#or it can be in a classroom or somewhere else if you'd rather!
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Chasing Shadows
Pairing: popular guy!yeosang x chubby!fem!reader
Genre: Angst (?), fluff
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: kinda frat boy yeosang, him and his friends are handsome (yes that's a warning), reader has anxiety, she is also insecure, anxiety attacks, yeo is cheeky, like really cheeky, you might wanna flick him a bit, bestfriend! San and wooyoung, suicide mentioned, lmk if I missed any!!
AN: y'all bear with me this is my first time posting on Tumblr, I'm still figuring out stuff. I had a dream about this and I decided that I'm gonna write a yeo fic. And also please reblog and like, so I can get more motivated!!
Yeosang was a quiet and smart guy in the class. He used to talk only when spoken to. Except his little friend group, well maybe not so little. All the students seem to respect him of some sort. He and his group almost seemed, untouchable. Not like they were the popular group or something. Neither were they hostile. They were just really handsome. The whole group looked like they walked out of a movie set of a kdrama.
You were not new to this. But not particularly known as well. Honestly you didn't care. You stopped caring since high school. The only thing you knew about him was that he was a guy from a group.....and he was good at maths. You were a normal student, yes, maybe you scored the top score in Psychology in your college anyone has ever had, but that's just irrelevant right? In the end, nobody cares.
But you were wrong, he cares. So much so that he came and sat beside you in English class. Not particularly unlikely for someone to sit beside you. You usually didn't even care. But he isn't just somebody. He is the Yeosang. The same guy that all the girls swooned over just cuz he showed his birthmark. What's so impressive about birthmarks anyway? It's just a mark.
At first, you didn't care. But then it started to repeat. Everyday he would come and sit beside you (cause language classes were mandatory everyday) and heck you were not liking the attention you were getting.
"Hey, you should not get close to yeosang or anyone in their group. I heard they are gangsters" "I heard they are no good" "They are in a satanic cult where they sell their souls to the devil to live for eternity!!"
Yeah needless to say people had some crazy rumours about them. You? you didn't care. And also who the fuck would sell their soul to live forever. You'd rather do that to die painlessly, cause life. But for some reason, they seem to keep their distance from the group but admire them from afar. Almost as if they are scared of them.
Anyway people are quick to come to conclusions. But you were not like that. You were annoyed. Like why the fuck you sitting next to me dude go away. But of course you're an unproud introvert. You can't just tell him to leave that's rude. So you did the next best thing. Just sit somewhere else. If he really liked that seat, he could have his nook. You're gonna go and distance yourself. Not cause you are scared of him, but you know just to be careful. (Keep gaslighting yourself queen)
Yeosang walks into the classroom and scans the big room, his eyes narrowing as he doesn't see you in your usual seat. His headphones in he hesitantly approaches the desk where you're now sitting and pulls out the chair beside you, sitting down heavily. You mentally slap your forehead. This really is helping your reputation.
Yeosang looks at you with a raised eyebrow, clearly confused. He glances around the room, noticing the other students staring at you both. After a moment of silence, he turns back to you and notices your ears are red. He asks in a low tone, "What's going on? Why are you sitting somewhere else today?" Wow he's talking to me now
Yeosang gaze stills, and he leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're avoiding me because of what people are saying about me, isn't it?" His voice is deep, but oddly quiet. It was something you've never heard before. And you couldn't pinpoint his emotions.
"Well kinda. But that doesn't mean I actually believe them. I just don't like people." You say thinking you weirded him out and hoping he'll leave you alone assuming you're an antisocial animal.
A flicker of something passes through Yeosang's eyes at your blunt response. He uncrosses his arms and leans forward, his elbows resting on the desk. "I get it. You don't trust easily. Neither do I." He pauses, considering his words carefully. Bro stop talking to me ?!
You don't react to his words and just look at the front. Your whole face feels warm. It's that feeling you get when you're embarrassed. Feeling everyone's eyes on you. You felt anxious, thinking everyone was judging you. You hate this feeling. You felt exposed to everyone. Even though they don't give two shits about you. It's that bubbling feeling inside the pit of your stomach. The heaviness in your chest. That shakiness in your hands and legs. You really felt like it would be nice if the floor split in half and eat you alive.
The class finish and you quickly pack up and leave, avoiding him again. Yeosang watches you rush out the door without a backward glance. His looks at your leaving figure with a thoughtful expression. The next day, he arrives early to claim the seat next to you again, determined to break through your walls.
As the class enters, Yeosang is already seated in your usual spot, his arms crossed and pen spinning in his hand. His presence seems to command the attention of the room, but he pays no mind to the whispers or curious glances directed at him. Instead, his focus is fixed on the doorway, waiting for your arrival. When you finally enter, he notices how you hesitate at the sight of him already occupying your seat. It was then when he looked down and started to scribble something in his notebook. You try to skip the vacant seat beside him and go further behind but he reaches out and grabs your backpack, pulling it onto the empty seat beside him. He continues to write, his pen scratching against the paper in a steady rhythm. After a moment, he glances up and meets your gaze, his expression unreadable. "You're late".
You sit down quietly, take off your glasses and rub your face, ignoring him. Here we go again, I'm tired of this shit.. What does a girl do to have some peace? Witnessing your frustration, a slight smile appears on his lips as he reaches for your glasses. "Hey," he says in a low voice, just audible enough for you to hear. His fingers brush against yours as he takes the glasses from your hand, then deliberately places them back on your face, adjusting them slightly. "Wear them"
The teacher comes in and starts to teach. You sit there, staring blankly at the teacher writing on the board, but your mind is elsewhere. You replay the moment he adjusted your glasses, trying to read into his expression. You begin to imagine that he looked disgusted, that he must think you're hideous without your glasses on. You can't help but feel self-conscious. You catch yourself unconsciously touching your glasses, as if to double-check they're still there. You imagine him whispering to his friends about how ugly you look without them, how he's only sitting next to you as a joke. You felt yourself picking at your finger nails, your legs bouncing up and down continuously with the approaching thoughts.
During a brief moment when the teacher turns away to write on the board, Yeosang leans in closer to you. His voice is low and barely audible, "Stop picking at your nails, it's distracting" He says it bluntly, without any real malice, before returning his attention to the lecture.
"Im sorry" you apologise quietly. Wait why the fuck did I apologise, I did nothing wrong.
Over the next few days, a pattern emerges. Yeosang continues to sit next to you in class, trying to engage in conversation, but you always find a way to shut him down or quickly change the subject. He notices that you avoid him between classes, always taking a different route. You think it's working, driving him away slowly. Maybe he'll realise you really are weird and will leave you alone. But something quite opposite happens.
Yeosang starts to get frustrated with the constant rebuffs. He can't understand why you're so hostile towards him, especially since he's trying to be friendly. One day, as you're walking down the hallway, he blocks your path, forcing you to stop and look at him. "What's your problem?"
"What is your problem?" You say, as he blocks your path with his body. "My problem? You're the one who's been acting like I've got a disease every time I try to talk to you." You open your mouth to say something but he beats you to it. "You're always shutting me down, avoiding me, and picking at those damn nails of yours. It's like you can't stand my presence."
You look down, sighing loudly and look up to him. "Then take the damn sign man, I don't wanna talk to you or engage in any activity that involves you" yeah that'll do, that gotta be the most rude thing you say to anyone, that'll definitely shoo him off. But again, the universe says fuck you and the opposite happens. Yeosang's eyes widen in surprise at your blunt words. For a moment, he stares at you, his expression unreadable. Then, unexpectedly, he bursts into laughter - a deep, genuine sound that echoes through the hallway. This fucker-
"What's so funny?" you ask, clearly embarrassed. Yeosang continues to laugh, his shoulders shaking as he looks you up and down. When he finally composes himself, he wipes tears from his eyes and says, "Damn, I like you even more now. You're fucking hilarious. Alright, fine, I'll take the sign."
He did not take the sign. Yes he did stop directly talking to me, but he won't actually leave me alone. He is still in the shadows. He stopped sitting beside me but went behind me. He stopped walking with me but started following me around.
Yeosang finds your stubborn refusal to engage endearing rather than frustrating. Instead of backing off as you hoped, he shifts tactics. He maintains a subtle presence in your peripheral vision. You catch glimpses of him behind you in class, always watching. At lunch one day, yeosang casually sits at the table next to yours with a group of his friends. He doesn't look at you directly, but you can feel his eyes flicking in your direction
Yeosang's friends chat with him, but he only half-listens, his attention constantly drifting to you. He murmurs something to them, and they glance over at you, exchanging curious looks. His friend, wooyoung asks him "yo man, how's your pursuing that girl going?" Another guy, San, says "I don't know if you can call it pursuing dawg, all he does is follow the girl around the college like a creep." Wooyoung pops a cookie in his mouth and says "Damn man, I didn't know you were like this"
"Shut up about her." His tone is casual, but there's an edge to it - protectiveness almost. He keeps his voice low enough that only they can hear, "She's... different. Fuck, I don't know why, but she's got me twisted up." Wooyoung grins mischievously, "Ah ha! You're falling for her aren't you? You're actually trying to chase a girl who isn't subtly throwing herself at you." He laughs, nudging yeosang's arm. "But that's not really gonna work is it? you need to fucking commit to it"
Yeosang's expression darkens slightly, his eyes narrowing. He takes a swig of his soda before responding, "What do you suggest then, genius? You think I should just walk up to her and...?" He leaves the sentence hanging, waiting for Wooyoung's input. "Yes, you should" San says without missing a beat. San's straightforward approach makes him smirk, but a flash of uncertainty crosses his face. "And what if she..." He pauses, running a hand through his styled hair "... what if she thinks I'm weird?" His eyes shift in your direction for a brief moment before focusing back on his friends. "Bruh, the way you've been acting all these days, she probably already thinks of you like that by now"
Yeosang scoffs, shaking his head disbelievingly. "Fuck, when you put it like that..." He leans back in his chair, crossing his muscular arms over his chest, his silver chain catching the light. "Maybe it's time to switch things up then."
The library is large and quiet, with tall bookshelves filling the room. The shelves are packed with books of all colors. Sunlight shines through colorful windows, making pretty patterns on the floor. A few students sit quietly, reading or studying. It's a peaceful place to think and learn. As you enter the library, the usual silence is interrupted only by the rustling of pages and the occasional whisper. You find a quiet corner to sit down and start reading. After a few minutes, you hear footsteps approaching. You don't pay much attention, assuming it's just another student.
You felt them sit down across from you. Your body tenses slightly as you notice the movement, causing you to glance up from your book. Through your peripheral vision, you catch sight of the person who just sat down across from you - it's him again. It's been weeks since he has been silently following you around, but now he approached you again.
His presence looms oddly, a juxtaposition in this sanctum of silence. He gazes at you, an unreadable expression on his chiseled face, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the cover of a thick tome he's brought with him. "Hey." You answered him silently "hey...." He leans forward slightly, the movement causing the leather of his jacket to creak softly. "Look... I know you probably think I'm being kinda creepy and shit..." He runs a hand through his messy dark hair, looking uncomfortable for once, unlike his usual composed demeanor.
He takes a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "I just... I wanted to talk to you, ya know? You're different from the other girls at school. You're always so... quiet, so focused on your books."
