#or maybe just blissfully enjoy my day doing hot girl shit
jonathanbrostar · 2 years
So I found out that one of the streamers who was bullied for wanting to play hogwarts legacy was Pikamee, my favorite vtuber. She was harassed to the point of logging off and now she hasn’t come back for several weeks. And I want to talk about this because it made me realize something.
First, I myself am a closeted trans woman, so I have every reason to take trans rights issues seriously, and I do. I despise jk rowling and I share most people’s objections to hogwarts legacy. It upsets me how many people will still defend her and Harry Potter as a franchise.
Second, I really like Pikamee and still do. She’s a sweetheart and has always been inoffensive. She’s also half Japanese, living in Japan. I have no read on the Japanese trans community with regard to how they feel about hogwarts legacy, Harry Potter, or jk rowling. While I doubt they like rowling, my ignorance of Japanese lgbtq+ priorities gives me pause—it’s very possible that the problems with hogwarts legacy are lesser known or prioritized there, because of different concerns of different urgencies, and perhaps different cultural values at play. Pikamee is historically very careful not to offend her viewers, and because of the different situation in Japan, she may not have seen much or understood the issues surrounding the game—and I highly doubt the most vocal people bullying her were explaining them to her kindly, and we probably not her fanbase. I think that’s unfair. It highlights once again the extremely western and white-anglo priority of people’s objections—that what white anglos care about is objectively the most important and not up for debate, because it affects us. (Another example is how “Sirona,” a traditionally feminine and non-English name, that is not even pronounced as “sir” but “see-roh-nah” has been taken by this site to be a blatant instance of transphobia.) This all strikes me like we’ve decided that playing hogwarts legacy is against the Trans Commandments, and if you play it you’re sinning, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what your situation is. I think it’s rigid and unfair in a moralist sense, and is quite similar to how religious people harass non-believers.
Next, a valid point is that “people were mean to me for playing a video game” and “people won’t listen to us and our lives are at stake” are of course not equivalent situations. The latter is far more serious and urgent than the former. So how could I compare this scenario to religious moralist harassment when the harm they cause is not even remotely equivalent? Well, for one thing I think it’s the methodology that’s similar and not the effects—I think the moralist attitude is a holdover from western Christian rigidity, and is morally problematic.
For another thing, and this is my most important point, the awareness that we are trying to raise hasn’t provided us any material benefit whatsoever. Our material situation hasn’t improved at all. More and more anti-trans legislation gets passed, jk rowling is still rich as sin, transphobes are still harassing us; the systemic forces keeping us down and oppressing us are no weaker than they were before. But hey at least we stopped a sweet Japanese girl from playing an offensive video game, right? We did it, reddit tumblr! But actually nothing has changed (except maybe now MORE people hate us??), our lot has not improved, no one has listened to us, and transphobes celebrate hogwarts legacy because they know we hate it. Is this the victory we were hoping for? Was our conquest worth it? Did our online inquisition root out all the sin in those nasty streamers? Did we finally prove once and for all that consuming certain pieces of media is inherently immoral?
I’m over it. People can play the goddamn wizard game if they want and I’m not going to give them shit for it. Instead I’m going to put my transgressive energies to good use somewhere else. An online utopia where everyone follows all the made-up moral rules still doesn’t put food in my fucking mouth when no job will hire me because I’m trans. Fuck this.
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callme-barnes · 3 years
Drunk Crushin’
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*GIF is not mine*
Summary: You have a night out with the girls to get your mind off of your ex. Now your in the tower confessing things you wouldn’t be if you were sober.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader (with powers)
Word Count: 1,842
Warnings: None
A/N: Please do not repost my work anywhere! I wrote it for Tumblr so it stays on Tumblr. I’m trying to get back in the swing of writing things because well, I love writing. It’s been literal years since I’ve written anything so please be kind. I kind of just put this out as it goes. I don’t want to think about it too much or I will never publish anything. Anyways, for this pic I gave the reader the ability to manipulate nature but it doesn’t play a huge part in it. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy otherwise!
The euphoric feeling of the satin dress on your skin was mixing in nicely with the feeling of too much alcohol in your system. The alcohol heightened the smooth sensation on your skin and the music caused you to sway from side to side to the rhythm, flashing lights dancing across the exposed skin of your legs, arms, and chest. Natasha and Wanda surrounded you, the pair of them a lot more sober than you were.
“Y/N/N...how are you feeling?”
You managed to open your eyes at hearing your name, although it sounded muffled due to your intoxication.
“I feel...amazing! Who...who needs men. Right? Right!”
Wanda couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips at your response
“Babe maybe we should have you drink some water. You’ve been on the dancefloor for hours” she mentioned in slight concern but also was amused at how carefree and happy you were in that moment.
“I’ll take...I’ll take another shot” you said blissfully, looking at Natasha and Wanda before you reached over and moved your arms around each of their shoulders
“Thank you guys so much...I...I needed this so much. I can’t believe...believe he would do something like that. I mean...what...what the fuck was he thinking?! And in my bed for fucks sake”
Wanda and Natasha moved to walk you towards a small corner booth, Wanda excusing herself so she could get you some water.
“Don’t worry about him babe. He was a fucking asshole. I couldn’t stand him. If I had a chance to cut his head off I would”
Y/N laughed to herself as she leaned into Natasha, resting her head on her shoulder, her own head spinning.
“I love you Natasha. And you Wanda!”
Wanda laughed at your coo and she slipped into the empty seat next to you helping you get your water bottle open
“I love you too babe. Now, let’s get you sobered up just a little and get you back to the compound”
You don’t even know how the conversation was started due to your head not really remembering any complex thoughts, but your mouth was running as if you knew exactly what you were talking about.
“He’s...holy fuck, if I could get my hands on that man. He is probably...probably the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. I’m glad he managed to get into this era because...I mean, the 40’s didn’t appreciate him much”
Natasha had her arm wrapped around your waist, your heels clacking on the hardwood floor and your dress had ridden up dangerously short above your thigh. You were smiling to yourself as images of Bucky Barnes flooded your mind, your intoxicated brain flashing the most sinful, perverted thoughts.
“Have you seen the man workout...when he’s all sweaty and...out of breath”
Wanda set your stuff down on the counter with a small smirk on her face as she listened to you go on about the super soldier, having known all this by now. She had always agreed not to read your mind but you didn’t exactly make it hard to notice sometimes. She was pretty sure everybody in the tower knew about your crush on Bucky.
“Sorry Y/N, you’re the only one who has noticed that I’m afraid”
Natasha set you down on one of the stools, Wanda moving to stand next to you to keep you upright. You swayed a bit to yourself, looking around in a haze.
“Oh come on! Don’t tell me. We’ve all been in the same room with the guy! He once took his shirt off during a sparring match with Steve and I haven’t stopped...thinking about it since. But you gotta....you gotta shhh because my boyfriend would get mad if he knew”
Natasha laughed slightly as she took some snacks from the cupboard noticing Bucky walking into the kitchen Before he got a chance to ask what you guys were up to, you let out a scoff as you looked over drunkenly at Wanda
“Oh wait….I almost, forgot! I don’t even...have a boyfriend! Not anymore. Fucking bastard. He...you know what. Fuck that guy. I think I’m pretty hot, I am a...I can make life grow with these hands!” you say as you hold up your hands in front of both you and Wanda, Wanda reaching over and grabbing onto them causing you to lean into her chest, your eyes looking up
“You think...you think I’m hot don’t you Wanda?”
Bucky watched the display in front of him, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge then looked over at Natasha
“What’s all that about?”
Natasha ate a chip and looked over at Bucky speaking quietly, “She found Leo in bed with another woman this morning”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up, a bit in surprise but more so in disdain. He figured that’s how that guy would go out. Bucky would constantly see his wandering eyes when you would bring him around, even go far as catching up all up on some girl once. Leo had just laughed it off and said it wasn’t what it had looked like before before walking back to you. Since that day Bucky made sure to keep a close eye on him, which put Leo on his guard and just made it harder to catch him
“Asshole. How did she take it? Why didn’t she tell me?”
Natasha looked at Bucky with a knowing stare, “You know why she didn’t tell you. She hasn’t exactly been that open about her relationship since that day you told her you caught him on some girl at the BBQ last year”
Bucky drank more of his water and sighed, his gaze moving up to see you interacting with Wanda. He couldn’t help the slight smile that was on his lips as Wanda pushed hair from your face and spoke to you in a quiet, calming voice.
“Whose Natasha talking to? Hey Nat! I’m the drunk one here you’re not supposed to be the one talking….to yourself”
Natasha smiled in amusement as she ate more chips from the bag, “I’m not babe, I’m talking to Bucky”
Your eyes widened immediately as you straightened up from Wanda’s body and fumbled around with your hair, “Holy shit! Why didn’t you...tell me. Wanda how do I look?”
Wanda let out a laugh and shook her head as you loudly whispered to her, her hand going to hold onto you and smooth out your hair
“You look lovely Y/N/N”
You looked in Bucky’s general direction, a smile on your face at his words. You brought your chin to rest on your open palm on top of the counter, your eyes closing and opening so you could try to focus
“Y/N, Wanda and I are going to get out of this clothes and we’re going to bring you a change of clothes. Are you okay with Bucky for a few minutes?”
You let out a soft grumble in agreement, your eyes now just staying shut.
“Yeah. I mean as long as...he doesn’t take off his shirt because I wouldn’t remember it in the morning and that would be...a waste of a strip tease”
Bucky laughed a bit as he walked over and stood next to you to keep you upright, “Don’t worry doll my shirt will stay on”
Wanda and Natasha laughed to themselves before making their way to their rooms to change. Y/N felt her body sway to rest against Bucky’s torso, her head on his chest before Bucky moved to rest a hand on your waist
“Come on Y/N we should get you in a more stable seat”
You groaned as Bucky helped you up off the stool and made his way to the couch
“Bucky, you were right. I’m sorry, I should have...listened to you”
Bucky moved to set you down on the couch, taking a seat next to you “Right about what sweetheart?”
“About Leo...he was, he’s an asshole. That day at the BBQ, I knew...I knew you were telling me the truth. I just..do you know I had caught him talking to other women all the time? On his phone, when we went out. I just...I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want it to be true”
You moved to lay your head down in his lap and sniffled, “I tried everything, he just...I should have accepted that he didn’t want me”
Bucky moved his hand to push your hair out of your face, his other hand resting around your form “Don’t beat yourself up Y/N/N. He never deserved you. He’s an idiot if I’ve ever met one. And I’ve met many. If you want I can go scare him for you. You know, rough him up a little bit”
You laughed softly and shook your head, “It’s okay. Thank you though”
Bucky looked down as he continued to run his hand through your hair, watching as you held up one of your hands, “I should’ve choked him out with a vine when I had the chance”
He let out a loud laugh at this, his hand reaching up to take yours and set it down on your hip, “Calm down there Little Shop of Horrors”
Nat and Wanda entered the living area, clothes in hand, “Alright little lady let’s get you out of these clothes. Thank you Barnes”
Bucky helped you sit up, getting up when Wanda and Natasha sat down,“Bucky can’t leave. He smells nice, and he’s comfortable”
“Bucky can’t watch us change you sweetie. Remember, waste of a strip tease?”
Bucky smiled and turned around as Nat and Wanda helped you out of your dress and into a large t-shirt and shorts, “It’s okay I’d strip for that man any day”
Wanda scoffed with a laugh, Bucky’s smile growing into a happy little smirk at your words
“He’s still in the room lady behave”
“Oops, sorry”
You let out a drunken giggle as Wanda and Nat finished up, “Alright Bucky you can turn around. You’re welcome to join us. We’re just going to pop in a movie so we can keep an eye on her for the night”
Bucky nodded as he took his seat next to you again, letting you get comfortable in his lap again, his hand finding a comfortable spot on your waist.
“Psst...hey Nat you think I...got a chance with Bucky?”
Bucky looked down with a small smirk since Natasha was on the other sofa turning on the TV, “Absolutely doll”
You let out a content mumble of ‘thank god’ before stretching out your arm across Bucky’s lap.
“You know she’s not going to remember any of this when she wakes up right?”
Bucky looked up at Wanda before looking back down at your form
“Oh I know. That’s what’s going to make my days so much better for what I have planned”
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Meeting and Dating J.D.
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous and @poruchik-logy​)
(Sorry about the inactivity lately. With the holidays coming up, I’ve been a bit busy. Plus, I’ve written a post or two on my other blogs which means no post on this one. Anyways, hope you enjoy!)
- You meet J.D. when he transfers to your school. You’re in study hall when you just so happen to look up and make eye contact with the boy while glancing around the room. 
- For the rest of the period, you feel like someone's watching you, and lo and behold, every time you sneak a glance his way, his eyes are on you. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he was looking, he just raises an eyebrow at you when you turn and meet his gaze. 
- You spot him in the lunchroom later that day and ask your friends about him though they don’t have much information besides his name and where he moved from which they got from one of their teachers forcing him to introduce himself to the class. He was a mystery …and boy were you intrigued. 
- You have your first conversation at the local Snappy Snack Shack. You’d just popped in to grab a little junk food, only to find him stalking through the store in his black trench coat. You figured you’d dance around each other until one of you left but before you knew it, he’d sauntered up to you and interjected that you looked familiar. 
- Before you knew it, the two of you had introduced yourselves and began a sort of flirtatious conversation. He bought you a slushy and offered you a ride home on his bike which you coyly accepted after a moment of nervous hesitation. 
- It was that same night that he returned to your house, rapping at your window and damn near giving you a heart attack. Even though it was terrifying at first, it was also sort of endearing and you soon found yourself joining him outside.
- Now, It’s your choice whether or not you sleep together that night. If you do then consider yourself kissed and claimed from then on. If you don’t, he’ll continue to show up at your house or hang around you at school until he gets what he wants. You. 
- You suppose that your first date happened at the Snack Shack so from then on, the two of you were sort of seeing each other. Well, one of his favorite things to do with you is not be at home so the two of you were hanging out in an empty lot.
- The sun went down and you were sitting in the dark, the glow of the moon being the only thing lighting up your date. You were sitting down and he was lingering on his feet somewhere behind him, sorta pacing from what you could hear. 
- He knelt down beside you and you turned your head to look at him, only to immediately get pulled into a kiss that all but had you melt into the floor. It was passionate and somewhat rough, exactly what you’d expect from him. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
- Well, he most certainly isn’t letting you go after that. I hope you like him babe because you’re not getting rid of him anytime soon. 
- This man is fully willing to makeout with you in public. So yeah, there’s a lot of Pda.
- His hands are pretty much on you at all times.
- Pecks on the lips. He loves when you just give him a kiss for no reason at all.
- Rough, passionate kisses. He asserts his dominance by hooking his arms around you and pulling you into a searing kiss until you can’t breathe.
- He definitely calls you “woman” and a ton of other pet names ranging from cute to just plain annoying. 
- He never would have imagined a girl like you would actually put up with him for so long …but boy is he thankful you have.
- He’s a little shit and that’s just something you’ll have to live with. He’s blunt, conniving and sarcastic, but he does care about you.
- He pretends like he doesn’t give a shit a lot of the time but he does, more than he cares to admit.
- Surprisingly enough, JD actually really likes cuddling. You’ll usually lay with your legs intertwined and your head resting against his chest while he wraps his arms tight around you. 
-  Jason's father sort of ignores him, they aren’t very close and certainly not close enough to be sharing affection besides; maybe, a pat on he back or something similar. So he craves attention and affection.
- He yearns for you to touch and love him but he doesn’t know how to tell you that he wants you to suffocate him with your own body. He’ll just try to repeat whatever it is he did to make you touch him or touch you until you do something to him.
- Hugs from behind.
- Husky whispers in your ear. He does it on purpose because he knows what it does to you.
- Motorcycle rides. 
- Trying to get him to quit smoking. It never actually works but he; somewhat, tries to cut down on it for your sake. He thinks the fact that you care is sorta amusing. 
- Cutting class together.
- Going shooting with him. The beer bottles and porcelain plates kind of shooting, not the Ram and Kurt kind of shooting. 
- Dark humor. Although, sometimes you genuinely don’t know if he’s joking or not. 
- He can always seem to make you laugh, even if it makes you feel guilty to laugh at some off the stuff he says.
-  Hearing an alarming amount of gun and bomb facts. 
- Going to Snappys Snack Shack with him.
- Junk food binges.
- He’s kind of a stalker if I’m being honest. He follows you around without you knowing, finds out everything he can about you, etc. You’re sort of like an obsession of his and that can be good or bad depending on the situation and to what extent you know about his feelings. 
- He knows practically everything about you, ranging from your birthday to where you are at pretty much any given time.
- He’s not too great at all that lovey dovey shit but he tries. It might take him a little while to get the hang of it but he eventually will. 
- Getting him to play the sax for you.
- Having his hand on your thigh whenever he’s driving. 
- Making out.
- Hickeys.
- He likes when you wear his clothes, it’s like marking his territory without getting in trouble for making your neck different colors.
- Listening to morbid music.
- Deep existential conversations. What else do you talk about with your girlfriend besides the meaning of life and why society will ultimately cave in and destroy itself in a violent revolt?
- Late night phone calls from him. Be prepared to rush to your landline at three a.m. so that you don’t wake up your parents. You can’t even really be mad at him because he’ll just immediately launch into either a spiel about how he missed you or ask what your opinion on Manchurian candidates are; successfully silencing you in bewilderment. 
- Getting random knocks at your window whenever he decides he just has to see you. 
- Your parents either love or hate him, there is no inbetween. He’s generally pretty good at playing the role of the upstanding young man who cares a lot about their daughter; that parts real of course, but occasionally a parent will just get a bad vibe from him and his charade; though convincing, just won’t work on them. 
- If that’s the case with your parents then you’ll sort of be forced to sneak out if you want to see him, which he’s particularly good at helping you do. 
- Getting kept away from his father. He tries to keep your interactions to a minimum, especially if you have a much different personality than to the man.
- Incredibly jealous though he’ll always try to hide just how upset whatever situation you’re in makes him. He makes jokes and “forgets about it” as soon as you join his side, convincingly acting like nothing happened or that he saw nothing wrong with it but staying up the rest of the night wondering what he can do about it. 
- Possessive. You’re each others, aren’t you? He’s yours and you’re his. Everybody belongs to someone and the two of you belong to one another. 
- Is he protective? What do you think? If you ever complain about a person bothering you, he’ll almost immediately ask if you want him to kill them. You think it’s a joke. It’s not. 
- Although it may seem like he does things just for his own benefit, he would genuinely do anything you ask of him. Sometimes he’ll surprise you with the lengths that he goes to make your life easier and happier. 
- He’s hot tempered and kind of an asshole so the two of you are; most likely, almost constantly fighting. You’ll usually be yelling at each other or arguing passionately which is a problem because he thinks you’re hot when you’re angry. He’ll usually wind up trying to kiss you which succeeds in making things worse and having you give him the silent treatment/break up. 
- He tries his best to give you your space but the instant you want him back, he’s all over you. He usually never actually apologizes but he doesn’t force you to when you’re in the wrong either so you suppose it’s fair. 
- I love you’s are few and far between. He doesn’t really want to make himself seem too vulnerable so you only get them on rare occasions. 
- The two of you tend to not talk about the future. He wants to be with you forever; which is obvious, and he wants you to be his; which is also obvious. But you don’t know if you’re entirely sure you can handle him. So, you try to just enjoy the time you’re spending together and not think about how things may end. 
- You’re either the Bonnie to his Clyde or his blissfully unaware darling. Pick your poison. 
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.4
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, ANGST, mild smut +18, comedy (i tried), fluff in this chapter
Warnings— Unprotected explicit sex, fingering, blood mentions, death, 
Word Count— 6.9k (nice)
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires, making you a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think! Things are starting to get spicy~
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The chilly crisp air that once gently kissed your cheeks had transformed into a biting cold that gnawed at your bones. Dread began to settle in as Taehyung led you by the hand, blissfully unaware of the daunting job you’ve been tasked with. You knew you should have killed him right away, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were well aware of the consequences, and now it is time to face the repercussions. 
Your jewelry was prepped and loaded with your special poison that consisted of neurotoxins from the deadliest animals. Pufferfish, scorpions, and king cobras were among the lethal mix. You had also laced your anointed silver dagger with the poison, as you would need every advantage you could get to combat Taehyung's strength.
“Would like some tea to calm your nerves, darling?” Taehyung asked sweetly.
“Yeah, that might help,” you shot him a meek smile.
Taehyung nodded and kissed the back of your hand before leaving you to make the tea. His sweet gesture made your heart sink. How could you possibly kill this man? The one and only person you’ve ever loved in your life? Well, even though he was not technically a person, no one had ever made you feel so loved before.
Taehyung quickly returned with hot tea and you gratefully let the cup warm up your hands. He pressed his cold hand against your forehead to check for any sign of illness.
“I’m fine, Taehyung,” you assured him.
“The air is getting colder. This is the opportune time for pestilence to strike,” Taehyung chided.
“Ok dad,” you rolled your eyes at him. God, you’re gonna miss this silly banter.
“I thought girls address their significant others by ‘daddy’ now?” he innocently asked, causing you to nearly spit out your drink.
“Some girls yes, but not in this instance. It’s more of a kink,” you explained.
“So was Freud correct in his reasoning?” Taehyung questioned.
“Well, yes and no. I don’t know. His theories are stupid and sexist. I hate that guy,” you concluded.
“I’m inclined to agree, he was rather odd,” Taehyung nodded wistfully.
“You act as if you actually knew him,” you scoffed, knowing damn well that he probably did meet him at some point.
“Of course not, that would be impossible. How old do you think I am?” he tried to joke with you. The subject of time and age always seemed like a touchy subject for him (and rightfully so). 
“We’ve been over this. You’re probably centuries old or some shit. You always talk like some old timey character in a cheesy period film.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Not necessarily,” you smiled at him. 
You really should stop dragging this on. It’s only going to cause more pain. Well, maybe spending just one more day with him wouldn’t be too bad. Nothing you do now is going to avert the pain. You might as well make this final day count.
“Darling?” you asked after a moment of silence.
“Yes, my love?” Taehyung gazed softly at you.
“Can you cuddle me all day? And make me feel like the most loved girl in the world?”
“My darling, you are the most loved girl in the world. Nothing in this realm can ever diminish my affections for you,” Taehyung tightly embraced you.
His kind words made you shed a silent tear. You will cherish every last second you had left with him. And that you did. The rest of the day was spent bundled up together under the warm covers of his bed watching Peaky Blinders. You insisted that he finish all of the episodes that day (which was a silly notion to him, but he obliged nonetheless). 
It was late afternoon by the time the show was completely binged, and now your stomach was growling relentlessly. 
“Hungry?” Taehyung chuckled.
“I believe so,” you clenched your stomach.
“I’ll go whip up some quick sandwiches then. Would you like some tea as well?”
“I can make the tea, you just handle the food,” you ordered.
“As you wish,” Taehyung complied.
It was time. You brewed the tea as you normally would, making sure you acted as if everything was okay. Just like you did before, a quick motion was all it took to pour a lethal dose of your special concoction into Taehyung’s tea. 
There was no turning back now. Taehyung happily brought the sandwiches to the table. You smiled at him, fighting to hold back tears. At least your last memory of him would be pleasant.
“I love when you make the tea, it always tastes better than mine,” Taehyung praised you as he brought the cup to his lips. 
Your breath hitches as he takes a sip. Immediately his face contorts with disgust and he looks at you with hurt betrayal in his eyes. Your heart breaks as you hesitate for a second; your hand is gripped around the hilt of your poisoned dagger. 
With tears streaming down your face, you lunge at Taehyung. He quickly evades you, your blade narrowly missing his neck. Just a scratch of your blade would spell out his doom. Taehyung coughs out as much of the poison as he could. 
Again, you propel yourself at Taehyung, zeroing in on his neck. He grabs you by the back of your head and effortlessly flung you across the room. You crash into the wall, the impact knocking the wind out of you. In a split second, Taehyung was in front of you, pulling you up by your hair.
You tried to stab him, but your efforts were futile. He grabbed your wrist with such force that it felt as if it was about to shatter. The dagger falls to the floor and his hand moves from your wrist to your neck.
The pain in his eyes was too unbearable to look at. Tears welled at the bottom of his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find any words to say. 
“I could kill you right now,” is all he managed to say.
“Then do it,” you say without any hesitation.
“Go to sleep,” Taehyung demands, his words laced with the most potent magic you’ve ever encountered. In an instant, you were in a deep slumber. 
You wake up in an unknown amount of time later. Your hands and legs are tied up to a chair in the middle of Taehyung’s living room. The restraints are so tight that you couldn’t even squirm your wrists or ankles. 
Taehyung was rapidly pacing back and forth in front of you. His puffy eyes indicate the waterfall of tears he must have shed while you were knocked out. 
“Tae--” you tried to call out.
“Don’t,” Taehyung snapped at you, instantly shutting you up. 
He was using his magic now, and there’s nothing you can do to combat it. You had no choice but to sit helplessly as you waited for Taehyung to speak again.
“Why? I thought we had something real. I would have never hurt you. Did I not show you that I am harmless?” Taehyung finally said as he imposingly stood over you, “You may speak. Tell the truth.”
“I was ordered to exterminate you by the VEC. Taehyung you have to believe me when I say I love you. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I regret ever doing it,” you cried.
“Why should I ever trust you again?” he scoffed.
“If I didn’t kill you they would just keep sending more and more agents. You already encountered some before me,” you kept trying to explain.
“I tried to tell the vampire hunting couple that I have not done anyone harm in centuries. I’m sure you’re curious as to how I satisfy my peculiar craving. I pay a very handsome sum to the local hospital, and in return they supply me with endless blood donations. No one is harmed in the process. But those people refused to listen to me. I didn’t want to hurt them, but they gave me no choice,” Taehyung recounted. 
“Those people were my parents,” you said softly.
Taehyung’s harsh gaze softened. He didn’t know how to react. He reasoned that avenging your parents may have been a justifiable reason to kill him.
“I’m terribly sorry, ___. I did not want to hurt them, but they were belligerent. I did not have a single moment of peace while they were pursuing me. You must have thought I was a monster this entire time,” Taehyung’s voice cracked, and he turned to hide his face from you.
“No, Taehyung, not at all. I love you. I never really knew my parents, so as awful as it is to say, their deaths didn’t really affect me. I treated this mission like any other, but curiosity got the better of me. Taehyung, I’ve never felt more human than when I’m with you,” tears began to cascade down your cheeks. 
Taehyung remained silent and refused to look at you.
“I foolishly thought that the least I could do was give you a quick painless death. I didn’t want you to suffer,” you continued.
“___, I have never known a greater pain than this betrayal. I was willing to give you the world,” he finally turned to you, revealing that he too was crying, “And I still am. I have not been so enthralled by another for as long as I can remember. I do not know what kind of spells you used on me, but I fear that they are unbreakable.”
“Neither of us used any magic on each other before this, Tae. I wish you killed me on the spot when you first saw me,” you wailed.
“And ruin the single most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen? I couldn’t bear to think of it,” Taehyung said softly, gently caressing your wet cheek with the back of his hand. 
Taehyung picked up your chair with one hand and brought you to the dining table. 
“I’m going to untie you. Please do not try to run away or kill me again. We both know you are no match for me,” Taehyung said sternly.
You nodded quickly, eager to get the restraints off. You obediently sat still after he tore off the rope that bound you to the chair. Taehyung took his place opposite of you. Silence filled the air as tension built. Finally, Taehyung slid his poisoned tea to the middle of the table.
“Since peace does not seem to be an option, I believe it would be best for one of us to die,” he stated. 
You stare blankly at him.
“Or perhaps, we could run away together and never look back. I can forgive this little infraction if you can forgive me for my deceit. We were both keeping secrets, and in the end it only harmed both of us,” he continued. 
“We both know that can’t happen. The VEC would hunt us down relentlessly,” you disagreed. 
Before he could react, you grabbed the cup and consumed its contents in the blink of an eye.
“___! What are you doing!?” he yelled at you, leaping across the table to smack the cup from your hands. 
“I have a tracker in my bloodstream, Taehyung. They’ll always be able to find me, and we will never know peace. At least this way, you can flee and continue to live out your life,” you smiled weakly.
It won’t take long for your body to become paralyzed. After all, this was meant to kill vampires, not humans.
Taehyung cradled you in his arms, clutching you close to his chest. He wept over you as your body began to stiffen. Your cognitive abilities will remain intact until the very end. You watched as Taehyung’s heart broke for the second time that day.
“You fool. I don’t care if they keep coming after us. It would all be worth it if it means that I can have you by my side,” he cried as he cupped your cheek.
It was evident that the poison had begun running its course. You couldn’t reply nor could you move any part of your body. Only your eyes could convey your sorrow. Taehyung leaned down to plant kisses on both cheeks before gingerly placing one more on your still lips. 
He picked you up bridal style and headed for the door. He walked along the trail on which you used to skip alongside him. The chirping birds that once greeted you were eerily quiet now. The evening dusk hour made the trees cast long spooky shadows along the path. The lake comes into view, but now it looks menacing as fog rolls along the water.
“I wish I didn’t have to do this, ___,” Taehyung said somberly. 
You couldn’t say anything, but your eyes expressed your deep heartache.
“Don’t look at me like that, love. It’ll only make this harder,” Taehyung set you down gently on the edge of the dock, “I loved you, you know. I trusted you.”
Taehyung bent down to give you a final kiss. You could feel his sorrow as his cold lips pressed against yours. After parting, Taehyung began to sing. Tears began to roll down your cheeks. Of course, you were crying because you didn’t want to die, but also because you loved Taehyung’s voice so much. It was probably the one thing you’d miss most from this world. Besides Taehyung himself, of course.
“Have I lost myself? Or have I gained you?” Taehyung’s beautiful voice carried through the air.
Taehyung placed you into the lake on your back. You floated for a few seconds before your legs began to dip deeper into the water. Now completely immobile due to your poison, you had no choice but to drown peacefully.
“Please don’t say anything. Reach my hand out to cover the mouth,” Taehyung sang, his eyes never leaving you.
The water engulfed you as your head finally sank below the surface. Taehyung’s voice began to fade away as your lungs filled with water. Is this what your dreams have been warning you about? Have you already seen your own demise? None of that matters now, as the dull light from above the water gets further and further away.
Everything fades to nothingness as the water swallows you whole. Your vision, hearing, and consciousness slip away. Nothing but the frigid lake can be felt now.
Is this really how you’d go? Maybe you deserved it. You did attempt to kill the love of your life. You couldn’t help but be thankful for the time you spent with him.
Water fills your lungs, and you’re certain that your time has finally come. For being raised as a vampire hunter, you managed to stretch out your life expectancy. You closed your eyes for the last time as you sunk further towards the bottom of the lake.
Suddenly a warm light caressed your cheek. Your eyes fluttered open as you desperately gasped for air. All of your senses flood back and it’s incredibly overwhelming. There’s an unbearable white light that temporarily blinds you. Loud indiscernible sounds cause you to crumple to the ground. Soon the loud noises turn into a muffled tone that you can’t quite make you. The light begins to fade away as well.
You finally open your eyes once again, and are shocked by what you see. You’re in a lush garden, surrounded by gigantic trees and beautiful flowers. Birds can be heard chirping overhead. 
‘Is this heaven?’ you thought to yourself.
“Not quite yet, child,” a voice boomed from above. 
The sudden response made you jump. You looked around to try and find who responded, but to no avail. 
‘God…?’ you thought. 
“You flatter me, little one,” the voice chuckled. 
The voice wasn’t as loud, but was now much closer. It honestly even sounded a little familiar. You turned around to see a giant figure looming behind you. Flowing golden robes elegantly wrapped around the figure. As your eyes focused on it, you saw a familiar face smiling down at you. Wait what the hell? It looked and sounded exactly like Yoongi. 
“Let me speak before you ask any more questions,” the faux Yoongi said, “Welcome to Purgatory. You are neither dead nor alive nor undead. Your soul is temporarily in limbo. You must be a rather peculiar human. Most souls merely pop in here for an instant before their fate is decided or they are pulled back into the mortal realm. I have been instructed to converse with you,” the being explained.
“Y-yoongi?” you stammered in your confusion.
“Ah, I am not Yoongi, though I’m sure I resemble that fellow. I am perceived as any being who is held dear by those who gaze upon me. Usually I appear as a lover or a parent. Forgive my curiosity but under which category is ‘Yoongi’ to you?” the being sat beside you.
“Neither. But he’s probably the closest thing I have to a parent,” you shrugged.
“Interesting. Do you have a lover?” 
“I think I did before I fucked everything up. What happens now?” you asked. You didn’t want to ponder on why this strange being did not take the form of Taehyung. Surely you held Taehyung more dear to you than Yoongi.
“You get to choose,” the being replied, “Also, I am not a god, upper or lowercase. You can think of me as sort of a cousin to Death. I am inevitable, but much less known,” it must have sensed your eagerness to figure out what it was.
“Do you have a name?” you inquired, now looking at it in awe instead of fear. If you didn’t know any better, you would think you were sitting with the real Min Yoongi. However, this being’s powerful aura easily gave it away as an imposter. 
“Names are powerful things,” fake Yoongi tsked.
“Surely you know mine. It’s only fair for me to know yours,” you replied, “And I keep calling you Fake Yoongi in my head.”
“You may call me Lethe, as some have called me before,” it said after a long pause.
“Cool. Nice to meet you, Lethe. So what is this choosing business? Whether I live or die?”
“Of course,” Lethe said as a matter of factly.
“Wouldn’t it be obvious that I’d want to live?”
“Do you?”
That question filled you with doubt. What happens if you go back? How would you face Taehyung? Would it even be possible to talk it out and pretend like it never happened? Or would you need to go through the ordeal of attempting to kill him again?
“Those are all valid questions,” Lethe nodded.
“I forgot you can read my mind,” you said with surprise, “How long can I stay here?”
“Time does not exist here. But I suppose for your feeble mind to comprehend, I’d say about 2 more hours. At least, that’s what it’ll feel like to you. You can converse with me for the time being,” the immortal sat beside you. 
And so it went. Lethe helped you weigh out your options. Lethe taking Yoongi’s form helped you open up. This was the closest thing you’ve ever had to a real heart to heart with a parent. Perhaps Yoongi was more important to you than you thought.
Lethe had already known every detail of your life, as they do with all those who pass through their domain. It was clear that you weren’t ready to die. You were just lost on what to do when you go back.
“Time is nearly up, little one,” Lethe softly said, “Have you made your decision?”
“Yes. I want to go back to the land of the living,” you smiled.
Lethe returned your smile as they began to wave their hands above you, making you instantly sleepy.
“I’ll be happy to see you again when it’s finally my time to go,” you managed to make out before letting out a yawn and shutting your eyes. 
“That would be nice, little one. But no one ever remembers me,” Lethe said in a bittersweet tone as they sent you back to the mortal plane.
“___? ___! ___ wake up!” you heard muffled yells.
Your eyes opened slowly, but it was too dark to see anything. Your entire body ached. Bitter chills began to set in as you realized you were sopping wet, making the wintry air even more unbearable. 
You drop back into a state of unconsciousness, but you swore you still faintly heard someone calling out your name. 
