#or else we play the white album again
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
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nex-ture · 3 months ago
5 star Hsr characters' reactions to you getting them a gift for Christmas!
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I have 30+ reqs I should be doing instead of this, but I really love hsr and hi3 right now, so we have to cope.
Do yall want a 4 star version?
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Fugue is still learning to live her life as a "new person," so when you hand her a box, she is taken aback. She wasn't able to get you anything. Are you sure it's okay if she has this? As she opens it, you can see a small light spark, taking the new and beautiful clothing out slowly and holding them to her body, as a small smile sneaks across her face.
"Thank you Y/N, I'm sure you thought about this greatly."
Christmas is not new to Sunday. It felt more like a penacony tradition than a holiday to him. So when you returned his present with one of your own, he seemed surprised but beyond happy. Opening the gift to see a Robin album that was compatible with the music player of the express, he swears he almost cried.
"I can use this in the train car, right? I'm delighted."
On Acherons home planet, Christmas was not a very popular holiday, but that doesn't mean they didn't gift each other still. Acherons hands slowly open the box you've handed her. A new sword cover for her blade, it's decked in red and white, standing out from her purple and black outfits.
"You put a lot of effort into this, I appreciate that, Y/N."
Argenti has always valued beauty above all else, beauty in looks and personality combined. His gift was nothing less than beautiful, but yours was nothing less of gorgeous. Hair clips, earings, and new sets of jewels, he could've sworn your reflection, made them even more beautiful, however. You must be a dependent of idrila herself.
"These radiate a dazzling glow of beauty, though they could not compare to you or idrila."
Living in his own version of Hell, Aventurine was not used to many christmas customs. Sure, he and his sister celebrated together, but presents were never involved. So he showed genuine shock when you handed him a gift, he had the money now, he could simply get it himself. Yet he was surprised to see the gift was a small drawing of his sister in it.
"Is this...hah, of course, thank you, Y/N."
As the new higher elder among the Vidyadhara, Bailu was jam-packed busy. But she always had time to talk to her favorite sibling! She considered all her friends and family as siblings, and you were no different. She enjoyed every present she was allowed to open on Christmas, but yours was her favorite. Ripping open the paper to see jewelry for her horns and tail. She just might be the prettiest high elder to date.
Black Swan was accustomed to all holidays and walks of life, Christmas happened to be one of her favorites, cause you always went out of your way to get her something sweet. Her hands gratefully took the gift you've given her, a new set of tarot cards? You shouldn't have. She'll have to add them to her collection.
"You must be the sweetest thing to grace me with such a gift, I'll be sure to use them on you later."
Blade is not one for celebration, but if it interests the rest of Stellaron Hunters, he can play along. Opening the last gift to himself as everyone watches. It was a small trinket from the Luofu, a place he is banned from stepping foot on again. Though it may bring back agonizing feelings, it gives him hope that one day, all sins will be purged, and those who deserve it will understand freedom.
"I don't understand your thoughts process, but your gifts are appreciated."
A refugee on the run, like Boothill, spending Christmas with someone else? Likely story. But still, he's glad he gets to spend this day with what little family he has left. Opening the gift to see a new, classic revolver. He's over the moon excited and already showing it off in battle.
The new Supreme Guardian, Bronya, seems to be holding a big celebration for the Christmas season, and you're right by her side. Opening her gift to see a collection of items left behind my her deceased mother, Cocolia. Tears fall from her eyes as she thanks you profusely.
"I wish she was still here, even after everything. Thank you for your thought."
Svarog and Clara awaited your appearance for Christmas time. When you come with multiple gifts in your hand, Clara is beyond excited. Opening up her new toys and clothes as she shows each off to Svarog. Thanking you and Santa Claus for such thoughtful gifts.
"Mr Svarog, Santa got me light up shoes! I've seen kids in the overworld wearing things like this!"
"Yes, Saint Nick must have marked you as nice this year."
Dan Heng has always been very to himself for the most part. He isn't one to openly talk about his feelings or the things he likes, but when you gave him a portable data bank, he might just have seen stars. He loved being able to learn more about the world and the things around him, and now he doesn't have to go back to the express just to study the things he likes? Maybe this'll give him a reason to sleep in his actual room for once!
"Thank you, Y/N, I'll be sure to put this to very good use."
With most days spent traveling and figuring out new things in the world, Dr. Ratio is not one for celebration, but he won't reject your wantings to celebrate. When you handed him new electric stationary, he was satisfied. It was something he'd felt the need to replace for a while but never got around to it. It turns out you listen well.
"My sincere appreciation, you'll have to help me later."
Rushing out of her house to meet up with you before a big celebration held on the LuoFu ship. Seeing you as her fave lights up, but what's this in your hand? Alcohol!? You know her so well! You'll definitely be drinking with her tonight. Feixiao cannot wait a second more.
"Is this for me!? Let's invite the other generals over and party!"
Another Stellaron Hunter down for a celebration. Firefly is beyond excited to celebrate the holiday with you. And in the corner of your eye you can see her giggling as Kafka puts the new hair bow you bought her, in her hair. Just cause she's a fighter doesn't mean she can't also look pretty doing it.
"AHH, does it look good? I have to wear it on our next mission"
Fu Xuans' work was busy, but she always foresaw time with you, but she didn't see this gift coming. As she opened it, she saw nothing but letters singing her praises. She giggled and smiled as she read all the sweet words you wrote, saying nothing but kind things about her.
"Do you really mean this? Thank you Y/N, I'll have to step up next year."
Hard working was one word anyone would use to describe Gepard. But that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a break sometimes. Waiting for him at his family house to celebrate with his sisters seems to be the best gift he got this year, but you gifting him his very own helmet, one that stood out from the rest of the guards? He was over the moon excited.
"For me? Are you serious? This is incredible!"
Himeko, navigator of the express, she was stoked to celebrate christmas with the express, her family. So when her gift to you was nothing less of an engagement ring. Tears fell from her eyes. Her biggest dream was to get married, and she was now going to be living out that dream with the only person she wanted to love? This might be the best day of her life.
"What...yes, I will marry you 100 times over and in every universe.."
HuoHuo was used to spending Halloween with tail and the other judges, but when you offered to join, she was over the moon! She opened her gift to see treats for Tail and a sweet treat for her. She felt so bad that you went out of your way to get her something she liked so much, and even something for tail! If you ask Tail, she definitely cried.
Christmas was Jades favorite holiday. It was a day of money maming to her and giving gifts to people she needed to show care for. Your gift to her came to a surprise. You went out of your way to buy her something? How cute. It was a new pen collection, but it was still adorable to her, even if it did seem small.
"Thank you, sweetheart, but I'm sure you'll like my gift much more."
A top chef/medic like Jiaoqiu? He might just be the easiest to shop for. All he's wanted were new kitchen gadgets, and that's what you have provided. Even though this is what he asked for, for Christmas, he's still happy that you went out of your way to listen and buy these things. Jiaoqiu might be the luckiest Foxian on any Xianzhou ship.
"New pots and pans? It appears someone had their listening ears on."
General of the LouFu, Jing Yuan, is very excited about the Christmas festival. The ship is hosting, but he is much more excited to celebrate with you. So when you gift him a painting of his long lost and nearly forgotten friends, he knows tears will fall soon. The image of Dan Feng, Yingxing, Baiheng, Jingliu, and Jing Yuan standing tall in their youth brings him sadness and bliss.
"You must tell me where you got this done and how. This is wonderful."
Jingliu, currently banned for the LuoFu for past crimes, she does not have many people to celebrate this day with, but you're more than enough. When you gift her your time and you grace, that seems like more than enough for her. A day to stop moving around the cosmos on the hunt for the Aeon of abundance. Give her the time she needs, for this is one of her only days off in the year.
"I find gifts utterly pointless when I'd much rather spend the day with you."
The Stellaron Hunters celebration continues as Kafka opens up her gift. She's delighted to see new clothes and accessories you and the other hunters chipped in to buy for her. It feels as if she's throwing a whole fashion show the minute she gets her hands on them. She swears Christmas is her favorite holiday because she gets to spend it with you, but you swear it's cause she knows she'll get new clothes.
"This dress is gorgeous, I'm sure you all want to see me in it now, right?"
The cauldron master makes her appearance for this Xianzhou celebration. Hand in hand with you, as you hand Lingsha a gift during the festivities, she's delighted to see a plush bunny keychain. You must be paying close attention to her whenever she works her abundance magic.
"Is this what you got me? You're such a sweetheart."
Luocha, a traveling merchant from worlds far out, traveling around the world makes it very difficult to buy gifts, no? But for him, it must be worth it. As you gifts...pieces of Tayzzyronths, the Aeon of propogations body. He is ecstatic to see he has new parts to add to his collection within the coffin. Jingliu might be over the moon to hear about this, too. This will ensure their victory against the Aeon of Abundance.
"Is this what I think it is? How long have you been hiding such a vital piece from me? Never mind that, this must call for celebrating. Be a dear and call Jingliu for me. We have much to discuss."
Rappa views Christmas as a battle. A battle to who can gift the best gift. Her idea of a gift was to write you a song, and yours? Gifting her new DJ gear. This works out perfectly, maybe now she can play your special song on an even better set up! Wait...don't tell me that means you've won!?
"Hell yeah, Dazzling Ninja, aka Rappa, thanks you for your gift. But know this is not the end!"
Robin always seems to be busy, but she's never too busy for you on Christmas! This is one of her only days off. Please say you'll join her in the dream to celebrate! She ecstatic when she see's your gift to her is a song you wrote yourself. She thinks music is one of the most beautiful things, and the peep hole into a persons heart. You must love her more than she knows.
"You wrote this for me!? Y/N I might cry, this is wonderful!"
Ruan Mei is usually stuck in her lab working on the revival of Aeons, maybe even making herself on Aeon. Though it's always a delight when you visit her, dropping off food and goodies this holiday season. Her smile grows as you stay behind to talk to her and watch her work her Ruan Mei magic. She was never one for big celebrations, but she always loves hanging out with you.
"Thank you for your time this evening. You're always free to come back."
Taking care of the undercity is not an easy job, but Seele manages to get it done with the help of you and Bronya. Hopefully, one day, all their hard work will finally mean something. Until then, a festival held in both the under and over city is so surprise. Seeles praying you'll ask her to go, and when you do, gifting her gold, she thinks she might cry. One day, all this work will amount to everything.
"For me? No, you should keep it for yourself, time's are tough....Thank you, Y/N"
The final Stellaron Hunter on this list and the biggest party thrower, Silver Wolf! It's no surprise her gift is game related, but she still can't help but be excited about all the new things she'd going to play. Bragging to Blade and showing off her toys, even if he doesn't seem to care all that much. She knows his nods and your smile are enough validation.
The masked fool Sparkle is not the easiest to shop for...let that be known. It's hard to figure her out, but the one thing you do know is that she loves dolls, bombs, and mischief. Your gift ended up being a plush goldfish that was yellow and red, matching her in a way. She was ecstatic, it reminded her of Vita and her other masked fool accomplices.
"Is this for me? You shouldn't have, Vita and Sampo will be so jealous, heheh."
Topaz and Numby were just as hard to shop for. The only difference seemed to be that Topaz would be grateful for anything you got her. So, getting her a giant plush that looks just like Numby? She was beyond excited. She immediately had to show Numby and send pictures to her work collèges Aventurine and Jade. This day made her feel like she was on cloud 9.
"You got me this!? Is that Numby! Oh my Aeons. THIS IS AMAZING."
Welt is no stranger to the holidays, he used to celebrate every year with his son. Yet he must move on and celebrate with his nee family. You included. He enjoyed all his gifts, but yours was his favorite. Looking around in excitement as he opened the box to see illustrations of his "TV shows". Drawings of how you and the other nameless viewed his own history. It almost brought him to tears.
"This is lovely, can you help me figure out who is who, I'm a little lost on a few."
As a Cloud knight, Yanqing felt a sense of responsibility with this up coming Christmas festival. But that didn't make him want to soend it with you any less. So when he sees that you got him brang knew throwing swords, he cried. Tears streaming down as he hugged you, singing your praises for such a thoughtful gift.
Yunli was used to receiving gifts of all kinds, yet she always had to buy herself her favorite thing. Giant swords. So when she saw you carry in a box, almost as tall as you, her face lit up. When you gave her to ok to open it, she almost fell to her knees. It was the most beautiful and biggest sword she'd ever laid her eyes on. And it was all hers! There's no way she could find enough words to thank you for this one.
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b3ach-bunn7 · 5 months ago
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Dabi is your unfairly attractive bandmate, and the two of you stay late in the studio to finish a song (and each other)
NSFW, BandAU, head on both ends if u get my drift
(Guys this is my first time writing smut plz be nice 🙏)
(Also song used in the fic + title is don’t smile by Sabrina c plz listen)
The sound of Dabi absentmindedly plucking his bass fills the studio. He’s lounging across the couch, legs holding up the dark blue instrument as his fingers drag over the frets lazily. He’s wearing a vest, the white fabric stretched tight over his skin. The jeans he’s wearing are slung low on his hips, and you avert your eyes as he adjusts them, hips lifting from their place on the couch to drag them down.
You’re on the other end of the room, swinging back and forth on a desk chair. The room is hot. The studio was small, the same one your band, LOV, had started out in. Despite being more than popular enough to rent something bigger, there’s a weird obligation you all feel, too attached to where you started to ever leave. You and Dabi are supposed to be writing new songs,  working on stuff for the upcoming album, but you’re not bothered. You can’t think. As the lead singer, lyrics are usually your forte but you’ve got no energy for it. The others aren’t even here, and that only makes you want to work even less. That, and the fact that Dabi is an ample distraction.
He groans from the couch. You glance at him over your shoulder. He’s looking at you impatiently.
“Let’s go home. I’m sick of this shit.”
You sigh, leaning your head back on the chair. “No, we have to stay. We haven’t written anything in ages.”
“Uhm, speak for yourself. I have some things. Riffs.” He plays something small to demonstrate and you roll your eyes.
“And how is that any help without everyone else here? We need all instruments present to actually make a song.” 
Dabi huffs. He places the bass to the side, stretching. His arms reach above his head, shirt lifting up to reveal his happy trail and you sigh.
Of course Dabi is attractive. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. And yes, you also find his personality attractive. He was funny, that calm confidence he always spoke in, his flirty nature, it was all alluring. You’d see him dragging enough girls out the tour bus in the mornings to know you aren’t the only one who feels this way. Unfortunately though, the amount of women he’d been with, plus the fact it’s never a good idea to date a bandmate, means you keep your distance.
This doesn’t stop him from flirting with you at every available second. You’d like to say that you’re immune to it, but that unfaltering attention from Dabi isn’t something you think you could ever get used to.
“What about you? You got any lyrics down?” He asks. 
You frown. You walk over to him, nudging his legs over. You sit next to him and he leans over your shoulder to read the scribbled notes you’d been writing the past couple hours. You huff, pushing his leg further away from yours. It’s currently pressed flush against yours, and his thigh is warm. He’s always so warm.
“Can you stop manspreading?” You mumble, pushing his leg away.
“Aw, you know you love it.” He grins, leaning even closer, eyes never leaving your notes. 
You roll your eyes, but you don’t do much to fight the close proximity. His hand reaches up to stabilise the paper and his fingertips brush the back of your hand. 
You gape. “Mediocre? I’d like to see you write any better.” You snatch the paper from him and he shrugs.
“It's not bad. It’s just too sappy. Nobody believes that romantic shit is actually real.” He says. 
You bite your lip, thinking. Dabi’s criticism is enough to have you doubting the whole song, and you groan. “Why did you have to say that? Now I hate it.”
You knock his side with your elbow and he tuts. 
“You asked.”
“I didn’t.” You go to elbow him again but he grabs it before you can. You think you can feel the callouses on the tips of his fingers as his hand touches your bare skin. You shrug him off. 
“You asked to see, but I didn’t ask for any feedback.” You say.
Dabi sits up slightly. He tilts his head, strands of black hair dipping to the side. His eyes flit over you quickly.
“Well. We’re a team, no? Don’t you want my feedback?”
You lean your head against the back of the couch. “I guess.”
