#or how long it would be before someone turned on boops and then got mad for someone booping them
subaru8mysox · 6 months
It's been 4 hours since I found out about boops and I already want to never log on to this hellsite again.
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phantom-playdough · 2 years
Human!Bill Cipher x GN!Reader: What's Valentine's Day?
Side note for the sake of the story: Bill and the Pines family are on friendly terms in this timeline. Just pretend, okay!?
TW: SLIGHT Attempted Sexual Assault, NOT BY BILL.
I promised my viewers on my YouTube channel that I would do a Bill Cipher x reader story, and people have wanted me to write such for years. So, I might as well give the people what they want and incorporate Valentine's Day. Hope you guys enjoy!
Guide: (N/n) = Nickname (F/B/F) = Favorite breakfast food
Y/n woke up to a certain someone booping their nose lightly. They opened their eyes, not fond of the fact that they were being awoken from their sleep. Of course, their best friend Bill was crouching in front of their face, mere hairs away.
"What do you want, Bill?" Y/n asked, not commenting on how close he was.
"I got a question for ya, sweets." He said, a bored expression coming over his face.
Y/n sat up and rubbed their eyes. "Well, what is it?" They decided to indulge in this conversation even though they had just woken up. Despite the rude awakening, Y/n struggled with the concept of being mad at Bill for an extended period of time.
He was too cute for his own good, honestly...
Bill hopped onto Y/n's bed, making Y/n bounce in the air a little bit.
"I heard Wendy talkin' 'bout some Valentine's Day thing? What the heck is that?"
Y/n blinked at that. "You don't know what Valentine's Day is?"
Bill shrugged. "I haven't been in this realm for that long, Y/n. Besides, you humans have too many holidays for me to remember."
It was hard to argue that when Y/n thought about it. December was overwhelming for Bill and, by extension, them because he was so confused by all the various traditions and holidays around that time of year.
"Valentine's Day is about expressing your l-love for others." Y/n saw the way Bill's uncovered eye widen in surprise. So, they were quick to add, "But it doesn't have to be about romantic love. It can be expressing love for friends or family. A-Although it is mostly advertised by people to be about romantic love. You normally do all of this by giving people gifts."
Y/n kicked themself in the head mentally at the fact that they kept stuttering with their words. It was too early for this conversation.
Luckily, almost suspiciously, Bill seemed to be eager to drop the topic almost as fast as it was brought up.
"Welp! Thanks for telling me, Y/n! Ya wanna go get breakfast at the diner?" Y/n was about to answer verbally, but their stomach seemed eager to answer by growling very loudly.
Bill cackled, slapping his knee dramatically. "I'll take that as a 'yes'!" He then stood up and left for the door, but he looked back at Y/n right before leaving. A serious look was on his face that made Y/n's hands sweat.
"Just outta curiosity, Y/n, do you have anybody you're gonna give a Valentine's Day gift to?"
Y/n flushed at that and wiped their hands on their blanket. "Uh, I was kinda just planning to give some stuff to Stan, Ford, and Soos." It was easy to see the glare from Bill. "I don't know what I would get you, Bill! I don't know what in this dimension would be a good gift for you."
Bill's face softens up. "Relax, Y/n. I'm just playin'. But I could say the same for you, though."
"Don't worry about getting me anything, Bill. Save that energy for someone you really like." Y/n said, brushing off the idea and hiding their feelings in the process.
In all honesty, Y/n really wanted to get Bill something. But making something would be hard to do, especially because Valentine's Day was tomorrow. Buying him something would serve to be even more impossible! Only a few months ago, he came into this dimension as a human and turned a new leaf. He hasn't had much time to adjust to how things were here. So, Y/n didn't know what would even serve as a good gift for him! Let alone whether he would want a practical gift or a sentimental gift.
But the idea of Bill giving them something made them even more uneasy than the other way around. Plus, Y/n didn't even consider the idea of what if Bill liked them back. It was not likely in their eyes.
Bill noticed how Y/n's face dropped a little at their own words, but he decided for once to not blab too much. Instead, he said, "Whatever you say, N/n. I'll meet ya downstairs." Bill then left the room without waiting for a response.
Y/n felt a little sad that Bill didn't argue with them about what they said, but they figured he didn't feel anything romantic for them. They brushed the disappointment aside and went ahead and got dressed.
When they came downstairs, Y/n was puzzled to not see Bill anywhere in sight.
"Bill? Where are you?" They called out.
No response.
Right when Y/n was about to call out again, they were poked in the middle of their back. They yelped out in surprise and turned around to see a certain smug blonde smirking down at them.
"Shut up, will you?" Y/n snipped, despite Bill not saying anything.
Bill's smirk only grew at that. "It's not my fault you space out so much, N/n." He flicked their forehead playfully. "Come on, let's go get some of those waffle-cakes."
"Pancakes, Bill." Y/n corrected.
"They're almost the exact same thing, Y/n!" Bill defended dramatically, making Y/n roll their eyes.
So, after a 15-minute walk that involved debating about pancakes and waffles, Bill and Y/n made it to the diner. The pair walked in and ordered their food. Y/n had (F/B/F), and Bill had pancakes, waffles, and a giant milkshake. When Y/n questioned why he got the milkshake, he said that having a brain freeze was amusing to him.
Once the meal was done, Bill begged asked for Y/n to go with him to the movie theater to see some random romantic comedy. Y/n had tried to ask him why he wanted to see it. But he only said, "It's research, sweetheart."
Y/n blushed as red as a rose at being called 'sweetheart', so much so that they completely dropped the topic.
So, they bought two tickets for the romantic movie. However, Bill was also bugging them to buy a GIANT thing of popcorn.
"I don't even know if the two of us can finish that when we literally just ate, Bill."
"Come on, Y/n! The popcorn is one of the most important parts!"
"To what?"
"To my research! Come on, please?" Bill once again begged.
Not wanting to hold up the line behind them because of their bickering with Bill and also not being able to say no to him left Y/n no other choice but to buy the popcorn.
Once they both got into the theater, Bill pulled Y/n to the back row, and they sat down. After the previews, Y/n started getting hungry from the aroma of popcorn next to them. Bill kept the bucket of popcorn in between the two of them so both of them could eat from it.
However, Y/n noticed Bill had not made a move to start eating any of it. They were confused, but they were not about to let the money they spent get thrown into the movie theater trash can without a fight.
So, Y/n reached their hand in to grab a handful of popcorn. But right as they put their hand in the bucket, Bill had put his hand in. As a result, their hands end up brushing against one another. Startled, Y/n retracted their hand and muttered an apology. Bill didn't respond to it at all, which only served to make the whole thing both more awkward and suspicious.
Instead, he only took some popcorn and munched away. Y/n waited for a good three to four seconds and reached in again to grab some when Bill brushed his hand against theirs again!
One time could just be an innocent mistake. But twice? The odds of that happening twice didn't make sense to Y/n. But they still muttered an apology and were ABOUT to pull their hand away. However, Bill clearly had different plans.
He simply grabbed Y/n's hand and held it in his own. Y/n looked at him in surprise, but Bill was just looking straight ahead at the movie with a semi-bored expression while he rubbed circles on Y/n's hand as though it was the most NORMAL thing in this dimension.
But if he wasn't making a big deal about this, why should they?
At least, that's what Y/n thought. So, despite them blushing profusely, they didn't pull away. But Bill just HAD to speak right when the embarrassment was dying down.
"Do all you humans sweat so much when holding hands?" He didn't even take his gaze off the movie when he asked.
"S-sorry." Y/n apologized again and tried to pull their hand away. But Bill tightened his grip. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it was enough to prevent them from slipping their hand out of his.
"It's fine, sweetheart." Bill spoke with a smirk, leaving Y/n a bright red, blushing mess.
After the movie, the pair almost killed the whole bucket of popcorn despite Bill refusing to let go of Y/n's hand.
The both of them exited the theater room when Y/n realized they forgot their phone at their seat. So they told Bill, "I'll be right back! Forgot my phone!" They didn't wait for him to respond as they rushed back in to grab it.
Y/n felt panic surge through them as they did not see their phone near their seat. But a guy who was cleaning up the row below clearly noticed Y/n's distressed face and said, "I take it this is yours?" Sure enough, he held up Y/n's phone.
"Oh, my God, yes! Thank you!" Y/n said, taking it from the guy.
"No problem. Uh, mind if I have your number?"
Y/n's face paled a little at the question. They didn't even know the guy's name, not seeing a name tag on him. They did NOT feel comfortable giving this random dude their number.
"O-oh, uh..." Luckily, the universe decided to bless Y/n with a savior at that moment. Right then and there, Bill walked over next to Y/n.
"I think they do mind, buddy." Bill spoke with venom. He appeared out of nowhere, practically. He must've come in when Y/n wasn't paying attention. But for once, they didn't mind him sneaking up on them.
The guy looked at Bill with a scowl. "Uh, who are you to be deciding that for them?"
Bill came closer to Y/n and put his hand around their waist, pulling them into him. But what Bill said next sent chills up Y/n's spine.
"They're off limits, kiddo. Turn around now before you see something you might regret..." The guy was spooked enough by Bill that he sped out of the room without a beat.
Once he was gone, Bill let a breath out through his nose he didn't know he was holding and turned to Y/n. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. You saved my skin there." They tried to laugh the whole thing off, but Bill clearly saw that Y/n was shaken up. He took their hand in his again and intertwined his fingers with theirs. The two of them stayed like that for a while when Y/n tried to change the subject.
"Is this a part of your research?"
"What?" Y/n squeezed his hand to specify what they meant. "Oh, haha, you could say that." Bill said as he squeezed back.
"Are you ready to head back to the Mystery Shack?"
Bill smirked and pulled Y/n outside. "Not quite. We got one last stop."
Eventually, Y/n and Bill were out in the woods. But by this point, it was dark out, and Y/n could hardly see anything in front of them. But Bill stayed ahead of them and assured them that this would all be worth it.
After a few more minutes of walking, the pair made it out to a small clearing in the trees. Bill let go of Y/n's hand and made a picnic blanket appear on the ground a few feet ahead of them. He sat down and gestured for Y/n to join him.
They did, and Bill pointed up at the sky. Y/n was blown away at what they saw.
A meteor shower.
"Ya know, they normally say to make a wish when you see a bunch of shooting stars, right Y/n?" Bill asked with a genuine smile.
"Yeah." They then closed their eyes and made a wish. When they opened their eyes, they noticed Bill looking at them.
"What'd you wish for?" He asked as if he really was curious.
"If I tell you, it won't come true."
"Oh, Y/n, you underestimate me." Bill said confidently.
Y/n looked down. "I wished that you and I would be friends forever." They said softly.
Bill's face immediately turned a bit sad at that. "Just friends?" He asked seriously.
"Just friends?" Bill repeated, looking almost nervous.
Y/n blinked. First in confusion. Then realization. Then shock. "Bill, are you having a brain freeze or something?" They asked with a nervous laugh.
"No? Why?" Bill felt a little hurt at that comment. What made Y/n think that?
"Because there is no way you're serious right now. It's either that or you're pulling my leg."
"Come on, Y/n. Even I'm not that cruel. Not... anymore."
"Well, what else would make you ask me something like that?"
"You." Bill didn't skip a beat in replying. But he knew that Y/n was going to take the high road in this. Besides, if he was going to be rejected, he might as well go down swinging.
"I mean, I've only known you for a few months. But I've lived longer than you humans could comprehend, and I have never felt the way I have when I'm with you. The moments we have together are kinda simple, but I like it that way. You make the boring things humans do fun for me, and you've been patient with me while I try and learn about this dimension. I couldn't do all the fun stuff we do with anyone else in this town. You seemed so simple when I first met you. But you're even more strange than I am because of how you put up with me. What more could I ask for in--" Bill hesitated in the last words of that thought. "--in someone I love?"
Y/n struggled to take this all in. They weren't even totally sure if Bill could feel any attraction to someone in this dimension. But the speech he gave seemed very genuine, and it was clear he wasn't joking around at all.
Before Y/n could reply, Bill snapped his fingers and made a small golden necklace appear. There was a single golden triangle charm with the same grooves Bill had in his triangular form hanging from the chain. But instead of his one eye in the center like his demon form, there was a black, heart-shaped diamond.
"I'm not gonna force ya into anything you don't want, Y/n. But if you do feel the same, I want you to have this." Bill said, holding the necklace out for the taking.
Y/n didn't even need to ponder the offer. They knew their feelings for Bill. So, they took the necklace from him and put it on. Bill released a breath that he again didn't know he was holding.
"I wished for you to return my feelings." He muttered. Y/n laughed.
"You didn't need to wish for that. It's already true."
"So is your wish." Bill then wrapped an arm around Y/n, pulling them close to him.
"Happy Valentines Day, Bill Cipher." Y/n said before they leaned up and kissed him.
The End
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Can I have headcanons of the Mad Dog of Shimano watching his crush play with a toddler and he realizes he's in love </3
Boss <\3
majima crush headcanons
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warnings: mention of alcohol but mostly dumb fluff! :3
reader is gender neutral! :D
idk who ur calling boss but if its me HEYYY SIR YES SIR I CAN WRITE FOR YOU 🫡
also i know you only asked for the crush with a toddler but this will be just a general crush headcanon list as well!
thanks so much for requesting! i’m steadily getting through the requests i have but make sure to check out my ask box! thanks for reading! <3
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i think if majima had a crush on someone i feel like he wouldn’t really know it at first, he is most definitely the “we look like a couple of besties” guy but not on purpose
that or he’s completely ignorant and when (if you ever do) tell him, he’s like “????? REALLY??”
