#or if i can't find a good liner maybe i'll need to look into eye tattoos afsdgfh
lacebird · 5 months
i need recommendations for gel eyeliners that are really long lasting. i've tried the ones from mac and bobbi brown and they both suck T_T
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hellsite-detective · 9 months
*approaches the office door with wringing hands* "maybe I should just leave...no, if anyone can help, it's them."
Oh Hellsite Detective, I have a most strange request that I'm hoping you can help with.
I come to you searching not for a post, but for a blog. I lost my decade old tumblr account a few months ago, and with it lost a dear mutual who's url I can't remember.
Their pfp is a red background with a blue eye with thick black liner, and I have this foggy memory that their url was something with masqu- or maqu- in it.
I know it's a long shot. They used to spam reblog from me (like, the same post 40+ times in a row), and I miss them greatly. If there's any chance you can help, I'd be eternally grateful.
this anon came into my office with an interestin' request. a type of case i hadn't tackled before. they weren't lookin' for a post, but instead was lookin' for a blog. now, i looked over the files they gave me back to front tryin' everything possible. i tried different combinations of usernames, checkin' on google for any blog startin' with the suffixes provided, even describin' the profile picture to the google image search. but nothin'... my investigation was turnin' up cold...
but i wasn't gonna give up so easily.
no need to worry, i'm not givin' up this case that easily! could you maybe provide me with some information on your old blog that you lost? a username, a title, any posts you could remember that you made. anything that would help me identify your old blog. from there, i might be able to check through reblogs and see if i could find your friend. even if the blog was deactivated/deleted, i'll take the information anyway. i'm very good at trackin' deleted posts.
hope isn't lost yet! we can do this together!
Post Case: Under Investigation
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quintinh43 · 5 months
Hi love! So I have a question… what helps you and writing your fics. I’ve been wanting to post something’s I’ve wrote, but to me they aren’t really that good, so I’m just wondering what are like your inspirations when writing because yours is so so beautiful
Hi loveee, thank you for the compliment it really warms my heart 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Ok, so the first thing I have to say is, honestly, I write for myself most of the time! For me, writing is stress relief cause I get to escape into my own little world of my creation.
That being said, I started sharing my writing because I felt it would help me improve. I can't even tell you how stressed/embarrassed I was with the first Quinn fic I posted on tumblr, even though I have been writing and posting fan fiction for yearsssss. It's pretty daunting to try something new and sometimes you just gotta close your eyes and jump.
My main thing was, it's ok if I think it's bad, I know I'll get more comfortable eventually.
With all of that in mind, here are some things I do to help me get into the flow of writing or help when I'm stuck on a scene etc. And just help me in general!
1. I need background noise!! This is different for everyone, but for me, I like background noise. If you haven't tried it, I would definitely recommend trying it, again it is different for everyone. I usually listen to instrumentals, or I'm watching Brooklyn 99 in the background. Idk why, but for some reason, Brooklyn 99 really turns my writing brain on! Maybe try a show/movie that is familiar to you!
2. I write on my phone! Everything gets written in my notes app, and when I'm done or close to done, I will copy past everything into an actual doc and then edit it on my laptop. I find that writing on my phone is less stressful. Maybe I'm traumatized from uni, but writing on my laptop just feels like a chore. Plus, if you write on your phone as soon as inspiration hits, you can write! You don't have to wait for an opportunity to get out your laptop and yadda yadda.
3. When I'm frustrated with my writing, I leave it for a little while and then come back later. In between, I'll try to look at writing prompts/scenarios on pinterest/tumblr and just think about how I would write them.
4. Write how you are comfortable! I'm big on metaphors, similes, and like flowery figurative language, so that's usually how I try to write. Another big thing for me is I want to feel when I'm reading, so I try to write in a way that mimics feeling. For example, if you're writing a scene where you wanna portray anxiety I find that in real life. When I'm anxious, my thoughts feel rapid and stunted. So I'll write short, choppy sentences. Or when I'm trying to portray the feeling of love, I'll write longer, softer, sentences, cause to me the feeling of love is something that you want to keep around.
5. Another thing I like to do, is I try not to mention something if it isn't gonna be useful/have a purpose. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I love throwing in those useless spare details cause I think they elevate the story. But when I used to write, I used to be super detailed about everything, and I found that it was a drag to read.
6. I'm not a big planner, I feel like planning limits me. Sometimes, I'll jot down a few bullet points of what I know I want to see, but other than that, I don't really plan. I also don't really write in a liner fashion. Sometimes, I'll start writing in the middle of a scene because that's what I'm most inspired to write, and then I'll go back and connect the beginning and such.
7. Don't delete your writing!! If you've written a scene and you don't like it anymore and think it doesn't fit, or it doesn't flow, font delete it! Copy paste it into an empty note/doc and then you can delete it from your main piece. I find that keeping my "bad writing" helps me grow. Plus sometimes I'll come back and use the scene later, or I'm a different fic! You never know.
8. Don't be afraid to take inspiration from your favorite writers! If you like the way someone writes descriptions, feelings, or something, try to reflect that in your own writing! Doing that really helped me to develop and flourish my own writing style!
All of that said, you know yourself best, and at the end of the day do what works for you. I hope this helped a least a little, and if you ever wanna hop in my messages and talk more I would be so so so honored 🫶🏼
And last but not least, I had to save my best writing tip for the end!
Write on the toilet - idk, but as soon as I'm on the toilet, all the ideas come flooding to my brain, and I literally can't stop writing. Judge me if you will, but hey, it works.