He reaches over to grab the paper again. “Good girl.”
You flush slightly. “Don’t call me that.”
“You love it.”
You decide it’s better for the both of you if you don’t answer that. You look at the vinyl hung up on the walls, the pictures of you guys at award shows. Anything to distract you from the man sitting next to you.
“I think you should flip it.”
You turn to him now, and he’s already looking up at you. “What?”
“You see like this line? ‘Don’t cry because it’s over baby smile because it happened?’ Swap it so it’s like, ‘Don’t smile because it happened baby, cry because it’s over’.” 
You furrow your brows. “That’s depressing as hell, though. It’s meant to be a love song.” 
“That’s love, though.” He slides the paper back into your hands. “Depressing as shit.”
You scoff. “What do you know about love?”
He grins then, so boyish and teasing. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Yeah, that’s why I asked.”
He huffs a laugh. “Love is overrated. That’s what I know.”
You roll your eyes. “You sound stupid. This isn’t some Disney channel movie, love isn’t overrated.” 
“Hm. Agree to disagree.”
You quickly get up to grab a pen. You could sit further away, but you plant yourself right where you were before, and you ignore the knowing look Dabi gives you. “Okay, help me change the other lyrics then. Since this is now a hate song.”
Dabi laughs. “Not hate. Just not love either. A nice in between.”
“Hush. Okay, so this song is about. Well it’s about being okay with a breakup.”
“Is that the case for most people though? I mean, go the other way. Write a song about the pining, the feelings you can’t get over. Not being okay with a breakup.”
You always see Dabi at his most passionate when he’s talking about music. He spends most of his days lazy and indifferent, but now, his eyes shine brightly as he speaks, as animated as you see him get. You smile slightly, nodding.
“Okay. That sounds good. You have to help me though.” 
“God, if I have to.” 
The two of you sit for the next few minutes, squabbling and disagreeing half the time. You think the songs too negative and Dabi assures you it’s not.
“I mean, it’s all about the singer being in love with someone she doesn’t have. This line, ‘I want you to miss me’ or this one, about ‘thinking about me when you hold her’. It’s depressing, no?”
“But that’s what relationships are like.”
You slump back. You’re now cross legged on the couch, Dabi the same, the two of you conferring over the sheets of paper in front of you. There’s ink on your fingertips from writing and you tap the pen on your chin.
“Not necessarily. Not always.”
Dabi shrugs. “Definitely not always. But we can write about when it is. We’ve got plenty of love songs, but. We don’t have many focusing on this.”
“What’s this?”
Dabi paused for a second. It’s silent for a second too long, and you look up at him to see he’s already looking at you. There’s an expression on his face you don’t recognise. You smile slightly, confused, and it seems to jog him out of his silence.
“That longing. Wanting something, someone, so badly and not being able to have them. The pain of it.” 
He speaks softly, his voice nearly a whisper just between the two of you. You notice suddenly, the proximity between the two of you. If you just lean forward a few inches, you’d be touching. 
“You really think a relationship should be that hard? That painful?”
“No one writes good songs about the ones that come easy.”
You laugh softly. You scratch your chin. “Okay. That’s good, then. Let’s finish the rest.”
The two of you sit there, working away. You’ve never really been this alone with Dabi, not this late at night. There’s no windows in the studio, but you know from time and the fact sleep aches under your skin that it’s late. Somehow, you end up  closer. Dabi reaches over to write something and your hands brush, you stretch and your arms touch. Both of you are desperately trying to get in contact just once, just for a second. After what feel like forever you throw your pen to the floor.
“God. I’m done. I’m tired.” You suddenly say.
“Yeah, I think we’re done here.” Dabi speaks through a yawn, dropping the papers on the coffee table in front of him. 
You curl up on the couch, propping your head against Dabi’s shoulder. “You know when the next rehearsal is?” He asks.
Dabi scratches at the scruff on his chin and you think for a second. “Two days, I’m pretty sure” 
Dabi curses softly under his breath. “I don’t think I can make it.”
“Uh, why not?”
“I’m busy.”
“Doing what?”
“Doing who, more like.”
You sit up. “Who?”
Dabi grins. He brings his arms up to rest on the back of the couch. “You jealous, baby?”
“I’m not jealous of your little groupies.” You scoff. 
Dabi barks out a laugh. “Groupies? The fuck are you talking about?”
It’s your turn to laugh. “Oh, come on! Last tour you brought one back like, every night.”
“They wanted autographs!”
“Fuck off!” You laugh. “Those were very vocal autographs. You do realise the tour bus walls are very thin?” There’d been nights when you’d felt like you were in the room with them. 
“Aw, if you wanted to get involved all you had to do was ask.” Dabi pouts, his voice teasing.
“Shut up, you pervert. You wish.”
“I do wish.” 
He reaches a hand up to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear. You freeze slightly and when he moves his hand away you turn, knowing the bright lights won’t hide the red on your face.
“Didn’t mean to be so loud. They can’t help it, you know. Not when I’m there.”
You scoff. “Right. Is that where you learnt all about love?”
“You could say. I know they loved it.”
It was no secret that Dabi slept around. You’d all been victim to the girls he took to bed, screaming his name late into the night when you’d all be trying to sleep after a show. Yeah, you’d had sex before, but it had never been like that. Didn’t have you yelling the way they did. It did make you wonder, some nights.
But you’re not going to let him know that. Your face twists in disgust. “Gross. I don’t need to know that.”
“Yes really.”
Dabi sighs. He sits up slightly. “Shame. I’d show you such a good time if you’d let me.”
And that has you thinking.
Because there he goes again, flirting and saying such suggestive things. You never play along because you always argue that he’s just joking. He doesn’t mean it. And you could shut it down right now. Really. One shove of his shoulder, one excuse that you’re tired and he’s being gross would have him backing off.
But Dabi is looking at you under impossibly long lashes, impossibly blue eyes trailing over your body, before they land back on your face.  He’s looking at you like he’s not joking anymore, and the part of you that wants to scream like those girls did has you meeting his gaze with competition. 
If he looks shocked at your reply, he doesn’t show it. He just inches closer. “Of course. You know I’d treat you right. If you’d let me.” 
You're a breath away from each other. You’re not sure how, but you’re both sitting up again, face to face. You can smell the cigarette smoke that always seems to linger around him, the too strong cologne that never manages to hide it. This close you can see freckles on his face, so light you don’t think you ever would’ve noticed them otherwise. You want to reach out and touch them but you’re frozen. Waiting.
The both of you are silent. You let it linger, wait for him to make the next move. 
“You’re gorgeous. Do you know that? I’m always watching you on stage. When you’re singing. Can’t get enough of you.”
He reaches a hand up. A hand rests on your shoulder, right against your pulse. His fingers curl up against your face, trailing down your cheek.
“And those groupies you were talking about? Fuck, I wish it was you. Wish it was you I was making scream on my tongue, do you know that?” 
You don’t say anything. You don’t think you could if you tried. Dabi smiles.
“You know you do this thing. When we’re working. You always bite on the end of the pen.” 
His fingers trail over your lips. His thumb rubs at your chin. 
“Drives me fucking crazy.”
Your breath hitches as his hand curls around your neck with more purpose.
“I’m gonna kiss you now. That okay?”
You nod.
“I need to hear you say it, baby.”
“Yes, yes it’s okay-“
Your words are breathless and desperate but no more desperate than Dabi is when he pulls you forward, crashes his lips against yours. He makes a sound, almost whining as he curls a hand in your hair. And it’s like everything you always thought it would be, as fast and as hot as you’d imagined. The hand on your neck reaches down, dipping under your shirt and pulling it over your head. You’re only in your bra, and you feel shy suddenly. Because you’re not the prettiest girl he’s ever met, you know that. Your arms curl around your body and he pulls away for just one second to shake his head, breathing heavily. His hands pull your arms away, grabbing both your wrists in one.
“Don’t do that, baby. I wanna see you.” He murmurs.
He kisses down your neck. His lips suck marks into your skin, and you should tell him to stop because people will see it all tomorrow but you want him to mark you up. You want him to see them tomorrow, see them at rehearsals and remember it was him who put them there.
He licks at your pulse and he pulls back. He reaches behind and with one hand, unclips your bra. The ease in which he does it should alarm you slightly, but then he continues down, and his hands on your breasts is enough to render any thoughts in your head useless. He grabs them both and he groans.
“These tits. So soft, so beautiful.” He whispers the words into your skin like they’re not even meant for you.
He pinches your left nipple before sucking it into your mouth. You whine, hands reaching up into his hair, tugging at his shirt. Because you suddenly feel horribly underdressed compared to him, shirtless as he moves to give attention to your other nipple. He tugs his shirt up quickly, and you let your hands travel up his torso. You feel the lean muscle under his arms, trace the scars across his body. He lets go suddenly. 
“Come on, baby. Take these off.” He tugs at your jeans and you quickly slips them off. His hands slips your underwear away as well, throwing them to the side. 
Dabi moves quickly into the floor until he’s kneeling in front of you, arms resting on your legs as he spreads your thighs apart.
“Dabi? What- What are you doing?”
“You call me Touya when I make you come on my tongue, you hear me?”
You curse, breath hitching as he kisses the soft skin of your thighs, fingers rubbing up and down the side of your hip. “It’s okay. You don’t- You don’t have to.”
Dabi, or Touya now, looks confused. He tilts his head slightly, lips red and kissed out, hair mussed from where you had been grabbing it. “Have to? I’ve been dreaming about this pussy for so long, baby, you don’t even know.” 
He looks at you with so much want in his eyes. He bites softly into your thigh and you squeal, and he grins. 
“If it was up to me, I’d sit you on my face and eat you out until you can’t speak, but. We’re on a time crunch here.” 
He presses a chaste kiss to your clit and you shudder. Two fingers reach and part your folds and Dabi makes a low sound in the back of his throat.
“So wet. Is this all for me?”
“Touya, stop teasing.” You huff, squirming in your place.
Touya drags his fingers down, face so close you can feel his breaths. “Ask me nicely.”
“Please, Touya.” You grit out, sitting up in your elbows to glare down at him.
“Please what?”
“Please-“ Your cheeks flush red because he’s not even looking at you. His eyes are focused between your legs like he’s seen heaven between them.
“Please, make me cum, you prick.” You say with a shiver.
And it’s that tiny shiver that seems to set him off because he’s suddenly kissing and sucking at your lips, tongue digging inside your pussy and tracing circles around your clit. Your hips rock forward as you moan, and he holds you down easily so he can continue.
You have been eaten out a few times before. It never felt like something to enjoy, the boyfriend or hookup always doing it to get something over with, to tick a box. But what makes your toes curl, what makes you inch that much closer to cumming, is the fact that Dabi is eating you like a man starved. He’s groaning, eyes fluttering shut as he takes slow, purposeful mouthfuls of your pussy like he’s doing it for him and not you. 
“Taste so good. You been hiding this from me?”
“Touya- fuck.” You grab his hair and tug, and he moans.
“Yeah, good girl. Do that again.” 
You comply, his name a ramble on your lips as your hips buck again. Your core aches and you voice reaches an embarrassingly high pitch as he kisses your clit again. It takes an embarrassingly short time for you to reach the edge. “Da-Touya, I’m, I’m close,” you breathe, hands clutching at the couch beneath you.
Touya detaches himself from you, eyes glancing up at you. “Yeah? You’re close?”
You nod, whine caught in your throat. Your hips jolt forward as he begins trailing slow circles over your clit with his finger. You whine at the slow contact.
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes. Yes, Touya, please.” You breathe.
“You wanna cum on my tongue, baby?” He whispers and you keen, hand reaching down to tug at his hair again, trying to drag him closer.
“Fucking- Touya, I’ll do it myself if I have to.” 
He laughs at that, quickly returning his attention back between your legs. It’s embarrassingly loud as he sucks at your clit, two fingers reaching inside you to press against that spot that has you moaning his name once more. 
“Good girl, so fucking pretty cumming all over my face.” He groans.
And then you cum, and Touya easily holds your hips down as they shake, his own grinding into the floor beneath him, and he takes you through an orgasm that racks through your body. You think you might pass out from the pleasure that crashes over you so suddenly. His hands grab at your chest, your neck, and when he kisses you again you can taste yourself on his tongue.
He smiles at you again, this time more elated, a wild look in his eyes. 
“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” It takes you a minute before you can reply. You do so but gesturing him up in his feet.
“Here. Come, get up.” You speak suddenly, still breathing heavily.  
Touya looks confused for a second. You drag him up onto the couch, and your eyes trail down, to the obvious bluge in his trousers. And he looks big judging by it, and you think you’re already ready to get off again.
“Your turn. Come on, take these off.” You tap your fingers on his jeans and take his place on the floor.
“God, you know just what to say to a man.”
“Shut up.” 
He uses one hand to unbuckle his belt and he’s just showing off now, you know, but it’s hot and he knows it is. He pulls his jeans down his legs and you let them pool at his feet. And when you pull his cock out it’s long and thick, you find the source of all his arrogance. He catches you looking and he huffs a laugh. His breath hitches as you slide your fingers up the side, tongue reaching out to lick at the tip, hard and leaking precum.
“You know, you always, fuck, you always deny it, sweetheart, but look at you.” He groans as you lick a stripe up his cock. “On your knees for me.” 
“I always imagined taking you right here, in the studio, bending you over this couch and fucking you until you’re screaming nothing but my name, squirming and begging on my dick.” Your thighs clench and he sees it, a nasty smirk on his face as you take him into your mouth.
“You want that too, angel? Want me to make you scream so loudly everyone comes in and, shit, sees you cumming on my cock? You want that?” 
You don’t say anything, can’t, because he fills your mouth so full that you couldn’t speak if you wanted to. His hand reaches into you hair, guiding your head up and down his dick, low moans and grunts leaving his mouth. He’s so vocal, you realise, an endlesss stream of barely coherent praise leaving his mouth as you use yours.
“Fuck, yeah sweetheart, fuck.” His hips buck into your mouth and you nearly choke.
“Come on, I know you can take it. Good girl, good fucking girl.” He groans, pulling your head down further.
Your eyes flutter shut and Touya reaches down with his free hand to brush the tears that fall down your cheeks. You grab into his thighs, nails digging into his skin.
“Taking me so well, baby. Always so fucking mouthy. So pretty when you use it right.” He breathed heavily, jerking into your mouth again.
He starts fucking into your mouth, and you swipe your tongue underneath his dick, the vein that runs down it and he stutters, breathy curses leaving his lips.
“Gonna cum, fuck.” 
Your name slips past his lips in tandem as he bucks into your mouth one last time. Your mouth fills and you swallow, and he pats your cheek as you look back up at him, gasping for breath you pull back. His chest heaves and his eyes are shining brightly again but for a very different reason. You trace the scratches you left on his thighs and he in turns rubs a finger on the hickeys that leave a telling trail down your body.
i get so cringed out when i write smut but i wanted to do it so i powered through!!! plz give me any tips if u think its bad i greatly appreciate it. i also had noooo idea how to end this oneshot so i lowkey just stopped writing LMAO
anyway.... bass player dabi u live on in my heart kisses forever
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abigailxli · 6 months ago
bed chem-carlos alcaraz
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author: reupload for @yungbludz and everyone else who wanted it back-yea it sucks but i literally had to write about him with this song
summary: your guy bestfriend relates to lyrics a little bit too well..
warnings: none?? (idrk abt warnings so let me know)
“who’s the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent?”
carlos looks at me surprised as he hears my speaker. i’ve been a huge fan of sabrina carpenter for the longest time, and carlos isn’t surprised by me staying up until 1 listening to her new album. we both are best friends since we were younger and not because we don’t have the money, but he recommended to share a hotel room in no other than the city of New York.
“sounds like she’s singing about me”
i laugh, eyes not leaving my phone as i look as the lyrics.
“how many songs do you have left”
carlos sighs, not getting his sleep for his round 1 match tomorrow for the us open by me blasting sabrina’s music from my speaker. i finally look up at him, eyes meeting his dark brown eyes.
