#or if i just do not care for cartoons because i'd rather think about horror games
arcaneyouth · 2 days
i don't really give a shit about kids media anymore and sometimes i have to wonder how much of that is i don't really have nostalgia and how much of that is simply My Interests Have Changed
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burningexeter · 6 months
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Since just like with a certain voice actress on a 2000s Cartoon Network show, there's not a lot of information on in this case writer/director Shane Acker, the man behind the dark, twisted, action-horror post-apocalyptic animated film 9 from you guessed it 2009.
So here's all the trivia that I could find on the guy if anyone's interested in reading for yourself:
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• In an interview, Acker cut to the chase on why he hasn't directed a movie since aforementioned 2009 and here's what he said — "Have a lot of the movies I've been attached to as director fallen into development hell, yes. But the bigger reason is mainly personal, I've just been living my own life. I would absolutely love to direct another feature or anything really but at the same time, I'm enjoying what I already have in life. I'm kind of a schlub that way right down to the fact that I'd nowadays rather sit back on a nice Sunday, watch football and eat bacon and pepperoni pizza than deal with modern studio executives who probably get higher pay every time they yell and scream in your ear".
• He's already listed The Brothers Quay, Don Hertzfeldt, Jan Svankmajer and brothers Christoph Lauenstein as influences previously however recently he's named Terrence Malick, Edgar Wright, Gore Verbinski, Jordan Peele and Richard Kelly as some of his favorite filmmakers.
• Speaking of favorites, he's given some of his favorite movies — Donnie Darko, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Dredd, The Watcher In The Woods (1980) and The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian (surprisingly).... then he gave some his favorite TV shows — Tales From The Crypt, Bob's Burgers, Squid Game, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Sons Of Anarchy.
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• When asked what was it like working with Tim Burton since he was producer, Acker spoke high praise saying "I would work with him again if the time comes. Tim was a phenomenal producer who allowed for so much creative freedom while at the same time contributing his unique voice and view to the project".
• On the flip side, here's what he thought of the other producer Timur Bekmambetov — "He was very, very, very, very, VERY fucking russian as all hell. I'm surprised he was a Hollywood producer..... he was quite the interesting person".
• He does indeed have an idea for a new project that he not only wants to do but intends on having it be his second film as director, describing it as "The Incredibles crossed with Raiders Of The Lost Ark, it's an animated action-adventure with edge we haven't seen since honestly the early 2010s. I'm still deciding on whether it should be another PG-13 or an actual R".
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• On modern media, here's his blatant thoughts on it so tough shit to any dope who reads this and gets offended because of stupid reasons — "I think it's been awful. There's barely any genuine storytelling now and instead it's all politics. It's all about representation, obnoxious wokeness, pandering, subverting expectations and shoving as much modern bullshit themes into them than actually telling stories with characters who you care about".
• He's most certainly not a fan of a certain film called Star Wars: The Last Jedi — "I know this is saying quite a lot since I've only been able so far to direct one feature but honestly I wish Last Jedi was never made at this point. Not only is it a truly terrible movie but it's created so much hostility, so much shilling, so much toxicity that it becomes unbearable. If this is that film's legacy than it's a failure".
• There is however one positive about all of this and it's that the one movie that he's excited for and interested in — what is it....
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 26/01/2024
Season 3 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special Collection '17​-​'19
Ripped by UUN4 Visuals by KnightOfGames, "Teeth Gang"
Look, uh, feel free to skip the visuals on this one if you're sensitive. There's a lot of, teeth, in this one.
I really don't know how I was able to forget about ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG for so many years, when I specifically recall being there on the channel the day it went up. It might just've been due to Halloween 2018 being a rather understated and not very memorable event in general, mainly there to tease the next year's Halloween blowout of Spooktacular III - a by contrast amazing event that I covered briefly in Battle with Jeffinite. Yet the music to Gimmick! was on my mind for some unknown reason as of late, and one YouTube search later, I'd rejoined the Teeth Gang.
