#or maybe I’ll do some ask sending— idk XP
@s1lxcs replied: //"planned to write" , suuuure lol but not a big deal & for those you were reading, you can just look it up on mobile. who has much rp mood anyway-
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Wow, rude— I didn’t ask to be attacked this evening, thank you >:T
But seriously tho, I did have plans to at least try and write— it might not have ended up being for drafts here, but I was at least going to write something, somewhere— (tho idk that I’ll try to do it from mobile, as that’s v much not preferable—)
And while it is true I could look up the manga I was reading via mobile… there’s a couple reasons I probably won’t bother with that either— Namely that with what I’m reading, I’m pretty sure the translation for the section I’m at is different online than what I’m used to with the print— so I know that would drive me nuts, and just frustrate me XP
But also, because honestly— reading manga on my phone is just kind of sucky to me, as the page views feel too small… and I really dislike having to zoom in, and in turn read pages in chunks— rather than being able to view the whole page at once
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zzencat · 1 month
Initial -sh. Emoji 🤗 ( well I don't remember exactly to be honest)
Q- can I know about my career in which field I will be working
I love your pacs I think I sent that message in the previous ask
what’s good SH!!!! idk if you were an anon when you sent that in? maybe i answered it way back then (memory kinda doodoo rn) but i appreciate your love fam 😎👊 i hope you find some clarity in this. thanks for waiting!!
first and foremost tho, before i get into your reading, i just wanna say that you shouldn’t give up. believe in yourself a bit more, even when it feels lonely at times. ESPECIALLY in a time like this. (i got some extra info from your cards like 15 mins later and for the sake of privacy i won’t say it explicitly. but i’ll send crazy good energy your way 👊🔥) i also would recommend that you don’t dwell on negative thoughts too much, esp from the past or from your surroundings, and to try out more…selective hearing. it’s a term id learned while studying graphology, but it’s essentially choosing you want to listen to and filter out who you don’t. you don’t need that extra negativity weighing out the only light that you hold left in your soul. also, don’t let other people make decisions for you!! half, if not all, of our dreams are crushed by other people, or maybe it was hard to have one in the first place. i’ve picked up a lot of stagnancy and pessimism on your side, a lot of overthinking the same things and maybe adding a few perks to them, the cycle of rumination, thinking about the lows and how ungreen the grass is when you should be just as happy as everyone else! why can’t you have that too? it’s a bit unfair, isn’t it? with your current energy atm, you’ll have to charge through. a simple job would do—it really doesn’t have to make all that much. there’s a focus on expectations here…and wanting more. but i want you to focus solely on what YOU want. whatever brings you satisfaction and reignites your fire is the one your highest self would push you towards. if you’re unhappy with your situation, what are you gonna do about it? this is for you: “is that all you can do?”
also there’s a scene in a barbie movie (idk if you’re familiar w it, but i’ll mention it)…i think it’s the princess charm school one(?) but Barbie’s name is Blair in the movie, and she says something like… “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” and that line sticks out to me so much bc it’s so true. that even applies to ourselves. the mind is a very dangerous thing, but we have to train it, learn its language, and let the negative energy go.
AND LASTLY, i have no doubts for your future tbh. it says you HAD everything you need, which is past tense, so either you’re feeling hopeless and lacking the spiritual will for it, or you’re missing ingredients to cook the stew. but something creative would also do you nicely! you could make a hobby out of it if you already don’t engage in anything…artful(?)
some more advice for you: let go of toxic beliefs, don’t sink into hopelessness, and you are not alone. set higher standards for yourself and those around you. extra: separation from a place, thing, or person gives you XP for growth points to the game of life! don’t give up because of some losses here and there. there’s nowhere to go but up from here! don’t reminisce on the bad.