“it’s gonna be a long night, carlitos.”
carlos sighs again, he’s tucked in bed wearing a white tank top that shows his muscular arms, shining like he oils them everyday. my gaze lingers on his shoulders for a bit longer than needed. my cheeks flush as i turn back to my phone scrolling through the lyrics.
“you do know if you keep this up the entire night i’m probably gonna lose.”
his eyes stay on his phone, looking through social and the predictions for his upcoming match. i sit up on my bed, looking at him as the album continues to play.
“your fine, don’t be so dramatic,” i say rolling my eyes as carlos lets out a chuckle at my words.
“oh, so i’m the one being dramatic?” his eyes leave his phone as he looks at me from his bed. we lock gaze for a few seconds until i look down, embarrassed by how cute he is. is he usually this cute? i’ve never had a crush on him for all these years, and he sees my cheeks turn bright red.
he smirks to himself enjoying you being embarrassed.
“Y/N you didn’t respond no?” he still has a smirk on his face as i look back at him as my face has finally turned into a tomato.
“cállate,” i mutter
the album comes to the end, and i finally turn off my phone and the speaker.
i look at the time and notice how it’s already 2am. i look back at carlos, him yawning and putting his phone on the table beside the bed. he gets up from his bed, his muscular legs being complimented by the black short shorts as he leaves to go into the bathroom. i get my suitcase with my skincare and start using it with my little mirror that i brought from home.
carlos comes back from the bathroom without his tank top he was just wearing and i notice from my mirror. he leans against the wall, watching me put on my skincare for the night.
“how much shit do you put on your face?”
i scoff, turning around and immediately staring straight his bare chest. i stutter, the words not coming out of my mouth as my eyes cannot leave his chest. he notices me once again and walks toward the small wooden desk with all of my skincare all over it.
“listen y/n, i know how you look at me and we both know what you want.”
i look up at him, quickly looking down at the desk but he gently grabs my chin to force me to look at him.
“Los dos sabemos lo que quieres.” he says again and i swallow hard. why is he making this so difficult?
“just like sabrina said, “but i’d bet we’d have really good bed chem.”
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sweetbillwriting · 7 months ago
In The Dead of Night
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Characters: AU Eric played by Bill Skarsgård from The Crow (2024)
Setting: This story is set in A WHOLE OTHER WORLD than the movie. Shelley isn't a part of this story. Eric will be different from the movie, especially because I haven't seen the movie.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: I have STILL not seen the movie because it hasn't premiered here yet!
“I just think about him a lot. I'm sorry, I don't have the right to do that; I haven't even met him; I just believe I would have really liked him…”
I sat opposite Lotti by her little table with Eric's photo albums in front of us. Sneakily, I had put back the photos I've stolen because I didn't need them anymore.
I shouldn't have been there; I was lying to her in the most awful way, but I also went behind Eric's back to find out things he didn't want to tell me. I had the answers right there, and my curiosity took over.
“You know, I think he would have liked you too. You have a curiosity he would have liked. You feel comfortable with yourself, but with optimism and creativity. He would have liked that,” Lotti said with a smile. She had a good day today and talked about Eric with a smile. I smiled back at her by her words, but the warmth in my chest was from the memory of hearing Eric say “I love you” to me. He had said it that morning on the phone. I would go to him later that night; he worked late that Saturday, so I didn't have a reason to go to him that early, but I had a key to his apartment, so I didn't need to wait for him.
“Can't you tell me more about him? Why do you think he started to take drugs?”
Lotti looked out through the window and smiled sadly. It felt like she had a need to talk about everything, and I was right; my simple question made her tell me stories I never thought I would hear.
Lotti looked at the little boy in the playroom, through the plexiglas. He wore a striped long-sleeved shirt in green shades and red sweatpants. The clothes were a bit big and looked well-used, probably from other kids social services had rescued from dysfunctional homes. He was two years old but lacked the chubby cheeks other two-year-olds would have but also was disinterested in the toys surrounding him. A white rabbit stuffy lay just in front of him, but he didn't give it a look; he just looked around. A young social worker sat by his side and looked at him with wonder. He looked like a doll with his big green eyes, and he sat just as still with his small hands resting on his thighs.
“He can't stand up yet or crawl, so that's probably why he doesn't play,” said the social worker next to Lotti and her husband Eric. They nodded a little even if something else felt wrong.
“Why can't he do that? Does he have a disability?” Eric asked the social worker and looked at baby Eric again. He hadn't moved an inch.
“No, no. He's healthy. Just a little underweight and some rashes. Ehm… We believe he hasn't left the crib very often. Most of his time had probably been spent alone in the bed-”
“What? Has his mother left him in the crib?” Lotti looked between the social worker and the boy, upset.
"Yes, but that is nothing that will shape him. He's so young, so that's nothing you’ll need to worry about.”
The social worker said it with assurance, even if there wasn't any research on the subject in the 90s.
Lotti nodded but felt a lump in her throat.
"His mother is sentenced to six months in prison for drug trafficking, but we believe she needs help with the boy after that too. She must make changes to be able to get him back.”
Lotti was sure. She didn't need to know any more. She wouldn't leave that boy to his destiny. They had room for one more child in their home, and Eric, her husband, earned enough money as a seller in the technology field. It was a business growing every day, and his salary went up with it. He looked at Lotti with a calming smile. He knew his wife had already made a decision, and he felt the same. They could give the boy the security he never had. He looked at the papers, seeing the boy’s name, the surname they shared. It felt like a sign. He wasn't the religious type, but Eric was a family name, a name passed on with love and respect.
The social secretary opened the door to the room baby Eric was in, and the married couple saw him look towards it with a fast movement. They walked in slowly to him, afraid that their presence would scare him, but he sat the same way and looked at them with big eyes. Carefully, Eric lifted up the boy in his arms, and Lotti moved close to them. His eyes shifted from side to side, looking at them. He looked sad but with a calm curiosity.
“Hey Eric, hey sweetie…” said Lotti. He looked at her the same way, but his eyes gave away so many emotions. Lotti dragged a finger over her cheek, wiping away a tear. For her, it was impossible to think that the boy's mom didn't want to take care of him; he had an aura—a much stronger aura than other kids his age had. It was just something with him. Lotti looked at her husband, who had pulled the boy closer to his chest. Both could feel it in their bones, and they could see in the other's eyes they felt the same thing. This boy was theirs. This boy was theirs, and they would do everything in their power for him to only be theirs and save him from his mother and all the darkness.
Little Eric stood on a chair by the sink next to Lotti. He was quite short for his four years but had a personality bigger than other boys his age, and so lovable Lotti could see how others envied her. He stood and washed the dishes with her and laughed while playing with the bubbles. He always wanted to be close to them, always wanting to help.
“You're so good at this, Eric!” Said Lotti with a laugh when he gave her a completely clean glass. Eric laughed again so she could see the deep dimple in his cheek. She kissed it hard and dragged her fingers through his messy hair. In just a few hours, he would go to his biological mother and then come back to them as a shell again. He never told them what happened at his mother's, and that was what made it harder for them to do something. There was no proof the bruises on his little body were from something else than rough playing, but Lotti knew her boy so well, his games well, and it wasn't bruises from the playground.
Lotti woke up from her thoughts when she heard her other son in the living room. He was playing video games and made sound effects for the game. Eric looked towards the living room, and when Lotti did it too, he waved with his little hand, showing that he wanted them to look at what Robin was doing. He always wanted skin-to-skin contact, so Lotti pulled him up on her hip and carried him out to the living room. Robin gave them a bit of an irritated look but wiped it away when his mom dragged her fingers through his hair.
“Are you winning?”
“Yes!” He screamed proudly, and Lotti giggled at him. She looked at Eric, who didn't seem to find the game amusing, and instead looked out from the living room's big window.
“It's sunny…” he said with a small voice. Lotti often got the feeling he didn't dare to use his full voice, and he almost whispered when he talked.
“Do you want to go out? Should we go out and draw a little?”
Eric nodded and dragged his hand over her neck. He was soon five years old but felt both younger and older at the same time.
They moved out to the back of the house, in the early spring sun. She could see Robin through the window and, at the same time, make the last few hours of Eric's time there the best she could. He sat in her lap, drawing whales and colorful birds. He was great at it and could disappear into it completely, but not today. She knew he knew what would happen soon. How they would put him in the car and drive him to the social service office, where his biological mom would get him. She knew he would cry in panic and how the social worker would need to pull him away from her neck. She knew Linda would look smug when she left with their son, not because he wanted her more, just that she was his mom, whatever they said. She didn't need Eric's love; she just wanted to win.
Lotti knew she would cry the rest of the day and think about what Eric did at his mom's place. She wondered in what state he would come home in. Eric hugged her hand hard in his and looked up at her with his big soulful eyes. They were shining with tears.
“I love you, mommy…”
It was a plea, a cry for help, but she couldn't do anything. She took a deep breath so she wouldn't start crying and hugged his little body against hers.
“I love you too, Eric. My baby, my son... I love you most in the entire world.”
It was the third meeting they have had with Eric's school that year. Becoming a teenager was not easy for him, and it revealed sides in him they hadn't noticed before.
He had been such a calm child, and after he stopped seeing his mother, he also started to feel safe and comfortable in his own skin, but instead of those sides growing in him, other things took over.
While some teenagers became a bit moody, he got depressed and had a hard time getting up from bed in the mornings. When he finally was in school, he couldn't concentrate and did things you should absolutely not do in a classroom. Playing with a lighter and burning things up was his favorite, painting on the walls another. Even if all his teachers saw that he was a nice boy with serious problems, they kicked him out of the classroom, and Eric found himself chain smoking and listening to music that matched his mood. He was lonely. Extremely lonely, so when the wrong sort of people stretched a hand out to him, he was quick with taking it.
“We haven't seen Eric for a week now. If it continues like this, we're forced to call social service,” said the principal and leaned against his desk. Lotti looked at her husband and sighed deeply. It was always heartbreaking to hear about how Eric slowly destroyed his life. She knew it wasn't his fault. His biological mother had probably taken substances while pregnant; he had trauma since his childhood with her, and on top of that, he had such severe panic attacks that he had cried for death.
“Eric is a lovely young man and is really appreciated as a person-”
“So why don't you help him more? The only thing you do is throw him out of the classroom! Why should he go to school when no one wants him here?” Lotti said, upset. The principal gave her husband a look, like he thought he should calm his wife down, but Eric felt the same thing and looked at the principal with an angry look.
“We must think about the other students... You haven't thought about maybe taking Eric to a doctor? To get some help with his... problems?”
Lotti looked down at her hands and sighed deeply. She knew they probably needed to do that, but pulling him away to a doctor felt awful. He didn't need that on top of everything else.
Robin always came home from school alone, even if they had told him to drive his brother home. They had given him a new metallic red Mercedes, and it’d been clear that he would give Eric a ride home. Robin always said Eric wanted to go home by himself, and their parents didn't know what to think. Eric liked being alone, but it was a long way home. Lotti looked at Robin disappear to his bedroom with two girls laughing while she sat down by the window. She worried the whole day for Eric and how the medications would affect him. He was such a sweet boy, and she didn't want to destroy that with all the pills he had been prescribed.
She smiled a little when she saw him come walking. He looked like a black raincloud in his black zip hoodie, black jeans, black hair, and black eyeliner around his eyes. He carried his khaki backpack on one shoulder, full of pins from different bands and motifs made to provoke. Still, the kids on the street jump around him. Eric smiled a little while they tried to impress him with their skateboards and MP3 players. Lotti got warm in her chest. It was just something really special with him, and everyone liked him.
“Hey mom!” He shouted when he came in through the door.
"Hey, honey,” answered Lotti and walked out to the hallway to meet him. He had pulled off his hoodie and surprised her with a yellow t-shirt, a sex pistol t-shirt, and he had put his converse neatly on the shoe rack.
He gave her a hug, like he always did when he came home and Lotti took his hand. They needed to talk but were interrupted by Robin's laugh. He came down with his two girlfriends, and Lotti let go of Eric's hand to not embarrass him in front of the older girls. They giggled when they saw him, and he got red in the cheeks and ears.
“Hey Eric,” said one of the girls, and the both of them giggled. Robin rolled his eyes.
“Don't forget to come home for dinner,” said Lotti to her oldest son while her younger son stood looking down on the floor.
“Yeah, yeah!” He answered and opened the door for the girls. Just before he closed it, both Lotti and Eric heard one of the girls say, excited:
“Your brother is so fucking cute!”
Lotti looked at her youngest son, who smiled embarrassed but tried to hide it from his mother. She smiled at him, amused. It was true; he was cute, and she knew he would be more than that one day. She wished she didn't need to have the talk she needed to have with him—let him bask in the girl’s words—but instead she needed to take him to the kitchen, where his medications stood in a row.
“So this is for your ADD, this is the antidepressants, these you can take if you have anxiety, these are for the OCD…” Lotti looked at a note while pointing at the medications in front of them. Eric looked at the medications and dragged his hand over a bruise on his neck he had told his parents was from his karate training. He saw something else than his mom did while looking at the pills.
“You can have them here in the kitchen, in a cabinet-”
Eric gave her a disliking look.
“Robin's friends are always here digging around; can't I just have it in my room?” He said and continued to drag his hand over the bruise. Lotti looked at her son. He was a trustworthy young man, and she trusted him with her life.
“Okay, but you must take them every day.”
Eric nodded, taking the medications in his hands, and walked up the stairs. He would take them every day, but also take more and more for every day.
“That doctor… I can't understand why he felt it was a good idea to give a fourteen-year-old so many medications… But also…” Lotti sighed and looked down at the pictures of Eric. “I can't understand how I thought it was a good idea for him to take care of it all himself. I forgot he wasn't my own flesh and blood so many times…”
I sat in silence for a while, until Lotti sighed.
“But what happened then? I guess you noticed he had taken them all?”
Lotti nodded.
“Yes, and we didn't get him any more medications. He tried to tell us he wouldn't do it again, but we weren't that stupid this time. Then I kinda... Forgot about it all?” Lotti looked shameful. “You must understand, Eric was such a lovely young man with me and others around; I kind of forgot he actually didn't feel well, or maybe I didn't want to believe so? He was just sweet all the time, so we didn't notice he fixed his own drugs instead.”
“Like what?”
“First I think it was weed, then he started with ecstasy and amphetamine... I don't really know when he started to take opiates.”
It was all so sad. They had wanted to give him everything, but his background caught up with him. He had inherited the addiction gene and was also traumatized by abuse. He didn't have a chance. His anxiety had taken over his life, and he still was fighting so hard.
I looked at Lotti while she dried her tears with her floral napkin. I wanted to tell her that the person she loves the most was alive and quite happy, but I didn't dare. I didn't know how that would affect her, and I didn't want to create fights with either Robin or Eric. It was both their choice, and I wanted to give them both respect.
“Did he take drugs all the time after that?”
Lotti looked up at me again and made a loud exhalation. It probably took all her power to talk about Eric, but she continued anyway.
“No, he had a girlfriend that got him to stop, Felice, but when the relationship started to go south, he also felt a need for drugs. And then… With Simone, everything got so much worse.” I looked at Lotti with big eyes. I could feel a stir of anger in my stomach when I thought about Simone, but also jealousy, it was hard thinking about Eric with another woman.
“She broke his heart. Eric was a sensitive boy—so sensitive, and she didn't take his mental health problems seriously. She didn't understand where his addiction came from, so she broke up with him. The next I hear...” Lotti took a break and swallowed hard. “The next…” She swallowed hard again, but the tears had gathered in her eyes and would spill over even if she did everything in her power not to cry. I took her hand in mine, and she let herself cry silently.
“He had overdosed. Heroine. My boy… My little boy…” she cried. My heart beated hard in my chest, and my throat burned like I had swallowed a match. It was awful that she believed he was dead.
“When was this?” I asked carefully.
“Soon three years ago.”
I nodded slowly. It must have been around the same time she had been through her accident, so it was easy to fool her, but that was also what made it even worse. She had also lost her husband around the same time. Why did they do this to Lotti?
The full moon looked at us while we made out. Big and round, it stared at us just like in my dreams, but this time we weren't alone. We sat outside on a cold autumn night after having danced at The Pulse. Four of his friends sat and looked at us while we made out on a teeter-totter on the playground. We had run around there like two kids while his friends passed around a joint.
