#opposite sex attraction
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By: The Heretical Liberal
Published: Jun 18, 2024
Lots of responses to this post I made the other day laying out the case for why trans activism is homophobic, most of them supportive. For the few that weren't, here's a thread where I brought the receipts. If my earlier post was opening arguments, consider this the full case: 🧵
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First up, the charities, such as Stonewall and GLAAD. These are the groups that were originally set up as gay rights advocates, but were retooled around 2015 into trans rights advocates, and - since trans activism seeks to erase homosexuality - promptly began to do exactly that
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With the anti-gay activists now in charge and setting the tone, media now takes the reins and begins subtly erasing the very notion of same-sex attraction, suggesting that lesbians who don't want to date ppl with penises, and gay men not interested in vaginas are hateful bigots
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And more of the same nonsense:
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With the activists dictating, and the media following their lead, the homophobia inevitably trickles down. This manifests in different forms, but one of them is the psychological torture of homosexuals, some of whom have come to believe their innate orientation means they're bigots
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But mostly the biggest effect is in the trans community itself, who have increasingly internalized the idea that same-sex attraction doesn't exist, and thus, any ppl who claim to be exclusively same-sex attracted are actually just transphobic bigots who can be abused at will
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The rest is just gonna be a firehose of hate, as I try to dispel the idea that this homophobia is "just a few bad apples" instead of the truth: it's a core component underpinning the entire ideology transgenderism, as are the violent threats that often accompany it:
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I could go on and on, but I think the point here is made. Homophobia doesn't just exist in the trans community, it's RIFE in it. It's a feature, not a bug, the erasure of sex (and by extension, homosexuals) is a core goal of trans activism. Hopefully this has opened some eyes /end
Firstly, if you're shocked by this, then you haven't been paying attention.
This is what it looks like when the mentally ill use academic gobbledygook to pathologize the normal and normalize the pathological.
You're not crazy: same sex attraction and opposite sex attraction are real things and completely normal. You may have either or both (bisexual). Their stupid buzzwords don't - and can't - change that. Nor turn it into a "genital preference."
If you take away nothing else, know that an accusation of being "transphobic" is a predator trying to emotionally manipulate and blackmail you into allowing access by the predator beyond your boundaries. Whether that be sexual boundaries, to simply how you address others, and anything and everything in between.
You never have to justify your boundaries. Someone who tries to make you, or who tells you that you need to "rethink" your boundaries, or particularly who acts morally superior about their purported higher evolved absence of boundaries is a full-blown predator. No, I'm not being hyperbolic. When I say "predator," I mean they're a predator. You're talking to someone who is dangerous and not to be trusted, because they see your boundaries as something to be overcome, circumvented or "fixed." They do not respect you and they feel entitled to what they want from you. They are dangerous. They are a predator. By definition.
In the very definition of an abusive relationship, these virulently anti-gay fanatics also won't let LGB operate without them. Because they'll lose their human shields and their stolen valor they've misappropriated from the gay rights movements. Which is the point in the movie where the abuser shouts, "without me, you're nothing! I won't let you leave! If I can't have you, no one will!" And then something horrible happens.
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vintage-bentley · 26 days
If “comphet” is real and not just another way to claim that lesbians can be attracted to men…why does nobody talk about gay men experiencing it? Wouldn’t they experience feeling attracted to fictional and/or masculine women? Wouldn’t they be talking about that and joining the conversation about “comphet”? Why would it be strictly a lesbian experience when gay men also experience homophobia? Is it possibly because it’s just a lie created by the many people who are very eager to find any way to cross women’s boundaries, and find female homosexuality to be an especially enticing boundary to cross?
