#or happy to see her sis take pleasure from it
space-blue · 2 years
Hi, I love your posts and meta. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Why was Vi so disturbed at Jinx's violence during fights? It's shown that Vi herself uses extreme violence in fight scenes and even has no problem killing (the factory scene comes to mind - obliterating ribs and internal organs, throwing people off the bridge, had no problem with Jayce blasting people with a Hextech gun).
Both Jinx and Vi have callously used lethal force while fighting their opponents and rivals. Jinx laughs as she shoots Firelights, Vi also grins and winks at Jayce after destroying a Shimmer soldier. Another scene is when Vi is horrified by Jinx bombing Enforcers on the bridge but didn't Vi used to encourage her to perfect her bombs to use on their enemies?
I thought maybe young Vi simply didn't realize the gravity of what she was encouraging Jinx to do in her passionate rage as a young girl, and only once she grows up and actually witnesses the aftermath of such violence that she's horrified and regrets teaching Jinx those things.
But this explanation doesn't really mesh with how Vi was acting during the factory fight, brutal and hyped about it. Maybe she was specifically shocked at Jinx's carelessness as she was shooting (since she almost hit Vi) and clocked it as mental instability, instead of being shocked at the violence itself? But then her disapproval of Jinx's attack on Enforcers is confusing...
What are your thoughts on this? Is there something I'm missing here?
Heya Anon!
You honour me with your praises... I'll try my best to make it clear. Disclaimer that it's just my perception of things.
Let's get a visual :
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Vi's violence is her own, and is a positive thing to her. It's how she earned respect. Her father figure used the same sort of violence and respect. Probably taught her boxing. It's part of her identity and I don't think she could imagine herself not using her fists. Her morality is obviously tied to herself. If Vi thinks someone needs their ass beat, it's not a negative thing to her.
Powder's bombs aren't a negative either because they are for their "team". Vi can only conceive of Powder's bomb as being in their service, to use against their enemies. She doesn't grasp yet how such things can backfire (right until they finally work, and cost them everything).
Vi is in prison for over 5 years and shows the entire laundry list of arrested development. When she leaves Stillwater she is looking for Powder, not Jinx. Powder is her baby sister who is weak, pathetic and cute. She draws silly faces on toy bombs that don't work. Vi has never updated her vision of her sister. I think that her accepting Jinx as an adult who can protect herself would be tentamount to admitting she missed all of that, missed being a sister who could protect and raise her. This is inextricably tied to Silco raising Jinx with love and care, another reality Vi refuses flat out, several times. All of this contributes to her not really computing when she sees Jinx acting like Jinx.
That being said, I don't think Vi looks at Jinx all shocked just because she uses violence... I mean, Jinx looks like she's ENJOYING herself trying to shoot people, and Vi's look comes right after Jinx nearly killed her out of sloppiness. I think it's fair to say we would all be disturbed if our long lost sibling made that sort of face while trying to kill people.
When Vi teams up with Jayce, she's not killing the way Jinx kills, and she's not seeing her opponents in the same way either. The people she's targeting are 1/Silco's goons and 2/in shimmer suits. They're monsters to her eyes, monsters in the Big Monster's employ. Killing them is probably meaningless to her (and the show makes sub zero efforts to humanise them, unlike the addicts Silco uses later). Vi immediately breaks off with Jayce after he kills Reni's son, and shows real sorrow over his death. She doesn't want to hurt Zaunites, but I bet that in her mind people who work for Silco are either victims (factory kids, Jinx) or trash (Sevika, goons)... The later she clearly doesn't mind maiming and killing. Vi has a very black and white vision of the world. Doesn't help to spend your formative years in a prison cell.
There's an edge of protectiveness too. Big sister instincts. Vi voices how she wants "better" for Powder. Violence isn't something she wants for her sister. When she says she wants a better world for her, it implies she wants a world in which she doesn't have to suffer physical pain and kill people. Until the bombing on the bridge that kills Marcus and enforcers, Vi has never seen Jinx/Powder willingly kill anyone. The shootout against the Firelights would be a shock even if Jinx weren't clearly enjoying herself. She's already showing extreme proficiency for violence, meaning there's been a lot of it in her life.
Vi and Jinx have polar opposite ways of fighting. Vi always attacks head on, punch now talk later. She's got a virtuous side to herself (I'm right, my enemies are wrong, I punch my enemies to punching is good). Meanwhile Jinx is a spider. She plans ahead, uses traps and contraptions, and displays vicious cruelty to her victims — the BOOM swing, the fake little girl explosion, the pretty toys turned bombs, the humiliation of hanging Sevika and painting on her, repaying the barman with a fake bomb placed with a hug... Jinx isn't showing particular cruelty when she enjoys shooting Firelights, but Vi would never gel well with her way of going about fighting anyway. I don't think that walking into the carnage of the bridge and then getting directly shot at because of Cait would really help either.
In conclusion, Vi is brutal because it's how she is. She doesn't see it as a bad thing, and being brutal to bad people = being good. She was taught this by the literal "Hound of the Underground", the man she met when he was caving enforcers' skulls in with his metal fists. To her the factory attack was retaliation and a form of justice. A backlash against the monster who "stole" and "corrupted" her baby-sister who is so cute-useless-weak and needs to be protected.
She's struggling to see things differently because prison has completely halted her emotional and mental growth.
It's pretty glaring in the Dinner Scene, when she tells Jinx still in tears over Silco's death that "everything will be all right now," like, gurl... The level of emotional disconnect for her to say that at that time...
I still think that if Jinx took Vi's side and used her bombs to kill Silco's goons and/or enforcers, Vi would see it as a net positive. She'd probably be disturbed by Jinx's enjoyment, and be dismayed her sister had to use violence as a way of life, but I doubt she'd mind the bombs for the bombs' sake.
That's my take on it at least.
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kesujo · 1 month
Chapter 3 - Miss Adorable
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Previous chapter here.
It wasn’t even the full week before Seojun had his first encounter with another succubus.
It was immediately obvious that she was a succubus, evident by the fact that he saw her arrive not at the front door of the residence but landing on the balcony of the bedroom he was replacing the bedsheets for. What was especially startling was that it seemed like a mini-Taeyeon had landed on the balcony, her big eyes peering at him in curiosity, her wings folding back and disappearing back inside her body.
“Hello,” Seojun greeted the demoness as she stepped through the sliding glass door. Here stood another strikingly beautiful female, although her beauty laid mostly in her soft, friendly features; Seojun knew he was fortunate to have been offered the deal Taeyeon gave him, and this was just confirmation of the fact. Immediately, his mind jumped to what her naked body would look like, his eyes flickering to the soft curves of her chest and down to her hips, flickering back up at the realization that doing so was rude.
Fortunately, the mini-Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind, in fact giving him a luminescent smile. “Hello! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Yeoreum, you must be Taeyeon’s newest servant.” Her cutesy, bright voice stood in contrast to Taeyeon’s stable, confident voice. From his preconceived notions of what a succubus would be like, and because Taeyeon fit them so well, Seojun had just figured that all succubae were like her: calm, collected, oozing with an aura of sexiness, and carrying about her enough confidence to make a rabid wolf whimper. However, in just her greeting, Seojun could tell that his assessment was wrong, thankfully not disastrously so since Yeoreum seemed just too friendly. Which, in retrospect, was a ridiculous thing to just now realize, because of course succubae would have different personalities, just as humans did.
“In a few days, yes. It’s nice to meet you Yeoreum, my name is Seojun.”
Yeoreum laughed, waving her hand dismissively at his overly polite mannerisms. “There’s no need to be so formal! Is Big Sis Taeyeon home right now?”
“Yeah, I think—”
“Oh Yeoreum, you’re here?” Seojun turned at the sound of Taeyeon’s steady voice, seeing Taeyeon at the entrance of the bedroom. “I see you’ve already met Seojun.”
She nodded animatedly, strolling up to the man and slinging an arm around his shoulders. Seojun jumped slightly at the contact, trying his best to not let the pleasant feeling of her smooth skin or the pleasant smell of her hair brushing against his cheek. “Yep! We’re best friends already. Right, Seojun?”
“A-Are we?” he asked back, his laugh laced with traces of nervousness.
Yeoreum’s soft, red lips pulled into an adorable pout. “Whaat? What do you mean ‘are we?’”
Taeyeon laughed, clearly amused at the younger succubus’s antics. “He only learned about succubae a few days ago, give him a break.”
“…And you’re making him your servant already?”
“Yeah,” Taeyeon replied. Yeoreum turned her head to take a good look at the man whose shoulders her arm was slung around, Seojun looking back with an awkward smile on his face. Taeyeon, on the other hand, had a contemplative look on her face. “You know what, I think I’ll treat you. When did you last feed?”
The younger succubus shrugged, retracting her arms. “Two weeks ago, probably?”
The mention of the topic flared up Seojun’s imagination, images of this happy-go-lucky, adorable specimen of a female naked, of her perky tits and pink nipples shaking vigorously as she bounced on his cock, her face contorted in pleasure, her tongue lolling out, moans coming out of her parted lips in an uncontrollable stream of ecstasy flashing into his mind.
“Oh, I’m sure Seojun will give you more than your fill. But first, what did you come here for?”
The younger demoness pouted again, jumping forward and grabbing the arm of the bemused Taeyeon. “Can’t I visit my Big Sis when I miss her?”
Taeyeon laughed, her eyes sparkling with a joy Seojun had never seen before. He could understand why; Yeoreum was so adorable in every way, from her mannerisms to her voice to even her choice of clothing, Seojun couldn’t help but smile. To think just last week, he was some random nobody who spent his twenty-something years without having a girlfriend; now, he was in the same room with two top-class beauties who seemed to actually want him there. The very idea seemed to jump straight out of some poorly written porno, but here he was, in the presence of two dazzlingly attractive young-appearing women he would’ve never even dared to dream of having any kind of relationship with.
“Aww, you missed your Big Sis?” Taeyeon cooed, her mellowing facial features showing that she finally gave in to the barrage of cuteness Yeoreum was assaulting her with, wrapping her arms around the smaller succubus. “How have you been? Still getting used to everything? Did you discover your Trait yet?”
“Oh!” Yeoreum’s eyes lit up with excitement, an adorable, toothy smile aimed at Seojun’s mistress-to-be. “I didn’t tell you yet because I wanted to show you, but it finally manifested! I’ve been practicing these last few years and was hoping to show you.”
Taeyeon laughed, unable to help herself from patting the head of the animated female. “Is that so? Well, luckily for you, I have just the opportunity for you.” The two sets of eyes moved to Seojun, who in turn felt a spike of anxiety and anticipation. “You probably can’t tell, right? That he’s a delicacy?”
Yeoreum’s nose crinkled as she tested her nose but to no avail. She shook her head, another pout forming on her lips. “I can’t…”
The smile on Taeyeon’s face stayed as she replied, “It’s fine, you’ll get there. Take some time to acquaint yourself with Seojun’s kind of scent, you’ll regret letting such delicacies slip between your fingers. But I doubt you’ll ever find anyone as great as Seojun.” Hearing Taeyeon so proudly boast about him created a swelling sense of pride inside the albeit embarrassed man—but at the same time, hearing the praise be for something that he, for all he knew, had absolutely no control over gave him mixed feelings. He once harbored jealousy towards those actors and idols with great genetics that granted them handsome faces and great bodies, but now Seojun felt like a hypocrite. Through little effort of his own—in fact, less so than those celebrities, as they had to work hard to maintain their great bodies despite having good genes—he gained the benefits of attracting Taeyeon simply for … what, happening create the type of semen that massively appealed to succubae?
But above all, hearing the boastful way Taeyeon talked about him to Yeoreum gave him a confidence he, the loner guy that he was, never felt before. It felt almost dangerous, the amount of confidence that was ballooning in his chest, and Seojun reveled in it. Screw all those complicated thoughts about ‘not deserving this’; he worked plenty hard up until this point in his life. And really, who was he to complain about the great sex he’s been having with Taeyeon the past few days, and now with Yeoreum? Just the thought of her long eyelashes fluttered shut, her plump lips parted slightly, her round tits jiggling at the fierce motion of her fucking herself with his cock made it twitch in anticipation.
“When was the last time you had an orgasm?”
Yeoreum contemplated that, an action too cute considering the question being posed. “I don’t know, maybe a decade or two ago?”
“And you know how infrequently I orgasm, right?” Yeoreum nodded, unsure where the conversation was going. “Well, the first time we fucked, Seojun brought me to orgasm.” Yeoreum’s eyes widened, her eyes landing on Seojun. He shuddered, again feeling the predatory look directed at him, but this time from eyes not from Taeyeon, but Yeoreum. Hearing those words, something about Yeoreum changed; whereas before her facial expression carried primarily an innocent excitement, now hidden within were hints of arousal and desire.
“Do you want a taste?”
Yeoreum, with her face turned towards Seojun, nodded with such a brilliant display of excitement that Seojun felt nearly blinded by it. “Yeah! May I?”
Seojun suddenly froze up. Wait. Right now? Right here? In front of Taeyeon?
He had gotten used to Taeyeon, although he would be lying if he said that having sex with her still didn’t make him feel anxious about his performance. But at least with Taeyeon, he had the confidence Taeyeon instilled in him over the few sessions they’ve had. It was mere minutes ago that Seojun met Yeoreum. Could he please her? What if he didn’t and embarrassed Taeyeon? What if he did so badly that not only Yeoreum regarded him with disgust, but so did Taeyeon? What if she ended up abandoning him? He couldn’t have that. This was the best thing that’s ever happened in his life—he wasn’t about to let himself lose it.
“Mmhm. And don’t by embarrassed or anxious, Seojun. Just pretend Yeoreum is me.”
Taeyeon’s comforting words helped appease his anxiety a little, but what truly did the trick was the adorable way Yeoreum skipped up to him and guided him onto the bed, saying with an addictively excited tone, “It’ll be more comfortable on the bed, come on!”
A smile sprouted on Seojun’s face: Yeoreum was giving off very strong dongsaeng, young-and-energetic-junior-at-work-who-was-assigned-to-shadow-you kind of vibes, so much so that Seojun was startled when she entrapped his legs between her slim, milky-soft thighs. Her butt was planted on his legs, a few inches in front of his knees, her arms at the hem of his shirt, already moving to pull it off. “Wha—?” But Seojun caught himself, unfortunately not before Yeoreum caught on to what he was saying.
“What do you mean?” she said, giggling in a criminally adorable manner, “Of course we have to be naked for sex!”
Hearing the word from such a cutesy voice was jarring, but that sharp juxtaposition somehow made it all the sexier. “Right.”
Hearing the stiffness in his voice, Yeoreum’s smile shifted into a gentle one. She patted his shoulder gently after removing his shirt. “Aw, don’t be shy~” she insisted, caressing his significantly more built arm—something Seojun had spent next to zero effort in the past few days to obtain. “Let’s do it comfortably, OK? Unlike Big Sis Taeyeon, I like more normal things.”
Taeyeon scoffed, eliciting another giggle from Yeoreum. “Well, excuse me.”
“Sorry Taeyeon, love you!” Yeoreum exclaimed, making a big heart with her arms directed at the smiling older female.
“I’m just going to go into my office and brood about how weird I am.” It was Taeyeon’s turn to pout, Yeoreum’s smile growing only wider in reaction.
“Noo, staay~” she insisted, reaching out to her while remaining on Seojun’s lap. “You’re not weird~”
“You want me to stay and watch you have sex with someone? Are you sure being an exhibitionist doesn’t qualify you as being weird?”
The younger succubus burst into a twinkling laughter, her eyes disappearing into black crescent moons. Everything about the laughter, from the pleasant sound of it to the way her face brightened, transferred over to Seojun like a contagious virus. “Don’t say that! You’ll give Seojun weird ideas!”
“It’s OK Yeoreum, I don’t think you’re weird even if you are into exhibitionism.”
“I’m not!” she whined, “See Taeyeon? You’re already giving him weird ideas!”
“Well, he said that he liked that, didn’t he?”
Both of their gazes fell onto him suddenly, causing Seojun to stammer from the sudden attention from both sets of beautiful eyes. “U-Uh, did I? No, I didn’t, but I don’t mind.”
Hearing that, Yeoreum perked up. “OK, so are you ready?”
Seojun didn’t even realize until then, but that brief exchange greatly eased his nerves. Was it an intentional ploy from Yeoreum, or did it happen by chance? Seeing the excited gleam in her cat-like eyes and the confident, playful smile on her cherry-red lips made the prospect of fucking the second insanely attractive female of the week seem suddenly less daunting, and it was then that Seojun decided that Yeoreum’s bubbly, friendly, cute personality just naturally put the people around her at ease. “Are you?”
Seojun tried for a bit of confidence, and hearing Yeoreum’s sly reply, he was thankful it paid off. “Come here and find out.”
Seojun acquiesced, reaching forward and pulling the frame-hugging, midriff-exposing top she was wearing off, leaving her in a white bra that, unfortunately, did a fantastic job covering her womanly bits. “Damn, your body feels so nice,” Seojun commented, his hands gliding over her silky-smooth skin, reaching around her arms and unclasping the bra that was holding her mounds upright. As he let the piece of undergarment down, so too did Yeoreum’s breasts, the pink nipples sitting atop each mound candidly pointing at the mattress they were seated on. “And your boobs are bigger than they look.” Seojun’s hands traveled to her supple boobs, feeling the marshmallow-y texture of the twin mounds in his palms and fingers.
Enamored with the softness of her breasts, Seojun’s hands stayed on them, eyes locked onto Yeoreum’s malleable mounds under the assault of his hands. Seojun could feel a rush in equal parts of serotonin and arousal, Yeoreum’s soft sighs and mewls of approval only aiding in it. “Your hands … you’re so rough … but it feels so good…” Her eyes were lightly closed, her lips pressed together, her fists clenched at her sides, her chest moving with the rhythm of her deepening breaths.
“Hmm, I can at least tell that your tits are ready,” he said, capturing both erect nubs between his fingers and gently squeezing them. Yeoreum let out a cute yelp, her back arching into his hands. Everything about her was soft, from her skin to her voice even to the way she reacted to his hands, yet another stark contrast to Taeyeon. With Taeyeon, even if she played the role as the submissive, Seojun always knew in the back of his mind that Taeyeon was the one in charge; with Yeoreum, it was different. Her entire body submitted to him easily, as if it was only natural.
“Seojun…” her whine still kept her cutesy tone, something that surprisingly turned Seojun on even more. There was just something about the adorable demoness maintaining her cuteness while her sexy body squirmed under his touch that was immensely appealing to him.
“Look at these cute little pink buttons, just waiting to be pressed,” Seojun continued, his fingers playing with the peaks of both mountains. It was addicting, not just feeling Yeoreum’s boobs inside his hands but also listening to her soft sounds of satisfaction.
“Stop teasing mee…” she pouted, her eyes opening and capturing Seojun’s gaze. His eyes flickered towards her big, dark-brown orbs, immediately enraptured in the longing expression on her face. Maybe it was the contrast between the adorable pout on her face and the sexy body of the woman sitting on his legs, or maybe it was the adorableness of the pout itself, but Seojun found himself obliging to Yeoreum’s silent request.
“Do you want it?”
Seojun’s domineering side came out naturally, or perhaps it was Yeoreum herself who drew it out. Despite most definitely being older than him, her youthful appearance instilled inside Seojun a feeling of superiority, the natural aegyo in her every action only promoting his desire to be in control. Thankfully, Yeoreum was more than happy to oblige.
She reached forward to the hem of Seojun’s pants, but he stopped her before she could do much else. “Nuh uh,” he teased her, “Did I say you could do that?”
Yeoreum retracted her hands, a guilty look befalling her face. “I’m sorry…”
Seojun couldn’t help but break character for a bit, a smile stretching the corner of his lips apart. “Let’s do yours first.”
Before he could even move, Yeoreum’s tail whipped out from behind her and tore the cloth cleanly off her legs, casually tossing the bisected clothing to the side of the bed. And there was another sign of Seojun’s enhancements; although he couldn’t react to Yeoreum’s speed, his eyes could follow her movements whereas before they couldn’t. “Oh, or you can just do that.”
Yeoreum giggled, scooching closer to Seojun. “Sorry, I’m just a little impatient. You can feel how wet I am, right?”
Seojun nodded, biting his lip in an attempt to contain the moan at the feeling of her wet folds rubbing her secreted sticky fluids onto his upper thighs. Although this was the first time feeling a woman’s wet folds rubbing against his leg, Seojun couldn’t help but feel like it felt better than it should’ve felt. Was it just him? Was it something to do with Yeoreum? “Just from Taeyeon’s description?”
It was Yeoreum’s turn to nod this time, the cute, opened-mouth smile never leaving her face. “What can I say? I’m an excitable person.”
“All this excitement,” Seojun retook control of the situation, his arm wrapping around her slim waist and his hand cupping her shapely ass, his index and middle finger reaching down and sliding along the slippery tissue of her entrance. Yeoreum yelped again, her cat-like eyes trained on him as another wave of pleasure washed over her small, sexy frame. “Just for me?”
She nodded, not losing an ounce of the adorable excitement she carried with her since the first moment of their encounter. “For you! Are you going to take responsibility for making me this excited?”
Again, Seojun was hit with another reality check: with Taeyeon, she always seemed so different while having sex than when carrying herself elsewhere. It wasn’t precisely that she lost her sex appeal when they weren’t fucking, it was just that Taeyeon tapped into that side of her more during sex. What this did to Seojun was establish a notion that a person completely changed during sex, to the point that he found himself copying Taeyeon in adapting the same type of personality change while doing the deed. However, Yeoreum lost none of her cuteness, but somehow added onto it a layer of sexiness that caused his arousal to flare higher and higher. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
Yeoreum giggled again, the beautiful noise resonating inside Seojun’s mind like an addicting song. “Well, are you going to just touch my pussy with your fingers, or are you going to impale it with that throbbing cock you have still hidden inside your pants?”
What was especially startling about the inquiry was the way Yeoreum’s playful, cute tone didn’t disappear in the slightest, even while saying such filthy words. “Why don’t you remove my pants and find out just how much my cock is throbbing and how ready it is to violate your tiny pussy?”
