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bi-hop · 16 days ago
being free. here's my long ass character question thoughts on Mazkol, a hobgoblin diplomat from Oprak and one of the main suitors in my slowly growing Pathfinder story.
How did you choose their name? Laziest thing ever, but I chose it off of a list of hobgoblin common names Paizo wrote. In my defense, Mazkol is just really nice to say!
Were they created for the story, or was the story created for them? I created Mazkol before I started plotting out the story he’s a part of, which involves the courting and eventual marriage of Prince Carrius Stavian of Taldor. I was enamored by the canon concept of hobgoblin diplomats from Oprak and decided to make one of my own as a stand-in. 
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Do they have a love interest, and was that their choice or yours? As you can guess from above, Prince Carrius (sort of). Mazkol had a bit of a mind of his own in the matter. I merely wanted them to meet and interact (and humiliate some nobles in the process), but here we are.
Do they have a best friend? If so, how did they meet? If not, have they ever/why never? No, he does not, unless you count his ex-fiancé. (They weren’t actually engaged.) They met as most Oprakan citizens did, in the formerly Molthuni Ironfang Legion. Mazkol was very reserved in his youth and only really interacted with his family, so outside friendships weren’t a priority or consideration for him.
Did they have a pet as a child? Nope! 
What catalyzed their introduction to the plot? As a diplomat, Mazkol and a small entourage were tasked to travel to Oppara and meet with the royal family. In adherence to that command, Mazkol approached Carrius at a very public gala that was meant to kick off people courting the latter. Scandalous! 
What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic? Mazkol should ideally always be friendly and painfully polite. He has been trained extensively on various forms of etiquette, and it’s unlikely that he can ever be accused of genuine political blunders. Even if there’s an AU where he’s an orc or gnome or something, his personality should be intact.
If your character's financial situation were to suddenly flip (someone poor becoming rich, someone rich becoming poor, etc), how well would they handle it? What would be the first thing they would do? On one hand, I’d like to say that he’d be fine with it, because Mazkol is used to being poor. On the other hand, though, his poverty would undoubtedly be linked to the fortunes of either Oprak or Taldor, and I feel like he would not handle that well. … Well, actually, he’d probably care less if it’s Taldor that’s lost a lot of money, but- 
If your character could have handed their role in the plot to someone else, would they have? No, but only because Mazkol tends to think of others as amusingly incompetent in terms of diplomatic endeavors. Also, he finds other suitors in the ‘game’ annoying at best and downright uncouth at worst. 
Does your character have a pet peeve? He’s easily irritated by superiors who use their position in the hierarchy to oppress others, especially on the basis of ancestry. Hilariously, this tendency has endeared him to some squires because he’s known for publicly dressing them down or even dueling with them if he’s provoked enough.
Has your character committed any crimes (per their universe's laws)? If not, which crime would your character most likely commit? *looks at Oprak lore* Obviously, though not any crimes according to the Oprakan government. He is utterly unfazed by the killing he’s done on the battlefield. Otherwise, trespassing.
Who is your character's closest (by relation, fondness, or distance) blood relative? Mazkol has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. He is closest emotionally though to his child, Genakra, who is currently still living in Oprak with his second sister, who is an alchemist. Genakra is 7.
How does your character feel about riding horses (or your world's closest approximation of a horse if it lacks horses)? He’s a commander (the class), so he owns and rides a yzobu. He doesn’t like horses. His siblings like to joke that he’s more a goblin than a hobgoblin, as they don’t seem to like him either.
Is your character's first instinct fight or flight? Is there something that could force them to do the opposite? Fight for sure. While certainly polite, he does not take physical threats lightly. He is, however, a very tactical man. He will happily retreat for a future advantage.
What is your character's favorite leisure activity? He enjoys playing draj and reading history books, though the latter skews heavily towards warfare and he enjoys writing down what they’re wrong about.
Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop? Not really, no. He’s not the sort of person to care about that.
If your character were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would they want to have with them? Which person would they absolutely hate to be trapped there with? Which person would they enjoy being trapped there with? He’d want food, water, and his banner to potentially signal any passing ships. He’d hate to be trapped with his child, not because Genakra isn’t self-sufficient (hobgoblins mature quickly and they’re 7 years away from adulthood), but because he’d hate seeing them deal with a lack of resources. He’d enjoy being trapped with Amara, a cleric of Pharasma he gets along well with, for the conversation. Oh, and the divine magic.
Does your character have any health issues, whether they're aware of them or not? Not to my knowledge!
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tibbivearomatikbitkiler · 1 year ago
Toprak Analizi Nedir
Toprak Analizi Nedir
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#BesinMaddeleri, #OprakTesti, #TarımVerimliliği, #ToprakAnalizRaporu, #ToprakAnalizYöntemleri, #ToprakÖrnekleri, #ToprakÖzellikleri, #ToprakPH, #ToprakSağlığı, #ToprakTestLaboratuvarları, #ToprakTestiFiyatları https://is.gd/RL7QbX https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/blog/toprak-analizi-nedir/
Toprak analizi nedir? Toprağın fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerini detaylı bir şekilde analiz ederek toprak sağlığını ve verimliliğini değerlendirmenin bir yoludur. Toprak analizi sayesinde aşağıdaki yollarla toprak verimliliği artırılabilir:
Besin Madde İhtiyacının Belirlenmesi: Toprak analizi, toprağın hangi besin maddelerinde eksik olduğunu veya fazla olduğunu belirlemeye yardımcı olur. Bu sayede bitkilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu besin maddeleri dengeli bir şekilde sağlanabilir.
Doğru Gübreleme: Toprak analizi sonuçlarına dayanarak, bitkilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu besin maddeleri doğru bir şekilde belirlenir. Bu da doğru gübreleme yöntemleriyle bitkilerin verimini artırabilir. Bakınız: Organik Gübrelemenin Tıbbi Bitkilerin Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerine Etkileri
Toprak pH Düzeyinin Ayarlanması: Toprak analizi, toprak pH düzeyini belirlemeye yardımcı olur. Toprak pH’sının uygun bir düzeyde olması bitkilerin besin maddelerini almasını kolaylaştırır.
Toprak Yapısının Değerlendirilmesi: Toprak analizi, toprak yapısını inceleyerek su tutma kapasitesi, havalanma ve drenaj gibi faktörlerin değerlendirilmesine yardımcı olur. Bu faktörler toprak sağlığı ve bitki gelişimi için önemlidir.
Erozyon Riskinin Değerlendirilmesi: Toprak analizi, erozyon riskini belirlemeye yardımcı olabilir. Erozyon kontrolü sağlanarak toprak kaybı önlenir ve verimlilik artar.
Sürdürülebilir Tarım Uygulamaları: Toprak analizi sonuçlarına göre sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamaları planlanabilir. Bu da toprak verimliliğini uzun dönemde artırabilir.
Toprak analizi, toprak verimliliğini artırmak ve sürdürülebilir tarım pratiği oluşturmak için temel bir araçtır. Toprak analizi sonuçlarına dayalı olarak alınan tedbirler, toprak sağlığını korumaya ve bitki üretimini optimize etmeye yardımcı olabilir.
Toprak analizi nerelerde yapılır ?
