#or is insensitive please lmk and i’ll take it down immediately
lemonzestywrites · 1 month
people in this fandom who’ve been especially hurt lately by what’s been happening due to prior trauma know i’m wishing you truly nothing but the best for your mental and physical wellbeing
i’m so so extremely sorry people are using this shit as an excuse to be stir hate and discourse and none of it is okay in the absolute slightest.
i love you. i’m so glad you’re here alive with us. and please please take care of yourselves.
prioritize your health and safety however that my look and if stepping back for a little while is that answer know that no one is ever going to hold that against you.
fandom should be a place of community and safety and right now, as much as it pains me, it isn’t. but that doesn’t mean we still can’t take care of one another.
i’ve been a part of this fandom for a good while now and i feel like i can confidently say the vast majority of people genuinely and purely built this place to be loving and supportive. there is nothing but grief in my heart to know that right now it doesn’t feel like that for many people but please let this be a reminder-
here you are loved
you are cared for
you are wanted in this space
none of this is okay in the slightest. i know a lot of individuals who are doing their best to post updates and report these fics when they pop up, so if you’re still active online please take care of yourself and love into these safety measures if you can
if you’re someone who’s unsure or scared to step away for whatever reason let this be your permission to know that it is absolutely okay to do so. your writing can take a pause. you art can be saved for later. you can come back to your edits whenever you’re ready.
you and your personal health matter so much more.
and if you’ve already chosen to step away from everything i want you to know you are perfectly okay in doing that. no one is upset with you. you have zero obligation to anyone in this space to force yourself to be here. i wish you nothing but the absolute best for you in the meantime
and if this experience has justifiably been too much and you have have decided to take a permanent leave, i again can’t stress enough there is no shame in doing so. i’m so so sorry this happened and hope you can find comfort and peace elsewhere where you need it.
there is zero need or pressure for you to ever force yourself back in this fandom. these last few days have been beyond hectic and i can’t imagine the emotional and physical toll it might take on you, so genuinely there is no expectation for you to return if you do not feel ready, if ever.
in the case you do feel safe and ready, know myself and so many people will be here to accept and welcome you back with nothing short of acceptance and support.
please please take care of yourself in the meantime, friend.
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krisdreaming · 5 years
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Eheheh I know, I know, it took me long enough, but here it is!!! The thrilling conclusion ;) This is pretty much just a self-indulgent first date with Kuroo scenario and it got really long oops :’) (tagging @igetcarriedawaywithyou bc I had to screenshot your ask - lmk if you want me to untag you!)
Part 1 | Part 2
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” You announce to your roommate, fidgeting with your phone in your lap as you wait for 6:00. She shakes her head.
“I don’t understand why you’re so nervous. You weren’t this nervous before your last date.”
You laugh wryly. “Yeah, and look what happened then!” You think back for the hundredth time, and shudder at the though of what could have happened - if it weren’t for Kuroo.
“I have a feeling this Kuroo guy isn’t going to stand you up.” She stabs her spoon into her bowl of ice cream, taking a giant spoonful. 
“I know.” You sigh. “I know!” You repeat more convincingly, a small smile coming to your face. You’ve been texting with Kuroo almost non-stop for the past week, and you haven’t felt this way about a guy for a while. If you’re honest, that’s what scares you the most.
“Besides, he’s picking you up here, and you’re not even going to a bar.” Her words are muffled around the ice cream in her mouth. “And you’re already half in love with him.”
“Am not.” You say, a little too quickly. She’s gracious enough to let it go with nothing more than a sly smile. Of course you’re not in love with him yet. You’ve only met him in person once, and circumstances were far from ideal. But with time - who knows? You shake your head before you can go too far down that rabbit trail.
Your phone chimes. He’s waiting for you outside. You swallow back the sudden bubble of nausea and get to your feet.
“Well, he’s here. I’ll see you later!” You give your roommate a wave and head for the door.
“Don’t hurl!” She calls after you cheerfully. You shut the door behind you without giving her a second glance.
“Hey.” Kuroo pushes away from the wall where he’d been waiting when he catches sight of you. He flashes you a smile that you can’t help but return. You’d been secretly wondering if he’d do something about his hair for your date, but it looks just as unruly as it had that night. For some reason, there’s something comforting about that fact, and you feel your nerves slowly begin to lessen.
“Hi.” You greet him, falling into step beside him.
