#or at least AMAB
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threepandas · 9 months ago
Beautiful Monsters: Yandere AfO
(Absolute GOLD STANDARD AfO art by -> blackberreh-art <- )
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He had never stopped to consider his whore of a mother. Not for even an instance. Not to wonder who she had been. Not how she had come to be that way. And CERTAINLY not to wonder if she had, at some point, had siblings of her own. He had fed upon her. Consumed. Then survived where she had not.
But now... now he wonders is perhaps he SHOULD have looked into it. Pondered, perhaps, WHERE his Quirk's genetics came from. Maternal or Paternal line? And did they have siblings? Other offspring?
It was certainly possible with the sperm donor. A man of no doubt loose morals, likely to have sired many. Though... how many SURVIVED the coming purges, is another thing entirely. Especially if they were Quirked.
He ponders this? Because he is staring down at his own distorted, yet magnificent, reflection. Through the surveillance screens, a SUPPOSEDLY unassuming public relations manager is shaking the hand of a low ranking hero. It is the seventh hand shake he's observed.
And that's just this sitting.
Just this meeting.
It is... MAGNIFICENT. Underhanded and brilliant. Predicated on the intense social pressures to maintain decorum, he knew if HE greeted in an Western manner, his victims would be forced to play along. What could they do? REFUSE to take his hand? Look RUDE and unreasonable? Even those few who THINK they know his Quirk, can't act.
It would appear bigoted. Quirkist. They have no PROOF.
All For One can only laugh. He is delighted. What a fumbling, audacious, greedy little scheme! How UTTERLY covetous. A "mute and mimic" quirk, was it? The "ability to 'briefly' copy quirks by 'temporarily muting' someone else's Quirk"? Oh, of COURSE! How completely non-threatening! It's TEMPORARY. Not GONE, just MUTED.
No need to VERIFY any of these facts. Why would a child LIE?
To get MORE? To avoid the hostile eyes of the power fearing SHEEP?
And to go into to PUBLIC RELATIONS! The gall! A brazen little monster in the making. He has to wonder... would HE have done the same? Had the world been as settled as it is now, when he was born? Were there no Quirk riots? No wars? Would HE have been content to "play the system"?
It's like looking through time at his younger self. So cocky. Self assured. A pretty, powerful, little thing that thinks it's the biggest fish in the pond. Hair like his brother, smooth to his curls, yet just as bleached bone white. Smug eyes, that dance with the secrets they keep. A vague smile, that gives away nothing.
Promises nothing.
He wants to RUIN him.
Grab him by that pretty little throat and SLAM him to the ground. Crater it. Hard enough to shatter the bones of lesser men. Wants to feel that pretty little thing CHOKE as he looks up at him with such magnificent disdain. As though HE is the insect that does not know it's place. That DARES touch it's better. Oh~
The poor little thing would have NO IDEA.
The sort of MONSTERS that have been lurking in the dark, ready to eat him ALIVE.
He has good taste, for the resources he has on hand. The budget he has to work with. The boy cleans up well, in his pretty little suits and quaint colognes. Decent cuts. Flattering. But All for One could do BETTER.
He keeps his hair long. A vanity and a means to soften their imposing jawline. Kept so neat and tidy. All of him, so very neat. So immaculately dressed. Clean.
He would RUIN IT.
As he holds him down by the throat. Under that furious gaze. He'd make him WATCH as he ruins the appearance he's oh so proud off. Shows him EXACTLY how different they are in strength. No knives, he thinks. Not even Quirks. At least, not directly, no...
Just his HANDS.
Ripping cloth. Shredding it beneath his fingers. Letting him kick and struggle in the DIRT. Insulted and wrathful. As All for One's hands wander. He wonders~ how FAR would the little monster let him get before he snapped?
He's been chained down for so long. So used to HIDING, can he even bring himself to do it? How far would All for One need to PUSH to get him to abandon his little plans, and FIGHT BACK?
Watching him struggle, FIGHT, throw EVERYTHING he has at him. Seeing the realization spark in his eyes that it's not ENOUGH. That it's hopeless. That beautiful despair. That he's pinned down like a butterfly for All for One to devour. A ruined beauty in his trashed remains of a suit.
The little monster would HATE it. Would RAGE. His lovely little mask of civility would come crumbling apart as he WRITHED beneath him. Trying to rip his throat out with his TEETH. Trying to claw out his EYES with that carefully maintained manicure. And All for One would DELIGHT.
Reveal in it.
Drink it all in, like the fine wine it was.