Tarım İşletmeleri: Tarım alanlarında toprak analizi yapmak, hangi besin maddelerinin eksik olduğunu belirlemek ve gübreleme programlarını optimize etmek için önemlidir.
Bahçeler: Ev bahçeleri, parklar ve yeşil alanlar gibi yerlerde de toprak analizi yapmak, bitki sağlığını ve verimliliğini artırmak için kullanılır.
Toprak Test Laboratuvarları: Üniversiteler, tarım kuruluşları ve özel laboratuvarlar toprak analizi hizmeti sunarlar. Bu laboratuvarlar, toprak örneklerini test ederek besin içeriğini ve diğer özellikleri değerlendirirler.
Tarım Danışmanları: Tarım danışmanları, çiftçilere ve bahçe sahiplerine toprak analizi sonuçlarına dayalı olarak önerilerde bulunabilirler.
Çiftlik Danışmanları: Büyük tarım işletmeleri ve endüstriyel çiftlikler, toprak verimliliğini artırmak ve sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamaları geliştirmek için toprak analizi yaptırabilirler.
Araştırma Projeleri: Tarım ve çevre araştırmalarında, toprak analizi verileri toprak sağlığı ve verimliliği hakkında bilgi sağlayabilir.
Analiz Yapılmaz ise
Besin Eksiklikleri veya Fazlalıkları: Toprak analizi yapılmadan gübre kullanıldığında, bitkilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu besin maddeleri dengesiz bir şekilde sağlanabilir. Besin eksiklikleri veya fazlalıkları bitki büyümesini olumsuz etkileyebilir.
Verimsizlik: Eksik veya dengesiz gübreleme, bitki verimini düşürebilir. Bu da ürün miktarının ve kalitesinin azalmasına neden olabilir.
Toprak Asitliği ve Alkalinitesi Sorunları: Toprak pH’sı uygun değilse, bitkilerin besin maddelerini emmesi zorlaşır. Bu da bitki sağlığını olumsuz etkiler.
Su Yönetimi Sorunları: Toprak analizi yapılmadan sulama programları oluşturulursa, su yönetimi problemleri ortaya çıkabilir. Toprak su tutma kapasitesi ve drenaj yeteneği göz ardı edildiğinde su stresi veya aşırı sulama riski oluşabilir.
Zararlı ve Hastalık Kontrolü Zorlukları: Sağlıksız topraklar, bitkilerin hastalıklara ve zararlılara karşı direncini azaltabilir. Bu durum bitki hastalıklarının ve zararlıların yayılma riskini artırabilir.
Maliyet Artışı: Toprak analizi yapılmadan gereksiz gübre veya kimyasal kullanımı sonucu maliyetler artabilir. Aynı zamanda düşük verim nedeniyle gelir kaybı da yaşanabilir.
Toprak Erozyonu ve Bozulma: Toprak analizi yapılmadan toprak yapısı ve sağlığı göz ardı edilirse, erozyon riski artar ve toprak verimsizleşebilir.
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enddaysengine · 2 years ago
Yzobus (Paths Beyond)
How much can I say about ornery, aggressive yaks that smell bad? You’d be surprised. I’ll start with the advice I’d give all animals — think about legends, fables, and fairy tales. Consider what cultures would interact with this animal and what lessons they could draw from their behaviour. Yzobus could be tricksters whose foul smell matches their temperament, but just as easily, their stench could represent not judging others too quickly or turning a disadvantage into an advantage. 
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Yzobus, however, also have a more direct link to the planes. They have always appeared in Pathfinder as animals closely associated with hobgoblins. The rise of Oprak after the Ironfange Invasion connects everything hobgoblin related to the Plane of Earth via the Onyx Citadel. As hobgoblins become more prevalent on the elemental planes, one would also expect their pack animals to be. The spread of yzobus could be a way to foreshadow hobgoblin involvement in a story, or they could be a catalyst as a new aspect upsetting the plane’s traditional balance.  
A granite glyptodont busted through the farming community of Ipswi in the Onyx Citadel. While the surly elemental was eventually driven off, the town’s yzobu herds escaped in chaos? Desperate to prove themselves useful to their longshank cousins, a band of goblin youths have set off to pursue the smelly beasts, but will the young adventurers need rescuing? 
Good doesn’t have to mean nice. Many souls destined for the neutral good afterlife of Nirvana are blunt and straightforward, refusing to take shit from anyone. Upon joining the ranks of the Cleansed, they transform into sentient yzobu, who aggressively protect the peace of enlightenment. When contacted by mortals for guidance, these petitioners counsel to act decisive and firmly in all matters. 
Mortal scholars studying the First World speak of The Ancient, a mystic welcome in all the Eldest Courts. But, as with all things fey, the Ancient is unpredictable — they are said to live in legendary Bophan but can slip through the First World to appear anywhere without warning. Those who track the Ancient down are shocked to discover they are neither fey nor beastkin but an awakened yzobu who bestows incredible wisdom on supplicant — if they can tolerate its unbearable stench.
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saverix339 · 2 years ago
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Meikaa, F Hobgoblin Magus 4.
She comes from the nation of Oprak. After escaping the military and becoming independent, she now roams the isle of kortos with her newfound adventuring group and friends, defeating cultists and evil.
She struggles with expressing emotions, but she's learning how to open up more to others. She has an intimidating presence, but deep down she cares for the people she meets.
/Made in blender a while ago, I was still learning how to pose and do clothing correctly (not that I'm good at it now though 😅) but I'm pretty proud of her. I really like playing as her!
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niant111 · 2 years ago
Akibat ta oprak-oprak Alhamdulillah akhirnya jadi juga nih. Same day edits. Makasih ya Bi. Makasih uda nyenengin adik A juga.
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araznitheunyielding · 9 months ago
Lastwall got nuked by the Whispering Tyrant using a mix of positive energy and negative energy. It's now an undead wasteland whose only held back by the efforts of the Knights of Lastwall (Knights of Ozem but if they were actually Good). Whispering Tyrant is free but hiding out on the Isle of Terror after he got his shit kicked in by PCs.
The Cheliaxan Province of Kintargo successfully rebelled using magical loopholes and is now independent but in a precarious situation.
The Chelixan Colony of Sargava successfully rebelled and is now known as Vidrian (good for them).
Nocticula went from a demon lord of lust, assassins, and darkness to the goddess of midnight and patrons of exiles and artists.
Runelords Sorshen (now CN) and Belimarius (still Evil) came back and decided to start their own countries again. Sorshen is successfully integrating her part of New Thassilon with Nocticula as their patron deity while Belimarius is pissing everyone off. All the other Runelords got themselves killed.
The Inner Sea region has abolished or "abolished" in Cheliax's case slavery. Cheliax has basically switched slavery for debt entrapment and mandatory military service (which in most cases is literally slavery with a different name).
Arazni (formerly a demi-goddess of lichdom and command bound to Geb) was killed by the Whispering Tyrant's magical nuke but came back as the full-on goddess of dignity and patron of the abused and unwilling undead. She was still NE but she's probably TN or CN now.
Goblins have become more accepted in society for their surprising aid during the Fall of Lastwall.
