#or maybe its just me and my great glee at something so fun yet relatable for many 19 year olds i know (bad idea right)
thewhizzyhead · 1 year
oki so when i first listened to olivia rodrigo's 'sour' 2 years ago, i was genuinely surprised by how much of the album resonated with me as a 17 year old having gone through similar feelings of hopelessly lost heartbreak and questions of self-worth in its various forms - like it really felt like a coming-of-age album of sorts made to and perhaps for 16-18 year olds and i really did like that! anyways imagine my fucking glee when 'vampire' and 'bad idea right?' released and showed thematically and sonically that "Oh shit this is for a much older audience than last time oh shit this one's for the college gurlies, this new album is for me"
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yuyupowers · 3 years
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aristocrat!seonghwa x fem!reader
genre: fluff
trigger warning(s): patriarchal society mostly. let me know if there’s anything else!
author’s note: none of the pictures are mine!!
for reference, i’m using british peerage (hierarchy). there are five ranks: baron, viscount, earl (count), marquess, and duke - the highest being duke, and the lowest, baron.
second son of a duke
i imagine seonghwa to be someone who values tradition
unlike hongjoong who finds who finds the numerous aristocratic mannerisms pointless, hwa believes upholding these (rather stringent) rules is a sign of respect
perfect gentleman pt.1
excellent in swordsmanship, horse-back riding, and hunting
well versed in poetry, literature, art, and finance
(can maintain a conversation about politics but honestly it kinda goes over his head)
a bit on the shyer side, but a decent conversationalist
good at keeping the flow and mediating in case anyone becomes a little too heated about their opinions
definitely cares about his and his family’s image
naturally caring and tends to dote on those close to him
(translates into excellent manners)
holds the door open, offers his hand when stepping out of carriages, makes sure to walk on the side closest to traffic, diverts conversation when things are too “distressing,” wouldn’t be caught dead alone with a woman that wasn’t related to him or his fiancée/wife
and surprise, surprise !!
this is where you come in
you’re the second oldest daughter, fourth child out of six; born to an earl
hwa’s family had the highest title bestowed upon aristocracy
whereas your family accumulated more wealth and land than the park family
and since both you and hwa were prime marrying age™, your parents decided upon a mutually beneficial marriage
the first time you met seonghwa was under the watchful eye of both your parents, when the park’s invited your family for dinner
tbh, you were pretty relieved when you met him
“prime marrying age” was different for men, so you were just glad he wasn’t some old geezer
and he seemed like a decent person !!
a well put together gentleman, and his image was only consolidated throughout dinner
all in all, you didn’t have much to complain about from the initial impression
though it was kinda annoying when your little sister would not shut up about how he was the handsome man she’s ever met
even if you agreed
and didn’t she say that when she met woo?
after the first meeting with the park’s, both your parents set up multiple occasions for you two to meet
whether that be evening walks, picnics in the park, etc,,,
you learned a great deal about seonghwa 
how his favourite is black, how he loved the stars and that his favourite planet was mars
how he loved kids and doted on your youngest siblings (much to your sister’s glee)
how he enjoyed spending a quiet afternoon with you reading dickens, discussing afterwards the contrast between carton and darnay
how he was always considerate of your feelings and opinions
you liked to think you were a decent judge of character and thought overall that seonghwa was a kind and caring person
but you also noticed a few characteristics that-
you wouldn’t say it was off-putting or anything but,,,
it might bother you in the future
see, you were pretty good friends with hongjoong
and while you weren’t as extreme,
(you didn’t sneak out weekly to hang out with a bar maiden that you definitely did not have a crush on)
you certainly agreed with him on certain points
like hwa, you thought that abiding by certain mannerisms = display of respect
but unlike him, you didn’t care all that much about your image
okay, that was a lie.
you couldn’t say you didn’t care about your image
(social ostracization isn’t exactly fun ya feel)
but you thought it was,,,exhausting
it’s one thing to be respectful, but it’s another thing to say things you don’t mean
to fake humility
to undermine people that are supposed to be your “friends” or “one of you”
to be perfect, when “perfect” was such a subjective term anyways
it just felt so fake and that left a bitter taste in your mouth
even now, you could see all the efforts seonghwa made to constantly keep his image of a “perfect gentleman”
with perfect mannerisms and perfect answers and perfect-
yeah, it kinda frustrated you
not to mention how obedient he was?
of course you didn’t fault him for being a dutiful and filial son, but his loyalty blinded him
and it wasn’t like his parents were bad people !!
no, you’d say they were much kinder than the average noble family
especially considering their status
but when they made important decisions for their son without consulting him,
(because they were more experienced, because they knew better, etc,,,)
and he accepted whatever decision they handed to him?
nevertheless, despite being his fiancée, you, by this point, had realistically had known seonghwa for a couple months
and you didn’t feel like it was your place 
(at least not yet)
to point this out
so the two of you continued your cordial but emotionally distant meetings
that is until “the incident” (as hwa fondly likes to call it)
okay, so-
one day you paid hwa a visit and the two of you decided to take a walk in his family’s garden
chattering about this and that
a lovely time !!
it was a bit overcast, but it didn’t look too threatening
so the two of you ignored the clouds looming in the horizon and wandered deep into the garden
big mistake
the weather took a turn for the worst, and soon it was pouring
by this point seonghwa was a little panicked
he knew that for women, getting ready could be excessively long and tenuous task
(courtesy of his little sister’s complaints)
and now !! you were getting rained on !! because he didn’t bring an umbrella !! just in case !!
he turns to you, ready to shield you with his jacket and lead you back to the manor
but he’s at a loss by what he sees
he had expected you to be upset, to huddle closer to him, to,,,idk, maybe reprimand him for this thoughtlessness??
but instead, he finds you staring up at the dark sky, eyes shimmering with barely contained glee with the biggest smile he’s ever seen from you adorning your lips
he likes your smile
and if he was already confused (he was), he was about to become even more so
because the next thing he knows, you’re hiking your dress in one hand and grabbing his in the other, running through puddles of water and mud and everything in between, laughter falling from you like the rain
up until this point, you had been acting like the perfect (you hate that word) lady
polite, demure, charming-
in public settings, you only spoke when spoken to, with a voice that was purposely soft and soothing
you chatted with his mother and sisters about traditionally feminine things over tea with impeccable manners
whenever you two met, you were always prim and proper; never a strand of hair out of place
but here you were, getting not only yours but his clothes soggy and muddy, laughing without a care about how pleasant it sounded or how loud it was
seonghwa liked to think he wasn’t a judgemental person-
he wasn’t repulsed or anything by your sudden change in demeanor
really confused
and when you looked back, you could tell,if his expression was anything to go by
but your grin only grew wider, because you could work with this
he wasn’t enjoying himself per say; a bit too confused and bit too stiff to do so
but he wasn’t horrified or disgusted
okay maybe he was a little grossed out; he liked to be clean thank you very much
you could work with this.
and so over the next few months, you showed him things he never dreamed of doing
some of which he liked, some of which he didn’t
some he was willing to try, some, less
like sneaking into the restricted section of the library (he’s never been so scandalized in his life)
or visiting the kitchen in the middle of the night so you could teach him how to make some basic recipes (which he surprisingly enjoyed)
or meeting hongjoong
(“of COURSE it matters if they got the colour wrong?! lord help me you’re the most insufferable person i’ve ever met-”)
and the more the two of you explored, the more he,,,real he became.
and vice versa.
gradually, the mask of perfection he worked so on hard to maintain was slipping before you
don’t get me wrong, he’s still kind and caring and a gentleman
but sometimes he would whine and complain when you encouraged him to do something he was less than enthusiastic about (usually something that involved getting him messy)
or he made The Face™ (the disgusted one) to you and when he didn’t like something or someone
or he would be stupidly stubborn about some random fact that you KNEW was wrong but he just WOULDN’T admit if even when you showed him proof
(“seonghwa for the last time toads don’t give you war-” “LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” “eye-”)
once, he even playfully stole the strawberry from your cake
(big mistake. he’s never doing that again. he never knew a woman could move so fast or be so scary.)
it made you so, so happy because the two of you were finally getting to know each other
actually know each other
then one day, while the two of you were reading underneath a tree at the park
“,,,hey love?” (hwa)
“why are we doing this?” 
“what do you mean, dear?”
“i mean,,,i’m not complaining, but i guess,,,why did you decide to show me this part of you? the part that runs around in the rain?” hwa
you don’t reply right away
instead, you shut your book and idly stared at the willow swaying over the pond, wind running its fingers through its drooping leaves
after a few moments of silence
“,,,i wanted to know you and what you believed in. actually believed in.”
seonghwa tilts his head slightly to the side
“love, i hardly think my convictions have changed”
“but do you know what your convictions are?”
and you know when you hear something that resonates with you?
something that strikes deep in your core and makes you rethink everything you’ve know?
yeah,,,this is one of those moments
now it was seonghwa’s turn to set his book aside, falling deep in thought
after an unnaturally long stretch of silence, you began to panic a little
because ?? maybe you misread the situation and got a little too comfortable-
cause i mean you were questioning his core values, which is something he takes very seriously
o god you messed up didn’t you o crap you need to apolog-
“will you help me figure it out?”
“will you help me figure out my convictions?” he asked
and you swear, you’ve never seen such a smile from seonghwa
one that conveyed a plethora of emotions, ranging from honesty and vulnerability, to confusion and loss, to lightness and warmth
it filled you with an unnameable feeling
like something sliding into place, fitting perfectly; like it was always meant to be there, filling you with comfort
shyly intertwining your hands for the first time, you looked up to meet his gaze with a pattering heart and a smile matching his own
“,,,of course.”
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hello, i saw ur skz scenarios, which are very cute. i wanted to know if i can get one with hyunjin where ure both in college and ure crushing on him. if its not too much to ask can it be like the uni experiences u see on tv or in movies with lit parties and stuff? thank u!
Hello, anonie!!! I know this might be kinda late - I’ve been busy - but here it is! I really hope you enjoy it! It was a lot of fun to write this!
Admin Rex
(Word Count: 2977)
Listen: you came to this party because you knew two of the party hosts own the cutest dogs. Also maybe because Changbin insisted you go to socialize and have fun because you both haven’t seen some of your friends in so long, and he didn’t want to go without you. You had told him that it was okay, that he could go to see his friends. Still, Changbin can be very persuasive when he wants to - his puppy eyes always got you no matter how adamant you were to deny him something. You’d already begun relenting when Changbin pulled his phone out and scrolled through an Instagram feed full of pictures of the same two dogs, one of them being Chan’s dog Berry. At that point, you knew there was no refusing. Your best friend had ensured you that the dogs would be there, you could play with them when you went.