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
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"hetfem ally" lmaoooo some of you are this close to create the heterosexual pride i swear
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cool-sepulchre · 2 years
Everyday osa women come on this app and defend their right to date men like it’s a highly punishable crime
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mintharasthrone · 6 months
please just get rid of the fucking rainbow at this point
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foursaints · 3 months
is there a ship that you don’t like? i’m so curious (and in awe) because so far you’ve talked about and answered asks about so many ships, it’s incredible
hi drac ♡♡!!! my answer is so unsatisfying but i think it's just that... it depends? shipping is about character study to me. so i mostly just think about which specific traits or themes i want to explore in a certain character & who would be most likely to exacerbate that in them. if a pairing doesn't compel me like that its just not on my radar 😭
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note to marauders fandom: just cause you add a bunch of queer characters and poc xcharacters to your fanfics, it doesn’t mean your inclusive and understanding
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zealiketea · 8 months
felt like makin an intro post
hi!! im zea, but you can call me ellie or kibou if you feel like it (if we are close please refrain from calling me zea)
im transfem she/her (not out irl yet), homoflexible and cupioromantic (definitions in tags)
currently dating @detritiviolet
i am a minor, so beware when interacting with me
i probably have autism and adhd but im completely undiagnosed (frustratingly)
i sometimes hornypost but you will never see anything outright nsfw on this blog
if youre discriminatory against any group of people (terfs, racists, aphobes, etc), DNI. dont wanna see it
on the other hand, ive recently been seeing a lot of blogs list stuff like "men" and "cis women" as DNI so i would like to stress that every identity is welcome here. yes, even attack helicopters (love you robots <3)
pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease send me asks i love having stuff in my inbox
if you try dming me and i havent interacted with you beforehand ill be very standoffish so please dont go straight to messaging me
if you wanna check out my original posts/asks i answered/asks i sent you can look through #zea og
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These appear to be the "trans rights" we keep hearing about.
Stop reacting to accusations of "transphobia" as anything other than "sinner."
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whitestopper · 9 months
Is the character 'casually representing' bisexuality? Or is it that the show is only using their same-sex attraction for laughs? Yes, this is about TGP.
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strawberrah · 3 months
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Yes I know they're all bisexual but just for fun <3
Flags are colour-picked from the cover art!
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radicalfemimist · 1 month
gonna delete my other interactions with That Person because I don’t think it’s worth arguing with them. and honestly I feel bad for the nice or like. the normal bisexuals because SO. many. of these bisexuals are aggressively annoying about it. every lesbian I know has had a bad run-in with a bisexual.
Because this particular bisexual person also seemed to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how writing fucking works in a way that makes me SO mad.
Because like— you can headcanon that any character with straight hair really has curly hair and straightens it. You can. Word of god can even confirm that’s the case! But that STILL doesn’t matter if canon doesn’t portray them with curly hair. Because even something as seemingly insignificant as curly hair is going to have a domino effect on the character.
If they straighten it, why? Are they insecure? Have they been made fun of? Is it because it’s too much work? Why does Word of God say they have curly hair, but none of their childhood pictures have curly hair? Why isn’t there a hair straightener in their bathroom?
If there’s none of those things— then the character doesn’t have fucking curly hair, now do they? Even if later in the series their hair becomes curly, is there any evidence to support that the hair is naturally curly? Do they have a hair regimen they follow? Do they have curly hairbrushes? Sleep in a bonnet? No? Then they’re not written to have curly hair.
Only thing is, romance is a whole fucking lot more noticeable than with ever or not they give a curly character a bonnet. Romance can make or break a story. And it’s pretty fucking important for the characters to be attracted to each other.
There are SO, so many ways to showcase sexual attraction. Even in kids shows, you can! And it doesn’t have to be with their endgame romance, either! Luz Noceda, a bisexual character written by a bisexual woman, shows attraction to Shirtless Angsty Boy, Edric and Emira and Amity, blatantly. The last of which is her endgame relationship. (Because if a bisexual character is ending up in a relationship, it’s waaay better to have it be a same-sex relationship— considering Lumity is probably why Disney cancelled the show in the first place.)
And like, for shows actually about adults— New Girl. All the men in this are bisexual. Nick Miller is definitely bisexual. It’s not stated explicitly, but he’s explicitly attracted to women and seems to have feelings towards men he is actively in-denial of. Psych — Shawn Spencer’s actor has literally said he played him to be bisexual, and it shows. I’ll believe he’s attracted to women for Abigail alone. I’ll believe he’s attracted to men for everything else.
I’ll believe Sokka is bisexual. His romances with Suki and Yue are believeable enough. Like, I’m not saying nothing can be bisexual— I AM saying that it has to actually be bisexual to be bisexual, though.