BUTTTT!! when he finally realizes it, he is so distraught; he’s the guy that thinks about it at night and he’ll toss and turn before finally laying on his back
he stares at his ceiling with his fingers intertwined over his stomach before he growls and gets out of bad to go out and find something to do to get rid of the giddy feeling in his stomach (he wouldn’t tell you that, though, he punches anyone who insinuates he has a crush)
so he obviously doesn’t tell you when he has a crush on you
and i think when the two of you are alone, he feels a lot less inclined to be all “HEHEHE HAHAAH IM CRAZY AND INSANE” to impress you but he’ll act funny when you’re in a bad mood
had a really vivid image of you and majima maybe at one of those rooftop bars or maybe ur just on a rooftop hanging out (for whatever reason) and you’re telling majima all about your day and how you need a drink but you may as well have stopped talking bc he wasn’t paying attention, he was looking at you and taking in the view of the moon and the way it was shining on you; not that you would really notice bc of the completely unbothered front that he puts on
i think seeing you with a kid is what really reels him in, though, he’s almost scared of the way his heart leaps in his chest
you and him probably head for a park (there’s like two in kamurocho if i remember correctly, it’s been a long day guys) after a night on the town
majima is laying on a bench with his arm over his eyes while you sit by his feet and change your shoes for something more comfortable before a toy runs into one of your shoes and knocks it over
“hey, you got in the way of my car! you’re sitting on my tunnel!” a shrill voice says, running up to the bench you are sitting at and snatching the car away.
majima has most definitely woken up from his very light state of sleep, one of his arms hanging off the side of the bench and the other laying on his stomach as he watches you start to playfully argue with the kid
and he regrets it
he doesn’t say anything while he watches you make a “racetrack” (it’s really only sticks that you and the boy can find around the park) with the small boy, he’s afraid he’ll spit up a butterfly or something from how many are flying in his stomach right now
you’ll occasionally look up to see what majima is doing and he’ll feign disinterest, picking at his nails or something to make it seem like he totally he wasn’t looking at you
“MISTER! DO YOU WANNA PLAY TOO?!” the boy shouts from inside the slide, making majima sit up as you shrug your shoulders at him and gestures for him to join you two
and how could he say no to that?
the three of you spend what only feels like a couple of minutes making the rest of a racetrack before a group of small boys catch the small boy’s attention and he leaves\
“you sure can hold your own with a kid.” majima mumbles from behind you, sitting down in the exit of the slide and leaning back on his hands
“what can i say? kids like me.” you say, shrugging softly before you crouch down to majima’s height inside the slide
you boop him on the nose with your finger which makes him jump before you say “which is probably why its so easy to be around you.”
majima’s face goes beet red before he swats your hand away, making you giggle as he grumbles about how he ‘hates’ you
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i reallly tried to make it obvious that he had a crush on you but imo, majima himself isn’t the kind of guy to be really obvious about who he likes unless he’s drunk
but either way, i got so excited to write this and had so much fun! :D i hope you enjoy it! <33
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pinksirensong · 2 years
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Peace? Love didn’t know what peace was since Morpheus found her. He was giving her flowers and showing up everywhere when she was alone, and it was infuriating. Thousand of years ago she would love that, but now Y/N knew how easy it was for him to break her heart and just couldn’t allow it. Unfortunately, it was really hard, her heart betrayed her head all the time and constantly she wished to just throw herself at him and deal with the consequences later. She blamed her sibling for it, it must be desire that drove her insane like this.
- Y/N… - oh, how she wished this voice was just her mind playing tricks with her, that she was indeed alone at Jake’s apartment, and just missing someone she really shouldn’t.
- Brother, I’ve told you countless times that you are not welcome here.
- A hundred years without you, my love. I shall not deprive myself of your presence for another second. – he was too close, and it was getting harder to resist.
- We’ve been apart for longer, surely you can resist.
- I was a fool before, but not now. I am ashamed of my previous actions, but not even us, Endless, can change what is in the past. The future however can be brighter for us, it shall not be like it once were. How many times do I need to tell you that I love you? If it is necessary, I will show you that every second of every day, I just need you to let me. – there was so little space between them that just one more step and there would be no turning back. Love closed her eyes, his face grew closer to hers and she could feel him and oh how she wanted him in ways she definitely shouldn’t. – Why won’t you let me? – he whispered at her ear.
- Brother… - she needed to remind herself and him of who and what they were, the barrier was necessary to keep her sane. – I can’t. - it seemed as he was fed up with her denial, Morpheus knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her, maybe she only needed a reminder. Instead of backing off and leaving her alone he decided to grad her by the waist and pull their bodies close enough so they could feel each other. His lips roamed at her neck and Y/N threw her head back giving him more space, her body betraying her mind once more. – Jake…I can’t. Stop. – hearing the mortal’s name leaving her lips, especially at this moment, made him mad with jealousy and without any guilt he sank his teeth at her neck drawing some blood and then he gladly used his tongue to have a taste of it. Y/N tried really hard, but slowly her mind was losing the fight against her heart and her body, and the older Endless moaned at his action.
- The mortal is at my realm, and he shall be there until I deem necessary. – his body was moving and so was hers, they were in perfect sync and Love couldn’t help but ask the universe why now, why it couldn’t happen when she was ignoring the fact it was wrong and that it would only break her. Suddenly her legs her legs hit the end of the bed and his hands were going up inside her shirt. – You are mine and I am yours. We can not change it and neither do I wish to. I believe it is time for me to reminder you of that. It has been too long…far too long. – very slowly he took her shirt off and threw it somewhere across the room, lucky him that Love didn’t wear a bra at home. She could only watch as he did, and his lips now were going down from her neck leaving a trail of kisses until he reached between her breasts. She could feel herself getting wetter when his tongue started licking around her one of her boops, his movements with his mouth were leaving her dripping.
- Please, brot… - Y/N couldn’t finish his sentence for he took her nipple with his mouth and sucked it hard, making her legs shake and giving him power enough to threw her at the bed.
- I will make sure to remember you what I am. – he said before ripping her skirt off her. Morpheus then climbed on the bed and got on top of her. – Your partner. – she couldn’t help but put her hands at his abdomen, touching him and reminding herself it was real. Her nails scratching his skin and although it didn’t leave any marks at his body, she could feel how much it affect him, how much he enjoyed the way she was giving up to him. – Your lover. – Dream used his powers to vanish his clothes and suddenly everything was too much and too real. It wasn’t a dream, and she shouldn’t be doing that, feeling her reluctancy he used his hand to pin hers above her head, making it impossible for her to move. – Your love. – his other hand going down at her body until it reached her soaked panties. Pushing it aside he started to touch her clit doing slow movements, making her arch her back involuntary.
- Morpheus, please. – hearing her moan his name only gave him more incentive to move more quickly, hips lips once more going between licking and sucking her breasts while she tried to get free of his grip on her. Dream wasn't letting go until he got what he wanted, and it was far from it. For more than a hundred years he was starved of her touch, of her taste, of her body and he vowed to never again allow it.
- You are mine as I am yours. Do not fight it. - ceasing his actions, he put one of his fingers inside her and took it off, enjoying the way he could feel her wetness. Y/N was soaked and while his finger was going in and out of her, ripping moans out of her mouth, Morpheus couldn't help but groan thinking about how it would feel to be inside her after all this time.
- Oh, Morpheus. – Love wheepered. – We can’t.
- We must. – he silenced her with his mouth, she felt his finger left her pussy. Y/N's body was burning with want, but a part of her was still reluctant in giving in fully to him. Without giving her time to think about fighting against him, against the feeling he knew she had too, he buried himself inside her. Even though it wasn't long ago that Love was having sex with somebody else she couldn't help but feel completely different now, it was too much and too little at the same time. – Oh, how I missed you, my love. - he was thrusting his cock inside and out of her pussy at a pace that took everything from her to not cum at the moment. Y/N could feel him, all of him, each time he moved and just like such a long time ago it was like their bodies were make for each other. – Tell me. Tell me you love me. Tell me you will be my queen. Tell me. Now. - her legs went around his hips, trying to help him create an even faster and harder rhythm at their love making session.
- Morpheus. – they were so close to reaching their high. – Oneiros. – his mouth found hers, the kiss was now fully reciprocated. – Dream. - his face still close, their foreheads touching. – Yes, yes…yes. I’m yours. Your partner, your lover, your love…your queen. I’m all yours, always have and always will. - whoever said words don't have power clearly never experience what they had. A few more thrusts and Y/N could feel herself cumming around him, the sensation of her pussy squeezing his cock made him reach his high as well, pouring his seed inside her. Finally, his grip on her hands were gone and she could now hold into him while they kissed, being apart wasn't an option. Y/N was too absorbed with all he was making her feel to notice that they were no longer at the waking world but at the Dreaming, at his chambers. Never once he took her there if not for business and never at his room. Dream was going to keep his promise to show her how much he loved her, starting with this whole night and she was ready to happily let him do it.
tag list: @the-ruler-of-death @mrs-captainsteverogers @jesllianaquilesrolon @igotanidea @intothesoul @hedwigprewett12 @queenshelby @mattmurdockmylove @boofy1998 @andieperrie18 @formenis @violet-19999
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4imhry · 1 year
imagine: jake texted you saying he wouldn’t be able to make it home today because his manager rescheduled his flight.
since your boyfriend texted you last night he will be back home from his 3 months tour in europe, you had never been so excited before and decided to purchase all of his favourite snacks which is mostly ramen. in addition, you bought him a plushie—a golden retriever puppy since he resembled one.
you kept walking back and forth, not knowing how to contend the excitement after not seeing for 3 months—the longest period they had been separated from each other.
until a text put a frown on your face.
🐶 : I,m sorry, love. i don’t think I would make it home today:”(
your took a long breath as your fingers sluggishly typing a response, not knowing how to process what jake just texted.
it’s okay. 😆
a sad smile formed on your lips.
🐶: I’m so sorryyyyy PLEASE my manager told me last minute he rescheduled our flight. I was really looking forward to see you:
you chuckled at the text as if you can hear his voice in your head, actually saying it to you. jake has always been this clingy with you and you love it.
it’s fine reallyyyyyy ;)
you sighed. well, that’s true.
🐶: y/n????? 🤨🤨🤨
okay I’m actually sad. a little.
🐶: WOW a little⁉️ I don’t think so.
the familiar voice kept ringing in your ears. your breath hitched in your throat as you turned around, the familiar figure stood a few steps away from you wearing his god darn charming smile.
“someone is missing me so bad,hm?” you forgot you gave him your spare house keys before he went on a tour Incase he got home when you’re absent.
tears began swelling in yours eyes. you felt your throat began closing up. you couldn’t properly form a sentence upon seeing the person you had been yearning for months.
“jake..” you choked out a sob, running towards him and jake caught you with ease, you easily wrapped your legs around his waist. you cried harder at the smell of his cologne engulfing you as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
you missed him. every inch of him.
and so did he.
he was sent into a fit of giggles seeing your reaction upon seeing his sudden appearance. he twirled you around before putting you on the kitchen counter, standing between your legs.
his eyes darted on your face for a while causing you to look down, not wanting him to see your tear stained face.
“let me look at you.” he lifted your chin, his other hand on your side. god, you were so beautiful.
you were a crying mess, still not being able to process your dear boyfriend was actually in front of you.
“why would you do that.” you sobbed.
“do what?”
“that.” you groaned, lightly hit him on the chest. he feigned a hurt expression, dramatically put his palm on his chest. he then slowly fluttered one of his eye open, a smirk tugged on his lips as he went to put both of his hands on your waist.
“i,m sorryyy.” he pouted. ugh, that puppy eyes can’t make you stay mad at him. one of your weaknesses and he surely knows how to use it well.
“apology accepted.” you booped his nose.
jake chuckled at your cuteness, cupping your cheeks as he caressed them delicately. his eyes darting around your face, admiring each of them closely. “i miss you so much. you have no idea how much i struggle to sleep without you being right by my side.” you cooed internally.
“I’ve been longing to be near you like this. it hurts knowing you have to deal with things alone without me being around.” and your love for your boyfriend grew even more, he was missing you as much as you did.
you melted into his touch, a giggle erupted from your lips. “i miss you too jakey. don’t think about it too much. the most important thing is you’re home now and I,m here, to be your sweet companion.”
“aren’t you the cutest thing ever?” he cooed, his hand went to messily ruffle your hair. he can’t help it. you were just too endearing in his eyes.
you only giggled in response. you were absolutely on a cloud nine at this moment.
“wanna go out and get some ice cream?” he suggested, grabbing your hands and entwined it with his.
“yes, please.” you weren’t able to wipe the smile of your face, the happiness of seeing your lover again was unbearable.
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aeoki · 2 years
Capriccio of a Tiger or Something - Chapter 7
Location: Yumenosaki School Gate Entrance Characters: Tetora, Subaru, Adonis, Leo & Natsume
TL Note:
A kotatsu (炬燵) is a low table over an electric heater with a blanket covering it.
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Natsume: Sorry for the waIT, Sir Knight.
Leo: Ohh, you guys changed into your uniforms! Current students have to be in uniform when entering school grounds so that must be tough.
I don’t have to change into a uniform but I had to wait for you guys instead, though. I took a casual look inside the school first.
But there are a surprising amount of students at school even though it’s the winter holidays. I could hear people talking and singing.
Adonis: If there are students who come to use the academy’s facilities, then there will also be students here for their club activities.
Kanzaki had also said he would go to school to take care of the sea creatures at the Marine Biology Club.
Natsume: Speaking of Souma-kun, he and Shinobu-kun had apparently searched around the school in the beginning but…
After receiving an eyewitness report, we’re now searching around the school once agaIN. We’ll look within the school so let’s split uP.
Leo: The school’s massive, after all~ Where should we start? I don’t mind splitting up again.
Natsume: We don’t know if this person over here will move erratically agaIN, so it might give me a peace of mind if we move togethER…
Adonis: Understood. The school covers a large area but we’ll take turns searching.
< Past the main entrance and the fountain, at the grounds. >
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???: Ahaha, good job, Daikichi~! Let’s make a mad dash on top of the snow~☆
Adonis: This voice… Akehoshi, huh.
Subaru: Huh? It’s Occhan… and Natsume and Tsukinaga-senpai? What’re you guys doing here?