“You didn’t have to come here yourself.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I lost her parents. I can’t afford to lose her too. Why the fuck didn’t you step in immediately?”
  “You ordered me to observe her, and that’s exactly what I did. She would be dead if it weren’t for me.”
“I’m gonna kill that bloodsucker myself.”
“...Yoongi…?” you weakly called out, your eyes still closed.
“___?!?” you heard the men scramble to your side.
The sheets you were wrapped in were warm. The biting cold that hurt your bones had faded away. Your body ached beyond belief, and you didn’t have the strength to sit yourself up.
“___, are you okay? I’ll get you some water,” a familiar voice said. It must be Jungkook.
“___? Are you awake?” Yoongi’s voice was much closer now.
“Yoongi?” you repeated while your eyes slowly opened to adjust to the light. 
“Oh my god. Thank god you’re okay,” Yoongi pulled you in for a tight embrace. 
“We really thought you were done for,” Jungkook handed you a glass of water. 
“I thought I was too. I really think I died for a little bit. I can’t remember exactly what happened, but all I can recall is a bright light and maybe a forest? I think Yoongi was there?” you replied in a daze.
“Well, I was the only person with you until Yoongi showed up so I’m not sure about that. Unless you mistook me for Yoongi, which I take offense to,” Jungkook half smiled before taking a serious tone, “I saw him dump you in the lake. Why didn’t he drain you first?”
“Extremely tactless of you, Jungkook,” Yoongi admonished.
“He hasn’t harmed a living person in a long time. Well, except for my parents,” you softly answered.
“Come to think of it, he didn’t drink your parents’ blood either,” Yoongi stated.
“Please don’t hurt him. Please leave him alone. He won’t hurt anyone,” you begged. 
“He hurt you, ___. For that, he needs to die,” Yoongi said sternly.
“I poisoned myself,” you admitted.
“What?” Yoongi and Jungkook said in unison. 
“I...I love him. I told him to flee and live in peace after I sacrificed myself,” you began to cry.
“Are you stupid?” Yoongi asked in disbelief, “That thing killed your parents!”
“In self defense! They wouldn’t leave him alone after he told them numerous times to back off!”
“How do you know that? How do you know he wasn’t lying?” Yoongi argued.
“I can tell! You of all people should know that a vampire hunter doesn’t survive for long unless they can detect deceit in any and every form.”
“Sir, pardon me, but I think she’s telling the truth,” Jungkook interjected.
“Unbelievable. You too, Jungkook? Are you in love with the vampire too?” Yoongi scoffed.
“No. I just believe in her. When has ___ ever deviated from a mission? She’s your top agent. I don’t think she’d let herself get swept up by seductive charms,” Jungkook reasoned on your behalf, “I spoke with her yesterday. There was no trace of magic on her. Hopefully my word as your second highest agent means something. Plus, I’ve seen her express more emotion this past week than I have her entire life.”
“Jungkook,” you gratefully smiled at him.
“What the fuck are we supposed to do then? Just let him go without any consequences? I will not let your parents’ deaths go unavenged,” Yoongi crossed his arms.
“Let me talk to him,” you requested.
“What are you gonna say?” Jungkook joined you on the bed.
“I…” you trailed off.
What can you say to him? For one, he thinks you’re dead. You can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now. Anger? Sadness? Maybe he would be temporarily happy if you returned to him. However, it wouldn’t be long until your betrayal hurts him again.
“I just want to see him,” you finally say, “I’ll figure it out when I get there.”
“Absolutely not,” Yoongi shook his head, “I’m not sending you back without a plan.”
It took three days before you fully regained your strength. Yoongi and Jungkook took turns taking care of you. Jungkook offered to help you bathe, but you turned him down with a glare. 
“Can HQ function properly without you?” you asked Yoongi in the kitchen.
He turned around quickly, surprised that you’re out of bed, “___! Sit down, don’t strain yourself.”
“I’m fine, Yoongi. I’ve been in bed for too long,” you shooed him away.
“I guess we can all have dinner together at the table tonight. I made fried chicken,” Yoongi said triumphantly, “Also, I haven’t had a day off in years. The VEC can handle itself for a little bit longer.”
“The chicken smells amazing, Yoongi. I’m gonna take a shower because I feel and smell disgusting.”
“You sure you don’t want my help?” Jungkook materialized out of nowhere.
“Sure, you wanna help me take a shower?” you peered up at him.
“Are you being serious?” Jungkook’s doe eyes widened.
“Yep. The only condition is that I’m going to kill you afterwards,” you deadpanned.
“Mm so you’d still want to take at least one full shower with me,” Jungkook teased.
“Shut up, bunny boy,” you rolled your eyes.
You could hear Yoongi chuckle to himself behind you. It must be a relief to see you back to normal and bickering with Jungkook as if nothing happened. 
Flashbacks of your last encounter with Taehyung filled your head as warm water cleansed your body. You didn’t know what you’d do, but you made up your mind. You needed to see him. You wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again. You longed to feel his soft lips on yours. 
Dinner was full of smiles and playful banter. The food was delicious (fried chicken was Yoongi’s speciality) and it tasted even better since you hadn’t been able to eat solid food in days. 
“So, what are we gonna do now that ___ is feeling better?” Jungkook questioned with a mouth full of food.
“I’m going to go talk to him,” you affirmed. 
“Again, what are you going to talk about?” Yoongi raised his eyebrows.
The rest of the evening was spent devising a plan. It took a lot of convincing by both you and Jungkook, but Yoongi finally gave in. It seemed like even Jungkook was hesitant about the plan, but backed you up nonetheless. Jungkook and Yoongi would be your backup in case things went south.
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The next day you drove to Taehyung’s home. The drive that you once happily made now brought you dread. You had no idea how Taehyung would react. You just prayed that he wouldn’t kill you on the spot.
It was now well into the winter season. Snow covered the ground and frosted the windows of Taehyung’s weathered home. Knocking on the front door may not be the best move, but it’s what you decided to do. There was no answer. You tried to turn the knob to find that the door wasn’t locked at all. 
You snuck through the front door, cautious not to make any sounds. Something was amiss. Someone as cautious as Taehyung would never leave their front door unlocked. The house was eerily quiet.
He was nowhere to be found on the first floor. You journeyed up to the second story in the hopes of finding him. A rustling from his room was heard.
You tiptoed to his room, the door was wide open. Taehung was staring out of his bedroom window. The world seemed still for a moment. You quietly walked into the room, and realized that the room was filled with bouquets. Flowers ranging from lillies, chrysanthemums, carnations, and roses made the room smell sickly sweet. 
“Taehyung,” you called out to him.
He turned to you to reveal his tear streaked face. His eyes were red and puffy. He cast a disinterested gaze at you before he shooed you away with one hand.
“Go away. You’re not real. When will this hell end?” he sighed.
“Tae, my darling, I am real,” you approached him slowly.
“My own imagination won’t let me live down my guilt, huh? I suppose I deserve it,” he replied sadly, turning back to face the window. 
“Taehyung, I’m right here, dumbass,” you say with more conviction as you hug him from behind.
He jumped at your touch, whipping around to face you with inhuman speed. His cold hands gently cupped your face, as tears began to fall from his eyes.
“How? There’s no way you can be real. There’s no way that you’re ___,” he cried out, hugging you tightly.
“You better believe it, Taehyuung. I didn’t come back from the dead to be ignored,” you tried to joke, but your voice gave you away.
It was a bittersweet reunion. Tears freely fell, wet kisses were shared, and best of all, you were in each other’s arms again. Any fear you had regarding awkward tensions had dissipated. 
Taehyung held you in his arms as you recounted the past few days. You came clean to him about being a vampire hunter, and about how you were the VEC’s top hunter. You started to cry again as you told him about the inner turmoil you struggled with ever since you met him. Taehyung listened intently to everything you said, clutching you closely the entire time.
“The President of the VEC knows that you’re here?” he asked after you finished.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Is he going to kill me?” he seriously inquired.
“He may try, depending on the choices you make today,” you replied. 
“What choices do I have? I’ll receive any consequences you deem fit,” he kissed your forehead. 
“How do you feel about working for the VEC? It took a lot of arguing, but Yoongi agreed that if I can keep you in check, you would be allowed to work with me. However, one slip up and you’re dead. Those were his words exactly,” you explained.
“What exactly does a ‘slip up’ entail?” he questioned.
“Killing and/or eating any humans. You would only be allowed to kill vampires. The VEC would ensure that blood will always be provided to you to avoid any hunger killings,” you laced his fingers between yours, as if this was any normal casual conversation.
“My ultimatum is that I either work for the VEC to kill my own kind or to die? Is that correct?” he clarified.
“That sounds pretty harsh. But yes, those are your only options.”
“What if I kill all of you instead?”
“Okay, you have three options then.”
“But only one of them will allow me to spend my life with you,” he replied gently.
“You’ll do it? You’ll work with me at the VEC?” your eyes lit up.
“If it means I get to be with you, of course. Vampires are solitary creatures anyway. I have no remorse for my kind that resort to needless violence,” he planted a tender kiss on your lips.
“In that case, I have one more condition. This is a personal request,” you whispered.
“Anything for you, my darling,” Taehyung cooed.
“Turn me.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened, stunned by your request. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. 
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I finally found a real reason to live, and it’s you. I had just been going through the motions until I met you. Please, Taehyung. I want us to stay like this. Forever,” you pleaded.
“Do you know what you’re asking, ___? You’ll be dead, just like me. You’ll be dependent on feeding on human blood. I’ve had countless years of practice, but the hunger can sometimes become uncontrollable,” Taehyung tried to reason with you.
“I would have you to help me through all of that,” you stroked his cheek.
“What if the VEC decides to hunt us down?”
“Then we can flee together. Or we can fight them. I don’t care, as long as we’re together. You don’t have to do it right now, but just know that I want it,” you say in a defeated tone. 
“If you’re sure,” Taehyung gripped a handful of your hair and tilted your head back, “I’ll do it.”
“Then do it. Bet you won’t,” you teased to hide your nervousness.
He chuckled at your response. He peppered gentle kisses along your neck, before licking a long stripe along it. The tingling sensation made you moan. Taehyung’s hand found its way between your thighs. He slowly began to rub your clit while seductively whispering in your ear.
“I’ve been dreaming of doing this since the first time I saw you,” he growled.
You took off your pants to grant him easier access to your intimate spots. 
“Good girl,” he praised, slipping a finger into you.
You moaned as he added another one. You felt your body clenching as he brought you closer to your climax. His fingers curled perfectly and his pace quickened. He had simultaneously been kissing your neck the entire time. 
“You smell so fucking good, darling,” his deep voice resonated in your ear, “I can’t promise that this won’t hurt. But I do promise to fuck your brains out after.”
He didn’t give you time to respond. You had been holding out long enough. You reached your high as his sharp fangs bit into your neck. The initial puncture hurt, but it began to feel better as soon as Taehyung lapped up the blood. Taehyung suckled your neck as his fingers played with your clit.
“T-tae t-that’s too much,” you struggled to say.
“Don’t act as if you can’t take it, darling,” Taehyung growled in response.
He threw you on your back. He let you have a second to catch your breath, as he tore off his blood stained shirt. He dove right back into feeding from you, but now his hard crotch was grinding against your wet exposed core. 
“I have to warn you, this next part may be a bit unpleasant for you,” he stated as he licked the blood off of his lips.
This sight of a bloody Kim Taehyung was oddly erotic. Knowing that it was your blood on him strangely made it even more hot. 
Taehyung bit his own wrist. He held his bleeding wrist over your mouth.
“Drink,” he ordered.
You did as you were told, hesitantly licked his wrist. The metallic taste caused you to cringe.
“It won’t work if you don’t do it,” he scolded.
You grabbed his wrist and brought it to your mouth. You sucked on the wound hard, swallowing as much as you could. Taehyung groaned, the sight of you feeding from him turned him on more than he could imagine. You couldn’t take it anymore after a few minutes. You stopped to get some air.
“That should be good enough, darling. Well done,” Taehyung kissed your forehead.
“How will I know if it worked?” you asked.
“It takes a little while for my blood to circulate throughout your body. It’ll happen, don’t worry. For now…” his voice trailed off as his hand returned to your pussy.
“Do you want me to make you feel good again?” he teased, his fingers lightly tracing your lips.
“I thought you promised that you’d ‘fuck my brains out’?” you deviously smiled.
“I do intend to make good on that,” he returned your sly smile.
He flipped you onto your stomach, and propped your ass up. He gave it a good slap, one that stung for a few seconds afterwards and immediately turned your ass red. 
He ran his length along your pussy, coating himself with your juices. He teased you by slowly putting just the tip in before coming back out. You didn’t have the energy to be your normal cheeky self. You patiently waited for him to ease into you. His hand came around to grip your neck, forcing your head upwards.
“You’ve been such a good girl,” he growled, as he finally gave you his entire length. 
His hips bucked into you ferociously, his grip still firmly around your neck. Your neck was still sore from being bitten into, but at this point you didn’t care. You were still sensitive from your last orgasm, and Taehyung was drilling directly into your g spot. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he panted.
“Please fuck me as hard as you can. I really can’t keep up with you much longer,” you managed to say.
“Sure thing, darling,” Taehyung obliged.
He pounded into you harder with speed that you couldn’t handle. He let go of your neck, allowing you to collapse onto your chest. His hands gripped your ass instead. His strokes became sloppier, indicating that he was now close to his limit. 
With a sudden grunt, Taehyung released his load into you, his hot semen filling you up. He leaned over to you, and you thought he was going in for a kiss, but he licked your neck instead. You didn’t realize that you were still bleeding. You turn to the side to give him better access. After the bleeding stopped, he cuddled you, pressing his chest against your back.
“You have the sweetest blood I’ve ever tasted,” he kissed your ear.
“Thanks I guess? Have you ever tasted a diabetic? That might change your opinion,” you laughed.
“I can’t recall. I just know that no one has ever tasted better,” he squeezed you tighter, “Also creeping thistle.” 
“Huh?” you turned to look at him in confusion. Was he speaking in code?
“You asked what kind of flower I thought you were before. I believe I can give you my answer now,” Taehyung replied thoughtfully.
“Okay I’ll bite. What does a creeping thistle look like?” 
“You know those tall purple flowers you see on the sides of the road? Those are creeping thistles,” he answered. You paused to recall driving past them.
“Wait, those are weeds!” you cried out in disbelief, “You think I’m a pest like a weed?”
“They are weeds, yes. They are resilient, persistent, and can hurt you if you’re not careful around them,” Taehyung chuckled. 
“Those don’t really sound like compliments--”
“But they also produce beautiful purple flowers that go unappreciated. Purple is my favorite color,” Taehyung interrupted you. 
“Fine, I’ll take it since you said they’re beautiful or whatever,” you playfully rolled your eyes, but you were touched by the thought that went into his answer. You noticed you were growing colder by the second, and snuggled closer to Taehyung to try and produce some body heat. He noticed this and helped you get under the covers before cuddling with you again. 
 “You’re going to die tonight. Don’t worry, that’s part of the process. I’ll be by your side the entire time. You’ll be like me in the morning,” he kissed your forehead. 
“Will it hurt?” you asked, slightly scared.
“The worst is over. The most excruciating part is when my blood begins to circulate in yours, but I think I successfully distracted you from that pain,” he smirked. 
“Oh I’m sure that was the only reason you dicked me down senseless. Thank you for your generosity,” you laughed.  
Your body began to feel heavy yet weightless at the same time. Panic began to set in. The feeling was similar to when you drowned in the lake. Your breathes became more strained as you struggled to inhale sufficient oxygen. Sensing your distress, Taehyung held you tighter and whispered a single word into your ear.
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“You look pretty harmless.”
“I try to be, for the most part.”
“Jungkook! Get away from him. Don’t talk to him. Taehyung, if that’s even your real name, you’re on thin fucking ice. If ___ doesn’t wake up when you say she will I’ll put your pretty little head on a spike.”
“You think he’s pretty?”
“Shut up Jungkook.”
You slowly opened your eyes after hearing the men bicker. You woke up to find all three of them standing in front of the bed. Jungkook had an uncharacteristically somber look on his face while Yoongi looked gloomier than usual. You could tell that Taehyung had reverted back to his reserved state in their presence. 
“Yoongi? Why are you here?” you questioned. You started to panic. Did Taehyung admit to turning you? You hadn’t even thought about how to break the news to Yoongi. If you weren’t dead now then you’d surely be dead after Yoongi found out. 
“Your phone rang. I answered “Yoongles” who had some rather choice words for me. I told him that you were fine and resting. He barged in immediately after that,” Taehyung explained.
“Yoongi I told you that I would--”
“I’m beyond relieved that you’re still alive. I only called because it was urgent and--”
“The VEC was attacked,” Jungkook butted in.
“What?” you were shocked. 
“We’re the only ones left,” Yoongi stated.
Published October 24, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 16
oh gosh, i'm so sorry for the late update!! i promise i'm still working on this, little by little. i am on vacation next week, so maybe i'll get the chance to really put some work in.
in any case, enjoy today's update c:
okay, so who the hell was gonna tell me that CBG’s designed a whole-ass album cover for my favorite artist of all time?
scratch that. who was gonna tell me she designed my FAVORITE album cover for my FAVORITE artist of all time?
Bubbles, as it turns out, has known Marinette Dupain-Cheng since he was four years old. Went to school with her and everything. So that’s another scoop to the shit Luka’s landed himself in. He still isn’t sure what gave him greater whiplash: finding out about that connection, or finding her name in the fine print of Jagged stone’s album credits. He also isn’t sure whether it’s a good thing that Nino mentions little else, and especially dodges the question of if it’s even cool to actually admit to having a gigantic crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng, or whether he’s just wasting his time.
Cool, cool, cool.
(Luka is most definitely not cool.)
Especially for those freeze-frames of time that he wonders, to his own horror, if Bubbles has been Adrien Agreste all this time.
It takes him the better part of an hour of pacing and fidgeting with his guitar pick to realize that no, he hasn’t been casually messaging a fashion mogul’s son who also just so happened to be Marinette’s own gigantic crush. He doesn’t seem like the type to use “dude” in everyday conversation, and for another thing, it didn't exactly like up with what Marinette had said about them knowing each other in middle school.
One day, Luka swears, he’s going to take this anxiety thing out back and have it meet its maker.
Even if, maybe, he sort of is its maker.
(Okay, maybe he's going to take his brain out back, because he's definitely not responsible for that.)
But he figures, once that initial panic and urge to scream into his pillow wear off, that it might be a cool talking point between him and Marinette. One that, for once, doesn’t have much to do with either of their jobs. Or with how tongue-tied he gets around her because she just won’t stop being so pretty. Not that that’s a problem; both his sister and his mother would have his head for ever thinking that way, and even then, Rose would tell them to get in line. Something about how they didn’t raise him this way, even if two of them didn’t even raise him at all.
Luka waits a couple of days before stopping by the bakery again; it gives them both some breathing room and the time for those postcards to be finished and printed. He thinks about it a lot. The postcards. The effort. Marinette, too, but in his quietly flustered opinion, he thinks that’s a given. He doesn’t get the chance to come until close to closing time again because of his delivery shift; he just hopes they don’t mind too much. He braces himself the whole ride over for whatever may be coming: another friendly crack about napoleons and pear tarts, the beauty of the postcards, maybe even another offer of kindness if Marinette’s pattern is anything to go by.
The one thing Luka doesn’t brace himself for—which, of course, is the one thing that ends up happening—is the door propped open, and the music drifting out through the crack. And he can’t even revel in the fact that it’s one of his favorite songs playing, because…
Because Marinette is dancing. Rag in one hand, spray bottle in the other. No, it’s not like, a flawlessly choreographed routine or anything. It’s more like a mix of what Rose does during their down time when she has too much energy and nowhere to put it, and what Juleka does when she’s trying to find the rhythm of a new song. It’s blissfully unaware, and beautiful, and it feels like home, and Luka can’t stop staring.
He doesn’t mean to. He knows he shouldn’t. It’s just… he can’t remember ever seeing a moment when she was simply “Marinette, “instead of “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Friend to Practically Everybody.” or “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Daughter of the Owners of The Best Bakery In Paris.” or even “Marinette, the Girl Behind the Counter with the Sketchbook Full of Secrets and the connections to Jagged Fucking Stone.”
Okay, maybe he’s been watching a couple too many fantasy movies lately.
And he definitely needs to look away, like, right now, because she does this thing with her hips that makes his brain forget how to function for a second, and he needs his brain to function in every sense of the phrase, and God fucking damn it, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is hot and he’s not supposed to think that she’s hot—
And she’s looking at him. Frozen. right as he’s about to get off his bike and knock.
And, like the total idiot he can only manage to be at the worst possible times, he trips. Over his bike. And faceplants, right in front of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
He’s somewhere between waiting for death to take him, and thanking his Ma for always getting on him about wearing a helmet, and wondering if he really was so stupid that his first instinct was to run, when the bell over the bakery door rings like mad. Someone cries out his name, and the music cuts, and there’s a skitter of footsteps on concrete. When he comes to himself and starts to sit up, he finds himself face-to-face with Marinette, who's kneeling beside him and already scanning him for any injuries.
The first thing she says, with her hand in her hair, is, “Oh, God. She’s gonna kill me.”
The first thing he says, with a wince, is, “Yikes.”
It’s then that the pain sinks in, dull and searing and throbbing all at once, as if punishing him for choosing to say that, of all things. He sits up a bit more, pain chasing up his spine and stinging his palms; his knee is badly scraped and starting to swell, he realizes once he gets a good look at the rest of him. He can’t tell yet, whether Juleka would call this karma or kismet. All he can think is that at least his jeans were already ripped.
“Can…” Marinette swallows hard, but otherwise she’s entirely unfazed. “Can you stand? Put weight on it? Oh God, oh my God, she’s actually gonna kill me.”
“I…” Cautiously, Luka tries to get to his feet, and Marinette makes space for him. All it takes is one step for a jolt of pain to shoot up his leg, and he staggers and clutches the closest streetlamp, nearly tripping over his bike again in the process. “Shit,” is all he can bite out after drawing his breath in through his teeth and holding onto it for too long. He lets it out, little by little, and his grip on the lamppost loosens. “It’s okay, I’m—I can just walk my bike to the metro station, and—”
It’s like she isn’t even listening to him; she’s looking around the bike, evidently searching for something. Finally, she finds it—his bike lock—and after it and the bakery door are secure, she coaxes his arm around her shoulder. It’s almost comical, because he’s got a good thirty centimeters on her, but it hurts too much to laugh. Or, apparently, to stammer in protest when she leads him through the side door and up the stairs to her apartment.
Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Seeing her in her pajamas was enough of an invasion of her privacy. But seeing the inside of her literal, actual home? Oh, no. No way.
“You’re hurt,” she says simply, as if she’s read his mind; her voice is trembling, the way voices do when they know they shouldn’t. “It’d be against like, everything I am as a person if I just let you leave.” She only lets go of him to unlock the door, and only then does it occur to him that, for a few moments that should have been blissful, they were side-by-side, and in some places skin-to-skin.
Mr. Dupain gives them a funny, almost unreadable look when Marinette opens the door. One look at Luka’s leg seems to answer any questions he might have had, and effortlessly he helps Luka to the couch while Marinette disappears into the bathroom. “You know,” he jokes under his breath, “When I imagined someone falling for my daughter, I didn’t mean literally.”
Luka’s face goes hot. “I didn’t—I’m not—”
Whatever he wants to say falls on deaf ears, and Mr. Dupain makes himself scarce as soon as Marinette emerges from the bathroom. Even as she lifts his leg onto the coffee table, Luka swears he can feel those kind, quietly insistent eyes burning holes into him all the way from the kitchen. He doesn’t get to think much more about what Mr. Dupain might have meant, or what he would have said to refute it, because Marinette is pressing an alcohol pad to the scrapes, and it stings like a motherfucker—which is probably a good thing for more reasons than one.
“You don’t have to do this,” he says weakly, because somewhere along the way, I don’t deserve it got stuck in his throat and refused to come out.
Marinette gives him a look. He can’t quite figure out what it means. “Yeah. I do.”
“Nah.” He readjusts, braces himself for the second sting of the ointment and the bandages. “I kinda deserved it. Jules would call it karma, I guess.”
There she goes again, wincing at the mere mention of Juleka. Or maybe… maybe it’s something else. Without a word, she gets up and disappears into the kitchen, and he spends her whole absence wondering what he said or did. He’s only relieved when she returns with a bag of frozen corn and a shrug as if to say, It’s all we had. She presses the bag to his knee, breathing deep in time with him, or maybe in hopes that his breathing will start to match hers. Then she speaks, and her voice wavers.
“Why would you ever think,” she murmurs, “that you deserve any pain?”
Luka opens his mouth. Shuts it. Opens and shuts again. This time, at least for a while, the words don’t even make it to his throat. Eventually, all he can spit out is, “I was. Watching. You.”
“I know,” Marinette says, turning as pink as her shorts. “I saw.”
That’s the one thing he can appreciate: she doesn’t try to downplay it or say it was dumb. Even now, she’s unapologetic, and direct, and God, maybe he’s just fallen a little more. “I shouldn’t have,” he says. “I was gonna knock, I was…” He shifts again, his knee still in her gentle grasp, and flinches. “I just… wanted to see your postcards.”
I just wanted to see you.
“Marinette.” His lips tingle just from saying her name, and his stomach is churning. “Who… who’s gonna kill you?”
This time, Marinette goes scarlet; it would look about as pretty as literally every other color and pattern she wears if she didn’t seem so… mortified. “I’ll go get one of—the postcards,” she says—stammers, more like—and as she’s heading upstairs she calls out, “Papa, he can’t walk. Can we drive him home?”
From the kitchen, Mr. Dupain winks.
1 Photo Attached
RIP lol
and no, i’m not talking about my jeans. those were already like that.
but also. 😬 oh boy.
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yehet-about-it · 4 years
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I Like Me Better | 15 - You of All People
~ A Wayv Social Media AU Series ~
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Synopsis: You’ve just moved into a new apartment with your best friend Yangyang, but you’re immediately faced with a problem: your incredibly noisy upstairs neighbour Xiao Dejun, or to friends, Xiaojun. You spend the first few weeks of your acquaintance hating his guts, but after a sincere apology and a fascinating revelation about his passions and motivations you slowly begin to see past his cold exterior to discover the real him. What will happen as you get closer to this troubled boy and how will those closest to you react?
Pairing: Reader x Xiao Jun
Genre: Angst
Themes and Warnings: Explicit language, mild violence and references to drinking/alcohol. Deals with themes of toxic masculinity, insecurity, and jealousy…
Word Count: 3.5k (good lord this took forever to write, and please excuse the dialogue, arguments/fights are not my forte...)
Your evening started like any other night out with the boys; a drink or two at yours with Yangyang and Sicheng, then on to meet Renjun and whoever else (this time Yeonjun and his girlfriend Yeri), before heading to the bar. The first half of your evening was rather pleasant, spent sipping cocktails with your friends in a cosy booth Renjun had managed to book, with the odd dance here or there. It wasn’t until you and Renjun were dancing wildly on the dancefloor having consumed just enough alcohol not to care what people thought, that you saw a familiar face looking at you from across the room by the bar.
You smiled back at Lucas as he gave you a cheeky smirk, seemingly having noticed you had caught him watching. You held eachother’s gaze for a moment before you shyly looked away and back at Renjun, heat rising in your cheeks that definitely wasn’t due to the alcohol. You hadn’t really spoken to Lucas that much, maybe the odd conversation about your day, or work, but mostly if you did talk to him it was about Xiaojun. You weren’t sure you liked Lucas in the romantic sense, and you didn’t really have enough interaction with him to go on, but being who and what he was, just having his attention was enough to make you blush, or any girl for that matter. You were sure he’d probably be getting a lot of attention tonight. Looking back up as you danced to see if he was still watching, you saw he wasn’t and instead was leaning back on the bar, talking to someone sat on the barstool next to him. Scanning the rest of the area around him you realized he was with Ten, and you could only assume that the figure on the stool facing away from you was Xiaojun. Your gaze lingered a little too long, as Xiaojun soon turned around, his eyes seemingly searching the sea of people crowding the dancefloor before landing on you. Startled, you immediately averted your eyes, hoping he hadn’t caught you watching, and decided to move your focus back to Renjun.
Your eyes lit up as ‘Rain On Me’ started playing through the club’s speakers and you grinned at Renjun, starting to mouth the lyrics at eachother. Not a moment later though, your phone buzzed in your hand, not having put it away from taking pictures with Renjun earlier. Checking who it was, you rolled your eyes when you saw a text from Yangyang, stating what you already knew. You quickly replied, and seeing Kun reply immediately after you replied again to keep him happy and slid your phone back into your bag, rejoining Renjun in hyping to Lady Gaga.
It seemed you couldn’t catch a break though, as not long after, you felt a hand on your shoulder taking you out of the moment. You frowned, ready to give whichever pompous fuckboy was trying to get your attention a piece of your mind, but when you turned, you were met by a broad chest belonging to none other than Lucas Wong, who stood towering above you. “Funny seeing you here,” Lucas said leaning down towards your ear so as to be heard over the pounding music. You giggled at him as he rose back up, giving you his ever so charming signature smirk. It was then that you noticed Xiaojun emerge next to him, looking at you a little apprehensively and mururing a ‘hey’ that way barely audible above the noise. Smiling pleasantly you greeted the two young men. “Well hi guys, this is a nice surprise!” You said. “It sure is,” Lucas grinned as Xiaojun nodded at you. “You guys come here much?” you said, mentally facepalming as the words left your mouth. You were plenty tipsy and anything could have fallen from your lips, yet out of all the things you could have said, you went with the most awkward cliched chat up line possible. “I don’t. Not really my scene.” Said Xiaojun, his soft, low voice just about cutting through the noise of the club. It figured. Although your dark and brooding neighbour was clearly a fan of Ariana Grande and Bruno Mars, he certainly didn’t seem the type to enjoy clubbing, let alone dancing. Perhaps a quieter bar, with a couple of pool tables, dim neon lights, and guys stood around in worn down leather jackets would be more to his liking. It was nonetheless intriguing seeing him out of his comfort zone in a place like this, surrounded by people like Lucas, whose outgoing and flirtatious personality was in total contrast to his. “Yeah I’ve only been here a few times, though maybe we’ll have to come more often now we know you come here” Lucas added, giving you a devilish wink. You swooned a little at the action but out of the corner of your eye you swore you could see Xiaojun rolling his eyes.
Suddenly, you were jerked back to reality as you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, and you realised you’d been so distracted by Lucas’s flirtatious gestures that you’d totally forgotten about Renjun. “Hey y/n who are your friends?!” Renjun yelled drunkenly through over the music. “Oh right. Guys this is my friend Renjun. He’s a dancer too! Renjun, this is my neighbour Xiaojun and his friend Lucas,” you said, waving your hands towards the two of them. “Ahh the elusive neighbour and his hot friend I’ve heard so much about,” Renjun slurred, beaming at everyone before taking Xiaojun’s hand to shake, then Lucas’s. Your eyes widened in disbelief at Renjun’s choice of words, and he let out a pained grunt as you subtly elbowed him in the stomach. The little shit.
Xiaojun had his usual stoic expression as he said hi to Renjun, but Lucas smirked as he held out his hand to shake. “Pleasure to meet you,” he said. “Likewise. Wow. You really are tall,” Renjun blurted, eliciting a deep chuckle from Lucas. You were going to kill that kid. “Too tall for his own good. Only thing it’s good for is spotting people through crowds like this and getting things out of cupboards,” Xiaojun commented with a hint of disdain. Clearly he was used to people commenting on his friends’ height. You snickered at his comment nonetheless. He was after all, unneccessarily tall. “Oh I can think of plenty of other things its good for,” Renjun joked. You raised your eyebrow. That boy had definitely had enough alcohol for the night.
“So you guys wanna dance?” you asked in an attempt to move on from the topic of Lucas’s appearance and what his height might be useful for. The two boys nodded and for the next 15 minutes or so you danced and sang together blissfully, Renjun and Lucas making jokes every now and then like the clowns they are. You were too in the moment to notice, but a small smile tugged on Xiaojun’s lips as he watched you dancing with wild abandon, admiring your serenity and the care free look you had as you moved your body in perfect rhythm. As a dancer, you were in your element and Xiaojun couldn’t look away. Obviously your club moves were much simpler than your usual dance routines but no matter the amount of alcohol you’d consumed, your body flowed to the music as naturally as a fish swims. Before he knew what he was doing, Xiaojun was moving closer to you as though being drawn by a magnet. As the song ended and faded into the next you looked up at him, now right next to you and gave him a grin as your hips started swaying to the next song. “I can tell you’re a dancer.” Xiaojun leaned in to speak, and a heat rose to your cheeks. You knew you could dance but you hadn’t realised you’d been putting on that much of a show. “Oh uh, really? Thanks,” you awkwardly stuttered. “Maybe I could see you dance sometime? I mean, not in the club,”Xiaojun said. You flushed. He wanted to see you dance? Was is you or was he flirting? “Um, well maybe... I suppose you could come to one of our open rehearsals?” You replied coyly. “Sounds good. And I mean, you have seen me sing, so it’s only fair,” Xiaojun teased. “I guess that’s true”.
For the next few minutes you continued dancing and chatting with the boys before you felt a body pressing lightly against yours from behind. It dawned on you that it was in fact Xiaojun, and you looked round to see if he had been pushed into you making space for someone passing through perhaps, but despite the throngs of people in the club, you saw no evidence of that. Meaning he was doing it on purpose. Was he really coming on to you right now? Flirting was one thing, but dancing with you like that in such close quarters was a little intimate for your liking. You had realised by now that you were definitely attracted to Xiaojun in some sense, but you still hardly knew the boy and grinding on him in the club defintely didn’t seem like the best step in the progression of your relationship. Sure, you’d spoken to him a few times since you went to see him at the café, mainly in the hall on your way back from walking Bella, and he was and a lot nicer than you had anticipated, but you couldn’t say you were too comfortable with where he seemed to be taking this. Not wishing to make things awkward, you politely shifted away from him, moving closer to Renjun instead, and as you did so, you caught Lucas raising an eyebrow at you.
Eventually, your group dispersed and you and Renjun went back to find the others. When you told them you’d ran into Lucas and Xiaojun, Yangyang and Winwin naturally teased you about it, tellng you you couldn’t have both of them, and Yangyang being Yangyang refused to drop the subject matter. He was your best friend, so you could forgive him, since you knew he meant no harm, but after a while his incessant nattering about it teed you off so you excused yourself and went to use the restroom.
On your way back from the restroom you came across Lucas, by the looks of it on his way to the bar and he stopped with a grin when he saw you. “Y/n. Crazy seeing you again,” he joked. You laughed breazily at his terrible attempt at humour. “Hi Lucas.”Lucas paused, as though thinking for a moment. “Can I get you a drink?” he said, nodding towards the bar. With the amount of alcohol currently in your system, you didn’t even need to think. A drink with Lucas? Yes please. So, you went to the bar with Lucas, who ordered soju for the both of you, before raising his drink for a toast. “Geonbae!”