"You're so different, you're the most unique girl I've ever met. You're my type, are you gonna say this? All those lame shit people say in movies? Please stop mocking me" His expression freezes for a moment, caught off guard by your blunt response. Then, to your surprise, he lets out a low, genuine laugh. "Shit, you're right. That was cheesy as hell." He shakes his head, a small smirk playing on his lips. You were listening to him. But something inside you stirred and you felt angry. You remembered all those times those people in middle and high school bullied you. All those times you felt that every time you entered the room, everyone looked at your body and you felt insecure. All those times your family members indirectly forced you to believe that you can only be loved when you lose weight. And you snapped. "stop mocking me. I know people like you. you guys go up to girls like me and say you like them only to say 'April fools' or say 'its a dare' later. I hate guys like you"
His grin fades, his expression turning serious, but his eyes still hold a glint of mischief. "You really think that's what I'm doing?" He tilts his head to the side, studying your face intently. He maintains eye contact, his expression unreadable. He sees the suspicion in your eyes, and it only seems to fuel his mischievous glint. He leans forward, his voice lowering. "Let me ask you something..." He studies your face intently, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "First off... do I look like I have a problem finding girls to talk to?" He gestures to himself, a hint of pride in his tone. "And second..." His voice drops lower as he deliberately maintains eye contact. "Second what?" You shout.
"No shouting in the library student!" The librarian warned you. You sit back down embarrassed and all red.
He laughs a little and says "Second, would I really waste my time pretending to like someone just to play an April Fool's prank?" His words send a shiver down your spine as he pulls back, his eyes never leaving yours. "Or maybe..." He looks at you with a half-smirk, half-serious expression "You're actually quite... interesting. Not many people stand up to me like you do." His eyes crinkle again as he studies your reaction "And hey..." He reaches over and lightly taps your finger. You retreat your hand from his touch. His expression shifts to a playful pout, though his eyes still hold a glint of amusement "Wow, so I'm not even worthy of a tiny hand tap?" You shake your head as a 'No'. He leans back in his chair, studying your defensive posture with interest "You're not scared of me, are you?" He chuckles low in his throat, his gaze never leaving yours even though you fail to keep eye contact, "listen, can I not just like you? I like you. I want to be with you"
"No! people don't simply like girls like me" you felt like crying, but you can't. His expression turns mockingly serious, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, so you're saying you're not likeable? You think I can't like you because you're... what?" He crosses his arms, leaning forward again, his curiosity piqued. You were getting annoyed.
"You know what I am"
"No I don't"
"Fuck. Fine! Im fat and ugly"
His face freezes and for a moment, he looks genuinely shocked. But then, he lets out a harsh laugh. "Fat and ugly? He shakes his head, his gaze raking over your form appraisingly. "You really think that's what I see when I look at you?"
"You don't need to look at me like that, I am like that so fuck off I don't need you laughing at my face."
You stand up harshly, take your bag and walk outside the library. He follows you and grabs your upper arm, not harshly but firmly enough to hold your attention. "Listen carefully..." His voice softens, losing its usual mocking tone. "I'm not some creep who goes around lying to get in girls' pants." You open your mouth to say something but he quickly shuts you off. "You know what I see when I look at you? I see someone who's honest, even if it hurts. I see someone who's strong, even when they feel weak. And I see someone who's fucking beautiful, inside and out."
"Everyone says that but that's actually never true!"
"Then tell me, what do you see when you look in the mirror? Because whoever made you believe these lies about yourself? That person's fucking blind."
"Im not about to start talking to you as if you're my therapist. You let me go"
He loosens the grip but still holds onto your hand. "Alright, But just so we're clear? You're not fat, and you're definitely not ugly. You can tell me why you feel that way"
You wriggle your hand out of his hold and finally look at him. You've had enough.
"Fine, you wanna know? I am chubby, and I'm ok with that, I have no problem being chubby. it's just tiring for me because ppl always make it seem like I'm some disgusting things that doesn't deserve humanity" you take a breath and star again, "And you cannot say anything to me because you wanted this, you wanted me to say all these"
You look down, feeling defeated. It's so weird to word these things to someone, considering you had no one growing up. No siblings, no bestfriends, no close cousins. Even your parents never listened or talked to you about how you felt. You were truly tired. You felt two hands hold your shoulder. You look up, and it's Yeosang.
"People are fucking idiots. And the fact that you're okay with being yourself makes you hotter than anyone who tries to fit into some bullshit beauty standard." His jaw clenches at your words, a hint of something flashing in his eyes. He looked angry.
"Those assholes can keep their narrow-minded opinions. Because someone who stands up for themselves like you just did? Someone who owns their worth instead of begging for validation"
His gaze intensifies, filled with a newfound respect and... something deeper. "That's the kind of person who deserves to be cherished. And anyone who can't see that? They're the ones who are fucking ugly, inside and out."
He sees the unspoken acknowledgment in your eyes, the silent absorption of his words. It's the first time he's seen you listen so intently, without pushing him away or rolling your eyes. He swallows hard, realizing the power of his words on you.
His monologue ended. And it was everything you wanted to hear all these days. The words you wanted your parents to say to you, the words you needed. He said everything. It was the first time in a while you felt like you can actually believe someone. But you were not like this. Circumstances made you so that you push away everyone. And that has become your nature. If I can push them away before they can, I won't be hurt.
"I appreciate your words towards me, but I don't know anything about your confession. I-I don't think so I can accept it"
He nods slowly, a small smile playing on his lips. "I get it. It's a lot to take in, especially coming from a person like me." He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Tell you what - how about I show you my worth?"
You look up at him, bewildered. What does he want. Is he crazy? Has he lost his marbles? Is he that bored? All these questions flood your mind but only one thing slips out of your mouth, "huh?" His smile grows wider, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "You know, prove to you that I'm not just some dumb guy who talks big." He pauses, studying your face. "I'll do something for you. Something that shows you I'm more than just words. I'll court you"
You were speechless. "I-I don't need-"
He puts a finger on your lips to shut you up. "Let me finish," He says, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I'm not doing this to pressure you or anything stupid like that. I just want a chance to show you who I really am, beyond the tough act."
Looking at your eyes, he realised how hurt you were. He exhales slowly, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes that he rarely lets anyone see. "I know I'm not the prince charming type. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe you deserve someone who fights for you, who understands the real world and all its fucked up beauty."
The next day, as you walk into college, you catch him standing beside the gate. Wearing his signature black attire with silver accessories. As you walked towards the gate, he saw you and he got off the wall and walked towards you. He stops in front of you, his hands in his pockets as he looks down at you with a small smile. "Morning," He says, his voice casual but with an underlying warmth. "I was waiting for you."
"Good morning" you look around and see people look at you for a moment and then look away. It made your face feel hot from embarrassment.
He holds your cheeks and moves your face towards him "don't look at them. ignore them" You both start walking towards the class. As they walk side by side, Yeosang couldn't help but let out a light chuckle, shaking his head slightly. "You know, I never thought I'd be one for this whole 'gentleman' thing. But here I am, walking you to class like some corny love story."
You were quick with your answer, "You wanted this. I'm positive by the end of this week, you won't want to be with me"
His smile fades a bit at your words, a hint of seriousness entering his eyes. "And why's that?" He asks, his voice low and even. "You think you're that hard to handle?" He smirks, but there's an underlying challenge in his gaze. You wait for him, to say further, but he waits for your answer. You look to the side, taking in a breath and say "Yes."
He stops walking abruptly, turning to face you directly. His expression is intense, a blend of amusement and determination. "Well, guess what? I've dealt with thorns, I've tangled with barbs, I've faced off against the sharpest minds and the coldest hearts."
You stare at him for a while and then "damn you really did become philosophical"
He barks out a short, surprised laugh, shaking his head as he starts walking again, this time more aggressively. "Philosophical? Nah, just stating facts." He glances at you sideways, a mischievous glint in his eye. You shake your head and follow him to the class.
Over the next few days, Yeosang continues to act like your doting boyfriend, much to the confusion and entertainment of your classmates. He walks you to class, sits with you at lunch, and even "accidentally" brushes your hands during lessons.
After school one day, he suddenly grabs your hand and starts dragging you towards the nearby ice cream shop. When you resist, he stops and turns to face you with a stubborn expression. "Come on, I'm buying you ice cream. Don't make a scene."
"I don't want ice cream"
He ignores your protests, opening the door to the ice cream shop and practically pushing you inside. "you're getting it anyway, pick a flavour"
Eventually you were forced to have a large ice cream cone with chocolate and Butter scotch, your two favourite flavours.
You both start walking towards your house "I don't like when people spend money on me" He shrugs it off, "Too bad, I spent the money anyway." He says nonchalantly, walking beside you with his hands shoved in his pockets. As you get closer to your house, he pauses and looks at you sideways, "You going to invite me in now?"
He wants to come inside my house now?
"in my house? My mom's in the house"
He looks at the door for a bit, then "how about I talk to my future mom in law beforehand and ask for her daughter's hand in marriage now." and walk right in as you had unlocked the door. You run to stop him but the damage was already done.
Yeosang finds himself standing in a neat, tidy living room. A woman with short, dark hair and piercing eyes is sitting on the couch, reading a book. She looks up as he enters and her gaze locks onto him. For a moment, Yeosang is taken aback by the intensity of her stare.
You trail behind, shocked by the ongoing staring contest between them.
He clears his throat professionally, straightening his posture "Good evening ma'am. I'm Kang Yeosang, your daughter's classmate. I was hoping we could have a word." He maintains a polite, respectful tone despite his usual confident demeanor, feeling the weight of this mother's presence.
The woman closes her book and places it on the coffee table. She stands up slowly, her eyes never leaving Yeosang's face. "You're yeosang" she states, her voice cold and calculated. "Sit down," she instructs, gesturing to the chair across from her. He moves to sit down carefully, maintaining eye contact with her while keeping his body language respectful. His usual charm falters slightly in the face of her stern presence. "I promise, I have the best intentions with your daughter."
Your mom raises an eyebrow skeptically as she leans forward, elbows resting on her knees. "that's for me to decide"
Shit yeosang thinks.
He takes a deep breath, leaning back slightly and offering what he hopes is a disarming smile. "Of course, ma'am. I wouldn't dream of imposing or presuming anything." He glances around the room, noting that there are no family pictures nor unnecessary decor. Noticing the notably stern air and lack of familial photographs surrounding him, yeosang's confidence dips even further. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly wishing he had practiced this conversation in more depth. "I, uh... I truly care about her, ma'am."
"I understand that but what is it that you want?" Your mother asks him softly but with an underlying aggression.
He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I mean, ma'am, that I have developed strong feelings for your daughter. I respect and admire her greatly, and I would like the opportunity to pursue a relationship with her, with your blessing and guidance."
Honestly, if you had popcorn, you'd be very entertained. Kinda well if you exclude the part that you might get your ass whooped after he leaves creating a big mess. But you hold your breath.
Your mother's expression remains unreadable, her eyes scrutinizing Yeosang intently. "You're asking for my permission to date my daughter?" She asks flatly, her tone leaving no room for misinterpretation.
he nods "yes ma'am"
She steeples her fingers, tapping her index fingers thoughtfully against her lips. "I see." She sits back in her chair, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Tell me, yeosang, how can I let my daughter be with you, if I don't know anything about your future, family. I don't want her to have a miserable life and for that you need to have a job"
"yes ma'am. That's why I have everything sorted out. Im good ataths and have dreams of persuing higher Education in it. if not I have intrest in becoming a professor. and if that fails as well, I have my father's company. but ofcourse, that is the last option"
Damn that was kinda hot. Wait, brain, wtf?