Worldwound is closed and Deskari was perma-killed. It's still not ideal conditions but nature is healing and the Sarkorian natives can start to reclaim their homeland. Queen Galfrey now longer rules Mendev and became Iomedae's Herald to replace the old one.
Grand Princess Eutropia (NG Human Swashbuckler) is now in charge of Taldor and is dragging it (kicking and screaming) into a modern age.
The most recent development in which Gorum was killed and starts the War of Immortals events as war breaks out between the gods and mortals are empowered by Gorum's divine essence as it literally rained down from the sky.
Galt is now slowly becoming a normal country again after it was discovered to be actually ruled by an omnicidal Conquerer Wyrm who was sabotaging the Government and ensuring total anarchy. It's now ruled by Camelia Drannoch (CN Human Bard).
Molthune and Nirmthas once again got into a spat but Molthune sicced the Ironfang Legion upon them. This backfired as the Ironfang and their leader Azaersi (LE Hobgoblin Swashbuckler) had discovered a key to a infinite area that was apart of the Plane of Earth and made a peace deal with the Nirmathans. Azaersi is now ruler of the Nation Oprak (which is now a bastion for the more "monstrous" races. The Three Natiosn have been forced into a uneasy truce because of the whole "Lastwall has turned into a undead wasteland" bit.
River Kingdoms has a new kingdom. The specifics depend on the PCs of Kingmaker.
Korvosa is now ruled by Queen Cressida Kroft (LN Human Fighter) after the last queen was overthrown for many different crimes (god forbid women do anything).
Absalom is ruled by Lord Gyr of House Gixx (TN Human Rogue) but he's mysteriously missing so Wynsal Starborn (LG Human Fighter) is acting in his stead.
An AI named Casandalee became a full-on goddess of intelligent and sentient AI after Numeria was freed from the Technic League.
All the NG Elemental Lords were freed and are now wrestling for control of the Elemental Planes.
The Tian Xian Empire of Ming was freed from tyranny and is now ruled by Ameiko Kaijistu (NG Human Bard),
The Queen of Irrisen was overthrown and now Queen Anastasia (LN Human Aristocrat and formerly Princess Anastasia, yes THAT Anastasia) rules Irrisen.
An Andoran Colony was established off the coast of what remains of Azlant.
Old Mage Jatembe (NG Human Wizard) is back.
Both Geb and Nex are back in charge and preparing for another round of Wizard Wars.
Sandpoint was literally cursed (explaining why so much bad stuff happens to it) and the curse is presumably broken.
Hi! i haven't really been following pf2e's lore changes all that closely, except that i know they got rid of drow, and now apparently Gorum is dead for some reason?
What even is going on here? Why is a demon lord a CN deity now? Just how major are the changes between the editions, anyway?
I'm afraid you're a little further behind than just 2e; Nocticula's redemption was hinted at all the way back in 2013! But what came after was mere trickles and hints all the way up until Rise of New Thassilon, where she kicks her demonic heritage to the curb and takes up art as the Redeemer Queen.
The changes are big! The "correct" endings of Every Adventure Path from First Edition are all canon, so the end of each AP has caused changes; some larger than others. A new kingdom literally sprung up overnight, just to name one. I'm not sure if there's a timeline or something available online which summarizes it all, but I'm sure my followers know about something!
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singing-nightingale · 11 months ago
Rancaupas trippp!
Salah satu bucket list yang akhirnya tercoret : ✨Rancaupas✨
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Sebagai pegiat kehewanan, ke penangkaran rusa tuh menjadi cita-cita sejak lama dan akhirnya tercapai di cuti perdana kemarin wkwkw. Sebelum memorinya semakin hilang, akan berceritaa (sekalian mengasah rutinitasku yang dulu selalu menceritakan liburan 😌)
Berangkat dari Malang naik bus bersama Chipi. Anyway, rasanya kayak udah lama banget bepergian jarak jauh bareng orang WKWK. Asli, dari dulu bolak-balik Jakarta dan pergi ke tempat-tempat jauh selalu sendirian.... jadi lumayan kagok juga kalo ada temennya.
Kita berangkat siang dan sampe di Bandung subuh. Sepanjang jalan dihabiskan buat tidur, nonton film, hpan, tidur. Cipik kuat banget sepanjang jalan habis 3 film anjrit meanwhile aku baru duduk di busnya aja udah langsung hilang kesadaran.
Day one
Sampe di Bandung kan subuh ya, kita langsung pesen taksi online buat ke penginapan transit. Karena cuma buat transit doang, jadi mesen kamar yang emang low budget. Pas sampe shock, anjrit low budget sih iya tp kamarnya BENER2 NO SPACE. Ngga sempet ngefoto tapi sebagai penggambaran antara kasur bunk bed dan temboknya spacenya cuma satu orang berukuran medium, makan tuh claustrophobic.
Sampe di penginapannya langsung beres-beres dan mandi sebelum kita berkeliling bertamasya di Bandung Ria. Aku di daily life kan procrastinating parah ya, tapi kalo udah Novia versi liburan kemudian beurbah menjadi titisan Hitler. Super strict dan bertugas sebagai pengoprak-oprak warga. Cipik bener-bener aku pecut agar bergerak cepat dan sesuai timeline.
Tidur bentar? Bangunin
Mandi lama? Marahin
Jalan lama? Tinggal
Setengah hari pertama di Bandung kita habiskan untuk wiskul.
First stop adalah bubur ayam Kang Dedi Sudirman. Dang dia porsinya BANYAK BGT sampe topping dan buburnya tuh dipisah wkwkw. Enak kok, cuma ayamnya tuh sangat ayam???
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Second stop kita ke Nasi Kuning Bulak Sumur. Jauh ye nyebrang ke daerah ITB. Mayan enak juga dan kalo kesiangan dikit udah ramai dengan mahasiswa. ANYWAY special shout out tuh buat teh di Bandung. ENAKNYA BGTTT. Mana kalo makan tuh sering dikasih tehnya gratis! Asli tiap food hopping gitu biasanya dikasi teh panas dan tehnya konsisten enak terus.
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Lanjut kita membakar kalori sarapan tadi dengan jalan-jalan ke Baksil. Pokoknya tiap aku ke Bandung pasti halan-halan ke hutan kotanya. Bagus-bagussss dan well maintained ih seneng. Cipik yang awalnya semangat lama-lama rada shock n mengomel waktu tau jalannya panjang uga WKWKWK. Rasanya bubur dan naskun itu menguap begitu saja. Aku tuh dulu pernah ya ke Baksil sendirian malah, tp kayanya dulu ga sejauh ini jalannya.... *ngesot
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Habis terseok-seok di Baksil akhirnya kita ngadem ke kafenya Jurnal Risa deket situ sambil mencari destinasi selanjutnya. Karena itu masih super pagi dan dia baru buka jadinya cuma pesen minum aja dan kita melanjutkan trip ke Ciwalk.