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
You're so smart sandy
Know idea what's happening let's walk more
In a separate note there is confirmation making clear whoopis clueless essential.ast Mile two the we have bigger purses now that the axtels the shit'supTanginas Pitch now broh
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So lily just re.j orbitAlsatelite shaded in hands youhef people need to penises on rand places. Puke possibly when you see it you saw atrf should been one there to andvamothef somer for both or fatter wrestling
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She really just forgot when she came back this he us a womb and for completions sake a sweet Lil mousy smart gals like jenny McArthry fake cancer such vag no one sees these. BBC yo BBC yoh got sh0p va aaked
Don't sirt5 it's A stadium your superblwka gotta mobr party rfmk dr for today right
No Lilly there closed accetp
Jason, and he then he was like no jason
Sephoras closed there's no way in
Maybe a monster ate bet?
No Jason
Where the fuck are you going
No it's just I took it off when I got the cap gun lit
Temole blind rut to radar trai.greentreeTerror roof car roes the rugby lads pools swatter that one didn't count and was draught causing one which is illegal in any religion no matter wat.
Trust me any face
Scarier than no body
Roget and droid army weimaraner you the tutorial
They can't have sex they have a want to scratch for her sake
Yes rice booze
Give me ghat
Ahem me.eeeeerere somewhere colder
How's your teeth holding up got ribitugis yet
It's reminds dua chesfwubnow between lungselstayit resembles inny budbdgd don't
I can open up an breath and believe all I want to but you'd roll over in your graves choir respect allowsilence!
Agrees ronantic
I want my lawyer while you wonder why the japense remove their shoes Indoors I'll remind you all that I have babies on the other line.
Lemrick a morty patrol car
Reads RippdPD tickets I crack my knuclje
In simpsons they the ticket oppsoe
O BTW which room
GYMNASIUM um I knew she said something Spanish was going to happen on that sofa I ish yoy could Drink and Go Straight
You, your not my mom.
Tn/herb I suppose
Say they spent all the time setting obstacles up on the stage ok mom or running Run
That's your vampireRun!
Thats free now headwaters rest easl
It caused what i imagine will become anew pupil godforbdkng the top of my mouth falls in tv like ty France did what's seatle abouitit. It could be my third hand starting Adam's Apple left Thing w/plum b.midlers seat
Eye book
Sewing kit movember annonncemen
And wouldn't you know it, and oven yes an oven any old oven for soup porridge s and wat not nananacomeye book club
Then it's the Korean spelling
Puke slow down lady
I'll take the merideth fetch us the Asian. Crew liner
Believe it or not he sent me over by noodle arm toss, he is someone's uncle for sure I find oranges rolling around our hall ways all the time and forgive me but that is what you shit music for. Potoven up there goes my loofah again nlom sqkwak
My gala
She's right I only warned jeff
They found away to survive freezing temperatures but you position to knco sequential cutouts into scenes of the same half with thriller
You get prescription wouldn't want a beef muk what ever would you spit the rest in
Just golioup I had it pierced yogurt wrist yup I knew Callie was to good at her jugs didn't realize Denver Colorado was a landfill so those Florida sinkhole. Your paving over people to charge the state debt.
Del boca visits arrested development the lucil oentchochamber complex
So many Spaniards I could use the ice
Look at her stair cause beep beep lady's only weight loss circuif
That kwone
And a schumway far off saying I'm just doing these chores here for nature please Rembert drive solo dri solo it's true love them thEyl taste
Ok I just saw the nes black bulg regular parachute like cokl it really be half my vlovCo heD no it's. Then explodes falls straight down Friworks M?loopL:b? Cuz it might have been Lisa 16th we missed who cares girls salaried and general master exhibit at&ts had enough already get me competion
Hey window
Greasy facemoosh
Howyno u300ms me
Proves bi crash
Gf see gt bout
Eiqois Los x national tree principle if their soiled ID hoped you read the street sign
Word firqard
Swear they call them dragons monsters
Millionth time the government s phoning halifax
Trigger a nuclear recounts how its three years past maybe we can for sure on our side now that these three now segmented pages from this kids ir dial make more sense. Guitars gber9iam immortal or showers some times cobbles stone I carry real sailor moon bandaid you think I'm misting for gargouke health
Now look at a nickel
Brefir wow
Tgs a great way for ref dire trucka
Squiky wheels their vehicles loss all inner friction
The problem is the gas padded didn't get the anchors.message. Btjust brads tendon I guess
Notwof going beyond Achilles sudburietang o ro to my sidiim why's say only 60me can watch I want the bother with all longer sh not fucjinstartex
What my gun lighter?
Show who else's ashtrays earned betgedmedL, then some those dressing fag's in Congrss. I rush!
Look she lives inside an oil refinery shell fly all over the place the someone it needs one. But I didn't know surgery
Well ghe Yellowstone lohvre Fringe vien7who sos
Also may have been recorder so after he's like I'm not recording say anything you'd like I have worshipers.
Who makes gift clothes not clothes ingfoom lovers is who.
I was sewing water either ehe lash pop I. Leach seed hers a nickel you need to for water at tims
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He tried calling intrepol .
He had to get himself into person to stop out ans clme get me we have kpptatn important therapy tk tk jumble
Plastic fork but hand swear I saw but Angelina those are ninja stars he's dead thrralready gotta poke like angel camel's or soma know bigger I glit hull clump and cats maybe cats maybe not
SAT want a thief and the mega murder
I have had some of the landfills in Florida dug back up because bulbasaur that he might forgotten something so does it noe
Why ea
Hell yes see why would I be worried er thr second I saw her on a jet missile its not a jetisoned missile yet.
No he's there to ckrarp Asta some belle hermon tge luck cigsr jeepers edit he's molesting that woman holjimoli with that urban. Bible he brought
This is court, that's what yoh want
I brought the dip
Our nanas bought ares with wardrobes valiant.K^
0 notes
Obey me demon Bros finding out their human can do alot. Mammon gets taught how to waltz and charm people out of money, Lucifer finds out they can paint, sing, and play piano. Asmo adores their theatrical makeup looks and their poetry skills. Levi adores how they can watch anime, can act some anime characters out. Can cook up a storm for Beel, nicknamed him cutie for how much he can eat packs him a 38 layer bento. Satan sees how calming they are and how much they can tame him and once said: "I tame thyn beast for he shalt aidth me."
