#or even just like. stuff that leans too hard into x likes a certain food jokes
stunfiskz · 8 months
i dont know what part of my brain is in charge of me wanting to kill myself every time im afraid i made a fanwork thats potentially ooc
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miley1442111 · 6 months
i wanted to- b.floyd
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a/n: intended for fem or male reader, so imagine what you like:)))))))))
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a condition that causes you to limit the amount and type of food you eat. ARFID can cause you to lose interest in eating.
summary: your boyfriend cares about you. a lot.
pairing: bob floyd x ARFID reader
warnings: fluff, talk of ARFID
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You shuffled around his kitchen, trying to be as silent as humanly possible. You scrawled a note on the whiteboard on his wall, telling him you love him and that you’re sorry you have to slip out, the usual necessity of having to have breakfast- a difficult task when you had ARFID. Though it had gotten better. You had around 30 safe foods, but only one safe breakfast food, porridge with honey. But it had to be made with a certain milk and it had to be your favourite brand of oats. You knew Bob hadn’t been at his apartment in weeks. He’d come home from deployment and you’d gone straight to his hometown to celebrate one of his cousins getting married.
It was 5:09am, and to be honest you were exhausted. You wanted to stay in bed with Bob and not have to drive back to your own apartment (your apartment that was a 30 minute drive away). To be perfectly honest, you wanted to live with Bob. His apartment was home for you- even though you’d only been officially dating for 6 months. You leaned against the counter, closing your tired eyes as you waited for your morning coffee to brew. You felt familiar hands rest on your waist, his chest against your back. You hummed softly as his warm hands explored beneath your shirt, never going too high. He was always the perfect gentleman. A smile spread across your face and he huffed. 
“Come back to bed,” he mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep and hoarse from not using it. His morning voice made you practically weak in the knees. “Please?” he added meekly.
“I have to eat,” You sighed. “But I wish I could.”
“I bought your breakfast stuff,” he yawned, and you turned around, your chests meeting. His eyes were still closed, his glasses were crooked, and his uncovered chest was radiating heat. You could almost cry at his gesture. None of your past boyfriends had really cared all that much about your condition, one going as far to say ‘get over it’. 
“You didn’t have to do that-”
“I know. Bagman and Rooster said I was whipped when I picked them up on the way home from base. But I wanted to,” his southern drawl was more prominent when he’d been around family, and you’d just spent the past weekend with his siblings, cousins, and parents. “Now come back to bed.”
“Let me pay you back-” You knew your specific products couldn’t have been cheap, they were hard to find, a specific brand of porridge oats and a local honey. 
“No,” He yawned, a lazily smile making its way to his lips. “You made me split the bill on our first date.”
You rolled your eyes, he always brings that up.
“Don’t roll your eyes,” he had finally opened his eyes. “Come back to bed.”
You chuckled into his shoulder, your tiredness taking over. “Don’t know if I can walk all the way back down the hall.”
Now it was his turn to chuckle, then he picked you up as you squealed, and placed you back on his bed. He got in after you and wrapped his arms around you as you curled into his side, your head slotting perfectly between his shoulder blade and neck. He smiled as you snored softly. 
He thought you were perfect. 
How did he ever get so lucky?
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ratskinsuit · 8 months
Romantic Velvette headcanon with a male autistic S/O if you can? (Can be either SFW or NSFW or both, but it’s up to you)
Velvette x Autistic Male!Reader
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A/N: Okay so I personally am not autistic, but I have a lot of friends who are. I tried to research to get more information so that I could make this accurate and not offend anyone. And huge thanks to @rdgart12345 for telling me a bit about autistic traits so I could better understand and write an autistic reader correctly! I hope that I didn’t offend anyone or spread misinformation. Otherwise please enjoy!
(Picture credits to GemSubArt on deviantart)
Okay so when you two first started dating and you told her you were autistic she wouldent really know what it is
Once you explain it to her however she would start to understand
To better understand you she would do a bunch of research and ask a lot of questions
She would try to educate herself so much so that she can be a good partner to you (Plz I love her sm)
If you don’t like certain textures of food, or clothes or blankets she will try to find something else that you feel comfortable with
Like if you don’t like the feel of a certain food she will find something else for you to eat and won’t get mad
She just wants you to be comfortable eating and not get stressed out (she will try to memorize what textures your don’t like and will try to avoid them as best as she can)
If you tend to fidgit a lot or need something to keep you entertained she got you
If you ever ask her if she has anything you can do she has a bag full
Things like fidget toys, game recommendations for phones/iPads ect-, sketchbooks, coloring books, you name it
Will bring you to work with her if you don’t work or are just free and cuddle you in her lap if it’s just in her office (if your not okay with touching you two are just chilling together)
If you two are ever out at like a party or something and get overstimulated, or everything is just too loud and your overwhelmed she will notice (even if you don’t tell her)
Once she finds out she will take you somewhere quieter and give you things like noise cancelling headphones, or music to listen to, or fidgets from her bag
And if you want to be alone, I’m ngl she would be kind of hesitant to but would, or if you want her there she would just kind of cuddle you and stroke your hair
forhead kisses (not even just for autism it’s just her in general lol
will let you talk about your hyperfixations for hours
like if you wanna talk to someone about it just call her up and she will be like “You got it pretty boy, on my way now.”
she is very affectionate, like always holding your hand, hugging/kissing you, cuddles, you name it
if you are not very touchy she will try to not do it as much but it may be hard for her.
If anyone ever insults you she will fight them
Like if you don’t like loud sounds she will ask you to leave because she will SCREAM at them
Ms girl is very protective of you and loves you with all her heart, quirks and all
It’s a lazy Saturday, you and Velvette are sitting in the couch of her apartment just spending time together, cuddling and watching shows. She has recently been working a lot and so she’s been busy and you two haven’t been spending a lot of time together.
To make it up to you, she bought you a box of your favorite candy, a little goodie bag full of small trinkets of a thing your into(your choice on what it is), full of erasers, stickers, pencils, a little squishy and other stuff.
Your laying you head on her lap, she strokes your hair and listens as you rant about your recent obsession, listening intently with a smile on her face.
You look up at her for a moment, stopping talking. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You frown.
“What? Am I not allowed to smile at my boyfriend?” She teases, pinching your cheek, leaning back with a grin.
“Ow fuck that hurt!” You complain jokingly.
“Aw you want a kiss to make it feel better?” She says, kissing your cheek, pulling back with a satisfied grin.
You blush a bit and she laughs. “Not good enough.” You joke, poking her.
“Aw man! Hm.” She thinks. “Well to make it up to you, how about we go get some of your favorite food?” She asks, as you sit up.
“Oh yes please!” You smile, getting up from the couch.
She sits up, and grabs you hand, kissing it and walking with you out the door.
A/N: First time writing an autistic reader and a male reader, I hope I did okay. Im sorry if the Drabble is not the best I had a hard time thinking of ideas.I hope you enjoyed!
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buckyarchives · 2 years
[A Raccoons Guide To Stealing A Cybernetic Arm]
bucky barnes x reader drabble
you're a guardian and after the war of New York, the team decides to settle with the Avengers for a while. Soon, a certain super-solider caught your attention, and you caught his.
“You cannot be serious, Steve?”
Bucky’s eyes glance from the six sittings sprawled on a couch and then, back to Steve, Steve just shrugged. “Listen. They've been fighting this just as long as we have, probably even longer. They need time and space to rest just, like all of us.”
“And they're helping rebuild the compound and get the world back in order,” Steve adds.
“God knows we need the help.” Bucky lets out a breath, looking at the still very disheveled courtyard. Courtesy of Thanos and his stupid ass army.
After the second snap by Bruce and the battle of New York. The guardians (along with the persuasion of Tony) decided to mellow down on earth for as long as they needed. Deciding that a little pause from saving the galaxy would do some good for them.
“Just be nice, buck.” Steve wore his infamous smile and gave bucky a pat on the back.
“Thanos's daughter and a tree are sitting in the living room.” bucky somewhat whisper-yelled. “And I'm convinced that little thing is trying to steal my arm.”
Steve rolled his eyes and simply walked away from the dumbfounded supersoldier. Bucky’s eyes glanced towards the group again, his eyes landed on you. With large bandages across your body from the battle, you were passed out and the raccoon lay sleeping on your stomach. Bucky decided not to question it then and there and just wandered off into the kitchen.
“The cyborgs staring at you,” Rocket spoke, his head lying back on the couch cushion.
You hummed, getting some shut-eye was hard in any world with a raccoon attached to your hip. “Leave him alone, Rocket. He's human and old, this stuff is very new to him.”
“That'd be a valid statement if it wasn't for that fact he was ogling at one of the only human-looking ones here.” Rocket spoke matter-of-factly.
You sat up, shoving the guardian off your stomach. “Get off of me, I'm getting food.”
Rocket fell to the side with an oomph and gave you a snarl. you just smiled and found your way to the kitchen. Your fingertips grazed upon the countertops as you walked around, your boots clicking quietly on the hard floor.
Openings a few cabinets and contains just to snoop, your eyes land on a plastic package labeled ‘Froot Roll-Ups.’ kleptomania wins again and you grab a few and stuff them into your coat pocket. Pulling yourself together, you open the fridge and pull out a container of leftovers.
“So, what's your shtick?” the bird avenger said from behind you, sitting next to the cyborg soldier. Bucky stared at you rather intensely.
“nice to meet you too. What if I don't have one?” you smiled at the two men.
Sam blows raspberries, “if you haven't noticed, everyone has one of those around here.”
You ignore the statement for a moment and throw the leftovers in the microwave, you gaze at Sam and bucky while leaning up against the counter. “And your shtick is flying? His is the arm or that serum?”
The two looked at each other and simple nod. You laugh quietly.
“Well I don't know, so I guess I’m just a normal being that can fight well.” you shrug.
The timer for the microwave beeped and you stuck a fork in the noodles and take a bite. Bucky snickered under his breath. “I watched you knock Thanos on his ass, I don't call that normal.”
“And you can somehow domestic a talking rodent.”
Your eyes shot to the supersoldier, raising your fork swiftly toward him, “Hey! Don't call rocket that. That is very rude.”
“Sorry.” he apologized quietly and raised his hands in defense.
“Anyways.” you roll your eyes. “How's the development going on the west wing?”
“Good, thanks to you guys.” Natasha practically strutted into the kitchen, wearing a warm smile. You nod in response. “Nebula and Mantis have been helping Tony with some stuff today.”
“Speaking of him, tony wants to throw a ‘small’ party tonight to celebrate and relax.” Natasha continued, throwing her hands up to make air quotes around the word small.
Sam scoffs, “I don't think any party tony has ever thrown had been small.”
“Or relaxing.” bucky grumbled.
“Sounds fun.” you shugged and waltz your way out of the kitchen. Mindlessly grabbing at some random pastries off the counter.
Bucky’s eyes followed you, looking you up and down. Noting the way your body swayed so calmly, despite the multiple wounds around your body.
You are quite beautiful– no way bucky could deny that, but he was almost convinced you had to be some godly being or alien race. You moved confidently and swiftly on that battlefield and even more, you had a good punch. And your best friend was a tree and a raccoon.
Sam nudged bucky’s side with an amused-curious look. Snapping him out of his gaze. “What's with the googly eyes at her?”
“What?” bucky practically winced back. “What are you talking about?”
Natasha and Sam both exchanged a knowing glance like they knew something bucky didn’t. A smirk rose to Natasha's face as she bowed her head to suppress a laugh. Bucky grew confused, and quite annoyed now.
“You've been watching her specifically since the guardians settled here,” Sam commented.
Another grumbled escaped bucky’s lips as he got up to leave the room as well, choosing to overlook the teasing comments from Natasha and Sam behind him. Bucky Barnes is due for a good nap.
Rocket spoke your name in a hushed tone, walking side by side with you, a teenage Groot stood close next to him. “What?”
“That soldier. The one with the long hair and beard.” Rocket's hands rose to his face to imitate a beard. Your eyebrows knot together.
“What about him?” you ask.
“He won't give me the arm, I need it.” Rocket whined and you swear you saw Groot roll his eyes. “Won't even let me near it!”
Rocket's multiple attempts to even just observe bucky’s cybernetic vibranium arm have been failures. Despite the bargaining, sneaking, and… attacking, the resistance from the avenger seemed to fuel Rocket's desire even more.
“What is your little infatuation with his arm?”
Rocket scoffs, and looks at you like you just said the most idiotic thing ever. A face you’re too familiar with from him. “Are you serious? It's so cool, I need it.”
“Listen to yourself rock, you are trying to take a human's arm away from him.” you stop walking to look down at him. He's too stubborn for his own good.
“He can get a new one!”
“You're horrible.” you huff and began to walk quickly through the compound's hallway. Rocket's protest began as he caught up to you, frantically grabbing at your arm.
“No, no, no, listen to me!” he shouts, “I have a plan!”
Rolling your eyes, you continue to walk. “Oh, amuse me.”
your word came out harsh, doused in a sarcastic tone. Rocket slid past you as you walked into the medical room to take your bandages off, considering they'd already healed. Groot followed close behind you and tapped away at his Nintendo Rocket stole from somewhere.
“So tonight you– hey! Are you even listening to me?” Rocket yelled as you more or less listen, busy unraveling the crusty white bandage around your shoulder. You hum in response.
Rocket hopped onto the table in front of you and grabbed you by your shoulder, ignoring the way you winced slightly at the way he grabbed you. asshole.
Rocket continued, eyes bored intensely into your very tired ones. “You are going to seduce that man and–”
“SEDUCE?” your eyes widen, “you want me to– what? I know you are crazy but have you lost your mind?”
“Yes, you are going to seduce him, get him vulnerable, maybe in bed, and then take his arm.” rocket finished and if it wasn't for the many years of friendship, you'd probably stab him for even thinking of using you for this. But stabbing has never really been off the table in the past.
“I am Groot.”
“Thank you!” you motion towards Groot. You shrug Rocket’s hands off you and stand up, “Groot’s right, I’m not sleeping with someone just to steal from them. That is one of my rules!”
“I didn’t say you had to sleep with him!” Rocket shouts
“I’m not doing it anyways!” you shout back
Rocket snarls, “you're a bad friend!”
The door swings open and the trio's head whips toward the entrance. Your face drops at the sight of a rather scared Bucky Barnes, standing there with a large gash in his flesh arm. His eyes scan the room and land on you. After noticing the blood drip down his arm, you're quick to grab some bandages and medicine. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
Bucky eyes Groot and Rocket nervously as he walks past them and closer to you, “uh… yeah, got myself on one of the scraps of metal while helping clean up.”
“Should heal quick but Sam made me come here.” bucky continued, looking between you and Rocket as you get some alcohol from the cabinets. “I can leave… if you're in the middle of something.”
“No! Im just taking my bandages off.” you replied rather quickly, you can hear the two guardians snickering to themself. You rolled your eyes and focused back on bucky, “here, let me help.”
Bucky wanted to protest, but the words got caught in his throat and your hands are already on him. Your fingers grasp around his wrist and you gently tug at him to the sink, “im gonna pour this over the cut, okay?”
You're eyeing down bucky and suddenly he's hyper-aware of your touch, feeling hot. Bucky just nods with a straight face and you continue to clean the wound. Thankfully to the serum, stuff like this didn’t hurt, but you were still so gentle. Holding bucky as if he may break under your touch, a weird feeling shot through his body at that realization.
You hum as you start to wrap the bandage around his arm, you two now incredibly close. “You going to that party tonight?”
“Tonys? Im pretty sure I have to, or Steve will carry me there on his back.” bucky says dead serious but you still smile and giggle quietly. “you?”
Bucky just gawks as you smile, noticing the way your smile lines were more prominent now. “Yeah, all of the guardians are going, which– warning, will be very eventful. Wanda promised me a cool dress.”
You place the tape to secure the bandages and smooth it down, your touch lingering slightly on his arm. Bucky takes a sharp intake when you look back up to him, the lack of distance made his ears red.
You would hear Rocket laugh in the background, “I am groot.”
“Am not!” you shouted and quickly removed your fingers from bucky’s skin, leaving him feeling awkward and cold now. He hated feeling cold. Bucky caught his breath, not realizing he was holding it.
“Groots right and you know it!” the two continued snickered to themselves, Rocket dodging a hit to the head by you as they walked out of the medbay. The door banged as it shut, making bucky flinch slightly.
Confusion littered the soldier's face, “what did he say?”
“Oh- uhh, nothing, nothing to be worried about.” you quickly responded, struggling over your words and hands waving frantically in front of you.
“You sure?” bucky asked, his eyebrow quirked up slightly that mad him look hotter than you’d rather admit to yourself.
“Mmhmm.” you looked down, “I have to go get ready for later, be careful with that.” you motioned towards his arm.
Bucky smiles slightly, motioning toward your shoulder. “You too.”
“See you tonight then?” you smile back at him.
“See you tonight.”
You thought over that last exchange with bucky, you could practically feel his skin under yours lingering. You hadn't expected to be so close to him like that, remembering the way your breath caught in your throat when made eye contact with him. Maybe you wanted to try that out again tonight, and it's not because of Rocket, no matter how much he may be conviced you were.
“Hey! What about this one?” Gamora handed you a silk green dress. “I don't think green on green looks so good on me.”
You both laugh and you walked into the bathroom to change, Gamora spoke up again. “So what's going on with you and that supersoldier?”
“What?” you shouted from the bathroom, pulling the dress down and looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked quite good, running your hand down your hips.
You could hear Gamora scoff, “he's been staring at you like your a chunk of meat, and Groot told me you had a quote-unquote intimate moment with him earlier today.”
“Oh my god, I was just bandaging his arm.” you groan. Walking out of the bathroom to reveal yourself. “Anyways, do I look good?”
A loud gasp comes from Mantis from the doorway, she shouts your name making both of you flinch from her surprise visit. “You look so good!” she shouts before running towards you, getting a closer look at your dress.
“Let's go, let's go. Party isn't waiting on anyone!” Mantis ushered you and Gamora out of the bedroom.
Gamora shoots you a look that says ‘we’ll talk about this later’ and the three of you are off to a party.
you were instantly met with Thor, taking you in a huge bear hug. you’re still surprised at just the sight of him now. seeing him on the battlefield was another thing as well.
“tiny god! you look quite beautiful tonight!” Thor spoke as he half-crushed your body against his chest.
muffled by the crushing hug, “how many times to have to tell you, i’m not a god.”
he pulls back and dust off your shoulders politely. a huge enthusiastic smile on his face, Thor seemed chipper than usual after his redemption in battle. and getting his brother back.
“yes but you do fight like one.” Thor adds. you can only shake him off and go to find your group of friends.
And Natasha was right when she said no Tony Stark party could ever be small, with many unfamiliar faces in flashy dresses, holding glasses of liquor with happy smiles. You spot most of the guardians huddled around each other, with the addition of some avengers and new faces. You hear Drax call your name, barely audible through his obnoxious laughter. the smiling faces look good on everyone after this stupid war.
“Get your ass over here.” Drax yells. You sit next to Peter and Gamora. It seems the guardians have warmed up well with the other, Mantis had already started to begin with the party tricks. Many people around the room seemed surprised as her antennas lit up and she bends and reads other emotions at will, some more comfortable with it than others.
“I think we may need to borrow you when Tony doesn't leave his workshop.” pepper comments, her face tinted red from the alcohol and warm lights around the room.
“Aw, I don't think so.” Tony laughs before noticing that you had joined the party. His eye light up in your direction. “What party trick do you got over here? I didnt get the chance to see you fight.”
A sheepish smile grows on your face as you notice everyone's eye falls on you, even bucky as he hid himself behind Steve and Sam on the couch. He looked more or less bored to be here, maybe even a little uncomfortable. Yet his eyes stay on you, anticipating your next words.
You attempt to shake the stares off, “oh no, I don't have any tricks. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Oh, I call bullshit.” Steve speaks up.
An exaggerated gasp comes from Sam, “you kiss your mother with that mouth, Roger?”
The avengers begin and finish up their teasing toward Steve. Midst the chaos you still notice bucky seemingly closing in on himself, making himself smaller behind his two friends.
“Anyways. You gotta show us.” Steve continued, turning his and everyone else attention back to you. “I saw you fighting and moving around like you weighed nothing, or the way could both take and hit a punch was just… nothing I've ever seen before.”
While Steve spoke you couldn't help but watch bucky getting up and leaving with a sour look on his face, you can't find yourself answering the captain's question. You just shrug with a shy smile, Gamora speaks up for you.
“Oh, she's shy about her abilities.” Gamora speaks, waving off the curious avengers. “let her be.”
You smile at her and excuse yourself from the group, you stand up and look around the room for bucky. You hoped he hadn't already left the party, maybe your hopes were too high that you'd be able to speak with bucky, possibly even share a drink or two.
In the middle of a group of people, you see the super soldier attempt to nudge his way through. Being stopped by random men in suits asking invasive questions and women trying to get much further than just a small conversation. You can see him roll his eyes so hard they practically reach the back of his head.
Bucky goes to turn around to rid of the crowd, but he begins to collide with one of the workers with a large tray of drinks in their hands. Bucky, along with the drinks and the worker start to fall, but your senses are quicker. Your hand rises towards them and the gravity shifts around bucky and the worker, making them lighter and stalling their fall. The drinks practically stop where they fell and the liquid floats through the air as if time has paused.
You walk towards the group and grab the drinks and plate before they fall and fix the gravitational shift. Bucky caught himself before he falls and his face is flushed with confusion as he attempts to grasp whatever you just did to him. He looks down at his hands and body before you, eyebrows knotted together. “What did you just do to me?”
“Nothing.” you smile innocently, handing one of the two drinks to bucky. “Cocktail?”
Bucky blinks, once, twice. Before hesitantly grabbing the drink in your hand and nodding. “Uh, sure.”
“Join me?” you ask, motioning towards the two empty seats at the bar. Bucky just nodded again and starts to follow you.
Sitting next to bucky, a comfortable silence fell upon the two of you, the sound of people chatting and laughing filtered out in the background. You ask for another drink and order bucky some Asgardian liquor, knowing of the serum's side effects. Handing it to him with soft eyes, yet he still seems to be pulling away from you.
“Do you have a problem with me, Barnes?” you ask rather abruptly, avoiding his eyes. A part of you didnt want to hear his response, in fear his response might be bad.
You can hear the nervousness in his voice when he stumbled over his response. “What? I mean no. no, of course not.”
Bucky lets out a rather shaky breath, you don't say anything and simply hum in response. Attempting to not push any further.
You noticed the way bucky swirled his drink around, he gulped before speaking up. “Honestly, you kinda scare me,” he confessed with a slightly nervous tone.
“Oh?” you had to push down a laugh. You decided to joke around, hoping to calm any anxieties the man next to you may have, “is it because im just so strong and so powerful?”
Bucky's lip quirks up slightly, “that, and…” he trails off and your smile drops slightly, zeroing in on him,
He doesn't respond, “come on now, don't leave me hanging, sarge.”
The nickname knocked him back a little, coming from you at least. He contemplates his choices before speaking, continuing to swirl the Asgardian liquor around in his glass. Bucky's head rises and turns to you slowly, looking at you close in your eyes and deciding to take the leap.
“I’m attracted to you, and I don't know why.” the nerves catch up to him and he avoids your gaze, “and that scares me.”
You weren't going to flat-out lie and say those words didn’t arise something in you, making your face hot and ears red. Confidence oozed through you suddenly and you went to graze your hands across his jaw. “Do you really need a reason to be attracted to someone? It's just your body telling you what you want.”
“Is this you flirting with me?” Bucky's eyes narrow at your’s playfully, and a small grin fell on his lips.
You smile, “do you want it to be?”
Bucky’s eyes might have flashed towards your lips for a faltering moment. You noticed. Bucky blames it on the alcohol, for now, blames it on anything he can, but he needs more. So bucky’s leans over and looks at you sweetly, smiling. Your foot may have risen towards his calve. Bucky definitely noticed, looking you up and down. “What are you doing to me, doll?”
You simply smile and shrug. “I don't know, what am i doing to you?”
As bucky responded, you tried to focus on the words coming from his mouth, you really did. But certain someone caught your attention from behind bucky’s head, your face dropped slowly. Rocket stood with the largest grin on his face, his thumbs up and pointing excitedly to his left arm. God, if you could kill him right now, you would.
Bucky noticed the way your eye linger behind him and how your smile dropped, “what’s wrong?” he began to turn his head around but you were quicker, grabbing at his jaw and turning him back around.
“Nothing, I’m sorry, I just got distracted.” you looked into his eyes, your faces were much closer now and the tension between you two got thicker. All bucky wanted to do was tear straight through it, but he held himself back for now.
Bucky's eyes scan you up and down, his face falls and he pulls back. A disappointed sigh leaves his mouth. “I’m sorry, I should get back soon.”
the moment ends way too quickly, and bucky gets up from the barstool beside you. Any protest for him to stay fall short and his eyes linger on you as he leaves.
Your head falls flat on the bar and a loud groan escapes your lips, you cannot believe you embarrassed yourself like that, you'd probably already scared him off now. A squeak from the chair next to you and you're too bothered in your own self-pity to raise your head and look.
That is until you hear who speaks, “what's happened? You so had him on the ropes!” rockets annoying voice ring in your ears.
“You need to stop.” your state, your head raises so fast your are dizzy.
“What?” rocket argues back, “what the hell did I do?”
You stared back at him in disbelief, and annoyance. “You distracted me! And now he thinks im weird. So leave me alone and stop cock blocking me, dude!”
Rocket doesn't respond and you don't give him the time to. You're up on your feet and walking quickly out of the room. A huff escapes your lips as you dodge the many people throughout the compound, trying to find your temporary room.
You push past the door, still slightly angered, and take no time in throwing yourself on the bed.
Hoping– praying the day tomorrow will be better and come with better chances with the supersoldier. He clouded your mind as you attempted to sleep, even in your dreams.
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nickeverdeen · 8 days
It's okay I can do it lol I might not remember exactly what I said that day but probably it was something in these same waters:
A jesse imagine with a fem!autistic!reader, just the same context as the first hcs you posted for someone a while ago. So, jesse and reader know each other, but this is set before they start dating. They know each other, they have brief talks sometimes (around ellie because she's their common friend, or in the in the gatherings at the millers when everyone is invited for dinners, etc) and, you know, he has a crush on her. Would even be cool to have some details in the imagine like since when he started having feelings for her, what was his first impressions of her, how did he got to know she was autistic (did someone tell him or he noticed something by himself? Or it was just a common knowledge in jackson for everyone?). But because she's introspective with people she doesn't really have intimacy, he finds hard to approach her in a way of finding a connection to her, he doesn't know if he would scare her or make her feel uncomfortable if he was too bold. So he begins to notice (by watching her) that she likes to paint and draw sometimes (he's pretty sure he heard someone say that it was one of her hyperfocus), he sees that she sometimes paints ellie's tattoo with markers or makeup when they hang together on her place, and he's pretty sure he saw Joel sitting on tommy and maria's couch and letting reader draw on his hand with a pen in some of the gatherings, when they were both bored.
So he has an ideia. He goes through his stuff until he finds some sketches his 12 year old self did (In my headcanon, he thought about getting a tattoo when Cat came to town and he found out she did tattoos, but he eventually let that idea go). Well, now he has a pretty good reason to have a tattoo. if it doesn't work, at least it will be covered by his shoulder.
So... Yeah he shows to her by the end lol I won't give details on this one tho, I'm pretty sure her reaction or anything that would be written after this point you would plan better than me.
I love you so much, cariño, and I’m so sorry again that you had to rewrite it
A Sketch of Connection | Jesse x autistic fem!reader
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Summary: The thriving community is a refuge for survivors, where life is beginning to feel a little more normal for Jesse when he meets you.
Jesse stood just outside of the mess hall, leaning against the wooden post as he watched the world move around him. His gaze was focused on you, sitting a few yards away with Ellie, both of you engrossed in some quiet activity. He couldn’t help but smile, noting how your concentration on whatever you were doing seemed to block out the noise and chaos of the busy day around you.
He’d been trying to get closer to you for a while now, ever since Ellie introduced you both. She spoke of you often, mentioning your incredible talent for painting and how you seemed to find solace in your art in a way that few others did. Jesse had noticed it too, in the small things—how your hands would twitch and fidget when you were in a room full of people, how loud noises would make you flinch slightly, or how you would sometimes eat your food in a very particular order, as if certain textures didn’t sit well with you.
Ellie had mentioned once, offhandedly, that you were autistic, something Jesse hadn’t fully understood but had since looked into. He learned about stimming, about the sensitivity to certain stimuli, and how social interactions could sometimes be challenging. It made him more aware, more cautious in his approach. He didn’t want to scare you off or make you uncomfortable, but he was desperate to find a way to connect with you beyond the surface-level conversations they shared at Miller’s house during group dinners.
As he watched, he noticed how you seemed completely absorbed in drawing on Ellie’s forearm with a marker, probably adding some intricate design around her tattoo. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen you do that. He’d even seen Joel let you doodle on his hand once, a rare occurrence considering how much Joel guarded his personal space. It was then that an idea started forming in Jesse’s mind—a way to get closer to you, to understand you better, and maybe, just maybe, open a door to something more.
Later that night, he rummaged through his old belongings, finding the sketchbook he’d kept as a kid. Flipping through the pages, he found what he was looking for—an old sketch he’d made when he was about twelve. It was of a wolf, fierce and wild, something he’d thought was cool back then. Jesse had briefly considered getting it tattooed when Cat had passed through Jackson, but the idea had faded away. Now, though, it seemed like the perfect excuse. If nothing else, it would be a conversation starter, a way to share something personal with you.
The next morning, Jesse found himself in front of Cat’s place, the small parlor she’d set up in her spare time, tattooing those who wanted to leave a permanent mark on their skin. He explained what he wanted, showing her the old sketch.
Jesse sat down in the worn, comfortable chair in Cat’s makeshift tattoo parlor, a small room she had converted into her own little artistic haven. The walls were lined with sketches and ink samples, a testament to her skill. He handed her the sketch of the wolf he’d drawn years ago, watching as she studied it with a critical eye.
“This is good,” she said, nodding in approval. “Didn’t know you were an artist, Jesse.”
“Not really,” he replied with a shrug. “Just doodles from when I was a kid.”
Cat raised an eyebrow, still examining the lines of the drawing. “Well, it’s better than half the stuff people bring me. Where do you want it?”
Jesse hesitated, then lifted the edge of his shirt to expose his shoulder. “Here, I think. It’s kinda personal, so I’d like to keep it hidden most of the time.”
“Personal, huh?” Cat murmured, setting up her equipment. She nodded towards the chair, and Jesse shifted to give her better access to his shoulder. As she prepped the area, she kept glancing at him, clearly sensing there was more to the story. “So, what made you finally decide to get it done? This sketch’s been in your drawer for years.”
Jesse bit his lip, debating how much to share. Cat had a way of getting people to open up, even when they weren’t sure they wanted to. “There’s this girl,” he finally admitted, the words coming out quieter than he intended. “Y/N.”
Cat’s hands paused for a moment, and she shot him a knowing look. “Ah, so this is about that pretty girl Ellie’s been talking about.”
Jesse felt his face heat up, but he chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it is. I wanted a reason to talk to her more, something to connect us. She’s… she’s really into art, and I thought maybe if I got this, we could… I don’t know, bond over it?”
Cat smirked, clearly amused. “That’s sweet, Jesse. I didn’t peg you for the romantic type.”
