#or more like finally has a ref/design I fully like
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kheprriverse · 1 year ago
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First Hero, Soldier of Hylia.
Masterpost | Ko-fi
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the-painted-siren · 1 month ago
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Finally managed to redo all of my ninja body headcanon refs yippee! I’m especially happy because I redid their proportions and anatomy to be more accurate to how I envision them. I certainly think they all look better for it.
A metric ton of notes + Several extra characters beneath the cut! Also spoilers for Dragons Rising S2 and leaks for S3.
Jay — has the face of a movie star with a narrow jawline and thick, curly hair to go with it. Short, boxy-looking, muscular shoulders. He’s strong enough to lift heavy materials and work with stubborn mechanical pieces, but is otherwise pretty lean. Lots of freckles and lightning-like scars all over his body. The smaller ones fade with time and return when he uses his powers. (Later in DR, I headcanon that Jay figures out she’s transfem. However for this ref I’m using pre-realization Jay.)
Nya — Square face and strong features, death glare that could kill a man. Very muscular, especially around her biceps and thighs. Lots of scars and moles. Leftover markings from her time spent as the ocean (she also has sharpened teeth from the incident, like dragon fangs.) Dragon tattoo on her left arm. (Not pictured: small phoenix tattoo on her back.) Wavy hair that resembles ocean waves.
Kai — Resembles his father quite a bit, has similar sharp features. Very handsome. Hairy, jacked, very strong arms, biceps, and shoulders. Scarred hands from wielding his own fire recklessly when he was younger. Same dragon tattoo as Nya on his left arm (he got it to commemorate her sacrifice in Seabound.) Scar over right eye that he got while fighting a Serpentine. Hair that resembles flames. Top surgery scars bc he is transmasc to me.
Lloyd — Classic hero look. Soft-featured and seems very approachable, often makes his enemies think he’s incapable of great anger bc of it. Tall, stocky, jock-like build, broad shoulders and waist. Outgrew half of his team by S8 (they are still upset about this lol). Several scars and stretch marks from how quickly he’s grown over the years but the most prominent are the claw marks on his shoulder from fighting his dad. Mole on his chin bc I like projecting my physical features onto my fave characters. Originally his ears were round like the rest of his teammates but became pointed after the Oni trilogy, he used to be severely self conscious about them but later grew to appreciate them. Top surgery scars bc he is also transmasc to me.
Cole — Had an emo phase in classic-era S1/2, was also pretty slender but later put on a lot of weight. Probably the most relaxed and emotionally in touch than all the rest of his teammates and it shows in his expression and posture. Large build with lots of functional muscle- big arms, big chest, big hands and feet, you get the picture. Very hairy. Scars on his hands and arms and side of his head from his powers and time spent as a ghost. Also has some moles. Has grown his hair out very steadily over the course of his life. Top surgery scars bc he is also, also transmasc to me.
Zane — Originally, Dr. Julien built him pretty short but after S3 Pixal rebuilt him to be taller. Slender build with a strong, flexible core. Broad, sturdy shoulders. Dr. Julien designed him to be light and fast to contrast the Juggernaut, which is slow and tanky. Has similar patterns on his shoulders that Pixal has all over her body, except the dots have been replaced with snowflakes. Very human-looking. Dark eyes. Heart/core is comprised of chronosteel as given to him by the previous Master of Ice.
Pixal — The shortest. Petite. Has a very sweet and gently-looking countenance since her original purpose was to assist. Has an alternative Battle Mode body that is bigger than even Zane. She re-made the Samurai X persona to seem big, quiet, and terrifying to fight. Visible circuitry since she is overflowing with every mechanism thought possible to make her as fully functional as a human being.
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Sora — average height with a rectangular build, strong arms because she’s an inventor and mechanic. Using scrapped Imperium tech, she customized the markings on her body to look like whiskers and cat stripes. She used to dye her hair pink but once she grew into her powers it became naturally pink. Two different prosthetic arms, one for practical purposes and another that looks like a cat paw for fun.
Arin — starts out pretty short but grows a lot over the course of his time training to be a ninja. It’s not pictured, but he has a growth spurt post S2 that puts him at a similar height to Lloyd (5’8”). Puts on some functional muscle as he trains. Has a few scars but the two most prominent ones are on his shoulder (from helping Sora with a project, and the other on his clavicle from getting thrown around by Ras in DR S2).
Wyldfyre — short, short gremlin. Sunken facial features. Stocky and top heavy, muscular arms and legs. Despite her height, she could suplex half the cast effortlessly. Very tanned from being out in the sun and heat her entire life. I gave her lots of freckles because I am correct. Hair is still somewhat untamable even after S2P1.
Frak — seems tall, is actually pretty small for a Serpentine. Wiry and flexible, lots of sharp edges that he’s generally very aware and particular about. Tough skin/scales, wears armor to protect his torso. Mixed Venomari and Constrictai. Receives one of Lloyd’s old gi after joining the ninja.
Euphrasia — yes, I know she’s not apart of the cast of new ninja but I wanted to make a reference for her anyway. Tiny and wispy, like a wind sprite. Unassuming and innocent-looking. Used to have shrimp-posture from how anxious and insecure she was about herself but has started to straighten out as she’s grown into her powers. Some freckles :)
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Misako — very short but still fit as a fiddle. More the capable of defending herself and doing heavy manual labor, even though she doesn’t really look like it. Had a very stressful life and as a result started getting gray hair early in her years. She doesn’t mind as much now that she’s gotten so old. Has stretch marks and a slight tummy after giving birth to Lloyd.
Wu — can shapeshift to any height, chooses to look short and wide, ultimate sleeper build (this man is muscled as hell). Like Lloyd, he has a classic hero look and also seems approachable and gentle. Post Oni trilogy he keeps his ears pointed to comfort and support Lloyd with his own low self-esteem. In the early seasons, he used to be very slim and almost frail-seeming, but in S9 he grew to add on a lot of weight from subconsciously modeling himself after Cole. Has arthritis and chronic pain.
Garmadon — can also shapeshift to any height but got into a particularly petty and pointless fight with Lloyd about it one day. He chooses to be around the same height as Lloyd bc of it. Both he and Wu have dragon-like tails but prefer to keep them hidden, tho post-Crystallized Garmadon starts to wear his out more frequently. In S1/2 he was remarkably muscled and well-built, S3/4 he became incredibly focused on slimming down to fit the ninja master image, in the Oni trilogy he was reborn as being remarkably powerful and muscled again (to fit Harumi’s subconscious projection of what she thought he would look like.) By Crystallized, he’d let go of many of his responsibilities and reservations and gained a lot of weight. Still muscled, tho not as big as Wu. Has chronic pain due to so many physical transformations and a 1000+ years of service to Ninjago.
