#or creating gender categories
i think it's time to take a page from the james flint gay agenda manifesto; stop trying to convince people that the queers are not a danger to society, and become a menace to civilisation instead. the real queer agenda should be to overthrow any and all social systems. work in tandem with other marginalised groups and set heteropatriarchy on fire. become ungovernable, ignore social norms, uplift new voices. assimilation should not have ever been the goal. queer people are different. difference is good. the real enemy is conformity. conformity is responsible for every man made horror in history. war, poverty, hate crimes, slavery, genocide, they are all made possible by the existence and desirability of a status quo. remove the desirability of normalcy and you remove the foundation for all systems of suffering. systems work because a majority of people have decided it was in their best interest to uphold them. but is it really? remove the desirability of normalcy and you have no grounds for competition. keep quiet out of fear that the system will decide you are abnormal next, and you are making sure it will. fuck civilisation, fuck normalcy, fuck the status quo.
#rain posts#sorry watching black sails has enraged me#seeing gay people and women become outwardly transphobic#because they've convinced themselves that trans people are the problem#because they're so scared of society turning on them/relieved that the heat is off them for once#that they'll do anything to keep their spot on the normal people hall of fame#is so fucking heartbreaking#you fucking idiots are only succeeding in making sure that people remain categorised#that a hierarchy perseveres between normal and abnormal people#that inequality remains the foundation for civilisation#if you are anything other than a cis gendered heterosexual wealthy abled white western man#then society is not and will never be your friend#it's so fucking baffling that such a small group of people has managed to create an atmosphere of fear worldwide#where instead of saying fuck that we've all decided that we needed to find any resemblance we have to that tiny group of people#(being white or cis or male or straight etc)#and beg to be included based on that one similarity#i'm so fucking tired of normalcy i'm so fucking tired of quiet acceptance#be fucking weird. be appreciative of other people's weirdness. refuse to put anyone into categories#categories lead to classification and hierarchy#the most powerful weapon we have is non conformity#we all possess it. so fucking use it.#and at the very least (if you're scared for yourself) make sure other people's right to non conformity is protected and uplifted
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displayheartcode · 1 year
This is not meant to make anyone awkward or feel bad but I’m v curious and am unsure how to feel about things. How do you feel on the things that Jk rowling has recently said about trans issues?
Transphobia is inherently anti-feminist and wrong on so many levels.
I’m currently on vacation and away from my usual resources, so here are two people more qualified than me with their respected work.
Kimberlé Crenshaw and intersectional feminism
Anne Fausto-Sterling’s research
The tl; dr version is gender, even on a biological level, is a construct. The more “conditions” we place, the more we fall into intersections of bigotry (ie: classism, racism, ableism) when people act outside of our defined and expected boundaries.
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purple-is-great · 1 year
Had a very gender day today, first I announced to a whole classroom that I was a trans man (it was relevant, we were talking about how identities are expressed and created with language). Most of the class was people who know me already, it was mostly the lecturer who wasn't aware
Aaand then after it as I was selling stuff at a little student fair some English speaking student called me "she" while speaking to the person next to him and somehow the English slowed down my processing enough that I didn't say anything
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not-terezi-pyrope · 1 year
"Should trans women be allowed to compete in women's sports" I don't think there should be women's sports. I think it's a silly artificial construction that only upholds the gender binary while it's benefits are incidental and would be better addressed directly.
Care about giving people with different body types and muscle mass a shot? Split your league by weight categories like boxing, or some other direct physical measurement. Gender is at best a poor proxy for these and we only do it because we still treat women are a different species. "But that still wouldn't be fully fair to everyone?" Sport isn't fully fair, it's about rewarding people with the most biological advantage. That's the whole point of it.
You want to give more sporting opportunity to women and minorities specifically? Okay then do that. Create your own opportunities league, but if we're giving up the pretense that it's about essential biological advantage then you better let trans women in.
What's that, the extra league would be treated as a novelty afterthought and would lack the prestige of the real main event? You mean like how women's events were treated when they were introduced? True! In fact women's leagues are still largely treated as secondary now, and you know how we can fix it? Make the main leagues open to everyone with weight, height or muscle mass categories so that people with different body types can excel. Like I suggested before. Problem solved.
Women's sport is bad actually.
