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simpxxstan · 10 months ago
Option twoooo for nobody else let’s goo🫶🏻
oooh okay noted 💅
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toapril-official · 1 year ago
ToApril 2024
ToApril is once again upon us! Can you believe this is the third year this is taking place?
At this point we will assume everybody gets the concept of ToApril, but if you don’t, don’t hesitate to reach out! 
Before we jump right into it, we want to emphasize the rules of toapril:
Please keep it TOA related. You can use characters from other series or your own, but the prompts were made with the characters of TOA in mind.
No NSFW. There are adults and minors alike participating and definitely browsing the internet within the fandom. Mature topics can be brought up, but anything graphic is not allowed.
Note: None of the prompts are ship based, but you are definitely allowed to include  ships!
If you write a fic on ao3, please put it in the toapril 2024 collection. If you’re not sure how to do that, here are some instructions:
Option1: Go to the collection. There should be a button at the top right saying ‘post to collection’. Click that button and the rest should be as it would normally be when you post a fic.
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Option 2: Post a new fic as usual, but in the associations section, type in toapril in the post to collections / challenges space and it should pop up. Make sure you add it in the 2024 one. It will stay open for a couple of weeks after April just in case you need more time to finish something. 
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If you want to post something on tumblr, please tag it with #toapril and #toapril2024. You can also tag this blog in your post, we would love to see all of your amazing works this year :D.
Have fun! If there’s any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Prompts below the cut.
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Text version:
Day 1: Missed Target
Day 2: Growing Pains
Day 3: Divine Intervention
Day 4: Facing The Unknown
Day 5: For The Best
Day 6: Hair Holds Memories
Day 7: Fathers Who’d Kill
Day 8: Moonlight’s Reflection
Day 9: The Hour Past Midnight
Day 10: This Isn’t Goodbye
Day 11: First Meeting
Day 12: Revenge Served Cold
Day 13: Curse of Eternal Youth
Day 14: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Day 15: Without Requisite or Deadline
Day 16: Nymphs and Negligence
Day 17: The Cyclical Nature of Things
Day 18: In The Next Lifetime
Day 19: Haunted
Day 20: Chaos Soup
Day 21: The Sun and The Earth
Day 22: Never Forget
Day 23: Cheesecake & Demons
Day 24: Unexpected Allies
Day 25: Race Against Time
Day 26: Wilting Flowers
Day 27: Missing Objects
Day 28: Silent Thunder
Day 29: Lost City
Day 30: Fading Memories
Thank you to @okathleen, @star-flcwers, @worlds-oldest-teenager, @reostuffzies, @tsarinatorment, @nyaningthroughlife, @money-and-dandellions, @ferodactyl, @xxzephyrbreezexx, and @solahflare for submitting these prompts.
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ataleofcrowns · 1 year ago
Hi so sorry to bother you but I want to learn how to make IFs, so I've been using twine and trying to learn how to use sugarcube but like how 😭😭😭
Babes I am so embarassed I'm literally studying computer science oh my god. Like in theory I know that programming languages are different but this is the first time java vs javascript is really hitting,,,,
Do you have links to any resources you used to learn? Like how you randomized variables (for the 'i'm into both men and women' option's gender setting) and how to do the pronoun thing properly, and stuff like the codex, plus if you can how you customized that sidebar
Thank you and I'm sorry to bother you!!
No worries at all!! Here's a masterlist of Twine resources you can use for the things you mentioned and more. It includes tutorials for beginners, including multiple different ways on how to code pronouns, CSS customization and templates for your game, etc.
For the randomization of variables, the line of code you want is <<set $variable to either("option1", "option2", "option3", ...)>>
But for my purposes specifically, to maintain an even 2 male/2 female LI split, I had to use the code in a little more convoluted way since randomizing all the genders with that code could end up with an "uneven" balance (like 3 out of 4 LIs being randomized as female, or all LIs ending up as male).
If you want to do something similar with having a 2 male/2 female LI randomization, here's how I went about it, though I'm sure there's a much quicker way to do it. Mind you I was a total beginner when I wrote this haha:
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Basically what this does is randomize R's gender and randomize X's gender first to either male or female with the first two lines. If R and X are both set as male or female, then A and D will both be set as the opposite. If R and X are set as different genders, however, then A's gender will be randomized next. Then, based on whether A is male or female, D's gender will be selected to complete the 2/2 split.
Hope this helps!!
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luvkuvi · 9 months ago
I swear I keep forgetting I have tumblr...anyways I have the draft for the next chp and roughly there's only like 4 ish chapters left sooo I'm gonna ask if you guys want me to drop it all on one day so no cliff hangers and do yall want a smut chapter....