They don't fully understand what's going on. One of three things is going on:
1. You're an unnatural human with supernatural abilities to learn new skills
2. You're magic
3. They don't understand how humans work and forget that some people have multiple hobbies. You don't need immortality to discover new things.
He was the first to discover your artistic talent before the others. He was going over some plans with Diavolo when he came across one of the music rooms in R.A.D. Lucifer found you seated at a forgotten piano and playing and singing a jaunty tune. He didn't think anything of it until he found you with an easel on the veranda, painting a landscape. Again, not unusual but he hasn't come across a human in a long time. Luci's in awe of you, forgetting that humans don't need to be immortal or magical in order to support multiple talents. Once he's convinced of your talents, Lucifer immediately commissions you for a portrait for Diavolo's birthday present.
He's a little bit slow, but when he sees you charming the pants off a stranger at the bar and make extra tip money, he quickly ingratiates himself to you. At first, it's just to learn how to make extra cash. Your charm turns him into a tsundere, that is to say, Mammon says one thing like "Maybe I'll teach you a thing or too, human" but then turns around with a little Freudian slip like "I mean, sure. You can come along. It's not like the Great Mammon needs your help, but I could use the company." You and Mammon then proceed to swindle tavern patrons out of their money and are both banned from the premises permanently. Just remember to tell Lucifer that it was Mammon's great idea.
A normie like you knows about Ruri-chan? H-How? Oh, one the languages you speak is Japanese? For a while, Levi thought he was going to have watch anime with you with subtitles on or dubbed. (You can't convince me that Levi isn't one of those anti-dubbed anime elitists.) And you can cosplay? Like, if you didn't have time before juggling your hobbies and homework and the other brothers, you certainly won't now. Eventually, Levi is going to get permission from Lucifer to go to the human world and drag you with him to a convention where, you guessed it, you'll be making and wearing a "couples" cosplay. And yes, you're going to help him when he cries like a baby when he pricks his finger hard enough to bleed when he tries hand-sewing for the first time during a last minute addition to his cosplay. Good luck, sweetheart.
MC has an unusual air about them. You're different from the chaotic brothers and you're definitely not Lucifer. Your interests are diverse and you seemed interested in whatever he has to say. You contribute to conversations with him. It's a good change of pace compared to the hijinks his brothers get up to. The only thing that annoys him about you is that you're always trying to straighten up his room and organize his books. He's caught you a few times in his room, but attempting to clean isn't the worst thing you could do.
You were minding your own business doing your makeup before school when Asmo comes barging in. He's about to ask if you've seen his bowtie as you helped with the laundry the other day when he sees you seated at your vanity. Asmo immediately gushes over your cat-eye liner, perfectly accentuating your eyes, and the lip color you chose. Pretty soon, Asmo drags you to his room after you finish homework to help him with his beauty tutorials. One afternoon, he discovers a page of your poetry, he's actually impressed. Mortals are so interesting! The deliverance and passion in your poetry has him flirting with you in hopes that your next one you write will be all about him.
Beel catches you in the kitchen making some takoyaki. It would go against his ravenous nature to not take a couple (or a few) samples for himself. It's not long before Beel volunteers to be your taste tester from then on. Good luck getting sleep at night because guess who's going to ask you to make him a midnight snack. You pack his lunches because if you don't, he's going to complain about being hungry all day. Beel won't shut up about your food and "starving" until one or all of his brothers beg you to cook for him just so they can get a bit of quiet time without Beel's stomach grumbling. You hear it from across the giant lunch room. You sigh and head over to the kitchen.
When you're finally done for the day and hurl yourself into bed, Belphie is the first to notice how cute your blankets are. Your bed is essentially a nest of handmade blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals you made yourself. It was a home away from home. Your bed is so cozy that Belphie can't help himself from sneaking out of his room and into yours. He never naps when you're in bed, but if happens to be unoccupied while you're away, you'll find him nesting among your blankets and stuffed toys.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hi! I'm startingto do eyeliner on my eyes, and I've seen a couple of your pictures. Your eyeliner always looks amazing! Could I please have some eyeloner tips? Thank you!
Hello! Thanks for the compliments, you're very sweet <3. Eyeliner can be super fun, so I'd love to help anyway I can as you get started. I've found a few things that work for me, so maybe some of those will be useful tips! I'll kinda just share what I know/do, including technique, products, and mindset
A few of the photos I've included as reference are a little blurry because they're zoomed in, but all the IDs are in alt text. If you've ever wanted to see several up close photos of my eyeballs you're in luck!
to save everyone's dash space because this got kinda long (like always), everything is under the cut :)
Importantly, don't expect it to look good at first. The first dozen or so times you try, odds are you're going to be washing it off immediately after. That's okay! That's expected! It takes a level of practice to figure out what you're doing enough so that you're satisfied enough to wear it out. Experiment when you've got free-time and aren't going anywhere and don't worry about whether or not it's good. It's more for practice and getting comfortable with your tools
Also, as a beginner, I recommend you use an eyeliner marker/pen with a brush tip. Those are what I've found are more friendly to learning, and brush tips in general just wear down less. Felt ones are fine, but they can kinda degrade. Brushes can have brustles sticking out as they wear down, but that won't impact your pen as much. As for using a pen, I find them easier to work with when you're learning/experimenting because you don't have to dip to refill or deal with the consistency of dip eyeliner. There can be some upsides to them, but for your purposes I think a marker is fine. I personally like the Nyx Epic Ink Liner in black.