Currently, you were groaning internally at the loud music. Its bass thrummed constantly through your chest and the sound rattled in your skull. Normally, you’d enjoy the hectic atmosphere, but you were running on pure determination at this point. Maintaining passing marks in all of your classes and keeping in touch with your friends was draining, to say the least. That was also on top of your job. You’ve been at the party for an hour and a half, and you already managed to lose Changbin. Not to mention you hadn’t even seen the dogs. You were headed to the kitchen to find something to snack on when someone grabbed your shoulder. When you turned to face the person, your scowl transformed into a bright smile, “Chan! It’s so great to see you!” The blond grinned, dimples on full display, before pulling you along with him. He leaned closer so you could hear him, “Changbin said you came for the dogs.” You pulled away to give him the most hopeful look you could muster. He laughed and pulled you along towards the stairs you really couldn’t bring yourself to go up without permission.
When you entered the first room on the left, you were relieved. It was much more quiet in here, despite the thrumming that was ever present in the walls of the house. There were a few friends you knew - Changbin, Felix, Jisung, Woojin, and Minho - and two others you didn’t. You noted Jeongin wasn’t present, which your protective heart told you was for the best. After greeting everyone with a small smile, you couldn’t help but drop down to greet Berry and the other dog, who’d come over to sniff at you. You cooed quietly at Berry before turning to the other, “Who must you be?” You weren’t really expecting an answer. You were surprised when a soft voice replied, “That’s Kkami.” You look up at the speaker. He almost comes off as intimidating, but you catch the friendly gleam in his eyes and know that he’s probably incredibly nice. You grinned at him before turning back to Kkami, “Well, Kkami, you’re very cute. Almost cuter than Berry over there.” At that, Chan squawks a “Hey, don’t say that about my child!” from the bed you’re leaning against. You laugh, surprised once again to hear the boy from earlier joining you. 
He smiles softly before waving his hand in greeting, “I’m Hyunjin! Kkami’s proud parent.” You smile, opening your mouth to respond before being cut off, “Y/N! Save me!” Jisung practically jumps over you before crash landing on the bed behind you, gasping dramatically as he rolls and collides with the wall. Changbin follows him seconds later, grumbling about how his phone is not something to be tossed around. Chan is quick to scoop Berry away from the mess that is Jisung and Changbin. You grin sheepishly at Hyunjin’s wide eyes and stare at each other before breaking out in giggles. Hyunjin straightens up before gesturing to the person sitting beside him. The other boy was in a deep conversation with Felix and Minho, Hyunjin introduces him as his best friend Seungmin. You get a feeling that Jeongin would get along well with said boy, if his mischievous grin was anything to go by.
You spend the rest of the night cackling with your friends at stupid jokes and sad attempts at playing video games together. You would suggest playing a board game, but you’d hate to almost dissolve friendships. The music is still thumping loudly by the time you decide that you should probably return home. When you gather your belongings up, you’re joined by Changbin and Seungmin, who apparently lives near to you and your best friend. The three of you decide to split the cost of a ride. 
The next time you see Hyunjin, it was during a break you had between your classes. He had approached you with a warm smile and food in his hands. Eager to get your mind off of your math calculations, you waved him over. You ended up talking with him about your classes, and he told you about his. You learned that he’s majoring in dance, which you think is fitting because just seeing Hyunjin walk gives you the impression of a dancer. You told him about your major, but didn’t spend too much time on it as you just wanted a break from anything related to academics. 
Over the next few days, you had to turn in a total of 6 assignments, one of which was an essay. At this point, there was a slight lull in the workload for all of your classes and Changbin somehow knew. “(Y/N), please? Chan, Felix, and Jisung will be there! Even Minho and Woojin! Maybe Jeongin, too?” Changbin was currently trying to talk you into going to another party on Saturday. As if you both hadn’t attended the one two weeks prior. You were pretty set on staying home this time. Changbin couldn’t bribe you with Berry this time. Chan said you were welcome to visit Berry anytime.
You shook your head at him. You had a full day of classes and just wanted to sleep at this point. Changbin pouted at you. Before he could use his special power, you pushed his head down into his history textbook before gathering your notes into your arms and hopping out of the chair, dashing down the library stairs. Changbin texted you seconds later about how you’re so mean to him and that he was going to tell Woojin - a threat that scared you only a little. You weren’t really paying attention to where you were heading because you were texting Changbin back. Before you could even hit send, you rammed right into someone’s back. Changbin received a text that just said oh dont cry you big bafkjdskkldjs. You only had a few seconds to lament the message before hearing your name being exclaimed. “Oh, (Y/N), are you okay? I really hope your nose is fine, you were walking really fast!” You rubbed slightly at the end of your nose before absentmindedly nodding. You noticed you must have wandered to the nearest restaurant without paying much attention. Makes sense, you hadn’t eaten yet.
You ignored the burning in your cheeks, chalking it up to being embarrassed about running straight into another person. Your phone vibrated a few more times before ceasing all together, and you knew Changbin had given up on you while you were busy picking up a few loose papers that had slipped from your hands. Hyunjin smiled at you when you were finished hastily stuffing the notebook into your school bag. Hyunjin’s smile, you note, is incredibly cute. His smile really shows genuine glee at seeing his friends, and you’re suddenly glad Changbin dragged you to that party. You don’t stop spacing out until Hyunjin’s smile droops, “Hey, are you hurt?”At the concern lacing his voice, you quickly shake your head, “No, no, I’m fine. Just. Thinking.” You smile wide at him, grinning more when Hyunjin nods and returns your smile. You look down at your shoes, not really knowing what to do now. You’d just met Hyunjin, and you really didn’t know what to say. You’d barely had any time to get to know him, aside from the time you hung out between your classes, which wasn’t much time, to be honest. Hyunjin sighed, a little hum coming for him before he clapped, “You came to eat, right? Why don’t we eat together? Seungmin’s still in class, and I’m a little hungry. We haven’t really talked much, either, so now would be a good time!”
You’re a little surprised. You thought that maybe Hyunjin didn’t want to eat with you. You don’t share any classes with him, and you’re positive that you aren’t majoring in the same thing. You nod anyway, not wanting to miss a chance to talk to Hyunjin. He smiled, and you’re once again amazed by how genuinely happy he looks. He begins to walk and pauses to wait until you’re in stride next to him. You both choose some food to eat before settling yourselves in a booth that is tucked against a window. About half way through your meal, you glance out the window and scowl when you see Changbin looking at his phone while attempting to stuff his textbook into his bag. Seconds later, your own phone vibrates with a new text. You remember that you never checked the last texts from him and take a moment to do so.
big bafkjdskkldjs???
whats that?
are you ok?
youre a big bafkjdskkldjs you know that
fine ignore me
The next message is the one that he just sent, which just says “youre eating right now arent you im coming your way.” You should’ve known he was going to know where to check to find you, especially since he knows you normally eat here after your Thursday classes. You sigh before smiling at Hyunjin who smiles back. You tap out that you’re not eating and that you’re studying at home. You knew Changbin wouldn’t believe you, but there’s nothing wrong with hoping. A minute later, Changbin approaches the table you’re seated at with Hyunjin, who surprisingly doesn’t look surprised to see your best friend there. Changbin looks down at your food before swiping some of it, “I see you ditched and replaced me.”
You stifle a sigh, as Hyunjin protests, explaining that he just wanted to get to know everyone better, including Changbin. That is how you ended up sitting squished between the window and Changbin. Across from you, Hyunjin is smiling softly. Somehow, you’re not sure how or when, Minho ended up sitting with you as well. He brought news of the party that Changbin had been trying to convince you to go to with him. Minho declared he’d be going, and Changbin already wanted to go. He turned to Hyunjin, who shrugged in agreement to go. When Minho turned to you for an answer, you felt like you had to nod - you could hardly say no to Minho. The fact that Hyunjin was going didn’t help. “Jeongin better not be going this time around, either.” You mumbled, and Minho smiled and explained that he’s busy with his own classes and the like.
When Saturday finally decides to roll around, you’re feeling less tired. You’d been able to rest and relax. (You believe that texting Hyunjin as much as you had been contributed, but you wouldn’t tell Changbin this.) Honestly, you were looking forward to seeing your friends, but not the party. Sometimes, the music was a great distraction from your studies, but it was also hard to talk to anyone over the noise. You and Changbin arrived to the house hosting the party. Honestly, you didn’t even know the host. You wandered around a bit, after separating to search for your friends. You first ran into Felix who was playing darts with Minho. They had terrifying accuracy. The next person you encountered was Hyunjin who was mingling with a few others. You waved to Kang Chanhee and Heo Hyunjoon, some of the only other people you recognized, aside from your friend group. Hyunjin beamed at you, as you came to stand between him and Chanhee. You talked with them a bit before they decided to join the mass of other bodies for dancing. You easily agreed, not wanting to be showed up, as you were quite confident in dancing. You were finally feeling your body loosen up as you challenged Hyunjoon.
Eventually, you left the “dance floor” - if a section of uncarpeted living room could be called one - to find something to drink, hopefully something like soda. When you returned from your search, you couldn’t help but feel captivated by the way Hyunjin moved to the music. Saying he was a good dancer was a severe understatement. He looked like he loved and lived to dance, which made sense, given his major. You stared at him a little longer before your eyes locked onto someone else. You speedily walked, “Jeongin! What are you doing here?” He explained he finished studying early, and only dropped by to greet everyone. You offered to walk him back home, which he insisted you didn’t have to, that he wasn’t even that much younger than you, but you honestly wanted to leave the party and you’d love to just talk to the younger. As you walked out to the sidewalk, the front door swung open, and Hyunjin looked surprised to see you leaving, “Going home?”
You smiled at him. His cheeks were pink from dancing the way he was, which made him look cuter than he already did. You motion to Jeongin, who looked between you and Hyunjin, “Not really. I’m taking him back home, then I might head home.” Hyunjin’s eyes flickered to Jeongin, who stared back just as challengingly, before walking down to stand beside you, “Could I come along?” You agree easily. During the walk to Jeongin’s house, you introduced the two and felt proud to see how well they got along. They acted very similar to brothers, if you were being honest. It brought a wide smile to your face. When Mrs. Yang opened the door, her eyes lit up at the sight of her son. She thanked you and Hyunjin for walking with him, before offering to let you come in, which you refused. 
At this point, you felt awkward trying to head home and basically ditch Hyunjin, so you decided to ask him if he wanted ice cream from a nearby convenience store. He agreed ecstatically - which, cute - and you explained that you would be paying for the snacks, no buts. He laughed at you, eyes growing soft. You and Hyunjin chose a few different flavors before deciding to just sit at a table set up outside the door. It was quiet for a few seconds before Hyunjin spoke up, “You’re good at dancing, (Y/N).” You look up at him and nod slightly, mostly as a way to thank him for saying that. You wait for a few seconds, “And, you’re amazing at dancing. I figured that you were good, but - wow. I’ve known Chanhee for a long time, and you really gave him a run for his money.” Hyunjin smiles, almost shyly. You let the lull in the conversation drag on for a bit. You watched as Hyunjin looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitating. “Hyunjin? Something on your mind?” 