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andersunmenschlich · 6 months
of course!! I'm totally open to having actual good faith discussions about this and genuinely appreciate that that's what this is !
I don't think that the act of having sex with a man by itself makes someone not a lesbian. I do think that if you find yourself experiencing attraction to people who exclusively identify as men 100% of the time, in a sexual or romantic sense, you might not be a lesbian. and that's okay!
I appreciate it too! I think it helps that I'm in a good mood tonight—it's easier to step back from your own emotions and look at what's actually being said when you haven't just jammed your pinky toe after breaking your favorite cup (or some equivalent series of unfortunate events).
I think it's wonderful that you acknowledge lesbians can experience sexual and romantic attraction to all sorts of people.
The way a person identifies isn't always visible externally, after all! I and my partner don't generally read as nonbinary: we present male, use he/him pronouns, and are typically read as men, full stop. Even our IDs identify us as male. Yet we are both nonbinary, and enjoy breaking gender stereotypes where and when it's safe to do so (we live in a very red state).
How a person identifies is often invisible.
So it makes sense that a lesbian could be attracted to people of all apparent types and still be a lesbian.
I understand that part of your answer, and I like it a lot: someone who thinks they're a lesbian might not be one if they find themselves experiencing sexual or romantic attraction to people who identify as men 100% of the time. Maybe. They could still be lesbian—but they might not be, and may want to investigate that a little more, to learn more about themself.
What I don't understand (and am hoping you can help me with!) is how someone could possibly know how many of the people they're attracted to identify as men 100% of the time?
Is it important to ask every person you're drawn to how they identify (and how often they identify that way) so you can be sure you're not, on average, more bi or straight than lesbian? Or is it okay to use the label to describe an attraction to a sort of vague "non-man" feeling or vibe even if you sometimes get that vibe from people who identify as men 100% of the time?
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northernsiberiawinds · 6 months
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So. Why is it "better"? Not because one day I woke up thinking that I was painting the best eyes in the world, ha-ha. This is because any texture drawn for this mesh will look better in the game than the texture drawn for the base game due to the creation technology. That's all. I don't declare my designs the best or anything.
A little bit about how I came up with the idea of creating this project. I've been upset for a long time because the eyes in the game look much worse than in the original because of the way the game compresses the texture. And I decided to improve it the way I can!
Does not slow down the functioning of the game. Do not conflict with anything. But the heterochromia option, as always, conflicts with bracelets.
All items are available in the "details" categories, so you don't have to choose it separately for each outfit.
made with new technology!
70 colors;
"game emotions" friendly sclera.
made with new technology!
80 colors;
"game emotions" friendly sclera.
made with new technology!
105 colors;
"game emotions" friendly sclera.
made with new technology!
90 colors;
"game emotions" friendly sclera.
5 swatches;
works only with eyes from "BETTER EYES PROJECT";
for all genders and all ages.
15 swatches;
works only with eyes from "BETTER EYES PROJECT";
for all genders and all ages.
10 swatches;
works only with eyes from "BETTER EYES PROJECT";
can be combined with sclera;
for all genders and all ages.
❌ DO NOT: re-upload my CC, claim my CC as your own, use as a base/part for your CC!
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Any likes and reblogs is honestly appreciated! 🩷
Thank you for supporting the development process!
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nothorses · 3 months
do you know why people say trans women and trans men cant both be targets of misogyny? I was told that saying trans men are oppressed by misogyny was bigoted because it implies trans women aren't
imo it mostly comes from a binaristic and cis-centric understanding of gender.
"Oppositional sexism" (coined by Julia Serano) is a handy term here: the idea is that men and women are inherently rigid and mutually exclusive categories of people. Anything one category is, the other cannot be, and vice versa.
Here, oppositional sexism holds that if women are harmed by misogyny, then men benefit from it; women can never benefit from it, and men can never be harmed by it.
A lot of transphobia is rooted in the ways in which trans people fundamentally defy oppositional sexism, and thus endanger the gender binary. Men are supposed to be big, and women are supposed to be small; but trans men assert that men can be small, and trans women assert that women can be big (to use one overly-simplistic example).
A lot of trans people and trans allies still adhere to oppositional sexism, but claim to do it in a "trans-friendly" way: sex can be changed, but gender is instead rigid and mutually exclusive. Or- perhaps more commonly- gender can be expressed in any way, but the ways in which gender is experienced are instead rigid and mutually exclusive.