“I do have to give you a disclaimer.” He says immediately. “We’re not exactly going to a coffee shop, but there’s this really cool place I want to show you. You’ll love it.” He promises. “We’ll have to take the train, though, if that’s alright with you.” He knocks his arm against yours.
“Fine with me.” You smile. After he learned that you’d only recently moved to the city, he insisted that he had to show you some of his favorite spots. You’re curious to see just what he has in mind.
The train is full, so you both end up standing. You’re used to being packed into the train at times, it comes with living in such a large, busy city, but you’re especially aware of him so close to you. When the train lurches, he has a hand at your elbow to make sure that you don’t lose your balance. You flash him a quick smile. Somehow, in the short time you’ve known him, it seems he’s always the one looking out for you.
By the time you get off the train, twilight has just begun to fall. The city is bathed in the orange glow of the setting sun, and it plays across Kuroo’s face. You duck your head when you realize he’s caught you staring, but all he does is smile and reach for the back of his neck.
 You walk a few blocks from the train station. “This way.” He guides you, and you take a turn down a quieter street, with fewer apartment buildings and business storefronts and more small shops. You’ve never been down this way before. It seems like a nice area to spend a Sunday afternoon.
“There’s a lot of cool places around here.” Kuroo speaks up. “They have great ramen there.” He points to a small restaurant, one you wouldn’t have even noticed if it wasn’t pointed out to you. “Oh, and that’s an amazing little coffee shop. They have the best brownies.” The small shop has a hand-painted sign in the window. You look at him in amazement.
“How do you find out about all of this stuff?”
He grins. “Lots of exploring. I just really enjoy it, you know? Finding all the little hole-in-the-wall places that most people don’t know about. It’s like a hidden treasure. There’s more places like that than you think.”
“Oh.” You breathe. “That sounds like so much fun.”
“Yeah?” He knocks his arm against yours again. You aren’t sure if it’s intentional, but you still feel your face getting warm. “Well I’ll have to take you sometime. I drag Kenma out with me most weekends.” Kenma - his best friend you note mentally. He’s talked about him before.
“I would really like that.” You nod. Your first date isn’t over, and he’s already talking about the second, as naturally as could be. You can’t help but smile to yourself. Whatever nerves and uncertainties you had been feeling earlier today, they’re completely dissolving.
“It’s just a few more blocks ahead.” He says, and you watch in front of you, your curiosity building. Finally, you approach a park of sorts, and as soon as you pass through the entrance you stop, looking around yourself in wonderment. There’s a walking path, and all along it are trees strung full of fairy lights. Their glow illuminates the intricately carved statues interspersed between them. There are a few small vendor carts as well, selling coffee and various festival foods. After a few moments of taking it in, you feel Kuroo’s hand nudge yours.
“So, what do you think?” He leans toward you and asks in a hushed voice.
“This is beautiful.” You breathe out. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“Yeah, I found this park a few years ago. They have different art installations throughout the year, and they’re all pretty cool. This one’s gotta be my favorite, though.” He motions toward the food vendors. “What do you want? Take your pick.” 
You walk slowly between the stands before finally making your selection. “Thanks, Kuroo.” You finally say, when you have your treat in hand and the two of you have begun to make your way down the footpath. 
“What kind of date would I be if I didn’t buy you anything to eat?” He brushes it off with a wave of his hand.
“No, I mean… for everything. For this.” You wave your hand at your surroundings. “It’s got to be one of the coolest dates I’ve ever been on.”
“One of?” He gives you a teasing grin. “I’ll work on that for next time.” That’s the moment he knocks his hand against yours again, more purposefully, and you recognize the invitation. You turn your hand palm up, and he slides your hands together, fitting his fingers between yours. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, and you smile at him, hoping it can convey everything you can’t put into words.
You walk slowly through the park, taking everything in. You’re talking the whole time. About nothing - about everything. You don’t realize how much time has passed until the lights in the trees flicker out, leaving only the harsher white park lighting. “Guess that’s our cue to leave.” Kuroo chuckles.
The train is much emptier than it had been earlier that evening. Still, you sit close together. Kuroo puts his arm loosely around your shoulders, and you let yourself lean ever-so-slightly into him. He has the same smell you remember from his coat the night you’d met - something warm and comforting that you can’t quite place.
Back in front of your apartment building, it’s finally time to say your goodbyes. Kuroo finally lets go of your hand. You don’t say anything at first, trying to drag it out just a little longer.
“I had a great time tonight.” Kuroo is the one to speak. “Honestly. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m really glad that guy didn’t show up for you last week. Is that insensitive?”