In a slight break of her cutesy character, Yeoreum bit the corner of her strikingly red lower lip in anticipation, her dark tail whipping out from behind her and stripping Seojun of both his shorts and boxers in one stroke, the two pieces of clothing tossed to the side. Yeoreum finally broke eye contact with him, her eyes drawn to the swollen tip of Seojun’s dick already oozing with a sliver of precum. “Oh, can’t waste this,” she chirped, her right hand reaching down and collecting the viscous bodily fluid between her thumb and index finger, swiftly bringing it to her lips.
Her eyes went wide as her tongue greedily lapped up the appetizer.
“Now you can tell why I was so quick to make him my servant, right?”
“Yeah … oh my…”
Hearing Taeyeon’s voice suddenly reminded Seojun that she was still in the room, but the casual way she and Yeoreum addressed each other calmed the embarrassment that he started to feel.
Yeoreum’s eyes snapped back to Seojun’s, that hungry predatory look reappearing in her gaze. “And you have more of that?”
Seojun, in part thanks to Yeoreum’s excessive friendliness, was already feeling comfortable enough to repeat her words from minutes before, “Why don’t you come and find out?”
Yeoreum giggled again, in such a cute and playful way that one might’ve never guessed she was naked, sitting inches away from a man’s fully erect penis. “I would be glad to. Don’t mind if I do~”
Seojun’s hands went to cup the soft skin of her butt in his hands, spreading her cheeks apart as she closed in and lowered herself onto his manhood. Her lips parted, a deep breath entering her lungs as his dick slipped between her soaking wet pussy lips and into her hot core.
Immediately, Seojun could feel it: the hotness of Yeoreum’s vaginal walls squeezing his dick, his entire body shuddering at the feeling of the sensitive sex organ pushing through the impossibly tight canal his cock was submerged inside, and the copious amounts of Yeoreum’s honey being slathered along the length of his shaft. After feeling his cock fully submerged inside the mewling succubus, Seojun could already start feeling his breath shortening. “Fuck,” he groaned, half in lust and half in confusion as to why he was already brought to this state.
“Do you like it? Do you like my pussy?”
This time, her whisper was much more sensual. Her slim arms were wrapped around his nape, her gaze gaining a fervor, rotating her hips against his groin with purpose. A smirk had now overtaken her features, but there was still a playful edge to it. “Yeah, fuck, you feel so good.”
It wasn’t long before Seojun could feel something strange. Not the sinking-feeling-in-his-stomach kind of strange, but a confused kind of strange. As both Yeoreum and Seojun’s intensity increased and his vision from before came into fruition, he found that the ecstatic pleasure he was feeling was seemingly increasing without bounds. It wasn’t even that he was reaching his orgasm faster, it was just that with every connecting stroke, the pleasure from the action increased. Seojun could feel his body tense and shudder more and more with every bounce until Seojun could barely even focus on the ordinarily incredibly distracting pair of bouncing tits in front of him. “Fuck, what…?”
“What do you think?” Although there was a clear strain in her voice, the cute edge returned to her voice.
“You can feel it, right?” Her playful, teasing voice paired with the cute smile on her face drew a chuckle out from Seojun.
“Wha—ah, shit!” Seojun jumped when he felt her foot press against the part of his leg that had been smeared with the first traces of the younger succubus’s arousal.
“How about that?”
“What—what is that?”
“That’s my Trait. I can make anything my bodily fluid touches feel more pleasure. Like this.” With that being her only warning, she reached down and took his hands, peppering his palms and fingers with kisses. When she was done, her gaze landed back onto his, the smile returning to her face. “I noticed you staring at my boobs: try feeling them now.”
Seojun obliged, cupping her ample bust inside his hands. And, sure enough, the surge of euphoria he felt at the touch nearly pushed a moan out of his mouth. “Oh, shit,” he instead murmured, the second wave of ecstatic pleasure joining the one that already existed from feeling Yeoreum’s hot core around his cock.
“Does it feel good?”
“Fuck, yes, I never thought feeling boobs could feel this fucking good.”
It was like that initial feeling of entering Yeoreum, that initial spark of pleasure, fantasy and desire being transformed into reality, only that feeling never faded. The feeling was kept at a sustained high, even growing and building with each resonating slap of her ass onto his groin, each synchronized thrust inside her building that feeling of pleasure. The pleasure shooting through his body grew and grew, as did the impending orgasm that was building inside him. Her mouth widened to a smile, the playful glint in her eyes never leaving despite a cloud of lust starting to overtake them. Their movements sped back up, the room soon filled with the wet sounds of Yeoreum’s butt against Seojun’s crotch and a musky scent of sex.
“Seojun…” Yeoreum’s whine carried about with it a musical quality to it, as if she was singing. Her slim legs were wrapped firmly around his waist, her jiggling boobs being held in place and kneaded by Seojun’s hands, her core repeatedly penetrated by his hardened member. With each stroke, Seojun could feel his dick became more drenched, and with every layer of bodily fluid coating its surface area, the pleasure increased. “Oh, you’re so rough!”
“This is another benefit of having a servant: his stamina and strength, especially during sex, is much greater than that of normal males.”
“Then, I-I need to learn to make one myself soon…” Yeoreum panted, her eyes closed and her lips parted.
“Mmm fuck, here comes,” Seojun’s warning came only a fraction of a second before the tension inside his body released all at once, a thick stream of the viscous sustenance flowing directly into the smaller succubus’s body.
“Oh … Oh!” Yeoreum’s body shuddered violently against Seojun’s, the high-quality semen shocking every nerve in her body and then some. “Oh-Oh my god!” Yeoreum yelped, the absorption of Seojun’s load shocking her lewd body into orgasm.
Although he was already half-way done with his orgasm, the sudden crash of more invigorating juice assaulting his shaft pumped his body with more adrenaline. The pair moaned incoherently, Yeoreum enjoying the delectable meal while Seojun felt his orgasm intensify midway through, his hips desperately pumping into the fleshy chamber, convulsing and squeezing his dick like it was attempting to draw out every last drop of semen from his balls. It was only after Yeoreum’s orgasm subsided that Seojun finally felt the euphoric high dwindle down.
The cute, younger succubus took a second to catch her breath before dismounting Seojun.
“Not bad, right?”
She nodded, evidently not done yet as she kneeled at the edge of the mattress whose bedsheets Seojun had just cleaned. “I want more,” she said, pulling her hair back with one hand while the other casually rested on his leg, her big eyes staring up at him, her mouth opened into the adorable toothy grin she sported. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Yeoreum turned around, facing Taeyeon nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just orgasmed in front of the older female. “What did you think? Of my Trait?”
“It’s really interesting. You can do some really interesting things with it, I can imagine. But I think it’s best used in combination with multiple people; maybe I can introduce you to Jessica, a friend of mine.”
“Hm…” she nodded thoughtfully, a second later offering, “Then, why don’t you join us?”
“I need to wait a bit longer with Seojun, but I can still help.”
Although Seojun was confused, Yeoreum squealed in delight and turned back around, her hands landing inches away from his damp crotch. “What…?”
“Just sit back and let me do all the work, OK?” Yeoreum gave Seojun one last dazzlingly bright smile before lowering her head. Taeyeon’s hand came up from behind, keeping her hair out of the way as Yeoreum’s tight, warm lips embraced the perimeter of his dick, her hands gently caressing the base of his shaft and his balls. Seojun’s body yet again filled with a crackling sensation of pure ecstasy, his groans drowned out by the loud slurping noise made from Yeoreum’s blowjob.
Even to Seojun, a man who received his first blowjob just days ago, he could tell the chasm of difference between Taeyeon and Yoereum: every single motion Taeyeon made, every lick, the angling of her head, the unobstructed ease at which she blew him, even her facial expressions were precise and meaningful. Yeoreum, while no amateur, was noticeably wetter and sloppier; however, Seojun wondered if it was meaningful as he could feel the saliva coating his shaft turning the blowjob into a more and more pleasurable experience.
The added factor of Taeyeon sitting to the side, keeping her hair out of the way and guiding Yeoreum as she bobbed up and down, each up-and-down motion infusing Seojun with more arousal. However, he didn’t even have time to adjust to it, feeling Taeyeon gently place a hand on his leg, shortly afterwards feeling a second wet tightness clamp around his member. Yeoreum let out a surprised moan, the reverberations coursing out from Yeoreum’s mouth and directly into Seojun through his reproductive organ. The two jumped almost in unison as Taeyeon’s tail, transmogrified into Seojun’s dick, plunged deep into Yeoreum’s greedy pussy.
“Fuck,” Seojun groaned, his fists tightening and his muscles clenching, Yeoreum’s lower half moving in accommodation to the sudden, but welcome, intrusion.
“Mm, that’s a good girl,” Taeyeon cooed while Yeoreum’s blowjob grew increasingly wilder, “Take in both of those dicks like a proper succubus. Think about how it’ll feel to get double the load, with Seojun’s dick both in your mouth and in your pussy.”
The thought spurred the younger immortal on even more, the fleshy, wet cavern tightening at the tantalizing prospect, her mouth swallowing the final few centimeters of Seojun’s penis. Seojun let out another string of swears, feeling Yeoreum’s soft lips briefly touch the base of his cock before coming up most of the way, shortly after plunging all the way back down. The combination of feeling his cock hit both the back of Yeoreum’s throat and brushing against the cervix at the end of her tight pussy was enough to bring Seojun quickly to the brink.
“You like that, huh? You like feeling my Seojun’s cock penetrate two of your holes at once? Does thinking about swallowing his load with both pairs of lips make you want to cum as well?” Yeoreum managed a nod, her actions growing more savage at the sultry goading of Taeyeon.
From Seojun’s vantage point, the sight was certainly one to behold. Her already small face was made smaller by the fact that it was a good few feet below from him, her dainty hands caressing his balls and upper thighs, her cat-like eyes focused intensely at the perfection of her craft. However, it was hard to appreciate the sight with how overwhelming both the impending orgasm and the immense pleasure flooding his every sense and thought, Seojun eventually conceding access to the sight to better focus on the sensations of ecstasy and pleasure he was feeling. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” A breathy moan puffed out of his lips, the tightening sensation peaking just over the edge of his willpower. He desperately held it back, wanting to revel in the blissful feeling of the combined fucking of Yeoreum’s face and her vagina, but it was a sudden, sharp, drawn-out moan from Yeoreum that did the trick for him.
His groan turned into a grunt, another wave of semen erupting from his dick like water from a broken dam, flooding into both of Yeoreum’s awaiting warm caverns, her throat flexing impressively as it took the thick, salty substance in stride while her other entrance was yet again flooded with the white fluid. Yeoreum’s own body, tingling to the max with a euphoric high, became overwhelmed with the sudden influx of the addictive substance inside her body, a second orgasm wracking her small frame as it shook and vibrated with the cadence of the cataclysmic release. Her orgasm lasted long after Seojun’s subsided, at which Yeoreum removed her mouth from his cock still reeling from the feeling of her juices washing over its length.
“God, oh god, I haven’t had anything this warm and thick in so long…” Yeoreum panted, her head hanging inches from Seojun’s penis, her chest heaving and her hands resting on his upper thighs, her legs spread and her cheeks spread, her body still shaking from the orgasm Taeyeon had promised her.
Taeyeon just smiled triumphantly at the mewling female before her. “See? Now you understand why I made him my servant, right?”
It took Yeoreum a few more moments to calm down, and when she did, Taeyeon retracted her tail, reverting it to its original form before disappearing back inside her body. In conjunction, the warmth of Yeoreum’s firm vaginal walls disappeared, his penis finally allowed to start softening. “Yeah…” she wistfully conceded, sitting on her hind legs and looking back into Seojun’s eyes. Although he had just orgasmed twice, his eyes couldn’t help but fall back onto her ample breasts, casually hanging at her chest, the pink buttons on each mound noticeably less firm but still maintaining their cute, pointed shape. “You need to teach me how to make my own servant so I can go find one of my own.”
“I told you, it’s not really teachable,” Taeyeon reminded her, reaching for her hand and gently patting the back of it, “it’s something you learn the more experience you gain controlling your life force.”
“Wait, life force?”
Taeyeon nodded. “It’s what we call it,” Taeyeon told Seojun nonchalantly, “Demons, I mean.”
Seojun was reminded again about the concept of ‘demons’, plural, implicating the existence of other supernatural beings. But after encountering two succubae, Seojun found the idea surprisingly palatable. “I see,” was the mortal man’s reply, satisfied with Taeyeon’s simplistic response for now.
Yeoreum sprang up onto her feet, again showing off her white teeth to Seojun in her adorable, toothy grin. “Thanks, Seojun! I haven’t had a good orgasm like that in multiple, multiple decades.”
 “Oh; um, no problem!”
Yeoreum giggled at Seojun’s failed attempts to mask his sudden embarrassment, using her tail to pick her shirt off the ground. When she put that on, she proceeded to scan the room only to find her messily bisected shorts. She picked it up, sheepishly smiling at Taeyeon. “Big Sis Taeyeon, do you mind if I borrow one of your clothes?”
Taeyeon laughed, agreeing to her request. Yeoreum stayed for a bit longer, enjoying dinner alongside Seojun. When he asked about it, Yeoreum revealed that she liked eating even though her body didn’t need it because her illness in her mortal life rendered hospitalized and stuck eating bad hospital food for most of her life, so when Taeyeon came and healed her by turning her into a succubus, she took advantage of her healthy body to eat as much delicious food as she could find. Seojun found this incredibly endearing and was actually a bit sad to see her go that night, but the feeling only lasted so long when Taeyeon grabbed his hand, gaining his attention.
“It’s time for tonight’s part of the ritual.”
That night, Seojun was once again reminded of how much he loved his life.
In case you were curious, Yeoreum was the first request; if you want female idol of your choosing to make an appearance on in this story, please go to my crowdfund page!
Next chapter here.
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normansnt · 8 months
The Prince
(Alastor x prince of hell!reader)
"HOLLLLYYY FUCKING SHIT (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WE ARE VISITING CHARLIEEEE" yelled your dad while bursting into your room.
You looked up at your dad startled.
"Thats great, but why are you yelling?" You asked while raising your eyebrow.
"BECAUSE WE ARE GOING NOW COME OOONNN" he continued yelling while taking your hand and dragging you out of your room and off you guys were to the Hazbin Hotel.
When you arrived your dad almost run in before you told him to tone it down he is still the king of hell who has to keep up a certain image.
This was your relationship in a nutshell. You were not at all like your father and older sister. You were calm and collected and were there to calm them down. And why you stuck with your dad? Because he was broken after your mother left and you kind of got stuck being his mental support.
You never blamed Charlie for leaving you had the chance you do that as well but you decided to stay.
Your dad entered the hotel and immediately hugged Charlie. You just calmly walked in after him.
"OOOHHHHHH YOU BROUGHT (Y/N)" yelled Charlie as well excitedly and gave you the same bone crushing hug your dad gave her earlier.
"Yeah...'m here...sis....cant...breathe" you tried to get a sentence out.
"OH yeah of course sorry"
"Its fine Im happy to see you Charlie" you smiled at her while dusting your button up shirt.
After this encounter Charlie introduced you to the rest of the residents including her girlfriend, who you were delighted to meat since Charlie always rented about her when you guys would talk.
But of course your dad managed to make that encounter awkward as well to which you just sighed a little.
Unbeknownst to you a certain radio demon had his eyes on you from the moment you entered. It was one thing that your attire was something he himself would wear and it suited your figure perfectly, quite old fashioned just like he liked it, but when he saw that seemingly you were the distinguished one in the family you have won his interest.
The way you held yourself with a straight back chin up, truly befitting a prince. He noticed that you seem to either calm down or hint to your father on how to act. It was a sight to behold for sure.
"And this here-" started Charlie nearing the stairs where Alastor appeared. "-oh, this is Alastor our beloved building manager"
"Its a pleasure to meet you sir quite the pleasure" said Alastor while shaking Lucifers hand and wiping it in his coat after.
Not paying a second more of his attention on your father he looked immediately to you.
"And this magnificent creature is the prince of hell himself I'm sure" he said while taking your hand and softly kissing your knuckles.
Your face got a bit read while he straightened back up eye contact never leaving.
"I am, it is a pleasure to meet you sir, I quite enjoy your radio podcast" you managed to get out after re-gaining your composure.
What you said was true, though. You enjoyed his brodcast, his voice, and interestingly enough your taste in music was similar, the jazz part at least.
Alastors eyes lit up at that.
"Indeed? Well I'm honored the prince of hell himself enjoys what I do, and please do call me Alastor." he smiled at you and took one of your hands in both of his while you guys just stared at each other.
"Should we do something ooor...?" Whispered angel to Husk.
However the cat was to stunned to speak. He has never seen Alastor act like this with anyone before. The radio demon was literally flirting with the prince of hell.
"WOOOOWWW ooookkkkk nononono lemme just...squeeze in here" said your father while standing between you and Alastor which was almost impossible thats how close you two stood to each other but he managed.
"If you don't mind I believe my daughter was about to show us the hotel so see ya later" said your dad hastily while pushing you away from the overlord.
"Oh, no, we built the hotel together we should show it together, right Charlie?" Grinned Alastor at the princesse
"I wouldn't mind at all to show the lovely little prince around" he smiled at you and offered you his arm which you gladly took.
All this while Lucifer was glaring daggers at Alastors back as you two walked off chatting happily.
And you bitches too I literally uploaded my Hazbin Hotel posts minutes ago and yall are eating it up already.
I mean ofc thank you sm for all the love (🥹🧡) but DAMN yall good? Anyone need a therapist?
Haha, just kidding...we all do.
I'm also thinking about writing a pt.2 for this so lemme know if yall would be interested😎
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and goodnight🧡🦖
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eroticnoices · 12 days
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rafe cameron x afab!reader
warnings: fluffy stuff, shower sex, slight choking, slight boob play, pet names
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rafe immediately shed his tie as soon as he walked through the front door.
His fiancé, greeted him with a warm smile and a kiss. “Long day?” she asked sympathetically. “Mhm.” rafe grunted pulling her close. “i need a shower." y/n nodded understandingly, helping Rafe unbutton his shirt “come on, I'll join you.” she said softly.
in the bathroom, they slowly undressed each other, their touches gentle and loving. the shower was steamy; the glass door fogged both from the hot water and the heat between them.
rafe backed y/n against the tile wall, his hands roaming over her slick body. “i missed you..” he murmured, before pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss.
y/n moaned softly, parting her legs to wrap around his waist. “i missed you too..”Rafe's hands tightened on her backside as he slowly entered her.
she was so warm, so welcoming. so captivating.
he buried his face in her neck as he began to move, his pace slow and loving. “rafe.” y/n breathed, her nails digging into his shoulders. “Harder, please.”
rafe growled against her neck, his hips snapping forward as he increased his pace. the sound of water hitting tile and their wet bodies slapping together filled the bathroom. y/n threw her head back, her breathing coming in short gasps as rafe drove into her.
rafe wrapped one hand around y/n’s neck, not enough to hurt, but enough to add an extra thrill. he stared down at her, his eyes dark with desire. “You like that?” he asked gruffly.
y/n could only whimper, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. rafe smirked, tightening his grip slightly as he thrust harder. “Look at me.” he commanded, his other hand coming up to roughly palm her breast. “I want to see your pretty little face when you cum on my cock.”
y/n obeyed, her eyes locking onto rafe’s as he picked up the pace even more. her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breasts bouncing with each movement. rafe leaned down to take one in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the tight nipple.
''You're so close, baby,' Rafe growled, his hand around her neck tightening even more. “i can feel you tightening around me.. Come on, baby. give it up for me. Show me how much you love me."
y/n’s mouth opened in a silent O as the pleasure became too much to bear. she convulsed around rafe, her body shaking with the force of her release. “That's it, baby, atta girl..” rafe encouraged, his voice low and soothing.
“Let it all out." rafe continued to thrust, his movements slowing as he chased his own release. y/n could feel him swelling inside of her, his grip on her neck growing almost painful.
''Fuckk, y/n..” rafe groaned, his hips jerking as he buried himself deep inside of her. he held her neck in place, his other hand coming up to slip into her mouth as he releases a loud, possessive groan as he cums deep inside of her.
y/n gagged slightly as rafe's hand muffled her cries, her body growing limp as he continued to thrust through his own release.
eventually, he removed his hands and slid out of her, helping her down to the shower floor. 'You alright, baby?" y/n nodded weakly, her eyes still closed as she tried to catch her breath. rafe chuckled softly, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. "Good," he murmured against her hair.
Rafe gently washed Y/N's hair and body, his touch tender and loving. “You're so beautiful,” he whispered, running his fingers through her wet hair. “I don't deserve you.” he helped her out of the shower and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. y/n smiled softly, leaning into rafe’s chest as he dried her off. “you deserve me.” she murmured, looking up at him with adoring eyes. “And I love you so much.”
rafe’s heart swelled with love and affection for his sweet girl.
so happy that soon he’d call you his wife.
rafe carefully dried y/n off, making sure she was warm and comfortable. he lotioned her up, with her favorite; massaging her skin until it was silky smooth. “Come on, baby.” he said softly, scooping her up in his arms, with ease.
rafe carried y/n to their bed, gently laying her down. he slipped one of his big, soft shirts over her head, the hem falling to her mid-thigh. he climbed into bed beside her, pulling her back against his chest and wrapping his arms around her waist.
rafe nuzzled into y/n's neck, pressing soft kisses to her skin. “goodnight, my sweet girl.” he whispered, his voice heavy with sleep. y/n snuggled back against him, her hand covering his where it rested on her belly.
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mariclerc · 3 months
Cute boy next door | cl16
Summary: your little one can't sleep at night thanks to the noise from your loud neighbor.
Warning: latina!hispanic reader, streamer charles (i miss him A LOT) and fluff.
Part 2
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A hallway with sleek, modern doors lining either side, the soft glow of moonlight filters through the window at the end. You stand outside one of the doors, biting your lip nervously... You hold a three-year old little girl named Lola in your arms; Lola is rubbing her eyes sleepily while she holds a stuffed animal in her little hands.