The SiIvaGunner channel is pretty inextricably tied to the Chiptune community, right down to where several members of the team almost exclusively make chiptune rips. As a result, the channel's rips have featured a good number of games that neither you or I may find particularly nostalgic or even good, but that are beloved by chiptune artists for their lovely sound - Viva La Robocop and Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston come to mind as two examples of this that I've covered on the blog. The NES game Gimmick! is somewhat of a special case, though, thanks to its develope Sunsoft. Despite not having all too many games under their belt that could be considered genuine classics, Sunsoft is still remembered by a lot of gaming enthusiasts specifically for how they made consoles like the NES/Famicom and Sega Genesis positively sing. Gimmick!, released late into the Famicom's life, is the perfect embodiment of that, celebrated in some ways as the de-facto game to showcase just what the NES is capable of doing (Follin soundtracks notwithstanding).
That's the backstory for why I was out looking for rips of the game, anyway - as for the reason why TEETH got involved to result in ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, that's an area I was woefully undereducated on. It's likely that many of those reading this had the chance to grow up more closely attached to Nickelodeon's cartoon programming of the early 2000s, and by extension had some truly iconic bangers embedded into your minds. I'm again speaking as an outsider, but - good LORD, discovering that My Shiny Teeth And Me had over 20 million views on YouTube left me completely flabbergasted. Do you remember just two days ago in Guilty Eyes Creeper where I discussed just how many rabbitholes there are to fall into on SiIvaGunner? Yeah, this is a prime example of me doing just that, as recently as this week.
Because yeah - even though I first saw THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, my lack of familiarity with the song made me not really care for the rip's audio (which was also because the visuals were, naturally, a lot more memorable for the wrong reasons). Five years later, I can officially confirm that My Shiny Teeth And Me is a fucking BANGER that I wish I'd given a chance sooner, partially carried by the vocalist being a member of 2000s boy band NSYNC, but also just the melody and progression being very catchy in general! And when arranged through the aforementioned beautiful Sunsoft-y sound of Gimmick, it's a perfect fit - the sugary pop cheer of My Shiny Teeth And Me fits the sound of Gimmick, and Happy Birthday in particular, like an absolute glove. The main melody, bassline, percussion - though its all playing within the limitations of the original Famicom track, it still manages to sound just as full of life as the song its arranging.
And look, I've been throwing shade toward the choice of giving the rip visuals, but I'll say it - I think even back then I found it pretty fucking funny. Learning in hindsight that "TEETH GANG" is actually just members of the SiIva team submitting their own teeth edits for the rip, ballooning the size of contributors to this otherwise simple rip, just makes things even funnier. THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG was indeed made by teeth gang, and through the simple combination of the three different rabbitholes its made up of that I chose to explore, its now become a rip I'll never be able to forget.
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mejomonster · 1 year
Oh an FYI, for better or worse the Riverdale show is intensely inspired by Twin Peaks.
I feel like if you've ever seen twin peaks, this becomes immediately obvious within seconds of turning on Riverdale.
Like, on technicality, yes riverdale is "based on" Archie comics. And in a sense that's not totally wrong. It definitely plays with 50s aesthetics despite being set in 2000s (sort of like Twin Peaks lives in the "retro" even though it's technically not set in the past), and it uses the fact its based on a fun comic to really just have Fun going all out camp. It doesn't Care the bad guys name is Blossom like a fucking cartoon lol, it IS like one. It doesn't care the colors aren't about the realism like at all but about pretty colors, cartoons don't care if they're going for what pops. It doesn't care its calling stuff Jingle Jangle and the Serpents and the Black Hood and the Sugar Man, because hey that's exactly what a kids cartoon would do especially an older one having a fun time being ridiculous. So like yeah, in that way, you can see the comic vibe. And in a way I don't like really noticing at all and would rather ignore, it does in some ways try to keep some elements of those original core characters (which in some ways I Ah really wish Riverdale had nothing to do with an existing property because then I'd actually have no issues with it at all lol... but 1 we live in a time where almost everything is a remake adaptation prequel sequel and that's like the whole Industry top levels fault at the end of the day-.- and 2 for better and worse I think in some ways the show does actually care for the original material, which I did not expect and feel conflicted about and mostly want to avoid but it Is there if you look for it.)