He took a deep breath before exhaling slowly, “I’ve kind of got a bit on my mind. Nothing bad! Just.” He laughed a little. You could tell he really didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it, so you left it alone. You continued scooping little spoonfuls of your ice cream out of the small container. The silence was getting a bit stifling, but you really didn’t know what to say to Hyunjin. It’s not that you didn’t like him - in fact, you really liked him - but he just seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. He finally set down the little ice cream container and spoon. You raised a brow at him, “Hyunjin, are you sure you’re okay?”
He nodded before looking directly at you, “(Y/N), I think I really, really like you.” He looked so serious as he said it, but you could tell that he was really nervous about his confession. Honestly, you weren’t that surprised, but you were pretty stunned. You thought that this would be like all the other crushes you had that you didn’t act on. To say you were happy was an understatement. Unfortunately, all you could say with your brain freeze was a small “Thanks.” When you processed what you’d replied with and Hyunjin’s dazed - almost disappointed - expression, you scrambled to clarify. You quickly grabbed his hand, which was retreating from the table, “Wait, no, that’s not what I wanted to say! I had a brain freeze, like, wow, someone I really like just confessed to me! And, I really was going to say that I really, really like you, too, but - ” You stopped when Hyunjin started to laugh, the one that was thoroughly amused and so soft sounding at the same time. You paused, before pulling your hand away.
When he stopped laughing, Hyunjin smiled at you again, all kind and soft. You smiled back, despite the burning of your face. Neither of you said anything for a while. The only noise were leaves blowing in the Autumn breeze, occasional cars going by, and the sound of the few customers that visited the convenience store. “Are you free after class on Wednesday?” You asked tentatively. Hyunjin looked up, surprise showing a bit on his face. It took him a few seconds to nod, but when he did, he looked captivating with his small, shy smile.
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comradesummers · 5 years
1, 6, 19 and 35 for the TV asks?
1. if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be?
hmm. So I’m eliminating all shows that I would reboot solely for the purpose of turning my queer-baited ships canon, because that would be a little self-indulgent.
I think maybe I would do the opposite of a dark and gritty reboot for the Fosters (yes, I realize it just ended and has a pretty decent spinoff, but whatever). Because, while I did sometimes like that show, and I am glad that it directly addressed some of the darker aspects of its story, I also really, really wish it had let itself be more of a fun family show, and hadn’t constantly put its characters through life-threatening situations, and generally made them perpetually miserable. Like, I know that this wasn’t the intention, but the soap opera drama of it all kind of sent the message that families like the one being represented can’t truly be happy, and that’s maybe not great. 
So, basically, I would want to remake the Fosters, but happier. Like, it would still have some of those darker edges, but it wouldn’t be an endless drama fest. More mundane, and focusing on the day to day lives of these people. I would also give it shorter seasons, and I would start it with the kids being younger than they were on the show, to avoid the ridiculous situation where they had to pretend that all five seasons happened over the course of like two years. And the moms would get far more screen time.
Also, my version would contain zero romantic relationships between foster siblings. And no Brandon.
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
Um, not a lot are coming to mind.
Maybe not on this site, but Sense8 is criminally under-appreciated, and I don’t see many people talking that much about Fringe anymore, and that show was good. Like I said, the Fosters spinoff, Good Trouble (terrible name, though) is pretty decent, and I haven’t seen anyone talking about it.
idk, apparently my taste is horrifically mainstream, but I really can’t think of anything else. 
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now?
I am a really really bad lesbian and I haven’t seen Killing Eve or Gentleman Jack yet, so I should really get on that. Also, I’ve heard good things about Black Sails, so I’ve downloaded it, but I haven’t started it yet.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now?
Ok, restricting this to one character per show, otherwise I’ll go absolutely insane.
1. Buffy Summers (shocking, I know)
2. Elena Alvarez (Choosing between the Alvarez women was so hard, because I love them all so, so much, but I have never related to a TV character more than I do to Elena.)
3. Regina Mills (I’m embarrassed about this one, because the show is bad, but I love Regina, and I love Swan Queen, and Lana Parilla deserves all of the credit in the world for managing to turn that writing into something compelling.)
4. Veronica Mars (Truly one of the most interesting, complex characters ever on television.)
5. Rebecca Bunch (She is just such a phenomenal, painfully relatable, character, and it’s hard for me to put into words what she means to me.)
Honorable mentions go to Sara Lance and Zari Tomaz, who didn’t make the list because I didn’t want to choose between them, and Santana Lopez, who didn’t make the list because it’s Glee (but I love her).
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Season 2: What to Expect From the Return of the Martial Arts Drama
When Warrior premiered in April of last year, Cinemax knew they had a hit right away. Helmed by Fast & Furious director Justin Lin and Banshee co-creator Jonathan Tropper, Warrior was renewed for a second season after just three episodes.
“Warrior comes from the pitch Bruce Lee brought to Warner Brothers,” Tropper says, the writer of the show. “It was an eight page treatment Bruce Lee had written that Shannon [Lee] held onto, and that was where the initial ideas for this show come from.” 
The show exists largely through the efforts of Shannon Lee (Bruce Lee’s daughter and the executive producer of the show) to bring one of her father’s many visions to fruition. It’s a true testament that Warrior carries on Bruce Lee’s legacy nearly 50 years since he’s passed.
The gritty action-packed drama is set during the brutal late 19th century Tong Wars of San Francisco’s Chinatown and showcases a largely Asian cast. Loosely based on historical events, Warrior explores the tumultuous Wild West period leading up to the Chinese Exclusion Act, the only law that the United States ever implemented to block immigration of a specific racial profile. 
“My father had the main character Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji) coming over from China, getting indoctrinated into the Tongs as a hatchet man, while he was really looking for his sister. It had Bill (Kieran Bew), the police officer, as a character. It had the Tong wars as a backdrop to the show and it had the Chinese Exclusion Act and the political immigration issues of the time as a backdrop to the show.”
With trending immigration issues under the present political regime, Warrior is uncannily topical. 
“This has always been an immigrant story,” says Tropper, who started writing the show under the Obama administration and didn’t foresee how relevant it would become in 2020. “For me, it’s not that we were aiming at this topic. It’s just that this topic is never not there. It just happens that people are much more conscious of it right now because of this administration. But America is a country built by immigrants that has never developed a comfortable relationship with immigrants. So it’s a generational problem and it’s a cyclical problem, and it’s one that we have not solved. I feel like thematically, this show would be relevant no matter when it was coming out. Now it just happens to speak really loudly to what’s going on.”
Enter the Dragon – Rising Star Andrew Koji
Politics aside, Warrior has one of today’s hottest actors in the lead role, Andrew Koji. Beyond Warrior, Koji plays the pivotal role of Storm Shadow in the upcoming Snake Eyes: G.I.Joe Origins alongside Henry Goulding (Crazy Rich Asians), Ursula Corbero (Money Heist), Iko Uwais (The Raid), and Samara Weaving (Bill & Ted Face the Music). The film was slated for release this October but was pushed back to 2021 as another COVID-19 casualty. 
“If it’s best for the film, for the audience, for people,” says Koji, “I don’t think many people want to go to the cinema right now.”
While the postponement of his first major film was disappointing, it was overshadowed by the announcement that Koji has been cast in Bullet Train starring Brad Pitt and directed by David Leitch.
“I saw the article the other day,” recounts Koji with glee. “I was like, “What’s my face doing next to Brad Pitt’s? Nah. Nah. What’s going on?”
Koji’s character Ah Sahm is the role that Bruce Lee intended for himself. However, Ah Sahm is his own man, only echoing Lee with Easter Egg nods to classic film fight scenes, but the nods are kept low key. 
“When he beats up the first two guys at the brothel in the pilot, that is literally the choreography from Way of the Dragon,” Trooper explains. “And then he sits down on the chest of the guy, we’re just totally paying homage there. And then, having done that, we do almost nothing else the rest of the season except the occasional tweak of the nose or the gesture with the hand.” 
Brucesploitation is a genre of its own, another surreal testament to Bruce Lee’s legacy. If Koji had just done an impersonation of Bruce, Ah Sahm would have degenerated into yet another Bruce Lee clone. Despite the temptation, and having the blessing of Bruce Lee Entertainment, Warrior would not have succeeded like it has if it were just derivative. 
“Of all people, Shannon Lee was really insistent that we don’t go overboard with the Bruce Lee stuff,” continues Tropper. “She really tempered it. We were welcomed to use it, but she really wanted the show stand on its own. She had a sort of ‘less is more’ approach. And I think that turned out to be the wise way to go.”
Despite Koji’s rising star, he’s quick to deflect the credit for the success of Warrior to his cast mates. 
“When I see Warrior Season 2 and I see these great actors; Kieran, Tom [Weston-Jones], Hoon [Lee], Joe [Taslim], et cetera, I’m more honored that I’m amongst this cast. When I see their performances I’m like, ‘Whoa, these guys are good, because they’re nothing like this in real life.’ It’s more that it’s an honor to be able to work alongside these people who are just so good at what they’re doing.”
Fist of Fury – Warrior Season 2 Comes Out Fighting
When Ah Sahm was last seen in Season 1, he had lost a brutal duel to Li Yong (Taslim). He falls from grace at Hop Wei Tong to become a coolie. ‘Coolie’ is a Chinese word. ‘Ku’ means ‘bitter’ and ‘li’ means ‘work’ and the coolie world is a hopeless grimy place to be. It sets the stage for Season 2 to blow up. 
“The fun of any Season 2, and certainly in this show, is in Season 1 you have to do all the heavy lifting of building the world,” Tropper says. “Season 2, the world’s already built, and now you get to really go deeper into all the characters because you don’t have to spend as much time placing them.”
Season 1 established the three distinct worlds of Warrior: the upper crust world of San Francisco politics, the working class world of the cops, and the lower class, the Irish ghetto and Chinatown.
“These three forces have been put into this pressure cooker where something is going to either give or explode,” continues Tropper, “So in Season 2, it was time to let that pressure cooker explode.” 
Lee feels that her father would be pleased with how Warrior has turned out so far. She finds it crazy how relevant the show is today and is excited to see how the next episodes play out.  
“Fans can expect, for Season 2, to really up the stakes and up the conflict,” she says. “We’re really going to see things reach a bit of a fever pitch in Chinatown… So it’s very complicated and the weaving of the story is really brilliant and the stakes are really high. And you’ll see what happens.”
Warrior Season 2 introduces several new characters and story arcs. The costumes of Ah Toy (Olivia Cheng) get more lavish and opulent. The fights escalate, getting bigger and bloodier as the season progresses and even includes a face-off between Ah Sahm and Dolph, played by UFC Champion Michael Bisping. 
“I don’t think many people would be able to say they kicked a UFC champion in the face and lived,” jokes Koji. Warrior Season 2 would be a sure win if it weren’t for Cinemax’s programming cuts and the fact that it’s 2020, the year of the pandemic. 
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic brings an unexpected challenge for a show about Chinatown. Racist attacks against Chinese have been on the rise, so much so that the House or Representatives just passed a resolution condemning “all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19.” Will this affect the reception of Warrior? 