Morro — *transfems your ghost* Yeah… anyway, short and bony, strong enough to handle herself tho. Leftover scars after she dissolved into the ocean, occasionally they become translucent and show off her skeleton when she experiences powerful emotions. No longer a wind master but does now have ghost-like abilities.
Echo/Mr.E — essentially looks like a smaller, shorter, and more youthful version of Zane. Used to be very rusted and was always falling apart before Harumi helped rebuild him. Red and black color scheme to contrast Zane’s blue and white one. Has a crack over his left eyebrow after he got crushed by a billboard in Crystallized.
Harumi — Remarkably beautiful by most social beauty standards, deceptively petite. Is actually muscled beneath whatever layers she wears. In DR, she lets go a lot of her old feelings and resentments and begins healing. Cuts her hair and starts wearing warmer colors, tho she still prefers her heavy makeup and jewelry from her biker phase. Both she and Echo have a sort of crystal-like surface to their body after taking on the power of the Crystal King. Always carries a tool belt to help with repairs and odd jobs around the Crossroads.
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Akita — tall by Ninjago standards, short by Formling standards. Spent a lot of her formative years struggling after her people were froze in ice, but has been healing post S-11 after being reunited with her brother and people. Her wolf form is much bigger than a regular wolf, making it easier for her to scare off packs of wild animals and tote objects or people around the Never Realm.
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Pixal’s battle form in comparison to her usual form and Zane.
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maddragon15 · 10 months ago
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Finalized design for my version of Etho for hermitcraft s10!
Warning long infodump ahead about the decisions made and general lore
So I've had this idea that redstone is like uranium. Powerful, can be used for energy + various machinery and scientific discoveries, used to increase the value of the everyday lives (uranium girls ref) but with the major cause of life deletion/life altering affects. I believe that it would cause more mutations within redstoners over the course of time they are exposed to it and the varying degree that they're covered in it. But redstone is a fairly new resource that has been discovered in the world of minecraft/hermitcraft. So the research behind it isn't as strong nor as known as it should be. Therefore every effect that happens to the pioneers of redstone is completely new and unheard of. Which might be the reason why some builders like Grian, Scar, Ren, Gem, etc are hesitant to fully learn redstone mechanics due to the unknown nature of it but still aren't fully opposed because of the benefits it has.
In my world of hermitcraft for season 10 it's built off of the fact that there's quite a few people leaning into that cybery, technological, sci-fi theme. Like the Punks, then Ren's Gigaverse and of course the nature of Doc in general. So the main story is that this world of hc2410 is that it's a world that was much similar to earth. It went through the usual set of technological feats bit by bit, culture by culture.
For a long time their main power source which fueled everything was glowstone, a semi renewable material exported from the Nether and harvested from blazes and the blaze rods. Blaze rods were grinded down then compressed into glass like bilets which were then heated, strained, and forged into various forms that were needed. For a while it was small 2x2 inch cubes mainly used in lamps and later 6x6 foot cubes for lighthouses. But as the age of the iron wore on, technology looked much like the era of the vacuum tubes.
Thus began the swap of simplified forms of glowstone into the complexities of tubes and the requirement of more materials and longer time to create these specialized parts. Though that didn't stop what pioneers were part of that era, these guys being Etho, Tango, Doc, and Mumbo. Now these guys were very basic hybrids, Etho an arctic fox, Tango a nether born blaze, Doc whom was a rare specices of creeper, and Mumbo who was actually just a human. It took long and multiple days worth of work to even produce what would be a 4 part machine in modern redstone technology with glowstone. Though these guys were at this point young and determined to optimize their creations.
Glowstone in itself was a relatively safe material to work with unless of course consumed, if consumed it would wear down the lining of the stomach, cause holes in the intestines, and heat the user to an unbearable degree akin to the infamous iron bull method of torture except it was your insides and only your insides being subjected to it. To the person that found this out would never be credited and largely forgotten in most history records. Mainly because he died such a painful death and most didn't want to remember it. So when Etho was working on the mines with his crew and discovered redstone there was a guess and perhaps a hope that it would be as safe as glowstone. Therefore safety percautions that were used with materials like obsidian and diamond were thrown out the window. Instead it was instantly collected into glass cylinders and brought back to the workshop to be played around with.
Thus the reason why for most parts of hc2410 many will be seen with previous and malfunctioning innovations or straight up tech from the glowstone era. One of these people is Mumbo who still uses comms from the glowstone era as a way to keep his small hometown economy running because any way to help Big Ron was a win in his book. Pearl is also another example user of older innovations or at least less redstone heavy variations. Rather going into the world of solar, and botany side of technology dubbed leafstone. Other variations of older innovations would also have to be old port towns who used wind and small hydroplants to keep their town running and connected with the rest of the world such as Gem's & Grian's hometown.
With Etho being the main guy who really played around with it and pretty much like at it like ate it like it was sugar was thee very first to experience the mutational effect of redstone. At first his left eye would begin to flicker with rapid involuntary movement, then followed a set of what would be dubbed "chromatic abberation" (etho would be the only one to experience this and no one can confirm what he saw was accurate due to the mental state he was in), and the onset of vision loss. But this wasn't the first and last effect, he would begin to develop a second tail and unusual pelt coloring akin to the color of the newfound material. Much like the later steps of his changes the second tail development was not a pain free one. As the months continued his mental state worsened, this was due to the psychoactive effects of redstone and already altered vision. He would begin to see things that weren't there in a translucent red glow often accompanied by intense localized migraines behind the left eye. It would get so intense and unbearable that in the middle of developing the infamous etho hopper clock he began to claw at his left eye but the fingernails weren't enough and instead used a screwdriver to try to get it out. However Doc and Tango would find Etho moments before a prosthetic eye would take the permanent place of a redstone scarred eye.
Although Etho did wear a mask during the initial stages of redstone development and technology it wouldn't be enough against the sheer intake the 4 went through. Therefore under the careful guise of Xisumavoid, who'd later become the main caretaker/medic and manager, and Doc they would make several changes to how redstone was regulated. Making a mandate that all personnel, consumer, mechanic, and who ever else would have to wear a respirator and gloves during the usage of redstone. You'd think this would be easy to get the crew to swap into using respirators at the very least but it was met with much hesitation and backlash due to the blukiness that came with them. It was already tough to pack around the canisters of redstone, glowstone tubes, and iron baseplates and now they also had to squeeze into tight spaces with a clunky mess? But again Doc and Xisuma found ways to make sure that each member found a way to have their own variation of resperation based upon needs. It wasn't too hard to make one for Etho because he already had a mask but his stubbornness rivaled Doc, and took a near fatal pass out due to lack of blood production, aka just more extreme anemia, and bloody nose to convince Etho to finally add that respirator onto his mask.