“Okay, y/n... you can do this! It's just a noise complaint and Lola needs to sleep.” you whisper to yourself.
You raise a fist to knock on the door, for a moment you doubt it, but you do it anyway.
The door swings open to reveal a handsome young man in a fitted t-shirt and sweatpants. He has a pair of glasses on and a bandana tied loosely around his forehead, he looks a little bit surprised.
“Uh... hi? Can I help you?” he asks softly.
You swallow a little bit. “Um, hola... hi... Excuse me for bothering you... I live next door, and, well...” You look down at Lola in your arms, who whimpers softly. “I don't know if you were playing loud music or something earlier? But, my little girl Lola can't sleep.” you say softly.
Charles's eyes widen in realization, he blushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I was just... streaming while playing on the simulator a bit... I didn't realize it would be so loud.” He says with sorrow in his voice.
“It's alright, don't worry too much about it.” you say shyly. “This is all new to us, we just moved here from Miami a few months ago.”
He opened his eyes in surprise and smiled.
“From Miami? Wow, that's a big change! I bet it's quite an adjustment.” He says. “Are you hispanic?” he asked softly and you nod proudly of your roots.
“Si señor, now you have two latina friends on the other side of your wall.” you say giggling. “And yes... It is quite the adjustment, especially for Lola, since she misses her abuelos terribly.” (yes sir) (grandparents)
Charles smiles warmly at the both of you, he looks so friendly and there's a pretty familiar and warm vibe about him, but you can't quite figure it out yet.
“Well, I'm Charles, by the way. Welcome to the building! It's nice to meet you both.” He says and you smile warmly.
“Nice to meet you, Charles.” you say shyly and you quickly look away. “Well, I don't want to interrupt your night of fun but it was a pleasure and thanks again.”
He smiles genuinely. “It's no problem at all, and if Lola wakes up again, don't hesitate to knock on my door... Maybe we can have coffee sometime?” He asked, there is a slight blush on his cheeks and you nod and blushed a little too.
“Coffee sounds lovely. Thank you for the offer, but, we wouldn't want to intrude though...” you were saying but he gently interrupted you.
“Not at all! Trust me, a little company is a welcome change from the roar of a Formula One engine... Besides, maybe you can teach me some Spanish, my language skills are a bit rusty.” he says quite blushing.
You blush at his words, is that a slight flirtation or is it just your head making things up? Be that as it may, you smile tenderly at him.
“That sounds good, i'm sure Lola and I would be happy to help! Alright, Charles, we'll take you up on that coffee offer then.” you say and he smiles shyly.
Charles beams. “Great! Just let me know when... Here's my phone, you can write your number there!” He says, extending his hand to give you his cell phone and you do the same.
You write your number and schedule yourself as: "y/n the latina neighbor 🤍" He writes down his number on your cell phone and books himself as: "Charlie the nice neighbor ❤️" you smile tenderly when you see the red heart next to it.
“Well, I should go to my apartment... Good night Charles and thank you again... For understanding.” You say sweetly and he smiles, showing off his dimples. "dios que lindo luce con sus hoyuelos" you think while looking at him. (God how cute he looks with his dimples)
He smiles widely. “It's no big deal y/n! Have a good night you two, sweet dreams.” he says softly and smiles.
You smile back and walk into your apartment, feeling something strange and cozy in your chest. You place Lola on her bed and give her a little kiss on her forehead, meanwhile, your head won't stop thinking about the cute, handsome neighbor next door and you're sure that his shy smile will probably stay stuck in your head for days and weeks.
“Si mami Lola y yo estamos bien” You say while talking on the phone with your mom. “Y no, todavía no he ido a tomar café con el lindo vecino, mamá por dios! Que preguntas.” You say a little excited, Lola giggles at your reaction. (yes mommy Lola and I are fine) (and no, I still haven't gone to have coffee with the cute neighbor, mom for God's sake! What do you ask)
You were talking to your mom on the phone, what you told your mom was a "little white lie", since you were finishing getting ready to go to your coffee and dessert date with Charles and Lola, who was already dressed and looked like a cute little princess. You and Charles had been talking for several weeks by text and so on, he even sometimes stopped by your apartment before going to his, Lola likes his company, it's very fun for you to see the two of them interact. While you finish putting some of Lola's things in your bag, the door rings.
“Mami te llamo luego, sí? Te quiero mucho, bendición!” You say hanging up the call as you walk to the door. (Mommy, I'll call you later, okay? I love you so much, blessing!)
When you open the door you find a smiling Charles holding a bouquet of lilies, he was wearing his glasses and was dressed very casually but a little elegant at the same time, Lola came up behind you and smiled when she saw Charles.
“Hello there, señoritas! Ready for our afternoon of coffee and good desserts?” He says and you smile when you hear him speak Spanish, even if it's just a little bit. “These are for you y/n! I hope you like them, I think they are pretty just like you.” He says in a whisper and you blush when you hear his words. (ladies)
You take the bouquet of lilies from his hands and smile at his cute but meaningful gesture.
“Hello Charlie! Aww, you didn't have to do it.” You say as you place the bouquet in a vase, Lola looks at the bouquet curiously. “Mira mi amor, son unas flores muy lindas, no lo crees?” you say softly to Lola and she smiles. (Look my love, they are very pretty flowers, don't you think?)
“Flores! Dindas!” Lola says happy (flowers! cute!)
Charles smiles as he sees you two speaking in Spanish, a warm and cozy feeling is present in his chest.
“I guess you both liked the flowers!” He says smiling and with his cheeks red. “So let's go? Those desserts await us!” He says quite enthusiastically and Lola giggles, you close the door to your apartment and walk with them down the hallway.
He linked his arm with yours and you carried Lola with your other arm, to be honest, it looked like an image straight out of a movie, but that made you happy.
The three of you sat at a table a little far away from the crowd, but it had a nice view. You ordered an espresso and a pain au chocolat, you also ordered the same thing for Lola, only instead of the espresso you ordered her a strawberry milkshake in children's size. And Charles ordered a cappuccino with a small strawberry pie.
Charles's company was quite nice and comfortable, it was as if there had always been a place for him in yours and Lola's life and also a place for the two of you in his.
He looks at Lola while she drinks her milkshake and smiles. “Lola looks so pretty and cute!” He says as he strokes Lola's hair and she smiles. “You know? From what little I have seen I can say that you are a really good mom.” He says in a whisper and you smile slightly.
You look at him, finishing your pain au chocolat and feeding Lola with hers. “Thank you... Sometimes it's hard, especially when it's just the two of us, this thing about being a mother and father at the same time is... Complicated, but satisfying in a way.” You say as you let out a light sigh.
“I wouldn't want to bother you with this, but... Why did you move here? You two alone, venturing to the other side of the world.” He asks softly, he doesn't want to invade your privacy or bother you.
You nod shyly. “Well... It was something complicated for both of us back in Miami, but I think it has been worth it so far.” you say while you look at Lola and you look back at him. “You see, her "dad" didn't want kids and his most logical solution was to leave me after four years together, to be honest my father almost killed him...” You say and let out a small chuckle. “I had an apartment and I lived there while I was pregnant, after having Lola my ex wanted to come back and threatened me multiple times, which is not very nice as a first-time mother.” You sighed. “When Lola was 6 months old I decided to return to my parents' house.” you say looking at your little girl. “Ese desgraciado maldito.” You mumbled in spanish. “We decided to move here because I got a good job offer as a freelancer in a good business here... and to escape from my ex's harassment, to be honest.” you giggled shyly. (that damned bastard)
He looked at you in shock, he never thought someone could do something like that. “Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you.” he said softly. “But you two are so amazing and cool! And, well, it's his loss at the end of the day.” He says and you smile a little.
“You couldn't have said it better Charles.”
Lola smiles and stretches her little hands towards Charles's strawberry pie, he smiles as he sees her stretch out her little hands towards him.
“Fresas!” Lola says animated and happy. (strawberries!)
“Mi cielo pero si acabaste de comer tu pain au chocolat! Let Charlie eat his pie, okay?” You say a little blushing at the almost embarrassing moment that Lola puts you through. (My dear but you just ate your pain au chocolat)
Charles giggled at Lola's antics and your words. “You know, it's okay! I have no problem giving you guys some of the pie... At the end of the day, it is to share with you!” he smiles and blushed.
Then he cut a little of the pie into three equal pieces for the three of you, you just smile at his cute gesture towards the two of you, Lola smiles and takes her spoon to start eating the piece of pie, she looks very happy while eating the delicious dessert, you took a spoonful and the sweet and fresh taste of the strawberries invaded your mouth, you closed your eyes happily, savoring the pie. Charles smiled when he saw your reaction, he thought it was super cute and sweet.
Between the two of you you've shared a few glances while talking about totally mundane and simple things, even though he may have all the money in the world for you he's a pretty down to earth guy and you appreciate that.
After having gone to a small park where Lola played a lot on slides and trampolines, the three of you went back to the building with satisfied and somewhat tired smiles on your faces.
“Come here my honey, let me carry you, okay?” You tell Lola as you try to pick her up, but she refuses. “Oh, don't you want me to carry you inside?” you ask her softly.
She looked at the green-eyed boy who was standing next to you with a smile on his face. “Chaaa! 'ould you carry me? Pweasee...” she said and Charles looked at you as if asking your permission to do so, you just nodded at him.
“Can I?” he asked shyly and you nod again.
“Yup, you can carry her inside. I don't have a problem with that.” you said timidly and he approached you to bend down and take Lola in his arms and walk into the building.
For you it was a super cute image, it was as if it had happened before, as if all the pieces fit together, as if he were the missing piece of the puzzle. You smiled as you walked a few steps behind them, you had a strange feeling in your chest, a feeling of belonging, something you hadn't felt in recent months and in the last three years, Lola looked quite comfortable in the green-eyed man's arms while they talked about... You don't know, maybe they talk about superheroes or princesses? You have no idea, but the smile on your girl's face is inexplicable.
When you reach your apartment floor he lowers Lola to the ground, but she didn't want to get out of his arms.
“Noooo, I don't wanna go in!” Lola says, hiding her face on his shoulder.
You unlock the door, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Maybe she wants a piggyback ride all the way in?” You say, letting out a small giggle and he blushes.
Charles turns, a playful glint in his eyes. “Is that true, little princess? Well, hold on tight, we have an adventure.” he whispers softly at Lola and she had a bright smile.
He ducks through the doorway, carrying a giggling Lola into your apartment. You follow, a warm feeling blossoming in your chest. The door shuts behind you with a soft click, and Charles carefully navigates the small hallway, Lola clinging to his back like a happy koala, you can't help but laugh as you watch them.
“Alright, superhero princess, your chambers await!” you say towards Lola.
Lola throws her head back and lets out a peal of laughter. Charles reaches her bedroom door, a hint of shyness creeping into his smile. “Is this the secret superhero lair?”
Lola nods vigorously. “Yes! But, shh, it's a secret, 'kay?”
You smile at your little girl. “Our little secret, superhero. Now, how about we get you out of your superhero suit? Bed time awaits.”
You reach out and gently take Lola's hand, ready to help her down. But Lola hesitates, her eyes flickering between you and Charles.
“Can Charl tuck me in tonight, Mommy?” she asked softly.
The unexpected request catches you off guard. A warmth spreads through your chest, a surprising mix of shyness and something deeper. You glance at Charles, his gaze warm and understanding.
“Would you like that, y/n?” You meet his eyes, a silent question hanging in the air. Would it be okay? Would it be crossing a line? Charles seems to sense your hesitation. “Of course, it's entirely up to you... Just thought maybe it would be nice for Lola to have a superhero story for bedtime.” he smiles reassuringly.
You look back at Lola, her eyes pleading with a hope you can't deny. Maybe, you think, just this once.
“Alright, superhero. But only because you saved the day from tantrums.” you say while smiling softly.
Lola's face breaks into a wide grin. “Yay! Thank you, Charl! Thank you, Mami!”
You help Charles lower Lola to the floor, watching as he scoops her up again into a hug. A comfortable silence settles between you as he walks towards the room, the warmth of his presence lingering in the air.
Charles stands by the bed, holding a squirming Lola as you pull out a pair of fluffy pajamas decorated with stars. You manage to wrestle her arms into the sleeves, Charles chuckling as Lola tries to escape.
“Alright, superhero princess, time to transform back into your regular self!” you say smiling.
Lola lets out a dramatic sigh, then allows herself to be pulled into the soft fabric. Charles gently helps with the buttons, his fingers brushing against yours briefly. A spark of electricity shoots up your arm, making you blush.
“There you go, little superhero. All ready for your mission to dreamland!” he smiled gently at Lola.
Lola snuggles into the bed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “But before I go, I need story! About a princess! Superhero!” she giggles softly.
You exchange a glance with Charles. “Well, how about we make one up together? Let's see, uhm... Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a brave princess named...” you chuckled.
You pause, looking at Charles for inspiration. He shrugs playfully. “Hmmm... Princess Lola! The bravest, strongest princess in the whole kingdom... But even princesses have problems sometimes, right Lola?”
Lola nods vigorously, sucking her thumb thoughtfully.
“One day, a terrible monster called Bedtime snuck into the kingdom! It made everyone feel sleepy and grumpy, and wouldn't let them have any fun!”
Lola gasps, her eyes wide. You continue, weaving a tale of Princess Lola's bravery as she confronts the monster Bedtime. Charles adds details, giving the monster a ticklish weakness and Princess Lola a magical cape that grants her super snuggles.
As the story unfolds, the tension in the room gradually melts away. Warm light bathes the room from a bedside lamp, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Lola's eyelids begin to droop, her thumb slipping out of her mouth.
With a flourish, you reach the climax. Princess Lola defeats the monster Bedtime with a flurry of super snuggles, restoring peace and good sleep to the kingdom.
“And so, Princess Lola learned that even the bravest heroes need their rest. Sweet dreams, little one.” he whispered softly.
Lola yawns, a tiny smile playing on her lips.
“Thank you, superhero... Charl... Night night mama!” she mumbles drowsily.
“Buenas noches mi niña... Have sweet dreams! I love you so much!” You whisper and give her a kiss on her forehead. (good night my girl)
Her eyes flutter shut, and her breathing slows to a gentle rhythm. You and Charles exchange a tired smile.
“Looks like our superhero princess is out for the night.” you whispered at him.
Charles nods, his gaze lingering on Lola's peaceful face. A comfortable silence settles between you, filled with a sense of shared accomplishment.
The silence stretches after Lola drifts off to sleep, a comfortable quiet that feels different from the usual solitude of evenings. Lola's soft breaths filled the space, a gentle counterpoint to the sudden tension between you and Charles. His gaze flickers from your daughter's sleeping form to your face, his eyes holding a warmth that sends shivers down your spine, a newfound appreciation for this unexpected moment.
There's a beat of silence, thick with unspoken emotions. You clear your throat, about to suggest to head out of her room, when Charles speaks, his voice barely a whisper.
“She's incredible, isn't she?”
You nod, a lump forming in your throat. “She really is...” you say softly.
He takes a step closer, his presence filling the space beside you. You can smell his cologne, a now familiar scent that makes your heart beat faster.
“Thank you for letting me be a part of this... For letting me be a part of both of your lives this few weeks.”
His words hang in the air, a silent confession of his growing feelings. You meet his gaze, your own filled with a mixture of gratitude and something deeper.
“Thank you for being here, Charles.” you say with your voice barely above a whisper.
The distance between you shrinks further. His hand reaches out, brushing a stray hair from your cheek. His touch sends a jolt through you, a rush of electricity that makes your breath catch.
Charles leans in slowly, his eyes searching yours, you don't pull away... Instead, you find yourself leaning in too, drawn to him by a force you can't explain.
The kiss is soft, a gentle exploration at first. His lips are warm and tender, sending shivers down your spine. It's a kiss filled with unspoken emotions: gratitude, affection, and, you might say, a little hint of something more.
You pull back slightly, your cheeks flushed. Charles's eyes hold a question, a silent plea for permission. You hesitate for a moment, then a small smile graces your lips.
“Maybe she doesn't need to be the only one with a superhero story tonight...” you whisper as a shy smile graces your face.
The air crackles with unspoken possibilities. Charles's smile widens, his eyes shining with a newfound joy. He leans back in, and the kiss deepens a little bit, filled with a passion you haven't felt in a long long time. You smile halfway through the kiss and in a rather cliché way, you feel content and happy with everything that is happening in your life since perhaps this was what you needed. A breath of fresh air in your life and in Lola's.
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coff-in · 4 months
Longtime lurker, first time ask (forgive me if reqs are closed, idk if they are)
Could I have (post-decay route) Andrew x Little Sis!Reader where the younger sister has a jealous streak and is actually *glad* Ash is dead (though acts like she's devastated) but is "helping" Andrew cope via dating/fucking her brother? -🐇
notes from coff-in: AAAHHH I NEW ANON HAS JOINED THE COFFIN!! hello hello, welcome welcome!! it's a pleasure to have you here, 🐇 anon. i hope you enjoy your stay :) i'm kinda shocked that i get lurkers whenever someone says that they're lurking. it's just so sweet to me. then again i take most things as a compliment, hehe!
[fem] reader-insert, [afab] reader-insert, NSFW, incest
man, what a brocon [reader] must be, being happy that her sister is dead so she can have her older brother all to herself. how devious she is. in fact, this might be devious younger sister [reader]. she's oh so sad and devastated that her dear sister ashley is dead and gone, but andrew still has her and she has him, right? they'll be able to make it though all this together :)
whenever she notices his mind wandering back to her [reader] takes a hold of his hand and kisses his cheek, "hey... i know it's hard but it's for the best for both of you, yeah? no more andy and leyley... she has her andy, and you have me." if talking doesn't immediately sway him away, then she resorts to touch. kissing, rubbing him through his jeans, pressing herself against him. even waking him up with a blowjob so the first thought in his head is of her.
she lets him pound away into her as roughly as he wants to be, she'll take all he will give her. even if it is by force. i can definitely see this going down a dubcon/noncon route too if andrew isn't able to fully forget ashley or accept [reader]'s newfound role in his life. she can be just as impulsive as ashley if she wanted to, just as brash and loud and annoying if she wanted to, but i also think that [reader] tries to not stray too much into being a replacement ashley because she doesn't want to be ashley so andrew falls in love for her. [reader] wants andrew to fall in love with her.
when they have sex they do it in positions that force eye contact or are face-to-face. she leaves not much room for andrew to let his mind fill up with thoughts of her. she's gone, leyley is gone, ashley is gone-- [reader] is right there. it's her nails down his back, her moans leaving her throat, her lips kissing his skin, her pussy clenching around his dick-- [reader]'s, not ashley's.
she'll keep reminding herself that because fucking andrew helps [reader] cope too.
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toxic-libra · 9 months
style - jwy (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: wooyoung x fem!reader (interactive here) words: 6.9k genre: second chance romance, smut warnings: 3rd person pov, this is 'based' on style - taylor swift, mentions of old hollywood movies (please watch them bc they're super good), smut with biting, thigh riding, oral (m and f), not my best work but give me a chance pls a/n: i was supposed to post this on his bday, but i was at taylor's concert and lmao i kind of got depressed after and hated everything i wrote. this is my debut with ateez so i wanted it to be perfect, but inspiration just fucked me up and i decided to post it anyway since it's been too long already :(
Jung Wooyoung remembered it all too well. He remembered how the delicate musky sandalwood of her signature perfume made his heart tug whenever she was near, the way his stomach flipped when their eyes met, and how his fingers always itched to be touching hers.
Autumns and winters were always the worst.
He could hear all the lines of Rebecca (1940), one of her favourite movies, whenever someone tried to make small talk with him about the weather.
‘Most girls will give their eyes for a chance to see Monte.’
Clenching his jaw, he locked his phone and tossed it aside, trying to digest the fact he was the one who took that damn picture and she decided to post it just when it had been two months since they las saw each other. Not that she was as considerate as to block him so he wouldn’t spend hours on her social media, feeding on any crumble of appearance she dignified her followers with.
Y/N was petty like that.
She didn’t block him, no. She muted him and vanished from his life, but she didn’t give him the pleasure of not having to erase her from his world. If he wanted her truly gone, then he had to do it himself… Which, of course, proved to be a failure.
Because he didn’t want her gone. He tried moving on, only it didn’t work.
Wooyoung wondered if she also thought they made a huge mistake.
Turning his streaming service on, he searched for another one of her 40’s TOP5. Clicking on ‘The Shop Around the Corner (1940)’, the Old Fashioned tasted way bitter on his tongue than it should.
With a condescending sigh, he relaxed against his couch, and waited for Klara Novak (played by Margarete Sullavan) and Alfred Kralik (James Stweart – not surprisingly, one of Y/N’s favourite actors) to engage in their enemies to lovers plot as if he didn’t see that damn movie a thousand times already. Only this time, like others during this year apart, she wasn’t around to swoon over any minor interaction and to almost beam in happiness when Mr. Kralik said:
‘Take me out of my envelope and kiss me.’
Oh, there he went again… Quoting old movies like it was part of his personality.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆
A month later
Y/N dried her hair and breathed in the woody scent of her haircare products – a tiny bit of her heart warming at the thought of Wooyoung. He used to love how she smelled.
“Are you ready, big sis?” Jongho knocked at her bedroom door.
“Not even close! You can go first, I’ll tag along later.” She yelled back.
“I’ll wait, no problem. I’m afraid I’ll ruin the surprise by mistake.”
“You just wanna make sure you don’t miss his shocked face when he sees me.” She giggled.
“You know me too well.” He sighed in feigned despair. “But do hurry up, please.”
“I’ll try.”
Y/N couldn’t rush everything. She wanted to look so good Wooyoung would almost faint as soon as his eyes laid on her. Not that she wouldn’t almost faint either… Just the perspective of being at the same place he was made her throat dry.
She missed him in ways she never missed anyone else before.
Deciding on the black dress, she admitted that the fact that he loved that colour made her like it even more. The small slit that drew up her right thigh would also catch his attention, and she couldn’t wait to have it all for herself. Her jewellery were ones he gave her over her birthdays, just to poke at their own stupid game. She didn’t spend much time on make-up, choosing to remain simple and classic – eyeliner and red lipstick… Which Wooyoung also liked.