Which is how we arrive at this insistence that trans people fall into one binary gender experience, even if they don't actually identify as a particular "binary" gender. "Trans women are women" might mean trans women can look and act any way at all, but it also means they experience womanhood in the same way that all other women do, and that experience is rigid and mutually exclusive of "man" experiences.
It's also why so many people are so eager to create new "inclusive" ways of sorting trans people into the same gender binary using increasingly contrived language: People insist on knowing the gender someone was assigned at birth so they can categorize them as AFAB or AMAB, and thus conclude what gender experience they have: man or woman. People insist on categorizing nonbinary people as either transmasc or transfem so they can conclude what gender experience they have: man or woman. People insist on categorizing trans people as either TMA or TME so they can conclude what gender experience they have: man or woman.
The idea that trans men experience misogyny only implies that trans women don't if you believe that man and woman are rigid, mutually-exclusive categories.
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myshunosun · 2 months
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Clover Eyes - Maxis Match eyes (default and non-default)
My summer break ended early! I wanted to get new default eyes for my Sims, but ended up creating my very own set of eyes. Oops.
I was inspired by @squea's Dynastid eyes. I've been a fan of Dynastid for many moons, and I highly recommend that you check that set out.
You will enjoy Clover Eyes if you like smooth Maxis Match textures, bright sclera, and slightly desaturated color tones (compared to vanilla eyes). These might not be for you if you prefer more detailed textures, or darker sclera.
Available for human and occult sims alike. Swatch previews and more details are available under the cut. Enjoy!
Download (always free on Patreon) / Version for pets / Support me
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What's included:
Default eyes for humans, vampires, aliens, werewolves, and mermaids
Non-default eyes for humans (face paint category)
PSD for recolors
Some more details:
All textures created by me
Custom emission (occult swatches) and specular maps
All genders, all ages
Vampire swatches:
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Werewolf swatches:
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Alien swatches:
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Mermaid swatches:
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Follow and support me here: Tumblr / Twitter / Patreon / Instagram / Bluesky / PayPal
@maxismatchccworld @s4library @public-ccfinds @mmfinds
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Mustarjil is an Arabic term meaning “becoming [a] man.” Although it can be used derogatorily to refer to women who are perceived as having a masculine appearance and/or mannerisms, in Iraq’s marshes, it existed as a gender identity. Within the context of the Ahwari community, Mustarjil was a common gender identity, where people assigned female at birth decide to live as a man after puberty, and this decision was generally accepted in the community. The Mustarjils were one of many similar third gender categories around the world, such as the Hijras in South Asia. [...] “One afternoon, some days after leaving Dibin, we arrived at a village on the mainland. The sheikh was away looking at his cultivations, but we were shown to his mudhif by a boy wearing a head-rope and cloak, with a dagger at his waist. He looked about fifteen and his beautiful face was made even more striking by two long braids of hair on either side. ln the past all the Madan (Ahwari) wore their hair like that, as the Bedu still did. After the boy had made us coffee and withdrawn, Amara asked, ‘Did you realize that was a mustarjil?’ I had vaguely heard of them, but had not met one before. ‘A mustarjil is born a woman’. ‘She cannot help that; but she has the heart of a man, so she lives like a man.’ ‘Do men accept her?’ ‘Certainly. We eat with her and she may sit in the mudhif. When she dies, we fire off our rifles to honour her. We never do that for a woman. In Majid’s village there is one who fought bravely in the war against Haji Sulaiman.’ ‘Do they always wear their hair plaited?’ ‘Usually they shave it off like men.’ ‘Do mustarjils ever marry?’ ‘No, they sleep with women as we do.’” Thesiger continues to narrate several other accounts of mustarjils within the same community, as well that of a “stout middle-aged woman” who wanted to remove her male organ in order to “turn into a proper woman.” Thesiger later mentions: “Afterwards I often noticed the same [person] washing dishes on the river bank with the women. Accepted by them, [she] seemed quite at home. These people were kinder to [her] than we would have been in our society.” Around that time, Britain was still living under the shadow of Victorian norms, and gender non-normative people were still stigmatized and shunned. Communities such as the Ahwaris, presented an alternative model that created space for communities like the mustarjils, despite the dominant gender binary. 