I had his bomber jacket on top of my own coat while he just wore an oversized t-shirt with a big picture of Courtney Love in a thin neglige. Even if he had so few clothes on, I put my cold hands on his stomach to touch his skin and muscles.
“He's just skinny!” Shouted Jackie towards us, and both me and Eric looked at him amused. Eric dragged me closer to him so he could stuff his nose in my hair and breathe in, and I dragged my hands to his naked back.
“Should we go home?” He whispered, and I nodded. I wanted him to myself now.
“Do you know she stalked you?” Shouted Jackie just as loudly as he had done before. Eric looked at him with a smirk, like it was a bad joke. I, on the other hand, gave Jackie a worried look and swallowed hard.
“Yeah, she had seen you around and begged me for your address. It wasn't a coincidence you met her outside the store.”
Eric looked at me with a confused smirk. He didn't seem to believe Jackie, and neither would I, if it hadn’t been about me.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. We're going home now,” said Eric, who helped me off the teeter before he stood up himself. While doing that, his sleeve rode up, and I could see the aggressively purple bruise on his upper arm. I saw that Nick looked at it too, but I looked away when he looked at me.
“It's nice seeing you together. Seeing you with a girl. It suits you,” said Nick in a brotherly way, but there was a hint of worry there too. Eric lit up and pulled me close to him. He looked at me with big eyes.
“Yeah. It feels like a dream sometimes.” He didn't let me go with his eyes while his friends started to ‘oh and ah’ and whistle as a joke. Eric smirked at them but then lifted me up easily so I had my legs around his waist.
“Let's go home.”
It was all so good between us, except when his anxiety crept on him in the night, like something heavy lay on his chest, and he couldn't get it away. I could see him touch his neck, like that was the solution. I dragged his hand away and let him lay against my chest and breathe deeply.
“Tell me. What do you think about?”
Eric laid quiet, like he expected the question to disappear if he just ignored it.
“Talk to me, please.”
“I don't know,” he said lowly. “Just shit. Old memories.”
“What kind of memories?” I wanted him to tell me about his childhood with his own words, but he was quiet again.
“It can help to talk about it.”
“I don't know what to say,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. “It's just bullshit things.” 
He was just the same as he was when he was four years old. I wondered if he had told anyone what had actually happened to him as a child. I dragged my fingers through his hair until he suddenly talked with a whisper, like he didn't dare to say it out loud.
“It was my own fault... I should have said something, but... I guess I was ashamed."
“You don't need to be ashamed; it wasn't your fault.” 
My comment could reveal I knew more than I should, but he didn't say anything about it; he just sighed deeply and laid a hand over his face. 
“Eric? You were a child; it's okay to talk about it. You don't have any responsibility for this.” 
He nodded a little but didn't remove his hand, so I moved him away from my chest and laid down so our faces were at the same height. 
I waited for him to say something, and at last he did. 
“I had the best parents... My foster parents. I love…” he swallowed hard and looked down at the sheets. “They were the best, but my biological mother... Eh fuck,” he sat up in bed and laid his hands over his face. I didn't move, hoping he would lay down when he was ready. 
“She was just fucked up.” He shrugged his shoulders like that was all. 
“Fucked up, how?” I asked and dragged my hand over his naked back. Eric put his hands on his head and dragged them back to his neck in an uncomfortable manner. 
“Eh fuck Della, I don't want to talk about this.” 
I nodded a little and pulled lightly on his forearm. 
“Okay, of course. Come now, baby, let's sleep…”  
He laid down on my chest again, and I hugged his head in my arms. I was disappointed he didn't want to tell me, and at the same time, I worried so much about him. It wasn't healthy to carry around such things in his chest without processing them. I also felt the bad conscience grow in my tummy. I knew so much about him but pretended to know nothing so he would tell me more. 
Eric fell asleep after having listened to my heart for a couple minutes; he didn't seem to notice it beating harder with anxiety. I was his girlfriend, but the only thing I did was lie. I wanted to be honest; I wanted our relationship to be true, but for that to happen, I needed to tell him I had stalked him, I had fooled his mom and brother, and I had lied to him. He would never forgive me for that. 
I pressed my cheek against the top of his head and breathed in his minty shampoo. I tried to calm myself with deep breaths, but my tears slipped down in his black hair and disappeared. I wished it could be as easy for my lies to disappear. 
I could see that all of my girlfriends looked at Eric with big eyes, even my sister, Desiree. 
We were out dancing at a club, celebrating Halloween, and getting tipsy on tequila shots. Eric was one of the few guys in the club that had some sort of Halloween costume. He had let me do his makeup, and we matched each other, with black tears streaming down our cheeks, and he also had my black lipstick on. He did what he wanted and didn't even think about how people would react. 
“I think you need a glass of water!” He said to me over the music and laughed at my disoriented look. “I’ll get one for you!”
Eric stood up and walked away to the bar. He towered over most people, and it made it easy for me to see where he went. I looked at my friends who also looked after him. He wore a dark gray tank top in a loose model that showed off his arms and muscular chest. He paired it with bleached jeans that sat baggy on his long legs. 
“He's hot as fuck!” Nessa said to me loudly over the music even if her boyfriend sat next to her. I giggled and laid my head against the couch. I was a bit too drunk, but I had the luxury to know I had a boyfriend who would be able to carry me home. 
“He is, but... He looks like a player! Are you sure he is a good guy?” asked Desiree and looked at me seriously. 
“He's not a player! I promise. Don't you notice how shy he is?” 
Eric had said hello to everyone but kept mostly quiet while we talked. He just nodded a little with a smile when he agreed with something. 
“Are you sure he's shy? It can just be a way to win you over,” said Nessa's boyfriend and took a sip of his beer. I gave him an irritated, pointed look.
“You think he has played shy for three months? He's shy! Even if he looks like a bad boy!” I said with a drunken giggle. Desiree shook her head amused and also giggled. We fell quiet when Eric came back, carrying a glass of water for me and a beer for himself. In my toxication, I crawled into his lap with a giggle and kissed his face several times. I was so proud to have such a hot, sweet boyfriend. I could see jealous eyes on us. Eric smirked at me but then pressed his lips against mine. 
“What's your training routine?” Paulina's boyfriend asked suddenly. I had seen him looking at Eric a lot, but I hadn't put so much thought into what it meant, but now I knew. I looked at Eric, who played with my short leather skirt with an uncomfortable expression. He was probably not so comfortable answering that because he trained a bit too much. It was sometimes many hours a day. 
“No, you don't really know, right? You just work out when you want to,” I said so he wouldn't need to answer the question. He looked at me with big eyes, then smiled. 
“Yeah, it's not scheduled, so I don't know,” said he with a shoulder shrug.
We became even more intoxicated, except Eric, who drank as much as the other guys but was completely unfazed. We were outside of the club, ready to go to the next destination, but we needed to wait on Nessa, who puked in an alley with Desiree as help. Paulina and Amanda looked between me and Eric, leaning against the building further away, closer to the alley. 
“He's super hot... Isn't that hard? I don't mean this in a bad way, but... He's a really hot guy, while you're more... Cute?” said Amanda.
I scoffed and looked at Eric, who had pulled up his tank top to show his abs for the men around him. It was silly behavior and probably nothing they would have done if they weren't drunk. 
“You mean I'm not hot enough for him?” 
“I don't mean it like that! Just that you maybe don't match?” 
I shook my head in disbelief but also wondered how she would continue the conversation, but instead both of my friends just looked at him when he laughed showing off his abs. I was so proud of him. So, so proud of that amazing human, but now I felt worried and jealous. Because of Demi's reaction to him, I had started to believe I was the only one seeing his beauty, but I was so wrong; even the guys stood and gawked at his body. I had been naive, and now I got worried some other girl was around the corner, prepared to steal my man. 
I left Paulina and Amanda without saying anything and walked up to my tall boyfriend. He was the tallest in the group. He was the fittest in the group. The hottest of them too. I wasn't the hottest of my friends; I wasn't even the tallest. 
“I'm tired,” I whined and pushed my face against his chest, acting like I was more drunk than I was. Eric looked down at me with a silly smile and put my hair behind my ear with soft fingers. 
“Do you want to go home?” He asked and lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes. I pouted and nodded like a sour five-year-old. He played with my pouting underlip with his thumb in a teasing way and made the same face himself. 
“Then we go home, yeah?” 
I nodded but lifted my arms, and he lifted me up like it was obvious what I wanted. I could see my girlfriends look at me with some sort of envy. Maybe they just wanted their boyfriends to be more like Eric, or they wanted him. I didn't care, the only thing I knew was that I would never let him go. He was mine. 
How we ended up on the floor I couldn't remember. I could only remember what I saw right then and there. Eric had my naked leg in a tight grip, slung over his shoulder, while snapping his hips fast. His girthy cock pushed into me fast and hard and I could hear myself moaning in a pathetic way; sometimes I even mixed in his name, something I've never done with any guy before. When I looked up at him, I could see his dark gaze and open mouth. I could see a sweaty chest and abs and a v-line carved with the sharpest knife. He kissed my calf while slapping his hips against mine. He let me often lay down because I couldn't match his strength and stamina, but he didn't complain; it felt more like he fucked me even harder because he wanted to tease me.
“Can I come inside of you?” He said it between his pants, and I just nodded. He had learned he didn't need to do much to get me to come when he had transformed me into a pile of just lifeless body parts, he just pressed down with two fingers over my clit, like it was a button, and rubbed it a few times, then I came together with him. 
I really needed to start to work out again. Even if I hadn't really done any heavy lifting, I had pain in my thighs the next morning. I was happy my parents had been nice and had taken Odin for a night; in exchange, they could meet my boyfriend. I looked at my boyfriend snoring loudly with an open mouth. He always snored loudly when he had been drinking alcohol. Sometimes he even woke me up. I was nervous about bringing him to my parents. I knew he would be the best boy but I didn't know if my parents would be as well behaved. I don’t even think they had seen someone with as many tattoos as Eric. They would probably be uncomfortable but I hoped they at least would be nice. 
I laid my nose against his neck even if he was snoring and slung a leg over his hip. I just wanted to be close, and I hoped the sight of my pussy so close to his cock would make him perk up when he was awake. I smirked to myself, lost in filthy thoughts, so I didn't even hear the entrance door open. 
If I knew, I would have jumped up and closed the door to the bedroom. If I knew that Robin had taken his own key to surprise me early in the morning, I would have suggested Eric should take a run in my neighborhood. The last thing I would do was lay naked with his brother, who started to get hard in his sleep. 
I thought I heard the sound of keys but waved it away as nothing. Instead, I dug down my nose even further down in Eric's neck and let my pussy push against his hardened cock. I knew it was okay I did that; he just likes being woken up with sex.
“What the fuck?” I heard Robin say behind me in such a confused voice that I didn't even recognize his voice. I turned to the door and met his blue eyes that looked at us upset. First I couldn't move, even if he could see so much of our naked bodies, and when I started to realize what was actually happening, I moved away from Eric and covered us both up with covers. 
“Oh my god, oh my god... Robin, it wasn't meant…” I whined and put my hands over my face in shame. 
“You're fucking with him??” Said Robin, upset and waved with his arms, so he accidentally waved down a vase standing on my vanity table. It was crushed into hundreds of small pieces, but it also crushed Eric's sleep, and he looked up, confused. He sat up, exposing his whole naked torso, and it made Robin look away, like he thought the view was disgusting. Eric looked at Robin in silence than at me in confusion. 
“What, what, what is this?” He stuttered. His big green eyes were full of worry but also hurt. He already knew I had done something stupid that would break his trust in just as many pieces as the vase. 
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natspookie · 2 years ago
music to my heart
natasha x shy!fem reader
☆ summary : just reader who likes music, and natasha who likes reader
☆ warning : not proofread & messy ….
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natasha was raised to be observant. noticing the details many miss at first glance. her first impression of you was, clearly, shy. but she saw how loud your actions were.
when there were meetings and a question was asked there would be a silence for a moment. she’d see you inhale, about to open your mouth, when someone else answers and you sink back to your chair.
natasha notices the bouncing of your leg when it’s almost your turn to present the mission recap, and the gulp you take before speaking a few quiet words. but she also sees how you straighten your posture, more confident after a while.
but more so, how it’s rare to see you without your earphones. working out, eating breakfast, sitting outside, laying on the bed, there was always those wired earphones connected to your phone.
occasionally natasha could catch a glimpse of the album cover playing on your lock screen.
it was only recently when everyone was gathered in the common room, enjoying free time, when thor returned. you broke your right arm on a mission so you had a cast, unable to move it.
you had left your earphones on the couch while getting a glass of water when thor’s hand accidentally brushed it and a little crackling noise was heard.
natasha turned to the sound and frowned when she saw the white (really a little grey since it’s been used for so long) earphones turn a burnt brown color.
you returned and saw thor examining your earphones. he apologized over and over saying he would get you a new pair as soon as possible, you nodded, muttering a ‘don’t worry’, and took them as you left.
natasha liked that you didn’t say ‘it’s okay’, because you probably wouldn’t have meant it.
natasha decided to check up on you, knocking on your door. she heard a few grunts and things falling but the door opened as you pulled a sweater over your tank top. “hey natasha” you smiled, widening the door with your hand.
“you alright? where are you going?” natasha examined the room “uhh about to get some new earphones” “you’re driving with one hand to the mall” natasha raised a brow “perhaps” you shrugged, putting on your socks.
“i’ll drive you” natasha offered “no! i mean- no..” natasha squint her eyes “.. i don’t want to bother you” “i was bored anyways, see you at the front in 5 minutes” natasha winked and left with no room left to argue.
you laughed quietly before becoming a little nervous. you admired natasha, who didn’t? but you always knew natasha was an observer, you were too. you couldn’t help but feel a little shy as she read you like an open book, that’s what you thought at least.
you met natasha outside as she smirked in her chevrolet corvette stingray. you smiled, hopping inside as you put your seatbelt on.
“so what mall are we going to?” natasha asked “the closest one” you shrugged
it was comfortable silence for awhile until there was a red stop light and natasha fiddled with the screen in the car. she handed her phone to you and you looked at it confused. “play your music, sweetheart” she started the car again as the green light went.
if you were standing you would have fallen to the ground with that nickname. “thanks” you murmured, searching the songs you wanred on her spotify. you smiled already seeing fleetwood mac in her searched.
you played around with it a little, starting off with dreams, then drake’s passionfruit, and some daniel caesar songs. it wasn’t a long ride but natasha could tell you were biased daniel.
she watched from her peripheral as you mouthed the words quietly, gazing (gayzing) out the window.
the walk inside the mall was quiet. natasha insisted she come with you. you bought yourself the normal pair of wired earphones at apple but decided to spoil yourself and get a pair of wireless headphones, just incase.
she didn’t mind staying behind or beside you as you smiled hearing music, testing the different kinds of headphones. you turned around and tapped natasha’s shoulders, she looked at you expectingly as you turned one side of the flexible silver sony headphones to her and she pressed her ear against it. daniel caesar’s “do you like me” flooded her ears
“Is this one good?” you looked at her. she stood up straighter and nodded. “the rose gold one looked cuter on you though” she rasped out while you blushed.
you walked to the counter. you bought the rose gold ones. the ride home all you played was daniel caesar.
you hugged natasha with one arm as a thank you before hurrying to your room, eager to try your new headphones.
natasha wondered if it was a good idea to let you buy them because now, she seemed to talk to you less.
it had been 2 weeks later, arm fully healed when natasha asked you, personally, to assist her on her 3 day long mission. she just wanted to spend more time with you.
you nodded with a small smile and natasha was ecstatic. until she heard you at the kitchen. “hey! i was wondering if you wanted my daniel concert ticket? i don’t think i’ll be able to make it…” natasha saw you fiddling with the blue ticket, her chest tightened. “great! i’ll send over the tickets later, thanks!” natasha made her way to her room, to do research on this concert.
she kept a straight face as the concert was the exact 3 days she had just asked you on a mission for.
natasha would make it up to you.
right after the mission, natasha dropped the team off at the shield headquarters when she flew you both to the next location this daniel caesar was performing. “nat, where are we goin?” you laughed
“surprise” she winked
she asked you to change into your usual clothes and dragged you through the crowd. “oh my god” you saw the banner of the concert “OH MY GOD!” you shrieked as you walked into the theatre “NATASHA! you! i-! what!” you jumbled your words as natasha laughed at your antics, dragging you to good middle upper seats.