Because, OH~ What a magnificent MONSTER you've held back, little one~ Hateful and ugly. Just like ME~
All for One could out match him. Strength, experience, Quirks. His empire is sprawling while the boy has none. He COULD be a threat, in time. COULD grow to be an equal. But All for One could never allow THAT! The avaricious little thing would kill him!
He's going to eat the boy ALIVE.
And his little monster will HATE it. DISPISE him. Because he his going to love it. And that? That CAN NOT be forgiven. Not by monsters like them. The defeat, the humiliation, the helplessness. It's unforgivable. But the PLEASURE? For THAT All for One will have to BURN. It can end no other way.
Not after he's held him down. Made him WEAK and filthy. Then found every spot that makes him twitch. Dragged open his mouth so he can not escape the NOISES he makes, as AfO swallows him whole. As quirks are combined to squirm, painlessly, easily, at JUST the right angle too...
He'd make him HOWL. Choke on his begging. Thrash and beg and curse.
Like he was DYING. Like he's begging for death.
You can torture a man with more then just pain, after all.
And he'd wants his little his monster OBSESSED. Wants the memory of his cock to HAUNT him. The feeling of being split open. Filled so gloriously, so PERFECTLY. Over and over again. Endlessly. With stamina beyond human limitations. With strength most humans could never dream off.
Combining sensory quirks and attraction quirks, body modification and lust quirks, into something NO ONE else could possibly hope to give him. Everything so sensitive, so pleasurable, it dances the line of pain. He could fry the pleasure center in your brain again and again, then FIX them, little monster. Could make you see GOD.
No one else would ever be able to give him that. The touch of his own hands would forever be ruined for him. Not enough. Never enough. Not after HIM.
And that's why his little monster would have to try and kill him. Would try and hunt him. Obsess. Chase. Rage. But oh, he'd fall in line, in the end. Because he'd LOSE. His cravings crippling him. His NEED to submit.
All for One watchs the security monitors. Lazily palming himself. He wonders... should he keep his little pet by his side? Or tucked away, chained safely to his bed? He supposes it would depend on his mood.
Leaning back, he let's a solid shadow quirk slide over his skin, servicing him. His eyes never stray from the screen. It's twenty-eight handshakes now. Quite the collection he must have. His little monster glances up at the camera and for a moment... it is as though their eyes have met.
Such MAGNIFICENT crimson.
He spills into the greedy, sucking, vice of the shadow he created. Then vanishes the mess. Decadent and relaxed, he orders his spies to gather more information. It's been entirely too long since he's last left the base. Not since killing Shimura. And with her idiot successor off doing... SOMETHING, in America? He has time.
Or at least, time ENOUGH, for a bit of monster hunting~
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ranger-danger · 23 days ago
No you don’t get it this time the misogyny is okay because it’s at trans people who don’t call themselves womennnnnn. It’s totallyyyy okayyyyyyy.
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months ago
there are few male characters I have seen get with the “he is not their mom he’s fully just a guy their age” phenomenon as hard as Jason does via Batfam fanon Tim & Jason fics but at the same time there does exist at least one canon alternate universe where Talia looked at Jason and thought “well maybe a baby could fix him” and handed him her son so maybe those people are onto something idk
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largemandrill · 6 months ago
I desperately need people to stop saying afab when they just mean cis women. I also (for separate reasons) need them to stop saying “afab trans people” when they just mean trans men they don’t agree with.
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kudos-si-do · 1 year ago
in the wings of fire universe do you ever think a mtf dragon with claim to the throne challenges her mother and her mom doesn't know and is like "you literally cannot do this" and then like. they stare at each other for a few seconds and the mom's like "...wait, no" and the newly-revealed daughter is like "SURPRISE, MOTHER"
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inspiredtrans · 5 months ago
is there a gender for "I don't give a fuck anymore so long as I get to have a cock instead of the fuckery I have now"? Asking very explicitly for myself
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aromanticannibal · 7 months ago
shinsou who grew up in a household full of girls as the only boy and therefore becomes literally the best guy ever as a result
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enbyfication · 11 months ago
if anyone has any tips for growing out long curly hair (3bish) without it looking shit pls let me know
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r0semultiverse · 1 year ago
In case you didn’t know or needed to hear it, things do get better after you turn 18. Your life isn’t over even when you hit 21. 💜
This is me at vaguely around my mid-twenties (in the reblogs since apparently my selfies aren’t allowed, thanks tumblr). Agender, nonbinary, & in a happy polyamorous relationship! I’m trans & I’m here & while I don’t have everything figured out, I certainly have figured myself out way more than when I was younger. 💜 Yes it gets better. Yes you can grow older & be trans. There are people out there willing to love & accept you for you. There are partners, friends, family to be found. Don’t give up! 💪 Be proud, be loud, & let your rage out! Down with cis! Let’s rock this joint & keep on living!! 🖤 Things will be less noisy eventually, just please live! ⭐️
💖 You are worth it & it gets better! 💜
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amberrockstar · 10 months ago
vote before you read my tale(s) of woe, please. then, if my tale has now changed your answer for the future, let me know in the tags.
