karu-selli · 5 months
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@ketsuppia jonne & veeti amisversumi(?) fan art
Jonnella es-paita, rähjänen työtakki ja adidas verkkarit. Veetillä tommonen magee megaforce lohikäärme-huppari jonka sekin menny pilaamaan rasvatahroilla.
Luin tänään sun postauksia (amiksessa tietysti) ja mulla on paljon ajatuksia, ideoita ja headcanoneita näihin liittyen :D pistetääs saman tien tulittamaan.
Veetiä ärsyttää niin maan perkeleesti Jonnen optimismi ja se ajattelee, että Jonnella on jotenkin täydellinen elämä kun vanhemmat ei roiku perseessä kii. Voi Veeti miten väärässä olet.
Jonnen volvossa roikkuu ainakin 3 wunderbaumia
Ensimmäiset oikeet treffit kebabilla
Mä haluun myös että nää menee kattomaan jääkiekkoa tai pelaa pipolätkää ulkojäillä lopun lössin kanssa
Certified icon rekkalesbo Venla rökittää kaikki ulkojäillä/korttipeleissä/tms
Veeti opiskelisi mieluummin automaalaamon puolella mutta tässä pikkukylän amiksessa ei oo sitä linjaa :(
Veeti maalasi (tai malaa vieläkin) graffiteja
Veeti löytää taiteellisen puolensa ja tulevaisuudessa maalaa ammatikseen autoihin, mopoihin ja ajokypäriin tyylikkäitä airbrush kuvia
Jonne pitää naapurin lapsia kuin pikkusisaruksinaan
Veetillä oli joskus mopo mutta se joko a) meni kolarissa lunastuskuntoon b) joutui poliisin takavarikoimaksi koska veeti ajoi poliisin tutkaan 80kmh viritetyllä mopolla tai c) isällä meni moti veetin käytökseen ja myi mopon
Lompakosta tuijottaa ajokortin 15-vuotias finninaama Veeti
Jonnella on lompakossa kuva siskosta, se löysi kuvan jostain laatikosta mummolasta ennenkun välit meni poikki perheeseen
Jonne & religious trauma :(
Deep moment: Jonne vie Veetin volvolla johonkin soramontun reunalle ja ne makaa auton konepellillä, kattelee tähtiä ja puhuu tulevaisuuden unelmista ja peloista
Jollakulla on kielletty amis/lukio romanssi? 😳
Jonne tykkää tietysti rokista mutta sen guilty pleasure on kunnon ysäri eurodance amispoppi
Veeti tykkää varmaa nykyräpistä ja iskelmästä
Molemmat hoilaa jotain jvg:tä autossa
Ehkä nää hahmot kolahtaa mulle niin hyvin koska samaistun niihin, etenkin Jonneen.
(19v logistiikka-amis aikuispuolella, moro. ja vielä punanen lippis ja es)
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
SEB: Eesti majandus elab madalseisu üle
SEB: Eesti majandus elab madalseisu üle
SEB värske majandusprognoos ennustab Eesti majandusele 2023. aastaks tillukest kasvu. Ennekõike väljendab see optimismi meie majanduse vundamendi tugevuse osas. Ennustame tillukest majanduskasvu Lõppeval nädalal uuendas SEB grupp oma majandusprognoosi. Ehkki pilved majanduse kohal näivad aina tumedamaks muutuvat, siis Eesti 2023. aasta SKP-ennustus kuigi palju ei muutunud. Kui varasemalt ootasime…
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vikandermanips · 6 years
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Sean Teale & Zoey Deutch crackship requested by optimismi Please like or reblog if using :)
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irreldesign · 4 years
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tissitwiitit · 5 years
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Jakso 2
Niko Niinivirta @NikoNiinivirta
“Tuskinpa siellä mitään ihmeellistä” vastapuolen videoista. #optimismi #tisuomi
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mssermoony · 6 years
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 his  lips  are  red ,  blood  stained ,  as  are  his  teeth  somewhat .    he  can  taste  the  metallic .   blood  smears  over  his  skin ,  as  well .    it’s  his  own ,  thankfully ,  all  of  it  from  coughing  it  up ,  regrowing  teeth ,  or  the  few  open  wounds  he  has .    the  rest  of  him  is  then  covered  in  dirt  or  bruises .    the  fact  that  he’s  completely  nude  is  an  absolute  last  concern  of  his .   he’s  not  as  modest  as  people  seem  to  think  he  is   ;   his  want  for  privacy   &   covered  clothing  stems  more  from  keeping  the  map  of  scars  on  him  hidden  than  anything  else .    when  he  already  looks  like  an  absolute  wild  man ,  though ,  his  first  concern  isn’t  covering  up .