Waterproof doesn't mean it's better. In fact, because you're practicing, I advise against something waterproof! You hear people praising waterproof eyeliners all the time, and they can be useful, but what that also means is that it's harder to take off and you'll probably need another product. And just because a liner says it's waterproof doesn't necessarily mean it is--like the Nyx one I use. it says it's waterproof, but with a bit of rubbing it'll come off with water, which is great! I don't need any specific makeup remover to take it off, I just need to wash my face. if you're experimenting, it's super helpful for your liner to be easy to remove
Sometimes you won't be super thorough and get every inch of skin. In a lot of the photos, you can see slivers of skin close to my eyelashes, or some are patchy in color. The slivers are because when I'm looking straight on, and looking around, you can't tell, so I don't always bother to fill that part in. They're more visible in these photos because I'm looking slightly down, but in real life it's unnoticable. Then the patchy coloring is because my liner is old and more dried out, making it less even when I fill it in. Also could be a bit of wear after a few hours, it happens with some liners.
Your eyeliner will not match. You can get pretty close! But identical liner is both very difficult and not that important. Instead, you want them to be passable as similar. Mostly the same shape, mostly the same angle, mostly the same thickness. People aren't going to be analyzing whether or not your liner matches, they'll just get a general impression of your face and fill in the gaps. So take a step back to gauge if they're passable; they don't have to be perfect. Sometimes they're a little off and shaped slightly different, and that's still passable and good enough!
Play around with different shape eyeliners to find your shape. If you look at all the eyeliner pictures I have of myself below, you can kinda see that they're almost all based on one original shape. That's because that's the style of eyeliner I like the look of on me! I'm not a huge fan of the cat-eye shape, so I go for more of a straight out shape. I got good at that shape so I could manipulate it into other, more complicated looking (but actually easy) designs. Try different things to see what appeals to you!
If you want to try this style, here's how I approach it. It's essentially a triangle on the corner of your eye, so I draw a horizontal line from the corner of my eye, then two lines originating from that to connect back to my eye, then fill that in. A tip for that is to not start the second lines from the very end of the first one you drew, that way it keeps the sharp tip. Here's a graphic:
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Keep your eyes relaxed as you do this, that way the line looks closer to what it will naturally look like when you're looking around. If you have your eyes super open when drawing the shape but your eyes generally are more closed, then it won't match, which can be annoying
Only stretch the skin for details/clean up. The skin of your eyes can feel annoyingly pliant, which makes you want to hold it down and pull it taut while you draw the shape to make it easier. This will instead make things look weird, same as keeping your eyes super open. If there are parts you need to fill in or you want to smooth out lines you've already drawn, that's when pulling the skin for easier drawing will help!
Brace your arm!! Set your elbow on something when you're doing your eyeliner, it give you way more control. I personally have mine set on the bathroom counter as I lean over it to get closer to the mirror.
Be close to the mirror. You don't need to shove your whole face right up next to it, but if you're closer you can see better and that helps you be precise. I'm typically around six inches away from the mirror and angle my head slightly to either side to see my eyes better
Another eyeliner-ish thing you could try if you're experimenting and not confident on your linework is eyeshadow in the shape of eyeliner! It doesn't require crisp lines, so there can be less stress over getting things right and it's quicker. This does require a brush and an eyeshadow though (and primer if you want it to last better), which are different products. You take the same approach as when you're using eyeliner, drawing the same lines, just filling it in with eyeshadow instead. This way you can familiarize yourself with the shape and play around! Here's an example:
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See how this is kinda smudgy? That way there's no worrying about details. It's a lot quicker because of that, but it also doesn't last as long. If you use a primer (any primer just on the eye area) it'll last longer than just shadow on skin, but it's definitely not as long lasting as eyeliner. I personally love it for quick outings or when I'm short on time. The white bottom lashes and colorful inner corner are optional :)
That's my approach to basic shapes, but it's not much different when it comes to doing things a little bit fancier. If you want to do something like spikes like I do, then it's the same technique but just starting from a different point. Like these:
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For both typical and more unique liner, find natural lines or spots on your eye that you can recognize and use as a guide. This makes it easier to replicate on the other eye and day to day. For example, for these kinds of spikes I follow the natural line of my eye (the pink), because that's easy to find. For the basic eyeliner, it's the corner of my eye. I always start there, so there's always something common and I have a better sense of what I'm doing
The same three line approach won't work if you're going for an outline because it'll have a line down the middle, but if you get comfortable with the three line shape, you can more confidently do just two without the first pink line. I only use this when I am doing something outlined, as the three lines is very reliable for me. But that could look something like this:
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These are more curved because I felt like it that day, but the same logic applies for the straight lines!
Finally, once you've gotten that base down and are comfortable doing something more, you really don't need to do anything complex to add a little something! Here's a few examples of things you can do in a matter of seconds to add extra detail and make you feel amazing about your abilities!!
Colorful inner corners, a colorful shadow under your liner, little mini spikes coming off the bottom to mimic lashes:
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I like to match it to my hair and depending on where I'm going/who I'll be with, I'll change how heavily I apply.
Extra shapes--can be in the same eyeliner color or different!
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White bottom lashes or lining your water line in white! Which you can also see in the above picture. For the lashes I use a white eyeliner, which is a liquid dip, and used the brush to paint it over the lashes. I have the Nyx Epic Wear liner in white, but there are others you can find. This can feel pretty weird and also get on your upper lashes as it dries and be difficult to remove, but it's also fun! For the waterline I use any stick liner--do not use liquid liner anywhere but skin! I currently have a gel liner from nyx in white, not any one specifically.
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(you can also do this with other colors!! I just don't have those or photos of those right now)
But yeah! That's what I do for my liner and a few reminders to help you get started. This is just my technique and approach, so it won't work or appeal to everyone. There are plenty of others online who like different styles and have different experience than can also be of assistance.
The last thing I'll say is once you know what you're doing, give yourself break days. Eyeliner can make you feel great, but if you're wearing it consistently don't forget to have days where you don't wear it so you don't forget what your face looks like. Just helps to touch base and ground yourself because the eyeliner is an accessory, not who you are. When school is in session and I'm wearing eyeliner every day of the week, for me the break days are the weekends, that way I see myself in mirrors without eyeliner for a few days and don't lose touch.