Despite however the apparent dangers of redstone it sent the world of hc2410 into a new world of technology seemingly overnight, from clunky 60s-70s style tan and heavy clunk switches into an age more similar to thin touch panels and streamlined designs of now but with the flair of the iconic synthwave/cyberpunk style deemed by the 80s-90s. Yet it was met with strife due to how time consuming redstone was even with several engineers helping out on one project and most innovations were only available to the richest before being thrown out for the latest and greatest.
Also you may recall, if you've made it to this point, that I mentioned that the 4 were basic hybrids. Well much like Etho the effects on the rest weren't simple nor painless, and varied quite differently from each other. But those will be covered once their designs are finished.
I thank you if you've made it this far and I'll see you on the next hermitaday posts! :3
Edit: I also want to include that one of the main design inspos is actually Snakeyes from Gi Joe because that man is absolute gender to me. So why not combine my two favorite guys into one character.
Edit #2: Added more text breaks bc I no longer have 5 am involuntary eye movement. Which is odd because you'd think I'd need more text breaks but it's the opposite.
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prisma-palace · 25 days ago
Mind sharing your HMSW designs with the class?/nf
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HELLO!!! apologizes for the late reply i forget to check my inbox ^^ i've actually been intending to make reference sheets for em... buuuut i havent gotten around to that yet. so. heres what i got as of now!
(i'll make a big post digging more into specific details and design choices and headcanons Eventually cause i do have a lot to say. but that'll probably be included in the ref sheets when i finally make them. Unless someone asks me about specific details. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge)
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spider motifs!!! he has little fangs and an extra set of arms (that i keep forgetting to draw him with Oopsies). the spiderness was Unintentional at first but then i decided to just go with it and lean into it more cause i liked that idea. ill probably eventually redesign him to make him look Even More spidery but that day is not today sorry
his lower set of arms can extend/retract as he chooses. he likes to annoy heart with this. he also installed said arms himself one loop. it confused the Fuck out of heart & soul
HMS are all the same height so he wears heels to be taller cause of his Ruler-Of-Everything complex. and also i just like drawing characters with cunty ass heels
the broken side of his face is a result of the juno incident! his teeth are exposed and the big ol light on that side is his broken eyelight. its supposed to vaguely resemble a sun
also his teeth are blue. yeah
OH YEAH he also has a plug tail. it was a more recent addition so it isnt in these drawings but he does have it
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last two are a little old. but they show off his design so it doesnt matter
face feathers!!!!!! makes him look more creaturey :-)
the way his hair parts is supposed to be shaped like a heart
he does have a teeny feather tail but its usually covered up by clothing
his wings are purposefully messy looking, he does NAWT take care of himself. sigh. he cant really fly with them because theyre not strong enough to carry him, but he can hover/glide for short periods of time
hes SOME kind of amalgamation creature. mooostly bird, but nobody really knows exactly what he is. not even himself!
he has claws and sharp teeths hehe
he can Technically see but its VERRYYY blurry, he can only rlly see vague blobs of color. hes also super light sensitive so he wears the blindfold more out convenience than anything else ^^
hes a trans guy cuz im a trans guy and i said so Thank You
right. so the problem with my soul design is that i've been meaning to redesign him for, like, a long time. However i havent actually properly fully drawn my new design for him yet! so instead enjoy what i Could find, put in order of newest to most outdated :-)
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devil motifs however theyre not really fully intentional it just kinda Happened. hes not really anything specific to me, just an Unidentified Thing
neck scar. No further comment!
he has two rings on his horns, blue for mind and purple for heart
his middle horn is broken off .. :-)
claws but only on the shadowy side
if he gets particularly stressed or angry his shadow side starts to lose form and get all static-y
star shaped rip on his jeans!
also he has a star patch on his sleeve, as to match with heart and mind, who have a moon and sun patch on their knee and coat pocket respectively!
^^^ the yellow background on his patch is intentional
the eye on his shadow side is always closed. if its open thats how you KNOW you Fucked Up
my whole design also has a problem but its kinda different. and its that. i dont. really. draw him often? what i Do have of him is either Old or not colored. so like. have what i do have i guess ^^
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hes literally Just Some Regular Guy
his hair is a combo of HMS's: length/half-circle shape from heart, bangs from mind, ponytail + side thingies from soul
they arent rlly shown in these but he has two bracelets! one is red, purple, n blue and the other is tally hall colors
i kinda gravitate towards his name being CJ. a while ago i saw someone somewhere call him first name "Cash" last name "Something-That-Starts-With-J-I-Cant-Remember" hence the nickname CJ and its stuck with me. but also i havent thought about it all that much so Who Knows
theres a difference between him and "whole". whole is more of a Concept while hes the actual Person
on the rare occasions he manifests in headspace, HMS only see him as a shadowy figure. the closer they get to concord, the more of him gets revealed!
also. you didnt ask for her. but i wanna show her off anyway
love interest
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i need to draw her properly sometime soon......
i like to think that her name is stella. as a miracle musical reference. heheh
idk shes very subject to change ill probably fuck around with her color palette sometime soon
i dont have like anything to say about her sorry. i like her. shes fun to draw
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everestgale · 3 months ago
there are a few details I JUST NOTICED about your designs somehow and YO HOLY-
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Yes, and yes!
Smitten's feather cloak has a large heart shape on the front (because he is Smitten, and he is full of love and devotion to the Princess!). The link leads to my recent illustration set with him, and the HeA drawing shows the heart much more prominently than the ref does (though I drew it too small </3)
As for Contrarian... Well, time for EG to ramble about Contrarian.
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Fun fact: Cheated and Contrarian are the two voices who don't start their respective Chapter II with their final designs! I made a quick sketch for Cheated when I was making "Oh I will ruin you" illustrations (you might notice Cheated in that drawing is a lot fluffier/not as sharp as he is normally, and that was on purpose!), and I drew Contrarian just now for this post! This pre-Stranger Contrarian is almost identical to my old Contrarian design, just borrowing the sleeve feathers from the new design.