Natsume: I could ask you the saME, Baru-kun. What’re you doing bringing your doggy here? He’s being buried by the snOW…
Subaru: That’s not any doggy, that’s Daikichi! It’s obvious, right? Me and Daikichi are on a walk~♪
Adonis: Fufu… He has a ball of snow atop his head. How adorable.
Natsume: That, I agree wiTH but I thought you weren’t allowed to walk your pets in the schoOL? Don’t blame me if you get in troubLE.
Subaru: I’ve never gotten a scolding for it so it’s fine! Besides, Daikichi’s walking route at Yumenosaki has been set up a long time ago ♪
Daikichi’s been saying he wants to run around in the snow too. The only place that’s huge enough and has a lot of snow is the grounds.
And now here we are. He’s covered in snow and also in a super good mood~☆
Leo: Hmm…? Dog, snow, running around…
A dog that loves running in the snow…?
Adonis: Tsukinaga-senpai, are those lyrics of a song? I have a feeling I’ve heard it somewhere before.
Leo: ………..!
Ahh~! You’re right, these are lyrics! It’s a nostalgic melody from a nursery song that’s in my head!
Where is the cat while the dog is running around happily in the garden!? I can hear the answer with the music! 
I’ve got it! Wait for me, Tetora, and we’ll make the masterpiece of the century…☆
Natsume: So he hasn’t given up on making that song… WaIT.
Hey, Sir Knight. Where are you goiNG!?
Location: Yumenosaki Studio
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Leo: …It’s not here!?
Our round table, the utopia humanity has finally discovered – The one that allows us to live peacefully… it’s not here!?
I whispered words of love to it but it just silently left? Or did someone take it away?
Uhh, think, think. I’ve actually brought my phone with me today so if I open the list of received calls, I should be able to call someone…!
Beep boop bap boop beep boop…☆
Hello, Suou~? It’s me.
Location: Yumenosaki Archery Grounds
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Leo: (It was apparently moved because they needed to make space for the new students in the studio, so they put it here temporarily, huh…)
(I’m glad it wasn’t ‘cause it was removed. That scared me~ That’s ‘cause I’m confident I would know where it would be if it wasn’t in there!)
…Wahaha. Found you, kotatsu[*]~♪
And if my hunch is right, then the big cat should also be in it…
Tetora: Mmm… *Zzz*…♪
Leo: *Phew* Found him at long last. I knew it, cats love getting curled up in the kotatsu.
Keito was the one who told me there are tigers that live in cold and hot places though.
But his body is still that of a human’s. The cold’s cold so anyone would want to warm up afterwards. All animals have those instincts…☆
I’m feeling pretty cold too~ So I’m going to hop in here as well. *Wiggle wiggle…*
Haa, so warm. I feel like I wanna curl up inside the kotatsu forever too…♪
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heisenberg-simp257 · 3 years
hi! I love your writing and hope you had a great time on your break :D can I please request 4 lords with reader who is quite emotional and cries over anything, when they're happy/sad/mad everything lol
Sure!💖 As an emotional person myself, I feel this😂 and thank you!!
The Lords with an Emotional S/O who Cries Over Everything
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She really doesn't like seeing anyone she cares about cry. Lady Dimitrescu has three daughters, so she tends to take a motherly approach to your emotional state.
-It didn't take her long to figure out that you cry over a lot of things. Like the time you spilt some tea and started to cry. Dimitrescu thought you were afraid of her. All it took was a little explanation to get the truth.
-Now, she watches everything like a hawk. She doesn't want any inconvenience to make you cry.
-Warns her daughters to watch what they say or do so they don't hurt your feelings or something.
-Was a bit confused when you started to cry after she offered to have you stay with her. That's when she learned any strong emotion can really make you cry.
-Is never irritated with you. Dimitrescu is always very patient with your emotions, and is very good at reading how you are feeling.
-To help you calm down or feel better, she would either talk with you or get you a glass a wine. From experience, she knows that wine fixes everything.
-Would actually kill Heisenberg if he ever made you sad, scared, or angry to the point of tears.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is probably the most understanding out of all the Lords. She herself can get quite emotional, just people would never know because of how she struggles to express herself.
-When she saw you crying while reading a book, she thought you got something like a paper cut. Donna thought you were hurt.
-Though it was hard because of her pushy nature (the way she gets when she thinks you are hurt), you finally got across that you read the death of one of your favorite characters.
-From then on, Donna comes to kind of ignore your tears. Not because she doesn't care, but because she's come to realize that they don't always have significance. Plus, you told her not to worry unless you said otherwise.
-Donna gets very strict with Angie and her other dolls. Unlike her, they are rather bold with their words. She doesn't want you to be in tears.
-However, to help you calm down, whatever emotion you are feeling, Donna would come over and sweetly wipe your tears away before booping your nose.
-In actuality, she wants to get you laughing or smiling to reassure her that you are alright.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Honestly, he doesn't really understand how someone happy could be crying. It's hard for Moreau to associate happy emotions with tears. He just doesn't get it.
-You were watching a movie once when he noticed you crying. The scene was a wedding, so he didn't get why you were sad. It took some explaining to show him you were a rather emotional person.
-It takes him a long while to get used to it. I mean, seeing you cry is something he won't get used to. Moreau always thinks something is wrong.
-It's kind of sweet, the way he flounders about trying to find some way to cheer you up.
-Usually, he ends up crying as well which turns the tables and makes you the one trying to cheer him up.
-Lets you pick movies to watch because he doesn't want to feel responsible for your tears.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg is someone who never cries and probably thinks tears are for the weak. Let's be honest, he probably teased you or made fun of you when he first found out.
-Honestly, he first found out when you burned dinner. He walks into the kitchen to see you in tears over a burned fish. It was then that he connected the dots to realize you are quite emotional.
-Quickly realized that any teasing would result in tears and immediately ceased that. Heisenberg tries to watch his mouth around you.
-Gets irritated sometimes, but manages to control his temper as to not be a reason that you cry more.
-Despite that, he becomes rather protective. He knows you cry when you get rather joyful, but tries to keep you away from anything sad or scary.
-He's definitely made you cry once or twice because of a fight or something.
-Heisenberg tries to calm you down by plenty of hugs and such. Is rubbish at comforting, but really tries his best.
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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She shyly smiled at her phone, making Mae chuckle at the dreamy look that was on her face. The two girls were in the Starbucks at the airport. Mae wanted coffee to wake herself up while Y/N just wanted a croissant. Even though Y/N was sleeping for most of the plane ride there, she was tired because during the ride, Mae’s headphones were loud and whatever she was watching was loud. She took a bite of a croissant as she watched Mae take a sip of her third cup of coffee with a worried look, “Mae..Shouldn’t you stop?”
“What? Why? I need energy to talk to Namjoon about my trip to Korea.”
She wiped her mouth and tilted her head towards her, “What do you mean?”
Mae let out a small nervous laugh and put her coffee down, “You see...I have the ticket but I don’t know how to get to Yoongi...Also Yoongi thinks I have everything planned but I don’t.”
“Mae? How could you just plan something without planning anything!?”
“Because life would be boring if I just planned everything...I mean Namjoon is going to plan it for me so, less stress.”
“Because life would be boring if I just planned everything...I mean Namjoon is going to plan it for me so, less stress.”
“Shouldn't you text him first?”
“My phone is dead.”
Y/N sighed and shook her head at her, “Mae...We should go outside, Jungkook said he’s sending a car to pick us up. I wonder if he’ll be in there.”
Mae finished off her coffee and gave her a smirk, “You just want to see rabbit boy.”
“I-I mean, I do miss him. Let’s go.”
The two girls got up from their table and tossed away their trash as they headed outside. She pushed her luggage while she kept checking her phone just in case Jungkook texted her. As they walked down the airport, Mae kept glancing at her with a small smile to see her looking at her phone. She thought it was cute because of how excited she was. They went outside and sat down at a bench staring at the road waiting to see anyone.
Y/N glanced at her to see Mae looking down at her thighs with a nervous look making Y/N poke her shoulders, “Are you okay?”
She looked up at Y/N and gave her a small nod, “I just miss Yoongi and I’m worried about him.”
Y/N gave her a small smile and rubbed her shoulder gently, “You're going to see him soon. When are you going?”
“Oh about that...I’m actually leaving in two days.”
“I’m sorry but it gives you more time with Jungkook, think about it before you get mad at me.”
Y/N sighed and shook her head, “Namjoon is going to get mad at you.”
“But I get to see Yoongi.”
She let out a small laugh and turned her head looking out into the busy airport entrance. She smiled when she saw a man and women hugging each other tightly before giving each other a smile. She looked down at her feet and imagined her with Jungkook having a sweet moment like that. She grabbed the bottom of her white sweater with a flushed face, picturing herself kissing Jungkook sent butterflies to her stomach. Yes, she's kissed someone before but with him it's different. She’s never felt so connected to someone before and she's known Mae since she was a kid.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she looked up to see a big black van and before she could ask Mae anything, the window went down, “Y/N, Mae, sorry for the wait.”
She looked at Mae with pure excitement in her eyes as Mae booped her nose. They put their suitcases in the back of the van with the help from the driver. She said her small thanks to him and quickly moved to the door and opened it but her face tilted when she saw what was in front of her. She saw Jungkook or she hoped it was him, in a black mask, long blonde wig that touched his chest and a bucket hat that covered his eyes. She blinked her eyes at this before she let out a small laugh, “Kook?”
“Why are you laughing!? I thought it looked good!”
She let out another laugh and shook her head, “If you like it then I like it.”
He doesn’t say anything and grabs her wrist bringing her into the car with wide eyes. He placed her in his lap as he brought down his mask making her smile when she saw his face. He gave her a small pout but it quickly changed into a small smile as he leaned forward giving her a small peck on her check. She felt her face turn red as she shyly looked away from him. He gently put his fingers under her chin, bringing her to face him again, “You can laugh at me but you can’t look at me?”
“You do realize I’m standing out here in the cold right?”
She glanced back at the door to see Mae giving her a blank expression and pushed herself off of Jungkook, “Ah, Mae, I’m-”
“Also I’m sitting here and I had to witness that.”
She whipped her head to see Taehyung in similar get up but his wig was black. She bowed her head and covered her red face, “I’m sorry!”
She went to move away from embarrassment but Jungkook stopped her by wrapping his arm around her waist to make her sit on his lap again. She looked up at him with wide eyes as he just cockily smiled at her, “I missed you and I’m not going to have you move away.”
“Jung-Jungkook, yo-you have to let go. Mae has to get in...I’ll sit next to you though...”
“Yes please hurry up, its fucking cold.”
She gave Mae a sheepish smile and moved to sit next to Jungkook. She went to buckle herself up but was stopped when Jungkooked leaned forward to do it for her. When he buckled it, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek causing her to blush but she brought out of bliss when she heard Mae slam the door shut, “I know you missed him but bitch it's cold.”
“I’m sorry!”
As the car drove off, Jungkook and Taehyung took off their “disguise” making Y/N smile at him. She brought her hand up and gently pushed some hair off his forehead. He watched her and their eyes met again, she shyly looked away again. Jungkook wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned her head against his shoulder. She looked up at him as he was already looking at her with a smile, “No more facetimes and texts. I’m so glad you agreed to come.”
“I’m glad I accepted.”
Taehyung moved forward in his seat causing Y/N to look at him with a small smile, “I’m Taehyung...just in case you forgot.”
She gave him a soft smile and shook her head, “I could never forget you.”
“Wow, you're right Jungkook. She's very cute.”
“Hyung! You can just say that!”
She let out a small laugh as she checked on Mae to see her leaning her head against the window sleeping with light snores coming out. She guessed the coffee had worn off and she smiled at this and looked around the car with a confused look to whisper out towards Jungkook, “Where's the others?”
“They're at the hotel. They're setting something up for you guys.”
She nodded her head and went back to lean her head against Jungkook’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. He moved his body slightly so she could get comfortable and she nuzzled her head furthered into his arm making his smile bigger. Taehyung smiled at this and whispered in his ear, “How cute.”
“Shut up.”
The drive there was short but it was long enough for Y/N to let out small snores on Jungkook’s shoulder. He smiled at this and took his phone out as slowly as he could to capture this moment for himself. When he got the picture, he smiled at this and made it his homescreen. Taehyung smirked at this and let out a small laugh causing Jungkook to glare at him, “Yah, text them that were almost there.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
When they entered the parking lot, Jungkook looked down at her and gently shook her. She let out a small moan and looked up at him with a small smile, “I’m sorry, I fell asleep on you.”
“No, no. It's okay. It's kinda late anyways.”
She lifted herself off him and she turned towards Mae gently shaking her to wake her up. Mae opened her eyes and glared at her, “Where are we?”
“We're at the hotel...the faster we move, the faster you can talk to Namjoon and figure things out.”
“You know how to motivate me.”
They moved out of the car and during this, Jungkook was hugging Y/N from behind and kissing the side of her head as the staff helped take the bags. Jungkook told them not to touch Y/N’s bags because he wanted to be the one to carry them. She smiled at this and Mae chuckled at the scene before her. They moved through the secret entrance of the hotel and waited for their elevator. Y/N glanced at Jungkook who was holding her bags without any struggle but she felt bad, “Neh, Jungkook. Give me a bag.”
He looked down at her and shook his head, “No, I got this. You're my guest.”
She shook her head and turned towards him, “I know the bags are heavy, I can carry one or even both of them.”
He let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes, “Y/N, it's okay.”
“But I can carry one.”
Taehyung glared at this and looked between Jungkook and Y/N and then at Mae, “He doesn’t even do this with us.”
“I don’t do it for you because you're annoying.”
They entered the elevator and Y/N leaned against Jungkook’s arm as the shaft moved slowly up. Jungkook looked down at her and it was clear to Taehyung that his eyes had hearts in them. They walked out of the elevator and Jungkook showed them their room as Taehyung left to go see the others, “Our room is literally next door. So, if you want to visit me Y/N then you can...”
“Yo, I’m here still.”