Hopefully some of that was helpful! If you have more specific questions, just let me know and I'll do my best to answer them! Really a lot of it just comes down to practice and finding what you like, so I wish you luck <33
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theficplug · 5 years
𝓅𝓉 𝟤
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: 𝟣𝟪+ , 𝓈𝓂𝓊𝓉
𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓴 𝔁 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
{𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓬𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓼 𝓭𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽-𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓹 & 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓼 𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓴 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓼 𝓱𝓲𝓶 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓽𝓸 𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼. 𝓘 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓭 4 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼😂. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵. 𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂'𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂✌🏾 𝔁}
His fingertips danced along your spine following the golden sunlight against your umber skin. While you laid next to him softly placing kisses to his shoulder and chest.
You smiled to yourself remembering how damn near perfect last night was. He didn't ask anything of you after giving you one of the most mind blowing orgasms of your life.
He just cuddled you almost swaying you as you fell asleep nestled against his side. 
You felt him toss and turn until you wrapped your arms around him. Although he's never admit to being a little spoon.
"Damn, it must really be paradise here. 'Cause it can't get more perfect than this. I haven't slept all night like that in a long time." He says lowly his voice slightly raspy and deeper from the tiredness lingering. 
"I mean besides the morning breath. Whew yours is kicking." You say to him jokingly before he scoops you closer into his arms and kisses all over your neck. 
"Come shower with me then?" He proposed, already halfway out of the bed. 
After grabbing your things you headed towards the large bathtub with him. It was absolutely breathtaking and you still couldn't imagine how you pulled off getting a ticket for this luxurious cruise. 
"What's on your mind? " He asks while pulling you closer to rest against him. His warm wet hands soothing over the kinks in your back. 
"Just thinking of how quickly everything has moved. First it was the breakup and then getting the position I've always wanted. And coming on this cruise and finally reuniting with you. It has just been a world wind of emotions. But as corny as it is. I'm glad that I'm with you right now." You say quietly before looking up at him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
"You still got them same ass big brown eyes. The kind you can't forget if you tried to. I never really gotta chance to say I'm sorry. I ain't mean to take off like that. I had some things that I had to take care of back then. Things that I'm still taking care of now. Things that I wanna tell you about but I feel like that's too much too soon." He says never once breaking eye contact with you as he chose his words carefully. 
You eyed him for a moment wondering what changed with him when he left. You wanted to question the scars that carried ghosts of his past etched across his skin or to ask him why he trembled when you held him last night. But you settled on a gentle kiss to his chest.
" All that matters right now is that you're safe. In time maybe you'll comfortable enough to tell me all about it. I believe that everybody's gotta past. It's alright" You soothe him and you can feel him for once relax against the bathtub. 
You slowly glide your hand down his body to stroke him softly. 
You noticed that eye contact is a big thing for him as you watch him melt under your gaze and touch. 
You pump him slowly as you rest your forehead against his and press a kiss to his lips. 
You sink down onto him slowly. Taking a moment to work him in fully before working all the way up and back down again to find a rhythm. "I'm glad that I'm here with you." You repeat against his lips as you slowly start to ride him. 
At first he just holds onto you as if you're going to float away. He's kissing every part of you that he can touch before burying his face in your breasts as you hold his head against you. You maneuvered lower so that he can tug teasingly on the right nipple then the left. 
Your hand smacks against the the outside of the bathtub as a kneejerk reaction to him beginning to fuck you back. His hand gripping onto your right hip tighter as he angles you slightly and drives into you at a new angle. 
"Eriiikkkk. Right there. Right there. Keep going baby-" You whine into his mouth as you find the right rhythm between the two of you.
You roll your hips down while he's giving deeper strokes into you from below. 
"You close huh? Don't run from it. Come on. Don't hold shit back from me." He demands as he grips your left hip harder holding you into place as he pounds into you and uses his other hand to massage your clit. 
That one last stroke had your arching your back into him and he took the opportunity to latch onto your nipple again nibbling it as he strokes you through your orgasm not stopping the rhythm between lightning fast strokes and then rolling his hips. 
You squeal as you hold onto his shoulders and bounce yourself through it before falling forward into him. 
"Nuh uh. Don't hold back neither. Give me that shit. You're hard as a fucking brick for me. I know you wanna cum. C'mon bae." You tease you whine your hips fluidly against him teasing him up and down you. 
He groans loudly and squeezes your cheeks hard holding you against him as his head rolls back and you grip his beard for him to look at you.
"Please, cum for me." You whisper to him as you feel him throbbing and pulsing ready to spill over for you he leans up and leave kisses down your neck before biting onto your shoulder hard as his stomach clenches and he releases for you.
"Goooddd. So good for me. " You moan praising him for giving you what you wanted.
After showering for real this time he left you to do your makeup and pick out an outfit for the day.
"I don't know how I feel about this look. I mean we're supposed to dock in like an hour and go sightseeing . And I'm late. I was supposed to meet the girls for breakfast. 10 minutes ago. So, this is good?" You say to Erik showing him the cherry red sleeveless dress that draped off over your back with a slit up the thigh.
It was the perfect shade to make your bronze skin pop along with the matching red lipstick and a simple winged liner.
You leaned your weight to one hip and smoothed out the dress smiling to yourself for a second as you watch him eyeing you up and down.
"You look so damn fine. I wanna spend all day in bed with you but these niggas tryna go snorkeling and shit." He says to you as you shake your head while laughing at him. 
"That sounds fun though. I think we're gonna hit up all the major food spots and tourist-y things we can today. But I'll meet up with you tonight. Gimme kiss." You say to him before you both head out. 
On your way to the elevator you finally check your phone and see all the missed calls and texts from Derrick. 'Shit.' was your only thought as you scrolled through them. 