For a while, you spent the time chatting and laughing with Lucas as you downed your soju, not noticing a certain someone glaring at you from across the room, but soon, Renjun, having been wandering about the club in his cheerful tipsy manner, saying hello to random people all over the place, joined the two of you at the bar. Lucas and Renjun seemed to get along pretty well as they had done while you were dancing, making corny jokes at eachother back and forth, but eventually, Lucas said something that flustered you somewhat. “So, I’m the hot friend huh?” Lucas said, eyeing you mischievously and nodding to Renjun who had originally let slip that you had referred to him as hot. Of course he would bring that up, how could he not? “Um, well-“ you fumbled with your speech. You were well and truly tipsy by now but apparently still not drunk enough to talk to your attractive acquaintance without tripping over your words. “Heh, don’t worry. I get that a lot,” he said. “Although, the girls aren’t always as cute as you.” You blushed and giggled at Lucas, totally unaware of the intoxicated man slowly and resentfully making his way towards the three of you. “Oh, uh, thank you,” you giggled. “OMG you have to go home with this guy,” Renjun ‘whispered’ in your ear. That earned him yet another discreet elbow to the chest. “What?! You’re totally flirting!” He protested, as Lucas took a swig of his drink, thankfully paying no mind to Renjun’s comments.
“Oh, hi Xaojun,” you said, as you finally became aware of the boy approaching you. “What are you doing?” Xiaojun said, disregarding you, and glaring at Lucas. “Okay then…” you muttered under your breath. The least he could do was say hi back. “Oh I was just saying how beautiful y/n is,” Lucas said, smirking back at his shorter friend. “Oh yeah? Well maybe you should back off a bit. That’s a little forward don’t you think?” You sighed. What was up with him? You raised your eyebrow as you witnessed your neighbour needlessly defend you from Lucas’s flirtations. He was speaking with conviction, but there was certainly a slight lilt in his voice, indicating he had drunk more than his fair share of poison tonight. “I’m just saying it like it is,” Lucas said shrugging. “Just because you’re too scared to say something doesn’t mean we all are.” “Oh get over yourself Lucas,” Xiaojun snapped. Renjun turned to you, giving you a look that clearly red ‘well this is awkward’. “Just because you’re a model it doesn’t mean you can just hit on any girl you like. Especially not my neighbour.”
Your hands balled into fists as you glowered at Xiaojun. You were tired of his frosty attitude. “Uh, well ‘your neighbour’ has a name and and I think she will decide who can hit on her or not thank you very much,” you huffed defiantly at Xiaojun, drawing his attention away from Lucas to yourself. “Now will you calm down? I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night.” “Yeah dude, you’re kinda ruining the mood.” Renjun chipped in, probably not the best idea, because as soon as he spoke, Xiaojun’s glare was fixed on him. “Oh yeah? Well fine. I’ll go. I know where I’m not wanted, and that’s clearly nowhere you are” he said turning to you, before stepping back to leave. “Xiaojun wait! We didn’t mean-“ Xiaojun swiveled back and cut you off before you could finish. “Oh come on, I know you hate me y/n. Go on, admit it,” he spat. “You think you’re so much better than me with your perfect job and your little sugar daddy to do everything for you. What do you think he’d say if he saw you dancing like that with this jumped up little shit.” He looked at Renjun in contempt and your jaw almost hit the floor. In 21 years you’d never been spoken to like that. Except by maybe that Stacey girl you’d had a feud with in middle school when sh accused you of ‘stealing’ her ‘boyfriend’, but that was beside the point. Not only was Xiaojun ruining your evening by pointlessly dragging Lucas for his flirting, but now he was insulting your best friends? This was very much NOT okay.
“EXCUSE ME?” You yelled, your eyes burning with fury. “Don’t you fucking dare talk about Renjun like that! And Xiaojun, you’ve been nothing but rude to me since I moved in! Why do you think I don’t like you?! Not because I think I’m better than you but because you’re just an asshole!” His dark eyes were fixed on you as you yelled back at him and you could smell the whisky on his breath as he stared down at you, but out of the corner of your eye, you were vaguely aware of the third friend sidling through people towards you, seemingly yelling at people ‘damage control coming through! Damage control coming through!’ “Huh is that right? You think I’m an asshole? Well you know what I think? I-“ Before Xiaojun could continue his shoulder was pulled back by a stern looking Ten. “What the fuck are you doing Xiaojun? You’re drunk, now leave y/n alone.” You looked up at Ten in relief. You didn’t really know the guy but he seemed to have a calming aura about him and you were just glad that someone was here to help you diffuse the situation. Anything that Lucas or Renjun had to say would only add fuel to the fire. “Don’t fucking tell me what to do Ten, I’m not your kid,” Xiaojun snarled as Ten gripped him b the shoulder. “Yeah but from the looks of it you’re ruining y/n’s evening and I think we should get you some water before you ruin everyone else’s too.” “Yeah come on buddy, just go with Ten and calm down,” Lucas added, patting Xiaojun on the back. “Oh so you three can get back to ogling eachother? Why don’t you just get it over with already and make out on the bar?”
Xiaojun was clearly slipping into a drunken haze now, his words getting angrier and even more slurred. “Jesus will you just let it go-“ Lucas rolled his eyes as he spoke but was cut off as Xiaojun’s fist collided with his jaw. Your eyes widened in panic as you realised where this was going. “Fucking hell!” Renjun exclaimed, watching as Lucas held his jaw as he stumbled back against the bar. Xiaojun may be significantly smaller than Lucas, but he could certainly pack a punch. “Hey fuck you man, I was just trying to-“ Xiaojun landed another punch as Ten struggled to hold him back.
You watched, horrified as Xiaojun struggled against the two boys, not knowing what to do. If you called the staff over you knew everyone would get thrown out and that would be the end of your night, but if you did nothing someone was sure to get hurt. You looked around to see if any passersby might help the situation but they all seemed disinterested. Panicking, you took your phone out and texted the group chat, hoping that Winwin or Yangyang might see it and come to the rescue. Not that they were particularly helpful in these situations, but the more the merrier.
As the two boys managed to get Xiaojun somewhat under control – either that or he was getting tired – he started to still, Ten holding him in place. You stepped closer, hoping that you could talk to him and ease his mind, tell him it was okay, but as he shook himself free, having given up on fighting Lucas, his elbow collided with your neck, sending you reeling back into Renjun. As everyone turned to you with wide eyes, checking to see if you were okay, a bouncer appeared behind Ten having seen the commotion. “Guys I’m gonna need you to leave. You’ve caused enough trouble for one night.” The bouncer said, looking at the 3 taller boys. The boys slowly nodded, mumblung ‘okays’ before the bouncer nodded towards you. “You alright?” You noded with a small smile, not wanting to make any more of a commotion. At this point you just wanted to leave and get some ice for your throbbing throat. “Okay you can stay,” the bouncer said, pointing at you and Renjun. “You three with me”.
You watched, dumbfounded as the boys gathered themselves. Xiaojun looked forlorn and you couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. Sure he was acting like a total asshole, but in truth he was drunk, and he didn’t seem at all the same person you’d talked and laughed with under the one-person umbrella on your way home from the café a week prior. “I- I’m sorry y/n” Xiaojun gulped, before he was dragged away by a furious looking Ten, followed closely by Lucas and the bouncer. “Are you okay?” Renjun asked worriedly as he gently gripped your hand and a tear slid down your cheek. “Yeah. I’m okay. Let’s just get some ice for my neck and get out of here…”
When you got home, you promptly kicked off your sandals and went to the living room, flopping down into the lap of your giant teddy bear that was sat in the corner taking up far too much space. Yangyang and Sicheng followed not far behind, and being the mischievous boys they were they piled on top of you in a big hug, knocking half the air out of you, but at this point you were too fed up to care. “Why do guys suck?” You whined. "Hey we don't suck!" Winwin exclaimed, his voice a little muffled from where his face was squished agains the arm of Mr. Gom. "Sure," You replied sarcasticly, earning a little nudge before you all burst out in a fit of giggles, squeezing eachother tighter in the hug. You sighed cheerfully, feeling a little better after your trainwreck of a night. You certainly weren't letting them sleep like this, but for now you snuggled in your friends' warmth, enjoying their embrace and allowing it to sooth you before you faced the harsh reality of tomorrow.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
[Aoi Asahina, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Rantarou Amami, Ibuki Mioda] x reader imagine: comforting an insecure guitarist s/o after their band plays live
Request: Oh my god, are DR blogs coming back again?? This is the third new one I've found this month!! Really happy about that.  Great writing so far by the way! Could you maybe do Asahina, Sonia, Chiaki, Rantaro, and Ibuki (separate) comforting an insecure, guitarist S/O after they just performed a live show with their band? And like, the S/O is really worried that they sucked even though they did well? Oddly specific, I know. Would appreciate it though! Cheers!
Thank you for this imagine request and being so specific about what you want while still giving me a lot of creative freedom! I immediately had some simple but cute ideas about this! - Mod Kokichi
Gender Neutral reader, a few brief lewd humorous lines, but SFW otherwise.
Aoi Asahina
- You were nervous, pre-show jitters shuddering through your body, but you couldn’t back out now.
- Not when your super hot, super excited, super supportive girlfriend had hyped you up just before the show.
- “Stage fright?! How’d you even get into a band in the first place with that mentality?!” Hina teased you backstage, mere moments before going on out to preform. She saw you chuckle nervously, not taking her joke as well as she’d hoped.
- She took your hand firmly. “Look, you know that face you love, the one I make when I’m thinking about pastries?” She continued.
- “The one that makes you look like a chipmunk?” You answered flatly.
- “I don’t agree, but yes! That one! When you’re scared up there, imagine me doing that face! Or better yet, I’ll be front row, in the V.I.P. standing section anyway. Just look for me there!” With a peck on your cheek, she gave you a determined look before pushing you toward the stage and disappearing.
- “H-hina!” You stuttered, but it couldn’t be helped, it was time.
- To your surprise, the nervousness went away as your band was about half way through the first song.
1. The attention is mainly on the lead singer.
2. You were focusing on playing too much to fully take in the screaming crowd.
3. You were actually enjoying yourself.
- As the first song ended, however, the music fading out and the crowd going wild, you felt that little pinch of panic settle back in. There was no music to focus on and protect you, just a hundred faces to look out upon.
- Your eyes darted back and forth over the audience, searching. Your breathing came out a little heavier, until your eyes landed on a lean, curvy, athletic figure, with tanned skin and a smile sweet like honey...no, like doughnuts
- She put her hands up near her face like paws, closing her eyes in an open-mouth smile. You smirked, nodding and strumming your strings once again.
- At the end of the show, fans flooded to the hallway that connected the venue’s main hall to the dressing rooms backstage, reaching out to try and grab band members, hoping to take how an autograph or lock of hair as a souvenir, and you rushed through, sweating and ultimately disappointed with the overall performance you put on that night.
- Hina was already waiting in your temporary dressing room for the night, standing and throwing her arms around your neck before praising you endlessly.
- “S/O, that was amazing! That third song, I felt like the bass shook the place! It was intense, like the final lap in a freestyle race, you know?! We gotta bring Sakura next time. I think she’d really get into the pull of the steady rhythm!” Her little dramatic expressions, her brow knitted together passionately as she spoke...she reminded you every day why you fell in love with her.
- “You...you really liked it? I thought I was kinda just going down further and further in quality as the show went on. I felt like shit by the end…”
- “Are you kidding me! It was fantastic. I think the whole audience was immersed. I know I was! Hey...you better not have all these groupies flocking you looking for a piece tonight!” She teased, hugging your arm!
Sonia Nevermind
- Sonia was extremely excited to go to a public concert. Anything that brought her closer to commoners, to feeling like she belonged around ordinary people was just swell to her.
- Even better that it was in a country foreign to her, where she could be immersed in the cultural norms and behaviors.
- Even better that she was watching the one she loved play.
- She was afraid that you’d judge her when she first admitted her love for the occult, horror, and all things gothic and metal.
- You thought that was pretty hot.
- So there she stood, in the front row of your concert, in a poofy green dress with expensive jewelry and accessories decorating her frame. She stuck out like a sore thumb, but Sonia, blissfully unaware, felt like one of the normal people.
- She jumped when the crowd did, her fist in the air, entranced by each note that came from your instrument.
- Sweaty metal-heads and ravers bumped into her endlessly in the tightly packed crowd, and she couldn’t care less.
- You looked amazing up on stage, and she felt like she was a part of some fan fiction she read once.
- You know the trope, where the reader is in the crowd at a famous band’s concert reluctantly, and her favorite member locks eyes with her and either pulls her on stage with them or takes her backstage after the show and ravished her!
- And she felt her love for you and your musical talent swell within her heart.
- After the concert, she met you outside the back door of the venue, and you were shocked silent at her appearance.
- “S-Sonia are you okay??” The tights under her dress were ripped, her bracelet missing some jewels, the bow tie falling out of her blonde locks, which by the way looked like a rat’s nest. Topping the look off were the pit stains under her arms and in the valley of her cleavage.
- “I’m sorry. I knew this would be a shitty experience. I shouldn’t have brought you. The music was bad anyway, huh? I shouldn’t practiced more.” You looked down in shame, before she nearly tackled you, her arms around your neck and kissing you everywhere, up and down your face and neck and chest.
- “D-do not say these things! Tonight was the b-best night of my life!!!” she sputtered, too excited to enunciate. “You looked like a hero in this J-Drama I watched years ago! Like the protagonist Sawayama Keito!! And I??? I was your romantic love interest, the plain Jane in the crowd, Ito Aiyaka!”
- “You really enjoyed it that much?” You could smell the body odor and adrenaline pouring off of her, very un-princess-like, but you couldn’t care less, grinning like a fool.
- “I love you, Sonia, you crazy kid.”
- “Play for me again tonight, in the dorm room…” she spoke desperately.
Chiaki Nanami
- Chiaki did not want to be in that crowd that night.
- A short, skinny, lazy, introverted girl at a live concert full of rabid fans and no seats? Standing room only?
- She briefly mentioned this to you days before the show, not wanting to hurt your feelings. It was something mentioned in passing, in her normal flat and tired tone.
- “I hope I don’t get stepped on...maybe I can bring my Gameboy and play when things get too wild?” She mused, leaning back on you as you prepared to start practicing on the edge of the bed next to her.
- You loved Chiaki, and you knew how to take her hints by now.
- “Chi, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know crowds aren’t your thing.”
- “No, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she smiled that lazy, half-lidded smile. She loved you too, and she wasn’t about to be the only one on campus not there to support you. She yawned and took your guitar from your hands before falling asleep on your lap.
- You thought the gesture was cute, but inside you were a bit irritated. You’d told her many times prior to that night that you needed all the practice you could get, and that you were afraid of bombing. So why would she purposely stop you in the middle of practicing?
- Oh well. You leaned back, memorizing chords and lyrics in your head until you, too, passed out
- The night of the concert, Chiaki stood in the front row, her backpack strapped to her front, oddly snug on her chest and obviously on backwards, but it was easier to access her Gameboy and fidget toys in case she needed to retreat from the overwhelming noise.
- She told herself they were just for emergencies. She was there for you, and frowned thinking about how you’d feel if you looked down off the stage and saw her not paying attention.
- People piled in, and soon your band came on stage. The lead singer introducing you all.
- Chiaki was already feeling like the ceiling was lowering, like the people around her were far too close, and looked down, hoping seeing just the dark venue floor and her shoes would calm her, one hand on her backpack for security.
- “Oh!” She gasped, her little bangs flying up and her eyes widening like saucers as the lead singer sang the first notes. Three notes, that’s all it took.
- “Aha~aha ah ah...ha~uh huh huh…” the lead singer breathily voiced into the microphone, and Chiaki smiled wider than she had in months.
- You met her eyes on stage knowingly, smirking at first, then suddenly anxious that you might slip up or disappoint her. You strummed two loud, vibrating notes, stern and piercing through the air.
- Again the same two notes, before you joined the singer by the microphone, inhaling before singing in harmony:
- “In you~ and I, there’s a new land~ yeah~he heah!”
- She relaxed, tilting her head back as the sound waves overtook her.
- “Angels in flight~”
- “My sanctuary. My sanctuary, yeah~”
- You didn’t tell her you’d be doing covers that night. Video game covers, nonetheless. Her head shot up, looking at her phone quickly. She looked at the date.
- February 14th.
- Man, she spaced out often…but this…
- She blushed furiously, and her eyes locked with yours. You grew nervous, playing even harder. She swooned and let herself get lost in the bass.
- You played iconic video game themes all night, and by the end, Chiaki was more overwhelmed and exhausted then she’d ever been, but in a good way.
- When you walked into your dressing room back stage with flowers you had hidden earlier, she accepted them with a flush of her cheeks.
- “You didn’t need to do all that...s/o...this was…”
- “Y-you didn’t like it? I was nervous for a month planning this gig. I know I’ve still got a ways to go with playing live but-“
- “I loved it.”
- “What?” You weren’t convinced.
- “I loved it. Every second. I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift, I didn’t even realize.”
- “Gifts don’t mean anything to me, Chi. You’re all I need.” you pulled her into your chest for a tight embrace. “You’re My Sanctuary.”
Rantarou Amami
- Rantarou was so excited about seeing your debut concert, snatching the tickets as soon as you presented them to him.
- “Can I bring along my sisters, too, S/O? They’ve been wanting to hear you play ever since I first mentioned that you were in a band.
- “Of course, but...I don’t know why they’d wanna all waste a Saturday night on my shitty band. We don’t even play that well ye-“
- “Silence!” He picked you up by your waist and squeezed you until you couldn’t breath, much less put yourself down with a self deprecating jab. He kissed your cheek playfully. “You’re sexy and the way you play guitar is sexy. I listened you practice all night the other day!”
- “Y-you did? I didn’t even see you!”
- “Huh...” he scoffed, “ maybe because you were lost in your passion, becasue news flash, you’re good at it, stinker!” He pinched your cheek, always knowing how to make you flustered. “Yeah, I heard every single note, and even peaked in once or twice, seeing you stroke those strings so tenderly…” He forced you against the wall, his hot breath against your ear “ I wish you’d stroke me like that.” You face ran hot and you roughly shoved him away, him giggling like a fool.
- “Okay, okay you win, Amami, bring whoever you want!” You stomped off with a huff.
- The day of the concert, the entire front row looked like a field of spring grass, the large family of green-haired siblings shouting before you even began your first song. You shook your head at Rantarou and his many sisters, half-embarrassed, half-flattered. You felt your hands stumble across the strings, Rantarou giving you a thumbs up and a wink.
- After the show, you couldn’t run off the stage any faster. You ran into the staff room backstage where refreshments and spare equipment were usually set out, and were greeted by a row of Amami’s swarming you and praising you, talking much too quickly and all at once. 
- Rantarou simply let his sisters flock you, asking you to teach them to play, to help them meet hot musicians you knew, to learn to read music. You felt your ego rise, flustered once again at the hand’s an an Amami.
Ibuki Mioda
- Ibuki shouted to the band backstage, tuning her guitar and hyping up the other members. She noticed you a little out of place, looking a quite queasy and apprehensive.
- “S/O! The hell are you doin’ over there! Hudddddddle up!” She pulled you by your shoulders.
- “I don’t know why I let you force me into joining the music club...I shouldn’t have mentioned my interest at all…” you grumbled.
- Months ago, Ibuki had heard you, her darling and adorable s/o mentioning that you played guitar in elementary school, and wanted to listen in on her band once practice one in awhile. Well, that was the end of that. She decided it was time to freshen up your skills and get you comfortable with the strings again. Now here you were, moments from your first live performance since you were 10 years old.
- “Whaaat! That’s like, a major no no, that low energy, ya dig?!” She held your hand, swinging it back and forth with a feral look on her face. “You’re bitchin’! And Ibuki is bitchin’! And tonight we’re gonna set the stage on fire!”
- The show went on as planned, you and Ibuki on guitar while she screamed into the front mic. Your drummer just barely cut through the vibrations of your combined sound waves, and you buckled down and reminded yourself that with Ibuki at your back, that stage was yours. That audience was yours.
- Plus...who was staring at you when Ibuki was up front, looking like that, acting like that. That passion, that intensity, it’s what drew you to her in the first place.
- The crowd roared viciously, opening up a mosh pit in front of your neon gothic goddess of a girlfriend, and you couldn’t have found her more attractive than you did right now, her arms swinging open, releasing the guitar and simply bellowing into the mic, commanding the hellish pit in front of her like one of the succubi from Gundham’s wild tall tales.
- You suddenly felt so unworthy of her in all her glory, simply providing the backup and harmonies.
- When the show ended, you and Ibuki equally carried each other back stage to the school’s stagehand room, leaning on each other’s sweaty bodies for support.
- “Sheesh, that was straight fire tonight, s/o, huh?! Immolation on the stage, in the fleeeesh!” She shredded an air guitar in front of her before collapsing on a folding chair. How did she still have any energy at all?! You scoffed incredulously. “ Ibuki was worried for a second there, but we pulled it off! I knew we’d be amazing!” Huh???
- “You were worried?” You quickly realized what she probably meant, “Oh...like nervous that I’d mess it up for us?” Her eyes widened, a shocked look on her face as her hands flew up to her hair.
-“What? No! Ibuki was worried about Ibuki~” She grimaced.
- “Why would you ever be nervous, you’re the best musician for miles around.” You drank from a water bottle before tossing it to her. She caught it in one hand, downing it.
- “Hey, Ibuki gets worried too~” She winked at you, a flirty glimmer in her eye as she held up a heart made from her connected hands. “But s/o is Ibuki’s rock! Partners in crime, yeah? No need to worry with you at my back tearing it up!”
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
(Sugar Plum) Fairy Lights🎡
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It’s New Year’s Eve but, Yoongi doesn’t feel like waiting til midnight to kiss you. 
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Smut, a wee bit of fluff at the end.
Word Count: 9.8k
Warnings: okay I know I say explicit smut alot but, this one is EXTRA explicit (18+ only plz), language, BDSM  (proceed with caution)
***Bold sections of text indicate a flashback, all bold phrases indicate when Yoongi is speaking Korean***
Based on: this ask x and, also a big thank you to @me-trash-tbh​ for showing me these pictures.
A/N: Happy New Year >:)
Back to the masterlist! (click here)
Yoongi is feeling good.
He’s ringing in the new year in the best way he can possibly think of:
Good food, good company, good alcohol and-
Holy shit.
Is that, is that really his girlfriend?
Like, HIS girlfriend? Walking through the door, dressed to the nines?
Your presence is noticed by the other guests in his home, some of their gazes lingering a little too long for his liking.  
He knows the whiskey Hoseok bought was good shit but, he’s still sober enough to discern whether or not he’s dreaming.
However, as soon as you walk through the door, he isn’t quite sure anymore.
It’s New Year’s Eve so, naturally you had opted for a sparkly outfit but, you’d be lying if you didn’t purposely opt for a number that would mess with Yoongi’s heartbeat a little bit.
Or, at least, you hoped it would.
The dress is simple: black glittery material, deep v-neck, long sleeves; it isn’t anything spectacular but, you did take an extra hour to properly do your hair and, apply a full face of makeup.  
The detail that has Yoongi all kinds of flustered however, is the necklace hanging between your breasts.
It’s a silver necklace with diamond studded letters that read ‘Agust D’ hanging in the center of the chain.
You smile, waving at a few mutual friends convening over by the beer pong table before Namjoon quickly ushers you towards the living room.
Yoongi hasn’t feel this way in a long time.  
After dating you for nearly six months, he’s found that he doesn’t get nervous around you as much as he used to. You still fluster him sure but, he isn’t constantly worried about saying or doing the wrong thing anymore. He isn’t stumbling over his words as much either but, right now, he is practically frozen in place.  
Whilst talking to Namjoon, you finally look up to spot him, standing by the kitchen counter.
He looks hot with a glass of whiskey in his hand and, although his outfit is simple, a white t-shirt tucked into some black jeans, it’s adding to your desire to get your hands on him.  
“Ah there he is, Hyung!” Namjoon smiles, his dimples poking out, blissfully unaware of the sexual tension brewing between you and your boyfriend. “Look who’s here.”
Yoongi jerks his head in acknowledgement, playing it cool as he sets his glass down on the countertop.
“Did you bring more whiskey?” He jests but, you know the look in his eyes and, you know he’s checking you out.
“No, I figured you’d be drunk enough already,” You smirk, “since you’re such a lightweight these days.”  
Yoongi smiles then, gums and all; he loves how much you play along with his teasing.
“I could drink anybody in this house under the table; you’re the one you got hammered off two jack and cokes last month.”
With a roll of your eyes and a smile threatening your lips, you ignore his last comment, mainly because he isn’t wrong and, you don’t have a comeback prepared, “I thought you said he was in a good mood…”
Your comment is directed towards Namjoon, who is currently smirking fondly beside you; he enjoys seeing the two of you together; especially because, after a number of late night talks with Yoongi, he’s come to discover how much Yoongi loves you.
“This is him being in a good mood. You should know this by now.” He chuckles before his face turns up as someone calls his name, “I gotta get back to hosting” Namjoon glances between the two of you, “You two play nice. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Namjoon squeezes your arm gently as he walks back into the crowd of party goers, leaving you alone with your feisty boyfriend.
You step towards him, itching to smooth your hands over the planes of his chest, itching to kiss his clever mouth…
But you don’t, you know what he’s playing at.
He tries to resist you from time to time, pulling back to see if you’ll chase him.
It’s all for fun though and, you know that.
Because, it’s secretly a way to get what he wants.
“Do you like my dress?” You venture, trying to wiggle your way through his demeanor, tilting your head to the side.
Yoongi’s eyes flicker over your body momentarily before, he shrugs, “It’s sparkly...”
Your eyes narrow at him and, although you know he’s messing around with you, you feel a little discouraged by his reaction. Several hours were spent in an effort to look your best for the evening and, all he has to say is ‘its sparkly’ ????
Yoongi takes another sip of whisky, his tongue poking out soon after to collect the amber liquid lingering on his lips.
They’re wet and inviting, his cheeks are flushed from the liquor and, given that you haven’t seen him in a week, you’re aching to feel his lips against yours.
“I thought of getting this silver one that had a bunch of rhinestones on it but, it was too itchy. I like black better anyway…”
Yoongi nods, a smirk lingering on his lips, “So do I.”
Your boyfriend is a stubborn man and, while he may be capable of restraining himself, you know for a fact that he won’t resist affection.
He plays this game from time to time but, he should know by know that you’re much better at it.
So, you make the first move by closing the space between you, sliding your hands over his waist, allowing your nails to brush lightly against his back.
“You look good in white…” You murmur, allowing your fingertips to caress his skin through the thin material.
He clears his throat, glancing away from you momentarily, raising the glass to his lips again for another drink.
Before he can articulate a response, you interject, “Can I have some?”
With your question, you usher his lips down to yours, capturing the taste of whiskey on your tongue.
Yoongi tries and fails to control the shudder that moves through his body and, his plans to play hard to get are slowly but surely going down the drain.
His lips are so soft, moving timidly against your own, his eyes fluttering shut as the sensation of kissing messes with his sobriety more than whiskey ever could.
“Thanks.” You say, pulling back from his mouth, “I see you’re in a mood tonight and, we can keep playing this game if you want to but, I just want to warn you,” Smoothing your thumb over his lips, you tilt his face down towards yours, “I’m much better at it than you are…”
He finally smirks again, his teeth quickly securing your thumb between them, his feline-like eyes  locking with yours, “You think I don’t know that?”
You return his smirk, keeping your thumb in his mouth as you respond, “You’re acting like you don’t. But that’s fine. I did think maybe you’d appreciate my outfit a little more though, considering the fact that I wore your name around my neck.”
You take your thumb out of his mouth, keeping eye contact with him as you bring it to your lips, suckling on the end of it.
Yoongi follows the motions of your lips, sighing out shakily as you suck on your thumb. He feels his dick stir between his legs but, he controls himself, he doesn’t want the game to end so quickly. Although, he feels a little bad at the thought of not appreciating you, he doesn’t want to give up.
Not yet at least.
“I like the necklace a lot. Did you have it made?” He sips his whiskey, doing his best not to address the rest of your comment.
You nod, fingertips brushing over the silver chain, “Mhm. What are you drinking?”
“Hibiki.” His accent peaks out as he pronounces the word, “it’s a Japanese whiskey. It’s one of my favorites.” He nods towards the bottles of liquor arranged neatly on the counter, “Do you want a drink? There’s a drink called a Black Ship I think you’d like.”
“Sure.” You smile, shoving down the small amount of offense you’re beginning to feel at Yoongi’s indifference.
To be fair, you always have the upper hand when it comes to seduction. With a brush of your hand, Yoongi will fall to his knees for you. You know nothing has changed, you know he still wants you.
But tonight, he wants you in a different way.
Tonight, he wants you in the worst way.
This desire has been brewing for quite some time whilst you and Yoongi have continued to explore your sexual interests. You’ve been having sex for a while but, given your equally busy schedules, you don’t actually have sex often, maybe once or twice a week.
Before Yoongi met you, that would be enough. He didn’t find himself extremely interested in sex the way his friends were. Sure, he liked it and, he’s slept with a hand full of people but, he didn’t consider himself a sexual person.
That is, until he met you.
You awakened something in him and, through your sex life, Yoongi has discovered a lot about himself that he didn’t know.
He was never submissive with any of his previous partners. For the most part, he was always expected to take the lead and, yeah he liked being on top sometimes but, he always longed to be taken care of.
Lucky for him, he found the girl of his dreams who does just that.
However, Yoongi’s come to realize that he possesses darker desires too…
He knew that after the first time the two of you had sex in his studio; it was the first time he ever fully submitted to you.
That was months ago and, the two of you haven’t fully breached that territory since then.
Yoongi’s a collected and careful man. He doesn’t act on his impulses so, when he started to feel that kind of desire tugging at his loins, he consulted someone who he could trust with this kind of information.
Someone who’s knowledge is infinite.
Someone who’s well versed in the language of perversion.
“Nothing you’re going to tell me will shock me hyung. I promise…”
On a drunken Saturday night, a little over a week ago, Yoongi had finally spilled his desires to Namjoon.
Yoongi knew of Namjoon’s sexual appetite as it started blooming when the two of them were in high school.
“I’m not sure about that.” Yoongi had mumbled, feeling self-conscious at confiding in his dongsaeng
Namjoon smirked, leaning back in the lawn chair, taking another sip of beer, “Do you ever wonder why I usually stay at Dani’s place? Instead of bringing her back here?”
“Not really no-“
He cut Yoongi off, “Because I only get to see her once a week and, when I see her, I make sure I give her something to think about until I can see her again.” His smirk didn’t falter, “and if I did that here, you guys wouldn’t get any sleep.”
Yoongi grimaced and shrunk into his chair at the vulgar tone of Namjoon’s  voice, “That’s disgusting.”
Namjoon laughed as he shook his head, “Sex isn’t disgusting hyung. It’s an amazing thing and, if you’re honest with yourself,” He shoots a pointed look Yoongi’s way, “it can heal your soul.”
At this, Yoongi had rolled his eyes.
Namjoon could be ridiculous at times.
He had finally found time to date and, according to him, he had met an amazing girl named Danielle whilst he was studying at a café.
They had only been dating for a few months but, Namjoon swore he was already in love.
“I don’t think sex is disgusting…”
“Then what is it? I’ve never heard any complaints from you about the way you and Y/N_” He paused, searching for the right word before Yoongi interjected.
Namjoon’s smirked quickly returned as he nodded, impressed with Yoongi’s choice of words.
“That’s because there isn’t anything to complain about. It’s the best I’ve ever had, it’s probably the best anyone has ever had.”
Namjoon resisted the urge to argue with him, “Then what’s wrong?”
“I want more.”
“More sex? Or more out of sex?”
Yoongi sighed, frustrated by his inability to express himself, “Neither. I-“ He chewed on his lip, his gaze shifting around the back patio, “A few months ago, she came to my studio and, we ended up having sex but, it was like…rough and, it made me feel-“ He trails off, gnawing on the inside of his cheek, searching for the right words to say, “it was just really amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it.”
“So you want to be rougher with her? That isn’t weird at all hyung, Dani and I do that all the time. We just have open discussions about it to-“
“No no,” Yoongi interjected, “I want her to be rougher with me Namjoon.”
Realization had flurried over his face as Namjoon’s smirk threatened his mouth once again.
“You want to be submissive.” He clarified, chuckling when his normally confident hyung shifted in his seat.
“I was that night and, I guess I am a lot of the time but, not to the extent I’d like to be.”
“I don’t know.” He groaned. “She choked me and, scratched me and, the way she spoke to me, I was…I was in heaven Namjoon. I’m just being honest, I’m sorry if this is perverted but, you asked me what I wanted and-“
“Hyung,” Namjoon chuckles, a dark glint in his eyes, “The other night, I tied Dani to her kitchen chair and teased her for so long that when I finally let her out of the chair, she got on her hands and knees and kissed my feet, begging me to fuck her.”
Yoongi’s mouth went dry at Namjoon’s confession but, he shouldered on, nodding in consideration, “Yeah see, I want to be Dani in that situation.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that hyung, we all have our preferences. I didn’t peg Y/N for the dominant type though...she seems so laid back.” Namjoon caught the irony immediately, “Not that that matters but, I’m guessing she’s difficult to rile up.”
Yoongi nodded, “I don’t want to rile her up for the wrong reasons and, I don’t want her to feel like she needs to serve me or, do anything just because I want her to.”
“What happened that night at your studio? What made it escalate?”
He thought for a moment, “I had locked myself in the studio during my composition project. I asked her to come by because, I was feeling really overwhelmed and, then we started kissing and…then I asked her to take care of me, to make me forget.”
“Ah,” Namjoon nods in understanding, “I see. People are dominant for their own reasons, some people like it for the power and control but, some people like, Y/N, like it because it gives them a chance to nurture their partner. What do you like about it?”
“Namjoon” Yoongi groaned but, Namjoon just looked at him expectantly, not letting him off the hook, “I like letting someone take control of me. I feel tense a lot of time but, I’ve never felt more at peace than after her and I did that. I kind of felt high? If that even makes sense.”
“Oh it definitely makes sense. You probably went into subspace if it got intense enough.”
“Subspace?” Yoongi’s brows furrowed
“Yeah, its like this intense feeling you get before or during sex that involves some level of bdsm. It’s the sympathetic nervous system’s response to the mix of pain and pleasure. According to Dani, it can be pretty overwhelming, she gets really soft and, sweet…” Namjoon’s pupils went out of focus for a second as he thought of his girlfriend before he quickly shakes his head, “I’m not gonna go into detail, cause...that’s for my eyes only but, uh it sounds like you experienced something similar.”
“Thanks yeah, I don’t want to know anymore...” Yoongi grumbled
Namjoon just chuckled again, finishing the rest of his beer before continuing, “Look hyung, I’m gonna be honest with you, if you want to bring out that side of Y/N maybe you need to give her a reason to rough you up a little bit. As someone’s Dom, I know how important it is to have a balance of sweet and sour, or pain and pleasure for instance. It’s what she likes, it’s what I like, it makes it all the more intense and enjoyable for the both of us. It sounds to me like you want to be roughed up a little bit and, in order to get that, you might have to give Y/N a reason to...”
Yoongi pondered this for a second and, although he wants to come up with a smart ass response, he can’t help but concede, “I don’t want to make her mad on purpose though, that seems manipulative.”
