#or 'i cannot take any more of this pain' over crying sally from nightmare before christmas
lostandbackagain · 8 months
as someone who is very incredibly and dangerously physically and mentally unwell, I get very annoyed when other people in the same boat as me blaze their extremely depressing poetry and cries for help like im sorry we're both going through this but I've managed to convince myself my situation is funny and I can't let my brain know there's another option
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thisweekingundamwing · 7 years
Weekly Recap May 27-June 3
Another week has gone by and our Gundam Wing community has created some amazing content for you to bask in! 
Thank you for all your submissions! We have also tried to go through AO3 to find more published content but it’s easy for things to fall between the cracks so please continue submitting your links - we don’t want anyone’s work to be forgotten! You can submit anything gundam wing related. We want to see any and everything you’ve created.
Beneath the cut you’ll find links and information about the wonderful content created by our super creative peers. If anything piques your curiosity please give it a go. Don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog! Support and encouragement mean the worlds to creators. It helps keep them motivated and inspired.
Thank you all for being awesome and I hope you’re looking forward to next week’s update!
Also, just as a quick side note, if there aren’t warnings listed below be sure to read the warnings listed on AO3 before reading!
@amberlyinviolet​, Knife in Hand (Chapter 17)
Chapter warnings: Explicit Sex. Chapter Summary: This is exactly what you think it is: 3k words of smut. Pairing: 2x3.
@anaranesindanarie and @rhysgalentalcernunnos,  The Maxwell Twins: Shi and Duo
This is an ongoing RP between myself and Rhys. Our characters are twins. I'm Duo and Rhys is Shi. Please enjoy what we have cleaned up and finished of this so far.
Ass-king For It
Heero's irritated by Duo's moody behavior because Quatre is sexy and people want him.Boo hoo cry him a river.Sonfic: Cake By The Ocean by DNCE. Pairing: 2x4.
Things that happened between, with, and because of Trowa Barton and Quatre Barton-Winner. Drabbles. Pairing: 3x4.
War Crimes
Quatre isn't what Trowa believes he needs. That doesn't mean he isn't going to make him be so. Or delude himself into believing things that aren't real. Such as the blonde's sadistic tendencies that don't exist.Inspired by Hozier's 'Take Me to Church.' Pairing: 3x4. 
Cedechan, Within the Nexus
Unexpectedly, he finds himself partnered with Wufei Chang and one of Doctor J's former wards, and when tragedy strikes again, he must rely on their help to find the assassin.And fighting his inner demons and long-time enemy, Heero, don't help matters...
@chronicwhimsy​, Salvage (Final chapter)
Chapter Summary: 2x5 Fluff! The final chapter was posted on Monday. Pairing: 2x5.
6x2 Summary: A late night of work and a few mistakes. 
Summary: It’s Duo’s first professional job, at a summer stock theatre company in upstate New York. As an intern, he knows he has a lot to learn. But he didn’t count on having to figure out how to deal with THIS mess.6x2, 1x3, 4xR, others.
Young Gods (Prologue)
Summary: A Phoenician relic finds its way into Dr. Relena Peacecraft’s hands. An unexpected group must decide the fate of the world. Full of sex, adventure and sass.Pairings: 2x5, 3xR, Meilin x Hilde, 4x6.
DarkBluePhoenix,  Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legacy – Gundam Invasion
A Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Fighter G Gundam CrossoverIt’s a Gundam! *RANDOM EXPLOSION!* The cast of Gundam Wing meet our young heroes and befriend them in this tale of how those who understand, those who fight, those who doubt, and those who pass by, can claim victory against the forces of evil reborn. Mission Accepted. All systems go! Gundams
duointherain, Camelot: Who's the Daddy Now?
Moody and Julia are out working as bounty hunters and have a great witness, whom they've saved from the San Francisco earthquake. A very proper Irish Catholic man and his lovely young wife are gonna fit right in on Camelot... Pairing: 1x2.
Summary: Quatre is forever insulting Zechs, and Zechs wants to know why. Pairing: 4x6 fluff. Featuring Quatre Winner, Zechs Marquise, Sneaky!Quat. For Summer of Zechs and Rhysgalentalcernunnos.
Entertainment Center (Second and last chapter!)
Pairing: 2X3 insinuations/wanting, Triton Bloom, Duo Maxwell, Une, lots of cursing >_>
Mission: Redacted (Chapter 5) 
Summary: Wufei, tooling around the Earth sphere, looking for something to do. Enter Sally, stage left, to make him an offer he cannot refuse. The beginnings of his very own black ops group. 