"I'm not gonna apologize cause I'm grown. I can do whatever with whoever I wanna do it with. But I didn't mean for you to hear all of that. I must've called you by accident last night." You say to him as he answers the phone.
"So are we even now?" Is the only thing he asks as you shake your head at how unbelievable he is.
"Not even close. Look I've gotta go. I just wanted to call and clear the air so that you don't think this was something planned to "get back at you "." 
"To be honest I deserve more than an accidental call. I'm sorry. I really am. I know that I fucked up a good thing. I hope that someday we can at least go back to being friends." He says and for a moment you wanna believe that that's possible.
"Friends don't do that to each other Derrick. Like I said I just wanted to clear the air. I gotta go." You say hanging up quickly once you make it to the cute little cafe on the second floor of the ship.
You take a deep breath in before walking in and over to the table where your friends already eating and cackling about something. 
"Good morning y'all. I- I overslept." You say to them with a small smirk while sitting down.
"BITCHHHHH. Yo ass got good dick glow written all over you. That birth control was doing its job this morning! " Khadijah laughs as you throw an orange slice her way.
"Sebastian wasn't it though. 2 words. Chicken Nugggeeeettt. He's sweet as gold and we have so much in common but like y'all. " Khadi adds 
"UH UUHHH. Girl, and he was talking big game and ended up whipping out the shrimp?" Tasha says to Khadi in disbelief 
"Good morning. It looks like you had fun last night. Here we ordered you shrimp and grits and we're gonna need the full run down. So here" Tasha says as she puts the breakfast platter on your side of the table and Lynelle leans in closer. 
"Shush like you and Tasha's bag wasn't buzzing its way through TSA. Y'all I ain't even gon lie. Mans ate the soul clean outta my body. I was shaking and shit. I thought I was bout to morph into something. I'm like girl is this the moment where I turn into a Demogorgon. And then he just like held me and that kinda intimacy I hadn't felt in so long. Everything was going good. Morning sex was bomb...But then the gag is i must've accidentally called Derrick right before that cause he heard everything." You say and then watch Tasha , Khadi, and Lynelle cut up.
Tasha was clapping and laughing as Tasha and Lynelle tried to hold it in before laughing until the point of tears. 
"Wait , wait I'm hollering." Tasha yells 
You set there with your arms crossed before cracking into a giggle of your own.
"I don't know why I felt bad. But I did after I found out what happened. Is that weird?" You ask as you push the food around the plate. 
"As a psychologist, I want to say something profound like. Dopamine causes us to try and find the love object, hence why we spend days thinking about the other person. It’s for this very reason that it can be so incredibly hard for us to move on to a relationship with someone else. We tend to idealize our exes and distort the memories we have with them. We romanticise the reality and forge an idea in our minds of what life with them is like when often it’s not the truth. But as your best friend I just wanna say fuck Derrick and his feelings." Khadi says bluntly while sipping on the mimosa
"She ain't wrong. He didn't really take your feelings into consideration when he did what he did. So, i'm with Khadi on this one. Fuck Derrick." Lennie says as she raises her glass
"FUCK DERRICK" y'all say in unison as all 3 of you raise your glass for a toast. 
After the ship docked and you realised you were gonna be staying at a villa not too far from Erik's everything seemed to go smoothly.
You and Erik ended up venturing off together to all the little boutiques and food spots on your list.
Tasha and Lennie wanted to do all the cute tourist-y things on their own little list.
Khadi ended up going with Sebastian to do the snorkeling activities and meeting the dolphins. It turned out that they both love the ocean and marine life.
After sending each other quick texts about the change of plans. You agreed to meet up for dinner and to test out Club Jenja later on.
He didn't smother you when you and the girls danced at the club. But you could feel his eyes on you when men got too close to you for his liking. He did come by occasionally to ask you if you were okay or if you needed a water. Or if he just wanted a kiss from you.
He was currently standing by the bar talking to his boys when you notice a dark haired woman and another girl saunter up to him.
While they were standing there telling him their whole life story it seemed. His eyes never left yours.
"My feet hurt." You say to him as you walk over to as if the girls aren't standing there.
"Let's go then." He replied simply already done with the scene and just wanted to be chilling with you.
Your feet were done at this point from dancing all night in them skinny ass heels and he ain't hesitate to carry you bridal style to the Uber.
You wasted no time pulling off your look and slipping into one of your oversized shirts.
"You play too much. Why you left your girlfriend hanging like that?" you ask him laughing softly into his shoulder.
Of course he wanted to stay at your villa tonight.
You were both a little tipsy on the shots from the bar and realised that honey whiskey made both of y'all all lovey dovey. 
"She really said I hope y'all enjoy your honeymoon. You a cute couple. Maybe she seen something with us." he says repeating the elderly lady that y'all met in a souvenir shop earlier. Then pondering the thought
"She was really cute though." You say to him as he helps you wipe your makeup and adjust your head scarf in the back for you.
"You wanna use this face mask? You gotta lil sunburn right here on your nose. I told you to wear sunscreen. Talking bout lotion gonna cover it." You scold him softly before giving him a kiss to the tip of his nose. 
"Yeah , lemme go pee real quick." He says before moving from sitting between your legs on the bed.
You knew that you both weren't going to sleep anytime soon. So, you grabbed the laptop and turned on your playlist which mostly consisted of smooth r&b.
You watched as Erik walked out of the bathroom grooving to music and leaned down to kiss you.
Safe to assume that it's impossible to get over how his kisses made your skin light up like the 4th of July.
3 glasses of wine later and y'all were deep into conversation about everything from is there life on other planets to life paths.
"I think if I wasn't a stylist I'd be a criminal psychologist. That type of stuff has always seemed interesting to me." You say as he asks if you watched the new I Am A Killer series on Netflix.
To him revealing that he has a 4 year old daughter.
"Ava? She's the most adorable little thing. I can't wait to meet her one day." You say as you look at the pictures of her. She had his nose and head shape but with hazel eyes. Her adorable 4c fro adorned with jewels and cornrows in the front clasped with berets.