Your mother nods slowly, seeming to consider his words carefully. "A good education and a solid career path. Those are important things for a man to have." She pauses, her gaze drifting to the door for a moment before snapping back at him. "But tell me, yeosang"
"Are you prepared to handle the pressure and responsibilities that come with being in a relationship with my daughter? she has been severely depressed and suicidal for the past 8 years after her dad lost everything and committed suicide" Her voice is firm, leaving no room for argument.
You felt betrayed, by your own mother. You were shocked, hurt and mostly, sad that she exposed this. You were always reserved about your feelings, shutting them off from everybody. But hearing this made you felt exposed, naked almost
Yeosang's expression softens as he realizes the gravity of your situation. He leans forward earnestly, his eyes filled with sincerity and determination. "Ma'am, I understand completely. I know I'm asking for a big responsibility. But please believe me when I say that I'm ready to stand by your daughter through thick and thin. I have experience dealing with mental health issues, as my own aunt struggled with depression for years. I know it's not an easy path, but I'm committed to supporting and loving her unconditionally."
Your mother studies him intently, her hard exterior cracking slightly to reveal a glimmer of hope and relief in her eyes. "You're a good man, Yeosang. Most boys your age would run away screaming at the thought of dealing with something like this"
He shrugs and says something that made your eyes tear,
"I love her ma'am"
Your mother's expression softens further, a rare smile tugging at her lips. "I can see that you truly care for my daughter. That's the most important thing to me." She pauses, her mind made up. "You have my blessing to date my daughter, Yeosang."
AN: whooo I got this done guys clap in the comments. I hope y'all enjoyed this and if you did, please reblog so I can reach even more people. I love yalllll
#ateez#ateez x female reader#ateez x reader#ateez x y/n#ateez x you#yeosang x reader#yeosang x y/n#kim hongjoong#hongjoong x reader#park seonghwa#seonghwa x reader#jeong yunho#yunho x reader#choi san#san x reader#song mingi#mingi x reader#jung wooyoung#wooyoung x reader#choi jongho#jongho x reader#ateez fanfic#ateez fic#ateez fluff#yeosang fluff#yeosang
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Teacher's Pet Baby
Shopping Trip
Cg!Professor!Wanda Maximoff x little!student!reader
Summary: Wanda offers to take you out on a shopping trip
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: Age regression, mild anxiety, emotional vulnerability, fluff and comfort
Authors notes: Thank you my little ghost for sending in this request here~
Also, to all the littles, seeing this, please tred lightly on this blog! This is my big 18+ blog, but I do have some little!reader fics. Everything is marked accordingly!

You're nervous when Wanda suggests it after asking she'd only known about you being little for a week when she asked,
"Do you have any gear?" It was an innocent enough question she asked in the empty room of her class while she graded papers and you did some homework.
"Gear?" Your head tilted slightly, not looking up from your own book and notebook.
"Little gear. I know you have your crayons and coloring book and your favorite stuffie you showed me pictures of, but is there anything else?"
"Oh...um no...I left most things back at home." You absentmindedly tugged at your sleeve, pulling it over your hand to put it in your mouth slightly. It was a bad habit you’d long since tried to get rid of.
"Well how about this Saturday we go get some things?" She offers casually like it was something the two of you had done before. Like it was something so simple.
"I can't keep them at my dorm...my roommates will say something..." you felt your chest tighten. You knew if any of them found out about it they’d probably kick you out of the dorm. Probably call the dean on you or something, but just as your thoughts started to spiral, Wanda spoke up again.
"It can stay at my place and you can come and go as you please baby for whatever you want or need." Now there's a knot in your stomach.
“Y-your place?” You hadn't been over to her place. The only place you two had spent time together was here in this classroom.
“Do you not want that? I understand if you'd rather keep it here between us.”
You knew being with a professor at all would be frowned upon even if it was something like this…for some reason in your brain this felt even worse than if you were having sex with her. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts. sure you were big right now, but it's only been a week and you two haven't discussed anything beyond her being Mama.
Wanda let you sit with the idea, her eyes flicking between your face and the paper she was grading, letting you process in your own time. You weren’t sure what made your stomach twist more—her casual offer or the realization that you wanted to say yes.
“I…” You hesitated, gripping your pen a little too tightly. “I don’t know.”
Wanda hummed softly, setting her pen down. “That’s okay, baby. You don’t have to decide right now.” Her voice was gentle, patient, like she had all the time in the world for you. “I just want to make sure you have what you need. Somewhere safe for your things and a space where you can just be.”
A part of you wanted that so badly. The idea of a place where you didn’t have to hide, where you didn’t have to worry about judgment, where your things wouldn’t have to stay tucked away in the back of your closet or hidden under your bed—it was tempting. But this was still so new.
Your hands fidgeted with the corner of your notebook. “I just… I don’t want to be a burden,” you admitted quietly, barely above a whisper.
Wanda leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at you. “Oh, Malyshka,” she murmured, shaking her head. “You could never be a burden to me. This isn’t about me doing you a favor—it’s about giving you what you need. Making sure you’re cared for. That’s what being your Mama means.”
Your heart clenched at that, the sincerity in her voice making it hard to breathe for a moment. You’d never had a caregiver before, you didn’t know everything. You knew what you saw on the internet; all those posts of imagines with a caregiver that made you feel something was now here in front of you. You swallowed thickly, nodding slowly. “Okay,” you whispered, finally glancing up at her.
Wanda’s smile was soft and full of warmth, like she was proud of you for even considering it. “Okay,” she echoed, reaching across the desk to gently squeeze your hand. “We’ll take it slow, baby. Just one step at a time.”
You nodded again, still nervous, still unsure—but with Wanda, you felt safe enough to try.
It was about an hour later when you spoke a simple, "Yes." Aloud that Wanda smiled.
"Okay well how about we meet up here and we'll take a drive out so we're far away from others? Does that sound good?" She asks, finally looking at you. You felt her sea glass green eyes on you. You looked up to meet her eyes, suddenly feeling small.
"Yes Mama, that sounds good.”
Wanda’s smile softened, her eyes full of warmth as she heard you call her Mama again. She reached over, brushing a strand of hair from your face with gentle fingers. “Good girl,” she praised softly. The simple words made your chest feel warm, a little fluttery even, but you still shifted in your seat, feeling shy.
She chuckled, recognizing the way you squirmed under her gaze. “We don’t have to rush, Malyshka. Just a nice, quiet drive. A little shopping. No pressure, okay?”
You nodded, chewing your lip. “Okay.”
Wanda leaned back in her chair, a satisfied look on her face as she picked up her grading again. But every so often, you caught her glancing at you, like she was just making sure you were okay. It made something in you settle, knowing that even when she wasn’t speaking, she was still paying attention.
You went back to your own work, but your mind kept drifting to Saturday—what it would be like, how it would feel to have things again, to pick them out with someone who actually understood. The idea was nerve-wracking but also… really exciting.
✎✐ ✎ ✐ ✎ ✐
The drive was peaceful, just you and Wanda, the hum of the road beneath the tires filling the silence between songs playing softly on the radio. Wanda let you control the music, occasionally glancing over at you with a smile as you mouthed the lyrics or tapped your fingers against your thigh. It made her heart swell knowing you felt comfortable enough to just be with her.
When she finally pulled into the parking lot, you felt your stomach twist with nervous energy. This wasn’t just any store—it was a town far enough away that no one from campus would see you, giving you the freedom to pick out what you needed without fear of judgment.
Wanda grabbed a cart, and the two of you walked in together. At first, everything felt normal as you strolled through the grocery aisles. Wanda picked up some snacks, her fingers grazing over brands you had mentioned growing up with. “How about these, Malyshka?” she asked, holding up a box of animal crackers.
You felt a small grin tug at your lips as you nodded. “Yeah, those are good.”
From there, she guided you toward the baby and toddler section. The moment you stepped into the aisle, your heart started beating faster. Your fingers twitched as you looked over the selection—things you hadn’t let yourself have in years.
Wanda was patient, watching as you hesitated before slowly reaching out to touch a pack of toddler fruit pouches. “These are good,” she encouraged. “Easy to have when you don’t want to use a spoon.”
You swallowed hard and placed them in the cart. One by one, Wanda helped you pick out what you needed—plates and bowls with cute designs, a sippy cup that felt just right in your hands, even a bath toy set shaped like little sea animals.
When you reached the bedding aisle, she let you run your fingers over the different sets, waiting patiently for you to make your choice. Your heart ached a little as you settled on one with soft pastel stars and moons. It felt safe.
Finally, she led you to the toy section. “Alright, Malyshka,” she said softly. “You’ve been so good and so brave today. Pick out a toy, anything you want.”
You hesitated at first, shifting on your feet as your eyes scanned the shelves. It felt overwhelming—like you shouldn’t be here, like you were doing something wrong. But Wanda was right beside you, her presence grounding you.
After a few moments, your eyes landed on a plush bunny with floppy ears and the softest fur you’d ever seen. You picked it up, hugging it to your chest without thinking.
Wanda smiled, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. “That’s a very good choice, sweetheart.”
Your cheeks burned as you nodded, gripping the bunny tightly as she led you to the checkout. Wanda handled everything, paying without a second thought, and once you were back in the car, she handed you the bunny again.
“You did so well today,” she murmured, squeezing your knee affectionately.
You hugged the bunny close and whispered, “Thank you, Mama.”
And in that moment, you knew—you were exactly where you were meant to be.
#ley speaks#ley writes#ley writes series#cg!wanda maximoff x little!reader#cg!wanda maximoff#cg!wanda#little!reader#marvel caregiver#fictional caregiver#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff fluff#agere caregiver#sfw agere#age regressor#age regression
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Miya Atsumu: VBC
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: -1.8k, fluff
• Joining the Inarizaki volleyball team isn’t what you expected, but maybe someone can help with that.
Warnings: fem!reader, curses
In honesty you were ecstatic to transfer to Inarizaki High for second year, it gave you the opportunity to reconnect with your best friend Yuki, and you'd heard amazing things about the volleyball club there.
The key word being 'were'. It wasn't until you'd arrived did you understand the misconception - you had every intention of joining the females VBC despite your friends' discernment. Upon passing the advertising for afterschool clubs, you noted their sales pitch wasn't exactly suited to one's passion for the sport.
"The main reason to join is for the Miya twins!"
It was rather a passion for the boys.
"But this is the girls team." You'd deadpan stated, as if this resolved everything.
Alas the promoter and captain disagreed with a gleaming smile that suggested she'd been begging to elaborate on such things.
"Yes exactly! Atsumu and Osamu are interested in volleyball, meaning the boys team are liable to play us during training. Giving us a chance to spend time and learn from them~"
"Great, I'm all for the competition but—"
"If you're lucky you might even end up with a hot boyfriend!"
Instantly the leaflet in your palm was scrunched, a huff of disappointment escaping you.
"Then I'd rather find somewhere else to play." You curtly responded, the girl taken aback but cheerfully calling after you anyway.