it’s  been  roughly  an  hour  or  two  since  he  woke  up .   he’s  managed  to  crawl  away  from  the  spot  he  awoke  where  his  sweat ,  blood ,   &  vomit  soaked  in  the  earth   &   left  a  stain .    using  a  nearby  tree ,  he’s  managed  to  get  himself  to  his  feet  though  he  stays  slumped ,  one  arm  stretching  down   &   his  hand  grasping  at  the  gash  up  his  thigh .    his  breath  falls  heavy  from  his  lips  but  it’s  when  he  closes  his  mouth ,  intending  to  lick  away  it’s  dryness ,   &   huffs  through  his  nose  that  he  pauses .    senses ,  still  coming  down  from  their  heightened  state ,  catch  on  to  a  familiar  aroma .   hot  chocolate ,  along  with  something  else .    someone  else .   keeping  one  hand  on  the  tree ,  he  pushes  around  it  to  peer  around  the  side .    he  spies  her  not  far ,  looking  about  the  claw  mauled  trees .             ❝     dorcas  . . .     ❞             humility  strikes  him ,  not  from  the  state  of  undress  but  from  how  broken  he  knows  he  currently  seems .    a  very  raw  side  of  what  he  was  she  hasn’t  had  to  see  yet .    he  leans  his  body  further  behind  the  tree .
CLOSED  STARTER .        /         @optimismi  ,   dorcas 
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enduringsouls · 6 years
CLOSED STARTER / @optimismi
                    there’s no need for it, lena believes. no one besides kara & her cousin would know— and even then, they wouldn’t care, no one in this town would care. fingers curl against the fabric, crumpling it as her grip tightens. if there’s no need to worry about what people would think, then why is it so hard to chose casual clothes for public view ? it doesn’t seem to be a problem to everyone else, & yet, here she is, in a boutique, wearing a business outfit befitting of a luthor, unable to buy a t-shirt she knows wouldn’t be worn for the inside her home. mentally cursing her mother’s teachings & her inability to get rid of them, she lets go of the cloth & turns to the more formal outfits.  
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Campaign Signs, Empathy, and Optimism
I hate campaign signs. The ones for Trump elicit feelings of disdain toward people I don’t even know. I judge and presume and sometimes even yell at them out loud because I’m alone in my car and it feels good. The signs for Biden make me feel slightly better, but also remind me that the bigger font should spell Warren, or Harris, or Clinton for that matter, which makes me a little crazy too.
I’ve always considered myself empathetic, able to put myself in other’s shoes, but these days, it’s love thy neighbor, but not the one with the Trump sign. I wish campaign signs were illegal. I don’t think they change minds. Not to mention the enormous waste. And speaking of enormous, this year, yard signs have metastasized into banners the size of billboards, visually screaming candidate’s names, stoking the rage of anyone driving by who disagrees, and ruining what should have been a nice drive to the apple orchard.
I fear we’re losing our collective minds, and mother nature’s alarm bells are ringing on ears that are going deaf from all the noise.
Recently, I laid in bed listening over and over again to a tape of Melania Trump saying, “who the f..k cares about Christmas.” I was crying I was laughing so hard – an inappropriate response, sure, but I was tired and slap happy from Debate Week, which was also Raging Fires Out of Control Week, Greenland Ice Melt Week, and Conflict Escalating Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Week, all of it drowned out by Trump World.
