forget I’ve never been in this house!
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DANAE: Really? I thought you had. I mean, even I have stayed here.
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FREYA: And, thanks for rubbing that in, my love.
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DANAE: No ill intentions, hon. I’m just surprised.
FREYA: (Sarcastic) Guess being a Mikaelson didn’t grant me the privilege, but being Klaus’s best friend’s girlfriend sure did.
KLAUS: Oh, don’t be so dramatic, sister. You are here now, are you not?
REBEKAH: Forget him, sis, this is our house too. We’ll give you the grand tour. Once we get dibs on the best rooms (they leave).  
KLAUS: So, dear brothers, care to explain to me exactly how you got yourselves into this “pickle”?
ELIJAH: We will. But we are going to need something stronger than tea…
ABBY: Oh, it’s not tea. We just pretend it is, so we don’t feel like we are day drinking.
KOL: Who cares about that! We are vampires, love; we can do whatever we want!
KLAUS: KLAUS: (Sarcastic) My loving brother Kol, can we please go back to the topic at hand? I’d like to know exactly how long I can expect to have you all around.
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ELIJAH: It is going to be a while…
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MARCEL: If not forever.
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KOL: (Mocking) Look on the bright side, Marcellus, you’ll have time to get to know Mystic Falls. Despite what some believe, it is quite the charming little town… And, our home sweet home, for now… Better get used to it.
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Cut to – Pietro’s mansion. Him and Darius are having a “secret” con-call after their board meeting.
 PIETRO: I’ve had just about enough. We need to retaliate for this. You didn’t see the aftermath, this place looked like a slaughterhouse.
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DARIUS: Courtesy of your ripper brother, I presume?
PIETRO: Not sure which one of them did it, or if it was the three of them, but I had to get a professional cleaner.
DARIUS: You should really consider getting video surveillance, clears these types of doubts right up.
PIETRO: Never, those things give me all sorts of peeping Tom vibes. Anyway, I’m sorry about your witch friends, I’ll make it up to you.
DARIUS: I warned you not to play games. Now we’ve lost a coven of very talented witches, three potential recruits; we are clueless as to where the others are, and made the rest of the board members believe everything was going according to plan… (Sarcastic) Kudos!
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PIETRO: Don’t you dare give me attitude about this, you have messed up worse than I have.
DARIUS: True; fair enough. Let’s not enter into panic mode, it’s a minor misstep. We’ll find them soon enough. In the meantime, as per Augustus’s orders, it seems like I have to find a replacement for Kai…
PIETRO: That was certainly an unexpected surprise. I thought he would be pleased with his progress.
DARIUS: I’m beginning to think Augustus feels threaten, more so after I shared Kai’s recent achievements.
PIETRO: Did you sense something was off with him during the call?
DARIUS: Well, the Augustus I know would have had Kai killed if he wanted him out of the game, not fired.
PIETRO: And it’s strange that he was willing for this Tamara thing to take more time, as long as Kai was off the task.
DARIUS: (Teasing) Maybe he’s starting to like his hostage situation; Stockholm syndrome type of thing?
PIETRO: (Smirks) Perhaps… Regardless, both Kai and Katerina would have been excellent for the field battle; they have stamina, and are surely gifted in terms of the supernatural.  
DARIUS: I know. But there are plenty of fish in the sea. From what Veritas showed us with the Munich project, and the “gadgets I’ve been working on with Kai, soon we might have even stronger pawns to play around with.
PIETRO: Hey, I had a lot to do with the Munich project. I’m not letting him take all the credit! I led that project for years, set all the ground work, and the money.
DARIUS: Don’t be so defensive, my friend. We all know you did an excellent job. But, you have to give him some credit, Veritas is hardcore when it comes to discipline. As soon as he brought in the military, voilà!
PIETRO: (Snarky) His leading style borders on dictatorship, I prefer a motivational approach.
DARIUS: I’m with you on that. He sure as hell can scare the shit out of anyone into doing anything. Just ask Aletheia…
PIETRO: He is the oldest vampire in existence, and a psychic one, nonetheless; of course he can. I’m not ashamed to admit it; he has almost made me “piss my pants” once or twice.
DARIUS: I can say the same. You know, it’s truly fascinating that the so called “Originals” are oblivious to the fact about their true origins… I’m sure Veritas would have a blast with them, if they ever manage to figure it out.
PIETRO: Oh, I’m sure they will, if not for their wits, definitely once our plans unfold.
DARIUS: I call dibs on first row seats!
PIETRO: I want the full behind the scenes experience! (They laugh).
DARIUS: Well, I have to run now. I need to go fire my star employee and the Russian spy…
PIETRO: Good luck. We’ll talk soon.
Cut to – The Bamon home. The gang is in the “Batcave” planning their next move.
SAGE: (Starting to worry about Pietro’s retaliation for their escape). We are 100% sure this place can’t be found, right? I’m not very familiar with the witch stuff; or the vampire stuff for that matter; I’m a newbie.
BONNIE: Don’t worry, there is no way anyone can find it.
SAGE: Not even that Darius guy?
BONNIE: Especially not him.
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SAGE: Can’t they track your cellphones?
BONNIE: Not while the house is cloaked. Beauty of magic.
SAGE: This magic stuff is really cool!
BONNIE: You ain’t seen nothing yet… But, fair warning, it can get a little weird…
CAROLINE: (Teasing) Just a little? (They laugh)  Don’t worry, you are in good hands.
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SAGE: Sorry; freaked out for a moment… Pietro can be quite vicious when he’s angry, and I’m sure he’s fuming right about now.
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DAMON: Don’t be scared, Stefan and I got years on him. Now, back to the mission at hand. How are we going to break into this place without Kai?
STEFAN: What if we give our brother a taste of his own medicine? He can be our way in.
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DAMON: I love when your mind goes devious, brother. What exactly are you thinking of?
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STEFAN: There is an upside to having an Original vampire in town, and one who just happens to be in love with Bonnie’s mom… I’m betting he’ll do just about anything to get on your good side, Bon.  
BONNIE: Stefan, you are a genius! 
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And, he does owe me big time! But, let’s avoid the whole “being in love with Bonnie’s mom” thing; still freaks me out.
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STEFAN: Not another word on that, Bon.
DAMON: Ah, blackmail, deceit, and compulsion, my kind of tactics!
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BONNIE: I’ll call my mom to invite them over for dinner, then we’ll guilt trip them into their part of the plan.
SAGE: Bit lost again, what’s an Original vampire?
CAROLINE: Oh, Sage. There is so much for you to learn about the vamp world. Stick with us, and you’ll learn everything you need to know.
SAGE: That would be amazing! Been pretty much self-taught since I was turned, which was literally just weeks ago.
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CAROLINE: I know firsthand how important it is to have a mentor when you are new at this. We got your back.
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SAGE: Thank you, I’ll take all the help I can get.
CAROLINE: We’ll help you with the supernatural, you’ll help us with the Science; win, win. The sooner we get these guys, the sooner we can go back to our normal lives.
SAGE: Deal! To be honest, I was thinking about fleeing back to Germany the moment I got away from Pietro’s claws. Forget all this craziness and just return to being a student, with a new blood craving. But I think academia is pumped up to be more than it really is. What good are all the fancy titles without being on the battle ground? I’ve done my fair share of studying, it’s time I apply my knowledge for the common good, and this seems like the perfect cause to do so. Now that we know they are okay; I have no reason to go back. (Turns to Bonnie and Damon) Don’t panic, I’m not planning to stay here. As soon as we take care of this, I’m going back home to NYC; I really miss it.
BONNIE: (Smiles) We’re not panicking. And you can stay here for as long as you need.
