#or its brother?? ehh-eclipse
sooo i may have acidently made a sentent ai from a random mother board i found and its now just chilling in computer-eclipse
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Laito pt. 1
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1,576
Pairing: Laito x Yuki (m/m)
ღ Living with Laito has it's challenges, but Yuki just wants to try to make things right - but were they ever? ღ
Mun Yu: This is going to be presented a little different than my other written works. Since it is so long, I have decided to publish it in parts, rather than the novel that it is. Each boy will receive their own post, some getting more post than others. For each post, it will make a sort of time line of events - to help paint the entire story. All post will begin with the premise, and the continuation under the cut. Enjoy.
Additionally: I would love to thank @akai-anemone for their wonderful analysis on the affects of the Lunar Eclipse in DL
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another with stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All types of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host is of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it was not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, an invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his offspring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening.
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With Yuki still in school, there were large hours where he was unable to see Laito. He longed to simply quit, but his keeper wouldn’t allow that. Dr. Reinhart had been nothing but kind and accommodating to him. So there was no way he could disrespect him in that way. The doctor was already understanding of his desire to leave the Sakamaki’s manor with Laito.
It was under the condition that he be responsible, so Yuki got a job during the day. In the mornings he would work at a coffee shop. It was a miracle that he even got the job – but Yuki was fairly sure Laito secured it for him. Laito was so kind! There was no way he would have been able to do it on his own.
He was actually surprised that he wasn’t fired. Yuki was never loud enough for customers to hear, and people in the morning can be really angry! Yet here he was, at 7 am, working. He’d had this job for a couple of months now. On this particular morning, he would be there until noon, which wasn’t too bad.
“H-How can I help you?” Yuki asked, as the next guest came up to the register. They ordered very quickly, “Ua… I’m sorry… Could you say that one more time?” He was able to understand it a little better, “One… um… Do you want that with regular milk or-" The guest glares at him, “S-Sorry! My… I don’t work that fast so if you could…” They repeat to him once more, this time much slower. “Thank you… We’ll get that ready for you…” He offers them a smile and they go down to the other window.
The day continues like this, though most people are less patient. Finally his shift comes to an end, and the manager calls him into her office. “You… asked to see me?” She directs him to sit as she finishes sending a text. Yuki obeys, sitting in the small chair, fidgeting slightly.
It feels like forever before she finally acknowledges him. Telling him finally that his work ethic is there, but he has no talent for customer service. However, she would be willing to keep him on, if he gave her his ‘friends’ number. She goes on to say that after they hooked up a few times, he’s never given her a phone number to call him at.
Yuki sat motionless for a moment. It wasn’t as if the news was surprising. Laito had always slept around. However, this felt dirty. “… I’m sorry ma’am… Senpai doesn’t have a number to call. So… if that’s all…” He needed to get out of here. It was taking all of his strength not to throw up. The manager tries to start talking again, but Yuki excuses himself and rushes out of the shop.
He ran as far as he could, before his stomach couldn’t take it anymore. Moving away from others, he can’t help but lurch over and let his body cope. It felt awful. Not just the act of heaving, but the pain in his chest to go with it. Why was everything like this? Yuki could feel tears sting as he lowered himself into a crouch.
What was he lacking? Was it so bad that he was a man? Wasn’t it enough to love Laito more than anything? Why was this so hard? Yuki couldn’t even answer himself as the tears fell onto the ground. What was he doing all of this for? After allowing himself a moment to calm down, Yuki walked home. Normally, he would use this time to jog, but he didn’t think it was smart to do that today.
He and Laito were renting a luxurious apartment, which Laito mostly ‘paid’ for. Yuki wasn’t sure how he did, but decided it was a vampire thing. The little money that Yuki made himself, went to keeping food in the house. Even though Laito ate that too. As Yuki entered, all the lights were switched off. This was normal, as Laito was probably sleeping.
Yuki moved as quietly as possible, and walked over to his ‘room’. Laito didn’t want to get any more space than needed, so if Yuki was adamant on living with him – he would have to be on the coach. Today this all seemed to bother him. Perhaps it was because he never got to see Laito anymore, even though they lived together. With school, work, and who knows what Laito does – it was as if the two were strangers.
Perhaps that is what hurt the most? Why all these thoughts and worries ran through his head. Yuki decided that it was not the time to think too hard on it – as he was exhausted. So the small human used the restroom to change, get ready for bed, and tucked himself into bed. Determined that tomorrow night he would see Laito.