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Hi! Am I the only one who ever thought about what would've happened if Percy had been killed in the end of The Lightning Thief? I mean,we have other children of the Big Three. And the prophecy would've been fulfilled anyways, IMO.
i wouldn’t say you’re the only one, but i definitely have’t thought abt it
i tried to when i got this ask and my brain malfunctioned bc percy is my boy
like maybe it would’ve been an interesting thought experiment after i’d read tlt and before i read the rest of the series, but seeing as i came late the pjo party, i read the books in succession bc they were already all out
and by the end, i loved percy. and i still do. i love him so much, so to think abt him dying so early on is painful. not to mention that as we continue into this bad timeline (irl) and i go to fiction to escape this bad place, i don’t really like thinking abt my faves dying
either early on in the series, or as angsty™ fic
/tangent (sorry)
i do think that other children of the big three being the prophecy child would be really interesting though…
i think if percy was out of the picture (rip my boy, just in this thought experiment) and we ignore the roman demigod lol, i honestly think nico or bianca could become the prophecy demigod
like, a large part of thalia’s decision to join the hunters was the fact that she figured she didn’t have anything to grow old for (i.e. her brother, whom she thought was dead). also, i think something abt luke’s betrayal seriously hurt her, and that also pushed her to join the hunters
first she loses her brother and considers him dead, for the sake of her own sanity. then she finds a family in luke and after sacrificing herself for them, she comes back yrs later to find out that luke has now joined the side of the titans. considering she still has the emotional maturity of, what like a 14-15 yr old? so she’s gonna react in a way that’s not healthy, not rational, and probably that blows things out of proportion (which is’t a bad thing, that’s just how kids and teens be sometimes ya know)
“well, i’ve lost my brother, and now i’ve lost luke. annabeth has percy, so she’ll be fine. i think i’ll join the hunters.”
i hope that makes sense. like yeah these demigods have to go thru a shit-ton, but i think a crucially important thing to remember is that they are only mature for their age and when comparing that to, say, a 20, 30, 40 yr old, their maturity means peanuts
anyway, so thalia’s out. (i’m not going to go too much into detail abt the events that lead up to that decision, tho, since that kind of revolves around the fact that percy’s alive lol, and if i did, we could be here all day)
however, i do think that with percy out of the picture, hades would then take his children out of the lotus casino much sooner. i can’t exactly rationalize why hades wouldn’t immediately send them to camp (maybe bc he knows they might not be accepted), but it’s also a dangerous gamble to send them to some boarding school and hope that a satyr, compared to a monster like thorn, would find them. esp considering the fact that they’re two kids of hades
so i opt to think, weighing the risks and benefits, he takes them out of the casino and gets them to chb. i think, to try and avoid any discrimination they may face, only chiron knows they’re children of hades, and hades asks chiron to keep that a secret for as long as possible (rumors spread like wildfire)
since bianca doesn’t meet the hunters, she doesn’t join them (whoo!) and doesn’t die. [aside] i’d like to think she makes such good friends with the ppl at camp, and so does nico, that that burden of looking after her younger brother completely disappears. so if she ever does meet the hunters she doesn’t feel the pressure to get away from that responsibility (see what i mean abt maturity and not reacting rationally?) so rn she’s the prophecy kid, since she’s older than nico
okay lbr, she is the prophecy kid, i’m not gonna kill her in this au lmao, that’d just be cruel
idk where i was going with this, i’m sorry. mostly, i think it would be interesting to develop nico, bianca, annabeth, thalia, and grover’s relationships with each other.
also ppl getting over their shitty prejudice toward hades and his kids. like, i think since at first they aren’t introduced as hades kids, they’d have the potential to make a lot of friends. without a tragedy similar to what befell nico hanging over them, nico is still that excited, bright-eyed 10-yr-old and bianca, now free of responsibility, can be more carefree, a teen girl
so like, i think that annabeth, thalia, and grover would be really great friends with them. and i think they’d make a lot of friends at camp too
once bianca learns of the prophecy, i’m sure she had a phase of not accepting it. like she just got free from her responsibility as an older sister, and now she’s got the responsibility of the whole world on her shoulders
and like a teen do, she doesn’t want anything to do with it at all. classic hero’s journey, though, maybe smth happens and nico is seriously injured, and she decides that maybe she doesn’t want to accept it, but she’s the eldest, and so she will. for her brother and for hades.
like it’s pretty cliché, but it makes for a great story arc/character growth arc
sorry abt the vagueness of it all. thinking abt all the details makes my head spin, and i want to focus on my current fic. but this is really interesting, and i may flesh it out more when i have more time. despite the prospect of my boy dying T_T (maybe i can find a loophole)
thanks for sending this in! i’m sorry that it took me so long to get here. like i said before in a separat post, i’ve just got a lot of projects i’d like to finish before i go back to school, and i’m having trouble balancing/prioritizing them
i’ll try to get to the other two anons i have sitting in my box today. if i don’t, just know it’s bc of my prioritizing issues XP
thanks again for sending this in!