He laughed, a little embarrassed. “Well, I’m not usually, but she’s different, you know? I just want to get to know her better, without scaring her off.”
“You’re doing something right,” Cat said, her voice softer now as she began to work on his tattoo. “From what I hear, Y/N’s not the easiest person to get close to. But you’re willing to take it slow, let her come to you. That’s good. Shows you care.”
Jesse smiled, relaxing into the chair as the familiar buzz of the tattoo machine filled the room. “Yeah, I do. I just hope she sees that.”
Cat worked in silence for a while, focused on her art. When she finished, she wiped down the tattoo and admired her work, giving Jesse a satisfied nod. “Looks good. You’re gonna knock her socks off with this.”
Jesse glanced in the mirror she held up, taking in the new addition to his shoulder. The wolf looked fierce, just like he’d imagined it would all those years ago. But now, it carried a new meaning, one tied to the hope of getting closer to you.
Cat cleaned up her tools, then glanced at Jesse with a teasing grin. “Don’t worry, Jesse. Your pretty girl’s gonna love it. And if she’s smart, she’ll see you for the good guy you are.”
Jesse’s heart skipped a beat at her words, and he couldn’t help but grin back. “Thanks, Cat. I really hope so.”
As he left the parlor, the new tattoo burning slightly under his shirt, Jesse felt more determined than ever to show you just how much you meant to him. And with Cat’s words echoing in his mind, he couldn’t wait to see where this new connection might lead.
He waited a few days before approaching you, nervous about how you might react. One evening, when the sun was beginning to dip behind the mountains, casting a golden glow over Jackson, he spotted you sitting on a bench outside, your sketchbook in your lap. Jesse took a deep breath and walked over, trying to keep his usual easygoing demeanor despite the knot of nerves in his stomach.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted, taking a seat next to you. You glanced up, a small smile tugging at your lips, which gave him the courage to continue. “Got a minute?”
“Sure,” you replied softly, closing your sketchbook but keeping your hands fidgeting with the edge of the cover.
He hesitated for a moment, then pulled at the collar of his shirt to reveal his shoulder. “I, uh, got a tattoo the other day. Wanted to show you.”
Your eyes widened slightly, curiosity piqued as you leaned in closer to get a better look. Jesse noticed how your fingers stilled for a moment before you reached out, hesitating just before touching his skin. He nodded, giving you permission, and you gently traced the lines of the tattoo with a featherlight touch.
“It’s… really good,” you murmured, your voice carrying a hint of awe. “The wolf, it looks strong.”
Jesse smiled, relieved by your reaction. “Yeah, it’s something I drew when I was a kid. Thought it would be cool to finally get it inked.”
You nodded, your focus still on the tattoo. “It’s a good design… you used to draw?”
“A little,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. “Not as good as you, though. I’ve seen your work—Ellie brags about it all the time.”
A small blush crept up your cheeks, and you looked down, clearly pleased but unsure how to respond. Jesse decided to take the plunge, hoping this would bring you closer.
“I was thinking,” he began, choosing his words carefully, “maybe… you could design my next tattoo? I mean, if you’re up for it. I’d love to have something of yours.”
You looked up at him, eyes wide with surprise. “You… you want me to design something for you?”
“Yeah,” Jesse said, his tone earnest. “Only if you’re comfortable with it, of course. I just thought it could be something we do together.”
You took a moment to process his request, your fingers idly tracing the pattern of the tattoo again as you considered it. Finally, you nodded, a small but genuine smile on your lips. “I’d like that, Jesse. I’d really like that.”
Relief and excitement washed over him. “Great! We can start whenever you’re ready. No rush.”
You nodded again, a bit more confident now. “Maybe… tomorrow? We can meet here, and I can show you some ideas.”
“Sounds perfect,” Jesse replied, his heart swelling with affection. He’d taken a step closer to you, not just by asking for your artistic help, but by showing you that he valued you—your creativity, your thoughts, and your presence in his life.
As the two of you sat there, chatting softly about possible designs, Jesse couldn’t help but feel that this was the beginning of something special. And as you began to open up, sharing more about your art and your ideas, he knew that whatever this was, it was worth every moment of patience and understanding.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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jungkxook · 4 years
—out of the blue. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader 
⟶ genre: youtuber/gamer!jungkook + fluff / smut 
⟶ words: 5,204
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: catching your boyfriend bleaching and dyeing his hair for a livestream is definitely not what you expected — but it certainly has its perks.
⟶ warnings: established relationship, some attempt at humour, .2 seconds of sort of sub jungkook (you just like seeing him on his knees), you call jungkook a good boy, shower sex, hair pulling, oral sex, face riding, standing sex, breast play, cum eating, doggy style, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ note: because blue haired jungkook has me feeling all sorts of things. also dedicating this to the lovely ryen @kithtaehyung​ because blue haired jungkook is getting her too and i hope this helps!! and thank you to the wonderful @gamerkooks​ and @stanrandomthings​ for always giving me inspiration for gamer jungkook <3
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“What the hell are you doing?”
Jungkook has less than a second to react when he hears you bursting through the door of his bedroom, a guilty expression plastered on his face as if you’ve caught him in the midst of a much worse act than what he’s already currently doing ━ but the flustered scowl deepening your countenance is enough for him to certainly feel that way, because how else is he supposed to casually explain why he’s currently sitting shirtless in front of a camera?
Admittedly, the sight is odd enough, and there’s a split moment where your incredulous look is enough to make him feel as if he’s wronged you, and your six month long relationship with him, entirely before he remembers that he didn’t actually do anything wrong like cheat on you, but is actually just trying to dye his hair.
He’s sat in his gaming chair, camera and lights set up around him, and the monitor of his desktop all recording his face to the hundreds of thousands of viewers currently watching his livestream. He had told you well in advance about his aim to do a twenty-four hour live broadcast for his subscribers to both raise money for a donation and to countdown to his next subscriber milestone with the help of his friends ━ and had even asked you to help him plan the event, discussing it animatedly with you for the past month on various occasions ━ but mainly just because Jungkook is crazy enough to sit through a twenty-four hour stream and call it fun.
You had known most of how the entirety of the day would go. Starting from noon the previous day to now, almost an hour before the stream ends, thus far he’s done various gameplays from Minecraft to Overwatch to Among Us simultaneously with his friends who had offered to marathon with him the twenty-four hour event; had a period of time in which Jimin and Taehyung were over and cramped in his room to answer questions and talk to viewers but mostly just to create absolute chaos. You had been there for most of it, though you’re still trying to figure out if it’s a blessing or a curse that you were suckered into paying rent for your three bedroom apartment by Taehyung more than a year ago, and subsequently falling madly in love with Jungkook and forcing you to aid in his antics. You’ve been in a handful of his videos before, appearing in Twitch and YouTube streams, and in the background of vlogs in his channel and the channels belonging to the other boys; and, on that day for Jungkook’s twenty-four hour event, you had joined him at the start before being dragged away for work and then tried to pull an all-nighter with him until you crashed on the couch in the living room, and checking in on him occasionally to give him food and water and to just generally make sure your boyfriend isn’t dead.
Now, with the remaining final hour dwindling down, you had been in your room trying to finish last minute essay writing for school, with your phone propped up on your desk and Jungkook’s livestream playing as background noise to your studying. One minute, he had been playing a round of Among Us, and the next, when you had glanced up, he had the bottle in hand and the detrimental blue dye coating his hair in slick globs. It wouldn’t have been so shocking, had you not seen Jungkook an hour ago when he had his natural dark hair still, and now he had somehow managed to sneak in bleaching his hair in the time you had left him. Maybe it was your fault for not catching it sooner, if only because you had sheepishly taken a small nap amidst your studying only to wake up to a nightmare.
Which is where that leaves you currently, dishevelled demeanour standing at the threshold of his door after chasing over to his room, watching as Taehyung helps Jungkook sufficiently ruin his beautiful hair which you love so much.
“Uh… Dyeing my hair?” Jungkook finally answers, dumbfounded. He’s fortunate he had pulled off his shirt to avoid getting hair dye on it, an old towel now draped around his shoulders to catch any excess mess. He adds brightly, “We asked for suggestions on how to end the stream and someone said I should dye my hair, so Tae got the stuff.”
“You bleached your own hair?” You retort, exasperated. “When the hell did all this happen? I’ve been next door to you the whole time! What if your hair falls out? You should’ve gotten a professional to do it, not Tae━”
Taehyung looks inexplicably offended by your slandering remarks on his (lack of) hair styling skills, retorting with, “Yo, what the━?”
Jungkook blinks, as if just being made aware of what he’s actually doing.
“My hair’s gonna fall out?” he gaps. “Guys, what the hell? Why’d no one tell me?”
He looks from you to Taehyung then over at the comments on his livestream which are currently flooding with the sole topic of you. His eyes snag the first few that appear to him in the frenzied influx of words:
uh oh jungkook’s sleeping on the floor tonight
oh shit run bro
f in the chat for jk’s hair
get him y/n!!!!
“Dude, she’s just being dramatic,” Taehyung waves you off. He ducks out of the way when you reach out to Jungkook’s bed for a pillow and chuck it at the older boy’s head.
“And when he’s bald, then what━”
“No!” A helpless Jungkook exclaims suddenly. He gestures wildly to the stream, “Don’t give them ideas. The edits are gonna start pouring in.”
“Jeon, look, it’s too late to go back now,” Taehyung says. “You’ve got half your head covered in dye and three minutes to go with the stream. How bad can it be?”
A groveling sigh eclipses your lips as you push yourself forward. “Then at least let me help before you ruin it completely.”
Jungkook’s fortunate, to say the least, though he’s left wondering if you’re truly upset with him.
He finishes the countdown to the end of his twenty-four hour stream with you and Taehyung putting the last remaining globs of dye on his hair, a heartfelt goodbye to his viewers who marathoned the stream with him, and a promise to update them on the status of his hair when he washes the dye out.
And, just as soon as he’s shut his camera off, the mundane world returns to him.
It’s no longer millions of anonymous and faceless viewers watching him from the other side of their screens in the tiny bubble that is his room, but just you and Taehyung and the older boy’s frisky little Pomeranian dog and the threat of a wallowing regret as Jungkook thinks to himself, what the hell did he truly just do to his hair?
At some point, Taehyung retreats to his girlfriend’s house taking Yeontan with him, leaving you alone with Jungkook and he basks in the sudden cozy quiet after twenty-four hours of madness as the adrenaline rush begins to fade and mellow out. Back aching, joints cracking and popping as he stretches and moves, and eyes burning in the similar way they do from having stared at a screen for too long, but tenfold, he craves nothing more than to find your sweet and comforting touch to end such a long day.
He finds you in the living room already scrolling through your phone and your Twitter feed to read and marvel at all the comments and memes made by his viewers during his stream and his heart threatens to burst through his chest because you’ve always been so supportive of him and his fans, and they’ve always adored you and your endless interactions with them. So, surely, you can’t be mad at him for bleaching and dyeing his hair. Right?
As his arms come to wrap around you from behind, face nuzzling in the crook of your neck, he hears you bemoan, “You look like a Smurf came on your head.”
Well, not entirely, he guesses. You do lean into his chest, practically melting against him. A sluggish grin tugs at his lips and, instead, he chooses to ask, “Shower with me?”
“Aren’t you tired, Koo?”
“Baby,” he deadpans, and your heart flutters just a little bit, “by this point, I’m running solely on Red Bull and coffee that I’m positive I could fight the gods with my bare hands and win. In fact, I’ve had so much caffeine that I’m fairly certain I’ve ascended to the astral plane. Besides, I need to wash this dye out, and I could use some help. Sleep can wait.”
“Help,” You snort. “You’re such a liar. I already know what you want.”
“To spend time with my beautiful girlfriend? You’re right.”
“I’m not sucking your dick.”
He pulls his head back to look at you. Though he tries to look offended, there’s the tiniest of smirks on his face. “Wasn’t gonna ask you!”
You turn to properly face him in his arms and shoot him a dubious glance. He leans down to press a chilling kiss to your jaw, then nudges his nose against you in the same spot so that you’ll move your head. You do so, despite your prior scolding, and let him kiss the underside of your jaw down to your neck.
“Okay, fine,” You huff finally.
You relent, miraculously, but Jungkook had already guessed you would the moment he had found you in the living room and he couldn’t be happier.
He cherishes the moments alone with you, has come to know them well as he falls into a comfortable routine with you away from prying eyes over the last few months. Because sometimes, as he comes to learn, it’s hard to establish a relationship when his job requires him to be in the spotlight often. What is authentic and what is simply fabricated for views is difficult to discern, and yet you’re patient with him. Not everything to him is money and views and numbers, or what his next big plan is, or how you could potentially help him in some way (despite knowing that any video featuring you seems to skyrocket his views and land his videos on the trending page of YouTube more often than not because he knows everyone loves you more than him). You know when he’s his online persona and when he’s simply just Jungkook, and while there’s hardly any difference between the two, his online personality surely has to maintain a level of privacy and happiness that may not always be true.
At least with you, he can just be himself. He can finally be at ease.
Showering together is just one of the many acts of normalcy he cherishes with you. So, he turns on the shower and lets the bathroom get all warm and balmy as you undress. He’s the first one inside, hissing in delight as he lets the water run over his sore muscles, washing out the dye in his hair firstly so as not to get it on you and fortunately not making too much of a mess of blue dye in the tub. You’ve joined him in an instant when he’s nearly done, squeezing into the space in front of him as you shut the glass door behind you, the pane already beginning to fog and slick with droplets of condensation. He pulls you into him once more, nestling his chin on your shoulder as his hands come to wrap around you. They slide across your front, all wet and soapy, briefly gliding across your breasts, palms brushing against your nipples before traveling down to your navel.
“Congrats, baby,” You coo gently. “Twenty-four hours.”
He murmurs into your hair, “Missed you loads though.”
You turn to look at him finally, and it’s hard not to stare. Your eyes land firstly on his abdomen and the toned muscles there, trailing up to his arm and the pretty tattoos that decorate every inch of his skin, to his soft pink lips and his big eyes. Then, there’s the matter of his hair. The water has done most of the work in washing out the dye from his hair, now falling across his forehead and into his eyes and cheekbones, and it’s only then that you fully register the dye has worked as you struggle to find any remnants of his once-ebony-then-blonde locks. The blue hair is an obvious stark contrast to his natural hair and, you think, it is pretty, accentuating his radiant skin and making his eyes pop.
“I didn’t think you were actually serious all those times you said you wanted to change your hair.” Your lips are pursed as you survey him now, your fingers twirling a strand of his tresses around and around as you inspect it.
He smiles, catching your hand and pressing a quick peck to your knuckles. “Neither did I,” he admits sheepishly. “It sort of just happened.”
You pout. “I’m gonna miss your natural hair.”
“Do you really hate it blue?”
“I don’t hate it. Was more scared you’d ruin your pretty hair and make it all fall out.”
At this, Jungkook flashes you a cheeky smile. He holds his head a little higher. “So you still think my hair is pretty?”
“I think you’re a dork,” You clarify. “And, aside from the fact you almost gave me a heart attack, I’d say the blue is so pretty. Beyond pretty. Kinda hot, if I’m being honest.”
Because you’re not really mad, but it’s fun just to tease Jungkook and see his reactions. At the very least, he can sense this, as it’s apparent with the way his smile stretches even wider on his face.
“Hot, huh?”
“Mhm. But you didn’t hear that from me.”
He feigns a look of mock hurt. “Oh no. You must be really mad. Want me to make it up to you?”
“How are you gonna do that?”
“Well, what do you want from me?”
You take a moment to think it over, but the answer is already obvious enough. It’s one that even he knows, and one that has won you over the moment Jungkook was freed from his stream. You hum aloud, “You, on your knees, head between my legs, like a good boy. Think I can get a better viewpoint of your hair from down there anyway before I judge it.”
“Like a good boy?” A dark smirk tugs at his face. “So now who’s the needy one?”
He lowers his head so that he’s leaving a trail of sloppy wet kisses down your neck to your collarbones. As you let yourself get carried away for a moment, you wrap your arm around his neck, pulling him backwards until you’re pressed up against the glass door. He ducks even lower, kissing just above your left breast and then catching your nipple between his teeth. You swallow thickly, rubbing your thighs together, reminding yourself to respond to him.
“It’s not my fault when you were busy for the past day,” You pout. “And the blue hair really is sexy.”
“Aha!” he straightens up in front of you suddenly, a crooked smug smile on his face. “So I’m not just hot. I’m sexy.”
“You’re literally always sexy. And beautiful too. It’s almost unfair.”
“That’s even better.”
You tug your fingers at his damp locks. When you speak, your voice is a mix between urgency and a whine. “Jungkook. I could’ve already gotten off with my hand at this point.”
“Ouch, feisty!” He pokes his fingers at your sides. Then, nipping a little more firmly on the soft skin of your breast, murmurs huskily, “Alright, alright. But only if you call me a good boy again.”
Part of him is taunting you, but there’s a small sliver of intrigue that makes the thought in his head and the pretty words on your tongue excite him to no end.
Still, you choose to entertain him, maybe a little drowsily and entirely consumed by him, “I will if you let me ride your face.”
A rumble of a chuckle resonates from him. You find him on his knees in the next moment, wedging himself between your thighs. He nudges one of your legs and you follow the wordless command, hitching one thigh over his shoulder as you settle back against the glass door of the shower. He kisses at your hips as he dips his head lower and lower to where you want him, before swiping his tongue at your cunt, tasting all of you at once.
“Mmm, Koo━” A soft whimper sounds from you, making his head swim.
He wastes no time in lapping at your folds, tongue delving into you deeper and deeper as he cranes his neck. The wetness that pools between your legs and on the tip of his tongue is a sticky mess that he basks in just a little longer.
“Fuck,” he groans into your pussy, “you taste so fucking good. Missed this so much.”
His hands are big as they come to hold you close, cradling your ass, your thighs, your hips, anything to pull you into him while simultaneously pushing your thighs further apart.
You manage to find your voice and quip weakly, “Missed me or having your head between my legs?”
“You, definitely,” he murmurs. He busies himself by reaching out with his thumb to press circles against your clit. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan, hips rutting into his face. “All of you.”
“Jungkook━ Fuck━”
He burrows further into you, humming in response. His nose brushes against your clit, the muscle of his tongue a pleasant wet that makes you warm all over. You give another experimental swivel of your hips, grinding against his tongue just right. He pinches at your hips as if to probe you onward, and then you do it again, and again, desperately rocking your hips back and forth against him. Your fingers reach out to grab a fistful of his hair, clutching it so tightly he hisses. But you’re right. The blue locks look dazzling between your legs, being pulled by your hands as you push him further into you.
His eyes meet yours from below your waist, hooded and idle, enjoying the view as you squirm and writhe above him, shamelessly riding his face. Grinding against his chin, nose, and tongue, the slick wetness you leave behind glistens on his skin.
“Ah, Koo━” You cry out. “Fuck, I’m gonna━!”
Your orgasm hits you violently, sending you keeling. Your hips continue with reckless abandon, and Jungkook presses his finger against your clit a little harder, a little faster. The abrupt gushing warmth between your thighs sends your mind spinning, as the steam from the shower and your panting breaths begin to fog the bathroom. When your hips begin to slow, Jungkook laps at the rest of your leaking core before pulling away with a grin brandishing his shimmering face. He lets you pull him up eagerly, clumsy hands fumbling to hold either side of his face as you tug at him.
“God, you’re so hot, babe,” he sighs wistfully, smothering your lips with his for an all too chaste kiss, before leaning in once more to nibble at your lower lip.
“Wanna feel you, Koo,” You prompt urgently. “Want you in me.”
Jungkook hastens to comply, his hands falling to your waist. “Go on, then. Turn around for me.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You spin so that you’re facing the glass sliding door, your back to him. You watch him over your shoulder, momentarily admiring his well built stature, the tattoos that ink his body, and the water that shimmers on his skin. He has to push his wet hair up and away when it falls across his forehead and then he reaches down to grasp at his length, grip tight around his shaft so that he can pump himself sluggishly a few short times. It’s almost painful to watch him jerk himself off in front of you, the tip a burning red and glistening. He catches you staring and decides to catch you off guard when he grabs a hold of your hips with one hand. He yanks you towards him, your ass pressed firmly against his hips, making you jump from the startle, and grins when you look back at him.
Then, ever so slowly, he runs the length of his cock along your folds. Before you can brace yourself for the overwhelming rush of pleasure, he’s sliding his cock past your folds, burrowing into you deep. He curses behind you, his other hand flying out to steady himself by digging into your hip.
“Fffuck. Shit.” He dips his head so that his cheek is resting against your shoulder and sputters for air. “Jesus, fuck━ Been dying to feel you all day.”
He fits so snugly in you, so perfectly, just like always and you take him so well, coaxed by your own arousal. He ruts his hips forward into yours and you nearly fall forward before catching yourself by pressing your palms to the glass. Then, he’s grinding against you, small and precise thrusts that roll into your hips.
“Mmm, Jungkook,” you choke out. “You feel so━ So good.”
“Ah, shit,” he hisses. “Wanna wreck you so bad.”
He angles his chest a little more, pummels his dick into you in such a way that he’s hitting a different spot in you. His eyes stay fixated on the soft, round flesh of your ass and the way his cock slips so easily into you, brows screwed in concentration, jaw clenched. The slight bounce of your ass each time he rolls his hips firmly against you, the way you ricochet forward each time in tandem with his moves. You bow your head, pressing your temple against the glass door now tinted with condensation, only marked up by the imprints of your fingers grasping at anything. It’s almost sweltering hot in the shower now but you both pay no mind to it. He fucks into you with such languid, steady strides, cock beginning to throb and twitch in anticipation. You feel so wet, such a pitiless mess between your thighs already that it makes him growl.
“H-Harder,” You mewl. “Oh, Koo━”
He almost slips behind you in his eagerness to obey, awakening something animalistic in him, a yearning to just release all the tension in his core. This time, he adapts a measured pace, forceful thrusts that have you crying out in delight each time. One hand reaches up to grip at your shoulder to steady himself while his other slithers around your front to grasp at your breasts, all wet and supple, pinching at your nipples.
“So good,” he moans, pressing sloppy kisses just below your ear. His breath is hot as he pants behind you, sending tingles down your spine. “Fuck━”
His voice is cut off by a whine, hips bucking forward in an unsolicited manner as he feels his high drawing near. You lean your head onto his shoulder, stretching your arm out so that you can tug desperately at his hair. It’s a silent, simple command, but it’s one that he immediately understands even without you speaking.
“Wanna feel you━” You whimper. “Wanna see you.”
Jungkook nearly slips as he fumbles to pull out of you, hissing at the loss of warmth and friction. As soon as you’ve turned to face him, he wastes no time in closing the distance between you. He pushes his leaking cock past your folds once more and continues at the same pace as if he had never even stopped to begin with.
“Fuck,” he whines. “Not gonna last━”
You wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him even closer to you, as he presses you against the glass. He hitches one of your thighs around his waist, spreading your legs just wide enough to hit a certain spot that has both of you crying out. You’re clinging so tightly to him, fingers digging harshly into his skin in an attempt to alleviate the building pressure you feel. He knows you’ve almost reached your end when you resort to a gasping, moaning mess, writhing beneath his broad stature.
“Close, baby?” he hums.
You open your mouth to respond but can only muster a whimper. His pace treads over to heedlessly frantic, the sound of skin against skin and the lewd wetness filling the shower. Despite his hips pounding into yours so harshly, his fingers flutter so delicately under your chin, grasping it and moving your head just enough so that you’re facing him.
“Lemme see you,” he grunts. “Wanna watch you when you cum all over my cock. Always so pretty.”
“I━ I’m━ Fuck, Koo━”
But you can’t finish your thought.
You keep your gaze fixated on Jungkook’s, however exhausted and weary it may be. Your lashes flutter, brows knit together, and you suck your lower lip between your teeth, biting so hard Jungkook’s certain you’ll bruise it. Another few hard thrusts and then you’re reaching your high, overcome by such an intense burning that you can’t help but look away out of instinct. You cry his name, face contorting in pure pleasure, and chest arching to meet his. You’re clenching so tightly around him has him sputtering for air, nearly collapsing entirely against you. You’re near dripping around his cock which only means he almost slips from you with each draw of his hips that he makes. It’s why he sloppily rocks his hips into yours, desperate to reach his own high as well.
When you return to your senses, blinking away your blurry vision, you can make out Jungkook cooing into your ear, “That’s it, baby. Doing so well.”
You meet his gaze once more, only this time you’re perhaps even more tired. Hooded eyes watch him, silently probing him to his climax. He comes tumbling towards it, a few more short thrusts of his hips and, finally, he’s there. He slams his hips up into yours one final time, crying out, and then he’s releasing into you in an overwhelming abrupt gush. Only he can’t quite enjoy it because, out of genuine accident and driven by impatience to just get off, the last jerk of his hips hits you a little too hard.
It’s what causes you to slip backward and he, so lost in his own reverie, hardly has a proper grip on you or where he’s standing. When you lose your footing beneath you, slipping on the wet porcelain of the tub, and comes crashing down, he’s brought along with you. “Oh, fuck━!”
The both of you yelp from the surprise, your hands flailing out to brace yourself for the fall.
Fortunately, you land on him when you reach the bottom of the tub, courtesy of him grabbing onto you last second so that he can soften the blow upon impact.
Unfortunately, the breath is knocked out of him from the startle and from the sudden added weight of you on top of him with no warning.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he groans.
“In hindsight,” You wince as you shift your weight above him, “maybe having sex in the shower again wasn’t the greatest idea. Remember last time when we knocked the shower curtain down and I had to get stitches on my elbow? It’s why we got the glass door installed, and then we had to lie to Tae about it.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” He tilts his head back, rubbing a hand over his face. Then, he flashes you an all too charming smirk. “Was kinda worth it though.”
You giggle, sounding so sweet and angelic, even despite the way his cum still leaks from you. Somewhere in the fall, his dick had slipped from you and now lays softening on his stomach which, really, is probably the worst part of the accident to him. He already misses the warmth of you wrapped around him, your mingling cum a dirty mess around him. You prop yourself up on his chest with your palms, but before you can even think to respond, you notice something out of the corner of your eye.
A small mass of fur in the shape of little Yeontan has just poked his head through the crack in the door, oblivious to you and Jungkook’s compromising position. And then, shortly following behind him, is his equally oblivious owner who must have forgotten something in the apartment to bring him back so suddenly.
“Tannie, get back here━ We gotta go━ Oh, Jesus, what the fuck?” Taehyung appears at the door for a millisecond before noticing the situation he’s just stumbled upon. Thankfully, he acts fast, and clamps a hand over his tainted eyes, clumsily scooping up Yeontan in his other hand. “Can you guys please stop fucking all over this damn apartment? My son’s eyes are too pure for this!”
And then he’s retreating, but not before bumping blindly into the doorframe, grumbling along the way. It’s silent for a moment as you and Jungkook gawk at one another; then you hear Taehyung leave the apartment once more, and the both of you dissolve into a fit of unabashed laughter.
“Are you okay?” You ask once you’ve calmed down enough as he reaches out to shut the shower off. You plant a kiss in your boyfriend’s hair. “You hit your head coming down.”
Jungkook’s heart swells at your gentle touches and smiles. “I’m fine,” he promises brightly. “You?”
“Well, you did just thoroughly fuck me, so━” You shrug innocently. “I’m kinda still too giddy to even care.”
“I’m gonna make it up to you,” he says. “For almost giving you a heart attack with my hair and for almost putting you in the emergency room again just now.”
The mention of his hair draws your attention to it once more. It’s not as wet as before, damp azure waves falling into his eyes that you brush away gingerly.
“Yeah,” You snort, “but I’ve decided I like your hair. Like, really like it.”
“Yeah?” he grins wide. “What was the deciding factor?”
You pause, as if to think for a moment. Exhaustion riddles your body and you know sleeping curled up next to Jungkook is nearing your future, but for now you let yourself entertain the last remnants of whatever lewd thoughts are still on yours and his minds before they fizzle away completely. You can’t help yourself anyway. The blue really is nice.
“Definitely the view of you eating me out,” You say. “And can’t forget how pretty it looks when I’m pulling at your hair.”
“Say no more,” he beams. “Then I’ll make it up to you by making you cum on my tongue again and again and again.”
The last thing he hears before he grabs at your cheek to softly pull you down to him for one last kiss, slow and ardent, is a bubbly giggle from you that delights him to no end.
“That’s a good boy.”
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
3K notes · View notes
bratkook · 4 years
almost. (m) jjk.
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not yet, almost, right now
pairing. jungkook x reader genre. fluff, baby angst, smut word count. 6.4k warnings. two idiots!!, pining, masturbation (m. and f.), use of vibrator, accidental voyeurism?,  more feelings come to light!! summary. jungkook tries to be the best wingman he could be in your new venture after your breakup. he could do it, right? note. part two of not yet, some more feelings are exposed, please don’t hate oc she is but a pendeja that doesn’t see the obvious feelings jungkook has but she has good intentions i promise<3 there will most likely be a final part,,if you guys are into it lmao okie bye
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The cool summer breeze flows around you as you’re sitting under the shade, eyes focused on the chaos of runny yolk and hashbrowns that is your breakfast. Jungkook on the other hand, is focused on you. His signature yellow shades block out the sun reflecting from passing cars, concealing his eyes just enough for you to not see him blatantly staring at you while you stuff your face. 
The charmed smile he has falters slightly when you look directly at him, hashbrown lingering by your lip as you repeat his name. “Sorry, what?”
Your brows come together as you smile at his zoned out state, something you had grown fond of in the years of knowing him, always enjoying the small dazed look that graced his face whenever he was lost in his thoughts. His lips push out slightly in question, curious eyes wondering just what you could have been asking him. 
“I was saying that I think I’m giving up on crushes and love.” You say it so easily, mind made up as you grin at him before continuing to shovel hashbrowns into your mouth, only pausing to take a sip of your iced coffee. 
Jungkook tries his best to seem unaffected, nodding along in interest as he takes a steady bite of his own food. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, taking a look around at the people surrounding you: friends having breakfast together and snapping photos, couples feeding each other food with smiles on their faces, a lone man with his dog perched on the seat across from his while he worked on his computer. You briefly wonder if all of them, even the dog, have better luck with love than you do. 
“I think I’m cursed,” you continue. “All of my exes have been assholes, and I’ve always been too blind to see it until it’s over and I’m left crying over Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.”
“Maybe you’re just looking for love in the wrong places,” Jungkook shrugs, internally screaming because he’s who you should be looking at if you wanted love. 
Not to toot his own horn, but Jungkook liked to think he was a good guy, a great boyfriend even. His previous track record of relationships could attest to that, all of them ending on mutual terms, still friendly and civil with each other. He’s almost certain if there was a Yelp page for him it would be at least 4.5 stars with comments raving about how great he is, even little anecdotal touches about how he always gave away his hoodies or offered to cook breakfast. 
He was a god damn catch, why couldn’t you see that?
“Maybe prince charming is a lot closer than you think,” he grumbles out, stabbing his omelette with a little more force than necessary, fork clanking against the plate. And when you gasp in realization he freezes, slowly looking back up at you and seeing the way your eyes widen. 
“Wait, maybe you’re right!” Your hand shoots across the table, gripping onto his forearm and it sends a shock throughout him, skin tingling at your touch. “You know that coffee shop below our building? That cute barista always puts a heart next to my name. Do you think I should ask for his number?”