Namjoon shook his head, “It’s not like that, it’s all for fun obviously. I’m not suggesting you do something to make her mad. It’s like cat and mouse but, I guess in your case its like cat and...cat.” Namjoon’s brows furrowed as the alcohol begins to hit his system and, Yoongi chuckled fondly in response.
“Cat and cat...got it.” He smirks, “Thanks. I’ll keep it mind and, uh I guess, don’t be surprised if I disappear during the New Years Party.”
That was the end of the conversation and the main inspiration behind Yoongi’s behavior tonight.
You’re sitting on the barstool as he makes your drink, admiring the way his nimble fingers screw and unscrew the caps on the various bottles of liquor and juice.
“What’s in this drink that you’re making me?” You inquire, resting your chin against the palm of your hand.
“Hibiki,” He nods to the bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter, “pomegranate juice, port,” Yoongi holds up a large bottle of red wine, “which is like a sweet red wine and, a little bit of lemon juice.”
You nod in consideration, your eyes still lingering on the movements of his hands as they push the cap of the martini shaker on.
Yoongi licks his lips, glancing down at you before beginning to shaking the drink mix around a few times. As he concludes, he grabs a martini glass from the counter behind him and pours the amber liquid into its confines.
He’s quick to grab half of the lemon he juiced, using a pairing knife to slice off a bit of the peel and, plopping that into your drink.
“Garnish with a lemon twist.” He finishes, sliding the drink towards you, “I don’t have the patience to make lemon twists right now but, let me know if you like it.”
You giggle at his comment, taking the glass in your hands and, quickly bringing it to your lips.
The drink isn’t something you’d normally go for but, its fantastic: Smooth and fruity, with a hint of woodsy notes from the whiskey.
It reminds you of Yoongi.
“It’s really good actually, this isn’t something I’d normally order but, the flavor is amazing.”
Yoongi smiles, letting a bit of his normal demeanor show through.
He can’t resist your approval no matter how hard he tries.
“Let me know if you want another one in a bit.” Yoongi puts some of the liquor away and, grabs his glass to splash a bit more whiskey in it.
You sip your drink for a moment as your eyes narrow at your boyfriend, “Is everything ok?”
Yoongi’s face turns up in curiosity, “Yeah of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
“I mean, I don’t know, we haven’t seen each other in a week...I guess I just thought you’d be like, excited to see me or something.” You throw a smirk his way, trying to appear playful despite your actual concern.
Yoongi does play this game from time to time but, usually a kiss from you will break him down a little bit but, he doesn’t seem phased at all.
“Who says I’m not excited to see you?” He retorts, making his way around the counter, eyeing you in the process.
“No one said that but, I don’t know,” Your teeth nibble on your bottom lip as you set your drink down, “I spent a long time getting ready for you...you didn’t even say anything.”
This isn’t going Yoongi’s way at all.
Because now, he feels like the world’s shittiest boyfriend.
Of course he noticed your outfit, your hair, your makeup, the fucking necklace.
Of course he thought you looked absolutely incredible but, he was trying to be cool...he was trying to rile you up...
Did he do it wrong?
Was Namjoon wrong?
Fuck he was wasn’t he?
Damnit Namjoon.
“Shit...” He abandons his drink on the granite, moving closer to you to tilt your chin up towards him, “I’m so sorry. You look unbelievable.” He places a few gentle kisses against your lips, feeling like a proper idiot, “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I was just trying to be like...I talked to Namjoon and, he said if I wanted you to be dominant, I should misbehave or something. Fuck, this sounds so immature I’m sorry.”
Poor Yoongi, he really should be more careful shouldn’t he?
“What was that?” You pull back from his lips, mock innocence on your face, “Namjoon said what now?”
Yoongi’s words get caught in his throat at your tone.
It’s not your normal tone; it’s that tone.
“I...uh” He doesn’t move away from you, “he said that- um...” Yoongi’s voice trails off as he feels your hand slowly sliding up his t-shirt, “He said if I wanted you to be dominant again, I should be a brat or something, I can’t remember. It was a dumb idea.”
“Oh? So is that what you’ve been after then?” You coo, tilting your head as your fingers inch towards his neck. Thankfully, the kitchen is all but abandoned for now but, you’re wary of the fact that someone could walk in at any time, “You want to me to take control of you?”
Yoongi is trying his best to reign in his reaction to you but, he can’t help the way his body arches towards your touch.
“Ye-yeah...” He whispers, wetting his lips with his tongue, his nipples growing stiff beneath his t-shirt.
“Ask me nicely.” You order, letting your fingertips ghost over the base of his neck.
“I don’t even know what I’m asking for anymore, I just want you.” He confesses, wishing to feel your grip around his neck.
“But I didn’t bring any whiskey with me?” You tease, squeezing gently around his adams apple.
Yoongi shakes his head, his eyes widening in an attempt to plead with you, “I don’t care, I was just being stupid.”
“If you wanted this, all you had to do was ask Yoongi, I always reward you when you’re honest don’t I?” You move from your seat, grabbing the neck of the Hibiki bottle, “But you weren’t honest tonight were you?”
“No.” He answers immediately, his adams apple bobbing in his throat, “I wasn’t.”
“What do you think should happen to you now?” You inquire, brows rising as you pull his gaze towards you.
And he surprises you when his lips turn up in a half smirk, eagerness flooding his eyes, “I should be punished, for being dishonest to you.”
“Take me to your room.” You order, returning his smirk and, Yoongi’s response is immediate as he interlaces his fingers with your own, tugging you towards his bedroom.
As soon as Yoongi shuts the door, you push his back against it, your hand quickly taking its place around his neck. His gasp is swallowed by your mouth, the two of you kissing feverishly against the wood. Apart from the rainbow colored Christmas lights adorning Yoongi’s bed frame, his room is almost completely dark.
Under that subtle glow, you kiss your pliant boyfriend with everything you have. For the moment, you indulge him, suckling at his lips, slowly moving your tongue against his.
You kiss him like he’s about to get laid, despite the fact that his orgasm has yet to be earned.
“What’s your safe word?” You whisper against his lips, using your free hand to tease over the waistband of his jeans.
“Dragon.” He whispers, leaning into your mouth, desperate to continue your kiss.
With a smirk, you connect with his lips once again but, this time you allow your fingers to untuck his t-shirt from the waistband of his jeans. As the material unfurls, you sneak your hands beneath it and, run your nails over the tender skin of his lower stomach.
Yoongi has a thing for your nails; whether they dig in to leave aggravated red marks on his body or they tickle against him like they are now, he’s addicted to the way they feel.
Yoongi curses into your mouth, bracing himself against his door, “I love when you touch me like this.”
You say nothing but, the smirk returns to your lips as you take the time to deepen the kiss. You pull out all the stops, suckling and nibbling on his bottom lip, nudging his nose, playing with his tongue. Yoongi feels his dick grow in the tight confines of his jeans and, he suddenly wonders what exactly he’s got himself into. This kiss is turning him on so much, he can’t imagine the agony he’s about to endure whilst waiting to be inside of you.
The two of you kiss at his door for quite some time, longer than Yoongi expects. He doesn’t mind, he could kiss you forever but, the vibe that had been blooming between you, lead him to think you were going to pull him to his bedroom and punish him.
Maybe you’ve changed your mind?
“I’m glad you love it…” You finally murmur against his lips, pecking at the bottom one, “Cause it’s all you’re going to feel for awhile.”
He knows it’s a threat but, he can’t help the excitement swimming through his veins.
“Arms up.”
He obliges immediately, raising his arms above his head, his shirt lifting up as he does, exposing his lower stomach.
You take advantage of that, sinking to your knees, taking Yoongi’s breath away when you do.
Pushing his shirt up, you start placing wet sloppy kisses against the softness of his belly, nibbling at his hip bones, trailing your lips all over the small patch of skin.
Yoongi’s eyes widen, his mouth parting in awe as he watches you.
“Take your shirt off.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, his fingertips grasp at the white material, pulling it off his body in a matter of seconds. As his arms start to come back down, he hesitates, “D-Do you still want my arms up?”
“Hm,” You muse, eyeing each of them as they stay stagnant beside him, “let me see your hand first.”
Yoongi offers it to you and, its then you notice that he’s trembling, the observation stirs something wick inside of you.
He’s going to be doing a lot of that tonight.
You take his hand between both of yours and, starting at his thumb you take each of his long fingers in your mouth, sucking them from the base all the way to his bitten nail bed.
Unstable breaths rush out of his nose as he regards you with an awestruck stare.
Without any mercy, you take his other hand, repeating the same motions, slowing down your pace slightly.
Yoongi’s gnawing on his bottom lip now, breaking the delicate skin with his teeth. His freshly dyed black hair is falling in his eyes, deepening the darkness looming in them.
“You’re wishing this was something else aren’t you?”
He nods, his lip still in his mouth as he watches you.
“What?” You urge him, dropping his hand and, leaning in towards the button his jeans.
Yoongi’s voice is unstable now as he’s so turned on; he’s having trouble thinking clearly.
“My dick.”
His voice is so hot right now, raspy and uncontrolled, his accent peeking through.
Once he answers, you pop open the button and, slowly unzip his pants, tugging them all the way down to his ankles.
“Step out of them…”
Yoongi’s black boxers are warped around his erection, which is standing painfully away from his hips, his jeans pushed to the side.
Starting at his ankles, you begin running your nails up his skin. As you get to his inner thighs, your fingers begin tickling over the sensitive flesh, ghosting up to tease underneath the legs of his boxers.
His pretty lips part whilst an aching breath leaves his throat.
You smooth your fingertips over the black cotton and, at first you’re careful to avoid his length until you decide to use your mouth to kiss at him through his underwear.
It causes his eyes to squeeze shut and his head to tilt back against the door.
You take the time to admire the way his throat strains due to his clenching jaw before you finally pull his boxers off. Your lips quickly find his length, brushing against it, allowing your tongue to curl around his dripping tip.
“Wh-“ The sound rustles past your boyfriends lips, as if he’s in shock.
He doesn’t expect you to have your mouth on him so soon and, he’s a little confused if he’s being honest but, as soon he feels you suck on his tip, his confusion quickly becomes irrelevant.
Keeping your eyes on him, your cheek hollow out as you work your mouth over his dick, using your right hand to stroke what doesn’t fit between your lips.
Yoongi’s eyes open immediately, rushing to meet your own, his hips twitching at the pleasure you’re providing.
“I-“ He breathes, his eyes lulling as you increase your pace on him, “is this my p-punishment?”
You smirk as best as you can around his length, your free hand coming up to brush against his tight balls. Your tongue caresses against the sweet spot on his tip, causing an almost inaudible whimper to bubbles past his lips.
You’re doing everything he likes.
Everything you’d normally do to make him cum really hard.
He doesn’t understand, he thought he was in trouble.
But, he doesn’t feel like he’s in trouble.
Your silence unnerves him however and, the motions of your mouth are becoming more and more devastating.
Still pumping his length, you focus your attention on his balls now, licking over them, suckling at the tightening skin whilst your fist curves around his tip, squeezing gently as you increase your pace on it.
“Y/N…” Yoongi’s shaky voice warns, his upper body bending towards your mouth, the pleasure punching a hole through his stomach, “you’re gonna make me cum.”
And that right there is exactly what you were waiting for.
Your motions cease then and, you pull back to look up at your boyfriend to finally reveal your true intentions.
“I am going to make you cum,” You agree, kitten licking at his weeping slit, delighting at the shiver it causes, “when I feel like it.”
Yoongi is in the loop now.
This most certainly is a punishment and, it’s only just begun.
All he can do is try to control his breathing as his impending orgasm quickly fades from view.
He can feel the sweat gathering at the back of his neck as he tries to anticipate your next move.
Before he has time to get his bearings, your lips are back on him, setting the same devastating pace all over again, caressing his balls just the way he likes.
“Shit,” He chokes, his body lurching forward, his hips jerking at their own accord. “,that feels so good.”
He’s saying it because he’s only capable of being candid at the moment, all sense of sense is completely out the window.
“Mhm,” You moan around his length, sucking off until your lips are brushing at the tip again, “it would feel so good to cum wouldn’t it?”
All he can do is nod, his teeth taking their place back against his bottom lip, which is already raw from his previous motions.
“But you don’t get to cum do you?”
He shakes his head, agony flashing through his dark eyes.
“And why is that?”
Your question is paired with a slow lick up his dick and, a gentle squeeze of his balls.
Yoongi’s expression shifts to one of sincerity, “Because I wasn’t honest with you and, I didn’t express myself.”
You pull away completely now, your eyes flickering towards his bed, “Go stand next to your bed and, face away from me.”
He looks confused but, he obeys you without question, rushing over to stand where you’ve indicated, facing away from you.
Standing behind him, your nails come into play again, brushing against his hips, trailing up his ribcage to circle around his painfully hard nipples.
As soon as he feels you, he melts back against your body, eyes shut mouth parted; completely surrendered to you.
“You hurt my feelings Yoongi.” You whisper against the crook of his neck, brushing your lips there. “I thought I was losing my touch or something.”
You can almost taste his cologne and, for a split second you want to end the torture but, you know it will be worth it for the both of you in the end.
Your boyfriend opens his eyes, regret painting his features as he tilts his head towards you, “No no, don’t think that, you could never lose your touch.”
His lips brush against yours during his response but, he doesn’t try to kiss you, he knows he hasn’t earned that privilege back.
Your nails are making their way up to his chest, trailing along the curves of his collarbones, a dark smile inching onto your lips.
“I wore a necklace with your name on it…” You whisper into his ear, which elicits another shiver from him.
“I love your necklace, I was so honored when I saw it, it was all an act, and you know that. It’s always an act.” He pleads with you, eyes squeezing shut again at the pleasure.
“Do you want a necklace too Yoongi?” You coo in his ear, preparing your nails at the base of his neck
“Wh-?” He begins to question but, quickly he is brought up to speed as you begin using your nails to carve the letters of your name into his skin.
And he knows it too, he’s memorized every letter, he’s said it a thousand times…
“Oh my god.” He keens, his knees feeling weak enough to collapse
A dark giggle leaves your lips as you nibble on his earlobe, “God isn’t here right now Yoongi.”
“Yes she is.” His shaky voice holds a bit of venom in it, as if he’s offended by your statement.
His response causes an ache in your panties but to thwart your own desires, you quickly wrap a hand around his neck, placing it right over the base of his throat.
“Say please.” You coo into his ear, nudging your nose against the hot flesh of his cheek
“Please choke me…”
And you do, squeezing his neck just enough to ignite that light headed feeling he loves so much.
“Touch yourself.”
Yoongi’s quick to follow orders, his eyes fluttering open as he squeezes at the base of his swollen length, pulling up and over the tip of his dick.
“Y/N…Y/N, you know what this does to me.” Yoongi mutters through the haze of his pleasure, his hand faltering slightly when you squeeze harder. His cat-eyes widen as the fingers on your free hand come up to pinch his nipple; they feel so sensitive, every sensation is intensified with your grip on his neck.
“Faster, I wanna see you drip for me.”
Yoongi’s never had you like this before, your mercy would have shown through during previous encounters but, with you holding onto your dominance, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to hold off his orgasm much longer.
But fuck if he won’t try his very best.
“I’m already dripping for you…look at me.” Yoongi’s unstable voice is deep enough to rumble in his chest and, while he has a point, it doesn’t stop him from increasing the pace on his dick. “Please look at me.”
His plea is nonsense; he knows you’re looking at him and, you know that’s not really what he’s asking.
He’s asking you to see how sorry he is.
“I see you baby,” You coo, licking up the shell of his ear, “you’re so pretty when you wanna cum for me.”
He smiles then, his eyes locking onto yours but, you can see how fucked up he is.
You can see him ascending to where he wants to be…
“I must be pretty all the time then.”
Fuck, he sounds so hot.
He’s so desperate for you but, he sounds like such a man and, you can’t help but kiss him again, using your lips to drive him mad.
“Y/N, please I’m gonna cum if I don’t slow down.” Yoongi sighs hopelessly into the kiss, turning his body towards you
With your brows raised, you pull back, “Do you want to know what will happen to you if you cum without my permission.”
His smile darkens, pleasure distorting a bratty expression, “Kind of.”
As your grip tightens around his neck again, his face turns up in desperation.
“If you cum without my permission, I won’t fuck you for a month.”
Your threat is clear and understood and with the widening of Yoongi’s eyes he nods obediently.
“I’ll be good, I promise.” He vows, increasing the speed on his dick, his hips jerking up against his hand.
Your hand leaves his neck to focus on his nipples, rubbing and pinching at them as he touches himself.
“I know you will,” You whisper in his ear, nodding your head towards the bed, “Go lay down.”
As Yoongi’s back hits the bed, you’re quick to descend over him, allowing your dress to ride up over your hips.
You wore something special underneath your dress too; black lacy underwear and a bra to match.
It’s simple but, it suits the both of you very well and, just as you hoped, it was fucking with his heartbeat.
“Fuck, I really like those…” Yoongi whispers, his hands itching at his sides; he wants to touch you so bad but, he knows he shouldn’t, he knows he hasn’t earned that yet. His eyes flicker up to yours, trying to convey he’s sincerity, “You look so good jagiya.”
His accent is getting thicker as he uses a native term of endearment
“You think so?” You tilt your head, allowing your hips to sink fully down against his, your panties pressing directly on his dick.
“So good.” Is all he says but, it comes in the form of a whimper whilst his tongue wet hits lips again.
Leaning down, you place a searing kiss to his mouth, letting him indulge you once again. He’s sloppier this time, his desire intoxicating him but, he still doesn’t touch you, regardless of how much he wants to.
“You have two choices,” You begin, slightly breathless yourself because, despite Yoongi being submissive, his kisses still fuck with you, “,you can either see me or you can touch me.”
He doesn’t even bother asking what you mean before his answer is tumbling past his lips, “I wanna see you, please. I wanna watch…”
Now all you gotta do is decide what to tie him up with. Pulling away from his lips, you look around the room before spotting a rather unorthodox method of bondage: the Christmas lights.
You slide up the length of Yoongi’s torso, making sure to rub your wet panties against his skin and, he takes notice.
“Y/N are you wet? Is that for me?” He breathes and, throughout all of the teasing he’s endured, it’s at this moment that he looks the most uncomfortable. He frantically eyes the material of your underwear, looking helpless as you wrap the Christmas lights around his wrists. “Please, let me taste you.”
And to increase the torture, this is a punishment after all, you position yourself so that you’re hovering right over his wanton mouth, with your pussy just out of reach.
Yoongi’s brow furrows in agony as he sticks his tongue out, desperately trying to reach you.
“I have something else for you to taste.” You murmur and, lean over to his nightstand grabbing the bottle of Hibiki.
His dainty features turn up in curiosity as watches you unscrew the cap, his tongue licking over his lips yet again.
Scooting back down his body, you force him to remember how wet you are before tilting the top of the bottle towards your lips.
“Open your mouth…”
Once Yoongi realizes what you’re doing, he has to stop himself from blowing his load all over his hips so, he quickly obliges, parting his lips for you, staring up at you with pure unfiltered lust.
With a smirk on your lips, you take a swig of the liquor, before hovering over Yoongi’s awaiting mouth and, letting it trickle onto his tongue.
He drinks every last drop, a whimper lingering at the back of his throat, “You are so fucking hot.”
Jesus, this is really starting to escalate.
You lick your lips, collecting the remaining bit of liquid as your free hand tickles over his chest, “Am I? Hot enough to spit whiskey into your mouth?”
Yoongi leans up towards your lips, smirking darkly, whiskey on his breath, “Hot enough to spit in my mouth.”
His correction  fuels the feral side of you which prompts you to use your thumb to part his lips, “Can I really spit in your mouth?”
Yoongi chuckles but, it’s in a very new, very animalistic kind of way, “How many times do I have to tell you?” He whispers against your lips, “You can do whatever the fuck you want to me…”
Adding insult to injury, Yoongi  sticks his tongue out and, the glint in his eyes is different than you’ve ever seen before. You can tell his slipping but, you aren’t sure where...
Maybe he’s going deeper than he’s gone before.
As soon as you spit, you feel an aching in your core when he uses his tongue to trace the perimeter of his lips, spreading your saliva (and his) all over his mouth.
“How does it taste?” The question is softer as you thumb over his lips, allowing him a few kisses against it.
“Good,” He breathes, “just like the rest of you.”
With a kiss against his lips, you pull back glancing towards his nightstand.
“I want to try something new with you tonight.”
He’s all ears, watching you intently whilst you trade the bottle of whiskey for a bottle of lube.  
Yoongi’s a perceptive man, he knows where your mind is headed and, he’d be lying if he said he isn’t intrigued.
“Have you ever had anything inside of you before?”  
He shakes his head, “No.”
Setting the lube down on the bed,  you lean down to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Would you let me inside of you?”
His heart jumps beneath his sternum but, he doesn’t hesitate to nod.
You kiss him again but, this time you let it linger for a moment before pulling back.
“What’s your safeword?”
A small is one his lips then, “Dragon.”
His smile is returned when you kiss the tip of his nose, “Good boy.”
You take your place between Yoongi’s legs, slowly coaxing them apart so, you’re able to see the entirety of him.  
Given the fact that he’s been with Hoseok, it does surprise you a little bit that they never did anything like this.
But then again, maybe Yoongi wasn’t the one getting fucked...
You tell yourself to save those questions for another time to focus on the task at hand.  
You’re careful to warm up the lube between your fingertips before barely brushing them over Yoongi’s entrance. His stomach muscles quiver as you do so, the sensation unfamiliar but, not unpleasant.
“I’m just going to touch you for a minute, I’ll walk you through everything ok?”  
He nods, allowing his fingertips to curl into the palms of his currently restricted hands. He’s trusts you but, he’s nervous and, he’s worried his heart is about to beat right out of his chest.
Using two fingertips, you gently rub up his entrance and over the muscles beneath his balls. Pleasure begins swirling around Yoongi’s body, his legs spreading wider for you.
“Does that feel good?”
“Yeah...” He whispers, his hips jerking slightly as your fingers trail back down towards his ass. Another deep breath is pulled from his chest and, he tries to prepares himself for what��s to come.
He just wishes he knew what to expect.
Your finger circles his entrance, “I’m going to put one finger in, are you ready?”
He’s as ready as he can be...
Yoongi nods, pulling in a deep breath, trying his best not to tense up.
Taking your time, you begin pushing your index finger inside of him, working your way past the tightness of his muscles. You can hear his breath catch but, you don’t look at him just yet, you just focus on sliding your finger all the way inside of him.
The sensation isn’t unpleasant but, it’s definitely different than. anything Yoongi's ever felt before. It feels a little odd but if he’s being honest, he doesn’t really understand the hype behind it.
“Is that ok?” He hears you whisper
Craning his neck, he looks down at you, trying not to display how underwhelmed he is.  
He’s still hard but, that’s because he was the most beautiful girl in the world between his legs. He’s hard for you under most circumstances.
“I’m ok.” He whispers back
You move your finger in and out of him for a moment, just to get his muscles to relax a little more before glancing up at him as you curl your finger upwards.
Yoongi’s eyes widen, his upper body lurching forward, “Wait...wait, what was that?”
A smirk is on your lips as you meet your boyfriend’s frantic gaze, “What was what?” You curl your finger again, tilting your head.
“That...” He chokes out, his wrists jolting in the Christmas lights, “Jagiya-” Yoongi’s panting now, his face still colored with disbelief, “What is that? What the fuck is that?”
You let your teeth find your bottom lip as you increase the pressure inside of him, the movement causing his dick to jump, “I’m not the only one with a g-spot baby. This,” You rub against the hardened flesh, “is yours.”
“Oh fuck-” Yoongi’s brow draws in as, he opens his mouth, his eyes frantically searching around the room as if he could find an explanation for how good it feels. “What the fuck? What the fuck? B-Baby...”
You brush your free hand over his hips, trailing your fingertips down the length of his dick, “Do you like it?”
Immediately, Yoongi nods as his legs spread wider for you, “It feels so good,” His eyes widened again as you increase your pace a little bit, “Y/N...what is that? What are you doing to me?”
He knows you’ve answered this question but, the pleasure is growing to an intensity he’s never known and, he has no idea what to do.  
You don’t answer him, you know how he’s feeling. Sometimes pleasure is too much and, your brain goes a little haywire. Luckily for both of you, you love driving him crazy.
The pace inside of him remains steady whilst your lips begin kissing up the length of him causing Yoongi to whimper above you. It’s a hopeless and desperate sound, he knows he won’t last like this.
Not even if you asked him to.  
And you know it too but, it doesn’t stop you from sucking him into your mouth anyway.  
You aren’t concerned with punishment right now; you just want to make him cum so hard he cries.
With the coupled sensation of your mouth and your finger in his ass, Yoongi feels like he’s going insane.  
He’s never felt this kind of pleasure before, its rotting him from the inside out and a type of devastation comes over him as he feels his orgasm approaching.
“Y/N...baby.” Yoongi’s beautiful eyes are welling up with tears, his cheeks flushed hot, his lips dry from how hard he’s breathing, “I can’t hold it like this, not with you inside of me.”
To fuck with him further, you just stare up at him and hollow your cheeks out around his length. Your tongue gets to work on his sweet spots and, your finger increases it’s speed.  
“O-Oh...oh god, please, please can I cum? Can I cum please?”  
He doesn’t even sound like himself, his voice is higher but raspier and, the look on his face is priceless.  
He knows he’s fucked...
“Y/N please, I can’t hold it.” His face wrinkles with a mix of pleasure and pain and, his eyes are blown out once again when your pace only increases. “...I don’t want to disappoint you, please...”
But, you don’t stop.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum, I can’t hold it anymore. It feels so good please, please can I- oh fuck...”  
Yoongi’s hips jolt and, you take great pleasure in watching his eyes roll back into his head whilst his mouth parts with a silent cry.
He makes no sound when the first rope of cum hits the back of your throat but, his trembling body speaks for him.  
You don’t cease your motions the entire time and, Yoongi literally feels his brain melt as he cums in a way he’s never experienced before.
“Oh my god.” He whimpers finally, breaking the silence as his hips fuck feverishly into your mouth.
He knows he’s fucked up but, goddamn if he isn’t going to enjoy it.
“Y/N-” Yoongi chokes, his eyes coming back into focus as he stares longingly at you, “I love you, I’m so- ugh...” He moans as another wave of pleasure assaults his senses, “I’m so sorry...I couldn’t help it, it felt so fucking good.”  
The darkness in your eyes remains and, you plan on milking his punishment for all it’s worth.
“Yeah? It just felt so good you couldn’t control yourself?” You coo, pressing one last kiss to his pulsating dick before moving to sit back on your knees.  
He nods rapidly, on the verge of whimpering.
Slowly, you finally begin to remove your dress, feeling grateful that the material is finally free from your body.  
Yoongi’s eyes are still blackened with arousal despite the fact he came moments earlier.
“Oh fuck...you’re so fucking pretty...”
He sees now that your bra matches your panties and, he swears he can feel himself getting hard again.
“You’re not the only one who’s had to wait you know.” You begin, teasing your fingers over your skin, moving your hands behind your back to unclasp your bra, “I’ve been waiting just as long as you have...longer actually-” You note, letting your bra fall from your body eliciting a groan from Yoongi, “and you know how wet I get when I tease you baby.”
He nods, licking his lips his wrists tugging in their ties, “I know, I know I’m so sorry...but you wouldn’t stop. I-” Yoongi stops himself as you brows raise and, he realizes that blaming you is not a good option.
“Oh so it’s my fault then? I made you cum without permission?”
You did.
You know you did but, it’s fun to make him grovel anyway.
“I should have held it but, I couldn’t...” He tugs at his ties again, wishing desperately that he could touch you, “It felt so good, I didn’t know it would feel that good.”
“Hmm...” You muse before crawling up his body, allowing him once again to feel how wet you are, “Do you feel how wet I am?” You coo against his lips, “My pussy hurts Yoongi.”
Yoongi’s eyes are pleading with you, his lips sloppily kissing at yours, “Let me make it better, if you let me out I’ll make you cum all night. Let me show you how sorry I am.”
Your mouth is open against his but, you let his lips kiss all over you, “But I told you I wouldn’t fuck you for a month if you disobeyed me didn’t I?”
Yoongi feels tears prick at the corner of his eyes, nearly losing it at the thought of being without this for a month, “No no no, baby please...please don’t do that to me.” He croaks but, for whatever reason his dick is twitching to life between his legs; why is this turning him on so much? “Don’t break my heart like that...I couldn’t handle it.”
“No?” You smirk, nudging his nose, “Would you beg for me if I did?”
He nods, “Yes...any chance you gave me.”
“Why? Is it cause you can’t live without it?” You’re cooing against his lips but, slowly making your way back.
“I can’t, I really can’t.”
“No? You can’t live without my pussy?”
“I can’t live without you, I’m so addicted...”
He watches you with a needy gaze as you straddle his hips, your wet panties causing his dick to twitch once again.
“Addicted huh?” You tsk, keeping eye contact with him while you slip off your panties, “That doesn’t sound good...”
“Oh but it is...” All of the teasing and pleasure is starting to send Yoongi back to that euphoric state and, he’s quite sure if he feels you on him right now, he’ll loose his mind, “it’s so good.”
“I’m aching Yoongi,” You remind him, rolling your wet folds against up his dick, his eyes widening as you do, “can you fix it?”
“Yes, fuck...”Yoongi’s fingers feel like they are going numb beneath the lights but, he doesn’t care, all he cares about is your pleasure, “please, use me. Use my dick, I won’t even cum baby, I just want to see you feel good.”
You’re positioning his dick against your entrance but, his answer surprises you, “Is that right? You’d let me fuck you just for me?”
“Yes, whatever you want, I’m yours to use...I want you to cum so bad.”
“And why is that?”
Yoongi’s eyes lock with yours, “Because I love you.”
Fuck this.
You sink down on him immediately, wasting no time at setting the pace you know the two of you like: deep and fast.
Bending over, your hips continue their movements whilst you find Yoongi’s lips again, pulling him into a wet kiss, “You love me huh?”
“Mhm...” With his face drawn in with ecstasy, he whimpers against your lips, “I love you so fucking much...you’re so beautiful. You’re so beautiful like this, taking me...you’re taking what's yours.”
“Are you mine?” Your voice is growing higher too because, with how wet and aroused you are, you know this won’t last long and, you need to hear the words that will send you over the edge.
“I’m yours.”
Your hips are bouncing up and down at an increasing speed and, what your movements lack in finesse they make up for with enthusiasm.
“Yoongi...” You’re whimpering now, his dick is curving up just right.
“Are you close beautiful? Are you gonna cum on me?”
“Cum...cum with me...” You urge him and, he feels relief watch over him that you’re going to let him finish too.
He’s nodding, kissing at your lips, fucking up into as best as he can, “I will but, let me see you babygirl, wet my dick, c’mon you’re so close yeah? I can feel how t-tight you are, come get what you deserve...”
You’re choking on a moan, moving away from your previous role because, with Yoongi talking to you like this, it isn’t about power exchanges anymore, it’s about love.
“I love you...”
It’s the last phrase you mutter before you reach your high, Yoongi following soon after you.
It’s intense enough to bring the two of you to tears and as you begin to come down, you notice the dreamy look in your boyfriends eyes.
“Hey...” You coo, thumbing his cheek, tilting his head up, “are you still with me?”
He sniffles, tears staining his cheeks as he presses against your hand, “Mhm.” Yoongi looks uneasy suddenly as he eyes his restraints, “Can I come out now? I need you.”
Your heart melts at his request and, you're quick to get his hands out of the Christmas lights, smoothing over the redness on his wrists before laying beside him.
Immediately, he cuddles up to you, burying his face into your chest, breathing you in as if there is something soothing in your scent.
“You did so good for me angel...” You speak softly into his hair, pressing kisses against his head, “Do you feel good?”
All he does his nod, his mouth latching onto any bit of skin he can reach, his body growing small in your arms.
“You are my goddess, my everything...”
Yoongi does this from time to time and, you’ve come to respect that it’s his way of expressing himself during intense moments.
He always promises that one day he will tell you what he says but, you don’t push him, you just let him have his moment and, feel the love within his tone.
Because love transcends language doesn’t it?
“I want to spend my life with you, forever and ever...and ever. You are so beautiful, you make me feel so beautiful...”
You smile, kissing his forehead as your freehand pulls a blanket over the two of you.
“Would you marry me if I asked? If I got down on knee and, humbly requested that you be my bride? Have I earned such a privilege? I know it isn’t time yet but, one day it could be no? It could be time...Min Y/N...” He smiles brilliantly beneath your neck, kissing the skin there before continuing.
“I like the sound of that.”
Outside the door, you hear the party goers beginning to countdown to midnight.
You missed the party but, you didn’t care.
As you tilt Yoongi’s face up to yours, you smile at the only man you’ve ever loved, “3....2...1...”
“Happy new year...” He whispers, returning your smiling before leaning up and, capturing your lips in a kiss.
Happy New Year indeed.  
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
*kneels down before you* MA'AM. NEIL CONTENT PLEASE? MA'AM. can you make gramps be the feralest man alive?
ask, and you shall receive, my sweet, ominous Bal.
The chilly wind hit the trees outside Eloise's room, making her set down her mug on the balcony table to open the window, bring her things in and settle on the bed instead. She almost left her cup there. The storm outside roared. She sighed, a worried frown on her face.
"I hope there will be no thunder... I should check on Ethan."
The girl moved from her curtains to the door, only to hear a bang on the glass. She jumped, clutching her chest. The shadow in the window was nothing but a tree branch. She locked the window, moving to the door again. Aaron was already home since the full moon was gone. Passing through the halls and rooms, she could see each vampire. At least they weren't going to get the flu or something. The house creaked under her feet. Eloise was never fond of storms herself because they were ominous and brought memories.
She found Ethan in the kitchen, pouring himself a beer. Eloise knew he was still feisty, but when she silently extended two earplugs, he smiled gratefully and put them on, sipping his beer. Eloise gave him a pat on the head, then left. After a while of being friends and trying to get along with her, the vampires deemed her very fitting. Eloise found herself getting used to vampires around because living alone was scary, especially after surviving the fall from the window.
She remembers drinking a lot of blood that wasn't hers. She could've called the police on them, but she realized that having six men living with her wasn't a bad idea, especially if they had at least 30 years old. Strange for some people, but it was a win-win situation for everyone.
Of course, Neil came and was gone when Asmodée died (which was more proof that she should keep these guys around), and she contemplated asking them to turn her many, many times. She was still making up her mind. But something about them allured her. Something about never dying. About hunting, learning as much as them. Being as smart, seeing the world go round and round under her feet while she never changed. She had nothing to lose.
Maybe that also came from the fact that Neil entranced her in ways she knew she shouldn't be thinking about, but just the fact that he could control a demon and fight for his own life mesmerized her. His will to live, the way he drank her blood and left to live as much as he could. She wondered what types of things the man did. Where he went, who he could be with- No. That was too much.
"Shit!" She hissed, running to close it. She was pretty sure she secured the window before checking up on Ethan and looking for the others before it rained. That was weird. She let out a frustrated sigh, pressing her fingers against the mug and feeling the heat coming from it. The coffee was still too hot, so she grabbed a few rags to dry the floor. The noises were dull and calming, but the weather made everything creepier. She kneeled on the floor, trying her best to use the rags to drain the water, but before she had the chance to take them back to finish, she felt two drops on her back.