“Gosh, I don’t know,” says Lee. “I certainly hope not. But given the ability of people to be reasonable in this moment that we find ourselves in, I wish I could say, ‘Oh, that would be silly,’ but I feel like the anti-China, anti-Asian sentiment in the country around the coronavirus is silly. There’s a lot that’s gone on that is kind of blowing my mind left and right, so I wish I could say for certain that it wouldn’t. But what I hope happens is that people tune in to the show… because it’s entertaining and they fall in love with it; and maybe it shifts their perspective in some way.”
For Tropper, the relevance of Warrior reflects the pervasiveness of racism. 
“I think that just proves the point that whether it is overt or covert, it’s never gone,” he says. “There’s the version of xenophobia towards the Asians. There’s a version of racism towards the Black population. Our country has these fault lines that are always there whether they’re shaking or not. Obviously there are tremendous echoes from our show of what was going on when they started referring to coronavirus as the ‘Chinese flu.’ But if you speak to any Chinese American, I don’t think they’ll tell you it’s ever really been gone. It just goes through periods of quiet and periods of noise. So I think we just happened to be coming out at a kind of noisier time, which is deeply unfortunate. Believe me I’d much rather we were just a fun martial art show that was a lot less relevant today.”
The Road to Warrior Season 3
Unfortunately last January, Cinemax announced that it would no longer be commissioning original shows in preparation for the launch of HBO Max. “Right now, Season 3 is a little uncertain,” says Lee. Warrior Season 2 is an attempt to level the show up to prove it deserves another round. 
“We’re in these uncertain times,” says Lee, “but I’m hoping that when the show, once Season 2 completes on Cinemax, they are going to release it to the HBO platforms and I do hope that the show will just catch a much bigger audience and that there will be demands for a third season.”
Why invest in a second season when the future is uncertain? There’s always a chance that the fans may save it. Shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Expanse, Money Heist, and Cobra Kai found new life and more fans on other networks. 
“I’ve got a gut feeling that this show, or at least the legacy of this show, will last a lot longer than most shows,” adds Koji. “I think what it means – the energy, the feeling, the story and the characters – there’s so many elements that just were magic. The writing’s sharper, the action is crisper and embraces its style more. I think the actors are all on point. Season 2 was one of the highlights of my career so far, shooting, and I think it was for a lot of people. We all felt that magic, so we hope that it comes across on-screen, which I believe it will. I think they’re going to see something special on all fronts.”
Koji holds out a lot of hope that Warrior Season 3 will happen.
“Well, obviously, with the current climate it’s a lot less certain. All we know is if the fans make enough noise and help us by making that noise it is in so many of our intentions to wrap this show up as I think it should. Not only for the show, the story, for the fans, but for that legend Bruce Lee. I think it deserves a conclusive ending.” 
Regardless of what the future may hold for Warrior, Season 2 is worth the watch. 
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Warrior begins its ten-episode second season on Oct. 2, exclusively on CINEMAX.
The post Warrior Season 2: What to Expect From the Return of the Martial Arts Drama appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2S3Ioog
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
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Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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joie-university-rp · 4 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, CHEESE! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: The one formerly known as Bree- now just a wheel of cheese; she/her
Age, Timezone: 22, CST
Activity, short explanation: …i mean, i’m legit here all the damn time
Ships: Melanie/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Melanie/No Chemistry
Triggers: N/A
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://66.media.tumblr.com/93484063ed95916832a14ef5743b0424/tumblr_ozu3rjG10I1tc5gvpo4_250.png
Anything else: Y'all said you wanted more Cheese and Juice, right? Right?
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Melanie Maya Montgomery
FC: Malese Jow
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 19/Sophomore
Birth date (MONTH DAY, YEAR): February 12th, 2001
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Columbus, OH
Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale / She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Major(s): Song-Writing
Minor(s) [optional]: Music
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Pillsbury Dormitory 213
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Glee Club, LGBT+ Association, Cheer Squad
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): Plans to rush Lambda Alpha Delta, Mu Kappa Chapter
Melanie Montgomery grew up in Columbus, OH with her brother, Wesley, and her parents. The Montgomery name was fairly well known around the area as her father was a successful lawyer that worked with commercial companies that had their headquarters in Ohio. Having his office in the capital of the state and living on the edge of the city meant that he was able to be at home a lot- but he wasn’t always present. When he was present, his focus turned to Wesley, who he wanted to go to law school and take over the law offices someday. Melanie slipped rather easily under her father’s radar because of this.
When Melanie went to high school, she joined the cheerleading squad and met the McCarthy twins. They were so… connected, and she wasn’t sure whether it was because they were twins or because they simply had a better relationship than her and Wesley had- but she was drawn to them immediately.
Melanie and Mason’s friendship flourished into more of a relationship and eventually, they were officially walking down the hallways of their high school hand-in-hand as boyfriend and girlfriend. They did a lot together… sometimes with Madison along as well, because of course. But Melanie didn’t mind; she was one of… few people that almost understood where Madison came from with her protective nature. She was rather protective over Wesley, worried that he may not want the path that their father was pressuring him to go down.
Dating all the way until graduation, Melanie and Mason agreed that it would be best to separate as they went to different colleges- although it did truly break her heart to leave Mason behind. She traveled to Boston,MA and began attending Berklee School of Music there, having gotten a scholarship (though having her father throw some money their direction didn’t hurt either). What she thought would be a fun and exciting experience there turned out to be more than she bargained for. A terrible roommate, losing her keys, and getting robbed on her way to meet her friends at a mall in the heart of the city… She pleaded to come back home with her parents, and finally her father agreed.
Melanie moved back to Columbus after her first semester in Boston and began going to community college to finish out her freshman year. Her mother insisted that she begin looking for a better establishment than community college to complete her schooling and that was when she found Joie. The name seemed familiar at the time of applying, but after her freshman year from hell- in her opinion- she didn’t give it much thought.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? “Honestly? I wanted something not too far away from home… but far enough away that my parents wouldn’t hover over my every move.”
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? “I think three positive traits I have are… creative, patient, and diligent, while three negative traits I have would be… compulsive, gullible, and irresponsible."
Which of your traits do you value most? "I definitely value my creativity the most because it is what gets me the words I need and the tune I want when I’m attempting to write a song. Though I guess patience also helps there because I need to wait for my creativity to flow through before I can get anywhere with my songs.”
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? “Well, I heard you all have a glee club and I do think that I could be a valuable edition- maybe even contribute a song or two that could win us a championship?"
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? "I really hope that I can walk away from here with my degree being prestigious enough to land me a job writing music… OR ideally, some skills that could help me as a performer so I can make it big in the music industry.”
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
0 notes
FIC: Flying, falling
Rating: T Pairing: f!Ryder/Vetra Nyx, pre-relationship Word Count: 2,333 Summary: The adrenaline from driving around H-047C gives Ryder an idea. Vetra could use a break for something fun. Notes: Post-‘Means and Ends’ (Vetra’s loyalty mission), pre-‘Hunting the Archon.’ No major main plot spoilers. Also on: AO3
Suit up? Got something I could use your help with.
Vetra didn't exactly relish the idea of stepping out onto Elaaden's surface—even with the vault running, the place was hot—but better here than Voeld. She set down her datapad and made for the door of the armory.
Ryder hadn't arrived in the cargo bay yet. Probably in the process of persuading someone else to come with them. She went over her assault rifle, just to be safe, made sure the newest mod was set in there securely. By the time she'd double-checked the seals on her armor, someone gave a soft huff and dropped down to the cargo bay floor from above.
"You're going to break a leg doing that," she said, though she couldn't keep the smile out of her voice.
"If I break a leg, it will be out there, not in here." Ryder emerged from behind the Nomad, cheeks flushed, helmet tucked beneath one arm. "Don't tell Lexi, though."
"Only because the ambient lecturing would haunt me."
Ryder chuckled. "I hear her in my sleep, sometimes. Telling me to eat my vegetables. Ready to go?"
Vetra's height allowed her to easily search the bay behind Ryder; no one had accompanied her down. "Where's…?"
"Oh." Was Vetra imagining it, or had the flush on Ryder's cheeks gone deeper? "Just the two of us today. If you don't mind?"
"Mind? No." Was this about…? It couldn't be. She refocused. "Easy to get overwhelmed out there, is all. Are you sure—?"
"We're going somewhere out of the way. Just an errand, honestly." Ryder patted the Nomad. "Should be able to outrun anything really nasty, yeah? This thing's extra-fast now."
"True. And you've done a lot of work on the surface."
"We have done a lot of work." She pulled her helmet on. "Ready?"
At least the interior of the Nomad was still cool, compared to the brutal sun. Ryder skirted the Paradise and headed east, well away from any of the landmarks they usually passed. She was uncharacteristically quiet; something about the whole thing jarred Vetra's nerves.
"You sure everything's okay?" she asked, after five minutes of silence had worn her down.
"What?" Ryder fiddled with the controls. "Of course. Why?"
"You're just...awfully quiet."
"Ouch. Does this mean I talk too much, usually?"
"I'm not complaining." She liked Ryder's talking. She didn't have Peebee's motor, but she knew how to break a tense silence. And she was funny, something humorous usually pervading her words, her tone. Even when she was talking to someone else, and Vetra was just standing across the cargo bay, she found herself smiling.
Ryder glanced sideways at her, hesitated, and then said, "It's…it's something fun. Trust me?"
"Something fun," Vetra repeated. She didn't look too closely at the trust part. Truth was, she did trust Ryder, or she'd have already bailed out and started running back to the Paradise three minutes ago.
"Not an ambush," Ryder clarified. "Something good."
Vetra peered, a little dubiously, out the front viewscreen of the Nomad. Nothing but rolling sand dunes out there, as far as she could tell, and that big worm—still far enough off in the distance to seem small.
"Not the worm," Ryder added with a shudder. "I really don't want to fight that thing."
"No? Not the blaze of glory you're looking for?"
"Glory, for me, doesn't involve being dismembered."
Vetra chuckled at that, and Ryder laughed along, the way she always did at her own jokes. Some of the tension eased away.
"Okay," she agreed. "What's the occasion?"
"Occasion?" Ryder adjusted their course a few more degrees north. "Uh, nothing really. Just a thought I had." She looked over at Vetra again; her mouth wasn't visible through the helmet, but her eyes were tight. "The good kind, I want to reiterate."
"I think I've learned something new about you."
"You're a bad liar."
Ryder snorted. "That's not new. Look, give it about two minutes, and you'll see."
They settled back into a moderately more comfortable silence. Vetra's mind worked, trying to figure out what Ryder was up to. She usually wasn't so deliberately vague. What did they need out here—so far from New Tuchanka and the Paradise, where not so much as a salvager pinged their radar? And why just the two of them? It didn't make any sense.
She tried not to think about it, to imagine it. Every time it crossed her mind, in those rare idle moments or the long breaths before sleep, she found something painfully hopeful swelling in her chest. But she also wasn't blind; Ryder had been flirting with her for months, more earnestly these last few weeks. Maybe the surprise was related. To that. Maybe she intended to act on it.