CAROLINE: Okay, just so we are all aligned. We’ll get Klaus to compel Pietro, but how exactly are we going to get to Pietro? We can’t have Klaus show up at his house and be like: hello, I’m going to compel you now…
STEFAN: We’ll make sure he’s alone and lure him outside. Then Klaus, Damon and I, will take it from there. Three against one, should be a piece of cake.
DAMON: Sounds like a plan. Now, on to a crucial matter. (Turns to Bonnie) First time having my mother-in-law over for dinner, what should be the menu?
BONNIE: (Smirks) Whatever you want will be perfect.
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DAMON: How about Italian? Play it safe...
BONNIE: Ooh, gnocchi arrabbiata?
DAMON: Perfetto!
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CAROLINE: (Giddy) Aw, I love domestic Bamon!
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DAMON: Don’t think you are just going to stand and watch, you are all helping!
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The only one that gets a free pass is Bonnie, she has somewhere to go.
BONNIE: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that…
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CAROLINE: Bon, are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?
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BONNIE: I’m sure. Thank you, Care. I’m gonna head out now before it gets late. I won’t be long (kisses Damon). 
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I love you...
DAMON: I love you too. Head message me if you need anything.
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BONNIE: I will (she leaves).
STEFAN: (To Damon) Are you okay?
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DAMON: I’ll be fine when I know she’s fine…
CAROLINE: I still can’t believe he’s back! He better have a damn good explanation, otherwise I’m going to send him right back where he came from!
DAMON: You and me both, Blondie... 
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Alright, I need to keep my mind busy, so let’s get to work. Making gnocchi is a mission on its own!
 TVD 10x02 (part 2) coming soon. Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
12 notes · View notes
Keeping Secrets Ch. 37
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Katie woke up to find herself standing on black marble covered in an inch of water that she was somehow on top of. A sky of black hung over her head. Not the beautiful kind speckled with bright stars, but a glossy, inky darkness that caused her chest to tighten.
As she stood up she saw that she was wearing a plain white long sleeved off the shoulder cotton dress that flowed down to her feet. A child’s laughter drew her eyes down into the water to see that a thousand shards of glass were scattered around her feet. The laughter came from one of the shards and she looked down to see within it a little boy around seven or eight with blond, bowl cut hair and innocent green eyes running through the woods.
As Katie reached down to pick up the shard, the little boy jumped, popping out of the glass as the vast darkness turned into a bright forest that smelled of pine needles and warm soil. She didn’t know why, but the scent made her feel at home. “Don’t be scared Momma, it’s just me.”
“And you are…?”Katie asked with a frown.
“Fun.” The little boy bounced on his feet, full of energy. “Wanna play hide and seek?” he asked, perking up with a smile.
“No. What I want is to know where the hell I am.” Kate told him then looked around them.
“Hey!” the boy picked up a pine cone and threw it at her chest. “No swearing.”
Katie leaned down to look the little boy in the eyes. “Look, you little brat, I don’t know who you are and I don’t care. I just want to get out of here.”
The boy glared at her. “Be nice!” he ran off making Katie run after him. “Nanna nanna boo boo. I can outrun you.” the boy sang as he ran. Something about the phrase made Katie start laughing as she caught up to the boy and scooped him up in her arms.
“I remember you now.” Katie told him as she made a claw motion with her hand and attacked his stomach, making him giggle from her tickling him. “Hello my sweet little Jonah.” She told him as she set him down then kneeled down in front of him.
“Hello momma.” He told her as he placed his little hand on her cheek with a smile. When she smiled back he evaporated into a mist that swirled around in the air forming a bright yellow ball. It sank into her chest causing a feeling or motherly love, caring and compassion overtake her.
With him gone the forest faded away and she was back in the dark place, standing in the center of the shattered glass again. “Phasmatos Tribum,” Katie heard someone say and looked down at a piece of glass to see a beautiful almond skinned woman standing at a table in the bedroom of an old Irish homestead, working a spell. This time as Katie reached down for the glass, she got sucked into it and she found herself sitting on a bed while another, slightly younger woman that looked a lot like the woman working the spell, pressed a cloth to Katie’s back making her hiss in pain.
“Sorry.” The young girl told her. “Someone needs to show that man how it feels.”
“Fiona.” The woman working the spell snapped at the young woman. “Mind your tongue. If someone should over hear you it will be you on the receiving end of that whip.”
“Yes mother.” Fiona told her quietly. Fiona finished cleaning the wounds then sat down on the bed in front of Katie. “Hannah, promise me when we get old enough we will leave this place, both of us. I know you do not want to live under your fathers thumb forever and I don’t either. Promise me that when you find a good man you will take me with you.”
Katie had been sitting quietly on the bed, trying to remember this and when she looked into Fiona’s dark brown eyes she did. She remembered that when she married Ronan she stole money from her father’s office and ran with Ronan. They used the money to start Fiona’s shop in the town they moved to. “I promise, Fiona. You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t dare leave this place without you.”
Fiona wrapped her arms around Katie who wrapped her arms around her first best friend’s shoulders feeling friendship and loyalty sink into her and when she opened her eyes she was back in the black place.
“Okay I see what’s going on here. These pieces are me, I’m a mother and a friend.” She said looking around at the shattered glass around her. “This is going to take a while.”
“Not as long as you might think, Doormat.” A voice came from one of the pieces and Katie looked over to see a woman pop up from the floor, joining her in the black place.
Katie looked at her, taking in her blond hair streaked with red, pulled back in a Vikings ponytail. A leather corset with buckles covered her torso while a leather Viking’s skirt wrapped around her hips. There was a fire in her eyes and a spear in her hand. “Why are we still here? Aren’t you supposed to take me to a memory or something?”
“I’m not a memory, I'm a feeling.” The warrior told her with a voice full of strength. “But if you insist on memories…here.” The woman walked across the water with an eye roll and plopped her hand down on top of Katie’s head. Katie telling Alaric about Mayor Lockwood abusing Tyler, telling her grandfather off and telling Elena off when Caroline made them all have a sit down flashed through her head. The last memory was Katie fighting the werewolves that were holding Caroline hostage in a camper.
“You’re my fight, my strength to keep going.” Katie said as she lifted her eyes. “My inner warrior.”
“You often forget I exist and quite frankly I’m tired of it. You need to learn to be a big girl and pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you have to. We’re stronger than you think we are.” She told her and Katie swallowed hard. “And if we’re going to survive in this hard world you need me.” she held her hand out to Katie who grabbed it and gave it a shake. The warrior pulled her into a hug and sank into her filling Katie with strength and power. Most of the other shards of glass floated up, turned into a big ball of mist that floated over her head then dropped, filling her with all the memories she had lost when she shattered.
After she absorbed it all she looked down at the last, large piece of glass and picked it up to see within it an auburn haired woman in a black, form fitting tank top, short black shorts and thigh high stiletto boots standing in the middle of a street as a man strolled past, the woman grabbed him around the neck and spun him around for Katie to see his face, he was an older man, too tan and too buff for his age. It was her grandfather. The woman’s eyes turned red and fangs appeared in her smile before she bit his neck, killing him before she tossed him to the side giving Katie an unforgiving smile.
Katie watched from an aerial view as people came to the woman as if drawn to her like flies to a honey. Each of them were either drained of blood or got their hearts ripped out. The last person to come to the woman was a little girl that looked no older than six and a man. Fear was clear in the girls little eyes as she watched the woman rip out the man’s heart. The dark ruthless girl placed it in the girls hands making the girl scream and run. The woman looked up at Katie and hissed, showing off the blood on her fanged mouth and the veins under her red eyes.