But it was the truth. Eloise wished she could have seen it up close. She could only use a telescope she had gotten from Aaron when they became friends. The girl remembers seeing his golden eyes from afar, mouth dripping with that black, strange blood. She felt this incredible urge to follow. But she knew he could kill her even after they knew each other's motivations.
Every night, her heart would clench when she remembered him towering over her. The sweet yet masculine and sickening scent he had engraved on her mind. Eloise walked around a little more. Then she found herself back in her room. She was never good at sleeping during the night, so she just stood there, thinking about what to do now that the pitter-patter of the rain slammed violently against the roof. Her eyes wandered to the window again.
They were cold and came from somewhere like the ceiling. Eloise grabbed the bucket she was using to wring the rags and put it on the places where the droplets fell, moving to the side and continuing her task. Then more droplets fell on her back, this time, followed by a snort. She gasped, looking up. Those eyes of his shone in the dim lights. His hair was down and parted to one side, as long as she could remember. The black button-up was clinging to his slender but muscular figure. Her eyes were directly in front of his crotch.
He had this nasty smile on his face, but she didn't yell. It wasn't worth it. He seemed way healthier. His eyes didn't have that crazy glimmer of the first time they met.
She sighed blissfully, looking up at him. Neil didn't expect such complacent behavior from the human, given how much she loved to argue, but he wasn't going to complain.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Not quite. I can't do what I was thinking about doing if you're dead." Eloise crawled away to get a better look, resting her head against the glass and listening to him. "You know... I have been thinking this whole time I had been in here. It was one of the only things I could do." He crouched to get to her eye level, watching how her panties showed through the skirt.
"I kept telling myself you were just like your parents and I was doomed, but it was your idea that made me join your friends to get my freedom back. The thing is, you are just like them in a way. You're clever."
"Uh- thanks? What are you trying to-"
"Say? I remembered the things you used to say now that my judgment isn't so clouded. I remember how you smell... How your voice sounds... Your small giggles and even when you have fun by yourself... You know what I mean." Eloise gasped, eyes never leaving his, while he checked her out.
"When I saw you for the first time, it was almost sad to have to kill you when you looked like this. You look so pure, so... Sweet." His finger approached slowly and touched her warm, soft knee. She didn't flinch. "You can tell me if you want me to stop, doll."
Eloise opened her leg slightly and pulled the hem of her dress up enough to show him her lace panties. Her eyes were as clear as day when he held her thigh and slid his wet hand against it. His jaw clenched, eyes shining ominously in the dark. Neil pounced, kissing her urgently, a groan leaving his lips as if he'd been waiting. Eloise's tongue went out to play with his. The faint taste of iron mixed with Neil's made her suck in a breath. It tastes good.
Neil was surprised. He expected more talking and less... Of this, but she was so intoxicating that he was gone as soon as she opened her legs. Tiny groans filled the room as Neil held her thigh to keep it open, but soon that wasn't enough contact, and he grasped the back of her neck with the other hand, pushing forward and placing her on the floor, letting his weight fall on top of her. Her legs locked themselves on his hips, and her hands looked for his shirt's buttons, undoing them as fast as she could. Neil couldn't have enough of her little mouth, but it didn't mean he had to kiss her forever.
Neil smiled lovingly at her, watching her hands work on his shirt clumsily.
"You're so pretty like this..." He whispered in her ear, a sly grin spreading across his beautiful face. She whined, looking for his mouth again, but he moved to rip the top of her dress, making her yelp. His mouth attached to one nipple. Eloise was already damp from Neil's clothes, so his hot mouth sucking on her nipple made her shiver. He rolled his eyes, sucking on one nipple while he groped the other breast. Eloise moaned, leaning her head back and showing him her pale, delicate neck. His eyes darted towards her face, contorted in pleasure. His hands ripped the rest of the dress, then pulled her panties as quick as he could.
His hand found itself on her hair, yanking it forward and making her kneel. Eloise didn't waste any time and stripped him fully. Her eyes were hazy, her body wet and bare just for him. He stood up and kicked his unbuttoned pants aside. She licked her lips, opening her mouth slightly to accommodate his length. He sighed, seeing this was too much for him. He felt his resolve breaking way too quickly.
He moaned when she lost patience, sucking on his tip and licking the slit. He loved how her face showed how much she liked the taste and her hands roamed on his thighs. Her lips closed around the head, making eye contact as she put more and more on her mouth. It was too much. He thrust forward slightly, making her moan in approval, and pull him towards her with her hands.
He started with a slow pace, but she groaned in frustration. His hand squeezed her fringe and pulled her head towards him, thrusting quicker than before. Her gagging sounds and moans filled the room. He kept his eyes shut as her hands caressed him, hissing and moaning from time to time as her throat closed in on him. The pleasure was almost blinding. She was so, so sweet that he could cum on her face just from this. However, he pulled out to have her sucking him again and pumping what she couldn't take without his help. Her eyes were teary and pleading. Neil could only comply. He kneeled, opening her legs to accommodate himself in between them, and barely waited, testing out the waters to see if she was ready, then sliding in. He'd thought about that for days.
"Neil, fuck me. Please." He hissed, bottoming out. She rubbed her clit while he held her fringe again, groaning in her ear. His mouth found her perky nipple he left before, sucking on it, then her neck, where he created as many marks as he could, cherishing every moan and plead she gave him.
"Pretty one... You don't know what you've gotten yourself into." His voice felt strained as his hips began to slap against hers. It was hard to get used to the pace. Eloise gasped, rubbing her clit and enjoying the near overstimulation he was providing her. He pulled on her hair, keeping her head on the floor as he had his way with her. Eloise keened, arching her back and smiling at him. Her expression was full of some wicked form of peace and bliss.
Neil didn't care about the slapping sounds or the way Eloise's whimpers crossed the door for sure. His mind was somewhere else entirely. The vampire pushed her legs further apart, pressing his upper body against hers. He felt her perky nipples dragging against his chest, his hips dragging ever so slightly on her fingers that worked on the small bud between her legs.
Eloise clawed at his damp back, both of them panting and moaning, kissing and letting go. When the brunette rolled her eyes and shut her mouth, he practically cried.
"Yes, yes, this is it, give it to me!"
Eloise's legs trembled, her back arching off the wet floor and closing the little space between them. Neil didn't let up until he was gasping for air, cumming inside her for all he was worth. They both panted, silent. The house didn't creak. The others were probably alone in a room, thinking about which one of them could be doing this to her. Probably wishing it was them? Maybe. But tonight, Neil was the only one.
"Are you ever going to be mad at me for everything that hap-"
"Stay. Just for tonight."
"...I suppose it's too late to leave without being noticed anyways."
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Tabaco y Brea part 5
Pairing: Javier Peña x F! Reader
Rating: M?
Words: 5.7k
A/N: Hmm, something finally happens here. I loved writing this one, hope someone enjoys it too.
Warnings: dry humping, swimming, sexual themes, dancing? If I'm missing something please let me know
Summary: The three of you go to Cali and a dance club undercover.
Part one ◇ Part two ◇Part three◇ Part four◇
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"So you came here in December then? That's why you didn't go to the party?"
Of all the things you could be wearing, a red swimsuit isn't so bad in the scorching heat that Cali is going through right now. You can't deny how sexy Javi looks lying in one of the white lounge chairs at the border of the swimming pool. His shirt is completely unbuttoned, his torso wet with sweat that you want to lick off his skin. You never thought you'd see Javier Peña wearing shorts, but here you are, wanting to rip them off his thighs. His yellow aviators are hiding his eyes from you, but you can guess he's looking at the sky, avoiding the sight of you in a freaking red swimsuit out of all the possibilities.
You're lying on your own cot next to his, but looking towards him. The sight is so intoxicating that you can't bring your eyes to look away.
"Yes, I wanted to come to the Cali Fair. Back in '79 I couldn't because we went to that Christmas party" your tone portrays annoyance at the memory. Javi snorts, probably because he doesn't remember shit after getting wasted. 
"And was it fun?' He sounds amused, his arms behind his head letting you know how relaxed he really is. You can't wrap your head around the fact that right now, he looks like a wet dream come true.
"You can't even imagine how much," you say, heart warming at the memories from months before. "Celia motherfucking Cruz sang and it was raining but she didn't give a fuck and kept going Javi!"
Your excited tone makes him turn his head towards you, a raised eyebrow showing above his glasses. He regrets this decision immediately.
Color tints his cheeks as he can't help but ogle you from head to toe. Strands of hair are sticking to your forehead, wet with sweat, and bothering the hell out of you. Even though the swimsuit isn't very revealing, he can see the beginning of your breasts showing, and it hugs your body in just the right places for his shorts to become tighter. Your legs are shining from the sunscreen. You’ve applied it at least 4 times and you couldn't have been lying there for more than 2 hours. He has to restrain himself from letting his hands roam all over your body and make you moan and squirm under his.
He gulps."It sounds like a fun time"
You sigh blissfully, unaware of the heated looks he's giving you. "It was", you stop for a moment, thinking. Then, "maybe you could come with me this year"
You sound hesitant and his voice decides that now is a great time to fail him. You raise your arms over your head, stretching and moaning as your back pops. He wishes you made those sounds for him, that he was the one pulling them out of your pretty mouth, not your joints. Blood rushes straight to his dick and he has to bite his lips to silence a groan. 
"M-maybe" he stutters out. That's enough for you, as you relax back into the cot and let out a content sigh.
Steve is up at the hotel room he and Javi are sharing, as you got a room for yourself. You guess he's talking to Connie, letting her know how things are going and reassuring her that no, he has not been ogling pretty caleñas. You chuckle at the thought.
"It's so great Javi, the music is beautiful and the food is delicious. The heat stops bothering you because suddenly you’re sweating out of fun and not out of existence”
The fact that you sound so happy talking about it makes his heart flutter, and he promises to himself that he will definitely come back with you this year.
But he's sure he can make you sweat for a better reason than even dancing.
"Do you know who's coming this year?" He asks, trying to distract himself from his feelings. His dick is throbbing inside his clothes, and he moves his legs to relieve some tension. His heart though, his heart aches from thinking about you happy and dancing, carefree. There's nothing he can move to relieve that.
"Rumor says it'll be Héctor Lavoe!"
Javi knows you love that man, has heard you sing his songs more times than he can count. It starts to get a little annoying after the fifth time you sing 'El Cantante', but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
"Didn't he sing for Pablo on New Year's Eve?"
You nod. "He did. And they treated him like shit afterward. I was still here when that happened, and they were at Medellín"
He hums. "And I was at Bogotá, for the party"
The photos of Héctor at the Hotel Intercontinental came your way days later after the incident. You remember laughing the first time you saw them, unbelieving. Javi had come running with the pictures on his hand and had stumped them at your desk. You had wished to meet that man for years and Pablo Escobar had easily hired him. What a life.
"And how did that party go Peña?"
You're not sure you want to know. He always ends up either wasted or fucking a beautiful woman, and you don't like either.
"Much like last time. Bent over the toilet throwing up. The colonel went hysterical and said I was dying" his answer doesn't really surprise you but you let out a laugh at the idea of a high-rank soldier getting freaked out over Javi throwing up.
"It's not pretty when you're wasted pendejo"
He frowns at you. "And how would you know? You went to sleep when I started the shots last time"
So he doesn't remember. You huff. "Yeah, sure"
He sits up, confused. "Bera?" His voice is cautious and you turn your gaze towards the pool. 
"You didn't let me sleep. I could hear you dry heaving at some point"
You figured it was for the best if he didn't know you had taken care of him.
He laughs, embarrassed. "I don't remember anything after I threw up the first time"
Figures. "It would have been a miracle if you did"
He shrugs as someone approaches you from beside. You look up to see Steve standing between the two of you, hair plastered to his face with sweat and the front of his shirt completely wet. He's wearing jeans and you don't know how he can bear it, your skin burns and you don't have much on.
"Are we supposed to be doing this?"
You roll your eyes. How you managed to get them to relax for the day is beyond you, but at least Javi sat down and made the most of it, Steve has been moping since you arrived.
"Murph, just shut up and sit down"
He frowns down to you and waves his hand. "Where am I supposed to? There is no space"
At that, you stand up and walk to the pool, feeling how a pair of eyes follow your every move. You grin, smug. "You can take my place"
When you jump into the water, it all splashes both men, and Javi feels relieved for a moment when he thinks he's free of the torture that is seeing you and not touching you.
The relief only lasts for a few moments before you raise over the water and now your body is all wet and Javi can feel how his dick starts dripping pre-come like a fucking teenager.
His face goes red and warm as trickles of water run down your neck, your hair slipping through your fingers as you run your hands through it. Your breasts rise at the movement of your arms and Javi takes his hand to his mouth and bites to prevent himself from moaning. He just wants to jump with you into the pool and take you right there, grip your waist and plaster your bodies together, sense how your swimsuit sticks to your body and lets him feel you almost as if you weren't wearing anything.
Steve watches it all with amusement filling his eyes, a knowing smile forming at his lips. "Calm down Peña, she's gonna notice if you don't"
Javi glares at him through his glasses and takes down his hand to adjust his shorts. He's not gonna sport a freaking boner in the middle of a pool and look like a pervert. 
Murphy sits on the lounge chair you were in and turns to Javier, intertwining his hands together. Javi hopes he at least provides a distraction from his current state. "Why do you call her Bera if that's not her name?" Or not.
Javi shakes his head and smiles. "Carrillo called her berraca the first time she went with us on a raid." Steve frowns.
"Isn't that word despective?"
Javi sighs. "I think she should tell you the story, not me."
You swim in the pool without paying them any attention, the muscles on your back moving and keeping you from sinking. He wonders how the night will go for both of you today. Yes, he knows how to dance but he has never danced that kind of music with someone he... cared about, it was always with the girls at the parties. And he knows you're great at it, even if he's never seen you do it. He just hopes he won't make a fool of himself in front of you.
Time passes, you spend all evening doing laps through the pool over and over. The sounds your arms make when you move the water lull him into a state of calm for the rest of the day, Murphy even drifts off next to him and falls asleep. Javi's eyes never leave you.
The fact that it turns from a lust-filled stare to more of a look of adoration is something Javi decides to ignore for the time being.
As the sun starts going down and the place begins to darken, you stop swimming, pushing yourself up and out of the pool, dripping. Javi stands up immediately and runs to bring you a towel, wrapping you with it. You blush and look down. "Thank you, Javi," you say as you grip the edges at your chest, keeping it from falling.
"You're welcome compañera" He answers, softly. For a moment, it's only the two of you in the hotel. He looks at you, warmth spreading through his body as he sees your eyelashes with drops in them, your hair wet and your skin hot from spending all day in the swimming pool. You feel warm to the touch, warmer than usual. And when it ignites a softer instinct in him, something deeper than just wanting to touch you for pleasure, it scares him. 
He leaves your side without another sound and walks to Murphy, slapping the back of his head. You chuckle at how Steve sits up, alarmed. 
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" He shouts, cheeks red from the heat. He moves his head around and frowns when he looks at Javier. "What the fuck man?"
You move to the side as Steve stands up, sensing his intentions. Javi doesn't seem to notice. "Time to get ready"
Steve gets closer to him, slowly. You cover your mouth with your hands, trying to hide your grin but failing to keep a giggle from escaping. Javier frowns at you.
"What?" He says just as Steve tries to push him into the pool, but Javi manages to move away and both fall to the floor, just at the edge and shy of falling. His aviators fly away from his face and come to fall at your feet. You pick them up and put them on.
Fury covers his face when Steve stands up and gets away from him, and both you and Murphy break down laughing. With his hair plastered to his face from the heat, he looks at Steve with a murderous glare and resembles a wet cat. Needless to say, it's hilarious.
Strong steps move him, and Steve runs to the entrance without a second thought. You double up in laughter, resting one hand at your knees and the other one keeping the towel around you. Javi can't help chuckling at your amusement.
"Esto te divierte?" (this funny to you?) he asks, and even if he tries to sound stern you can see right through it.
"Bastante" (very) you say between laughs, and he shakes his head, sprinkling you with his hair. 
Once you calm down, he gets close to you and wraps his arm around your frame, the touch sending electric shots through your skin. You don't say anything and let yourself be led to the hotel, the sounds of water hitting the floor as you walk serving as background noise.
"I'll see you in a few" he mutters, and you nod. He goes to his shared room with Steve as you enter yours, and the sounds of them fighting goes through the wall. You shake your head, laughing, and start to get ready for the night.
The circular brown dress makes a wave around your thighs as you twirl to see how it looks in the mirror, with spaghetti straps by the arms and heart shape at your chest. A black leather jacket is laid on the bed and your black stiletto heels are right beside it as if mocking you of what you're about to endure. 
You wonder how Javi is going to dress, but you don't expect something completely different from his usual attire. Maybe a long-sleeved shirt.
You sit down on the edge of the bed and take a deep breath, urging your heart to slow down a little. It went wild the moment you stepped out of the shower and realized what was about to happen, what you were about to go through with Javier fucking Peña of all people.
 You already put your makeup on, golden eyeshadow along with black eyeliner framing and highlighting your eyes. A delicate and thin gold necklace is hanging around your neck, round earrings dangling from your ears. As you slip your shoes on and shrug the jacket into your body, you pray for the night to go as calm and successful as possible.
A knock in your door shakes you out of your thoughts, and you stand up to see who it is through the door grommet. The sight of Javi greets you, and you're pleasantly surprised to see he combed his hair differently than his every day usual. It's fluffier; if only he used it like that every day.
The lock of the door makes a clicking sound as you open it to greet Javi, flushing as you realize that this is the first time he's seen you in a dress. Just as you expected, he's wearing a three-quarter black shirt with the cuffs already folded inside out, accompanied with slightly less tight jeans than his usual attire. He left his top buttons open like always, but something is missing.
His face grows hot too as the sight of you in a freaking dress with heels and your hair let loose reach his eyes, and he suddenly feels too self-conscious, awkwardly standing outside your room like a boy who's picking up his date for prom. He puts his hands in his pockets, looking away.
"Are you ready?" he asks, voice trembling slightly. He clears his throat and straightens, intimidating instance taking its place. 
You shrug, not affected (at least not in the way you should) by it, stretching to take his glasses from the tabletop beside the door. He takes them, nodding as he hangs them from the front of his shirt.
"Yeah, let's go" you answer, and he lets you go outside your room to close the door behind you. Steve looms through the door and smiles at you, knowing glint shining in his eyes. 
"You look beautiful Bera," he says. You wink at him, twirling slowly.
"Thank you, Murph"
Javi stands beside you with his hands on his hips, glaring at Steve. 
"Where are you keeping your gun?" 
His voice is strained, and you roll your eyes. How paranoid.
Your hands hike up your dress to show the hostler on your right leg to show him your Beretta 92, and both agents turn red. You huff.
"Where do you expect me to keep it?" you say, annoyed. Neither of them says anything, limiting to shaking their heads.
Javi's Smith&Wesson is probably tucked at his back, so fuck it.
A bunch of soldiers climb up the stairs at your left and get inside Javi and Steve's room, carrying walkie talkies and some other stuff with them. One of them throws one to Javi and he catches it mid-air, tucking it at his back pocket. You're not sure how he's gonna hide that, the dealers you're going to follow may be stupid but not that stupid.
"Tenemos que irnos ya agente" (We have to leave now agent) one soldier tells Javi, and he nods, grabbing your waist and pushing you to leave. You turn towards Steve and nod at him.
"Be safe, good luck" he says, both for the mission and for what you're about to endure.
"You too"
And you climb down the stairs, gripping the edge of your dress with your fingers and hoping everything goes well.
The place is packed, the line to the club rounding the corner with people waiting to be let inside. Javi put on his brown leather jacket on the way here, hiding the walkie talkie inside. You know you probably look like a cute matching couple, him with a black shirt and brown jacket and you with a black jacket and brown dress. And you didn't even plan it.
He walks alongside you with his left arm completely wrapped around your arms, keeping you close to him. His body heat seeps through the clothes, making it harder for you to concentrate on what you're doing. Your heels click as you approach the bouncer, fake lovesick smiles plastered at your faces.
"Ey hermano! Cómo estás? Qué noche eh?" (Hey brother! How are you? What a night uh?) Javi says, charm dripping from his voice. The bouncer gives him a look over, but when he turns at you, you do your best to do all the googly eyes and shy smile at him, turning to hide your face at Javi's neck, giggling. He grins, nodding as he opens the chain to let you in.
"Gracias" (Thank you) you tell him, velvety tone leaving your mouth as you walk inside. He grins and shakes his head.
"De nada señorita" (You're welcome miss)
Once inside, the amount of bodies dancing everywhere feels overwhelming even to you, and judging by how Javier tightens his grip in your shoulder, he's not comfortable in this situation. 
Your eyes scan the place, searching for a spot where you still have the full view but more secluded. Two chairs come into vision in the far corner of the place at the edge of the bar, and you tug Javi to follow you.
Some faces you pass are familiar to you, probably from other clubs you've been in. You don't pay them much attention and keep pushing your way through the crowd, Javier standing right behind you holding your hand with a bruising grip. 
You sit down on one of the chairs and pull Javi's closer to yours, your legs intertwining as he sits down in front of you. He seems anxious, which is not a common sight.
"What's wrong?" you ask, concerned. Your fingers caress his hand, telling yourself that you're just playing the part. 
"This could get out of control real quick" he answers, and it's not like he's wrong. There's too many people, too much noise. His head moves to search for escape routes or hiding places. There's one at the opposite corner, the men's room a few steps farther and the women's room behind you, maybe two or three meters away. If anything escalates, he could throw you over the bar and jump after.
"You need to calm down" you whisper, getting closer to him and stroking his cheek. It sends shivers down his spine, the heat from the place making it difficult to breathe. 
A girl approaches you and asks if you will order anything. Javi opts for tequila and you for whiskey, and he grabs your hand and laces your fingers together. You smile sweetly at him.
"I hope you know we need to go dance at some point," you say through your fake smile, the color draining from his face as he remembers what you have to do. He gulps.
"We don't have many options, do we?" He answers through gritted teeth. You shake your head, agreeing with his statement.
Time passes and your jacket comes off, leaving your shoulders exposed. The place gets more and more crowded and you know it is more likely that Escobar's men are here now. You have the faces etched in your mind, but it's difficult to see from where you're sitting at with so many bodies covering the view. 
Javier lets his hand fall on your leg, direct contact from skin to skin that makes desire spread from the center of your body to all of it. His thumb brushes your skin and you figure that bringing a dress wasn't such a great idea after all. You have to bite your lip and focus on the wall behind him, soft red covering your cheeks,
 The girl brings your drinks. You share a look with him and you down the drinks at once without breaking the eye contact. It burns your throat and gives you the courage you need to take his hand and pull him to the dance floor. The notes of a song you know well help you feel more secure of yourself as you walk.
Sin tu cariño no tengo sol y me falta cielo
Sin tu cariño y sin tu consuelo no sé vivir
Si no estás cerca llega la lluvia
y de tristeza todo se nubla
Y por tu ausencia hasta se me olvida como reír
Ruben Blades' voice acts as an inhibitor to you and does exactly the opposite for Javi. He tenses and grips your hand harder, bodies rubbing against him as you take him to someplace close to the center. He hates being in crowded places when it's a mission, there's a high probability that something might go wrong and many people will get hurt.
You put an easy smile in your face, winking at every person that glances at you. Your hips move from side to side, hypnotizing some of the men that look your way. Javier groans, exasperated.
With a spin, you turn to look at him and raise your right hand to interlace it with his left hand, pulling his other arm to spread his palm at your waist. He freezes, tensing under your fingers as you hold onto his shoulder.
"Calm the fuck down Peña" you bit out through gritted teeth, "we need to appear happy and easy-going"
He glares at you but complies, loosening and smiling with fake mischief. His hand pulls you closer to him, your chests almost pressed together. Your breath gets caught in your throat.
It's just an act, you remind yourself.
With a smooth motion, he shoves you slightly to start dancing in time of the song, clutching your waist and sending shivers down your spine. His movements invite you to follow along, leading your body through the slick floor and the sea of dancing people. He's alert, scanning every face of every single person in the room but completely aware of what is going on with his feet and your shape. He doesn't force a single thing, instead acting as a leading figure to your steps. He knows exactly where to take you.
"Do you see them?" you ask, voice trembling slightly as he gives a complete spin. You've danced with a lot of people in the past few months, feeling their passion and how they completely let themselves go as they moved their hips to the rhythm. And yet, not a single one came close to how dancing with Javier feels.  
"No. You?" he shouts, pulling you closer to him and looking over your shoulder. You shake your head, wanting to close your eyes and let yourself go but knowing it would be a mistake to.
His thumb rubs at your waist and the atmosphere becomes tense, filled with arousal and excitement, uncertain of what the night might bring but ready to find a way to make it work. Your brown dress makes a circle as he spins you with his arm raised, black shirt hugging his body in all the right places that you couldn't appreciate properly back in the hotel. The heels make a clicking sound as you return to his embrace, blue jeans contrasting beautifully with the tone of his other clothes. 
 His entire body feels hot, sweat running down his neck with the amount of resistance he's using to stop himself from grabbing you and kissing your lips right on the spot. Your perfume reaches his nose and he clenches your hand instinctively, smooth skin under his fingers sending shivers down his spine. You bite your lip as he looks at you, cheeks flushed with red. Your feet move in synchrony, moving around the room as if there were just the two of you there, floating. You're breathless as he looks at you with lust-filled eyes, short, ragged breaths leaving his lips with every step he takes. Every dance move gets you a little higher, building your own bubble around. Your bodies nearly touch, getting closer and closer with every note of the song. He can feel your hot breath on his neck, goosebumps spreading all over his skin. He towers over you like a predator, wanting to take you right then and there and scare away all the men that dare to look at you the way only he should be allowed to.  
 His movements with you are soft and delicate but not subtle in the slightest. He makes his intentions known by moving himself and inviting you to follow along, letting you know that you can be sure he knows what he's doing. 
He moves easily around the dancefloor, completely owning every single moment and each note of the song that resonates all over the crowded place.
  You move your hips closer to him, chest now against his. Your smile is seductive, inviting him to be more aggressive, to act bolder. He leads you to the mere center of the dancefloor, overshadowing other couples that may come in his way. You quickly own it, attracting all eyes towards you. Everyone can feel the tension building between you two, how you let yourself be led but still manage to give off the vibe of being the one in charge.   
 Finally, the sight of the narcos come to your eyes as he spins you once more, and you realize then that you're attracting too much attention to yourselves. There's a slight circle formed around you, watching you dance. Some looks are filled with desire, others with jealousy from both men and women.
You squeeze Javi's shoulder subtly as the narcos walk towards the bar, near the table you were sitting at. You get closer to his ear and move your hand to pull him towards you by his neck. 
"I see them," you hiss as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and subtly push him towards them just as the song begins to end. He tenses again but follows your lead.
"Let's go." He wraps his arm around you and pushes you to the table, and you brush one of the narco's back on your way there. He turns to look at you and smiles wantonly, dread forming at the bottom of your stomach. Still, you manage to smile and wink at him.
You sit down again, with Javi's back towards them as he faces you. You put your jacket on, feeling exposed.
Horror covers your features as you see one of them pointing at you and muttering something to the other one. They wave the girl that served you drinks to ask her something, and his eyes harden at the answer he receives. 
"Oye," you manage to hear through the loud music, "ese no es el mexicano de la DEA?" (hey, isn't he the Mexican from the DEA?)
Nausea invades your throat. That's the nickname Javi had gained among the narcos, and apparently, they had recognized him. He frowns at you as he sees the color draining from your face, completely unaware of what you just heard.
Hurriedly, you grab his hand and pull him up, walking fast towards the restroom. You can hear him shouting behind you, but the blood rushing in your ears is louder than anything else at the moment.
You close the door behind you once both of you are inside, rapid breaths leaving your body as your chest rises and falls quickly.
"What the fuck Bera?" he complains, "we had them!"
You push him towards the sinks, covering his mouth. "They recognized you, you fucking idiot!"
Realization downs on his face just as a new song starts blasting through the club. You can hear two heavy footsteps walking around outside the room, and you know they're looking for you.
A heavy hand pounds against the door, startling you out of your stupor. 
"Abran la puerta!" (open the door!) someone outside shouts. Javi turns to look at you, eyes wide open and in a defensive instance. 
Out of nowhere, he grabs you by the arms and pushes you up into one of the sinks, urging you to stay silent with a finger against his lips.
"Salgan de ahí, hijos de puta!" (get out of there, motherfuckers!) a different voice yells. You grab Javier by the shirt and pull him towards you, making him stumble between your legs.
Sé que tú no quieres
Que yo a ti te quiera
Siempre tú me esquivas
De alguna manera
Si te busco por aquí
Me sales por allá
Lo único que yo quiero
No me hagas sufrir más 
The song hits your ears with a blare, despite you being inside the bathroom with Javi. You freeze, waiting for another sound to come from outside.
His breath is hot in your neck, and he wraps his arms tightly around your waist. His hands have a strong grip, almost bruising. It makes your insides clench and your fingers grasp his shoulders with enough force to bring a hiss out of him.
Standing between your legs with his face hidden behind your hair, and you hope the sink is strong enough to hold your weight for a little bit longer.
'Are they gone?' he asks, voice tight.
"I don't think so" you answer.
You sound breathless, excited. You remind yourself this is supposed to be an act, you're on a mission, but with Javi so close to you, so close to your core, your mind easily becomes cloudy.
The light is shitty, doesn't let you see much farther than the wall with graffiti in front of you. There are swear words, lyrics, even drawings. 
You don't comment on the hardness that's digging into your wetness through your clothes. You blame it on the rush of adrenaline that both of you are experiencing because of the situation.
 Wearing a dress was a great idea after all.
He lets out a huff and buries his face deeper into your neck. 
"Moan" he orders.
You do as he says, not entirely faking it but doing it loud enough for it to be heard over the music and through the door. If you stay this way for more than a few minutes, you'll combust. 
His lips are pursed together, you can feel it in your skin. Javi starts grinding against you, his groans sounding completely real. One of your hands grip his back, scraping your fingers across it, whimpering. You know your sounds aren't fake. Your other hand comes down to your gun, getting off the safety, and putting your finger on the trigger.
Another blow hits the door, but this time no one shouts.
Javier's stance changes into something more aggressive, getting ready to fight in any second. His arm starts pushing you slightly as if to throw you to the floor, but nothing happens.
Finally, footsteps can be heard getting far from your hiding place, and you let out a relieved sigh. 
And what now?
A few tense moments pass, neither of you making a move of changing positions. 
Javi's radio makes a creaking sound just then, and he straightens and pulls away from you to answer it, taking it out of his jacket.
"Qué pasó?"(what happened?) he asks, voice tense and angry. 
"Acabamos de ver salir a los narcos saliendo del lugar. Vamos a seguirlos," (we just saw the narcos get out of the place. We're going to follow them) a voice says through the radio signal.
"Bien, vamos para allá." (okay, we're on our way) he presses the button to end the communication and tucks it inside his jacket again.
Without a word, he grabs you and pulls you off the sink, then tucking his gun out of his pants and loading it. He doesn't even so much as glance at you, nodding towards the exit with his hands pointing to the floor, completely enveloped in the DEA agent part.
Hurt nestles in your chest as you see him go, your eyes piercing his back as you grab your own firearm and walk behind him. No one seems to notice the two people walking through the club with guns in his hands, too involved in their dancing and laughing. There are many couples touching each other, heat in their stares as they move through the dancefloor, and roam the other's body with passion controlling their movements.
You wonder briefly if that's how Javier and you looked just a few minutes ago, the thought feeling like a stab right to the heart and filling your eyes with tears that you quickly wipe away.
And as you get out of the place shouting and running to where the narcos supposedly went and ultimately catching them, the usual sense of satisfaction that comes with succeeding in a mission is absent and sadness and pain overwhelms your body, ending the night with a void at the bottom of your stomach.
@larakasser @storiesofthefandomloversreblogs​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @thisisthe-way​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @marydjarin​ @ithinkimhardcore​
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dreamingofmilk · 5 years
Do You Remember?
Synopsis: You and Gerald reminisce about conceiving your first child 
Word count - 2,341
Warnings: smut, cursing, aggressive sex
Enjoy you guys!!
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You jerked up out of bed and waddled to the bathroom as quickly as you could. Damn morning sickness always came at the worst times. The sour taste at the back of your throat only made you move that much faster.
Geralt woke up as soon as you got up and followed you. He rushed to grab your hair and rub your back while you retched into the toilet.
"Are you alright?" He asked quietly while he pulled your hair into a ponytail.
"Are you alright?" You mocked. "Splendid, just casually puking my guts out for the fifth time today. It's a wonder there's anything left in my stomach."
"Hmm." Geralt didn't even bother hiding his smile. You were pregnant with his child and he couldn't be happier. Finally he can right the wrongs of his parents and raise a child with the woman he loved. He couldn't shake the thought of a little girl with white hair and your eyes who'd call him Papa and play with Roach.
You could feel how smug he was, and it just pissed you off more. Three months you'd been carrying this child and it's already taken a toll on you. You were constantly sick and you were showing far more than a typical woman would at this stage. Fuck Geralt and his big ass baby genes. You had no idea how you were going to make it through 6 more months of this. The baby might kick and rupture an organ. Damn Witcher.
You got back on your feet and went to rinse your mouth. You could feel Geralt rubbing your stomach the entire time. He was pretty much always touching your stomach nowadays. Equal parts love and fascination on his face as he studied all the ways your belly has changed to make room for his baby. It was a side of him you hadn't seen until recently. Geralt always seemed aloof, unbothered by everything and everyone. 
After you cleaned yourself up, he helped you back to the bed and spooned you. This was one of the only positions you could handle without getting sick. 
You shuffled around to find a comfortable spot and once you found it you groaned with relief. Finally you could get some sleep. Geralt couldn't hold back a small chuckle at your dramatics. 
"You sound very comfortable." You could feel the vibration of his chest against your back, the small breeze of his breath on the back of your neck. It was honestly one of the most comforting things you've ever known. 
You turned just enough for him to see you raise your middle finger, but your eyes remained closed. "Fuck you, Witcher."
That only made him laugh harder. "Hmm. That's what got us here in the first place." Cocky bastard is really enjoying this. "Do you remember the day we made this child?" He asked with his face buried in your hair. 
Of course, you remembered. Consequences aside, it was some of the best damn sex you've ever had in your life, by a longshot. You clenched your thighs together to try to ease the heat you felt rush to your core. 
"Fuck, you do remember. I can smell you" Geralt started running his huge hands down your body starting at your chest, pausing at your belly, then down to where you wanted him the most. "You were so damn hot for me that day. Couldn't even wait to get home."
He was right. You thought back to that day and remembered that you had been horny pretty much the whole day. Geralt had hunted a particularly nasty monster. He definitely got his ass kicked. That thing really threw him around, but he eventually got the upper hand and cut its heart right out of its chest. Then he grabbed it and crushed it with his bare hands to make sure it couldn't revive itself. Maybe you were a little messed up but something about watching him squeeze the organ until it gave out was sexy as fuck. Blood spattered over his face and all the way up to his arm. He looked like a savage, and you could’ve really used some savage dick at that moment. 