Di Ciwalk Cipi tuh mencari semacam makanan Jepang yang olahan green teanya terlihat tempting. Bencananya adalah tuh tempat tersembunyi anjrit mana kan konsepnya mix indoor outdoor gt ya sampe lecet-lecet muterin Ciwalk ga nemu juga tempatnya. Setelah menemukan solusi yaitu NANYA KE SATPAM nemu juga tempatnya. Begitulah saudara-saudara, tolong diingat sudah mau 25 tahun ngomong ke satpam kok masih takut. Mau review tapi lupa deh rasa si green tea gimana karena di Ciwalk gweh terpontang panting SAMBIL KERJA bangke ini Ciwalk atau CIWORK gweh tanya
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Udah siang tuh udah panas ya kita memutuskan untuk maksi batagor dan cuanki. Sebagai wisatawan, tentu tidak afdhol kalau tidak memilih tempat yang paling mainstream yaitu ✨serayu✨
Bad luck strike entah ke berapa lah per-hari itu tapi waktu kesana dia belum buka dan kita harus ke cabangnya yang lain. Jaraknya tuh kaya nanggung jauh ga jauh, cuma Cipik ngotot mau taksi online aja. Wah Novia versi Hitler ini tidak akan membiarkan kemalasan terjadi. Pokoknya kesana jalan!!! ini di Bandung ya yang pohonnya banyak dan adem, harus jalan!!! makan tuh hasil kerja Ridwan Kamil.
NAMUN KUCIWA ternyata batagornya meh~ si tagor keras, alot, bumbunya rada frik. Udahlah paling bener batagor SSC juara dunia. Cuankinya enyaakk tp tiap makan cuanki tuh membuatku selalu berpikir "ini gak makan bakso sekalian apa ya, nanggung" kenapa coba diciptakan cuanki jika di dunia ini sudah ada bakso?
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Di puncak panas-panasnya dunia kita kembali ke penginapannya buat tidur bentar dan ngecharge habis itu baru kita ke tempat si penyewaan mobil. Keputusan menyewa mobil sebenarnya adalah sebenar-benarnya pertaruhan karena Cipi level confidencenya untuk menyetir di luar kota tuh masih belum penuh. Ini ke Rancaupas lagi yang kita gatau juga bentuk jalannya gimana. PAKE MOBIL ORANG LAGI. Tapi karena akses transportasi umum kesana susah juga ya, baiklah kita ambil tantangan si gundul.
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Sebagai tersangka yang menyasarkan begitu banyak orang karena kemampuan membaca maps yang buruk, hari itu aku bener-bener tegang. Duduk tegak, tidak menikmati musik, strict ke google maps all time, bye cita-cita menjadi passenger princess.
SUMPAH I DID WELL SAMPE DI SATU TITIK adalah aku salah mengarahkan belokan wkwkwkw bangke. Oh oke tenang kan bisa puter balik. TERNYATA JALANNYA GANG KECIL DAN SUPER NANJAK. Cipik? panik, aku? panik, cat rambut? manic panic.
Akhirnya kita harus muter di pekarangan orang yang itu jalannya nanjak. Segala sholawat sudah diucapkan dalam hati. Aku sampe harus turun mobil buat menghalau motor2 yang mau turun atau mau naik wkwkw bangkeeee plis itu keringet udah keringet dingin. Untungnya berhasil dan kita bisa melanjutkan perjalanan dengan selamat sampe di Rancaupas (walaupun kejadian itu menjadi unforgiven list Cipik ke ak)
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BAGUS BGTTTTT hiks sedih bgt bagusssss ih. Beneran berasa kayak lagi syuting film Heart. Sindrom pemeran utama ini langsung memunculkan persona Acha Septriasa. Ih asli tempatnya super lucu, ada danaunya terus sekeliling kayak rerumputan dan pepohonan. Tapi karena nyampe sana kan udah sore bgt ya, jadi keliling bentar habis itu mandi.
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KAMARNYA BAGUS. Walaupun lebih kecil dari yang dibayangkan. Standard Bobobox sih, lampunya bisa disetting terus bisa pake sound effect suara hutan hutanan. Canggih bgt kamarnya seru.
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Anyway di Rancaupas tuh DINGIN BGT. Kayak waktu sore baru dateng aja itu 18 derajat deh kayanya. Karena kedua orang ini salah perhitungan akhirnya menggigil lah disana. Apalagi habis keramas rasanya kayak dibekukan. Makin malem dinginnya makin sip, jadi kita bikin mie kuah dulu, yang bodonya di dalem kamar dan bodonya tumpah bumbunya. Semalaman di kamar rasanya kaya cosplay terperangkap dalam cupnya pop mie soto.
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Terus sebelum tidur kita bakar kalori dulu dengan JJS di daerah Bobocabin. KALO MALEM LAMPUNYA BAGUS tapi sepi bgt. Kita sebenernya cari bonfire gitu ya tapi ga ada. Akhirnya keliling-keliling aja malem-malem sambil nunggu kesurupan. Di akhir hari kita kemudian memanaskan bolu bakar tunggal roombutter (yang orgil enak bgt) sambil duduk di pinggir danau dan ngobrol. So sweet.
Waktu mau tidur kerasa dingin bgt buset. Selimutnya tuh sebenernya udah gede bgt dan tebel bgt tapi saking dinginnya kita masih minta extra blanket untuk menggulung diri jadi crab stick.
Day Two
Novia versi Hitler ini bangun tepat sesuai alarm pertama bunyi (demi Allah Novia sehari-hari yang bangunnya setelah ngesnooze alarm 10x cuma geleng-geleng melihat anomali ini).
Bangun masih anget karena digulung selimut. Ngeluarin tangan dikit langsung kerasa dinginnya sampe tulang-tulang. Ternyata dinginnya kemarin malem tidak ada apa-apanya karena paginya nyampe 12 derajat.
NOW YOU KNOW KENAPA LUNA MIMISAN WAKTU KECEBUR DI DANAU. Ternyata dia ngga lebay, emang gila lo Farel.
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Novia Hitler kemudian mengoprak-oprak Cipi dan langsung berangkat ke kamar mandi jam 6 pagi di suhu 12 derajat celcius. Oh Novia sehari-hari will never.
Destinasi wisata pertama adalah danau di Bobocabin. Kita mau naik perahu dan cosplay jadi Acha Septriasa.
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"Embun di pagi buta~"
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Mayan lah seruu dan bagus foto-foto di sekitar danau. Cuma rada canggung aja waktu mengayuh sampan berdua sama Aa'nya. Si Aa' beneran mengayuh dan aku hanya melakukan gerakan mengaduk dodol.
Lanjut kita ke the holy ✨PENANGKARAN RUSA✨
EXCITED BGTTTT sampe Novia Hitler comeback, dia berjalan dengan cepat dan mengoprak-oprak Cipi yang berjalan santai.
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SERU BGT kayak di Eropa wkwkwkw bagusss tempatnya. Rusanya juga banyak dan lucu-lucu walaupun sering nyosor. Anyway walaupun dia herbivora tapi ngeri juga kalau dia salah mengartikan jari kita dengan wortel. Di sana foto-foto banyak dan mengelus rusa banyak-banyak. Walaupun mayan was-was takut diseruduk rusa bertanduk.
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SERUUUU ih seneng bgt huf mau bawa satu :(
Dah mayan siang akhirnya kembali ke bobocabin untuk istirahat, makan, foto-foto (lagi) dan jalan-jalan. Sedihnyo, kaya ngga cukup semalem di rancaupas.