With a hard face and fight surging through her she threw the glass away from her like a throwing star. The glass stopped in mid air a few feet away from her and materialized into the haunting, monstrous version of herself. She reeked of anger, hatred, danger and most of all an overpowering thirst for human blood. “I won’t accept you.” Katie told her.
The dark, terrifying woman whooshed over to her grabbed her by her neck and body slammed her into the granite. “Then you…will die.” Her words came out as an angry growling hiss.
“No.” Katie brought her feet up and kicked her in the chest sending her flying through the darkness. Darkness landed in what Katie called the superhero landing and skid backward splashing water up around her. Katie flung herself up and held her fists in front of herself.
“You think you can survive without me?” Darkness asked as she whooshed back over and threw a punch that Katie dodged.
“I will be better off without you.” Katie told her, making her laugh.
“Look at yourself.” Katie looked down at herself to see she was now wearing a white ribbed racer back tank top, jeans shorts and black and white converse, but her arms were purple all the way up to her shoulders and spreading fast. While she was distracted Darkness threw a punch, catching Katie’s jaw and she stumbled back from the blow.
“It will stop when I get out of here.” Katie threw a punch that Darkness dodged.
“You get out of here without me and you will die within seconds.” Darkness threw a punch and Katie dodged it then threw one of her own catching Darkness in the jaw then kicked her in the chest knocking her to the granite.
She grabbed Darkness up by her black tank top and glared at her. “I said no.”
“And I said…” Darkness breathed hard from the blow to her chest, “You will die if you don’t. You may be stronger than me, you may be able to keep me at bay, but if you go back to your body without me…without a piece of who you are…you…will…die.” Darkness looked at her with a dead serious face. “No more Elijah. No more Klaus. You can kiss your friends goodbye too.” Katie’s eyes grew wide remembering everything everyone told her in the video Caroline made for her. “Accept me.”
She blinked, tears slipping from her eyes. “If I accept you…I accept that I am not a good person.”
“You’ve never been a good person.” Darkness told her as she jumped up. “When we were known as Hannah did we not think of a million different ways to turn that whip on Father, or to poison him? You even thought about running away in the night and abandoning your poor little sister. Then as Katie…you contemplated killing your grandfather in his sleep. You thought about tying him to a chair and breaking every bone in his body then slitting his throat for ever letting Mayor Lockwood touch you. You cheated on Tyler with Damon and yeah you knew it was wrong, you felt a little bad about it, but you weren’t sorry. You slept with Klaus knowing that Elijah still loves you. Then of course there are all those people you killed after you flipped your switch. You don’t feel sorry about that. You don’t care that they had family and kids. Their blood tasted better than any blood bag ever did. You have power over humans and you revel in it. There has, and always will be, a darkness in you whether you want it or not. The only thing you regret is what you did to that poor little girl.”
“I don’t want you. Suppressing you is tiring. I managed to hold it back as a human, but now…every day is torture.” Katie said with tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Then maybe it is time you accept me…accept the darkness in you…and find a way to embrace me instead of suppress me.” She told Katie with a glare. “You have to accept me or need I remind you. You’ll. Die.”
As much as Katie hated the darkness in her, she loved her friends. And she loved Elijah and Klaus. She still wanted all the things she always did out of life…she wanted to live. “I accept you…”
As soon as the words left her mouth the woman threw herself into Katie, not sinking into her gently like the others had, but invasively inserting herself into her. Like the splitting of cells, but reversed. Katie threw her head back and screamed out in pain as the darkness seeped into her, fangs formed in her mouth and veins popped under her eyes, pumping the whites of them full of blood. She squeezed her eyes shut and fell to her knees. After a while the pain subsided and she fell back in relief.
She expected to hit granite; instead she started falling down a black tunnel. She felt like she had been falling for forever when out of nowhere she stopped mid air and a woman appeared in front of her holding her hand out as if she was keeping Katie from falling further even though she was floating too. “Who are you?” Katie asked, taking in the woman’s long brown hair and blue eyes. She looked to be in her late forties.
“Dahlia.” She answered. “It seems fated that you should end up here in the place of my slumber.” Katie gave the woman a confused shake of her head. “Your soul shattered, landing you neither on earth, passed on or on the other side. That’s not something that happens often.” Katie just glared at the woman. “When you shattered, your memories scattered throughout this place. While you were putting yourself back together I was looking at them and I’ve seen enough to know you’ve been intimate with my nephew.”
“Look I don’t know who you are, but I’m pretty sure my memories and who I’m intimate with are none of your business and I’d like nothing more to continue my journey back to my body.” She told her with an attitude induced sway of her head. “So if you could kindly put me down it would be highly appreciated.”
“Before I put you down I’m going to give you a gift.” She told her still holding her hand out in front of her.
“What?” Katie asked.
Dahlia flicked her wrist causing an odd tingling feeling to spread over and sink into Katie’s lower abdomen. “You’re welcome.” Dahlia dropped Katie and as she fell she looked up to see Dahlia disappear.
Katie shot straight up in bed taking in a deep breath. She looked around to see her friends in the doorway of her bedroom at Klaus’s house, “What the hell happened?” she asked then looked up at the blood bag hanging on an iv that was stuck in her arm. “I’m starving.”
As her friends came back into the room Elijah took the blood bag off the pole while she pulled the needle out of her arm. He disconnected the tube then handed her the bag. She grabbed it and sucked it down, the color returning to her skin as she did. “What is the last thing that you remember?” Elijah asked as he took the empty bag from her.
“You…making me feel with our link.” Katie answered, then realized that she didn’t feel the pull in her stomach that she usually did when he was near. “Our link…” she sighed, looking Elijah in his brown eyes. “It’s gone.”
“I assume you are relieved.” He told her bluntly as he looked down at the tube in his hand.
She frowned remembering she had told him that she’d hoped it would break when she turned off her humanity. “I-” she was cut off when something started burning her chest and she grabbed it and pulled it off to see the necklace Damon had given her hanging from the chain in her hand. “Ouch.” She sighed and put it down on the bed beside her seeing the picture Stefan had framed for her and the drawing of her in her ball gown that Klaus had made. “Seriously someone tell me what the hell’s going on.” She said as she took the necklace Elijah had given her off her wrist and set it on the bed next to Damon’s. She noticed the bracelet her friends had given her and decided to leave it on.
“We thought you were dead, Katie Cat.” Damon told her from where he leaned against the white post of her footboard.
“Huh?” Katie asked.
“When Elijah reached out to you with your link he overpowered your soul and shattered it.” Bonnie answered. “Without a soul, your body started dying.”
Katie looked over at Elijah. “Did you know that would happen?”
“No.” he answered simply. “If I did I never would have reached out to you like that.”
“Okay, I’m out of here.” Elena said and left the room.
“Good to see you up, Katie Cat.” Damon said as he walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. “Try not to die again, okay?” he told her then rushed after Elena.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go.” Stefan spoke up feeling awkward since he and Katie hadn’t been on good terms for some time now.
He started to leave ,but Katie spoke up. “Hey Stefan?” he turned and looked back at her. “I don’t hate you, just do you know. You weren’t really yourself and you rightfully wanted revenge. I just happened to be on the bad side of that.” Stefan just looked at her. “Are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” He told her with a closed lipped smile and a nod then left the room.
Katie looked at Bonnie and Caroline, “Is a fresh start too much to ask for?”
“No, we’re good too.” Bonnie told her with a teary eyed smile.
“So we’re all friends again?” Caroline asked with a bright smile that made Katie smile.
“Yes.” Katie answered. “Well, the three of us are. I’m not sure what was up with Elena.”