[This is getting long, a lot more ramblings & small sketches under the cut]
So! Contrarian doesn't start the Stranger with his cracks, he gains them as the route progresses, starting at at the cabin. They start small, practically unnoticeable, but get worse as the route progresses, especially as the princess begins to fracture into five. Almost like Contrarian's guilt over what he's doing to Stranger is eating away at him, manifesting physically into cracks, until he looks like this, when the player finally take their "action":
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We should help her. I think... we did this.
In all other routes, Contrarian uses his design from the lineup (the one in your screenshot), back to his cheery chaotic self, but still very much affected by his experience with Stranger.
This very much hinges on my small headcanon that voices' appearance in Chapter II is their "formative experience," if you may, and regardless of the timeline, those are their first memories as their own people if that makes sense? Does anything I write make sense?
He also looks the same for the Strange Beginnings cabin at the end, except he has his eyes fully open (and it's the only time he ever does, really):
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Why did I make and decide all that? Well, there were three main reasons why I wanted Contrarian's design to feature some cracks/some sort of fracture.
To make him mirror Cheated (who was repeatedly cut into small pieces and sewn back together)
To make him mirror Stranger (with the five fractured princesses merging into one)
To represent his contrarian nature not being a permanent fixture in his actions/personality (as he almost entirely breaks away from his role as, well, a contrarian in the Strange Beginnings cabin)
The first two are also the reasons why Contrarian's color is the dark-brown-orange color because it's supposed to mimic clay! With his journey of personal growth in Stranger-to-Strange Beginnings, it made so much sense to make his design look sort of moldable, something that's not as "fixed" and "permanent" as the other designs, if that makes sense. He even kind of looks like a clay statue with these cracks, too!
...I doubt you expected this large essay on Contrarian when you sent this ask, but, uh, I love Contrarian, so I wanted to talk about him!
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rory-multifandom-mess · 3 months ago
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I mentioned this au in the tags of a post like… Yesterday I think I don’t remember. Anyway.
In this AU, Thad’s universe had a bad ending, aka Solver managed to wipe out the whole universe.
Before the finale, Thad located this time machine thingy that looked like DD ships and taught himself to work it. During the finale, after Lizzy, Khan, and Nori died, Thad, V, N, and Uzi realized there was no winning. They started to flee toward the pod, fighting off solver; V gets killed on the way, but Uzi, N, and Thad make it to the pod. N and Uzi then realize that no one would make it out alive if they went with Thad. So while they were arguing, Uzi shoved her jacket and N’s hat logo at Thad, which shoved him in.
Thad stumbles back with a yelp, hitting his elbow on the emergency start button. The door slams and he panics, rushing forward and slamming his fists on the door, screaming and begging for them to come with him, to please don’t do this!
They turn back to him and smile. N starts to tear up. Uzi’s visor changes to text. “Survive. For us.” N’s visor also changes to text. “We’re sorry. And we’ll miss you.”
Thad begs, but the pod shakes, falling into his back as it takes off. He scrambles to his feet again, looking down at them.
He watches as Cynessa lunges at them and they’re consumed by dust. He sees oil splatter and heads fly. Yellow tendrils shoot out of the core of Copper 9 and at him. Moments before it reaches the pod, the pod enters hyperdrive, which knocks him out.
When he wakes up again, he tries to use the pod to go back to his universe, but it gives him an error message.
[[:Error: Universe Unavailable. We are sorry.]]
Yeah he’s not ok.
Anyway, all of that was 3 years ago. Here’s some extra info about the AU under the cut!
- He occasionally visits the og Universe, partly to rummage for scrap metal, partly to make sure it’s still healthy (if something bad happens to it, there goes the rest of the universes) and partly to hang with Uzi, V, and N. He physically cannot go near Lizzy because he will have a breakdown
- Hanging with the gang kind of hurts his heart but he’s coping it’s ok
- V and Uzi don’t fully trust him which also hurts but he fully understands it
- He taught himself a lot of skills like mechanics, engineering, coding, and some quantum physics, etc so he could repair himself and the pod
- Obviously, he goes around the universes saving others from total destruction like his, even if it does obstruct things. Moral dilemma pov u know how it is
- Oh also his upgrades make him 5’1
Here’s Uzi’s og design in the universe Thad is from
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I was gonna draw V, Lizzy, and N’s lil design differences but i don’t have the motivation anymore, so I’ll write them.
TT! Thad’s OG Universe - SD-V
- Has the original red bandana/scarf from her concept art
- Permanent glasses
- Hair is longer, tied into a spikey bun
- “Fingerless gloves” on her normal drone hands
- Shorts, like the ones she wore in episode 4, except black and permanent
TT! Thad’s OG Universe - SD-N
- Back of hair looks more like a mullet cause it’s longer
- White T-shirt under jacket
- Gave the pilot hat logo to Uzi so she can put it on her beanie (i forgot to add that to her ref)
- Snaggleteeths
- Pilot “coat” thingy is slightly longer like a trench coat
TT! Thad’s OG Universe - Lizzy
- Instead of her hair all being up in a ponytail, she has a half up, half down look, and her ponytail isn’t as long. Medium length hair girlie
- Jacket that she wears off her shoulders so they rest around her elbows
- Streaks of pink in her hair
- Tights. don’t ask me how that works
- Obvious eyelashes added to her eyelights
- Not a physical change, but she’s slightly smarter than canon Lizzy. When she got Thad between Episodes 6 and 7, she gave him her hair ribbon, because she knew he is far more agile than she is. And she was right.
Uuuuh. Kay that’s it. send asks with questions if you have any. Yes you can draw stuff for this/draw the designs. I don’t have the motivation </3
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astro-vision-au · 27 days ago
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His new ref is finally done! This design is less of an exact copy of AV! Puzzles and more of a, "trying to make a copy from memory" vibe.
With that being said, despite the fact people might think that he's just a sweetheart thanks to the recent Valentines event I can confirm he is a total bastard. Valentines day was an acception.
He only likes a small handful of people, everyone else he does not like, or stright up hates. He especially hates Mr. Puzzles and by extension all versions of Mr. Puzzles, Mr. Park and Starz are the only acception to this rule. [I can neither confirm nor deny the flowers he gave to the other au Puzzles contained hidden tracking devices that are to be used to hunt them for sport at a later date.]
Despite his small size, he has one power that makes him low-key, the strongest character in the entire story, and that's the fact that he doesn't follow any form of logic. The smg4 world runs on a form of cartoon logic. The logic Chonkzzles abides by is literally whatever the one he wants. It's not uncommon for him to pull things like pool noodles out from nowhere and start beating people to death with them.