Like. In a way Riverdale is if you made an Archie fanfiction Twin Peaks au. It's so Twin peaks. It screams Twin peaks for modern teenagers.
Like? Alice Cooper is the same actress that played the waitress with the abusive truck driver husband in Twin Peaks (they even use a Twin peaks image of her for the newspaper article of her younger self). Jughead's dad is one of the bad guys from Scream (and I feel like that on its own screams a LOT about horror and camp themes and references). So many shots in Riverdale (at least up to the season 2 I've watched) are direct shots from Twin Peaks. The color scheme reliance on red is Twin peaks, and the blue reliance is Riverdale playing with its own use of color the same way. The Riverdale town sign is a direct shot from Twin Peaks. Jughead and the biker gang in GENERAL and the Whyte Worm are like huge obvious parallels to the leather jacket wearing biker gang in Twin Peaks lol??? The weird dialogue, while not having the same effect at ALL of Twin peaks surreal shit, is likewise obviously trying to not be normal. Riverdale doesn't want to sound normal, it's happy to be weird as shit and whatever IT wants to be, and that's a very Twin Peaks attitude.
My dad said when Twin Peaks aired everyone thought it was so weird and interesting. And like. I'm not sure I can say I've got an opinion of Riverdale much yet, but I can say yeah... if you're used to media trying to be normal, like the other stuff, realistic, no surrealness in your media, then lmao of course Riverdale is weird. Yet if you've ever seen Twin Peaks or equally bizarre stuff, Riverdale is pretty tame and mundane and only in the shallow end of weird to be quite Frank (as of mid season 2 where I am). Like... I am DESPERATE for Riverdale to take off the training wheels for its "audience thats never seen Twin Peaks" and FINALLY go as weird as Twin Peaks! Or weirder! Give me weirder! It's still actually like... Twin Peaks episode 1 level weird, just with more camp. Riverdale hasn't even entered end of season 1 Twin Peak Bizarre levels yet.
Anyway back to my point. I think seeing it as a homage to Twin Peaks sort of makes obvious a lot of stuff that seemed... incomprehensible about Riverdale, tbh? Like... why have a biker gang, why act like you're in the past even though you're set in the present, why have a killer, why have an adult manipulating a student, why have fucked up rich people messing with the town, why have a weird bar that fights happen at, why have murders and a curfew no one listens to, why have random people hook up and have secret affairs and ties, why do people say weird shit, why are there sudden dance or singing scenes, why would a character show up doing a drug deal or hiding jewelry or trying to run away or... because Twin Peaks did. So MUCH of Riverdale is so clearly a homage to Twin Peaks.
I'm waiting for a log lady equivalent, a confusing dream sequence, a truly fucked up gambling club full of teen girls, a doppelganger, stuff Twin Peaks did that was bizarre that Riverdale hasn't even reached yet.
Tldr I just think like. It's neat. It's nice even. I like this aspect. I think a lot of early reactions I saw to Riverdale, a long long time ago back when they really were reacting to like "very ordinary plot" season 1? Was in part people reacting to a show doing some things like Twin Peaks, but they'd never seen a show do That before and so were just like wow WEIRD. And like. Fair. But also sometimes the weird feeling... is the point.
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ssj2hindudude · 2 years
U should do one where the Potaotes (1st and 2nd Gen) get ready to watch a. Movie and Aru the film buff criticize their choice and explain why it a waste of time. Oh and she persuaodng everyone to watch her favorite movie
*everyone groans*
Aru: What? I thought you guys liked movies!
Aiden: Yeah, but the thing is Shah-
Brynne: We're sick of binging the LOTR movies every week.
Aru: Ok. Raise your hand if you also feel this way.
*everyone raises their hand*
Aru: Abha Shah-charya, put your hand down right now or I'm disowning you!
Abha: Mom, you have to admit that watching a group of people in a fantasy land try to throw a cursed ring in a volcano can only be done a certain number of times before getting old.
Aiden: Why don't we just make suggestions?