You think for a second wanting to ask him about the situation with the baby mama but didn't want to pry too much into it. Especially if you too planned on just keeping things casual.
"I met her mama while I was deployed. She got ill, and ain't really make it too many days past Ava's 2nd birthday." He says as he rub the back of his neck and shake his head.
You let out a small pout before pulling him in for a warm hug. You lay back with him in your arms and scratch at his scalp gently.
"I can tell that she was a good woman. Just look at how smart and kind and caring Ava is already. She taught her so much in such an unfortunate amount of time." You say thinking over the appropriate answer for the situation.
It's wild to think about this man was your best friend for years. And it feels like everything and nothing has changed all at once.
"I hooked up with Mr. Thomas after graduation." You blurt and Erik looks up at you for a minute before laughing hard as fuck.
"What the fuck? How? When?" He asks as he shakes his head still laughing.
"Well, he been a whole ass snack since junior year and I saw him during the girls trip to Mardi Gras . Like around carnival time. And we just got to talking. He stopped teaching math and now he's like traveling the world and all of this stuff. " You say laughing
"I can't believe that shit. I used to be disrespectful as fuck to that nigga too. He know I was good at math and cause I used to skip his class he always tried to play me like I ain't know nothing. Like nigga I didn't need to cheat off nobody homework or test." He says scoffing at the thought before his phone begins to ring
"We going to the zoo today. Sing the song daddy." Ava asks and she nods before saying hello to her and her grandmother.
"Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful-" He's cut off by her with a shake of her head.
"Not that one - the other one papa." She tells him and you look over to see him thinking before he dramatically says "ooh that one."
Your heart melted as they started singing together. She's smiling and laughing with her father as tried to sing with him.
"We're gonna have a good day. And all my homies gonna ride today. And all these mommies look fly today. And all we wanna do is get by today. Heyyy. We're gonna have a good day. And ain't nobody gotta cry today. Cause ain't nobody gonna die today. You save that drama for another day. Heyyy we gonna have a good day." He finishes and you swear that your heart grew at least two sizes watching him interact with her.
"Have fun at the zoo with Grandma, let her put the sunscreen on you when you get out , and say hey to the penguins for Daddy alright? I'll call you later. " He finishes and he says goodbye to her grandmother before ending the call.
"We came up with it when she start going to pre-school. She hated being away from me . So every morning we would sing the song together and she gets all the special hugs before she goes out the door to carry with her to have a good day. I don't miss a day." He explains and you couldn't help but kiss his face all over.
He was such a multi-faceted person to just sit back and admire. You could get use to this eventually being everyday.
But , a tinge of sadness couldn't help but wash over you . Thinking of what could've been if things hadn't happened the way that they did with you two.
You both eventually drift off while holding him in your arms, tipsy as hell, and feeling full of love.
@blackmissfrizzle @chaneajoyyy @sheisexcellent1 @fd-writes @theogbadbitch @yoyolovesbucky @destinio1
Lemme know if I missed anybody x
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vexkader · 4 years
Solis Part 5
  An orange and yellow glow of an eastward sunset, shone over the sandy beach. A large hideaway full of lights blasted music. The synthetic sounds moved through my ears. The feeling of slightly sandy bamboo under my paws as I looked under this hideout, on the far side a full bar serving glowing drinks. 
  I looked around to see familiar yet aging faces, a few with their spouses as well. I wanted to try to talk to someone, but I felt so out-of-place here. This gut feeling that I'd rather be back at my ship. All other parties I've been to have been full of CEOs looking to talk business with me, not people catching up with their lives. 
  I moved carefully and quickly across the floor, making my way to the bar. Away from the humans and anthros dancing, talking, and laughing. Drinks, food, phones, all of them in their hands and paws. Groaning, I set myself at the bar, small blue and orange flames coming out around it. 
  "Anything you want?" The human bartender asked me, wiping the counter down from the last set of drinks served. The flames reflecting in its shine. 
  "Umm yeah, just give me a mountain jungle." I ask him quietly, looking around seeing who I could approach. My tail flicking gently behind me. 
  "Mhmm alright, don't do anything stupid now."
  "I can handle my drink." He starts to mix liquids, pouring this glowing brown and purple drink. Honestly hated how this thing looked, but the deep fruity flavors from Venus just hit everything right. Along with a hit of alcohol. Downing it, I could feel the burn in my throat. Putting the shot down I shake my face a bit. 
  As the shock of the drink wore off, I heard a voice at the other end of the bar. "Vex? That you? Where have you been all these years?" The booming voice startled me as I turn around to see a beastly sized human. Tanned skin and a dark blonde hair, he sets a beer down on the counter as he looked to me. 
  "Mhnn.. Kenneth right?" I asked, as I wasnt to sure on who this person was. To my surprise his eyes lit up, lifting his bear up in almost a celebration. "You remember! I'm kinda surprised to see you in a joint like this, how the hell did you get here?" He asks me, acting like we were longtime friends. Truthfully I only knew him from being occasional partners in group work. 
  "Well, the promise of free alcohol is usually a good way to get me out." I say with a half-joking laugh, even though that really was the reason I was out here. 
  "Cant argue with that I guess, what have you been up to man!" He takes a sip, turning the chair toward me as I prepared for an uncomfortable conversation. And as I tried to think of a convenient lie to tell him, as most of my work wasnt exactly legal.
  "I uh, do mostly free-lance retrieval. Ship goes down in the jungle, or some other place say on Earth or Mars I retrieve the data and whatever valuables I can find for the client."
  He nodded his head, at least pretending to be interested in what I was saying. "Mhmm okay, can seen a bit dangerous. You go into those jungles often?" 
  "I can yeah, was just in there the other day. Ran into slashers." His eye widened as he drank, looking like he was going to spit. "Salshers?! The hell kinda items are you retrieving?" 
  "Special ones, good pay though." 