He also doesn't like to be touched, especially by strangers. He only lets a small handful of people pet him, and even fewer are allowed to pick him up. There's only one person who he trusts fully, and that's Sag5, who made him. He acts as their "pet" of sorts, but he's more like a roommate who doesn't pay rent.
He does not speak in words. Rather, he speaks in Smol bean language, which is an actual language in Astro-vision that only three five known people can speak. It can be translated into English. He is capable of speaking English, he just chooses not to, why? I don't even know. However, most people would agree his voice when he speaks English is unsettling since it is far deeper than when he speaks in smol bean.
Unlike the other Puzzles, he can eat with his TV still on. In fact, he can't take his TV off, unlike the others. How does he eat? Bro, I think you can tell if you read this far. i don't even know how this mf operates, and I MADE him. He just... does. He will eat anything but his favorite food is KFC or McDonald's chicken nuggets.
In conclusion? This little fucker is the bane of my existence, he exists out of spite and every second he lives he coNTINUES TO TEST MY PATIENCE, HOW DO YOU OPERATE YOU INSIGNIFICANT-
Ahem, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy this... thing.
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quibbs126 · 10 days ago
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So after that last practice thing, I figured I should probably try out the previous forms of Orion and D-16, or at least their heads since those I find significantly easier than the whole body (which I guess isn’t really a shocker there)
And also because as I keep bringing up, Lux, because I remembered that technically she should resemble these forms more than the final form Optimus and Megatron. Considering she's technically from before those two forms, and also those were upgrades. If she came after she might resemble their final forms more, but logistically she shouldn't
Honestly, I think I found the left side ones more difficult when sketching than the right side, not sure why. Though I do admit, I think cogless D's bottom side things look a bit off. I'm not sure how to draw them from a lower angle, or at least I wasn't until I already finished
Orion's side circles are still a bit difficult to draw, and I have no clue why, particularly since I draw them often on my AU designs. I think I just struggle with making them look good.
Also a note on the colors, it's more noticeable on Orion (probably because his helmet doesn't change colors), but the cogless forms are supposed to be a bit duller in colors. I think that's how it is in the movie, which makes sense, since the miners probably weren't getting proper paint maintenance due to their status and occupation
With the expressions, I was trying to have it so that with the cogless forms, Orion's probably got a scheme cooking, but D-16 loves him for his unadulterated self anyways. Meanwhile in the cogged forms, D-16's having his crash out, becoming a bit too aggressive, and while Orion's trying to go along with it, since he at least seems happy to be able to transform now and is just on an adrenaline rush, he's also concerned about his current behavior, hoping that it'll just go away with time and he'll be back to normal. Not sure I fully conveyed that
But anyways, on to talking about the cogged forms in particular, I had some trouble looking for good refs of these designs, particularly the colors. Like I'm still not 100% sure those are the right colors for D's helm. Yes, I have concept art, but the concept art isn't always the same as the final, as I've come to realize. And while these forms were in the movie much longer than their final forms, I can find screenshot references for those much easier
And this extends to fanart I think as well. You have the cogless forms when you want wholesome dpax before the tragedy, you have the upgraded forms for the angsty megop and stories that come after. And in AUs where nothing bad happens, I feel like you tend to get one or the other of those two or a mix of them as the default looks, depending on what you want. Even though I feel like in AUs where nothing bad happens and the Primes don't die, the characters should logistically be in their middle, cogged forms, especially since the cogless situation was a manufactured lie by Sentinel. I feel like you only get the middle in AUs where D doesn't become Megatron, and even then, they might still give him the Megatronus cog, he just didn't rob it from the corpse of the bot he executed. Or if Orion has the Matrix ripped out by Megatron and he isn't reverted back to cogless
I think it's because those cogged forms are basically seen as the middle stage evos for them, and by that point you're waiting for them to get their proper Optimus and Megatron forms. Like their original cogless forms are what we start with, what the marketing leading up to the movie showed us first, and when everything was happy between them. And then their final forms are what they end the movie with, and are the iconic Optimus and Megatron designs, the characters we know, and what they'll stay with moving forwards in the story. The cogged stages are just the day or so in between those changes, where things are falling apart and falling into place for what we know to come later
It's also sort of again, where the relationship is falling apart, due to D-16's crash-out. Technically it happens at the tail end of D-16's cogless state, but he gets his cog immediately after and that's when he starts reacting to the horrible information and Orion starts losing him, so it's more associated with this form of them
But it's also kind of interesting to me because in universe, I think these cogged forms are technically supposed to be their final forms. These are the full forms of Orion Pax and D-16, and their future forms are upgrades instead of a natural growth. It's just that we see them as middle stages because we know they become Optimus Prime and Megatron, and these aren't fully those designs yet. If they were to never become those two, or in a world where they never had their cogs removed, those middle stages are what they'd look like by default. It's just that we know they have another stage to go
I don't know, just thoughts that stemmed from drawing these
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stellastra-scribbles · 4 months ago
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Finally completed the outfit reference for Jayna Stiles, a half-elven NPC follower from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
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Outfit breakdown (or "outfit onions" as I like to call them lol~)
I really like Jayna Stiles and her backstory + goals of becoming a technological healer. I'm also a sucker for 19th-century fashion and I have an unhealthily large collection of reference books and a bunch of files saved from online museum collections (I've got about 22+ gigabytes of refs downloaded from the Library of Congress alone haha I need more hobbies).
More unrestrained detailed design ramblings below the cut~
Back on track, I really just wanted to design Jayna an outfit that suited her character more than her in-game sprites while also being practical for travel/adventuring.
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Individual layers. I pulled most of her colors from her default outfit.
Since Arcanum's starting year is 1885, I usually picture the "modern" sense of fashion in big cities like Tarant and Caladon taking cues from real life 1885-1890s western fashions (to give myself some leeway with references). Smaller towns can be a bit more dated, but I try not to go back further than the 1870s in most cases.
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However, for a character like Jayna, who hails from Dernholm, I gave her clothing from references dating back to the 1850-1860s. I did this because Jayna says in her recruitment dialogue that "[her] parents weren't wealthy people, and [she doesn't] make much money here in Dernholm," so I took this to mean that she likely wears clothing to last, wearing hand-me-downs, makes her own clothes, and mending it over the years rather than buying new clothes.
Given that Dernholm (+ the Kingdom of Cumbria in general) isn't in the best state when the game starts, they may be behind the times and the latest fashions take longer to reach Dernholm.