"We— We're showing around potential recruits after school if you change your mind!"
Once reaching your newly assigned classroom, the balled up paper was dumped on your friends' desk who only looked up to you with a raised brow.
"That's why you were evasive about me joining the volleyball club Yuki."
She released a tired hum, like she'd been expecting this conversation, Hamada Yuki and yourself had been on a team together in middle school.
"Told ya (Y/n), as a member of the so-called 'Inarizaki Girls Volleyball Team', it's more of a damn fan club at this point." Yuki seethed, shooting the flyer into the bin across the classroom.
"I could tell. Is anyone serious there besides you?" You questioned once sitting at your desk beside hers, the setter shaking her head thoughtfully.
"A few. We're vastly outnumbered by fangirls though, we practice and they do whatever - sometimes asking us about terminology to impress certain people of course."
On that note, you figured it'd be worth seeing what the fuss was about later, and if what Yuki had told you was true.
Lo and behold, it was exactly like Yuki described. However, the second you'd reached the boys practice, the surrounding group of girls came to life with unadulterated adoration for the players. Squeals and cheers erupting when they'd take shots or score, meanwhile you'd analysed the plays with a degree of knowledge.
It was then you'd locked eyes with the charismatic setter, only for a second, before his shift in focus sent your fellow potentials into a frenzy.
That's enough. You walked out.
So the girls team wasn't your cup of tea. That didn't mean you'd cease playing the game you enjoyed - the nearby community centre hosted volleyball sessions regularly, and you were able to book time slots with Yuki and some of her teammates.
It meant you were settling into this new environment, even if it wasn’t perfect. As an Inarizaki tradition, and a volleyball fan, you naturally ended up watching a few of the boys games out of support. They were talented too, deserving of their recognition even if part of it was linked to their attractiveness.
“Ya came to the game huh, transfer?” He caught you as you were about to leave the gym in the midst of students fussing over them, an apologetic hand immediately retracting from your wrist where he’d reached for you.
“Yeah, apparently it’s a tradition or something since you guys are the pride of Inarizaki.” You’d spoken casually with a shrug which he seemed somewhat defeated by considering the recent victory.
“Oh really…?”
“Mhm. You played well though, Miya.”
“It’s nothin’, all thanks to training and my team y’know?” It appeared he’d reignited, a sudden enlightenment about him due to your praise.
“Keep it up then. See you around.”
“I— uh— yeah hope so!”
Today, you'd ventured to the centre, court doors open to allow a soft breeze to freshen the area. As well as a perspective viewpoint for curious passers-by, one that captured the double back of a certain blonde.
Finally, spike!
"Hey I know ya!"
Faltering, awry angle leaving you landing awkwardly but your hit was seemless. Still, you shot a dangerous glare to the intruders, finding Atsumu holding the door he'd previously slammed wide open and Osamu who also seemed tired of his twins' spontaneity.
"No, you don't Miya."
"Yer from class. The transfer.” Atsumu proudly replied to your dismissal, walking in with a wave alongside his brother who facepalmed with an agitated mutter.
“Their name is (L/n) (Y/n).”
“Well I never asked ‘em!” Even though you’d spoken a few times and it’d been nearly two months, this remained true.
"Okay, and?" Your lack of acknowledgement left Atsumu pouting slightly, but he was more intrigued by your choice of venue considering the fully functioning gym and team currently training at Inarizaki.
"And yer here playing volleyball instead of at school! Yer good, the girls team would be glad to have ya."
"I'd rather play for the community centre." You immediately responded a matter-of-factly, facing him now and spinning the recovered ball between your hands.
"But they don't get to enter high school competitions." It seemed he wasn't entirely convinced, having not discovered the answers he was politely fishing for.
"I know."
"Alright! I just wanna know why yer here? I’d get to play against ya if yer were apart of the school team." Atsumu argued again, more direct this time.
"Because the girls team is a damn fan club for you guys, the only score they're interested is scoring a date with you!"
"Huh, I mean..."
"Why bother joining a team like that when hardly any of them are there to actually play volleyball." You'd rolled your eyes, emotion present when explaining your point and Atsumu seemed to empathise.
"I get it. That'd piss me off too."
"Agreed." Osamu added, an understanding nod toward you.
"Then you have your answer."
With little more to say, the twins shared a sceptical look, before returning their focus to you once more.
“Would ya mind if we joined ya then?”
The question caught you off-guard, darting between them as if searching for some ulterior motive only to find none.
“I guess not.”
“Thanks (L/n).”
“Yeah cheers!” Osamu and Atsumu respectively threw their thanks and removed their jackets ready to play.
It’d been a week since that escapade, and you’d found the twins sharing gestures of greeting if they saw you around the school but nothing out of the ordinary. At least not until now…
"Psst (Y/n)!" Yuki came dashing in, evading desks until she'd reached yours with a devious look. "Guess what."
"You actually got an A?"
"Rude." A scoff. "No, Miya Atsumu came to practice yesterday."
"I am so sorry for your loss of concentration, I imagine your fangirl teammates couldn't take their eyes off him." Sarcasm flowed like an effortless river, one that normally fuelled Yuki, except she held a scheming tone when responding straightforwardly.
"He eradicated over half of the club."
"What?" You shock was evident, you’d heard he could be critical in games and a bit of an ass but this was unexpected - Yuki far too happy to extend.
"Yep. Miya comes in and gives a whole speech about ‘if you're not serious about playing then quit’. Said if they’re here for the boys team, he'll ask to open a practice for them to watch - and something about how being apart of this club isn't gonna catch his attention because he already likes someone.”
"Woah." It was all you could muster considering that this whole thing might've been linked to your conversation the other day. He wouldn't do that for such a trivial reason though, right? But if was to protect the sport he loved then it made sense.
"So... wanna join the team and play as my precious Spiker again?" Yuki persuadingly started when clasping your shoulders, earnest gratitude and glee lacing her voice.
"Yes! Remaining members want to progress and I want my middle school ace by my side again so we can kick ass and go to Nationals!"
"Then I'm in, but isn't there a trial or—" You matched her contagious energy, until she cut you off holding up an already filed applicant form.
"Just approval from the captain." Yuki smirked, that evil one she wore when she had something over you. "Me."
"What? Once the chief of the Miya fan club quit along with the others, the team needed a serious captain.” She struck a model pose. “Who better than the reliable setter right?"
"I agree with the setter stuff, but uh can I talk to (L/n) for a sec?" The pair of you looked to the confident origin, finding none other than Atsumu walking toward you.
Yuki gave a little teasing wave and left you two to talk.
"I think ya should give the girls volleyball club a chance y'know." He’d held a hand to the back of neck, a lopsided grin on his lips regardless of the underlying awkwardness he harboured.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
"Went there yesterday, no fangirls in sight - just the makings of a solid team. Maybe ya were wrong about it."
"Maybe I was. Captain Yuki did personally invite me, so the least I could do is try it out." You paused momentarily, meeting his auburn eyes with mischievous ones of your own. "Considering all your hard work Miya."
There was a guilty look crossing his expression ever so briefly, the blonde shaking it off with a cocky smile.
"No idea whatcha talking about. Whatever, do what ya want!"
The Inarizaki girls VBC was a brilliant one now it'd been fortified, you got to play alongside your best friend once more and were surrounded by a team of talented individuals who you could hang out with as friends too.
Due to improved team cohesion, there were even joint training sessions alongside the boys VBC, sessions which the third years had said were more frequent than they ever had been before.
They couldn't help but think all the beneficial changes recently were all down to a single catalyst. Said catalyst apparently trying to impress a certain someone who'd captured more than his attention. The same one who he’d been too nervous to ask for a name numerous times when sparking conversation. The same one he’d look for during games and throughout the school corridors.
Unfortunately the certain someone was oblivious to such signs and thought nothing of it when Inarizaki walked into the gym - their prodigal setter immediately laying eyes on who everyone knew to be this certain someone.
"Hey (Y/n), can I set for ya?"
[ Masterlist ]
#miya atsumu#miya atsumu oneshot#miya atsumu x reader#miya atsumu imagines#miya atsumu imagine#atsumu x reader#atsumu fluff#hq atsumu#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu imagine#anime x reader#anime imagine#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu oneshot
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Hear me out…
Clapton Davis with a popular!s/o
i'm hearing you out and i'm seated while doing so.
part two | part three
there is, without a doubt, a social pyramid at grizzly lake.
it's not extreme in the sense that people in different social circles don't interact at all (they do), but you won't find someone like ione foster having lunch with riley jones (although they used to be best friends...).
most students will have a group of friends they've had for years, unwilling to give up the integrity of that group for anyone reason - shutting anyone else out. you can talk to someone outside of your group, but know your place - you're not getting invited to that party on saturday.
as for you? you float somewhere near the top, not quite sure how it happened. you had so many friends you were constantly walking around in a pack of people - people just liked you, gravitating towards you and finding their eyes linger as you walked down the hall.
at grizzly lake, you were untouchable.
it didn't surprise clapton davis to see you in physics on the first day of the school year (he'd had a few classes with you throughout high school). but it did surprise him when your new teacher for the year, mr. kendall, sits you down at a lab table in the back of the room, away from all your friends. you give them a sad smile but take your seat, setting your things down and propping your head up on your hand.
you barely react when mr. kendall points his pencil to the space right next to yours and calls out, "clapton davis."
maybe it's because you know the entire room is watching you that you keep staring straight ahead, looking rather bored, expression unwavering as clapton slides into the chair next to yours.
he does look at you, eyebrows raised and lips upturned in a small smile, but clapton doesn't say anything. he slouches in his seat and eventually joins you in looking straight ahead at the board, wondering if you'd respond or ignore him if he tried to talk to you.
it's not like clapton hasn't thought about it before - he's considering finally working up the courage to go up and start a genuine conversation (or at least ask you for your number or something) at least once a week for the past year (though you've been on his radar for much longer). since freshman year, clapton has made exactly two comments that were directed to you, seven jokes while in your vicinity (four of which you laughed at), and probably over a hundred remarks in classes you shared (which still counted!).
sander thought the tally was against him. sander was also beginning to think clapton was seriously going to try and talk to you. no matter how much sander warned him, clapton insisted you were nicer to outsiders than they perceived.
now was clapton's chance to prove himself right - except the bell has rung and you're slinging your bag over your shoulder, picking up your notebook and meeting up with your friends. clapton can hear your laughter as you exit the classroom, eyes falling to the space you'd just occupied and realizing you'd left your pen.
there really isn't anything special about it (other than that it'd been in your hand), but clapton picks it up anyway, staring at the most common type of pen in the country for a few moments before finally, carefully, placing it in the front zipper of his backpack.
clapton was sure the absence of that pen made absolutely no difference to you; there were probably five pens exactly like that one in your pencil pouch. and yet, clapton made a little bit of a show of returning your pen the very next day. after all, it was the thought that counted, right?
"hey," clapton begins as soon as mr. kendall takes a tired seat at his desk, letting the class attend to each other. he's digging in his backpack and you're looking at him with a confused tilt of your head. clapton comes back with a grin and a pen in his hand. "you forgot this after class yesterday."