— Recovering Arab Trans History: Masoud El Amaratly, the Folk Music Icon from Iraq’s Marshes by Marwan Kaabour
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transvarmint · 7 months
The reason why you can't seperate our transness from our manhood is the exact same reason why transmisogyny is one word.
Its not just transphobia and misogyny. It's transmisogyny. The discrimination transfems face isn't discretely divided into 2 categories. Those experiences overlap in a way where you can't adequately address one without acknowledging the other. That's why it was crucial to come up with vocabulary to describe this intersection. To seperate them is to attempt to erase intersectionality.
In the same way, you can't adequately address the oppression transmascs face without addressing all aspects of our identity.
Manhood and/or masculinity in isolation may not be targeted by a specific axis of oppression; but when they intersect with a marginalized identity, they become a target for gendered violence. Because our manhood does not, and cannot, exist removed from the context of our transness and life experiences. That is the entire purpose of intersectionality.
To remove our manhood / masculinity from that equation is to refuse to view us holistically, and is an attempt to seperate us from our identity - exactly the same way transphobes do.
The term intersectionality was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a black woman, who was pointing out that her various identities do not exist independently, rather, they inform each other, and create a convergence of social positions.
White feminists did not (and often still don't) acknowledge the ways that other axes of identity and oppression inform misogyny. They excluded women of color from the conversation because they did not want to discuss how racism intersects with misogyny. There was similar silencing of queer and disabled women, as well, for the same reason.
By telling us "it's because you're trans, not because you're men" you're just repeating history. The marginalization of non-hegemonic manhood and masculinity is a very real axis that must be addressed when discussing the oppression of trans men and transmascs - as well as other marginalized men.
If you refuse to hear about this aspect of our experience, our voices will never truly be heard. You are actively contributing to our erasure and to our continued harm.
I am a transgender man. I am a whole person. Treat me as such.
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cl0ckworkqueerness · 9 months
trans women are not listened to because any connection to femininity makes their viewpoints "less valuable" by misogynists
trans men are not listened to because any connection to femininity (even in the past) makes their viewpoints "less valuable" by misogynists
trans women are demonized because any connection to masculinity (even in the past) makes them "dangerous and predatory" by radfems
trans men are demonized because any connection to masculinity makes them "dangerous and traitorous" (or infantilized for being "corrupted") by radfems
nonbinary people are forced into one of these two categories because of what either of these groups perceive their "true sex" as, regardless of whether or not it's true, because "Only Two Genders" and "We Can Always Tell" (nevermind the fact that gender is unquantifiable and they can almost never reliably tell in my experience lmao) and then completely dismissed as "not real", "faking it", "dangerous", or "confused"
all forms of transphobia joined at the hip, and exist because of the same root problem: gender/bioessentialism. there are different types affecting different groups of people, and those types are separate with different consequences, but it's all the same motivation: the upholding of the strict, sex-based gender binary, which not only ignores trans people but forces intersex people into categories that often do not fit them
so when a fellow trans person tries to recreate or uphold what they were fed by a society largely created by those who wish to see them dead, my heart hurts a little for them. it's a poisonous idea that has spread like wildfire, and the only way to stop it is to construct a fireproof home, not to build a shack of wood and pray the embers have died. they haven't. they never have, and they never will so long as flammable homes keep burning down
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plantcrumbs · 1 month
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Hello~ As many of you know, a recent patch update broke pretty much all cc eyelashes. I personally adore @dream-girl's eyelashes and because the creator has been gone since February of last year, I knew there was little chance of them being updated. I'm very very new to cc creating, but I came across a quick fix for cc eyelashes and decided to take on the project of updating these so that everyone can have them working in their game again! I will of course take this down in the event that the creator requests that I do so or if an official update is released by dreamgirl. Alt-text includes image description and the names of the sims who are modeling these gorgeous lashes!