You and Geralt had been messing around casually a bit at the time, actually, it was pretty much a daily thing at that point. There was never a time he wasn’t inside of you when you two were alone, and... sometimes not alone. You both were addicted to the crazy, rough, animalistic fucking that you could only get from each other. It honestly was a surprise he ever had time to hunt any monsters. The two of you were insatiable.
After watching his ruthless display of strength you were ready to fuck. He could worry about the rest of the mission later, he had more important things to take care of right now. He caught your eye and smirked once he realized your current state. 
"You really are fucked up Y/N. What woman gets turned on by death and gore?" His chuckle shot straight through you.
You shrugged and walked close enough to run your hands down his chest, making sure to touch all of your favorite parts. "I'm no average woman, Geralt." 
He scoffed, "You're a crazy one though."
You smiled brightly. You couldn't even argue that. You leaned even closer and whispered in his ear, after licking a bit of his blood off his cheek. "A crazy bitch with crazy good pussy."
He groaned, "Fucking right."
Nothing else needed to be said. In seconds your clothes were ripped and you were on your hands and knees. Your back formed that perfect arch and his huge dick was pounding into you. You two didn't need much foreplay, watching him kill the beast with the great display of strength was more than enough. He drove you crazy, hell his dick drove you crazy. It was like he was actually trying to destroy your pussy. And although his strokes were rough, you sucked it up and took it like a champ. 
"Fuck, you feel so good. That’s it Y/N. Take it." He grunted right in your ear. "Always so fucking tight!"
He grabbed the back of your neck and pushed it to the ground, his body towering over yours. You could feel the mud on your cheeks but you didn't give a damn. Geralt leaned over your body and clamped his teeth into your throat and bit just hard enough to break skin. You scream and clenched around him. 
"Shit! Geralt! Fuck, I can’t-"
His teeth released your neck, but he just replaced it with his hands, pushing your face further into the mud. "Shut up and take it! You always take me so fucking well." His thrust was harsh and pleasurable. 
You couldn't do anything but clench around him. Your body became so weak as your orgasm approached. You tried to pull his hand from the back of your neck but his grip only tightened. You hiss in response, your body humming in pleasure. After a moment, he grew tired of your hands trying to move his, so he grabbed both of your wrists in his hands and yanked them backward. 
“Stop fucking moving.” He groaned out. 
The new position allowed him to use your hands like handlebars and his thrust only felt as if they were hitting deeper and deeper! It was honestly too much, even a bad bitch has their limits. You tried to inch forward a bit to relieve the pressure on your g spot, but Geralt had other ideas. He let go of your hands and wrapped an arm around your waist, his fingers circling your clit. The pleasure became too much. His thrust was much rougher, the extra amount of force pushed you to the ground again. Geralt’s fingers remained on your clit, his other hand regained its position on the back of your neck holding you down. His thumb made its way between your lips for you to suck. 
Geralt smiled at you in the new position. 
“Seems like the bad bitch can’t handle it. Are those tears I see.” Geralt mocked you, the wetness between your legs causing loud lewd sounds in the air. You wiggles your hips in an attempt to remove some of the pressure off your clit. “I told you to stop fucking moving.
He grunted, "Seems like you can't follow basic fucking instructions so I've got something for you." He pulled you up by your hair so you were kneeling and started pounding into you again. He wrapped both of his arms around your torso and bounced you up and down like a rag doll. It felt like he grew even bigger in this position and you couldn't handle it. 
You started screaming. Loud. Obscene curse words mixed with gibberish Poured from your lips. To bystanders, it might have sounded like you were being attacked. But you knew the truth. Your pussy clamped down so hard he almost had trouble pulling his dick out. His strokes faltering from your wet hot tightness. 
You squirted. Continuously. All over the place. Your body shaking wildly, and this crazy deranged fucking beast didnt miss a beat. He kept the same pace and hummed. Fucking hummed. You couldn't stop cumming and your stomach was starting to cramp from the onslaught but you couldn't escape his hold. Your body was jerking and twisting, trying to get away from the man who was making you crazy. Stars exploded across your vision. You couldn't see anything, couldn't hear anything but the blood rushing through your head. All you could do was cum and cum and cum. 
After what felt like a lifetime of constant orgasms his thrusts became sloppy, and you could feel his dick twitching inside you. Usually he cums on your chest or your face since he loved to see you painted in his cum. His words, not yours. You prepared yourself for him to pull out and douse you.
"Fuck, gonna cum. Gonna cum so fucking hard Y/N."
You wrestled one of your arms free and started to fondle his balls. "Give it to me. Cum all over me."
He bit into your shoulder and moaned. "No, gonna cum in you. Gonna flood your shit.” He smiled blissfully. “I'm gonna cum so fucking hard in you you'll be leaking for days."
You clenched even harder on him. Your pussy was down with that. But there was one thing he was forgetting. "Geralt, wait.” You tried to catch your breath. “Mmphm. I'll be pregnant if you come inside me."
He shifted positions again. He laid you on your back and spread your legs as wide as they would go. He started making deep lunges in your pussy and you could feel him bottoming out and hitting the back of your pussy. 
A wicked smile fell across his face as he looked up at you. You could see the predatory glint in his eyes. "Exactly. I'm gonna knock you up. You're gonna have our baby. You want that right? You want to have my baby?"
Where the hell did this come from? You couldn't contain the shock on your face. "I didn't know you wanted a baby. You don't exactly like children."
He was shaking his head before you finished. "We've been doing this for years Y/N.  Did you really think I'd waste that kind of time with someone I didn't see a future with? You are important to me. I want to have a family with you. I want you to stay by my side."
Geralt's thrust had slowed to a conversational pace. And though it still stirred something in you, you couldn’t help but want to finish the conversation. 
You would be lying if you said you weren't in love with him. You just figured he wasn't interested in that kind of relationship so you took what you could get. Your heart fluttered at the chance of a real relationship with Geralt. If he was ready to have a child, then so were you. You two would be the best parents in the world. You both grew up with terrible parents so you would make sure the child would get all the love and attention you two never did. 
You grabbed his face gently and looked into his eyes. "Yes, I want to have your baby. I love you, Geralt."
He thrust one, two, three more times and exploded. You couldn't help but come again at the feeling of him filling you up.
He nuzzled your neck, "I love you too Y/N."
He pumped into you until he was spent, then rolled over and pulled you onto his chest. You both laid there in silence while your breathing slowed. 
You broke the silence first. "Well that was something."
He chuckled, "Definitely something. I meant what I said, Y/N. I want a baby with you. If I didn't knock you up just then, then I'm gonna keep going until I do."
You laughed aloud at the memory. "First time was the charm I guess."
Geralt nuzzled even closer to you, hands absently rubbing your belly. "I still had to give insurance." The humor was very apparent in his voice.
You shook your head, a goofy smile on your face, "Of course you did."
He hummed, the vibration calmed you instantly. "I love you Y/N. You and our baby."
You smiled and rested your hands on top of his. Over the child you were growing. The child that would be a perfect mix of you and him. The child you loved and would protect with your life already.
Both of you started dozing off, relaxed now that your morning sickness seems to have passed for a while. But you made sure to answer him before sleep claimed you completely.
"I love you too. You and your big headed baby."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
In Tatters: Two
Steve walked next to Bucky, their hands laced together. It felt good. The sun was shining, and Spring was finally here. And this, right here, he reflected, squeezing Bucky’s hand, was one of his favorite things about this time. 
Affection wasn’t limited to dark corners or their apartment. They could hold hands. They could steal a kiss sometimes. It was just lovely. Comfortable. As they walked into the coffee shop looking for a snack and to find Bucky a coffee drink he might like, what he didn’t expect was for the shop to be mostly empty. He glanced down at his watch and nodded. It was after the morning rush but before the afternoon rush. Later then, he’d thought. 
But then, they’d gotten distracted earlier in the bathroom. And one thing had lead to another. And well. It had been a good morning. Good enough, at least that Bucky had let himself be dragged to another coffee shop. Another coffee shop, another try to find a drink he liked beyond Black coffee. Another chance to pander to Bucky’s sweet tooth. 
Still, neither of them expect to find one. And neither of them expect it when a girl breezes through the door. 
Her hair is bound up in a messy bun, fly aways escaping and falling to frame a heart-stoppingly pretty face. Below that, a series of fashion choices. Thick combat boots, a knee-length hunter green pleated skirt, a black and white flannel tied around her waist, and a black t-shirt bearing the word “Killjoys” in red script handwriting. Cute. Modern. But Cute, they decide with a glance at each other. But she didn’t seem terribly interested in talking. 
“You’re late,” one of the baristas called over the counter.
“I know, but I had a script to finish and then an episode to edit,” she says, yawning, “I haven’t even been home yet.”
“Did you sleep at all?” she asked.
“No, so do me a favor? Like three shots in that hippie.”
“Oh my god.”
“What? If my heart blows out of my chest, the hospital is like right around the corner.”
“Y/n,” she scolds, sliding you your pastry and taking your bank card.
“Eh, ‘s not like I’m using it anyway. Maybe a drag queen can soak it in formaldehyde and made a nice headpiece.”
That makes Bucky snort. Loudly enough that you turn around and give him a wink, “See, he gets it!” you tell the girl.
“Still, this much caffeine has GOT to be a liability. Ya, cryptid,” she says, handing you the cup.
“Yeah? Well, until I figure out who I’ve gotta blow to not do retail anymore, espresso and hope are all I got,” you say, giving her a mock salute and turning to stroll out the door.
“Hey,” the girl yells right as you’re at the doorway.
You half- turn with a ‘what?’ gesture.
“Tell Donny I need him to order me a new Lagoon Blue. And an Indigo Blonde.”
You nod and lope out, coffee in hand, and Steve and Bucky look at each other. They liked that. You were fucking feral, but still sweet. What they didn’t like was hearing a kid behind the counter say, “Fuck, she can blow me if she wants. I need a sugar baby.”
“With what fucking money?” the blue-haired girl asked, “She’s not gonna blow you unless your dick is gold plated, and you ejaculate chocolate. Not for no tip money and a coffee.”
Bucky and Steve have a new favorite coffee shop after that. At first, they come in, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. Figure out your schedule. But they always seem to just miss you. It’s disheartening but, at least the coffee is good, and the kids behind the counter are funny. 
Still. Even just the chance of seeing you is enough to keep them coming back. It keeps them wanting more.
So when you waltz through the door carrying with you the smell of a coming storm and for some inexplicable reason, a Chia Pet of Bob Ross, neither of them can breathe for a second. Your skirt, has sloths on in and your shirt is a white men’s button-down, A floppy sun hat shades your face. “Your usual, your highness?” A barista asked, grinning, clearly teasing you. 
“I told you, Ivy. If drunk me does things, Sober me was not in the driver's seat and can’t be held accountable.”
“How’s your ankle?” she giggles.
“Not too bad after jumping off a third-story balcony,” you admit, putting a cellophane-wrapped cookie on the counter.
Behind you, Steve and Bucky trade bemused looks. Your night had probably been a lot more interesting than theirs.
“What happened to Tinder Boy?” she asked.
“Oh my god. Ive. He lived with his mother and had unironic rocket ship sheets. I am not trying to do some Bates Motel shit.”
“It couldn’t be that bad.”
You sigh, “No joke, she walked in on us making out because like. I was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt because I, too, am broke as shit. But like. She told us to hurry up so she could come back and tuck him in when he was done.”
“No,” she gasped.
“Yeah. So... pretty sure I’m lucky I left that house with both kidneys.”
You yawn, and she hands you a coffee with a sympathetic smile, “It was your first date since Pash, though.”
“And it was creepy enough that I’m not dating ever again. No joke. Just gonna adopt a herd of yappy little dogs and be single forever,” you tell her, taking a sip.
“We just have to find you someone really hot,” she pressed.
“Can you put some brains in there for me this time? Test drives are entertaining, but I’d like to be able to carry on a conversation without my uterus cringing in fear.”
“That’s fair,” she said, picking up the chia pet, “Is this mine?”
“Yeah,” you say, “You know. Since Joey and I broke your other one.”
Her face lights up, and your smile, “Thanks!” she says, not waiting for a reply before scurrying to the back to put it away. 
You find an empty table in a patch of sunshine and sit down, watching people out the window. You like a slow start to your day. Some time to adjust to being awake. You’re blissfully oblivious to anything but the warmth of the cup in your hands. You don’t notice Steve and Bucky trying to work up the guts to come to talk to you. But when their bulky frames block out the sunshine that you’d been enjoying, you aren’t exactly disappointed.
When you look up, guarded but still smiling a little, Bucky feels his heart skip, and he knows Steve does too. You have pretty eyes and plump, juicy red lips. They have a soft spot for that kind of thing. “Yeah?” you ask, taking a sip of coffee.
“We couldn’t help overhearing about your last date,” Steve said, grinning.
“And do you want his number?” you counter mildly.
Bucky snorted, “No, but yours might be nice,” he said, “It’d be a damn shame if you didn’t give anyone else a chance.”
You cock your head and smile a little as you assess them, “So, you expect me to believe that Captain America and Bucky Barnes are interested in me?”
Steve takes a seat at your table, and Bucky follows suit, “Why not?”
“Because you don’t know anything about me,” you remind them, “I could be a psycho.”
“We know you’re funny.” Bucky said, “And I doubt you’re a psycho. Too many social skills.”
“Ted Bundy had social skills,” you counter.
When they look confused, you sigh, “Serial Killer,” you explain.
“Listen,” Steve said, smiling, “All we want is one date. A test drive if you will.”
When you smirk, Bucky gets a distinct impression that “test drive” doesn’t mean a date.
“A test drive, huh?” you say trying not to giggle. Your polite euphemism for a one-night stand sounds incredibly strange coming from Captain America. “We’ll see,” you stand up and pull a card from your bag easily, “Pick me up at 8?”
Bucky takes the card. It has your name and number on it. As well as an email. Apparently, it’s your card for freelance editing, writing, and photography. It was good to know you had gumption. You had to if you had enough money to live. 
“Yeah?” Steve said, grinning.
“I’ve made worse choices on a Saturday night,” you tease waltzing back out of the shop with your coffee in hand.
“Steve?” Bucky said slowly.
“Yeah Buck?” he answered
“What are we gonna wear?”
There was a silence as the gears ground to a halt in Steve’s head and he sighed, “Fuck.”
@past-perfect-future-tense, @lookinsidemyhead, @rinkashirikitateku, @dumbubblegum
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kindapinkskies · 5 years
‘lolla baby || h.s
i was given the opportunity to write for @always-jackedup‘s 25 Days of Summer and so here it is. i'm day 21 and it honestly just turned into how i want to spend my time at concerts and how much i love the band LANY. i tried my best but life is exhausting me at the moment sooo i hope you enjoy it.
i am so grateful that i was given the chance to be a part of this alongside so many talented writers. i hope that this fits in alongside all the other amazing works of art that have been posted this month.
i love you all ready
Harry stops mid-step as he’s entering the bedroom. His mouth is hung open and his spoon is stopped mid-air. He shifts the bowl in his hand and drops the spoon back down. Looking over at the clock his brows furrow at the early time before looking back over at you. 
“Why are you dressed like that?” You jump at the sound of his voice and quickly turn around, looking at him almost guiltily. “You look like you’re ready for a festival.”
You look down at yourself and Harry takes the time to look, to really look, at you again. High-waisted jean shorts, a tight crop top with a long flowy, sheer cardigan. He stops at the shiny black combat boots before slowly raking his eyes back up to your face. Your face is done up with perfect makeup, jewels lining under the corners of your eyes. You looked good, real good, and Harry wanted to mess it all up. 
He raises his eyebrows up in question, when you don’t answer, and goes back to eating his cereal, “So?”
“Well, I mean, I just, well, you see,” you babble, struggling to find a way to tell him that you both are going to a festival. 
“Come on love, what’s going on?”
“We’re going to Lollapalooza today,” you rush out, smiling at him sheepishly. He looks at you with squinted eyes, his chewing slowing down tremendously. 
“I’m sorry?”
See the thing is, Harry doesn’t like festivals. Thinks they’re too expensive to see different bands for 45 minutes all day long. It sucks because if you like the band you barely get to see them. Then you have to deal with all the people pushing you around, the over crowded lines for the restroom, the food lines. You have to pay an over abundance for water, when that should be free because... it’s water. It’s usually always too hot, too. Harry would rather stay at home than deal with a festival. He knows that you know that. 
This isn’t the first time you’ve tried getting him to go. You ask almost every year. Sure, he feels guilty about the dejected look on your face every time. So he goes out of his way to make it up to you, avoiding Grant Park like it’s the plague. But, I guess this year you finally weren’t taking no for an answer. 
“Harry, I really want to go.” You say defensively, widening your stance and crossing your arms across your chest. Harry’s eyes linger on your exposed cleavage for a second too long before making eye contact with you. The look of hope in your eyes almost makes him crumble. 
“Then why don’t you go by yourself?” He shrugs nonchalantly and takes another bite of his cereal. 
Harry tries really, really, hard to ignore the hurt that flashes through your eyes but he nearly chokes on the bite he just took because of it. Setting down his bowl, he goes to move toward you but you flinch back. It’s clear that his words struck a nerve, one he didn’t mean to hit, and it makes him frown. 
“Harry, I just wanted to do something with you but fine. Whatever, it doesn’t matter,” you snap, trying to desperately hide the waiver in your voice. You quickly turn back around and face the mirror because the longer you look at him the more likely you’ll cry. And you can’t cry, your makeup just looks too bad ass. 
Even though Harry was feeling guilty at what he said, he still wasn’t quite understanding. “We do plenty together.”
“Forget it.” You shrug, going back to adding on a few more jewels to your eyes. 
“Well now I’m not going to. You’re mad at me and I don’t like it.”
Rolling your eyes, you shift a little to look through the mirror and make eye contact with him, “Too bad, Harry. Deal with it until after I come back.” 
Harry takes in the way your body has gone rigid and he really does feel bad that he’s ruined your mood. You looked so happy and carefree just minutes ago. He goes to step forward again but stops when he sees you flinch at the noise of his movement. 
“Harry. I just want to experience life with you, things I like with you. I know we do a lot together and we always do things the both of us like but I’ve always wanted to go to this festival. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid and I’ve never been able to go. I want to go with you, someone I have fun with, to make my first time the most enjoyable.” You explain and it feels a little childish but you don’t care, you just need to get it out. 
“I just figured you’d find someone in the crowd like you normally do at concerts.” Harry shrugs. He understands you now and it makes him feel like shit. Something he enjoys the most in this life is doing things with you. His favorite thing to do is go shopping a record stores and it’s ten times more enjoyable when you’re with him, picking out your own classic albums. 
He gets it. But, fuck. A festival? 
“I mean, probably so it’s fine. Don’t come. I’ll just go alone and be around all those people. Alone.”
Harry smiles at the dramatics you’re putting on and how unnecessary it is. He knew from the moment you told him, that he’d be going to a festival today. There’s nothing in this world he wouldn’t do to make, you, his girl happy. 
“I mean, do you really want me to go alone to a place that big. Don’t you love me?” Even though he can’t see you, he knows you said that with a pout and it makes it his heart jump into his throat. 
And he knows it’s just a joke but he can hear the underlying seriousness to it. 
“Hey, baby, come on. Don’t play like that, you know I love you.” He mutters, quickly getting up and moving behind you. He feels you suck in a deep breath as he brings a hand to move some of your hair and press his lips to the skin of your neck. “What should I wear to look good next to my bad ass girlfriend?”
The smile that overtakes your face is worth all the hell Harry knows he’s going to endure today. 
“Drink this and loosen up will you? You’re going to have fun. This will be fun.” You smile broadly, shoving a beer into Harry’s hands. 
He looks down with wide eyes, “Where did you get this? I looked away for 2 seconds.”
“Don’t worry, drink it. I’ll race you?”
“It’s only 11am.”
“Who cares,” You smile sweetly and you can see Harry’s facade start to fade. “Come on, baby.”
Well, what the hell.
He clinks his plastic cup to yours and stares you down as he brings the rim to his lips. You follow his movements and before you know it, you’re racing to see who will finish first. He does, he always does but you’re not too far behind him. Taking in a deep breath, you wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand and immediately surge forward to kiss Harry. You’re already so happy, you don’t want this day to end. 
“That was hot.” He mumbles against your lips, wrapping an arm around your back. 
You giggle blissfully and Harry nearly falls over at the look on your face. He kisses you once more before you pull away and throw the cups into the recycling bin. The music is already playing and there’s already people jumping around and having a good time. Harry takes in the scenery and the way you fit in so perfectly. The way you sway in front of him, dancing to the nearest music, the way your hand sways in his as you tug him along, the way your face hasn’t stopped being happy since the moment you walked in. You belonged here and Harry was glad he got to witness it. 
Maybe today won’t be so bad after all. 
You stop in front of the stage a few minutes later, pulling him through the massive crowd until you’re almost directly in the middle of it all. The smile on your face makes him forget about the close proximity of all the people and only on you. You’re explaining to him that this is a band you both like and that he’s going to have so much fun. 
So much fun. The words you haven’t stopped repeating. He’s starting to believe them. 
First the drums started and then they were drowned out my deafening screams as band members filled the stage. When the music started and the lyrics filled up the space, Harry understood why you’ve always wanted to be here. Sure he’s been to concerts but this is a whole other level. The way the crowd reacts and interacts with the band, with the music is mesmerizing. Harry finds himself jumping up and down, dancing and singing along to the lyrics he’s listened to so many times before. 
You end up grabbing onto him, moving his hands wildly around the two of you. You’re singing to him and with him and he swears he’s never seen you so carefree before. Pulling his phone out he captures pictures of the sight in front of him, the sight of you living your best life. The highest form of elation is spewing out of you as you dance and sing along. 
“Make me feel like I am breathing.
Feel like I am human.”
Harry laughs at the little dance you do for the camera before singing along as well.
“Dancing through the night
A vodka and a sprite
A glimpse of the silhouettes
A night that they never forget”
When the band announces they’re goodbyes you boo along with the crowd as they walk off but you’re quickly turning around and throwing your arms around Harry’s neck. He stumbles a little in surprise but places his hands on your hips to steady you. You kiss him again, sweet and innocent. 
“I love them,” You smiles wistfully, glancing at the stage quickly before looking him in the eyes. “Come on, let’s get to the other stage for the other band.”
And the same thing happens over and over again for each band. Harry can’t find a reason to complain about it. The feeling of the crowd, the music, you, it’s so much but it’s so good. He’s honestly having the time of his life and yeah, the alcohol in his system is probably helping with that but he doesn’t care. It’s all good, so good. 
Finally the both of you take a break, around mid afternoon, to use the restroom and to get some food. Your hair has made it into a bun and your long, sheer cardigan is tied up right under the hem of your shorts, a knot holding it up. Harry’s almost shirtless, as he’s folded his shirt up under itself to get some air to his abdomen. It’s just so hot. 
You shove another beer into his hand and you both chug one down as you stand in line to get food. Neither of you are sure what it is but it smells good and at this point anything will do. You’re both stumbling and tripping over your words a bit more than you should be. Beer has been really the only intake for the day and while that’s not the healthiest, it’s enhanced the feelings. Everything just feels right and Harry’s glad you forced him to drink that first beer in the morning, it really did loosen him up. 
“Here, love, lets sit here in the shade.” Harry points out before sitting on the plush grass. He grabs at your hands and pulls you down, carefully grabbing the food out of your grasp in the process. 
You sit criss cross in front of him, between his legs, resting your knees atop his thighs. He smiles at you and leans across to set a kiss to your lips. Smiling back at him you peck his lips three more times before pulling away and eating the food. You don’t speak much, the food consuming most of your attention as well as the music being played in the distance. Swaying to the music, you observe everything around you and just take it in completely. This is everything you’ve ever imagined it to be and you’re so ecstatic Harry came even if he was so against it. 
“LANY is playing tonight. That’s why I really wanted to come.” You mention. All the food has been demolished and you’re sobering up a little with all the food finally in your stomach. 
Harry leans forward, an amused smile on his face as he takes a napkin and wipes something off your cheek. You quietly thank him just as he responds, “Yeah?”
“Yeah. And I know I’ve seen them a few times already but they’re my favorite band and I need to see them play something like this. Also, I wanted you to finally see and feel what I do when they perform.”
He pecks at your lips again, “I can’t wait.”
If anyone were to ask, Harry would say he feels like he’s living in a dream. He feels like he’s outside of his body right now, like his soul is above himself and watching him. There’s really no clear way to explain it but that’s the best he can do right now. His eyes are glossed over, he knows that they are, as he watches you move around. You somehow made it to the barricade and the elation on your face was indescribable. It made him feel warm and tingly. 
The sun was in its precious golden hour and the lights from the stage were starting to make themselves known in the dimming outside light. The left over sun was hitting against your skin perfectly and it was making you look like an absolute angel; like you were glowing. Harry found himself taking pictures of you as you talk with a girl next to you, waiting for the band to come on. 
Harry knows you’ve seen this band multiple times and you always speak so highly of them so he’s excited to finally witness it himself. He’s heard the music before too, for obvious reasons, and he admits they’re good. Songs you can feel deep down whether you’ve personally been through the same situations or not. He smiles as he hears you laugh and he can’t wait until the music starts so he can hear more of it. 
“Babe, there you are.” Someone comes out of nowhere, startling Harry a bit, and stops just behind the girl you’re talking to. “Do you understand how hard it is to get through a crowd like this?” He sounds exasperated and Harry finds himself chuckling under his breath. He said the exact same words, although way more irritated, this morning when they first arrived. 
He’s glad his mindset has changed because he’s had the time of his life so far. 
They engage in some sort of conversation and it makes you turn around and learn against the barrier. You smile a bright smile, the smile that hasn’t left your face all day and Harry quickly takes a picture before you turn bashful and push him away. A whine leaves you and you slump against him and try to get him to delete the picture. There’s no way he’ll do that though because the sun is still hitting you so perfect. 
“You’re going to fall in love with this band.” You exclaim, throwing your arms around his neck and forgetting all about the picture. You plant a kiss right on him and he barely has time to respond because you pull away just as quick as you came. 
Now, you kiss him a lot but nowhere near as much as today. You’ve placed kisses onto his lips at the most random times all day. You’ll be dancing wildly to a song and just stop to quickly kiss him before you’re dancing again. You’ll be in the middle of a drink and you’ll just stop and kiss him. If the songs are a little slower, you’ll be close to him, mumbling the lyrics against his lips. Harry’s not sure what’s gotten into you but he supports it. He’d kiss you all day if he could. 
“Aren’t you worried I’ll fall more in love with them than you?” He jokes, moving his hands completely around your waist. 
You roll your eyes mockingly, “God no, have you seen yourself. You’re so in love with me, that’s not possible.”
Harry feels his cheeks warm up under your words and he turns his head down to smile bashfully at your feet. You’re so correct. 
Just then there’s a deep rumble of bass and screams, simultaneously, and Harry nearly goes deaf. You’re turned away from him in a heartbeat, your hands wildly flailing around and your scream filling his senses more than all the others. You’re jumping up and down as the music starts and bright pink lights overtake the crowd. 
“We met last summer!!” The crowd is so loud that Harry laughs. But it’s an overwhelming laugh, the one where you can’t really believe what you’re witnessing. 
“Found my way to you!!” You’re turned back around pointing at him as you scream out the lyrics. “Gave me your number, to see if I’d come through!!” And then you’re turned back around, paying attention to the man up top and screaming out the lyrics like your life depended on it. 
As you dance, Harry watches, completely mesmerized. He’s never seen someone look so carefree before. You hold your hands to your chest as you tip your head back and sing along to the sky. One look at you, anyone could tell you were in complete bliss. 
The same thing happens for almost every song. Each one becoming more and more whimsical. Their sound is so original, unlike anything Harry’s ever heard before and he can see how anyone would love this band. The talent that oozes from them and the way the fans react. They deserve all this attention. They deserve all the attention you're giving them.
Harry can barely take his eyes off of you though. He’s in complete awe at how you move and sing along to the songs that clearly mean so much to you. Now this is when Harry would say he’s in a dream. The way the music sounds around you looking at him, singing the words to him like it’s your lifeline. 
“Everything was better when
You would call and I'd be like "yea, babe"
We should talk about love again
Every night I'm wide awake
I almost call you, then I'm like no way
Oh, no way”
Your hands are intertwined with his as you dance in front of him, not once breaking eye contact. Everything seems to be drowned out and it’s only you, singing to him. He twirls you around and feels his stomach swoop when your giggle fills your space. Harry will never get over how unbothered you are. You look completely relaxed, like none of your problems exist anymore. 
When the area is covered in a deep red and the music is slower, Harry pushes up behind you and sways along to the melancholy beat. He can feel your voice vibrating through your back and against his chest. You have a lighter up in the air as your hand moves back and forth. You sing along to the words so passionately that if Harry didn’t know you so well, he’d be sure that you’ve been through the worlds most massive heartbreak. 
“I know your heart hurts the most at 3AM!” 
You lean back into him as the words echo around him from everyone watching. One of your arms wraps around his neck and you continue to sway along, your other arm still up with a lit lighter. 
“I’ve done my best to carry all this weight
I love you still
I always will
But this needs to change”
Your hands wrap in his hair at that lyric and you scratch at his scalp a bit. You’re entire body weight is almost completely on his but he doesn’t care, he holds you close and let’s you lose yourself in the song. The lyrics are deep, emotional, and you can feel them in your soul. 
And Harry hates that the song ends because you step away from him and go back to gripping the railing in front of you. The atmosphere is immediately back to the way it was before, quick and upbeat. Everyone’s happy and jumping around and it’s such a whirlwind that Harry nearly feels like he's gotten whiplash. How one band can get so sad then so happy again is beyond him.
The crowd seems to burst even louder when the notes to the last, as they announced, song starts. Everyone screams the lyrics at the top of their lungs and Harry’s positive that if he were home right now, he'd be able to hear it at his apartment complex. He recognizes the song though and he knows that its one of their most popular songs.
He's heard this song multiple times. You sing it to him every chance you get and he gets giddy at the fact that you turn around to face him, completely ignoring the stage behind you.
“And you need to know
You're the only one, alright alright
And you need to know
That you keep me up all night, all night”
Your hands are in his and you're jumping up and down as you sing to him. He’s fallen so much more in love with you, in the last hour, and he didn’t think it could be possible. But it is. Harry can't help but lean in and sing right along with you. Your noses are just brushing and your arms are spread out beside you. Not giving a single care to the outside world around you. 
“Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad
Oh, oh my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad”
Harry twirls you around a few times before grabbing your face and kissing you. So hard. It’s a deep kiss and the music only seems to intensify it. The immediate crowd around him seems to get louder but he pays no mind and only continues to kiss you to the song. Just like he has multiple times before.
The bass rumbles through him and he feels it in his chest, alongside your hands planted firmly there, right where his heart is beating too wildly. 
“And you need to know
That nobody could take your place, your place
And you need to know
That I'm hella obsessed with your face, your face”
You finally pull away and smile brightly before immediately returning to the lyrics, like you hadn't just missed a whole verse. You could sing these words in your sleep. Harry didn’t think it was possible but he’s pretty sure you’ve gotten even happier looking. You’re like a shining star in the night sky right now and Harry cannot look away. He doesn’t want to look away. 
You’re in each other’s faces again, screaming the lyrics at each other with smiles wide on each of your faces. Your noses only continue to brush together while you sing and it’s a sight for sore eyes honestly. 
“And you need to know
You're the only one alright, alright
And you need to know
That you keep me up all night, all night”
The music for the song starts to fade as the ending lyrics keep repeating in your ears. Harry wraps you up again and plants a kiss on you before you’re pushing him away, giddily, and turning to the front again. You’re screaming along with the rest of the crowd as the band says their goodbyes. You’re waving your hands uncontrollably, like you’re trying to get their attention. 
And it seems to work because he jumps down and runs along the barricade, occasionally jumping up in front of the crowd and leaning over the railing to hug people. He finally stops in front of you and gives you a hug. Your arms are wrapped tightly around him and Harry can’t help the smile that falls on his face. 
He suddenly feels a hand grip his shoulder and when he shifts his eyes, he sees the singer looking between the two of you. Harry leans in when he gets pulled on and steps as close as he can. 
“You two are the reason my songs come alive.”
And then he’s gone and you’re looking at him again with tears in your eyes. You lunge forward and kiss him, it’s barely a kiss though because its all teeth. Your smile is making it nearly impossible to kiss but Harry still does it. 
The rest of the night goes by similar to the earlier portion in the day and by the end, Harry’s entire body is sore and he’s a bit buzzed again. You’re still a bubbly ray of sunshine, even in the night sky, and you jump around as you’re walking to the exit. The amount of drinks you’ve both consumed in the past couple hours was a bit much but it didn’t matter. It just made everything much more enhanced. Harry felt and heard everything. It’s been a beautiful day. 
Harry can’t believe he’d been so against something like this. But, he’s aware it’s only been so enjoyable because it was spent with you. 
With your hand intertwined with his, you swing your hands back and forth as you hum along to a song that you’d heard today. “Thank you for today.”
Harry smiles lazily at you, the alcohol in his system making him feel heavy now that there’s no adrenaline rushing through him, “Thank you for making me go.”
“That was everything I could’ve imagined and more. I can’t believe Paul said that to us!”
Harry smiles wistfully at you. That’s all you’ve been able to talk about since it happened. You step closer to him and hug his arm close, nearly skipping to keep up with his long steps. He speaks whats been on his mind most of the day, “I’d do it again next year.”
You smile the biggest smile, Harry thinks, you’ve smiled all day. “Really?”
Nodding immediately, Harry pecks your lips for the millionth time that day, “Oh yeah.”
You stop and step in front of him, swaying a little as you do, before wrapping your arms around him. The makeup on your face is a little smeared and some of your jewels are gone. Your hair is tied back in a loose bun and you have hairs sticking up everywhere; a complete 180 from this morning. But Harry still thought you looked just as good as you did before all this started.  
“I told you, you’d have fun.” Your tone is teasing but your eyes show something completely different. Leaning in, you kiss him again. This time making it last. It’s languid and passionate. All tongue to deepen it, to get as close as possible. So many emotions mix around in the kiss and it makes Harry feel like he’s vibrating. You grip onto him for dear life and Harry can’t find it in him to protest, not that he ever would. 
You pull away completely breathless, still smiling, and quickly place three more kisses to his lips. “I can’t wait.”
Harry grins at the copy of his words earlier in the day and wraps an arm around your shoulder to continue the walk to your shared apartment. Today had been one hell of a day and while he had fun, Harry couldn't wait to go to sleep. He was exhausted and he knew that you were too. He also knew that your feet were going to be swollen and you're going to be complaining about then all day tomorrow but it won't be that bad. Festivals do that to you. They beat you up and steal your money but they're worth it.
Worth it when you're with the right person.
And maybe they’re still hell but they're not that bad.
my masterlist is in my bio
please make sure to check out all the other lovely writers/pieces participating in this lovely 25 Days of Summer, the links should be in @always-jackedup‘s bio as well
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notfckincool · 5 years
A collection of short smutty stories. Strong sexual content.