The mere idea was simultaneously panic-inducing and thrilling. Vetra quashed it down.
"We're here," Ryder announced, just as they crested the very top of a dune.
It was a long, long way down. The tallest of these piles of sand she'd seen yet. More of them rolled out toward the horizon, barren of life, the wind slowly, incrementally adjusting the shape of them.
"Okay," Ryder said, stopping the Nomad. "Tell me if this is stupid. I thought you might want to blow off some steam. With everything that's been going on...I don't know. Racing around H-047c was awesome, right? I figured here, it's maybe not as fast, but at least we can open the windows."
"The windows open?" Vetra said.
"Gil helped me rig it."
Ryder watched her, brow taut again. Vetra remembered shrieking with laughter on that glorified rock amidst all of Ryder's enthusiastic cursing, Drack slapping the back of both of their seats with glee. Weird thing to get so much pleasure out of, but...she couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed so hard, or so freely.
And Ryder had remembered. Noted it, even.
"So," Ryder said. "Wanna drive?"
Vetra's brow plates lifted of their own accord. "You're letting me drive?"
"Don't tell the others. They'll think I'm playing favorites." She winked, the warmth of a smile coming back into her eyes.
Vetra laughed, a little stunned with the happiness Ryder had dropped in her lap. "You're on, Ryder."
Ryder started pulling out of her safety harness. "Let's get this show on the road, then."
Vetra scrambled out of the Nomad to switch places. The bottom of the dune looked even further, the slope even steeper, just standing at the top of it without a machine between her and it.
"I don't want to be a spoilsport, but we should probably keep our helmets on," Ryder said, coming around the Nomad.
"Yeah. Safety."
"No." Ryder grimaced. "Sand. Bleh. Gets all dusty and weird on my skin. And my eyelashes. And other places—you don't even want to know."
Ryder clambered up past her, into the passenger seat, and Vetra moved around to the driver's side.
"It's gonna be great," Ryder said, strapping her safety harness on. "This is the highest dune in the area."
"How do you know?"
"I'm the Pathfinder, aren't I?"
"Are you also the Dunefinder?"
Ryder snorted, bouncing in her seat a little. "Maybe we should shorten the title to Finder. Think I could get that past Tann?"
"You'd need to find his sense of humor first." Vetra ran her fingers over the controls, powering the Nomad back up. "I can't believe you brought me all the way out here to do this."
The humor in Ryder's face faded; she reached over to clasp Vetra's shoulder. Even through armor, she startled at the touch—how easy it was, maybe, or how good that point of connection felt.
"It's not so far," she said. "And the payoff's worth it. Come on." Her hand moved to fiddle with something on the center console; the windows on either side of them opened. The smell and heat of Elaaden came in, hot and dry and acrid.
Vetra backed the Nomad up, just a bit, and then boosted forward.
For a moment, they kept their forward momentum, the quick jolt off the precipice enough to take them from the steep slope. But then the air stilled—that turning point, slowing, slowing, stopped—and they plummeted, picking up speed until the wheels of the Nomad slammed to the sand. Vetra jolted forward against her harness. Ryder laughed, a single, delighted shout as they careened downward, picking up speed.
There was nothing for them to hit, just an endless sea of sand, so Vetra kept the barest touch on the controls. She saw what Ryder intended with this spot in particular; there was a low rise off the basin at the bottom of this dune, one that would shoot them off into the air pretty damn far, given the speed they were moving at.
"Hang on!" she shouted. She punched the newly-upgraded boost.
There was another second of the tires eating up sand, and then the Nomad soared up toward Elaaden's clear blue sky, the ground far behind. Vetra was laughing now, too, and Ryder was cursing, wild and delighted beside her.
They were airborne for maybe five seconds, at most. It felt much longer, a perfect, endless moment, the wind rushing through the Nomad, sand grit peppering Vetra's armor.
The Nomad landed again; Vetra let it trundle to a stop on its own, coming to a halt in the sand. Ryder wheezed beside her, pounding the dash with her fist. "Holy shit," she said. "Holy shit, that was—"
Something pinged against the Nomad's shields; Ryder cut off, head turning toward the noise.
A few red blips appeared on their radar. "Shit," Vetra muttered.
A spray of gunfire spattered Ryder's side of the Nomad. She ducked beneath the line of the open window, her hand reaching over to the middle console; Vetra hit the accelerator, swerving away so that the attack would hit their rear instead. Ryder cursed again, hand grasping, and finally connected. The windows closed.
"Scavengers," she said, her voice still hoarse from the ride down. "Damn it—"
"Did you get a count?"
"Saw five, could be more."
The dunes, even the lower one they'd launched from, were too high; they'd be sitting ducks while the Nomad crawled up it. Maybe the shields would last, maybe they wouldn't.
Vetra pulled around, putting them against the dune. "We can take them."
"I did not bring you out here to get shot at—"
"What, you didn't tick that box on your something fun checklist?"
Ryder laughed, still a little wild, but she threw off her harness and pulled her rifle free. "Fine. We'll do it your way."
Vetra dropped out of the Nomad and ducked behind one of the tires; the line of fire followed her. She heard Ryder shout, the sizzle of an electric current. When she popped back up above the tire, two targets were stiff from the lash of Ryder's overload. She picked off one of the scavengers while Ryder took the other.
Three left. Ryder's count had been right. Vetra got a concussive shot off; Ryder's Viper cracked a split second later, finishing the job. The last two had learned from their fellows, scrambling into cover, but Ryder was on the move, starting her run across the sand.
"Get ready!" she shouted; the comm compensated for the volume, making her voice tinny in Vetra's helmet.
They'd perfected this maneuver recently; Ryder launched herself into the air with her jump-jet, shot off a burst of flame, and dropped. One of the targets staggered out of cover, frantically trying to douse the fire. Vetra shot at the flailing scavenger until he went down. His last companion was surprised enough by the display to screw up as Ryder approached, not even getting his gun around to aim at her before she opened fire.
Vetra scanned for more targets, but the sand was clear, the new silence ringing, punctuated only by Ryder's ragged breathing through the comm. Two crates—barely enough for cover—and some other scrap littered the sand near Ryder. Not enough to justify a run all the way out here.
"Nothing worth taking." Ryder's voice was back to its usual volume, though still hoarse; she started back toward Vetra and the Nomad. "Can't believe they came out this far."
"Must be getting desperate. There's a lot more legitimate business on this planet lately. Probably running them out."
Ryder sighed, loud and echoing over the comm. "I—I'm sorry. I thought we were clear."
"Something good, more like, 'Come hang out with me, we'll be outnumbered and unexpectedly shot at—'"
"Are you going to keep moping, or are we going to take that dune again?"
Ryder stopped short, head tipping back to look up at Vetra. "What?"
"Come on," Vetra said, slinging her rifle back into place. "As long as you're letting me drive, I'm getting my money's worth."
She expected Ryder to laugh and shake it off—maybe clasp her shoulder in passing again. Instead, Ryder moved forward, reached up, and hugged her, armor and all, her arms looped around Vetra's carapace like they belonged there naturally.
She was warm, all the way through. It had nothing to do with Elaaden's blistering heat.
Ryder pulled back before Vetra could react, though she still felt the weight of it, as if Ryder remained pressed against her. "You're wonderful," Ryder said, with a kind of desperate awe in her voice, "you know that?" She patted Vetra's shoulder and edged around her to the Nomad. "Again, then."
Ryder told her about the roller coasters she'd revered as a teenager while the Nomad pulled them laboriously toward the precipice of the dune, and Vetra—skeptical as she was, wary as she was—started to believe that Ryder meant it, all that flirting she'd been doing and more. The idea was still panic-inducing, but also about as thrilling as plummeting off the dune again, wind whipping past them, Ryder laughing beside her.
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descentale · 8 years
Descentale One-Shot #1
Okay, guys... here it is... the one-shot I promised. I said it’d be angsty, but it turned out to be 5% angst and 95% fluff, so I hope that’s not too disappointing. Maybe next time I’ll write about something truly angsty, though it may err into spoiler territory for the main story... we’ll see.
Warnings for this story: Contains alcohol usage, suggestive content, hurt/comfort, Asgore having feelings for an OC, Asgore being a father figure to an OC, fluff, tears, and plenty of banter. That all being said... here we go!
It all started with a phone call.
Asgore was sitting in his armchair in the living room, sipping tea while reading a book. It was how he relaxed every evening before going to bed, a comforting routine he'd gotten used to since coming to live on the surface once more. However, this evening's routine was abruptly interrupted by Asgore's smart phone ringing from the small side table. The song “I Love Rock 'n' Roll” by Joan Jett – a human musician Pat was fond of, and thus reminded the king of her – played increasingly louder as the king delicately placed his teacup on its saucer. He answered the phone with decidedly less grace, fumbling against the touch screen with his large furry fingers. Fortunately, he answered just in time.
“Howdy, Pat!” Asgore greeted his young human friend cheerfully. “This is certainly a late time for a call, is it not? What is the occasion?”
Asgore heard Pat whisper quietly, “Asgore... it's Mom. She's been drinking, and... I don't feel safe...”
A chill ran up Asgore's spine. He had never known Emily to have an alcohol problem, and knew she'd sooner die than put her daughter in any danger. So if Pat truly felt unsafe...
Asgore furrowed his brow, his tone befitting both a father and a king. “Patricia... where are you right now?”
“In my room...”
“Where is your mother?”
“In the living room... she's watching TV, but she's being really loud...”
“Is there any way you can get out of the house and to a neighbor's without being seen?”
“I... I don't think so...”
“Patricia, listen carefully. I want you to remain calm. Close and lock your bedroom door, and stay as silent as possible. I am coming over right now, to make sure both you and your mother are alright. I do not know how your mother will react to seeing me in her current state. But whatever happens, I will make sure you stay safe. Understand?”
“Alright. I am going to hang up now, but keep your phone with you just in case. If anything else happens, you may need to alert the authorities.”
“O-okay... th-thank you, Asgore... please hurry!”
Asgore hung up, leaped from his chair, grabbed his car keys, and rushed out the door with surprising speed. Within minutes, his car – a large family van, the only thing that would fit his massive size – was zooming down the streets of New New Home, taking the shortest route possible to Emily's house on Whimsun Lane. When he arrived, the king screeched to a halt, and he made it out of the vehicle and to Emily's front door. Though his actions up until this point were all done with great purpose, the king's worries finally caught up with him, and he had to take a few deep calming breaths before he could proceed.
Gathering his courage, Asgore knocked firmly on the door three times. Being as big and strong as he was, the sound could have easily woken the dead. This was just fine with the king, as there needed to be no excuse for Emily not to hear him. Asgore listened carefully through the door; to his satisfaction, he could hear the sound of scrambling and rushing footsteps. However, this was followed a slight thud against the door, which caught him off guard for a second.