He glanced at Mae and rolled his eyes, “And Mae, you can visit too. I guess.”
He opened the door for them and Y/N’s eyes widened at the large room. The room itself was bigger than her apartment, it was literally like she was in someone’s apartment. She glanced back towards Jungkook with wide eyes, “This is huge.”
“You deserve the best. The others want to see you guys, they have food and movies set up for you.”
“That's so kind of them...I feel bad because I didn't bring anything for them.”
“Y/N it's fine, you only met them once. You don’t know what they like.”
She nodded her head and glanced at Mae who already had some snacks from the snack bar. Mae turned slowly at her with a raised eyebrow, “I need some confidence okay.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrow and leaned down to Y/N, “Confidence for what?”
“To talk to Namjoon.”
“Plans, let me wash up and I’ll come over. I just want to wash my face real quick.”
He nodded his head and turned towards a door, “I’ll put your things in your room.”
She raised her eyebrow, “I get my own room?”
“Of course you do. Mae has her space and you do too. You deserve everything.”
She smiled at this and nodded her head, “I’ll meet you over there.”
“I’ll just wait here for you.”
He watched her go into the bathroom near Mae’s room and smiled to himself. In his head he was jumping up and down screaming yes that she was finally there with him. He let out a small laugh as Mae glanced at him with chips in her mouth, “Are you crazy? Who laughs to themselves?”
“Why are you talking with your mouth full?”
She rolled her eyes and swallowed her chips, “Because I can do whatever I want.”
He walked away as Mae gave him a small smile, making sure he didn’t see it. He placed her bags on her bed and smiled at the pink luggage and noticed that it had food stickers on them. He let out a small chuckle at the amount of sweets and shook his head. He walked out and sat on the couch going through his phone, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow. He looked up when he heard footsteps to see Y/N headband gone and her hair in a messy bun with some hair sticking out. She gave him a smile and stood in front of him, “Neh, you ready?”
“Are you going to ask if I’m ready?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and glanced over his shoulders at Mae who was finishing up some M&M’S, “Are you ready?”
“Yes, thank you for including me.”
They walked out of the room and into the guys room. She saw snacks all over the table and saw them setting up a movie. She hid behind his back when she suddenly felt their stares and Jungkook let out a small laugh, “It’s okay, Y/N. You already met them.”
The first person that made his way towards her was Jin. He had a wide grin and smirked at Jungkook, “Look at you being a gentleman. That's rare for you.”
“Yah! Shut up!”
Y/N removed herself from his back and gave him a small wave, “Hi...I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, trust me I know. All he talks about is you.”
Y/N blinked her eyes and she glanced at Jungkook to see his face turning red but she glanced back at Jin, “I hope it's all good.”
“I can show you the messages, come on.”
“Yah! Hyung!”
He grabbed her wrist and brought her to the couch with his phone out and ready. Mae smirked at the scene before and moved her way towards Namjoon with a nervous look in her eyes. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow but gave her a welcoming smile, “Hey, Mae. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I need to ask you something before I head back to the room for bed. Don’t get mad...”
“Oh? Why?”
She gave him a small tired smirk and crossed her arms over her chest, “You see I have a flight to see Yoongi and I need your help to get a car to see him.”
Namjoom stared at her with a blank expression as he started choking on his water, “Are you serious?”
“Yes, surprise! I said don’t get mad.”
“When is the flight, Mae?”
“In two days....”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before you came?”
She looked up at the ceiling thinking to herself and looked back at him with a unsure smile, “Surprise?”
Y/N eyes widened at the sweet words that Jungkook had said about her and she looked over her shoulder at him who was getting food for her. She let a smile escape and look back at Jin, “That’s so sweet of him.”
“It may be cute for you but it's disgusting.”
“I think it's sweet that you listen to him.”
Jin smiled at this and went to his pictures, “Want to see young Jungkook?”
“Hyung! NO MORE!”
She looked to the side to see Jungkook placing the food on the table and him snatching Jin’s phone. He tossed the phone on the other couch and Jin glared at him, “What did I say about throwing my phone!”
“It's your fault for being annoying.”
Jungkook brought Y/N closer to him as he wrapped his arm over her shoulders. She smiled at this and leaned her head against his arm. She looked down at the plate and saw a variety of Koeran food with some American snacks. Hoseok handed her a wine glass and she shook her head, “Oh, no thank you, I don’t drink.”
“Really? From what Yoongi has told us, Mae drinks just as much as he does.”
“What would you like Y/N?”
She bit her lip and looked down at her fingers, “I would like water...thank you.”
She watched him walk away and she looked up at Jungkook who was drinking his drink with an embarrassed look, “I’m sorry.”
He raised his eyebrow and put his beer on the table, taking a piece of kimchi from the plate to her mouth, “Why are you saying sorry?”
She covered her mouth as she was chewing and swallowed the food. She looked at him and then at his hand with a nervous look, “It’s just...I don’t... I just feel bad for refusing.”
“Don’t be. It’s okay. We want you to be comfortable, we won’t force you to drink something.”
She nodded her head and turned her head towards the T.V screen to see them putting on a random movie that Jimin wanted. Jungkook brought another piece of kimchi and she opened her mouth widely. She brought some japchae to him and she smiled when he took it. The two continued to feed each other as Mae was sitting next to Namjoon at a random table talking about her visit.
“I called his manager and they're going to meet you at the airport. I gave them your flight number, so you have nothing to worry about.”
Mae gave him a smile and nodded her head at this, “Thank you, Joonie. Sorry about the last minute thing but I was just worried about Yoongi and I got the ticket as fast as I could.”
“It's okay. Thank you for checking on Yoongi, especially after his surgery.”
“I’m going to go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The two stood up and she gave him a hug as he returned it. She walked away and waved at everyone, “I’m going to sleep, I have to facetime Yoongi!”
Before anyone could say anything, Mae walked out giving Y/N a flying kiss. She waved at her and looked back at them with a smile, “She's been talking about him for months...I think she's overly excited to see him finally.”
“Aww, how cute.”
During the movie, Y/N kept glancing at Jungkook but she kept looking away before he made eye contact with her. He didn’t say anything but he brought her into his lap as she faced the television. She was about to say something but she felt his arms around her waist and she let out a small sigh from the warmth he brought to her body. She leaned back into his chest as she kissed the side of his chin putting her full attention back on the movie. He didn’t move his eyes from the movie but his grip around her waist tightened slightly as he kissed the top of her head. The members glanced at the sight and smiled at the scene before them.
When the movie was over, she helped Jin clean up the room as the others talked about the next movie. Jin glanced at her to see her looking at Jungkook with a smile. He learned forward and tapped her shoulder making her look at him with a raised eyebrow, “Thank you.”
“Oh, I have no problem helping.”
“I didn’t mean that.”
She tilted her head with a confused look, “What do you mean?”
“Thank you for making Jungkook so happy in the short amount of time you have known him. I haven’t seen him like this before.”
Her face turned red and shook her head, “I haven’t done anything...”
“You did enough to make him smile widely again.”
Jin walked away from her as she watched him leave. She looked down at her hands and flushed at his words, “Jungkook has made me happy too...”
Later that night, everyone but her and Jungkook went to sleep. The two of them sat at the balcony looking out into the busy city. Jungkook glanced at her to see the city lights against her skin, making him smile softly. He leaned forward and pushed some hair behind her ear and she turned to look at him putting her cheek into the palm of his hand making his heart flutter. He rubbed his thumb against her cheek, making her smile a little, “I’m so happy you came.”
Chapter thirteen: New York With You 💕
↜ Masterlist ↝
¤━¤“Going to a BTS concert with her best friend was an anxiety attack waiting to happen because she only knew a handful of their songs and felt like an intruder but she didn’t want her to go alone. She made two mistakes. Number one, not changing her lockscreen from Irene to something else and number two, wearing a Red Velvet lanyard. When her friend wins a raffle to meet them, everything changes for her and the youngest member; especially when her alarm starts playing Bad Boy in the middle of her sentence.”¤━¤
tag list:
@hannahdinse8 @princess172 @bbl32 @gloomy-k
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
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summary; Bucky asks you to cut and wash his hair. 
words; 1413
warning: literally nothing this is fluff
You have always been the one trusted to cut Bucky’s locks, he always asked you to do it rather than go to a barber. He would set everything up and be too shy to ask you to join him in the washroom so he’d sit in the little chair and hope you’d walk in soon, sometimes he could hear you watching TV outside the bathroom and just wait for you to come in for a commercial bathroom break. 
“Bucky, I told you, just ask me,” you sigh and get your scissors out, he gets everything else out. 
“But I feel greedy when I ask,” he trails off and looks down at his feet, you just sigh and stand behind him. 
He tells you what he wants and you begin, it’s simple. just a little off everywhere and a tad shorter at the front, it was his classic cut. On really bad days during a breakdown he’d ask you to shave his head but he would be in hysterics when he’d ask, you never felt like it was really the Bucky you knew talking to you. He always liked his long hair, in the 40′s you’d never see a man with hair that long; unless they were a hippie before the prime. he liked pulling it back into a bun to match you and sometimes taking your hand and manually running it through his hair until you got the hint. 
You snipped away what needed to be snipped, it only takes around half an hour, it’s very easy because of his straight hair. every time you’d look into the mirror to see Bucky’s face his eyes were always closed, he said you gave him ‘tingles’ whenever you’d touch his head. his smile was so cute, the best part is that it was always involuntary. his cheek dimples would pop up and his eyelids gently rested against one another. 
“Aaaand, done!��� you placed your scissors on the table and Bucky opened his eyes, his smile flashing teeth as he looked around. 
“Perfect as always,” he muttered to himself, he sat back in his chair even though the cut was over. a cheeky smile grew on his face while he fiddled with his finger nails, you just put a hand on your hip and waited. 
“You have to ask,” you could read his mind. 
“Nooo,” he groaned like a child, “please I don’t want to sound bossy!” he turned around to face you, rather than look through the mirror, “oh c’mon, you know what I’m thinking, please?” 
“Please, what?” you walked over to the tub and sat on the edge. 
“Can you maybe, kinda, um, like, wash my hair- it’stotallyokayifyoudon’twantto!” Bucky just giggled when you started to run the water, his blush had calmed before he slipped off his shirt. 
Bucky leaned over the tub and kept his flesh arm under his chin for comfort, the vibranium arm found your leg and gently rubbed the spot to show his thanks. the water touched his scalp and his shoulders dropped, a sigh left his mouth while you used the detachable head to get all his hair wet. 
You started to hum a tune when you saw Bucky try and look up to find you, he had told you sometimes when he can’t see you his brain makes him think you’re giving him a dirty look or you are just really unhappy. If he’d ask you to make him a cup of tea while you made yours or just to grab something of his from the room, he’d always come trailing behind you after a couple seconds, just making sure you’re not mad at him. 
“I know, it’s exhausting,” he sighed when you stopped the water to grab shampoo, “dealing with me being clingy and following you around,” the song you were humming turned into your way of saying you loved him and that you weren’t mad when he couldn't see your face. 
The shampoo hadn’t reached your fingers yet, so you leaned forward to meet Bucky’s eyes on the edge of the tub. “you aren’t clingy, you’re loving. And Buck, I need you to know I actually love doing things for you, getting you apples and cheese when you watch TV or giving back scratch, I love it.” you kissed his forehead, “so don’t apologize, please.” you leaned back and got some suds in your hand. 
Your fingers went deep into his scalp and massaged all around, his hair bunching up and getting under your hands. a few drops of water trickled down his bare back but that didn’t compare to how much was dropping off of his forehead. 
Bucky just let you do your thing, he didn’t always get his haircut every certain amount of months, it was more when he felt like it was too long and awkward. When you could actually braid the ends was his rule of thumb, and he knew exactly when that was because of how often you did it. Bucky liked fighting with his hair back, he felt like he twinned with you and also it was more comfortable. When he needed to rush out a fight in a last minute mission it was pulled back into pony or bun, but when you both knew you had time during or before a mission he always found a spot in front of you, one elastic on his knee while a hair brush sat on another, waiting for a French braid. 
“Close your eyes,” you said softly as you used the water again to wash it all out, “there you go, pretty boy. Good job, I bet that feels really nice, huh?” you scrubbed around, “you deserve it.”
You couldn’t see it but a few tears mixed with the washed out shampoo, you never failed to make him cry with the simplest praise. all at once a towel was thrown around his head, you shook it around
a bit and made sure it was dry enough. You’d learned the hard way that hair dryers weren’t appreciated, way too loud. The towel did the trick and Bucky liked to let it air dry after you told him heat on hair can damage it, he took that and ran with it. 
The wooden hairbrush Bucky had a legitimate attachment to sat on the counter, you grabbed it and started to make work of the knots at the back. You both were still by the tub but Bucky was sitting upright at this point, his eyes trained on you as you brushed back his hair. 
He always noticed the very tip of your tongue stuck out when you did the little things: gardening, cooking, brushing his hair. You always got embarrassed when someone pointed it out because you saw it as a bad habit. Bucky reached up quickly and ‘booped’ the little nub sticking out, you gently smacked his arm.
“None of that,” you playfully whined, your face heating up. 
“But I think it’s adorable, it means you’re focusing and I like it.” Bucky stated with a nod, his hands making their way to your hips, gently squeezing and pulling at them, “get closer,” he mumbled and pulled you forward. 
“Let me get the back,” you said absentmindedly. 
“Let me help,” Bucky had his smirk, he scooted forward and threw his face right between your breasts. 
“Bucky!” you tried to push his shoulders back, he shook his head for multiple reasons. 
“Oh, did you say ‘get closer’?-”
“-No!-” you giggled.
“Alright,” he pulled you tighter but kept his face where it was, you were just wearing a sweater so he didn’t get skin to skin like he probably wanted. You sighed and started to brush Bucky’s hair at the bac., every so often his face would move around, claiming he was getting comfy, he would turn his head a bit and kiss you through the febric, only making you laugh more. 