“Huh!? How did you find me?” Laito’s voice startled Yuki awake. Shooting up in worry he looks around to see Laito sitting at the breakfast counter. Nude it would seem, aside from his headband. Before him was a raven, but it wasn’t making any sounds. “I do not plan to ever go back there.” Laito affirms to the bird.
Yuki sits up and scuttles to the restroom while Laito finishes his conversation. When he comes out, the vampire is pouting while eating some cereal. “Even when I'm gone they expect me to do these things. I cannot believe this.” Yuki walks into the kitchen to prepare himself some food, but all the cereal is gone. “… Laito-senpai… are we all out of-?”
“Hm? Oh… I didn’t see you there.” Laito smirks at the human before him. “Sorry~ I was so hungry after… well… you get it. Ah, but you have no school tonight right~ Go to the store and buy some more.” He finishes the last bites of his own.
Yuki nods softly, deciding that he didn’t need breakfast anyway. “Senpai… I was… could we maybe… tonight…”
“Ehh? Laito-kun has plans tonight. Not to mention my glasses wearing older brother, has told me to come home.” He says, sighing and walking back to his room. In a bit of a panic, Yuki follows after him. Laito tries to shut his door, but Yuki gets in the way, squeaking in pain for a moment. “What is it, Stalker-kun?”
Yuki held onto Laito’s door, he wanted to ask him if he could go with him. Wanted to tell him about yesterday. He didn’t want to be left alone in this place. “C-Could I… we could go… together! That would be… better right… I mean…”
Laito looks down at the human trembling in the doorway. Then out into the living room. The place was well kept, but it had Yuki’s things everywhere. His school books, clothes, blankets. “When are you going to get it?” He finally says. Yuki looks up at him confused. “Don’t you think it’s been long enough? I am annoyed with seeing you all the time.”
Yuki's heart thumped in his ears. He could barely hear what Laito was saying. He was annoyed with him? They barely got to see one another, and he was annoyed. “M-Maybe if we… were actually able to… to sp-spend time together… l-like before…!” Yuki could feel his fist gripping tighter to Laito’s door. He didn’t know what to do or say.
Laito let out a tsk, “I am able to do as I please now – though clearly not as much as I had thought. Why would I need to keep you around? I do not need your blood. I do not need your body. Fufu…” Laito reaches down and takes a hold of Yuki’s chin, “You are an eyesore to me…. And I want you out.” Without another word, Laito effortlessly pulled Yuki from the door. Tossed him slightly out of the way, and closed the door behind him.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 TO BE CONTINUED ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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kounfetti · 6 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Subaru Sakamaki Ecstasy Epilogue Translation/Traducción
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!—-Por favor no republiques y preguntame antés de traducir a otras idiomas.
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Scene: Exterior of the Sakamaki Castle
Subaru:...I understand.
Shin: Ehh...He’ll do it?
Yui: Subaru! What do you think of doing! Stop that!
Yui: That’s something you absolutely can’t do!
Subaru:...Shut up!
Carla: What will you do. Are you going to do it? Or else...
Subaru: Killing them, is fine...
Carla: I see.
Subaru: Until I return, if I see that you did something to Yui...
Subaru: At that time...I’ll really break you to pieces. 
Carla: Fu...Fine.
Shin: Heheh. Well, we can just talk to her. 
Subaru:...I’ll come back. 
Subaru leaves
Yui: (Stop...)
Yui: (Dont leave, Subaru...)
Yui: (Thats the one thing you shouldn’t do.)
Yui: (I know. That you will regret it forever...)
Yui: (Because, over anyone, you’re a gentle person.)
Yui: (And over that, I can’t see you get hurt.)
Shin: Now then, I wonder how long it’ll take to kill all of them...
Shin: I mean...How much would you really be able to kill with that lack of ability...ua!
Yui: Kuh...!
Yui leaves
Shin: Tch! She, bit me...! ...Wait! 
Shin and Carla go after her
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Scene Change: Sky
Yui: (I have to get away...)
Yui: (To stop Subaru, there’s no other alternative...)
Shin: Oi...What do you think you’re doing getting over that fence? Wont you die from this high up?
Yui:...Thats why.
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Yui: If I fall from here, there’s no reason for Subaru to kill everyone...
Yui: And over that, I wont let Subaru do your bidding!
Carla: I see....
Carla: This woman...is almost starting to think as bad as Subaru. 
Yui: Dont come near me!
Yui falls 
Shin: Brother!
Yui: (Goodbye, Subaru.)
Yui: (I honestly wished we could spend more time together. I always wanted to be by your side to support you.)