"huh?" your lips part and your eyes blink once, twice, three times before you finally realize what clapton is saying. "oh!" you say finally, still not quite recalling ever abandoning a pen. "thanks," you say sincerely, taking the pen from clapton and using it to write your name at the top of the worksheet that had been handed out. at least you won't have to dig another pen out now.
"sure," clapton says easily, though your focus is now on the equations in front of you rather than the boy next to you.
and for the first time in history, clapton is suddenly compelled to do his work. his eyes glance between you and the way your eyebrows furrow in confusion, your paper, and the textbook the two of you have to share. he flips through, eyes falling on an equation that looks pretty similar to #2. he punches a few numbers into his calculator confidently, sliding it over to you. your focus on your paper breaks, eyebrows slightly raised in confusion again (it's a cute look on you). you look at the calculator to clapton, who has one of his famously lazy smiles on, and back to the calculator. your face relaxes into a small smile.
"thanks," you say softly, ready to write down the answer clapton has presented you before you realize it's clapton davis.
"wait," you shake your head, laughing lightly. "there's no way that's right."
"what?" clapton scoffs lightly, arms on the table and sliding towards you to take a good look at his calculation. "that's totally right."
"clapton, you shouldn't even be getting a decimal," you laugh a little harder now, taking the calculator - his calculator - and clearing his answer. you stare at your paper for a few seconds, biting your lip lightly as clapton simply watches, completely focused on the way your bottom lip springs out from the hold of your teeth. he barely realizes you're stuck until his curious eyes wander down to your fingers and see them hovering over the small buttons of his calculator.
"plus 27," clapton offers, reaching over to hit the respective buttons, fingers lightly grazing yours for just a moment. completely bullshitting.
"how'd you get that?" you ask curiously and too sincerely, forgetting who it was you were talking to. but then clapton grins and shrugs and you roll your eyes, hitting that clear button again - but there's a smile on your face.
"are you trying to sabotage me, clapton?" and clapton remembers exactly how you had completely captivated him earlier - of course you knew his name, but he'd never heard you say it before today.
he wanted to hear it more.
clapton shrugs, leaning back in his seat. "retaking physics wouldn't be so bad if you were my partner again." smooth.
"okay, the school year barely started," you laugh. god, why can't you stop smiling?
clapton leans forward again, crossing his arms on the table and setting his head down on top of them. he doesn't move as you reach into his space to flip the page of the textbook, your arm right up against his, but you don't move either. your arm stays there as you read and try to comprehend whatever it is you're supposed to be learning. clapton doesn't even try to pretend to read, his eyebrows raising as he looks up at you.
you feel warm under clapton's constant gaze, suddenly, weirdly self-conscious. your face is warm and you try, uselessly, to use that pen to direct clapton's attention back to the problem at hand.
"hmm?" clapton hums as you look over, not bothering to look away. he smiles instead at how flustered you seem to be when you avert your eyes (as if you'd been the one who'd been caught staring).
"we have to finish this." you're glancing at the clock. there's a little bit of class left, but everyone else is much further along.
clapton tries not to falter when you say we, picking up his pencil and nodding in agreement. he feels your eyes on him as he scribbles out different numbers in each blank space all the way to #10.
"done," clapton smiles, completely satisfied. he slides on his oversized sunglasses, fingers swiping through the music library on his ipod. he's close enough for you to look over curiously, unable to hold in a laugh as you get a peek of clapton's music choice.
"sting?" you're leaning in closer now, the soft scent of your shampoo reaching clapton's nose.
"uh, yeah. they're like the bruno mars of 1992!"
you laugh again, shaking your head.
"what?" clapton scoffs lightly, smile on his face.
"nothing! nothing, that's just... not the type of music i thought you'd listen to."
clapton chuckles, eyebrows raised, body and attention turned completely towards you. he's holding out one of his wired earbuds for you and you decide that physics worksheet can wait.
it takes a lot of explaining afterwards to try and assure your friends that clapton davis walking you to class (and, in turn, being late to his own), earbuds dangling from both your ears while clapton excitedly explained the cultural significance of sting's fields of gold, did not mean anything. they don't believe you, teasing smiles and curious glances making that obvious.
though, you're not sure you believe yourself, either.
hello i got carried away <;3
please let me know if you'd like me to write more clapton x popular s/o + any specific scenarios!! i love love love pathetic loser men <;3
requests are open! | masterlist
#clapton davis#clapton davis x reader#clapton davis x you#clapton davis fluff#josh hutcherson x reader#josh hutcherson#detention 2011#v + clapton#v writes
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Henry getting agitated at you during class because you purposefully challenge him, you are academic rivals after all. And him taking it out on you after everyone leaves…
winding him up for the sole fun of it during class would be such a thrill. constantly challenging and refuting his claims, piping up and perhaps even speaking over him, adding information he forwent... it would set him the hell off.
of course, he wouldn't exactly portray it; you, however, would notice how increasingly tense he'd become, how firmly his hand would close around his pen, how he would need to draw longer and deeper breaths. the agitation would be encrypted in his every gesture, so tense and stiff and thereby obscuring pure anger. it would allure you greatly — mostly because, due to your previously established rather debaucherously-shaded affinity, it would pay off in more ways than one: you would not only prove your intelligence to both him and everyone else present, but also have him generating so much resentful tension that he would have no other choice than to unleash it all on you somehow.
the precise moment class would end, henry would rise into the air rather stiffly, clear his throat and gather his things. then, across the classroom, he would lowly call out to you and say, calmly and diplomatically, "about the last issue you raised — follow me into the library and i will present you with a volume or two that pretty much solidifies my point." at first, you'd even buy into the potential scenario. having drawn your polite goodbyes to the rest of the greek class, who'd claim to be entirely exhausted and announce the desire to retire to someplace other than the library (preferably somewhere with a liquor license), you would let yourself be led down the hampden hallways by a silent, overly tense henry.
on your way there, however, he drags you into the first janitor's closet the two of you walk past. all of your belongings are at once discarded on the floor, and henry's much larger palms restrain you in every way he can — keeping your arms pinned to your sides, gradually pulling them upward and crossing them above your head. his lips would immediately be pressed to yours, as would his towering frame, and you'd merely melt into the curve of his body. a grin would play on your face, mischievous and triumphant — you will have gotten what you wanted.
upon his drawing back for air, you'd quip, "this isn't the library." in response, he would say, bittered greatly, "and this isn't how i appreciate being talked to." whether or not you'd apologize depends on your playfulness, but in either case, it wouldn't make that great of a difference — he would have your face pressed against the cool wall and thrusting into you roughly and punitively some two minutes later in either case. with your hair bouncing in your field of vision, his hand would be cupped around your mouth due to your increasingly bratty urge to make as much noise as possible on purpose.
he would be incredibly agitated with your behavior, marking the fact thereof known via spanking you from behind and feeding you a wholly penal, relentless pace. you'd flutter around his length, dripping on him and down your thighs, which he would only deride you for and forbid you to clean up after you're done — he'd simply pull your tights back over the mess and fold your skirt back over the supple curve of your backside, and drag you back out of the room. from there on, you'd proceed down the hallway with a barely perceptible, yet painful limp.
and yes, he'd still take you to the library afterward to prove his goddamn point. with the evidence of his orgasm still scorching and novel between your thighs and inside you, however, you would find very few reasons to pay exceeding mind — instead, your head would be occupied with various ways to pay him back.
#henry winter smut#henry winter imagine#henry winter x reader#henry winter thirst#indulgent thoughts#astrum asks#i cannot do this today#i need this to happen so badly#he would be so rude and so rough but also so nonchalant about it#poor thing would hate his intelligence to be challenged like that#as a very argumentative person this would be me to a T#especially because i'm an obnoxious language student with a profound knowledge of latin and ancient history
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An outtake from the latest chapter of Work Wife, Lavender's interrogation conversation with Kingsley, while we wait for my cat to get off my laptop so I can finish editing the second part of it/chapter 5 to post.
This will probably not make sense unless you've read Chapter 4, but it is a funny little aside that didn't quite fit with the rest of the chapter and had to be removed.
"Why do you care?"
Kingsley was rather caught off guard by the request, though it really did sound like more of a demand if he thought about it. If Harry hadn't known where he might find Hermione, and none of the Weasleys had a better idea, then he'd resigned himself to the assumption that wherever she was was no doubt secret kept and well secured, and he'd just have to wait for her to resurface of her own volition to check in. Now, here was some unknown young woman, she herself looking decidedly worse for the wear with fresh scars lining her arms and face as she stared him down, waiting for an answer to a question he hadn't expected to be asked.
"Hermione was feeling unwell this morning and mentioned she was heading that direction. I only wanted to check in..."
"Right. Why?"
"Because she was feeling... my sister had been at breakfast with her and was rather concerned... I... what do you mean why?"
"If she's back home, she's fine. Her parents are both muggle healers of some sort or another and her wards are good. Happy?"
"I... not particularly, no. Do you know where I might find..."
"Not so far as you know."
Well this was going nowhere. His first proper lead and she was rather determined to make a dead end of herself. Not that he blamed her, of course, if anything her dedication to who he had to assume was her friend was admirable, but it was a touch inconvenient.
"What if I wanted to know?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because she's my fiance, and I am worried about her."
"I thought the papers were making all that up? They usually are, when it comes to her."
"Well not this time."
"Prove it?"
A fair question. If the papers weren't a reliable source, and he didn't have Hermione on hand to confirm the error that had led to their betrothal, there wasn't much for her friend here to go on, was there?
"I'm not sure I can. But I'll swear you a wand oath, if you'd like. It wasn't intentionally done, but we are engaged and I am only asking because she left a breakfast with my sister rather urgently and apparently seemed unwell enough it was cause for alarm."
That, it seemed, was enough to get the young woman thinking.
"Make the oath, then we can chat. Somewhere else, though. Don't want everyone listening in, turning up to harass her."
Sticking his wand out, Kingsley tried his best to refrain from rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of it all. If he'd been asked after the final battle, and he had been by friends, family, and the press alike, what he expected to be doing in the wake of the war, he'd have never managed to nail the truth of the matter. But here he was, swearing oaths that he had in fact managed to accidentally get engaged to a woman who was barely more than an acquaintance after she'd run out on him after a brief fling, pointedly trying to be as quiet about it as he could to avoid further attention from curious onlookers in the too crowded halls of Hogwarts.
"I swear that I mean no harm to Hermione Granger, my betrothed, or any of her kin, and that none shall come to them by me of my own intent. May magic judge the truth of my words."
"Works for me. I'm Lavender, by the way."
With wand lit, she seemed pleased enough to take his word on the matter as well, only stopping ushering him away from the open corridor as she realized how it might look to drag him into a broom cupboard with so many witnesses. Instead, she chose a classroom, mostly empty, and soon entirely empty with a quick sharp look at the few younger students milling about in it.
"Right, you're an auror, aren't you? Manage the wards? That's not exactly my area of expertise, if it's all the same, and I'll not be interrupted by those third years coming back to cause trouble or some curious reporter."
He was, and he did, tossing up a quick round of silencing and detection charms after seeing the door locked. On one level, he understood the caution. If Hermione had gone to the trouble of secret keeping her parents' home, even with the war over and most Death Eaters in custody or dead, it wouldn't do to go handing that information out to just anyone. It was a touch inconvenient though.
"Done. Now, do you know where I might find her?"