please re-blog because i want to pretend this is scientific.
tale of woe...two, really:
for most my life, afab people did not hit on me. at all. because i'm afab and arguably female-presenting, i assumed this was because i did not read as queer. (non-queer amab people did hit on me, so even before i had self-esteem, there was proof it wasn't about me being hideous.)
started wearing an autistic pride pendant (the rainbow infinity sign one). since most people don't know that's what it is, they just read it as "this person is gay." now, non-queer amab people don't hit on me. i get a little flirtation from afab people (i guess i'm not queer cute...haha! that's a lie. i am queer and would hit this, so.) i assume this means i do now read as queer but specifically as strictly wlw?
in both those stories, there is at least one time where someone i liked told me (once they were totally unavailable) that they would have hit on me but didn't think i swung their way.
anyway, looking at possibly buying myself some pride presents and suddenly thinking way too hard about the impact of the colours on my dating life. totally normal over here.
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fefairys · 2 years ago
i am so jealous of amab transfems and i could list the reasons but i won’t cause i know if i was one id be just as jealous of afab transmascs is the thing. so whenever i feel sad that i wasn’t born a boy so i could be a girl i just think about how that version of me would be sad that she wasn’t born a girl so she could be a boy.
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mysticalsoot · 1 year ago
tw for dead insect + pin
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her name is betty finn :3
she's so pretty :3
love bugs so much
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autistic-katara · 1 year ago
Saw a terf using the anti radfem tags.
I'm gonna puke
did they do that to try nd reach more ppl or r they a terf against idk “tirfs”? 😭
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celestiachan · 2 years ago
it is so funny when a men dni blog interacts with me. i id as a boy, guy, and a dude but not a man. are they trying to misgender me? do they not know my gender? do they assume tumblr user celestiachan is a woman or woman lite?
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dravidious · 1 year ago
You're more amazing than collars
Wrote a quick little doodle that had been floating around in my head lately, featuring Genders
The Serperior family is having a perfectly normal dinner, a few brief conversations here and there, until Breeze speaks up. "Oh yeah! Hey mom, dad, I'm transgender!"
"... What?" Pen says.
"Yeah, it's this thing I learned about today! Like, I'm a girl, but I don't really feel like a girl, so I can be something else instead!"
Quill sighs and shakes their head (I don't wanna decide which one is the mom and which is the dad because that would have Implications). "Sweetie, you're not a boy-"
"Of course not. I'm nonbinary!"
"... What?" both parents say.
"It means I'm not a girl, but I'm not a boy either. I'm something else!"
Pen rolls their eyes. "Like what, a dragon?"
Pen opens their mouth, pauses, closes it, then opens it again. "Breeze, don't be ridiculous. You're our daughter, and one day you're going to be a mother so you can give us grandchildren."
"I don't wanna be a mom, I wanna be a dragon!"
Pen sighs. "Where did we go wrong..?"
"It's just a phase, dear," Quill says, "it'll pass."
Blue speaks up. "Me being bisexual wasn't a phase."
The parents snap their gazes toward him. Quill says, "But you, you had a girlfriend for six months!"
"... Yeah. You do know what 'bisexual' means, right?"
"Oh... S-so, you'll give us grandchildren, right?"
"I dunno, maybe. Either way I think I'd rather adopt."
The parents gape. Pen's head hangs. "Well, I suppose we'll have to count on Red for grandkids."
Red, who had been eating silently, looks up. They turn to Breeze, then Blue, then the parents. "I'm gay."
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dkettchen · 2 years ago
I thought there were many trans/nb people on my uni (animation/games/vfx) course when I was on it 5-7 years ago and there were like 5 of us in each year group, but the sheer amount of ppl I found out afterwards have transed their gender since (2 in my year group, 1 lecturer, and 1 in the year group above and below ours to my knowledge at current count if I haven’t forgotten about anyone) is both impressive and fairly unsurprising
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