“She flipped her switch, but that’s a long story for another time.” Bonnie told her looking sad all of a sudden.
Caroline looked at Katie, sitting on the bed with both Elijah and Klaus at her side. “We’ll give you three some space.” She hit Bonnie’s shoulder with the back of her hand to get her attention then jerked her head to the door. “We’ll see you tomorrow?” Caroline asked Katie who nodded.
With them gone Katie looked back and forth between Klaus and Elijah. “I need a drink.” She slid off the bed and headed downstairs. She grabbed a bottle of bourbon out of the liquor cabinet and a glass. When she turned from the fridge from putting ice in the glass she found Klaus and Elijah sitting at the bar behind her. “I have no idea what to say to either of you. Somehow I’m sorry just doesn’t seem to cut it.”
“You don’t have to apologize.” Elijah told her and she sighed.
“Yes, I do. I shouldn’t have told you about me and Klaus.” Klaus blinked at her and tilted his head to the side. “Not like that anyway.” She poured some bourbon over the ice and capped the bottle. “But you know what?” she picked up the glass and pointed her finger at Elijah. “My love life stopped being your business when you…what did you call it again?” she asked looking around in thought even though she remembered exactly what he’d said. “Right, you let me go. Like a bird that wasn’t perfectly fine with the cage she was in.”
“Niklaus, will you give us a minute?” Elijah asked with a look at Klaus. Klaus looked at Katie and she gave him a nod. So he walked away. “I left because I thought it was what was best for you.” he told her and she opened her mouth to say something, but he held up his hand and she closed her mouth. “But as you pointed out before we passed out, you’ve had enough people telling you what to do. I will forever regret becoming one of them. All I can do is hope that you will one day forgive me both for leaving you and shattering your soul.”
Katie took a drink then set the glass down. “You hurt me, Elijah. You broke me, my trust and my belief in love.” She took a drink as she watched him straighten the place mat in front of him. “And yes, I’m relieved that our link is broken.” he stopped and looked up at her with a frown. “But it’s not because I hate you for leaving me or any other malicious untrue reason. It’s because the whole time I was with you I didn’t know if what I felt for you was real or if it was the link pushing me to feel something for you. I blindly trusted it and jumped in feet first because I wanted so badly to feel loved and wanted.” She paused to take a breath and another drink.
“I will admit it was unfair of me to expect us to simply pick up where we left off. I just missed you so much and waited so long to find you again that I overlooked that while you are exceptionally similar to the woman I fell in love with you are also vastly different.” He told her, not looking her in the eyes.
Katie threw back what was left of her drink and poured another. “I told you that I would always love you, link or no link and I meant it.” she walked around the bar to stand in front of him.
“As did I.” he told her and she smiled a little then let it fall.
“I’m going to be honest with you, I was hoping when that link broke that I wouldn’t feel anything for you. That I could have an easy out of the pain that loving someone inevitably brings. But I look into your eyes and I feel that pain and heartbreak. So I know it was real.”
“So what does that mean for us?” he asked as he propped his elbow up on the bar.
“It means that while I still love you and I always will, I can’t overlook that you chose to leave me. It means I can’t just…jump back into it with you. However what I can do is forgive you for leaving me and shattering my soul. We both need to let go of the past and move on.” She told him.
He looked back down at the place matt, tapping it with his fingertips. “And do you intend to move on with Klaus?” he asked quietly.
She sighed and leaned her hip on the bar. “If he will still have me, yes.” She saw a pained look flash across his face. “I hope you know it wasn’t my intention to hurt you by sleeping with him. I never intended on having feelings for him at all, it just kind of happened.”
“You do not have to explain yourself to me.” He told her as he took his hand off the bar and stood up. He looked around with squinted eyes and pursed lips before he sighed and placed his hand on Katie’s cheek, touching her for the first time since she woke up. Her eyes slipped closed from the comforting, familiar touch before she opened them and looked at him. “Does he make you happy?”
She picked up her foot and started tapping the toe of it into the hardwood floor. “Yes.”
“Then you have nothing to feel bad about.” He told her then leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead as her eyes slipped shut. “Goodbye, Katie.” By the time she opened her eyes he was gone.
She was getting a blood bag out of the icebox when Klaus found her. “I see Elijah is gone.”
“Yep.” She said as she ripped the corner of the bag off with her teeth and spit it onto the bar then poured the blood into a clear glass.
“And you’re still here.” He observed.
“Is that okay with you?” she asked as she lifted the glass to her lips and took a drink.
“You are kidding right?” he asked as he walked around the bar and picked her up by her hips making her yelp and attempt to not spill her drink as he set her on the counter. She set the glass to the side and wrapped her legs around him as she rested her hands on his broad and toned yet kind of skinny shoulders. These actions told him all he needed to know before he pressed his lips to hers in a slow passionate kiss. After a few seconds it broke and he pressed his forehead to hers. “Do you know how hard it was to not kiss you the second you opened your eyes?”
“Not a clue. I’ve never wanted to kiss myself.” She popped off and he pulled back to give her a get-serious look that made her smile a cheeky smile at him. “How long have I been out?”
“Three weeks.” He answered.
“And how long since I flipped my switch?” she asked. “I kind of lost track of time in that horrible windowless room you and Elijah locked me in.”
“Around three months.” He answered and she slipped her hands down his chest.
“A lot can change in three months,” She pointed out looking him in the eyes.
“A lot has changed.” he told her as he looked into her eyes and brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers, “I’m hoping we haven’t?”
She smiled and bit her lip. “We haven’t.” As soon as the words left her lips he kissed her hungrily and slipped his hands under her white tank top. She pulled away. “Whoa, hey, what about Rebekah?” Katie asked.
“She has her own house now.” he told her then started kissing her neck. “We had a bit of a falling out.”
“Something tells me a dagger was involved.” He rolled his eyes at her then started kissing her neck. “Slow your roll there Big Bad Wolf.” she told him as she pulled back and smiled at the aggravated sigh that left his lips. “Before I get too lost in you can I have a few minutes to myself to shower and just…take a beat?”
“Of course.” He told her then back up.
She hopped down, grabbed her glass of blood and down it. “I’ll find you when I’m done.” She told him with a flirty look as she headed upstairs.
Since they had the house to themselves she didn’t bother grabbing clean clothes before she went to the bathroom, turned on the shower, waited for the water to warm up then stepped inside. As the warm water cascaded down her shoulders and back she thought about everything that she’d done since she flipped the switch, every kill, every person she compelled to do her bidding...none of it bothered her. She knew she should be weeping at the thought of taking someone’s family away from them, of how many grieving people there were in the world thanks to her and her blood lust, but she didn’t feel the need to. Yes she shouldn’t have killed them, but she couldn’t beat herself up about it.
Then she remembered the horrified look on the little girl's face as she placed her dead father’s still warm heart in her little hands. The thought of her face being the stuff of that little girl’s nightmares, how much therapy that little girl was going to need just to function as a human. The realization that she single handedly crushed that little girl’s innocence broke her. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she pressed her back against the shower wall and slid down wrapping her arms around her wet knees as she let it all out.
Eventually though she realized crying wouldn’t make it any better. So she stood up, finished showering then wrapped her towel around herself and went to her room. After throwing on her usual lounging around outfit of a tank top and shorts she found Klaus in his room, lying shirtless in bed, reading a green faux leather book. “So this is your room huh?” she asked from the doorway as she looked around. Brown and cream sheer curtains hung over the windows, a brown and cream bedspread covered Klaus’s lower half and a round dining table sat under a crystal chandelier that matched one of the chandeliers that had been in her holding room. Several framed handwritten letters hung on the wall over the head of the bed. A lamp that sat on the bedside table dimly lit the room.