Aru: Ugh, fine. I'll go first. LOTR!
Aiden: Mohabbatein
Aru: Bollywood, really?
Aiden: It's a classic and a piece of art!
Abha: No argument there. But I'd rather watch Zootopia.
Aru: Why am I not surprised that you want to see the one about a detective and a cop?
Priya: Well, if that's too PG for you, how about we watch TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE!
Mini: Priya! You're too young for that much violence!
Priya: Have you forgotten what we do for a living?
Mini: I want to watch something with real culture. How about Devdas!
Aru: Again with the Bollywood? Are all the old people here just gonna start-
Aiden: Whitney Houston or Salman Khan?
Brynne: YES
Hira: How about a nice family movie like Hum Saath Saath Hain?
Aru: Yeah, ok Grandma.
Krithika: Did somebody say Grandma?
Aru: Mom! What are you doing here?
Krithika: You didn't think I'd miss movie night, did you? I brought a classic.
Aru: Silsila?!? Really?!? Just when I thought the Bollywood couldn't get older. What's next, Shree 420?!?
Suru: Can we watch that one? The moustache man is funny and the black and white doesn't make papa feel left out.
Rudy: Hey, c'mon! I can watch movies just fine! I found this nice French one online. You'll like it, kids. It's about aliens!
Mini: FANTASTIC PLANET?!? Rudy, we can't watch this with the kids, everyone is shirtless!
Rudy: So is everyone in Naga-Loka when we've gone full naga!
Brynne: Newsflash Rudy (heh, flash), none of us are nagas!
Suru: You wanna tell her or should I?
Ghata: Um, if we haven't decided, we could watch Mahabharata!
Priya: Ghata, we are the living Mahabharata, why would we wanna watch them?!?
Ghata: Well it was either that or Hanuman Returns and you already booed that earlier because you didn't think there was an actual prequel.
Priya: There isn't!
Abha: Yes, there is, Priya. There's an older Hanuman movie in the exact art style!
Brynne: I don't care, we're not watching my brother on the big screen. He starts off the second anyone mentions it whenever we visit. His head hasn't been that big since he swallowed the sun.
Valerie: Ugh, you neanderthals are as barbaric as ever.
Priya: Oh look, I don't have to watch a horror movie after all.
Valerie: And clearly this is a rare instance of me watching cartoons
Kara: Valerie, be nice! Hi everyone! Have we picked a film yet?
Aru: Nope, because SOME people have no taste!
Kara: She's mad about LOTR?
Mini: Livid.
Kara: We could just binge a similar fandom you know. Harry Potter?
Aiden: ...That works.
*Everyone agrees*
Sydney: Ok, I just prepared the popcorn! I hear we're going to watch Harry Potter again! I can't wait until we see Mr. Potter kill Voldemort!
*Eveyone groans*
Sydney: What? It came out in 2011! I'd hardly call that a spoiler!
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a-trainers-tale · 4 years
Hello there! I'd like to request a paid pokemon team description if you please! I had previously sent in the ask for the free one but changed my mind and decided to pay for one instead. Hopefully that's alright. Lol. So where to start. I'm a 21 year old female Leo. Personality wise, I would basically boil it down to, I’m an amiable introvert. I’ve always been really shy and quiet around strangers, maybe even a bit cautious of friendships as I’ve had too many experiences in the past of (1/?)