“Now, that will be three hundred dollars for the salon de moi,” you giggled and pulled away, “maybe three-fiffty after what you just did,” your eyebrow raised before you began to put everything away. 
Bucky went when your back was turned and threw you over his shoulder, he brought you back to the bed, “how about another type of payment?” he asked as he started to lift up your sweater, “and thanks for everything, by the way,” it got over your head. 
“Love you, Bucky.” 
“Love you, now time for me to pay up!”
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so im new to tumblr and lol just like, imagine not knowing how to post something or get to your own damn profile 
so im literally just making a oneshot on here like i do on quotev a lot so here we go lol
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Alastor x Reader (cuz im a simp and honestly why the hell not?)
This happened again
“How do I keep getting myself here?” You thought as the all-feared, all-powerful Radio Demon towered over you, looking pissed, but still smiling eerily. 
Believe it or not though, this was not your first time in this situation. In fact, it had become increasingly regular, which was worrying, to say the least. You didn’t care though. That was probably what made him so mad. You being so carefree. A little too carefree.
Unbeknownst to you however, was the fact that Alastor was not mad at all. He was worried about you, actually. Your carefree attitude has almost gotten you killed on many different occasions, and he feared the day...
The day where he couldn’t save you.
The day when something would get the best of you.
Now, this of course, would never happen, you were way too strong for that shit, but how could he be sure of that? You’ve almost died more times than he can count, and the only way you’d take what he said with the tiniest grain of salt is if he scared the ever-loving shit out of you. If that was how it had to be to keep his darling safe, so be it. Like hell was he gonna let you get hurt.
Which brought you up to date with your current situation. You stared up at him blankly as he blocked the door from you, preventing you from leaving the hotel.
“Um, Al? The door, please? Come on, I was planning to have a girl’s night with Cherri, Velvet and Angel, and I’m gonna be late if you don’t move your showman ass already.” You tried shoving past him, but he wouldn’t budge.
(yes I’m aware Angel Dust is a guy but they have the same personality, and it feels like a crime to hang with cherri and not angel)
“Darling, you know it’s unsafe, why would you constantly put yourself in harm’s way?” He asked, leaning down to you. You shrugged.
“Al, I’m hanging out with three of the most chaotic demons in Hell, one of which is an overlord, and does it look like anything can touch me? Face it Al; you’re a fucking worrywart. Now will ya please let me go on with my damn day?” Alastor still wouldn’t budge. But when you looked up at his face, you saw his threatening smile had fallen to more of a sad, somber one, and it looked really fake too. It honestly broke your black heart to see him like this. You sighed.
“The gang can wait. What’s wrong, Al? You look like someone close to you died and you’re still trying to keep a smile.”
Alastor sighed.
“You see darling... well, I- I am unsure of how to word this-” He suddenly seemed very nervous. You raised an eyebrow and led him over to the couch, literally forcing him to take a seat before sitting on the arm of the couch so your head was above his. “I- I’m worried about you, dear. There might be a day where you can’t protect yourself, and I can’t save you either and... I daresay I’m scared, darling.” His smile was all but gone at this point. You sat on your knees on the couch, giving up your seat on the arm.
“Worried? About me? Alastor, are you okay? Listen, you want me to be alive, I got other friends who want me alive, and I live for them. As long as I have you and them, I’ll pull through anything. And there’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait, just you wait-” You booped his nose playfully on the last note, and he brightened up the smallest little bit. He sighed.
“Okay, dear. You win. Just, please be careful?”
“Can’t make any promises, but I know I’ll be fine. Now you be careful. I don’t wanna have to come drag your ass outta your room because you’re too worried of what will happen if you leave.” You retorted and made towards the door. Alastor put his hand on your shoulder, and you turned around with a look that said “seriously?” all over it. This look quickly vanished when he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, surprising you.
“Stay safe, darling.”
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
TBHK boys get break up pranked by reader ?angst to fluff please!!😢👉👈
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader, akane aoi x gn!reader, tsuchigomori x gn!reader, hanako x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: heck yea, we love angst to fluff!!!! Thank you so much for requesting <33 (also, by tbhk boys, i just kinda,,, threw my favorites, and some characters that seem to be requested fairly often in there! If i missed anyone you particularly wanted to see, feel free to let me know, and i’ll gladly add them <3)
Also, I’m sorry that these are so short,,;; i’m not entirely sure how to lengthen them;;;; and I’m not sure how well they fit into angst to fluff,,,, i’m really sorry;;;
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,939
Kou Minamoto <3
“Kou, I… I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work between us. I think we should break up.”
Please, don’t make me describe his face… please, don’t do this to me… my heart, my heart hurts just thinking about it. But- his heart hurts worse.
His eyes will widen, but they won’t be filled with the usual sparkle of joy he gets when looking at you. His usual smile and blush will quickly drain from his face, as he narrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“H… huh-?”
“You heard me, Kou. Don’t make me say it again.”
He does his best not to cry on the spot, and you’ll instantly start to feel guilty. You try not to let the guilt get under your skin just yet- it’s a prank. You know it’s a prank, but Kou doesn’t.
“Why? What- what did I do?”
“It’s nothing you did, Kou. We just… can’t work out. Really, it isn’t you.”
His mouth forms a straight line, slightly panicking, but he’ll nod. That… makes sense. No- no, it really doesn’t- not for your relationship. You seemed happy, didn’t you? Did he say something? Did he hurt you? What happened-??
“No, wait, Kou, no- don’t cry, don’t cry-”
“I’m not! No worries, (Y/N), it’s fine, I’ll-”
“It’s a prank, Kou! Please, don’t cry-”
He’d pause, blinking a bit, then tilting his head slightly- confusion written all over his face.
It settled in for a moment, as you hugged him, Kou hugging back instantly. Once it clicked, he was instantly relieved, tightening the hug a bit and huffing.
“You scared me, (Y/N)... I wasn’t crying though. But you did scare me- please, don’t do that again.”
“I’m sorry, Kou, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise!”
Teru Minamoto <3
“I’m sorry, Teru, but I don’t think things can work between us anymore. It’s not you, I just… think we should see other people.”
He’ll raise his eyebrows, then narrow them, confusion evident on his face, much like his brother reacted. He wouldn’t lose his cool- he wouldn’t get emotional. However, he did feel his heart aching.
“Ah… alright. I’m sorry if I did anything, (Y/N). Is there any way we could make things work? Talk to me.”
“You didn’t do anything, Teru. I just- I just don’t think it can work. Sorry.”
Teru bit his lip a bit, nodding. He turned, planning to walk away, but-
But you wouldn’t let him walk away :)) so, you grabbed his wrist.
He’d turn around, offering you a confused expression, the hurt still evident on his face. Honestly, he really needed to get home to sort out his emotions. “If you would, please, let go, (Y/N).”
“Sorry, sorry, Teru! Can’t do that!” You chirped, tugging him a bit so he’d face you.
Our boy is so confused- why are you suddenly in a better mood??
“It was a prank!” You declared, tossing your hands up, “don’t be mad, please!”
Teru sighed, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh, thank goodness, (Y/N). I was so scared… of course, I wasn’t about to let you go that easily, but, still-”
He pulled you into a hug, resting his head on top of yours. Expect a slightly more affectionate Teru- he’s gonna be a tad bit paranoid now. No way is anyone gonna take you from him >:((
Akane Aoi <3
“Akane, I think we should… break up.”
Panic. Instant panic. You can see the panic on his face immediately, as his eyes widen.
No, no way. This couldn’t be happening to him- years of pining after Aoi, only to have you introduced into his life. You were someone he loved as dearly as he did Aoi. Someone who returned his feelings.
Having you love him was the best feeling ever… this, on the other hand, was anything but nice.
“Break up-? Why??”
He’ll reach for your arms, heart breaking when you stepped back, looking away from him. To him, you were looking away because you felt bad for having to split up. In reality, you were looking away to avoid the guilt slowly bubbling up in your stomach. It’s a prank- that’s what you had to tell yourself. In just a few moments you could hug him and smother his precious face in kisses.
“Because… you’re,” You stepped forward, booping his nose, “too cute!”
“........(Y/N), I promise you, if this is a prank-”
“It’s a prank~!”
Akane groaned, rolling his eyes, but placing his head against your shoulder. “(Y/NNNNN), honestlyyyyy.”
You patted his back, then wrapped your arms around him, kissing the side of his face gently. “I’m sorry, Akaneeee...”
“You’re fine…” He responded, wrapping his arms around you. He may sulk just a tiny bit, but he won’t be like that for long. By the next day, he’ll be acting normal- though he may use that prank against you lightheartedly.
Tsuchigomori <3
“Tsuchigomori… I’m sorry, but I think we should see other people,” You spoke. Goodness knows you had to put all of your acting skills into this one, since Tsuchigomori could see through lies easier than anyone else you knew.
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.” “(Y/N), you literally cannot keep secrets from me. Lying is no different. What kind of prank is this? A trend?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair- your reaction brought a grin to your spider-like boyfriend’s face.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sure I would have been fairly hurt if you were being genuine, so… don’t bother with jokes like that.”
(Actually, there was a part of him concerned that you were being honest. But! He trusted his instincts, praying that you were just joking. He had never been happier to tell truth from lies.)
Hanako <3
“Hanako… I’m sorry, I don’t think things will work between us. We should break up.”
A million thoughts run through his mind, despite his somewhat unreadable expression. Was it because he was dead? Of course- he knew it would happen. Who would be willing to date a ghost? A murderer at that. He was unlovable. He knew it.
“...I understand, (Y/N), but… don’t play with my heart like that.”
“I’m not playing around, Hanako. Stop taking everything like it’s a joke.”
Hanako shrugged, ignoring how his heart ached. “I think the joke is you not considering things like the obvious before you accepted my confession. Dating a supernatural is clearly not easy, and you walked into this knowing that.”
This time, you were the one with an unreadable expression. What… did he mean? Was he scolding you? Or… rejecting your rejection-?
“What do you mean?” You sighed, faking annoyance as you placed a hand on your hip.
“I mean, you got yourself into this relationship, so you should be willing to stick with it until the end~. I get it though, so, if you really didn’t think that far, then so be it-”
“Fine, I give in.”
Hanako raised his eyebrows, holding a hand to his mouth, curious as to what you were about to say. Did he really just uno reverse your break up?
“It was aaaaaa prank,” You added, pulling your lower eyelid down and sticking your tongue out. It was impressive- you almost seemed similar to him! Impressive indeed!
Hanako grinned, the pain on his heart being suddenly lifted as he basically tackled you into a hug. Kisses were placed against your cheek, before he nuzzled the side of his face into yours.
“I knew you couldn’t do me like that, (Y/NNNN)~.”
Did he really know that? Of course not. And that fear would never leave him, worrying that he would one day not be enough for you. But! For now, the two of you were together, happy in the relationship you were in. That was enough for him <3
Tsukasa Yugi <3
“We should break up, Tsukasa. I’m really sorry, it just… can’t work.”
Won’t let you break up with him. He won’t- he genuinely won’t.
Clings to you, pouting up at you, as you look down at him, feigning sadness.
“I’m sorry, Tsukasa- please, let go of me.”
“Nope! You’re mine, (Y/N). You can’t break up with me!! You’re mine- forever and ever, no matter what!”
(His expression was wide-eyed and somewhat innocent, but thinking about his words… they were certainly questionable.)
You tried to play along a bit more. Telling him you were serious, attempting to push him away. But, that was to no avail. Tsukasa wasn’t giving in, so you eventually had to-
“Alright, alright. It was a prank, Tsukasa… though I guess it didn’t get far with you.”
“Haha! Nope! And you won’t get far either <3”
Honestly? Who knows what that meant. You didn’t get it, and you couldn’t be sure Tsukasa understood either. All he knew was he loved you- therefore, he wouldn’t let you do something so silly like break up with him! Like Tsuchigomori, he's virtually impossible to break-up prank- like Hanako, he's virtually impossible to actually break up with.
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
“I… I think we should break up, Mitsuba. It’s not you, really-”
“Tch. Of course it isn’t me, idiot,” Mitsuba interrupted. He wasn’t there to listen to the extent of your acting skills (though he didn’t realize you were acting). “If you’re gonna split up with me, just get it over with. We should break up? Fine. Not like a pervert like you deserves someone as cute and pure as me anyway.”
Despite his words and furrowed eyebrows, his eyes alone showed how heartbroken he felt. His lower lip trembled a bit, though he attempted to stop it by pouting. No, he wouldn’t be the one crying in this situation! Not yet, at least-
“Great then. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You retorted, laughing bitterly. Ahh, no, this was getting too real for him- you were serious, weren’t you? Could this be a joke?
Mmh, who cared? Mitsuba was here to defend himself, even if it was at the cost of your feelings. If you were going to hurt his heart like that, then he’d do his best to take a jab at yours- or at least your ego.
“Great. Then, why are you lingering? Getting a last look at my cute face?”
“Hm… yeah-”
“Excuse mE, let me finish,” You sighed, ruffling his hair lightly, “surprise! It’s a prank!”
His face was honestly golden- his reaction to hearing that it was a prank even better than his reaction when the prank was in action. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though watering just barely from the previous aching in his heart, mouth agape slightly.
Then, his eyebrows furrowed deeper, displaying anger. The way his shoulders sank for a moment showed his relief, though they tensed up quickly, as he prepared himself to yell at you. “Idiot! Pervert! Who do you think you are, trying to play with my heart like that?! What right do you have to-”
You cut him off by cupping his face, pouting slightly- his face burned as he avoided eye contact, hand raised slightly as if contemplating pushing you away. It was clear he didn’t really want you to stop though.
“Sorry, sorry~. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you, Mitsuba. You’ve got very cute reactions, you know?”
“Hmph. You sound like you’re quoting porn-”
“Mention porn one more time and the prank won’t be a prank anymore-”
“Liar. Idiot. Stupid pervert, you’re a liar.”