“How was your shower?” he asked, having heard her crying. She walked over to his side of the bed and hopped up on it then straddled him. Instead of answering him she pressed her face into his neck and wrapped her arms around his waist. The hug surprised him. Yes, they were close, they spoke intimately and had sex, and he’d hugged her when she cried about Elijah leaving her, but this hug was something more. This hug showed a certain amount of neediness and that wasn’t something he’d felt from her before. She cared about him, she wanted him, but he never thought she needed him. The fact that she did shook him to his core as he wrapped an arm around her waist and held the back of her neck with the other hand. The words I love you almost slipped over his lips, but he kept it to himself. Her soul had just shattered and in doing so flipped her switch back on, she was dealing with enough emotionally without him adding to it.
So instead of saying it, he slid down in the bed, keeping her on top of him as he grabbed a pillow and put it under his head. In an attempt to further comfort her he started playing with her damp hair. She hummed, closed her eyes and started lazily sliding her fingertips up and down his side. “That feels good.” Her words made him smile. “Klaus?” she asked quietly.
“Yes, Sweetheart?” he asked, still playing with her hair.
She found herself wanting to say those three little words, but she couldn’t let herself. If she said it out loud she’d be letting him in. If she let him in, he could hurt her and if he said it back…she could hurt him. He was the last person she’d ever want to hurt. So instead of I love you she simply said, “Thank you.”
“Any time.” He told her, making her smile. Then she opened her eyes and saw the green book on the bedside table.
“Is that my journal?” she asked, putting her hand on his chest as she pushed herself up.
“Yes.” He answered and she sat up to straddle him.
“Why were you reading it?” she drawled with suspicious eyes.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He answered and she glared at him. “I’m the reason you abandoned your humanity, I wanted to be the one to help you find your way back.”
“So what did you find out from reading the melodramatic bull crap that is my journal?” she asked as she started drawing nonsensical shapes on his chest.
“I know you like Italian food, hate chocolate and love cheesecake and strawberry ice cream. I found out that you lost your virginity to Damon, poor choice if you ask me, as well as a plethora of other things, but what caught my attention most was the poetry.”
“Ugh.” She made a disgusted noise and wrinkled her nose. “Why?”
“Because it’s good.” He told her, giving her thigh a light squeeze. “And I like poetry.”
“So…” she sighed, deciding to change the subject before he decided to start filling her head with compliments. “Fill me in on what I’ve missed, please.”
He pushed himself up to lean against the headboard then moved her around to sit between his legs leaning back on him with his arms wrapped around her.
From there he told her everything that happened since she flipped her switch. How, when he found out about Katie flipping her switch, he made Bonnie put him back into his body that hadn’t been completely burned because the casket he was in when he was stabbed got closed and extinguished the flame.
How the hunter named Connor showed up in town. He was part of a group of five supernaturally gifted vampire hunters whose mission was to find the original immortal, Silas, and the cure to immortality, cure Silas then kill him. Klaus had to leave Katie with Elijah to help control the hunter. The freshly turned Elena killed the hunter and therefore became haunted by the hunter's curse. When Elena killed the hunter, the tattoo that only hunters and potential hunters could see, showed up on Jeremy and the only way for Elena’s hallucinations to stop was for Jeremy to kill a vampire. Caroline talked Klaus into letting Jeremy kill one of his hybrids.
Some guy named Shane who was a professor that took over the college class that Grams used to teach, started teaching Bonnie a type of magic called expression not telling her that it was dark magic. Stefan and Elena broke up. Klaus and Stefan started working together to grow Jeremy’s tattoo that would lead to the location of the cure to immortality. They both want it for Elena.
They found out that Elena was sire bound to Damon. Meaning she was in love with him before she turned. Klaus found out when they all tried to neutralize him that his hybrids had broken their sire bonds to him and Tyler had led the rebellion. Klaus killed all of his hybrids and Tyler’s mom. Kol found out about them trying to find the cure and knew that if they did Silas would unleash hell on earth so he tried to thwart any attempt to find Silas. Klaus turned a bar full of people for Jeremy to kill and complete his mark, but Kol killed them before Jeremy could. Elena asked Klaus to help keep Jeremy safe from Kol who was trying to kill him to keep them from following the hunters mark. Kol also compelled Damon to kill Jeremy so he got locked up in the basement for a little while.
Kol tried to cut Jeremy’s arms off to keep the tattoo from spreading, so Elena killed him. Klaus was going to burn them both in the house, but Bonnie managed to trap him in Elena’s living room with a spell. Because Kol’s whole sire line died, it completed Jeremy’s mark. Klaus was stuck there while the others, besides Caroline and Tyler, went to Nova Scotia to find Silas and the cure. Tyler told Klaus that his plan was to cure Klaus and kill him. Caroline cleaned up Kol’s body while Tyler taunted Klaus on exactly how he was going to kill him. Klaus took his anger at Tyler out on Caroline by biting her. Tyler left Caroline there to make Klaus watch her die. Klaus couldn’t let her die and cured her. The next day Klaus, Caroline and Tyler used a hunter’s sword to decode Jeremy's tattoo, revealing that there is only one dose of the cure. Because Tyler tried to kill him, Klaus ran him out of town. Katherine killed Jeremy by feeding Silas his blood in order to get the cure out of his mummified hands.
Jeremy’s death put Elena in unbearable pain and Damon told her to turn her humanity off not knowing it would break the sire bond. She burned her house down with Jeremy in it.
“Can’t say I haven’t thought about burning my house down.” She commented.
“After everything I just told you that’s what you comment on?” he asked, putting his chin on her shoulder as he looked at her face. She just shrugged. “No comments on the fact that I slaughtered my hybrids and killed your ex-boyfriends mother?”
“I get why you killed your hybrids, but on the flip side I get why they tried to kill you.” he poked her in the side. “What? For someone who wanted them for a back up family you kind of treated them like slaves.” She told him bluntly. “As for Tyler’s mom…she had her nice moments like trying to help me win Miss Mystic, and she loved her son, but mostly she was just a bitch. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard her call me trash. Pretty sure if you didn’t kill her I would have eventually.” She told him then turned around and straddled his lap.
Things were comfortably quiet for a little while as they both just enjoyed being with each other. “Happy birthday, by the way, I’m sorry I did not get you anything.”
“You’re the only birthday present I need.” She told him then wrinkled her nose. “That sounded far less cheesy in my head.”
He smiled. “I do not mind cheesy.”
She glared at him playfully. “You secretly love romantic chick flicks don’t you?”
He laughed looking a little embarrassed. “Maybe.” Katie smiled and looked at her hands exploring his torso. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Nope. I like it.” she told him then leaned down and kissed his neck.
“So what do you want for your birthday?” he asked as she kept placing random kisses over his neck and chest.
“An art lesson.” She answered, surprising him.
“The woman that colored in a coloring book to pass art class wants a lesson?” he asked and she stopped showering him with kisses to look at his face.
“I would have liked to learn, but the teacher sucked and it was kind of nice to have a break from my other, harder, classes.” She told him as her hands slid over his shoulders and down his arms to his hands that rested on her thighs and grabbed them in hers. “I want to know more about the things you’re passionate about.” She admitted as she pressed her palms to his.
He threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her into him catching her lips with his in a kiss that slowly deepened. After a few minutes of making out he let go of her hands, grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. He looked into her eyes as his hands found her breasts and kneaded them as he kissed her neck, his actions pulling a sigh from her as he slid down to lay on his back. She grabbed his chin and kissed his lips then kissed down his jaw line to his neck, pulling a sigh out of him with her touch. Her hands explored his torso as she kissed his collarbone, the hollow of his neck, the center of his chest then surprised him as she kept kissing lower, making his breath quicken when she threw the covers over her head and took him into her mouth. The grunt her action pulled out of him made her laugh only giving him that much more pleasure.