“no one has ever done this for me” you admitted, staring into her eyes. people started screaming as your favorite artist entered the stage. you still couldn’t tear your eyes away from natasha.
the song “do you like me” played and you sang quietly the lyrics to natasha ‘low on time i’d like to make a move’ you murmured, inching closer to you, as she did. when your lips met, you felt on fire.
“thanks for driving me to the mall that day” you said against her ear, grinning “thanks for being the music to my heart”
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a/n, i’m seeing daniel next week and this is how i cope… i’ll never be fine again
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ohdorothea · 4 months ago
This tournament is being run by and for queer fans so please keep that in mind! Homophobes will be blocked on sight <3 More polls here and more info here! Lyrics for the songs and FAQ under the cut!
Speak Now lyrics
I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white-veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl
I sneak in and see your friends
And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel
And she is yelling at a bridesmaid
Somewhere back inside a room
Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry
This is surely not what you thought it would be
I lose myself in a daydream
Where I stand and say
Don't say "Yes", run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now."
Fond gestures are exchanged
And the organ starts to play
A song that sounds like a death march
And I am hiding in the curtains
It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be
She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen
But I know you wish it was me
You wish it was me
Don't you?
Don't say "Yes", run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now."
Don't say "Yes", run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
Your time is running out
And they said, "Speak now."
Oh, la, la
Oh, oh
Say a single vow
I hear the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
There's the silence, there's my last chance
I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me
Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I'm only looking at you
I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white-veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl
So, don't say "Yes", run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now."
And you say, "Let's run away now
I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door
Baby, I didn't say my vows
So glad you were around
When they said, "Speak now."
Enchanted lyrics
There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey
It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you."
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
(Please don't be in love with someone else)
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
(Please don't have somebody waiting on you)
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
(Please don't be in love with someone else)
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
The question is which song is queerer to you! Queerer can mean whatever you want it to mean; you might consider a song queer because you think it was written that way, or because of Swiftian lore. It might be queer to you because of how you relate it to your own life. Maybe you think from a purely literary standpoint the lyrics have queer themes; maybe you're just thinking about vibes!!!
If you’d like to send in interpretations or propaganda for a specific song you can send them to my inbox! All interpretations are welcome and let’s be open and kind in response to all interpretations <3
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amber-lucca44 · 10 months ago
Couldn't sleep and was bored, and kinda hate Drake so um
Drake's biggest fuckups I've caught on this beef
He loves trying to diss Kendrick for his height. Yk like a toddler would.
He tries to say Kendrick's Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers was a bad album. If we're talking critical reviews, it had a Metacritic rating of 85/100, compared to Drake's highest ever rating of 79/100 for Nothing Was The Same. In fact, Kendrick's lowest Metacritic score so far has been 80/100 for Section.80, again over Drake's highest.
...and if we're talking sales or streams, well first, no one ever challenged Drake's sales compared to Kendrick. I think we all know Drake is pretty much unmatched when it comes to that. Second, if sales were a factor to determine quality of music, then holy shit "Despacito" must be an all time magnum opus like nothing anyone ever heard before lol.
Trying to call Kendrick a sellout for doing songs with Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift? Drake calling someone else a sellout? 🤡🤡🤡
The line where he said Kendrick isn't on the big three because SZA, Travis Scott and 21 Savage "got him wiped down". Okay, first, I'm pretty sure this guy thinks big three means just "the three best selling" and uhhh no not quite. And second, and most obvious, SZA? SZA isn't even a rapper, why are you trying to bring her into this? 🙄
The AI to imitate 2Pac's and Snoop's voices. A few points here. First of all, the fucking disrespect to 2Pac, what the fuck. Glad Pac's family threatened him to remove it. Second, Snoop Dogg is alive. You just used his AI voice cause you know damn well he wouldn't be caught dead doing a verse on a Kendrick diss for you. And as a third point, it's just funny you felt like you had to use AI to make a diss track. Ghostwriters weren't enough for this one ig lol.
"Taylor Made Freestyle" was all just him begging on his hands and knees for Kendrick to reply something and give him some attention. Drake took almost a month replying to Kendrick's verse on "Like That". And he's begging for a response to "Push Ups" like a week after it was leaked (and the same day it was even officially released in the first place)
He tried to say the things Kendrick would diss him with. He was mostly right but oh boy did Kendrick do so much more.
Is he a Swiftie too? Cause he wouldn't let her go for "Taylor Made". In his mind, he swears Kendrick wasn't dropping a diss cause he didn't want to interrupt Taylor Swift's album's success, which is just a funny and dumb conclusion to make.
Spends the end of that track just talking, trying to praise Taylor for "managing Kendrick's schedule". 🤡
Drake beginning "Family Matters" with an n word and then going "yeah I said it I know that you mad" really came off sounding like when 12 year olds play online and say the word to seem tough. 😂
"Always rapping like you trying to get the slaves freed". Dang so making songs that actually have substance and meaning means you wanna free slaves, okay.
About these next lines...
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Kendrick said he hated the girls you fuck referring to your dumbass being a pedo and hated you trying to hook up with underage girls. Not at any point did he say anything about their color tf.
"I've been with black and white and everything that's in between" okay so all underage girls okay got it. Again that was never the point. 😐
"You the black messiah wifin' up a mixed queen" Drake seriously missed the whole entire fucking point. Kendrick never said he didn't like you for hooking up with white women, what the fuck. And again the messiah thing is just funny.
He mentioned Whitney on "Push Ups", and some gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking he might have just done some wordplay about Whitney Houston being called the same as Kendrick's wife, wasn't clear enough. But these lyrics here are what made it abundantly clear he did want to try to mess with his family. I'm sorry but at this point that's not a rap beef, you intentionally tried to make it personal. Maybe you knew you never had a chance so you thought going there would make it possible to win? As if you didn't have a horrible fucking record already.
"Why you never hold your son and tell him 'say cheese'?" Maybe he doesn't want to expose him too much to the public while he raises him, decent human beings would understand that.
"We could've left the kids out of this, don't blame me" Kendrick said you don't know shit about raising a child based on information that was already abundantly public (see "The Story Of Addidon") and also based on the fact that you, despite having that child, love playing tough on IG and dropping disses using AI begging Kendrick to reply. Trying to get Kendrick's children involved is totally on you, buddy. Kendrick wasn't the one dealing with being exposed with having a child no one knew about and you wouldn't acknowledge.
He loves baselessly claiming that one of Kendrick's children isn't his. Again, baselessly, so literally just gossip lol.
And speaking of baseless stuff, he's really keeps running on his claim that Kendrick has beaten his wife. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF THIS. Like at all. In his mind, he probably thinks that since his easily provable bullshit was exposed, he'll try to invent some bs on Kendrick too to make it seem like they're both horrible people. The only piece of shit we know of in this beef is you, Drake.
Not at Kendrick but in a diss aimed at The Weeknd, Drake had to pull out his homophobic card. Disgusting. Fuck, it's so easy to dislike this guy. 🙄
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Saying that Kendrick's music only "hitting hard" when Baby Keem writes on it. Is it cause he has writing credits on "N95"? He does ad libs on the song so I'm pretty sure that's why he's listed. Are the ad libs that fire? Lol
"Kendrick just opened his mouth, somebody go hand him a Grammy right now" awww he jealous bout Kendrick's Grammy's lol 🥺
He brought up Kendrick's transgender uncle, and was transphobic to try to diss Kendrick. Just plain ignorant and disgusting as hell. But of course he did. 😑🙄
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Tried to blame Kendrick for 2Pac's family threatening legal action for his "Taylor Made Freestyle". Bro what you did was plain disrespectful and it was just bound to happen.
Did he really try to brag about the video leaked of him masturbating? 🤡🤡🤡
And this nonsense right here, was it cause he visited Ghana or something? He's trying to pin Kendrick as a racist? Huh?
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...and follows this up with an ignorant, racist, weird ass comment dissing Michael Jackson too for no reason whatsoever. 🤡
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Talking to the mirror here lol
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Naming his diss track "The Heart part 6" was almost clever. Except for the fact that yk the song is fucking trash.
The first line on this song calls Kendrick "the Pulitzer Prize winner". Yeah pointing out an accolade as amazing as that one at the beginning of a diss towards him will definitely do it. 😀
Having a comment by Dave Free as the cover for the single. Is this his evidence for a kid being his? 😂
Saying you "plotted to give Kendrick information" doesn't even help you much when it's all easily believable based on your background lol.
Denying the child Kendrick is exposing him to have, again, doesn't help your case at all after Adonis.
Goes back to saying Kendrick beat his wife and one of his children is not his, again with no evidence or hint whatsoever, only to go and say he's all about "facts". 🤡
Okay so, be careful everyone, don't leave heart emojis to any child or baby post ever, cause Drake is going to think you're the father.
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Why is he even bringing up Kendrick's confessions on "Mother I Sober"? How is bringing up a traumatic potential sexual abuse incident a good way to dodge your own sexual abuse allegations? And that's not even exactly what Kendrick said on the fucking song! It's just disgusting.
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And then tries to ridicule Kendrick for being a victim of this. What the fuck is wrong with this mf.
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Okay and this one is just cringe. He tried to spin Kendrick's jab on "Not Like Us". B sharp isn't even a thing btw. 😂😂🤡
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"I'd never look twice at no teenager" there is literally video of you kissing a teenager on stage, for starters. So you just look at them once before you creep on them how does that work
"Only fucking with Whitney" ah yes the old "I'll fuck your bitch" trope very clever and original Drake
Drake believing some bullshit he saw around about Kendrick using bots to boost his view count is just hilarious. He really thinks Kenny sat down and took some time to actually do that. 😂😂
He thinks people will cancel Kendrick over his baseless battery accusations. 🤡
He ends it with another minute rant like the one he did on "Taylor Made", and starts by saying the beef was "some good exercise". Ngl it is the first time I hear Drake rap at all in a while. So yeah gotta thank Kendrick for getting Drake to actually TRY to do some good music at all. (It's not even good but yk better than whatever trash he was doing before the beef)
"Just let me know when we getting to the facts, everything in my shit is facts" *doubles down on baseless claims of battery and one of Kendrick's children not being his*
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sobblesources · 2 months ago
a collection of sentence starters taken from taylor swift's album 1989 . edited to fit rp needs , adjust pronouns as necessary .
❛ everybody here wanted something more , ❜
❛ the lights are so bright , but they never blind me , ❜
❛ everybody here was someone else before , ❜
❛ you can want who you want , ❜
❛ you know you wouldn't change anything , ❜
❛ nice to meet you , where've you been ? ❜
❛ i could show you incredible things , ❜
❛ you look like my next mistake , ❜
❛ love's a game , wanna play ? ❜
❛ i know you heard about me , ❜
❛ i'm dying to see how this one ends , ❜
❛ it's gonna be forever , or it's gonna go down in flames , ❜
❛ it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar , ❜
❛ the worst is yet to come , ❜
❛ i get drunk on jealousy , ❜
❛ darling , i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream , ❜
❛ it's been a while since i have even heard from you , ❜
❛ i should just tell you to leave cause i know exactly where this leads , ❜
❛ we'll never go out of style , ❜
❛ what you heard is true but i can't stop thinking about you & i , ❜
❛ the rest of the world is black & white , but we're in screaming color , ❜
❛ are we out of the woods yet ? ❜
❛ we were built to fall apart , ❜
❛ i'm setting you free , ❜
❛ people like you always want back the love they gave away , ❜
❛ people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye , ❜
❛ all you had to do was stay , ❜
❛ it's gonna be alright , ❜
❛ i'm just gonna shake it off , ❜
❛ my ex brought their new girlfriend , ❜
❛ why don't you come on over , baby ? ❜
❛ i wish you would come back , ❜
❛ i wish we could go back & remember what we were fighting for , ❜
❛ i miss you too much to be mad anymore , ❜
❛ we've got problems & i don't think we can solve them , ❜
❛ did you have to do this ? ❜
❛ i still have scars on my back from your knife , ❜
❛ if you're coming my way , just don't , ❜
❛ you say sorry just for show , ❜
❛ let's get out of this town , ❜
❛ heaven can't help me now , ❜
❛ this is getting good now , ❜
❛ say you'll remember me , ❜
❛ someday when you leave me , i'll bet these memories follow you around , ❜
❛ say you'll see me again , even if it's in your wildest dreams , ❜
❛ are you insane ?! ❜
❛ i want you for worse or for better , ❜
❛ remind me how it used to be , ❜
❛ this love is alive back from the dead , ❜
❛ i struggled through the night with someone new , ❜
❛ you showed up just in time , ❜
❛ they are the hunters , we are the foxes , ❜
❛ i know places we won't be found , ❜
❛ let them say what they want , ❜
❛ loose lips sink ships all the damn time , ❜
❛ just grab my hand & don't ever drop it , ❜
❛ the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst , ❜
❛ when i was drowning , that's when i could finally breathe , ❜
❛ i screamed so loud , but no one heard a thing , ❜
❛ just because you're clean doesn't mean you don't miss it , ❜
❛ now that i;m clean , i'm never gonna risk it , ❜
❛ we took a wrong turn & fell down a rabbit hole , ❜
❛ haven't you heard of what becomes of curious minds ? ❜
❛ i should have slept with one eye open that night , ❜
❛ i reached for you but you were gone , ❜
❛ you can hear it in the silence , ❜
❛ you keep his shirt , he keeps his word , ❜
❛ you're my best friend , ❜
❛ & you knew they were in love , ❜
❛ you understand now why they lost their minds & fought the wars , ❜
❛ you are in love , true love , ❜
❛ trust me , mine is better , ❜
❛ we're so young , but we're on the road to ruin , ❜
❛ i could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me , ❜
❛ heartbreak is the national anthem , ❜
❛ i'm about to play my ace , ❜
❛ the rumors are terrible & cruel , but honey most of them are true , ❜
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ferrstappen · 2 years ago
Taylor Swift l The Collection
this is the masterlist for a series of one shots, scenarios that have come up while listening to different Taylor Swifts albums, with different drivers from the grid <3
Back to December l Charles Leclerc
and I think about summer, all the beautiful times, I watched you laughing from the passenger side.
summary: she cursed herself every day for being scared of falling for him, because he wasn't afraid of loving her.
You Belong With Me l George Russell
if you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me.
summary: she had the worst luck because her best friend was a serial dater, but she knows him better than any of his girlfriends, and she needs him to know.
august l Lando Norris
wanting was enough, for me it was enough.
summary: every single one of her friends warned her that he was fresh out of a relationship. his friends whispered that he had been so in love just a couple of weeks ago and now he was holding hands with someone else. but she didn't care.
Enchanted l Lance Stroll
this night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home
summary: forced small talk, tiny pieces of fancy finger food, and long flutes of champagne, but after they saw each other... small talk became a little bigger, laughter falling a bit more freely.
Ours l Max Verstappen
so don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine.
summary: he was always in the eye of the hurricane; some days because of his talents, others because of his character, but it didn't matter when he got home and walked holding her hand.
Girl At Home l Daniel Ricciardo
don't look at me, you got a girl at home and everybody knows that.
summary: she knew he had someone back in Australia waiting for him. but she was so far away, and he needed to be comforted, now.
Begin Again l Pierre Gasly
he didn't like it when I wore high heels, but I do.
summary: she was used to the bare minimum, maybe even a little less than that. and then he came in, waiting for her to order first during their first date.
Long Live l Esteban Ocon
of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines, wishing for right now.
summary: Esteban Ocon (aka the biggest Spiderman fan, according to himself) tried to bribe his girlfriend, gave her the silent treatment, he called her out during race weekends, but Marvel was just too good keeping their secrets. (actress!reader)
False God l Carlos Sainz Jr.
but we might just get away with it.
summary: it was just the third race of the calendar when he walked inside her hotel room, telling her that they could try it... and HR would never know.