Vieux Carré 
Smutty Sunday contribution, sequel to ‘Gin and Tonic.’ Duo and Trowa have another “date.” 2x3, NSFW, no real warnings.
@la-femme-noelle, Bedayat Jadeda (Part 2)
Sequel to Heartbreak Café. Bedayat Jadeda, translated from Arabic to 'New Beginnings'. Quatre tries to settle into his new relationship with Duo and Wufei, learning the dynamics of polyamory while still trying to overcome the demons of his past. Duo and Wufei are determined to heal his pain and make him realize that he is worthy of everlasting love. Pairing: 5x2x4.
luvsanime02, Standby 
Heero goes in front of the Board of Professional Review, and now she has an important decision to make.This is the fifth story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
@morbidbirdy and @the-notorious-bhg, 
Where I Belong
In the year AC 205 the status of the Earth-Sphere remains relatively peaceful thanks to the efforts of the ESUN and it’s peacekeeping organization Preventer. The five young men who had once fought together for this peace now work quietly behind the scenes to maintain it. Despite their new roles in this world, Heero and Trowa struggle to establish a comfortable place in it. In the process of finding themselves they eventually realize that their place is with each other. Pairing: 1x3.
End of Line
The Grid, the legendary Tron System, has always intrigued Duo Maxwell. After years of dreaming and months of tireless work, he finally receives the final part he needs to unlock the door to the digital frontier. A blast of a digitizing laser later he finds himself in the world of his dreams. However, soon that dream becomes a nightmare as he comes to realize that his existence in this new world is both a danger to him and to the programs who reside there. With the help of Security Program Trowa and a mysteriously damaged and glitchy program named Heero, he embarks on a journey through The Grid to seek help from a mysterious entity known as the Gatekeeper. Will he be able to get out of the Tron System, or will the organizations who are hunting him manage to derez him first? Pairing: 1x3, 3x4.
@peachandbetty, Orders 
Chapter Summary:  Bit by bit, he got back to what he knew. He wasn’t a solider, and he had no firearm at his side for his hand to hover over when something didn’t feel quite right. He didn’t have an enemy to face, nobody at his heels pushing him to succeed and survive. But what he did have were orders. Pairing: 1xR Explicit.
A Safe Good Place
The moment when Trowa realized that the best thing in his life had finally crossed paths with the worst thing in his life, he was surprisingly relieved because, really, what it all came down to was the simple hope for a safe, good place.It would take a risk, the biggest risk he'd ever imagined but, he'd do it. He'd make it happen. At this point, there was no turning back. Pairing: 2x3.
May Demons Rest: Shinigami Sleeps 2017
A re-write of my 2004 fanfic "Shinigami Sleeps.” To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2. Pairing: 2x3.
@the-notorious-bhg, Kiss the Planet Goodbye
Working for NASA requires Heero and Trowa to be apart for months at a time. Astronaut and Flight Engineer Trowa Barton is about to embark on his third expedition to the International Space Station where his lover, Army Captain and Mission CAPCOM Heero Yuy will stay on the planet to communicate with the ISS team from Mission Control. Their last night will be spent joining their bodies together in the desert beneath the stars. Pairing: 1x3.
Val_Creative, Reason 
A God does not strive to understand something plainly obvious to His own eyes. Pairing: 1x2. 
@weiclown, Revenge Through Sex 
Chapter Summary: Heero shouldn’t have let Duo use his laptop. The others go out, and come home to find Heero grieving over his broken laptop. What better form of revenge than keeping Duo awake all night with loud sex with Wufei? Pairings: 1x5, 3x4 implied. 
wrennette, Dragons of Earth
Instead of dying in the attack on L5, Long Meilan proceeds with the altered Operation Meteor as the pilot of Shenlong Gundam. Pairing: 5xm.
@shinigami-of-excellence,  Cute little Duobat and Wufei picture.
A gift for @renmaxwell. 
Relena as a fanct goldfish mermaid for @chronicwhimsy
Dorothy in a revamped black dress!
Mariemaia Khushrenada 
Calendar Events:
Summer of Zechs (STARTS TODAY!) runs June 4-June 17. It’s a two week festival celebrating Zechs Merquise. All content is welcome and there are suggested prompts/themes for each day!
Thank you to all the amazing creators and supporters that keep our fandom alive!
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