“Maybe.” You laugh. “But I know what you mean. Sure, it might’ve been more ideal if i met you when I was sober, but drunk me is sure glad you showed up when you did.” You pause, and the two of you simultaneously take a step closer together. You giggle softly.
“Don’t go to any more bars alone.” He scolds gently, a soft smile on his face.
You shake your head. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
When his face is only inches away from yours, he pauses. “Is this okay?”
You wrap your fingers into the fabric of his coat. “Perfect.” You breathe before tugging him close enough to cover the final distance between you. His kiss is warm and firm, and when you finally pull away, he follows after you for one final peck. He grins.
“Wanna go exploring with me next Saturday?”
You smile back, warmth slowly traveling through your whole body. “I’d love that.”
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tangerinewrites · 4 years
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note: yeah i went off w this one at 7pm i had a goal 
After finishing her evaluations, all Mina could do was just remain anxious and dreadful for what the results could be. She knows from past experience that she should not get her expectations too high just because she had done well once. So as she stands in the practice room with all the other girls like they always do once a month, she looks at the coaches, Boyeon, and Seungkwan with anticipation and anxiety.
Truth be told, every time they make their announcements for who the next girl was going to be, she always feels anxious whenever she has to hear it. So this just felt routine for Mina at this point. Still, she listens to them patiently and hears what they both have to say.
“Good morning.” He starts it off like usual. “We’re here today because the eleventh member of HEARTZ has been chosen.”
Eleven. Even if Mina already knew that there was only few spots left for HEARTZ, it only hits her now on how there was only this month left to determine who could be the final member of the lineup. Just from knowing that, Mina already feels the pressure on her as well as all the other girls. Eleven girls are already confirmed to debut. She doesn’t know how the other ten girls were feeling, but she wouldn’t be surprised if this was surprising for them as well.
“We and the other coaches analyzed your performances from last month and decided, in unison, who will be the eleventh face to show the word under the name of HEARTZ,” Boyeon continues. Mina swears that every time she hears that number, it just raises her anxiety. But she continues to try and keep herself calm. If she thought about it any more, she’d probably start stressing out in front of everyone and she did not want to do that. “The girl of the month is…”
“It’s okay, Mina,” she mentally thinks to herself as she holds her breath. “You’re just freaking out over nothing. You will be fine! There’s no need to panic! It’s not like you’re not going to get a chance at this at all.”
“…KANG MINA! Congratulations!”
When she hears the name, she lets go of her breath and claps for the lucky girl being chosen. Though she’s disappointed about how the name was not hers, she was happy for who the lucky trainee was. She looks around the studio to try and find the girl, wondering if she’s ever heard that name around before, only to see that everyone was looking at her.
Kang Mina. Kang Mina. As soon as she realizes, she stops clowning and her jaw drops. THAT’S HER NAME. BANG BOYEON SAID HER NAME! SHE is the girl of the month!
She covers her open mouth so that she doesn’t look like a fool in front of everyone else as everyone claps for her. She looks around to see the confirmed HEARTZ girls smile for her, as well as Yoorim looking overjoyed at the announcement. She still couldn’t wrap her head around it. She, Kang Mina, a trainee of eight months at this point, is being given the chance to debut in Sphere’s girl group? As HEARTZ’s Mina?! As soon as the clapping goes to a stop, she tries her best to look calm for the rest of the announcements. In reality, however, she was internally still trying to process the news while also freaking about it at the same time.
“This does not mean we’ll completely steal you away from the rest of group—and far from that. Still, you’ll have to focus your attention now on making your debut, and also on making a good impact.”
Mina nods at the adult’s words, still in awe over the entire situation. She listens to the rest of the announcements, learning that she will be moving into the HEARTZ dorm in just a few days. And though she has to record her debut and another song with Heejin (god, she’s going to be singing with a VOCAL QUEEN! What an honor!) and Sua, she would still take part in this month’s evaluation with Yoorim.
Once the announcements are done, she’s immediately being congratulated by the new trainees, as well as the other HEARTZ girls. Still in shock, she replies “thank you’s” to them, not knowing what else to say besides that she’s glad she’s been given this opportunity. As soon as most of them leave, she walks up to one of her coaches and asks if she could excuse herself to go outside and get some fresh air for herself. They smile at her and nod before congratulating her as she goes on her way out.
Automatically, as she leaves the room, she pulls out her phone and sends a few messages to someone.