Gar: “Alas, poor Dernholm! Once home to the legendary Dragon Knights, it has fallen on hard times since Praetor became king some 60 odd years ago. He despises all technology, and I think he's recently become sour on magick as well.”
Herkemer Oggdoddler: “For two generations Cumbria languished as an economically abused and technologically impaired backwater in the shadow of Tarant. Its once fine capital, Dernholm, has become a ruin.”
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Layer 1 - Chemise + Open Drawers. I deliberately drew the drawers as fairly loose so as to not expose her without having to redraw the pose or resort to "Barbie doll anatomy."
Various resources demonstrated the chemise being tucked into the drawers or worn fully untucked/loose, but I drew it as tucked-in for the sake of reference visibility, so perhaps either one works in practice.
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Layer 2 - Corset + Socks/Stockings. I picked a more "contemporary" (1880s) design for the corset as I imagine it would be a more custom-fitted garment. Plus, anyone who has ever worn bras will attest that a bra that properly fits is comparable to a good pair of shoes: never cheap out on it because if you take care of it, it will take care of you. Perhaps that same logic can be applied to corsets in ye olden days and historically-inspired fantasy settings.
For Jayna, despite the simplistic design, it might be one of the few luxuries she can afford for herself given the necessity of the garment for bust support.
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Layer 3 - Trousers + Shoes. I was inspired by vivandières and Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, who typically wore trousers beneath their skirts. Dr. Walker was a "surgeon, women’s rights advocate, abolitionist, and spy, [and] the first female U.S. Army surgeon during the Civil War." Since Jayna is an aspiring technological healer, I feel like an allusion to Dr. Walker and her practicality was appropriate.
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Layer 4 - Petticoat. It's just something to fill out the skirt volume a tad. I considered adding a corset cover in this layer but I did like having the upper outline of the corset somewhat visible in the shirtwaist layer to illustrate her living situation (aka she doesn't have one or just has a poor-quality one). As a modern-age woman, I think this this all already looks like a laundering nightmare to wash by hand.
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Layer 5 - Shirtwaist + Outer Skirt. I really like the shape of the 1860s Garibaldi blouse's sleeves (I think these are bishop sleeves? correct me if I'm wrong...) and the stripes allude to some 19th century nurse uniforms. I initially went for a plaid pattern but that was a pain to draw and using a pre-existing plaid brush/pattern just didn't look as good as I wanted it to be.
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Layer 6 - Sash + Pistol Holster + Bag. Given Jayna's goals of becoming a tech healer, I took design cues from vivandières, who were 19th-century women attached to military regiments, with a few known vivandières being nurses (like Anna Etheridge).
However, rather than lifting the vivandière look completely, I imagine Jayna would attempt to replicate the silhouette with her own clothes. The bag is a bit of an amalgamation of various 18th-19th century hunting/frontier bags, so I apologize that I don't have a direct reference image.
Of course, in the end, I did take some liberties with the outfit so it's not completely historically-accurate, but that's okay since Arcanum is a fictional universe.
I guess I should've prefaced that I'm no expert on historical fashion, just a casual enthusiast who thinks "ooh old dress is pretty!"
I just wanted to see how far I could go before I had to make some concessions, such as:
Jayna's hair is short and worn loose while irl Victorian women typically had long hair and wore them up (there were documented exceptions of course). Many portraits for both female player characters and female NPCs across all in-game races show short hair and loose long hair, so let's just assume that 19th-century Arcanum has more relaxed feminine hair standards compared to the real-life 19th century western world. Also, irl 19th-century rural women did sell their hair for money, so maybe there's something to apply to the world of Arcanum with that. Or maybe the short-hair craze just hit Arcanum a few decades early *shrug*.
I initially planned to give her gloves, but many resources show vivandières not really wearing them, preferring to go barehanded.
The clothing colors may be a bit too saturated for the era I took inspiration from, but I wanted to stay somewhat faithful to Jayna's original sprite colors.
I did simplify some garments down for the sake of me having to draw enough layers as it is lol. Sorry if the lace wasn't fancy enough or that she doesn't have headwear. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes you just wanna finish a project and be done with it.
hoo boy, that was a lot
Thank You For Coming to My TED Talk :)
Now go play Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura~
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sumjirel · 6 months ago
The Magicada family ref!!
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Finally managed to finish some rough designs of Ray's family :'D
From left to right they are
Edmond - Ray's Dad
Ray's Mom
Ray's uncles
(I still have to decide on some of their names T-T)
And Ray's Siblings
Raymond (just for reference)
Individual character close-ups below + rambles about some design details
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Now if you excuse me I'm gonna ramble a bit about fun little details about their designs :'D
Ray's mom's cardigan is the same one that he wears in other artworks like:
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This one
It was given to him as one of the last gifts before his mom passed away
He only uses it when he's at home or around people he really trusts since he doesn't wanna risk damaging it
It also brings him comfort when he's feeling down
Same thing with the uncles jacket and goggles:
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They are the same ones that Ray uses for the majority of the story
They were given to him right before he had to leave home to be mentored by Teca
Now some details about Maggie's design:
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Maggie has a condition that some members of their species have, where they don't fully develop their marks (such as the ones on their ears and nose) and hair and/or eye coloration.
Her condition is more on the mild side, so only parts of her hair and marks didn't develop their coloration fully.
(This would be a nod to the last molting process that the periodical cicadas go through when they reach adulthood)
Another detail is her blue eyes, it's a rare mutation where instead of the eyes developing the characteristic red coloration they instead turn out either a more beige, grey, or bluey-ish color.
(Similar to how some periodical cicadas have been registered to have had that rare eye mutation)
Some details about Damian's design:
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He has some references to the character of Damian from the Bat Family
Aside from the name, it is also through both the bat-themed accessories and the color of his poncho that roughly mimics the colors of his Robin suit
I also thought it would be a fun detail if I made Damian's character a really big fan of bats :,,)
Lastly, a minor note about Damian's and Lili's designs in regards to their white hair and eyes.
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In their species, their eye and hair coloration develops throughout their childhood up until they reach the age of 17-18, as their hair and eyes turn from white to a dark brown and reddish color, respectively.
(This would also be a nod to the different developmental stages of a cicada's life cycle more specifically the nymphal and fully developed adult stages, and how it goes from a lighter beige-like color when they're in the nymph stage to the black and orange colors in the adult stage)
OC rambles over :,)
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jayfrost-designs · 6 months ago
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You can find the reverse side of her design here.