Most men hated being smudged with lip tint, but he adored it.
The first person she saw was Seonghwa. With one of the prettiest smiles that graced humanity, the tall and handsome man approached her with open arms.
“Isn’t this the greatest surprise ever?!” He chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“Glad you like it,” She hugged him tight. “Because I’m back for good.”
“Oh.” Although subtle, Hwa’s smile faltered slightly.
“What?” She frowned.
“Does everyone know you’re back?”
“As of now, just Jjong and you.”
“Right. Makes sense.” He muttered to himself, doing his best not to look over his shoulder. It would be heart wrenching to let Y/N see Wooyoung with his date first thing inside the party.
Of course, she would eventually meet them… There was no way his friend would be as crass as leaving the girl alone because his ex (and the woman he was still in love with) was back in town. Wooyoung could be a little impulsive, but he had manners. And Y/N probably wouldn’t get that hurt from it, but she’d get hurt, nonetheless.
“What makes sense?”
“Oh, the fact that the boys were so quiet. If they knew you were coming, they’d be hyped as fuck.” It wasn’t even a lie, just not exactly the truth. “Let’s grab you a drink and get going, then.”
Hwa’s smile was slightly off, but she didn’t point it out.
Ordering her standard autumn/winter drink – French Connection –, Y/N relaxed against the bar stool. Jongho was nowhere to be seen, which made her a bit insecure. Things were always bit easier when her brother was next to her.
“So, what else is new? How are you guys doing?”
She was fishing for information, obviously. She couldn’t directly ask about Wooyoung because her friends didn’t know they secretly met in Monaco more often than not.
In her defence, the first time happened rather unexpectedly, and it led to a second, and a third… By the fourth, they decided it was better to pretend every time was an accident and keep their friends out of it. Wooyoung normally wouldn’t be this good keeping secrets, however, something in him had shifted. His boyish air had vanished almost completely, leaving his wicked jaw and sharp eyes without the warmth he once carried within him.
He walked with confidence, still. Nonetheless, every move seemed calculated, controlled. The carefree Jung Wooyoung she loved was swept by the future CEO Jung. And while she looked at Seonghwa, she wondered if he had noticed that too.
“We’re fine… We’ll probably be even better with you around now.”
“I hope so.” she grinned as the bartender handed her a glass. “Oh, thank you. Where are the lads? I want to see them. Is everyone here? Hongjoong too?”
With a sigh, he held her hand. “Listen, darling, I’ve something to tell you.”
“Go on.”
“Woo… Wooyoung came here with a girl.”
For a second, Y/N felt the air burning her lungs at the same time someone punched her stomach. Well, she supposed he wouldn’t stay single forever… However, the fact that she had to witness it a month after meeting him was too sour and pitiful. “Oh, I see.” Her voice came out crooked.
“It’s nothing serious, I’m sure. Just a date for the party.” Hwa squeezed her fingers tenderly. “You know he’s still as much in love with you as you are with him.”
But before she could react to his words, her attention laid on the man in question: dressed in a black three-piece suit, his dark long hair was slicked back, only some bangs’ locks falling off from the gel hairstyle. Y/N clenched her jaw, heart thumping so fast she was sure everyone could hear it. Luckily, there was no girl next to him, only her friends.
“Shall we go greet them?” With a haughty pose, one that differed completely from what she felt inside, she tugged at Hwa’s arm, dragging him towards their group.
In slow motion, Wooyoung watched Y/N approach him. When their eyes met, the party seemed to disappear, only the two of them in the ballroom. His fingers flexed on the Old Fashioned glass, demanding a lot of self-control as not to rush to her, hug her tight and kiss her senseless. He couldn’t do that for a thousand reasons, but the impulse was almost cruel.
He still loved her.
He was afraid he’d always love her.
“Long time no see, Wooyoung.” Her smirk was subtle, and there was a twinkle of mirth in her beautiful orbs. The playful tone was laced with politeness, but he knew her all too well.
As if they didn’t see each other a month ago in Monaco, he breathed slowly, letting his lips stretch and mimic hers. “Long time no see, Y/N.”
Straightening her back, her suave pose disappeared as a girl’s hand rolled around his forearm. Then, the jest was replaced by possessiveness, gaze darkening. Jealousy was the lousiest bitch.
“Oh, hello! I’m Lia.”
Well, at least that didn’t come accompanied by ‘His girlfriend’.
“Enchanted. I’m Y/N Choi.”
And since the girl didn’t react at the sound of her name, Y/N supposed she was rather new there. Lia was new enough to not know about her, and wouldn’t stick around enough to do so.
“I can’t believe she’s back!” Hongjoong celebrated, a huge grin on his face and open arms.
“I’m back, Joong.” She agreed, hugging him. “Back for good!”
“That’s awesome!”
“Were you living abroad?” Lia questioned, curious.
Y/N sipped on her drink, cocking her head to the side. “I wouldn’t call it ‘living’, but you could say that, yeah.” It was more like ‘suffering while trying to pretend everything was fine’.
“Why, though?” The quip came from Wooyoung. His eyes were glinting with a mix of grudge and challenge. “I thought you’ve always wanted to move abroad.”
“Where did you live? Europe? The USA?” Lia butted in.
“I spent some time between London and Monaco.”
“Oh my God! Monaco must’ve been a dream! I’ve heard there are some cute guys there, and rich too. Did you meet any? Are they really handsome?”
Y/N chuckled, feeling rather silly for being jealous of that girl. No one would dare to talk about crushes and money in front of a potential boyfriend, so that meant Lia felt nothing for Wooyoung, right? “Oh, I wasn’t feeling like… Meeting new people there.”
Which wasn’t exactly a lie. Why meet any boy if her heart was still set on her ex? Why pretend she could replace him with another rich dude?
She couldn’t, it was pointless.
Not when Monaco screamed them. If she was Taylor Swift, ‘Cornelia Street’ would be called ‘Monte Carlo’. And like Taylor said on her lyrics, Y/N couldn’t walk around any corner of the small principality without being reminded of Jung Wooyoung.
It didn’t help that, although breaking up, they engaged in secret rendezvous more often than not… And each reunion just proved her how any other men paled in comparison to him. It was ridiculous to have an ‘affair’ with her own ex-boyfriend; she always condemned people that broke up and still kept hooking up with each other… Until it happened to her.
To be quite honest, the reason they broke up wasn’t exactly because of bad behaviour. There wasn’t cheating, nor deceiving. They didn’t fall out of love, either – in fact, Y/N was sure she loved him even more with each month apart. However, love alone wasn’t enough to calm her restless mind, and he too seemed eager for… Well, she didn’t know?! Things were just different. The weight of responsibilities and the need to make something, any difference in the world drove them apart.
Wooyoung was taking his position in his father’s business, and Y/N had no idea of what to do with her life (again). She acknowledged her timing was shitty, for he needed something concrete to hold onto while everything changed… But… She was afraid of not being good enough for him. He was becoming the Business Prince he was born to be, and she… She was just the shallow heiress with nothing important on her ‘life curriculum’ that the media thought her to be.
Then, London seemed a good escape.
It was a familiar place, offering her some comfort. Not warm and soothing like Wooyoung’s presence in her existence, but enough to keep her going.
She occupied her mind with a Master’s degree in Creative Writing, and when it was over, she had the overwhelming desire to call Wooyoung and tell him she finally did something about those 68 stories she wrote throughout her writing life.
Now, they were face to face and she didn’t know what to exactly say.
“Right…” Jongho intervened. “Big sis, we should greet some people now.”
And like smoke, Y/N disappeared from his sight for the next hour.
Ordering his third Old Fashioned, Wooyoung recognised the almond-shaped red nails, especially the black onyx ring on her middle finger.
“A Death in The Afternoon, please.” She smiled at the bartender.
“No French Connection?” He looked at her.
“Summer habits die hard.”
“I thought you preferred winter.”
“Any champagne of preference, miss?” The man asked Y/N.
“Veuve Clicquot.” They answered at the same time.
She sighed, biting a faux grin and playing with the gold band on her finger. “I see we still have some stuff in common… Does your date like signet rings?”
Wooyoung was wearing his black onyx signet ring… Y/N’s one twin.
“I’ve no idea; never asked her.” His eyes traced her neck. “No pearls?”
“Not with black satin.” She quoted Rebecca (1940), heart thumping with expectation.
“I thought it was never wearing neither one nor the other.”
Thank God he still remembered the movie!
“You can’t blame me for loving pearls and black satin, I look divine in them.” She jested, flicking her hair in a haughty way. “So, I try not to wear them together.”
Ogling her from head to toe, Wooyoung’s grin was one of a panther, although he felt his stomach tightening and the annoying dryness of his throat. “Cheers to that. You do look divine.”
“Thank you. I put a lot of effort in this.”
“It wasn’t needed. You look good in anything.” ‘Even better if stark naked’, but he obviously wouldn’t say that. Before he could comment on something else, his drink arrived. “Thanks, lad.” Turning to her once more, he kept grinning, although less sincerely. “So, see you around, Y/N.”
“Wait.” She called out before she could stop herself. He just raised his eyebrow, like he used to do whenever giving someone his initial attention. “I was hoping we could talk about my being back home… At some point this weekend, maybe?! Are you free?”
“I’ll be free after the party, if you want.”
“Well, don’t you have other plans with your date?”
“I don’t and you already know that.”
“Why did you invite her?”
“I couldn’t just invite you, could I?” He retorted.
Her jaw clenched, swallowing the apology. They were in public, not the right place to discuss their relationship. “Text me when you’re ready, and we can meet up.”
“See you later, then, Woo.”
“See ya, Y/N.”
Wooyoung still lived in the same penthouse. It was painful sometimes, for the whole place had a bit of Y/N in it. He kept their photographs, kept the clothes she left behind, kept everything he could. It wasn’t his wisest decision, however, breaking up with her wasn’t one of them either.
And now she was back.
She was back and wanted to talk about it.
Now, way past three in the morning, he wasn’t drunk, but had the weirdest taste on his mouth – something like hope. His heart was beating heavily against his chest, and he couldn’t wait to smell her again. To touch her, kiss her, set every emotion free.
Dragging himself to the mirror of the entrance hall, he combed his hair with his fingers and smoothed out his shirt, opening two buttons just because.
At the sound of the doorbell, he took a deep breath and straightened his back.
The small, almost timid smile Y/N gave him was enough to make his knees wobble.
“Hi there… Uh…” She opened her arms. “Here I am.”
With a chuckle, one that made her eyes water a bit, for it resembled the Old Wooyoung so much, he let his body cage hers, holding her in a tight hug.
Wooyoung always gave the best hugs.
“Hi there, love.” His voice was slightly raspy, quite full of emotion, the nickname slipping past his tongue before he had any chance to keep it locked.
They remained there for a minute or two, feeding on each other’s presence and feeling each other’s warmth as if the sun was finally out after a fortnight-long storm.
“I’m back, Woo.” She said against his torso. “I’m back for good now.”
“And what does it mean?”
Y/N knew he wanted to hear her exact words, even though he already knew why she was there. And, because she loved him so, she didn’t have any problem laying her chest bare for him.
“It means I’m sorry I backed off when you needed support. Sorry I freaked out and thought lowly of me, and ended up hurting you… Hurting us in the process.” She put some distance between them, trying to be as honest as possible. “All this time apart proved to me that you’re my only one and I was really dumb for thinking I could ever move on from you.” She offered him a shy smile. “I wanted to be worthy of you, but I didn’t understand I could do that while being with you. My mind and insecurities blinded me, and I ran away. I hurt you deeply, and I’m so very sorry for it.”
Wooyoung nodded, face serious.
“You did hurt me.” He agreed. “I wondered what had happened, why you stopped loving me.”
“I didn’t.”
“This was clear by our second meeting in Monaco.” His grin was slightly off. “But it angered me that, although we kept seeing each other, you never suggested for us to get back together.”
“I still thought you deserved better.”
“Well, turns out I’m the one who gets to decide who or what is good for me, Y/N. And you were it.” He noticed how her expression dropped, probably due to the use of past tense. And Wooyoung had learned to be cruel to others, his job required him to be cold and controlled, but he could never be like that with Y/N. “And you still are, even though you hurt me.” Her beautiful eyes stared at his, hopeful. “When I saw you at the party tonight, the world slowed down. It’s no use pretending I don’t miss you and I don’t love you; we’re old enough to stop playing these games now. It was alright when you were in Europe, but now you’re back, and I’m not in the mood for halves. So, it’s either all of it, or nothing at all. It’s either starting over together, or ending everything.”
She didn’t hesitate, despite the ultimatum. “I want to start over. I want to be with you.”
“So no running away whenever things get difficult, nor making assumptions, ok?! I’m not one of giving second chances, Y/N.” He warned. “And I’m not interested in having my heart broken again. I hate being like this, hate being sceptical and cold. This isn’t me.”
Y/N nodded. “I won't let my insecurities and paranoia hurt you again.”
“You can talk to me, you know? I want to make you happy, see you happy. If things get hard, I’m more than honoured to be your safe-haven… You don’t have to move to fucking Europe to sort it out.” He rolled his eyes, sounding more like the Wooyoung he once was.
“Want me to pinkie-promise?” She stuck her pinkie out, grinning.
“God, how I’ve missed your inability to take things serious!”
“Hey! I’m mature now.”
“Nah,” He shook his head, one hand cupping her cheek. “You’re mine now.”
“I’ve been yours the whole time, and I don’t plan on running away ever again.”
“Thank God.” Wooyoung whispered against her lips, starting a searing kiss.
Y/N relished in his lips, fingers threading in his dark locks. He tasted like Old Fashioned and home; he felt like the rays of sunshine on a spring day; he smelled like the best mix of spiciness and man. She couldn’t get enough of him, and it was pointless trying to pretend so.
“Woo, I…” Her voice was breathy, conflicted.
“You…?” He frowned, brown eyes fixed on hers. “Should I stop?”
“No, don’t!” She sighed. “It’s just… I don’t know if… There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I…” Well, they’d agreed to be back together, right? It was better getting it off her chest quickly, so he wouldn’t doubt her later on. “I love you.”
With an easy smile, one that obviously didn’t mirror the flood of emotions, Wooyoung kissed her urgently, again. She sighed against his mouth, tongue quickly searching for his before she lost her last thinking brain cell. It didn’t take more than a minute before a cheeky and feminine hand found its way down his torso, tracing with pointy nails from his belly to his crotch. Wooyoung pulled her hair, pushing her face upwards and changing their kiss angle, then, he groped her ass, relishing on the feeling of her plump bottom and the luxurious velvet of her dress.
Y/N gasped for air, pressing sloppy kisses on his jaw and neck. She gave him small bites, sucking on his skin and mirroring how she would do on more private areas. She untucked his shirt off his trousers and fumbled with his belt, patience running thin.
Why the fuck was he wearing a belt, in the first place?!
“Don’t you dare getting on your knees now.” He warned, predicting her actions.
“Pardon?” She hesitated.
“I’ll come so fast if you give me a blowjob now, we’ll lose all the fun.” There was an adorable blush on his cheeks, despite his mockery tone and bossy warning before.
Her heart tugged at the sight.
“Then we do need a new approach, for I was really hoping to choke on your cum as soon as possible.” Now it was her turn to say something obscene with flushed cheeks.
“May I choke on yours first?” He offered, a smirk growing on his lips.
“By all means.” Y/N giggled, shaking her head in agreement.
Wooyoung pushed her against the wall, eyeing her for a brief second before stealing another kiss. At every stroke of his tongue there was a silent promise; he tried to pour both love and lust in it. Then, he got on his knees, pushing her dress upwards and revealing her legs. Y/N helped him by holding on the skirts, bunching the fabric up next to her waist. She felt his hands on her feet, undoing her shoes, then they were on shins, tickling their way to her thighs until they rested on her bum, kneading at the flesh in pure hunger.
Wooyoung kissed her lower stomach, nibbling lightly at her smooth skin. “I’ve missed you so much.” He murmured against her, grip tightening.
“I’ve missed you too.”
“But I’ve missed you more.”
“Is this a competition?” She eyed him in defiance.
“What if it is?!”
Y/N chuckled, combing his hair out of his forehead.
“Then I won.”
“I don’t think so.” Wooyoung touched her panties, his thumb drawing small circles right on her core. He kissed her right there, his tongue swiping up and down the lace and its warmth travelling through the fabric, making her shiver. “You better hold onto my shoulders, love.”
Y/N moaned loudly, feeling her legs bend a bit and skin tingle. She quickly took her dress off and tossed it aside; getting drunk in the way Wooyoung’s eyes sparkled as he looked up, hypnotised by her boobs. She rested her head against the wall with a loud thud, but pain was the last thing on her mind. Slowly, he rolled her undergarments down and launched his mouth on her, sucking and licking in lazy strokes like those that he knew would drive her insane. His touch, his kisses, his presence… She beamed in joy at the sight of him, and she would regret every second of their breakup because it was a waste of time for both of them. As for Wooyoung, he knew no other woman would compare to her; no one else fitted him as Y/N did.
She tugged at his hair, forcing her hips down to create a bit more friction. His short nails scratched her thighs, bringing her even closer. Normally, she would prefer to lay, but there was something rather wicked about that position, especially knowing that they were by the door… It didn’t matter he lived in the penthouse, she wondered if people on the other floors could listen.
His heart fluttered as she came, the most wicked and lustful moan of his name coming from her lips. Y/N felt gooey, her legs begging for buckling down and resting anywhere… Preferable on a bed… However, Wooyoung seemed to have other plans.
Tugging her by the hand, he brought her to the nearest chair in his living room and sat down with her nestled on his lap. He kissed her jaw, delicately biting at the flesh.
“Ride my thigh, love.” He murmured against her chin. It sounded like a suggestion, but Y/N understood the meaning: an order.
“While you’re wearing trousers?”
“Mm-hm.” He shook his head in agreement, finger pads pinching one of her nipples.
“Won’t it stain?”
Wooyoung’s eyes flew back to hers, a mockery gleam fighting its way beyond the lust.
“Are you trying to gain yourself some minutes?”
Ugh, how she hated him for knowing her so well!
“I’m just thinking about how embarrassing it’ll be for those doing your laundry.”
“I’ll do it instead.”
“You? Doing the laundry?!” Y/N grinned in pure jest. “Jung Wooyoung, part-time millionaire and part-time CEO, doing housework?!”
“Full-time millionaire and full-time love of your life, as decided minutes ago.”
“What an amazing career.”
“You just gotta focus on what you do best.” He shrugged, putting on a serious expression though his voice was soft, cheerful even.
“Well, God help me, for you do that perfectly.”
Y/N kissed him, shivering when his arms rounded her waist to pull her closer to his crotch.
“Ride my thigh, Y/N.” Wooyoung said again.
Her eyes flew shut after listening to her name falling from his lips. Promptly, she moved, straddling his leg and rocking her hips against his pants. One of Wooyoung’s hands groped on her ass while the other went up, scratching her ribs on the way to her boobs. His head dipped down, tongue darting around the bud, licking and sucking it as he felt her body tensing.
“It’s too much.” She moaned.
He paid her no mind, keeping the assault until she started trembling.
“Can’t you take it?” He rasped against her collarbones. “Can’t you do it for me?”
Y/N gulped, mouth dry and heart beating so fast she was sure Wooyoung could hear it. She was also sure he knew she would do whatever he wanted as long as he kept making her feel good, so she just went back on grinding on his thigh without answering directly to his question. Besides, words escaped her as her second orgasm approached.
“Fuck, love, you’re fascinating.” it came out breathy, Wooyoung’s teeth sinking onto her shoulder. He felt the spot next to his knee wet, noticed her hips losing strength speed.
It was the second bite that undid her truly. She shook, nails leaving red lines on his backs and arms tightening around his neck, bringing him even closer. Then she collapsed against him, panting. Wooyoung peppered kisses around her jaw, smoothing her hair and praising her for being the best of girls, for obeying him and cumming again.
“Wooyoung,” Y/N croaked. “I’ve made a mess of your trousers.”
“It’s ok, love. We’ll take it off.” He smiled softly. “Are your legs working?”
“Barely, but I can try to stand up.”
“No, no, no. I’ll just put you...” He murmured while pushing her to the side and standing up himself, leaving her on the chair. “See? I’ll take it off.”
“Oh, no, wait!” Y/N slapped his hand. “Let me do this.”
Fuck, he could cum on the spot. She really was at his house, the living room’s dim light casting over her while she fumbled with his trousers, and it downed on Wooyoung that she was back.
And she still loved him.
And they were together again.
“Here, sit down, you’re making me uncomfortable.” She gestured, getting on her feet too.
Oh, damn, he knew where that was going.
“What did I tell you about getting on your knees?”
“You choked on my cum already, now it’s my turn. Be fair!” Y/N pouted.
Wooyoung blinked slowly, taking a deep breath.
“Oh, God, the things I wanna do to you.” His thumb caressed her bottom lip. Soon, he forced it in, attentively staring at her mouth while she sucked it inside, cheeks hollowing. “Please, if you could do the same to my dick, I would…”
“It’ll be a pleasure.” Y/N chuckled, bringing his hand to full view and tracing her tongue on the tip of his finger. His chestnut eyes were a shade darker, pupils blown open.
“All mine, I guarantee.”
But before she could dive in, a familiar ringtone erupted from the floor, his trousers vibrating at the rhythm. It startled them, though Y/N’s reaction was only a small grin whereas Wooyoung’s was an annoyed grunt, cussing in a low voice.
“Maybe you should pick it up?”
“Absolutely not.” He refused to move and spoil the moment. His dick was hard, he finally had her back and between his legs (ready to suck the soul out of him)… He waited more than a fucking year for that, whoever called could damn wait too.
“What if it’s important?”
“There’s nothing more important than your pretty mouth around my cock, love.”
“On your knees, darling.”
She gulped, slightly annoyed by the fact he could change the mood with only one phrase. It never failed to surprise how much effect he had on her.