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Perjalanan kembali
Perjalanan kembali ke Bandung lebih chill wkwkwk ga ada drama nyasar dan udah hafal jalannya. Sampe di Bandung kita juga wiskul-wiskul lagi.
Waktu itu yang paling diincer si Baso Goreng Anugrah. Ekspektasiku sih dia akan kaya bakso goreng di Malang yang dari ayam, ternyata ada mix ikannya gt, dan kalo dimakan banyak-banyak membuat eneg. Karena aku rada kalap aja waktu itu jadi beli banyak ternyata end up jd eneg bgt...bahkan sampe sekarang nulis ini masih kerasa dikit tu baso goreng wkwkwkw *trauma
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Setelah keliling-keliling bentar akhirnya kita mengembalikan mobil lalu langsung ke stasiun. Cipi berangkat duluan ke Malang dan ak masih nunggu kereta ke Jakarta. Hiks sedihnyo sudah berakhir trip ini. Overall it was supeeeeerr fun, akhirnya aku dan Cipi menunaikan rencana liburan bersama setelah 7 tahun. Mau liburan lagi ga sie
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amlakiranzamin · 3 years ago
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پارک آبی اُپارک Opark اوپارک تهران، مناسب آنهایی است که علاقه زیادی به تفریحات و بازیهای آبی دارند و می‌خواهند آخر هفته را به شنا بگذرانند. این پارک از جاذبه‌های تفریحی در تهران است که امکانات تفریحی و رفاهی عالی دارد و بسیار لوکس است و همیشه نیز افراد زیادی در آن مشغول به استفاده از این امکانات هستند و نهایت لذت را می‌برند. در Opark تمامی اصول و استانداردهای مربوط به ساخت وسایل و تجهیزات در نظر گرفته شده است. طراحی‌های زیبا و منحر به فرد، امکانات عالی تفریحی و رفاهی، سرسره‌های هیجان‌انگیز و لوازم و وسایل جذاب و عالی از ویژگی‌های جالب و مثبت این پارک زیبا هستند. پارک آبی اوپارک بزرگترین مجموعه تفریحی و بازی‌های آبی در تهران واقع شده است ادامه مطلب در لینک ذیل https://l2h.ir/wmm #اوپارک #اوپارک_تهران #اُپارک #اوپارک_چیتگر #oprak #املاک_مروارید_شهر #املاک_دریاچه_چیتگر #املاک_منطقه_۲۲ #املاک_چیتگر #املاک_شهرک_گلستان (at Chitgar Park پارک چیتگر) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRE3h6sL7K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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channelping · 5 years ago
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🎧Channelping.com✨We love to share your posts. Let’s spread the music! @paulcarpenterdj DJProducer⭐️Oprak📀Another World (original mix) & (Radio Edit) - Out Now @beatport @spotify ... #channelping#music#dj#oprak#melodichouse#melodictechno#techno#techhouse#housemusic#progressive#musiciproducer#hardstyle#trance#dancemusic#edm#deephouse#nightclub#electronicmusic#darktechno#radio#undergroundtechno#clubbing#psytrance#beatport#spotify#recordlabels#soundcloud https://www.instagram.com/p/B98NRIgA-GQ/?igshid=10ps5qggx6giy
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year ago
Sample Pothos NPC Brimstone Springs is a small town in the Mindspin Mountains, renowned for its hot springs, healing waters, and a toxic immersion called the Golden Dream that grants those that survive a vision of the afterlife. Brimstone Springs was once in Nidalese territory, but with the rise of the Ironfang Legion and the establishment of their nation, Oprak, Brimstone Springs is now firmly in monstrous territory.
The new mayor of Brimstone Springs is a pothos named Numu. She is happy to let business in the town continue as usual, just paying her taxes to a different liege lord. But since Numu has taken over the Springs, more and more people keep coming back, week after week. Some of these repeat customers go mad with desire, losing even the will to feed themselves and slowly wasting away. Others who visit the springs are tormented with nightmares that persist until they return to Brimstone Springs just one more time...
If advancing Numu for higher level games, consider giving her levels of mesmerist, especially the dreamstalker or vizier archetypes, or bard, especially the court bard, fey prankster or first world minstrel archetypes
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“Dama Fatali” by Alberto dal Lago, © Asterion Press.
[Commissioned by @justicegundam82. This monster originally appeared in Nephandum: Creature del Terrore, a 3rd party monster book for D&D 3.5 published in Italy. Now, I don’t speak Italian, but a combination of Google Translate, my half-remembered high school Spanish and knowing Latin cognates helped get me through the text. The original is female only, as the name suggests, but this version is able to be any gender. Also, is a lot more balanced. The original was a CR 7 with 35 hp and a save or die. So very, very swingy.
The name I’ve given it, Pothos, is one of the Erotes, who were aspects of or associated with Eros. Pothos specifically was the god of yearning and unrequited love, which seemed appropriate.]
Pothos This statuesque humanoid has fine features and perfect proportions. The only disturbing addition to their beauty is the four long tentacles that grow in place of their arms.
A pothos, also known as a lethal lover, is a fey creature that represents obsessive and destructive love. Pothoi delight in driving humanoids to madness and violence with love—their very presence is like a drug to their victims, who willingly sink into the lethal lover’s embrace even as the creature drains their life force.  A mere glance is enough to initiate this love madness, and pothoi tend to live in places where the unaware are likely to stumble upon them—dappled glades, pristine waterfalls and other wild areas that stir the passions of travelers.
A pothos typically prefers to work its insidious magic over extended periods of time. First they inflict a creature with their bewitching magic, and then kill them slowly over days of intimate contact. The drawn out nature of the death is what a pothos most enjoys; sending their dupe back home to pine for a while before deigning to meet them for another tryst, using their spell-like abilities to torment and vex their victim, and even magically encouraging them to commit crimes to appease their lethal lover. If forced into direct combat, a pothos will render enemies dazed with their beauty, then grab and crush any creature that resists. They will readily flee for their lives from a foe unaffected by their mind-influencing magic.
Lethal lovers can assume the physical appearance of any gender or sex they choose. They can change their appearance by wrapping themselves in a cocoon of tentacles for 24 hours, during which time they gently mold their features into whatever form they please. Pothoi hate other fey, especially nymphs, whom they view as a manifestation of balanced and healthy love. Unlike most fey, they have no particular affinity for animals, and may torture and kill animals in their territory specifically to antagonize other fey creatures.
A pothos typically stands as tall as a human, although some are sized to prey on Small creatures.
Pothos Boons and Banes (CL 8th, level 4, DC 18) A pothos typically inflicts their boon and bane on the same target, the better to drive them into a frenzy of lust and wear down their sanity and morality. Their boon is particularly treacherous; though it seems like a benefit, it makes it more and more difficult for the allies of their victims to get the help they need.
Boon: You become deadened to any emotions, save for those inspired by a pothos. You gain a +4 morale bonus on all saves against emotion and fear effects, except for those cast by the pothos that bestowed this boon. This boon lasts for 1 week.