Got a bunch of new ref sheets done, so here we go! We'll see how many I post before I get too tired and have to continue tomorrow. ^^ I wanted to finally get the last of the currently-alive cats designed, and the only ones left were Featherpelt and Havenpelt's new litters (and Smoky's kits, but shhh, we'll get to them another day), so up first is Leafkit!
Leafkit has no physical description given other than her pattern so I came up with my own for her. I made her more of a small, lithe normal cat build like her father, with a hint of thicker/longer fur as a nod to her RiverClan ancestry. Is this family line now so far removed from that bit of RiverClan blood introduced by Beechfur that it is now assuredly overwhelmed by WindClan blood being bred back into the line? Yes. Does that mean I'm going to stop adding longer RiverClan fur to this family any time soon? Absolutely not. XD
For her pattern, Leafkit is described as a white she-cat with dark gray spots on her flank and one ear. I initially read this as one fully dark gray ear, but realized the wording moreso implies dark gray spots on the ear, so I went with that. The dark gray spots are only described as being on a flank, not flanks, so I ony added them to one side. She has no canon eye color, so I gave her her mom's dark amber eyes, the color of leaves in the autumn, suits her name well. ^^
Overall, I'm really happy with how she turned out.
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casually-salad · 3 months ago
howdy there and welcome to a Cutie Pox Chronicles behind the scenes post!!!!! its gonna be long so im keeping it below the cut, this is skippable but if you want to read it you can!!
SO welcome to the depths... so heres what were going to talk about today - the yukki ponna, some cut content, fine line and some character details, and then some personal stuff! lets get into it
so, as was predicted a couple times, the weather change and disharmony is real important to the story - its been foreshadowed sense chapter one! but theres one clear problem with it and its the shows original frost horse. as i think everyone is aware for decades indigenous people have asked to not take their mythos out of their context (( read more on that here , and here!)). so for CPC i have rewritten them to be based off the Yuki onna, a Japanese yokai! although they work fundamentally the same - they feed off of disharmony and infighting, not only now do they freeze whoever they are around they also kidnap ponies once they are fully frozen! Theyre brought up into the clouds and used to make them more powerful - however they can be stopped in the same way as in the show. here is one of the initial pieces of concept art i did for them - making their bodies look more like a kimono, and i played with giving them black hair too but i didnt like it.
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speaking of concept art... there are a LOT of pannels that get cut while im working, this past comic had about 18 pages that i cut down for time and for my sanity, but i share a lot of WIP panels on jayrrators server so i still have some and thought i would share them here, in the read more will be the context and why they were cut!
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NOW THIS i am glad i have. when i draw an infected i do make them a ref sheet but i DO NOT share or save these because i dont wanna spoil what they look like buuuut this one i did. i actually had one for minty that i was gonna add here, but deleted it accidentally, shown here is orange swirl and globe trotter
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but on the topic of showing off some ponies i have one i wanna talk about and its the fine line problem
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the question ive gotten the most is who the hell is this and i think its time to talk about who she is. Fine line first shows up in the season one finale, the grand galloping gala, and she then shows up as a canterlot incidental form then on out primarily when theyre at the castle. shes shows up at cadences wedding and gets killed by the smooze (( not really )).
okay we get who she is but WHY. well part of the point of the comic was to give some love to the background ponies like the early fandom i was engrossed with growing up. and to me, she is one of the most background ponies. she has no dialogue, no special moments, but yet she has a very enchanting design! when i first saw her i really became obsessed with her. but she almost wasnt a part of the comic.
when i was choosing ponies it was a throw up between her - orange swirl (( as seen above )), strawberry sunrise, and dan tee dove! i needed a pegasus pony, and someone who wasnt WHITE or eggshell because theres too many of them. but... she fit none of them. she in cannon is a unicorn and white, but after talking it over with some friends and almost choosing orange swirl i just had to go with her.
so i updated her design to what i needed, shes no longer a unicorn or eggshell which makes her look more like an OC but most of the background ponies get a small upgrade to their designs so it just makes sense to me. for personality we only know shes a nanny and was born in manehattan, so i made her have a personality that would work well with kids, and made her older to fit her general vibe. and then i paired her with the only OC in the whole comic who is yougurt! why didnt i use a different calf? well get this, there are NO names i could find!!!! so screw it!!!! baby baby boy!!!!!!!!
but yeah thats the history for finest lineist!
and as requested here is the pronouns for ever character that has plot significance: from now on ill be including it with the characters introduction. although outside of the story i do get more headcannony for them but to keep things simple in the story they generally stick to what they are in cannon! i know i probably forgot some but -
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and here we are at the end! this story will be a year old in 2 months, and so as you may guess with a long story like this i am getting very, very burnt out. from here on out im going to be slowing down some. were offically half way there and i have something big planned for 2/20/2025 if i make it there! thanks for reading and sticking around! i also wanted to remind everyone that THIS STORY IS INTERACTIVE!!!!!! you can send asks to some of the characters basically any that are on screen up there. you can also ask to see some things, although it might take me a while to get to it because there is a timeline im working from but you can tell them things!!! please do!
ill see ya around later!
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xycuro-illuminati · 8 months ago
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I finally sat down and did a ref of Andrew Murdock Smith, the bitter exes stuntdevil clone son. Big thanks to my friends redfingrs and cowumbo-uwu for helping me fix up the design and finalize it. (Full character turnaround here)
More info and art under cut
Andrew came from a shitpost What If idea of George obtaining the piece of the criminal cowboy DD suit that Johnny ghost rider damaged that contained Matt's blood and dead skin cells to create a clone son with his and Matt's DNA. The guy has connections and was able to obtain drugs specifically made to trick Matt's powers, why would he NOT know a scientist that can clone people. Made it into a way less-shitposty idea where George did that not only to get revenge on Matt but to have a true Stunt Master successor.
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Andrew was made physically and mentally a grown adult in his mid-late 20's, but George still raised him for a bit. He tricks Andrew into believing that his other father, Daredevil, was a megalomaniac that was too dangerous to be around and that he needed to be put down, despite the news showing him as a hero. George showed Andrew "how Daredevil really is" with evidence of Matt's criminal cowboy days and even the shadowlands incident. He also convinced Andrew that he should the one to replace Matt as Daredevil while also being a Stunt Master successor. Eventually, Andrew got sick and tired of George because George sucks so bad as a parent, so he ran off to start his mercenary life. With enough training, he gained the name Infrared and goes after Daredevil. However, Andrew found out that DD had trained another vigilante before named Blindspot. So he decides to go after Sam first just to test him and get an idea of what to expect from fighting Matt. Andrew shows up randomly to challenge Sam many times until one fight led to Sam putting the pieces together.