Trying not to let his temper rise, Y/N went back between his legs. She caressed his thighs, nails trailing them slightly. Then, she went up, unbuttoning his shirt while he glanced at her with a hunger in his eyes. She pushed off his shirt, being awarded with the sight of his tattoo. Hands palming his torso, she mapped his skin, tracing the Latin phrase, wanting nothing more than to eat him open. She licked her lips, heart thumping loudly against her ribcage.
“Why are you staring?” He wondered. “Do I look too tempting?” He jested.
“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate. “Delicious as fuck and all mine.”
“I like how it sounds.” Wooyoung dipped his head down, pecking her lips. “And you’re all mine.”
“Always have been.” She agreed.
His stomach churned at the gleam of lust in her beautiful eyes. “Suck.”
The order came out simple and serious, a bit like the new Wooyoung he was.
Y/N’s hands found purchase on his thighs, the very ones she rode a while ago. Well, she was already in the rain… Let it all get wet.
She gathered some saliva, palming his dick and spitting right on its head. Wooyoung breathed audibly, chest rising in a lungful expanse. Y/N moved her hand on him, spreading her spit and hearing his quiet moan. With a grin, she closed her eyes and sank down on his shaft, tongue circling the tip and tasting the salty pre-cum.
“Fuck.” He groaned.
She wasn’t that good with having dicks on her throat, always gagging and getting teary eyed, but this time she wanted to surprise him. She wanted to make him feel as marvellous as she felt during her two orgasms. Hence, she watched her breathing and swallowed him deeper. Wooyoung said something through gritted teeth, a hand flying to her hair and holding her head in place. Y/N hollowed her cheeks, bobbing up and down for a brief minute, forcing the movement against Wooyoung’s command. His hips bucked, making his cock hit her throat and she feel the burn in her eyes, tears coming almost automatically.
“Fuck, love, you’re gonna…”
He was cut mid-sentence by her gaze and thought he would explode. If there was anything hotter than her sucking him off and his cock was gagging her… Wooyoung didn’t really want to know. He honestly wouldn’t survive it.
Y/N repeated the motion, then she backed off with a gasp, drooling all over him. His hands were shaking, making him slightly embarrassed.
“Don’t stop even if I gag.” She ordered.
“Ugh, the things I wanna do to you, darling…”
“It’ll have to wait a bit.” She kept her fingers busy, caressing him while she took a breath.
Then, Wooyoung watched, mesmerised, Y/N’s wickedness take control: she turned her attention to his balls, licking it up and nibbling at the sensitive skin like he used to do with her clit. Words escaped him, so all he did was let out a raspy moan, tightening his grip on her hair.
Her tongue swirled around his shaft and she swallowed him again, tilting her head slightly so he could start fucking her mouth. He caught on her idea and adjusted his position, moving his hips smoothly, testing the angle. Y/N gagged once again, because that way he hit a spot too close to her throat, and although it was a bit uncomfortable, she couldn’t be hornier. Just tasting him and hearing him moan, knowing it was her own doing… It made her all wet and desperate. Glancing up, she locked eyes with Wooyoung – he looked hypnotised, almost drunk on the scene… On her.
It was all so erotic, so lustful, so right. He couldn’t tear his gaze as his dick disappeared on her plump lips, accepting all of him in as if she was born to suck him off, as if she was starving for it.
“Can I cum in your mouth, love?” He asked, wiping a small tear from her eye, his thumb caressing her cheekbone while he kept thrusting inside. “Or should I cum in your pussy?”
She whimpered, doing her best to shake her head positively, nails clawing at his thighs for support. Her knees were starting to hurt, legs sore and quite numb, but she really wanted to taste him before they properly fucked.
At her consent, Wooyoung’s mind clouded, Y/N being the only thought echoing. He shivered, the orgasm hitting so strong his belly clenched and his toes curled; he spilled inside her mouth, a deep, sexy groan erupting from his own.
Y/N swallowed and wiped her mouth, climbing his legs and sitting on his lap. She caressed his face, drawing all of his angles and mapping them on her mind once again.
“I love you.” She whispered next to his ear. “And I intend to make it up to you every day.”
“You’re a fucking minx.” Wooyoung murmured, a small smile reaching his mouth.
“Full-time minx?” She joked.
“Yeah. And full-time love of my life, so don’t fret.”
“Good.” Y/N stole a peck. “Good.”
They kissed in a lazy, tooth-aching romantic dance. He could taste himself on her tongue, and it was addictive, making him want to ravish her on the spot.
Then, after catching some breath and regaining more strength, Wooyoung hooked his arms around her legs and stood up, grinning at her wide eyes and high-pitched yelp.
“Hold tight, love. We’re going to the couch.”
“You should’ve said that before.” She giggled.
Wooyoung moved as if he was used to carry her all the time. Laying her down, he hovered over her, kissing her once more. This time, it was sloppy, teeth clashing as they touched each other all over – Y/N’s sharp nails digging at his back, leaving red lines on its length, while he groped at her thighs and ass, letting her wet pussy grind against his stomach and hips. She moaned, breaking the kiss and bending her head backwards when she felt his touch creeping down, stopping right at her core. Wooyoung didn’t mind it, kissing her neck instead, and plunging two fingers inside her, moving them slowly.
“Oh, fuck.” Y/N cursed. “Please, Woo, please.”
“What are you begging for, love?” He chuckled, eyes sparkling with mirth and lust, heart beating a bit too fast at her desperation, at the fact that she was his again.
“You.” Her teeth tucked his bottom lip at the same time she tugged at his hair, her pupils blown wide, hungry and desperate for anything he could give her. “Always for you.”
“But I’m already yours, Y/N.”
“But I want more. I want everything, Woo.”
“Your wish is my command, darling.” Setting his fingers free, it was time to fuck her properly.
He thrusted, finally linking their bodies. She hugged him, nails digging onto his back and leaving crescent marks; her legs pulled him even closer. His cock twitched, being devoured by her tight cunt. Wooyoung couldn’t even control his own muscles, so eager for his own release and to make Y/N feel good, like she deserved after repenting.
They were so focused on each other that every movement felt calculated, synchronised. Where she went, he followed, and vice-versa. His belly tensed up when one of her hands held his ass, groping at it while she let out a low, sexy laugh.
“You fucking minx.”
“It’s mine to touch,” She pouted, bathed in feminine power. “All mine.”
Something switched in his demeanour and Y/N gasped in surprise as he pulled her arms up, a strong hand blocking them from moving.
“Well, you’re all mine too. Mine to touch,” He brought another hand up, fingers intertwining with hers. “Mine to kiss,” A hungry, wet kiss stolen. “Mine to please,” His pace quickened, cock throbbing while she clenched around it. “Mine to…”
He growled, combusting in emotions. Y/N seemed to understand, because her eyes shone in a warm, romantic gleam. She got teary, pleasure so unbearable, so suffocating her body couldn’t take it anymore. She was still sensitive from the other orgasm, which made this one stronger, more devastating. Gripping at Wooyoung’s hands, she found in him her safe-haven.
Feeling her clenching around him just made his dick harder, and he was surprised at the fact… Normally he had to rest a bit before he went from one orgasm to another. Sitting up, Wooyoung hugged her by the waist, bringing her body closer, letting her nipples grind against his torso as she rocked against him in a steady speed. Bouncing, Y/N created enough friction and Wooyoung moved to match her speed, their muffled moans paired up with their hips colliding were the only noises echoing in the room.
They kissed again, messily and hungrily. She held him with such strength, anchoring on him as if her life depended on that. It was intense and raw, her body subconsciously trying to conquer his, claim his as hers… Although she didn’t need that anymore. He wouldn’t belong to anyone else… He didn’t want to. It was Y/N from the beginning.
“I’ll probably leave some red marks on your shoulders…”
“It’s ok.” He kissed her jaw, muffling another moan.
At each sharp and fast thrust, at each moan and kiss, they got further lost on each other. His dick twitched in earnest, feeling her so snug and wet around him. Y/N trembled at the breath denial, causing her stomach to tighten in delight. Wooyoung felt his body giving up and cursed low, unable to hold back anymore.
“Love…” He rasped. “Are you with me?”
Her teary eyes were enough answer. Wooyoung wanted to say a couple dirty things, however, the grip she had on his cock robbed him his sanity, so he just plunged on her violently, guiding both of them to the climax. Y/N shook from head to toe, moaning his name like a prayer and squeezing him like she had claws. He bit on her shoulder again because he knew she loved that. His fingers dug into her skin, also leaving marks.
The only noises were their panting. He rested his face against her neck, giving it small bites and kisses. Playing with his dark, long locks, Y/N sighed in contempt. How could she think it was possible to be happy without him when she was only happy with him, because of him?!
“Why?” She heard his muffled voice.
“Why are you sighing?” He moved slightly, so they could look at each other.
“Just because.”
“Perhaps because you’re in your favourite place in the world with your favourite person?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle. “God, you’re so conceited!” Slightly tugging at his hair, she shook his head a bit. “My favourite place is Monaco.”
“This still makes me your favourite person.” He grinned.
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” Playfully rolling her eyes, she pouted.
“I’m not tired at all. I suggest we grab a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and celebrate a bit more, hm?”
“Will you help me remove my make-up first?”
“Of course, it’s classic Y/N-Wooyoung behaviour.”
She smiled, knowing that everything would be alright again.
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neonjellyfishart · 10 months
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So I've been thinking of this story for a while now and decided to make it so before we start I just wanna say a few things
1.im new to writing stories, so if you have any advice please say it just don't be rude or a bitch about it
2. I type fast, so there may be spelling errors and most likely Grammer errors(my Grammer fucking sucks)
(Douma goes more insane and attempts to murder all of the upper moons, not including muzan)
Tw:child murder, attempted murder, insanity,violence, cussing, decapitation, mentions of child abandonment, douma gets jumped
It was the dead of winter, and douma was walking back to his cult after finishing his battle with a hashira. When he heard a noise coming from a bush, he decided to investigate it, and when he looked into it, he saw a child curled up into a ball with a mess hair, messed up outfit while crying.
Douma didn't know what came over him he felt an emotion come over him, was it sadness, pity, he didn't know what it was but the one thing he did know what he had to help this child
"Oh, you poor little thing... where are your parents?"
"T-they're back at the house something came in and attacked us so I ran away...i went back to the house and when I went inside blood was everywhere and my mom and dad wouldn't wake up "
Douma pats the child's head, "There there no need to cry ill take care of you and I'll make sure no harms come your way"
"You promise...?"
"Promise. Now, what is your name, little one?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Y/n my name is Douma"
Months passed, and the bond between Y/n and Douma had gotten to the point where it was a father daughter relationship. Where every Y/n goes Douma is them and vice-versa. For the first time in Douma's life, he felt emotions and happy emotions. He didn't have to fake his smiles anymore they were all real. These were the best moments of his life. He had never felt so much happiness before in his life. He never wanted to lose his child. He wanted to be with his child for the rest of all of eternity.
"Y/N!, Y/N!, WHERE ARE YOU?...that's weird they usually come running to me when I call them"
*Douma gets teleported to the infinity castle*
"OH!, a meeting did one of us die?"
"No, now shut the fuck up douma"
"HOW LOVELY IT IS TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN, how long has it's been since we last say eachother?, 20 years?"
"I-its b-been 50 years, si-ir gyokko"
Before they could continue their conversation, muzan appeared, and the meeting started. They discussed (whatever you think they would discuss) once the meeting ended, muzan called Douma
"Listen to me and listen well, you may be upper moon 2, but as of right now and everything you have failed to do. You are nothing but a disappointment and a useless upper moon"
muzan lifts his hand, nakime plays her biwa, and in muzan's hand appeared Y/n's decapitated head
"So don't think you can go and do whatever you want"
Douma stood there in shock, trying to understand what he was looking at. Was this a dream it had to be a dream? There is no way that his child is dead. That's not their head. That's someone else's head. Tears slowly come out of Douma's eyes. his body realizes what he is looking at, but his mind is telling him otherwise. He felt a new emotion, but he didn't like this feeling at all he wanted to disappear to never come back.
Muzan drops y/n's head. Before it could splat on the floor, Douma runs and catches their head and cruls up into a ball while still holding their hand shaking
"Next time you do something like this, it will be your head"
Muzan leaves, and now it's just Douma holding his child's head while the rest of the upper moons, including nakime, just stare at him
"Daki, please"
"She's right, douma hasn't done anything properly his entire time being an upper moon-"
Before akaza could continue talking, multiple icicles come at akaza, pinning him against a wall they all look at douma, seeing him now standing up, still holding the child's head, his eyes red and puffing, tear staining his face, his eyes had nothing but rage and hated in them.
Douma walks to a conner, and he places y/n's head in the conner and makes an ice wall around their head. He whips out his fans, and he goes on a rampage attacking everyone. He knocked and terribly injured uppermoons 6-3, including nakime, who was trying her hardest to regenerate her limbs as Douma's ice had slowed her regeneration.
The only demon that was left was upper moon 1, Kokushibo.
"All this, just because of a human child"
The fight continued, and Douma was able to pin Kokushibo on the ground. Right when Douma was about to cut off Kokushibo's head but one of gyutaro's bloody sickles chopped of both of Douma's arms, then daki's belt was about to chop off Douma's head but he was able to dogde the attack, only to get attacked by the 4 hantengu clones at once, then his body was poisoned by gyokko's fishes making him unable to move, Kokushibo and Akaza both attacked Douma using their strongest attacks finally defeating the rampaging Douma and he was struggling to regenerate.
"You'll be there long before we get there"
"I don't mind waiting for a few hundred years"
Douma opened his eyes, and his surroundings were dark. All pitch black, he looked down at his hands, he didn't see his long sharp fingernails and didn't feel any demonic power going through him. Before he could continue his thoughts, he felt something grab his leg.
Douma gives Y/n a hug while crying
"Sir Douma, I got so scared I was in my room playing when a man with black hair wearing a suit came in, and I've been here ever since....where are we did that man get you too?"
"There is no need to worry all that matters is that we are together and we will be together forever"
"Sir Douma, why is there fire over there?
"That's where we'll have to go. Are you ready, Y/n?"
Douma puts his hand out for Y/n to grab
Both Douma and Y/n walk towards the fire while Y/n was babbling about her day before the attack.
I really do hope you all enjoyed this and again if you have any advice feel free to say just don't be a bitch or rude about
Have a great day/afternoon/night
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This is a random question, but what is each OC's favorite and least favorite movie? Or tv show?
Oooooh, love this question.
Isaac is a huge Marvel fan, and absolutely LOVES ‘Captain America: Civil War’, and he could watch it any time he’s bored. His least favorite movie would probably be that live action ‘Dora The Explorer’ movie, which he was definitely forced to see with his lil sis😭
Oliver loves a movie I mentioned in an older fic: the version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ that has Leonardo DiCaprio in it. He absolutely LOVES that movie more than any other. And he doesn’t have a least favorite movie, but rather a least favorite genre. He hates any kind of horror movie with a ton of gore and violence.
Aiden is a huge Marvel fan like Isaac and he loves ‘The Amazing Spiderman’ with Andrew Garfield, and he absolutely has a literal Spiderman suit at his parents’ house that he wears on Halloween to hand candy out to kids. And his least favorite tv-show is the new ‘Pokémon: Horizons’ show that he takes as a personal offense as a life-long Pokémon lover (and I honestly agree).
Spirit absolutely loves one movie and one show: ‘Deadpool’ and ‘Haikyuu’. She loves ‘Deadpool’ because he’s funny, he’s Ryan Reynolds, and he’s just an awesome anti-hero. And the anime ‘Haikyuu’ is a guilty pleasure for her and she watches it when she just wants to relax and chill. As for her least favorite movie, she absolutely hates ‘The Shallows’, which is a terrifying shark movie.
Keiko absolutely loves the show ‘House’ and even has a sentimental stuffed koala he named Dr. Wilson, which Amberlynn finds absolutely adorable. And he hates the movie ‘Stepbrothers’ because he finds it to be the ultimate level of cringy.
Amberlynn’s favorite movie is ‘Oliver and Company’ because it always makes her just feel happy, and she knows EVERY SONG by heart. And her least favorite movie is the Christmas ‘Beethoven’ movie where they made Beethoven talk😭.
Eliana truly has so much love for ‘The Dead Poets Society’ despite how much it makes her sob. And her least favorite movie is ‘Love and Gelato’ because she firmly believes that they ruined the story from the original book.
Jordan is an addict when it comes to ‘Greys Anatomy’, and she has Arizona Robbins to thank for her discovery that she’s into girls😘. And she agrees with El that ‘Love and Gelato’ is the worst movie to EVER exist because she also loves the original book.
Birdie’s favorite movie is ‘Inside Out’ because it makes her feel so many emotions that eventually all just turn nostalgic. And her least favorite show is ‘SpongeBob’ for the simple reason that, as she puts it, “his laugh scratches my brain the wrong way.”
Felix is a 110% ‘Gilmore Girls’ fanatic and knows almost every single detail of almost every single episode, and even has a Pinterest board that’s just photos of Tristan, Dean, Jess, and Logan. And he despises the live action version of ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ cuz. . . reasons.
Atticus loves the movie ‘Little Rascals’ and he used to watch it every day as a kid, and still loves it now that he’s older. And he hates ‘Chucky: Childs Play’, which is the goriest horror movie that he’s ever seen, and he started crying the first and last time he watched it when he was 13 and at the movies with friends who did tease him for it a little, but comforted him when they realized how genuinely upset and sick it made him to watch.
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royaltysuite · 9 months
The Tales Of Lady Baccara and The Straw Hat Pirates
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Chapter One: The First Encounter
Summary: After the events of the liberation of Drumm Kingdom, Y/n reveals herself to the Straw Hats as Chopper’s older sister. However, the reunion is short-lived as she is now interrogated by Luffy and his Straw Hat crew.
“So, did ya miss me, Chopper?” Y/n asked, holding back the urge to wrap her arms around her little sibling. “Y/n, is that really you?!” Chopper shouted in disbelief. The sight of it was a bit hilarious to the surrounding people in the room. “Of course it’s me. I’ve just been hidden in your shadow the entire time and made sure that you were safe and happy. Even when you were living with the crazy lunatic, Dr.Kureha.” “Wow, that’s amazing…” chimed in Nami’s voice from the background. “Oh, I’m so rude. Sorry for intruding upon your ship. My name is Y/n Baccara, a wolf-woman from the depths of the woods in Drumm Kingdom. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. If it hasn’t already been clear from what Chopper said, I am his sister.” Y/n explained.
“But, you’re not a deer though? So how could you possibly be siblings?” The swordsman spoke as he made his way around Y/n. “It’s quite simple, you see. He’s my found family. I was once alone and abandoned by my people. They believed that embracing their wolf self was the way nature intended for us, but I was against it. I didn’t want to be seen as a monster to the humans I saved, but they didn’t care. So, they left me to die in an abandoned quarry after a hunt. It was almost a full week until Chopper found me and took me to Dr.Kureha’s. Since then, we formed a bond as siblings even if we weren’t together physically.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet! Chopper, why didn’t you tell us this? Also, stop staring at her like she’s a freak, idiot mosshead!” Nami pointed out. “It never came to mind. All I know is that I’m glad you were always by my side, big sis…” “I’ll always be there, Chopper, no matter what…”
The moment was enough to dispel any form of suspicion from the crew, They then went on to explain to Y/n the plans to bring Vivi back to Alabasta Kingdom in order to stop the war that’s bound to happen between the Royal Army and the Rebel Army. “That is devastating to hear, Vivi. If you would like, I could help by contacting this Pell you speak of. He has the ability to shift into an eagle, right?” “Yes, that’s right. But, could you reach him from such a long distance?” “Not exactly, I’d have to be within a wide enough vicinity around him without drawing suspicion from other citizens. After all, he could take me as a part of the rebel army.”
“That is true, but other than that?” Usopp inquired, very wary of the plan. “I could possess him and plant any message you’d like me to leave.” Y/n answered calmly, as if it was a normal situation. “POSSESS?!!” Everyone shouted. “That’s so cool! Can you possess me, too?!” Luffy bellowed loudly with excitement before being smacked upside the head by Sanji. “It doesn’t work that way. I can only possess animals, not humans, ya silly goose.” Y/n chuckled, booping Luffy on the nose with a small smile. The action made his face tinge a light red before he went back to laughing. “Anyways, guys, the plan when we reach Alabasta - find and stop the REAL culprit behind this civil war before Alabasta crumbles to nothing. Alright?!” Nami yelled, the sound of the rest of the crew’s cheers echoed loudly into the night as the Going Merry sailed through the night.
The next few days on the sea were full of excitement. I never thought that being around other people would start to heal, especially after reuniting with Chopper. All the time that I spent with Chopper in his mind, I could feel the never-ending anxiety that he had. All the fear of being rejected by outsiders that didn’t understand him. It all hit me like a harsh wave and I wanted nothing more than to just leap out of his mind and comfort him. But, I knew that it was going to be an important step in him becoming more confident in himself.
“Sis, is everything okay? I was calling for you, but you seemed distracted.” “Oh, Tony, I didn’t see ya there. What’s going on?” I replied, shaking myself out of my daze. “I was trying to let you know that we’re approaching Alabasta now and we’re going to a city called Nanohana to restock on supplies. Did you want to come along?” “Sure, sounds interesting. Hmm, maybe they’ll have some smoked fruits…” I mumbled as we made our way off the ship towards the rest of the crew. 
As we made plans to grab only essential supplies while in Nanohana, things quickly took a turn as Luffy had run off. “Luffy, wait!” I hollered, quickly making chase behind him. Soon enough, I caught up to him and saw him sitting at a bar next to an open space in the wall. “Luffy, why didn’t you wait for us?” I sighed, trying to catch my breath before sitting next to him. “I’m hungry. Hey, old man, gimme food. Gimme, gimme, gimme food.” He chanted, clearly food being the only thing on his mind. “Sorry if he disturbed anything, if we could get one of everything on your menu along with some smoked fruit on the side please.” I told the barman, who was still in shock at the scene in front of him. 
It was quite hilarious to see just how simple-minded Luffy was sometimes. “Adorable…” I whispered to myself as I rested my arm on top of the bar counter. Once the food hit the counter in front of Luffy, he immediately began inhaling almost everything in sight. The sight was something out of the ordinary to the bystanders in the bar. As Luffy kept eating, the sound of moving rubble had my ears perking up in alert. I slid off of my seat and took a couple of steps to the side to stand in front of the giant hole in the wall.