toxic friends. However, once I perceive a person to be real and genuine, I can open up to them easily, becoming who I truly am around them: fun-loving, excitable and talkative. I have MBTI personality type INFP also known as The Mediator, which makes sense as I'm definitely the peacekeeping type. In my small group of friends, I'm basically the one who keeps them from getting into fights with each other or other people. I'm also the one who diffuses situations. I myself dislike conflict and (2/?) will do everything in my power to actively ignore it, which may be one of my downfalls. For more positive traits, I have a high level of patience, meaning that I won’t give up on people easily even if everyone else has. I’m also very nurturing towards the people I love. I love raising people up and giving them all the support and affection I can. I’m definitely a hugger. However, more negative traits include my stubbornness and pride. These two go hand in hand really. I pride myself in my (3/?) ability to lead and keep a cool and level head when stuff hits the fan but sometimes even a situation can be too much for me and I’ll quickly begin to crumble. However, in an effort to still appear as the cool, kind leader everyone looks up to, I’ll straight up lie about how I really feel and oftentimes will refuse help. This isn’t just with feelings either. It’s with anything from homework to projects, etc. It’s probably worth mentioning that I can also be incredibly lazy sometimes. My (4/?) bursts of hardworking spirit can often be met with equally long periods of me just going, “Meh…” My hobbies and interests include my top three: Drawing, writing and playing video games. I draw mostly cartoon looking things with maybe a dash of anime sprinkled in there. There’s definitely a lot of video game fan art in there too. When it comes to my writing, I generally like to write a lot of fanfiction (the non-cringy sort. lol.) about different video games and of course, I write my own (5/?) do, so much so that sometimes the story never even gets written. My favorite kinds of video games range from adorable friendly things to horrifying video games. Things like RPGs, strategy, action, horror, etc. I don’t have any consoles so I mostly play PC and mobile games. My top three favorite franchises are Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I also enjoy Minecraft, Destiny 2 and Tomb Raider. I’ve also been playing Pokemon since Generation 2 with my first game (6/?) Pokemon Silver. Other things I love include baking, reading (especially history), movies (love studio ghibli, anime, horror, action, thriller, comedy, etc.), TV shows about true crime, history and the paranormal. Speaking of, I'm a huge fan of the paranormal and come from a family of people spiritually sensitive to those sorts of things. I also love animes like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hetalia and My Hero Academia. My favorite music includes hardstyle, edm, pop, 80’s/90’s hits, etc. (7/?) My favorite artists consist of Gorillaz, Melanie Martinez, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, etc. I also love going on hikes, swimming and just getting to experience nature. I will admit, I’m a kid who loves to snooze. Sometimes when there’s nothing else left to do, nothing’s better than curling up in bed with the blinds closed and room freezing cold with a warm blanket. I think the reason why is because I’m a vivid dreamer. Most of my inspiration comes from the things I dream up of and my dreams (8/?) always provide me with what may not be obtainable in real life. I’m currently going to school to become a preschool, elementary school or daycare teacher. I’m glad knowing that someday, I could make a difference in a child’s life with my kindness. I love Pokemon because it's given me a sense of joy all these years later after initially discovering it as a child. It's the one thing that had always stuck. This had been a lot of asks but I hope it's enough. Thank you for your time. (9/9)
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Trainer class: Nurse
You have a naturally nurturing and caring heart and mind. You like to be able to help people and take care of people, this comes from both a genuine desire to help and also a likely subconscious desire to hold that kind of power in any relationships you have. You have a lot of patience and are willing to wait for things. Nurses do not initiate battle, they will wait for people to come to them directly, and after the battle will heal their opponent's pokemon. This is similar to how you approach your relationships with people, you wait for them to come to you and then dedicate yourself to listening, helping, and diffusing problems. Some people might not really understand you and think that your way of life seems boring or irritating but the way that you view it, helping others is also helping yourself. By not going out of your way to be a rockstar pokemon trainer, you are able to better focus on what you care about, namely helping those who need help and bonding with your pokemon who are safe in your care. Your determination comes and goes, some days you are content to relax with those closest to your and your pokemon, but other days you are out trying to find new methods of helping trainers and pokemon alike. You are creative in how you help pokemon and you pride yourself on your work when you are feeling passionate
Starter: Chikorita
Your starter pokemon is Chikorita. Like you, Chikorita really loves laid back activities and taking naps. Chikorita is often found sunbathing and relaxing in comfortable spots outdoors. Chikorita spends a lot of time looking for the perfect nap conditions and once it finds them it is hardpressed to leave before having its fill of a wonderful afternoon nap. You and Chikorita spend a lot of time relaxing and napping together, and you bond over enjoying simpler activities. Chikorita's lower energy makes it a good fit for you, and it doesn't often pick fights so it will never be a cause for concern for you. 