Bane: You are in constant telepathic contact with the pothos that inflicted this bane. You may communicate with them telepathically at any range, as long as you are on the same plane. She may use any of her spell-like abilities, or her bewitching glance, on you as a standard action through this link. This bane lasts for 1 month. 
Keep reading
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hudasyahdan · 4 years ago
Serius dan Komitmen
Salah satu hal yang kadang susah kita jalani di masa sekarang adalah berkomitmen pada kebaikan. Seringkali kita terbesit niat-niat baik, pengen belajar bareng, pengen hafal Quran, pengen bikin komunitas ABCD. Jadilah kemudian Allah permudah niat itu, kita ada kelompok belajar, kita tergabung pada sebuah halaqoh Quran, kita bisa bersama membangun komunitas yang berfokus pada suatu project tertentu.
Namun beriring dengan niat dan perwujudannya yang cepat itu, kadang hilang keseriusan dan komitmen kita juga amat cepat. Belajar bareng Cuma semangat di awal, habis itu ya nglokro. Ngapal Quran Cuma jadi halaqoh aja, pas disuruh setoran atau tahsin ada aja seribu satu alasan. Komunitas Cuma jalan sekali dua kali proker, setelahnya hanya pemanis di Curiculum Vitae saja, haduh astaghfirullah.
Dalam perjalanan mencari partner juga, partner ngaji bareng lo, amat sangat susah. Pas awal kita sampaikan ke orang-orang pada antusias, eh pas udah eksekusi ternyata seringnya kita sendirian, sampai merasa udah bikin orang gak nyaman karena terus heboh dan ngoprak-oprak, mwihihi.
Dari banyak hal yang saya temui itu, kemudian saya jadi sadar, betapa berat komitmen dan keseriusan itu. Karena banyak dari kita semangat pada mulanya, tapi lupa konsisten. Karena banyak dari kita yang berlomba untuk membuat suatu yang baru, tapi lupa untuk menjaganya. Maka benarlah kemudian Rasul mengajarkan doa yang masyhur itu, Wahai Dzat Yang membolak-balik hati, tetapkanlah pada dienmu, dan ketaatan padamu.
Untuk yang sedang berjuang jadi baik, yuk belajar serius dan komitmen. Iya kadang capek manusiawi, iya kadang kita juga perlu beristirahat, tapi kalau emang masih kuat, jangan nyari alasan dan menunda, apalagi kalau beneran punya cita-cita yang mulia. Semua kebaikan itu ga hanya selesai dari awal yang baik, tapi juga proses yang konsisten pada kebaikan, dan akhir yang baik pula.
Semangat menseriusi hal-hal baik, semangat serius dalam menghafal Quran, semangat buat kamu yang selalu kuseriusi dalam doaku :p
Huda S Drajad | Tenang dan Menenangkan
Ditulis dalam rangka menyambut ulang tahun yang kedelapan
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dailycharacteroption · 4 years ago
Roleplaying Races 8: Hobgoblins
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 It’s time for another playable race special, and we’re starting off with a classic of fantasy, the hobgoblin, those taller, more militant versions of the goblin race!
Interestingly enough though, hobgoblins didn’t start out as “bigger goblins”, that’s actually a Tolkien thing, in which orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and the like were all variants of the same general race.
The true origin of hobgoblins lies in their linguistic origins, the “hob” in their name being a synonym for elf, but also being the word for the metal plate on certain fireplaces used as a cooking surface similar to a stove.
In other words, these “hearth-goblins” were in fact a form of house-fey, similar to brownies and the like. However, unlike other house-fey, hobgoblins were a bit more mischievous than other house-fey, causing minor mischief just as often as they did minor chores.
Pathfinder’s hobgoblins, however, definitely lean more towards the Tolkien side though, being taller exaggerations of the big-headed little guys that are the iconic Pathfinder goblin. However, few races have gone through the dramatic changes that hobgoblins have in Pathfinder/Starfinder, having started as taller goblins, then briefly becoming much more human-like, before leaning back towards lanky, exaggerated goblinoids.
Like goblins, hobs are hairless, though some art of them shows them with a full scalp of hair. These have been explained as wigs, complex woven hairpieces made from locks taken from defeated foes over the years. The longer and more elaborate the wig, the more prestigious the hob wearing it, though some hob cultures eschew them as unnecessary frivolity and distraction.
Indeed, hobgoblin society is entirely based around military discipline, being trained from an early age in military matters. As such, military rank is the primary social factor for their society, with non-military support roles filling the lowest rung above slaves. Typical hobgoblin society treats all other races as potential slaves, with elves and dwarves being especially loathed for being hard to break.
This stems, at least in the Golarion setting, from the fact that they were magically created from goblin stock for the purposes of war in ancient times, most likely by fiends, though stories vary on exactly who, though given his love of the race, it is likely to have been the goblin hero-god Hadregash.
However, not all hobgoblin societies are so xenophobic or racial supremacist, and indeed in the time period that 2nd edition takes place, they have founded a society based on trade and industry after the events of the Ironfang Invasion AP called Oprak.
Their fear (they would say disdain) of arcane magic is harder to shake, though, with the majority of casters being either divine or occult, though their peers may fear the latter are arcane casters in disguise. Those arcane casters that do exist are either exiles or alchemists, as the science of true alchemy delights hobgoblins out of an instinctual love of fire and the military applications of many extracts.
The military society aspect of hobgoblins may be hard to shake without major reworking, but how hostile they are to other races and societies is up to you.
 Hobgoblins are surprisingly agile and tough, having no real downside.
Not afraid to utilize underhanded techniques to achieve victory, they also grow familiar with stealth and sneaking.
This is a natural fit for them as well, as they possess darkvision as well.
 Of course, these are merely a baseline. Other hobgoblins, by way of specialization or accident of biology, might have other traits. These include things like having a knack for domination, having long, awkward, yet strong limbs, a strong stance from years of training, A knack for explosives and sabotage, a fearsome demeanor, training to best arcane spellcasters, skill with a slave driver’s whip, scarred skin, a knack for tracking, or perhaps a knack for currying favor after being declared unfit for active duty.
 The vast majority of hobgoblin adventurers are exiles who either chafed under the lifestyle of their people, or were exiled due to some great crime, possibly both. As such, many find themselves joining mercenary companies or adventuring groups not only for safety but also reclaiming a bit of the structure and camaraderie of traveling with armed companions, albeit most are usually looser in their authority than what they are used to. Others that are still part of hobgoblin society might have been sent off by generals hoping to turn exceptional individuals into future leaders with impressive skill sets.
Thanks to their bonuses to two physical stats and no penalties, hobgoblins are not really barred from any class, though obviously they excel the most at physical classes. Most of their true class constraints are cultural, not stat-based, with alchemists being favored over all other arcane casters unless the hobgoblin is that much of an iconoclast. They also have access to the racial archetypes of Fell Rider cavaliers and Ironskin monks, representing savage cavalry leading the charge and monks that treat pain and the enduring of it as the ultimate teacher. They also favor the grenadier alchemist archetype as well.
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cocotangaje · 6 years ago
Barusan abis baca threadnya om pinot tentang pet pet gitu. Lupa gue apa, intinya disana bahas masalah passion atau sesuatu atau hobby yang kita seneng jalaninnya dan enjoy tanpa batas waktu dan hubungannya berkaitan erat sama kepuasan pribadi tapi ya lama-lama jadi uang karena dikerjain terus menerus tanpa henti.