“Who is it~?” a voice called from inside in a sing-song voice.
Asgore briefly cleared his throat before speaking. “Emily? It is Asgore. Please open the door,” he requested with gentle authority.
The door unlocked and swung wide open, revealing a glossy-eyed and haphazardly-dressed Emily. She was holding a half-empty bottle of wine in her right hand, and she leaned her left side against the door frame in an all-too-lax posture. She was wearing a bathrobe, a large pajama t-shirt that reached mid-thigh... and much to Asgore's shock and embarrassment, no pants. The human woman gave him a smile that was coquettish, yet slightly bordered on being lecherous.
“Hey there, handsome,” Emily drawled, eyeing the king slowly from head to toe. “What brings you 'round these parts?”
Asgore felt his resolve evaporating at a rapid rate. Good lord, this was awkward, to say the least. To see Emily inebriated, exposed, and vulnerable like this... this was something he was not meant to see. The two of them weren't close enough in their relationship for this, even if he was very fond of her. But... they were certainly close enough that her daughter saw him as a protective, if not fatherly, figure, weren't they? He steeled himself once more, determined to keep his promise to Pat.
Asgore spoke with the same gentle authority as before. “Emily, I have come here to check on you, because I heard you were... ah... indisposed.”
Emily giggled. “Ah, c'mon, just say it, Asgore: I'm drunk. Plastered. Completely wasted!”
Despite Emily's impudence, Asgore remained as patient as only someone who'd lived as long as he had ever could. “Yes, well... be that as it may, I was concerned for your well-being, so here I am.”
Emily gazed at him with what could be construed as a loving glance, but due to her intoxication, it was hard to tell. “Aw, you're so sweet, Gorey~!” she cooed.
Asgore flinched. He was not at all comfortable being called by that nickname anymore, not even by Emily. “A-ah... yes... well...” He shook his head free of the discomfort before speaking again. “Is everything alright, Emily? Are you alright?”
Emily laughed far too loudly. “Oh, yeah, I'm fine, Gorey! Everything's fine, I'm fine, life's a party! Just... just havin' myself a drink, that's all,” she said, waving the bottle in mid-air.
“I see,” said Asgore, staring at the bottle. “Um, Emily... how full was that bottle when you started drinking tonight?”
Emily giggled again. “The cork wasn't even popped until tonight!” she bragged. “I can really put it away, huh? I amaze myself... hee-hee...”
Asgore felt himself blanch under his fur. “Emily... that is far too much. You realize that, do you not?” he asked concernedly.
Emily waved a hand dismissively. “Pfft. I'm fine, Asgore. Don't be such a worrywart. Actually... hey... maybe... maybe you should have some, too, huh?” she suggested, waving the bottle again. “Maybe... come on in and join the fun?” She gave him a wink as subtle as a brick through a window.
Asgore's expression turned serious. “I will not be drinking, but I do wish to come inside. I do not feel comfortable leaving you like this.”
Emily shrugged playfully. “Hey, whatever gets you in here, Dreem-boat. I'm not gonna lie, I... I've always wanted something like this to happen... I mean, I'd prefer if I was sober, but what the hell, I'll take what I can get!” She stepped outside and got out of Asgore's path, gesturing towards the doorway. “After you, your hunkiness!”
Asgore's face was red-hot as he ducked through the doorway and stepped into Emily's home. Did she seriously just admit she'd had fantasies about him!? Oh golly, he did NOT come here for this. While he would certainly be lying to himself if he said he hadn't thought multiple times about having a candlelit dinner with Emily – and perhaps a goodnight kiss – this was way too much information for him to handle. Hopefully he could get all this over with as quickly as possible.
The king heard the door close behind him, and he turned his head to see Emily leaning her back and both arms against it. She was smirking at him. “I've got you right where I want you~” she said in a sing-song voice. Before Asgore could respond, she quickly stumbled past him in the direction of the living room. “Race you to the couch, big boy!” she called. Asgore took a deep breath to calm his flustered nerves before walking normally after her, praying she wouldn't trip and hurt herself.
Asgore reached the living room just in time to see Emily flop down on the couch, which was followed by her giggling and kicking her legs in child-like glee. The TV was on, tuned in to what appeared to be an animated movie. Asgore slowly, cautiously approached the couch, watching Emily as she grinned wider and wider at him. He sat down beside her, trying not to get too close, but Emily merely scooted right next to him, their legs practically touching. Asgore swallowed hard as Emily batted her eyelashes at him. He decided to try and distract her from her attempts at seducing him, before she really embarrassed herself (and before he could be rendered incapable of rational thought).
“So, uh... Emily! What are you watching?” asked Asgore, pointing at the TV.
Emily looked at the TV and smiled with fondness. “Beauty and The Beast... it was my favorite movie growing up... did you... did you know that?”
“Why, no, I can't say that I have,” replied Asgore casually.
Emily hummed in content. “I could really, really, really relate to Belle. She was a smart girl, but everyone thought she was a weirdo. Ha... you wanna know something funny? I... I hated the fact that the Beast changed back into a human at the end. Hated it,” she said, drawing out the word “hated” out for emphasis. “I remember, when I was a little girl... I saw the Prince, and I was like...” She cupped her hands around her mouth. “'Boo, change back!'” she said in a high-pitched voice. Emily slapped her knee and let out a loud laugh.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Asgore couldn't help but chuckle. Admittedly, that was a rather adorable story.
Emily's laughter trickled into a chuckle of her own before she looked up at Asgore with mischief in her eyes. “Hmm... maybe that's why I like you so much, huh?”
Asgore froze in shock. Golly, what was he supposed to say to that? His mind raced for an answer as Emily smiled at him. Perhaps... perhaps it would be best to play along with her for now, until he knew he could convince her to go to her room and get some sleep. He playfully pouted at her. “So you see me as a beast? How rude.”
Emily giggled. “Oh, Gorey... I see you as a man, you big silly. A sweet, sexy man.”
Asgore's cheeks burned. “Ah... that is... awfully flattering of you, Emily.” The poor boss monster felt like screaming. Perhaps playing along was a mistake.
Emily pulled her legs up onto the couch, kneeling beside Asgore. Smiling and biting her lip, she leaned forward, making it somewhat apparent she wasn't wearing anything beneath her shirt. Asgore let out a yelp of surprise and scrambled backwards towards the arm of the couch. Good lord, was she trying to give him a heart attack!?
Emily gave a deep chuckle of amusement. “You are so cute~”
Something inside Asgore snapped. Enough was enough! He sat up as straight as he could, crossed his burly arms, looked down at Emily, and gave her a glare of disapproval. “Emily, you need to go to bed. Right now.”
Emily smirked. “Only if you'll be my teddy bear, King Fluffybuns.”
Asgore's jaw dropped. Just how uncharacteristically irreverent had Emily become!? This was not like her at all. She was normally so timid and sweet, but now... he couldn't even begin to describe how much the alcohol had--
Asgore's thoughts were interrupted when Emily pounced on him like a wild cat, with enough force to knock the large monster backwards and drive the wind out of him with an “Oof!”. The king hit his head against the arm of the couch, and he saw stars. When the pain passed and his vision cleared, he could see Emily leaning over him with a hungry look, her legs straddling either side of him. The king's pupils contracted into pinpoints. This was horrible, to say the least. Yes, he could easily get up and overpower her, but he didn't want to hurt her. Plus, this new behavior of Emily's was so frightening that it left him paralyzed.
Emily licked her lips. “Mmm... come to Mama, your majesty,” she purred.
And just when Asgore thought things couldn't get any worse, Emily firmly pressed her lips to his with a moan. Every mental alarm bell Asgore had rang with fury. The alcohol was so heavy on Emily's breath, the wine muting out any taste that was uniquely her from her lips. It was completely the opposite of how Asgore wanted his first kiss with Emily to be. It wasn't right, and more than that, it wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.
All at once, Asgore's eons worth of patience shattered, and his frustration reared its ugly head. He grabbed Emily roughly by her arms, pinning them to her sides, and yanked her away from his face. He sat up and forced her into a sitting position, still gripping her tightly. “Emily, STOP THIS AT ONCE!” he roared in her face. His face was warped with anger, his eyes burning like fire, his fangs glinting dangerously.
Emily stared open-mouthed at Asgore for what seemed like an eternity, the boss monster fuming at her the whole while. Then her lip began to tremble. Her eyes welled up with tears. She let out a tiny, high-pitched whine that was slowly growing louder.
Asgore's furious expression dropped in favor of a horrified one. “Oh no... Emily... Emily, I... please, don't--”
Emily let out a wail of pure despair, tears running hard down her cheeks. Asgore freed her from his grip as she continued to bawl, rearing his hands back as if he had broken Emily like an expensive vase. She briefly glanced at him through her tears before turning away, covering her face with her hands. A wave of pure guilt swept over king. Yes, what she had been doing was wrong, and he was perfectly right to stop her, but he had gone too far. He had never meant to make one of his dearest friends cry.
Asgore leaned down to speak softly in Emily's ear. “Emily... I... I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.”
Emily sniffled. “You don't love me either, do you?” she sobbed.
Asgore's eyes widened. Oh. Of course... Emily's ex-husband. Now he understood. Before he could say anything, however, Emily continued to pour her heart out. “I don't understand,” she wept. “What am I doing wrong? Am I that unattractive? Am I that undesirable? Am I too weird or something? Wait... oh no, it's because I'm human, isn't it!?” she cried. “Oh god, I knew it! How could I just assume you'd want anything to do with someone like me!? I'm a pathetic, lowly human being!”
Asgore was more horrified than ever. He placed a hand gently on Emily's shoulder. “Oh, Emily, no! Please, do not speak of yourself this way! None of that is true!”
“Yes, it is!” Emily insisted. “I'm pathetic! I'm the most unlovable person there is! That's why Simon left! Nobody's ever going to love me again!”
Asgore could feel a strike to his soul, and for a moment, he couldn't breathe. When the pain subsided, he mentally checked his stats. He was stunned to find that Emily's words had taken out a chunk of his HP. Not a significant deal of it, but enough that he'd have to boil another cup of tea when he got home. Emily's sobbing broke through his thoughts, and he gazed down at her sadly. His heart ached seeing her like this. He had to fix this. He didn't want her to cry herself to sleep.
Asgore moved closer to Emily and moved his hand to her head, gently stroking her hair. “Emily... can look at me for a moment?”
“I... I can't...” whimpered Emily.
“It is only for a moment, Emily. I want to tell you something important, and I want to look you in the eyes when I say it.”
Emily removed her hands from her face, which was now very wet. “Asgore, you... you know how I am about looking people in the eyes...”
“I am aware,” said Asgore softly. “But I need you to do this for me, because I want you to know I am speaking the truth.”
Emily turned to Asgore, and forced her eyes to meet his. She seemed relieved to find they were no longer full of fire, but gentleness. Asgore tenderly cupped the side of her face in one large furry hand, slightly lifting her chin so that she could not turn away.