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juliaroleplays · 6 years
Send me your roleplay recommendations! 
From Anonymous: I rec Torchwoodhq! They look SOOO cool and my friend is one of the admins so I’m kinda biased lol xP But I just KNOW it’s gonna be awesome!!! XD I CANT WAIT FOR THEN TO OPEN!!! 
Can I be honest, I’ve only seen like three episodes of Supernatural and never seen Torchwood? So unfortunately, I’m going to have to pass on this one, but I love the graphics and the color scheme. Purple is an underutilized color in themes if you ask me. 
From Anonymous: sidekickhq !
Hmmm, maybe? I normally prefer canon comic book rps, but damn do you guys have a ton of characters. 
From @deathofthewaters: hi hi idk what kind of roleplays u like but we @theforgottenrp are always open and happy to accept new members!!!
I’m a little concerned because there hasn’t been a post on the main for over three weeks? And while some accounts have been active, some of the blogs on the follow list haven’t been active in a long time. 
From Anonymous: criminalhq is a rec!
I’m not really feeling it but if anyone is looking for a brand new group, it looks like they just opened and still have a few characters open! 
From Anonymous:  ruleshq is a BIG rec!
I saw this group in the tags when I was browsing last night and it looks really good! But horror isn’t my genre and it’s been so long since I’ve been in a group that I don’t think I want to go that far outside my comfort zone at first.  
From Anonymous:  check out feywildrp if you like lsrps!
I’ve seen this group in the tags before too! Unfortunately, I’m not really feeling supernatural characters right now, but I’ll keep them in mind because it looks really good! 
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miss-rori · 7 years
“Experiment” Patrick Andersen x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You watch Michael’s video diaries and see how everything went downhill. Patrick always intrigued you. You notice how rude everyone is towards him so you came up with a lowkey experiment to see what would happen if someone was actually respectful to him
A request from Quotev
You sat in front of your laptop, watching a channel that you were well acquainted with. Your dear friend, Michael, had started posting video diaries a while back. They had turned into something more, but of course you continued to watch. Things had gotten unbelievably crazy for him and you had to make sure he was still okay; His brother seemed to be doing a terrible job of that so you took it upon yourself.
As the videos progressed, Michael was not himself. Literally. He started going by a different name and acted like a completely different person entirely. What you seemed to noticed about this persona is that everyone seemed to disrespect him, thinking that he was just faking it. You knew that he wasn't, you just knew. This Patrick guy seemed to be a gentleman but you wondered what would happen if someone actually treated him with respect? You figured no one else but you would even think about it so you had to carry out the experiment.
To begin the project on your hands, you send a text to Michael's phone. Patrick was in control to your knowledge so why wait? There was no telling when he would leave Michael's body.
[Y/N]: Hey, Michael! You busy?
Michael xP: Not at all, [Y/N]!
[Y/N]: Cool. Is it okay if I come over?
Michael xP: Why are you asking? You usually just show up
[Y/N]: Idk, just felt like asking. See ya soon!
Michael xP: Can't wait!
That conversation was a bit weird. Maybe it wasn't Patrick; If it was, how would he know that you just stop by? To your knowledge, you've never been around when Patrick was in control. You shook the thought from your head, grabbing your keys and getting yourself ready to potentially met a demon for the first time.
Moments later, you pulled into the familiar driveway. Something about it was eerie today. What you were about to do was risky and you knew it. What if he doesn't react to you well? There was no use in worrying about it now, considering you were already parked outside his house.
You got out of your car, locking it behind you and walking to the front porch. There was no need to make things weird, that would just give away the fact that you were uneasy. You walked in, figuring you could manage to be normal about it for once since that is what you would usually do when it was just Michael.
"Michael-" You began to shout out but you quickly stopped herself. Your eyes rested on a sheet of paper that was placed on top of the table nearby. A moment rolled by before you walked to the paper. It was a note that was most likely addressed to you; It didn't say your name on it but who else would he be expecting?
The note read in neat handwriting "Welcome! I'll be in the basement, go ahead and meet me down there." This was definitely not written by Michael, he didn't write or talk like that ever.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to be presented with in the basement. You moved at a dragging pace, staring ahead of you at the basement door. It was closed but the closer you got, you could hear a beautiful lullaby. You knew he had a keyboard down there but Michael couldn't play like that.