Jungkook blinks once, slowly twirls his fork in his hand and blinks again before staring up at the sky, mentally asking why he couldn’t just go out and say it. “Hm, I don’t think you should.“
With a defeated sigh you retract your hand, slumping back into your seat and grabbing your iced coffee once more, stirring the straw and ice around as you nod. “True. What if he feels obligated to give it to me just because he doesn’t want to get fired in case I go all Karen on his ass.”
That wasn’t why Jungkook had said not to, but sure, that works too, so he hums along. 
“I bet he draws hearts on all the other girls cups too.” You huff, playfully wiping a tear under your eye with a smile. 
“I’ve actually—“
“You know what I—“
You both freeze mid sentence, Jungkook’s cheeks tinted a light pink as he stutters on his words, wide eyes staring at you as if he had caught himself before you cut him off. But as you’re about to tell him to go on, he waves you off and urges you to speak first. 
“I was just gonna say that maybe I should go through that wild phase people usually go through after breakups.”
He sets his silverware down on the plate and sips his water, giving you an odd look. “Wild phase? Like you wanna dye your hair red and get bangs?”
“No,” you cackle, ruffling a hand through your own hair as you picture yourself with that combination. “I should just go out and hook up with people. I feel like I’ve either been in a relationship or entirely single, so it could be fun right?”
“Uh, maybe...” he trails off, rolling his lips together in thought, not exactly fond of hearing you say that when he had felt the confession about to roll off his tongue. He takes a slow breath, trying to see this from a neutral point, the point of a supportive friend wanting to help you get over a breakup. 
“How do you go about it?”
“Me?” he chokes, pointing at his chest as if there was magically some other person you could be addressing. 
“Yes, you. Need I remind you, we share a wall between our beds.” You roll your eyes, but the smile on your face shows that you’re speaking of this lightly, not entirely annoyed by the fact that you had heard Jungkook during his own fair share of hook ups. 
He’s not ashamed of it, but considering he never really brought up being able to hear you, he thought you’d pretend to never hear him. It wasn’t too often that he had a girl over, the number of hookups only increasing after you got with Hajoon and loosely cut ties with Jungkook. But from what you had heard—and seen thanks to your nosey self looking through peep holes once they left—it was very rarely the same girl. 
So to you, Jungkook was a pro at the art of hookups. 
“Right, sorry,” he grimaces, a sheepish smile on his lips as he wonders just how many times his activities kept you up at night. 
“It’s fine, consider us even.” A teasing laugh follows your statement, enjoying the flustered look on his face, how his cheeks get even darker in embarrassment. Jungkook was used to the two of you talking like this, neither of you having a filter especially when it came to sexual aspects, but he hadn’t had a conversation like this since before you got with Hajoon. It would take some getting used to again. 
“So, give me the tips. Where do you find people?”
Jungkook leans back into his chair, arms stretching out on either side of him, short sleeves of his black tee bunching up and revealing more of his tattoos and the rippling of his muscles. With a small laugh he rakes his hand through his fluffy hair, giving you a small smile. “Honestly? Anywhere. I’ve gotten girl’s numbers at the gym and at coffee shops, but bars are the best bet for something quick.”
“Ugh, fuck you and your pretty privilege.” 
“What?” he guffaws, smiling wide and showing you his adorable smile as he laughs loudly, not caring about the attention he draws to your table. He doesn’t even realize how the table full of girls is now trying to discreetly stare at him, because his eyes are on you. You see it though, and it further proves your point. “What the hell is pretty privilege?”
Your wild hands gesture towards him, a look of disbelief on your face as you do so. “You! Of course girls line up to hand you their number, have you seen yourself? Pretty privilege,” you jab your fork at him in time with your final words, a smirk on your glossy lips. 
Jungkook feels his confidence grow at your casual compliment, tongue prodding at his cheek as he stares down at his food, trying not to smile too hard. You thought he was pretty, that was a win in his book. 
“C’mon,” he teases, foot gently nudging your leg underneath the table. “You could totally score someone's number. Plus there's always apps if you just wanna test the water.”
You give your plate a contemplated stare, “Sure, how hard could it be?”
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Admittedly, the answer to that question was: not hard at all. You had met all your previous boyfriends in person, through mutual friends or shared classes back in college, never once dipping your toe into the world of Tinder or Bumble. Who knew all it would take was a couple of selfies and the strategic body shot to have boys circling around you like some new-age, slightly filthier version of rapunzel. 
Jungkook knew though, not at all shocked by how quickly you get a match the following day when he’s at your place. His eyes are focused on the screen in front of him, helping you beat a level in your favorite game that you had been stuck on. But the second you gasp as if you’ve won the lottery, he pauses the game entirely and gives you an odd look. 
His answer comes in the form of your phone thrusted in his direction, lit up screen displaying your profile picture and the one of the boy you had just matched with. Jung Hoseok. Jungkook’s eyes narrow as he reads the name, trying to remember it in case he somehow had a friend in common that knew all the dirt on him. 
He has a similar pair of yellow shades on his own head, thicker black rims around them and a charming smile on his face. Jungkook chuckles to himself. Yellow shades? How original. 
“What do I say?” you question, eyes looking nervous as you wiggle the phone in his face. The small white bar beneath your match urges you to start a conversation, and coming up with the right words to say makes you overthink it all. 
“Just say hi and tack on some cute emoji. It’s not that hard,” he laughs, pushing the phone back at you. Jungkook knew you could start the message off any way you wanted and this Jung Hoseok would eat it right up. How could he not, the alluring smile in your profile photo would draw anyone in. 
“Okay, I did it.” Your phone is instantly locked and chucked aside in an attempt to be forgotten, choosing to grab the remote out of Jungkook’s hands for another distraction. It only lasts a brief second before you’re killed by the boss Jungkook was trying to defeat. 
“Really?” Jungkook huffs, yanking the remote back into his hands, needing a distraction himself. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that you were searching for a fuck buddy while he sat beside you. How crazy would it be if he suggested being your fuck buddy, offered to help you through this so called wild phase you were searching for. 
No. That’s not what he wants. 
Would he enjoy it? Sure. But he could already imagine how much worse his heart would hurt if his feelings came to light and yours were non-existent. That is if you’d even agree to it. 
“Relax, he’s probably thinking of what to reply.”
You make a noise of disagreement, fingers itching to unlock your device to see if it was true, slowly inching towards it until you finally grab it and go back onto the app. Jungkook just chuckles as he goes back to helping you with your game, not wanting to look at you as you giggle at your device. He could already imagine what this guy was telling you for you to turn into a giddy mess not even two minutes in. 
He tunes it all out, eyes focused on the screen, fingers gripping the remote with a little more force than needed. His concentration helps him though, finally passing the level you’ve been stuck on for the past two weeks. 
“You’re welcome,” he sighs, making a show of stretching out and sending you a smile, having it falter slightly when he sees your eyes still focused on the screen of your phone. With a frown he looks back at the television, saving the game before turning it off altogether. 
Once he gets up from the couch, making his way over to the media console to store the remotes, is when you look up at him. “You’re right, this is easy!”
Jungkook doesn’t feel the usual pride that comes with being right, but the cheerful look on your face prevents him from feeling salty. Coming back towards the couch, he sits beside you once more, facing you as he rests his elbow on the back cushion to lean on. “Told you so.”
He keeps that same smile on his face as you mention how quick Hoseok was to ask you out on a date, even as you bring up the fact that this date would be at his place, and Jungkook could decipher netflix and chill any way some greasy boy tried to conceal it. 
“I hope he knows I don’t want anything serious,” you mumble, chewing on your fingernail as you scroll through the messages. 
Jungkook could almost laugh at how blissfully unaware you were of the piranha infested water that was the great sea of Tinder. Of course this yellow sunglass wearing wannabe version of him knows you don’t want anything serious, why else would he be so quick to invite you over with the cheeky excuse to watch movies. 
All he can do is shrug as he stares at you, lips pressed together in an effort to not say something that would totally ruin everything. Instead, Jungkook does everything he can to be the best version of a wingman you could get. He tells you the ins and outs of hookups, how you should definitely not text him the minute you leave his place and tell him you had fun, don’t talk about anything super personal involving family or your work, and if he doesn’t offer to go down on you but expects a blowjob he’s a loser. 
It’s solid advice that you mentally jot down, subjecting him to further questions your mind comes up with and even asking him for help on an outfit via text the night of your hangout with Jung Hoseok. 
Jungkook stares at the photos for a little too long if he’s being honest. They weren’t spectacular selfies that you had taken much effort for, their sole purpose being showing off the outfit, but the way you look so focused as you snapped the shot had him zooming into your face and smiling like an idiot. When you double text him with a long line of question marks he snaps out of it, deciding on the second option you picked of mom jeans and a cropped shirt. Cute and casual, and definitely something Jungkook preferred, but he’d never tell you that. 
When you finally text him a thumbs up and tell him you’re on your way out he just hearts the message before locking his device and trudging to the living room. It’s not often that he wallows in self pity, spacing those days out so far he barely remembers them. But they usually went exactly like this, ordering a large meat lovers pizza with extra cheese, drinking far too many Mike’s hard lemonade—because despite how much they made his stomach hurt they were tasty so he didn’t care—and binge watching his comfort show: Modern Family. 
But even as he sulks on his couch, practically sinking into the cushions with horrible posture and a slice of pizza resting on his chest, he can’t find it in himself to chuckle at Cam and Mitch’s usual banter. He’s too busy thinking about which movie you’re currently watching, if you were watching it. Who’s Jungkook kidding though, you were totally getting your guts rearranged right now. 
Taking an aggressive bite out of the crust he frowns and raises the volume up on his television, attempting to drown the mocking voice in his head calling him a loser for not admitting to his feelings. He knew this, knew he should have said something when he wanted to at breakfast, but Jungkook was afraid that if he confessed as you were talking about hooking up, that you’d see him as taking advantage of a situation instead of being genuine. I mean who wouldn’t? You say you want something casual and suddenly he’s spilling his heart out and you’re supposed to believe he’s not some pig trying to butter you up. He didn’t want to get labeled as a creepy neighbor after the good times you’ve had. 
“So stupid,” he grumbles to himself as he takes another swig, the last drops of the alcohol hitting his tongue with a tangy aftertaste. As he sits up to place the empty bottle onto his coffee table his muscles ache, neck stiff from the unfortunate position it had been subjected to for the last three hours. With a small huff he’s rolling his shoulders, reaching for his discarded phone to see the time—and also check if you’d sent him some SOS text—but he finds nothing besides the bright numbers indicating that it was nearing midnight.
In true pity party day fashion, he doesn’t even bother cleaning up after his mess, just tossing the dirty dishes into the sink to be washed tomorrow when he would force himself to be in a better mood. Instead, he grabs a water and his phone and waddles into his bedroom. 
The moonlight illuminates the space enough for him to keep the light switch off, undressing from his crumb covered sweats and shirt, choosing to remain in his boxers as he slipped under the cold duvet. The sheets feel fresh against his hot cheeks, flush from the alcohol, cooling him down and making his body relax. 
Jungkook knows he should sleep, needing to be up early tomorrow for work, but he can’t stop his mind from wandering into dangerous territory. His buzzed brain has no qualms imagining exactly what you were doing right now, wondering if you’d be the type to act shy at a guy’s house for the first time, if you’d initiate the first move or not. Jungkook had only seen it up close once under the flash of strobe lights and the haze of alcohol, but he can still picture the soft smile on your face before you go in for a kiss, and he grumbles under his breath when he realizes that he wouldn’t be the one kissing you tonight. 
What he doesn’t know, is that you wouldn’t be the one getting kissed tonight either. The Jung Hoseok you had perceived through Tinder, assuming he was all casual and DTF with his netflix and chill suggestion, had been anything but. What you thought would be a steamy night, ended up becoming a nice dinner and comedy watched, morphing into some version of game night where you discovered he was a little too competitive than you were used to. The only action you got was a kiss to your cheek as he walked you to your car and a promise for another date. A promise you would not be keeping. 
So as Jungkook lays in bed while his thoughts turn into some fantasy of you moaning out his name, you shuffle into your bedroom and slip into your pajamas with a defeated sigh. You had already texted your best friend telling her what a bust tonight had been, deciding to just tell Jungkook all about it tomorrow because you knew he was most likely fast asleep now. And as you settle under your own covers, inches away from Jungkook with only a wall seperating you, you decide to just call it a night and pretend it never happened. 
Just as you shut your eyes, nuzzling into your pillow, you hear the first moan come from behind the wall. A small cry of despair escapes you as you bury your face into your sheets, tugging them up and over your head to block the sound of Jungkook getting some action the same night you had been left high and dry. Of course he would, assuming you’d be getting the same treatment at your date's place, why wouldn’t he take advantage of your absence and not have to muffle his partner’s moans the way he usually did. 
You’re just going to ignore it, until you hear a moan that sounds strangely like your own name. Maybe it's wishful thinking on your part, your horny brain deciding to pretend that Jungkook was calling for you instead of whoever he was with. It might be a little wrong for you to have that fantasy of your neighbor, but you aren’t blind. He’s hot, and adorably sweet, the perfect package for any girl he tried to swoon. And judging by the cries you’ve heard of lucky girls prior, you know he was good in bed. 
You’re just desperate now. That’s the excuse you tell yourself as you slowly settle onto your back, feeling your body warm up when you focus on his muffled groans, desperate and needy. As your hand slowly slides down your shirt, you shut your eyes, biting down onto your lip to muffle any sound you could make when your fingers slip underneath your pants and past your underwear. 
Jungkook on the other hand doesn’t care about his volume. His boxers are tugged down his thighs, knees bent as he slowly ruts into his sticky palm. His hand is tacky with the lube he had messily squirted on, thick cock glistening in the light coming in from his window. He can’t look away from it, mouth dropped open as he groans, imagining it was your hand tightly wrapped around him, your spit covering his cock instead of that strawberry flavored lube. 
“Ah fuck,” he moans, shutting his eyes and throwing his head back onto his soft pillows when his thumb rubs along his slit. It continues to leak beads of precum, quickly wiped away to join the mess on his cock when his hand slides back down and squeezes along his base. 
You hear that loud and clear, and when the female voice you’re expecting never follows, you realize he must be taking care of himself. It makes you feel a little less guilty now as your fingers trail along your slit, collecting the slick coating your folds before you softly circle your clit. A choked gasp fills the air at the small sensation, your body already wired after having expected to get some action tonight; it totally had nothing to do with your hot neighbor jacking off inches away from you. 
With your eyes fluttering shut, you strain your ears to make out any other noise, muffling your own groans with a hand pressed against your mouth. The bed creaks lightly underneath you as you roll your hips into your hand, getting into a smooth rhythm that makes your body buzz. 
Slowly, your imagination runs wild, and you wonder just what Jungkook was thinking of as he did this. Was he watching some porn as he did it, using his own filthy thoughts to push himself to ecstacy, or was this just something he needed to do to be able to sleep? 
“Shit, so good,” he groans out, voice raspy, but you can sense his desperation through the drywall. It’s what has you sinking a single digit into your drenched entrance, biting down onto your lower lip when you feel the glide of your walls as you start to thrust into yourself, easing in another and mewling at the slight stretch. 
Jungkook would absolutely give his left leg to know what your pussy felt like, he didn’t even care how disgusting he sounded by admitting that to himself, it was true. Blame it on the hard lemonade that made his stomach ache and his mind unfiltered, but he could almost visualize how you’d look above him, could practically feel the warmth of your core wrapped around him, dripping down his length as he fucked into you. 
He knows you’re loud in bed, never being one to conceal your cries of pleasure and he would die happy to hear his name come out of your mouth as you creamed his cock. But for now, his hand would have to do. 
His lids feel too heavy, jaw slack as the pleasure flows through his body. The wet squelch of his palm fills the room, mingling with his pants and groans, air growing thick around him. It’s been a while since Jungkook had jacked off, and even longer since he’d been able to do it shamelessly in bed without the fear of you hearing him, but now that he thought you were gone he can’t find it in himself to cover his mouth or groan into his pillows like he usually did. 
The pent up frustration fogs up his mind, cranks the lust up to 11 until his free hand is gripping his sheets beside him, bed frame creaking as his thrusts speed up. The thuds of his headboard hitting the wall come from behind you, a choked moan blending in with it, and it has you scrambling for your bedside drawer. 
The pajamas you wear get yanked off your legs and tossed aside after you grab your trusty vibrator, settling onto your back once more with huff. All it takes is a press of a button for the device to come to life, buzzing in your hand as you trail it up your thighs. A gasp escapes you when you pass it over your mound, brushing against your clit and sending a jolt of pleasure through you. 
“Oh my god,” you whimper when you finally press the vibrating head directly onto your sensitive clit, legs spreading further apart as you increase the intensity. You could clearly hear the raise in Jungkook’s moans, and that's when the first irrational thought pops into your mind. 
How easy would it be for you to head over to his place and deal with both of your problems. Surely Jungkook wouldn’t have an issue with you offering to suck his dick, wouldn’t mind letting you sink down onto him if it was just a friendly favor. 
The little devil on your shoulder tells you it would be mutually beneficial, urging you to get up and walk to Jungkook’s with the vibrator still in your hand, but you can’t. This alone felt like enough of a dirty secret, a secret you’d have absolutely no problem keeping because although you feel slightly ashamed, you couldn’t deny how turned on you are. 
The flashes of all the times you’ve heard Jungkook with other people play in your mind, the screams of his name that he tried to muffle, pleas for him to go faster, the resounding smack of his palm on flesh that always left you wide eyed when you heard it. And you start to wonder if maybe you’d be into that, the feeling of his large tattooed hand connecting with your ass, gently tapping against your cheek for you to open up for his cock. 
That fantasy is like the first ember needed to start the fire inside of you, spreading uncontrollably until you’re bucking into your vibrator, teeth biting down on your lip to keep any potential moans of his name from slipping out. 
“Fuck, fuck,” he chants, the same fire burning within him. Maybe your minds are linked telepathically, his thoughts gravitating to the same filthy fantasy you had. Jungkook was very much an ass man, knowing very well how good your butt looked in jeans from how often he stared at it, he could only imagine how good it would look as he fucked you from behind. Picturing the way it would bounce back from the force of his thrusts, eyes glued to the way you’d soak his cock, mimicking the tightness of your walls with a firm grip of his palm. 
Jungkook can sense his orgasm approaching, leaves his chest feeling tight as he pants, legs gliding along his sheets for leverage to continue fucking into his hand. You’re not far off either, vibrator set to the highest setting you can practically feel your bones rattling, free hand slipped under your shirt as you pinch at your pebbled nipples. You’re both on the brink of falling over the edge, the same question playing in your mind: where would you want Jungkook to cum?
As his moans get breathier, whiny in a way you’d never imagine them to be, you mentally decide that you’d want him to cum inside of you, wanting to see the way his cute face would twist up in pleasure as he filled you up. Jungkook hopes you would, throwing all responsible thinking aside for that sweet moment of ecstasy and the mental picture is enough to finally push him over. 
“Ah shit, baby,” he cries out in his room—thankfully having half the mind to not cry out your name as he came—eyes rolling back as his cock twitches in his palm, ribbons of cum splashing onto his stomach and chest. The warmth hits his skin, more droplets continuing to leak out as his palm milks his orgasm, stomach hiccuping and back arching from the stimulation. 
The choked moan is what has your own orgasm washing over you, your palm slapping over your mouth so hard you know you’ll feel the ache later but you don’t care. A muffled gasp blends with the buzzing of your toy, thighs tensing up as your body tingles and writhes around on your sheets. 
The only thing you can think of is Jungkook, the charming smile he’d give you when he listened to you rant about anything, his annoying habit of rolling up his sleeves to show off his muscles, the cute scowl on his face whenever you managed to beat him at Mario Kart, and the soft feeling of his alcohol coated lips on yours. It leaves you feeling warm as your orgasm flows through you, lying limp on the bed as you mewl at the sensitivity. 
When you realize your thoughts have strayed from ‘pure sexy Jungkook fantasyland’, and switched over to ‘Jeon Jungkook your adorable neighbor’, your eyes go wide, finger immediately going to turn off the vibrator. In your haste to shut it off, you click the wrong button, changing the pulsing settings and nearly screaming when the device starts to buzz erratically against your overly sensitive clit. 
With a strained gasp you yank it away from yourself, turn it off and throw it aside, horribly miscalculating the size of your bed and watching in horror as it lands on the floor with a loud thud. The complete silence from both sides makes the noise sound deafening, and all you can do is sit on your bed, half naked, and hope Jungkook is still too busy basking in his post orgasm bliss to hear the bang. 
Although the blood is still pumping in his ears, he heard the thud clearly. His heart stops in his chest as he lays there, too scared to breathe in case he’d somehow make too much noise, suddenly afraid of being too loud after he had just made a show of himself. Jungkook slowly sits himself up, grimacing at the stickiness on his stomach before pressing his ear against his headboard to try to hear anything else. 
All you want to do is yank the covers over yourself and go to sleep, pretend your horrendous date and your dirty thoughts about your friend never happened. The sobering mentality that comes after an orgasm settles into you, leaving you staring at the floor with a crease between your brows as you wonder what the hell came over you. 
When Jungkook hears nothing else, he sighs in relief, hauling himself out of bed to grab another pair of underwear before entering his bathroom to clean up. As he stares at his own reflection in the mirror, he frowns at how pathetic he feels. The throbbing headache of his earlier drinks is already starting to kick in, body now sweaty from exertion, stomach covered in his cum. 
“Such a loser,” he grumbles out, grabbing a wad of tissues to wipe away the mess on his skin before walking back out. Here he was, getting off to the thought of you, while you were out having your post-breakup wild phase. 
His hands grab his phone as he reaches his nightstand, flopping back onto the bed and unlocking the device. It’s now one in the morning, and you still hadn’t text him, which either meant you were having the time of your life, or Jungkook had to track down this Jung Hoseok. The slightly protective side of him won’t allow him to sleep until he hears back from you, fingers already typing out a message and hitting send. 
Jungkook 1:23am : you safe or am i gonna have to go all Liam Neeson on this guy?
When your phone vibrates on your nightstand you gasp, grabbing it before it could make any more noise. Seeing Jungkook’s name flash on the screen makes your blood run cold, already imagining what the text could be: calling you dirty for getting off on him, making fun of you, telling you to come ove—no stop that. 
Finally mustering up the courage, you open it up, a small laugh spilling out as you read his message, relief flooding through you as you realize that meant he thought you were still with Hoseok. 
Y/N 1:26am : oh yeah, you gonna show him your very particular set of skills? lol
Y/N 1:26am : i just got home though
Y/N 1:26am : like right now
Y/N 1:26am : still sitting in my living room
Y/N 1:27am : haha
He laughs at your string of texts, something you hear as he settles into bed. Jungkook ebbs away the small feeling of jealousy in his chest, trying to see the silver lining of this. You weren’t rushing to tell him anything about your date which meant it either went so good you wanted to keep it to yourself, or it was subpar and you wouldn’t be seeing this yellow sunglass wearing copycat again. 
Jungkook 1:29am : glad you got home safe, goodnight y/n!
Sending back a goodnight text, you lock your phone and slide deeper into bed, pulling the sheets up to your chin as you stare at the ceiling. You already know the only thing you’ll be dreaming about is your cute neighbor with a bunny smile and body proportions that contradicted it. And as Jungkook lays in bed, wondering if he’ll have to push the crush aside, you’re barely coming to terms with the fact that the small glowing feeling that came with being around him might be something else. 
Every single one of your interactions gets rewinded and played back like a seamless montage, remembering just how many almost moments there was between you. The way his eyes would flash down to your lips whenever you playfully argued on your couch, hands yanking the remotes from his in a game of tug of war that left you way too close in the heat of the moment. How he’d let you braid his hair anytime you found a new youtube tutorial, his starry eyes staring at you with so much adoration it made your stomach flip, brushing it off as love for a friend. 
Then came the jokes from your friends, constantly teasing you about Jungkook, playfully saying they would try to sleep with him just because they liked the scowl on your face, and how quickly you tried to play it off. How the sweet old lady from the convenience store downstairs always assumed you were dating when you came in together, the low jab she sent when you walked in with Hajoon and she said she preferred you with Jungkook. That argument had been one of the ones that left him bolting out of your apartment with a nasty slam of the door, spewing nasty words at you, calling you blind for not seeing it and dumb for acting like you had no idea what he was talking about. 
And for the first time, you come to the sudden realization that Hajoon was right. His deep set insecurities about Jungkook had stemmed from scraps of the truth, not just from him but from you too. The amount of times you’d find a way to slide Jungkook’s name into a conversation about anything, telling him funny stories about him, too lost in thought to see that while you were giggling as you reminisce, he was staring at you in disbelief. 
The final thought that makes you want a blackhole to swallow you up, comes in the form of you, grabbing Jungkook’s face before planting a kiss on his unsuspecting lips at the club. You want to scream into your pillow as you recall it, how he had almost leaned back in to kiss you again before you had sobered him up with your dumb question rooted in revenge. 
“Oh my god, I’m such a bitch.” you whimper. Subjecting Jungkook to be your wingman, jokingly telling him he should be your fake boyfriend more often, asking him for tips with hook ups. If everyone else could see it but you, he probably thought you were purposely friendzoning him. 
The guilt piles on top of you as you start to piece together every moment that flew over your head, only making you bury yourself deeper into your sheets. It makes your heart twist, taking note of how Jungkook was always so quick to put a smile on his face despite how naive you were to it all, wondering if maybe it was too late to try to make something of this now. How many times could you call Jungkook ‘bro’ and treat him like you didn’t see him romantically, before he decided there was no hope for him anymore. 
So as you force yourself to sleep, nerves and uncertainty weighing heavy on your mind, Jungkook snores away as he dreams of the almost moments that could have been.
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miekasa · 4 years
bad romance
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+ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
+ genres and warnings: friends with benefits au, friends to lovers au (well i guess that’s open for interpretation lmao), modern au—college au?, explicit smut, mentioned/implied virginity
+ summary: friends with benefits with your best friend since middle school is probably a bad idea. friends with benefits with your best friend since middle school who you’ve also been in love with for the past seven years—all for the purpose of her gaining ‘experience’ so she’s not nervous to do it with some other guy she has a crush on—is probably a really bad idea. levi ackerman is not known to make great decisions.
+ word count: 3.5k
+ notes: truth be told, i don’t even know if i like this; i took this from an outline/draft of a series i’d planned but know i’ll never complete. it’s kind of unedited too heh, also if you’re a minor pls do not interact 
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Levi doesn’t think anything of it when he finds you on his doorstep on a rainy Saturday evening. It’s very much like you to show up unannounced and attempt to drag him into whatever activity you want to do that day. He’s fairly certain that Hange picked that up from you. Someone should tell her that it doesn’t work so well unless it’s you tugging on his arm sleeve and interrupting his otherwise peaceful evening. 
So, for a while, everything is normal. You make fun of him for his use of, admittedly overpriced, organic butter when he toasts you a bagel; he makes jabs at you shuffling around his apartment like a semi-wet chihuahua, and all is right with the world.
Until it’s not. Because half-way into whatever stand-up comedy Netflix special you’d persuaded him into watching with you, Levi’s had enough of your nervous ticking. He doesn’t know if you think that he wouldn’t notice, but he does. And he knows it’s not the result of you still being wet or cold from the rain, seeing as you’ve long since dried off and warmed up. 
You’re focused on the show (ironically, focused to a point of distraction), you’ve been twiddling your fingers since it started, and you’ve been fidgety since you stepped foot into his house. Quite frankly, he finds it insulting that you think he wouldn’t know something’s up by now.
So, he bends his knee, turns his body towards yours, lifts his elbow to rest atop the edge of the soft, and presses his cheek into his palm: “Alright, spit it out.”
“Huh?—What do you mean?” You look at him with wide, startled eyes. He looks back at you with unamused, expecting ones.
You crack a nervous smile, attempting to laugh off his command as incredulous, but instead, your voice comes out in what sounds like a pathetic attempt to cover up a lie—probably because it is, “What? Can’t I spend sometime with my favorite, surly psychology student?”
Levi scoffs at your batting eyelashes. The look he throws you seems to do the trick as you drop your facade with a sigh and shift yourself to face him on the couch too, your bent knees almost touching.
“Alright, fine, you got me,” you sigh, hands resting in your lap, “You, um... you know how you said you’d help me with, like, uh... sex and stuff?”
Levi raises an eyebrow. Of course he does. He watches as your eyes dart around the room waiting for his response. It’s cute as heck, and if the topic of conversation at hand weren’t about to get so compromising, he’d have probably teased you about it.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well… okay, so, you remember Jean, right? The guy I told you about?”
Levi hums. Yeah, he remembers Jean, but only because you can’t seem to shutup about him, not because he’s particularly memorable otherwise. He seems to be kind of a prick and a huge idiot, if you asked Levi; but, that’s kind of his default impression of most people. 
“Jean and I hung out yesterday, and it was normal, you know? We just talked and ordered food and watched a movie,” you rub your palms along the fabric of your yoga pants—another nervous tick he’s been observing, “I don’t know if it was a date or not, because he didn’t say it was, and I don’t want to assume, but Marco keeps saying it was, and that Jean wants to actually ask me out.”
Levi blinks. “And?”
“And if he does ask me out—or even if he just… I don’t know, wants to try something the next time we hang out, I don’t want to look like a complete idiot!”
He refrains from letting a noticeable grimace take over his features; and washes away the unsettling feeling in his stomach with a nonchalant comment, “I doubt he’ll try anything on your first date.”
“But what if it’s not a date! People hang out just to hook up all the time.”
“I thought you wanted to date him?” Levi questions, but his it comes out as more of a deadpan statement.
“I do,” you answer, your response a little delayed and drawn out, “But, I wouldn’t mind just sleeping with him, either.”
“Bold statement from someone who’s never slept with anyone before.”
“Have I told you today that you’re an asshole?” you roll your eyes at him, “Come on, Levi, you know what it’s like to just want someone, but not want them, don’t you? You’ve had one night stands before.”
That’s true, Levi knows it, but it’s different. He wasn’t actively seeking advice from his friends about how to pursue and potentially please his one night stands because none of that mattered—well, the pleasing part, probably, but not the pursuit, or the feelings that came with it. Besides, Levi hasn’t felt the desire for any of that in a long time.
“That’s not the same,” he responds, trying to dismiss the muddy feelings crawling up his throat, “Look, if your Jean guy gets horny when you’re hanging out, just make out with him—make him jizz his pants or something.”
“That’s terrible advice,” you frown, “Plus, he’s probably done that with a million other girls.”
“Probably. Sex tends to repeat a few basic actions here and there.”
“For a psychology student, you sure are a terrible makeshift therapist, do you know that?”
“That’s not even the kind of psychology I study, never mind that I never asked to be your therapist.”
Levi takes great amusement in your huffing and the frustrated pout settling into your features, though he does his best to not let his own smile shine through. It’s probably futile; you can probably see through his facade, anyways.
“I just don’t want to bore him, Levi.”
Any trace of his smile vanishes as those words leave your mouth. Levi doesn’t retain much about this Jean guy you keep going on about, and he doesn’t care to in all honesty—but maybe if he did, he could understand why you’re so hellbent on pleasing the kid.