Yui: (But, for you to feel more hurt, I wont let that happen...)
Yui: (I’m sorry for doing something selfish...)
Yui: (It’s because I adore you.)
Yui: (I love you.)
Shin:...It’s an endgame! [TN: Shin says よせ which can also mean a last move, either works.]
Yui: (....)
Yui: (...I’m...?)
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Scene Change: Forest
Subaru: What a stupid thing to do! 
Subaru: That was careless! For what reason could you do that...
Yui: Subaru!
Yui: Please...dont kill them.
Yui: I...didn’t want to see you do something so cruel...
Subaru: How many times do I have to tell you to not do selfish things...Dont mess with me...
Subaru: Haha. You didn’t want me doing something so cruel?
Subaru: Until the end of the world, I’ll never let you die withouot my permission!
Subaru: If you did that, I would never forgive you....
Subaru: Losing something this important...again I’d...
Subaru: Now...The only thing I have left is you...
Yui: (Right...)
Yui: (Being betrayed by Karlhienz in that way, and then losing Christa...)
Yui: (When it comes to Subaru...this is the one thing that can’t be done.)
Yui: Sorry, Subaru...I was wrong...
Yui: I, wont leave your side.
Yui: We’ll be together forever.
Wolf howl
Subaru: They’re coming...Stand up.
Yui: Yea.
Yui:...? What...Ah!
Yui: (Subaru’s arm is bleeding...Surely from my fall...)
Yui: Subaru, give me your arm! We have to treat it right now...
Subaru:...It’s fine. Anyways, we need to go now. 
Yui: But...
Subaru: Tch. My body doesn’t work as you would normally think. ...In this state. 
Subaru: Because of the eclipse...
Subaru: Oi, hold me tight. 
Yui: Ah...
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Yui: Subaru...Where are we running away to now...
Subaru:...Oh, right.
Subaru: Running away...Let’s stop that, already. 
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: There’s something I need to settle. ...About my mother.
Yui: Uhh...Subaru, about Christa...
Yui: (Christa, those two...)
Subaru:...Where the ones who gave my mother that poison, the Tsukinami guys?
Yui:... You realized that...?
Subaru: Its what I gathered from what you guys spoke about before. 
Subaru: To get me away from you, they killed my mother...
Subaru: Of course, I’ll never forgive those guys. I’ll be sure to kill them with my own hands. However...
Subaru: After all, what Carla said was right... The one who was weak, was me.
Subaru: All of this is because I was weak. The fault is...
Yui:...That’s not true!
Subaru: No, it’s true.
Subaru: Because I was weak....
Subaru: Because I kept running away, my mother ended up dead.
Subaru: At this rate...I’ll lose something else, surely...
Subaru: Yui...I dont want to have regrets anymore.
Subaru: You’re the only one I dont want to lose. 
Subaru:...So, I wont run away anymore. 
Subaru: From here, we’ll go to Eden...I’m going to kill...my father.
Yui: (After all, I dont forgive Karlhienz...)
Yui: (For him to speak of Christa in that way, there’s no way I could ever understand it... But...)
Yui: Thats unreasonable! Cause, you’re already injured...
Subaru: Even so....I have to settle this. 
Yui: Subaru....
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While holding me, Subaru looked straight forward. 
I dont want him to be at risk.
As I looked at his profile, he looked like he had grown up. And I realized, there was no way I could stop him. 
As I tightened my grip, I prayed. 
At the end of this battle, I hope that Subaru is safe----.
Monologue Ends
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Scene Change: Eden Entrance Hall
Karlhienz:...You came?
Subaru: Ha, you’ve finally come out....
Karlhienz: Fu...Subaru. As usual, that’s quite the tone you have while speaking to your father. 
Subaru: I dont consider you to be my father!
Karlhienz: Oh, I see you’ve grown more hateful towards me. 
Subaru: Of course I would be! 
Subaru: You...What have you done to my mother?
Subaru: If you didn’t love her...why would you make her your wife!
Subaru: Because of you, those guys...my mother...!
Karlhienz:..This again. 
Karlhienz: When I spoke to Eve before, weren’t you outside listening? 
Subaru:...Shut up!
Yui: (...Karlhienz knew...)
Yui: (This person...)
Yui: (He knew that Subaru was listening, and yet he still said those awful things...)
Karlhienz:----Because I needed to.
Karlhienz: For my plan, I needed someone of close blood...
Karlhienz: Subaru, bringing you into this world was vital.
Karlhienz: There’s no other reason. 
Subaru:...! Dont fuck with me!
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Subaru: We’re not your pawns! 