✉︎ hey!!! i have some news to share with u but i need to tell u in person
✉︎ when u have the time, lmk when i can hit u up!!!
✉︎ its good news!! for me at least, but it’s still rlly important
✉︎ :3c
Mina feels as if she’s been doing a lot of packing this year. First, she had to move out of her house to move in with Chungha. And not long after that, she had to move out a month after Chungha did to live with her brother. But now, after three months of living with him and Woong, she was finally moving out. However, unlike the last two where she felt conflicting emotions whilst packing her things, she felt… happy. After all, she has to move in to live with her confirmed group members now.
“I can’t believe you’re going to debut,” Daniel says with a big smile on his face. When she told him of the news, they gave each other a big hug. And though Mina tries her best not to be too emotional with her brother, she did cry when she was telling him about it. Thankfully, she’s gotten a grip on herself so that she doesn’t cry before she officially leaves his apartment. “Just a few months ago, we did our first evaluation together. And now, you’re going to debut! I’m still so happy for you.”
“How do you feel about me debuting before you?” she asks with a smug look on her face. “You better get used to calling me sunbaenim from now on.”
He lets out a sigh. “This is the fourth time you’ve brought that up since you told me. Will you ever get tired of it?”
“No,” she answers with a laugh.
“Also: I technically am still your senior. I came to Sphere before you and Cameo has debuted before you.”
She laughs. “Whatever~ I’m going to be your company senior now! That’s all that matters!”
He sighs, but a smile follows afterwards to show he isn’t upset at her. “Have you told Mom or Dad yet?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t know if I can tell them. But I probably will let Dad know about me debuting when my teasers come out. I’ll probably do the same with Soobin.”
His smile drops slightly. “Still not talking to Mom, huh?”
“Well, last time I tried to have a conversation with her, she just stayed silent the whole time,” she responds with a shrug, a frown forming on her lips. “If anything, she needs to talk to me.” She then gives a bitter smile. “Besides, it’s not like she’d be happy for me.”
“Yeah,” he answers with a shrug. “I guess you’re not wrong about that.”
“Maybe Dad will tell her about it, but know that I won’t,” she responds with a little huff. After she does, she looks at her brother with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry for being a little insensitive about this. Do you want to talk about something else?”
He nods. “You said you and Heejin were going to work on a song together, right?”
“Yeah! It’s called… ‘See Saw’, if I remembered correctly,” she replies. “I heard a demo of it and I feel like she’ll be able to do the song really well. Same with Sua. But it’s okay, because I think I can do my debut song well.”
“That’s good,” he says with a smile. “I know you’ve worked with them before, but they’re really nice and they’ll help you whenever you need it. Same goes for all the other HEARTZ girls, too. I think Chungha might be the member who’s the most excited about you joining, though.”
“Well I hope she is!” she answers with a laugh. “Thanks though, Daniel. Your words mean a lot. I’ll do my best.”
“I know you will!” The both of them hug again. As she pulls away from him, he says something else. “When you become famous, don’t forget me. Okay?”
“Oh please,” she rolls her eyes. “You’re my brother. And if you didn’t forget me while you were on the MGAs, I won’t forget you when HEARTZ officially debuts.”
“I had a feeling that we’d be living together again.”
It’s what Chungha says as she’s helping Mina get settled in her shared room. With such a small dorm and twelve upcoming members, it makes sense to know that there’s only four bedrooms with 3 members each in them. Perhaps it was fate that Mina happened to be roomming with Chungha and Juyeon. Even if she still had to get closer to the other girl, she was glad to know that the oldest out of the three roommates would be sharing the same room… again.
"Quite a bummer that we can’t share a bed, if you ask me,” Mina jokes with a smile. “That means we can’t cuddle like we used to.”
“Excuse me, we still very much can,” the older retorts, making Mina giggle. “Just because you have your own bed doesn’t mean that we cannot cuddle! I will still be expecting some from you, especially since I’ve had the lack of it since moving out.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Mina replies jokingly while giggling. Chungha returns a smile back at her before she says something else.
“Are you nervous?” she asks. “I was nervous back when I was going through the same thing you were.”
“A little,” she answers honestly. “But honestly, I’m just glad I know that I’m a part of the group. The most stressful thing about being in this project was wondering if I’d even have a chance compared to everyone else.”
