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startheskelaton · 13 days ago
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like father like son
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transformers-events · 3 days ago
Optiratch Month 2025
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Optiratch month 2025 starts June 1st. (Happy Pride Month everyone!)
However you can post whenever you want. (If you find these prompt lists five years after the fact and still want to post to the collection, or tag this blog then go for it!)
Edit: Here's the Ao3 collection!
Can I mix and match prompts?
Of course! Feel free to mix and match any prompts you want! Not every Safe For Work prompt has to stay SFW, nor do the Not Safe For Work prompts have to stay that! (Personally there's at least one NSFW prompt I plan on writing a tooth-rotting gen, fluff fic for.)
What are the Bonus prompts?
They are extra prompts. If there's a day with a prompt you don't like, you can switch it out with the bonus prompts. You can even combine them with other prompts if you want.
Help! I only found out about this event after it ended. Can I still make things based on the prompt?
Absolutely! You can make posts inspired by these prompts whenever you'd like too! So long as they are tagged optiratch month 2025 I'll try to reblog them. Also, the Ao3 collection with always remain open so anyone can add to it at any point in time.
Below the cut will be written out list of the days and prompts. The NSFW list is also below the cut.
The written out Safe For Work Prompt list:
Day 1 - For him? Always.
Day 2 - Bumblebee thought everyone knew
Day 3 - Injured Ratchet
Day 4 - "My old friend"
Day 5 - Injury Recovery
Day 6 - Medics Hands
Day 7 - Being Parents
Day 8 - Napping together
Day 9 - Domestic fluff
Day 10 - Happy Optimus
Day 11 - Bridal Carry
Day 12 - Secret Relationship
Day 13 - Before the war
Day 14 - Sick fic
Day 15 - Drunk Confessions
Day 16 - Hand Kisses
Day 17 - Rafael already knows
Day 18 - Secret moment(s)
Day 19 - Miko spreads a rumor
Day 20 - Slow dancing
Day 21 - Caressing face
Day 22 - First Meeting
Day 23 - Missing Scene
Day 24 - Healing
Day 25 - Wheeljack called it
Day 26 - Stargazing
Day 27 - Rest
Day 28 - Reunion
Day 29 - Ultra Magnus has questions
Day 30 - Hand Holding
Bonus - Megatronus calls them out
Bonus - Oil Bath
Bonus - Cliffjumper wins the bet
Bonus - Adoption
Bonus - Going for a drive
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The Written Out Not Safe For Work Prompt list:
Day 1 - Just let me take care of you
Day 2 - Aftercare
Day 3 - Going slow
Day 4 - Laughing during sex
Day 5 - Praise
Day 6 - Top Ratchet
Day 7 - Comfort Sex
Day 8 - Pinned to the wall
Day 9 - Mating Cycles
Day 10 - Parise Kink
Day 11 - Spark Sexual Interfacing
Day 12 - Sub Optimus
Day 13 - Being used as a pillow
Day 14 - Dom Ratchet
Day 15 - Kink Discovery
Day 16 - Aphrodisiac
Day 17 - Friends with Benefits
Day 18 - Alone Time
Day 19 - Sticky Sexual Interfacing
Day 20 - Mech Preg
Day 21 - Scissoring
Day 22 - Sex pollen
Day 23 - Top Optimus
Day 24 - Heat
Day 25 - Bottom Optimus
Day 26 - Riding
Day 27 - First time
Day 28 - Inappropriate usage of medical equipment
Day 29 - Breeding
Day 30 - Leaving marks
Bonus - Getting walked in on
Bonus - Size difference
Bonus - Medical examination
Bonus - Cunnilingus
Bonus - Having to stop early
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sentinelsthiccass · 3 months ago
Looks at TFP Megop
Looks at TFP Opratch
Looks at TFP Megaratch
Can't pick one
Looks to see if there is Megopratch content anywhere
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tigereyes45 · 1 month ago
This story follows Ratchet, Orion Pax, and Megatronus as the three meet, learn more about each other, and eventually date all before the cybertronian civil war begins.
A slow-burn MegOptiRatch fic focusing on how the three befriend and get together before the war.
Preview of chapter 1:
A loud alarm blares from the communication device attached to Ratchet’s left shoulder. 
“Agh, probably the gladiator pits again.” He leans his head back as he smacks the device. It sends the coordinates for a room he knows all too well. Megatronus’ latest bout must’ve begun and ended earlier than scheduled.
“Go,” Optimus wraps an arm around the stack of files. “I’ll put these away until tomorrow. Which would you like to start with?”
“The oldest, and the newest first.”
“I thought you might.” Orion announces, and holds up the two sets of data Ratchet had just placed down. “I’ll make sure to keep them close by.”
“I don’t like how well you know me.”
Orion adjusts the stack in his arms. “Give it a few mega-cycles, I’m sure I won’t know you as well then.”
What a horrible thought. 