Gue mo nitip nulis karena gue anaknya pelupa bgt parah tentang hal-hal yang gue seneng ngelakuinnya.
1. Nulis, tentu saja. Hidup tanpa sambat, bagai taman tak berbunga. Kata bang rhoma gitu gaes.
2. Editing video. Ini udah mulai gue garap dan jalan. Tapi terhambat karena gue masih nabung kamera dan kamera hp gue bahkan dipake scan gopay aja nggak bisa saking udah rusak kamera belakangnya.
3. Shoot sama take any photo/video. Halangannya masih sama dengan nomer 2
4. Editing foto. Demen banget gue oprak-aprik tone di lightroom sama vsco atau bikin madewithstories di picsart. Gue juga lagi belajar bikin vector di photoshop akhir2 ini.
5. Hand lettering dan gambar buat gue tempel dan dijadiin hiasan kamar. Nggak jago, cuma ngelakuinnya bikin gue seneng.
6. Gunting2 origami dan foto-fotoin satu-satu dan jadi sebuah kartun stop motion. Gue pernah bikin 3 video, tapi udah berenti sekarang karena prosesnya kelamaan dan tongsis gue dan guenya males gunting2nya.
7. Menyusun rencana, jadwal, memperhitungkan uang secara mendetail. Ini biar idup gue lebih terarah aja si.
Kayaknya segitu dulu deh. Kalo dipikirin kek banyak banget, ditulisin ternyata ya normal aja. Mo mendalami ah, biar hidup gue nggak gabut aja gitu sama biar bisa beli martabak tanpa perlu patungan sama oranglain karena kemahalan terus mampu langganan netflix sama spotify premium :(
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catleyalouvv · 2 years ago
kepalaku kayaknya mau meledak deh
aku udah pernah ngalamin yang lebih dari ini. minggu lalu waktu masa pemira kayanya lebih hectic. tapi sekarang kok rasanya berat bgt ya? hatinya berat, mau ngerjain kerjaan jadi ga mood, dan uring-uringan.
oke, mungkin aku jabarin isi kepalaku, sekaligus menata ruang di dalam otak biar ga sempit bgt lagi.
1. kerjaan
beberapa hari ini, portalku bikin kebijakan baru. penulis nge upload sendiri tulisannya di aplikasi cms. dan itu malesin bgt bikin tambah ribet.
portalku termasuk yang paling berat karena nulis sehari 10 artikel + cari gambar + masukin 2 link berita, sementara portal lain cuma 8 sehari dan ga usah cari gambar atau link gitu. dan aku hari sabtu masih ngerjain artikel meski wfh, sementara portal lain gantian libur 2 minggu sekali. dari sini aja udah berat kan.
trus tugas kita ditambah dengan upload sendiri artikelnya. itu tuh.. ya Allah, emang keliatan ga seberapa sih, tapi bnr2 bikin ga mood. rasanya kayak kerjaan tuh jadi banyaaaakkk bgt meskipun tadinya aja udah banyak.
tapi gimana lagi, aku masih anak baru masa protes. sebenernya partnerku udah protes, tapi belum diwaro. doain deh bulan depan atau secepatnya kerjaan kita dikurangi, ya minimal sehari 7 atau 8 artikel aja deh.
2. seminar alumni
ini nih. greget bgt, malesin bgt. kalo bukan karena bem butuh duit, ogah deh aku bikin acara begini dan aku jadi koor acaranya, dengan waktu persiapan cuma 1 minggu. sebenernya udah dari lama persiapannya, tapi karena ketidakjelasan alumninya dan kelolaan serta ke”hih”an presbemku (astaghfirullah tp emang gt), kita akhirnya baru dapet kepastian kemarin dan itupun harus aku yg ngoprak-oprak.
coba ya kalo aku ga ngechat dia tiap hari trus marah2 mulu, gatau nih mau gimana. tuhkan jadi ngerasa paling berjuang lagi, tapi beneran udah kesel banget karena kok bisa ya ada orang se ga satset itu. mau nangis tapi percuma, toh tinggal seminggu lagi udah demis.
3. musma
ini lagi nih. DLM taun ini reseeeee bgt. kita udah tinggal musma dengan aman tentram tapi masih aja ada hal2 yg bikin gedeg. masa musma cuma dikasih kuota 3 orang buat bem? itumah yg musma cuma aku sama presbemku doang, sisanya nyempil. aneh deh.
4. skripsi
ya Allah ya rabb sedih banget ya mikirinnya. mau gimana lagi, gabisa semua hal aku kerjain dalam satu waktu kan. udah aku sabarin, aku ikhlasin skripsinya baru mulai bisa lanjut lagi abis musma nanti. bismillah 1 per 1 ya, februari kita sidang dan maret kita wisuda oke? gapapa nis insyaAllah ini yg terbaik dari Allah, toh kamu berkorban demi amanah kan.
5. mau ganti hp baru
ya Allah ini sih yg bikin uring2an juga.. masa hp aku harus diservis dan harus habis 1 jt lebih. ya mending aku tuker tambah sama yang baru yak? tapi sebenernya uangnya tuh lagi ditabung buat beli macbook.. karena laptop aku mau dikasih ke ibu :’) gimana yah, tapi untuk skrg aku gabisa juga kalo hapenya rusak gini.
belum lagi adikku mau magang di jkt, bayar ukt adik dan aku. tabungan abis duluan sebelum nyentuh angka buat kebeli macbook hahaha.
gapapa deh ya Allah, yuk sabar yuk. sedikit demi sedikit nabungnya. dan kayanya lagi diingetin lagi sama Allah buat lebih sering sedekah.
mau sebanyak apapun uang kamu, tapi kamu gak sedekah, rasanya akan sempit terus. tapi mau sesedikit dan sepas-pasan apapun kamu, kalo rajin sedekah dan bersyukur, rezekinya pasti dilapangin. sadar deh nis.
iya ya, emang aku tuh lagi ngedown banget ruhiyahnya. ini tuh kek belom apa2, aku bahkan pernah ngalamin yang jauuuh daripada ini kok. ayo kita bangkit lagi. selesaikan satu per satu ya nis. nanti akan selesai, nanti bebannya akan hilang, dengan dikerjakan.
gapapa banget ngeluh, tulis aja disini biar otaknya jadi kerasa jembar. gimana? lega kan nulis?
abis ini, kerjain lagi tanggungannya. satu per satu ya. kalo capek, tarik nafas bentar tapi jangan melipir.
abis ini balik lagi ya. gelar sajadahnya, luasin doa doanya, ringanin hatinya.
insyaAllah, kamu bisa menghadapi semuanya.
semangat juga ya kamu, jangan sampe sakit. makan buah sama sayur ya, takut ketularan virus. pokoknya buat berjuang buat orang lain, diri kita harus sehat dulu, baik dulu, biar langkahnya semakin mantap dan kuat.
yuk bisa yuk, semangat :))
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enirahayu120 · 6 years ago
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Diantara banyaknya nikmat yang telah Allah berikan kepada ku, salah satu yang paling ku syukuri saat ini adalah hadirnya mereka dalam hidup ku. Ku sebut mereka “KELUARGA”. Meskipun, kita tidak terlahir dalam satu rahim yang sama, tapi bukankah keluarga tak sebatas pada pertalian darah saja? Karena kalau keluarga hanya sebatas pertalian darah saja, maka sempit sekali makna yang bisa kau pahami. Kabar baiknya, kami terikat pada guru yang sama, dan juga meneduh pada rumah yang sama.