The pile of rubble began to move and out popped a large man in a puffer coat. He then stood to his feet and shook off the dust before turning around. Both him and I made eye contact with one another then he began stomping in my directions. “Just who is this guy?” I muttered, tilting my head in confusion. As he got closer and closer to where Luffy was sitting, I stepped to the side. It seemed like he had some unfinished business with Luffy who continued devouring food. Puffer coat guy halted in his steps and he addressed Luffy, who blatantly ignored him until the guy shouted loudly in his face. Luffy took a pause in his meal as the dots began to connect in his head and he recognized the guy. 
“Oh crap, it’s Smoker…” Luffy gulped, a nervous sweat drop beading up on his forehead. Luffy then grabbed up the rest of the food and shoved in his mouth. He then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out into the street. The action startled me and I stumbled a bit before catching my footing. “Uhh, Luffy, why are we running away?” I shouted, trying to figure out what was going on. “Is he an enemy or something?” “I guess you could uh… say that.” The answer made me deadpan a little, but it didn’t matter. Right now, we need to get out of here quickly before the Marines catch wind of us being here.
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thottyimagines · 1 year
Headcanons for enemies to lovers with Kakashi with a girl who absolutely humbles tf outta him? Like he can walk around thinking he’s all that and has an advantage but she literally gets him down and is 2 steps ahead every time lol.
I admire the tenacity of those of you who send things with ridiculously powerful/beautiful/what have you inserts to write about, considering the outcomes I keep giving them.
Kakashi x OP SI
This antagonistic rivalry would have to begin in childhood or adolescence. Like, during that sweet spot when Kakashi is a little rule-following asshole who loves being top dog and hasn't had the trauma that resulted in him joining ANBU or adopting Obito's personality yet.
Kakashi is bamboozled the first time he gets his ass handed to him by a peer. He...didn't think that was possible.
It doesn't help that this little girl is taunting him now, grinning in a way that makes him want to punch all her baby teeth out.
Minato thinks that Kakashi needs a challenge and doesn't particularly enjoy beating up his precocious child student all day anyway, so he speaks to whoever's been handling her to arrange some sparring.
Whenever Kakashi ekes out a win, he's convinced the tides are turning in his favor. The winds of change are upon them and she can get off her high horse for good, thank you.
Except for then she beats him into the dirt again the next time.
Over the years, Kakashi uses her as an outlet for all of his terrible, unspeakable rage. He doesn't mind if she sees the ugly feelings that just keep building up with every new death because he's always known she's like him in a way Gai is not.
He even makes time during his suicidal ANBU period to come get the shit beat out of him in a non-lethal setting.
As they grow up and mature and remove the respective sticks from their asses that got them to "insane child genius" in the first place, they find that...well, they don't really mind hanging out without the violence.
Things progress very slowly to a friendship. They progress even more slowly to something in a more romantic light. Much of it is at the behest of our overpowered girl who does not have time for Kakashi's crises. Just choose something good for once, you rat bastard!
Kakashi has a chat with Dead Obito at the memorial stone in order to let him know of these developments and share that he's finally willing to take the next step. He imagines that Obito would have loved this; as children, Obito was her self-appointed cheerleader because he's a fan of anyone who can beat up Kakashi.
Except for Dead Obito is not so dead and has a habit of lurking about the area.
And the problem is, Obito doesn't really think that Kakashi deserves this newfound happiness.
If it's any consolation, Obito takes no pleasure in murdering Kakashi's lady love. He really was fond of her as a child. It's a pity that she made such a bad choice.
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missbunnybunny · 1 year
-Reunión familiar(family reunion)-
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Widow introducing her family to her 141 family. Fluff, same trauma talk( just a lil), widow being well.....WIDOW. Alex and Michael being very protective of their little and big sis. König secretly asks Michael and Alex for widows' hands. This is pure crack that my mind come up with. Sorry for any misspellings and errors I made. Enjoy~
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Today was a well-deserved rest for 141 task force, widows' wounds had healed up nicely, and 141 + köng could spend time with her. But most of all, captain price had managed to get the higher-ups to let you brothers visit you.
To say you were happy was an understatement. You were jumping up and down. This would be the first time in year's you get to see them!
Ghost and the rest of the squad just shook their heads. König was given the instructions to stand behind widow and hold her in place by the shoulders.
That way, she couldn't tackle them to death. You know how a puppy acts when they get excited. Yeah, that's widow right now. Then, there was the sound of a car pulling up to the base.
“ Widow! Let go off königs arm! König stand up for yourself.” Captain Price yelled. Widow was giggling and swinging from the poor giant's arm. “ maus, I know you're excited, but please calm down.” könig spoke up. He was happy for her, really, but he still wanted his arm in one piece. After the widow did end up calming down, she said “ Sorry, I am just off the walls today more than usual.”
After a little bit, two tall men speaking Spanish walked in. Captain price greeted them “ Welcome, am captain John price.” he introduced himself while shaking their hands.
The taller one spoke up “ it’s a pleasure, sir, am Michael, and this is Alex.” he said with a small smile. “ Hello, sir.” Alex spoke. After some more small talk, Michael started to look around.
“ Now, where is that enana(short/small girl)hiding?” Micheal said. Price laughed and told König to “ set her free, big guy.” König did as he was told and let her go." Widow ran and tackled her older brother, almost taking him down.
“ Hermano, te extrañé mucho. Y no soy enana! Es que eres una mata! (Brother, I have missed you so much. And am not short! It’s that you're a tree)” widow said. Michael laughed while spinning her around. When he put her down, the widow was walking like a drunk. “ wey, estoy mariada. ( am dizzy 😵‍💫)” was all she could say.
Alex gave his big sister a big hug with a bright smile. “ Is it me, or you have gotten shorter, Hermana.” Alex teased, looking down at his older sister. “ I hate you” widow responds to which Alex says “ and I love you too.”
“come on i’ll introduce you to the team.” Widow smiled. Pointing towards soap, you say “ This is jabón, his the funny one.” Alex and Michael shake his hand “ hola soap, it’s nice to meet you”they say. It went on like that until you got to the last member König.
“ and this is König , el lindo gigante( the cute giant)” you said with a big smile. “ el diablo, este si e grande.( holy shit his big!)” Micheal said while looking up a König.
Alex’s mouth was wide open for a moment than the whisper to his sister “ ese tú novio, wepa felicidades ( that your boyfriend, damn congratulations.)” he said. König was shifting nervously, and Michael said “ don’t worry, we just complemented you. Nothing bad.”
Widow was red-faced and hitting both her brothers “ No es mi novio, yo no se si le gustó o no!! ( his not my boyfriend, I don’t even know if he likes me or not.”
Everyone knew that König liked widow, except for the Widow herself. She wasn’t the best at picking up the social cues of a person being romantically attracted to her. You just had to tell her and wait for the results.
“ ya hungry? I’ll make ya someth’ to eat.” Widow asked , turning around and heading to the kitchen. Michael and Alex stopped in their tracks, became pale, and yelled “ No!?!” At the same time.
The thought of their sister cooking horrified them. Widow stopped in her tracks and looked at her brothers confused, Michael said, a little shaken “ I love you pero coñraso no! ( but fucking no!)”
Alex cleared his throat “ ahm.. um, I don’t wanna offended you or anything, but your cooking is poison, woman! Your cooking almost killed us when we were young.”
“that was one time!” Widow pointed in embarrassment. Michael got to widows eye level and with a straight face said “ we have a tolerance for poison , after eating your cooking for so long. Te quiero pero me mato. ( i love you, but I’ll end myself.) You are not cooking.”
Everyone was looking away from the bickering siblings, Gaz and soap were on their knees holding their stomachs. Widow turned around, and face planted into König, giving him a hug. König hugged you back and patted your head. you looked up at him “ Their mean to me, Rey (king).” to told him pouting.
König laughed and said “ there , there little Maus” Alex and Michael started cooing “ uuuu, que lindos los enamorados( uuu, how cute are the lovers)” Alex said. “ cuando es la boda ( when is the wedding)” widow turned around, still holding on to könig “ váyanse a la chingada ( go to hell).” Widow pouted.
Soap after cry laughing himself calm said “ come on, I’ll teach ya to cook.” Widow and könig walked behind soap as he led the way to the kitchen.
König and soap cooked a every good meal. widow helped by cutting the vegetables and the meat of the dishs. After everyone had finished eating ,they cleaned the dishes and sat at the table.
König asked to speak speak to Michael and Alex in private, and they agreed while Widow was playing uno with everyone . While they walked away they could here widow yell “ + 4 descarriado ( fucker)” looking right at soap.
Alex asked “ So what cha wanna talk about könig.” “ I- um.. can I ask for widows' hand? can i date her and maybe marry her?” He asked nervously and shyly. The brothers looked at each other and broke into smiles.
“Oh please, get that menace to society under control” one laughed. “ About time, never seen her so happy” the other said. “ Like, look at her!” Michael said. Widow looked up from her card and smiled like a silly fool.
“ So is that a yes?” He spoke softly. “Yess!!” They said. Michael spoke up in a more serious tone “ Make her happy, but if you hurt her like our shit of a pops or that ass of an ex-fiance. We won’t hesitate to hunt ya down.”
König shoke their hands and said “ don’t worry, I’ll take care of her like a queen.” Michael nodded “ Good , now let’s get back.” Alex said “ yesss! I wanna beat her ass in uno. No mercy!”
Widow called to her siblings and könig “ Come join us, am gonna make ya cry like pendejos ( cowards)” könig said he would be the referee and so the war began.
Somehow, everyone somehow ended up skipping or + 4ring soap, “ and uno, uno out.” Widow yelled victoriously. Michael groaned and called me a cheater, Alex laughed cuz soap was caught trying to cheat by König.
They played more rounds until ghost ended up winning, cuz they kinda forgot he was even playing. He was quietly biting his time. Soap called him a " sneaky fucker."
Those few days with your whole family together made you extremely happy. The day your brothers had to return to their bases, you cried like a baby. Trying to hide it by hiding behind könig. König trying to coax you out. Widow looked like a sad cat crying to her owner, wouldn't leave. “ Come on, maus, you have to tell them goodbye.”
“ don’t wanna” she pouted. Michael said laughing “ Si no me dices adios, te halo por la oreja, niña. ( If you don’t tell me goodbye, I’ll pull you by the ear, girl.)”
“ fine” Widow said while walking over to them. She gave them a big hug. “ No, me olviden si?( don’t forget me,yea?)” She said softly. Michael flicked her on her forehead “ Even if we wanted, we could never. We love ya too much to do that.”
Alex hugged his big sister and said “ Next time let’s get some matching tattoos, yea.” Widow smiled and nodded her head excitedly. “ yes” she said while jumping a little.
Michael whispered in her ear “ cuando te vas a casar( when are ya gonna marry)” Widow shook her head, laughing and said “ When you get married, buenos feos( ugly) or i become an aunt”.
“ Get ya asses going, or y’all be late for ya flight.” Widow said. They finally got in the car and left, widow was feeling less sad. Cuz even tho her brothers left, she still had her friend, her company, her FAMILY. She hugged ghost, gaz,soap, price, and könig, gaz asks her “ Now, what’s gotten into ya.”
To which widow responded “ am just happy to have the family I had always wanted. I got y’all and my brothers, I couldn’t ask for anything else” she turned to them with a smile. The smile they always loved to see on her face because that was the real widow.
I can safely say widow is very happy at the moment. anyone wanna give bunny-san some writing ideas, her head empty.
Also, my posting schedule is very questionable cuz ✨️ C O L L E G E ✨️is kicking my ass 😃. Night yall, it's 1 am 😭.
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Happy Birthday Ashley
Took updating the damn thing but it's finally letting me access stuff...
Anywho, Happy Birthday to the best sister this world could have ever given me, I know I've said it already but I'm so sorry this is so late sis but so much love and care went into making sure you had a birthday worthy of the sweet and kind hearted person I have had the pleasure of knowing all these years even if it feels like yesterday we met
I love you so much @fyreball66 and hope you had the most incredible birthday this world can offer
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💘 **Click to enjoy** 🥰
His morning had started before it had really ended
Even though he had gone to bed on time with his wife after getting their children down for bed and her helping him decompress his built up stress when he rolled over to make love to her needing that simple yet passionate contact until they passed out together he had been up half the night watching over their sick family member who had woken up half of the house with her usual fashion of nightmares only to not remember where she was or who was with her
Him and Ashley had rushed to her room finding Raphael sitting with her in his arms realizing she wasn’t with them in that moment and after his wife got her to breathe he had sent her to go get more rest promising he’d come get her if they needed her
His brother’s had came to check on her seeing her breaking down begging for somebody not there to help her but had to return to their rooms just after he had gotten her calmed down before Master Splinter had come in to take over just as she had fell back to sleep sending him back to bed knowing tomorrow was important
There had been hesitation but the pull to have his wife in his arms was stronger once he knew the family was going to come get him if it got worse
After last year he wasn’t taking any chances no matter how crazy their lives had gotten since running from New York a few years back he wasn’t going to forget this year
He had no excuse last year no matter how everything had piled up on them and his wife had said so he should have never forgotten Ashley’s special day but he had worked like hell to try and make it up to her with an unforgettable date and every day he could after to show how sorry he was
This year he had several alarms, a calendar with a count down written on it, and his work board with several sticky notes
Between the several attacks on their home from the people hunting Angel resulting in a shit show of events; like a few of his brother’s and family members memories being wiped, to where in the last when they lost the child his little sister had been carrying when she saved his daughter Lily from one of heaven’s executioners, the heartbreaking moments of not only betraying Red’s trust in hiding the files that held the fate of his first mate and what had really happened to her from Baxter’s computer but also having the consequences of his actions slam him into a wall in a rage of pure anger before his brother had disappeared completely into the lake
He had still not forgiven himself for that after the couple of months of trying not to think his newest brother was dead or when he had returned alive but hurt badly
Topping all that off with the moment he realized the health of their angelic family member was only worsening by the day he had also installed a count down timer to his computer that alerted him five times every day so he could continue his research into stopping the cancer taking over her body but also keep her from succumbing to the disease
Was it necessary? Probably not, given Angel was staying on his ass to just focus on the more important people in his life even through her own decline with her worsening illness made it harder to do so when her mind seemed to be going she had really pushed for him to just focus on his wife and kids instead of stopping what she knew he couldn’t
Was it worth it? Abso-fucking-lutly if it meant he didn’t have to see his wife that upset ever again over thinking he didn’t value her as his world or that her birthday wasn’t important enough to be celebrated
So that morning he had gotten up extra early and made sure his wife’s clothes were laid out on the end of the bed, gone to the bathroom and set up everything she would need for her morning shower or bath along with her special towels so she was comfortable if she chose to just lay back in bed for a while, then made him a pot of coffee just taking the full thing with him instead of getting a mug and got started on his finishing touches to her surprise
He wouldn’t be shocked if she slept in today knowing Red’s twin boys were taking it out of her in this trimester he was going to let her sleep in as long as they would let her and there was no doubt his brother would wind up in his bed to cuddle with the redhead so he could love on the woman who was giving him his dream
He had already gotten Raven and Faith on baby duty to be sure his girl rested and they had already offered to help him with dinner that night, Leo and Raph were to keep his sister in law down to rest so she had enough energy to be with them during her party even if they all knew she was going to get up anyways and sneak past them then be staying on the couch for a good portion of it if today was a bad day
With Ashley’s birthday surprise finished, in perfect condition, and wrapped up he started up the stairs with something a bit more fun in mind
Going to check on her just to be sure she was resting he chuckled under his breath when he realized she had rolled into his spot and like he had predicted the massive form of his brother Red was nestled up with her under the blankets growling lowly in his warning that she was his for now before he was cuddled up to the pregnant beauty as Donnie just grabbed his boots and waved to him
Knowing he wasn’t getting close to her yet he headed back down the hall peeking in to see the kids were not awake yet and the babies were sleeping soundly meaning he still had time before the house got crazy
Taking the chance he got on his shoes and headed up to Angel’s old cottage he had renovated into the honeymoon cabin having decided they could take a day or two away from the madness to let her relax
Given they all frequently used the smaller place for time to themselves with their mates he was pretty sure Leo and the twins had gone up to get in some much needed couple time where the girl’s had no doubt worshipped the leader into relaxing, then Mikey had gone with Jo trying to romance her on a date but for the youngest turtle having used it he was shocked it was clean and nothing was broke so the sweet girl he had brought there had to of cleaned up before they left
Doing his checks and getting a list of supplies that would have to be brought up to restock the food he started to wonder if maybe he should talk to Angel about expanding on her old place to give them more room but could hold off until she felt like going up there with him to see what he wanted to do since the bathroom and kitchen had been added in three years back before he had known it was hers
After he was finished he locked up and headed back through the forest chuckling as Teddy had bolted out of the brush to sneak attack him with the other wolf puppies halfway back to the main cabin petting his wife’s familiar when he would jump up on him
Gathering up a handful of wildflowers his queen loved in one of the open valleys on his way back for her favorite vase just figuring it would be a nice touch to his already planned out morning he made sure they looked perfect before starting on making her breakfast
Knowing her dietary restrictions and that her two little ones had a picky eating habit the first thing he made sure they had was plenty of meats for her to pick from not sure if they would want sausage or ham he had made both after making the bacon which was a necessity to her morning cravings
He decided last minute to just make enough everyone could eat given he already knew Red was going to be stealing off her plate if he didn’t and once the kids were up they would likely do the same, noticing the back door was unlocked meant Leo and Raph must have gone for their morning run meaning Angel would be up and moving if she woke up before they returned if they hadn’t just got Mikey to take over their spots
He had just finished up the eggs and got the tray with her breakfast on it finished when he heard movement from outside before the two alpha’s came in lightly bickering
“I smoked you all the way here”
“Ah bullshit! I had yer ass on dat last turn an ya know it Fearless”
Donatello sighed rolling his eyes as they argued over who had actually won getting back first, he tossed them each a water to silence them before they woke anyone up but he could tell the house was already getting lively
He could hear Faith’s clutch getting cranky wanting fed which was bound to start a chain reaction that would likely wake up Angel’s infants, then was going to rouse Raven’s two and his youngest daughter
That would lead to the older kids being woken up and then they were going to go find their parents to get their siblings
Knowing the babies were waking up had him already pulling out their prepared bottles from the pot he had sat them in to warm so the clutch not able to nurse could be fed until everyone was up and Daisy could be held over until Ashley was on her feet
Leo’s laugh as heavy steps landed on the stairs had him smirking knowing his brother was finally out of his bed before he had even lumbered into the room growling at his twin who immediately started messing with him for sleeping in while he was looking for the coffee pot grumbling making the genius chuckle as he just leaned on the counter trying to wake up
“Where’s the coffee pot Nerd…?”