Levi doesn’t like it, not one single bit. His own feelings for you aside, he doesn’t like how Jean has managed to worm his way into your head and make you think that he’s deserving of any kind of affection from you, whether it be platonic, romantic, or sexual. Because he isn’t; Levi might not know him, but he knows that much. 
Still, he sympathizes with you. He understands the pressure of navigating dating and hookup culture, especially in a university setting; never mind the additional expectations set on you as a girl. It’s shitty, all of it; the stupid feelings, the sense of uncertainty, the dumb-ass college pricks. You shouldn’t have to deal with any of that. 
“You won’t,” is Levi’s simpler response, “Just don’t crush his dick in the process.”
“I wouldn’t do that, fuck you.”
“I’m just saying, you’ve never been the most coordinated person in the world,” he taunts, “If that’s what you came here today to ask me to help you with, it’s fine.”
“Really?—I mean, okay, I know we said that’s okay, and stuff, but I didn’t know if—well I don’t know what’s on the table or not? I do want to do that with you, but I also wanted to know if we could do… more? But I didn’t want to ask for too much and make you uncomfortable! Do we need a lesson-plan of sorts, because I can make—”
“You’re doing it.”
“Doing what?”
“Stalling,” Levi tells you, “You know, how when you get all nervous and ramble, then run out of breath or things to say, then get super quiet, and let the conversation die and be awkward again.”
You throw daggers his way with your eyes, and Levi has the audacity to smirk. “Forgive me, it’s not every day I ask my best friend if I can suck his dick for practice.”
“You can,” Levi replies, a little too nonchalant for the situation at hand, “If you want. I don’t mind. As for a lesson plan, that’s weird as shit, so don’t do that.”
“Really? I can?” you question again, an ironic child-like glimmer of joy in your eyes.
Levi chuckles lowly at your enthusiasm—your appreciation is so genuine, he finds it nothing short of adorable. And oddly enough, he’s a little turned on by it, too.
“Yeah,” he nods his head shallowly, “You can.”
You still have that gleam in your eyes, but Levi can feel the hesitation creeping up on you, and offers his guidance before he loses you to a shell of yourself. He shifts over to you just a bit, loosely holding your right wrist in his grip; holding eye-contact, he carefully pulls you up to stand in front of him.
“You can start,” he says, slowly tugging on your wrist, “By getting on your knees and taking off my pants.”
By the time he’s finished speaking, you’re already kneeling in front of him, and the sight is already enough to have Levi semi-hard in his pants; an almost embarrassed flush washing over his body as he comes to terms with the fact that he’s thought about this visual more times than he cares to ever admit.
You fumble with the zipper of his jeans, pulling them, along with his boxers to pool around his ankles. Your actions are careful and calculated, but you seem comfortable—maybe not with your skills, but with Levi.
His eyes stay glued on you, when you finally hold his length with a single hand, the other resting hot on his thigh. He leans over again, this time to rest a comforting hand on the back of your neck, eager to wash away any remains of your nervous resolve.
“Start slow,” he instructs, feeling your thumb swipe along the head, “Just move your hand up and down a bit, like—ah, yeah, like that.”
You seem follow his words carefully, focusing on the way his dick jerks in your hand. Levi observes you carefully and mentally notes that while he’d have liked it, not making out with you before this was probably the right call—he’d probably have creamed his jeans before this could have begun.
“You can grip it harder,” he tells you. You listen, applying slightly more pressure to your grasp; and it makes Levi groan, short, but strangled, above you.
“Okay?” you question, the genuine concern in your voice enough to make Levi’s gaze soften.
“Yeah, that’s—you’re doing good,” he says, rubbing his thumb against the nape of your neck habitually, “Twist your hand a little when you go up, you can—fuck, okay, yeah, that, like that.”
You snap your head up to look at him when he lets a moan slip through; nothing but pure enthusiasm and satisfaction dancing in your eyes. Levi grits his teeth when you do it again, your thumb sliding over the tip when you reach the top of his dick, and, Christ, you’ve got to stop looking at him like that.
You work your way into a steady rhythm, letting Levi’s moans guide your movements. You feel him harden to full length under your touch; and when he does, you move your hand faster, twisting your wrist around the length and squeezing just a pinch harder at the tip, without instruction.
He watches through lidded eyes, using his thumb to press lightly into the back of your neck. You move your free hand from his thighs, eager to add it to the mix, but Levi freezes.
“Nuh uh,” he shakes his head.
It prompts you to stop your actions, tilt your head and look up at him, and Levi doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so sinful. Your complete focus on him, neck craned obediently, eyes twinkling under your lashes; your position makes him want to kiss you or choke you or something in between.
“What—did I do something wrong?” you ask with wide and innocent eyes that make Levi feel bad for worrying you, yet send an erotic pulse throughout his body.
“Not at all,” he reassures you, fingers treading into the hair at your nape.
He’s setting himself up for failure, and he knows it, too—because, really, who agrees to teach a friend how to suck dick? Having you on your knees in front him, crane into his touch, and keen to all his desires, does nothing to mask the painful fire in the pit of his stomach.
It’s stupid to be this hungry, this possessive over you when he knows you come to him in hopes to learning how to please another man. But one, precious thought is enough to cloud over all of that, enough to put that sadistic smirk back on his face.
“You said you wanted to give me a blowjob, right?” he questions, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth at the shallow nod of your head, “Okay. Open your mouth for me, yeah?”
He barely pushes the tip past your lips when your head dips forward, tongue peeking out to lick the very top. Levi sucks in sharp air between his teeth, relaxing into the couch when your head bobs further, enclosing the tip of his dick in your mouth.
“Fuck,” he groans, voice hoarse when his hardened cock rests against the velvet wet of your tongue, “That’s it—just keep going, like that.”
He watches intensely as your head bobs onto him. It’s hot and wet and so much more than he’d imagined it would be; and he’s not too shy to admit he’s imagined this with you. He moves his hand to brush away the flyaways of your hair, smoothing them back and tangling his fingers at the back of your head. He carefully guides your movements.
It’s slow and steady, and normally, it’d take him a while to cum like this, but with the visual of having you on your knees for him, Levi can feel a faint warmth of his orgasm already beginning to bubble inside of him.
“This is okay, right?” you pull back, a thin line of spit trailing from your mouth.
“Yes, yes,” he answers immediately, unaware of his tightening grasp on your hair.
With a shy smile, you continue, taking more of him this time and carefully gauging his reactions. You move your head further down, testing your own limits, until you feel like you’re choking. You pull back again, with an embarrassed cough.
“Don’t push yourself,” he says softly, rubbing soothing circles into your neck with his fingers, “Guys can’t actually tell the difference between a regular blowjob and being deep throated, no need to choke yourself.”
“Wait, really?” you ask, resting you bum against your heels.
“You seem so surprised.”
“That’s just so… disappointing,” you crinkle your nose, “Men and porn make deep-throating seem like the end all be all of giving head.”
Levi chuckles in genuine amusement, “Well, it’s not, trust me. If any guy insists on being deep-throated just to cum, he’s a fucking liar. He’s getting off on the submission, not the actual feeling.”
“The submission?”
“Getting someone to be willing to listen to them, telling them what to do, how to please them,” he shrugs, “Makes you feel like you’re in control.”
“And that… that works?”
“Yeah,” Levi says, “But, judging by the tone of your voice, and how willing you were to suck my dick three seconds ago, I’d say the idea of being dominant doesn’t really appeal to you.”
You scrunch your nose again, “Does it appeal to you?”
Levi pauses, thinking over his answer, before giving you a simple, “Yeah. Most of the time.”
“Oh,” you hum, “I… I don’t think I’d like that.  I think I’d rather be told what to do, seeing as I don’t really know what I’m doing, anyways.”
“Ironic, considering you’ve never once listened anything I tell you do.”
“I was listening when you told me how to suck your dick,” you correct him, “You seemed to enjoy that.”
Levi pauses with a raised eyebrow. You don’t seem to back down, that matter-of-fact smirk on your face still mocking him. He leans over slowly, using his right hand to guide your head closer to him, and uses his left hand to grab your jaw between his fingers.
“You can be such a fucking brat, you know that,” he all but whispers, pursing your lips together in his hold, “Since you like listening to me so much, then shut up, and we can finish what you started.”
You blink, staring at him with a wide-eyed expression. He’s right that under any other circumstance you’d probably run your mouth off about him telling you what to do. But something about the way he knows what he wants and tells how he wants it makes you listen without an argument.
You nod, slowly wrapping your lips around the tip again, and bobbing along his length. Levi’s breath hitches when you hollow your cheeks slightly, a rough hand pressing down on the back of your neck.
“You’re really—god, okay, you’re good at this, you know,” Levi praises you, letting his right hand resume its position at the back of your neck.
If you had any doubts before about being submissive, the look on Levi’s face seemed to have wiped them away. Watching him throw his head back, his fingers gripping at your nape, his cock in your mouth—pleasing him seemed to be enough to please you, too.
“I wanna make you cum, Levi,” you voice your thoughts, letting a hand lazily jerk him off in the mean time, “Tell me what I have to do to make you cum.”
“If you keep going, I’ll cum,” he answers too quickly, a groan slipping through his words, “Trust me.”
“Come on, Levi,” you push, rolling your thumb over the slit of his dick. It makes him inhale sharply; you’re getting a little too good at that; at all of this. “Can—I mean, do you wanna cum in my mouth?”
“Shit, shit. Don’t say shit like that,” he curses, blunt nails raking and scraping at your scalp, “You don’t have to—I can just—”
“I want you to,” you tell him earnestly, “Please?”
Fuck, he was pretty fucking certain he’d told you to stop saying shit like that. Levi bites the inside of his cheek, paces himself; uses both of his hands to hold your head gently, while you use yours to wrap around his cock.
He grunts with a shake, and rolls his hips up, pushing himself further into your mouth, but not so much as to hurt you. It’s soon after that hot strophes of cum wet your tongue, and Levi lets you lazily jerk him off until you’ve milked his orgasm.
The room is silent save for his low moans and the squeaking of his thighs against the leather couch. When he’s finished, he slouches back, looking at you through hooded eyes, sweaty and panting, when you close your mouth and swallow.
You use your fingers to collect any remaining cum from his softening cock, and hum contented as you put your fingers in your mouth. Levi locks eyes with you again, cheeks flushed as you pull your digits out of your mouth, and he has to grip at his own thigh to gain the self-control to not get hard again.
You’re going to be the fucking death of him some day.
He shakes his head when you move backwards with a cute smile and pulls his boxers up, then his pants as best his can, not bothering to zip them up. When he’s done, you stand to your feet then straddle him on the couch, laughing lowly at his post-orgasm haze.
He doesn’t think twice about the way your hands clasp at the back of his neck, or the way his find their way to rest on your hips. You grab ahold of his jaw with both hands, holding his face in place. He thinks you’re going to lean in, but you don’t; just stay like that, your eyes roaming his glassy eyes.
“Are you gonna kiss me or just stare at me all day?” he questions, lips pulled into a knowing grin.
“Can I?” your question makes him frown in confusion, “Dunno, I heard some guys don’t like that after getting head.”
“Bunch a fuckin pussies,” he grumbles, leaning forward to close the gap between your mouths. He can feel you smile into it, and mimics your grin when you begin to press short, repeated kisses against his lips.
“You’re the best, you know that?”
He laughs when you continue to press quick kisses on his lips. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
You kiss him on the cheek, wet and dramatic. “Love you, Levi.”
Your face is right in front of his, but he averts his gaze, a different kind go warmth spreading throughout his chest when you flash a smile at him. He lets you kiss him again, longer this time, but still slow and sweet. He likes the feeling of you resting against him, affection lingering on your tongue when you kiss him.
It’s dangerous, but he likes the way you spark a fire in him. Sweet or sinful, it makes him feel boneless, wanted, loved.
Levi leans forward, rubbing his hands up your sides, and captures your lips in another languid kiss before pulling away to peck the corner of your mouth. “Love you, too.”
And he means it of course, but if Levi thought he had it bad before, he’s in deep shit now.
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
↳ keigo takami x fem!reader → ❝shiny things❞
summary: hawks has more bird-like tendencies than you initially thought. he likes to present you with odd items as gifts and finally you figure out why word count: 2,406 tags/warnings: fluff, hawks being a bird a/n: uhh i don’t know i love the bird man
sequel “preening”
Dating Hawks was unusual for a list of reasons. He was a pro hero so that meant he was very busy, in the public eye, and couldn’t tell you everything. Then there was the way Hawks had been raised. After a while of dating, he trusted you enough to open up and tell you about his childhood. It shed a lot of light on the things he did in your relationship. But perhaps the least expected thing was his bird-like habits.
It wasn’t unusual for people with animal-like quirks the show similar traits to said animal. Selkie and Gang Orca came to mind although they looked more like their animal counterparts than Hawks did. Perhaps that was why you didn’t expect it from him.
At first, you thought he was joking. You had been dating for a while enough to know each other well enough to start to develop feelings. Hawks flew in to meet you for a coffee date in between work. The wind-blown hair and charming smile always made your heart skip a beat.
“Look what I found.” He said, his tone of voice sounded like an excited kid. He held out his hand present the shiny blue marble. You glanced up at him wondering if he was joking but he looked happy to present this offering. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt his feelings even if you didn’t quite understand.
“Wow, where’d you find this?” You asked taking it and holding it up in the light to examine it.
“I found it on patrol.” He said. “It was shining in the light and caught my eye. Don’t worry I washed it off.” He reassured. That almost made you laugh.
“It’s pretty.” You said. That wasn’t a lie, in its own way it was pretty but you could honestly say you had never met someone over the age of ten present a marble with such excitement.
“It’s for you.” He said with a smile that melted your heart. The sentiment wasn’t lost on you even if you were trying to wrap your head around it.
“Thank you, you’re too sweet.” You told him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
The next time that happened you were more prepared for it. It was a perfect day, the sky was clear, and the weather cool. The salty breeze from the ocean filled the air around you as you walked hand in hand with your boyfriend. The sun was sinking into the horizon leaving a beautiful sunset.
Hawks spotted something, his eyes widening as he let go of your hand and rushed forward. He leaned down picking up something from the ground. Brushing it off he stood and returned to your side.
“Look!” He said in an excited voice holding his open hand up to you. You smiled at the way his wings fluttered in excitement behind him.
“What is it?” You asked putting one hand underneath his as you looked. There was a small shiny green object, it almost looked like a rock.
“It’s a piece of sea glass! It’s normal glass that ends up in the ocean, it takes like fifty years of tumbling around in the water to look like this.” He said. Looking at it, it was pretty. The frosted texture was unique you realized as you picked it up. He closed your hand over it. “Keep it.” He smiled.
You smiled at him sliding the sea glass in your pocket for safekeeping. This wasn’t the last time that he gave you an odd gift with a genuine spirit. You always smiled when he presented the items with pride and excitement, his feathers puffed up.
It was a night that you were spending with Hawks at his fancy apartment when things started to make more sense. You had made him dinner and were enjoying a bottle of wine now.
Hawks wasn’t a drinker but since you met him you had gotten him to like wine. It wasn’t unusual for you to share a bottle. It always amused you the pink tint on his cheeks and how relaxed he got.
The view from Hawks balcony was nice, a perfect city skyline. The love seat there was comfy and so was your position resting against Hawks, one of his winds draped around you keeping you close and protecting you from the cold night. The candles lit around you gave off a dim glow.
You looked at your empty glass and his. As much as you didn’t want to get up you did want more wine so you would have to sacrifice your comfort for a moment.
“Let me get you more.” You said taking his glass in your hand before standing up. He made a noise of complaint at the loss of contact.
“I can get it.” He said. You leaned forward pressing a kiss against his lips, your free hand grazing his cheek.
“Let me, relax here. I’ll be right back.” You said before walking into the apartment. You entered his nice kitchen grabbing the bottle on the counter. There was enough for one glass. You looked at the full bottle on the counter. It wouldn’t hurt to open up another, you could always save the rest if you didn’t finish it.
Opening a drawer you looked for the wine opener. This one had normal utensils in it. The one below it had towels. It was the third drawer down that was odd.
It was full of random items, rocks, stray earrings, buttons, and other odds and ends. It wasn’t your usual junk drawer. All of the items had a certain shine to them. Your mind was immediately pulled to the random things Hawks had presented to you so happily.
You let out a small gasp as it all clicked. He was a bird. Well, not literally but it seemed he shared more traits with the animal than you had originally guessed. Looking at all the items you knew that he cared for them enough to keep them in his house.
A smile met your lips thinking about how excited he always was as he handed you the shiny thing he had found. It was so sweet that he gave them to you instead of keeping it for his own collection. Had he even been keeping anything for himself since he met you?
Your heart felt full as you closed the drawer and looked for the wine opener. Hawks was already so sweet and somehow this odd quirk of his added on to it.
Returning to the balcony you sat down next to him handing him his glass before pulling him in for a deep kiss. Your free hand tangled in his feathers and you could feel him sigh against your lips.
“What was that for?” He questioned pulling back with pink cheeks and a content smirk.
“Nothing, I just really like you.” You smiled.
“Well, I really like you too.” He said before pulling you in for another kiss.
“So I gave her this shiny rock and she was so happy, I love the way she smiles when I give her stuff.” Hawks gushed about you to Mirko often. The rabbit hero was patient in listening to him but would often roll her eyes at how head over heels he was.
“Wait, so you’re telling me the kind of gifts you’ve been giving her are shiny rocks and marbles?” She questioned. “Please don’t tell me you’ve stolen french fries from tourists to give to her.” Hawks gave her a questioning look.
“I always give her the shiny stuff I find now.” He said.
“And she hasn’t dumped you?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Wow, she must really like like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“A lot of girls like shiny things but they usually prefer bracelets, necklaces, rings, or even cars if you’re really trying to spoiler her. Maybe a designer pair of shoes or a purse.” She said thoughtfully. “Most girls would have left by now if they were given shiny debris from their boyfriend.”
Hawks stood there frozen trying to process what she was saying.
“Trust me, I get it, Hawks. The animal tendencies can be strong but you have to recognize them and adjust. Find a way to fill that urge but in a way that your partner will appreciate more.”
“I didn’t even realize it.” Hawks said in a quiet voice. “Oh no she’s probably hated all the stuff I’ve been giving her and has just been nice to me.” He groaned.
Mirko patted him on the shoulder.
“Happens to the best of us. I nibbled on my first crushes sleeve. There are some things you’ll never forget how embarrassing they were.” She sighed, staring off in her memory.
“That’s rough.” Hawks said. “I’m just glad you told me before she got too weirded out. I really like her, I don’t want to ruin it with her.”
“That’s what friends are for to help you with your blind spots.” She explained. “And Hawks, if she stuck around this long I don’t think you’re scaring her off with shiny marbles.” She teased.
Hawks felt so embarrassed. He had no relationship experience. His childhood had not been a normal one, he didn’t go to middle school or high school. He didn’t go on awkward dates or take someone to prom. It was uncharted territory. He never even intended on dating anyone his life was too complicated then he met you and every excuse he had to date someone was out the window.
He had to make it up to you, he had to explain himself but he was trying to figure out the best way to do that. He recalled you telling him a story about earrings that you had really wanted to buy once at a boutique on vacation but you had ended up not buying them for one reason or another. He had made note of that hoping to look for one similar to what you described but hadn’t gotten around to it.
Now was finally his time, surprisingly it wasn’t that hard to find something that matched your description. He hoped it was close enough for you. Hawks texted you asking if he could come over tonight when you were home and you agreed.
After patrol, he picked up your favorite take out and headed over to your place. He landed on the balcony walking in as you told him he could. You sat on the couch wearing a cute pair of sweatpants and a sweater.
“Hey, babe.” You said standing up and walking over to him, greeting him with a kiss.
“Hey, little bird.” He said returning the kiss.
“Is that what I think it is?” You questioned.
“Your favorite.” He smiled. The two of you sat down at the couch opening up the bag of food and digging in.
“What’s the special occasion?” You asked as you finished up your food.
“I wanted to talk.” He answered, immediately he saw you face drop. “Nothing bad, I promise.”
“Oh.” You sighed in relief.
“Actually I wanted to apologize.” He started, his wings looked tense.
“For what?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“The gifts I’ve given you, my friend pointed out that they’re weird and not something you should give your girlfriend.
“Hawks-” You tried to interrupt but he continued.
“I’m sorry, it’s just something I’ve done since I was a kid. I see something shiny and I take it, I’ve had a collection forever and I don’t know I never questioned it until Mirko pointed it out. I just would always get so excited when I saw stuff I kept it. When I started dating you I’d see something and I would think this is so pretty I have to share it with her, I don’t want to keep it to myself-”
“Hawks.” You said taking his hand in yours. “Don’t apologize. Look.”
He watched as you leaned to your coffee table grabbing the small box on it and setting it in between the two of you. Opening it he realized it was full of all the things he had given you.
“I’ll admit I was a little confused at first but even then I saw how happy you were and it was so cute. How could I deny or be upset about you giving me something that made you so happy.” You explained, brushing your hand over the piece of sea glass he gave you. “Eventually I figured it out, I saw the drawer at your place and I put it together. Honestly, the fact that you gave me these means far more than expensive jewelry would mean to me.”
Hawks stared at you in disbelief. How had he ever found someone as amazing as you? He fought the tears that threatened to well up in his eyes. You had understood him without him ever having to explain.
“Actually, I just remembered.” You said standing up and moving to your purse by the door. You looked through it for a moment before finding what you were looking for. Sitting down you held your hand out presenting a shiny vintage key. “I saw this today at a little store I stopped at on my break. I don’t know if it will fit into your collection but-”
Before you could even finish your sentence Hawks had nearly tackled you into a kiss. His arms wrapped around you pulling you close as his wings fluttered. He pulled back looking into your eyes.
“I love you.” The words came out before he could stop them. He already felt so much for you but this had pushed it over the edge.
“Keigo, I-I love you too.” You returned not expecting anything that had just happened.
“I got you a gift, a proper gift this time.” He said reaching into his pocket. “The earrings you talked about, I hope they are close enough to the ones you wanted.”
“Keigo, they’re perfect.” You said pulling him in for another kiss. “Thank you.”
Hawks was more than just a pretty face and you had seen through that. Getting to know him, the real him, not the person the media presented or the child that had been raised into a weapon, was something you had enjoyed. Not only did you get to know the real Hawks but you had fallen deeply in love with him, bird traits, and all.
taglist:  @sugarmaplewings-fics @lilkiwisfinest @ewwis @kandy1410 @moonlightaangel @winnies-headcannons @bakugousidehoe @paintedr0ses1 @toobsessedsstuff @spellboundxizi @ourladyofseijoh  @x0doodlebug0x @katsushimaa @mooncademia
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binniesthighs · 3 years
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dear anon, sweet anon, thank you so much for requesting this <3 i didn’t know that i needed it in my life and now...here it is;) IT WAS SO FUN hehe
melt in your mouth | reader x jisung
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x han jisung 
Genre: that good good smut 
Summary: After hearing a rather interesting story about a certain brand of chocolate aphrodisiacs, your curiosity gets the best of you and your friend’s roommate, Jisung.....a spin off of bites like bittersweet
Word count: 3.7k 
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*photocreds to OP!
{see below for tags, nsfw and warnings!} 
Tags: aphrodisiac au, somewhat friends to lovers, hints of mutual pining, bestfriend!seungmin, seungmin’sroommate!jisung, hardswitch!jisung, hardswitch!reader, explicit language, mentions of food/eating, hand stuff (r &m), degredation, petnames, dirty talk, unprotected sex (stay safe cuties), creampie, voyeurism, and we love a plot twist ;)  
two flavors seemed excessive. one flavor seemed like just enough. you didn’t want to break the bank or anything on something that was likely crappy quality or potentially psychedelic; even worse, it could be both. 
“and you want to try these with me why?” seungmin pushed his wire-framed glasses up his nose bridge and scrunched it up. he inspected the paper wrapper with a skeptical glare. the design itself was anything but trustworthy: in swirly cursive pink font, the name Cherri Amore and under it, a absurdly large lipstick mark with the outline of a couple doing what must have been fucking “spread eagle.” 
seungmin muttered, leaning over the counter of the dingy kitchen he shared with his roommates, “proven aphrodiasiac and libido booster...? y/n, sorry, i just--i’m fucking lost here--” 
“--ever heard of trying something for the hell of it seung??” you snatched the bar from his hand. “the review that i read online said that it made them crazy fucking horny, so much so that they fucked their best friend of something like five years or something like that. isn’t that insane?!” 
your best friend’s eyes blew out with his mouth aghast, “what the hell?? shit--of course you’d find something insane on the internet like this and drag me into it...”  
in your incredulous laugher, you threw your neck back so hard it hurt a little. “loosen up! it’s probably a scam or something. plus...if it does work on us...don’t act like i haven’t caught you in the act before...” 
seungmin, ever the angel, flushed a shade of fuchsia you thought inhumanly possible for someone to attempt. “that-that wasn’t--that wasn’t what you thought it was!!!” he cast away the chocolate bar as if it were his dick on the very night that you had walked in on something that was supposedly not what it looked like. 
“relax!” you punched your embarrassed friend on the arm which he dramatically rubbed into. “it’s not a sin to jerk off or anything. hell, i do it....obviously.” 
seungmin chuckled out unsteadily, “well, um, what if it does work then, what do we do?” 
you snickered, “ha! hell if i know. cross that bridge when we get there?” 
“so what you’re saying is...this could either be a massive waste of our time, or, both of us get so stupidly turned on that we decide to have sex....with eachother?” 
“that’s the gist i’m getting.” you took to the corner of the shiny pink paper wrapping at the corner. “but...who said that we had to fuck or anything...?” 
from fuchsia to nearly scarlet, seungmin averted his eyes at the speed of light. 
“seung!!! do you have something to tell me?!” your teasing grin spread wide and you lifted your hand to give your adorable friend a clap on the back. 
“i’m just repeating what you said!!” 
you broke the bar open, cracking off the first square on the counter with a solid snap. with a smirk, you offered it to your friend. he reached out, only to nearly jump out of his skin when the old-timey ringtone from his phone erupted in the hollow kitchen. 
“shit.” he murmured under his breath, pulling it out and immediately pressing the call button upon seeing the caller. “h-hello? yeah? wait, wait...slow down...the cultures did what?! and you have to start over?? shit--” 
before you could have anything to do with it, your friend was already throwing on his sneakers and sky blue raincoat. “sorry, y/n but i have to go. that was my co-worker, they said that something went bad with the incubator, and all of the cultures are ruined, and there’s the stupid lab meeting in the morning--” 
“i’m gonna pretend that i understood everything you said.” you hung at the doorway to the kitchen, observing him trip over pairs of shoes and other random-ass college-aged boy items. “you only get a pass because i have a feeling that the coworker we’re talking about here is the cute one.” 
your friend rolled his eyes, mouthing a reluctant, “yes.” 
“fine then. we can try the chocolates another time.” 
“fine--sure--” seungmin grabbed for the handle, “sorry. again.” 
you felt like the chocolate bar was taunting you, just sitting there opened with two squares all ready for the eating. oddly, you really couldn’t figure out exactly why you had wanted to try them in the first place. for a second, the guilt and loneliness started to seep through and it felt sticky, pathetic, and stung like thorns right into your breaths. 
“fuck it.” you whispered under your breath, swiping them all up and walking over to the trash can. 
“whatcha got there?” a voice entered the room attached to one of seungmin’s roommates, jisung. 
the two of you had met many times in passing, and you had shared enough small talk to consider him somewhat of an acquaintance. from what you had gathered about the boy, he spent much too much time in his room working on his animations and was the dictionary definition of one of those cocky-assholes you had a soft spot for. 
“jisung--hey. it’s...it’s nothing. something stupid that i blew my money on.” 
“let me see.” he crossed the room, looking wired and overtired as usual. 
from staring at his screen for so long his eyes bagged with dark circles, but somehow it made him look mischievous, or something like that. his muscle tank had been cut low to reveal his sides and ribs which flared when he grabbed for the bar of chocolate. 
“huh.” he scoffed, “i’ve seen like, infomercials for these things. you were going to try it?” 
“yeah...i-i mean--no...i was.” 
“what’s stopping you? not curious anymore?” 
“window of opportunity passed.” 
“i don’t think so.” he grinned, matter of a fact. “i like chocolate.” 
you couldn’t quite believe what was being said to you at first. jisung, the boy that you barely knew, was standing there with his goofy heart-shaped smile and all, holding libido boosters and asking you to take them with him. 
“you do know what those are, right? what they could do?” 
immediately, he popped one in his mouth, nearly like it was a challenge. “empahsis on the “could.”” 
he held them closer to you, prompting you to take the remaining square which was flecked with little red hard-candy looking bits. 
“fine then. you’re right. what they could do.” you downed the candy, crunching it and finding that the quality was certainly not a guarantee. the thing itself tasted halfway between a tootsie roll and cold medicine. “fuck.” 
jisung laughed, throwing the rest of the bar away.
“what did you that for?” 
“i’m guessing whether they work or not, you might not need them anymore.” 
your friend’s roommate slicked his hair back, and ruffled it over his dark eyes. his face was slightly puffed with exhaustion, but it didn’t make him any less handsome. 
“so we wait now?” you asked, glancing at the clock. 
“wanna order some food or something?” he smacked his lips, “i need a fucking chaser after that.” 
you didn’t know what time it was; late, probably. after a couple hours of realizing that nothing was really going to happen to you or your friend’s roommate, you had decided to stop expecting it. although, you had kind of hoped...
the sofa that the boys shared was just about as comfortable as you had remembered it. it was large enough to hold you and seungmin’s two roommates on better days, but, once again, random-ass college-boy stuff cluttered at least half of it. it was one of those “dumpster finds” and kind of smelled like a grandma’s house, but honestly, that was what made it so comfortable. 
the tv carried on, playing some kind of animated movie that jisung had chosen claiming that the director was some kind of “god of animation and storytelling.” you liked the colors, but soon you felt yourself being lulled and drowsy: your head felt heavy simply resting on your shoulders. 
your eyelids fogged, and the sounds from the tv set started to fade into inexistence. beside you, jisung had crossed his arms, but the lack of space had pressed both of your thighs together, and the warmth from his leg started to wash over your drowsy state. your head bobbed, swayed...then fell, directly onto his shoulder. had you been more lucid, you would have cared more. 
“oh--” he jumped slightly, and shifted awkwardly. 
the room darkened and soon all you could see was the thin line of light that your half-open eyes allowed. 
“this-this can’t be comfortable for you.” jisung hushed and clicked the tv off. “hey, you should be heading to bed anyway, it’s late.” 
“are you kicking me out, jisung?” you babbled, not really aware of your own words. 
your friend’s roommate chuckled, straightening his posture to support you. “i’m not gonna make you walk back to your place at this time of night.” 
“it’s only a couple of blocks--” 
“--you’ve slept over here before, haven’t you?” 
you stretched out your arms with a little squeak.
“yeah. on the couch.” 
“you...can’t do that. you’d have to sleep in a fucking corkscrew if you did that.” 
“yeah, i know.” you giggled, now finding yourself in a kind of stupor that made you wonder if the chocolates really were doing their job. “i’ll just take seung’s bed then--” 
“--he’s! not back...yet.” jisung hugged his arms to himself. “i dunno, shouldn’t he have his bed when he comes back?” he cleared his throat, composing himself. “of course, there’s space in my bed if you’d like.” 
“me? sleep with you?” 