Shakily, your hand lifted and hovered around the door handle. A second of preparation delayed the action of turning the knob and opening the door. Once you had pushed the door open, you went down the stairs and came face to face with the man you were looking for. He looked normal but you could feel that he was anything but.
His hands glided against the keys of the keyboard in the corner with utmost grace. You had never seen or heard anything like it. Suddenly the hypnotizing melody came to an end and you snapped your eyes up to his face.
He had a gentle smile and his calculating eyes were on you. "[Y/N], You look nice! Come, sit down," he beckoned you.
You smiled back and walked towards him. He scooted over on the piano bench, making room for you. You didn't remember Michael having that piece of furniture, but it was nice all the same. "Hey, Michael. You've really gotten better at playing." You sat down and looked up at him.
"I'm Patrick, though I'm sure you already knew that," he replied. He kept his eyes on you for a moment longer than necessary. How did he know that you knew?
You nodded, not wanting to be like everyone else. Everyone gave off the impression that they didn't believe him and you didn't want to come off that way either.
The way his muscles seemed to relax the slightest bit indicated that you had made the right decision. "Wise choice. You're not scared?" He asked you, hands softly grazing over a few notes in a beautiful sequence.
You watch as he did so. "Not really," you responded with a shrug. If he had any intention of hurting you, he would have done something by now to ensure you couldn't leave. Why be scared when you knew that he wouldn't do anything to you?
"Do you know how to play?" He motions to the keyboard, looking up at your face curiously.
"No clue," you shake your head. You had always wanted to learn but you didn't know anyone that was to the level of teaching others. Sure, Michael was alright but he was also an amateur.
"Let me show you some things." Patrick grabbed your hands softly and placed them on the keys without pressing them down, "put your hands riiiight here." His hands were still on top of yours and you couldn't help but note how cold they were.
He pressed the keys down and told you what it was, having you repeat them in turn to make sure you were paying attention. This went on for several notes and somehow you learned quite a bit from him.
"You see that little note right there?" He asked you, pointing to a little dot on the sheet music in front of you two. You looked at it and nodded. "That is this." He told you, moving your hands to the desired chord and pressed the keys with your fingers.
"A 'D chord', right?" You asked, looking up at him tentatively. You had remembered pressing those keys before but you wanted to make sure you had it right instead of assuming.
Patrick's face light up with delight, showing how proud of you he was. "Yes! Excellent, [Y/N]! You are such a fast learner," he complimented.
At this, you smiled brightly as well. "Thank you, Patrick." You turned to look at him, only now realizing how close you were. Your faces were only a few inches apart yet neither of you pulled away for a couple moments. Silence held the room captive as you both looked back to the keyboard at the same time.
You two had carried on like this for a few hours, him teaching you and you picking up what he was teaching. By then, laughter and playful jokes were shared and you were comfortable in his presence.
A delicate yawn escaped your mouth and you looked at the clock that hung on the wall nearby. "It's getting late," you pointed out, "I should be getting home."
Patrick nodded in understanding, but you could tell he was reluctant to have you leave. He was truly enjoying his time with you. "If you must go," he got up.
You followed suit and he ended up walking you to the front door. He opened the door for you and as you stood on the porch, you turned to look at him with a sad smile. You didn't want to leave but you couldn't stay.
"I had a lot of fun today," you admitted. You looked up at him with that same sad smile, which he had actually returned.
He got a small bit closer to you, standing in the door frame now. "I did as well." He reached down to your hand and you had no clue what he was doing. A blush spread across your cheeks as he took your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, looking up at you as he did so. He seemed to be pleased with your reaction because he had a smirk on his face when he pulled away. "I hope to see you again."
You watched as he stood up straight again, hand still lingering in his. "You will," you promised. "Goodnight, Patrick." You finally broke the contact.
"Goodnight, [Y/N]." He waves as you made your way to your car. As you got inside, you sat there for a moment so you could mentally scan over what had happened. You weren't expecting to have such a good time yet you did, wanting to spend more time with him in the future. He was kind and charming, something no one else seemed to see.
You were smiling to yourself the whole car ride, thinking about the demon. You look forwards to seeing him again.
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