Aku bersyukur, diantara riuhnya dunia kampus dan juga ibukota, mereka hadir sebagai penghilang dahaga dan juga tempat kembali. Disini, aku belajar tentang bagaimana bersikap (adab), entah kepada guru (ustadzah/ustadz) yang sejatinya merangkap menjadi orang tua kami selama kami di perantauan, teman-teman dengan berbagai karakter mereka masing-masing. Disini, aku merasa memiliki banyak kakak maupun adik. Disini pula, aku belajar lebih luas tentang makna “berbagi”, yang ternyata tak hanya sekedar membagi apa yang kita punya melainkan lebih dari itu. Sesederhana kami berbagi ruang, berbagi makanan, hingga berbagi cerita (read: curhat). Ah iya kau betul! Disini kau tak akan merasa sendiri, karena kabar baiknya ada banyak sekali telinga dan juga bahu serta tangan-tangan yang bersedia untuk mendengar, memeluk, serta merangkul mu tatkala kau senang, sedih, atau berbagai perasaan lainnya.
Disini, kau bisa menemukan manusia-manusia berhati malaikat yang terkadang tak kau duga. Hingga akhirnya terucap syukur berkali-kali karena telah dipertemukan dengan mereka. Dengan adik-adik yang bisa kau sayangi, dengan kakak-kakak yang dengan sukarela membagikan pengalaman mereka, yang nyatanya mereka sedikit lebih dulu daripada kita, konon agar kita bisa mengambil pelajaran dari kisah mereka. Dengan para ustadzah, yang perhatiannya terkadang tak mampu kami baca, karena bagaimanapun kami sering salah mengartikan kasih sayang mereka. Aturan-aturan yang mengikat, dirosah berjam-jam, evaluasi bulanan, perizinan, jam malam yang mungkin terasa berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan anak-anak kos, teguran hingga sanksi tatkala kami tak menunaikan kewajiban. Sebenarnya, kami sadar akan semua hal tersebut tidak lain demi kebaikan kami dimasa yang akan datang. Sebagaimana layaknya seorang ibu, mereka menginginkan yang terbaik bagi kami, santri-santrinya yang bergelar “mahasiswa”.
Oh iya perihal santri dan juga mahasiswa, perlu ku perkenalkan, pesantren ku memang dikhususkan untuk “mahasiswa”. Jika pada umumnya pesantren ditujukan untuk anak-anak diniyyah, aliyah, maupun anak anak sd-sma. Ditempat kami justru berbeda, pesantren kami sengaja di khususkan untuk “mahasiswa”. Orang-orang yang dilabeli “lebih pandai” dan kelak akan menjadi penerus serta pemangku jabatan di negri ini, agar mereka memiliki bekal agama yang kuat. Yang nantinya, diharapkan kami tak hanya pandai dalam bidang yang kami tekuni, namun kami juga pandai dalam ilmu agama, dalam bersikap, dalam tutur kata. Ah semoga harapan-harapan baik tersebut, mampu kami wujudkan abah, ibu nyai, ustadzah.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, Ibu Nyai kami, Ibu Hasyim Muzadi untuk pertama kalinya bercengkarama langsung dan memberikan wejangan-wejangannya kepada kami. Dengan segala kerendahan hatinya, beliau meminta tolong kepada kami, untuk sama-sama mewujudkan cita-cita abah (Alm. K.H.Hasyim Muzadi) yakni menjaga nama baik Al Hikam, dan juga menjadi mahasiswa sekaligus santri yang nantinya dapat berkontribusi untuk masyarakat, umat, serta bangsa. Aku menangis mendengar semua wejangan Ibu Nyai. Karena dalam waktu yang bersamaan pula, di otak ku berputar segala memori tentang bagaimana aku belum mampu menjadi santri yang sesungguhnya. Aku yang banyak malasnya, mengaji yang masih banyak ngantuknya, shalat berjamaah yang tak jarang menjadi makmum masbuk, piket yang harus diporak-oprak oleh ustdzah, ataupun hal-hal lainnya. Semua luput untuk ku maknai, sementara Ibu Nyai menaruh harapan besar terhadap kami.
Dari sini pula aku memahami bahwa tugas ku belum usai. Kelak aku harus mempertanggungjawabkan gelar “ mahasiswa sekaligus santri “ yang saat ini sedang ku jalani. Dan disini pula aku belajar untuk “ menggapai ridha Allah “ lebih utama dari pada menuruti hawa nafsu dan kata orang. Susah memang, maka dari itu perlu latihan berulang-ulang. Perlu praktek terus menerus hingga akhirnya kami terbiasa. Dan disini adalah tempat yang tepat untuk belajar hal tersebut. Sebagaimana visi pesantren kami, prestasi ilmiah, amaliyah agama, serta kesiapan hidup. Semoga kelak, setelah waktu kami selesai belajar disini, kami mampu merepresantasikan bahwa kami memang layak bergelar mahasiswa sekaligus santri Al-Hikam, santri Abah Hasyim Muzadi. Ulama besar yang hingga saat ini namanya terus dikenang oleh bangsa ini.
Terimakasih Allah, teruntuk nikmat yang kau berikan saat ini, nikmat bertemu dan kau hadirkan mereka dalam hidup ku, nikmat berguru kepada para ustdz dan ustadzah, nikmat belajar ilmu agama. Kalau tahu begini rasanya hidup di pesantren dan menjadi “santri”, maka aku menyesal kenapa baru sekarang aku memutuskan untuk mondok. Kenapa tidak dari dulu saja. Ah akan tetapi, lagi-lagi Allah maha baik dan Allah maha mengetahui dari ku. Mungkin tatkala dulu aku menjadi santri, aku tak akan sesenang ini dan juga sebahagia ini menjadi santri. Sekali lagi terimakasih ya Allah telah mengizinkan aku untuk belajar ilmu agama , untuk belajar mendekat kepada-Mu, untuk belajar menjadi hamba mu yang lebih taat dari hari ke hari. Terimakasih pula Ibu, Bapak, yang mendukung keputusan ku untuk menjadi santri. Teriring doa untuk kalian
Depok, 7 November 2018.
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mysherrry · 6 years ago
#FastRepost from @febby_alfr by @fastrepost_app ••• Jalan-jalan bersama..SAHABAT..sangat menyenangkan.. @ichunkz_ayu sie GPS @dewiarista94 sie Bendahara @risqitr sie Asisten bendahara @happy_erv sie Konsumsi @mysherrry sie Hore @febby_alfr sie Oprak-oprak @ariesetio sie Dokumentasi Suamik @ichunkz_ayu sie Driver #happy #friendship #together #forever #trip #travelling #Godbewithus (at Special Region of Yogyakarta)
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