Subaru: I...you’re the only person I could never forgive...
Yui: (...It’s futile. Should I look away from the knife? No, I have to see...)
Yui: (This is something that he must do. Subaru will really kill this person...)
Yui: (Because of Christa...Subaru is more than willing to go through with it this time...)
Yui: (I’ll watch Subaru until the end.)
Yui: (So, when everything is over, I’ll tell him properly.)
Yui: (Hey, Subaru, You...)
Yui: (You’re not weak.)
Subaru: Karlhienz! I have to kill you!
Karlhienz:...That’s fine. 
Karlhienz: Become Adam, my son!
Ecstasy 10 ♥ Vampire End ♥ Manservant End ♥ Brute End
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Escenario: Exterior del Castillo Sakamaki
Shin: Ehh...¿Lo va a hacer?
Yui: Subaru! ¡Que pensas hacer! ¡No lo hagas!
Yui: ¡Es algo que absolutamente no puedes hacer!
Carla: Que harás. Lo harás? Si no...
Subaru: Matarlos, esta bien...
Carla: Veo. 
Subaru: Cuango regreso, si veo que hicieron algo a Yui...
Subaru: En ese momento...realmente te voy a destruir. 
Carla: Fu...Esta bien. 
Shin: Heheh. Pues, solo vamos a hablar con ella. 
Subaru se va
Yui: (No lo hagas...)
Yui: No me dejes, Subaru...)
Yui: (Esa es la única cosa que jamas puedes hacer.)
Yui: (Lo sé. Que te vas a arrepentir.)
Yui: (Porque, comparado a cual quier otra persona, eres una persona amable.)
Yui: (Y más que eso, no quiero verte adolorido.)
Shin: Ahora, ¿me pregunto en que mucho tiempo los matara?
Shin: Quiero dicir...Con su abilidad, no puede ser facil, ¿no?...ua..
Yui: ¡Kuh...!
Yui corre
Shin: Tch! Ella, me mordio...! ...Espera!
Carla y Shin va tras ella
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Cambio de Escenario: Cielo
Yui: (Necesito escapar...)
Yui: (Para que no lo haga Subaru, ya no queda otro alternativo...)
Shin: Oi...¿Que piensas que haces con esa cerca? Vas a morir de esta altitud. 
Yui:...Por eso. 
Yui: Si me callo de esta altitud, ya no va a ver razón para que Subaru los mate...
Yui: Y sobre todo, ¡no dejaré Subaru ser ordenado por ustedes! 
Carla: Ya veo....
Carla: Esta mujer...esta empezando a pensar en la misma manera que Subaru. 
Yui: ¡No se acercan! 
Yui cae
Shin: ¡Hermano! 
Yui: (Adios, Subaru.)
Yui: (Honestamente me gustaría tener más tiempo contigo. Siempre quieria estar a tu lado para apoyarte.)
Yui: (Pero, hacer algo que te da más dolor...)
Yui: (Perdóname por hacer algo tan egoísta...)
Yui: (Es porque te quiero mucho.)
Yui: (Te amo.)
Shin:...¡Ya es el fin! 
Yui: (....)
Yui: (...¿Soy...?)
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Cambio de Escenario: Bosque
Subaru: ¡Que cosa tan estupidad!
Subaru: Que descuidada! Por que razón harias...
Yui: ¡Subaru!
Yui: Por favor...no los maten. 
Yui:Yo...no quieria verte hacer algo tan cruel...
Subaru: Cuantas veces quieres que te diga de no hacer cosas egoísticas...No juegues conmigo...
Subaru: Haha. ¿No quierias que yo haga algo tan cruel?
Subaru:...¡Y que!
Subaru: Hasta el fin del mundo, ¡nunca te voy a dejar morir sin permiso!
Subaru: Si haces algo así, nunca te lo voy a perdonar. 
Subaru: Perdiendo algo tan importante..otra vez...yo...
Subaru: Ahora...la unica cosa que me queda eres tu. 
Yui: (Tiene razón...)
Yui: (Después de que Karlhienz hizo, y luego perdiendo a Christa...)
Yui: (A Subaru...es la única cosa que no le puedo hacer.)
Yui: Perdoname, Subaru...No tenia razón...
Yui: Yo no voy a dejar tu lado. 
Yui: Siempre estaremos juntos. 
Aullido de lobos
Subaru: Estan veniendo...Levantate.
Yui: Si.
Yui:...? Quet...Ah!
Yui: (El brazo de Subaru esta sangrando...Seguramente por mi caída...)