"It's a bit complicated..."
"Secret kept, I assume? You have my word, I'm not going to go passing it around, even if I could. She's entitled to her privacy if she wants it..."
"Not just. That's more of a precaution to keep people from knowing where it was so nobody's snooping around the right area, or in any trouble trying to remember to lie about it if asked. She explained it, something about some muggle book she liked about a walking house or something, and Alice in Wonderland, I don't remember exactly. But it's there, but not at the same time, unless you do certain things in the right order to get through the layered wards. How's your memory?"
"Good enough."
"It'll need to be. So, first off, you'll start in Hampstead Gardens, east end of the central square about halfway through. There's a playground somewhere there, with a big tree on the edge. Tap the tree, then it's straight west until you find a few crossed arches, it's a memorial for someone or something..."
She wasn't kidding about the memory. He'd never heard of a full blown scavenger hunt to hide one building, much less one that had been constructed in a rush as a first proper attempt at ward-building. But he'd manage it. Or else, he'd have to hope that Hermione hadn't been thorough enough to put a trap into the wards to catch anyone who tried and failed to break them. Over the years, he'd heard enough horror stories off of Bill about cursed antechambers and hidden libraries where the scrolls would poison you if you opened them without following the correct procedures, enough to know he wasn't interested in repeating whatever the muggle equivalent notion of them was. Besides, he'd already put her through enough trouble as it was. Better to not add to it having to pull him out of whatever prison she'd built into her wards for uninvited guests if he made a false step.
#fanfiction#ao3 fanfic#deleted scene#my fic#hermione x kingsley#hermione granger#kingsley shacklebolt#lavender brown#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter
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She's Yours, You're Mine part three [fluff]
Draco x Fem!Reader
Draco is arranged to marry Astoria, but all he's ever wanted is you.
Words: 1074 Contains: confessions, cheating (?)
Notes: all characters are 18+, reader's house is not specified yet.
A week later
You sat in potions, actively tapping your foot as others walked in. Draco was in this class with you, and you hadn't seen him since the almost-kiss in the greenhouses. Although, you weren't sure that he was actually leaning in to kiss you or if you were just imagining it, but you freaked out and ran out, not wanting to think about him cheating on Astoria. Arranged or not, they were in a relationship.
Everyone took their places at their cauldrons while the professor went over a few things and set the class loose to practice Veritaserum.
It was only a few moments into work time before Draco walked in nervously. We locked eyes then quickly looked away from each other.
"Ah! Mr. Malfoy. Nice of you to join us. If you'd take your place by ms. y/l/n, you can get started on the Veritaserum potion. Let me know when you are finished." The Professor spoke and Draco nodded. He set his bag down and turned the fire on his cauldron.
You two worked without looking at each other once, two embarrassed. Though, it didn't mean Draco wanted to look at you any less. He ached to look at you, to touch you again, even in just a hug. He felt horrible after you had left him, and all the warmth he felt ran off with you. He was worried he had messed things up, moving too fast or assuming you felt the same.
You turned to grab ingredients from the pantry and he took this as he opportunity to talk to you alone. He followed you in, "Y/n?"
You turned to look at him, remorse filling your eyes, "Draco, I'm sorry-"
"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in that position and I really don't want you to hate me. I just wanted to talk to you and I guess I wasn't feeling the best and-"
"Draco. It's ok." You nodded, "It's not your fault. I would've kissed you but.. Astoria. You two are together, and I don't want to get involved in that.."
"Believe me, if I could get her away from me I would but- she's always around me, and yet she still treats me like shit-" He cut himself off, "I wish I could love her, I really do, but I'll never look at her like I look at you." He admitted and looked down at the floor.
You were stunned, not expecting him to have such an infatuation with you after all these years.
"I- I can't do this right now.. um- can we talk after class? Somewhere alone? Before someone else comes in here." Your mouth stays open and he walks out, leaving you to finish gathering the ingredients you came for, though you could barely remember what they were.
After class
Draco waited outside the classroom while you gathered your things. When you were ready, you both walked silently by each other, down onto the open Hogwarts grounds, just outside the quidditch pitch.
When he was sure there was nobody else around, he spoke up. "Y/n, I know I'm being stupid right now, but I need you to know that I wasn't intending to run into you that night, I was just trying to clear my head and- I usually go to the greenhouses to do that."
"I really wanted to kiss you." You said softly, "But I don't know you anymore.. what's your favorite hobby?"
He was surprised at the turn of topics, but didn't mind it. That's what he loved about you. You had an ability to make anyone feel comfortable. "Um- I don't really know. I haven't had much free time lately."
"Well there has to be something."
He tried to think. Any moment he had was spent on school work, and if not that, then pleasing his fiancee with shopping sprees or staring out windows. Rather sad the more he thought about it.
"I really can't think of anything." A saddened look spread across your face as he admitted this, and you tried to think of something for him.
"Do you remember when we used to explore around those old catacombs in Feldcroft? And how excited we got when we'd find old bones." He smiled at the memory,
"Yea, I do."
"Or when you tried to teach me to skip stones across the black lake. I finally learned you know." You exclaimed and smiled proudly, "I learned the summer before 5th year, I was determined to beat your record."
You both walked in silence for a little longer before he stopped and turned to you. "I desperately want to be around you. All the time. And I don't know why, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we stopped talking. I wanted to find a way to make it up to you, but you were always with some other guy or buried in a book studying or with your friends- I didn't know how to get into your life again without Astoria or even my parents finding out because merlin knows they find out about everything happening in this school."
"Shit-" You kissed him. So suddenly, so unprovoked, his eyes were wide before he sunk into the kiss and brought his hands to your waist. You felt the emotion in the way he kissed back and the longing finally being released. He pulled you closer as the kiss became more passionate. You pulled away for a moment to get some air.
"We shouldn't do this but-" Another kiss, "nobody has to know.." You continued to make out before realizing just how out in the open the two of you were. "We should get back."
"Yea- yea, we should."
"Meet here tomorrow though?" you questioned quietly and Draco smiled widely,
"Of course." He nodded.
This would become a daily thing between you two, and as cheesy as it was, you'd meet up behind the pitch and make out after class. Nobody would have to know, and you were able to rekindle the relationship you two had, but romantically.
He hadn't felt this much contentment or freedom in years, and he had you to thank for that. Everything seemed just a little warmer, and suddenly the days didn't seem so slow. He stopped crying and made an effort in his classes again.
Everything was okay again, just as long as Astoria didn't find out.
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Master! Part: 1/?
Barbatos feels he hasn't done enough for the last couple days and decides to ask Simeon for help.
This was originally gonna be 2 parts but Tumbler has word limits, so it's gonna have to broken into more than 2 (maybe 3 or more). Part 2 I already up, but it isn't as long as this part
For only Two parts (like intended), It is also up on my AO3 (Archive of Our Own) page under Dizzy_Sight.
For all the parts that's currently up, click the "Master! Simebarb" Tag
The bell just rang for lunch at R.A.D. and Simeon quickly gathered his bag and swung it over his head, letting strap cross his chest. He was hungry. More hungry then usual when the lunch bell rang. He didn't have time to eat breakfast since he, Luke and Solomon woke up late. From what Solomon explained, the power kicked off and on sometime in the night and resest the clocks. Apparently it's a common thing in the Human Realm. As for the phones, their phones had a system update and turned off their alarms . If it wasn't for MC calling Solomon to wonder why he isn't where they planned to meet, they'd still be alseep. As soon as Simeon stepped one foot out the classroom, his phone dinged. Moving out the way of hungry students, he stood on the side of the hallway and checked who messaged him. His eyes widen a bit and a small heat rose to his cheeks to find it was Barbatos who messaged him. Barbatos: I'm sorry to bother you on your way to lunch, but I was wondering if you would join me for lunch today. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. Join the Steward for lunch? The angel thought. I'm rarely asked to join him for lunch. At least during school days. Any other time, we'd spend hours talking. Speaking of which. Simeon: What do you want to talk about? Barbatos: That's something I'd rather talk about in person. Simeon: Alright. Where do you want to meet? Barbatos: Meet me in Music Room No. 3 on the 2nd Floor. Don't worry about getting your lunch. I already have that covered. Music Room 3? Isn't that room abandoned? If so, it's probably the reason why he wants to talk there. So no one can overhear what he has to say. Simeon: I'm on my way. Barbatos: See you soon. And with that, their message conversation ended. Simeon was a bit relieved he didn't have to go far to eat. The music room was closer to him then the cafeteria. He was also a bit nervous. What did Barbatos want to talk about? Was it about Luke? I hope he's approving in his baking skills. Or was it about D.J.? Please don't let me hear anything negative about her! He frowned at the thought of his oldest getting in trouble again.
He messaged the others to let them know he won't be joining them for lunch today. MC: You won't? Where you going?
Simeon: Barbatos invited me to join him for lunch today. Solomon: Oh? Where are you eating? Simeon: In Music Room No. 3. MC: The abandoned music room?
Simeon: That's the one Luke: Don't let that demon try anything! Solomon: I highly doubt Barbatos is gonna do anything on him, Luke. He isn't Asmo. MC: You'd know that all too well, wouldn't you Solomon? Solomon said nothing in response while MC and Luke started talking about something else. Turning around and putting his phone on silent, Simeon put his phone away and found the nearest set of stairs a couple classrooms down. The angel climbed up them, taking the right set of stairs to the second floor. After passing a few classrooms, that had a couple students in them still, he reached the abandoned music room and opened the door. Peeking inside, he found large instruments covered in dusty white cloths. One he knew for sure was a piano.
Why would Barbatos of all demons want to come to a dusty room to talk? Unless he plans on cleaning it after we eat.The angel thought, walking over to the covered piano. Dust lingered in the air, as it tickled his nose and made him sneeze. He then a heard a chuckled coming from somewhere in the room. "My, my, " the voice said, a he could see a shadowy figure walking behind the curtain that paritly covered the hidden piano. He figure appeared to be Barbatos, in his demon form. The demon's tail raised, holding a duster between the tips. "bless you. I apologize for making you sneeze, I was dusting before you got here. I was hoping to at least get some part of the room decent enough for us eat, but I guess, that won't be possible with dust flying everywhere." He said, looking behind himself and letting out a small huff and frowned. He then looks back at Simeon and smiled. The demon grabbed the angel's hands and held them as he leaned in to kiss him. Simeon met him halfway. It was a soft, yet firm kiss. Butterflies fluttered around the angel's stomach and electricity shot through his body. The feel of the demon's lips on his was very sinful, yet exciting at the same time. If only demons and angels were allowed to be together, the two would have nothing to hide from their worlds. But it's also the thought of being caught by the wrong people is what made it so thrilling. The steward pulled away and looked at him with a small blush on his face and a smile. Simeon noticed Barbatos's tail no longer held the duster and was swaying a bit back and forth, tail tips twisting around each other. "How my angel doing?" Barbatos asked. The angel waved their arms in and out a bit. "I'm doing really good actually. So is Luke. He's really excited for your next lesson tomorrow." Simeon told him. " As am I, but I said "angel" not "angels"." The steward pointed out, letting go of Simeon's hands and pulled him closer to him by his waist. He then crossed his arms over Simeon's back and let his wrists sit on the angel's tail bone. Simeon wrapped his arms around the steward's neck and met him half way in another kiss. This time it was more passionate. The angel felt something slightly damp slither across his back. It only took a second for him to realize it was only the demon's tail wrapping itself around the two, pushing the two closer together where their chests touched. Neither one of them showed they minded, as they tightened their arms to bring their heads and waists closer as the butler slid his tongue inside the angel's mouth. The angel moaned as their tongues danced together in a playful fight for dominance. Barbatos slid one hand from behind the angel's back and rubbed his fingertips over Simeon's exposed side. The angel gasped and quietly moaned as the demon moved, kissing from his lips to his neck, the angel moving his head to give him more access. Simeon shuddered and blushed more, bitting but bottom lip from feeling Barbatos's teeth scrapped against his sensitive spot at the side of his neck. Barbatos was about to bite the angel, to mark him as his when the angel's stomach growled. They both froze and Simeon went very stiff, face going a very dark red. Barbatos chuckled and pulled away from the angel's neck to see his lover's face bright red dispite his dark color.