You laughed lightly, squishing his face as you closed your eyes. “Maybe I’m a tad bit of a liar. But, when you pretend to not be upset, I’m sure you’re lying as well~.”
“Hah. I don’t lie.”
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
An Impostor In Love
Sequel to ‘Love For The Faceless’ (’Body Reveal’)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Rae can’t stay mad at her best friends forever. Them being absolutely adorable doesn’t help her ‘pissed off’ act either. Y/N’s outing Corpse like she’s a human lie detector. Corpse is gushing about her every second word that comes out of his mouth. And the rest of the lobby are getting one hell of a kick out of the Among Us romantic comedy - An Impostor In Love
Requested but, once again, not in a typical way. I honestly wasn’t expecting all the positive feedback I got for Love For The Faceless (Body Reveal). I was star-struck! You guys are so amazing I have no words to describe just how much I love you all! Thank you for everything! This story is for all of you 🥰🥰🥰
“Mr. and Mrs. ‘Totally not dating’ have entered the call!“ Sean announces when I hop into the Discord call to play Among Us with the usual gang. I hear Corpse’s laugh from down the hall, bringing a smile to my face.
We’ve gotten used to playing in this arrangement, a few rooms away from each other, ever since we moved in together - Corpse is in his recording room and I am in our shared bedroom. When one dies, they go in the other’s room to troll them. I’m usually the one dead, but that’s besides the point.
“Hi everyone!“ I say in my typical cheery tone before kicking it done a few notches, making it an octave deeper just to say: “Hi Rae.”
The whole lobby laughs, they all know what I’m trying to do here. Everyone’s aware this is the first time Rae is in the same call and lobby as Corpse and I after you-know-which incident. Sure, I’ve been poking sticks at her, waving a white flag and admitting I was wrong several times by now. Who knew my sweetheart best friend could act so cold? I know it’s a front. I know she’s fighting to stay mad. There’s a ton of pressure on her to finally forgive us, but she’s been holding up better than I would be if I were in her situation.
I honestly felt, and still feel, slightly guilty. I know best friends are supposed to tell each other everything. They are supposed to be the first ones to know whatever’s going on in each other’s lives. And I know I broke one of the main rules of friendships, but the decision wasn’t only mine to make. I’m sure she understands where I’m coming from, she’s just giving me and Corpse a hard time.
“Hello, Y/N.” She replies, her tone strictly formal.
“Progress, people! Progress!“ I say joyously, the smile turning into a grin 
“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll get her eventually.“ Corpse reassures me as he’s done for the past week or two. He knew I wasn’t as unbothered by Rae’s anger towards me as I tried to appear - a pro and simultaneously a con of living with someone: they pick up on everything about you. You become as familiar to them as the back of their hand.
“I know, I know.“ I giggle, “She’ll cave.“
“Yeah, good luck with that.“ Rae has dropped the formal tone, now sounding like a stubborn child which is something I’m way more familiar with. I’ve dealt with her tantrums and childish outbursts - I don’t know which number it is, but it’s somewhere in the rule book of friendships - and I at least the approximate meaning behind it. 
Ken puts an end to our friendly, stick-poking, sorta one-sided banter, ushering us to start the game. We all oblige, muting our mics and getting our heads in the game as though we’re about to enter an actual warzone with upmost stealth.
To my dismay, the screen flashes ‘Crewmate’. I head out of cafeteria to do my task in Weapons, staying weary of anyone within my proximity. Once I’m done, I head on down to Shields and complete my task there as well. I cringe when I’m done, knowing my last three tasks are in Electrical. Like, the fuck kind of luck do I have?
I make my way through the halls, running into Sykkuno and we circle around each other a few times to show we’re safe before we each continue our own way. I enter Electrical and.....oh Felix is dead. And oh lookie who’s right there...
I report the body before the impostor can and we all unmute our mics.
“Found him in Electrical.“ I say nonchalantly, “Didn’t see anyone in there though.“ 
“Anyone sus?“ Sean asks
We say our ‘no’s and ‘I don’t know’s and skip the vote. I’m smirking to myself as I head back down to Electrical. Walking in, I see the same person as before - Rae. I stop dead in my tracks and we just stare at each other for a few seconds before she comes towards me, circling me twice, bumping visors with me and venting out of the room.
“You’re welcome.“ I mumble, smiling widely.
I finish my tasks and leave Electrical just as Corpse enters our bedroom, giving me this tired-parent look like he’s half disappointed and half amused. “You just threw the game, didn’t you? Don’t lie.” He raises his eyebrows, fully adopting his parent role.
I giggle, shaking my head, sending him the briefest of glances before my eyes fixate on the screen in utter shock - Sean just killed me. Oh, for fuck’s sake...
“I was gonna come clean eventually, but I guess they won’t hear it from me now.“ I shrug, lifting my laptop and setting it aside so Corpse can join me on the bed. I snuggle up to him immediately, drawn to him as though he’s a human magnet.
“Who was it?“ He asks me, running his hands through my hair in a soothing manner.
I frown, pulling away from his chest to look him in the eyes, “Wait, how did you know I threw the game if you don’t know who I threw it for?”
He smirks, shrugging, “I didn’t know. You were smiling downright evilly when I came in so I just assumed.” He boops my nose. “And you ratted yourself out.”
I narrow my eyes at him, blowing some air out my nose - a gesture that has become my only way of showing anger towards him. I literally can’t even voice when I’m upset with him cause the grudge lasts like .5 seconds. I let him get away with more than he should.
Seeing as how I can’t argue to his statement, I lean back into his chest and pull out my phone to pass the time while I pretend to give him the silent treatment. Among my notifications is one for Rae’s stream. I smile and tap it, being taken to her YouTube channel and her live stream.
Just when the stream loads, Rae finds my dead body in Storage.
“Oh, nooooooo! Y/N!“ She wines as she goes over to it, “Sean must’ve killed her.” She reports the body and unmutes herself in game, “The body’s in Storage. I was on my way to call an emergency meeting cause I saw Sean vent in Security.”
“WHAT?!“ Sean exclaims in shock, “I didn’t! Rae’s lying. I swear I didn’t! I wasn’t even in Security!“
“Sean has been following me around this whole time. Just saying.“ Ken joins the discussion, throwing even more suspicion on Sean.
“We gotta vote someone.“ Charlie says, “Might as well be the most sus person at the moment.“
The voting results show all the little astronaut icons on Sean except his which is on Rae. Sean gets launched into space and the game continues. Having muted her mic in-game, Rae speaks up: “Y/N has been avenged. No one kills my best friend.”
I’m staring at my phone screen, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, a huge smile on my face. I take a glance at Corpse out of the corner of my eye and see he’s just as pleasantly surprised as I am.
“For those of you asking if I’m still mad at her and Corpse, the answer’s no. Actually, I think I was never mad. I was just in shock and a little hurt that I wasn’t made aware sooner.“ Rae says as she keeps wandering around the map, “Then I realized not talking to my best friend hurt more than the betrayal, you know. The only reason I still pretend is because it’s really funny to see her trying to soften me up.“ She laughs, “But yeah. I don’t know what I’d do without her or Corpse in my life. I love them both and love them even more together. My best friends are dating, I still can’t wrap my brain around that! They are sooo cute, you guys! I wish they posted more content of them together. I’m literally simping over their relationship! But shh, don’t tell em I said that.”
I laugh, overjoyed by what I just heard. I knew she couldn’t still be mad at us. I know she has every right to be, but she’s too sweet to actually hold a grudge against anyone ever.
I suddenly want nothing more than to give her an enormous hug and hold onto her for as long as she’d let me. I just now realize how lonely it feels to have never hugged your best friend because you haven’t hung out together in person. The only reason Rae now knows what I look like is because I sent her a full body picture of myself as one of my sad attempts to get her to start talking to us again. We have never met in person, and that thought kills me. It makes me impatient for this pandemic to end even more than before. 
“Told you there was nothing to worry about.“ Corpse’s arms tighten their hold on my body, pulling me even closer which I didn’t know was possible. The most fulfilling and endearing feeling - being in the arms of a loved one. Being held so close and so tightly that you feel like you’re untouchable. Like you two can’t be hurt by anything in the world as long as you have each other.
“Yeah, you were right.“ I sigh in content, putting my phone down and covering his hands with mine, our rings clinking quietly when they touch.
“As usual...“ he whispers theatrically with his lips against my hair.
I playfully roll my eyes, catching glimpse of the screen showing Rae’s demise. 
“Oh no, they caught her.“ I say, a bit disappointed she didn’t win and more than a bit responsible for her defeat.
I somehow manage to convince myself to get untangled from Corpse’s embrace and join the new round. I hear him groan as I settle my computer in my lap, unmuting my mic.
“See ya, kitten.“ Corpse kisses my temple, standing up.
“Oh my God, you two are too cute.“ Poki says sweetly, having heard what Corpse said to me.
“SIMP!“ Sean and Felix shout in unison causing the whole lobby to laugh. Corpse is as red as Rae’s avatar as he exists our room, running down the hallway.
“Ok, ok, ok. Hold on. I have to address this. I really hadn’t stepped foot in Security, let alone vented in there. Rae why were you lying?“ Sean’s voice cuts through the teasing directed towards Corpse and I.
“While we’re on that topic...“ Felix speaks up as well, making me break out in a nervous sweat, “Y/N, you literally saw Rae kill me, but you said you didn’t see anyone.“ He laughs, “Not gonna lie, I was a bit pissed.“
The call falls silent for about five seconds until Rae and I speak simultaneously.
“I was avenging Y/N.“
“I was helping Rae.“
Silence follows our statements, not for long though, as our friends break out in amused laughter.
“Fuck’s sake, you two make a good team.“ Sean says through genuine laughter which Rae and I soon join him in.
Felix and Sean and the rest of the lobby forgive us for throwing the game from both the crewmate and impostor’s side and we move onto another round. This time I have only one task in Electrical which I leave for last as always. I don’t feel like dying right from the get-go. I start by doing the card swipe in Admin and then the fuel task in Storage. As I make my way to Upper Engine, Corpse leaves Electrical, falling in step with me. I immediately get nervous, but still make my way to where I’m supposed to go, hoping he’d go his own way eventually. 
I stay wary of my boyfriend as I do my task, praying he won’t take my head off. When the task is finished, I find I’m trapped in the room with the doors shut. And Corpse right there. With every right and opportunity to kill me and vent. No one would know. No one saw us. 
That nervous sweat is back. 
I’m counting my last seconds of being alive.
And it happens...
A body is reported
“Oh than you so so so much! Corpse was gonna kill me in Upper Engine!“ I don’t let the person who reported the body speak, thanking them for my survival. “I was sure I was a goner.“
“Babe, come on now. You know I wouldn’t kill you even if I was an impostor. I love you too much.“ Corpse hurries to defend himself, “I’m following you around to keep you safe.“
I can tell he’s capping, but I have no concrete proof. He knows I’m onto him. His best bet is having me killed by the other impostor. He might have been capping the majority of his defense, but I know he won’t kill me.
“I’ll vote for myself because of that one.“ I mumble
The vote is skipped except the one vote I placed on myself and the round continues. I follow Corpse around the whole time, making sure he’s completing tasks - not that I can be 100% certain he’s actually completing them.
All is well until we walk into Admin and find Felix there, uploading data. Corpse, dead-ass, goes up to him and kills him, reporting the body right afterwards.
“IT’S CORPSE!“ I don’t give him a chance to start his brainwashing of the rest of the players. “Felix, this is my redemption for leaving your death unavenged last round.“
“Yeah, it’s me.“ Corpse laughs, that adorable laugh of his melting me despite the need to stay strong and carry out my argument, “Just vote me out so I can go troll Y/N.“
“Sounds like a plan to me.“ Ken says, the remainder of the crewmates, and the impostor probably, agreeing with him.
The votes are put in, all on Corpse obviously, and he is sent off into space. Not even five seconds later I hear his footsteps approaching. 
I look up when he pops his head in the room and says, “I have come to annoy you to death with my love for you.”
I can’t help but laugh, shaking my head. The things this man does to me are insane. It’s insane that I let him. 
It’s amazing, really. We’re amazing.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I pat the spot on the bed next to me, “I’ll allow it. But only cause I love you too.”
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Heart made of glass ↬ t.h
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A/N: Beta read by the lovely @hollandcrush​ !! <3<3
Request (Summary): can you please write one about Tom, who is on the filming process of cherry and has some emotional problems because he feels that his character is already part of his life, so he comes home very angry and in a bad mood, so he just snaps and creates a big fight with the reader and just says things that he obviously didn't meant, you know very angst, and at the end just very fluff.
Hope you like this anon! Lemme know your thoughts heh <3<3
Warnings: breakdowns, slight vomiting but it’s not graphic. I’m not in any way romanticizing or sexualising breakdowns. 
WC: 2k+ 
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Tom was an ambitious guy. He took his roles seriously, no matter what his character was and who he played. It was an admirable trait, the way he both enjoyed his work and worked hard to earn a high place in such a place as Hollywood. 
You always took pride in how amazing and accomplished your boyfriend was, your heart swelling whenever you heard his name being mentioned in events and interviews. You enjoyed how he tried to diversify the movies he worked in. 
("I've been playing the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man for so long, it's about time I play someone different now." He once said in a Jimmy Kimmel interview. You were watching from the audience, smiling as the audience roared in affirmation. 
"Well looks like you took quite a big leap from playing a superhero." Jimmy said, smiling at the audience with his paparazzi smile. 
You knew the question was scripted, quite harmless, but you still noticed how his shoulder stiffened, his smile not wavering once. 
"Well yeah, I used to be a superhero and now I'm a heroin addict." He joked, winking at the audience as he ran a hand through his nearly hairless head.
He cried himself to sleep that night, burying his face in your chest as you shushed him. )
It always worked in his favour, with the incredible support his family and fan base provided. And he was always so humble about it. 
Filming Cherry, however, was way different than he thought it would. With filming Cherry came consequences that he didn't necessarily like. He knew what he was bringing on himself and his family when he was first introduced with the script.