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After that particular exchange, Andrew finally goes after Matt. Sam had trouble finding/contacting Matt to ask questions, but Andrew got to Matt first. As explained in one of my late night ramble posts, Andrew had this idea of Matt in his head, expecting him to be arrogant, cruel, and downright malicious. The Daredevil that George described aligned more with how Matt acted during his criminal cowboy days, so Andrew was fully expecting that. He wasn't expecting Daredevil who refused to fight back after learning the truth, and wanted to help him instead. That shattered Andrew's world view and made him leave.
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Later on, he comes around and tolerates Matt and his attempts at being a parent. As for Sam, they act like rivals. Sam can't stand his ass and wants to beat the shit out of him for all the trouble/injuries he's caused and Andrew just likes to annoy him and fights him for fun. Horrid stuntdevil offspring.
Andrew uses a kusarigama bc he thought it was similar to batons but sharper (and I thought it would look cool leave me alone). He also uses pistols and other types of guns, but mostly for his merc work rather than his I'm-going-to-fight-vigilantes-for-fun work.
Also here's his motorcycle:
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mothfeather-of-riverclan · 22 days ago
Clownling dump ahoy! I sent all these as asks on @circus-clangen ‘s blog so that’s why I never posted them anywhere else until now
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This og post that started it all, these were the beta designs for the Clownlings. Ropestripe’s design has remained the most consistent with his og verison
Clowndad doodles and how the Clownlings cane to be
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Clownwish had a very brief fling with some random molly for a few weeks, it was never meant to be serious. But miss molly wasn't pleased to find herself pregnant and, as soon as they were born, immediately tracked down Clownwish and foisted these kits into his paws. She only said, "They're yours. Take them" before sauntering away, never to be seen again. Clownwish couldn't even refuse because it all happened to so fast.
And then he sat there on the outskirts of the circus, alone in the cold, dark silence with tiny little kittens in his paws, no more than a couple days old. He never thought he'd become a father, it was all so sudden. And he didn't even know what to do with kits, it was just him, his dad, and Tigertoe for so long, he has no idea what kit will be like.
He really, really considered leaving them outside to die, pretending that this never happened at all. They were young, it was cold out, they were probably hungry, he didn't even have to do anything to them. He could literally just leave them in the grass and either they would die or one of the humans would find them. Either way the problem was taken care of, easy peasy!
But... he supposed they were kinda cute, and Tigertoe was expecting anyways, so he could easily foist them onto her and they'd be out of his hair. Easy!
After some explaining, Ringstar was surprised but reluctantly allowed his kits to join. Tigertoe seemed surprised too, although more out of a "how did any molly find you attractive" kind of way, but she obviously won't turn away kits, especially with her own litter so near.
For the first few days Clownwish was hesitant around the kits, and wasn't really sure what to do. Both Tigertoe and Trapeezetangle insisted on him coming to visit them since he IS their father, so he reluctantly hung around the nursery for a while. It stayed like this for the first week, until Tigertoe insisted he hold them for a little bit so she could get some rest. They were napping so it wasn't hard to move them
Clownwish still wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing, although he was curious since he'd never seen real kits before. They were... warm, and smelled like milk, and so, so fragile. They were barely the size of his paw, just one move and they'd be dead.
They were so soft too, so round and... cute, yes, they were cute, especially when one of them yawned and made the cutest little squeak, and oh his nose is so small and pink, like a button-
And it was that moment where Clownwish fully gave into the cute baby syndrome and became a dad
Clown as a dad isn't perfect, obviously. It's clear who his favorites are (coughcoughRopestripeandDovetrickcoughcough), he tends to let the kiddos wail on each other and doesn't really punish them, and he tends to put them in dangerous situations, like showing them the lion's den or letting them paint with deathberries. But he's also laid-back, fun-loving, involved, and is very proud of his kits, except Stiltstripe because the universe hates them. Overall, considering the model for fatherhood skill he had, he didn't do THAT bad of a job
The updated ref sheets that came with the above doodles. These designs have mostly stayed the same, except for Stiltleg who got a redesign
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More low-effort doodles
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And finally Stiltleg’s redesign! I upgraded them from a standard emo to a theatre kid emo oooooo
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akysi · 1 year ago
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I've had a few ref sheets in the works lately, and I got another one done today. :D Even after I decided to add her to Columba's pirate crew, I'd been stumped for a LONG while on what direction to actually take with the design in general and FINALLY I have one that I really like, especially after giving her a more harpy-ish treatment to add more variety to the many bird constellations. Pretty proud of the symbol integration on this one too, some are easier than others! She's the first I've fully completed of this group so things are bound to get tweaked later on, but this is a good start.
The name Apus means "without feet", as apparently these birds were once thought to not have any, and I thought that would fit perfectly into a double peg-leg to match the pirate theme. A bird-of-paradise could be any number of species under that name though, so I've incorporated attributes from several here, particularly the sicklebills and the various species that have those distinct tail feathers, of both the long and curly varieties. Colour wise, she predominantly resembles the ribbon-tailed astrapia.
Columba's crew isn't exactly evil per se, but they have lost their way a bit after losing their former captain and their ship. Apus loves combat, not for the sake of the outcome, but for the act of combat itself. If you were to lose your weapon during a fight with her, she'd gladly give you one of hers just to continue it! She'll also use her long talons to fight with, but only if she has no other weapons left. Hope you like her. :) ------- The constellation symbol for Apus was originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain.
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chowmoon2 · 8 months ago
So I just made a Kirby OC (the design is still not finalized and the cute little Waddle Dee is there for size ref)
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Here is Sunny Day! (They/Xe)
They are a smaller Galactic Nova that was close to completion but the Ancients that were working on xem scrapped them in the last second for a unknown reason so while Sunny Day is fully functional (with only some small cracks and their ‘bow’ being broken) they cannot grant wishes which is,like,their intended purpose (xe still has a lot of power though)
Sunny Day floated inactive in space for centuries until Magolor and Marx found xem while riding the Lor,the duo was disappointed to see that they couldn’t grant wishes so they brought the NOVA to Popstar to hopefully find a way to finish them (much to the chagrin of most of Kirby’s friends)
Since they are a AI,Sunny Day doesn’t have a clear concept of Good and Evil so xe mostly have a Blue and Orange mortality but hey! Atleast they can act like a actual cat sometimes (which is why Nago hangs around them so much)
There is so much more to Sunny Day’s story but for now that is all,feel free to send asks about this fella!
Also btw,their final design would look sorta like a sun clock because I think they’re neat :)
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