Ratchet stands up, and points at the slightly taller bot’s chassis. “Oh yes, you will. I can’t get rid of you that easily.”
“Especially since you’ll be a doctor by then.” Orion agrees looking all too pleased.
Ratchet lets loose a laugh. “So you are planning on using my skills.”
“No, but I’m sure you’ll make use of mine.” Ratchet’s optics were already mid-roll when Orion takes Ratchet’s hand and drops a cube of energon in it. Orion smiles proudly. “Enjoy.”
“Your night will be longer than mine, my friend. Take it.”
Unable to find it in him to argue, Ratchet simply nods. He tucks the energon into a holder on his hip, and heads out. Iacon city is as bustling as ever. Ratchet has to weave his way through the crowds to catch the train. The car is full. He presses himself up against a wall near the door, and braces his hands against it to help him stay steady.
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aromanticautobot · 9 months ago
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orions-starryeyes · 1 year ago
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Orion and Ratchet, I would like to think that Ratchet in any media is stunning and Orion has a little crush on him
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star-cream · 18 days ago
Reminder if you're unable to respect the things that others ship that you personally just don't like without writing long winded dumb posts about why it's blah blah this or blah blah that please don't follow me as I'm both a oc x canon shipper and a multishipper and I prefer to keep my space clean of weird people 🙏🏼
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annabelle-creart · 16 days ago
Can we talk about how, as a OpRatch shipper, each time I see something related to MegaRatch and StarOP can't think another thing but "this ship feels like the exes are stealing the boyfriend's actual but they actually fell in love" and I'M SERIOUS!! LIKE- MEGATRON STEALED RATCHET TO GET OPTIMUS MAD AND ENDED UP LIKING THE DOC MEANWHILE STARSCREAM GETS MAD AT MEG AND GOES FOR OP AS REVENGE AND ENDS UP LIKING THE PRIME BECAUSE HE'S WAY FUNNIER AND KINDER JSKSKSKSKAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJ
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hercarisntyours · 2 months ago
(edit its closed now lmao this literally doesn't matter anymore im keeping it up for hercarisntyours lore)
You know how in that deleted scene elita-1 was mentioned to add to op' backstory? and how sad it must have been, ESPECIALLY FOR RATCHET TO USE AGAINST HIM ?!?!? (no like srsly not even joking ratchet what the fUCK)
Like it must have been bad huh, especially for op to go punch him. And it must have been tragic for the other characters aswell, such as Arcee who is tragic in her own way with the loss of partners. Well I'm here to ever so ask if you could vote for oplita in this poll for the tragic ships tournament, we only need 3% more to get them to win and move on. I understand megaops and opratch is preferred here but this will leave you hair as soon as possible (in 2 hours) 🥹🙏
i can give you robux or gamepasses in dti plz anything I can draw I'l draw for you please
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spencerthedeerhumanhybrid · 2 months ago
Hey! I'm Spencer (not my real name obv) and I'm in multiple fandoms with my main one being Transformers! (specially the Animated version) and I'm also a multishipper! I ship stuff like;
BlurrBee (My OTP!), JazzOp, MegOp, JazzProwl, BlitzBee, ProwlBee, Oplita, ShockBee, SoundBee, Sentinel Prime x Bumblebee (TFO), WheelRatch, OpRatch, SoundRod, Mirage x Noah, Elita x Arachnid, Acree x Elita, BreakBee, KOBD, StarBee, SkyStar, SwindleBee, Jettwins x Bumblebee, Wasp x Bumblebee, Bumblebee x Bug Bite, Thundercracker x Bumblebee, Skywarp x Rumble, Skywarp x Bumblebee, Elite Trine x Bumblebee, Rumble x Bumblebee, Frenzy x Bumblebee, and a lot more. (I ship Bumblebee with WAY too many people)
I also like to write fanfiction and draw in my free time! I have a lot of AU/fanfic ideas for Transformers and hope to post them here in order to help my stories become popular or noticed! I love rare pairs, mirror shipping/selfcest, and oc x Canon! (I have like 4 OCs in the TFA universe)
My OCs in the TFA universe are;
Nova Storm, a transfem femme who can turn into those motorcycles professionals use, indigo with dark pink strips, was part of a royal family before she ran away and changed her frame into a femmes, she is as tall as the Jettwins who are shoulder length to Optimus and is obsessed with explosives (she is also shipped with Black arachina)
Retro, a mini-bot a few inches taller than Bumblebee who can turn into a race car, has a red paint job with a few black and white stripes! (He is also shipped with Bumblebee)
Lemon, half the size of Bumblebee and has a slightly darker shade of yellow, can turn into a bigger version of those toy cars, he is brothers with Swift and works with Retro! (He is not shipped with anyone as he is perceived as a minor)
Swift, the same size as his brother and has a calm blue shade as a paint job, can turn into the same thing as Lemon, works with Retro, brothers with Lemon! (Also not shipped with anyone for the same reason as Lemon)
Ao3 <- my account!!
Tiktok <- my other social!