“yes, with me.” just as he had before, that little challenging edge coated his tone, “only if you’re comfortable i mean. i guess that i’m forgetting that the most that the two of us have shared yet is some wack-ass chocolate so, i shouldn’t be making any assumptions.” 
“no, no!” you pounced off from the couch, reaching high to the ceiling to stretch out your sore back next. and, perhaps to let your shirt tuck up just a little bit as you did so. “i don’t have a problem with it.” 
jisung nodded, grinning in the half-lit room, cleaning away to-go boxes. you had noticed before, but the way that his triceps tensed when he moved around was really just a little too distracting. 
“you can head on in, but--be quieter about it. jeongin is sleeping in here.” 
you clicked off a sleepy salute, following the hall down exactly where you had known his room to be, but you had never entered it before. it didn’t surprise you, but it was just as messy as the rest of the place was, and you had to tip-toe around god-knows what to find your way.
after tripping on something soft and sort of damp, (which you prayed was a shower-towel) you made your way to jisung and his face illuminated by the blue-glow of his phone screen where he had immediately jumped in bed after navigating through the room much more skillfully than you had.  
“you have an issue if i sleep in my underwear?” you asked, realizing. 
jisung paused, wide eyed, but quickly fell back into his casual and cocky smirk. “i mean, that’s basically what i’m doing so...”  
“scooch over. i hope you’re not a blanket hogger or anything.” 
the bed was already pleasantly warm from jisung having occupied it. it would have felt amazing if you had been as tired as you had been moments ago, but now your entire body felt horribly wide-awake. 
“--and if you start to snore, i’m leaving you for the couch, got it?” 
jisung let out an airy laugh, shifting and creaking the bed a bit under him, “i don’t snore...for your information.” 
with the blankets pulled up to your nose, you turned to lay on your back, eyes finally adjusting to the darkness of the room. above you, the faint green glow of glow-in-the-dark stars sprinkled across the ceiling, making up constellations: from what you could make out, the big dipper was above jisung’s bed, and the little one was above jeongin’s, who peacefully slept with tiny breaths. 
jisung rolled to the side, accidently brushing his bare leg against yours. 
“night, y/n. sorry the chocolates didn’t work out. would’ve been kind of hilarious if they did.” 
“psh.” you rolled over too, closing your eyes, “you saying you would’ve taken up the opportunity to get in my pants?” 
“guess we’ll never know.” he sighed. 
birds chirped, signaling the coming sunrise what was nearly breaking upon the horizon, and filled with deep blue sky with a type of orange-glow. the room was dim and stuffy, and noticeably much hotter than you remembered it being before. over the course of the night, you had tangled your legs with the sheets, finding them trapping you between them, and you shuffled to escape them and feel the air hit your skin. they shifted, letting you feeling the sticky mess between your legs. 
“what the--” the aching and heated desire made itself painfully obvious, soaking directly through your underwear, making a wet mess of them where you throbbed with an utterly unexplainable arousal that reverberated in your core. 
the friction from your legs only heightened the sensation, and you found yourself unwillingly rutting down into the mattress just to feel an ounce of relief. 
fuck, the chocolates, you recalled. while you had expected to feel something from them, this was twenty times more intense than anything you could have planned for. 
you were like an animal in heat, vulnerable, weak, dazed. your body set ablaze, and it only made sense to strip of any and all clothing that held you back. in your own desperation, you had completely forgotten about the man resting next to you. 
“y/n? what's--what are you doing?” jisung groggily croaked in a tone several octaves lower than you were accustomed to. your brain could only calculate it is as downright, unbelievably sexy. 
“jisung, i’m fucking burning up, an-and, i think i’m finally feeling something....are you?” 
he hadn’t noticed it at first until he did, but from where he could see where the blanket dipped all the way down to your waist, you were completely bare. with fluttering eyes, he gulped down dry. you noticed the way that he took you all in, looking at every inch of you. you reveled in how he greedily and shamelessly didn’t stop. 
under the covers, his own legs twisted. 
“me too.” he answered gravely, speaking with a low whisper.  
carefully, his tentative touch advanced under the covers, slowly reaching to your bare hip, where he settled a testing caress, squeezing harder, then cascaded down the small of your back to make you shiver. your own hand did the same, instead finding his leg and creeping your hand up and under his shirt. little space existed between the two of you, and only the panting of your heavy inhales and exhales could be heard. 
your eyes glued to his, beautifully brown and dilating, trembling a little while holding yours. from his light touches, it took every bit of your will to control yourself from launching over him. jisung’s hand fell lower, and toyed with the elastic band of your underwear which had started to feel painfully confining. each of your own fingers traveled up his torso, brushing over his chest which made his whole body shake. 
“sh-shit, i’m so fucking--” jisung started, dropping off his words to let out a wavering sigh. you didn’t need to guess any further. 
jisung slid two fingers under your elastic band, and it became too much to handle. 
“please, touch me jisung.” you whined out pitifully, clawing directly into the soft muscles of his back. 
you were shocked how quickly he had given into you, immediately crashing his lips against yours first, then using both arms to pull you into his chest so close it stole all of your breath away. you kissed him back roughly, ravenous to feel the sensation of his mouth against your own. he growled out a small groan directly into your lips, sloppily working every single corner and edge of your mouth with a devilish smile curling his own. 
lower, both of your hips met flush, grinding and twisting to create the kind of pressure that the both of you craved. limbs twisted, sweating and heated skin mingled, and you could feel every bit of his hardened cock right against your own arousal and how his shaft throbbed helplessly. 
“you taste so good.” he murmured between haphazard kisses, letting his low tone vibrate against you. 
“take these off.” you ordered, tugging at his boxers, nearly taking them off yourself. 
“take yours off.” he echoed, and you did. 
curious hands plunged deeper, delighting fingers in the slick of the other’s cum. 
“fuck.” jisung dragged the explicative over your lip where he lapped lazily into you. “don’t stop.” 
you gave him a moment’s pause, stopping to wet your palm with saliva, then met it with his cock. you worked his length with the sharp and twisting turn of your wrist, causing him to whimper out shamelessly. 
“shhh.” you hissed, pulling his lip with our teeth, “don’t want to wake up your roommate do we?” 
he nodded, biting each and every tantalizing little sound into his lip instead. your own breaths grew shallow feeling the pressure from his hand between your legs and how he had grabbed into your thigh to swing it over his hip for better access. 
“wouldn’t you like me to fuck you out, baby? fuck you like the good little cock whore that you are for me? i’ve seen the way that you look...you’ve wanted this...haven’t you?” jisung’s words were slick and luxurious despite their bite.  
to suppress the begging moan in your throat, you cupped your hand over your mouth, and pressed hard into it. 
the blanket tented from your pulling at his cock and how you rubbed over his slit: it was an ethereal sight even in the blurriness of the room. 
slowly, you leaned over to his ear, waist rocking back and forth over the sensation of his hand rubbing into you relentlessly. “don’t lie baby, you want my ass bouncing on your cock...don’t you?” 
in one movement, he swept his full body weight over yours and harshly pulled your legs back to open your entrance just for him to tease with his tip. he guided himself in slowly and meticulously, bottoming out once you had sunk your fingers into his shoulders to manage some of the screams you would have let out otherwise. 
“fuck yes, baby.” jisung growled, finding an animalistic pace that burned your whole body with white flames of pleasure. 
you grew impatient wondering furiously what his cute little pouty cheeks would look like when you fucked him from above, riding his dick. you wouldn’t wait any further, taking your grasp on his shoulders to then flip him, settling your hips over his dick which you pounced on to the tune of one of his moans slipping past, loud and guttural. 
“shut. the fuck. up.” you scolded him, throwing your hand over his pretty mouth. he whimpered out once again, eyes rolling feeling the tip of his dick reach as deeply inside of you as you would let it.  “cum inside me sungie, i won’t stop until I have every last drop.” 
jisung nodded, chest flaring as his breaths quickened. 
“cum for me baby, and i’ll cum for you...got it?” your breathy whispers scratched your throat, but you needed him to hear. 
you held his eyes which glistened with two pretty little tears that fell  as he came hard, shaking with his whole body and letting each of his gleeful moans come spiraling into your hand. 
your own heat came surging, right at your core, growing....growing...
a lamplight flashed on. 
jeongin threw his sheets over his eyes, while shuddering. “I WAS FUCKING SLEEPING!!” 
his shrill scream sent you jumping out of your lust, and you scrambled off jisung’s throbbing and pink cock, and forgetting the force of gravity, which sent his cum dripping out from inside of you. in your panic, you grabbed at anything to cover up your body and his, only to get so tangled that you lost your balance on the edge of the bed and.....
your body hit the wooden floor of jisung and jeongin’s room, right on your butt where you knew that it would be hurting for weeks. 
as disoriented as you were, it took you a good few minutes to realize what had actually just happened. 
“y/n?” jisung called with his groggy half-awake, half-asleep tone. “did you just fall out of the bed?” 
on the opposite side of the room, you whipped your head over to see jeongin still peacefully sleeping with his back turned to jisung’s bed.
“fuck--um, yeah. i did. shit...” 
jisung chuckled in the dark room just barely peeking with the first bits of the sunrise in streaming into the room. 
“i don’t know how you did that considering i gave you plenty of space. get back up here.” 
still dazed and brain overheating, you could have sworn you felt the little aftershocks of the orgasm that felt so real still coursing through your body. 
you felt it too: the way that your underwear had slicked. some part of it all must’ve been real. 
“jisung--” you started, not even sure if you wanted to tell him in the first place. “are you certain that you didn’t feel anything?” 
jisung turned to face you and shook his head, “no, you?” 
you hesitated, holding his eyes to see that he must have been telling the truth. 
“i just...i just had this insane dream...” 
“dream? about what?” 
“it’s hard to explain...” you trailed. 
“you look kind of shaken up, are you sure that you’re okay?” jisung extended a careful hand, and smoothed down the side of your face in the way that had felt frighteningly real only seconds ago. his hand lingered, falling down your neck and giving you goosebumps. your eyes fell to his lips, and you wondered if they would taste like you had imagined them to be. 
you leaned in closer, closing the gap. 
“it went something like this.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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jessikahathaway · 3 years
Baby Talk - Part II
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Pairing: Jikook X Reader (Jimin X Reader X Jungkook)
Genre: Surrogacy!AU, Polyamorous!AU, Romance. (Future Smut)
Warnings: Profanity, medical procedures, pining (Like a stupid amount but what can ya do), Joon and Jin get protective, mentions of pregnancy symptoms. (If I forgot anything please let me know!)
Words: 10.5k (I guess I'm committing to long chapters lol)
You’d hit the four week mark, and not much had happened yet.
Despite you feeling like your hormones were on a swing.
Jimin was bewildered when he came into the bathroom to find you crying on the floor. Trying to comfort you went downhill quickly because soon you were mad that he was joking around. Then you were crying again, apologizing for being so harsh.
Up and down and up and down.
But they never got mad at you. Never yelled at you and never ignored you. But you forced your emotions down deep into your heart. A place that would be locked and the key thrown away. Because you knew what was happening, and it simply couldn’t happen.
It was late and you could feel your stomach begging for something to eat. You’d gotten really hungry lately, no doubt your body trying to accommodate for the new life you were growing inside of you.
So, you hurried to the kitchen under the guise of night and made some rice and a little bit of stir fry. You put together everything, making sure not to make too much, and started cooking.
It was around three in the morning when you sat down at the table and ate your food, looking through your phone with a bored expression. Nothing interesting on social media and YouTube videos were only entertaining for so long. So, you ate your food and cleaned up before starting to head back towards your room.
Then, a large flash went off in the sky, causing you to jolt and look out into the city. Rain was pelting against the window, sounding sharp to your ears. It was a little intimidating.
Then the loud crash of thunder rang through the house.
You yelped at the noise, covering your ears in fear. You’d never particularly liked thunderstorms, but this one was coming in hot and aggressive. You pulled your hands away from your ears, just trying to focus on getting back to your room when another flash lit up the room. Your heart was hammering in your chest and you started to sweat.
Before you could think too much about it you were knocking on Jungkook and Jimin’s door. Another crash of thunder roared through the house and you swear you felt the floor shake. You whimpered in fear and fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. Did they hear you? Or was the storm too loud? Should you go in? What if they weren’t decent?
Jimin had said you could go in if something was wrong...
But did being scared of a thunderstorm count?
You couldn’t take it anymore and you burst through the door with tears in your eyes. Fear causing you to shake violently.
Jimin and Jungkook both bolted up in bed at the sound of the door slamming open, and were out of bed instantly at the sight of you shaking on the floor.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Jungkook’s worried voice echoed in your ear.
“She’s trembling,” Jimin said, rubbing your back.
“I-I I’m sc-”
You cried and flung your arms around Jungkook’s neck, burying your face in his chest, tears streaming down your face as you shook violently. Jungkook looked at Jimin in shock and a little bit of his own fear, but Jimin just took his hand and placed it on your head.
‘Comfort her,’ Jimin mouthed.
Jungkook nodded before rubbing your hip soothingly.
“What’s wrong Y/N? Is it the storm?” He asked, bringing his other hand to your shoulder.
“Y-Yes,” you whimpered, keeping your face buried in Jungkook’s neck.
“It’s alright, Jimin and I got you. You’ll be safe,” Jungkook promised.
Jimin rubbed soothing circles onto your back as the two of them tried to ease your frantic heart. Both of them knowing it can’t be good for the baby. But, also, on you. The stress of carrying a baby was already a lot, the fear of this thunderstorm wasn’t a good addition.
Soon, you had cried yourself to sleep.
Jimin took you in his arms, picking you up and Jungkook followed after him as they headed for your room.
The couple laid you down in bed, brushing your face tenderly. Jungkook watched as Jimin covered you up, bringing the sheets right up under your chin. He smiled at the soft pout on your lips, he wondered if the baby would have your cute pout.
Jimin, moved your hair away from your eyes, tucking it behind your ear gently. When he was certain you were settled he took Jungkook’s hand and headed back to their bedroom.
“God, that scared the fuck out of me,” Jungkook said, sitting down on the side of the bed.
“Me too,” Jimin agreed, rubbing his face in exhaustion.
“Didn’t know she was that scared of storms, makes me want to beat up the sky for scaring her like that,” Jungkook said, frowning.
Jimin laughed lightly, but kissed his boyfriend lovingly. “I know you would if you could, or at the very least, sue it,” he snorted.
“Ooh, yeah, that could work,” Jungkook said.
“I’d never seen her like that, so vulnerable. She always puts up such a tough exterior,” Jimin said, biting his lip.
“Yeah, maybe it shows that she’s starting to trust us. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to live with two people who are kinda strangers to her,” Jungkook said, feeling awkward.
“Well, maybe we can fix that,” Jimin reasoned.
“What do you have in mind my stunningly attractive boyfriend?” Jungkook asked, leaning forward.
“Mmm, let’s take her shopping. Spoil her a bit, you’ve got more zeros in your bank account than I can count on all of my fingers. She’s gonna need maternity clothes anyways. Imagine her all dressed in Gucci and Prada while walking around pregnant with our baby,” Jimin said, appearing to be day dreaming himself.
“That would be... nice... To spoil her, show her we care about her well being and everything,” Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“Let’s do it,” Jimin said, gripping Jungkook’s hands.
“Okay, yeah!”
Unfortunately for the couple, you appeared to be hating every second of this shopping excursion.
“Y/N! Come on,” Jungkook said, walking with Jimin’s hand interlocked with his.
“Coming, coming,” you sighed, following after them.
“Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need a break?” Jimin asked, stopping to take a look at you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just, sleepy,” you grumbled.
The boys had effectively cut off your caffeine intake as of late, and it was showing. You were more exhausted than ever, just wanting to sleep the day away, but the two men wanting to hear nothing of it today. Normally they would’ve just let you sleep, but, today was a different story.
Jimin bit his lip and looked at Jungkook with concern.
You didn’t seem to be having fun at all.
What was the point in spoiling you if you were just gonna wind up pissed off at the end of it? But maybe you just hadn’t found something you wanted yet. Jimin didn’t want to lose faith so early on, but you really were in a grumpy mood today.
Jungkook pointed out several different kinds of stores, suggesting different ones and you merely told them that whatever they wanted was fine. Feeling defeated already, Jimin told Jungkook to pick a store and maybe you’d find something you wanted in there.
Soon, you were in some high end designer store, looking around with a bored expression on your face. Most girls loved when you spoiled them, wanting nothing more than to have free reign with a credit card and a whole shopping mall. But you looked so fragile and out of place in this big store.
Jungkook looked around and found some things he wanted, Jimin too, but you were still sitting on the bench, head in your hand and looking tired.
The couple looked at each other, wondering what in the world they could do to make you smile. All they wanted to do was spoil you, make you feel better...
“Are you two with the young lady over there,” the store attendant asked, pointing at you with genuine curiosity.
“Ah, yes, she’s with us,” Jimin confirmed.
“I take it she’s not really into the whole shopping experience,” the attendant said, and the couple nodded sadly.
“We just wanted to spoil her, take her out and get her stuff she wanted. But it looks like she’d rather die than be here right now,” Jungkook said, frowning.
“Well, what are some things that she likes?” The shop attendant asked.
“Books,” both of them said quickly.
The attendant laughed at them softly, nodding.
“My wife is a fan of books too, sometimes I wonder if she likes them more than me. But, you said you want to spoil her right? Tell her that, explain what you’re doing, sometimes that helps,” he offered.
Jimin nodded, looking over at your sleepy figure in the corner of the store.
“It’s worth a shot,” he said.
The pair thanked the shop attendant for his time and headed towards you.
You looked up and tried to give the couple a smile, but it looked awkward and forced, making them frown even more. Jungkook sat down next to you, and Jimin kneeled in front of you.
“Y/N, do you know why we forced you out of your blankety cocoon today?” Jimin asked, looking at you with curiosity.
“You said you wanted to take me shopping,” you said, gazing back at him.
“Exactly, we wanted to take you shopping. Not just shop for ourselves and drag you around. We want to spoil you, give you whatever you want. All you have to do is ask and you can have it, Y/N, money isn’t an issue here,” Jimin said.
Biting your lip you felt yourself get uncomfortable. “I-I don’t really like being spoiled, you know? I um... It makes me feel weird,” you said, rubbing your neck.
“The last thing we wanted to do was make you upset,” Jungkook said, biting his lip.
“No I’m not upset I just feel awkward,” you explained.
“Oh, there’s no need to feel awkward Y/N, it’s just us,” Jimin reassured.
“People keep staring at us, like I’m some lame friend third wheeling on a date,” you sighed, rubbing your face.
Jimin and Jungkook both swallowed hard.
They hadn’t realized people were staring. But it would make sense, Jimin and Jungkook were known in the city and suddenly a girl is walking around with them? That did seem a bit odd. They were also regulars in this mall and no doubt the staff were looking too.
God, they had messed this whole day up.
“Oh Y/N, we’re sorry,” Jungkook said, pressing his hands to his face.
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” You asked, turning to look at him with confusion.
“Not including you,” Jimin explained.
“There’s no need to include me-” you started when Jungkook cut you off quickly.
“Yes there is, you’re carrying our baby, we want you to feel comfortable and safe. Not ignored and shut out, that’s not fair to you,” he said, brushing his hair away from his face.
“Yeah, we want you to have whatever you want. As long as it isn’t unhealthy for you or the baby,” Jimin said.
“This isn’t about flexing or whatever on other people, this is about you. And what you want,” Jungkook said.
“Well,” you said, worrying your lip with your teeth.
“Yes?” Jimin said, leaning forward.
“It’s, well, I guess some new clothes wouldn’t be bad. I’ll need maternity stuff,” you told them.
“Yes! Absolutely! We can do that!” Jimin said, standing up and pulling you with him.
However, it was a little too fast for you, causing your head to spin. Jungkook was steadying you with his warm palms on your waist, Jimin keeping you upright with his hands around your wrists.
“Sorry Y/N! I-I wasn’t thinking and I got so excited, sorry,” Jimin frowned at himself.
“It’s alright,” you said, not wanting him to be upset over something that didn’t really matter.
“I need to be more gentle with you, you’re carrying our baby for Christ sakes,” Jimin huffed.
You nodded, noticing the stern look on Jimin’s face. Licking your dry lips, you looked down at your feet. You were only a month along so you couldn’t really see anything yet. But knowing there was a life inside of you made you feel a little flutter in your chest every time you thought about it.
However, you needed to get that under control.
This wasn’t your baby.
And that’s just how it was going to be.
Jimin and Jungkook had managed to drag you into a designer store for mothers apparently, because everything in here looked like it was worth a fortune. How were you supposed to pick something and wear it when you were afraid it was gonna get dirty? For fucksake you were almost certain they would be ruined by the end of this pregnancy.
“Ooh! Y/N, pink is your color,” Jimin smiled, holding up a rose colored blouse at you.
Looking down you saw small daisies printed on the shirt as well. It was cute, you had to give him that. You agreed to try it on, but only if he promised not to show you the price tag. Jimin nodded quickly.
Jungkook came around the corner, carrying a couple different articles of clothing. Mainly dresses, as they would be a comfortable and easy choice. But there were some skirts and blouses in his arms too. After finding the ones you liked the three of you were sent to the dressing rooms.
Jimin and Jungkook waited outside on the bench, demanding a fashion show from you. You rolled your eyes, but didn’t say no before you headed in and tried on a couple of outfits.
You walked out and did a little spin every time, Jungkook and Jimin giving their opinions. Which were always small claps with whistles accompanying them.
Then you walked out in a shorter green sundress that you had managed to grab on the shelf without looking at the tag, thank God. It was green with splashes of turquoise and white that made your eyes pop beautifully. There was a cutout at the top that showed a little bit of cleavage but it wasn’t an insane amount. Nothing you thought anything of anyways.
It came to your knees, and it was generous with the room in it. No doubt when you were showing it would come up to your mid thigh. Fluffing your hair you walked out and smiled at the boys. Jungkook’s eyes trailed down your body. This was the first non maxi dress you’d tried on, even the skirts had been considerably modest. So, they were getting the first glimpse at your skin.
Jimin was stunned.
You were absolutely gorgeous. A vision.
Legs looking gorgeous and long, skirt fluttering around your knees but Jimin couldn’t help imagine you when you were showing a little more. Would it ride up higher? Clearing his throat he smiles at you.
“It looks really good, Y/N, I didn’t pick this one. Did you Kook?” Jimin said, turning to his boyfriend, who seemed to still be in a stupor.
“Jungkook?” You said, looking at the doe eyed man with a little bit of worry pinching your features.
“Yes? No, it-you look amazing Y/N, did you pick this out?” He asked you.
“I did, yeah,” you answered.
“Little sneak, do you really want to stop our hearts?” Jimin teased.
Blushing you brushed your hair behind your ear and stared at your shoes. Jungkook looked at you with so much longing it made Jimin’s heart stammer. Not out of jealousy, but something else. Jimin shook the thought from his head.
Soon you were all settled back in the car, several shopping bags in the back. Jimin and Jungkook had requested a driver today, wanting to just enjoy the experience. So, the driver dutifully drove while the three of you sat in the back.
You looked out the window and watched scenery pass you by. Jimin and Jungkook looked at you, each with a similar look on their face and similar feelings in their chest. But neither of them were brave enough to admit it to themselves. Not when they almost had everything they’ve ever wanted, or what they thought they wanted...
Getting out of the car, Jimin asked the driver to have the bags delivered up to their apartment. The driver nodded before disappearing.
The three of you made your way up to the apartment, but not before Jimin and Jungkook spilled that they had a surprise for you. Looking at them with a menacing glare, Jungkook broke first as you three made it into the entryway of the apartment.
“It’s nothing crazy, just... We didn’t want you feeling like the third wheel or, you know, not a part of this. You are just as important to us as the baby you are carrying, and while you’re with us we want you happy and... so we got you this,” Jungkook said, holding out the signature blue box that made your stomach churn with how much it must’ve cost.
“Please, don’t ask how much it cost. It doesn’t matter as long as it makes you happy,” Jimin whispered.
Slowly, you opened the box and a beautiful moon pendant sparkling in diamonds and white gold stared at you. You damn near dropped the thing because of how gorgeous it was. Jungkook and Jimin froze on the spot when they saw tears starting to fall down your face.
“Do you not like it?” Jimin asked.
“Is it too much? Did we go overboard?” Jungkook worried.
“N-No, it’s beautiful,” you said, touching the pendant with a delicate finger.
“Do you want to put it on?” Jungkook asked, hoping to God that you didn’t throw this pendant back in their faces.
“Yes, please,” you said, handing Jungkook the back and brushing your hair out of the way so he had access.
Slowly, you watched as the beautiful moon swung just above your cleavage, kissing your chest lightly. It was fastened behind your neck and you turned around, looking at the two men with a bright smile on your face.
Then, they held up their wrists.
A sun and a star.
You looked and saw it was all a matching set.
“You guys, you really,” you said, smiling softly.
“Honestly, Y/N, you’re our equal in this. You aren’t just a womb we’re renting,” Jimin said. “You’re a person, with wants and feelings and we want you to feel that. More than anything, we want you happy and safe.”
“We’re so thrilled you chose us, seriously. If there’s anything you want, anything you need, name it, we’ll get it for you. Scouts honor,” Jungkook said, holding up his hand.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of emotion, more tears ran down your cheeks, making you sniffle and wipe at them with irritation. You didn’t want to cry right now, you were happy! Now, you just looked like a snotty red mess.
“Aw, don’t cry Y/N!” Jungkook said, coming forward to wipe your tears.
“God you guys are such turds, making me cry all the time,” you sniffled.
“It’s not our fault!” Jimin said.
“It is very much your fault,” you said, holding your stomach gently.
A rush of air left the two of them at you doing something so maternal. It made Jungkook’s blood burst into flames, and Jimin had to swallow a moan at the knowledge of you being pregnant with his baby. You cocked your head to the side and looked at the two silent men.
“Okay, well... Thanks for today you two... I’m glad I got to be spoiled a little bit. I’m gonna go take a shower, are we ordering out for dinner tonight?” You asked. They were still silent and you wondered what the fuck broke them when Jimin blinked rapidly a few times before clearing his throat.
“Y-You’re welcome, if you want to go again just tell us and we can,” he said, fighting to keep his calm exterior.
“Okay, I’m gonna go take a shower then,” you said again, taking off towards the stairs.
Jungkook damn near collapsed on the floor when you were finally gone.
“Jesus,” he said, panting hard.
“Do you, do you feel it too?” Jimin asked, gazing at the area where you had been standing.
“Yeah,” Jungkook croaked.
“Fuck what’s wrong with us? She’s here for us to care for her, to nurture her, not use her like some object,” Jimin said, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
Jungkook rubbed his shoulders, trying to soothe his boyfriend’s frantic thoughts. He agreed. You weren’t someone for them to use and abuse... You were the mother of their child and you deserved to be respected. But God if the thought of you didn’t send their minds spiraling.
“I know... We just gotta tough it out I guess. What else can we do?” Jungkook reasoned.
“I don’t know Kook, I don’t know,” Jimin said, gripping his boyfriend’s hand tightly.
The six week mark came and so did the morning sickness. To start, it was just waves of nausea, but soon it turned into full blown vomiting.
It was around seven in the morning and you had barely slept a wink. You felt jittery and restless, unable to relax. But when you sat up to head to the kitchen for something to eat, your stomach flipped. Soon, you were in the bathroom getting sick in the toilet.
Shortly you heard a knocking at the door.
“Y/N? Sweetie are you alright?” Jimin’s worried voice echoed through the door.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, trying to keep yourself from hurling again.
“Can I come in?” His light tone echoed through the room.
“Yeah,” you said, feeling another rush of nausea washing over you as he comes in. You looked and saw his worried face come into focus.
“Oh sweetheart,” Jimin said, rubbing your back as you got sick once more.
“Jimin? Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice echoed in the apartment.
“We’re in the bathroom Kook!” Jimin yelled.
Shortly Jungkook’s footsteps came into the bathroom. He was frowning, knowing you must be uncomfortable and there wasn’t much he could do for you. Watching Jimin rub your back gave him a sense of comfort however.
You were struggling with your chest being tender also. Every time you moved against the toilet you felt a jolt of pain go down your spine. Wincing when you came back up, Jimin had gotten you a little cup of water. You swished the cool liquid around before spitting it out and standing up slowly, per Jimin’s instructions.
You brushed your teeth and told the boys you were alright. They left and you did the rest of your morning routine. Jimin came back into your room and asked if you were ready for breakfast. You nodded and let Jimin lead you to the kitchen table. Jimin, taking note of your poor start to the day, asked if you wanted anything in particular for breakfast. Thinking back you really enjoyed the Nutella and banana toast he made for you a while back.
He nodded and started the toaster quickly. Jungkook had been working overtime recently and had to leave shortly after your bathroom incident. Soon, two pieces of Nutella toast with bananas were placed in front of you.
But the second the smell of banana hit your nose, you were scrunching up your face in disgust. Jimin looked at you with confusion. Then it dawned on him: food sensitivity.
Quickly removing the plate he asked if anything else sounded good, and you came up with the weird combination that was scrambled eggs with cream cheese.
Jimin looked on with a light smile on his face as you scarfed down the eggs and cream cheese without a single nose scrunch. It always made him happy to see you eating. Keeping up your health for the sake of the baby and you made him happy.
Soon, you were done and Jimin had gone into the living room to watch some TV when you noticed him sitting there. Lounging on the couch was a normal thing, but, looking at him now you-you couldn’t put your finger on it. He just looked so good, sitting there. He’d recently redid his hair so it was a beautiful blond color. His eyes wandered from the television to you, standing there in your loose t-shirt and pajama shorts.
He licked his lips for a moment, but that was all it took for you.
The flash of his tongue made you slightly weak in the knees, causing you to grip the edge of the table for support. Jimin seemed to mistake this for a more serious problem as he was up in a matter of seconds to come to your side.
“Y/N? What’s the matter?” He asked, looking at you with concern.
“I-I’m good,” you said, giving him a thumbs up. “I think I just ate too fast.”
Jimin mulled this over in his head for a moment before nodding and stepping back.
“As long as you’re okay,” he said, heading back towards the couch.
But your symptoms weren’t just limited to food sensitivity, morning sickness and random bouts of arousal, oh no... The best one was the nightmares that had taken over your sleep schedule.
Normally they were just vague things that you forgot about when you woke up. But they were becoming more vivid. More, unsettling.
You were dreaming being in pools of blood, sometimes it was yours, sometimes it belonged to the boys. Sometimes you didn’t know where it came from, but it was always there. Never to be washed away, only to drown in...
You were caught up in the throes of a particularly bad nightmare...
You’d miscarried and lost the baby, Jimin and Jungkook were heartbroken and left you bleeding out on the floor as you stared up into the ceiling, dying.
The room was tilted and everything was wobbly.
You tried to go after them, to ask for another chance. But it was too late, they were gone.
Screaming, you bolted up in your bed. Tears flowing down your cheeks at a rapid rate. Your heart was hammering in your chest so loud you swore you could feel it in your throat.
You heard the slamming of a door and soon Jimin and Jungkook barged into your room, looking around frantically until they found you on your bed, shaking and crying into your hands.
“Y/N!” They yelled, going to your sides and trying to get you to talk to them.
“Sweetie, what happened? Why did you scream?” Jimin asked, petting your hair trying to soothe you.
“I-I had a nightmare, I-I lost the baby and, then lost you two,” you whimpered, covering your face again.