She was just starting to have fun when he threw the covers off of her, grabbed her chin and pulled her up for a heated kiss. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you?” he asked between peppering kisses over her neck and shoulders and his hand caressed her back.
“Show me?” she asked and he pulled away from kissing her to look her in the eyes as he rolled them over. She wrapped one arm around his torso while her other hand held the back of his neck. As he hovered over her, braced on his hand on the bed next to her head, he slipped his hand down her chest. He didn’t break eye contact as he moved his hand to her breast, kneading it before he pinched her nipple making her moan and dig her fingertips into his back. Desperate to have his lips back on her she pulled him to her for a needy passionate kiss. As they kissed his hand moved down her stomach then slipped into her shorts and panties. His talented fingers pulled a whimper from her that made him pull back and look her in the eyes as he pleasured her.
After a minute she pushed off the rest of her clothes, grabbed his wrist, pulled his hand away, rolled them over then sat up. When she slipped his slick fingers into her mouth he thought he was going to lose it, but he managed to hold back as he slipped them out and sat up. He grabbed her beast in his hand as she slid her hands over his toned arms. A growl left his lips as he attacked neck with kisses and nibbles making her laugh then sigh before he whooshed them around and sank into her.
A sigh left her lips as she squeezed her eyes closed and wrapped her legs around him. His sighs and groans only fueled her fire just as her whimpers and moans fueled his. He could tell she was getting close and as if on cue she sighed, “God, Klaus.”
“Come for me, sweetheart.” His words tipped her over the edge making her dig her fingernails into his back and tighten her legs around him. The slight pain of her nails in his back and intense pleasure of her orgasm sent him tumbling after her and pulled a loud grunt from him, making her smile as he let his head fall to her chest.
After they had both come down from the high he picked up his head and looked her in the eyes. As she moved her hands from his back to his chest she saw the blood on her fingernails and her smile faded. “Did I scratch you?” she asked, taking her hand off of him a little shocked at what she had done.
“Mmhmm.” he hummed and started kissing her chest absentmindedly.
“Did it hurt?” she asked, still looking at the blood on her fingertips.
“Only a little.” He answered.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never done anything like that before.” She told him.
He stopped kissing her to look her in the eyes. “Pain and pleasure sometimes go hand in hand.” She just looked at him with a frown. “It’s fine. I liked it.” he assured her.
“If you say so.” She told him deciding not to harp on it. He rolled off of her to lie on his side, turned off the lamp then pulled the covers over them. He smiled to himself when she tucked herself into his chest, intertwined her legs with his and wrapped an arm around his waist. She was being clingier than usual and he couldn’t help but love it.
He thought she was just reveling in the calm after the storm like she used to, but after a few minutes her breathing changed and he looked down to see that she had fallen asleep. So he kissed the top of her head and let sleep overcome him, happy that she was back in his arms.
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dr-nero-is-god · 3 years
Tbh the thing about watching people read Bloodline when you don't want spoilers but, y'know, you've been thinking about this for the last eight years and you do wanna know, is that it's like a secret poker game where i need to make the next bet and have to get a read on all y'all to determine what i do. None of you seem like you're bluffing and given that this is not a high stakes poker game i assume no one is outright lying about their reaction. But in the interest of being spoilers free people are somewhat reserved with their feelings, which i understand. So here i am. A poker player.
I don't think Raven dies, because I feel like there would be a lot more depression in the group chat as a result of that, and honestly I feel like Nero has a sporting chance at living even though, to my knowledge, no one who has finished so far has an especial preoccupation with the man. I might hazard to guess that Anastasia and Elena were not the twins, which would then preclude an identity mix-up re: murder, and if not then I would suppose that Elena and Pietor are the twins. Since Pietor has been dead for so long idk if that would add much to their characterization, BUT if Anastasia is their older sister then there could be some Eldest Sibling Angst to work with. It feels far-out but guessing is free. My current read on the room is that Elena and Nero's mom being one and the same is not off the table completely, and yet hope tells me to not worry about that at 11:46pm on a Thursday night. The Sinistres are involved somehow and apparently not in a stupid way, but I don't have any particular way to connect that to anything. I surmise that the Contessa's not back because of how exploded she was, but nanobots are just sci-fi enough that perhaps there's a Lucy return in some way. I don't know. Clearly, Franz and Nigel don't get together because there would have been at least one hallelujah, which is disappointing but not surprising given that Mark has only really proven himself to be a master of queer subtext. I still think the portrait in Nero's office is his mom. Raven seems likely to be Elena's daughter, though if Elena was Nero's mom that would make them siblings--not something we've discussed much but would be reminiscent of Schwab's Vicious. Of course that would be too much to hope for. Kind of hoping there's a Xiu Mei callback in some form, but that's just because I finished book three today. Also disappointed to report that I am going to guess my cool idea where Otto pulls Ms. Leon's consciousness out of her cat doesn't happen even though it would be SO OMINOUS. can you imagine
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melynen · 4 years
Pick Up - 00Q
Written for Trope prompt table’s prompt ‘Ex-Military Q’.
Also for Ksan @starrboned who provided me with the following idea: Q sent to a mission because it's somehow connected to his military days? (Intelligence, maybe) and returns injured? Or Bond goes with him, surprised that Q was in the army once upon a time.
The mission was a success.
Well, relatively speaking, it was. Q hadn’t expected to return without any scrapes or bruises when he’d been asked (well, told really, but it had been worded very politely) to join 001 for her mission in Cyprus, but a fractured ankle hadn’t been in mind.
Car chases were definitely not among his favourite activities, no matter what Bond had to say about the subject.
001 herself had fared much better, though, and for that Q was thankful. Without her assistance the long way back would have been at least twice longer.
On the plus side, he’d been able to remain mostly unconscious during the flight back due to the medication he’d received after the surgery.
Now that he was back in London soil again, Q seriously needed to figure out how these bloody crutches worked. He’d managed to get off the airplane and through baggage reclaim with 001’s assistance, but it had been slow and very much annoying to Q who was used to moving freely and without a care from one place to another.
He was so focused on his thoughts that he nearly missed it when 001 said something to him, gesturing towards the throngs of people waiting. She had to physically wave her hand in front of his face, and by the time Q blinked and looked up it was already too late.
“Hello Q,” said a familiar voice, and suddenly Bond stood there, looking at him with an expression he couldn’t quite decipher.
“Bond,” he said, feeling suddenly awkward and also a bit unsure of what he was supposed to say now. Hello? So about that mission I said I was asked to join, nobody told me how dangerous it might become? Yes, that would certainly go down well.
Not that Bond had any room to talk, mind. Q’d already lost count on how many times he’d been on the other side of this very situation, and they hadn’t even been properly dating for more than ten months, tops.
“How are you feeling?” Bond asked, managing to surprise Q by actually keeping a bit of distance and not trying to touch him in any way. He’d probably been in Q’s situation before, and remembered that experience well.
“I’m fine,” Q replied. “Ish. The medication I was given works wonders, I can barely feel my ankle.”
Bond raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you looked so unsure while you were walking?”
Q frowned. “If by unsure you mean my not yet being used to these bloody crutches, then the answer is yes. I’ve only used them once before.”
“You’ll get better soon enough.”
001, who was standing a bit behind him with both of their luggage, cleared her throat.