Download + Info under the cut~
You can find all of these in the new eyelash category. They are enabled for occult as well as both genders and opposite frames! I only tested them once on a male sim, so if there are any issues I apologize 🙏🏼
Issues of note: I am currently unable to fix V.7 of the creator's lash collection. There is a preexisting issue (pre-patch) with the mesh where the top eyelashes did not morph with the eye, and this has of course carried over. I am going to continue to attempt to fix these (they're a favorite of mine), but please understand I am very much so a newbie and I've never used Blender. I can't promise when or even an if they will be fixed, but please be patient with me. One other thing I've found is that these lashes may conflict with some custom facial sliders. For example, I use magic-bot's facial sliders and the cheekbone slider causes the bottom lashes to morph with the structure of the cheekbones, so please keep this in mind! As per usual, these lashes conflict with glasses! That's all! Thank you guys SO much for all the love and support and a big big thank you to @dream-girl!
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ancenth · 3 months
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A very blown out blush that goes right up by the eyes and across the face, with a lil bit on the ears!
Info and Download under the cut!
This blush is very opaque and vibrant when you first put it on! I created it with the intention of using the opacity slider to get the perfect level for each sim.
44 Swatches
Enabled for all ages and genders!
Available as a makeup blush, and as a skin detail in the occult eye category (no pack required) – two options for SD; one full opacity, and one at 50% opacity, since you can't adjust the opacity on SDs!
This is my first time making makeup, so pls let me know if you encounter any issues!
Download (SFS, no ads)
My other cc
@alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds @mmfinds
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trans-androgyne · 13 days
Okay, non-transmasc tumblr user, you can claim that trans men and mascs aren’t marginalized for our genders. I certainly wish that were the case, but it doesn’t become true just because it sounds right to you. The term “people of marginalized genders” was created specifically to include people like us, those who aren’t necessarily women or enben but who experience oppression on the basis of gender.
The term is explicitly inclusive of cis women, all trans and non-binary people, two-spirit people, and all other gender diverse folks. (I assume this can apply to intersex folks outside of the previous categories, based on your situation. These terms should really be based on experiences anyway rather than identity.) Anyone who isn’t a gender-conforming perisex cis man is a target of the patriarchy. I experience gendered oppression for being transmasculine and I deserve to talk about it, as does every other trans man and transmasc.
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qweerhet · 8 months
truly obnoxious when people don't like the material reality of the patriarchy and just, like, make up a patriarchy in their head that only harms people who have the Innate Ontological Womanhood Attribute. ackshually the patriarchy is a special magical force that can tell if you have the Secret Woman Gene and target you from birth even before you yourself know you are a woman, but still manages to never create any classes of people seen as men who are targeted by the patriarchy. if you experience transmisogyny it's because the patriarchy can tell you're truly a woman and is punishing you for it!
like i guess that's morbidly gender-affirming for some of us, but it's an absolutely batshit analysis of material conditions. like the patriarchy absolutely has to maintain the existence of classes of failed men who are degendered & disprivileged under manhood in order to exist, and the natural outcome of this is drawing stark distinctions between men & women and punishing anyone who steps out of those strict categories. the person whose father abuses them for having an effeminate lisp as a toddler and wanting to wear skirts is very likely to become a trans woman, but not guaranteed, and they still experienced patriarchal violence (in particular a transmisogynistic expression of patriarchy) if they end up identifying as agender or a crossdresser instead. this is like. transfeminism 101.
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 1 month
The cool thing about the unique social position of being a trans man is that without even doing anything, we can reverse the patriarchy on cis men and exploit their gendered labor just a little, displacing them from the norm. And they hate this. Let me explain. Every piece of media created by cis men is actually even more applicable to trans men. Phalloplasty was created for cis men who lost their appendage in war, but works just as well for trans men. These are just some examples. However. Cis men get very angry and afraid at the idea of a trans man. The idea that trans women will invade cis women’s spaces is something they can position themselves as the heroes to, something that they could stop because women are weak and men are strong, following their own logic. But to be displaced from their own gender by someone they consider a woman? It’s so unthinkable they have to hide the possibility even from themselves. By making trans maleness an impossible category, however, it only becomes stronger. There is a fair amount of discussion out there of how femininity is appropriated by cis women from trans women, but the idea that cis masculinity is actually an appropriated and out of context transmasculinity, that when put into context, could displace cis men from their position, is purposely unacknowledged. It’s scary! It turns patriarchy on its own head! So it’s much easier to think of trans men as poor and dull imitations of cis men, rather than the creative source of masculinity itself. In fact, the creative elements to masculinity are also purposely hidden in order to create the illusion of masculine as default, and only possessed by cis men. These are intentionally constructed myths.
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