Partner: Steelix
Steelix is also a very patient pokemon, living for over 100 years sometimes, these pokemon will slowly become harder than diamonds. Steelix is also a very stubborn and very individualistic pokemon, which makes it somewhat of a challenge for you to get it to work with your other pokemon sometimes. You relate to your Steelix's desire to hole itself up in a cave somewhere and ignore any responsibility it may have, but you also relate to how it very often pulls itself out and helps out the rest of your team with you. Steelix is also fiercely protective, you so never have to worry about your other pokemon getting into trouble with Steelix around.
Team: Meganium (starter), Bastiodon, Darmanitan (zen), Dragonair, Hatterene
Hometown: Icirrus City, Unova
Your hometown is Icirrus City in the Unova region. This town is very humid and covered in wetlands, so most of the buildings are on higher ground and there are a lot of inclines. This town is also nearby Dragonspiral Tower, which is the oldest building in Unova and is said to be the home of legendary pokemon Zekrom and Reshiram. Because of your early life consisting of brave trainers venturing here to seek these legendary pokemon, and people fighting over the right to study and unearth these pokemon, you came to realize that you prefer to stay out of the mess most of the time and sometimes help people stuck within it. Your dedication to yourself and your pokemon is very rooted in your decision when you were younger to live a simpler life than a lot of the people who came through your hometown. You also gained some creativity due to growing up in an area that required creative architecture. Your experiences with rather difficult terrain and an interesting social climate made you the kind of person you are, namely that you keep your head when things get weird and you are willing to wait and be patient when others are more inclined to rush in head first.
Battle style: Slow and steady wins the race
You are a very patient and slow battler. You take your time and are very cautious. You tend to come overprepared, with lots of healing items and stat boosting items. Your pokemon are not necessarily hard hitters, but you prioritize their ability to be reliable and predictable for you to use. You prefer pokemon who will consistently do a set amount of damage, for instance, over a pokemon who might or might not do a ton of damage in one hit. You prefer pokemon that work well in groups, you like a team that can work together and help each other over individualistic and self reliant pokemon. You help your pokemon learn to work together and learn to love being a team instead of competing with one another. You enjoy being able to take your time in battles and observe your own pokemon and your opponents for areas they could be more creative or more consistent. Your pokemon all trust you deeply and know that if they take any damage or have any conflict they can't solve themselves, you will be there to help them out of their bind and comfort them after the fact. 
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “TimePhoon!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Storyboard by: Samir Barrett, Victoria Harris, Sam King, Jason Reicher
Directed by: Jason Zurek
Time travel and Louie, oh boy.
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This episode begins on a dark and stormy night, or, to put it more specifically...
Roxanne Featherly: Here in Duckberg, life is like a hurricane?
Ha, I get it. Honestly, considering this episode is about an actual hurricane, it be a crime not to reference that. Anyway, the episode begins with the McDuck Manor preparing for the worst El Pato storm in history. Dewey and Webby are preparing the emergency food supply...
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...which consists of a Chili Cheese Dog bar. Mrs. Beakley does not approve, and tells Dewey that his mother would certainly not approve of this diet that would only lead to scurvy.
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Much to her chagrin, here's Della chomping on a chili cheese dog, telling Mrs. Beakley to just enjoy this "hooray-cane party". This sets up, yes, another Della-related subplot that was hinted at in "Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!". This is the third one in the span of four episodes, they are really getting out all these Della plots when they can.
This particular subplot is about Della's role as a positive role model for mothers everywhere, a role that Mrs. Beakley will have several opportunities to question in this episode. To Della, she should just let the kids be kids, she should not sweat the small stuff, and other things that Mrs. Beakley suspects she only read off of bumper stickers.
She's only been on this Earth as a mother of three for about the time between this episode and the aforementioned “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!”, but Della knows everything will be fine.
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As for one of the other kids, Huey picked this time, out of all the times he could have possibly picked, to brag about his comprehensive caveduck report that he will eventually submit to the Junior Woodchucks. He could possibly be included in the new edition of the Junior Woodchuck guidebook!