Jungkook swallowed thickly, the image of you crying being burned into his memory. He hated seeing you like this. It hurt him to see you so distraught. Jimin, too, was struggling with your emotions. He just wanted you happy and healthy, free from any worry and troubles of the real world. But of course, he couldn’t protect you from everything and everyone. No matter how much he wanted to.
“Y/N, it’s okay. We’re right here, we aren’t going anywhere,” said Jungkook. You were crying violently, looking at the bed spread with blurred vision. Jimin looked at Jungkook with worry written all over his features, your smaller frame sat shaking in the bed as the two males tried to comfort you.
Jungkook hesitantly reached out to wipe the tears from your face. You looked up at the man with puffy cheeks and swollen eyes, before glancing back down at your lap.
“You aren’t going to lose us, Y/N,” Jimin reassured.
“I’m scared,” you whispered, so broken that it had both of their eyes tearing up at the sound.
“It’s alright, we’re scared too,” Jimin said, patting your hair gently. “But we’ll get through this.”
“There was so much blood,” you whimpered, biting your lip trying to keep the sobs from coming out.
“Y/N,” Jungkook said, feeling his eyes burning with unshed tears of his own.
“I was dying and you just... left me there,” you confessed.
“We could never leave you just like that Y/N, ever,” Jimin said, sounding shocked.
“We’d never forgive ourselves if something happened to you,” Jungkook whispered.
Jimin grabbed his hand, rubbing his fingers over the knuckles. He knew seeing you like this was hard on both of them, and knowing how much you truly didn’t think they cared was also hurtful. Because all they wanted was to tell you you didn’t have to leave... But it couldn’t work like that.
Jimin’s work as a high end therapist was already wobbly because of his relationship with Jungkook. As unfortunate as it is, people didn’t want his help if he was dating a fellow man.
And Jungkook had already been shamed for his love publicly, the gossip forums on the newspaper and websites having a hay day with his image. He’d worked so hard to show he wasn’t any different than a straight man when it came to his work. But, the world is a cruel place, and social norms often reared their ugly heads with Jungkook.
They couldn’t drag you into that cesspool of nasty comments and uncomfortable encounters. It was a harsh reality, but it was the one you were all living in. And there wasn’t anything they could do about it.
Jungkook wanted to scream about how it was unfair. How you sitting here with them wasn’t wrong, as long as you all cared about one another, how could it be? But they both knew how this would end.
With you walking out of their lives and your child’s life, forever.
“I’m sorry for waking you up,” you hiccuped, swallowing down the rest of your tears.
“No, don’t be sorry,” Jimin said, rubbing your shoulder.
“If something’s wrong we want you to tell us,” Jungkook said, looking at you with misty eyes.
“I-I will,” you said, wiping your face.
“Are you going to be able to go back to sleep?” Jimin asked, looking at your state with concern.
“I should be able to,” you said, trying to convince yourself of the same thing.
“We can stay with you, until you’re asleep,” Jungkook offered before even thinking. Jimin’s head snapped to the younger male, who was already shrinking.
“W-Would you?” Your soft voice spoke up.
Jimin nodded finally, crawling into the bed with you and Jungkook following suit. They each took a hand and held it tightly. Jimin drew different shapes and patterns on your palm, making you giggle when it tickled. Jungkook interlocked your fingers together, running his thumb over your soft skin like Jimin did with him when he was nervous or scared.
Sooner, rather than later, you were passed out once more, hands clutching Jimin and Jungkook’s.
The men managed to untangle themselves from you as they went back to their room, hearts heavy. When the door shut, Jungkook burst into tears.
“Oh my sweet boy, don’t cry,” Jimin said, wiping his boyfriend’s cheeks carefully.
“Jimin,” he said, forehead resting on the older man’s shoulder.
“I know, it hurts me too,” Jimin whispered.
“I just want her to know that she’s not just a convenience, she’s so much more than that,” Jungkook whimpered.
“Yeah,” Jimin said, thinking of your body curled up on the couch with a good book and a warm drink next to you. Your smile when your favorite song comes on in the car. The way you’re already so protective over the baby.
“I don’t know if it’s because she’s carrying our baby or what, but, I want to be closer to her. I want to know everything about her... God I don’t know what to do with myself Jimin,” Jungkook complained, wiping at his tears in frustration.
“We just gotta keep it in our mind that she had a life before this, and she’ll have a life after it too. S-She’s doing this because we’re paying her Jungkook. Of course that isn’t the only reason but, it is the main one,” Jimin reminded his boyfriend, and himself.
Even though the words felt hollow in the air.
“I guess,” Jungkook said.
“You’ve got work early, we need to go back to bed,” Jimin said, motioning for Jungkook to get into bed as well. The two men cuddled up to each other, each feeling like something, or someone, was missing...
Faster than you thought possible, the ten week mark had come.
It was time to get your first ultrasound of the pregnancy.
The boys were over the moon about the whole thing. Excitedly chatting in the car.
“I hope we can see the baby well,” Jungkook said, driving carefully through the street.
Jimin hummed in agreement. “Me too, the baby is still super small right now. About the size of a prune but, we’ll still be able to see them on the screen. And, we can hear their heartbeat!”
You smiled at their excitement. Bringing your fingers up you brushed the pendant they gave you, a nervous habit you’d picked up shortly after their gifting it to you. Jungkook looked at you in the rearview, playing with the sparkling jewelry piece. It made his chest feel tight, looking at you. Jimin placed a hand on his, making Jungkook focus on him for a moment.
Jimin shook his head and Jungkook swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what he meant.
Soon, you were all at the clinic.
Jimin helped you out of the backseat, getting your bag and whatnot so you didn’t have to fuss with it. Jungkook placed a protective hand on your lower back, guiding you into the building.
You felt your heart flutter in your chest at the action, having to cover up your blushing with a cough. Jimin urged you to sit down while he got the paperwork, something you didn’t fight him on. You were exhausted as of late.
The boys reassured you it was normal to be tired. You knew, however, that you were a little more tired than normal. Briefly you wondered if it was because it was your first time and you’d never felt something like this. However, that didn’t sit right. You knew there was something going on, but you didn’t want to worry the boys. Especially since you were getting an ultrasound today.
Sitting next to Jungkook in the waiting room, he made small talk. Asking how you were feeling and if the morning sickness had gotten any better.
“It’s gotten worse,” you complained, leaning your head back in the seat.
“Really? Maybe we can ask the doctor to prescribe something for you,” he said.
“It should be going away soon, I’ll be alright,” you reassured, patting his knee.
“Sometimes it doesn’t go away until the baby is born, I just don’t want you to suffer if we can do something about it,” Jungkook said softly.
“If it gets too bad, I’ll say something. Okay?” You said, keeping a gentle smile on your face.
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed.
Jimin came back and took Jungkook’s hand, intertwining their fingers together. Jimin had a habit of tracing the tattoos on Jungkook’s hands when he was nervous, it made you smile.
Eventually a nurse called your name and led you back to the ultrasound room. Jungkook smiled and sat down in the chair provided. Jimin helped you up onto the table and the ultrasound tech went over what they would be looking for and opened it up for questions.
When no one had any, she proceeded.
“Okay, I just need you to pull the front of your pants down a little bit,” the tech asked, prepping the machine.
You immediately turned and looked at Jungkook and Jimin, then down at your stomach. It wasn’t a big deal, it was just a little bit anyways.
Without much more thought you pulled your pants so just the top of your panties were showing. Jungkook’s eyes widened at your actions, but he tried to keep a calm exterior. Jimin kept his eyes trained on the screen, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable.
The ultrasound gel was cold, making you jump when it came in contact with your skin. But soon it was warming to your skin and you all looked at the screen with rapt attention.
“Alright so we should see the head and curvature of the body, but other than that this is just to make sure that everything is looking good in the uterus and to see if there are any abnormalities with the baby-oh! Babies it appears,” the tech said, a big smile on her face.
“What?” Jimin said.
“There’s another head there, if you look right here,” she pointed at the screen. “Looks like you’ve got a set of twins in there!”
Jungkook’s eyes teared up, looking down at your stomach with his heart in his throat.
You were stunned.
The first try?
Wow, you really did win the lottery.
“Oh my God,” Jimin said, hiding his face in Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Way to go, got those twins first try,” you said, trying to keep your nerves under control.
“It’s all thanks to you Y/N, we couldn’t do it without you,” Jungkook reminded.
“Are you guys going to want the pictures?” The tech asked. Jimin and Jungkook of course said yes.
“Wow, look at their heads babe!” Jimin yelped as you all walked out of the clinic together. Jimin was still cooing over the pictures of the twins from the ultrasound.
“I need to put it in my wallet,” he said, bringing out the accessory shortly after.
You smiled at their excitement. You were beyond happy, you’d done it. Gave them the twins they desperately wanted. First try too. You knew that meant a few more complications, but, you didn’t want that to hold too much weight over you.
“We should call Namjoon and Jin! Tell them the news about the twins!”
You nodded quickly, wanting to tell your friends the update.
Namjoon and Jin were thrilled, obviously. Insisting that they’ll give Annie to Jin’s parents for the night so you could all get together and have a meal. Agreeing, the boys set it up for around seven thirty.
“Dress nice! I also expect to see those ultrasound pictures!” Jin said through the phone.
You snorted and shook your head, gently touching your stomach. You felt a fluttering in your chest, like you were standing on the edge of a tall building or something. It made you gasp lightly, moving your hand away from your belly to your chest. Jimin seemed to notice your movement because he was turning around in his seat.
“Everything alright there?” He asked, looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. We’re-good,” you said, pointing to your tummy. Jimin’s eyes lit up at the mention of the babies.
“Okay, tell me if you need anything,” he said, turning around and facing the front once more.
You all walked back into the apartment, Jungkook still gushing about everything. You simply smiled and went to go get ready for dinner.
Jin did say to look nice, so you picked out a few things from your shopping excursion a while back. Putting on a dress that looked skin tight but it was super stretchy, so no doubt you could wear it late into the pregnancy. The zipper on the back would be an issue but, it made you feel a little sexy. You hadn’t really done a lot in regards to your appearance around the boys, you didn’t see the need.
But, it wouldn’t hurt to do your hair and dress nicely...
You had the perfect shoes to pair with the dress. You grabbed some stockings and a few other small pieces of jewelry, placing them on the bed while you assembled everything together the way you wanted it.
Eventually, you were all set.
Except for the zipper on the back.
You didn’t understand why there was a zipper on such a stretchy dress, but fashion has its ways you guess. Reaching behind you proved unsuccessful. Quickly growing frustrated, you did the following without thinking.
“Jimin? Jungkook? Can one of you come here for a second please?”
Once the words were out, you immediately wished you could eat them.
But the damage had been done.
Both men walked in your room.
Jimin’s jaw dropped open, looking at you in awe.
You were in knee high stockings, low heels and a slinky black dress that hugged your body so perfectly it made him want to drop to his knees. Jungkook fared no better. Seeing your hair styled and a little bit of makeup on your features really enhanced your natural beauty. They both were staring, making you shrink in embarrassment.
“O-Okay, you can blink any time now,” you said, chuckling to ease the tension in the room.
“You look... wow,” Jimin breathed.
“Incredible. You look incredible,” Jungkook said, eyes trailing down your legs.
“Thank you, but, um... Could one of you please come zip me up? I can’t reach the zipper,” you said, turning your back to them fully.
Jungkook stared at his boyfriend with an almost agonized look on his face. Jimin nodded and walked forward, brushing your hair out of the way. Placing a gentle hand on your hip Jimin pulled the zipper up to the top, covering each inch of your beautiful skin.
Jungkook swallowed his noise of protest, trying to remember what Jimin had said. You weren’t an object for them to use, you were their surrogate. The woman who would be birthing their twins. And then leaving...
Jimin knew if Jungkook had walked forward to zip up your dress he wouldn’t be able to keep it together. Jimin wasn’t doing that hot either to be honest. Your hips flared out. Looking so beautiful hugged in the dress, and the warmth of your skin beneath his fingertips was... alarming.
“Thank you,” you said, turning around with a smile on your face.
Jimin couldn’t help but mirror your grin.
“Absolutely, are you ready to go now?” He asked, trying to keep from getting distracted any more.
“Yeah, let’s go! I want Jin to feed me so much I burst,” you said, heading towards the door. Once you were gone, Jungkook looked at Jimin.
“This is only getting harder,” Jungkook said, biting his lip.
“Are you going to be alright?” Jimin questioned, placing his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Yeah, just... This feels wrong,” Jungkook whispered.
“What feels wrong?” Jimin asked.
“Keeping her at arm's length, I just feel awkward. Pushing her away when she’s doing something so big for us, it’s really emotionally charged and... I feel like a jerk for treating her like just another person. Like she isn’t special,” Jungkook explained, brushing his hair out of his face.
“I understand,” Jimin said, trying to smooth the frown lines from Jungkook’s face.
“Boys? Are you coming?” Your voice echoed through the house.
“Coming!” Jimin said. “We’ll talk about this later, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
The dinner at Jin and Namjoon’s was beyond anything you’d expected.
There was so much food and honestly, you ate a lot. Lying back in your chair, tilting your head back you sighed. Rubbing your stomach unconsciously. But the boys noticed everything. Especially how amazing you looked in that outfit.
It was just about all they could do to keep their hands off of you. Jungkook was fidgeting the whole night, being the one who sat next to you. He really tried to keep his cool, but a man could only take so much.
“So, Y/N, how does it feel to be pregnant with twins?” Namjoon asked, taking a small bite of rice.
“Honestly? It’s not been a cake walk, let me tell you. My mood swings are everywhere, my chest is killing me, food is either a hit or miss and don’t get me started on how arou-ahem,” you froze at your brazen attitude. Jimin and Jungkook’s heads snapped at your statement, looking at you with masked emotions. “Sorry, got carried away. Anyways, it’s been wild. But, I’m really glad to be doing it, you know? The boys take good care of me,” you praised, smiling at the two of them now.
Namjoon noticed it first.
The twinkle in Jungkook’s eyes at your words. How genuinely happy he seemed listening to you talk. Jimin’s body language was always engaged with you, never closing off or making it appear like he wasn’t interested.
Namjoon’s eyes widened.
This would need to be discussed...
Soon, everyone was sitting in the living room, just digesting. When you got up and said you had to use the restroom.
When the men were alone, Namjoon attacked.
“What are you guys doing?” He asked, looking at the two younger men with worry in his features.
“What do you mean?” Jimin quizzed right back.
“Listen, I’ve been friends with Y/N for a long time. I really care about her and want only the best for her. I also want you guys to be happy and healthy and have your own family, so please don’t take what I’m about to say personally but-what the fuck?” He asked.
“What do you mean what the fuck?” Jungkook asked.
“Why are you looking at her like that?” Namjoon asked, feeling his frustration rise.
“Like what?!” Jimin argued.
“Like you-Like you, are all, like... a couple?” Namjoon said, feeling the awkward tension rising in the room.
“What?” Jungkook coughed.
“We aren’t together,” Jimin said slowly.
“But do you want to be?” Namjoon asked.
Jungkook broke first.
“I don’t know,” he whispered, placing his head in his hands. Jimin was quick to comfort the younger male, rubbing his back in big, soothing circles.
“It’s a new experience for us. We just want her to be happy and healthy and safe. You know, take care of her,” Jimin explained, skirting around the question.
“Of course, but, there’s a difference between appreciation and affection,” Jin said, speaking up.
“Y-Yeah, we know that,” Jimin answered. “I’m a therapist, I know what emotions are.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes.
“If you know what emotions are then why are you denying your own?” he asked.
“I’m not!”
“Bullshit,” Namjoon challenged.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jimin growled.
“What’s all the angry whispering out here for?” You asked, walking back into the room. The energy snapped within an instant.
“It’s alright, just a heated debate about politics,” Namjoon joked, giving you a tender smile.
“Oookay?” You said, coming back in to sit down next to Jungkook, who was trying his best to not squirm when your thigh brushed his.
The rest of the night moved rather calmly, but not without a fierce monopoly game that almost caused a few table flips. Jungkook wound up losing and threw a mini tantrum. But it was quickly smoothed over when you promised you’d bake him some cookies the next time he had a day off.
While Namjoon and Jin were cleaning up, Jungkook and Jimin discovered your sleeping frame on the couch once more. Breaths coming in even and slow, they smiled at you. Your lips were pouting lightly, something they’d discovered was a habit when you were sleeping.
And Jungkook adored it.
He came over to your side and tried to wake you up, but when you whined and fussed he decided it would just be easier to carry you to the car. Carefully, the strong young man lifted you into his arms and towards the door. Jimin got the rest of your things all together and they thanked Jin and Namjoon for the meal and night.
But before they left, Namjoon grabbed Jimin by the shoulder. Jungkook waited, looking back in worry. Jimin waved him on, saying he’d be there in a minute. Jungkook nodded before heading out the door.
“What?” Jimin asked.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I overstepped. I didn’t mean to offend you or Jungkook. It’s just, Y/N is very inexperienced when it comes to love and emotions and having that connection. I’m worried about what’s happening to her. I don’t want her to get her hopes up and be crushed later on,” he explained.
Jimin nodded his head.
“I accept your apology. I didn’t mean to fly off the handle either, Jungkook and I have been... Discussing it. But it’s not an easy thing to come to terms with, we aren’t sure what we feel for her... We know we care about her, but is it because she’s our surrogate and we want to care for her? Or is it something deeper? We don’t know,” Jimin sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
“Y/N is so special. She gives without thinking, she is so dedicated to those she cares about... she’d give the shirt off her back to someone she didn’t even know. It’s hard not to love her, but... she doesn’t deserve to be pulled in a million different directions either. But you all deserve to be happy, I’m always here if you need to talk,” Namjoon offered.
Jimin smiled lightly. “That’s normally my line.”
“You guys are good people, I wouldn’t have recommended Y/N do this if I didn’t trust you. But, just... please don’t take advantage of her heart. And don’t lie to yourselves either.”
Jimin nodded, looking down at the floor with a resolute nod.
“Thanks, both of you,” Jimin said, giving a small wave before heading out towards the car. Jungkook already had you buckled and settled in.
“What was that about?” Jungkook asked, getting into the front seat.
“He wanted to apologize for earlier, he felt like he overstepped. And, he wanted to explain why he was so defensive over Y/N,” Jimin said.
Jungkook nodded and started the car, taking off down the road.
“Why is he so protective? Did they like, date in the past or something?” Jungkook asked. Jimin shook his head.
“N-No, Y/N hasn’t ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend,” Jimin said, resting his head in his hand.
“What? Really?” Jungkook balked. Trying to think of how someone like you hadn’t ever been snatched up before. You were a total catch! But, you did tend to keep to yourself.
“Yeah, she told me about it the day she had her IUI done,” Jimin explained.
“Oh, so-wait. She’s having a baby when she’s never, like, had sex?” Jungkook said. “Is that safe?”
“I mean I’m sure it’s safe but, she’s not... Um, she told me she’s had sex before,” Jimin said.
“Wow, how did this all come up?” Jungkook asked.
“Well, she mentioned something about wanting someone who looked at her the way we look at each other,” Jimin blushed.
“She’s so cute,” Jungkook groaned. “Well, at least she’s been with someone before. You know, had that kind of pleasure.”
Jimin coughed, rubbing his neck. Jungkook looked at him weirdly.
“She may have off-handedly mentioned that she’s never, uh... You know, finished,” Jimin flushed. Jungkook looked floored at the information.
“You mean to tell me, that some jerk took her virginity and didn’t fucking make it special? What a fucking tool bag,” Jungkook growled.
“I don’t know the story, she didn’t divulge that kind of information. I was the one who guessed she’s never finished, and she was pretty embarrassed about it all to be honest,” Jimin said.
“That is so frustrating,” Jungkook said.
The car was quiet, save for your soft little snores coming from the back seat.
“Did you hear what she said during dinner?” Jimin asked. “When she was talking about her pregnancy symptoms.”
“Yeah...” Jungkook trailed off.
“I wish we could do something for her, I feel so bad,” Jimin whispered.
“We can be there to support her but we can’t over step either,” Jungkook said.
“I know, normally I’m the one reminding you of that,” Jimin huffed.
“I understand it’s not easy for either of us,” Jungkook said softly.
“Maybe we just need a god romp in the sheets to get it out of our system hmm?” Jimin teased, running a hand up Jungkook’s thigh. Jungkook couldn’t help the hiss that came out of his mouth at the touch. They hadn’t really been active in that way since you’d come into the house.
“Y-You know how loud I get,” Jungkook said, swallowing hard.
“Oh I’m very aware how loud I can make you scream,” Jimin winked.
“Stop, I’m already hard,” Jungkook whined.
“I bet you are baby,” Jimin said, squeezing his boyfriend’s thigh tight.
“Stop, please,” Jungkook whined.
“Mmm,” Jimin said, not sensing that Jungkook really wanted him to stop. “And what if I keep going baby? What if I snuck my hand into your pants and tugged your pathetic little cock until you came huh? Make you come all over your expensive pants and make you lick it up?”
“Jimin,” Jungkook said, cock straining against his pants.
“Yes baby? What does my baby want, huh?” Jimin asked, so sweet... Almost dangerous.
“I-I want-”
“Mmm, are we home yet?” You voice perked up from the back seat.
“Y/N?” Jimin asked, turning to look at you. Your eyes were bleary from sleep and it was obvious you must’ve just woken up. Jungkook adjusted himself in the seat, trying to hide his throbbing erection from your sight.
“Yeah?” You said, blinking slow.
“Sweetie,” Jimin cooed, brushing a few strands of your hair back from your face, even though it was an awkward angle for him.
“Jungkook are you okay?” You asked, noticing how tense the young man’s posture was.
“I-I’m good,” he said, trying to hide his arousal.
“Okay,” you said, laying your head back down.
Jungkook pulled the car into the front slot of the building, handing the keys over to the valet. The two of them brought you out of the car and Jimin decided it was his turn to carry you up to the apartment. So, the three of you all made it to the apartment in silence.
You were awake, but you weren’t feeling too terribly chatty. Sleep still at the forefront of your mind. Jungkook and Jimin hadn’t spoken since you got out of the car, and you can’t help but feel like you were in the middle of something kinda intense. The charged feeling in the room making you shift against Jimin’s chest.
He looked down at you, trying to keep himself from jostling you too much. You were exhausted. But soon, you felt bile rising in your throat...
“Jimin put me down,” you said, holding your hand to the mouth. Just as he set you down you scrambled to the bathroom and threw up the massive dinner you’d eaten. Jimin and Jungkook were rushing right after you. Jungkook brought your hair away from your face. Jimin sat down next to him to rub your back.
You got to the point where you were just dry heaving into the toilet, but it didn’t seem to end.
“Oh fuck,” you croaked, coughing hard.
“You want some water?” Jimin asked.
“No, I’m scared I’ll just throw that up too,” you whined.
“It might be better than just dry heaving,” Jimin said.
“You got a point,” you huffed, trying to keep your head from spinning.
“I’ll get you some,” he said, moving off the floor to head towards the kitchen. Jungkook shuffled forward, kind of molding his front to your back. When you pushed a little too hard against him you felt it. Wondering what it could be for a moment you pushed back against him again, when he groaned in surprise.
“U-Um, Jungkook?” You squeaked.
“S-Sorry!” He said, moving away faster than the speed of light.
“I-It’s okay, just, you know,” you flushed.
“It’s not because of you! It’s not uh, I wasn’t um,” he stuttered.
“I-I didn’t think it was?” You said, more of a question.
“It’s not that you’re not pretty or anything it’s-”
“No, I get it,” you said, smiling weakly.
“Here’s your water,” Jimin said, bringing in a glass for you to drink.
You sipped it slowly. Not paying attention. Jungkook looked like he was going to die in the corner, which made Jimin shoot him a weird look. He just shook his head as he covered his face. Jimin made a mental note to question him about it later, but his concern was on you right now.
“Have you been getting sick a lot?” Jimin asked, placing a soft hand on your shoulder.
“I mean, it’s mainly in the morning. I think I just ate too much at dinner,” you said, pouting lightly.
“Gotcha, do you feel like you’re going to get sick again? Or do you think you’re done?” He asked.
“I-I think I’m good,” you said, putting the empty glass down.
“Are you sure?” Jimin asked, making you look at him.
“Mhmm,” you confirmed, eyes getting droopy again.
“Alright sleepyhead, brush your teeth and go to bed. Need help getting up?” Jimin worried, fussing over you like any father to be would.
You stood up slowly, mindful of your dizzy head. But, when you stood at the sink you felt everything kinda snap into focus. Jimin dragged Jungkook out of the bathroom to let you do your thing, but told you to come get them if you needed anything.
Hurrying into the bedroom, Jimin narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend.
“Why did you look like you’d rather crawl into an overflowing storm drain than be in that bathroom? What happened when I was getting water?”
Jungkook looked up at Jimin could see the embarrassment on his face. Sighing, Jimin sat down, placing his hand on his boyfriend’s back.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have teased you in the car. It’s just, been a while you know? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything,” Jimin apologized.
“Y/N felt it, my... When you moved me so you could get out of the bathroom to get her the water, she was pushed up against me. And, she pushed back against me and felt my dick against her,” Jungkook said, rubbing her face.
“Oh, that is... uh, awkward,” Jimin agreed.
“It gets worse,” Jungkook said.
“What do you mean?” Jimin asked.
“I-I told her it wasn’t because of her and then I tried to tell her it’s not that she wasn’t pretty and I just threw up a bunch of words that didn’t make sense and then you were back,” Jungkook whimpered.
Jimin sighed. Jungkook had never been a genius with words, but normally he was better than that. He knows that Jungkook is mortified, Jungkook wasn’t good at mingling or recovering from blunders of the social variety. So, Jimin just sighed and gave his boyfriend a gentle kiss.
“It’s okay Jungkook, Y/N isn’t gonna hold this against you,” Jimin soothed.
“I just feel terrible,” Jungkook said softly.
“Why? It was an accident,” Jimin reasoned.
“Because I-I didn’t want her to stop,” he swallowed. Jimin bit his lip and tried to keep his anger from spilling over.
“I don’t know how many times we have to talk about this Jungkook,” Jimin said.
“We were talking about it in the car! But we’ve never talked about what we want, what we’re doing now, it's not sustainable. I’m going crazy!” Jungkook yelled.
“Jungkook keep your voice down!” Jimin reminded.
“Jimin I’m so fucking confused, I don’t know what we’re doing. What I’m doing. I-I do know one thing for certain. I love those kids, so much, and they aren’t even here yet. I love them so much, because they’re ours... But... I can’t keep doing this. Getting closer only to rip myself away, it’s killing me Jimin. If you want me to walk away, I will but, I just can’t keep giving myself hope when there isn’t any,” Jungkook cried, tears falling down his cheeks.
“I-I didn’t know you were so broken up over this,” Jimin whispered.
“I’m so confused,” Jungkook whispered.
“I am too, I love you so much but... I feel this connection to her. I know it’s normal to be grateful, but, I know it’s more than that with her,” Jimin said, moving to give Jungkook a back hug.
“Then we need to make a decision,” Jungkook said.
“You want to pursue her as a part of our couple? Like, make her our girlfriend?” Jimin asked.
“Do you?” Jungkook asked back.
“I mean... I wouldn’t be opposed,” Jimin said softly.
“I don’t want this if you don’t,” Jungkook said, turning to look at Jimin with sparkling eyes.
“I want this... I want her, but, we need to give her some time, as well as ourselves to come to terms with this,” Jimin reasoned.
“Okay,” Jungkook agreed.
“But, when we’re both ready, we can approach her,” Jimin said.
“Would this be healthy to do? I mean, mentally,” Jungkook asked.
“Polygamous couples generally tend to have better communication than the average two person couples. And with one of us being a therapist I think we could manage. I-I want to work towards that,” Jimin confessed.
“I want this too,” Jungkook said excitedly.
“Then that’s what we’ll do...”
You laid in bed late into the night. You heard Jungkook and Jimin having a disagreement. You couldn’t make out the words but, the walls were thin... You prayed to God that it wasn’t about you, or anything related to the children.
Slowly, your hand trailed down to your stomach. You didn’t think you could see a bump yet, but maybe a little something? You weren’t sure, maybe it was just wishful thinking.
You moved slightly, and you felt something in your underwear. Adjusting lightly, you pulled them down to look, and you saw a decent amount of arousal soaking into the cotton fabric. Blushing bright red you reached down to touch your hot center, to find that you were, in fact, dripping wet.
Biting your lip you thought back on the bathroom incident. Jungkook’s firm body pressed against yours, his hardened cock pressed against your ass, the hot groan he let out. Running your fingers over your slit, you gathered your slick and pushed against your clit gently.
Shockwaves of pleasure ripped through you at the sensation.
“Oh!” You gasped, hand coming up to cover your mouth in fear of waking the boys.
You did it again, causing your body to jump slightly, making more of your arousal drip from your center. Licking your lips you thought about what Jungkook’s hands would feel like instead of yours. What his body would feel like pressed up against yours naked... Jimin’s plump lips flashed through your mind for a second, making you wonder what his blond head would look like between-
No no no no no!
Ripping your hand away from your weeping core you turned over and placed your hands on your head.
How could you? Those two weren’t something to fuel your lonely fantasies! They are in love with each other, and are going to have a family... Albeit you had to help with that part but, still. Jimin and Jungkook weren’t yours... They were each other’s...
But as much as you tried to tell yourself that it would never happen...
You couldn’t help but dream of the two men’s hands running over your body...
Hot breaths touching your ears...
Taglist: @kittkat44, @giadalin, @kookachuwu
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Worrying Thunder - Thor x Reader
I would like to say thank you and I am really happy to see that you guys liked the very first story that I’d posted, so here’s some Thor fluff! I also truly appreciate the new followers (thank you so much!) As I’d said, I’m a huge Thor simp (though Poseidon really is testing my loyalty), and I have a lot more stories saved in my little Notes app on my phone dedicated to our god of thunder; excited to share it with y’all! (I also have a lot of Thor x Reader x Poseidon stuff, do let me know if you guys want to read em!)
The following story is just for shits and giggles. I do not own any of the characters, they are the property of Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui and Ajichika. I also do not own you, the reader.
Warning: Swearing from my disclaimer.
Worrying Thunder
Thor x Reader
After a long day hard at work, and by work, Thor spent some time sitting in the throne room then resigned to someplace else outside the palace to look for any challenger that dared trespass his realm, he was finally allowed to see his wife.
Down the hallways and past the wooden doors he went, his sole destination being where he was certain he would find his wife in, absorbed in writing as usual.
The door creaked open and from which his eyes were once softened with glee upon finally resting on the beautiful sight of you, were now twisted with alarm and concern as he beheld you lying down on the floor, drool at the side of your mouth, and at first sight, unconscious.
Faster than the speed of lightning he knelt beside you, calling your name desperately. What had happened? Did you injure yourself? Had anyone dared hurt you? Poisoned your food—
“Oh! Mngh, hello!”
Thor’s train of thought ceased, and his dark eyes widened while you stirred in his arms, reaching up with one hand to wipe away some saliva that was dripping down your chin. In your sleepy haze, you stretched then smiled at him, unaware of the wave of emotions he felt in a short span of time.
“Welcome back, Beloved.” You leaned and kissed Thor’s forehead, the latter still unmoving which caused you to tilt your head in question. “Did work overstress you that much? Don’t worry, I can give you a massage...”