#obey me#barbatos x simeon#obey me barbatos#obey me simeon#simeon x barbatos#shall we date#obey me shall we date#Simebarb#Master! Simebarb
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“So your name’s Athena, hm?” Ema asked, scribbling it down in her notepad alongside some notes about the girl’s appearance and demeanor. “Any other defining characteristics I should know about?”
#fierypassionofjustice#//I'm thinking this is right after Ema's assigned to be Athena's 'buddy' or whatever#maybe in the hallway outside of the principal's office???#or it can be in a classroom or somewhere else if you'd rather!
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. . .screaming at school during nonconsensual encounters, even if you're a delinquent, should have a chance of Kylar coming to rescue you, if it doesn't already. Kylar, high Love!Whitney, or maybe even high Confidence!Robin. Delinquency be damned.
Kylar may be a shrimpy kid but if some kid were running at you with a knife while you were harassing the kid they always said was their lover you'd probably drop what(or who--)ever you were doing and run tf away. They may take you somewhere else rather than back to your classroom, maybe offering to clean you off in some way(high Jealousy makes it a nonconsensual encounter if you say no. Raises jealousy if you say no otherwise. Raises jealousy just to be rescued by Kylar lbr they saw other people touching you.) Of course, cleaning you off may involve a loving tongue bath, or just getting fucked so you're no longer sullied by others' touch.
Whitney may also do the same thing, taking you wherever they hang out while skipping class instead of back to your class. May also not help, just watch and sneer at you for expecting them to rescue you in the first place(or act mad at you for letting yourself be touched by other people--you belong to them, did you forget that, you dumb slut?) High Love, high Dominance theg help(violently--how dare these perverts touch you???), but probably decides to finish the job of fucking with you himself(nonconsensual if you struggle, as always, probably Atheletics check to escape, you may lose clothes if you were stripped of them before rescue.)
High Confidence Robin will rescue you and will probably make sure you get back to class okay. Maybe take you to the bathroom to clean you up a bit, make sure there's no writing or injuries. They're a good egg. Maybe you can give them a kiss for saving you. Next time you talk to them outside of class they'll laugh awkwardly about being in trouble for running out of class like that(probably go to detention with them at the end of the day--Leighton can't molest both of you! . . .probably) but they'll say it was worth it to make sure you were okay. Then again, they may fail just like while trying to keep the student from assaulting you on the pillory in History. Idk how they'd rescue you anyway, aside from possibly bringing a teacher with him or throwing something at the students molesting you/hitting the assailant(s) with his backpack (fingers crossed nothing hits you--). It may dissuade them enough that there's a witness, even if it's just Robin.
I don't know Sydney well enough to say whether or not they would. They seem like a good student, wouldn't want to leave their desk even if they heard you screaming, but they might check in later. Corrupt!Sydney might, though, I imagine. Ofc the students assaulting you think 'well it's just Sydney, what're they gonna do' but. Sydney will fuck you up. Sydney will Scarlet Letter them with permanent marker if nothing else. Nobody wants to walk around with 'Rapist' on their forehead in red marker. But Sydney can spank pretty hard, will hit other students with books if they harass you in the library, I'm sure they'd fuck up someone assaulting you if they decided to intervene.
#noncon cw#suggestive#dol#danie yells at degrees of lewdity#whitney the bully#kylar the loner#robin the orphan#sydney the faithful#or fallen. both work really. i mostly know about faithful syd so that's the perspective i was able to acknowledge lol#i feel like i've mentioned this thought before
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What Pet I Think They'd Have and Why: Karasuno Edition
Daichi Sawamura

Of course he'd have a police dog
He's a cop and if he'd have any pet he'd have a buddy to help him bust criminals and fight crime
But I don't think Daichi would have a "normal" dog breed like a German Shepherd, Malinois, or Akita
I feel like Daichi would have a Rottweiler not bc they are my favorite dog breed
But Rottweilers used to be very prevalent in many police forces around the world until German Shepard and Malinois became more common
Also Rottweilers gained a harsh reputation for being aggressive bc they were trained by drug lords and criminals and were used to in fighting
Rottweilers are very muscular, sturdy, and hard working dogs
If trained right and with proper love and care these dogs are GREAT and I mean GREAT companions
They are stubborn and can be territorial with strangers, but, they are very loving towards familiars and family
They are a kind of one or two people fits them kind of dog
They also need constant stimulus as they were breed to be very hardworking dogs
Rottweilers used to pull sleds full of butchered meat bc they were so strong and the original breed was much bigger than the one we know today
They also herded large livestock through the alps and Roman region and are known to be fearless
They are also one of the oldest dog breeds
These dogs became popular Police dogs during the World Wars
Bc they were being used so much their guardian qualities were more showcased so more and more people wanted one to help keep and eye on their children
Since they are herding dogs they are good around children and can keep them in a yard if they are taught the parameters
Rottweilers despite their size generally don't bark a lot either, they are very sneaky when approaching a possible threat and will ppun e from behind
This is why I think Daichi would have one to be by his side
I feel like Daichi would do a lot of research into a good companion and finding a good breeder to find one after deciding
He'd get one as a puppy and personally see to it's training, working with a pro the whole time
His dog would also be a great family protector when he's home with his spouse and possible children, if he ends up having any
Koushi Sugawara

I feel like Koushi would be that really awesome teacher that has a really sweet and sociable pet that he brings in for the kids a lot
I feel Koushi would want soemthing small and cute so a rabbit of some sort would suit him well
Rabbits can be very loving with a small family most of the time or sometimes only one person
Rabbits are prey animals so some breeds wouldn't do well in a loud room full of young children
So what specific rabbit breed would suit his job?
So I chose the Harlequin Rabbit for Koushi
Harlequin rabbits are very social and loving towards owners and strangers alike
They also are known to be very silly, playful and very intelligent
They come in two colour types: Japanese and Magpie
The picture above is an example of Japanese while a Magpie can be colored in just about any other colour other than black nd orange like lilac, white, chocolate, blue and/or black
I feel like this specific type of rabbit would suit him so well as it would be comfortable around all those kids
Be very social and would be less likely to nip them
And it would be energetic enough to keep up with the kids
Koushi wouldn't just want a pet for his classroom though, he'd want a cuddle buddy for at home
He'd want a companion to sit on his lap while he works on lessons
He'd also want a pet that wasn't too lazy as his life would be pretty busy
The only thing is is that rabbits are high maintenance and need very specific foods, medicines, and an experienced vet to care for them
But rabbits are cuddly little crackheads that Koushi would adore
Energetic enough to keep up with his life, but snuggly and home bodied enough to not exhaust him
Asahi Azumane

Asahi is a fashion designer and thus would spend a lot of time hunched over a sketch book making designs
In other words, he has a very home based and indoor job
So he'd need a pet that isn't energetic and obnoxious like a husky or chihuahua
So I chose the Havanese
Havanese is the national dog of Cuba
This dog may be small but they are incredibly sturdy
These dogs become attached quickly and are extremely loyal to said lone owner
Something else that is good for Asahi is these dogs do not do good alone and are willing to follow their owners to the ends of the Earth
They can be described as velcro dogs bc of how attach to the hip with their owners they are
These dogs can be lively and active but they don't need much exercise as they are smaller
Most of their daily exercise can be met in a house with some light play
Also, these dogs are extremely friendly towards strangers and can be described as good host dogs
Another plus for Asahi about this breed is they aren't particularly vocal, most are rather quiet and reserved almost
The last thing you'd want is for people to look down on you for letting your pet act spoiled by barking and nipping at people's ankles
They also love to perform for others
They like attention and are good in groups
Asahi would have to meet with a lot of new people like models and companies and whatnot so a social dog would be best
Asahi also would spend a lot of time in an office or at home and since these dogs don't need much exercise he would be able to have it sleep on his lap while he works without disturbance
I also feel like Asahi would become a bit of a hermit
Like he would contact people but he wouldn't leave his house unless he absolutely had to or wanted to (which isn't often)
Havanese are home-bodied dogs and love just chillin' out on a warm lap or on a couch cushion beside their owners
Yū Nishinoya

Now I DO NOT think Noya should have a pet until he decides to settle down somewhere
Travel can really exhaust a person so it would harm an animal tenfold
So, if you travel a lot DO NOT GET A PET IT WILL ONLY HARM THEM
But if Yū were to have a pet.............................
Noya would need a pet that can travel well, is small enough to not cost a lot, is very attached to their owners, and can eat just about anything
I thought briefly of other rodents since rodents are generally small and can eat just about any food
But raccoons, possums, and other larger rodents that are more common for pets would be too hard to get on planes and boats since you need certification to own them
Rats on the other hand don't need such certifications in most countries and fill all the other requirements
The rat he would have isn't a Dumbo rat like in the picture above, he'd have like a wild rat that he befriended and decided to take with him so it'd most like be brown
Noya would 100% fight anyone who says they hate rats
He hypes up his pet rat to no end
He calls Asahi whenever he can and tells him about all the cool stuff his rat does and sends pictures of his rat being held up to a gorgeous background of famous landmarks in other countries
Nlya always has his rat around the back of his neck and wears a hoodie, scarf, or something like that to hide him so he can join Noya in places that don't allow pets
I also chose a rat bc they are incredibly loyal and I feel like if Noya were to be really tired on a plane and pass out, he would need a pet that he wouldn't have to worry about running away
Of course he has trained his rat to do amazing tricks, you already know
Also, as I previously mentioned, rats can eat just about anything, so his constant travel wouldn't hurt his companion diet
Rats are also quiet generally and aren't overly energetic so he wouldn't have to be worried about being escorted out for having a rat under his scarf
Chikara Ennoshita

Shibas are very independent dog, let's just start with that bc Chikara would need a pet that doesn't need constant attention
With him being a personal trainer he needs a pet that can self entertain
Something else about Shibas is they can often housebreak themselves bc of how fussy and finicky they are
You can also find them cleaning themselves much like a cat
Chikara would be busy for a good bit of his time so he doesn't really have time to properly spend time to housebreak a pet
But Shibas were originally bred to hunt and flush out game like birds and rabbits and other such small animals
A fact about Shibas is they almost went extinct during WWII bc of food shortages a distemper
Distemper is a disease only animals can be affected by that attacks many different systems in their bodies
Also, Shibas are the number one most common companion dog in Japan
Something else about Shibas is that they are fairly healthy, some of the more major problems they have are glaucoma, cataracts, hip dysplasia, entropion, and luxating patella
A lot of eye conditions but are easily avoided if you bring them in for very periodic eye checks and hip examinations
So these are easy to avoid as long you keep an eye on them
Over all I think that if Chikara were to have a pet it would need to be fairly self-sufficient but also something could have a very chill and laid back relationship with
Something that doesn't need to be on his lap all the time but something he can love and nurture
Kiyoko Shimizu & Ryūnoske Tanaka

Now I know I know
Ryu would be a dog person
He'd want a big manly pet not a cat blah blah blah
Kiyoko would definitely be a cat person
She wouldn't want a purebred and would probably find a box of some kittens with Ryu on the side of the sidewalk
Now look me in the eye and lie to me by saying that Ryu would now start crying immediately upon seeing like four lonely little kittens in a box that need a home
Needless to say, they take them home and nurture them endlessly
But Tanaka would be the kind of guy that harness trains his cats so they can go out on walks
Kiyoko would research how to harness train them, what food would be the best, and anything else they need to take care of these four cats
Imagine seeing these two, a big muscular dude and this goddess walking four cats on harnesses down the street
I literally cannot stop thinking about Ryu and Kiyoko cuddling on the couch with all four adult and rather large cats draping themselves across the two of them
I feel like the reason Ryu would want them harness trained is bc he wouldn't be able to spend much time with them
His job as a personal trainer would keep him busy
So on his morning jogs to stay fit he'd want to take not only Kiyoko but the cats as well
I plan on making more parts to this, I hope you enjoy it 😉
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Untangle Me

Chapter One - McGuire’s Pub
"Come on, Molly, you never do anything fun! It's only one night, and it wouldn't be the same without you!"