Not wanting today to start up with a fight he bit down his snide comments and hurried down to the lab finishing off the cold coffee before placing it next to the male not even giving Leo the chance to get onto him for already having over his limit of coffee consumption in one sitting before he was grabbing the tray had heading up to his room
Coming through the door the heavenly scent of his wife’s body wash filled his senses chuckling seeing her laying out on the bed in a towel telling him she had gotten up before he had got back but had went right back to sleep setting her food on the side table before climbing in beside her “Good Morning beautiful” nuzzling at the redhead lightly until she rolled over grumbling not ready to move again had him kissing her softly just glad he could have her alone “Happy Birthday my love”
Her trying to nestle back into his chest for a few more minutes rest had him laughing before just catching her voice as she whispered he had remembered making him shower her in more kisses until she giggled pushing him away before her lips met his in her thanks
“Did you truly think I would forget again my queen… I’m hurt” he frayed injury making her shove him still tired but her lips on his cheek had him laughing with her
Her stomach moving under the hand resting over her belly told him all he needed to know and had him bringing her breakfast to her once she was sitting up knowing there was a time limit – the infants she was carrying were awake and demanding food and if he didn’t want them kicking her too hard so early he needed to get her fed
Once she was eating and he had loved on her a bit more he went to get the kids hearing Lily and Rose calling for Ashley meaning his sister had to be stretched to her limit on getting to all of them since Faith was probably dealing with her clutch of needy babies in the attic, and he was right; she had Shadow and Fayre ready handing them off to Leo struggling to get Kilian out of bed with Zara and Yoshi in her arms as Evangeline and Lea followed the leader down stairs
Taking the two babies from her he handed them to Raph who must have heard the younger woman trying to multitask as Red stood there in the doorway smiling with Sawyer and Junior holding onto his legs wanting a ride instead of walking
His brother’s mumbling the village was getting out of hand had the female giggling but everyone knew they loved having the big family none of them ever expected to actually exist
Seeing his brother’s were there to help with the kids and Mikey immediately scooping up his daughter Belle he turned getting his twin daughter’s out of bed and letting them get dressed on their own trying to stir his son who like him was never a morning person leaving the twin’s to dress him as he got Daisy who was holding the rail bouncing and giggling already wanting him to get her
Always the daddy’s girl she barely let him put her down to change and dress before she was clinging to him again nuzzling into his chest before seeing somebody she wanted a bit more
He turned grinning as Ashley came in the room cooing at her baby who immediately went to her chirping happily as she nuzzled into Mommy
Knowing the day was now started he hooked an arm around his wife kissing her softly before leading her down the stairs so she wouldn’t fall seeing the pride that matched his at how big she had gotten knowing she still had two months to go with the twins but they were making sure everyone knew they were there
Her gushing over the flowers made him smirk before they got the kids to eating him pulling his wife away to start her show wanting some quiet time while the others ate kissing her head as he watched TV with her as she gave Daisy her bottle letting the baby play on the floor in front of them both laughing as slowly the rest of the kids filtered into the room
They stayed on the couch until the kids started getting fussy wanting to watch their movies sighing but pulling his mate up deciding this was a good time to bring up that the girl’s didn’t need to make lunch but didn’t say a word more as he headed to the hall pulling out bags he had packed and ready looking over with a smile as everyone recognized their swim stuff
The kids getting so excited they immediately ran to get their swimsuits without him having to tell them
He figured a day on the lake after everything was just what they needed and since most of them hadn’t been there since the incident with them being attacked by what ever it had been in the water and it was once again safe this was the perfect day for a trip out
He had an alternative motive but it went hand in hand in their family fun to celebrate the redhead turning a year older
Derrick and Jo were coming up to celebrate with them as well and they had been invited to join the picnic he had planned to pack before the man would be bringing Momma up for the party later when he went to pick up the cake so they might as well get started
He sent his wife to check their stuff before getting right to making sandwiches and packing snacks already having the drinks in the ice chest cold looking over just as Raph carried down the sick woman who had likely been trying to come down on her own
Hating he hadn’t gone to check on her earlier the genius was shifting gears to go check on her after getting everything in the second ice chest as she slowly convinced her massive mate to let her down while coming to the kitchen
Begrudgingly Raph finally gave but stayed close to her
Angel wasn’t looking any better from the night before; but she offered the same soft smile acting like nothing was wrong as he led her to sit at the counter getting her a plate and her medicinal tea for the pain before Donnie would be pushing her to take her medicine
He was still prepping their lunch for the day with Raven and Faith’s help even though he had told them he had it to note them watching their older sister
He had been hopeful with the smaller portions but like lately he noticed she pushed it away without trying for a bite leaving his work to make her a shake in hope he could get her to try for some kind of nutrients before the others noticed adding in an extra scoop of the protein powder he had ordered online to try to keep her from deteriorating further
She at least could sip at those for a while when nobody could convince her to eat
Once that was done he was loading up everything getting it by the door grinning as his wife finally reappeared in the living room already dressed in an oversized shirt and her leggings over her swimsuit seeing he wasn’t the only one who had noticed
Slowly everyone filtered back into the living room ready to go sending the two biggest of his brother’s on ahead with the ice chests while his other two got the kids in the wagon being followed by their mates Leo carrying Angel even as she grumbled she could walk on her own
The walk down just proved how peaceful today was going to be; it was the perfect in every way from the temperature to the overall feel of the lake side
The kids were anxious to get in the water matching Mikey’s own excitement and he was the first to get in the water plunging in before Raven and Faith ran in behind him squealing happily
Before long almost all of them were in the water, Red deciding it best to just stay on shore for a bit with the sick woman who was relaxing in the shade near the babies that were too young to get in the shallows near shore with their older siblings who were excitedly playing on Leatherhead as he basked in the sunlight
He still didn’t want to try to go in after the last two incidents he had been near the water
Knowing Raph was staying closer to his mate and twin brother Donatello pulled Ashley out away from the others grinning as he kept her body close to they could just enjoy the water together not feeling secure in going out to the deeper water just yet they drifted where they were
Once the kids were hungry it gave them a chance to spread out Leo taking the twins to swim out further while him and the redhead went to get lunch with the rest of their family chuckling as the kids tried to hurry to eat what was laid out for their picnic
The children being out of the water to eat finally gave Red the chance to take Angel out to be in the water all of them watching her closely as she got a bit of sun him careful in his movements until they were waist deep her holding him being protective while he let the water wash over her so she could also enjoy the water even if she didn’t have the strength to swim
Donnie had still been sitting on the blankets they had brought down enjoying the homemade pop-tarts his wife made him when she got the chance when almost all of their family returned to swimming
Looking over at the woman at his side as she cradled their little Daisy who had passed out in her arms just smiling as he took her in; the sun filtering through the trees danced over her soft skin making her hair shimmer when it would catch the light, her sitting in that swimsuit that showed off her round belly had him reminiscing over the time they had known each other
He was still smiling like a love sick school boy when she looked over feeling his gaze asking what he was smiling about before he leaned in kissing her softly caressing her cheek so lovingly
“Would you like to go on a little walk with me my queen?” all it took was her little nod before he was placing the sleeping infant in the basket next to Faith before pulling her up with him holding her close as they headed off on one of the trails and for him memory lane
It had been six wonderful years since she had come into his life but for him it felt like it was yesterday when they had first met face to face
What had started out as him trying to comfort the redhead over her worries for somebody she hadn’t heard from in a while had quickly turned into him gaining the best friend he never knew he needed in a matter of hours; somebody who loved to just be around him
The morning she had stayed with him at the lair for the first time after they lost track of time and passed out while hanging out in his room ended in them holding onto one another all night long trying to sneak her out at dawn had was when his brother’s first met her
That should have been all he would ever need to see how their lives were going to change
All the days she had just come to the lair to sit in his lab listening to him ramble over one of his new experiments, his rants of who broke what that day and him having to repair it, or something he had found interesting turned into him just having to be around her whenever she was there pulling him from his work almost too easily
That had transformed into something even more after only knowing her for a month when he experienced the magic she held in that first shy kiss that turned into more in passing’s when nobody was looking
Their relationship started fast and got serious quicker then anticipated but as he had discovered she didn’t seem to mind all that much and he looking back now he wouldn’t change it for the world
They had discovered she was expecting only six months into their relationship and although there had been some hesitation and worry they had been overjoyed to realize they were having a baby… that was amplified when the realization of them having twins was revealed
He couldn’t think of anything that would have made him happier but there was one thing he knew for sure, he didn’t want to live the rest of his life without her always at his side
After managing to get through his anxiety of thinking she hadn’t wanted all of this in her life and making a ring worthy of the woman that held his heart he had proposed on their trip to the cabin on one of the perfect fall evenings under the stars, a ball of nerves when he hit his knee but that smile had just made it all worth it
To his joy she had said yes without any hesitation
Through her pregnancy he was attentive to all her needs and cravings, watching her progress happy to see the two infants thriving better then expected and watch as her belly grew, he could always be found laying near her loving on it when he wasn’t busy, always there whenever she would call even getting overly possessive and protective as she neared the end
The two welcomed their daughters months later far too early when the Purple Dragon’s had attacked in an attempt to capture Angel off the streets one night not realizing until they had trapped them down in the sewers that the woman with her was another of the mutant turtles girls until they saw how protective the other woman was in keeping Ashley from being taken with her and that she was pregnant, the stress alone sent his mate into labor
As they walked down a path just taking in the beauty not only at his side but around him it reminded him their time together hadn’t always been easy bringing more danger then he ever wanted to put her in to their doorstep and it was something he couldn’t control
A month later the clones crashed into their lives turning everything they knew upside down in what became one of the many stressful days they would come to know; all of them narrowly escaping with their lives but the threat just out in the tunnels surrounding their home was always a constant in their minds and for that they monitored everything and followed the females everywhere to be sure they were safe
She had stayed with him through it all
In those weeks she had quit her job and moved in with them fully to protect themselves and he had been so happy when she did but knew she had given up more then he would have ever asked
A while later they had met one of the clones but this one hadn’t been a part of the original plan; she was cloned in the thought to trick them but in the attacks had saved a few of them from the others. A prisoner herself in those labs they had took her in after she escaped to protect her clutch from the Foots plots to build their mutant army thanks to his wife’s heart of gold and slowly she became family to them
He squeezed her hand that took his as if she could sense where is mind was unwillingly going
The clones had crossed their paths many times after that and still she had stayed with him even when he became hard to deal with between his sudden outburst of anger or pulling away and getting lost in his work to keep the family safe she pulled him back each time to keep him grounded
She could have almost made him forget the danger that waited for them every time they left the lair
His clone Dominic’s attack when Donnie lost track of time and hadn’t gone to meet Ashley after work months later to surprise her with a date night at her place with the exciting news of what he had found out of her test results from her being sick for over a month had almost took everything he had away on the night she had been stabbed he thought she would die of her wounds but to his relief she was as strong as he had ever known since meeting the redhead she had pulled through and that morning he had told her why he hadn’t been there
They were expecting another little miracle; a son this time and for a while everything had almost seemed to calm down
During her pregnancy with their son Shredder’s copies of them continued to grow closer, two of them had somehow managed to get into the lair the day Dom captured Ashley while she was looking for clues on Faith and how she had came to be in those tunnels so close to their home without his security system spotting her getting introduced to their nightmares come true in a clone of her best friend
Seraphine, who took torture to a whole new level for all of them
After killing the woman who had been left to protect their children awakened something even she hadn’t know of giving way to something they had thought could turn the battle in their favor against their enemies
Then unexpectantly came the attack that changed their lives and made them decide to run from the city when he and Raven were returning from Leatherhead’s place
They had ambushed him and to protect his sister and Leo’s unborn baby he had made her run while he held them off before they overtook him in those tunnels nearly killing him in the process but it had been the key turning point that made them flee in order to keep the family safe and let all of them heal before they would have to return and confront their demons
A smile slowly formed on his lips as his mind drifted to a more pleasant and beautiful memory of his wife
They had been there for a while dealing with the mental scars left from their run in with their doppelgangers before he had finally made the move to keep his promise they had put off and on the morning of January 12 four years ago he had set up the whole thing and finally met her at the alter surrounded by their family and friends to say their vows
She had looked so breathtaking in her dress still able to see her coming down the aisle with that bright smile like it just happened
That was when life just seemed to finally find a peaceful middle ground for a while until a threat of the clones finding them had caused Leo to call for them to return to the city sending Ashley into labor in her fears of them not coming back home alive, welcoming their third child that night and causing the leader to start planning out a more productive way to deal with the problems at hand
What should have been the happiest time of their lives never seemed to last
He could still recall her face the day Dom made contact having tracked them down after they thought they were untraceable and off the grid never realizing Seraphine’s invasion of the lair had alternative motives until it was too late
He regretted all of that day
Everything from them leaving not realizing it had been a trick to get them out of the way had almost cost all of them what was important
The girl’s being kidnapped and tormented, them hearing it all happen over the radio as they raced the three hours back to save their family left Raven delivering Leonardo’s son in a cave under their imprisonment before they could manage to escape, Raph still hadn’t recovered from seeing a knife through Angel’s chest once they were home, the trauma it would leave on all of them in the end after the battle had been won and they had ended the clones for good, finally breathing a breath of relief when it settled in they were finally free
The end of that chapter welcomed not only Raven’s new son but the reality of him welcoming another less then expected but much wanted child despite their fears but like always they faced it together
Since then new issues arose in the form of new enemies between hunters and heaven’s army looking to terminate their happy life in order to end the Fallen they called family, a terrifying attack that had taken Angel’s sight and sent her health spiraling in a downward path, Red returning suddenly somehow being brought back from the dead looking as he had that faithful day only to watch him become a brother they cared for as if he had always been there, the death and revival of three family members in three separate ambushes by those who sought to end the angel who put everything on the line, and watching almost all his brother’s forgetting a important part of their lives, his denial to face his true feelings over what Dom left behind, later their struggles to hang on to what they protected while accepting what they couldn’t change
At that point he had expected Ashley to leave him; but like always she stood by him
As they neared a tree across the trail they had yet to move in the last few months he lifted her into his arms leaping over grinning as she giggled snuggling in his arms when he refused to sit her down for a while
Her sweet plea finally got him to do so chuckling as she nuzzled into his side holding her as they got where he was taking her presenting the blanket set up under a tree that looked over the water able to see their family from the hill pulling her into his arms just swaying with her
Her smile as they danced in the peaceful quiet melted his heart humming their song knowing she loved to hear it until he could see she was getting tired bringing her to sit in his lap once he was seated so they could be alone but was still lost in his mind realizing just how much they had been through
The transitioning period of getting used to the new turtle that stumbled into their lives by accident quickly becoming a favorite between the women willing to give him the chance to prove he had changed, watching the kids become attached, all the way to them welcoming their new brother into the clan and all the fun nights and days they had as a family while recovering and renewing bonds to one another seemed to just melt into one single moment
Donnie himself learning the hard way not to piss off his sister in law when he finally cracked under the weight and voiced his feeling’s over everything that had happened after he had started taking too many pain meds to numb his knee almost causing his wife to leave him
The birth of Mikey’s nephilim daughter Belle three month’s too early
The sudden t-boning of Lucifer just popping into their lives to be reunited with his long lost sister bringing dire news of the new threat centered on her new daughter that Angel started a war over to protect her baby
Two months later his daughter Daisy came into the world who he instantly love the second he saw her
Michael and Gabriel’s joint efforts in trapping Angel when she had gone to stop him from taking Ashley to the in between ending her up in purgatory for three days only to discover for her it had been years of fighting to survive until somebody could help her
Gabriel coming back with his need for revenge had nearly cost them Raph who perished in Angel’s arms but had been saved at the last second – and in the same night watching Raven and Leo lose their unborn daughter Harmony who was born too early when the young woman had taken a blow to her middle while protecting his little Lily 
Gaining new friends in Derrick, the town’s vet, and his sweet sister Joanna who had fallen hard for his youngest brother almost the second their eyes met loving he had gotten most of Mikey’s nervous fumbles in gaining her attention on video but loved his baby brother found somebody like he had in Ashley
Meeting Batya, Angel’s first daughter from her first life who had been hiding in their home under their noses so Lucifer had eyes on the blind woman who was starting to worsen even though she had survived the darts meant to kill her
Few months of talking about it and coming up with plans Ashley had lovingly convinced him (without having to really) to help her give Red a family of his own only to discover his brother had accomplished that on his own and would be welcoming twins with his wonderful wife who was willing to give more then she ever asked for
His discovery of Angel hiding just how bad her illness was when her body quit on her putting their family member in a coma they were sure she wouldn’t come back from
Red learning the truth of what had really happened in those labs losing his temper, attacking Donnie in a fit of rage and bolting in fear he would harm his family… the two months of thinking he had tragically drown and was lost to them ripped a hole right in the family but barely having time to mourn with dealing the best they could when whatever had taken him started hunting them…
The joyous day Red limped back into the yard hurt worse then when they found him in the woods the first time but he was alive and he couldn’t recall how long he had hugged him just knowing he was back and okay
Her hand on his cheek snapped him out of his thoughts seeing her concern behind that bright smile had him chuckling nuzzling into her palm taking her hand under his as he leaned his shell on the tree once she shifted to straddle his legs brushing back a stray curl
His honey brown eyes looking over her beautiful face as she silently tried to get him to talk to her about what had him so unfocused “Sorry my love… I was just – thinking about everything” he kissed her hand meeting her eyes easily taken by just how amazing she looked after everything still seeing the same woman he had fell for but he could see the subtle changes and he could only fall further
She had laughed at his love struck expression going to say something before he lifted her chin silencing her too easily; leaning down and kissing her gently as she rested on his chest
It didn’t take her long to pull him in deeper once her arms went around his neck nipping at her as it started to become needy his arms slipping around her waist before his affections were trailing down her neck nuzzling into her gaining the beautiful laughter that to him would always rival the sweetest melody this universe could produce
Her petting of his cheek had his head resting on her shoulder listening to everything around him as she talked about what she wanted to do when they got back to the others already knowing he had planned the day trying to get him to tell her something about to night but he smiled shaking his head
It was all going to be a surprise and even with her begging to just get a clue he pecked her lips shaking his head not going to give away anything so he could see that shock in her eyes when she got to see it
They just sat there holding each other sharing kisses and loving affections until she wanted to go back to the kids grumbling lightly wanting his wife to get some time to just enjoy the quiet but knew the guys were bound to come up to jump off into the water below sooner or later
Finally with a few more kisses he gave taking her back to the family loving the walk back more as she moved to get a few flowers to make a flower crown for their daughters picking a purple wild flower to put in her hair before coming to the waters edge
April and Casey had looked to have made it finally before noticing Derrick must have arrived shortly after him and his wife had wondered off having a splash battle with the twin women
Having kicked off his boots on shore his jeans were soaked and Jo was out in the water with Mikey holding onto his shell as he swam to attack the leader who was floating on his back looking to have dosed off chuckling as their children came running to get their mother having escape their Aunt
He all out laughed harder then he had in weeks at the sight of Angel wearing Raphael’s sunglasses to cover her blind eyes laying out on the blanket by the infants she was watching her wings stretched wide with each baby cuddled into her soft feathers not seeming to be sleeping but was still probably keeping track of everyone there in her minds eye
Momma had made it to spend the day with her favorite adopted daughter, her sitting off to the side grinning as the two women attacked Derrick tackling him into the shallow water when he dropped his guard them giggling wildly as he sputtered but sighed ripping off the shirt he was wearing going to just swim even if he hadn’t planned to actually get in
Raph looked to have finally convinced Red to try to get in the water keeping a good eye on him to be sure he didn’t accidently go under waving to them when he realized they were back
Leatherhead per usual had the older kids and was letting them ride on his back Killian holding onto Rose so she didn’t fall in since she wasn’t the strongest swimmer just yet but once they were closer to shore they took turns jumping in and swimming around until he stopped to let them get back up
Seeing as everyone was having a blast he grabbed up Ashley taking her in for a bit more fun hearing her squeal at the cool water he dunked her in until she was holding onto him as he swam her out to his massive brothers
Red was grinning when he saw the redhead and Donnie happily let her go to him for a bit as he went to help Mikey prank his older brother who was ignoring him completely both jumping the older turtle dunking in fully under the surface
Leo had been fully asleep and given his trauma from the whole lake attack a week after Red had gone missing he panicked thrashing around and yelling once he was back up, it would have seemed he hadn’t appreciated the sudden wake up call but got the expected outcome of him chasing them diving under to escape the leader before he pounced on Mikey
He waited a few minutes before resurfacing a good ways away from his brothers seeing Raph had joined in on the fun once he was out of the way and Ashley was keeping an eye on their brother going out a bit further to explore but staying where his feet could touch the bottom
Another hour in and he sighed in relief seeing Angel finally getting up to get in the water once each of the babies had been moved and the older woman was watching over them with his father slowly swimming out to be with Raph who hadn’t seen her coming until she was on his arm nuzzling at him
He had really thought she would stay on the shore all day but was glad to see she felt good enough to actually swim out even if she had no energy after it still gave him hope she was going to get better
Eventually the kids joined them where they were out in the deeper water wanting to swim with their parents not only cause it looked like fun, of course they all knew the massive croc needed to do yet another quick sweep of the area to be sure it was safe given he kept doing it every thirty minutes but also to get a break as well so seeing the kids had the males chuckling
Each slid off as the crocodile passed them getting to their daddy’s
None of them let the kids go no matter how great their swimming skills could be each of their fathers kept a hand on them, Raph having the hardest time given his three spent more time in the water with their mother then all the other children they had wonderful experience and loved going under to look for treasures but it didn’t make it any less scary
His daughters being out in the deep water made him move closer to the others so he could stand to watch them holding Rose’s hand the whole time she was there chuckling as she floated on her shell just like her aunt had taught her smiling happily at him as he pulled her around
Once Leo had his daughter with Angel he was racing Mikey to the drop off cliff knowing the two would likely get all of them up there by the end of the day hearing the cheers minutes later as Leo bolted over the side of the forty foot drop off having to tell his wife no when she gave him that look wanting to go like he had let her the last two years
After a while Killian somehow slipped away from his dad to get Rose so they could play, it was noticeable the smile on both his and Raphael’s faces as the boy took extra care to hold onto the smaller girl so she could swim the short distance to his father who laughed seeing how calm the girl was when his boy was there
Donnie glancing over to see the warm smile on Ashley’s face that had to match his told him both knew she was in good hands letting Lily swim beside him even if his eyes didn’t leave her for too long – that was until Leo grabbed him to get his revenge for pranking him turning it into an all out water wrestling with all their brother’s as their mates laughed clearing the children from the area knowing it would get out of hand
Seeing the bigger males acting like they did had the kids giggling and cheering on their dad’s to win
He at one point got the best of Leo but Raph jumping in right after had been his undoing cause the second the massive turtle had him caught the other’s ganged up on him
It started out as just sparring but quickly became all of them trying to dunk the others under the water
The birthday girl stepping in was the only reason Mikey hadn’t gotten the chance to drown him but it didn’t stop Raph from throwing the genius once the redhead’s back was turned