Ana embarks on a casual but obviously filthy affair with Negan, accidentally falling for the man, knowing he will never love her. Angst and Kinky fuckery.
It's Negan so expect swearing, violence and sexual content throughout.
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Negan x Ana (OC)
Ana and Negan have come to a secret arrangement.
Warnings dirty talk, Public mutual masturbation, fingering, spanking, oral, orgasm denial, butt stuff
Look at him, just look at him. I can't help but stare as Negan swaggers past, Lucille nestled casually on his broad shoulder. I have a head full of dirty thoughts.. again. I want to be where she is, my lips and tongue trailing over his tan skin, my teeth nipping and teasing as I press our hot naked bodies together... My eyes drift over his neck, linger on that protruding Adams apple, up over his salt and pepper beard. I want to lick those fucking dimples, taste his lips one more time. I want to...
"You OK?"
Lily's voice, suddenly at my side tears me rudely away from my fantasy.
"You were in a world of your own then" she chuckles
"Yeah, just going over a few things in my head" I glance away smiling to myself.
Better concentrate. We're on official Savior business at the Hilltop and I have work to do. I love to watch him though, keeping everyone in order, getting shit done. My super hot Alpha male. Well, not really mine, but at least I sometimes get him to myself when we're away from the Sanctuary.
Ana and Negan's dirty little secret. 
Rules are rules, Savior or wife, but we made our own arrangement. I know, I know, he's the boss, he does what, and who, he wants. He doesn't give a fuck if people know who he's fucking, but I like to think it's for me, to make my life easier as a Savior, and to gain the respect as one of his best soldiers that I would never have had as just one of his wives. Plus, I love the element of danger. I get turned on by the public flirting and dirty talk, the snatched quick fucks in the back of a truck, an empty building or against a tree. The risk of getting caught in the middle of raw, passionate, animalistic sex excites me,.. and it feels illicit while the wives wait at home. He's addictive, and I always want more.
Throughout the day he catches me watching him, his dark eyes meeting mine with an unnerving intensity, before giving me his trademark smirk.
Later, during a meeting with his top guys, he stands behind me, resting his hand casually on my shoulder. As he gives out instructions his thumb secretly caresses the exposed skin on the back of my neck. My whole body tingles at his slightest touch and I struggle to maintain my composure. He enjoys the slow torture and continues his monologue, The Saviors listening intently, blissfully unaware as I silently squirm.
The meeting concludes and they start to disperse. As we watch them leave, his grip tightens to a gentle squeeze of my neck. My body reacts, I can't stop myself, and I roll my hips, subtly grinding my ass against him, smiling triumphantly as I feel him twitch against me, before I turn and walk away.
I love my job but the day is dragging on with him constantly on my mind. My thoughts invaded by images of him, of his scent, and the feel and taste of him. My imagination is running riot, my panties becoming uncomfortably wet.
I admire him as he directs Saviors and Hilltop residents, all nodding obediently before scurrying away. As he stands alone surveying his surroundings I take the opportunity to approach him.
"May I speak with you a moment" I call as I saunter over.
He turns and watches me, a small smile playing on his lips
"What do you need Ana" he smirks, looking down at me as I stand before him.
"I just wanted to say.. "
I look up at him looming over me and lean in towards his ear, lowering my voice to little more than a whisper as I slide my hand into his trouser pocket.
".. that I love watching you work.. "
A rub of my hand on his thigh, a slight brush against his balls makes him bite at his lip.
".. the way you take charge, always in control..." His eyes narrow, his smirk widens
"mmm.. Makes me all... wet"
His tongue slides out between his teeth and he opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut short by Simon striding quickly towards us. He withdraws my hand from his pocket with a frown, I look down at my feet concealing my disappointment.
"We'll continue this talk later Ana" he says, turning to address Simon.
Thanks Simon. I nod and walk away to continue with my duties, occasionally stealing a glance in his direction as he talks. I'm entranced by his mannerisms, his confident posture, the authority he exudes. I think about his lips on me, the way my body responds to his touch, the need to feel him inside me. I need to stay focused but it's all I can think about, a desperate heat building inside me.
The conversation ends and suddenly he's heading towards me, passing behind me, adding fuel to the fire growing deep in my stomach when he gives my ass a cheeky squeeze and leans in to me
"Can't wait to eat that ass later" he growls in my ear before chuckling and walking away.
How the fuck am I supposed to work now? The things this man does to me. I visualise his mouth on me. I'm struggling to hold it together, trying to look normal and busy and not in a blissful sexual fantasy world. Time slowly ticks by and my need for him increases with every passing minute.
I get a rush of excitement as I hear him call and look up to see him beckoning me with his fingers. I try to disguise it as I walk coolly towards the man who fills my mind with wicked thoughts. I notice Simon glaring disapprovingly as we move towards the Mansion, I swear I see him shaking his head. Hands on hips he turns away.
"Ana... " Negan's voice is low as he stares down at me and leans into the wall.
"... Have you done everything I asked you to do?"
"Almost" I smile, gazing up at him "I'm having trouble concentrating though" my hands move to his belt
"Get it done." he says firmly moving my hands away. "Then," he adds "maybe you can have your reward" his tongue sneaks out onto his bottom lip
"You are such a fuckin tease." I chuckle looking down at my feet
Putting his fingers under my chin he raises my head, his eyes meeting mine.
"Yeah, I am" he grins "cos I know what my dirty girl wants." He runs his tongue across his bottom lip as he observes me. "Do as I tell you, and If you behave," he moves in closer "I'm gonna fuck you deep, and hard, and rough, just how you fuckin like it"
Jesus fucking christ! My stomach tightens, I visibly quiver. He enjoys doing this to me, teasing me, making me wait.
"I want you right now" I bite on my lip, grab back hold of his belt, hooking my fingers inside the top of his waistband.
"Darlin, the Sanctuary doesn't run its fuckin self. We finish here, then we fuck. "
"I can't stop thinking about you." I continue, my eyes travel over his strong features settling on his lips. " I really want to kiss you" I move closer to him. He tilts his head back, away from my advances, his gloved hand presses on my lips.
"You know the rules" he looks stern "If you're not my wife, we don't kiss"
His hand lingers on my lips a while before sliding down to my throat, the cool leather caresses my skin as he strokes his thumb across my jaw.
"Ugh." I complain, inhaling deeply " I just can't get enough of you"
"We're fucking like rabbits!...Girl you're insatiable" he smirks shaking his head. ".. But we have fuckin work to do, you know that comes first" he glances back and I see Simon glaring over at us.
I ignore Simon's stare and the people milling around and stroke the skin just inside his waistband
"Ana, we gotta keep our shit together." he warns
"I just want to feel you.. " I glance down at his belt, unfastening the buckle before looking back up at him from under my lashes ".. feel your big cock in my hand."
He shifts slightly, his eyes not leaving mine.
"You'd like that huh? Here in front of everybody? You are a fuckin dirty girl, but rules are fuckin rules"
"but...." I pout
As the hustle and bustle of the Savior exchange goes on around us I slide my hand into the front of my own jeans. His eyes lower to watch me. Running my hand over my wet folds, gliding my fingers up and down, my eyes close and a small moan escapes my lips.
"..... I'm so wet"
"Ana" His voice is deep and low and I open my eyes to see him looking at me darkly "Behave yourself, or I will have to punish you"
"I was hoping you would" I retort
I remove my hand. My fingers lightly touch the lips I long to kiss, leaving a glistening trail before sliding into his jeans, wetting his hardening cock with my arousal . He licks his lips and groans as I stroke his length and rub my thumb across his swelling tip.
"I want you so bad." I continue, my thumb circles around him
" I just want to feel you inside me" I say softly into his ear.
"I want to taste you." looking up at him with lustful eyes "I want you to taste me".
His eyes bore into me as he removes his glove, his hand moving to my jeans, slipping inside, touching me lightly over the fabric of my panties, before pulling them to the side and plunging his fingers inside me. I inhale sharply at the suddenness, tightening around his fingers
"Fuck girl, you are soaked" he moves his fingers slowly in and out "but you are gonna have to wait, I have important shit to do" he smirks as he curls his fingers upwards.
I stifle a loud moan grinding towards him as my need intensifies, pumping slowly on his growing cock
"I can't wait. I want you to fuck me Negan." I pant a little as he works his fingers inside me. "Fuck me on Gregory's highly polished ornate desk." I smile wickedly. "Fuck me hard until I scream your name. I don't even care if everyone hears"
His breathing quickens as he removes his fingers, looking at me as he slowly puts them in his mouth, tasting me.
"mmm.. You are a bad fucking girl, I may have to put you over my knee, spank that sweet ass, teach you a fuckin lesson"
"I would enjoy that... sir" I smile teasingly
Without breaking eye contact I take his hand in mine, leading his slicked fingers to my lips, running my tongue up them, taking them inside my mouth and sucking on them. His eyes darken.
"Fuck, Ana." he growls "I fuckin warned you"
Removing my other hand from his jeans he fastens the buckle, takes me by the elbow, and marches me inside the mansion.
As we burst through the office doors Gregory jumps at the intrusion. The Hilltop leader tries to assert himself and sits proudly at his desk.
"OUT" Negan motions with his thumb towards the door
"I.. I.. I have some things I need to finish first." He stammers. He shuffles his papers importantly and averts his eyes down to the shiny wood, swallowing audibly
"Gregory. Get the fuck out. NOW"
The demoralised man quickly stumbles from his chair, hastily leaving the room, avoiding eye contact. Negan shuts the doors behind him, grabbing me by the wrist and leading me over to the desk.
He looks sternly down at me as he unfastens my jeans. Roughly he pulls them down to my knees and tugs down my panties. Pulling out Gregory's carved wood chair he sits himself down and pulls me firmly across his lap.
"Why must you constantly break the fucking rules?"
His voice authorative, he brings a hand down onto my ass cheek with a firm slap. It stings. I inhale sharply.
"I warned you. If you break the rules you have to be punished"
Another slap to the same spot, my skin begins to warm and burn.
"The rules are for EVERYONE" he emphasises
The third strike is harder. I flinch and yelp and wriggle as the burning intensifies.
"Keep still." he orders, though his voice is calm as he holds me tightly on his lap, rubbing at my ass which is now hot and sore. I don't know how many he plans on giving me, how much longer this will go on. I fight the urge to move against him.
"YOU are a bad. Fuckin. Girl. You need to be taught a lesson"
A fourth makes my eyes water, I bite my lip instinctively as I try not to call out. He's right. I am. Always pushing the boundaries, always getting myself into trouble.
"One more for your disobedience. Ana, you have to learn some self control."
A long pause makes the seconds feel like minutes.
I wait, anticipating the sweet sting and burn. The throbbing pain only adds to my pleasure. I ache for him. My stomach is tightening, my senses heightened, my arousal pooling, and I struggle to keep still, grateful for his powerful hold on me.
At last he delivers the last spank. I cry out. The sound of my voice and the slap of his hand reverberates around the elegant room. There's a moment of still silence as I blink back the small tear forming at the corner of my eye. With an uncharacteristic light touch, he gently massages my tender skin, his voice softening.
"I will help you learn"
His hand slowly moves down, hovering above my folds
"Teach you to be patient"
His fingers linger across my skin, ghost over my dripping entrance.
"Would you like that? Will you try to be my good girl?"
Desperate for some kind of friction I nod enthusiastically.
"I'm gonna need to hear an answer" I can feel him smirking down at me
"Yes" I whimper
He lets out a low groan as his fingers finally dip inbetween my folds, sliding tantalisingly slowly up and down, brushing almost against my clit, teasing my entrance. I quiver, say nothing, deny my urges, stay as still as possible. I'm rewarded with two fingers gradually pushing inside, pumping deliberately slowly.
"You need to understand who is in charge here" he says softly as his fingers withdraw and move towards my clit, circling gently.
"Do you understand?"
"Mhm" I mumble through a clenched jaw
"Good girl" he praises as his coated fingers slide up past my entrance towards my ass, stroking over the hole. He circles and teases the tight entrance before his wet hand moves across my sore cheeks, cooling and soothing them. He chuckles to himself as he continues toying with me, spreading my arousal, teasing my clit and my ass. I feel him hardening, pressing against me. I fight the overwhelming urge to push onto his fingers, to ask him, no beg him, to fuck me. I begin to shudder as a climax builds.
I'm confused, frustrated and lightheaded when suddenly he stops, denying me my release, and pulls me carefully to standing, lifting my shirt up over my head and casting it aside.  He says nothing as he bends to removes my boots, takes his time peeling my jeans and panties painstakingly slowly down my legs and holds my hand as I step out of them. Finally he turns me towards the desk, guiding my head down until my face touches the polished wood.
I glance backwards to see him sitting back in his chair admiring the view before moving my legs further apart and leaning forwards.
I feel his hot breath against my wet folds, the scratch of his beard as his lips move over my thighs, the nip of his teeth as they lightly nibble at my skin. He pauses. I moan softly.
"Patience darling"
The tip of his tongue presses at my entrance, sliding in just a little, withdrawing, then inserting a little more. I whimper. Unexpectedly he licks a long firm stroke up to my asshole. My fingers scratch at the table in search of something to grip as his tongue is circling and teasing. Back and forth he goes, a hot wet trail between my ass and pussy, teasing my clit, dipping his tongue a little further every time. His fingers slide inside me again, pump and scissor, withdraw and rub at my clit, as his tongue continues exploring me. The assault on my senses starts an uncontrollable heat building, my breathing quickens, my moans grow louder.
Abruptly he stops.
"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself as the heat rapidly dissipates yet again, leaving me quivering. Looking over my shoulder I see him leaning back into the chair, wearing a smug satisfied expression.
"I'm not done punishing you yet." he smiles stroking down his beard, wiping my juice from his mouth and chin, licking down his palm and fingers. "Turn around"
Pushing myself up I turn to face him, the heat subsiding but my desire increasing. I lean back onto the desk.
"I need you to fuck me Negan" I say defiantly, "Eat me. Then fuck me" I add breathlessly
Linking his hands together he chuckles as he rests them on his chin ignoring my demands.
He has me wrapped around his finger. I want him so bad I have little choice. I obey. Pulling myself up onto the desk, wincing slightly, I place my feet on his thighs.
He smiles, putting his hands on my knees, parting my legs, placing my feet on the arms of the decorative chair.
Leaning forwards he slides his hands up my quivering thighs as he moves in closer. He hovers above my hot wet core, his beard tickling and scratching at the sensitive skin. This slow torment, his lesson in patience is becoming unbearable.
I look down at him, his beautiful face between my legs. I can no longer control myself, grasping him tightly by the hair and pulling his face towards my aching pussy.
He plunges at me, I watch his tongue lapping, circling, stroking and flicking, his soft wet lips kissing and sucking. Almost immediately the burning deep inside reignites, the heat radiating outwards through my body. Gripping tightly at his hair I hold him to me as I begin to shake.
"Not yet" he stops and smiles "You cum when I say" his deep voice humming and vibrating against me "Have you forgotten who's in charge?
"please" I beg. I hear the sound of his buckle unfastening.
"Can you be a good girl for me? " he looks up at me, a finger dips into my wetness and circles my ass.
"Yes." I plead my breathing becoming erratic
"Will you follow the rules I give you?" he applies more pressure, I'm desperate, I surrender to him
"Yes. I will. Please"
"That's my good girl. You can cum now"
His fingers dive back into me, pumping and curling, another slides into my ass as he expertly sucks and circles my clit. My senses are overwhelmed, the fire inside finally exploding, sending shock waves through me. My eyes and head roll back, I convulse uncontrollably.
Shuddering and shaking he pushes me back onto the desk, Gregory's papers and antique possessions flying off and tumbling to the floor as he quickly thrusts himself into me, taking my breath away, fucking me through my climax.
He lifts my legs up onto his shoulders, pinning me to the desk, filling me up, hitting me deep inside, pain and pleasure combining as I ride the wave still rippling through me.
The sound of his grunts and groans mingle with my own, escalating as he ploughs into me harder, fucking me at a relentless pace. The historical desk rocks beneath us. The old men in gilded frames look on.
"oh God.. Negan"
Hard and deep, over and over
"Don't stop.. Oh fuck"
"Fuck." His jaw clenches
"I'm gonna cum... Fuck, Ana"
Withdrawing with a loud groan he shakes and stills, spilling his release in powerful spurts across my stomach.
"Fuck.... Ana"
His head thrown back he pants and waits for the high to subside, before breathlessly looking down watching the last ropes of his release.
"Was you imagining something like that? "
Still panting I nod and shrug before smiling innocently back up at him
"Yeah something like that"
He chuckles and pulls his towering frame up to standing, tucking himself away, offering me his hand and one of Gregory's papers to wipe myself with.
"So have you learnt your lesson?"
He fastens his belt and zips up his jacket.
"Probably not" I grin tossing the paper aside. "I enjoyed your punishment. Also I screamed your name pretty loud so I don't think it's much of a secret anymore"
His eyes narrow a moment, eyebrows furrowed into a frown. Shaking his head he picks up my panties and heads to the door.
"You are a bad girl"
"You wouldn't want me any other way" I smile
He smirks at me, tucking my panties into his jacket pocket as he walks out the door. 
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peterthepark · 5 years
crush culture - [three]
come on, take my hand
pairing: steve harrington x reader (university & modern au)
summary: ice skating and late night endeavors always lead to something good. especially when steve likes holding your hand.
warnings: fluff, uses of social media, strong language, cuteness overload
A/N: chapter was inspired by dumb stuff by LANY! check them out! such a good band <3
series masterlist
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You chuckle brightly as your phone lights up for the third time in a row, buzzing softly with a notification from Steve. Shoving a spoonful of Chinese take-out into your mouth, you type back, blissfully unaware of the mischievous looks that your roommates give you.
He’s been texting you for weeks - whether it be to check in on you, or ask about your day, or to share new music with you. Steve truly meant it when he had said that he enjoyed your company. You didn’t mind the sudden companionship between the two of you, becoming closer to Steve couldn’t make you any happier. But you did wonder if he felt the same way, based on his flirtatious innuendos and his cheeky comments.
What if you were simply trying to see what you wanted to: that he liked you back?
“When we said text Steve, we didn’t mean text Steve.” Kate smirks, twisting her fork into the chow-mein. “You guys have been at it nonstop, huh?”
You shrug, locking your phone. “He’s just being friendly.” Robin huffs loudly, groaning as she leans back against the chair. “I don’t wanna jump to conclusions, Ro. And I really don’t wanna rush into things, either. We don’t need another Jake situation.”
“God, I forget about that asshole.” She laughs bitterly, fists clenching at the mention of his name. “Piece of shit.”
Kate continues making conversation, talking amongst herself with Robin as you return to the messages on your phone.
what are u doing todayyy?
nothing rlly, gonna relax my ass off since it’s already break 🎄
You bite down on your thumb, before continuing to type away.
what about you?
The grey ellipse appears on the screen, bouncing as Steve begins to reply - only for it to disappear shortly thereafter, where you found yourself left on read. You frowned, hoping that you hadn’t lost his interest. Giving him a couple of minutes, you slip your phone away, dragging your feet to the front door to grab the mail as you thought of worst case scenarios.
You pull open the mailbox, sticking your hand inside to grab the pile of white envelopes and coupons from the local market. Shifting through the papers, you take notice of a few important letters, eyebrows raised when you see one sent from London. A breeze brushes past your calves, and you turn in surprise to the sound of a small, chiming bell. Pedaling in circles around you, Steve plants his foot on the concrete, pulling the red bike to a stop.
“Hey!” You laugh heartily, putting the stack of mail under your arm.
Steve grabs the drink carrier in the basket of his bike, handing you a hot cup of coffee with a shy grin. He sports a grey beanie, and little wings of his hair pop out from beneath the fabric.
“I just wanted to repay you for that last time.” He remarks, “If I remembered correctly, it’s your favorite.”
“Thank you, Steve.” Your fingers brush against his as you generously accept the cup, ignoring the nervous tremble in your voice. “How’s your morning so far?”
“It’s alright. Better now. Thanks to you.” His head charmingly bobs to the side. Dipping your heads, you both blush with bashful smiles. “But I, uh, just finished my newspaper route around the neighborhood. And I’m headin’ back to my place.”
“Yeah? Maybe we could hang out today or something?” You shrug in suggestion, unsure of your words. “If you’re not busy.”
Steve smiles faintly before he nods his head in agreement. He tries to seem as calm as possible towards your question, but internally, he was truly exploding with butterflies. Has a girl ever made him feel this way after such a long time? It had been years since he genuinely felt the fantastical flutter in his stomach. And most importantly, it had been years since he oh-so-badly wanted to purse a girl as much as he wanted to pursue you. The littlest things that you’d do would send him into a captivated trance - like the way you’d let the sleeves of your sweater hang over your palms, cupping themselves around the heat of your coffee.
He was crushing on you.
A sliver of him didn’t sit well with the feeling. He’s always had a bit of trust issues with girls, especially after his past three ex-girlfriends. He forgot how crushes made him feel starry-eyed and lively, like he was on top of the whole world.
But who’s to say he wasn’t complaining about said crush? He likes you. End of story. Did he want to be something more? Maybe. If you’d let him.
More like if he’d let himself.
“Do you wanna come inside for a little?” You point at your apartment, swaying gently.
He hums undecidedly, as if he were making a tough decision. “Is it okay with your roommates?”
Robin and Kate lose their minds as soon as Steve walks through the door. Of course, they try to seem as subtle as possible with their excitement - not wanting to reveal the fact that you had feelings for Steve - but clearly, they were doing a terrible job in doing so. Kate would roughly nudge you in his direction, while Robin would wiggle her eyebrows at him. When Steve would have his back turned to them, they’d pretend to make-out in a comically exaggerated way. Ever the support system.
You offer him a combination of breakfast-lunch-and-dinner, sliding over a plate of the take-out from earlier. Steve rejects out of courtesy, but you respectfully insist, which causes him to, in the end, accept the food (mainly because he was unable to resist the pout on your face, and who wouldn’t say no to good ol’ Chinese food?) You sit and talk together at the dining table - him munching on Mongolian beef while you take careful sips from the latte he’d given you. Robin and Kate would butt into your conversation a few times, mostly to get to know Steve, asking him questions that you’d think only your family would ask.
Eventually, you retreat to your bedroom, cockily challenging him to a game of Mario Kart. You sit against your headboard, thumbs mashing the triggers as you speed past Steve.
“I’m telling you, Harrington. You can never win against me.” You giggle at him, pointing at the screen with your controller as you victoriously cross the finish line.
“You’re cheating!” He shouts, eyes wide with disbelief at how you managed to win again.
You turn to him, sending him a skeptical look. “There’s no cheating in Mario Kart! How could I possibly cheat?”
“Okay, fair. Then that means you must’ve hacked the game. There’s like no way. You’ve won like five times!”
Playfully, you toss your hair over your shoulder, finding amusement at the way he tries to stifle a laugh at your antics. “I’m just that good, Steve.”
In denial, Steve calls for another rematch, forcing you to pick a different character this time because he just doesn’t believe that you’re actually winning through Toad. Instead, you blindly pick Princess Peach, and Steve sticks with playing as the classic Mario. And to your downfall, you lose.
“Ha! I fucking knew it! Cheater!”
“Steve! I am not!”
“Yes! You won every damn time with Toad and now you’ve lost as Peach? Y/N, that’s some shady ass shit.” He gestures animatedly, wagging a finger at you.
“Uhuh. Go on. Go on. Bask in your victory. How many times have you won? Once?”
Cockily (and clearly fed up with your shit-talking), Steve asks for another match, this time, challenging you to a race around Rainbow Road. However, you lose again, causing Steve to win by one round.
“Hell yeah!” Rejoicing, he tosses the controller onto the bed. He throws his hands up, playing an imaginary trumpet with apparent joy that makes you smile.
“Oh, please. I let you win.”
“Nu-uh. I doubt it. You wanna know why?”
“Enlighten me.”
His voice drops to a whisper, tickling your ear as he leans closer into you. “I’m just that good.” You roll your eyes at his mocking tone, copying the words that you had said earlier with confidence.
“Keep telling yourself that. It’ll manifest someday.” You snort, pushing his shoulder. “Okay, so does the loser still get punishment?”
“I’m a man of my word.” He winks at you. “This isn’t necessarily a punishment though.”
His chest rumbles as he chuckles, “More of an - an invitation that you can’t say no to.”
He couldn’t possibly...
“There’s this holiday ice skating thing downtown.” He starts, fiddling with the loose thread at the end of his sweater as he raises his head to meet your dumbfounded stare. “Come with me, Y/N?”
Was he asking you on a date?
Speechless, you stutter, cheeks heating up with sudden shyness. “Of course. I mean, I can’t say no, right?”
You exchange laughter, legs brushing up against each other as you scoot further up the bed.
“But do you want to say no?”
His eyes flicker up to meet your gaze. His brown eyes are intense, swirling with curiosity and anticipation as he awaits your response. With the hand furthest from your view, he crosses his pointer and middle finger over each other, silently sending a prayer to the universe that you’d say something that wouldn’t break his poor heart.
“Steve,” You shake your head. “I’d say yes even if I did have a choice.” He bites down on his bottom lip, feeling his heart pound from your words. “So, tonight?”
“Tonight. I’ll pick you up.” His arm brushes up against yours, and you suddenly become dizzy with all the emotions you were experiencing. “Sounds alright?”
“Sounds perfect, actually.”
Sighing, you stare at your reflection in the mirror, fingers playing with the loose strands of hair that wouldn’t stay in place. You readjust the earmuffs on your head, patting them down with a growing smile. From outside, you hear the soft ring of the doorbell echo through the hallways. With one final outfit-check, you slip your backpack over your shoulders then pick at your bubble jacket for any ugly stains or threads.
“Y/N! Steve is here!” You puff out your cheeks at Robin’s shout, giving yourself a brief pep talk before you’re barreling towards the front door. Robin grins proudly at you, placing her hands on your shoulders with a content look. “Don’t make an idiot out of yourself.”
You chuckle, placing your hands over hers. “Thanks. I’ll be sure not to.” She pulls you into a hug, whispering in your ear to call her if anything goes wrong. Turning the knob of the door, you’re met with Steve on your doorstep.
He smiles widely when he raises his head, face softening when he sees how cozy you look. “Hey.”
“Hi.” You shut the door behind you.
“Y-You ready to go?” He gestures at the motorcycle parked on your street - red and white, and all Steve Harrington.
“We’re going on that?” Realizing how rude that must’ve sounded, you continue. “I... motorcycles are just - they - I’ve never been on one, so...”
“There’s a first time for everything.” He laughs, scratching his jaw. Noticing your uneasy expression, he reaches out to touch your forearm. “Hey... you’ll be fine. You’ll love it.”
You sit behind Steve, calming yourself down as he starts up the bike. Wordlessly, he hands you his helmet.
“Are you sure? What about you?”
He shrugs, “Take it. Want you to be safe.” You place the helmet over your head, shivering from the cold. “You gonna hold on now or what?”
“Huh?” Steve takes your hands in his, placing them over his stomach so that your arms wrap tightly around his waist. “Oh, right. Yeah. Of course.”
Your breathing halts for a minute as he revs the engine, before he’s pulling into the street carefully. You squeak as he drives faster, whizzing past cars and stuck taxis. The chilly wind blows through your hair, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes your throat. Steve feels his heart grow at the sound, glancing back at you when the stoplight turns red.
Beautiful. Gorgeous. Pretty. No word in the world could describe you. But perfect seemed like a close one.
Steve helps you off the motorcycle, holding your hand as you hop down. The ice rink is filled with people, while Christmas music plays faintly over the speakers by the bleachers. He doesn’t let go of your hand; neither of you utter a word about it as you walk over to the rental skates. The only time he pulls away is when he puts his ice skates on, tugging on the laces expertly before he offers to fix yours. You don’t reject, laughing at the mess of strings you had accidentally created. His hand finds its place with yours when you head into the rink, holding onto the sides for support as you both get yourselves accustomed to the slippery ice.
Soon, you and Steve start to race each other around, nearly bumping into strangers as you glide past him. He grasps your hand before you can escape, which causes you to fall back into his chest from the sudden action. Steve instantly catches you, holding you by your hips before you can plummet to the hard, cold ground.
“Easy there, tiger.” He laughs against your skin, cold breath nipping at your neck. You blush, finding your footing once more. You spin around to face him, eyes trailing over the snowflakes that line the ridges of his beanie. “Did I tell you how, um, how cute you look... tonight?”
“I mean, you look cute everyday but the whole...” He points at his ears. “...the whole earmuff thing brought out the - your - your cuteness.”
Just as flustered as you, he leans beside you against the rink’s fence, blinking up at the stars. You look over to him; you count the freckles on his jaw and the way the corner of his mouth turns up into a shy smile when he catches your eye. You dig the bladed toe of your skate into the ice, planting yourself in place as Steve slowly angles his body towards you. His hand comes to rest behind you, then his face is merely inches from yours. You hold your breath. Steve’s gaze flickers down to your lips, and the bridge of his nose gently grazes against yours. His head lowers while he parts his lips and closes his eyes.
He’s going to kiss you.
Until your phone buzzes loudly, and you groan in irritation. Steve’s face falls, and he tears his longing stare away from your lips when you step back to answer it.
Fucking hell.
“Hello?” Your voice is weak, raspy as if Steve had already kissed the life out of you - which he didn’t. Because you just got interrupted. “Kate? Yeah. What do you mean I... oh, fuck. You guys aren’t at home anymore? Fuck. Yeah, okay. Thanks. No, I’ll figure it out. It’s fine. I swear. Alright, bye.”
“Everything okay?” Steve sounds disappointed, but also worried, based on the tone of your voice.
“I left my freaking keys back at the apartment.” You laugh bitterly, cursing under your breath. “Kate and Robin had to go to Levi’s for something urgent and they won’t be back till like later-later.”
“Then come back to my place.”
What? Your jaw falls open at his words, and you rub your eyes to make sure that you aren’t dreaming.
“Are you sure? I could always find someone else and-“
“No, no. It’s okay. Plus, I live really close. It’s not a big deal for me or Jonathan.”
You and Steve linger around the rink for a few more hours. The tension between the two of you is clear - the accidental touches and accidental, nervous eye contact. Once the rink starts to clear up, you both decide to go home (or well, to Steve’s place).
His lofty two-story apartment is the same as it was during the party, only this time, silence fills the emptied space. You toss your shoes in the corner by the door, wincing when it echoes loudly throughout the living room. Steve pads out of the hallway, handing you a warm set of clothes.
“Steve, this is a lot. I’m only staying for tonight. I can sleep in these.” You huff, shrugging your jacket off and hanging it over the couch.
He shakes his head, smiling at you. “Here, it’s just a nice gesture from me to you. I’m insisting.” You hesitantly take the folded pile of clothing from him, holding it to your chest as he directs you to the bathroom.
Out of your cold and icy clothes, you tug down the long sleeves of Steve’s thermo, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla. Then, you move towards Steve’s bedroom, knocking softly at his door. You hear a brief ‘yeah!’ from the inside, and you poke your head through the crack between the doorway.
“I’m gonna go sleep now...” You nod your head over to the couch by the TV. “Thanks for letting me stay.”
“No problem. You’ll be fine back there?”
“Yeah, thank you.” Steve sits on the edge of his bed, playing with his hands as he blinks at you. “G’night.”
You retreat towards the couch, plopping onto the leather cushions with a grunt. You lay the plaid blanket over your legs and curl up into the bundle of pillows. Burying your hands between your thighs for warmth, you shut your eyes, hoping that sleep would find its way soon.
It doesn’t. Tossing and turning don’t help at all - neither does the stiffness of the couch. You try your best to fall asleep, whether it be browsing on your phone or turning on the TV, nothing brings you there.
You knew you were making a bad decision once you had gotten up, letting the blanket trail behind you like a train as you quietly tiptoe into the hallway that led into Steve’s room. You screw your eyes shut when your hand reaches out to turn the knob, which makes the door creak slowly when you push it open.
The hall light peeks into Steve’s dark room, causing him to turn onto his back when he sees your figure. “Y/N...?”
“Hey, um... I can’t really - really sleep, so I was...” You clear your throat, hoping your voice would stop trembling already. “I was wondering if I could... stay with you? If that’s okay. With you. Maybe.”
You tug the blanket tighter around your shoulders, searching Steve’s sleepy face for a reaction. He mumbles something inaudible, before he pulls the comforter back and outstretches a large hand towards you.
“C’mere, beautiful.” He whispers as you crawl onto the bed, tucking your feet beneath his white sheets. He flips onto his other side, facing you with a tired smile.
He laughs into the pillow, while you innocently bat your eyelashes up at him. You find his hand under the covers, your pinky finger latches onto his, and you bite back the hazy grin on your face.
“Y/N?” Steve murmurs, a curl falling against his forehead.
You place your free hand on his arm. “Shhh...”
“Can I... can I...”
You force yourself to stay awake, listening to him stutter endlessly. With half-lidded eyes, you meet Steve’s admirable stare. Then, his hand leaves your pinky, trailing up your side until he stops at the nape of your neck. The bed shifts as he rolls closer towards you.
You gasp lightly when he kisses your forehead. Then the tip of your nose. Then your left cheek. Your right. And finally, he halts for a moment. His thumb swipes across your jaw, and you feel your eyes slowly, slowly, slowly close. Your eyebrows furrow in thought when Steve continues tracing letters on your jaw.
His finger follows the curve of the eight letter until the pad of his thumb lands on your bottom lip.
He spells out the words: I like you.
Steve tilts his head, and you squeeze his hip to let him know that it’s okay. A euphoric feeling washes over your chest when his lips press against yours. They’re soft - a little chapped from the cold - but it doesn’t faze you. He tastes of pumpkin spice, and you lean further into him for more. Laughs bubble from the two of you when you accidentally elbow his cheek, but return into the kiss once more.
He lets his lips hover over yours for one moment, then he places a chaste peck on them before he’s pulling back. He doesn’t want to. But he did need oxygen.
Yet, who needs oxygen when a person makes you feel like they can provide you all the possible air in the universe?
Steve smiles again when he recognizes the relaxed expression on your face. He pushes your hair away from your face, and then, he’s drifting off to sleep as well.
You take his breath away.
And at the same time, you’re the fresh air in his lungs.
@aphrodites-perfume @itsametaphorbriansblog @delicrieux @ultrunning @l0ve-0f-my-life @novaddictx @liakgs @loulouloueh @charming-fan-girl
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adonis-koo · 5 years
Three’s a crowd
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Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation…
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader,
Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 7.8k
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Tags: dirty talk, begging, hair pulling, vaginal fingering, daddy kink, spanking, blowjob, hand job, deepthroating, male receiving, female masturbation, major degradation kink, multiple orgasms, throat fucking, dom!jungkook, dom!jimin
Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤
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Curling against the warmth you snuggled with a sigh of contentment. For the first time in- well in never, you could only use one word to describe your blissfully comatose state. Safe.
Safe and warm, like nothing could touch you. Like nobody could hurt you anymore. Like you would never have to deal with the world on its own again. Finally listening to your consciousness you cracked your eyes open. Light streamed in from the window wall as you groaned lightly, shifting as you sighed, how did you...