Speak Now l Max Verstappen
fond gestures are exchanged, and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march.
summary: His mind was spinning. Get up, sit down! Speak up, shut up! You already lost her, you broke up with her! Nobody would've guessed everything that was going on inside Max's head as he watched her put on her white dress.
Sparks Fly l Charles Leclerc
give me something that will haunt me when you're not around
summary: she liked telling people that she was done with love, but shit... his green eyes made her want to jump into his arms and love him to the best of her ability.
Happiness l Charles Leclerc
there'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you.
summary: they were going to be fine, relationships come to an end eventually... but he was focused on his job, and she was watching him through the screen.
illicit affairs l Carlos Sainz Jr.
and you know damn well, for you I'd ruin myself.
summary: it wasn't fair that he made her fall in love with him, not when he took her heart for granted and his heart started beating for some other girl.
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folkwhore1998 · 6 months ago
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All I do is try try try
I will literally never forget the first time I listened to folklore. I went for a walk around the pond outside in my neighborhood and it was cold as hell. It was such a vibe you guys. I would do anything to be able to listen to this album again. Take me to the ponds where all the poets went to die.
It is so different than anything else Taylor Swift has ever done honestly. I feel it is the lyricism of Last Kiss and All Too Well but they were introduced to depression and anxiety. Am I wrong? It is hard for me to say it is an album that divided our fandom because it brought in so many fans, but i also feel there are a lot of fans who prefer other albums over folklore.
I can totally see why and how folklore brought in so many new fans. #1 It is a completely new sound from Taylor (which is how I can maybe see why some people were divided) #2 We were all depressed during COVID and this album was a really good friend to so many people during this time. #3 It took people by surprise because there was no promo for the album. She just said "Here!" I think that there was a lot of curiosity that came with the release which brought in new listeners.
There are two songs on this album I will ride at dawn for: hoax and peace
YOU KNEW THE PASSWORD SO I LET YOU IN THE DOOR. YOU KNEW YOU WON SO WHATS THE POINT OF KEEPING SCORE? I'll admit, I was not always a hoax truther. It just didn't click. But one day I had the album on shuffle and there was a switch that was flipped in my brain and wow it is just so good. Like hello? DID YOU HEAR WHAT SHE SAID?
Peace is such a vulnerable song and we don't talk about that enough. It is like asking am I going to be good enough? but so much more than that. Taylor is a well loved celebrity and it isn't something she cannot change about herself. It is a major part who she is. "Will you accept the intrusive parts of myself and my life that I will never ever be able to change? I would literally die for you and I love your family as my own and I would do anything for you, but is my love enough? I'd also like to talk about epiphany. I personally don't relate to it a lot and I don't listen to it a lot, but I recently saw a video of someone saying "it's the worst song she's ever written" which absolutely infuriated me. Did I rank it last? Yes. I rank everything on how I personally connect with the song, not in terms of "I think this is a bad song." Just because I don't connect, does not mean it is a bad song. It is actually an incredibly deep song that I think resonates with a lot of medical professionals as well as people who lost loved ones during COVID. It talks about a loss so unfathomable or event so traumatic that you literally can't speak about it. And for someone to say it's the worst song she's ever written is honestly senseless and offensive and infuriating. (Respectfully)
☆ Fun fact: Whenever I am showing folklore to someone for the first time, I always play the LPSS version. The vocals are so raw and I feel like you can really feel the lyrics differently, and you can really hear what she just- which I find to be extremely important with this album.
Here are my rankings of
illicit affairs
the 1
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
the lakes
mad woman
exile (the live version is a different story...one of her best performances)
invisible string
the last great american dynasty
Folklore era favs:
actually sobbing. everything about this. they're all so appreciative and proud. sidenote: one of her best looks ever. dare I say it's my favorite?
no notes.
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if you know, you know.
Yes.. I know we need to get through Fall, but it's never too soon to start planning. Taylor said so!
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore cardigan Christmas ornaments pictured above:
☆ Here is the direct link to the folklore stocking pictured above:
@taylornation @taylorswift
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humornaut · 8 months ago
hi!! i’m a relatively new omori fan (a brainrotted fan, however, with 140 hours in the game so far… and 98% completion bc i lost to the recyclepath.. -_-) anyway, i love your analysis posts, you’ve clearly studied the details of this game very well!!
i was hoping to ask about the timeline of white space and headspace creation, if you have the time and would like to! my roommate and i played together and have tried to piece it together a few times over the four playthroughs we’ve done (two of each route), but there are still some details that seem contradictory to me. i’m sorry if this is obvious though!
so the transcript of the truth album says “you sink into a crevice in your mind… an empty white room” so i initially assumed white space was created on the day of the incident, in that dissociative state while mari was in the bed. you also see this in the sequence after three days left before going back into headspace where it’s sunny and basil in front of the door, then sunny in white space, then the manifestation of omori. of course, we’ve also been told “you’ve been living here for as long as you can remember”, but we can assume the “you” is omori instead of sunny, which makes sense if he was created in white space
however. in the lost library we see that sunny used to explore headspace during school, presumably before the incident, and daddy longlegs says “in the beginning, there only existed two... the dreamer and his room” and then “the dreamer grew weary of his room and created a door that led to many different worlds”, referring to white space and headspace, so white space existed first. so white space existed before the incident.
so then the white space reference from the truth album is maybe about the manifestation of omori, instead of the creation of white space. i think the outfit sunny’s wearing in the omori cut scene is also the same as from the day of the incident (the black tshirt & shorts). so presumably (before the incident), sunny used to explore headspace as sunny instead of as omori.
daddy longlegs then goes on to talk about black space, and how omori was created to let sunny “ascend to a blissful state of ignorance” and “forget himself” (this also prompts an interesting question of how sentient omori is — because he’s the protector (& knows enough to be willing to kill basil) but he’s also “ignorant of his own fabrication”, according to daddy longlegs, but i guess that’s another matter entirely!) black space was created in response to trauma, so that again supports the idea that omori was manifested after the incident.
so then white space. a place to survive but not to live. the black lightbulb is the repression of an idea, ie, the lightbulb was created after the incident. but sure, white space can exist without the lightbulb. my question then is, why did sunny need a place to survive before then? we could say that dissociation has always been his go-to reaction in stressful situations, and that’s why. but he was also in white space long enough to get bored of it, enough to conjure headspace.
we have a few vague clues that sunny & mari’s home life could have been bad, but nothing concrete. and personally, i’m of the opinion that his life being more or less ideal to begin with enhances the tragedy of the story (as well as him and basil having opposite tragedies, as i saw someone else point out — sunny’s being that he was already very much loved & cared for, so it’s worse when it’s taken away, basil’s that he never had that in the first place), but i guess that’s up to interpretation. other than home life issues then, just the stress of the violin? general developmental issues? depression? something else?
i’d be super curious to hear what you think (again, if you have the time)… thank you! :)
Hi there! Sorry about how long this took me, I've had a lot going on + I actually wrote a whole long response that took me like a week of on and off working, and then I accidentally shut off my computer and lost the whole thing :(
I want to start this off with a couple disclaimers: Omori intentionally keeps its timeline close to its chest (presumably to add to the game's feelings of unease and the mystery of it all) AND we see evidence throughout the game that during Omori's long development cycle, it saw multiple changes to its story that ultimately makes the game's timeline a little inconsistent in a way that doesn't really matter.
I think I don't really have to explain the first point to you, but it will be relevant when talking about Headspace, because the game doesn't even commit to Headspace being purely a dream, as there are plenty of indications throughout it that it could be something a bit more supernatural.
However, I do want to elaborate on my second point there, mostly because this is something that I've wanted to talk about for awhile, and what better time to bring it up than when we are talking about the timeline! So:
How Old is Hero Omori?
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I swear this is an actually interesting question
It might seem silly to ask this, considering the game actually tells us how old he is in Headspace, but stick with me.
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Based on this line, Hero (and presumably Mari) are 15 pre-canon, while the rest of the group turns 12 during the year of the album (except Kel, who would've turned 12 prior to Basil getting the album).
So let's take the time skip into account. When we first meet real world Aubrey, she says this:
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After this point, the game tends to stick to the time skip being four years whenever it comes up. But this isn't technically true! Even accounting for the months after the incident that Sunny continued going outside for, the incident happened in October, while Sunny comes out again during the summer. Most likely, we're actually looking at around 3 and a half years, with Sunny coming back outside the summer that he would turn 16. Since we are presumably at the beginning of the summer, with Hero just now coming home from college, Sunny would actually be 15, at least during the main portion of the game, though once he's in the hospital, it appears some time has passed so that school has now started back up.
Why does this matter? Well, based on this timeline with Hero being 15 in the photo album, he should have turned 19 the January prior to the game's main events, and this is what most people see as canon. However, within the United States, most people, unless they graduate early or late, will leave High School the year they turn 18, meaning most people turn 19 during their first year at college (if they attend).
At first glance, this doesn't seem to be an issue, but we know for a fact that Hero has actually been away at college for two years, due to this interaction:
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This is the second summer that Hero has returned from college! He should be 20! Now Hero is a bit of an overachiever, so it is possible that what is actually happening here is that he graduated early, but I doubt that due to what we know about how Hero reacted to Mari's death.
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For that first year, even if Hero was technically going to school, he certainly wasn't excelling at it. By the time he gets to the state we see him in-game, he has maybe a year to a year and a half left of schooling. I'm really not sure that I can buy Hero graduating early, regardless of how well he does from that point on.
I also want to acknowledge that the game could simply take place ~4 1/2 years, rather than 3 1/2. There's no reason not to go with this, other than it would mean that the younger four are actually 17 during the game. You are free to believe this instead, but I am going to go into what I actually think is going here next.
We know that the characters got younger during development. We actually have an older version of the photo album, in which instead of saying that Sunny was turning 12, it says 13. Why did this happen?
Let's take a look at Aubrey's recollection of what happened following Mari's death:
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For reference, this is part of what she says at the tree stump during One Day Left.
Her words here imply that she wasn't actually aware about how bad it was for Hero, and most of the fandom typically just leaves it at that.
But that's weird, right? Look at what she says. It seems like she did HAVE a reason for why Hero wasn't available, it was just incorrect. And what's more, this is definitely how Hero would've been after his year of very much not studying. There's no reason that Aubrey would believe that Hero reacted to Mari's death in this way unless it was true, especially since it is something that would later be true.
I also want to point out that Kel's talk in the cemetery in which he tells us how Hero reacted to Mari's death is entirely optional and disconnected from the actual main story cutscenes in the real world.
To bring this full circle, I also want to point out a mechanic that was added to the game VERY late in development:
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You might see where I'm going with this.
Here's my theory. Originally, Hero would not have reacted to Mari's death with staying in bed for a year in a depressed state. Instead, he would've immediately become lost in his studies as a coping mechanism. However, when the team had the idea for the emotions chart, they likely realized that while happy and angry fit Kel and Aubrey's coping methods respectively quite well, Hero did not seem to fit sadness all that well at all.
In order to make Hero fit sadness, they change his story so that he stayed in a depressed state for a year, but they don't remove his original story of getting lost in his schoolwork. After all, they already had the writing and art assets finished and the game had already been in development for a long time. So instead of doing any major rewrites of the actual script, they simply add a single cutscene in the graveyard that doesn't seem to contradict anything that lets us know that this is how Hero reacted!
Then they had another problem. If Hero spent a year not caring about school, how would he have graduated on time? It would've been difficult even for an overachiever to do two years of schooling in one year. This is an easy fix as well! All you have to do is go through the very few instances of characters' ages being mentioned, and make everyone a year younger! It would've been a lot easier for Hero to catch up and excel if he had an additional year to do so after the incident with Kel! It also gives us another instance of a character getting overwhelmed and angry and pushing someone they care about, which we see multiple times! It works really well, and I like it a lot, but I haven't been able to unsee this change being made ever since the first time I thought of it. The minor line of dialogue about the hero sandwich that reveals Hero has been in college for two years would have been overlooked, since it doesn't mention his age, and likely would've been forgotten due to its unimportance. Aubrey's line, while wrong, can also still be explained away by her simply not being in the know about how Hero really reacted to Mari's death.
I'm not saying this is definitely what happened, but this theory does explain that one tiny little inconsistency that we see in the game. Could also be nothing though idk I'm not perfect
The timeline of the creation of Headspace, White Space, and Black Space! The thing you actually asked about and care about!
It's a little difficult to actually place a lot of things here. Headspace is already so vague. We can use Daddy Longlegs' explanation as a general guide, but it's still difficult to figure out how it lines up with the between night cutscenes, as well as some of the other things.
What I can say is that Omocat has explained Sunny's dream worlds as a very real reaction to trauma that some people have. From this perspective, it would've always existed in some form.
In regards to the truth album line about sinking into the empty room, it's important to keep in mind that nothing there (unless I am super mistaken) implies that this is the first time that Sunny has been there, only that it is happening in that moment. In fact, I find the use of the term "sink" to be very interesting in this context, because very recently prior to the end of the photo album and the incident itself, Sunny had another very traumatic experience when he nearly drowned at the lake. This incident is also very important because many of the traumas that we see from Sunny in game come from this incident. He is still extremely scared of heights, spiders, and drowning by the time the game happens. I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility that White Space was initially created as a response to that, assuming that it didn't already exist for Sunny's entire life.
Next! Headspace, as I understand it, refers specifically to the dream world that Sunny created by merging a bunch of different dream worlds together in order to hide away Black Space, as told by Daddy Longlegs. What we see in the school day memory isn't Sunny exploring Headspace, rather it is just establishing that Sunny has always had a creative and wandering mind, which is why he was able to create Headspace as a coping method in the first place.
The "you've been living here for as long as you can remember" line can also mean many things! It can refer to Omori, as you said, or it could refer to Sunny always having White Space to some extent, OR (and I find this to be the most likely answer) that regardless of how long Sunny has actually had White Space, his repression of ALL his memories both the good and the bad mean that this is literally all he can remember!
All of this is to say: I don't really know. I'm really sorry about that, I've typed this up multiple times trying to come up with a satisfying timeline that I can actually point at evidence for. I believe that Sunny probably had access to White Space before the incident itself, but Headspace probably only became necessary to form out of his different dreamworlds and fantasies after the incident. He was always creative, so he always had creative dreams, but Headspace itself was almost assuredly a post-incident creation.
I apologize that this probably wasn't the answer you were looking for. There might be an answer in there somewhere, but I hope I've shown here how trying to come up with a definitive timeline for Omori can create issues.
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 3 months ago
s5 episode 19 thoughts
last night’s episode had me singing. clapping my hands together and rejoicing. doing a little twirl, even. so i wonder where we will go from here? 
if i may be so bold as to venture a guess: i would say a two parter leaving on a cliff hanger that is resolved by the movie? 
hmm. i would be happy to be wrong, but we shall see.
post episode thoughts: i think i need to ponder this one for a few months and get back to you. there were things i liked, and other things that frustrated me, which i ended up spending quite a bit of time analyzing. still, i do not mean to be a total hater; my heart was melting at the hospital scene!!!
anyway, back to me from yesterday!
let's read the episode description... mulder is taken hostage?!?! oh, is scully going to go berserk? i am willing to see this. HOWEVER, i would prefer if my boy was left unharmed. maybe the captor will be polite. his poor finger probably still hurts!!!
but, a mulder kidnapping arc is good for me, because i believe being a damsel in distress ought to be a gender neutral role. so let’s see what we have going on
(and the episode is called folie a deux… shoutout to the best fall out boy album)
what if your job was to type into a blocky white computer and call people all day? this could be you, but it is the case for this man, named gary.
he is talking to an uninterested man about siding, and then auto calling someone else. i know these callers well. they plague my job.
an insect is here too, but we don’t have to worry about that. surely the sound design team did not put that in there purposefully for me to notice /s
gary is nervous as he makes another call and hears more insects. i don’t like this. wait, have i seen things about this episode before….?
BUG GUY???? 
gary is shaking with fear. WHAT IS HERE? the bug guy?!?! 