Right, Q had almost forgotten about her. He glanced at her and wordlessly promised to make haste so that she could get on with her day without needing to listen in on her Quartermaster’s surprise meeting with his boyfriend.
“What brings you here, anyway?” Q asked Bond. “Not that it isn’t lovely to see you, but I expected it to happen at Six and not here.”
“I wanted to see you and check whether you needed any assistance with your injury,” Bond said. “Which you do, so it’s a good thing that I came.”
Well, that was unexpected.
“I manage just fine with the crutches,” Q pointed out. “And Elena is helping me with my luggage, so while I’m happy to see you, it was hardly necessary for you to come all the way here.”
“I disagree,” Bond said. “It’s clear to me that you need a lift.” He stepped closer to Q and held out his hand for Q’s crutches. “May I?”
Mystified, Q complied and surrendered first one and then the other to Bond, who in turn wrapped an arm around Q for support and handed them over to 001. Afterwards he indicated for Q to climb onto his back, which Q did (with some help from Bond and 001) after a moment or two of incredulous staring.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Bond, he just hadn’t expected for his boyfriend to offer to do quite that. Though he supposed that this was better than Bond going straight for a bridal carry.
“I meant it when I said that I managed,” he had to remind Bond, even as he rested his chin against the man’s shoulder. Bond smelt nice, and it had been over a week since they had last seen each other so he was happy to be close to him again.
“I know.” Bond sounded fond and perhaps a tiny bit amused. “But you’re my injured boyfriend and I wanted to do something to help. Humour me, darling?”
“I thought I already was.”
001 chuckled, but wisely kept her comments to herself. Bond continued to carry Q towards the car and began asking him about what the doctors had said.
It wasn’t until Q was safely sat in the car, his crutches in the trunk along with their luggage, and 001 sitting in the backseat, when Bond said, “I didn’t know that you’d been in the army.” He wasn’t looking at Q, electing to focus fully on the road before them instead, but Q could detect a hint of hurt in the tone of his voice.
“That’s because it’s classified information,” Q said. “But seeing as you’re aware of it now, yes, I was in the Royal Engineers. My father was a Royal Engineer as well, and his father before him, so you might say that it runs in the family.”
“And this mission you’re returning from...”
“Had to do with my past in the military, yes. I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you, unless M instructs me otherwise.”
“Even I don’t know much more than that,” 001 said, possibly to appease Bond’s feelings. “And I was the double-oh involved in the mission.”
Bond said nothing to that, but he did glance at Q and offer him a nod.
And that seemed to be the end of that. Bond drove them to Six, where he and 001 accompanied Q to M’s office for a debriefing (although Bond waited outside with Moneypenny), and afterwards Bond drove him straight to home.
It felt strange to be home when his cats weren’t there — following his injury, Q had arranged for them to remain with his friend for a bit longer, enough so that he could get used to the crutches properly — but at least he had his boyfriend there with him. Bond was going to take care of him, or that was at least what he’d told Q on the way.
Right now, Q was on the sofa, a quilt over his lap and a steaming mug of tea on the coffee table before him; both courtesy of Bond. The man himself was in the kitchen, cooking them dinner.
“I’m here for you,” Bond had said while helping Q make himself comfortable. “And I will be here for you as long as you want me to.” Then he’d kissed Q on the lips, gentle and light and familiar, and gone to make him tea.
Q wasn’t sure, but he thought that perhaps Bond had, in his own way, given him a promise of stability.
He could easily learn to live with that.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/1
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Part 1
AU crossover story
Elena  Gilbert and Nick Amaro are FBI agents, investigating paranormal activity and all different strange cases involving demons, witchcraft, vampires.
There will be other tvd/to characters in it. All of them and they will all have different roles, completely different than those on TVD/TO and some Law&Order svu characters like Olivia Benson.
As always- love plays a great part too!
I hope you enjoy this story- as always thanks for reading. xoxo
a/n: blame this one me still watching Law&Order svu and other shows  like Penny Dreadful, City of Angels. And been rewatching X files and - cuz I can’t get enough of Nick, the detectiveguapo.  😊
Elena Gilbert extended her condolences to her partner's wife.
"I am so sorry", the Agent said,"Jackson was a really good man."
"Yes, he was."Freya said numb. Elena could see in the woman's eyes that she still blamed her for her husband's death. To tell her that she was going to do everything to avenge her partner was not appropriate at that moment. Elena just nodded as a goodbye to the woman and walked off.
To be a Special agent of the FBI was a tough job. Death was everywhere. A daily occurrence. She has seen the most heinous crimes in the seven years she had been with the Bureau, and although she looked like she was stoned faced and nothing much moved her, she hid a very warm and tormented heart under the made up facade. The picture of Jackson with his heart ripped out kept lingering in her head and although she tried to block it with her usual methods of removing herself from the pain, it still was so vivid and it made her contemplate leaving her job altogether.
At the FBi HQ- the Executive Assistant Director stood up greeting Special agent Nick Amaro offering him a seat. The Agent  sat down ready to listen why he was brought in taken away from a case he was investigating. The two men obviously knew each other well, but still there was a certain coldness that made this meeting a very brief affair.
"It is the extension of the X-files, you are familiar with I know. Elena Gilbert, your new partner, has been working on it for the last two years. I believe you have heard that she had lost her partner two weeks ago."
"I have. And I suppose you are assigning me to the X-files?!" Nick said with no particular emotion.
The EAD passed him the file Elena and Jackson were working on adding a simple yes.
"That is all, I guess." the Agent  said taking the folder standing up.
"This is off record" Rafael Barba said. "Just so you know, you were not reassigned because of the shooting. We thought that agent Gilbert would need someone with your expertise."
"Is that all?" Nick sais standing up, ready to leave.
The man just nodded and with that Nick left the office. He wasn't particularly surprised at the reassignment. And it had all to do with the shooting. Him losing his cool for a moment was something he knew he would pay severely. He took his phone and pressed the speedial.
Elena walked in her office. Another agent was waiting for her to leave the last forensic data she had received.
"Wasn't expecting you here today." Olivia said as she handed her the file over.
Elena sat down at her desk. "If I work and get Jackson's killer then I am useful. I just couldn't be there any longer or go the house. Freya still blames me. And maybe she is right. This is all my fault."
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        "Come on. He was a professional. And you were in far worse situations before." Olivia said.
"We should have done it differently. Like all the the text book stuff got lost on the way. I don't know. I am playing it over and over in my head at what moment the investigation went so out of hand. I will almost believe he was cursed. Like that voodoo priest said." Elena lamented.
The women were interrupted by the knock on the door and a man walking in greeting them politely as he introduced himself, "Hello. Agent Nick Amaro. I've been assigned to -  I’m your new partner."
Elena stood up looking at him nodding a little. She knew that eventually someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place, "Gilbert -uhm, this is Olivia Benson, FSS ( Forensic Science Service)"
Olivia welcomed the Agent and then excused hersel, leaving the Agents.
Elijah looked around at a very small office. with the most strangest posters and a board of It felt like he was demoted. But it actually it didn't matter. They would be out in the field lot more than in his place. He walked over to the desk that was set exactly opposite from Elena's. It was still cluttered with Jackson's things and notes, other personals stuff, like the photo of his wife.
"Yes. I have not yet come to clearing it up. It will be done today." Elena said standing up, taking the photo off the desk and collecting the notes jotted on the papers scattered on it.
“I know how it feels.”Nick inhaled softly.  He remembered his own loss. Losing a partner is one of the hardest things, as this person is more than a friend. Someone you put your lives in hands on a daily basis, especially in their line of the work. He knew of her, seeing her in the building numerous times, and always wondered how someone like her got to work with the Bureau. 'She is tough as nails' Rollins said to Nick once as they had heard of a case a kidnapping of a little girl being solved by her and Jackson a year before.