The king spoke in a quiet, serious voice. “Emily... you are not pathetic, nor are you lowly, and you are the furthest thing from unlovable. You work so hard to support yourself, and your daughter, all on your own. You show compassion and understanding for most everyone you meet. You stand up for your friends and loved ones when they need you, even when you are not at your best. You have a wonderful sense of humor. You are incredibly intelligent. Your singing voice is amazing. You are improving so greatly at your magic. And... as far as humans go, I find you rather beautiful.”
Emily gave a tiny gasp at that last remark. Her cheeks turned red, and she averted her eyes. “Asgore... d-don't say that...”
“Look at me, Emily,” repeated Asgore gently. When Emily reluctantly obeyed, he continued. “There is something even more important than all of those things I have mentioned, however. At least... they are very important to me.” He shut his eyes for but a moment as he took a deep breath, then went on. “You... are by far... the sweetest person I have ever met.” He gave her a sad smile. “You have shown me more kindness than a miserable creature like me rightfully deserves. I am, in every sense of the word, a monster, one who has committed a serious crime against humanity. And yet, you, a human, still chose to extend your friendship to me. It is truly a wonder we have gotten as close as we have, and I only want for us to be closer still. So, Emily Thyme, if you truly believe you are unlovable... in my eyes, at least... you could not be more wrong.”
Emily's eyes had welled up again, and she turned her face towards Asgore's hand to let out a few tears. Asgore allowed her to regain control of herself and turn back to him before he spoke again. “Emily... might I have a look at your soul for a moment?” he asked. Emily smiled and nodded without hesitation. A sound rang out through the air, and Emily's soul floated out before her chest, glowing a brilliant green. Asgore framed his large hands around the heart-shaped essence, smiling at Emily. “Do you see this, Emily? Your soul... its defining trait is Kindness. You are so kind to me, and to everyone else you love and care about. So... tell me something. If there is so much Kindness in your soul... why do you treat yourself with such cruelty?”
Emily gaped at Asgore for a few seconds before she let out a sob and hugged him tightly, her soul returning inside her body. She buried her face into his chest as she cried some more. Asgore returned the embrace as she hiccuped and sniffled. He heard her weep “I love you”, though her voice was muffled. Asgore gave her a gentle squeeze. “Thank you,” he whispered. He wanted to return Emily's sentiments, truly he did, but not when she wasn't sober. And who knew to what degree she meant that? Even if he knew, there was no telling she still felt that way when not under the influence.
Asgore continued to hold Emily close until her tears began dying down. She let go of him and gave him a tired smile, her eyes half-closed. “I'm... I'm feeling really drained.”
Asgore smiled back at her. “Do you think it is time for you to go to sleep?”
Emily nodded. “Yeah... I think I'm gonna... pass out.”
“Can you walk on your own, or shall I carry you?” Asgore asked.
Emily held out her arms. “Carry me, please...”
Asgore stood up from the couch and carefully picked Emily up into his arms, holding her bridal style. Despite her exhaustion, Emily managed a small laugh. “This is like... like one of those cheesy romance movies... heh...”
Asgore chuckled as he started walking towards the stairs. “I am glad you appreciate this.”
“You... you know what? This reminds me of something else, too,” said Emily with a yawn.
The stairs creaked under Asgore's weight. “Oh? And what is that?”
“You know how humans have movies... with... with monsters as bad guys? Because... we didn't know any better?”
Asgore nodded. “I am aware of those, yes.” He wished that he wasn't.
“Well... the really old ones... ones made way before I was born... there was always a part where the monster would kidnap the female lead... so...” Emily yawned again. “The image of a monster holding... a beautiful human woman in his arms... was really common.”
Asgore grinned. “Oh, is that so? So you admit you are beautiful?”
Emily was too tired to do anything more than weakly slap his arm. “Oh, sh... shut up.”
Asgore gave an amused laugh as he found Emily's bedroom door. “So, I am the savage monster, and you are the fair human maiden I have chosen as my victim. Is that it?”
“I'm... no maiden... and you're no savage, either...” Emily murmured. Her eyes were almost closed by now.
Asgore opened Emily's door and ducked through the doorway into the room. “I appreciate that, dear.”
Emily's eyes shot open as Asgore carried her to her bed. “You... you just called me 'dear'.”
Asgore gently laid Emily down on one side of the bed, and began turning down the covers on the other side. “Did I?” he asked innocently.
“Yeah... you've never called me that before,” said Emily. Her expression of surprise then faded into another tired smile. “I like it.”
Asgore smiled back. “I shall make a note of that. Now... let us get you under the covers, alright?”
Emily slowly, shakily pulled herself to the exposed part of the bed. “Are you... ah... tucking me in?”
“You can call it that, yes,” chuckled Asgore.
With what little strength she had left, Emily finally got into a proper sleeping position with a sigh. “So sleepy...”
As he had done so many times before during his days as a father, Asgore expertly pulled up the covers and tucked them above Emily's shoulders. “Would you like me to fluff your pillow?” he asked her.
Emily let out her loudest yawn yet. “Nah... I'm good, thank you...”
“Is there anything else you need, then?”
“No... but thanks...”
Asgore nodded. “Very well, then. Goodnight.” He turned to leave.
“W... wait!” Emily called. Asgore turned around with a raised eyebrow. “Can... can I have... a goodnight hug?” asked Emily. “I... I'd ask for a kiss, but... I already... messed that up...”
Asgore smiled warmly. “A hug is perfectly fine. Of course you may have one.” The boss monster leaned down and met Emily in one last tender embrace. As he hugged her, he could not help but detect something new amid the smell of alcohol, what had to be the faint scent of lavender in her hair. It made him a linger a bit longer than he'd planned to. Trying not to blush, he pulled away from his human friend as gracefully as he could. “Goodnight, Emily.”
Emily flopped down onto the pillow with a big smile on her face. “Goodnight... Asgore...” Her eyes fluttered shut, and she immediately started to snore. Asgore watched her for a little while, taking in how truly peaceful she looked, before quietly stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind him.
Asgore found Pat's bedroom door down the hallway and gave it a gentle knock. “Pat?” he called. “It is Asgore. Your mother is sleeping. It is alright to come out now.” The king heard the rushing of small footsteps against a carpet before the door unlocked and swung open, revealing Pat in her pajamas.
“Asgore? I heard you shouting and Mom crying,” said Pat, frowning with concern. “Is everything okay? She's not hurt, is she?”
Asgore felt another tinge of guilt. “Ah... no, she is not hurt. I shouted at her because she was acting inappropriate, but... that was wrong of me,” he admitted. “I am truly sorry about that, and I am also sorry if that scared you. But to answer your question, your mother is not hurt. She will probably have a headache in the morning from all the wine she drank, but I think she will be just fine otherwise.”
“Why was she crying, though?” asked Pat. “I've never heard her cry like that before.”
Asgore sighed. “I am afraid that is something I am not at liberty to discuss with you. But try not to worry yourself about it, Pat. Your mother is a strong woman, whether she knows it or not. Her burdens are not yours to bear. Do you understand?”
Pat nodded slowly. “I think so. But... do you think Mom will feel better when she wakes up? I mean, about whatever she was crying over?”
“Perhaps,” said Asgore. “I will not pretend to know one way or the other, but for her sake, I would prefer to keep my hopes up.”
Pat processed this for a moment or two before she gave another nod. “Okay. Then I'll do the same. For Mom's sake.”
“Very good. Now, then... will you kindly see me out the door and lock up behind me?”
Pat accompanied Asgore down the stairs, trying to keep their steps as quiet as possible. “Pat,” said Asgore, “you were very brave tonight. I do not know if this means much, but I am very proud of you for handling things the way you did.”
Pat smiled. “Thanks, Asgore. That actually does mean a lot.”
“Now, like I said, your mother may have a headache when she wakes up tomorrow, so try to keep it to a low roar. Loud noises do not do well for headaches, you know.”
“Okay, got it.”
“Also, I will be returning here in the morning to check on the both of you, alright? I will also bring over a remedy or two in case your mother is not well.”
“Would any of those remedies include tea, by any chance?” asked Pat, playfully rolling her eyes.
“You know me too well, child,” Asgore chuckled.
“Wait, you're serious? I was only joking!” said Pat incredulously. “What are you, the tea master? One that has a tea for everything!?”
“I prefer the term ' tea connoisseur',” Asgore joked as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Oh my god... we have to get you to drink something besides tea, Asgore,” said Pat, shaking her head. “Like... cherry soda, or something. Now that is a drink!”
Asgore turned to her with an arched eyebrow. “I thought your mother did not allow you to drink soda.”
Pat's eyes widened. “Uh... oops?” she said sheepishly.
Asgore smiled. “It is alright, Pat. That will be our little secret... but just this once, okay?”
Pat nodded fervently. “Yes, sir. Thank you.”
Asgore made his way to the front door, Pat following very close behind. “When I come by tomorrow, I will knock at the door. I do not wish to disturb your mother with the doorbell, so be sure to listen for me.”
“Gotcha!” said Pat. “I just hope Mom doesn't mind you dropping by.”
“I hope so, too. Hopefully she will understand that I am trying to look out for her.” Just as Asgore opened the front door a crack, he felt Pat tugging on his sleeve. He looked down at her quizzically. “Hm? What is it, Pat?”
Pat rocked back and forth on her heels, looking uncomfortable. “Uh... Asgore? I just wanted to say... thank you for helping me and my mom. But also... you're...” She averted her eyes. “You're... kind of like a dad to me. And... considering I miss my real dad so much... that's saying a lot.”
A mixture of surprise and joy overtook Asgore's soul, so much so that he felt his HP rise back to its full amount. He smiled open-mouthed at Pat, looking down at her in awe, speechless but happy. It was a little bittersweet to have a human child who looked so much like the one he lost think of him as a father, but at the same time, knowing Pat had fully accepted him as family – Pat, a child he had come to care about so much, and the daughter of a woman he'd also grown to care for a great deal – it felt wonderful.
The king knelt down and held out his arms. “Pat... come here.” Pat grinned and ran into him for a tight hug. Asgore wrapped his arms around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Patricia Anne... I am very honored that you think of me this way. Thank you... thank you so much,” he said, his last few words almost cracking with emotion.
Pat gave Asgore as tight a squeeze as she could before letting him go. “Hey, don't start crying on me, now! I don't think I have tissues big enough for someone like you!” she joked.
Asgore laughed. “Ah... do not worry. I am too tired by now to cry, anyway.” He let go of Pat and stood back up. “Alright, I must be off, now. Please lock the door behind me, then march right upstairs to bed. I believe this has been a long night for both of us.”
“Yes, sir!” said Pat, giving a mock salute. “Goodnight, Asgore, and thanks again!”
Asgore opened the door and began ducking his way outside. “Goodnight, Pat. Sleep well!” The boss monster stepped out into the night air, closing the door behind him. He listened to hear Pat lock the door, then run off. He gave a huge, ragged sigh. What a night this had been! But, at least things turned out for the best.