(Contrary to popular belief, he didn't actually give out spoilers, it was just small promotional stunts that kind of took over as his reputation to spoil minor details.)  
The process was intense, getting into the mindset of "Cherry" was taxing, and people were beginning to notice it in him. He was more restless, tugging at his non existent curls when he thought no one would notice. 
He was more clingy, more appreciative of your body and you, letting you know that there was no sexual intent behind his acts of caressing your waist at random times. You didn't notice the change in his behaviour. 
He had always been like this, watching you with the most gratifying gaze a man could muster, his pretty brown eyes like globes of whiskey, staring at you with a muffled expression. You didn't notice. 
There had always been a cutting edge to his voice, you knew and adored it. Behind the British actor who played Spider-Man, he was your Tom. Your Tom who gave you forehead kisses and baked cakes with you and made silly playlists that reminded him of you and you of him, your Tom who worshiped the ground you walked on, your Tom, your Tom and your Tom.
(Sometimes you envied that he was an actor, so good at hiding any emotions he felt, it came easy to him, just another fake emotion like he was a face behind the camera.)
He was never aggressive towards you. Never. Even on tough days, he was soft, caring and understanding to the point where it made you mad, immediately making you feel guilty. He worked so hard and yet here you were, blaming him for being nice, never standing up for himself.
"Uh, Tom, Tom stop, wait." You grunted, pushing his shoulders as he scrambled away from you at your discontent. 
You held his face, his breath hitching, hyperventilating as he tried to get himself together. 
Ever since he had started filming Cherry, he had been away from you. And now that you were finally here, he had been all over you, making love to every inch of your skin, like it was a holy grail he had to find, caressing your warm skin under his fingers making you shiver as his nimble fingers wandered. It was the intimacy, sexual and quasi-sexual, that made you realise, that there was something wrong.
Sex- it had been a constant in your life other than Tom. But of course, you didn't live on it. It was but a fuel that strengthened your relationship, it was about discovery and showing your vulnerable sides. It was a reminder of the coffee dates and baseball matches. It was loving, gentle and raw, like a gentle breeze caressing your face.
But this, this was different. And you noticed. This, what you had been doing, it was fucking. It was aggressive and needy and it felt good, but at the same time, it felt different.
"Baby?" You asked softly, trying to meet his eyes in the dark lit trailer. It was late, way past filming times, the only time you got to see his vulnerable side. 
You should have been in his hotel room, but you were in his trailer instead. All alone in the all encompassing darkness, it made your heart stutter beats. 
"Baby speak to me. What's happening, who's doing this to you?" You ask once again, holding onto him firmly this time, his squirming frame making you loosen your hold. You didn't care that you were naked, he had already seen it all. 
Fiddling with the rough sheets, he huffed a heavy breath. And that was all it took for the dam to break. 
"Tell me how do you feel baby, you're starting to scare me." You urged. All you got in response was his muffled sobs. Pulling him forward, you let his head rest on your bare chest, rivulets of tears sliding down your warm skin, almost burning you like acid, his tiny hair tickling you, a very contrasting feeling. 
"I can't do it. I can't take it anymore." He sniffed, wrapping his strong arms around you, shivering at the contact. It was a cold night in Cleveland, and you were naked and he was crying. You were berating yourself for not noticing. 
"What can't you take anymore?" You hold him, tracing circles on his buzz cut hair, just the way you did when he had his curls. 
"I feel like I'm becoming him. I don't like it at all, I try and try but I can't." He sobs, shoulders hitching with each sob. You felt your heart break, the sounds of his cries sending daggers into your skin. 
How could you have not noticed? The lively sunshine of a man was almost an empty shell. The interviews with former drug addicts had been excruciating for you, pity, disgust, sympathy and every other sinful emotion swirling in your mind. 
You couldn't believe that you hadn't thought about Tom, of what an effect it would have on him. 
"Bub, listen to me, carefully," you said, shushing him as he continued to look at you, teary eyed and red nosed, snot dripping out of his nose,"you listen to me. You're strong and resilient and nothing like him okay? He's not you. You're Tom Holland. You're brilliant and brave and amazing okay?" 
"But I don't feel that way!" He said, his aggressive stance surprising you, "he's- he's…" 
"He's what?" You asked, a little too impatient. Muttering a sorry, you rub your palm on his cheek, kissing the soft, moist skin.
"I don't feel so good." He croaked, getting up suddenly, making a run for the washroom. You rushed after him, watching him as he heaved into the toilet. Rubbing his back, you muttered affirmations, curling besides him as he sat on the ground, his back to the cold wall. 
You got up to switch on the lights, feeling his hands tugging yours, a soft "stay" coming out of him. 
"Better?" You asked, feeling him now against your collarbone. 
"I shouldn't be this affected, this- this isn't fair. I'm overreacting, I'm sorry I worried you baby I swear I didn't mean to-" 
"Shh, Tom first of all, you're not overreacting okay?" You smiled, kissing his nose, moving towards his brows and his forehead, "It's perfectly reasonable. The role you're playing...It's not exactly picking daisies. Fuck you're playing a heroin addict Tommy, a broken soldier with PTSD, a breakdown was inevitable. It only shows that you're human." 
"Really?" He smiled, it looked more like a grimace, a plea for reassurance. 
"Yes, really." You said, booping his nose, eliciting a giggle from him,"now, you better go to bed mister, you have an early shoot don't you?" You playfully scolded, kissing his lips, laughing as he carried you bridal style. 
"Tomorrow will be better." You whispered, kissing his eyelids, already closed, chest moving rhythmically as you counted his pulse, making sure he was completely asleep before slipping on your clothes, covering him with the thin quilt. 
"Is everything okay on set?" You asked casually, watching the crewmates work tirelessly in the daylight. 
You were standing next to Ciara on a prop jeep, fiddling with the water bottle held in your hand. 
"Hmm, as okay it can be with two people playing drug addicts." She shrugged, looking at you with a small smile. 
"Are you okay?" You asked, turning to give her your full attention, remembering your boyfriend's breakdown yesterday. 
"It gets… intense at times. Some scenes are hard to play, but we're okay. Mostly." She answered, taking your water bottle and chugging the water. 
"I'm not a therapist, but you can talk to me, you know?" You smiled, holding her shoulder as she gave you a bashful smile. 
"It's been tough on Tom. He's more aggressive, nearly had a breakdown during a scene." She said. 
"Yeah, that.. that happened yesterday too." 
"It was time, a person can only hold so much right?" 
You pondered her words, wondering if you could do anything to curb this. 
"I think I need help." He said one day while you were eating dinner. Harry, who was sitting next to you, looked up from his plate, giving you a knowing look before clearing his throat. 
"I'm gonna get some water." He said, waving awkwardly at you and getting up. You took that as a cue to scoot closer to Tom, running your hands through his camel hair. 
"That's very brave of you hun, asking for help." You smiled, kissing his cheek softly. You felt him smile, sliding closer to you, holding you by your waist. 
"I learnt from the best." He muttered in your hair, kissing your forehead. 
You felt his love that day, felt the way he ran his smooth fingers on your waistline, sliding across your thighs with care and softness you hadn't felt in a while. He was healing. It was a process, it took time but it happened.
You were walking across the library, his hand in yours, your hearts beating in silence. 
"How was your appointment?" You asked, shivering in the cold air. You rubbed your palms together, bringing your jacket closer to your chest, huffing the cold air. 
"It was good, much different from what the media portrays. She even showed me this meme she thinks you would like, look." He said, bringing out his phone to show you the saved meme. 
You laughed at his eagerness, kissing his lips as a final gratification. 
"Well it looks like you're having a great time. You have another scene left to do today in the evening so we better scram." You reminded him. 
You always did that, remind him of his schedule, reminded him to take a breath when he felt like he was drowning. You reminded him of home and what he had to look forward to.
"Why can't we have a lazy day today?" He whined, kissing your neck, making you giggle as it tickled. 
"You know you can't do that hun, you already took three days off." You snickered, poking his sides. 
"Well that sucks. I just want to spend my day with my girl, is that too much to ask?" He smiled, kissing your forehead, one hand holding yours, swinging back and forth, the other holding a large cup of coffee in a tight grip. 
You reached to loosen his fingers, taking a sip, slurping loudly, making him laugh. You decided you liked this laugh much better, it was breathy and free, a melody to your ears. 
You noticed how he was more relaxed and back to being that ray of sunshine. Back to being your Tom.
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Thanks for reading! also as a side note- here’s a similar fic @itsallyscorner​ !!
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mochiimiiki · 4 years
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| Be my valentines |
[zhongli, Venti, Childe, Xiao, Kaeya, Diluc x F!reader]
Here’s the scenario:
You’re alone on valentine’s day, probably thinking of your own problems and not paying close attention to the festivities of this new event. That is until he approaches you.
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You’re standing alone in Liyue harbour. Watching the people of Liyue busy themselves down below. It was easy to distinguish the couples from the singles, as they all seemed to flock together.
You don’t notice the geo archon approaching until he clears his throat.
To which you’re obliged to spin around and face your contender, to your surprise you’re met with a familiar simple smile. A smile in which the last few months you had grown accustomed to.
You countered back with your own cheerful smile, eyes squinting against the sunlight as wrinkles formed around your eyes.
Your expression was priceless to the archon. Something that he would gladly die laying his eyes upon it for a final time.
Now unbeknownst to you Zhongli had made it his mission to confess his feelings to you, afterall Zhongli new all of Liyue’s history and he new today was a day of not only couples celebrating but of confessions.
The archon pulled a magnificent bouquet of glaze lilies out from behind him. He watched as your eyes lit up in twinkles and you gladly accepted his gift.
Clearing his throat he begun. “Y/N in the last few months we have spent together I have found myself growing rather... attached persay.”
“I was wondering if you would do me the honours of—”
“Yes!” You cheered, cutting himself off mid sentence.
“You didn’t even allow me to formally ask, it’s not official until I do so.” This grandpa and contracts I tell you.
Anyways in the end he officially asked you to be his girlfriend to which you joyously accepted and you spent the rest of the day together, showering each other in love.
Troubles long forgotten.
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You’re actually relaxing in mond as you listen to your little bard friend play. He’s singing and dancing about making children laugh and couples smile.
He sings and tells tales of romances from long ago, how they fought to be with one another and died to stay together.
The talk of romances and relationships has you sighing, you had wanted to ask Venti to be your valentine but had cowered out at the last minute. Kaeya (your friend) had tried to convince you to continue, but unfortunately there’s no way to sway a stubborn mind.
Venti jumps over to you and plops himself down beside you. Leaning up against you which in turn cause a ferocious blush to spread across your cheeks, you spin away praying he missed it.
He didn’t of course.
Venti hums quietly to himself before finally piping up. “You know Y/N you’re so troublesome, I’d dare say more so than me!”
“No i’m not Venti!”
“You are so! You go about acting like you’re fine when there’s a question youve been dying to ask me all day, you can’t deny it I see through your lies.”
He booped you on the nose as your face snapped back to meet his turquoise gaze. HE KNEW?!
Venti whispered into your ear. “Kaeya told me, and yes. I’ll be your valentine.” He hummed sweetly before jumping up and singing once more.
You’d kill Kaeya if you ever saw him again, although he did get you your valentines so you couldn’t be too mad at him...
no you were defo mad and totally hit him as venti cheered you on
in the end you and Venti spent a wonderful day together singing and dancing and falling more madly in love than ever before, to top it off the two of you watched the stars from his statue.
Where you may or may not have shared a first kiss.
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Childe didn’t actually formally ask you to be his valentines but he had seen your troubled expression earlier and big brother instincts took place.
He had grabbed your hand and said “Girlie let’s have a little fun, shall we?”
And so the two of you spent the day together, running from stall to stall eating fine Liyue cuisine.
Playing festive valentine games and winning each one, you know how Childe is hes in it to win it no other way.
It was the end of the day when the two of you had found a spot not far from Liyue, but far enough to be alone.
There you two sat alone, well actually with a giant bear Childe had won for you.
This time you spoke up first. “Childe... I wanted to ask you and I know valentine’s day is basically over but... would you be my valentine?”
Childe was taken aback. “Ojou-chan...” He began. “Wasn’t that what we were doing all day?”
hold up. WHAT??
“No way! Childe that wasn’t- did you think that was a date?”
It took awhile to explain but he finally realised that no it wasn’t a date. Ngl he was disappointed but then realised you asked him out anyways so he cheered up fast.
Please he’s just a child someone explain to him you have to formally ask these things...
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Okay please this man. “I have no interest in mortal festivities.”
He doesn’t. He really doesn’t. So lowkey like Childe you’re going to have to bring it up.
You go to Wangshu inn in hopes he hasn’t gone off to fight demons and as luck would have it he hasn’t!
You go up to his floor and see him staring across the endless Dihua marshas. In the golden light of the evening they’re actually something to marvel at.
You clear your throat in an attempt to get his attention.
He acknowledges your presence with a grunt and a, “What now?”
Nervously you step forwards and begin. “I made you almond tofu! A-and some chocolates... of course you don’t have to accept them but they’re for you so here!”
Xiao turns to face you. And unlike your expectations of having him meet you angrily at disturbing his peace hes actually surprised, shocked even. A mortal has never prepared him any kind of delicacy before.
Never mind that and chocolates. He isn’t oblivious to what you’re trying to do and he’s well accustomed to the ways of the Liyue people.
He knows exactly what he’s doing when he accepts them from you.
“I’m not very good with words... but if you want me to be your valentine you didn’t have to go through all the trouble. I may not care for mortal festivities but... I care for you.”
please marry me.
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Kaeya knows what he’s doing better than anyone in the seven counties of Teyvat. He has it all planned out.
Meet you in the morning with chocolates and a bouquet of flowers and then bring you to his favourite restaurant for some of mond’s finest cuisine and then he’ll take you out of the city where the two of you can watch the stars while sipping on dandelion wine.
However, the moment he sees you standing at the fountain centered in mond he’s for once at a loss for words.