(loud cheering as the intro plays)
short intro….. i clock thee once again
skinner time!!! my heart rejoices at this. why does he have multiple globes in his office? and some books and what looks like trophies under his bill clinton portrait. i wonder if he plays around with them. 
agents mulder and scully are here!!!
uh oh… are they in trouble?!?!
they need to go to chicago to conduct a threat assessment. mulder wants to know why them. “because i prefer you did” <- ohhh yeah, give him the “i told you so” reasoning, skinner 🔥🔥
BAHAHA mulder picks up that the manifesto has “bizarre undertones” right away, which i think is a great way of describing something. and it speaks of a monster stalking employees!! augh. i hope the monster at least allows the workers their legally required breaks. 
(scully looks frustrated)
(mulder nods) "monsters. i’m your boy" <- LMAOOOOO STOPPPPPP WHY IS HE LIKE THIS I’M CRYINGGGG
he’s angry!!! he thinks skinner is mad at him 
“have i finally reached that magic point in my career where every time somebody sees bigfoot or the virgin mary on a tortilla, i get called out of my basement ward to offer my special insight on the matter?” <- oh. oh. i’m laughing, but i do feel a little bad. yeah buddy. that is kind of how you make a living. said with kindness though.
(i know he wants to genuinely know the Truth and find the answers and save his loved ones and learn the mystical secrets of the universe, and that there is angst in this genuine belief being misconstrued as the bigfoot guy, but you can see why such a mistake could get made when he is. you know. the way he is)
“you’re saying i a lot. i heard we” <- YEAHHH SCULLY! GET HIM!!!!!
(augh. and this plot once again fell victim to too much mulder saying i and not enough mulder saying we. probably my biggest complaint with this whole show)
she doesn’t think this case will be a waste of their time, but he says it won’t waste hers, because he will just go by himself! and he’s all pouty as he stalks off, leaving her looking confused. come on, monster boy. stop being emo.
oh, you know the episode is gonna hit when it says written by vince gilligan. i think? he’s the shippy guy, right? i normally don’t pay attention to these things, but people in the comments point out the writers, and he is spoken of positively 
(i googled his name to make sure i was spelling it right, and it turns out he also wrote breaking bad and better call saul. wow! that is a man with some serious credentials!)
so mulder takes off to chicago all by himself to listen to the taped manifesto at the vinyl shop call ceneter. it was sent to the local radio station with the instructions to play it over and over 24 hours a day. the subtitles allow me to know that this is the voice of gary, warning of an evil monster who hides in the light. mulder looks very very bored. 
the boss guy says he’s conducting his own internal investigation, which leads me to believe that he is the bug beast.
not even TWO STEPS OUT THE DOORWAY of that guy’s office and he’s calling scully LMAOOOOO I AM CRYINGGGGG... they cannot be separated or disaster ensues!!! 
he wants her to check on the phrase “hiding in the light”. OH she swivels around at their desk :,) her at the desk makes me so happy!
he recognizes it from an old file!!! “which one? there’s hundreds” “i’m not sure, but i appreciate it” <- AWWW poor scully has to go through 8 million x files looking for a phrase… deep scully sigh as she resigns herself to the glamorous field of archival work. at least he said he appreciated her hard work.
gary sees mulder here and is watching him…. and gary sees his coworkers being called in to talk with the manager. he tells nancy not to go in there!!! “gary, i love you buddy, but you’re really, really weird” damn nancy, get him again lmao
and gary sees the boss go bug mode!! and hears her screaming!! he’s crying while the other manager guy tells him to dial and smile!!
bro is having a complete breakdown… nancy returns to her desk looking like a zombie????? at least to gary. to the camera, she looks pretty normal. things are unclear, narrative-wise.
pretty mulder is listening to the manifesto and taking notes; he has this sort of loopy handwriting i really like. it's a little messy. and he’s written down and then crossed out "obsessive compulsive disorder". “formality of phrasing: desire for authority - to be taken seriously” YEAHHH GO MONSTER BOY GO🔥DO THAT PSYCHOANALYSIS YOU LOVE SO MUCH
meanwhile, gary is gathering ammunition and loading a gun!!!! oh my god????
scully calls!!! she found the phrase and who said it and when and where!!! again, you really cannot out-research her. back in 1992 in florida, a deacon was worried about evil in his church and then showed up and shot people. oh god. and he said “the afflicted ones won’t bleed” hey that’s horrific 
“scully, at the risk of you telling me i told you so, i think it’s time for you to get down here and help me” “i told you so”, she says, smiling <3 
AUGHHHH i need to scream into my hands for a moment
okay. i'm better now. that was just so damn cute.
mulder shows up the next day at the vinyl office place, but it’s empty!!! nancy says to get down… gary points a gun at him!!!! 
scully is pulling in to the parking lot while swarms of police and helicopters are everywhere…. scully introduces herself as agent mulder’s partner. the local FBI team doesn't have any updates on what is going on inside!!!!! 
they want to call him and she says NO. it could put him in danger. this other dude is being condescending to her and she again says NO. we need to find another way. so take that.
oh my god??? inside, gary is making some guy tie everyone up and kneel with their hands behind their heads?? he says the boss is who they should be afraid of and to shut up and stop crying. gary. bro. this is not a good look.
and he says he’s not talking to the people who aren’t human, referring to the first three people the boss took in his office…
mulder is coming in to save the day!!! he asks very calmly why they should be afraid of mr. pincus, claiming that he is here to apply for a job. i can only hope that i could be as calm as him in a hostage situation.
gary says that mr. pincus is a monster who will harvest their souls and turn them into zombies. okay. like in a corporate way or a literal way?
mulder’s slowly moving to grab his gun when gary looks away….
he says everyone needs to hold their breath, and as the local FBI team tries to break in, gary fires at the ceiling!!! maybe he’ll use up all his ammo???? and then mulder can attack???
so of course his phone goes off when these fools call him, gary sees mulder’s gun, and they lose their ONE SHOT OF SAFETY, and gary slaps mulder across the face and SHOOTS AT SOME GUY WHO DARED TO MOVE OH MY GODDDD YOU BITCHES WHO DON’T LISTEN TO SCULLY ALL ARE GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!
and gary finds mulder's FBI badge…. he picks up the phone and says he shot a zombie, but didn’t kill him. because he was already dead.
he says he will start killing actual people if they don’t get him on the TV!!!
can they maybe film him and pretend to get it on the TV, and just get it on the local channel so it only broadcasts to the office TV or something????
gary. bro. i’m scared.
mulder tries to remind gary that the guy he killed was a man, but gary says it was a zombie. and that the boss wants to turn them all into drones.
mr. pincus asks a great question: if he is the monster, what does he need all of these people for?? he says to just wait until they put him on the TV.
when they call mulder's cell again, gary answers the phone with “dial and smile” ohhh…. this is truly a man who has had enough of his job
so they’re sending the camera people in…. and scully sees that gary is holding mulder at gunpoint!!!
ohh, they *are* doing a closed circuit broadcast, so gary sees himself on the office TV and no one else will be subjected to him!!! yeah, shoutout to technology.
the cameraman pretends some wires are twisted, which allows the FBI team to see that the wall is clear…. and mulder is forced to lay down…. and now gary’s addressing “the people”
mr. pincus is being held at gunpoint…. and mulder gets in the way… gary’s screaming and screaming at mulder to get him out of the way, but he won’t do it… and scully is WATCHING ALL OF THIS THROUGH THE CAMERA FEED… WHICH IS SO CRAZY
he hears the buzzing again…. and the lights are out…
does mulder see the bug man too?? or is it all in gary’s mind????
the FBI team enters and someone shoots gary. mulder is splattered with blood, but he is looking at mr. pincus suspiciously…… 
GARY WHISPERS “now you know” to him as he lay dying…
HOLY HELL?????????????
what. hey guys! what’s up? what is going on here.
poor pensive mulder is looking off at mr. pincus. “you look exhausted”, says scully, which he instantly denies. and oh, he’s going to talk to him. 
mr. pincus thanks him for saving his life. but mulder is in questioning mode. so mr. pincus had been, at some point, at the other plant where the incident went down a few years earlier, and had been to florida, where the x file case that scully had dug up in the files earlier was. bug guy… real??
scully is very confused. “what’s going on?” she asks softly, and he says he doesn’t know. ohhhh :( he sounded so lost :(
back to washington dc, where mulder is drawing lines on maps. with his poor busted lip and his poor busted finger. someone get him an ice pack
scully is shocked to see him! “mulder, why didn’t you take the day off?” he looks CRAZY and tells her to close the door. 
oh, what must be going through her mind right now…?
he found the phrase “hiding in the light” or variations of it in 5 other x files, but the variations he lists seem pretty different to me. all the other cases were people who said evil was right in front of them but no one else could see it. which seems like a pretty typical x file trope. i'm not sure if he's onto anything here.
she asks what we are all thinking: have you slept? he disregards this and keeps going. 
all of the cases with the phrase variations date back ten years, and that is how long pincus has worked for the vinyl company… hmm…
bro is still in his bloody shirt while trying to convince scully that perhaps a human bug creature could hypnotize its prey into not being visible. please get this man some clean clothes. it is not good to sit around covered in the blood of both yourself and others.
scully does not want to play along with gary's delusions or give them any credit. good for her!
“he was mentally ill. this monster was-was a sick fantasy, a product of his dementia”
(angry mulder nods) “i saw it, too.” (surprised scully face) “does that make me disturbed? demented? does that make me sick, too?” 
ohhhh, there is panic in scully, i am sure, but she is good at not showing it. 
(deep sigh) “no. no, this kind of thing is not uncommon. you… you went through a terrible ordeal, and sometimes people in close associations, under tense conditions, uh, the delusions of one can be passed onto the other” <- ohhhh scully… she is trying so hard to be kind and scientific and to support how he feels without fueling any harmful beliefs. it's a very careful dance.
he is furious though, insisting it’s not a delusion ("it's not folie a deux", he insists in the most american sounding way possible), and i can’t help but think about how his insistence on the existence of bug man fits in with his earlier disgust at being seen as the monster boy. well. you can see how these things happen when we wind up in this sort of situation.
he wants to prove that the people gary pointed out as not human really were turned into zombies somehow… maybe they can give them a checkup under the guise of “damn, y’all just went through some wild stuff”, but all i can think about is getting that man a fresh shirt and a nice long shower. can we give them a check up when you’re clean? please? thank you. bloodborne pathogens are scary.
scully refuses to autopsy the body- saying she won’t feed into the delusions- and he says he’ll prove it without her and storms off. 
she must be so worried about him...... he's clearly not himself
oh shoot… he goes to gary’s place and finds the same map tracking pincus that he had made!!! and then mulder sees a zombified nancy outside!!! he’s running off, but the guy he's with doesn’t see anyone!!!!
now she’s driving off with pincus… where are they going???
scully is here to talk to skinner. he wants to know: why is mulder being weird? 
AND WHY DID HE GET HER SCHEDULED TO DO AN AUTOPSY AFTER SHE SAID NO???? skinner KNOWS something is up and asks if there’s something she wants to tell him. she says “no, sir” and walks away, leaving him behind, confused
okay. so i feel like plotwise, i’m going to be annoyed if mulder is right, because he is acting really wild, and i get that it’s an intense situation, but you need to respect your partner. and listen to her and not make her do things that she refused to do. if he is behaving like he is having a break in his sanity, and scully is treating him with the care that this sort of situation affords, but then it turns out he was the only one clever enough to see the truth for the billionth time, making scully the scorned skeptic... well, it gets old after 5 seasons.
and we know that while he is often right about things, he is also incredibly prone to believing, and this can take him to self-destructive lengths, such as letting a guy put k in your brain until scully has to throw herself on him like a weighted blanket so he doesn't end things permanently. so. i don’t always trust his judgement.
but maybe she’s thinking, if i just autopsy the damn guy, we can get this over with.
all that being said: skinner’s confused face is so funny, lmao
scully does not want to do an autopsy. she’s outsourced it to someone else! i appreciate her sticking to her guns.
she’s trying to call mulder, but the guy doing the autopsy says it looks like the shooting victim has been dead for 2-3 days… and she says no, he died yesterday. HMM. weird. you can see the realization on her face…. something weird is going on here. but is it as strange as mulder claims?
pincus is going… somewhere. well, you better believe mulder is tailing him. hard for a guy that tall to be stealthy. 
he moves the picnic table to look into the window of this house, and he sees the bug guys!!! then he breaks in, seeing an eyeless woman and a bug guy crawling behind him!!! breaking and entering... not a good look
the CGI is killing me lmao. bro is leaning out the window. LMAO WHAT THE HELL I’M HOWLING LOOK AT THE BUG GUY SCURRYING AWAY BAHAHAAAAAAAAAA 
we need to appreciate this for a moment. crazed mulder breaking into some rando's house and shooting at the human-sized bug.
bug guy jumps off of the roof!!!
skinner is listening to the woman whose house he broke into testify… she says she felt a presence creeping towards her… and then this madman was in her house (pan to mulder) uh oh!!! one of many times mulder could have been fired, tbh!!!
she says he was screaming about monsters more than gary!! and then she leaves saying he shouldn’t carry a gun!!!
oh, mulder... what are we going to do with you?
pincus stays behind… oh, skinner is going to go nuclear on mulder if he opens his mouth to call him a monster one more time… poor skinner…….. pincus says he still considers mulder a hero for helping with the hostage situation, which is why he wants to handle this privately
skinner has to pin him down after he pulls out his gun!!!! oh my god!! he is gonna get fired for real!!!
(funny how often skinner and mulder come to physical blows. i just think it's neat)
mulder is in the hospital in chicago, and scully slips her hand into his (stop. i’ll cry. hey i’ll cry) and he says “five years together, scully. you must have seen this coming” <- HEY IS HE GETTING FIRED FOR REAL?? or just announcing the formal loss of his sanity?!
she says they more or less found what they thought they would find in the body… it looked more decomposed than it ought to have… but that really isn't unusual
oh, look how pained she looks as she listens to him try and explain the monster. he says pincus bit the lady whose house he broke into's neck. now is this a bug or a vampire? i guess those two categories have some commonality
she says the case is closed, and she only has hope he can see past this delusion AUGHHHH
i am imagining being scully in this situation and how much it would hurt to see your bestie and partner like this.......
“you have to be willing to see” “i wish it were that simple” “scully, you have to believe me. nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will” OUGHHHHHHHHH
:( :( :( monster boy......
look at her looking at him……
that feeling when your bestie is out of his mind, begging you to believe in the bug men, and he says you're his soul mate.......... yeah.
back to autopsy land. this other dude is very confused as to why she wants to flip him over. AUGH. bites! bug bites!
she is shaving the dead body's head. which is not something i ever thought you had to do, but here we are. she shaves that dead body like a pro. and AUGH. more bites. 
poor mulder is being restrained and shot up with stuff :( our pathetic man is suffering…….. 
he hears insects!!! did they bite him too???
NOOO!!! he sees the insect!! he’s screaming for the nurse!!!
he sounds absolutely wild as he tries to convince her there’s something at the window, and for her to let him go. oh, she opens the window…. is there something on her neck……. it looked like... juice?? gag.
he hears more insects…. i think it’s coming in his room?? it’s climbing on the wall?? 
OH SHIT!! the nurse is not letting scully in!!! and she sees her as a zombie, too???
she’s looking at the window like wtf… am i going to have to pay to get that fixed…? and also was that really a bug man...? a lot of important questions are being communicated despite the lack of works
while he’s still fighting his restraints…
cut to a baffled skinner. “agent scully, i have to say, i’m at a bit of a loss here” LMAOOOO me too girl
“do i infer correctly from this that you believe there’s some… merit to agent mulder’s claims?”
(god, i typed "clams" at first. i wish there was merit to his clams)
this is shocking, but not unheard of. listen! scully just wants answers, okay? and sometimes they lie in the category of science yet to be explained.