Dewey: My brother's going to be a professional nerd!
Yup, that's basically what he is. Huey could ask the Woodchuck's scoutmaster about it, but Launchpad is too busy boarding the windows in the a way anyone would expect. Scrooge, none too happy with all the broken windows, decides to tell him to check on what Louie is doing. Of course, that green guy is looking rather suspicious, but that seems to be the norm for him. As he walks in the kids' room, he notices some flashing lights right behind the Dewey Dew-Night backdrop, and he notices something amazing.
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He finds out that Louie has his own tub! Incredible! They do a few jokes with this, including one where he gets out his rubber ducky, leading Louie to tell him that the Time Tub cannot be used as an actual tub. Launchpad seems a bit too eager to use it as one; maybe I shouldn't think about this too much.
This turns out this is yet another subsidiary of Louie Inc: Time Treasures. So yeah, continuation of one of the plot threads from "The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!", and a slightly better continuation of a previous episode than the last time. So how does Time Treasures work?
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First, he goes back in time with the Time Tub that he definitely didn't steal from Gyro Gearloose, teleporting right where a lost treasure was. Second, he takes it. Third, profit. Hey, if it was never found, it's not stolen! Don't even think about the logistics with this. How would Louie know where all the treasures are if they weren't found by anyone? The episode is not really harmed by this, because it's not like Louie is supposed to be using good logic in this new Louie Inc. strategy, anyway.
As Louie and his new accomplice, er, helper teleport back, this caveman goes up to gawk at these weird people in their half-open rock. He ends up getting teleported, too.
Meanwhile, Dewey sees something outside, and the kids go out and investigate. To the sheer horror of Mrs. Beakley, Della doesn't seem to care that her children and another child has gone out when a dangerous storm is imminent. Even more horrifying...
Dewey: Hey, look, a dead guy!
Oh, classic Dewey.
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The dead guy turns out to be the caveduck. Webby and Dewey come up with the idea that he must have been frozen in an iceberg. Webby is still on her steak of wrong assumptions, except for that popcorn one from the previous one. Granted, there was absolutely no way she would know about Louie's shenanigans other than schenanigans being his thing.
Mrs. Beakley does bring up that this caveduck is going to mess up all of time, citing the Butterfly effect. How would she know this caveman was time-displaced at this point? Eventually, she does say there is a "S.H.U.S.H. chrono-protocol" about this, but it seems early for her to suspect this. I also know this is just a setup for a joke where Della is disgusted over Mrs. Beakley suggesting violence to a butterfly, but still.
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The kids decide to eventually name him after the one word he can say and rhyme with: Bubba. I'm going to be 100% honest: I don't remember this character's appearances in the original 1987 cartoon. From what I have heard, he wasn't very well liked. If it means anything, I didn't mind this character at all in this episode, so congratulations?
The most he really does is let the sins of the modern world corrupt him, as he will eventually start eating chili dogs and wearing backwards baseball caps! This comes much to the disgust of Huey, who wants to just study the caveduck as he was back in his day. That's basically the whole plot with Bubba, really.
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Going back to the other plot, Launchpad is helping Louie with a treasure chest that they have "found", and even he is questioning whether or not this is ethical. Louie shoves him off, saying that it's not stealing if it's from pirates, and there's no way this Louie Inc. subsidiary can have any real side-effects. He also silently hopes there's no way anything can be worse, and he also silently hopes that a bunch of pirates do not get zapped into the Manor.
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Suddenly, pirates get zapped into the Manor. Womp womp. Louie admits that that might be one side effect.
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After the commercial break, we get a news report, showing that this El Pato storm has combined with a time vortex, turning it into the titular Timephoon.
Roxanne Featherly: The Timephoon has unsurprisingly localized itself above McDuck Manor.
Okay, I love how Roxanne says "unsurprisingly" here. Of course it has to be something involving Scrooge. Everything seems to be to the point where even the people in the universe know this.