Thor came out of his stupor quickly then narrowed his eyes at you, heaving a sigh of relief despite feeling somewhat annoyed at himself for failing to notice that you were simply asleep.
“Why were you on the floor?” Thor asked, not budging, completely unaffected by your attempts to standing up.
“Oh, it was too hot while I was writing so I decided to lie on the floor where it was cold,” You bit your cheek. “The weather’s got me too sleepy lately too, so I guess I must have fallen asleep.”
That made sense. Although naturally Thor’s face remained collected, he made no attempts to disguise the worry he felt in his actions.
Realization hit your face and immediately you cradled his head in your arms and apologized. “Oh! Sorry to have worried you, and right after you went to see me after the labors of your day too.” You hugged him tight.
Of course, the thought of blaming you never even crossed Thor’s mind. You were neither on the wrong nor right, it was just a matter of circumstance. He gently lifted his head up only a fraction to stare at you, feeling the tension in his body being released slowly at the gentle bondage of your touch. From your perspective, this has always been such a mesmerizing view: his normally stern eyes hungry for battle were nothing of the like, the yellow orbs clouded with a softness akin to Egyptian cotton, holding no hostility whatsoever, only filled with understanding.
“You need not worry,” A small smile lingered around the corners of Thor’s mouth as he picked you up easily, then carried you on his back to your quarters. “Simply subsequently, do find a pillow for your head when you decide to sleep on the floor again.”
You nodded with a smile against his back, whispering, “...I think I remember bringing a pillow with me to the floor. Strange how it has just disappeared.”
After a short moment of silence, you and your husband shared a sigh, finding the familiar in the strange. “Loki,”
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folkloreguk · 3 years
an angel for a demon (3)
A/N: Here's the last part of this small series! You don't necessarily need to read all of them to understand this one, but it does probably make more sense if you do. As always, feedback is deeply appreciated! Have a good day x
genre: smut, optional bias (m) x reader (f), demon!bias, angel!reader, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), reader gives her first bj
words: ~ 6.7 k
“I’m going out to pick up some food and stuff, do you want to come along?” you heard him ask. You had your legs up against the wall, your back on the bed, and a magazine in your hands. The women on the pages had you gushing, on the verge of hypnotization. You swore if you looked at those infatuating pictures one minute longer, you’d be swallowed whole by them.
When you had worked your way through some science books and were still hungry for more to read, H/N had brought you some magazines, mostly about fashion but also gossip and lifestyle tips. Turns out letting a clueless angel read about what’s supposed to be good for women was not a smart idea. Up in the clouds, from where you used to watch earth’s women, they had all looked equal to you – beautiful, intelligent, and capable. Now, down in the reality of it all, things appeared much more complicated. Which angel could have known it took diets, workout routines, anti-aging creams and the perfect outfit for your body type to be viewed the same way you had always looked at women from above? And most importantly, how did any woman manage to uphold all these expectations the magazines named? It was all too much and seemingly impossible. Abruptly, you were pulled out of your train of thoughts.
“Y/N? Did you hear me?” he asked, peaking his head through the door. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, putting down the magazine on your chest. “No, I’d like to stay here.”
“Alright,” he said, “Would you like me to bring you anything from the store?”
He walked over to you and sat on the bed. His hands softly brushed over your hair, down your cheek and neck, barely touching your collarbones. He was in his black, intimidating clothes, per usual, but his eyes held nothing but fondness for you.
“Actually, maybe there is something,” you said. “Look.”
You picked up the magazine and pointed at the page.
“Can you buy me a dress like this one? They say it would fit me best. And could you get some makeup for me? I don’t know much about it, but maybe you-“ you said. Usually, he was one to listen carefully to every of your words, as if you were the most interesting person he had ever met. This time, he interrupted you.
“Stop. Where is this coming from?” he asked. “I want you to forget all those things you’ve read in those magazines, okay?”
You were confused, thinking you were learning by reading those articles. Gently, he caressed your face. “You know I’ll buy you anything in the world, right? But only if that’s what youwant. Everything they tell you to do, everything they tell you to buy, it’s brainwashing. You will wear whatever dress you find pretty, and if you want to wear makeup, that’s fine. But you will only do those things if you want to do them, okay? There’s nothing you need to change about yourself.”
“But they say you need to start early to get a nice body, and to prevent aging,” you said. “They say men will admire me.”
“We’re immortal, my angel,” he said. “And even if we weren’t, what’s wrong with growing old? Wouldn’t you want the traces of your experiences to be visible on your skin? Those companies, they all just want your money and so they try to scare you into believing you’re not good enough. But truth is, you always are. All those times people tug on their skin in front of a mirror, or whenever they break a sweat trying to lose weight, or when they compare themselves to those who look different from them – they’re already good enough. They’re perfect. This worlds wants you to never be at peace with who you are. But you need to promise me you won’t succumb to those nonsensical tactics to make you hate yourself. And don’t you ever wait for a man to give you approval. That’s your job and your job only.”
You listened, wide-eyed and intrigued. No magazine could ever speak so honestly, and you believed every word he said. After all, you trusted him much more than some random author of an article that was trying to sell you the latest weight loss-magic-powder.
“Okay, I promise.” You sat up and leaned your head against his shoulder. “I’ve never even really thought about it, but I think I’m pretty.”
“Not thinking about it might just be the best way to go about it in this world,” he said, and placed a kiss on your forehead. The feeling of warmth lingered on your skin seconds after he had already pulled away.
“I change my mind, then,” you said, “Do you think you can get me a dress like this?”
You showed him a different picture this time. It showed a lot more skin than the one you had pointed out before. You only realized this when he was already smirking at your choice.
“I’ll see what I can find,” he said. “That’s an interesting option, angel.”
“Hey! I just like the color, alright?” you defended yourself, making him chuckle. Over the course of four weeks, you had come to know his insinuations and his little jokes better. But at the same time, you couldn’t deny the incredible sensation his eyes on you gave you. When he goggled at you because you had decided to wear his shirt for a day, or the way he watched you welcome him with open arms when he came home.
You now understood that certain words or actions, or even just an article of clothing – or lack thereof – could conjure an insatiable hunger in his eyes. At first, it was a little scary, having a demon stare you down as if he wanted to eat you up. But now that you knew what his hands felt like on your skin, and that his lips were made for much gentler actions than to hurt you, you wanted nothing more than to coax the starving demon into playing with you, any chance you got. And perhaps that dress in the catalogue would do just that, and not only bring you joy. It was a win-win, really.
“I’ll be back in the afternoon,” he said. “Don’t miss me too much.”
“You know I always do,” you said.
“I’ll give you all the missed attention when I get home, alright?” he said, bending down to your ear. “You can have whatever you want, then.”
To be honest, half of the time you didn’t know what you wanted him to do. But with every time his hands explored your body you learned more. There were so many things humans did to make each other feel good, you doubted you’d ever be able to try everything. His promise made you wish he was already back home when he had barely stepped out of the door. One last grin and nod and he left you alone.
What did angels do on a Saturday noon? Usually, you’d be patrolling your village, entertaining yourself by watching children play tag, admiring lovers walking hand in hand or discovering a family that had just adopted a small animal. Their human eyes shined when they felt happiness, and it was infectious to you. You wanted to send your blessing to all of them, make sure they never felt anything but delight, but you knew that wasn’t how business worked down there. Some things were even out of your control. Now, on earth, you were ready to take whichever hardships were to come if it meant you could have been with your demon lover.
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You had only gotten up an hour ago. Last night, you had been kept awake for long. He was untiring when he was between your legs. You had learned that he didn’t need nearly as much sleep as you did, and when he set his mind to making you come by his administrations, he didn’t waver to do so. But losing sleep in exchange for pleasure was okay with you. Time became meaningless, either way, when you had your face buried in a pillow, tears threatening to spill over from how good he made you feel. Sometimes he made you come while sitting in his lap, then you’d cling to him like a baby and muffle your whimpers by pressing your lips against the skin of his shoulder. He loved telling you ‘Look at me’ right when you were falling. It was hard to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head or not to collapse in his arms, but for him you would try your best. Often you found your thoughts lingering on the memory of his gaze when you came apart under his touch. It had something of fascination and protectiveness, and you’d never get enough of it.
Great, now you wanted him again. And he wasn’t here. How had you gotten this way? On occasion you wondered if one of the other angels had already spotted you and the sins you were committing. You wouldn’t call them sins now, or ever again. It wasn’t like you wanted to adapt to a demon lifestyle. But you felt at home for the first time, here on earth. It was the perfect grey zone between heaven and hell.
As an attempt to appease your needy mind, you picked up your magazine again. Just because you shouldn’t believe everything they said didn’t mean you shouldn’t have read it at all, right? You flipped through articles on fitness and the newest fashion, but after skimming the pages for only a few seconds, you were done with those tips. He wanted you because of who you were – an angel – and you doubted than any beauty routine could make him more obsessed with you than he already was. But then you read something most curious to your angel eyes. ‘How to make him feel best – tips from a porn star’ the title said. Whatever in the heaven a porn star was, they seemed to be some sort of expert on pleasuring men, and you, always eager to learn something new, were intrigued from the very first word.
But soon you had to admit, you weren’t at all sure what they were referring to with those words and actions. When you and your demon boyfriend had sex, he usually did most of the work, while you took whatever teasing or pleasure he inflicted on you. He had said he liked it this way, but now you weren’t so sure. Or was this ‘10 things to do become a blowjob-pro’ – list just another attempt of society to brainwash women? You weren’t one to initiate talk about sexual stuff, but maybe you’d try to question him on the meaning of what you had read.
You flipped another page and finally you had arrived at a page you could work with. It was a bunch of comfort food recipes. Right away you fell in love with the picture of the freshly baked cinnamon rolls in the top right corner. H/N had promised you to teach you how to cook, but so far you hadn’t made much progress. The difficulty level read beginner, and five minutes later you stood in the kitchen. With some music in the background your enthusiasm only sparked more. Baking was new and came with slight overwhelmingness and the stress of making sure you weren’t forgetting to add any ingredient. But the Christmassy scent of cinnamon and the feeling of making something from scratch made you happy, and with rapt attention you finished your first completed recipe ever.
You wiped some flour off your forehead. Hopefully H/N would like the cinnamon rolls too, because as tasty you found your creation, there was no way you were able to devour them all by yourself. As if on cue, you suddenly heard the key slide into the lock of the front door. Probably prompted by the heavenly scent, he called your name.
“Here,” you answered, mouth full of a bite of cinnamon roll. When he walked in, he already had his famous smirk on his face. It was your favorite. You knew it was reserved only for you.
“What did you make?” he asked. But he had his answer when he saw the baked goods in front of you. He set down the bags and put his arms on your waist from behind. With a hum, you lifted the cinnamon roll to his lips, and he took a bite. He almost moaned at the taste and you grinned.
“Do you like them?” you asked, already knowing the answer but still awaiting more praise. You squealed a little at how quickly he spun you around. His nose touched yours and your heartbeat raced.
“It’s like they came with you straight from heaven,” he said. “Hmm…I missed my angel.”
His lips when he kissed you tasted like sugar and spice and you melted straight into his touch. You only noticed he had run his finger over the gooey leftover icing when it was already too late. He was a demon after all. And if demons were good at one thing, it was causing mischief.
“Hey,” you protested at his hands on your neck. Then your reaction quickly altered as his finger slid lower, down to your collar bones and to where your low-cut shirt started. “Great, now I’m all sticky.”
You didn’t understand at first that messing with you wasn’t his full intention. But he tilted his head to the side and ran his hot tongue over the icing on your skin, and you gasped suddenly. This wasn’t just a joke. He wanted you. He made a humming noise, as if the sweetness combined with your own taste were only complimenting each other. When he pulled down the neckline of your shirt a little, so he could have every last drop of the sugary substance on your skin, you couldn’t help but whimper. You wanted so desperately for him to do it again, that you thought about sticking your own fingers into the bowl of icing and smearing it on your chest. His eyes were playful when he looked up at your reaction.
“Oh no. If you’re all sticky I guess you’ll need a shower, will you?” he said, “What a coincidence. I was thinking of taking one, just now.”
You had never taken a shower with him, or anyone, for that matter. But you had a feeling that the both of you wouldn’t be keeping to yourself, standing naked in front of each other. You didn’t mind. And you guessed your approval was written on your face, because he pulled you in and kissed you hard. Again, you remembered the article you had read. Was now a good time to ask him about it?
While you were contemplating, his tongue slid over your bottom lip and met yours. You had been too shy to ask before, but now you were speechless. Gently, he grabbed your hand and led you out of the kitchen and into the hallway. You were a mess of lips and tongues and hands and feet stumbling over each other. Every few meters you stopped to push yourself close against him. It was like a game of who could go without kissing each other for longer. And you were both lousy at it.
He loved pushing you up against the wall, trapping you between his arms on each side of your head. This way, he could brush up against your shaking body and you had nowhere left to go. Needless to say, you had no intentions of getting away, no matter what. He knocked the breath out of your lungs, and you kissed him back like you could breathe him in instead. As if he had become your new source of oxygen, or whatever it was you really needed to survive. It these moments, air seemed like a subsidiary matter. So long as you had his hot tongue licking down your neck and his busy hands on your ass under your dress, nothing else truly mattered.
Your kisses were open-mouthed and far more confident than they had been only weeks ago. You now knew how much he liked when you grabbed his hair tightly, or when you whispered his name against his devouring lips, as if it was the only word you had ever been taught. Like it was the only word you ever wanted to know. Before you had even made it to the bathroom, half of your clothes were scattered somewhere along the way.
“I can’t believe I just had you yesterday and here I am already missing you this much again,” he mumbled against your earlobe, teeth playing with your soft skin. “You really are otherworldly. There’s no other explanation.”
His words made you feel proud. The pleasure was one thing you had come to love quickly, but then you noticed the power you could have over him, by merely existing. It was almost unbelievable, but there he was, hard and needing you, day by day. Again, your mind wandered off to the magazine article.
“Can I ask you something?” Your voice must had been different from your usual timid tone when you were in the middle of something unholy.
“Anything, angel,” he said. He let his lips linger on your cheek, half an inch from your mouth, and your stomach twisted in how badly you wanted him to sip on your lips like he was starving.
“Do you like always doing everything when we- ,“ you said. He gave you a puzzled expression, so you tried to explain yourself better. “I mean, if you ever want me to do more, you can ask me to. I don’t know everything yet, but I can learn.”
You weren’t even sure if you understood what the heaven you had just stammered. His look reminded you of the one he had when you asked him to buy him the dress and the makeup that morning.
“I love what we have, little angel,” he said, “What’s making you think you need to do anything differently?”
How were you supposed to explain what you had read when you hadn’t even properly grasped it yourself? You opted for taking his hand and walking him to the bedroom. There the magazine still lay, like an ancient cursed book you weren’t sure you wanted to know front to back. You picked it up and quickly handed him the article. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you opted to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
His lips curled into a devilish grin upon eyeing the page, and you thought the ground might swallow you whole. Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything at all and spared yourself the embarrassment. But at the same time, you were eager to know.
“I thought I told you, magazines are just trying to make you doubt yourself,” he said, raising his eyebrows.
“I know, but if there’s anything I can do to make you feel as good as you make me feel, I want to do it,” you confessed. He bent down, cupping your face.
“No one’s ever felt as good to me as you have, angel,” he said, “You’re heaven to me. Do you understand that?”
With your mouth squished together slightly, you nodded your head that was in his hands.
“By the devil, you’re so adorable,” he said. “If you really want to know, though, I’ll show you.”
Even more eagerly, you nodded again. He chuckled. You couldn’t handle how handsome he was – all messy hair, bare chest and black eyes that made you dream of the most unholy things possible.
“You remember how I kiss you…down there?” he asked. You hummed, cheeks on fire. “And how I’ve asked you to put your hands on my cock before?”
You did. But it had been brief, only a few pumps and small touches, until he had become too needy. You had been whining so deliciously for him to fuck you and so he had to have you on the spot.
“In the way you touched me then…you could use your mouth on me. Make me come with your perfect lips and sweet hands,” he said. “If that’s what you want, too.”
“I do!” you said with enthusiasm that only an angel at the feasibility of making someone’s day could bring on. “Let’s postpone that shower.”
The pride in his eyes lasted for approximately two seconds before the raw hunger replaced it. He climbed onto the bed and pat his thighs. On command, you settled on his lap. The simple feeling of his bulge under your center, even if interrupted by some fabric, made your head dizzy and your stomach drop. You kneaded your hands, not sure where to touch him first. But just as he always did to you, you had the impulse to start by his head and go lower from there. Although you were on top of him, he looked amused at your shy eyes.
“Can I kiss your neck, like you always kiss mine?” you asked.
“Be my guest,” he said, grinning like he had just won the lottery. Your lips met his skin and you used your tongue the way you had felt him do it. His scent was intoxicating. It made the empty bedsheets you breathed in sometimes, when he left in the middle of the night for his demon antics, seem like nothing. You used your hands to stabilize yourself as you moved lower. The hiss he let out when you felt up on his abs and waistline almost scared you. Then you realized it was a good sign. Only for the blink of an eye you dared to graze your teeth on his skin. His reaction was immediate.
“Shit,” he cussed, “That’s my angel.”
So, he liked that. You couldn’t wait to tease him by biting him in the future. Provoking a demon would have sounded like something close to a death wish to you, had you thought about it months ago. Now, with a demon as tame as they come beneath you, the thought only excited you. As he liked to do, you touched him through his boxers while you continued your journey down his chest and stomach. The guttural moan he released made your head spin and you never wanted him to be quiet. Usually, you weren’t in a mind state to notice his groans, or your own noises were covering his.
“You’re doing so good, little angel,” he said, short of breath. Once again, your effect on him surprised you. Where was the intimidating, big bad demon you had been taunted by?
“I’m gonna fuck you so well for this,” he said, “Even the angels in heaven will hear you scream. Wouldn’t you like that?”
There he was. You pressed your legs together at the simple mention of him inside of you, but if he thought you were going to answer, he’d be waiting endlessly. You still had enough respect for your angels not to think of them in this moment. Nonetheless you hummed weakly. When you got to his hipbone, you hesitated. You drowned out your doubts by kissing him there, while you contemplated what to do next. Your hand was still wrapped around his clothed cock. It was rock hard, and a wet spot had formed on the fabric from how much he needed you. When your touch became softer, and you pulled your hands away slowly, he lifted his hips, not wanting you to stop. You supposed this was the part where you took off his boxers. At least he didn’t complain when you pulled them off his legs, so you assumed you were still on the right track.
Watching his face for signs of approval, your hand wrapped around his length. He almost seemed electrified at your touch. His jaw dropped slightly, and his hooded eyes somehow appeared even darker than usual.
“Just like that,” he said, “And now move your hand up and down.”
So you did. As you regarded your hand around his shaft, all you could think about was how it used to be. How did your hands, that were usually folded neatly in your lap while you looked down on earth, end up doing such ungodly things? And how come you didn’t even for a second feel guilty?
“Angel, you’re so good to me,” he moaned. Angel. That’s what he loved to emphasize. But was that what you were, still? Maybe you would simply stop putting yourself in a box. Perhaps you were just you, doing what you felt was right and would make you happy. And right now, having a demon clench his fists in your hair and saying your name in that tone, you couldn’t think of a lot of incidents that had made you happier. Was this the part where you should use your mouth? You weren’t sure, but your eyes jumped from his cock to his face and it caught his eyes.
“You can take me in your mouth if you want. If you ever feel like stopping, just do so,” he encouraged you, “But remember, no teeth there, okay?”
You grinned and nodded. You parted your lips and your tongue placed kitten licks on the underside of his member. When you reached the top, you took him between your lips, mirroring the motion of your hands around him. You were surprised at how comfortable you were, when ten minutes ago you were ready to personally descend to hell from embarrassment. There was something enticing about the power you possessed in that moment. You understood humans just a little better, once again. Knowing that the way he bucked his hips and his groans were caused by you and only you had you smiling inwardly. It was a way you had never caught yourself smile before. You felt brave, and like you could do anything, with a demon so at your pity.
It didn’t take long for you to figure out where he was most sensitive. Whenever you pressed your tongue against the tip of his cock, he let out a sigh. It was almost like relief, as if he had been waiting for you all his life. And now here you were, granting him all his wishes. You bobbed your head, but kept your attention on his sweet spot, his moans just too delightful not to evoke them on purpose.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he said. Often, you looked up at him. His lids fluttered from the pleasure, but he seemed to like it when you made eye contact. For a moment, you lifted your head, needing some air. Gently, he caressed your face, like you were made of precious porcelain.
“Which one of my dreams did you escape from, little angel?” he asked. You smiled sheepishly, lowering your head. Again, you wrapped your lips around his length. You wondered what he was thinking about. Was his mind as free from any worries as yours whenever he fucked you? Was he able to form any coherent thoughts or was his brain going into the same mental blackout you always experienced?
You continued the way you had, sucking the tip of his cock while your hand pumped him. From time to time, you took a breather and pulled away. Little did you know what you were doing to him. With the short intervals of your lips on him and the pauses in between, you unknowingly made everything more intense for him. It was a dangerous game of edging him you were playing, and you were outright unaware of it.
But why would he have complained? In that moment, you were his personal guardian angel, making sure all his needs were fulfilled. When he saw your lips, all red and puffy, he asked himself where you had been hiding all this time. You peeked up at him through your angel eyes and he felt his entire world become whole in front of him. He was completely and absolutely at your mercy, inebriated by your entire being. Never in his long time on earth had he seen someone so ravishingly beautiful, yet so unaware of their might. He swore to himself in that moment, he’d do anything to make you love him forever.
As divinely as you were treating him, he suddenly wanted you in a different way. And if you continued your sweet actions, he wasn’t sure if that would still be possible. He gently cupped your head, making you look up. You hummed in question.
“You’re doing so well,” he said, “Let me give back to you, won’t you? Does my angel want some attention, too?”
You would have been lying if you said you weren’t practically touch-starved at this moment. And having been taught to always be truthful, you nodded before you even knew it.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, “Why don’t you take off the rest of your clothes?”
When you got up to slip out of your dress, your legs were weak. You hadn’t even done anything, and yet your body felt heavy. All you wanted was to go back to him and have him so close, it felt like he could have been a part of you. As much as you had felt on top of the world minutes ago, his hungry eyes made you shrink inwardly. But it wasn’t out of fear. It was almost admiration, or rather anticipation. You knew he knew your body inside out, and you couldn’t wait for him to prove it to you.
“Come here, angel,” he said. You climbed back onto the bed. “Turn around for me, okay?”
You were on your knees, sitting up right, facing the headboard. His breath on your shoulder sent a shiver down your spine. Then his hands snaked around your body from behind you. A small whimper left your lips when he ran them down your chest, fingers drawing small shapes on your breasts. They continued their way down your stomach and to your parted thighs. The cold air was hitting your dripping core, and had you not had enough self-control, you would have moaned at the mere sensation of his fingertips on the inside of your thigh. But maybe that was just what he was waiting for. After all, he was still taking his time with you. But in this instance, you knew what you wanted, and more importantly when you wanted it.
“Please,” you said. You weren’t sure what to say but starting with a ‘please’ was never a mistake.
“Please what?” he asked. You couldn’t see his face, yet you knew his devilish grin that must’ve been plastered on his face. He never missed a chance to make you shy. “Is this what you want?”
He slid two of his fingers down your slit slowly. It would forever be a mystery to you, how such a simple touch could put you in such a mental state of disarray. You whined at how needy you were, fighting the urge to press your legs together. In a second, his fingers were coated in your juices. When he pressed them against your opening, but didn’t push any further, your head spun with frustration. An impulse yelled at you to grab his hand and show him how you wanted him, but you sensed there was a specific aim in his teasing. Above that, you weren’t close to that brave. Purposely lightly, he rubbed circles onto your clit. Your head fell back onto his shoulder and your breaths came out in little, desperate noises.
Before meeting him, you never knew this sort of inability to control your body. Having power over your motions was an obviousness to you. But as with so many things in life, you had been wrong. Or rather, you had not known better. Now, with his lips brushing over the side of your exposed neck, you were willing to let him do whatever he wanted to do to you. If there was a noise or reaction he wanted to coax out of you, he could do so. And if evoking your little melodic whimper was his aim, he was on the right path, fingers teasing your pussy and flicking over your clit. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you. In fact, he had a head so full of ideas of things you could do together, you doubted you’d ever start to get bored here.
“I want you…inside of me,” you said, surprising yourself. This was your desperate body taking control of your motor speech center, that little region in your brain that allowed you to let out what you wanted to say. Your cheeks were hot for only a moment, then you realized if it got you what you wanted so badly, speaking your mind was probably a fantastic idea. You should really do it more in the future, you thought.
“What my angel wants, my angel gets,” he said. Just for a few seconds, he moved his fingers much faster. You yelped at the sudden pleasure, your hand wrapping around his wrist. His other hand reached for your hand, softly taking it away as you became a whimpering puddle in his arms. You were ready to fall, give in to the pleasure and let go. It was what you so desperately wanted. But as quickly as it had begun, he removed his hands. His attention was gone, and you were left yearning for more.
“Lift your hips,” he said, softly touching your sides. A part of you wanted to cry out, hold him responsible for denying you your sweet release. But you knew it would be no use, and he would tell you to wait either way. You were still on your knees, but straightened up, arms hanging by your sides, waiting for his touch. He was right behind you, his upper body against yours. When you felt his cock run over your slick folds, you sighed at the awaited sensation. The stretch when he filled you up felt so perfect, so out of this world, you reached for his hand to hold on to.
“Why didn’t you ask me earlier if you wanted me so bad?” he asked. He squeezed your hand as his other pulled you flush against his back while he pushed himself further into you. He’d thrust against you for a while, only to pull out completely, and repeat the whole process. It was sending you into complete overdrive.
“Because I wanted to make you feel good,” you said. “Only you, for once.”
You moaned when he snapped his hips against your ass, picking up the pace. In an attempt to support your jittery legs, you grabbed the headboard in front of you. Your breathing came out in short huffs, uneven and a little shaky.
“You’re so sweet and selfless…my patient angel,” he said, his fingers coming in contact with your clit again. His touch was an allure to you, and you wished you could have stayed this way forever. No thoughts, just his body and his dark voice to sedate your mind. “I’ll give you anything you want. You know that, right?”
You hummed and nodded. “Yes. And I’ll do the same for you.” Your words were interrupted by your small whimpers. There had been a time you didn’t know what it felt like, when you didn’t even know there was a such thing of having someone inside of you. Now you couldn’t get enough of him. You were already so sensitive that every time he quickened his thrusts and moved his fingers on you slightly faster, he had you hanging right over the edge. And he could tell by the way you held your breath when you were close. He didn’t want you going there just yet.
“As much as I love your mouth around my dick, this is my favorite way of having you,” he said. He used both of his hands to dig into your sides, pulling your hips closer to him every time he dragged his cock through your walls. You agreed. Should any of your angels ever catch wind of this, they would ban you to earth – or worse, send you to hell. So be it, you thought. You’d be like your lover. One of the creatures of the darkness, thought to be the personification of sin. Even if they ripped your angel title from you, they could never steal away what you had now.
Yes, you were meddling with a demon, but also having the time of your life. It was vastly better than spending your days judging humans for being themselves and for humans living the true way they want to live, instead of abstaining from the simple pleasures of life. Their true colors shown, they weren’t harming anybody, but rather making the world a more acceptable and open-minded place. You aspired to be like them.
“This is my kind of heaven,” he said. It’s what he always called you. Heaven. He groaned when you clenched your walls around him, your inevitable high drawing closer.
“This is my new heaven…you are,” you replied. He chuckled darkly, probably relishing in your confession. The thought that he could make an angel reject the very place they should have belonged filled him with a sense of superiority.
“Look how well you’re taking me,” he said. His hand wrapped around your body, pulling you tighter. He slipped his hand between your legs again, and you almost felt like collapsing, had he not held on to you. On instinct, you closed your eyes and let the feeling crash over you.
“Let me see you come, little angel,” he spoke in your ear, just for you to hear. You would do anything for him. You quivered and buckled at the severity of the feeling, but he had you. Your moans were high and dragged out, as his digits pressed harder onto the sensitive nub on your center.
“Take just a little more for me, can you?” he asked. You obliged willingly, nodding your head while it was still full of nothingness. Even as he kept fucking you, it was pure bliss for another while. It made your legs shake a little, but you felt so safe there, in his embrace, the sensitivity was alright to handle. You could tell by how sloppy his thrusts were becoming that he was almost there, too. He was pressing you against his chest as if you were all he ever wanted. His moans sounded like home to you as he came. He said your name and bent forward, reaching for the headboard, but you both tumbled into the bedsheets together instead. You giggled at your shared clumsiness and you could feel his chest move from laughing as he was lying on top of your back.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he said, “You’re amazing.”
You turned your head and his lips brushed along your temple, kissing you softly. He brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes so you could look at him. Seeing his beautiful face had you falling into an even deeper state of serenity.
“I want to cuddle,” he said, and it was probably the sweetest thing you had ever heard a demon say. As he rolled off you, you followed his movements and settled in his embrace. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on your skin, but neither of you cared enough to get up just yet.
“I love what you’ve done to me,” you said.
“What is it I have I done to you?” he asked, fingers drawing nonsensical patterns on the side of your bare hips.
“You changed me. But not in a bad way. You let me be who I want to be and showed me that that’s okay,” you said, “You made me understand. Some sins aren’t that sinful at all.”
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Hue and Cry XVIII
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), trauma, some elements untagged.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: The reader and Zemo try to figure out what’s next.
Note: I actually think we’re closer to an end then the beginning. My goal is to finish this before moving onto anything else but that might be my original stuff so I might take a little break after this series to figure that out! Your patience and following along has meant the world to me. <3
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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In the coming days, trunks were opened and stuffed with clothes, blankets, and miscellany. The servants did much of the work as when you were asked what to bring, you chose three plain dresses for you and several more outfits for Elina. Zemo tutted and ordered his staff to fill the chests.
There was no distinct urgency however as the horses were to be re-shoed before you set off and the baron seemed content to enjoy the summer sun with your daughter. He would sit with the two of you under the tree or take her on a walk of his sprawling green or dangle some ornament before her to reach for.
Your mind didn’t retreat from the prospect of your departure. He said a fortnight at longest, you had to leave before that. You worried about Elina and how she’d miss him and how she’d fare on the road. She was a healthy child but you couldn’t help but think of all that could go wrong.
The third day after the announcement of your looming trek, you sat on the balcony as Elina chewed on berries and Zemo sat with a book. The air was thick and damp from the heat but the sun was tamped out behind the gathering clouds. He wore his shirt untied at the top so that the fur of his chest peeked out and you wore a sleeveless cotton gown in a pale blue.
“Do you intend on negotiating? Truly?” you asked as your mind wandered.
He looked over the book and reached over to scoop up a slice of strawberry from Elina’s shirt and flicked it into the saucer, “what do you mean?”
“Are you going to try to seal the alliance they want or is it all a ruse?”
“My liege has given me leave to approach their proposal however I wish. If they present some benefits for us then yes, I should like to have peace but… they’ve not offered anything before that we couldn’t find elsewhere,” he shrugged and lowered the book, “are you concerned for them? The people who let you suffer as such?”
“It is still my homeland but that is not what I’m worried for. I wonder how long your patience can wear on,” you said.
“We have spoke on this, we both know--”
“Yes, I know, but… how long should I have left with my daughter?” you hissed.
