#or maybe pyrrha
locking-the-tomb · 3 months
Camilla tucks frozen blocks into Nona's pillowcase.
Pyrrha calls them "Oh, my darling hearts, my sleeping babes, Daddy's own treasures."
The domesticity in the midst of fatalism and chaos is such a beautiful juxtaposition.
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catrasfreckles · 9 months
*wakes up*
I wonder how Pyrrha feels about her dead lover's dead daughter having the same name as her dead best friend
*goes back to sleep*
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necromycologist · 8 months
rip ianthe tridentarius... born to be the one and only fucked up failgirl forced to somehow end up as the voice of reason
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commanderbabygirl · 9 months
the fact that nobody in the tlt universe other then alecto (possibly not anymore after the tomb) is ever scared of death is wild to me cus they know what happens after death and it’s going mad until you loose all semblance of yourself. and nobody has a reaction to this???
like yes you could argue it’s just a fact of life they’re used to it but like people have existential crisis’ about death and that’s a fact of life. and yes we’re not surrounded by it like they are but still i feel that such a close relationship with the spirits of the dead like the fifth has to freak you out even if just at first, the whole the more you know about it it either scares you shitless or your no longer scared. and the other houses who know about it in a more abstract way like that would freak me out like wdym i’m going to loose all coherent thought. it’s just a given???
petition to have at least one character have a breakdown about it cus what
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no-man-no-woman · 7 months
Okay, I'm going to be very direct and I'm sorry if I come off as mean, but I just have to say it: I hate people who consider NtN a bad book and Nona a bad and/or childish narrator.
First of all: Nona is six months old and dying, it makes sense that she's a "childish" narrator, of course her point of view is strange and slightly useless at some points; she's treated like a child! She thinks a bit like a child!
Nobody says anything to her. I think that's also something to keep in mind: Gideon and Harrow were told things, even if they were half-lies [or just lies] at times, Nona is purposely kept in the dark (even if it's with good intentions for the most part).
And yes, the setting is different, but also (in my opinion) quite more grim than GtN and HtN because it's basically set in a big refugee camp, New Rho is an active war zone (the bombed out buildings where Nona and the gang spend their afternoons, the way the kids at school talk about violence...) but both Nona and her environment are highly desensitized to it. The BoE people are pretty much the dictionary description of guerrilla fighters. Hot Sauce is a radicalised child. Kevin, from the way he is described, seems to have suffered a severe catatonic shock. And Nona doesn't know that.
New Rho is all she's ever known, but the horror, for homely it feels at times, is the basis of it all. Children so used to mass ejecutions that they thalk about them while eating, gas mask that have to be kept on whenever you are outside, a teacher so used to child prostitution that was her first thought upon meting Nona's family, Hot Sauce not thinking twice before shoting her friend's brains out, Honesty being a drug dealer…
Also: I think the underlying body horror of this book is a fucking gift. Phyrra living in her dead best friend corpse, Phyrra drinking bleach because she was bored, Palamedes and Camilla fusing along the way (even before Paul), Nona not remebering how to move correctly at times, Judith sharing a body with a planet's soul, Nona's tantrums destroying her body over and over again, Aim not being allowed to be just herself and having to be the Mensager.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 25 days
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"Spread across the comforter are their film strips from the photo corner at the dance... A full size picture of the four of them signing their team letter to the camera with huge smiles on their faces."
On the Run from Tomorrow, ch. 17
Last chap's up. I am getting so horribly emotional trying to write a note here, so just...
JNPR 💛🧡❤️💚 Forever
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cherishedboxart · 2 months
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Ianthe, Pyrrha and Palamedes are my top 3 the locked tomb characters, so of course I drew them first. Character design isn't really my passion, but I like what I did with them
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patient-779h41-n7 · 5 months
Palamedes is that meme "me and the bad b*tch i pulled by being autistic" but it's Dulcinea AND Camilla AND Pyrrha
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 years
By the way, I'm loving how years later we still see leaves and collectively go
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mellobellooo · 23 days
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rwby textposts for the soul
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sofipitch · 1 day
The Saint of patience rolls his own cigarettes. He rolls cigarettes with paper in an empire where paper is a rare commodity, all recycled, because there are no more fucking trees. And he smokes them
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nav-ix · 2 years
breaking news: recently-dead saddest girl in the world is daughter of long-dead angriest woman in the universe
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tecnestheim962 · 5 months
A Rating & Scathing Review of RWBY Characters:
Done by: Me (surprise!)
This is a serious review where I seriously analyze each character and rate them all seriously!!
If I hurt anyone in this, I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s nothing personal.
That being said, let’s get on to the ratings!
Ruby Rose:
Can I just say:
I really just love Ruby. Isn’t she awesome? Like. Man. What a lovable, strong, caring, amazing person! Had the weight of the world thrown onto her, and she didn’t care, she just kept doing what she thought was the right thing. And when she broke? It was still selfless. She thought she was doing the world a favor after all her mistakes. Then she came back because she knew she could do and had to do more for everyone. She needs a hug and all the love.