“And look at you! You did have a chance!” Chungha cheers, making Mina throw her hands in the air and wave them around happily. As she puts her arms down, Chungha gives her a fond look. “You have no idea how glad I am to have you here. I was already super happy to be able to debut with Juyeon, but you’re my mini me. I’d be sad if you weren’t debuting with me.”
Mina nods, putting more of her clothes into her drawer. She looks back at Chungha as soon as she pushes it in. “You know, you were the main reason why I wanted to be in HEARTZ,” she answers. “Back then, I just thought it was a fun little project that could give me experience and make me daydream about what-if’s. But when you got confirmed as a member, I only wanted to try and work harder so that I could be able perform with you again.” She pauses. “And also dorm with you again. Because you’re an awesome roommate.”
“Mina, you’re being too much right now,” Chungha replies with a laugh. “But I’m glad we’re on the same page. And I’m even happier knowing that I get to debut with you. I know you struggled a lot in the past few months, so seeing you here makes me so proud. You have no idea how absolutely proud I am of you.”
The words make Mina feel warm inside. I am proud of you. Growing up, Mina never really got to hear those words often. She had always been the disappointment for most of her life, so just hearing someone be satisfied with her efforts or acknowledge her accomplishments was what warmed her heart. It felt like a lifetime goal to feel as if she was doing something good with her life. So the fact that she gets to hear that from someone who she admired from the past up until now, it definitely affected her.
“Thank you, unnie,” she replies with a smile. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear those words.”
“Well, you’re gonna hear it again when you debut!”
Recording songs is a little nerve-wracking, Mina had to admit. Having to be in a studio to record her lines over and over again until the producer behind the screen was satisfied never failed to make Mina feel a little self-conscious. But, she knew that the producer was looking out for her. So, she continues to try and do her best, even if she wanted to give the producer less stress to deal with.
“One and Only” was a kind of song that she thought was unique. When she heard the demo for the first time, she found it a little surreal to know that her solo song had such a high note. She found it more amazing that they gave it to her, someone who wasn’t much of a vocalist as she is a dancer. Not only did the vocals stunt her, but so did the rapping. Even if she had been trained to rap quickly, she still couldn’t believe that she was going to record this for her song. Perhaps the fact that she is going to be singing, rapping, and performing a song made for her was what she found surreal.
On the next day, she’d be recording her own lies for “See Saw”, Heejin and Sua to record their vocals for it after her. The fact that she was in this situation was just surprising to her. Perhaps that’s why she’s getting nervous while recording. And she thinks she might’ve made it obvious to the producer about her nerves because then she hears something come from the speaker.
“Mina-ssi, you’re doing fine,” they say as an attempt to reassure her. “I promise you that your voice will suit the song. That’s why we chose it for you, after all.”
She looks at the translucent screen and she gives a bow to the producer. “Thank you, PD-Nim,” she says with a smile on her face. “I will keep on trying my best!”
The instrumental plays in her headphones once again after the RECORDING sign lights up in the studio. She takes a deep breath as she once again sings her bridge lines.
“The reflection of my new shape on the window, it feels familiar now. The voice being heard again; I’m trying to listen!”
The instrumental plays on until it stops a few seconds into the third chorus. “Good job, Mina!” the speaker suddenly says, making Mina says as she hears the praise. “You didn’t sound too flat this time. You hit the G5 perfectly!”
“Thank you so much,” Mina replies, giggling as she feels shy from hearing the sudden compliment.
“Honestly, you’re doing good,” they say afterwards. “I think the hardest part will be the backup vocals. Your harmonies will need to be higher. But if you can pull off this note, I think you can do it. If not, we can always get another member to help you out with that.”
“Thank you!” she bows again to the screen. ���What part do I need to record next?”
“Your rap. Think you can do it?” After the speaker clips, indicating that the producer finishes speaking, Mina nods her head and gives a thumbs up. “Okay. I’ll play the first part, then.”
It takes a few seconds for her to hear something from her headphones, but she makes sure to be prepared when given the signal.
With all the new changes in her life, it came in between parts in her life that she had intended to keep constant. The fact that she was a soon-to-be idol who was in a secret relationship meant that she had to see her boyfriend less than she would want to. No longer could he walk her to her home, as her new home was the HEARTZ dorm now. And on a day where she would love to go on a date with him, she had to stay in the company building to help prepare for a secret that she couldn’t exactly tell him yet. Hell, the fact that she couldn’t tell him that she was busier than usual because she’s confirmed to debut in a girl group absolutely kills her. But she’s glad that despite her schedule, she and him still remain strong together.