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prettyvalidgames · 2 years ago
Pile of Laundry Default Replacement {option1}
Pile of Laundry Default Replacement {option2}
Folded Laundry Default Replacement 
「 quip oral care set 」
Sponge Override
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip (Decor and Default Override)
no zzz
the missing plumbob
Bauney Pods Max (Gift)
Cutting Board Override
Working Pet Water Bowls (Cats & Dogs)
Sunrise Alarm Clock
Insimnia Eats 2.0 delivery 
Insimnia Eats Krispy Cream
⇩Mod Creators ⇩Thank you for these amazing mods🤩
@sims41ife @largetaytertots @dscombobulate @channel4sims-cc
@ddaeng-sims @kyrs29 @mintvalentine @pox @littlemssam @lot51
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Patreon|Youtube | TikTok | Tumblr  | Amazon Storefront
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based--ball · 22 days ago
"Up high and aloft": #3 (or 4) & #5. "I saw you today": #10 & #15 :)
hi steph! thank you!!
For Up high and aloft
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
So they lie in the mess that spills out when you smash a snowglobe and trade one half of a battery at the deadline
I went a bit heavy-handed on the snowglobe metaphor but I think that I like it and especially this line. It's very sensation-based; wet and sharp and you know you have to clean it/yourselves up without hurting yourself more on the glass...
5: What part was hardest to write?
Probably trying to find the "word bank" words for the second half or so. The start of it really just came out, and I wasn't originally going to have the words changing, it was just going to be like "words words words (option1/option2/option3) words words". Then I realized it was going to be way too long and hard to read, so I adjusted to writing it with the refreshing for new words in mind. Because the second half was a bit more intentional, I was thinking a bit harder about where to put the changing bits in and what to make them, and I got a bit in my head about it.
For I saw you today:
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
I actually wrote the first section with no real pairing in mind back in December, and then I opened it up again recently and wondered who I could make it about. I decided basically that I didn't want to put names in it explicitly, so I thought about who I could imply and have it make sense if you know, and then I remembered the ridiculous Springer/Varsho ear thing and that's why I chose them and especially Varsho. Then I went back to edit a few things from the beginning (adding the right field bit, fixing a few other minor things) to make it make sense for them. Mostly I decided that Varsho might as well be a concerned and horny gay person because why not, to be very honest, and then Springer just followed from that
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Mostly that I am incapable of judging my own poetry really. I thought it was kind of not good and than I sent it to my gay person as a last ditch "get me out of my head about this, tell me if it's good or if it's garbage just make me stop wondering/worrying", and then they told me it's good and worth posting and to calm down lmao. And now that I've had more time to think about it I decided that I do actually like it!
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rjalker · 1 year ago
Another crochet poll: Further, closer, or closest?
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[Id: three photos of the same incomplete crochet octopus is pastel yellow and pink, with small, shiny black eyes positioned first far away, on almost opposite sides of the head, then closer, then very close together like on a human face End ID.]
This is a poll:
Which one do you like best?
Option1 : Further
Option 2: closer
Option 3: closest
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niadotcom · 2 years ago
i have two possible ways in which i could make the paragraph go so
do i choose to deal with heartbreak healthily or do i become emo
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harboneger · 11 months ago
Hiveminders, where should my pin go?
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omeletcat · 1 year ago
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okay so i made a little drawing thingy for the 3 different ways i can animate/style the gameplay and animations of the base attack of moon. moons attack is basically just shooting a flying fist thats it but i have been thinking about it since i just decided that when you attack you will not be able to move (except for a few exceptions like a dash attack combo where you can attack and dash at the same time)
BUTT here are the 3 options option1 (my fav) moon slashes with their arm across the front of their vision and a little slash gets animated, then a fist get shot out, since its a slash it can go in any direction and won't look as ugly
option 2 moon will have 2 (or 1) floating arms around them that shoot out more fists OR some other type of missile maybe just a bullet lol.
option 3 moon has 1 or 2 floating fists around him and when they attack one of the fists shoot away and then later returns to them. (this would fuck with a lot of stuff tho...)
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ayamirgal · 2 years ago
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kiddotarot · 17 days ago
Hope you are doing I would love to participate in Valentine's game
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Sorry it's closed, next time
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bulenox · 1 month ago
✅ Coupon: ONELINER83
📢 http://bulenox.de
⚠️ 02/05/24 - 11:59 PM
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catch57 · 7 months ago
Bob dylan menshevik or Bolshevik?
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rjalker · 1 year ago
This is a poll
Question: Do you have any significant others?
Option1: No, but I want one.
Option 2: No, but I want multiple.
Option 3: No, I and I don't want any
Option 4: No, I'm not interested in relationships right now.
Option 5: Yes, I have a significant other
Option 6: Yes, I have multiple significant others
Option 7: [An option I forgot to list because this is spur of the moment]
Option 8: I don't want to vote but I want to see the answers
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aparnaj-1981 · 9 months ago
Hi Everyone, Welcome to my website and have fun. ❤❤❤😊😊😊
ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ: HOMONYMS Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. These words can be spelled the same (homographs) or differently (homophones). ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ 1.Choose the Correct Option1. She had to (bear/bare) the pain after the accident. 2. The (principal/principle) of the school addressed the students. 3. He didn’t…
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