Stiffening at the new sight in your vision made you realize you weren’t back in your room. No you were still in Jungkook’s room, he had been tightly spooning you before you had turned to face him. You didn’t shift away from him, but you didn’t dare get any closer as you observed him sleeping. His jaw wasn’t clenched like it usually was and his eyes were so soft looking while closed, his lips- that you very distinctly remembered being so soft had parted slightly. 
His hair was wild and messy which screamed sex hair that unsurprisingly looked really good on him. Jungkook suddenly coiled his arms tighter around you as he pulled you into a hug, burying his nose in your hair before sighing contently. Still heavily asleep. On any other occasion you would’ve left last night but you had never quite had your shit rocked like that before. And quite frankly you still weren’t sure if you’d be able to properly walk today either. 
Thus leaving you at his mercy and almost afraid. Would he just kick you out when he woke up, having conquered you and moving onto the next girl. Jimin’s expression from last night flashed in your mind as you frowned. Did he take her to his room since he couldn’t have you? Oh god what if he heard you?
“Mmm, hi.” Jungkook’s voice was gravelly and filled with sleep, but oddly sounded angelic at the same time as he greeted you with a sleepy expression. Those deep brown eyes glancing at yours as you quietly stared back before murmuring, “Hi.”
Your hair had begun to fall in front of your eyes, prompting him to reach out a lazy hand, brushing the strand away as his fingers gently combed through your hair, “Are you okay? I can get a little rough sometimes.”
Attempting to ignore the intimate gesture as you sputtered out a laugh while you gave a tired but relieved smile, “A little? Seriously? If that was a little than I don’t know what you consider really rough.”
“Oh, I held back quite a bit honestly,” Despite his words he wasn’t necessarily boastful about it, as he seemed more so in thought while continuing, “But most girls I’m with aren’t use to it rough so I like to take it slow,” suddenly pulling you closer he buried his face in the crook of you neck, letting his fingers find their way to your waist as he stroke it, “But you did so well I couldn’t help myself.” Jungkook admitted against your neck as he thumbed the skin of your hip delicately as if tracing fine china, “Anyways you didn’t really answer, are you okay?”
“Well as okay as I can be,” you curved an eyebrow, not sure how to process his touchiness, maybe he just really enjoyed skinship? While it was nice being showered in aftercare you also weren’t one for touching, Jungkook was no exception too that as you shifted slightly in his grip, was he always so cuddly? “I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to walk but I’ll survive.”
But at the end of the day when touch wasn’t encouraged by lust it was still difficult to get yourself to relax. It was something you didn’t do and weren’t use to being showered in, even the morning after, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you while I can.” He had rolled onto his back, his lower arm still under you lingering on your touch while the other had grabbed his phone. Suddenly sighing through his nose, “We should get showered up, families are having breakfast right now then I’m off to scout for new property for business.”
You furrowed your brows together as you turned to face him, “What would your dad want with that?”
“Oh it’s not for him. I do help run the hotel chain but I don’t necessarily work under him. Too restrictive and honestly, it’d drive me batshit. I mainly work in upper management of Kim corporations. Come on princess let’s get up.” Jungkook gestured you to sit up as he pulled the covers off, making you whine as you curled against yourself. A dull ache in your legs and with the new stream of light on your body you had hickies everywhere. You were gonna need a lot of concealer for this.
“Come on,” Jungkook said in a sing song voice making his way to your side of the bed, tugging on your waist before dragging you into his arms, “Alright let’s do this the hard way.”
You wiggled and squirmed in his arms as he carried you to the bathroom, “Just because you have to be somewhere doesn’t mean I do too!” You continued to object as he managed to turn the hot water in the shower on.
Rolling his eyes he huffed, though there was a note of amusement in his eyes as he replied, “And you don’t think it’s gonna look weird if I go and you don’t. I know my dad doesn’t really look like it but he catches onto stuff fast.”
Setting you down your legs instantly wobbled and your hips throbbed in pain, your intimates shot with dull pain as well as you stumbled slightly, Jungkook quickly keeping you steady against him as he went to work on your hair, “Well no offense but if I go I think that’s gonna make it all the more obvious.” You complained but didn’t pull away from his attentive fingers that massaged through your scalp. The gesture was unexpectedly domestic, Jungkook was certainly full of surprises, ones you weren’t sure if you were necessarily comfortable with. To be fair how could someone let him drill them and then say this was crossing the line?
“Only if you limp around.”
“Oh and who do you think made that happen?”
You scolded as he let out a laugh behind you, carefree and obviously not feeling guilty about it as he finished washing your hair. Letting you soak up the hot water as he presumably began working on his hair. You almost felt obliged to help but your legs stayed glued to their position, physical touch was never your strong suit anyways.
After getting out of the shower the pain in your legs had begun to fade and Jungkook had even got you some medicine to take, sighing as you went to trudge to your room, who would’ve known the black t shirt he wore to save you from so much embarrassment when you met would be the same one you’d wear back to your room.
Much to his whining as he wanted you to stay, you had rolled your eyes as you replied you’d be right back. Grabbing a new change of clothes and your pack of makeup as you came back. Phone in one hand and his towel in the other drying his damp hair as you went to the full length dresser mirror. Sitting down as you began to get to work on your neck.
The hickies were a deep purple splotched with a messy tone of pink and going nowhere anytime soon. You watched Jungkook peak at you in the mirror in curiosity as you called out, “Take a step back there bunny boy. Last time you got this close you ended up three fingers deep in me.”
“Funny you say that sense you were the one begging for it.” Your lips twisted into a pout as you whipped around glaring at him. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled with a shiteating grin on his face before pointing to your thighs, “Leave those.”
Squinting your eyes you rose them as you shook your head, “No, it’s hot and I’m wearing shorts today, that would just be embarrassing if not awkward to leave them.”
It was Jungkook’s turn to pout as his plump lips twisted frowning, obviously wanting you to having some sort of mark for showing except you didn’t do that. You’d rather die than do that. And it wasn’t him, it was just who you are as a person, “Besides if it matters that much to you I’m leaving the ones on my hips alone.”
You pressed the powder in place on your neck as you finished concealing the second on before moving to your thigh. Jungkook exaggeratedly sighed, flopping on the bed as he replied, “Not good enough, no one can see that.”
“That’s the point,” you replied dryly, “Didn’t you say it was better if Jimin didn’t know about what we did?” Come to think of it Jungkook did mention that last night, why would he say that if he wanted you to go out all marked up, “Also, wouldn't that make things real loud and clear to your dad?”
You watched him flop over on the bed as he huffed again not saying anything, looking like a broody child who had been told no. But when it came to logic and reason you had a point, and knowing you were right just amplified his brooding. Finishing you stood up before walking up, looking down at his sulking figure, “You know I’m right.”
“Shut up.”
His legs still on the ground, sprawled out and his arms over his head dramatically while laying down. He almost looked too cute for his own good but your mind was already in the gutter as you shrugged, “Well if it really means that much...” he suddenly popped up with parted lips and raised eyebrows at feeling you hovering over him hands on either side of his hips, “I can always make it up to you.”
Sighing he groaned, collapsing back on the bed as he closed his eyes, “We have to go in ten minutes.”
“Is that supposed to stop me?” You laughed letting your fingers trail down his hips making him stiffen slightly as they began to feather towards his thighs, “I mean unless you don’t want too. No harm done it’ll make eating ea-“
“Knees now.”
Watching the dent in his sweatpants begin to form as you laughed, a coy smirk on your lips as you sunk to your knees obediently. Letting your fingers trail his thighs palming over his length, feeling in twitch between the fabric as he stifled a moan, sighing with closed eyes before opening them, his eyes lidded and dark, hazy with the sudden lust as he commanded, “Go on babygirl, take it out, I know you wanna suck it.”
Curling your fingers around his sweatpants you managed to hook his boxers as well before sliding them down, his cock standing firm already aroused and ready for taking as you gently gripped the base pumping nice and slow as you took his tip.
Swirling and sucking it as you heard a string of small moans escape him, it was enough to get you rubbing your thighs together but you needed to stay focused. Ten minutes, you could do that.
Squeezing his base you pumped faster as you began to take him further in your mouth, which stretched in pain as you had briefly forgotten how big he was. Filling your entire mouth without room to spare he was already close to the back of your throat and you weren’t even half way down his length.
Feeling his fingers grip your hair as he began to force you to bob your head against his cock, “Mmm you’re such a good girl you know that? So willing to get on those pretty little knees to suck daddy’s cock.” As if your own arousal wasn’t enough you could hear painfully clear every word he spoke, “We have seven minutes so let daddy use your mouth, okay baby?”
You nodded, feeling your jaw began to ache and your eyes beginning to water as he stood up, quickly snapping his hips all the way down your throat making you gag as your nails dug down his hips.
The pain only motivated him to go rougher, as he roughly yanked your hair send a pain throbbing into your scalp as he continued to force his way down your small throat, your vision of him blurring from the watery eyes.
“You look so good taking my cock babygirl.” Jungkook praised quickening his pace, his voice strained and his grip on your hair tightened as his cock began to twitch again, “Keep gagging for daddy.”
It wasn’t hard to fill his request as he knocked in and out of your mouth roughly before feeling a hot string of release slip down your throat as he panted, running a hand through his hair as he let himself slip from your mouth, “Ah fuck you cant offer that when we have to go somewhere.” Jungkook groaned looking at his phone to check the time. Sitting back you wiped both your mouth and tears as you raised an eyebrow, looking awfully cocky for someone who had just got mouth fucked, “What did I do? We still have three minutes to spare.”
Extending a hand Jungkook helped you up, towering over you looking ready to take you against the wall despite not being able too, much to his frustration, “Yeah and it’s not enough time to take you over the dresser.” He huffed running a hand through his hair, “Later?” His expression softened slightly, as if suddenly unsure if you wanted that.
Shrugging you had went back to your pile of clothes, beginning to change, “If you’re still up for it, I’m not gonna say no to getting jack hammered.”
Jungkook had quickly pulled the shirt over his head, grabbing the white button up on the other side of the bed that had been abandoned, “I’m always up for it.” He smirked, eyes glued to your exposed body as you pulled the nice comfy dark plum panties up, “Nice ass by the way.”
Sighing you turned to face him, making that bunny grin appear as he finished buttoning his shirt, “What? I’m giving you a compliment. All I’m saying is you’d look better in a skirt.”
“Oh so you can try and get me off in front of everyone? No thank you.” You scoffed curving an eyebrow making his grin become more sheepish at his intentions suddenly being exposed. Making you realize that was exactly his plan as he gave you a wink, “And you think shorts would stop me?”
You puckered your lips together, squinting harshly as you crossed your arms, not saying anything despite your cheeks flaring with each passing moment, “Lets go, I’m starving.” You heard him bark out a laugh as you turned around resigned, unable to face him any longer at the idea of what he wanted to do. You wouldn’t have blew him had you known he was gonna try and repay the favor sooner than later.
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“Your complexion looks so radiant Y/n! I knew this trip would be good for you,” Your mother chirped out smiling at you broadly as you glanced up from your plate, “You work yourself too much.”
Who was gonna tell her your complexion was post sex skin? Clearing your throat slightly as you gave an impish smile trying to force the vivid flashes from your mind, “It’s been nice, I won’t lie but I’m not gonna get carried away. You know I’ll be back at work soon.” You tsked as you leaned back in your seat, giving her a playful, but knowing look. Everyone seemed to resent the idea of you going back to work but it was work, what could you do? Even your mother sighed slightly, looking mildly saddened by your words making guilt gnaw in your stomach. This was her fairytale ending, not yours.
You weren’t interested in being whisked away into the high glamour and fast paced life of the rich. It sounded fun but was it really? Could it really beat pizza night and 3 am drunken shenanigans with your friends the rare moment you all had the night off. Could it really beat the electric neon light arcade room you loved visiting so much at dawn when you wanted nothing more then too sleep? Or the shitty bed and breakfast you stayed at when the weekends got too rough at your dads. There was so much more to life than wealth and power.
“Ah don’t worry about her Emi, she needs to make her own path in life. I quite admire that.” You couldn’t help but smile at Seung’s words as you shook your head, nodding towards him in agreement, at least someone seemed to understand, “Say you wouldn’t mind letting the girls keep us company today, would you Hwan?”
Hwan had those steel eyes that never seemed to melt, looking calculating before shrugging altogether though looking as if he wanted to say no. Did this guy ever cut loose? “Depends if the owners want the meeting to be private.” He glanced to Jungkook who had wedged himself between you and Jimin.
He had continuously fiddled with your thighs beneath the table, even now he stroked a long finger up the soft skin as you attempted to wrangle it beneath the white cloth, “Oh, he's quite the women lover, the more the merrier, you’ll be joining us, right Y/n?”
“Dunno,” you replied casually though your eyes looked ready to kill him as you grabbed his fingers beneath the table, squeezing them in a death grip as you gave a menacing grin, “Probably not, by the feel of it.”
No one else seemed to catch your innuendo or his slight wince, only for him to regain his cocky expression, leaning down slightly as the smirk coiled on his lips, “Feel of it huh?” You attempted to not jump in your seat at his fingers yanking from your grip to only squeeze the inside of your thigh harshly, “Come on, you’ll love it there,” You tried your best to not glare at him as his smirk widened, stroking the inside of your thigh higher and higher, “After all, you’re here to enjoy yourself, right?” This fucking brat.
Everyone seemed so oblivious to every double meaning of both of your words, Seung chimed in happily ignorant of your heated stares at each other, “Oh he’s right Y/n, it’s beautiful from what I’ve seen, you’ll love it there.”
Digging your nails into his hand caused him to jump back slightly, quickly crossing your legs tightly as you gave a sheepish smile, “Well I can’t refuse when you put it like that.”
Jungkook sat back triumphantly saying no more as breakfast continued on until you all eventually packed up to head out. You were positive Jimin didn’t know any better as to what you had been up too with his childhood friend but after feeling his tight grip curl around you waist, you had a distinct feeling he might’ve had some suspicions. Especially after the annoyed glance he gave Jungkook when he wedged himself in the seat between you both.
The trip to the business location was surprisingly painless, the entire trip was filled with chatter from both your mom and Jungkook’s mother, who you had quickly found out, despite her regal appearance she was incredibly soft spoken and sweet. Noting how Jungkook always seemed to have a soft expression when listening or speaking to her, only for it to harden when his father would join the conversation. They were definitely odd family dynamics but then again you remembered how bitter he seemed when talking about how controlling his dad was. You couldn’t necessarily relate, after all your dad was the exact opposite, he was utterly hands off your entire life unless he was provoked and even then that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
The estate was just as grand as everything else you had seen so far and even still it took your breath away, granted the more you looked at it, the more it sure did seem like some over glorified golf course, “Didn’t realize we were going to a mini golf course, I would’ve worn proper attire.” You snidely remarked to Jimin as you leaned close, you weren’t about to say that in front of everyone else but he seemed to always find your snarky comments amusing.
Jimin choked out a snicker as he shook his head, his black bangs waving as he glanced over at you in amusement, “Well the good news is it’s not. This is a getaway lounge. Loads to do once we get inside you’ll see.” Jimin handed you a flier as your eyes landed on the paper, opening it curiously only for your eyes to land on the prices. Who the hell could pay for this!?
“Getaway lounge? If you can afford something like this what do you people have to get away from?” You looked down in mild horror making him laugh again, obviously amused by your words.
Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder loosely as Jimin shrugged, “Not necessarily a place to get away like it suggests. But sure does make a hell of a nice weekend off.”
“I’d say.” You scoffed out as you curved a brow, deciding to ignore his arm that had yet to remove itself from you. Finally getting out of the car you had put some distance between the both of you as you were guided inside the large building, “Anyways who’s spilling the bill for me if I’m gonna be doing stuff here?”
“Me of course, just call me daddy.” Jimin smirked down at you with a wink making your face curl inward sending him into a fit of laughter, it was so easy to tease you it was hard to resist the constant opening.
“Could you at least be honest and just say sugar daddy.” You groaned facepalming, your cheeks heating up despite you vehemently wanting nothing more than to brood in a corner, “Besides shouldn’t you be working a deal out or whatever with your-“ you weren’t sure what to call Jungkook and the others as you vaguely gestured over to them making Jimin give you an amused glance.
“Jungkook’s the broker here not me, I’m just here on visit. The owners a mutual friend of ours. My dad and Jeon are scouting for a new business contact which is why they’re here as well. Technically we’re all just observing the transaction.”
Suddenly coming along made a lot more sense as you nodded understandingly, before furrowing your brows as you tilted your head, “So shouldn’t you be...I don’t know? Observing?”
“I am from afar, it’s always more fun with company isn’t it?” Jimin leaned down slightly his lips tilting up as he curved an eyebrow, “Like you said, I’m practically your sugar daddy so my first responsibility is tending to you baby.”
You looked away from him, your face animatedly stoic despite the glow of your cheeks, “Don’t call me that.”
A deep laugh sounded from ahead making you glance up towards the noise, “Jimin that’s not very gentleman like of you.” You swallowed thickly closing your eyes, why the hell were there so many young rich guys? Not only that but this guy might as well have been carved out by god himself, his black hair was like silk and his cheekbones high set, eyes sultry and dark as he strode your way.
“Seokjin you’re one to talk huh.” Jimin replied snidely as he crossed his arms unimpressed, a hint of amusement in his eyes but his body appeared guarded. This must’ve been the owner of the property and the said mutual friend of him and Jungkook.
“Always,” Seokjin winked at him, obviously not taking him serious as he held out his hand to you, licking his lips as he introduced himself, “Kim Seokjin.”
Giving a sheepish smile you shook it as you fumbled out, “Uh- L/n Y/n, it’s nice to meet you! You...you didn’t hear all of that before- did you?” You backed up slightly feeling embarrassment washing over you after the look he gave you. He definitely had.
But Seokjin only gave a teasing smile as he stepped closer to you, making you attempt to practically hide behind Jimin, “I don’t judge. But I won’t lie- I’d make a much better sugar daddy if you’re ever in need.”
You had to turn away all together as he laughed, putting your hands in your face as you wanted to smash your head into the wall, seriously why was it always you? “Shit you’re right, she is cute to tease.”
“Seokjin she’s gonna file for sexual harassment if you keep it up.” A body suddenly stood in front of you, arms crossed and not looking as playful as his words should’ve been Jungkook gave a tense smile that didn’t meet his eyes, “Trust me, she would.”
“I’d probably lose if I tried.” You muttered under your breath as you fully turned to face them all again, glancing at Jungkook’s broad back. Always intervening now so it seemed, that probably wasn’t going to change for the rest of the week.
A bit odd though, you had a one night stand with him so his behavior was a bit possessive given the nature of your relationship. Or maybe he had just never been in a real relationship before or had an authentic friendship? It was difficult to tell. Peeping out from behind his back you’d definitely admit you felt safe from them behind him. And for that you’d give him credit, if he wanted Jungkook could easily come across as intimidating.
“For what? I was just throwing out a suggestion for her, she’s pretty cute- What? Don’t look at me like that Jungkook, not when-“ Seokjin had been cut off by the sound of the rest of your group noisily heading over, mainly the laughter coming from your and Jungkook’s mother. The conversation had seemingly been dropped at the sight of them as you had distanced yourself again from the three. You had all- thankfully- parted ways, Jimin just as he said kept you company granted you weren’t exactly alone sense you decided to stay with your mom and Soo Yun.
“I apologize we haven’t had a moment to speak Y/n,” You glanced up to the soft spoken voice of Soo Yun, she was so beautiful, it was obvious where Jungkook had inherited the majority of his good looks, his voice matched hers as well in angelic tone, “Jungkook’s been talking a great deal about you,” you furrowed your brows at her face suddenly twisting slightly, her eyes rather sad as she sighed, “Probably more than he should be. You’ll have to accept my apology on his behalf, he’s young and doesn’t really want to settle for his lot in life.”
Her words were odd, but ironically you vividly remembered the seamstress- Irene if you were correct, had said something along the same lines. What did everyone mean by that? You felt rather conflicted, Jungkook had warned you about Jimin but everyone who knew him, well it wasn’t necessarily a warning but it did make you wonder. You didn’t doubt those close to him for knowing how he must be. But the question was why? What was his problem? Pushing back thoughts of last night from your mind you gave a smile, “There’s no need to apologize! He’s a gentleman at heart, I feel like I should be the one apologizing honestly. I’m the only one who doesn’t seem to serve a purpose here.”
Soo Yun tsked at you, a warm smile etching on her thin lips, “I know you must feel like an outsider but please, don’t worry about it. I feel the same you know? I didn’t come from as low as your family but I definitely was never in this sort of class range.” She waved a hand as she mused her past, making you tilt your head in curiosity as she rambled on, “I’m incredibly lucky to have married Hwan but...” despite her words her smile was tense and didn’t meet her eyes, “To be honest money can’t buy happiness, it can buy a lot of things but not that. Even now I still feel out of place occasionally, that’s why I love your mother so much!” 
She finally chirped out giving a beaming smile that could challenge the sun in brightness, “She understands how I feel and in return I do for her as well. I’m quite blessed to have met her and you both! I’m looking forward to the future you know? I know you aren’t interested in pursuing this life- and I can’t blame you. But I hope to see you in the future.” Soo Yun had gave you such a sweet and genuine smile you were positive your entire heart was going to implode.
She suddenly looked vaguely embarrassed as she ruffled her hair, “Ah I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear an old cat ramble.”
Realizing Jungkook had inherited that trait from his mother in rambling, she had the same classic look on her face that made you smile endearingly, “No! Don’t apologize, it’s okay, it actually makes me feel a bit better. Everyone keeps trying to suck me into this but, I’m just happy where I am in life you know? I don’t live on a grand scale but I wouldn’t trade my life for any other.” You felt your shoulders relaxing at ease, Soo Yun had such a natural charm about her, it was hard not to smile with her, no wonder her and your mother got along so well.
“Then don’t let others push you into what they want,” Soo Yun gave you an encouraging nod, “Stay true to yourself and you’ll always find happiness.”
You gave a happy hum as silence setting in thinking about her words. You couldn’t help but wonder about her, she seemed so sweet and kind but so sad. Maybe melancholy was a better way to put it, as if she genuinely understood your situation, or at least to a degree. You’d heed her words though regardless because there was no way on this planet she could have any harmful intentions.
Eventually Jimin had finally budged enough to get you to part ways with the moms as you bid them farewell. He was currently taking you to the sauna room, one of his favorite places to go and clear his head apparently, “So you’re telling me you can just rent out a whole room?” You curved an eyebrow incredulously as Jimin nodded.
“Mhm what else would you do? That would be gross sharing a room with a stranger.” Jimin said it as if it was obvious, weaving his way through the halls as if it was a second home. You supposed if you lived your entire life loaded that was a genuine statement.
Licking your lips you finally gave an amused grin as you chuckled, his words sounded so absurd he really had no idea, did he? “Boy what would you do if I ever took you to a public sauna?”
Not that you had ever been to one yourself but it made you wanna go just for the reaction. Jimin rolled his eyes despite the smile placing on his lips Opening the door to the room he gestured you inside, “But you won’t, will you?”
Noticing this wasn’t the sauna room but a changing room as you shrugged, “I won’t, probably couldn’t afford even the public sauna but that’s a broke kids life. Might as well enjoy premium while I have the chance.” Walking behind the changing wall as you called out, “We’re not actually changing in the same room right?”
“We are.” Jimin confirmed and you could imagine the smirk on his lips as you sighed. Peeling your clothes off, you found the complementary white bikini hanging with a silky white robe. Pulling the thong like material up before strapping in the halter top. Wrapping the robe around yourself as you called out, “Does that mean we have to walk out looking like this?”
Walking out from your side you noticed Jimin was already changed, robe in hand but obviously not wearing it, trying to keep your eyes away from his toned abdominal as he curved an eyebrow amused, “Y/n the door to our room is right there, unless you’re into nudity...”
“Shut up.” You groaned facepalming as he laughed, leading the way to the door up ahead as before opening it. Hot steam wafting out instantly opening your pores as you breathed in deep, your skin automatically heating as you stepped in taking a seat.
Jimin shut the door as he shrugged, giving you a cheeky look as he replied, “So you do? Interesting I’ll keep that-“
“I don’t!” You snapped out flustered, sighing annoyed as you crossed your arms, “It’s the opposite really. The last thing I wanna do is walk around a huge building in a flimsy robe wearing a two piece underneath. Sweat has begun to build on your brow and your body temperature had jumped significantly.
“Two piece huh?” Jimin licked his lips, eyes narrowing slightly as if challenging as he asked, “Care to display for me?”
Crossing your legs you squeezed them slightly as you have a cautious look, “Nah, I'm good.” Wiping your face as you fanned yourself slightly, pulling your hair up into a bun as you felt tempted to go ahead and take the robe off due to the steam making it stick uncomfortably to your body.
Jimin sighed dramatically as if your concern for sleeping with him wasn’t that big of a deal. And you supposed it technically wasn’t but it still bugged you. He sat down next to you, legs opened naturally as he glanced at you, “Still on about the whole us being legally related huh.”
“It’s a valid reason!” You shouted throwing your hands up as you glanced at him raising your eyebrows, what was this guys deal? Did it really not bother him that he’d address you as family- at least in public? “That is an extremely valid reason.”
You suddenly pressed your back against the wall as Jimin lunged, kneeling down as he caged you between his arms as you swallows thickly, lips smirking as he replied, “Yeah but they’re not married yet.”
“Oh my god.” You sighed closing your eyes, you couldn’t tell if your body was hot from his words or the steam. Sweat trickling down your neck as his eyes festered on it, tsking as he leaned in close, “How long have you been hiding those from me hm? Getting busy without me?”
You felt confused for a minute before realizing the hickies you had covered this morning. Shit! The steam had definitely wiped the makeup clean leaving them exposed as you gave a cryptic though sheepish smile, “Lets just say for as busy as I am I can make time for myself on rare occasions.” It was a vague answer, one that would allude to you having gotten laid before you flew to Dubai.
Jimin shook his head, his hand slightly creeping up the inside of your leg making your body stir, “Oh yeah? Wanna tell me about it kitten?” You swallowed at the sudden pet name, what you should do is tell him to stop, that this was a bad idea and you should go. But out of morbid curiosity and arousal you stayed put, swallowing once more, “Well, it was good. Amazing actually, I came five times.” Your lips had twitched into a smirk.
“Five times huh?” Jimin mused, his hand massaging the inside of your thigh making core begin to throb in anticipation as he leaned in, “Wanna see if you can come six?”
This was your out, despite his predator like words it was also said as an ask for consent to go further. If you had any common sense- any decency you’d back out right now, “If you’re good enough.” Except at this point in your life, what wasn’t a mess? Might as well add one more thing on the list. Jimin’s lips coiled into a full smirk as he undid the tie of your robe. You quickly discarded it feeling temporary relief as your body was covered in a sheen of sweat but the heat of the steam had already overtook it once more.
Your mind was already hazy from it but Jimin’s hands on the inside of your thighs certainly helped, “Mmm kitten you’re already wet aren’t you? Look at you sitting there all excited,” You squirmed at feeling his hand abruptly grab against your crotch as if testing his words, wiggling as he slid it up your clothed slit, pressing lightly as the fabric glided back and forth with ease, “What a slut, already this wet and I’ve barely done a thing.” Jimin curved an eyebrow amusement written on his face as his hand continued to stroke your heat, fingers ghosting over your clothed clit occasionally though it never failed to make you bite your lip, “But you’re daddy’s little whore aren’t you?”
You nodded eagerly as you felt his fingers pull the bikini aside, letting his fingers coat themselves against your heat before roughly dragging against your clit making you moan out. Pinching the bud before hitting its sweet spot as you whimpered again Jimin’s gaze had turned merciless, “Tch What a greedy bitch, looking at you whining like a brat against me. Obviously he didn’t satisfy you enough. I’ve been waiting for this you know? That look on your face when I make you cum. Mm fuck and it looks good on you too.” 
He dragged his fingers down your slit pushing two fingers inside you, your tiny walls instantly clenching around him as you gasp before swallowing harshly, pumping his fingers agile as he leaned in, “Go on, beg for your orgasm you little slut, go on. I know you wanna cum on daddy’s fingers.”
Eagerly you sprung into action quickly bucking your hips as you rode his fingers complying, “Please let me cum daddy. I’m daddy’s little slut that wants to cum! Please daddy please!” You continued to beg feeling him add a third finger in approvingly as you whined, “Daddy oh god, I’m so close please let me cum!”
Jimin finally leaned in between your thighs as he replied, “Go on kitten come on daddy’s fingers. Such a good girl.” You almost screamed at feeling his tongue make its way onto your clit massaging the bud before giving it kitten licks. Clenching your walls around his fingers you moaned loudly, feeling the grip in your stomach build before quickly releasing as you whined, continuously bucking your hips into his fingers wanting more.
Fuck getting laid so much had made your body dust off its high libido, “Please let me cum again daddy! Please! I- I need too!” You whimpered out as Jimin chuckled, slowingly down his fingers to a rhythmic pump, “What a greedy whore, another orgasm already?” His mouth attached to your clit again sucking it harshly making you scream. Toes curling as your walls clenched against bucking yourself into him as you felt your second orgasm reach its peak. Jimin glanced up at you from between your legs pulling his fingers out as he darkly asked, “Did I say you could cum?”
Your legs shook and you realized what would come next as he sat down, pointing to his lap, “Over my lap. Now.” Shaking you had wiped the sweat from your face though it seemed futile as the steam wafted more, crawling over his lap you felt a large bulge on your stomach, “Ass up.”
Lifting up your butt you gave it a small wiggle only for a sting to throb against it as his hand smacked down harshly, jolting you whimpered again as he continued to spank you, “Touch yourself you filthy slut, sense you wanna cum that badly go on.”
You felt tears stinging your eyes as he spanked you again harsher than the last as you obediently let your hand crawl under you and under the bikini band. Letting your fingers toy with your clit as you sobbed out, feeling another harsh spank against your ass as you brushed your fingers over your overstimulated clit, “Keep rubbing you bitch.” He snapped out with another spank.
Whimpering you felt the pressure in your core build faster as your hands slid against the bud faster, feeling another sting against your ass as you bucked your hips, “Daddy- I’m- im going to cum- please let me!”
“Go on I know you’re a greedy whore, cum on daddy’s lap.” Jimin sneered out his hand harshly landing another blow on your ass, before grabbing your tied up hair and yanking it harshly. With his permission your legs had begun to shake and your moans heightened as you hit just the right spot on your clit to let the orgasm wave over you.
With one last smack he gave you a moment to recover, “Are you ready for daddy’s cock?”
“Y-yes.” You nodded slowly getting up from his lap, legs shaky but complying regardless. Jimin stood up, swooping down to pick you up by the ass. His body was just as hot as yours and the sweat against his body made his just as slippery pressing you against the wall as his lips went to your neck.
A loud ring suddenly jolted you both out of the steamy moment as you gaped slightly. Groaning Jimin slowly pulled from your neck, holding you propped against the wall in one hand as he shuffled the other one into the pocket of his swim bottoms, pulling his phone out as he asked somewhat annoyed, “Yeah? Right now?” He sighed though his nose sharply, “Doesn’t matter, we’ll be there.”
He hung up, glaring at his phone before putting it away, running a hand through his wet hair as he sighed, “Come on kitten, we’ll pick this up later.” He set you down as you steadied yourself against the wall. Glancing at him confused before finally asking, “What? Who was it?”
Jimin sighed exasperatedly as he replied, “My dad, everyone’s eating lunch right now. Apparently they were getting worried about us.”
Leaning against the wall you closed your eyes before muttering, “For good reason.”
“I didn’t hear any complaints from you.” Jimin grabbed your chin, leaning down slightly as he smirked, “Come on, let's go before they start looking for us.”
Nodding you went to grab your robe before making your way out of the room. Wobbling back to your changing station as you sighed, glancing down at all of the exposed hickies that had once been concealed. At least you were smart enough to bring a smaller makeup bag in your pursue. You worked deftly with your fingers as you didn’t pack any brushes but you did a good enough job for now. Running a hand through your hair as you sighed.
Maybe that was a sign from god you shouldn’t have said yes to him in the first place.
But shit, he was really good. You closed your eyes, face heating up again at all the degrading things he said, fuck it was still hot though. Sighing you shook your head, pulling out your phone to update your friends on your latest fuck up.
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Putting it away you stood up before making your way to lunch with Jimin. Ironically after what had just happened you both seemed to converse as if nothing happened in the first place and you were grateful for that. Going out onto the terrace where everyone was laughing you gave an awkward smile as you waved, your mother grinning back as she waved you over, “Where were you? We were all getting worried!”
Taking a seat around the table facing the entrance you gave a small smile, “Oh, we just went to the sauna, nothing major. For my first time I’d say I can see why people go.” That was such a blatant lie but it rolled off your lips like it was the truth, you couldn’t even properly focus on the heat because of Jimin.
“I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself!” Your mother shot back chipperly, genuinely happy to see you must’ve been enjoying yourself. And you definitely had, maybe a little too much.
Jungkook had been glancing at you appraisingly as if searching for any visible evidence for what you assumed was Jimin sleeping with you. You weren’t sure why though, he warned you not to get emotionally invested in Jimin right? Or was that just for sleeping with him? Would’ve been nice for him to at least clarify, “The sauna huh?” He echoed not looking incredibly impressed as he glanced at Jimin.
Who smugly shrugged, making you wanna wilt, if that wasn’t an unsaid ‘yeah I tapped that’ then you weren’t sure what was. Jungkook’s eyes were unreadable before he glanced back at you, “I’ll have to take you next then.”
You couldn’t look at either of them, an odd tension took over the table, for you at least as you felt two sets of eyes bore into you. Finally managing a tense awkward smile as you shrugged, “Yeah sure...” fumbling with your hands as you placed them in your lap. You were in for punishment big time. The bad news was that you weren’t sure from who.
The table was taken over by the leading conversation of the mothers thank god, Seokjin had sat at the table as well constantly chiming in making the women cackle and yourself included. Definitely a ladies man. Lunch was almost over when it happened.
The double doors of the terrace opened as a voice sounded, “Jungkook! I didn’t realize you were visiting.” You felt confused by her low tone, long legs striding in with a big grin but somehow it look menacing, her heels clicked on the ground beneath as everyone turned to face her. Quickly taking the empty seat next to him Jungkook’s eyes had widened before they suddenly darkened broody, “Jae you didn’t tell me you were telling here.” You felt confused for a minute at his tone, it was casual but in a way was guarded.
Jae- as she was called, laughed hooking her arms around his despite him not budging, “Sorry baby but my friends convinced me last minute-“ her eyes had somewhere along the lines of her sentence placed on you, as if sizing you up in one breath before she gave you the world's most intimidating smile, “Oh I’m sorry how rude of me to not introduce myself.”
You felt tense at her words, they were charismatic but also felt like they had a venomous undertone. Pulling your drink to your lips as you kept a poker face, she leaned forward slightly before a smirk curled on her face, “I’m Kang Jae, Jungkook’s fiancée.”
You spat out your drink coughing harshly as you raised your eyebrows, unsure if you actually heard her correct, “His what!?”
Note: and i oop- rip to mc lmao let the shit show commence 😌
Taglist: @sapphireprinces5 @jazzytfw @theslumberingcat @mrsfandomz 
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