Asgore got into his van and leisurely drove his way home, replaying the evening's events in his head. Emily... she had acted so brazen this evening, but they were apparently out of some sort of feelings towards him, if any truly existed. Even if the Emily he'd encountered tonight was not the Emily he normally knew, it gave him some sort of hope that maybe, just maybe, they'd have a chance to explore more options to their relationship in the future. Yes, it was crazy that he, of all people, was slowly falling for a human woman. But had not he himself listed everything he found wonderful about said woman? It may not exactly be love just yet – more like infatuation – but it was so different that it was exciting. Maybe even a bit scandalous, but that only excited him more. It made him feel young again, and oh so alive...
But if none of the feelings Emily seemed to have existed outside the bottle? It would be rather disappointing, yes, but he'd at least be content to be her friend, the best friend she could ever ask for. She was worth it. And he would start by healing her heart any way he could, for both her sake and Pat's. Even if it meant comforting her every night, and bringing her ginger tea every morning. Emily and Pat were his family now. And Asgore would do anything for his family.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Imagination Running Wild: Eizouken and the Pursuit of Creation
“Ah, I messed up.”
Imperfection is easily one of the biggest anxieties a creator faces. There’s always something missing, something to add, change, or delete. Did I put too much detail into this segment? Did I capture the image in my head and translate it efficiently to what’s in front of me? Did I even think about how this would work with all these other things? It’s a constant mental battle that most of us have faced at least once in our lives. It’s also why underdog stories make so much sense to us: we understand this frustration, pain, and the challenge of overcoming these odds.
Shonen series like Naruto, and even sports shows like Haikyu!!, all talk about the pursuit of overcoming your own imperfections richly, and the ambitious and artistic Masaaki Yuasa is no exception: he’s explored it in the thematically rich Ping Pong the Animation as well as his iconic work, The Tatami Galaxy. Whether it’s about traversing through college without a solid plan, or attempting to play competitive ping pong, not being good at something, well, kind of sucks, doesn’t it? And thus, there’s a pride built in overcoming those odds and realizing that maybe you don’t need to be that good to start off with. 
We hear these stories over and over again in our lives, and while they’re inspiring, (seriously, if you haven’t checked out Ping Pong the Animation, please do so!) sometimes, that message can get worn out or seem too idealistic. As opposed to going the other way and welcoming cynicism instead, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! decides to take life by the wheel a little differently. Instead of portraying the challenge of improvement as something difficult, wearisome, and even draining, Eizouken puts a whole new spin on it: embracing it as wonderful, exciting, and a fun part of life.
One of the biggest reasons why Eizouken’s charm works as it does is because of the main trio dynamic. A balancing three-person act in any series is critical to its momentum, and Eizouken nails it with a range of quirky but relatable personalities. There’s the idealistic, imaginative, and unfettered Midori Asakusa, a girl who is relentless in her pursuit to make her imagination come to life; the cute and charming modelist and classmate Tsubame Mizusaki, whose passion for character designs parallels with Midori’s, and whose financial situation often comes up as a great premise for comedy; and last but not least is the inert and logical Sayaka Kanamori, who is very clear about her one goal in life: making money.
Square off Kanamori's quick and witty retorts with Midori’s nerdy thoughts and then pairing it with Tsubame’s balance of idealism and pragmatism, and you’ve got a very fun formula that makes Eizouken so mesmerizing to watch week by week. Whether it’s about school hijinks to get a budget for their new club, or being dragged into Midori’s mind trips; the main trio of Eizouken is energetic enough to hold the show together with their colorful personalities. 
This is important, because Eizouken’s material on paper is far less dazzling. As mentioned before, the process of creation is difficult, boring, and frustrating. We’re so acquainted with hearing or seeing the end result of anything because we don’t necessarily find that process interesting, and by default, it’s not! Especially when it comes to the world of animation, nailing down the details and mechanics of an anime production is tricky. Shows like SHIROBAKO understand this and often highlight the hectic nature of it, but Eizouken goes about it a different way. Instead of framing the process through the lens of a tired and overworked manager, Eizouken once again decides to frame it through the magical dynamic of these three young girls.
  We have Midori, who leads us on her adventures of imagination as she whips up stories, designs, and plot twists one step at a time. Tsubame’s suggestions and tweaks sound much like our own thought process when we tackle an idea, regardless of context. We could do it this way, but what are the tradeoffs, if there are any? Does this work in conjunction with the rest of the things we’re applying? Do we have the resources and time allocation to devote to this kind of idea? Can we take any shortcuts? Do we have to take shortcuts?
It’s finally Kanamori's snappy remarks that bring us back to reality as we fondly remember that wondrous feeling of once having the freedom of dreaming and creating without any restrictions. It’s not perfect, of course. When is the first draft ever perfect? But Midori doesn’t quite care. It’s the journey of improvement—tweaking, adjusting, and erasing—that Midori finds just as fun to explore as the original material itself. That is where Eizouken’s true beauty lies: not just in the ability to imagine, but the joy of imagining the solutions to one’s consistent problems and hurdles. At one point, we all became tethered to the idea of success and failure, but Midori’s imagination whizes right past that into the determination and unadulterated fun of exploring new opportunities to flesh out her dream world.
  What really adds spice to the freedom in making something—the pride and joy of exploring imagination and problem solving—is Yuasa’s unique and surreal direction. Whether it’s through emphasizing the child-like wonder of Midori’s mind palace via sketches, child-engineered voice effects, or deliberately low frame rate, Yuasa emphasizes the glee and hurdles of making one’s creation come to life. Especially distinct is how he parallels the fantastical world with the real one: both share a love for awkward and yet intricately designed settings, and both are filled with the same larger-than-life characters. 
It’s with this parallel that Yuasa seems to communicate with us: Art is always an awkward, intimate, and messy process, and Eizouken understands this, but it tells us beautifully—we should never be afraid of showing ourselves to the world, however imperfect we are. Life is an infinite process of improvement, and we live it, one sketch at a time. What matters is the adventure and heart to bring it to reality.
  Does Eizouken inspire you as a fellow artist or creator? What scenes so far from the anime resonate with you the most? Leave a comment below!
When not finding ways to doom all her ships, Natasha can often be found on her twitter as @illegenes, or writing more about anime on the blog Isn’t It Electrifying! Feel free to swing by and say hi.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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thiick-skxns · 7 years
Sadie: A Playlist
Broadway Baby // Glee  - This isn't actually the version i wanted for this song, because she definitely sang this one when she was young. Like, very very young. (I was thinking more along the lines of the version from follies). This was the song she sang that first pointed out that she had talent and potential: it was something her mom taught her when she was little as a cute idea that turned out to be the biggest defining moment in her life. She can't help but cringe whenever she hears the song now, but she's also grateful for it, however annoying it may be.
Candy Store // Heathers The Musical - Heathers is one of those musicals that every. single. theater kid was into and Sadie definitely wasn't an exception to that. Candy Store is such a fun, power move of a song, and especially as a junior/senior in highschool it's 100% something Sadie would sing and dance to in her room to relieve stress or just have a good time. She never would have performed it as it's just a little to risque for her to have had the chance, but it's still fun to get to practice.
Anybody Have a Map // Dear Evan Hansen - Dear Evan Hansen is another one of those modern musicals that every theater kid got hooked on. Sadie tried to avoid it for a while; she swore she wouldn't catch on to another fad (after hamilton and heathers had already taken over) and refused to believe the hype was worth it. Eventually she gave in and ended up loving it, though her favorite from the musical was surprisingly not one of the most popular. As a girl who's desperately trying to follow in her mother's footsteps and accomplish her dreams, especially as she took on this responsibility so young, she can't help but feel a little lost and overwhelmed sometimes. This songs lyrics reflected that feeling pretty perfectly, and when it came time for her to pick a spring recital song last session, she knew what she was doing almost instantly.
My Shot // Hamilton - Yet another bandwagon popularity musical, Hamilton was the musical she thought she would hate but turned out to love. Like the titular character, Sadie needs so desperately to achieve her dream that she feels that she can't afford to waste any of her shots. Even at a young age she has her life figured out; she is persistent, stubborn, busy, and ambitious, and thus relates to Alexander Hamilton a lot.
Castle On a Cloud // Les Miserables - This was another song she sang at a very young age. No one can resist a little girl singing this song, and albeit overdone, it's adorable.
Taylor, the Latte Boy // Zina Goldrich - Sadie sang this one pretty recently. Its fun, silly, easy to sing, and easy to put your own swing in it. The people at the coffee shop gigs she books love it, and it's a less serious side of singing that she doesn't get to explore as much outside of her room.  
Think of Me // The Phantom of the Opera - One of the first classical soprano songs she sang, this one will always hold a special place in her heart. It took her a while to build up her range and confidence enough to feel comfortable with it, but when she did finally build it up it became one of her go to songs. She'll always prefer mezzo, but this was one of the songs that helped warm her up to the world of soprano singing.
The Girl I Mean to Be // The Secret Garden - She performed this one at a talent show in 4th grade and won first. Though it wasn't a very impressive trophy, it helped bump her confidence in her ability up massively. Even the best have to start small, and it gave her the kick she needed to enter more local competitions and start taking her performing really seriously.
Maybe // Annie - Annie was the first major role she ever had in a real, full length production play. Though she was a shoe-in for the role with the bright red hair and a background with singing and tap experience, she was still super excited and fell in love with being in a leading role. Out of all the numbers she was in, she had to say Maybe was her favorite. Though she wouldn't admit it, she was devastated when her mother couldn't fly in to watch any of the shows, and though her overly supportive father was in the audience, the song still hit close to home every time she sang it. She couldn't help but cry real tears when she sang it closing night.
Home // Beauty and the Beast - She's never been sure of why, but she's always felt as though disney princess musicals were a great fit for her. Belle was one of her dream roles for the longest time, and when she was cast as her in Junior year she couldn't help but be ecstatic. She never stopped practicing, and this was by far her favorite, and most challenging, of the role.
Popular // Wicked - Although she'd currently fight you to hell and back on the fact that Wicked is overrated, she can't hide the fact that Popular was one of her favorites to perform in middle school. She even had a dance that matched it!
There's a Fine, Fine Line // Avenue Q - Everybody has to have a breakup song, and this was Sadies. A little edgy, hardhitting, and perfectly in her range, the song pointed all the fingers and wiped away all her tears.
      13. When I Grow Up // The Pussycat Dolls - Not a Broadway song, but when she was younger she definitely danced around her room to this with a pink feather boa, oversized sunglasses, and her moms makeup.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
Tumblr media
What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
Tumblr media
Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product. Home | Buy Now | Member Login | Privacy | Disclaimer | Contact Us | Affiliate
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
Tumblr media
What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
Tumblr media
Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product. Home | Buy Now | Member Login | Privacy | Disclaimer | Contact Us | Affiliate
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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 Buy Now
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
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Cookbook For Dogs
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
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Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product. Home | Buy Now | Member Login | Privacy | Disclaimer | Contact Us | Affiliate
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