#or a vampire hunter. Clark was a High Fae
bad4amficideas · 2 years
In/succubus!reader details
I've been having dreams about succubus/incubus! reader. Like, background info. I couldn't write a book, but if you want silly details for a video game and its world, I'm your dwarf woman. (I won't say that history writes itself, but I don't know where this came from)
Anyway, you know from that post that I made a long time ago that the reader could feed on platonic or romantic affection but someone killed the platonic found family they form so Reader went to America in search of a vendetta and to find out who and why killed them when they was literally doing nothing wrong?
Reader can feed on strong emotions from the environment, such as concerts, meetings and the like, without harming anyone because it has no particular objective.
Reader had, an adoptive russian mother, the biological son of the adoptive mother, a best friend/surrogated sister from an abusive home. Two pseudo uncles and a granma that they found on the streets.
If they is well fed, they can influence the emotions of others.
They used this to create a "quirky" modeling company (meaning everything, ALL body types), influencing people's acceptance so they would see beyond the physical. The company quotes the Addams family "Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly." Guess the company name.
Of course, Reader could only do this with a body that fit the description or more like would not fit the traditional beauty standard (her grandmama is the agency's most beloved model, she dresses from leather to hippie and looks fucking good in both).
This company is trending in Europe and Reader used the excuse of branches to go to America.
The first (and traumatic) time they had sex they didn't kill their bed partner because they was well fed with their family storge and philias love and ate more out of gluttony than anything else (The partner ended up in a coma for a few days, like Rogue from XMEN and Reader when hype and super for the same period of time). Of course, eating emotions is quite an experience depending on what you eat
As Reader hit puberty, they and her sister had a strained relationship until Reader learned to control their hormones.
The more powerful Reader is, the more people, or more powerful people, they needs in the Family. In the long run, the Family benefits from the relationship with the in/succubus, with longer life, immunity to disease, and youth (although this takes time to discover).
Reader tries that if they has to attract someone into the "fold", it's people for whom the family can offer a good life. They doesn't take anyone out of their life against their will. Reader even tries to force themselves to like people, though that doesn't work out.
They found their uncles and granmama volunteering at a soup kitchen, "adopted" the ones they liked.
It is likely that the murder of The Family has to do with either the comatose mate or Reader's original family.
Their first runway in America was hero-thematic. It was fucking long for obvious reasons and people loved it. No, Reader did not choose a hero, although her initial idea was for them and their family to be like firefighters, doctors, garbage men, policemen and so on. The Family died and that was taken off the runway.
The first time Reader encountered superheroes, she was more interested in seeing if their outfits had been well-inspired and in the materials of the supersuits.
"Reader, one step away from being Edna Mode"
Now, this is weird, but my dream branched off here and on one side, instead of being superheroes, they were all magical creatures too. The fact is that by p or r, Reader ended up involved in the super / preternatural community
Either way, they first meets Clark because he got "punished" covering non serious, celebrity gossip. He didn't smell anything. But he smelled something. I don't know if you understand me.
Then they actually met The Flash and anyone I can't remember now who is involved in the police and forensic world (oh yes, Dick *facepalm*). They was asking for second opinions on the murder of their family.
To all this, between opening a new branch, chasing the murderer of THEIR family, moving, traveling from corner to corner of the USA. Reader did not realize (or refused to accept) that they had to start substituting their family or feeding themselves at least a bit each week.
If they didn't want to mug someone and kill them with one hit. Or go into an orgy and not kill anyone by distributive property of energy.
Here I cry because I would write a smut with the Batboys. Or Flash, Green Lantern and Green Arrow, or all the Lanterns or the Outlaws or the Trinity or idk, you understand me.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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