Discord <- my 2nd (3rd?) social!
My AUs:
A Contract I Regret Signing/Stripper!Bumblebee TFA AU (COMPLETE)
The Golden Eagle And The (Very Little) Honey Bee/Good!Sentinel TFO AU (WIP)
I Should've Been More Wary Of You/Techno-organic!Bumblebee TFA AU (WIP)
Please Notice Me My Bug!/Obsessive!Starscream TFO AU (Coming Soon)
Spies In Disguise/Spy!Bumblebee TFA AU (Coming Soon)
I Found People Who Cared/Deception!Bumblebee TFA AU (Coming Soon)
The Forgotten/Deception Ruler!Bumblebee TFO AU (Coming Soon)
That's all I really have to say, I hope we can be friends!
(when all of the AUs are done I'll start posting normal TFA or TFO fics or art stuff)
Zoophiles, Homophobic, Rapists, Racists, Supporters of Trump, PETA supporters.
Pure Porn Blogs, Autism Speaks supporters, Ableists, Toxic Religious People, Toxic People, Toxic Shippers, AI supporters/users.
People who don't respect it/its or neo pronouns.
If you think queer is a slur.
White but uses the n-word, claiming POC can't be racist, claiming women can't be sexist.
If you make rape or sexual assault jokes (I am a survivor of COCSA), if you think COCSA isn't real.
TERFs, SWERFs, Elon Musk supporters, Nazis, defends problematic people.
People who claim that survivors of SA can't be hypersexual.
Exclusionists, especially mspec gays/lesbians exclusionists.
Literally anyone that's problematic, (I'm sorry if you don't understand some of these, i don't want bad people to come and chat with me)
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margoshamangolord · 1 year ago
i love both but im curious
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startheskelaton · 14 days ago
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More TF Prime Sparkplug
My beautiful rat child
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transformers-events · 1 month ago
Optiratch Month 2025 will be in June!
In the mean time please suggested prompts for the event:
Prompt suggestions will close on February 28th.
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sentinelsthiccass · 1 month ago
TFO Hunger Games 7 (ft. TFP)
Here we go again, this time mixing TFO and TFP, including my OCs
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Here we go
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Oh damn
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Ah yes, dead by knife in the monoboob
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He only wants to die at the hands of his other self
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Elita?! Also oH
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Probably nagging
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Run bitch run
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TFP Starbee featuring third wheel D-16
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Such a baby, I love him...
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A little opratch for your enjoyment
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Betrayal. Also interesting...
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TFP Ratchet won
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tigereyes45 · 15 days ago
Meeting Up - Chapter 8 - tigereyes45 - Transformers - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
For some reason links to Ao3 are being weird today. So that's why this chapter post looks different from the rest.
Megatronus' speech went poorly, and now he has to deal with the humiliation and a persistent archivist.
Preview of the fic:
Before he can get the first step out of the way, Orion’s head turns. Energon blue optics soften. Concern? Megatronus’ face falls. Pity? Newly enforced rage leads him to tighten up his expression.
Finally his pedes lift.
“Go away.” He juts out an arm, pushing Orion back, slowly but with purpose.
Orion darts in front of Megatronus’ path. “Megatronus-”
His door opens. Megatronus grabs Orion by the sides of his arms. He lifts the file clerk up before dropping him back outside the door. He planned to leave it there. To leave all those foolish ideas with Orion behind the beryllium.
“Megatronus.” Then that pathetic voice calls out to him again, and Megatronus can’t just leave things alone. Not like this.
He turns back, filling out the doorway so Orion can’t come in. He leans down, getting into the smaller bot’s face. “Haven’t you done enough?”
“I’m sorry. You were right about the speech’s length.” But not its message. Even after that reaction, Orion is still delusional. 
Megatronus can’t help but laugh. Orion pulls back. His frown deepens as he avoids Megatronus’ optics. How could he be so frightened?
Disgust slows the churning of energon through Megatronus’ body. He reels back, giving Orion all the space that their height distance can offer. It’s not enough. Megatronus turns around. He walks further into his room. His optics slide over the reflective surfaces in his room. Anything that might leave him with a glimpse of the other bot.
Orion should just leave so neither of them has to see the other right now.
Of course, that’s not what Orion does. “Megatronus!”
Megatronus closes his optics as he hears Orion step through the threshold. The door slides shut behind him. There’s no getting rid of him now. Still, Megatronus needs to try. “Go away Orion Pax.”
It may be the softest request Megatronus has ever made.
“No!” It’s not a yell so much as a declaration. The audacity is enough to regain Megatronus’ attention.
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bumblebee-is-best-boi · 9 months ago
Ooo I think the untitled OpRatch angst with comfort oneshot sounds interesting tehe :3
ooo thank you so much!
Yeah i really love that one, it’s actually my first transformers one shot I have ever made… if i remember correctly hehe
Oh wow you just gave me the motivation to work on it hehe ^^ thank you so much for the ask!
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