Weiss Schnee:
Weiss??? The way she opens up and goes from being all, “friendship? Who needs it.” To, “I! Love! My! Friends! Friendship is magic! I will fight tooth and nail for them! They are the most important people in the world!” And the way she became so open minded after learning from different perspectives? Gotta love her.
Blake Belladonna:
Oh my gosh and another of my favorites: Blake! She learns to let herself be loved by those around her! She learns that letting people in isn’t a weakness, but a great strength! She is a fierce protector and a whole civil rights activist taking the world by storm! She finds a way to show love now in any scenario when beforehand she didn’t because she was scared to get hurt. Gosh. Spectacular.
Yang Xiao-Long:
Don’t even get me started on Yang. Protector Supreme. The way she used to let her emotions control her to controlling her emotions??? I’m in shambles. From learning how to live for herself and not just her sister??? It’s important even though she missed rubys pain she’s only human and she’s beautiful!! The way she loves through her actions and defends through her words??? Just kill me now.
Jaune Arc:
Oh yeah and Jaune??? The character development??? Wowza. The way he’s always there for those he cares about??? Fantastic. The way he would throw everything away just to be there for his friends?? I am deceased. His fortitude and determination to keep pushing through?? Ugh.
Nora Valkyrie:
Nora??????? My Queen????? With her heart a beautiful storm that she projects to all those around her??? Her protective nature over everyone??? How she learns that she needs to love herself and know herself before she can truly dedicate herself to another???? Literally puts me 6 feet under.
Pyrrha Nikos:
Pyrrha??? Don’t think I’m leaving her out of this! Her heart was so strong with her convictions and her love for her friends that she literally did everything she thought she could to protect them. She wanted to define her destiny and save the world in the way she thought only she could. I will literally never recover.
Oscar Pine:
Oscar???????????????? My baby???? My precious little prince??? Innocent farm boy who keeps getting slapped in the face by literally everyone (seriously crwby this poor boy needs a break and a hug) literally losing his soul but wants to spend every second he has doing everything he can for remnant???? He didn’t ask for this???? And yet here he is??? I haven’t stopped crying since V5 thank you very much!
Lie Ren:
Ren????? My boy??? Who feels like he always has to be the strong one emotionally??? Who always has to mask his own emotions to take care of others???? Who literally developed a semblance, a manifestation of his SOUL that is empathy??????? Like what???? Who would literally rather be dead than without Nora?? Who tried to take up the mantle of Jaunes emotional support humanness???? Orkcmekwkqo.
I could go on for the rest of my life for these people and literally every other character.
Also, how come tumblr doesn’t have more colors available??? Truly a tragedy and quite rude if I might say! Hmph!
I really hope someone gets some giggles out of this like I did!
Let me know if anyone wants me to do another HIGHLY critical review (ahem) and rating of these characters.
Gonna go cry now bye-
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littlemsterious · 1 year
Y’know i was thinking the other day that someone looked awfully familiar
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excuse my attempt to draw noodle
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liesmyth · 4 months
could you help explain something? when alecto surfaces in nona and scolds pyrrha for "playing mother and father" and insists that she should have eaten them - "i would have respected you much more for it" - what did she mean? as in, she shouldn't have gotten caught up in the sixth's business, and instead abandoned them to boe and go to the half-flipped moon by herself? or am i missing something??
OH I LOVE THAT PART. I also have no clue! It's such a punchy passage, but I have no idea of what it could possibly mean. "Eating someone" in TLT is mostly associated with Lyctorhood, in the sense of consumption, but I doubt that's what Alecto is referring to, since she's talking specifically to Pyrrha.
Or, like you suggest, she could simply be using "eating" as a shorthand for 'take advantage of' — it fits with whatever little we get of Alecto's vocabulary and thought patterns — and saying that she should've just looked after herself and left, instead of dedicating herself to a lost cause.
I also have no clue if when she says "US" she means Nona + Cam and Pal, or she means herself (Alecto + Nona and all her disjointed memories) or she means Alecto and whatever soul fragment is inside her (personally, I believe that a bit of Gideon's soul is inside Harrow's body.) Or she could even be saying "US" to mean herself and Varun as Resurrection Beasts, though that's less likely.
I think you're probably right and she's just using a very carnal metaphor to say that Pyrrha should have left, but like... I'm not ruling out that there's a more literal explanation that will introduce a new worldbuilding / "magical system" related element in AtN, just because I never know what to expect from this series. I'm once again so fascinated by the glimpses that we get of Alecto's personality because she's such an enigma.
For context, this is the full passage
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(It also comes right after Nona telling Pyrrha that she shouldn't make Nona remember who she is, because Pyrrha "wouldn't like" what happens)
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g1deonthefirst · 2 months
i did not know your playlist game. your tlt playlists are so good
anon ive been grinning over this ask for weeks. everybody listen to my g1deon playlist, my pyrrha playlist, and @dve's wake playlist.
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