  "I bet, I'm finishing up a degree in engineering. Not a masters or anything, but its gonna get me a good job on a few cargo ships. Already a job lined up for when I'm out on an Earth bound freighter."
  I nod, listening to his plans for life. Even if I was going to find someone to help me, it wasnt gonna be him. 
  "Nice seein ya Vex!" He gives me a pat on the shoulder, taking another drink. "You take care out in those jungles!"
  "I'll try my best."
  As he left to mingle with others, I kept an eye out. Others coming to say hello to me, and wanting to see what I've been up to. No one heard from me after graduation, one even thought I died. Which I can thankfully say I havent. However, one did catch my eye. 
  A brown and cinnamon furred coyote, almond-shaped icy eyes. Short not quite petite build. She strutted over in some casual clothing, over to the bar asking for a normal drink. Her name.. what was her name? 
  "Just have a cola please." She asked in a softer voice to the bartender, as he poured her a fuzzy drink. "Dont have a ride home?" He asks her as she shakes her head, sipping the drink. 
  She looked to me, a bit of shock in her eyes. "Vex?" She asks, setting down the drink. "That you? I never expected-"
  "Yes, it's me surprisingly." I interrupted, I was honestly getting tired of the question. "I didn't expect to be here either, yet I am!" 
  She smiles a bit, taking another drink. "It's good to see you though, highschool wasnt easy on you so it's good to see you here and looking decent."
  I felt awkward from the compliment, I was far from decent really. This old clothing I had was well below what most people were wearing, stained and muddied up from exploring planets. "Thanks I guess." I look away shyly, I wasnt here for this small talk. I hated this small talk shite! 
  "Oh jeez, you don't remember who I am do you?" She cocks her head, a sly smile almost laughing as she lifts her drink. "Friday remember? Friday Tisek?" 
  The name rushed back as I raised a finger, waving it a bit. "That's right, shite what did your parents do?"
  "Own a ship building company, BlueStar?" It all started coming back. While everyone was rich in my school, it was private after all, she was the rich of the rich. I mean hell, her parents sold ships and tech to the government and military sometimes. They had money, and of course that came with the thought of her being above everyone else. Come to think of it.. this may be what I need.
  "Right right, been on a few I believe, umm." I snap my fingers, thinking of the class of ship I was on. "Nova liners? They're a subsection right?" I ask her, my face puzzled. 
  She shakes her head, paws facing me as I had her interest. "Not really, they're more in good faith with mine. We occasionally share details, but that's about it really." 
  I nod, pretending I understood the business jargon of it all. "Ah, because I was on a cruise liner once for a trip around Mars. Very formal business you see." 
  Scoffing, she takes a moment to chew on some ice, swirling the rest around in her glass. The little spheres dancing about in the fizzy soda. "What kind of business do you run to take a line around Mars?" I told her it was mostly retrieval, leaving out my activities beyond the asteroid belt. 
  "Interesting, maybe you'd be up for some work for my father?" My ears perked, a job opportunity with some powerful friends with even more powerful friends? I'm all paws in. 
  "What kind of work is it?" I ask, leaning forward. 
  "You said retrieval right?"
  "I did." 
  "My father is holding a party for business associates and the like, seeing how you're a fan of them why don't you swing by. This weekend, I can forward you the details."
  I groan, not another party. I'd prefer she just give me his details, and not dance around the point. 
  "Any more information you can give me?" I tried to pry from her, hoping shed give. 
  "Hmm," She looked around the room, making sure no one was listening in. "Since you said retrieval, my father has bugged about something. Under Iceland."
  "Iceland?" My ears perk, whatever what could be so important in Earth's frozen north. Especially some island no one has lived on in centuries. 
  "Yes Iceland, I can't talk about it too much in the open." She tells me, looking around the patio to all the faces. 
  "Care to come back to my ship after this? I'd like to know a bit more before committing." 
  Groaning, she reluctantly agrees to come with me back to my ship. Honestly I wasnt a fan either, but a job is a job no matter who it's from. 
  We ordered a few more drinks, her another soda me some more alcohol. She tried small talk again, but honestly once business was over I had a hard time feeling it. 
  "No idea how you're able to handle drinks like that." She starts. "Last time I had alcohol I nearly threw it up."
  "Well, I mean I guess I'm just used to it. Always mixed the stuff myself."
  "Might've been the problem, I just had straight whatever it was. Burned the whole way, tasted terrible." She waves a paw, drinking from the soda. 
  I gave a slight chuckle, sipping on my drink. "Drinking straight was your first problem, gotta ease into it. Youd probably like something that has more taste to it than alcohol. Let's try something more customizable, and good for this beach."
  I order her a margarita, an old drink from Earth. Making sure the bar tender only put in a hint of alcohol. Trying it her eyes lit up, maybe not from taste however. "Well it's not terrible, kinda salty though." She licks her lips, her canine tongue trying to get the salty taste out of her mouth.
  "That's cause they salt the rim, after this one you want another without the salt?" She stops to think about my question, swirling the drink in her paws. Occasionally tapping a claw. "Sure why not, can't go that bad could it?" Taking another sip, she agreed to it. Leading to a long night ahead of us. 
  Unsurprisingly a lightweight, me and Friday probably drank for another hour. Or two. Getting a bit heavier and heavier, making the rest of the night an uneasy blur. 
  The things I do remember, I remember walking or more practically stumbling along the beach. As the sun set over the mountains beyond, the only light coming from the city and the party itself. Mine and Friday's paws sinking into the damp sand as we walked along. 
  Occasionally she touched a paw against mine, laughing at the smallest of things. One thing I'll give alcohol is I feel dumb enough to talk openly to people. A real confidence booster that one, although it very well leads to trouble for me. 
  As we stumbled back to the ship, I let her in. Making sure BB kept his AI mouth shut. From here things got really blurry, and I certainly don't remember talking about a job opportunity with her father. 
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