On the night of February 14th, she sends him a few texts.
[ ✉︎ to garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ happy valentines, baby!!! i miss u so much and i hope that u didnt eat any of ur admirer’s chocolates
✉︎ if i could, u know id get u a box!!!! i hate sphere for making me work all the time
✉︎ i cant guarantee ill be free for white day either, but i still love u so much
✉︎ ALSO!!! i have a question
Just a few seconds after she sends those messages, she sees messages from him pop up.
[ ✉︎ from garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ very not cool of them for taking away my gf this valentines, i agree!!
✉︎ but thank you, babe!! even if u aren’t able to celebrate it w me in person, you’ll always be my wonderful, talented, and adorable girlfriend!!!
✉︎ what’s the question though??
He never fails to bring a smile to her face. She quickly writes her replies while under her blanket, Juyeon and Chungha being fast asleep at this point.
[ ✉︎ to garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ have you been paying attention to sphere lately!!!
✉︎ i hope u have bc ur gf is there
[ ✉︎ from garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ well… i only watch some convex stuff because of you
✉︎ that haru dude… he’s okay i guess
Seeing that message makes her snort.
[ ✉︎ from garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ and i also watched sera’s music video because u kept on spamming it to me
✉︎ why???
[ ✉︎ to garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ well, besides sera, all the other girls in heartz are my friends!!!
✉︎ i’ve been getting rlly close to them recently and they’re all rlly nice and talented
✉︎ i think there’s only 3 members left that need to be revealed!!! so you should keep an eye on them because theyre all super cool
✉︎ i only know about 11 of the girls who are gonna debut, 9 of them already having debuted. so!!!
[ ✉︎ from garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ oh? do i know a member that you know???
✉︎ besides chungha at least i already know her
✉︎ btw does she like me i can’t tell
[ ✉︎ to garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ you keep me happy!! that’s all that’s important to her heheh
✉︎ and i can’t tell u any spoilers!! this is all i can tell you for now.
✉︎ you’re just going to find out eventually!
[ ✉︎ from garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ you’re mean~~ but okay, i’ll keep an eye for you!!
✉︎ i have to go to bed now, but i will text you tomorrow!!!
✉︎ happy valentines, babe!
[ ✉︎ to garubin ❤️ ]
✉︎ happy valentines~~~ i love you~~~~~~~~~~~
And with that, she turns off her phone, puts it on her bedside, and heads to bed.
Mina never thought she’d be able to perform a disco-esque song for an evaluation, but she couldn’t say she was disappointed. Not only was “I Can’t Stop Me” a bop, but the choreography was also entertaining as well. In all honesty, she thinks that besides “Feel Special”, it’d be up there as one of her favorite TWICE songs for both listening and dancing. And the fact that she got to rap in this evaluation as Chaeyoung was probably her favorite thing about performing this, funky-sounding lyrics and all.
However, she does her best to make her last group evaluation a good one. With the fact that it was going to be hers, as well as a lot of trainees, last group evaluation under the HEARTZ project ever, she made sure to try and be close to all the other girls and give them as much encouragement as she could. But if she had to choose a member who she hoped would the last HEARTZ member, she wouldn’t deny that Yoorim was that member to her.
Whenever they practiced with each other in the practice room, Mina would always tell her over and over again about how she had a lot of hope for her. “If I was able to be chosen as the eleventh girl, they’d be dumb as HELL to not make you the last one.” Some nights at the dorm, she’d even tell Yuzu about how she had hoped that she would be the trainee that could debut with the both of them. The fact that the three of them were mutual friends definitely made it hard to not have hopes for the girl.
“We’ve gone through this journey from the beginning to now together,” Mina says with a confident smile. “There’s no way God would make this the end for us.”
Even with her schedule becoming more and more hectic with the fact that she had to prepare for her upcoming debut, she still tried her best learning the choreography as well as learning her lines. Every time she rapped her lines to Yoorim to listen, she’d find herself giggling at the lines a little. “Risky risky, wiggy wiggy,” she would say before cracking a big smile. “Why does it sound much cooler in the song than it does when I’m doing it?” Thankfully, she found the secret into making herself sound cool while performing it.
The end of February comes and she is able to perform the evaluation confidently. With it being the last HEARTZ evaluation ever, she feels proud to be taking part in it as the eleventh confirmed member. No longer does she have to stress about whether she can make it not. Her qualms have been answered and she can now feel satisfied with all the hard work she has done.
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