They stayed out there until the sun was just above the horizon before calling for everyone to get out to dry off glad their friends had brought down more towels for the others given somehow a few had been turned into floaties by the children who had thought it was hilarious when they actually wouldn’t float
Most of them drip dried while the girls dried off the children sending a look to his friend when he silently asked if the stuff for tonight was there before his eyes caught the women all ogling the man Angel smiling even if she couldn’t see it was clear Ashley was telling her everything in great detail
Of course his queen would be enjoying this shooting her a playful glare as she stuck her tongue out at him but what did he expect the wife stealer was her boss at the vet clinic and as he had accepted a while back – her work husband
She did it on purpose to make him jealous
His brother’s growling when they noticed had everyone laughing knowing the girls were just trying to get some affection and what worked better then making them more then just a little green
Red with the help of Leo loaded the kids in the wagon after all their stuff was in the other while Raph took Master Splinter and Mary back to the cabin Angel and the twins following them with the older children who were making sure the angel didn’t trip by tapping a stick so she knew it was clear
Mikey being overly affectionate with Jo as they all headed home had him tapping his baby brother to focus given if they needed help getting ‘anyone’ back to the cabin he had to carry her but they had agreed to let her go as far as she could before they had to step in
And after seeing she was okay he was right back to flirting with his mate as if she wasn’t already his
Shockingly Angel got a good ways before having to rest Raph stopping worried she had over done it making Ashley go to her side offering to help but when she tried to say she was fine he rolled his eyes handing off his son to Joanna and scooping up the woman even with her arguing for a good minute and a half on how she didn’t need carried around
He tuned it out letting her get it out until she soon fell silent making him realize she had passed out too easily against him cooing snidely in a teasing tone
“Awww… look at the sweet baby- threw her little tantrum now she’s sleeping like a good girl”
His brother’s laughing when they saw it too had him grinning but before he could even say another word Ashley gave him that look knowing she was overly protective of her sister meant he had to behave unless he wanted her to get him
He would bide his time well, the redhead was in the best mood today so he just had to wait to get in those little jabs later but given his friend was the oldest out of all of them and acted like a child while sick making his job of caring for her harder he had been treating her like a child lately
For Ashley’s birthday he had tried to hold off but this was set up so beautifully an just seemed too easy
Walking into the house they all left their stuff on the porch to dry while he headed for the stairs cradling the sleeping woman figuring a nap couldn’t hurt her while they got the night going before Ashley’s birthday dinner when they would get her up again seeing his wife drop on the couch happily curling up on the cushions as the kids started their favorite movie to watch with her
They had about an hour and he still had to go get the wood for tonight from the side of the house knowing the massive brother’s were going to start moving the tables and chairs to their favorite spot just outback so they weren’t too far from the kids after they had to go to bed
He thought he was a safe distance looking around the room when Raphael hadn’t came to take her from him knowing for that moment he was safe
Leo seeing his playful gleam started shaking his head silently mouthing in order to tell him no and motioning for him not to do it given this was going to go two ways one not ideal the other - worth it
Rule number one when it came to a pregnant Ash… don’t push your luck
Rule number two … make her laugh and rule one was out the window faster then Mikey when he heard the word ‘cleaning’
Oh, he loved to push cause she was feisty and it was cute when she got her revenge and meant later when they were alone she would make him pay dearly
That bedroom was going to be locked once the night ended and he knew one of them wouldn’t be walking tomorrow
He hoped it was him cause Leo had already been talking about his new training regiment for the team earlier and he was trying to skip that at all cost to reduce his risk of dying on another too freaking far run before they even got started
 “My love, why don’t you rest then go change into something more comfortable while I put the baby to bed… she’s so cute when she-” he ducked as she said his name in shock trying not to laugh throwing one of the smaller pillows at him trying to get onto him as Mikey and Red lost it only finding it funnier that the movement only made the woman hold onto his tighter but she didn’t even flinch baby talking his friend who was knocked out cold “But she looks like an angel when she’s sleeping like this… just look at her, so innocent and sweet - even though she’s a nightmare the devil is scared shitless of”
Raph and Leo’s laughter followed him up those steps as his wife started to her feet already laughing harder then he had thought she would saying his full name making him go faster snorting out his laughter as he retreated
Getting her in the bed had been too easy once he got her to release him; he covered her up with the blanket Raph had knitted her making a pillow bumper to surround the curled up body and giving her a stuffed toy placing one of the kids bottles and pacifier close by taking a picture that was now going to forever be his caller ID photo for the woman sending a group message to his family
Hey look, Angel does have a baby picture
Seconds later hearing the several chimes and Mikey’s cell playing some stupid meme he had programmed to tell him when he got a notification going off had him closing the door before the other’s were howling and cussing between their laughter
He came down those stairs beaming proudly seeing his wife leaning on the back of the couch unable to tell him what an ass he was and two of his brother’s on the floor, Leo unable to breathe had several very confused children just staring at their parents not understanding what was so funny giving him time to hide in the kitchen to start his wife’s favorite dinner
Ten minutes later the other’s could finally breathe and Ashley appeared at his side popping him on the arm with the wooden spoon telling him he better delete that photo but he had neither agreed or disagreed while also planning to make sure it ended up in the slide show for her wedding that was quickly coming up
“It’s a great picture of her to commemorate just how adorable she is when not awake … maybe I should print it off and make a collage with all the pictures I have of all you girls sleeping like babies at the most random times… it would look amazing on your desk at work” another disciplinary pop met his arm gaining his laugh before he was nuzzling up to her in an attempt to butter her up saying he was sorry
He wasn’t in the least given he had his wife smiling so much
With the promise he would delete it later he sent her to rest making sure she was out of earshot then sending the others to get the rest of the stuff for tonight handing off her gifts he had snuck up from the lab to be hidden in the back of his friend’s truck
Raven and Faith still red from laughing had come to help him get dinner done one getting the salad and veggies done while the other was in charge of making the sides getting it done in no time and having everyone not currently watching the children or growing a child set the table placing the flowers in the center
Dinner for the most part was peaceful him keeping the straightest face as Angel made it down stairs just after they had called them to come eat her glare obvious as she stepped into the room asking who had baby proofed her bed which set off a whole new fit of laughter from the family
So far the day was going to plan but he never held his hopes it would stay that way anymore given something was bound to happen he stayed blissfully optimistic but as dinner ended and the other’s started to get antsy to head outside without his wife noticing he realized for once today was going to go off without a cinch
He kept Ashley distracted by pulling her down into the lab to help him with something when his phone alarmed acting like his system was getting an update as Derrick and Red carried out the cake shooing the family behind her back just as he made it to the door down to the basement to hurry
He waited until everything upstairs had fallen quiet before nonchalantly suggesting they go out to enjoy the beautiful night together chuckling when she looked around not seeing anyone after making it upstairs him keeping a straight face looking around as if he was confused but took her hand mumbling they must have gone to get the kids cleaned up for bed
Her look told him she was onto him but she followed him out the door anyways smiling when they saw the area alit with the outdoor fairy lights and a fire going making her smile
He definitely wouldn’t be able to keep surprising her like this given she would start to figuring him out but for now he could hope she didn’t so he could keep seeing that smile just the same as her first birthday they spent together
Mikey and Red were already indulging in s’mores with the kids keeping them from getting too close to the flames when Ashley made it to their side taking her seat on the bench he had made just after they had come here seeing her having fun with his family as he stood back
They did presents once everyone was seated around the fire with the kids playing on the ground with their toys after the women had put the babies down for the night just grinning as everyone watched her open each with a smile
Derrick thankfully hadn’t brought any new pets like he did a bit too often from his office but had gotten her a new tote bag purse to carry her stuff in to work
The kids had all made her handmade items for her to decorate her area at the office so she could always see them while she was at work
Momma was beaming when the woman opened the envelope she had handed her with a certificate to her friend’s solon so she could get her hair and nails done again whenever she wanted to
Her showing off the new clothes and shoes the twins got her from their favorite store in town made the genius whistle unable to wait until he could see her wear them in person
Leo having got her some new books she had been looking forward to reading was talking about them possibly going to the bookstore in the coming weeks to see if there was anything new coming out they could enjoy together
Raph had carved her a wooden turtle and knitted her a new blanket given her daughters had stolen hers once they got their new room to keep mommy close
Angel, to her own credit given she was completely blind, had made Ashley a leather bound book for her to write in with a sigil in gold paint where it had been burned into the cover to honor her as a gifted so she could keep up with her training
Mikey being himself had made the redhead a necklace that was in the same bag as a beautiful wind chime his girlfriend had hand made with crystals secured around the top
Red having found his favorite new hobby of baking with the girls had managed to convince their human friends to take him to town getting her what she had been looking at for a while; a new set of baking dishes to replace the ones they had used for years these having purple accents and flowers around the outside and already the woman was planning so many things she could make using the thoughtful gift
His gift had been left for last seeing her eyeing him as she ripped into the paper opening the box wondering what he had done for her this year
His smile was unmistakable at hearing her gasp when she found a new laptop he had made with his wife in mind; hers had been on its last leg for a while with her refusing to let him fix it because ‘it was still running and did what she needed’ even though it was nearly ancient in his opinion but unfortunately had bit the dust a month ago when the girls had accidentally somehow gotten their hands on it and dropped it down the stairs – twice after trying to go hide in back in her bag the first time
This one was a bit more durable with lots of storage space, after working tirelessly he had finally managed to get all her stuff off the last one including all her pictures she had been so upset about thinking she had lost them saving them to a flash drive he had put up to make sure she had a copy just in case anything happened to it
She had been in shock for the longest time before he was getting practically jumped and kissed laughing as she gushed he had done too much but for him it was far from it
He could work too much and everyone knew he had a bad tendency to get lost in projects which often left his wife on her own but she wasn’t one to hold that against him
If she needed him, just wanted his time or some affection she always was able to pull him from his work almost too easily and if he was too deep in his stuff she sent the kids to get him cause they had their ways as well
Once all the gifts had been given and she was done adoring every single one the family gathered to spend time together Leatherhead bringing the cake over as they all sang to her and let her blow out her candles sheering as she made her wish
The kids were all too eager for their cake Killian finishing his slice before sneaking over and getting it down rest while the grown ups were talking, the kids giggling as they got caught eating it with their hands making a few of them gather up the young ones to get them cleaned up and ready for bed
A much easier task then expected given the long day meant the kids were exhausted no matter how much sugar they had just had, Donnie tucked in both his girls kissing them good night as they curled up with no resistance before he made sure their nightlight was on
He stepped out the door first to find Ashley was sitting on a bench where she had been watching the fire and in his spot her sister leaned on her shoulder just listening as the others talked and chatting softly over their plans for when Raph and the woman finally decided to tie the knot for real
Even though they were seen as husband and wife they had been putting the wedding off for so long for more important matters in their lives neither wanted to push the matter, they had even talked about having the wedding a few weeks after his but like always something had come up and it was hard not to feel as if time was running out for them
But despite it all he had a feeling it wouldn’t be long now given the way Raph had been talking and planning
As they sat there not seeing he was back he smiled just happy his wife had found a sisterly bond that was so strong even their enemies wouldn’t be able to break it; they were the others rock and listening ear when dealing with their own issues they turned to one another before any one else
Sometimes she went to her sister before even coming to him and that was perfectly fine, he knew when it was time she would come to him eventually and could even laugh now at the memories of how much trouble they got into in the past while silently dealing with something him and his brother’s could have helped with
The incident where Ashley had been captured – yeah, it spoke volumes and proved how deep their bond could be
Sure, Ash had a wonderful relationship with both Raven and Faith but her bond with Angel was so different, the two were so close anyone who met them would have never believed for a second they weren’t really related hoping she got to have that bond for years to come despite everything that was going on
He didn’t want to ever see their friendship end
He moved closer patting Angel’s back as she shifted to get up after feeling him coming close rather then anyone announcing he was back, silently telling her to stay before he took his place on the other chair beside the redhead holding her hand in his not having the heart to make the angel move seeing her curl back up against her sister
Mikey at some point had brought out the radio once the kids were asleep and instantly the adult part of her party began
Master Splinter seeing they were about to get rowdy offered Derrick’s mom to accompany him inside for tea before they turned in for the evening
They kept that fire going through the night having a blast playing games, jamming out to songs they liked, and listening to the remember when stories they told that for some of them were completely embarrassing to hear but it got a good laugh
Raph and Casey finally getting Derrick to drink with them turned into them doing shots of whatever their human friend had brought with him to see who would be standing at the end of the night and like always to no surprise Casey caved first passing out in a chair and becoming the victim to Mikey and a permanent marker none of them would admit Angel had tossed to him
Each of them took turns drawing on the man’s face and although the redhead had gotten onto them while laughing at the massive dick Raph had put on his friends forehead Donnie grinned with pride when she added her own drawing on his cheek and Angel drew on a curled mustache with a monocle with help of course
The twins after getting Leo to relax took turns loving on him even teasing until the leader had no choice but to get his hands on both
Raph being in a good mood and obviously carrying a good buzz after drinking with his buddies had pulled Angel to her feet holding her against him as a song came on the radio that had her smiling; holding her in his arms just lost in the moment
Knowing his brother didn’t do it often for his bride to be even when she asked for it only meant she was getting one of those oh so rare memories she was going to treasure forever
Ashley given him that look had him following suit chucking as he spun and dipped her gently hearing the catcalls but he loved dancing with his wife so he could see her beaming brightly just like at their wedding
As they shared an intimate moment April and the other women packed up the food and took what the kids hadn’t eaten of the cake inside getting Mikey and Red to take down the tables so they didn’t get up tomorrow to find the wild canines had found a new perch
It was close to four in the morning when he noticed the energy of the party had depleted and they were out of firewood, Mikey had stolen Joanna away to go back to his room when she started yawning and at some point Leo and the twin women had slipped away to who knew where but it was no doubt they were having their own bit of fun
Seeing his wife starting to nod off against her sleeping sister he grinned watching Raph pick up his mate taking her inside to get her ready for bed as he got to his feet stretching out his limbs and putting out the fire, he had turned to tell his wife they needed to go inside but just melted at the sight before him
Ashley pouted and held out her arms wanting carried and how could he say no when she looked so cute
With no effort on his part he lifted her into his arms cradling her body as both arms surrounded his neck kissing her head then headed inside and up to their room helping her get comfortable and under the covers starting to go finish cleaning up but she caught his wrist
“My love, I need to go make sure everything is cleaned up and the food isn’t on the counters… probably check on the kids-”
He had seen that sleepy half gaze pleading him with just her beautiful eyes more then once in their relationship and knew he wasn’t leaving unless he wanted her getting up and following him
“Or – I could just message one of the others … tell them that somebody is holding me hostage in our room” he joked pulling out his phone to message Leo who he knew was still up while kicking off his shoes and getting into his sleep pants, grumbling playfully at her victorious smirk before he was in bed pulling the covers over the both of them with her nestling up into his arms hearing the notification probably answering his request
She lifted her head only enough to kiss him before her head was tucked into his neck sighing happily as he played with her hair absentmindedly to help her relax
“Did my queen have a good birthday?” she hummed softly in response but not a second later her deep breathing caught his hearing chuckling as he nuzzled her head petting her hair down “I will take that as a conformation… Happy Birthday baby and sweet dreams” he whispered softly closing his eyes starting to drift off not getting up until he had too knowing come morning life would continue and be as hectic as always; he might have to work on something in the lab to stay caught up or fix whatever Mikey had broke at some point today
That meant pulling his wife into spending some time alone down in his area before taking her up to the cabin for the next few days to relax… and he was really looking forward to that
But then again – that’s what he loved about this life knowing he'd get to do it with his Ashy
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Somebody else (Ghost x F!Reader)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: Simon didn't think he'd ever see her again, but here she was. With somebody else.
Warnings: Breakup, alcohol, mentions of kissing, hugging, allusions to sex, mentions of playfighting, public marriage proposal
Word count: <1k
Inspired by: Somebody else - The 1975
"I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone, and then leaving with somebody else."
Author's note: First time posting on tumblr and writing!
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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After things ended with her, Simon left the city she stayed in. Well, 'left' is an understatement. He had evacuated the place in record time, leaving her on the cold sidewalk that winter evening.
(He left you there. He didn't even look back. It was the coldest day of the year, yet it felt like nothing compared to the coldness he had shown.)
He had abandoned all the things he left in her apartment. It took her months to find the willpower to finally throw them out.
(But you kept the ring he made you. Deep down, you know that you will always be waiting for him to come back. You will never stop hoping.)
The bar is quiet tonight, and Simon counts it as a small mercy. Being forced on break was bad enough. What made it worse was that he was taking a break in this damn city.
("No, Simon!" yelled Price. "It's been a whole two years since you've gotten rest! Go home!"
Simon doesn't want to. When he's on a mission, he doesn't think of her. But alas, he can't go against a direct order from Price.)
Simon was horrified when he found out that Price had arranged for his accommodation in this city. He doesn't blame the man - Price doesn't know about her, only knowing that Simon had nowhere to stay for the time being.
("It's a nice city. Quiet for the most part," Price describes. "You should buy a house there. Speaking of which, why did you sell your old place?"
Ah, right. Simon had told Price that he sold his house. Lies. He had lived with her, and that's where his heart still is, still in her apartment, still in her hands, still hers. Forever hers.)
Simon sits in the dark corner of the bar, half a glass of bourbon in, fighting the urge to call her. He knows he shouldn't. She probably wouldn't give him the time of day, and he thinks that's perfectly understandable. He doesn't deserve the opportunity to talk to her again, not after he had left her like that. But even if it's to cuss him out, he wants to hear her voice.
His eyes are staring holes into his phone as if staring at the picture on her contact profile would magically conjure her in front of him.
("NO! Don't use that photo! I look weird!", she had protested, trying to pry the phone out of her boyfriend's hands.
"All the more reason to use it.", Simon replies, lifting his hands up, smirking at her attempts to jump and snatch it away.
"Si! No!"
The sounds of laughter fill the small apartment, as the two of you playfight in the living room.
Simon would give up anything to be able to relive that day again.)
He doesn't hear the bar door open. But he does hear the sound of her laughter.
Simon's head snaps up so fast he almost gets whiplash. His eyes scan the bar, looking for the source of the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.
She was here.
She looked beautiful.
She was laughing so hard that she nearly rolled onto the floor, her smile so wide and her eyes pressed shut. Pure, undiluted joy was radiating from her, and it was contagious.
For a second, Simon is happy again. He allows his imagination to draw a pretty fantasy for him. In his imagination, she's here to meet him, to welcome him back after a long and dangerous mission. She'd have tears of joy in her eyes as she wraps her arms around him, and he'll bend down to kiss her. They'll have a nice dinner here at the bar before going home and trying to give each other two years' worth of pleasure in one night.
"Will you marry me?"
Four words and Simon awakes from his daydream and is reminded by the new sight before him how painfully different things are in reality.
Behind her, down on one knee is a man holding a ring box. She snaps around and would have noticed Simon if she weren't so entranced by the man kneeling for her.
"Oh my god! Yes!"
Applause erupts from the few patrons of the bar, and one of them starts a cheer:
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
And the newly engaged couple obliges, leaning into each other and finally -
Simon rushes out of the bar before he could witness it. Here, on a quiet sidewalk in the winter evening, Simon's heart shatters.
If only Simon had watched just a little bit longer. Just long enough to see her lover slip the beautiful engagement ring onto her left ring finger.
From where he sat, he probably would have seen a familiar ring on her index finger.
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lwde-haven · 1 year
Dungeon of Sult: Ruby's Finale Part 1
Dr. Skankestien had captured Ruby Rose and aimed to make her into the perfect slut for his master. Ruby was forced to endure sex machine after sex machine. Dildos pumping and stretching her holes, clamps gripping her nipples and giving her pleasurable vibrations to send her into a fit of moans. And yet, she hadn't broken yet. Whenever she was forced into the machine to alter her body, it wasn't compatible and it forced her out.
"I don't understand! Why isn't it work?!" The doctor yelled in frustration.
"Having trouble, doctor?" An ethereal voice spoke. Emerging from a tear in reality itself was the master of the dungeon, Sult.
"My lord," Skankestien bowed to him. "I had found a suitable bride for you. But, she is still resisting no matter what test I put her through."
Sult would walk over towards Ruby, who was still recovering from her previous orgasm. He cuffed her cheek with one hand and gazed into her eyes. "Silver eyes. She is a Silver-Eyed Maiden. Her body has a natural resilience, fitting for taming Grimm. Their bodies could give great pleasure to any Grimm. What keeps them grounded is their connections to this realm. What we need is a different touch."
Sult would open a portal and toss Ruby inside. Where she landed seemed to be her home. The forest, the animals, it was all here. No Sult in sight. Did he send her back home?
Laughing could be heard from the house, prompting Ruby to go inside even in her slutty outfit.
Inside the house at the table were her teammates, Weiss, Blake and Yang.
"Ruby! There you are!" Weiss greeted, everyone getting up to welcome her. They didn't seem at all bothered by her attire.
"So, this is your new outfit?" Blake asked, a small blush appearing on her face. "I like it~"
"We've been waiting for you, sis," Yang said, hugging Ruby into her breasts. "You promised as leader you'll take care of us. Remember?"
As Ruby was being hugged, Weiss and Blake moved behind Ruby. Their hands beginning to caress her hips and ass. Ruby would feel a throbbing member poke her stomach. Looking down she would see Yang currently having a thick cock that threatened to tear her shorts.
Blake and Weiss would reveal their cocks as well, all girls surrounded Ruby with perverted gazes.
"Ready for some fun?~"
Ruby was... Home? That made no sense, Ruby wasn't supposed to be home, she was... She was... At Beacon? Fighting Grimm? On an adventure? No matter how hard she tried Ruby just couldn't make sense of it. It was all foggy and the few bits she remembered made no sense whatsoever. Goblins, snakes, horses, dogs, God and... Moving sex toys? The more she tried to recall, the more embarrassed she grew, perhaps just simply had a bad dream. Yeah, a bad dream, Ruby decided to roll with it. All the while paying absolutely no mind to her incredibly skimpy outfit. Ruby normally wouldn't be caught dead in this and yet, it just felt normal. She knew it showed her pierced nipples and clit. She knew her ass wasn't covered at all. And she knew nobody except porn actresses would wear something like this. But still, it felt right. Trying to forget the odd feeling, Ruby focused on the laughter she heard in her house. Yang! And everyone! She thought out loud, rushing inside to greet her sister and friends. Whom all seemed very happy to see her. Perhaps a bit too happy. "S-some fun?" Ruby repeated, the image of a goblin and a leash popping into her mind. Quickly forgotten as she felt her teammate's three, throbbing members on her stomach and sides. They were enormous, the biggest Ruby had never seen, on a human at least. Not that Ruby had seen a lot of cocks, right? Weiss, comically, was the smallest of the three. Blake was packing and had barbs on her cock, similar to a feline's. And Yang, well, Ruby wondered if Yang's mom was a horse Faunus. "Now then, leader~. Open wide~." Blake teased from behind her, spreading her buttcheeks, earning Ruby a gasp of surprise. "What's wrong, Ruby? Did you think I was talking about your mouth? This is what a buttslut really needs.~" Blake continued, inserting her tip inside her, the first row of barbs teasing Ruby's ring. "Ah! Of all the people, it's Blake that calls you that? What did I do to deserve such a slutty sister!" Yang mocked without a hint of malice in her voice. As if calling her sister a slut wasn't an insult, but rather a normal fact. Teasing Ruby's pussy with her bitchbreaker of a cock all the while.
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Well of course I'd be your mom in that scenario, I'm just happy to see my daughters pets bonding 🖤
And yeah, seems your big sis has completely surrendered to puppybrain, that's fine, she makes a better breeding bitch than daughter anyway, but I guess since she can't cum she's just going to rut into you until she drops
Sounds like a fun show though...
Think I'll sit back and watch, maybe I'll give her a squirting strap so she can fill you with as many loads as you can take and then some, I wonder if you can keep ahold of yourself or if you'll end up breaking by the time she's finally out of steam
Either way, mommy is going to enjoy (and get off extensively during) the show 🖤
HBCHDBHDBD,,,, please, mom 😵‍💫
I’d love to take loads from my sisters for your pleasure,,, she can break me as many times as she wants as long as you’re watching 🩷🩷🩷
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