The morning after the Melania tapes, I read about the president’s Covid diagnosis and wondered whether or not to believe it. After it became apparent that it was true, and then seeing his colorless face while he made comments from the hospital, I actually felt sorry for him, thinking that he was likely scared, staring down his own mortality. But that empathy didn’t last. His breathtaking self-centeredness a few short days later, when he ripped off his mask and walked into the White House disregarding everyone around him, followed by his increasingly divisive and outrageous rants, made it impossible for me to sustain it.  
This drama we’ve been living within for the last four years is exhausting, and as the election gets close, too many of us spend an inordinate amount of time scrolling through the news, fearing what might happen next.  If only this were fiction. The writers would be instructed to tone things down, that the story line is preposterous, the pace too frenetic, and the dialogue grating and repetitive.  Editors would point out that there is nothing redeeming about the main character, and direct them to give him at least an ounce of humanity – the ounce I thought I saw for a brief moment a few days ago.
I’m slightly embarrassed that I entertained the possibility of a humbling, a reckoning, possibly even redemption, when the reality of Trump is so obvious and consistent.
I wish that I could pull an all-nighter, binge on this god-awful series and get it over with.
Since that’s not an option, I’ll look at the polls, try to be hopeful, and do what I can between now and Nov. 3rd  to increase the odds of a satisfying ending.
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theodoreoliver · 4 years
☔️- our muses get caught in some spring showers
“I’m sensing you don’t enjoy this weather quite as much as I do.” Theo spoke with a chuckle as he watched the girl.
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mcriexbeaumcnt · 4 years
🌷- one of our muses gifts the other with a flower
“Oh this is perfect.” Marie beamed, taking the flower the other handed to her and fixing it to the flower crown, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she examined her work. “I think these might be some of the best flower crowns ever if I do say myself. Don’t you think?”
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mayajcnkins · 4 years
🍎- our muses have a picnic
“ I didn’t think it was physically possible for you to get more peppy and optimistic but I was wrong. Apparently the sun brings out a whole new happy beast in you.” Maya murmured as she stared down at the array of goodies that Anastasia had presented her with, laid out on a gingham blanket.
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vikandermanips · 6 years
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Kat McNamara, Eva De Dominici, Sarah Hyland & Candice Patton manip requested by optimismi Please like or reblog if using :)
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tristanxconnolly · 4 years
🚲 - our muses go on a bike ride
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“I can’t even remember the last time I rode a bike. Not since I was a kid anyway.”
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tissitwiitit · 5 years
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Jakso 2
Niko Niinivirta @NikoNiinivirta
“Tuskinpa siellä mitään ihmeellistä” vastapuolen videoista. #optimismi #tisuomi
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spaceace314 · 4 years
Good Days TM
Me yesterday: Damn, the world is just so depressing and I’m never gonna be happy, why do I feel so empty all the time
Me today: Wouldn’t it be so cool if I learnt Spanish and BSL and Morse Code and finally got fit and did loads of extra maths studying, oh gosh I can’t wait to get started with Living My Best Life (for the next few hours until I go back to barely functioning)!
Moral of the story: Even if ur hella depressed, Good Days can hit u out of the blue like a baseball bat but less ouchy and more optimismy
[Disclaimer: Depression is a serious mental health condition and I’m not trying to downplay it, I myself have depression, I’m just saying that no matter how hopeless it feels, you might have a random Good Day soon that will make everything seem a little more manageable, I love you all, stay safe out there xx]
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enduringsouls · 6 years
JULIETTE / @optimismi
                        “  i guess i should blame myself for this,  ”  lena rambles to the woman beside her, one hand holding a flashlight while another held a screwdriver, tightening a part in place.  “  when i watched star wars, i went on to make a lightsaber & now that i’ve watched back to the future...  ”  a small laugh escapes her,  “  here’s to hoping that watching jurassic park or terminator doesn’t cause the same effect.  ”
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