Anyway. Zuzu isn’t canonically gay but it makes more sense if he is and for a more compelling story— the fire nation is canonically homophobic, so if he’s gay then that’s another thing for his father to consider wrong about him, since he can’t fall in love with a woman. And Mike? Well, if he were bisexual he’d be a filthy, filthy cheater and I’m personally against media portraying bisexuals as cheaters. As it is, he’s like aggressively gay-coded.
And I am soooo tired of seeing bisexual Jamie Kelly allegations. I know hardly anyone seems to talk about these books but.
she’s LYING to you! she doesn’t actually have a crush on Hudson! She’s literally supposed to be an unreliable narrator. She calls him the 8th cutest boy in her school and calls Angeline the prettiest girl in the world. She thinks it should be illegal for girls to be too pretty. She went through a year-long phase as a kid of drawing nothing but naked Barbies. She describes Angeline as causing “everyone” to feel a “mild, but pleasant burning sensation.”
Like YES, yes it DOES offend me for people to interpret these characters as bisexual— and you know why? Because comphet is a universal gay experience. Because people STILL cite the comphet things I said as a kid as proof of my “heterosexuality”. There’s so many gay people who have been in straight relationships before, or who have pretended to have straight crushes.
If a character’s only proof of heterosexual attraction is comphet, then they’re not experiencing heterosexual attraction. If the only proof is a forced, stale straight romance that the writers threw in there effortlessly, of which the character is not shown to be into? Then that’s not a character experiencing heterosexual attraction.
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OSA Pride Flag
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OSA: other-sex attraction (or opposite-sex attraction); the counterpart of SSA (same-sex attraction/similar-sex attraction).
SSA Pride Flag
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SSA: same-sex attraction/similar-sex attraction.
SGA Pride Flag
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SGA: same-gender (or similar-gender/s) attraction.
OGA Pride Flag
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OGA: other-gender(s) [or opposite-gender(s)] attraction; the counterpart of SGA (same-gender attraction).
These definitions are neutral in nature and are older than the discourse surrounding them (gatekeepers still use then, so use with care).
Though "opposite" may imply a gender/sex binary, it's not always the case since many use it as the attraction to their antigender(s)/sex(es) [e.g.: enanteic]. These terms includes those who are exclusively attracted to such gender(s)/sex(es), and those who are attracted to multiple sexes/genders. Sometimes, being attracted to multigender or agender people can make the attraction blur into neither or both (mestric/diamoric is useful for that).
It should be said that "sex" isn't necessarily indicating biological sex. As sex is a biopsychosocial construct and may include social/brain sex (according to one's intrapersonal identity narrative). For example, a Wolffian dating a Müllerian Wolfadic can still consider their attraction SSA if they consider the altered/modified sex or psychosocially sexed traits in this attraction. However, another person can consider their attraction as both SGA and OSA, as they see sex and gender as distinct concepts interpersonally [unleashed from the binomial/biaxial].
Image transcripts input is appreciated. These flags can include intersex and altersex people as long as they consent individually.
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healingheartdogs · 10 months
Men can have vaginas. Women can have penises. Being a lesbian is not about "only liking pussy". Being gay is not about "only liking dick". Those are transphobic and intersex exclusive statements.
The "sex" in "sexuality" is not referring to assigned sex at birth or the most common presentations of assigned sex genitalia. It refers to sexual attraction. Queer sexual attraction is gender and/or shared queer experience based. Gender is not the same as assigned sex at birth or genitalia. If your personal sexual attraction is based on assigned sex at birth and specific genitalia and you use a queer sexuality label you are appropriating that label and participating not only in transphobia and intersex exclusion from queer communities but also in homophobia.
Stop appropriating queer sexualities and then trying to kick out people who actually belong under that label because you want to make a little exclusion based bigot club for yourselves.
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myfairkatiecat · 7 months
I know people talk a lot about the absence of LGBTQ representation in KOTLC, but like, that’s just a product of the matchmaking system right? The system is like 100% based around a) keeping relatives from getting married and b) optimizing genetic compatibility to reproduce the best offspring. Since the whole thing is sorta based around reproduction it makes sense that they only match people who reproduce
(I’m annoyed with the match system anyway tho)
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sisaloofafump · 2 months
Yes ace people can and do have sex but if I have to see one more depiction of an ace character experiencing immediate major sexual attraction in a definitively non-ace way, I'm gonna start beheading people
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