Yui: Subaru, ¡dame tu brazo! Necesitamos tratarlo ahora...
Subaru:...Esta bien. Sin embargo, necesitamos irnos ahora...
Yui: Pero...
Subaru: Tch. Mi cuerpo no esta actuando como lo normal ...En este estado. 
Subaru: Por el eclipse...
Subaru: Oi, subete. 
Yui: Ah...
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Yui: Subaru...a donde vamos a escapar esta vez...
Subaru:...Ah, verdad.
Subaru: Escapar...Ya paremos de hacer eso. 
Yui: ¿Eh...?
Subaru: Hay algo que tengo que resolver. ...Sobre mi madre. 
Yui: Uhh...Subaru, sobre Christa...
Yui: (Christa, los dos...)
Subaru:...Los que dieron a mi madre el veneno, ¿fue los Tsukinami?
Yui:... ¿Lo sabias...?
Subaru: Era por lo que hablamos antes...
Subaru: Para alejarme de ti, mataron a mi madre...
Subaru: Por supuesto nunca los perdonare. Seguramente voy a matarlos con mis propios manos. Pero...
Subaru: Despues de todo, lo que dijo Carla tenia razón. Quien era débil fui yo. 
Subaru: Todo esto paso porque fui debil. La culpa es...
Yui:...¡No es verdad!
Subaru: Si, es verdad
Subaru: Porque soy debil...
Subaru: Cada vez que me paso algo quería escapar de mis problemas, y por eso, me madre salio muerta. 
Subaru: En este curso...Voy a perder más, seguramente...
Subaru: Yui...no quiero arrepentirme de nada. 
Subaru: Eres la unica quien no quiero perder. 
Subaru:...A si que, ya no voy a correr. 
Subaru: Desde aquí, vamos a el Edén...y luego...voy a matar a mi padre. 
Yui: (Despues de todo, no perdono a Karlhienz...)
Yui: (Hablando de Christa de esa manera, nunca llegaré a entenderlo... Pero...)
Yui: ¡No es razonable! En este momento, ya estas herido...
Subaru: De cual quier manera....Necesito resolver esto. 
Yui: Subaru....
Mientras en sus brazos, Subaru vio hace adelante. 
No quiero que este a riesgo. 
A ver su cara, aparenta que maduró. Y realice que no pude hacer nada para que no lo haría. 
Mientras me sostenía, yo me puse a rezar. 
Al fin de esta batalla, Espero que Subaru este a salvo----.
Monologo Termina
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Cambio de Escenario: Pasillo de Entrada en el Edén
Subaru: Ha, ya pudiste salir de tu cuarto...
Karlhienz: Fu...Subaru. Tienes la misma manera que siempre en hablar con tu padre...
Subaru: ¡Yo no te considero mi padre!
Karlhienz: Ah, veo que tu desprecio hace a mi ha grecido. 
Subaru: ¡Por supuesto que si!
Subaru: ¿Que...le hiciste a mi madre?
Subaru: Si no la amabas...¡por que la convertiste en tu esposa!
Subaru: Por tu culpa, ellos... a mi madre...!
Karlhienz:..Esto otra vez. 
Karlhienz: Cuando hablaba con Evá afuera, ¿no estabas escuchando?
Yui: (...Karlhienz sabia...)
Yui: (Esta persona...)
Yui: (Sabia que Subaru estaba escuchando, y todavía dijo esas cosas horribles...)
Karlhienz:----Porque fue necesario. 
Karlhienz: Por mi plan, necesitaba alguien de la misma sangre...
Karlhienz: Subaru, tu existencia fue algo vital. 
Karlhienz: No hay otra razón
Subaru:...! ¡No jueges conmigo!
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Subaru: ¡No somos tus peones!
Subaru: Tu...eres la única persona que no puedo perdonar...
Yui: (...Es inutil. ¿Deberia voltear a otro lado del cuchillo? No, necesito ver...)
Yui: (Es algo que necesita hacer. Subaru va a matar a esta persona de verdad...)
Yui: (Por Christa...Subaru ya esta preparado a hacerlo...)
Yui: (Lo voy a ver hasta el fin.)
Yui: (Cuando todo ya a pasado, se lo voy a dicir.)
Yui: (Oye, Subaru, Tu...)
Yui: (Tu no eres debil.)
Subaru: ¡Karlhienz! ¡Necesito matarte!
Karlhienz:...Esta bien. 
Karlhienz: Seras Adán, mi hijo!
Ecstasy 10 ♥ Vampire End ♥ Manservant End ♥ Brute End
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