"Nick Amaro - Ah, I remember now. You worked on the cold cases, and then with the Jeffersonian. Here it is about monsters and paranormal. Voodoo, witchcraft, demons. Take your pick."
"I heard you have PhD in demonology?!" Nick said.
"Did you not read my resume. Anyway, how do you stand on that?" Elena shot back.
"Demons? am here to investigate criminal activities. I had a fair share of twisted cases."
"Twisted cases, ha?" Elena said not so happy his take on it.
"Maybe not a clever choice of words." Nick corrected himself seeing the deadly look she gave him.
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"Maybe." Elena said. "so, I guess you read the file?!"
"I did. Actually skimmed through it. I heard also that another body was found in Virginia, Mystic Falls." Nick said.
"Yes. All drained of blood. No markings on the obvious places, suspecting vampire activity."
"Vampire activity?" Nick said with a surprise in his voice.
"Yes," Elena replied,"File under the number 88. Vampires, beings from who subsists by feeding on the life essence, generally in the form of blood, of living creatures. "Oh, I guess they will finally send someone down to install your own computer. We are here like non-existent as you can see. It's like weird doesn't really is real."
"Agent Benson brought the forensics in? Nick now asked to change the mood.
Elena handed the latest update sheet to him."There."
As soon as he entered the room she noticed a certain assurance and command in his demeanor. He was about the work. There was no reason for her to act so defensively towards him. She knew very well that someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place. But, his appearance made the reality that Jackson was gone for good absolute. And it was harsh. Jackson's dead face came back to her and suddenly went pale.
Nick noticed the change in her. "Gilbert, are you all right?"
"Fine." Elena replied coolly, obviously trying to hide the pain.
"No, you're not. And it's perfectly acceptable. You are allowed to grieve."
Elena just put a small dismissive smile on as if thanking him for his truthful concern, but she was not ready for anything personal yet, so she overrode the moment and continued to talk about the case.                  
Nick listened, letting her brief him fully. It was clear that there was vulnerability under the facade of a woman made out of steel. He listened to her like in a trance. Everything about her captured his soul from the moment he walked into the office. This he could not deny, although he ignored it.
Rebekah walked in the diner, and sat down at the table at the end, taking her phone out, reading a message. The waitress came around with the cup of coffee, serving her, "Bad day?"
Rebekah thanked her for the coffee and replied, "I had worse."
The waitress left and she put the phone aside and looked out. It was still raining. There were days one wish they could be erased altogether. This was one of these days for Dr Rebekah St. Claire. She looked at her finger, where once a diamond ring was.
Flashback "I can't do this Bex. And it's noz because I don't love you. But, I am not myself. Everything inside of me is about the kidnapping. You've seen me. I could have hurt you yesterday. I can't. Let's call this all off" Marcel said.
"Please- we can do therapy- together. You can't just- go-" Rebekah said tearing up feeling like someone had kicked her in the guts.
Marcel felt the same- and looking at her so cut made his psychosis brew up wanting to set the world on fire for having messed with him.
”I can't” he slipped and walked out of the room.
Her attention was soon diverted by her friend Caroline, who sat down opposite from the doctor.
"Hey" Caroline just said without adding anything else. She knew all about her fiance's trouble.
"It hurts. And - you know what today is?"
"Yes. Would have been W-day"
"And look at it- pissing down with rain," Rebekah said, "maybe it is telling me something."
"I know this sounds like a cliche- but it will get easier" Caroline said.
"Not till I know that he is healed - somehow"
"You still blame yourself - the kidnapping had nothing to do with you" Caroline tried to comfort her friend.
"Come on, Caroline, we know it's not true. I had the evidence."
"And you could not give them - we don't negotiate with criminals" the blonde reminded her.
"No-" Rebekah said pensively.
Caroline's phone buzzed and she answered it-
"Klaus?- No. Still waiting the evidence to be released. Yeah- Later"
"You still hate his guts?" Rebekah now remarked "Pretty much. Hate having to work as his deputy" Caroline said.
"But since he was appointed as DA things are getting done- and you rock as a team"
"Can we not talk about him and work. Pie?" Caroline suggested.
Rebekah  nodded as in yes, please.
********** At the FBI HQ
Nick was left reading Elena's notes from the File 88 - as she was called away to the Field Director.
He tried to cross-reference the data with the present case. Everything indicated that Elena was right. This murder was very much related to these mythical creatures.
A knock at the door made Nick look up as a man entered asking for Elena.
"Hi. Elena?" the man said, obviously inquiring for her whereabouts.
"Out," Nick said simply,"you are?" He knew who the man was, but he still wanted formal introduction, "Agent Salvatore, Stefan."
"Nick Amaro" the Agent replied turning away from the file.
"You"re her new partner?!"' Stefan cocked an eyebrow at the Agent.
"I am." Nick replied adding,"leaving a message?"
"No. I will call her later. See you" Stefan said and exited the office.
Nick returned to reading the file when his phone buzzed.
"Third body appeared in the woods," Elena informed him, “I’m outside.”
Swiping the call off, he put his coat on and went out.
Caroline walked in the pub called 'Georgetown' putting down her bag on the bar stool next to Stefan.
"What are you having?" Stefan asked.
"The same as you." Caroline said."it stopped raining."
"It did. I went to see Elena. She got a new partner." Stefan informed his friend.
"So, she did?! Who is it?"
"Nick Amaro" Stefan said.
"Right." Caroline said."I tried to call her. Today was Jackson's funeral. She hasn't answered any of my calls yet."
"She has just sent me a message that she is going to be out of town for a few days. The case." Stefan updated the attorney.
"She is allowed time off, but she has not taken one day off," Caroline said,"one day she will come crushing down."
"Not until this case is over and they find Jackson's killer." Stefan said."But even then she might just sweep it under the mental carpet."
Caroline now took the Bourbon that was served- and inhaled sharply.
Three and a half hours later, Elena and Nick arrived in Mystic Falls. Although it was quite late, Elena wanted to see the Sheriff and get a brief update.
"Sheriff Donovan? Elijah said.
"Yes," Matt said,"come to my office."
Elena and Nick followed the Sheriff in. As they recieved the report, Elena asked when she could see the body. And of course it was first thing in the morning.
“Right.” Elena muttered and then asked if there was anywhere they could grab something to eat.
"The Grill. It’s the best place if you like home made type of food." Matt said.
"Pie - I actually really need some pie." Elena said.
“They served the best pie in all of Virginia” the Sheriff replied putting his hat on. “I’m on my way there, too.”
Soon, Elena and Nick were at the Grill with a burger and a slice of apple pie each.
After taking a bit of the pie, Elena seemed to change into a different person, making Elijah say, "Lack of sugar?"
"I think better when I had something sweet.” Elena said raising her eyebrow at her new partner.
Nick looked at her as if taking notes.
"Ready for the vampire hunt?"
"Excuse me?"
"Everything you said on the way here makes perfect sense, but trust me everything will defy logic." Elena said.
She spoke as if she already knew that they would be tapping in the dark, and there was a whiff of darkness from her heart kicking at him. A strange kind of resignation. It was not that particular case, it was clear to him that she was talking about Jackson's case.
"Agent Salvatore is on Agent Kenner's case?!" Nick then said.
Elena nodded with a small bitter smile.
How, why- at that moment he wished he could take the pain away from those stone cold dark eyes.
Come out while the rain is gone Slow down breathing on your road And the world keeps spinning around while we dive in it And the world is . in stone leaving marks on our skin
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