“You think I mean to take you from her? Perhaps march you to your death?” he scowled.
“I know however this turns out, my place in it is perilous,” you retorted, “do not mock my fears.”
“I do not--” he took a breath and his sneer softened. He chuckled as he leaned forward, “you are stronger than before, you know that? You snap like a lioness. I thought you underestimated me but I see you only misjudge yourself.”
“You are vague with me so how can I trust--”
“I have seen you through your recovery, through a labour, and a life beyond that,” he said, “I only ask a little more for all that I’ve done.”
You sat back and cupped your chin. You looked at Elina, dark juices smeared around her lips. She was entirely undisturbed by the bickering of adults. You reached over and took her tiny, sticky hand. 
You thought of Lord Barnes and if you should face him again. The idea made your blood run cold. Would he hate you? Would he still want you? You did not doubt he would have some cruelty left for you but as you were, scarred and hobbled, would it be different? And if he discovered your daughter, what then?
“He can never know about her,” you said softly and cautiously looked at the baron, “please, he can’t--”
“If he ever sees her, he will only know her to be mine but I have no intent upon my daughter being near that brute in her lifetime,” he growled. No little baroness but ‘my daughter’. You smiled at Elina and she squeezed your finger.
“I am grateful for all you’ve done for her. I know you didn’t have to--” your eyes strayed beyond the railing as some distant movement flurried beneath the sun. You squinted and leaned on the arm of your chair as you tried to see the specks along the horizon.
Zemo followed your gaze and stood. He went to the golden scope he kept on the balcony and put his eye to it as he adjusted the sights. He tilted it and stood stalk straight as if he’d been struck. The scope bobbled and he steadied it.
“Get her to your rooms,” he said, “lock the door and don’t make a sound.”
“What? What is it?”
“They are early,” he hit his open hand with a fist, “the letter… it could not be. The king must’ve assumed and sent the party prematurely.” He went to Elina and lifted her. He kissed her cheek and waved you up to your feet, “go on, take her. Keep her quiet as you can. I will house them on a lower floor but they cannot suspect you, understood?”
“How do you--”
“The banner, it is all I can make out,” he said as he grabbed your cane and rushed you back through his cool chambers, “you will lock the door and I will have Ulrich keep watch over the corridor.”
“You didn’t see who it was?” you asked as he opened the door and thrust you out into the hallway.
“You will know when I know,” he assured, “keep your candles unlit and draw the curtains.”
“My lord--”
“I did not plan for this,” he said as he marched you down the hall. You tried not to stumble as he still had your cane and you only had him to keep you from falling, “my lady, I do fear you will not make it to the Creek as we planned.”
He stopped at your door and you hugged Elina as you leaned against the wall. She was entirely untroubled by the sudden upheaval, ever a happy baby. “My cane,” you pointed to his hand as he gripped the silver topper, “please?”
“Oh, I-- Yes,” he handed it to you then reached to open your door, “keep that close…” he said, “just in case.”
“We’ll be as quiet as we can,” you assured him as you held Elina against your hip and limped with your can into the dim chamber.
“I will have Tess secret up some food before their arrival but you do not come out for anyone but me. I will knock,” he tapped a pattern on the door, “like so.”
“Yes, my lord,” you squeezed Elina as the nerves stormed inside of you.
He sighed and gripped the door as he leaned on it, “I only have a few hours to hide the evidence of you and all we’ve done to see you off. Even so, they will not suspect anything unless they are fed crumbs, yes?”
“I understand, my lord,” you stiffened and forced back the panic, “we will see what comes and do as we must,” you swayed Elina as she began to fuss, “for her.”
“For her,” he repeated, “now I must go.”
He closed the door and you set Elina down on the rug with the mouse Tess had sewn for her. You went to the door and twisted the latch into place. You turned back to watch your daughter as she tossed the toy and giggled. She pushed herself up to her feet, more certain everytime she stood. The time was passing much too quick.
You tried to distract yourself by playing with Elina and keeping her quiet. You worried however, the few times she made noise, that you would blow it all. When Tess brought the food, it was easier as your daughter grew hungry and restless. Once she had a proper meal in her, she was ready to lay down. She dozed beside you on the bed as you listened to the activity below.
First, you heard the horses through the window and the rattling carts and carriages. The voices were too distant to discern above a muffle and you weren’t so foolish as to peek out, even from so high up. You calmed yourself by watching Elina sleep but you knew you would not rest that night.
The sun sunk further behind the clouds and the evening approached with a dullness which forewarned of storms. You flinched at every noise, even floors below, and waited and waited and waited.
You had faith in Zemo, he was a great pretender. It was that very quality which kept you wary of him for so long. 
When Elina stirred again, you quieted her cries with your tit but she wasn’t taking to your nipple as eagerly as before. It calmed her for a while but she was soon awake again. You let her explore the chamber but not far from you and kept her away from the clacking wooden blocks gifted her by the baron.
And then the knock came as the sky blackened and grey clouds rumbled above. The rhythm drew you to the latch and Zemo slipped through the door. He was quick to lock it again as you ambled without your cane, afraid to tap the floor too hard with it. Elina greeted him with a shrill cry but it was blanketed by the bluster of the rising chaos in the heavens.
“The storm will frighten her but it should also help hide her,” Zemo said plaintively, “I hope.”
“They are here and settled?” you asked.
“Yes, so they are,” he confirmed as he picked up Elina, “They are too concerned with themselves to worry about any dead women hidden above.”
He sat in the armchair as the girl played with his beard as she liked to do. He smiled and let her, poking out his tongue until she did the same. He bounced her on his lap and she gibbered noisily.
“They are floors down, you should be safe to exist but if she cries, you will have to be quick to quiet her,” he girded.
“Anyone we know?” you asked as you sat on the foot of the bed and rubbed your hip.
He was silent and kept his attention on Elina. He raised his hand and let her bend his fingers to her will. She grabbed onto his ring and twisted it around his knuckle.
“My lord, is there--”
“Yes,” he huffed at last. He kissed the child’s forehead and set her down to crawl across the carpet, though she didn’t go far before she was distracted by her stuffed mouse.
“Who is it?” you asked as you folded your hands.
He rubbed his forehead then pushed his head back, “it isn’t him,” he assured, “if they were callous enough to send him or he was fool enough to come, well, we wouldn’t be having this placid conversation.”
“Who?” you asked again.
“His dog, Lord Rogers,” Zemo spat, “I don’t know which is worse. The man was watching Melinda as a wolf would watch a deer. I don’t even know the girl has flowered yet and he would be sniffing at her skirts. Despicable.”
“Rogers?” you breathed and your chest knotted. 
A roll of thunder boomed at that very moment and made you gasp. Elina stopped playing and her lip began to quiver. You slid off the bed to your knees and went to her and gathered her up. You cooed and hushed her and she clung to the collar of your dress. You watched her face as the fear retreated and she turned to watch the window flash. The terror turned to curiosity in an instant.
“Ha, look how brave she is,” he snickered.
You nodded, speechless still. Your nose tingled and your eyes burned. You were so overcome at the idea of that man being so close. You recalled that day in the forest, your singular mistake, then the scene in the carriage, and that on the staircase when Zemo himself had kept you from his perversions.
“My lady?” he said, “you look unsettled.”
“Take her,” you murmured then cleared your throat, “please, take Elina.”
He got up and took her from your arms. You pulled yourself up by the bedpost and leaned against it, your grip tightened around the carved wood. Your chest pattered in time with the downpour against the castle walls. You shook as you felt the scar along your face and those that led down beneath your dress. It hadn’t just been Barnes.
“Lady?” Zemo got closer as Elina babbled.
“I… can’t breathe,” you said and turned to fall back onto your rear, the mattress dipping beneath you as your fingers clung to the post, “I can’t…”
‘A bird, a bird, high above the cloud…’ he began to sing as much to Elina as you, a tune in his own tongue, ‘a wing, a wing, flaps without a sound…’ he rocked the girl but kept his eyes on you, ‘an angel, an angel, looking down on me. A blessing, a blessing, cast upon the lea…’
He reached with one hand and drew you up to your feet. He let you lean against him as he embraced you against your daughter and kept swaying in time to his voice and the sudden onslaught of the storm, ‘a lady, a lady, spinning at her wheel. A mother, a mother, her will as strong as steel…”
You clung to his sleeve and buried your face against the thin cotton. He kept singing until Elina was quiet and the rattling of your bones stilled. You were embarrassed at the sudden emotion which overcame you and the dampness on your cheeks. He carefully sat you back down and shushed.
The rain continued but the thunder passed. He moved carefully to lay Elina in her cot and stood as you hid your face behind your hand.
“I’m…” you uttered.
“No, that man. I remember that day,” he sat beside you and gripped his knees, “I know what he would’ve done and I am wise enough to know it was not the first he’d touched you.”
“It was long ago,” you said, “I shouldn’t be so… frail.”
“You are...strong. You must stay strong for her,” he sniffed and touched your elbow, “but you feel it now.”
“Feel what?” you blinked at him.
“The longing… for vengeance?”
You stared into his dark eyes and your chest continued to twist. Your spine went rigid and your jaw clenched. “I do,” you nodded and looked over at your daughter, “I feel it so very deeply.”
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Words: 5,073 (OH THIS ONE IS LONG!) Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, mentions of abuse, violence, typical TWD stuff but nothing super dark in this one A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: Hilltop and Alexandria start making plans to take on the Saviors. Y/N and Daryl head back to Alexandria for a brief visit to an unexpected visitor.
Your name: submit What is this?
The next morning, Daryl was awake first for a change. He could tell the sun was just coming up and he wanted nothing more than to linger in bed with you next to him until well after it rose. He tried his hardest to resist the urge to move and wake you up, but he just had to pull you in against him more tightly and sweep a few strands of hair off your face. You stirred beneath his arm and Daryl’s heart swelled as you reached out and pressed your hand flat against his chest and nuzzled into him until you were tucked into the crook of his neck. He could barely feel your steady breath on his skin. He rested his chin on the top of your head and smiled as you let out a content sleepy noise.
“Mmm.” You wrapped an arm around him and woke gently as he pressed a kiss into your hair and breathed you in. “What time is it?” you asked softly.
“’Bout dawn,” he drawled.
“Mmm,” you sighed again. “We have that meeting with everyone. We should get up soon,” you thought aloud.
“Mhm,” Daryl agreed. He ran his fingers through your silky hair. “How’d ya sleep?”
You drew back just slightly so you could look into his face. “No nightmares,” you said.
He nodded. “Good.”
“You?” you asked him, lightly resting your hand on the side of his face, your thumb tracing the edge of his jaw.
He nudged his nose up in a nod. “Good,” he said, a slight smile curving his lips. “Seems like—like I can actually sleep with ya right here.”
You smiled more widely at him. “Me too.”
After waking up slowly and lingering close to each other in bed just a little while longer, you both got ready for the day and grabbed some breakfast. You were standing outside the trailer and Daryl had just said something to make you laugh, tossing your hair back and giving in to it, when Rick came around the end of Maggie’s trailer. He was both surprised and not surprised to see Daryl’s arms around your lower back and the fond and tender looks you were giving each other were unmistakable. Rick cleared his throat and watched with amusement as the two of you broke apart and glanced over at him. He gave you both a knowing smile.
“Too late for hiding that, don’t you think? I suspect most of us had it figured out before you two did,” Rick said kindly. Your cheeks were blushing and Daryl’s ears were turning a bit red as you exchanged a look with each other. Rick looked between the two of you and nodded. “I’m really happy to see you two in one piece, and even better like this.”
Daryl nodded and met his friend’s eyes. “Thanks.”
“We’re all just in Maggie’s trailer,” he said. “You ready?” You both nodded and followed him inside.
Plans. You had plans. You were all making plans. The true fight, the big showdown, wouldn’t be for a while but it was agreed that preparations needed to start now in earnest. There were supplies that needed gathering. Thanks to your warning, Rick had managed to save a good portion of their guns and ammo before The Saviors swooped in and took the rest away. But it wasn’t enough. And they had to provide for Negan and his men’s collections in addition to building up stockpiles to keep the communities running once the war began in earnest; food, medical supplies, weapons, and more were needed.
Of course you had lots of ideas for how to hit The Saviors where it hurt the most. You knew how Negan thought and over the time you had spent in The Sanctuary, you’d learned a lot about how they operated. Rosita and you would put your heads together devising plenty of ways to hit them hard without any risk of casualties to yourselves. Guerilla warfare. But once it started, their response would be a heavy hammer blow and you all needed to be ready.
After many hours of talking and planning, the Alexandrians decided it was time to head back. Rick approached you and Daryl. “The Saviors don’t know we’ve got one of their walkies. What do you two think about coming back and helping with a few things down in our neck of the woods? Jesus has promised to radio us as soon as they hear any whiff of The Saviors coming our direction.”
You exchanged a glance with the archer and he looked back at you, uncertain. “What d’ya think?” he asked you.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, we can’t hide behind the walls of Hilltop forever.” You paused and chewed on your bottom lip thoughtfully. “We keep an ear to the walkie, keep moving. Don’t stay in Alexandria too long. Hell, we can’t really stay anywhere too long. But there are too many things that need doing for us to be on the sidelines. Besides, I would really like to see Aaron and Eric and put their minds at ease.”
Rick nodded. “Aaron was a bit of a mess after you left and as the time went on, he and Eric just feared the worst more and more. They’d love to hear the good news from you in person.”
Daryl considered your options for a moment and finally nodded. “Alright. But we’ll take my bike, stay off any main roads. We can cut through the countryside easy enough.”
Rick grasped his shoulder and gave him a grateful look. “Thank you. It’ll be nice to have you two home, even just for a short time.”
Daryl nodded. “We’ll see you there.”
The Alexandrians departed and you and Daryl threw together some gear and said goodbyes to Jesus, Maggie, Sasha, and Enid who were going to stay behind to help Hilltop prepare. You’d be back to help, but for now you needed to make the trip. It felt strange that you’d be going back home at all, but if you were careful you thought it’d be okay. You wanted to help the community get ready. You and Daryl had a long to-do list.
As you settled behind Daryl on his bike and wrapped your arms around him, you felt your stomach turn a little with nerves. Daryl was feeling the same thing. He wasn’t worried about himself as much as he was worried about Negan getting wind of where you were. You were feeling the same thing in reverse.
“Ya sure about this?” he asked you over his shoulder.
“No. Hard to be sure of anything right now.”
Daryl’s hand pressed over yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Some things I’m sure of,” he drawled.
You smiled and leaned against him, hugging him tightly. “Let’s go home.”
You were grateful that the trip back had been uneventful—long, but uneventful. By the time you were stashed away, carefully watching the Alexandria gates, you were exhausted and more than ready to be off the bike. After you were certain there wasn’t anything of concern going on, Daryl kicked the bike into gear again and rode up to the gate.
When the first gate slid back, Aaron was standing there wide-eyed on the other side, his expression desperate and fixed on the two of you.
You grinned at him, feeling tears burning in your eyes as you looked back at him over Daryl’s shoulder. “Are you gonna let us in or do I need to try and guess the password?” you quipped.
Aaron scrambled to pull the second part of the gate open and Daryl pulled inside, stopping immediately when the back of the bike cleared the gate. You were hardly off the motorcycle before Aaron barreled into you and hugged you tighter than he ever had, lifting you up off your feet a little.
“Oh, thank God. Oh my God,” he was murmuring, squeezing his eyes shut tight and trying to ground himself in the reality that you were back and you were apparently in one piece.
“I’m okay,” you managed into his shoulder. “I missed you too,” you laughed, as he squeezed you again.
At length he pulled back, his hands on your shoulders, and he surveyed you. “I want you to know how mad I am that you just left without telling me what you were doing!”
You smiled sheepishly. “You would have tried to stop me,” you said. “But—I know. I’m sorry.”
That was good enough for Aaron. He was just so relieved, there was no room to be mad. “You’re not hurt?” he asked. “You look too skinny,” he said quickly.
You shook your head. “I’m fine,” you said through your smile.
Aaron finally let himself breathe a sigh of relief and he felt like the rigid grip his muscles had on his bones finally released. He turned and glanced over at Daryl. You moved beside the archer and looked up at him. There was a softness in your eyes and Daryl seemed to have the same in his.
“What the hell happened?” Aaron pressed. “Rick and the others—they said you two were okay but that’s it. They didn’t say anything else. What—how?”
Your lips parted to answer but your voice seemed to stall out. Daryl noticed and his hand instinctively floated to land on the small of your back.
“She got me out,” he said, nodding. “It was all her.”
Aaron stared at the intimate way Daryl’s hand was resting on your lower back and Aaron’s eyes met yours again. You saw the knowing excitement and happiness growing in them. You bit your bottom-lip and shrugged, trying unsuccessfully to suppress a wide smile. Aaron’s face brightened in a grin too as he looked at the two of you and nodded.
“Daryl—” he said, looking at the broad-shouldered archer. “I’m going to hug you,” he said plainly.
“Wait—wh—” Daryl started, but there was no stopping Aaron. He hugged Daryl tightly in much the same way he had embraced you (but far more briefly as he certainly knew he was making him uncomfortable). You burst out with a laugh as Aaron drew back. “Hey,” you said, touching his shoulder to get his attention again as he straightened up. “How is Eric?”
“Better now that we’ll know you’re both okay. We were really starting to think—” his face grew serious again and he gulped. Aaron turned and finished locking up the gate. “You better stop in and see him. And I’ll come by your place later when I’m off watch?” You nodded in agreement. “If you’re willing, I want to hear what happened after—” he broke off and shut his eyes for a moment. “—after,” he said finally.
You nodded. “Well… it’s kind of a lot to explain but we can start. I can try.”
Aaron nodded. “Alright, go see Eric and then get settled,” he said, taking a moment to stare at the pair of you and smiling again. “About time, you two,” he said.
You felt your cheeks burn and looked away toward the ground. “Alright. Be quiet…” you joked. “See you later.”
Daryl nodded to Aaron and helped you climb back on his bike. You rode it to Aaron and Eric’s house and Daryl pulled it into the space in their garage that had been vacant for way too long. As you were gathering your gear and Daryl was tossing the tarp over it, the door into the house opened and Eric peered out, his eyes going wide too as he saw you both there.
“Surprise,” you said, smiling at him.
“Oh my God. Oh my God!” He rushed to you and grasped you in a tight hug and you squeezed him back. “What the hell?! How—” he was stuttering, looking between the two of you. “Don’t get too excited,” you said. “We can’t stay here in Alexandria long. The Saviors are definitely looking for us.”
“I don’t even care. I’m just so happy you both are okay. And that you’re standing right here in front of me! We were so worried! You were just gone and Daryl—Aaron said you were shot. It felt so long that we hadn’t heard anything and we—” he broke off, overjoyed that you were both okay.
“It was long,” Daryl said, nodding.
Daryl was watching the reunion with one corner of his mouth quirked up. You chatted briefly with Eric before you turned to look at Daryl and he gave you a nod.
“Aaron is coming by my place later to hear the gist of what happened,” you said. “You’re welcome to come if you want of course.”
Eric nodded. “Alright. We’ll stop by.”
“See ya,” Daryl drawled. The two of you turned and started the walk back to your house. The archer felt your eyes on his face and he glanced over.
You were looking at him with concern and you laced your fingers with his. “I’m sorry Carol isn’t here,” you said softly.
You knew. You always knew what he was thinking. He nodded. “Ya. Me too.”
“But I’m sure she’s safe,” you said. Daryl only squeezed your hand in his.
“We’ll just drop my gear off at my house and then go see everyone,” you said. “And you can get settled.” His eyes snapped over to your face.
“Ya think I’m stayin’ somewhere that isn’t right next to ya? Ya tryin’a get rid of me?” he said, one corner of his mouth flicking upwards.
You gave him a perceptive look. “No! I just—I didn’t want to assume—”
“Ya can assume that if I ever wanna spend a night away from ya, something is seriously wrong with me,” he said.
You stared at him for a long moment before you lifted up onto your toes and kissed him. Daryl wanted to deepen it, but you had already set your heels back down and were giving him a small smile. You tugged him toward your house.
You’d been inside barely two minutes when there was a knock on the door. You looked over your shoulder at Daryl, your brow knit with worry. Daryl glanced down the hall to the front door and he saw Rick standing there. “S’Rick. Want me to get it?”
You nodded, setting down the stuff you had been taking out of your bag.
You heard the men’s voices exchanging a few words, tones deep but the sound muddled by the time it drifted to you. Daryl came into the living room with Rick in tow. The deputy had his hands on his hips. You straightened up and Daryl came to lean up against the couch beside you, his arm draping behind your back and his hand landing lightly on your waist.
Rick’s expression was serious. “Something you need to see,” Rick said.
Your heart started to pound. “What is it?”
Rick on gave you a brief glance and shook his head, shrugging. “Someone is here.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Moments later, you and Daryl were behind Rick as he unlocked the door to the makeshift jail built into the lower level of one of the buildings. You both exchanged a worried look and slipped inside after him.
You felt your apprehension growing with every step down those stairs. When you rounded the corner, you were so surprised by who was in the cell that you faltered mid-step.
Beside you, Daryl’s entire body tensed and he, too, froze.
Rick was standing beside door to the cell, the keys clinking faintly in his hand.
Dwight. Dwight was in the cell.
A long moment of silence stretched. Daryl’s chest was heaving with anger as he stared daggers at the man who had been in charge of the vast majority of his torment.
You were the first one to break the stillness. You walked slowly, purposefully up to the bars of the cell and stared in at him. Your jaw clenched. There was a look of vague surprise on Dwight’s face as he stared back at you and shifted his weight anxiously from one foot to the other. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now,” you growled.
He took in a steadying breath. “Because I’m your best shot to beat Negan,” he said vehemently.
You glanced at Rick. “Rick, open his cell,” you said.
The key was fitted into the lock and the door swung open. Daryl was still frozen back by the doorway, but as soon as you stepped into the cell, closer to Dwight, Daryl was right beside you. You could practically feel the waves of anger radiating off him.
“You’re with them?” Dwight asked you in surprise.
You scowled at him. “Yeah. I’m with them.”
He scoffed. “Well, that explains a lot…” he murmured. “I was wondering why you would come back. It didn’t make sense that—”
You wound your arm back and punched Dwight hard across the face before he could even finish his sentence. He stumbled back and landed on his ass on the cot against the wall behind him.
“Son of a—” you swore, clasping your hand with the other.
Daryl grabbed your wrist gently and looked at your hand, his brow furrowed low over his eyes.
“It’s fine,” you said, pulling away. You looked back at Dwight as he climbed to his feet.
You could now see that Dwight had other bruises on his face. “What happened to your face, Dwight? Negan not too happy that your prisoner escaped? And, no. I’m not talking about the scars. Or the one I just gave you.”
Dwight’s eyes left your face and landed on Daryl for a brief moment, but he seemed to quail beneath the archer’s glare.
“Why the fuck are you here?” you demanded. “Just trying to play both sides? See what works out the best for you in the end?”
“I’m here because I hate him. And I want him gone,” Dwight said. “I want all of them gone.”
“Why the hell should we believe any goddamn thing ya say after what ya’ve done?” Daryl demanded. His voice rolled out in a low growl.
“Because everything I was doing, I was doing for someone else and now she’s out,” Dwight said.
“Ya killed one of us. With MY goddamn bow! Ya expect us to just forget about that?! And then you went back to him, ya went back to kneel, because all ya are is a coward!” Daryl roared.
“I already told you—I wasn’t aiming for her…”
Daryl broke from your side and threw Dwight up against the wall so hard it knocked the wind out of him. He was shaking with rage, barely stopping himself from plunging his now-drawn knife into Dwight’s neck.
“Daryl,” you said gently. “Easy.”
The archer didn’t move. His hand was shaking on the knife hilt. You moved toward him slowly, and gently rested your hand on his arm. He softened a little under your touch but he didn’t withdraw from Dwight, who was still trying to regain his breath. You slipped carefully between him and Dwight and the archer lowered his knife immediately. You pressed your hands to his chest and he caved beneath your touch, stepping back. You caught his blue eyes and gave him a look of understanding. “I know. But let’s at least hear him out,” you said.
Daryl’s chest was still heaving with anger but he moved farther back again, pacing a little across the cell from Dwight. You turned back to the diminished man behind you. “Sherry got out?” you asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. In all the chaos after Daryl and you were gone, she got out.”
“And you expect us to just believe that now you’re a changed man? You already went back to him once, what’s stopping you from doing it again?” You surveyed him and shook your head. “No, I don’t buy it.”
“Hey—we’re the same! The only differences is that Negan had no interest in sleeping with me!” Dwight said, grabbing your arm as you started to turn away.
Daryl was on him again instantly, slamming his back into the wall, his knife point millimeters from Dwight’s chest. “Ya lay a hand on her again and ya lose it,” he growled, shaking with rage.
Your face was burning with anger at Dwight’s accusation.
“Daryl—” Rick’s voice came this time from the doorway into the cell.
The archer was practically snarling at Dwight. “Ya don’t get to talk about her. At all. Got it?” he spat, before drawing back again with great effort.
You stepped forward again and looked at Dwight squarely in the face. “We are not the same. I would never do the things you’ve done. Never.”
Dwight straightened up from his place against the wall. “You say that but until you’re in that situation—”
Now you were angry again. “I was in that situation!” you roared back at him. “You don’t think Negan asked me to be one of his soldiers? Hell, he wanted me to be his fucking lieutenant! It was practically the first question he asked me! But I would never do the things that he or you have done to another person. I took the route that only hurt me. So, no. You don’t get any excuses. There are other ways. Daryl tried to give you and Sherry another way and what did you do? You screwed him!”
Dwight hung his head now in guilt and shame. He shook it a little. “I’m a piece of shit. I know that. And I can’t take back what I’ve done, but I’m here to try to make it right the best I can. You have to believe me. Why else would I risk coming here? You think I don’t know you all want me dead? I know that!”
“I’ve heard enough,” you said, turning away again.
But this time Daryl touched your shoulder gently. You looked up and met his blue eyes and saw that the rage that had burned in them seemed to have been replaced by something else. “He’s got a point. We could have killed him on sight, but he risked it.”
“I’m telling you the truth. I want Negan and all his asshole’s dead,” Dwight said again. “I want to help. And you can kill me at the end of it all if you want, I swear. I know I deserve it. But I want Negan gone.”
“I can’t forgive what he did to you. Or what he did to Denise,” you said softly. You glanced back at Dwight before looking back at Daryl. “But I trust you. If you think this is really what he says it is…”
Daryl looked back at Dwight who was rubbing the welt on the side of his chin you had given him with your punch. He nodded. “I do.” He looked back at Dwight. “But at the end of all of this, if I get my hands on you again, you’re dead,” he growled.
_ _ _ _ _ _
That night, after filling in Aaron and Eric on what had happened since you’d left and visiting with everyone in Rick’s house, you and Daryl were finally back at your house alone, and both of you were hungry for that time to yourselves.
“Lemme see it,” Daryl said. He’d caught you cradling your right hand, the one you had punched Dwight with.
“It’s fine,” you lied. You’d been so angry, your form hadn’t been the best and there was a good possibility that you’d fractured something.
Daryl inspected the bruising already forming and frowned. He laid it gently in his palm and glanced up at you. “Ya shouldn’t have done that. Ya shoulda let me,” he said.
“You might have killed him,” you said, avoiding his blue eyes.
He hummed a noise of acknowledgement. “Maybe,” he said, before going to your fridge and digging some ice out of the freezer. He wrapped it a dish cloth and brought it back over to you, setting it across your hand. “Thanks,” you said.
You felt Daryl’s eyes on your face and glanced up to catch them. You could sense that something was on his mind and he seemed to be on the edge of speaking it. “Hmm?” you prompted.
He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “I wanna—I’m ready to tell ya somethin’,” he said.
You nodded and settled more deeply into the couch beside him. “Okay.”
He stared down at his hands for a moment. “My parents—they were both drunks. My mom passed out one night with a lit cigarette in her hand. Burnt the whole house down. She died in the fire.”
Your brow drew down low over your eyes as you looked at him. “Oh my God. Daryl, I’m so sorry.” Your uninjured hand landed lightly on his knee, and he relished the feeling of it there. It sent tingles up his leg even through the fabric of his pants.
He nodded vaguely but went on. There was more to tell. “That left just me and my older brother Merle with my dad. Problem was he was a mean drunk. He’d beat the shit out of ya if he thought ya looked at him wrong, and he’d do it with anything he could get his hands on. And then Merle couldn’t take it anymore, and he ran off. Things got—got worse for me.” He paused and tried to fight back the mix of emotions that was welling up in his chest. “I’ve got—I’ve got scars from it. Actual scars. Ugly ones and… I didn’t know if I could tell ya or how to. I guess, like ya said about what happened to you, it’s just easier not to tell anyone but… then ya came along and now I—I want to be everything with you. I wanna know all of you and I want ya to know all of me. Even the ugly parts.” He gulped at the tightness between his lungs, some part of him still conditioned to expect rejection at the unveiling of this intimate, vulnerable, damaged part of him. “I haven’t really told anyone before. But I wanted you to know, to explain why—why some things are hard for me.”
When Daryl finally managed to look up at you, he easily saw the tears glistening in your eyes. You shook your head and clasped his face between your hands, your thumbs smoothing over the stubble on his jaw, your injured hand and the pain it was causing completely forgotten. “How could anyone ever treat you that way? I’m so, so sorry. All you’ve been through…” you said, shaking your head a little vaguely. “And you’re still just—you’re always looking for the good. Daryl, you haven’t deserved any of this. Not Dwight, not Negan, not your dad… none of it. You’re good through and through. Best man I’ve ever known.” You looped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, your heart breaking as you thought about what had been done to him. Daryl’s arms flew around you and pressed you against him. He breathed in the familiar scent of your hair. You shut your eyes and focused on the feeling of this strong man wrapping you up. He was almost ready to break down just hearing you tell him he didn’t deserve any of it. He’d been broken down to believe he had.
“We’ve all got scars,” you said, pulling back from him and lightly stroking his hair away from his face. “Physical or otherwise. You know mine already.”
He gulped. “These are a bit worse than most,” he said, avoiding your eyes.
“Hey,” you said gently, lifting his chin so he’d look at you again. “I care about you. All of you. No matter what.”
Daryl’s heart swelled with gratitude for you in that moment and he leaned in and kissed you, softly at first but building with heat as you deepened it and kissed him back. His fingers wandered down the silky skin on your arms and one of his hands came to rest in the small of your back, sending goosebumps rising on your skin. You sank into him, your hands landing lightly on his sides, gentle but constant. The archer was still bewildered by your touch. Part of him was expecting to wake up from this dream any moment and find himself back in that cell in The Sanctuary.
Daryl’s lips softened on yours and he pulled back just enough to drink in the sight of you. You clasped his face in one hand, your hand landing on his strong jaw again. “It really means a lot to me that you felt like you could tell me that. I know it isn’t easy letting someone else see those parts of you. Hell, I was terrified to tell anyone about Negan and the Saviors right up until I told you.”
Daryl’s eyes flitted between yours. He nudged his nose up in a nod that way he always did. “You’re the first person who has ever made me feel… completely safe. And completely accepted… just as I am.” You grabbed him and kissed him again, loving the way his hands always went to you like they were drawn, magnetic. Daryl’s fingers found the ends of your hair.
“You’re my safe place, too,” you told him, and Daryl felt that swell of protective care and yearning he always did when he looked at you.
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