Roxanne cuts to the meteorologist who is on the scene, who happens to be Benjamin Franklin. Unfortunately, his reporting on the chronologically confused cyclone is interrupted by his fear of the strange box that is pointing at him. Outside of this scene, we don't get to see what the Timephoon's effects are outside of the McDuck Manor. I get that they probably wanted to save a Duckberg-scaled for the Moonvasion, but it does take a little weight off of the issue of this plot. This is especially egregious considering what will come of this.
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Scrooge has one particular idea on what caused this: Launchpad and one of the kids, most likely Louie, used the Time Tub, and the caveduck went with them by accident! But that's just preposterous, because it could be anything according to Louie! He even decides to erase it with his jacket to remove any suspicion that this could be correct.
Della: Louie's right!
Della just agrees with Louie, because she has to trust her kids and she can't just give up her "unwilling to punish her kids" character. Scrooge eventually theorizes that every change in the time stream is causing the storm to get worse, as if the small problem are adding up to one large one. Sort of a Butterfly effect minus the butterfly analogy that grossed Della out. He suggests getting Gyro to help, but Louie says the storm is just too terrible for them to go out and talk to him.
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Good news for them, Gyro shows up in the same way the pirates do. The bad news for pretty much everyone is that someone took the Time Tub and has destroyed time and space!
His story begins with him just minding his own business, not cloning an army of himself just as much as Louie says he's not doing anything wrong, when he notices his Time Tub was stolen. The after-blast from the Time Tub got him just as much as it got the caveduck from before, and he went all through time to see what happened.
Louie finally gets a clue, and decides the best course of action is to bring it all back.
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Also, Bubba is continuing to enjoy the modern joys of life, while Huey gets angry over all of these chronological inaccuracies. Dewey decides to convince him by saying that maybe his research was wrong. We get the closest DuckTales 2017 will get to a face fault with Huey here; still on-model, but something is still not right with him.
Throughout the episode, more and more people from the past show up to cause trouble, like ninjas that Mrs. Beakley has to deal with. Eventually, a triceratops zaps into the present, giving the caveduck. Eventually, he just does a complete 180 from being accurate to his own research, and says this is awesome. Yeah, that's the B plot. I guess the chaos just got to him.
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The chaos just gets worse and worse, as Mrs. Beakley gets zapped into the past, complete with Mrs. Beakley showing up on that painting that first shown Della's existence. More and more, and Louie, who is already trying to fix what he has done, is trying to put everything back together.
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It doesn't really take a time scientist to figure out that Louie will eventually fix this all on his own, though it is a situation he ends up being forced into. I was almost expecting him to go into the time tub, go back to when he had this idea, and smack him upside the head, but that's not what he does. That ending would be a little cliched, and it would have been a cop-out.
Instead, Louie decides to aim the shower head at the various time-displaced people, including Bubba and Tootsie, shoots a ray that sends them back into time, and hopes that this will make everything okay. Again, don't think of the logistics with this.
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Somehow, this makes the Timephoon just spit out everyone back into the present. Dressed as they are, they came all the way over time, and one of them is going to get the grounding of his life for messing with the timestream! Here's a hint: it's the one that isn't even in a costume.
Della finally decides to put her foot down, and ends up being the only person in the room that doesn't want to instantly forgive Louie for what he did. Della doesn't play by the ordinary cartoon rules, and neither does this cartoon since this grounding may actually last more than a silly ending.
Della: You took off in that contraption, without thinking about the consequences or the people you would hurt!
Louie: (loses any pretense of being apologetic for his actions, rolls his eyes) I wonder where I got that from.
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With all the hurt that the Della plot has caused, nobody in-universe has ever really called out Della for getting on the Spear of Selene in the first place until this scene. It seems like everyone here has their own reaction to this, but they can all agree that this is not the time for this. Huh, time.
Oh, and as for Huey's caveduck research, it got rejected because it wasn't realistic.
How does it stack up?
I found it okay for the most part. Some parts were actually really good, too! I debated on whether to give this the same rating as "Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!", and the ending alone is what puts this episode over the edge of that scale for me.
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Next, the joys of the naughty room. The Supernanny kind.
← The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot! 🦆 GlomTales! →
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