You were utterly breath taking, a sight that he wished to savour like a fabulous glass of a 60 year old bottle of death afternoon wine.
You turned around and spotted Kaeya, waving him over. For a moment he forgot himself and actually stood staring. Before realising he wasn’t frozen in place and ran over to you.
Kaeya grinned his usual charismatic smile and handed you chocolates and calla lilies.
“I was wondering perchance, if this fine lady would do me the honours of accompanying me on such a romantic holiday?”
With a charming grin and honey laced words who could say no? Of course you were madly in love with this man so you accepted within a heartbeat.
Believe me when I say, Kaeya knows how to treat a woman. And that’s like a queen.
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You went to visit him at Dawn Winery. He said he was too busy with work to come up to mond so you wanted to surprise him with a little gift; a box of chocolates prepared especially.
Like Xiao and Childe you were going to have to make the move with someone like Diluc. He didn’t care so much as for physical displays of affection and while he always took initiative love was a foreign language to him and so he didn’t know where to begin.
His butler let you in and you headed straight over to his office, knocking on his door.
“come in.” You heard the familiar low raspiness of his voice, a telltale sign he was overworking himself.
Upon entering you presented the chocolates with a proud smile. Almost immediately he got up from his seat and went over to greet you.
“I never expected to see you here Y/N but may I say you have made my day... and oh? What’s this?”
“Chocolates Diluc. I made them for you and I was uh... actually wondering something.”
He took them from your hands with a smile. He knew what you wanted to ask and yet he longed for you to speak the words.
“What is it Y/N?”
“Would you... be my valentine?”
Diluc’s smile grew, it was wider than you had ever seen it and it even seemed like a childish manour danced in his eyes.
He carefully embraced you and planted a kiss to your forehead sighing in pure bliss.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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Hermit DSMP Swap AU: Part 8
X helped Grian sit back down and handed Grian a clean rag from his inventory. Grian pressed it against his nose to curb the bleeding as X checked his eyes. X asked Grian several basic questions before asking him to count backwards from 100 by sevens and listened as his friend struggled. 
“100… 97 no 93… 87... um... um, ow-” He faltered, staring into space for a long moment. 
“You’ve got a concussion.” X shook his head.
“Can’t I just take a health pot and get back to work?” Grian asked.
X folded his arms and shook his head “Health pot’s don’t work like that. You know how when you take a health pot the cuts all seal up just leaving some bruising. A concussion is just a bruise on your brain so it would be kind of useless. Regen might help a little because it boosts your body's natural healing process but it has the same problem as health in that it won't target bruising. I would avoid coffee for now and anything else with speed pots in it for that matter,” X added, noticing Grian reaching for his unfinished coffee mug.
Grian pouted “What can I do?” 
“You can go home and rest... though you probably shouldn’t be flying for a while. I’ll walk back with you.”
Grian sighed and let X help him to his feet. To be honest he was starting to like the idea of resting, his head was spinning and he was having trouble focusing. “Alright, you win. Just be sure to let me know if you figure anything out about the whole server problem will you.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know,”
The day before, Scar and Grian had given Skeppy and George a tour of Boatem. Scar had offered to let the two of them stay in his landboat (As it had more space than Grian’s house) till they could make their own starter bases. 
Skeppy had been startled when, as soon as it started to get dark, the sun blipped in the sky and it was on the other horizon. George explained to him that the night was skipped here, something to do with a Time King named B-dubs. He apparently could cause night to skip for everyone if he slept. George wished he could do cool things like that when he slept, as it was, all he did was talk to demons or gods or whatever XD was. Skeppy insisted that was way cooler than time powers. George didn’t believe him.
Grian had left to work with X on the server problem and Scar was off gathering some stuff to help get them settled in. This left Skeppy and George alone to snoop around Boatem town on their own. They explored Scar’s base but soon became tired of that and went outside. 
They were nosing around Grian’s base and the nether portal when Skeppy noticed something odd. There were a lot of things here he had never seen before but this felt different somehow. It was about a foot in diameter, dark and smooth and round, shining with a deep purple iridescence, and it seemed to call to Skeppy, like the egg, like the blood vines. It called to him, not quite with words but more with instinct, urging him to touch it. Skeppy reached out-
“What’s that you found?” George called snapping Skeppy out of his trance. 
“I have no clue,” Skeppy shrugged.
George came closer and squinted behind his glasses, bringing his face close to the things surface. The air around it tingled like static. “I never saw one myself but I think it might be a Dragon egg,” George said, reaching his hand out to touch it.
Skeppy shoved George out of the way and grabbed for the egg. He was going to be the first one to touch it. The Dragon Egg. His fingers brushed against the smooth surface then fell through to air. He stumbled and caught himself on the now empty quartz pedestal. 
“What the hell, Skeppy?” George protested. Then his eyes fell on the egg sitting on the grass not far from him. 
They’d both seen it. Skeppy caught his eyes. They held each other's gaze, silently urging the other to stay put. They both lunged for it. 
Skeppy collided with George practically landing on top of him but it was too late George's hand knocked into the egg and it disappeared.
Both of them scrambled to their feet looking for where it went. Skeppy found it over the hill but hesitated before reaching for it this time. 
“No you don’t” George cried coming up behind him. Skeppy jumped at the sound seconds before George tackled him directly into the egg and it was gone again. 
“Ow ow- hold on, get off,” Skeppy protested, pushing his palm against George’s face trying to shove George off himself, “This isn’t working. It’s being all teleporty and shit.”
George backed off, and huffed to himself, as he brushed himself off. 
“What are you two doing?” Scar said as he came over. “Oh look,” He stopped as he noticed the dragon egg at his feet. He placed down a piston next to it and a button and *boop* the egg was pushed right into his arms. He picked up the egg and looked back at the two who were still sitting on the ground, grass stains on their clothes and hair disheveled from their fight. “Looks like you two touched the egg. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Grian,” He said with a wink placing it back on the pedestal. 
Skeppy and George just stared at him. “Wait, how did you do that!” Skeppy shrieked pointing. 
Scar laughed, “The egg can be tricky, it doesn't like being touched but you can trick it into thinking it isn’t being held by using a piston. You can also break the block underneath it and catch it as it falls, just make sure to place a torch first... something about the heat is important.”  
“I’m holding it!” Skeppy announced scrambling to his feet and moving towards the egg. 
“Who says you get the egg, I saw it too,” George argued.
“We’ll I saw it first,” Skeppy retorted, sticking his tongue out, summoning his shovel from his inventory.
George scowled “You didn’t even know what it was till I told you.” He summoned his netherite axe from his inventory, the one XD had given him. 
“Well you didn’t even know that it teleported so-” Skeppy started digging down next to the pedestal.
“Woh woh woh, you both can hold it if you want,” Scar said trying to break up the tension “You can’t keep it though, it’s Grian’s,” He added.
Skeppy and George both turned and glared at him. There was a calculating pause then George’s posture changed, he seemed to relax. “Heh- sorry about that,” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “It’s just neither of us have ever seen a dragon egg, guess we got a bit carried away,” He shrugged. 
George wanted that Dragon egg more than anything. Skeppy probably did too. That was the rarest thing on the server and if someone could get it and bring it back to the Dream SMP then they would be the most powerful person on the server. But there were a lot of hermits. Way more than the two of them. It was probably best that they not make them mad. He could find a way to get the egg without them noticing another time. 
Skeppy looked surprised and a little too satisfied with himself as he continued to dig out under the pedestal. He placed the torch and mined away the pedestal catching the egg as it fell. It was surprisingly warm, he felt it vibrating with power as he held it against his chest, his arms wrapped around it, nestled in the folds of his bright blue hoodie. He grinned, he felt like a proud father, why did he feel like a proud father? He hadn’t even felt this way about Sapnap and he practically helped Bad raise him… multiple times.  
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself, it's not that great,” George scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“Hey Scar, can you come over here real quick” X called as he and Grian walked back into Boatem town. 
“Yeah, be right over,” Scar called back before turning to Skeppy and George “Just make sure to put it back,” He said before running over to see what X and Grian needed. 
George glared at Skeppy over his glasses, he was still holding his ax. “You're putting it back ok,”
Skeppy turned his body to put himself between George and the egg. “And why should I?” He pouted. 
“Because,” George said calmly and quietly, so the others talking by Grian’s house couldn’t hear, “If you take it now they will know it was us and won’t let us leave.” George watched the gears turn in Skeppies head “So truce for now... we work together to steal the egg later,” 
Skeppy glanced off to the side as he thought about it. Finally he nodded “Alright, agreed,” His fingers were crossed. 
George grinned and pushed his glasses back into place “Great.” His fingers were crossed. 
Skeppy climbed out of the hole and George helped him put the dirt and pedestal back. Skeppy begrudgingly let George hold the egg before putting it back on the Pedestal.
Ok so maybe holding the egg was kind of cool George thought smiling softly before Skeppy made him put it back.
“So what’s up?” Scar asked coming over to join X and Grian. Now that Scar looked at him, Grian wasn’t looking too great. His feathers and hair were rumpled more than usual and he was leaning on X’s arm. “You ok there?” 
“Yeah, Just got a concussion.” Grian shrugged. 
“He flew into a barrier while trying to get into the Dream SMP Server,” X explained.
“Oof,” Scar winced at the description.
“He should be fine after a month or so, he just needs to rest and not do anything too strenuous.” X continued, “Also it is probably a good idea not to let him sleep unsupervised for a couple of days.” 
“Got it,” Scar nodded “I’ll be sure to keep him in line,” 
“C'mon guys, you don’t trust me?” Grian teased.
“I wouldn’t trust you with a ten foot pole,” Scar laughed. 
“Fair,” Grian chuckled, “Well anyway, thanks for walking with me back here X” He said letting go of X’s arm.
“No problem, just take it easy, got it?” X reminded Grian.
“Don’t worry. Besides this means I’ll have plenty of time to help the new guys settle in.” Grian added as he noticed Skeppy and George standing looking at his Dragon egg. 
“Oh no you don’t. You are going inside and resting,” Scar said, taking Grian by the shoulders and guiding him into his house. 
“No, but- I, I’m fine really,” Grian protested
“No buts, You rest, I’ll take care of everything.” Scar insisted and Grian gave up, letting himself be led off to bed. 
[So I know I said I already had a bunch written in advance but when editing this part I realized I needed to add some interactions with Skeppy and George. I really like how this turned out but it is now longer than I originally planned so I am breaking it up into sub parts. The next segment will be out soon]
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disastrouslyyours · 3 years
Feral brain? Let me help. How about a scenario where you are trying to work on something, but Spamton keeps trying to distract you in more ways than one. Hahahaha, deal with the brain rot. WHOOSH.
Mags I’m taking some of yours out of order so forgive me but…..oh my god stop. No stop get oUT of my HEAD im so easily distracted
You groan as you lean back in your desk chair, stretching your spine and grimacing when you hear several joints snap back into place. How long have I been working on this piece? You rub your eyes, knowing you should take a break but not willing to risk losing your concentration. Almost done, probably just need another 15 minutes or so and I’ll be finished. You muster up a second wind and get back to work, motivated to create a final product you’re satisfied with.
In your hyper focused haze, you fail to hear the door to your room creak open. You also fail to notice a certain salesman slink inside until you are startled by two hands suddenly pinching at your sides. You jump with a yelp and turn to see Spamton smirking beside you.
“HIYA, [Busy Bee]!” He beams up at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Hi, Spam, what’s up?” You ruffle his hair as you smile at him.
‘“Ah.” You stretch again, hearing a couple more joints click into place. “I’m fine, probably working a little too hard, but overall fine.”
Spamton frowns and crosses his arms. “YOU ALWAYS WORK [A Little Goes A Long Way] TOO HARD.”
“Yeah, well, things have to get done so that someone can pay the bills around here.” You tease and reach out to boop his nose. He recoils in mock disgust, clutching his chest and wheezing comedically.
“Yeah yeah, now go find something to do while I finish this. I’ll be done soon, then we can hang out.” You shoo him away playfully before turning your full attention back to your computer screen. Right. Now where was I? Luckily, you find your flow pretty quickly and start to feel really good about how your work is shaping up.
When you feel another jab at your side you nearly leap out of your chair. Looking down you find Spamton still standing next to you and you nearly scream.
“Didn’t you leave like 15 minutes ago?”
“So you’ve just been standing here? Watching me work?”
“YOU TOLD ME TO FIND SOMETHING TO [Pass The Time], SO I DECIDED TO [Wait Here].” He offers you his signature award-losing smile, and you sigh in defeat. I can’t be mad, I think that’s the longest he’s ever been quiet.
“Alright, weirdo. You can hang out here, just let me work in peace. Got it?”
“GOT IT.” He winks and flashes a thumbs up, and you turn your attention back to your computer. I’m in the home stretch, just need to add a couple more fine details and I’m free to take a break.
A small hand squeezes your side and you laugh while pushing it away from you.
“Spamton.” You shoot him a stern look. “I’m. Busy.”
You blink. “Busy with…what?”
He smirks in a way that makes you feel uneasy. “TRYING TO [Help] You.”
“Well you’re doing, aha, quite the opposite.” He pokes you again and you can’t stop a tiny giggle from escaping.
“NONSENSE.” You feel a slight pressure on you as he glitches in front of you, kneeling in your lap. “I’M THE [#1 Top Rated] BEST HELP [Money Can Buy]!”
You have no time to protest as he kneads his fingers across your stomach, your words instantly dissolving into a fit of giggles.
“SEE? YOU’RE [Increased Productivity] WITH THIS [One Simple Trick].” He digs his thumbs into your soft midsection and you yelp, grabbing his hands on your own. His face falls when he looks up to see a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“You know what would really help increase my productivity?” You keep one of his hands in your own and move the other to rest on his hip.
“NOW [Wait! There’s More!], HOLD ON.” He attempts to free his wrist from your hand, and you smirk as you tighten your grip.
“If I had a stress ball to squeeze.”
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