Molly sighed as she rolled her eyes at her coworker and friend. "That's not true, Hannah. I do plenty of fun things.." She muttered as she continued to straighten up her classroom. Due to the rainy weather outside, she'd been forced to keep her toddlers inside, and they'd practically trashed the room out of boredom. Ahh, the life of a preschool teacher...
"Pffft, sure you do. You work and you babysit. And when you're not watching kids, you go home and watch Netflix, am I right? Don't even try to deny it. Besides, what is one night out going to hurt?" Hannah asked. Her brow was raised as she gave Molly a smug smirk. She was right and she knew it.
Molly sighed and opened her mouth to speak, but she was quickly cut off by her friend once more.
"You haven't even had a night out since you broke up with Asher..."
Molly tensed a bit as she turned to look at Hannah. A hard glare was evident in her eyes. "That's not fair." She said firmly. Molly hadn't had the best relationship with Asher, and though it took so long for her to admit it to herself, breaking up with him had been the best thing she'd ever done for herself. But, it still was painful. She'd spent years with him, and it was hard to just let all of that go.
Hannah frowned at the look on her friend's face. She was regretful of her words, or rather, how she'd put them. She knew Asher was a tough subject for Molly and she should have never brought him up. Still, she knew a night out with her friends was exactly what Molly needed, even if she didn't see it. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you, that's all. You're always doing things for others, but you never do anything for yourself. I think a night out is just what you need. "
Molly sighed as she placed the last stray toy on the shelf. She really just wanted to go home and have a relaxing night in, but perhaps there was some truth in what Hannah was saying. "You know what...fine, I'll go. But just this once, okay? And you have to promise not to harass me about going out again."
A bright grin spread across Hannah's face as she nodded eagerly. "Deal! We're meeting at McGuire's pub at 8:30, don't be late! I swear you're going to have the best time! You won't regret it!"
And so that's how Molly found herself seated at a table with Hannah and Sophie, surrounded by drunk people and loud Irish music. If she was honest, this wasn't her cup of tea and she longed to go home, but she didn't want to disappoint her friends. So, she sipped idly at a glass of wine and took in her surroundings the best she could.
Sophia and Hannah had gotten lost in their own conversation, and though Molly knew they weren't trying to exclude her in any way, she felt like a third wheel and didn't want to butt into the conversation. Using the excuse of getting a second glass of wine, Molly stood from the table and made her way toward the surprisingly less crowded bar and took a seat. She let out a quiet sigh as she pulled out her phone from her pocket and began scrolling through her notifications. She quickly got lost in her own little world until she was interrupted by the feeling of an arm wrapping around her waist.
With a gasp, Molly looked up to see the smiling face of a man about her age, maybe a bit older. "There you are, Sweetheart, I wondering where you'd gotten off to." He said in a thick Australian accent. His bold actions and words earned a look of complete bewilderment from Molly. Who was this man and what the hell did he think he was doing?
"I..." Molly started, but she paused when the man leaned forward to whisper in her ear.
"Just play along...The man beside you slipped something into your drink. " He whispered, causing Molly to tense. She did her best not to look at the man beside her or her drink. Instead, she forced a smile and looked up at the oddly familiar man.
"Hey! Just thought I'd wait for you at the bar." She told him. Molly wondered if her face betrayed her confusion, and perhaps her fear. She really hoped not, though she did have a hard time controlling her expressions.
"Good call." The man replied before looking to the bartender. He ordered himself a Guinness before turning his attention to Molly. "And what do you want, Love?" Damn this man was laying it on thick, wasn't he?"
"Oh,um, just water with lime please." She said to the bartender, forcing a smile. She wanted to get away from this whole situation, but it seemed she was rather stuck. If she walked away now, it'd be quite clear to the man who attempted to drug her that she wasn't with the man who was being far too familiar with her for her liking.
Thankfully the man seemed to note Molly's discomfort, so he removed his arm from her waist before reaching for her hand. "Want to step outside a bit?" He asked her in a whisper, to which Molly nodded as she quickly slid off the barstool, not letting go of her water for a moment. She kept a hold of the man's hand as they weaved through the crowd of people and headed straight toward the outdoor seating area.
Molly was apprehensive about going outside with this man, and understandably so. She didn't know him, she didn't know his intentions. Still, he had saved her from something horrible, and though looks could be deceiving, he seemed completely harmless.
As they stepped out into the cool autumn air, Molly let out a shaky breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Her hand was still holding on to the man's hand as he led her to an empty table toward the back of the patio.
"I'd let you keep it if I didn't need it." The man teased with a grin as he gently tugged his hand away from Molly's grip.
Molly felt her cheeks burn with a blush and she quickly stuffed her hand into the pocket of her skinny jeans. She cleared her throat and took a seat at the table. "Sorry about that...Uh, thank you for...back there. I should have been paying more attention." She said.
A soft smile tugged at his lips as the man took a seat across from Molly at the table. "It's alright. I can tell your mind is a bit preoccupied. I'm just glad I got to you before you took a sip." He said. His smile faded slightly as the gravity of the situation seemed to hit him. However, his smile quickly returned as he offered his hand to Molly once more. "My name's Lachlan, uh, but my friends call me Lachy."
Molly slipped her hand into his and shook it gently, her smile mirroring his. "It's nice to meet you Lachy, despite the circumstances. I'm Molly." She couldn't help but wonder why he seemed so familiar to her. There had to be somewhere she'd seen him before, though she couldn't think of where. It wasn't really all that common to see an Australian in Folly Beach, South Carolina...
Molly was once again pulled from her thoughts by the sound of a muttered curse. She looked at Lachy to see an apologetic look on his face. "I have to go. My set starts in ten minutes." Molly must have had a confused expression on her face because Lachy gestured toward the door as he continued. "My uh, my band. We're playing next. I'm sure they're wondering where I'm at. Uh...You could come with me if you want? I'm sure it'd be okay for you to stand where out guitar cases are..."
Molly nodded slowly. "Oh, of course. Yeah, you should go." She said, smiling a bit. "I have friends here, actually. And they're probably wondering where I went. I should go find them." She explained.
Lachy gave her a curious look, and Molly figured he was wondering why she'd separated from her friends, but thankfully he didn't question it. Instead, he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I see. Well, uh, if you're planning on staying for a while, would you like to have a drink after the set?"
Molly hesitated for a moment before she responded with a nod. She didn't know this guy, she really shouldn't be agreeing to spend time with him, but she felt she owed him at least a drink. He did potentially save her life, after all. Besides, she was certain Sophia and Hannah would be in their own little world the rest of the night anyway if they hadn't found guys to dance with already, that is. "Sure, that sounds nice." She said, offering him one more smile.
Lachy's smile brightened a bit as he offered her his hand, which Molly took against her better judgment and the two made their way back into the bar. After a quick 'see you later", they quickly went their separate ways, Lachy heading toward the small stage while Molly returned to the table with her friends. She wasn't even certain they had realized she had slipped away until Hannah gave her an accusing look.
"And where the hell have you been?" She asked her. "You slipped away to get another glass of wine almost 45 minutes ago!"
Molly bit her lip and held up her glass of water. "Uh, long story." She said as she slid into the chair she'd occupied previously.
"Mhmm, and who was that guy you were walking back in with?" Sophia questioned. A sly smirk tugged at her lips, and Molly had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.
"Just a guy I met. He kinda saved me from a potentially bad situation." She said with a shrug before she sipped the cold water. "Apparently someone slipped something into my drink." She held her hand up before her friends could begin freaking out. "Don't worry, I didn't drink any of it. Thankfully he was there."
"Molly, you have to pay attention. That's why it's better to stay with the group you came with." Hannah's voice was edged with annoyance, but Molly ignored it.
"Well, I'm fine." She left the conversation at that, not offering to say anything else on the matter as the sound of Irish folk music began to drift through the pub. Molly turned her attention to the stage, and her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the other people who joined Lachy on the stage. At least two of them seemed familiar as well, and she knew exactly where she'd seen them before.
"Molly, you okay?" Hannah asked, having noticed the strange expression on her friend's face. "I take it you recognize them?"
Molly looked to Hannah, her eyes were still wide with shock. "Why are the..."
Sophie interrupted Molly as she yelled out over the loud music. "They have 21 and up gig at Irish pubs and bars when they tour the U.S. and Canada, we thought it might be fun to go. We see enough of them at work, after all, maybe their adult shows aren't so bad. Oh don't look so put out, it's going to be fun! They sing Irish and Scottish Folk music from what I understand."
"But the damn Wiggles?" Molly asked, in exasperation. That's where she'd seen Lachy before. She'd seen him almost daily on the classroom TV for 30 minutes before the toddlers went down for their nap. The same man on stage, singing the first few lines of Loch Lomond was the same man who pretended to fall asleep in the most random places on her toddlers' favorite tv show.
"Well, their band is called the Unusual Commoners. But yes, three of them, at least are Wiggles." Hannah replied with a snorted laugh. "What, you didn't recognize him earlier?"
Molly's eyes widened again as the girls continued with their giggles. "You look shocked...We saw you step out with him, and no, we didn't think you knew who he was...You should get his number, he's a cutie." Sophie teased. Her words were slurred a bit, which told Molly she'd probably already had more than enough alcohol for the night.
Molly rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. She didn't dignify that comment with a response as she turned her attention back to the stage where the man she'd just spent almost an hour with was singing his heart out and playing the hell out of a guitar. She had to admit, he was good, very good.
"For a Wiggle." She murmured with a small smile as she settled in her chair to enjoy the rest of the set.
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