(long scully pause) “i believe that agent mulder is mentally sound and fit for duty. aside from that belief, i can only present to you the few hard facts that i've been able to gather” <- queen of giving a measured response in a purple suit 
oh shoot!! there was a toxin in the spine of the shooting victim!! and pincus is gone without a trace, with 6 other key witnesses!! including the nurse!!!
skinner wants to know what the intruder looks like… she deflects that it was dark. that is all we hear her say, even though i wouldhave loved to know how that conversation ended.
scully and mulder reunite as they enter an elevator. “what did you tell him?”, he asks her. “the truth… as well as i understand it” “which is?” (long scully pause) “folie a deux… a madness shared by two”
hey. why does it sound like she knows french when she said that? because i know that mulder took french, but he said it as american as possible. however, she took german and said that pretty darn well. 
blushing a little.
AUGH, and a new company for WINDOWS has insect noises going on at the call center!!!
and so, the monsters continue to spread, ready at any moment to end humanity; a typical ending to an episode.
well. what did i think of this one?
hmm. i’m not sure. i was hoping mulder was going off the deep end rather than him being the most specialist boy of all who can once again see what the rest of the world cannot. he’s right too often, and we end up in the same situation where scully refuses to listen to his theories on account of the fact that he sounds crazy, and then he lowkey bullies her into doing what he asks rather than always considering her input, and then he ends up being right.
someone once got mad on one of my posts and said scully hates mulder (lmao. can you imagine?) because she never believes him even though he tends to be right. and buddy, i cannot really accept that as valid criticism, even beyond the whole point of the show being that yeah, they don't see eye to eye on supernatural matters. that is the most watsonian explanation to an incredibly clear doylist pattern, which is that mulder is the most special boy of all in this show and he knows all of the things and everyone else is a mere fool. this pattern annoys me greatly.
i just think it's funny (said with sarcasm) that someone would take the watsonian, in-universe explanation that hates on the woman character rather than acknowledge the fact that the writers clearly had a bias between the two. lmao.
and yeah. there are elements of both. scully is both purposefully written as stubborn in the face of his outlandish theories due to her loyalty to science as an element of her character, AND purposefully written as the one who naively refuses to believe mulder as some sort of audience proxy, because augh, that woman, she just won't believe our most special gifted genius agent mulder!
you can see how those two things work together, but one is clearly the result of the other. character decisions come from writers who often have their own biases and agendas rather than out of some mysterious creative ether from which a character emerges fully formed.
and poor skinner, trying to deal with mulder's often violent impulses. 
i think it’s very interesting that scully believes herself and him to be victims of a shared madness. it’s the most logical belief for her to have, but it also places this kind of… like, concerning element to them being together. is everything they have experienced a shared madness? or just this after the trauma of him being held hostage? how can you trust your memory? how can you trust what you see? 
i also think it’s very interesting how she refuses to feed his delusions at all when he proposed the idea. she would not do the autopsy. and from his psych training standpoint, i imagine that he knew she would say that, but was still hoping against hope because he was so out of his right mindset. she stuck to what she believed would help him recover, which is really admirable and doctor-y of her.
god, her slipping her hand into his as he’s in the hospital…
see, this is the problem with this show. it’s got me philosophizing on the meaning of the bug men. first of all, if they’re the ones in charge of call centers, i’m not really that surprised. corporate work turns you into a zombie; you don’t have time for passions or pursuits of your own, you just work for the shareholder. i get that interpretation. 
but other than that, what are we to think of the bug men? are we to call into question the things that we see? are we to believe the manifestos and ramblings of people like gary? 
i’m going to probably just assume it was a sort of “wouldn’t it be fucked up if…” situation the writers concocted. yeah it *would* be fucked up if there were bug guys in the call center taking over america through ceaseless barrages of advertising. you've got me there, vince.
my feelings on mulder’s behavior are complicated. maybe it was a shared madness between them *and* there were some shady bug things going on. him sitting there still the day after the hostage situation, having gotten no sleep, still in his bloody shirt, drawing lines on the map… i mean, he did not seem well, even for a guy famed for his bouts of obsessive focus. 
i am going to think on this one for a bit. perhaps a more coherent train of thought will arise. but for now, i have written a treatise on the nature of this show's frustrating parts while also highlighting the parts that made me giggle. like "i told you so" and scully's good french and mulder's terrible french and holding hands and undying love <3
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ssweeterthanfiction · 1 year ago
Wait for your love.
Content Warnings (for throughout the story not much this chapter tho): Mentions of alcohol and drugs, mental health issues, parental issues, age-gap, billy dunne being toxic but we love him🫶🏼
↳ currently playing ;
New Girl - 1976
0:56 ——•———————— 3:24
↺       <<          ll          >>     ⋮≡
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In the spring of ‘76, a new face emerged on the music scene. With a unique, angelic voice, it didn’t take long for her song “supernatural” to blow up. And now, freshly off a plane from New York to L.A, she was ready to take a chance at stardom.
Karen: “Oh yea, we had all heard of her. She has a great voice, a great look, personality, she’s just a really good person.”
Eddie: “Hm? Oh, her…yea she was great. Talented singer, yea…”
Graham: “Warren said he had known her as a kid, no one believed him of course.”
Warren: “I’ve known her since forever. Our moms used to be really good friends. Met in college I think. But yea, really talented girl.”
Daisy: “Fucking amazing. Super talented, and just such a beautiful person to be around.”
Billy: “She’s great, talented, pretty. There really isn’t enough words to describe her. But she is…something.”
Graham: “We were working on the new album, and with Daisy as the new edition, things were going…semi-smoothly. Til the label said we should add a feature. Billy of course didn’t think we needed another edition, but everyone else as always went against what he thought. And Warren said he knew someone that would be perfect. After one phone call, he said we had our feature, and that she would be arriving in a few days…That next afternoon she walked into the studio…and I’m not going to lie…I thought Priscilla fucking Presley had walked into our studio.”
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
It was a warm spring day. The skies were clear and the sun shined brightly. You stood outside of the studio, your future in the industry relied on this feature. At least that’s what you told yourself.
Taking a deep breath, smoothing out your dress, you walked in. Looking around for a second you took in the new environment. Then you saw the band. Daisy Jones and The Six. Shaking off your nerves you walked over to them. Right as you were about to say something. The guitarist looked at you. “You lost sweetheart?” he said as he put his guitar down.
“I don’t think I am. This is the Six’s studio right?” you say looking around again. “I’m (y/n), Warren called me for-“
“(y/n)!” Warren called out, walking over to you and giving you a hug. “I didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” laughing as he ruffles your hair. “Well when you called it sounded urgent so I hopped on the first flight out.” you say, nudging his arm away.
Warren rolls his eyes and laughs. “Well let me introduce you to everybody, this is Graham, that’s Karen, Eddie, Daisy’s over there, and Billy…is somewhere around here.” You smile at everyone. “It’s so nice to meet you all, I can’t wait to work with you guys.”
It all felt right to you. This feature is what was going to bring you to fame.
“You’re the girl that wrote ‘supernatural’, right?” you hear Karen say. “Yes, yes I did” you say proudly. “It’s a great song, you’ve got a great voice” she says with a smile.
You felt happy. This. This is what you’ve wanted your whole life. To be known for your music. And right as you were about to thank her, a man in an all denim outfit walked into the room. It was clear he was hungover or something.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” you hear Eddie mumble under his breath. “Fuck you say Roundtree?” the man says as he glares at Eddie. Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes, clearly not wanting to argue. “That’s what I thought.” the man says. Finally, he acknowledges your presence. He looks at you up and down, going from your white gogo boots to your eyes. You felt a weird feeling in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if it was butterflies or if it was something else, you felt drawn to him. But some little voice in your head was screaming that this was bound to go wrong.
“(y/n), this is Billy Dunne, Graham’s brother. Billy, this is (y/n)(l/n), our new feature.” Warren says as he lights a cigarette.
Billy looks you up and down again. “This is our new feature?” he says, skepticism filling his voice. “We’re writing a rock album, not pop.” He walks closer to you, the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and cologne radiating off of him. Warren takes a drag of his cigarette. “Give her a chance, she has a great voice.”
Billy looked irritated, he already had to add Daisy as an official member, and now here you were. He rolls his eyes. “Fine whatever” he mutters under his breath.
Just like that, you were officially going to be a feature for their album. And now you were a part of the life of Billy fucking Dunne.
Finally the first chapter is up!! I hope u guys liked it, (ik it’s not the best but i’m going to get better trust🙏) took me a while to get it up because I just kept trying to figure out how to like set the stage but I figured this would be the best way. Anyways apologies for it being so short and for taking so long to upload it but next chapter should be a tad bit longer since you guys will get to see the interviews from reader :) but yea hope u guys enjoyed 🫶🏼
btw does anyone have any idea at what kinda nickname to give reader? i cannot think of anything😭 if u guys have any ideas send me them through my asks! (i think it’s open)
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delilaahh9 · 4 months ago
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The “Hughes” War
October 1st, 2021
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Go stream “That Way” on all platforms right now and- oh ya my new album “think later” at 6pm EST!
@quinnhughes - EXCUSE ME?!
→ did i not tell you?
→ @annabellehug woops
→ @user27 - she’s so unbothered I love it
@jhughes - I’m so proud of you! Even if you eat all my cereal
@Annabellehug - your a millionaire buy your own goddamn cereal
@zoebormet - AHHHH SHES BACK AT IT
→ @annabellehug 😉💗
@cariganprice - ON REPEAT! IM SO SERIOUS
→ @annabellehug - I LOVE YOU
@lhughes_06 - wow okay
@lhughes_06 -this is insane
Her first single after her first album, that came out in 2020 just after graduating, before her gap year. Most of the songs were about her ex, max and so are some of the songs on her new album, while one of them is about mark.. but so is the single but one just happens to mention something about her relationship with Jack and she wasn’t even sure if she should use it but all her friends who she told about it said she should, so she is going to.
Which she shouldn’t have, or he shouldn’t have had the reaction he did.
6:12 pm
There was a set of knocks on the door of her dorm room, but the certain sequence of knocks only belongs to the knuckles of one person. “Come in mark” she says and puts her phone down. He looked out of breath, afraid almost, Like he was running from something.
“Make what’s-” she stands up keeping pressure off her knee, but she doesn’t need the crutches anymore.
“Is it about me” he whispers and walks closer.
Her eyebrows raise a little bit, in shock on how this conversation could go either way.
“I… um… what” she says quietly, but a little louder then he was before.
“Is it about me” he asks again, she swallows harshly but nods slowly which he then pulls her into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry Belle- I’m so sorry I didnt mean to make you feel like that I like you I like you a lot. So much it almost hurts and makes me afraid of my own feelings” he admits and they both have small, light, tears in their eyes.
“Do you really?” She asks.
He runs his hand up and down her back before pulling back to look at her.
“So much”
They stare at each other for what seems like hours and just as he is about to ask her, a phone rings. It’s Luke, calling mark.
“Whats up” he asks. “Yea I’m with her, okay, bye”
“Wanna for a drive?” He asks and the two head out the door.
Jacks POV
I knew she liked to sing, but how did I not ever realize she liked to write and perform and produce her music, I didn’t even know she could play the guitar. So if I didn’t feel like shit before I do now. As the 9th song plays, my brain freezes.
“Same fears, same dreams, still trying to get my brother to like me”
Does she really think that?
I would call Luke, but the chances of them being together right now are high so Quinn it is.
“What’s up J-“
“Does she hate me or something?!” I exclaim.
“Woah dude- who are you talking about” he asks.
“Annabelle, fuck, have you listened to Calgary”
“No, I’m just leaving the gym, what’s going on”
“The lyric is *Same fears, same dreams, still trying to get my brother to like me.* Does she think I hate her”Tears are threatening from my eyes while my knuckles are turning white against my steering wheel.
“Jack I’m sure it’s not what you think-”
“What else could it be! I’m the only one she argues with- remember my rookie year when we wouldn’t talk for like.. weeks because of how busy we both were but she would always talk to you two”
“And you always talked to us, Jack I don’t know what’s going on with you two but you need to talk it out, when was the last time you spoke to her”
“When I left? I think maybe the night of that game she somehow came too”
“The day after her surgery- Jack that was like 2 weeks ago- okay you need to call her later tonight she’s out right now. Got it?”
“Ok” I take a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, then hung up.
(Back to 3rd person)
8:28 pm
“Can we talk about what happened earlier” she asks mark as they sit in his car in-front of their building.
“Yea, Uhm, I guess what I was saying is, I do, like you a lot, more then a friend” he admits quietly and she smiles back at him.
“Feelings are mutual, if you couldn’t tell” he chuckles and reaches for her hand, then holds it for a minute.
Meanwhile, Jack was flooding her phone with so many messages along the lines of “I’m mad at you” and “do you hate me”.
“You know you didn’t have to write a song to get me to realize I liked you”
“Yea well clearly I had to write one about Jack being a dick for him to realize he was one”
“Oh Calgary, yes I was waiting for that one. Are you okay?”
“Mhm, I’ll just… call him later I guess. Do you wanna stay with me?” She asks and he nods his head, then the two get out of the car and walk hand in hand to her dorm room.
“Oh I forgot my phone In The car I’ll be up in a second” he says and she heads up while he goes back to car, in the mean time, Anna sits at her desk while she receives a lovely call from Jack.
“Anna what the fuck, do you realize what you did” he says as soon as she answers.
“Did what Jack. Release a song” she sighs.
“No, your stomping on mine. Did you not think that your fans will hate me because of that line”
She didn’t even think about the fan part of it.
“No I didn’t Jack, because I don’t make decisions for myself based of you or fans”
“That’s not what I meant- what I meant was-”
“no I know what you meant Jack, you think everything’s about you and everything is always my fault” she challenges but hangs up. Tossing her phone onto the carpet below her and putting her hands over her face.
“Belle, what happened?” Mark asks as he enters the room, while tears are brimming her eyes.
“Jack called me, he’s so mad I didn’t think he would care” she whispers and stands up, while he pulls her into a hug.
“It’s okay, he’ll come around alright? I’ll get Luke to talk to him”
“Thank you” she sighs and the two lay down on her bed.
“I liked your album, a lot, but I need a name and address of the whoever running for the hills is about because holy, that was rough to listen to”
“his name is max, but he lives in England now” she responds and he huffs, but the two eventually fall asleep.
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kanmom51 · 1 year ago
JK update 2 November 2023
MV teaser
I do have thoughts about where this MV is going. Will reserve them to myself (mainly because they are probably all crap, but also because I'm really not able to write full on essays at this moment). If indeed I was on the right track I will share them with you later on. If not, well you'll know, lol.
A couple of things I did notice, well so did everyone else:
We got black swan JK. We know who loves black swan JK.
We get black versus white (JK black, the woman in white).
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Which is interesting, given that JK is being compared to Michael Jackson by many in this MV, and the black and white motif being played (?), when JK and JM did MJ's B&W dance back way then...
Another interesting coincidence?
And we also have this:
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Which is an interesting choice made by JK. Yes. A choice made by JK.
I cannot wait to see what he has install for us.
Tonight show
We're getting JK on the tonight show on 6 Nov 2023.
JK has a super busy week ahead of him, and I guess he'll be off to the US real soon. Because on this coming Monday he has Jimmy Fallon, and then on Wednesday he's on the Today show.
Today show
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Funny thing with this one though.
I really don't think this was that hidden event on JK's promotional calendar. You know, that mysterious unknown for 8 Nov.
This feels like a last minute thing. The Citi concert series was actually concerts going right through summer, last one ending 31 September. Nothing in October. JK was never on that list that was planned and pre-announced months ago. And now suddenly JK's concert on 8 Nov. Just JK's concert announced. Nothing else.
And that makes me wonder what was actually planned for this date and why was it changed around.
JK Golden introduction
So, what does JK tell us?
That the order of the songs has meaning and was chosen on purpose.
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That what we were saying all along is just that - the album is targeted for the Western market, hence it being in English.
He also said that he will record a song in Korean (when he can) and to look forward to it. I'm wondering if we have a song in Korean waiting for us pre-enlistment.😭😭
His favourite tracks are the main track - Standing next to you, and Hate you. Although he loves them all.
And again showing us how humble he is, lol.
The man stated he wants to be a global pop star. But when he's called that he feels embarrased.
As for Standing next to you:
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"I'll always be with you no matter the situation/conditions".
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Anyway, tomorrow Golden is coming out.
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